3.2 Annual Account
3.2 Annual Account
3.2 Annual Account
(ended June 30th, 2022)
Year’s Results
attributable to the Negative results Grants,
Joint stock Reserves from previous donations and Total
dominant years legacies
Balance at the end of 2019/20 130,330 (595) (97,339) - 2,342 34,738
Correction of errors - - (3,900) - - (3,900)
Adjusted balance at the end of 2019/20 130,330 (595) (101,239) - 2,342 30,838
Application of result for 2019/20 (101,502) 263 101,239 - - -
Total consolidated recognised income and expenditure - - (481,318) - (252) (481,570)
Balance at the end of 2020/21 28,828 (332) (481,318) - 2,090 (450,732)
Correction of errors - - - - -
Adjusted balance at the end of 2020/21 28,828 (332) (481,318) - 2,090 (450,732)
Application of result for 2020/21 (473,027) (8,291) 481,318 - -
Total consolidated recognised income and expenditure - - 97,577 - (58) 97,519
Balance at the end of 2021/22 (444,199) (8,623) 97,577 - 2,032 (353,213)
Notes 1 to 24 in the attached consolidated Annual Report form part of the consolidated total statement of changes in net worth for the year ended June 30th, 2022.
Futbol Club Barcelona (hereinafter, the Club) is a non-profit making private association of individuals, with legal personality and
capacity to act, incorporated on November 29th, 1899. Its registered office is at Avenida Arístides Maillol, s/n, Barcelona.
The Club’s corporate purpose mainly comprises, inter alia, promoting football and sports in general, competing in competitions and
organizing physical/sporting shows for its members and, where appropriate, the general public.
On October 5th, 2013 the General Meeting approved the Club’s new By-laws, including an article establishing that the Board of Di-
rectors will have to ensure that the Club’s net worth is maintained.
The Club is the parent company of a Group of companies (hereinafter, the Group). Pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 of Royal
Decree 1159/2010, of September 17th, approving the Rules for drawing up Consolidated Annual Accounts, the Club prepared for the
first time consolidated annual accounts in the year ended June 30th, 2019, due to the relevance of the dependent company, Barça
Licensing & Merchandising, S.L.U., which company commenced its activity on July 1th, 2018, when the exclusive exploitation agree-
ment with the company Fútbol Club Barcelona Merchandising, S.L.U. (a company belonging to the Nike Group) terminated. To that
date, the Club did not prepare consolidated annual accounts given that it only held a stake in dependent companies which were of
no significant interest, either individually or jointly, for the true and fair view of the net worth, financial situation and results of the
Group of which the Club is the parent company.
Given the activity in which the Group engages, it does not have significant environmental responsibilities, expenses, assets, reserves
and contingencies with regard to its net worth, financial situation and results. Therefore, no specific breakdowns are included in the
consolidated annual accounts regarding information on environmental matters.
• Dependent companies: the companies that the Club controls, directly or indirectly, in such a way that it can steer the finan-
cial and operational policies, in order to obtain profits from the investment.
• Associated companies: the companies over which the Club holds a significant influence, maintaining a long-term link,
which favours and influences its activity, but with limited representation in the management and control mechanisms.
The information on the dependent companies, consolidated through the method of global integration, is as follows:
The information on the associate company, consolidated through the method of equivalence integration, is as follows:
There are other non-consolidated dependent companies in these consolidated annual accounts, given that they do not have
a significant interest, either individually or jointly, for the true and fair view of the Group’s net worth, financial situation and
results (Note 10.2).
Barça Licensing & Merchandising, S.L.U. was incorporated on March 23th, 2018 and its corporate purpose is the retail, in-
cluding the promotion, sale, marketing and distribution, in any form permitted by mercantile practice and use, of toys, sports
items and sports or non-sports clothing within the scope of the exploitation of the trademarks held by FC Barcelona. This
dependent company is not listed on a securities market.
Barça Produccions, S.L.U. was incorporated on September 29th, 2021 and its corporate purpose is the creation, production
and exploitation of all types of audiovisual content, as well as the rendering of audiovisual production services of any type.
This dependent company is not listed on a securities market.
Sudburylane, S.L. was incorporated on June 10th, 2022 and its corporate purpose is the incorporation, direct or indirect
participation in the management and control of other companies, as well as the acquisition, alignment, holding and ex-
ploitation of real estate, as well as the mediation in commercial, business and real estate transactions, and the negotiation
and exploitation of patents, trademarks, licences, know-how and property rights. This dependent company is not listed on
a securities market.
