Jurnal Titi-1
Jurnal Titi-1
Jurnal Titi-1
Management, Faculty Of Economich and Business, Malikussaleh University, Lhokseumawe
Correspondence Addres: Bukit Indah: Blang Pulo Collage, Muara Satu District Lhokseumawe City
Email: 1) adnan@unimal.ac.id, 2)
titi.200410086@mhs.unimal.ac.id, 3)
This study aims to analyze the effect of green marketing, product quality, and consumer confidence
on purchasing decisions for Avoskin skincare products among students of the Faculty of Economics
and Business, Malikussaleh University. The method used is quantitative with a survey approach.
Data was collected through questionnaires distributed to 100 respondents selected by purposive
sampling technique. Data analysis was carried out using multiple linear regression and also
hypothesis testing. The results showed that green marketing, product quality, and consumer
confidence have a significant and positive influence on purchasing decisions. Green marketing
influences purchasing decisions by showing the company's commitment to the environment, while
product quality influences through perceptions of product excellence and effectiveness. Consumer
trust is a key factor that strengthens the relationship between product perceptions and purchasing
decisions. These findings indicate that marketing strategies that focus on environmental aspects
and product quality, as well as building consumer trust, can increase purchasing decisions for
Avoskin skincare products among college students. This research is expected to contribute to the
development of more effective marketing strategies in the skincare industry.
In the era of globalization, business competition is growing in the domestic (national) market
to win the competition the company must be able to give a good impression to its consumers
related to products such as the relationship between: price and product, product quality, product
benefits, product characteristics, product design, and the type of product offered. Skincare is a
unique product because in addition to this product having the ability to meet women's basic needs
for beauty as well as often being a means for consumers to clarify their social identity in the eyes of
society (Sumaryanto et al, 2022). Today's business has developed very rapidly and undergone
continuous changes, such as the cosmetics industry in Indonesia. This is as stated by Farahrozi
(2020) The cosmetics industry is one of the strongest industries, modernization is one of the drivers
of the increase in the cosmetics industry market. The cosmetics industry is very vulnerable to the
invasion of imported products, both illegally and legally. with this modernization, at least it
provides hope for the domestic cosmetics industry in facing competition not only domestically but
also abroad.
Intense competition to capture the consumer market requires companies to seek information
and understand what consumers need and want. Tight competition makes each company strive to
continue operating in order to produce or provide the best products and services for consumers. It
can be concluded that consumer behavior like this is closely related to purchasing decisions. Both
purchasing decisions made by individuals, groups and organizations (Kotler, 2018). Green
Marketing can be defined as products made from materials that do not contain toxins,
environmentally friendly production processes approved by recognized organizations. Companies
Jurnal Internasional Ilmu Sosial, Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Riset Pertanian, dan Teknologi (IJSET)
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that consider both the immediate benefits of the product and the long-term environmental benefits
and it is good to expand the basis of the marketing mix (Science, 2021). in previous research
Winata et al,. (2022) and Tan et al., (2022) which state that Green Marketing has a positive effect
on purchasing decisions. While Jihan et al,. (2020), Tan et al., (2022) and Yulianti (2020) provide
results that Green Marketing has no effect on purchasing decisions.
In addition to implementing green marketing in order to have good consumer perceptions or
get a positive image, product quality must also be considered by the company. Purchasing
decisions will also arise if a product can fulfill desires in accordance with consumer expectations.
Product quality affects purchasing decisions as a whole can have characteristics as well as from the
nature of a product quality that can affect the ability to satisfy the quality of our products to
consumers and customers, the better the quality of our products makes new variants so that
consumers are interested in our products (Sinulingga, 2021). In research conducted by Priadi
(2020), Adnan (2021) and Ikramayosi et al., (2022) product quality variables have a positive effect
on purchasing decision variables. Meanwhile, research conducted by Nadiya (2020) and Hartati
(2022) states that product quality variables have no effect on purchasing decisions. In addition to
implementing green marketing in order to have good consumer perceptions or get a positive image,
product quality must also be considered by the company. Purchasing decisions will also arise if a
product can fulfill desires in accordance with consumer expectations.
Consumer confidence is also very influential in purchasing decisions, consumer confidence
can be interpreted as an evaluation of an individual who has obtained, processed, and collected
information which then results in various judgments and assumptions. A person's trust in the other
party in the relationship between the two parties after collecting various information based on the
belief that one party can carry out the expected obligations. Research conducted by Khowin (2020)
and khoir et al., (2022) consumer confidence has no effect on purchasing decisions. Meanwhile,
research conducted by Yasa (2020) and Ilmiya (2020) explains that consumer confidence has a
positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.
