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Anti Aging Cosmetics and Factors Associated With Purchase Behavior in Yogyakarta Indonesia

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Anti-Aging Cosmetics And Factors Associated With Purchase Behavior In

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Article  in  International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research · February 2020


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2 authors, including:

Susi Ari Kristina

Universitas Gadjah Mada


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Anti-Aging Cosmetics And Factors Associated

With Purchase Behavior In Yogyakarta,
Susi Ari Kristina, Rina Kuswahyuning

Abstract: Anti-aging cosmetics are among the fastest growing market of the skin-care cosmetic segment. The main objective of this study was to assess
the extent of anti-aging cosmetics use pattern and factors associated with purchase behavior among Yogyakarta population, Indonesia. A survey based
cross sectional study was used. Customers were conveniently selected and interviewed using structured questionnaires. Cosmetics consumption pattern
and market attributes include brand, price, place, and influencer were investigated. The data was analyzed and presented descriptively and Chi-Square
test for bivariate analysis. Out of 384 customer surveyed, majority were female (92.44%), average of age 24 years old, bachelor degree level (51%), as
a university students (41%) and monthly expense about less than <2 million IDR (42%). The most preferred cosmetic for anti-aging was Wardah (38%),
place of purchasing anti-aging cosmetics was the cosmetic stores (49%). Most of respondents spent about 100 thousand IDR for anti-aging cosmetics
budget (46%), indicated that anti-aging products is a priority need among customers. Female customers and higher income customers have shown more
conscious on buying cosmetics than their counter parts, with OR 1.5 (2.11-4.53) and 2.45 (1.70-3.83) respectively. Market attributes of brand image and
influencer associated with decision in buying anti-aging cosmetics with OR 3.21 (1.87-4.21) and 2.13 ( 1.87-3.29) respectively. In other hand, price and
place attributes indicates no significant difference at level of p < 0.05. This study concludes that excellent product quality factor plays a key role over
other factors. Cosmetic manufactures are required to understand thoroughly the buying behavior before implementing any marketing strategy.

Index Terms: cosmetics, anti-aging product, market, attributes, customers, strategies, Indonesia
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1. INTRODUCTION Anti-aging products more focus on middle age women.

ANTI-aging cosmetics are among the fastest growing market However, shifting trend occurred where the younger
of the skin-care cosmetic segment [1]. Cosmetics generation are more opened to the use of anti-aging cosmetic
manufacturers investigated consumer’s purchase behavior product as considered to the older generation. Female on age
and try to satisfy their unmet needs, what influencing their range between 15-45 years old want to be more attractive and
purchase decisions, and their choices in cosmetic products [2, are more conscious for their looks [9, 12, 13]. In addition,
3]. A consumer’s buying behavior is influenced by several young adults like new experiences and are more open minded
attributes [4]. Attributes are descriptive features that toward the innovation of cosmetic industry. Empirical supports
characterized a product or service what a consumer thought have confirmed that brand image does influence satisfaction,
with its purchase or consumption. Attributes can be classified which in turn led to loyalty in purchase behavior. However, the
into two broad categories that are product related attributes impact various attributes on purchase behavior required a
and non-product related attributes [5]. Product related more complete validation, since some contradictory results
attributes can be ranged from brand image, price, place, and can be observed in existing literature. Therefore, our study is
influencer [2, 4]. Consumer preferences on products or aimed to investigate the factors associated with purchase
services are usually influenced by socio-cultural factors. behavior in anti-aging cosmetics.
Hence it is important for marketers to identify the consumers’
beliefs and attitudes, their needs and their preferences for a 2 METHODS
specific type of product that are greatly influenced by society This study was a cross sectional survey. Respondent was
and culture to which they belong [5, 6]. For example, recruited from the metropolitan city of Yogyakarta. The main
consumers with low income may consider price as the most criteria for sample selection were individual who experiencing
important factor in their decision to buy a cosmetic product, in anti-aging cosmetics usage. Participants should be able to
where as in other counterparts, consumers may consider speak in Bahasa Indonesia so as to communicative to answer
quality as the most important determinant in their buying self-administered questionnaire. The survey was given to 400
decision for a cosmetic product [7, 8]. The other factors that people in Yogyakarta city, but 16 responses were not taken
may influence the buying decision process of a consumer into consideration as they did not complete the questionnaire.
includes family members, relatives, salesperson, spouse, For piloting purpose, the questionnaire was first sent out to 5
siblings, neighbors and even also by the advertisement respondents as a test in an attempt to reduce all types of error
triggered by the marketers [9, 10]. In spite of all these associated with questionnaire drafting. The questionnaire
attributes, various strategies are invested to attract consumers consisted of three parts i.e. sociodemographic,
to buy a new product. To meet the specific needs and wants of marketing attributes and purchase behavior of anti-aging
the consumers and to make them satisfy with their products products. The market attributes considered in this study to
marketers has to deal with this ongoing process. In the determine customers' anti-aging product preferences were
consumption of cosmetics, socio-demographic factors play based on literature review, including brand image, price, place,
important role [11]. and influencer. These sixteen statements of market attributes
were measured in 4–point Likert scale. Data were analyzed
descriptively and chi-square test for estimating the significant
 Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta,
Indonesia factors related to customers’ preference in purchasing anti-
 Corresponding author email: susiari_k@ugm.ac.id aging cosmetics.