Losksley Invest, S.L was incorporated on January 11th, 2022 and its corporate purpose is the incorporation, direct or indirect
participation in the management and control of other companies, as well as the acquisition, alignment, holding and ex-
ploitation of real estate, as well as the mediation in commercial, business and real estate transactions, and the negotiation
and exploitation of patents, trademarks, licences, know-how and property rights. This dependent company is not listed on a
securities market. At June 30th, 2022, it has been included in the consolidation perimeter through the equivalence method.
At June 30th, 2021, the only company included in the consolidation perimeter was Barça Licensing & Merchandising, S.L.U.
b. The General Chart of Accounts approved by Royal Decree 1514/2007, of November 16th, which has been subject to several
amendments since it was published, the latter of which in Royal Decree 1/2021, of January 12th,, and the sectorial ad-
aptations thereto, as well as any provisions which do not contravene the New General Chart of Accounts and which are
established in the General Chart of Accounts adapted to Sports Public Limited Companies;
c. Royal Decree 1159/2010, of September 17th, approving the rules for drawing up consolidated annual accounts;
d. The obligatory rules approved by the Accounting and Audit Institute developing the General Chart of Accounts and its
complementary rules; and
These consolidated annual accounts also include the information required under the Regulation of the Economic Control of
Clubs and Sports Public Limited Companies which are members of the National Professional Football League, as well as all of
the information required by the Spanish Sports Council (“Consejo Superior de Deportes”) in a letter dated February 18th, 2015.
As stated in Note 1, certain dependent companies have not been consolidated, given that they do not have a significant interest,
either individually or jointly, for the true and fair view of the Group’s net worth, financial situation and results (Note 10.2).
These consolidated annual accounts, which have been drawn up by the Club’s Board of Directors, shall be submitted for the ap-
proval of the General Meeting, and it is expected that they will be approved without being amended. For their part, the 2020/21
consolidated annual accounts were approved by the General Meeting on October 17th, 2021.
- The evaluation of possible losses due to the impairment of certain assets (see Notes 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 4.7 and 4.8), including
the impact on the assets of the Espai Barça project (see Note 7);
- The useful life of the tangible and intangible assets and real estate investments (see Notes 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3);
- The analysis of the recoverability of the tax assets recorded in the attached consolidated balance sheet based on the Club’s
future business plan prepared by the Board of Directors (see Note 4.10); and
- The income recognition from sponsorship agreements and audiovisual rights in the corresponding period (see Note 4.11).
Despite the fact that these estimates have been drawn up based on the best information available at the 2021/22 financial year
end, given the uncertainty inherent therein, it is possible that future events might mean that they have to be adjusted (upwards
or downwards) in the coming years, which adjustments would be made, if appropriate, as a forecast.
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Group’s income for the 2020/21 season and, to a lesser extent, for the 2019/20 sea-
son, dropped considerably. To be specific, the public’s restricted access to Camp Nou and the rest of the Club’s sports venues,
has mainly affected the income from competitions (gate money and hospitality), members and season ticket holders and
marketing (merchandising, museum and similar). Mobility restrictions and the decline in tourism also significantly affected
the activity of the dependent company, Barça Licensing & Merchandising, S.L.U.
In order to address the significant reduction in income during the year 2020/21, several measures were adopted, including,
inter alia, the following:
• Collective agreement with players and technical staff in the first football team and Barça B for a reduction in fixed remu-
neration or related amounts for the 2020/21 season and establishing compensation, which will accrue and fall due in the
remaining contractual seasons, as well as the deferred payment of the variable remuneration which will accrue in the
2020/21 season (Note 18.3);
• Specific plans to obtain liquidity, such as the factoring of certain collection rights from other sports organizations or the
advance collection of some of the income from audiovisual rights for the 2021/22 season.
In addition, the new Club’s Board of Directors implemented several initiatives to increase income and reduce expenditure,
consisting of, inter alia: (i) a reduction in the payroll of the first football team and, in general, of all the Club’s professional
sections; (ii) rationalization of overhead expenses; (iii) increase in income from merchandising by way of promoting e-com-
merce, new product lines, new sales channels and new licences; (iv) boosting income from digital activities; (v) entering into
new sponsorship agreements; and (vi) monetization of certain business areas with strategic members.
In the year 2021/22 the income from competitions, members and season-ticket holders, and marketing began to recover after
the public’s restricted access to Camp Nou and the rest of the Club’s sports venues was gradually lifted. This circumstance has
resulted in a significant rise in income from competitions (gate money and hospitality), marketing (merchandising, museum
and others) and members and season ticket holders. However, such income has not reached the level that it did in seasons
prior to the pandemic, inter alia, due to the still-incomplete recovery of tourism in the city of Barcelona. In addition, the Club
implemented a programme of voluntary leave of absence for the members whose income has diminished for this reason.