Based on research conducted by compass' internal team, sales for local skincare brands can
be said to be quite great. During the period April - June 2022, total sales in the marketplace have
reached Rp292.4 billion with a total number of transactions of 3.8 million. The Avoskin brand
itself occupies the 4th position with total sales of Rp28 billion. Based on the picture above Avoskin
is quite far behind with its competitors, namely Somethinc with total sales of Rp53.2 billion,
Scarlett Rp40.9 billion, and slightly different from the total sales of the MS Glow brand Rp29.4
billion. The number of Avoskin sales is quite far behind with its competitors, it can be interpreted
that Avoskin is not perfect in the process of consumer purchasing decisions, product quality,
consumer confidence offered by Avoskin can be one of the influences in making purchasing
decisions. Sales that are still quite far behind its competitors require Avoskin to concentrate on
consumers in preparing effective marketing strategies to increase sales. In addition, the company
must also emphasize more on maintaining consumers and not just getting new consumers. The
current market, making entrepreneurs continue to seek the right strategy in marketing their
products to be in demand by consumers. Basically, the higher the level of competition that occurs,
the more choices there will be for consumers to be able to choose products that match expectations,
and as a consequence of these changes, customers become more careful and smart about each
product offered. In increasing competitiveness, a company can win the competition by displaying
the best products that can meet consumer tastes (Kotler, 2018). According to Tjiptono (2018) price
has two main roles in the decision-making process of buyers, namely the allocation role and the
information role. The effect of price is the only element that is often taken into consideration for
consumers in purchasing products.
According to Tjiptono (2018) price has two main roles in the decision-making process of
buyers, namely the allocation role and the information role. The effect of price is the only element
that is often taken into consideration for consumers in purchasing products. The table above shows
the price offered by avoskin products is relatively more expensive compared to other products such
as ms glow. This could be one of the causes of the lagging of avoskin products from other
The object of this research which is the research location is Malikussaleh University, Jl.
Unimal Bukit Indah Campus, Blang pulo, Muara one District, lhokseumawe City, Aceh. The object
of this research is the student of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Malikussaleh University.
The objects used are related to purchasing decisions, green marketing, product quality and
consumer confidence.The Hair formula is utilized because the population size in this research is
either unknown or very large. The Hair formula involves summing all indicators across all
variables used and multiplying the result by 5 to 10 (Hair et al., 2019) the herefore, the calculated
sample size using the Hair formula for this study is 100. The sample criteria used are active
students and those who use avoskin skincare products. The technique used in this research is
multiple linear regression analysis with the aim of knowing the effect of independent variables
consisting of green marketing, product quality and consumer confidence on the dependent variable,
namely purchasing decisions in purchasing avoskin skincare products for students of the faculty of
economics and business. This analysis was processed using SPSS software version 26. The
multiple linear regression equation in this study is as follws:
Std. Bet
Model B Error a T Sig.
1 (Constant) 2.170 1.175 1.847 .068
green marketing .123 .101 .100 1.211 .229
kualitas produk .506 .092 .499 5.503 .000
kepercayaan .299 .080 .323 3.754 .000
Source: Data Processed (2024)
Jurnal Internasional Ilmu Sosial, Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Riset Pertanian, dan Teknologi (IJSET)
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Based on the results of the partial regression analysis in the table above, the following conclusions
were drawn:
1. The significant value of Green Marketing (X1) on purchasing decisions (Y) is 0.229>
0.050 and the tcount value is 1.211 < table 1.984, so it can be concluded that Green
Marketing (X1) has a negative and insignificant effect on Purchasing Decisions. This
means that H1 is rejected, which means that Green Marketing (X1) has no effect on
Purchasing Decisions (Y).
2.The significant value of Product Quality (X2) on purchasing decisions (Y) is 0.000 <0.050 and
the tcount value is 5.503> table 1.984, so it can be concluded that Product Quality has a positive
and significant effect on purchasing decisions. This means that H2 is accepted, which means that
the effect between Purchasing Decisions (X2) on Purchasing Decisions.
3. The significant value of Consumer Trust (X3) on purchasing decisions (Y) is 0.000 <0.050
and the tcount value is 3.754> table 1.984, so it can be concluded that Consumer Trust has a
positive and significant effect on Purchasing Decisions. This means that H3 is accepted, which
means that there is an effect between Purchasing Decisions (X3) on Purchasing Decisions.