3 RESULTS mean score 3.47 and 3.36 respectively. The price is the lowest
Majority of study population were female (92.44%), average of mean score (3.0, SD 1.97) indicated that customers were not
age 24 years old, bachelor degree level (51%), as university considered that price is important factor.
students (41%) and monthly expense about less than <2
million IDR (42%) (Table 1). Table 3. Market attributes toward purchase behavior

Table 1. Characteristics of customers

From the survey conducted, it is seen that Wardah was the

most used brand (38%) followed by Ponds and Olay, 20% and
Table 4 indicates the influence of sociodemographic factors
16% respectively. Wardah is a new brand brought the halal
and market attributes on the purchase behavior of anti-aging
label in the market and captured a considerable amount of
cosmetic products. Female customers and higher income
market share in the anti-aging category. Ponds and Olay being
customers have shown more conscious on buying cosmetics
mainly associated brand for middle age women thus have
than their counter parts, with OR 1.5 CI 2.11-4.53 and 2.45 CI
seen to lose its share to the competitors (Table 2). From the
1.70-3.83 respectively. Market attributes of brand image and
Table 2, the most preferred place of purchasing anti-aging
influencer associated with decision in buying anti-aging
cosmetics was the cosmetic stores (49%). It means that
cosmetics with OR 3.21 CI 1.87-4.21 and 2.13 CI 1.87-3.29
customers are more comfortable and satisfied by cosmetic
respectively. In other hand, price and place attributes indicates
stores. Here we also observed that customers bought anti-
no significant difference at level p < 0.05.
aging cosmetic product from beauty clinics (32%). This might
be due to the influence of the doctors working in beauty clinics
Table 4. Association between sociodemographic factors and
to ensure customer in choosing their cosmetic product. Most
market factors with purchase behavior of anti-aging cosmetics
of respondents spent about 100 thousand IDR for anti-aging
cosmetics budget (46%), indicated that anti-aging products is
a priority need among customers.

Table 2. Anti-aging cosmetic’ purchase behavior

The study is carried out to find out the various factors
associated with the consumption pattern of anti-aging
cosmetic products. The results provide us an insight of the
anti-aging cosmetic market and help us in finding out how
Table 3 describes that brand image was the highest mean customers bought the cosmetic products. We found that as the
score (3.54, SD 1.82) followed by place and influencer, with income level of female consumers is increasing, their

expenditure for cosmetic product is also increasing. We also REFERENCES

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