Finally, as a result of the effects of the pandemic, the consideration for certain sponsorship agreements has been reduced,
significantly affecting the income under the heading of sponsorship.
In the year 2021/22 the Group has continued to implement the initiatives adopted in the previous year in order to increase
income and reduce expenditure, notably, due to the relevance thereof, the policy to reduce the first football team’s payroll.
As a result of these accumulated losses, the consolidated net worth at June 30th, 2022 is negative in the amount of €353,213
thousand. In addition, the consolidated balance sheet at June 30th, 2022 reflects a negative working capital in the amount
of €279,094 thousand (€553,435 thousand at June 30th, 2021). These facts could cast significant doubt over the application
of the going concern principle.
The Club’s Board of Directors has considered the following mitigating factors:
- The General Meeting held on June 20th, 2021 approved the subscription of new financing for the amount of €525 million,
to restructure the Club’s financial debt and obtain liquidity, securing such financing with the credit rights derived from
the marketing of the Club’s audiovisual rights (Note 14.1). On August 19th, 2021, “Senior Secured Notes” were issued for the
amount of €595 million, to pay off the loan for the amount of €80 million granted on June 10th, 2021 by a North American
finance company and expiring on September 8th, 2021, as well as the existing “Senior Notes” for the amount of €200 mil-
lion (the sum of €60 million has been repaid to the holders and the sum of €140 million has been novated in new series of
the “Senior Secured Notes” issued and, therefore, is not deemed as new financing). Consequently, the Board of Directors
is authorised to issue “Senior Secured Notes” for the amount of €70 million, if it deems necessary;
- Due to the restructuring of the financial debt mentioned above, on June 30th, 2022 the negative working capital was
reduced significantly compared to that existing at June 30th, 2021;
- The Group includes short-term liability accruals, the amount of which, at June 30th, 2022, ascends to €138,714 thousand
(Note 16). These accruals do not constitute future financial obligations for the Club because they are entered in the con-
solidated balance sheet as they are invoiced, in keeping with the collection of payment deadlines established in the
contracts, and are recognised as income in accordance with their due date;
- The existence of a negative net worth at June 30th, 2022 does not entail any legal breach which might prevent the Club
from continuing to operate normally. In addition, the non-fulfilment at June 30th, 2021 of certain ratios established in the
Regulation of the Economic Control of Clubs and Sports Public Limited Companies which are members of the National
Professional Football League, does not prevent the first football team from participating in national and international
- The Group has prepared a cash at bank budget for the next 12 months, reflecting its capacity to be able to meet its
payment undertakings. This cash at bank budget takes into account the foreseeable impact derived from COVID-19 in
accordance with the information available at the date on which these annual accounts are drawn up, the loan agree-
ments available (Note 14.1), as well as certain corporate and financial transactions that the Board of Directors expects
will materialise in the coming months;
- With regard to the loan granted on August 16th, 2018 by a North American finance company for the amount of €90 million
to finance the first phase of the construction of Espai Barça, on January 28th, 2022 a novation agreement was executed in
respect of this loan, increasing the credit limit to €180 million and extending the expiry thereof by one year, up to February
15th, 2023 (Note 14.2); and
- On June 30th, 2022, 10% of the Club’s audiovisual rights over “La Liga” professional competition was sold to Locksley
Invest S.L. in which the Club holds a 49% stake. This transaction has generated a profit of €267,089 thousand in the con-
solidated profit and loss account. During the month of July 2022, as stated in Note 24, the Club sold the remaining 15% of
the audiovisual rights, in accordance with the approval received at the General Meeting of Delegate Members.
Consequently, the Club’s Board of Directors has prepared these annual accounts applying the principle of going concern.
On January 30th, 2021, Royal Decree 1/2021, of January 12th, amending the General Chart of Accounts approved by Royal
Decree 1514/2007, of November 16th, was published. The changes in the General Chart of Accounts apply to financial years
commencing as of January 1th, 2021 and focus on the principles of recognition, evaluation and breakdown of income and
financial instruments. In addition, on February 13th, 2021, the Decision dated February 10th, 2021, given by the Accounting
and Audit Institute, establishing the rules on the registration, evaluation and preparation of annual accounts for the recog-
nition of income, the provision of goods and the rendering of services, was published. The changes implemented have no
relevant impact for the Group.
The provisions of the Second and Third Transitional Provisions of the Royal Decree establishing the registration and eval-
uation rules to be applied for the first time for financial instruments, and the Fifth Transitional Provision, establishing the
transitional rules on the registration and evaluation applying for the first time to income from sales and the rendering of
services, allow for not re-expressing the comparative figures reflected in the consolidated annual accounts, as an exception
to the general principle established by Registration and Evaluation Rule 22 on changes of accounting standards, errors and
accounting estimates.