The simultaneous regression test (F test) is conducted with the aim of determining whether
all independent variables together have a significant effect on the dependent variable. The decision
basis is if the significance value is smaller than the significance level used, which is 0.05, and if the
calculated F value is greater than the F table value. In such a case, it indicates that the independent
variables simultaneously have a significant effect on the dependent variable (Ghozali, 2018). The
results of the simultaneous regression test in this study are as follows in the table:
Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regress 583.763 3 194.588 83.665 .000
Residua 223.277 96 2.326
Total 807.040 99
a. Dependent Variable: keputusan pembelian
b. Predictors: (Constant), kepercayaan konsumen, green marketing, kualitas produk
Sumber: Data primer yang diolah, 2024
then it can be explained that the Fcount value is 83.665> 2.47. Then with a significant level of 0.000 <0.05, it can
be concluded that together the variables of green marketing, product quality and consumer confidence have an effect on
purchasing decisions (H4 is accepted). The coefficient of determination test aims to measure how well the model can
explain the variation in the dependent variable. The coefficient of determination values range from 0 to 1, with
classifications as follows: 0 (no correlation), 0 – 0.49 (weak correlation), 0.50 (moderate correlation), 0.51 – 0.99 (strong
correlation), and 1.00 (perfect correlation). A low coefficient of determination implies that the independent variables'
ability to explain the dependent variable is highly limited (Ghozali, 2018). The results of the coefficient of determination
test in this study are presented in the following table.
M Adjusted R
odel R R Square Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .850 .723 .715 1.52506
4 Jurnal Internasional Ilmu Sosial, Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Riset Pertanian, dan Teknologi (IJSET)
Sumber: Data primer diolah, 2024
Based on the results of testing the coefficient of determination in table 4.15, shows the
correlation coefficient (R) of 0.850, this value indicates that there is a relationship (correlation)
between green marketing, product quality and consumer confidence in purchasing decisions. While
the coefficient of Determination (R Square) of 0.723 means that the green mareting variable,
product quality and consumer confidence have the ability to explain the influence on purchasing
decisions by 0.723. to explain its influence on purchasing decisions by 72.3%. The remaining 27.7
is influenced by other factors outside this study.
Multiple linear regression analysis was used in this study to determine the effect of green
marketing, product quality and consumer confidence in purchasing decisions for avoskin skincare
products. Based on the research findings, the multiple linear regression equation obtained is as
1.The Green Marketing (X1) coefficient value is (0.123), so it can be interpreted that if Green
Marketing is reduced by 1 unit of value, it is predicted that the Purchasing Decision (Y) for
consumers in the faculty of economics and business will decrease by 0.123.
2.The coefficient value of Product Quality (X2) is (0.506), so it can be interpreted that if Product
Quality is reduced by 1 unit value, it is predicted that the Purchasing Decision (Y) for consumers in
the faculty of economics and business will decrease by 0.506.
3.The coefficient value of Consumer Trust (X3) is (0.229), so it can be interpreted that if Consumer
Trust is reduced by 1 unit value, it is predicted that the Purchasing Decision (Y) for consumers in
the faculty economics and business will decrease by 0.506.
3.2 Discussion
Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, the results show that the
Product The effect of product quality on purchasing decisions. Based on the results of the research
that has been carried out, the results show that the Product Quality variable has a significant value
(0.000) smaller than the significant level used (0.050), and has a tcount value of (5.503) greater
than the ttable (1.984) and obtained a positive coefficient value. So it can be concludedthat Product
Quality has a positive and significant effect on Purchasing Decisions. The results of the study are in
Jurnal Internasional Ilmu Sosial, Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Riset Pertanian, dan Teknologi (IJSET)
Jilid…. Tidak….. (2021)
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line with the results of research conducted by Priadi & W, (2020) "Green Marketing, Product
Quality and Purchasing Decisions" which states that product quality has a positive and significant
effect on purchasing decisions. And in other research conducted by Amalia, N. (2019) andAdnan
(2021)" The Effect of Brand Image, Price and Product Quality on Purchasing Decisions" which
states that Product Quality has a positive and significant effect on Purchasing Decisions.
Based on the results of the research that has been conducted, it is found that the Consumer
Trust variable has a significant value (0.000) smaller than the significant level used (0.050), and
has a tcount value of (3.754) greater than the ttable (1.984) and obtained a positive coefficient
value. So it can be concluded that consumer trust has a positive and significant effect on purchasing
decisions. The results of the study are in line with the results of research conducted by Ilmiya
(2020) "'The Effect of Product Quality and Consumer Trust on Purchasing Decisions'" which
explains that Consumer Trust has a positive effect on Purchasing Decisions. The same thing in
Yasa's research (2020) and Doruton (2022) which states that consumer confidence has a positive
effect on purchasing decisions.
Based on research conducted on the effect of green marketing, product quality and
consumer confidence on purchasing decisions for avoskin skincare on students of the faculty of
economics and business, Malikussaleh University, it can be concluded that green marketing has a
negative and insignificant effect on purchasing decisions while product quality and consumer
confidence have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.
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Jurnal Internasional Ilmu Sosial, Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Riset Pertanian, dan Teknologi (IJSET)