The costs required for the acquisition of registration rights for players from other clubs and the similar amounts paid are ac-
tivated in intangible fixed assets and are amortized linearly throughout the term of the first contract with the player, without
considering any residual value. The registration rights are recognised as intangible fixed assets when all of the significant
terms and conditions have been fulfilled to transfer the player, i.e., with unconditional effectiveness, which means that a legally
binding agreement must be in force between two clubs and between the acquiring club and the player. In addition, in the event
of renewal, the amortization is re-estimated to the foreseen new term of the contract.
The contracts for the acquisition of players’ registration rights usually include variable remuneration, which basically depends
on the sports performance of the Club and the player himself. These variable payments are entered in the books when the
conditions precedent are fulfilled, and are amortized from the date of registration up to the termination of the labour contract
in force with the player.
In the event of new contracts or the renewal of contracts, the amounts entailing higher remuneration for the player, such as
signing premiums or signing bonuses, are classified as personnel expenses, without prejudice to the fact that, since they are
pending accrual, it is appropriate to record them, depending on the nature thereof, for the amounts pending accrual in more
than one year, under the heading “Non-current trade debtors” and, for the amounts to be accrued in less than one year, under
the heading “Trade debtors and other accounts receivable– Sports personnel” in the consolidated balance sheet. This criterion
shall apply to the acquisition of player or trainer image rights, which shall be allocated to the consolidated profit and loss ac-
count, depending on the nature thereof, as the economic profit derived from the contract is received. In addition, in the event of
early termination of contract or the assignment of players, the foregoing shall be applied in the latter headings, allocating the
income or expenditure in the consolidated profit and loss account, depending on the nature thereof.
In the case of the acquisition of a pre-emption right over players’ registration rights or similar, initially the costs shall be record-
ed as an asset if there is no reasonable doubt as to the exercise of the pre-emption right or the possibility of the transfer and
such right has an economic value. The costs shall be amortized linearly upon the definitive acquisition, in accordance with the
term of the contract with the Club. Otherwise, the total amount would be set against results.
In the event of early termination of contract, the outstanding cost is amortized in full and, in conjunction with the correspond-
ing income, reflected in the consolidated profit and loss account. The transfer of a player’s registration rights is recognised
when it is not effectively subject to conditions and the risks and benefits have been substantially transferred to the new club.
In the event of the assignment of players, the assignment cost, construed as the proportional part of the amortization for the
assignment period, is recorded in the consolidated profit and loss account.
No training cost is activated for players of base football and other sections.
In general, non-sports intangible fixed assets are initially valued at their acquisition price or production cost. Subsequently,
they are valued at their cost, less the corresponding accumulated amortization and, if appropriate, any losses due to impair-
ment. Such assets are amortized in accordance with their useful life.
Regarding to computer applications, the Group enters in this account the costs incurred in the acquisition and development
of computer programs, including website development costs. Computer applications maintenance costs are recorded in the
consolidated profit and loss account for the year in which they are incurred. The amortization of computer applications is im-
plemented by applying the linear method over a 5-year period.
Regarding to audiovisual property rights, the Group enters in this account the costs incurred in the acquisition and develop-
ment of series, documentaries and contents exclusively for digital platforms. The amortization of audiovisual property rights is
implemented by applying the linear method over the temporary period over which these rights are assigned to third parties.
Going concern:
The going concern is initially valued, at the date of acquisition, at the cost thereof, this being the excess of the cost of the
business combination compared to the fair value of the identified acquired assets, minus the cost of the liabilities assumed.
Subsequent to the initial recognition, the going concern is recorded at cost, minus any loss for accumulated impairment. In
order to analyse whether impairment exists, the going concern acquired in a business combination is allocated, as of the date
of acquisition, to each unit generating cash in the Group, which is expected to profit from the combination, irrespective of
whether there are other assets or liabilities, different from the one acquired, allocated to these units. Going concerns are
amortized in a period of 10 years, and are subsequently adjusted, if necessary, for the value corrections for impairment. The
value corrections for impairment recognised in the going concern are not subject to reversal in subsequent years.
Intangible assets value impairment, tangible assets and real estate investments :
When there are signs of a loss in value, the Group proceeds to estimate, through the so-called “impairment test”, a potential
loss in value which would reduce the recoverable value of such assets to an amount less than their book value.
The recoverable amount is determined as the higher of the following amounts: the estimated value, minus selling costs; and
the use value.
The use value of players is determined considering the entire staff of the first team as one single unit generating cash, given
that each player does not generate cash flow separately, except for a sale.
As a result of the foregoing, as of each years close, the Club’s Board of Directors order a third party independent expert with
the preparing of the valuations of the majority of its assets recorded under the heading “Real estate investments”, in order to
verify whether the recoverable amount of these assets is higher than or equal to the book value thereof. Such valuations are
prepared considering the current use of the assets included under this heading.
If it is necessary to recognise a loss due to the impairment of an asset, the book value is reduced to the limit of the higher of
the following values: its fair value, minus selling costs; its use value; and zero.
When a loss in value due to impairment is subsequently reversed, the book value of the asset is increased by its revised
estimate recoverable amount, but in such a way that the increased book value does not exceed the book value that would
have been determined had no loss for impairment been recognised in previous years. This reversal of a loss of value due to
impairment recognised as income.
The tangible fixed assets acquired gratuitously up to June 30th, 2000 are entered for their fair market value at the time of
acquisition, in accordance with the corresponding certificates and expert reports.
Included in the cost of those assets acquired or produced subsequent to January 1th, 2008, which require more than one
year to be in a condition for use, are the financial expenses accrued prior to the start-up of the fixed asset, meeting the pre-
requisites for the capitalization thereof.
The maintenance charges for the different elements comprising the tangible fixed assets are allocated to the consolidated
profit and loss account in the year in which they are incurred. However, the amounts invested in improvements, which help
to increase capacity or efficiency or prolong the useful life of such assets, are entered as the highest cost thereof.
The Group amortizes tangible fixed assets following the linear method, applying annual amortization percentages calculated
in accordance with the estimated years of useful life of the respective assets, as follows:
These assets are valued in accordance with the criteria stipulated in Note 4.2, regarding tangible fixed assets.
4.4. Swaps
For the elements acquired through swap, the Group analyses each transaction in order to define whether the swap is or is not
When the swap is commercial, the asset received is valued for the fair value of the asset delivered, plus, where appropriate,
the monetary consideration delivered in exchange, unless there is clearer evidence of the fair value of the asset received, and
in this case, it is valued for the latter value. The valuation differences arising when cancelling the element delivered are recog-
nised in the consolidated profit and loss account.
When the swap is not commercial, or when it has not been possible to obtain a reliable estimate of the fair value of the ele-
ments involved in the transaction, the asset received is valued for the book value of the asset delivered, plus, where appropri-
ate, the monetary consideration delivered.
4.5. Leases
Leases are classified as financial leases provided that it is clear from the terms and conditions thereof that the risks and ben-
efits inherent in the ownership of the asset, which is the subject-matter of the contract, are substantially transferred to the
lessee. All other leases are classified as operative leases.
Operative lease :
In operative lease agreements in which the Group acts as the lessor, the income is posted in the consolidated profit and loss
account in the year in which it accrues.
Furthermore, in the operative lease agreements in which the Group acts as the lessee, the expenditure derived therefrom is
posted in the consolidated profit and loss account in the year in which it accrues.
Any collection of payment or payment made under an operative lease, shall be treated as advanced collection of payment or
payment made, which is allocated to the results throughout the lease period, as the profit from the leased asset is assigned
or received.
• They are available in their current condition for the immediate sale thereof, subject to the usual and habitual terms for the
sale thereof; and
Non-current assets maintained for sale are valued at the lesser of their book value and their fair value, less selling costs. These
assets are not amortized and, if necessary, are allocated the appropriate valuation corrections so that the book value does not
exceed the fair value, less selling costs.
When an asset ceases to meet the prerequisites to be classified as maintained for sale, it is reclassified to the heading in the
balance sheet corresponding to the nature thereof, and is valued for the lesser amount, at the date on which the reclassification
is appropriate, between its book value prior to its classification as non-current asset maintained for sale, adjusted, if appro-
priate, by the amortizations and value corrections that would have been recognised had it not been classified as maintained
for sale, and the recoverable amount thereof, recording any difference under the appropriate heading of the profit and loss
account, corresponding to the nature thereof.
The Group classifies a financial asset in this category, if the investment is maintained under a management model, the purpose
of which is to receive the cash flow derived from performing the contract.
To all intents and purposes, credits for commercial transactions and credits for non-commercial transactions are included in
this category.
The financial assets classified in this category are initially valued for their fair value, which, save evidence to the contrary, is
assumed to be the price of the transaction, which is equal to the fair value of the consideration paid, plus the transaction costs
directly attributable thereto. In other words, the inherent transaction costs are capitalized.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, credits for commercial transactions expiring within one year and which do not have an explicit
contractual interest rate, the amount of which is expected to be received in the short term, are valued for the face value when
the effect of not updating the cash flow is insignificant.
For the subsequent valuation, the amortized cost method is used. The accrued interest is entered in the profit and loss account
(financial income), applying the effective interest rate method.
The credits expiring within one year, which, as previously stated, are initially valued at their face value, shall continue to be val-
ued for such amount, unless they have been impaired.
The Group includes in this category investments in the net worth of companies in the Group, multi-group companies and asso-
ciated companies.
The investments included in this category are initially valued at cost, which is equal to the fair value of the consideration paid,
plus the transaction costs directly attributable thereto. In other words, the inherent transaction costs are capitalized.
If there is an investment prior to its classification as company in the Group, multi-group company or associated company, the
cost of this investment is deemed to be the book value that it would necessarily have immediately prior to the company estab-
lishing this classification.
The subsequent valuation is also at cost, less, if appropriate, the accumulated amount of the value corrections for impairment.
- The contractual rights over the cash flow of the asset, expire. In that respect, a financial asset is cancelled when it has ex-
pired and the Group has received the corresponding amount; and
- The contractual rights over the cash flow of the financial asset have been assigned. In this case, the financial asset is can-
celled when the risks and benefits inherent in the ownership thereof have been substantially transferred. In particular, with
regard to factoring transactions, the financial asset is cancelled when the Group’s exposure has been compared, before and
after the assignment, to the fluctuation in the amounts and time schedule of the net cash flow of the transferred asset, and
it is deduced that the risks and benefits have been transferred.
Subsequent to the analysis of the risks and benefits, the Group records the cancellation of the financial assets in the following
a. The risks and benefits inherent in the ownership of the asset have been substantially transferred. The transferred asset is
cancelled in the balance sheet and the Group recognises the result of the transaction: the difference between the consider-
ation received after the attributable transaction costs (considering any new asset obtained, less any liability assumed) and
the book value of the financial asset, plus any accumulated amount which has been directly recognised in the net worth;
b. The risks and benefits inherent in the ownership of the asset have been substantially retained by the Group. The financial
asset is not cancelled and a financial liability is recognised for the same amount as the consideration received; and
c. The risks and benefits inherent in the ownership of the asset have not been substantially transferred or retained. In that
case, two possible situations simultaneously exist:
- Control is assigned (the assignee has practical capacity to transfer the asset once again to a third party): the asset is
cancelled in the balance sheet; and
- Control is not assigned (the assignee does not have practical capacity to transfer the asset once again to a third party):
the Group continues to recognise the asset for the amount to which it is exposed to the value fluctuations of the as-
signed asset, i.e., due to its continual implication, and has to recognise an associated liability.
At the year end, the Group analyses whether there is objective evidence that the value of a financial asset has been impaired
as a result of one or more events occurring subsequent to the initial recognition and causing a reduction or delay in the future
estimated cash flows, which may be motivated by the debtor’s insolvency.
Should this evidence exist, the loss due to impairment is calculated as the difference between the book value and the current
value of the future cash flows, which, as estimated, shall be generated, deducting the effective interest rate calculated at the time
of the initial recognition thereof. For financial assets at variable interest rates, the effective interest rate corresponding to the date
on which the financial statements are closed in accordance with the contractual terms and conditions, is used.
The value corrections due to impairment, and the reversal thereof when the amount of this loss decreases for reasons related to
a subsequent event, are recognised as an expenditure or an income, respectively, in the profit and loss account. The limit of the
reversal of the impairment is the book value of the asset, which would be recognised at the date of reversal if the impairment of
the value had not been recorded.
In this case, the amount of the value correction is the difference between the book value and the recoverable amount, the latter
being construed as the higher of the fair value, less selling costs, and the current value of the future cash flows derived from the
investment, which, in the case of financial instruments, are calculated, either by estimating what is expected to be received as a
result of the distribution of dividends by the partially-owned company and the transfer or cancellation instead of the investment, or
by estimating the participation in the cash flows that are expected to be generated by the partially-owned company, both from the
ordinary activities and from the transfer or cancellation in the accounts. Save better evidence of the recoverable amount of the in-
vestments in financial instruments, the estimation of the loss due to impairment in respect of this class of assets is calculated based
on the net worth of the partially-owned company and the tacit capital gain existing at the date of valuation, net of the tax impact.
The recognition of value corrections due to impairment of value and, where appropriate, the reversal thereof, are recorded as
expenditure or income, respectively, in the profit and loss account. The limit of the reversal of the impairment is the book value of
the investment that would be recognised at the date of reversal, if the impairment of the value has not been recorded.
The interest and dividends from financial assets accrued subsequent to the date of acquisition, are recorded as income in the
profit and loss account. The interest is recognised using the effective interest rate method and the dividends, when the right to
receive them is declared.
The Group classifies all financial liabilities in this category, which are initially valued for their fair value, which, save evidence to
the contrary, is deemed to be the price of the transaction, which is equal to the fair value of the consideration received adjusted
by the transaction costs directly attributable thereto. In other words, the inherent transaction costs are capitalized.
However, debits for commercial transactions expiring within one year and which do not have a contractual interest rate, the
amount of which is expected to be paid in the short term, are valued for the face value when the effect of not updating the cash
flow is insignificant.
For the subsequent valuation, the amortized cost method is used. The accrued interest is entered in the consolidated profit and
loss account (financial charge), applying the effective interest rate method.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the debits expiring within one year, which, as previously stated, are initially valued at their face
value, shall continue to be valued for such amount.
The Group cancels a previously-recognised financial liability in the balance sheet when any of the following circumstances applies:
- The liability has been cancelled because the payment has been made to the creditor to cancel the debt (through payment in
cash or other goods or services), or because the debtor legally releases it from any responsibility over the liability;
- Own financial liabilities are acquired, albeit with the intention of replacing them in the future; or
- Debt instruments are exchanged between a lender and a borrower, provided that they have substantially different conditions,
and the new financial liability that arises is recognised; similarly, a substantial modification of the current terms and conditions
of a financial liability is recorded, as stated for debt restructurings.
The cancellation of a financial liability is entered in the books as follows: the difference between the book value of the financial
liability (or the cancelled part thereof) and the consideration paid, including attributable transaction costs, and in which any
transferred asset, different from the cash or liability assumed, must also be reflected, is recognised in the profit and loss account
for the year in which it takes place..
Debt restructuring
In certain cases, the Group restructures its debt undertakings with its creditors. There are several ways in which these changes
to the terms of a debt can be implemented:
- Immediate payment of the nominal (prior to expiry) followed by a refinancing, in whole or in part, of the nominal amount
through a new debt (“debt swap”); and
- Modification of the terms of the debt contract prior to the expiry thereof (“debt modification”).
In these cases of “debt swap” or “debt modification” with the same creditor, the Group analyses whether there has been a
substantial change in the conditions of the original debt. If there has been a substantial change, the accounting treatment is
as follows:
- The book value of the original financial liability (or the corresponding part thereof) is cancelled in the balance sheet;
- The new financial liability is initially recognised for its fair value;
- The transaction costs are recognised against the consolidated profit and loss account; and
- The difference between the book value of the original financial liability (or the cancelled part thereof) and the fair value of
the new liability is also recognised against profit and loss.
However, when, subsequent to the analysis, the Group reaches the conclusion that the two debts do not have substantially
different conditions (it is, essentially, the same debt), the accounting treatment is as follows:
- The original financial liability is not cancelled in the balance sheet (i.e., it is maintained in the balance sheet);
- The commission paid for the restructuring operation is reflected as an adjustment to the book value of the debt; and
- A new effective interest rate is calculated as of the restructuring date. The amortized cost of the financial liability is de-
termined by applying the effective interest rate, which is equal to the book value of the financial liability at the date of
modification with the cash flows to be paid in accordance with the new conditions.
The conditions of the contracts shall be deemed to be substantially different, inter alia, when the current value of the cash
flows of the new contract, including any commission paid, net of any commission received, differs by at least 10% of the
current value of the remaining cash flows of the original contract, both amounts updated to the latter’s effective interest rate.
Certain modifications in determining the cash flows may not exceed this quantitative analysis, but may also give rise to a
substantial modification of the liability, such as, for example: a change in the fixed interest rate to variable in the remuneration
of the liability, the re-expression of the liability to a different currency, a fixed-rate loan which is converted to a participation
loan, amongst others.
4.8. Stock
Stock is valued at its acquisition price. The acquisition price includes the amount invoiced by the seller, having deducted any
discount, price reduction or other similar headings, and all of the additional expenses generated up to the goods are in place
for the sale thereof, such as transportation, insurance and others directly attributable to the acquisition of the stock.
Given that the Group’s stock does not require a period of more than one year to be in a condition to be sold, financial expenses
are not included in the acquisition price.
The Group uses the weighted average cost to allocate value to the stock.
When the realizable net value of the stock is less than its acquisition price, the appropriate value corrections are made, rec-
ognising them as an expense in the consolidated profit and loss account.
At the year end, the monetary assets and liabilities denominated in a foreign currency are converted applying the exchange
rate at the date of the consolidated balance sheet. The profits or losses shown are allocated directly to the consolidated profit
and loss account for the year in which they are incurred.
The income or expenditure for profit tax comprises the part related to the income or expenditure for current tax and the part
corresponding to the income or expenditure for deferred tax.
Current tax is the amount that the Group pays for profit tax liquidations in any given year. The deductions and other tax ben-
efits in the tax quota, excluding withholdings and payments on account, as well as compensatable tax losses carried over
from previous years and actually applied in the current year, give rise to a lesser amount of current tax.
The income or expenditure for deferred tax corresponds to the recognition and cancellation of the assets and liabilities for
deferred tax. These include the temporary differences identified as the amounts forecast as payable or recoverable derived
from the differences between the book amounts of the assets and liabilities and their tax value, as well as the negative tax
bases pending compensation and the credits for tax deductions not applied from a fiscal standpoint. Such amounts are en-
tered by applying to the appropriate temporary difference or credit the tax rate at which they are expected to be recovered
or liquidated.
Liabilities for deferred tax are recognised for all taxable temporary differences, except those derived from the initial recog-
nition of goodwill or other assets and liabilities in a transaction which does not affect either the tax result or the profit and is
not a business combination.
For their part, assets for deferred tax are only recognised insofar as it is considered that the Group will likely have future tax
returns against which it can charge them.
The assets and liabilities for deferred tax, derived from transactions with direct debits or credits in capital accounts, are also
entered with an offsetting item in net worth.
At each year end the entered assets for deferred tax are reconsidered, and the appropriate corrections are made thereto if there
is any doubt as to the future recovery thereof. In addition, at each year end the assets for deferred tax not entered in the con-
solidated balance sheet are evaluated and are subject to recognition if they will probably be recovered with future tax profits.
For income accounting entries, the Group follows a process comprised of the following successive steps:
- Identify the contract (or contracts) with the client, construed as an agreement between two or more parties, creating en-
forceable rights and obligations for them;
- Identify the obligation or obligations to be fulfilled in the contract, representing the undertakings to transfer goods or
render services for a client;
- Determine the price of the transaction, or consideration of the contract to which the company expects to be entitled in
exchange for the transfer of goods or the rendering of services undertaken with the client;
- Allocate the price of the transaction to the obligations to be fulfilled, which will have to be performed in accordance with
the individual selling price of each good or different service undertaken in the contract, or, if appropriate, following an
estimated selling price when this cannot be observed independently; and
- Recognise the income from ordinary activities when the company fulfils an undertaken obligation through the transfer of
a good or the rendering of a service; which fulfilment takes place when the client obtains control of the good or service, in
such a way that the recognised amount of the income from ordinary activities shall be the amount allocated to the satisfied
contractual obligation
The Group recognises the income derived from a contract when the control over the goods or services undertaken is transferred to
the client (i.e., the obligation to be fulfilled).
For each obligation identified, the Group determines at the beginning of the contract whether the undertaking assumed is to be
fulfilled over time or at a specific moment.
The income derived from the undertakings that are fulfilled over time are recognised depending on the degree of progress towards
the complete fulfilment of the contractual obligations, provided that the Group has reliable information to measure the degree of
progress. In the case of contractual obligations that are fulfilled at a specific moment, the income derived from the performance
thereof is recognised at that date. To be specific, the income is recognised as follows:
- The income from television transmission rights and other consideration from participating in a competition, which is fixed
consideration, are proportionally entered in the books as the corresponding games are held during this season. In addition,
in the case of income from television transmission rights and/or any consideration from participating in a competition, which
is variable consideration and which depends on certain conditions being fulfilled by the Group, they are entered in the books
when the conditions are fulfilled;
- The income from sponsorship agreements, which is fixed consideration, is proportionally entered in the books over the period
covered by the sponsorship rights agreement. In the case of variable consideration depending on certain conditions being met
by the Group, it is entered in the books when the conditions are fulfilled;
- The income from members and season-ticket holders is proportionally entered in the books during the season;
- The income under the heading of tickets or the like is entered in the books when the corresponding game is held; and
- The income for the sale of merchandising products is entered in the books when the product is delivered to the client.
1. Reserves: credit balances covering current obligations derived from past events, the cancellation of which will probably
create a financial outflow, but which are indeterminate in terms of amount and/or time of cancellation; and
2. Contingent liabilities: possible obligations emerging as a result of past events, the future materialization of which is subject
to one or more future events occurring, or not, beyond the Group’s control.
The consolidated annual accounts reflect all of the reserves in respect of which it is deemed that the likelihood of having to
meet the obligation is higher than not having to meet it. Contingent liabilities are not recognised in the consolidated annual
accounts, but rather information is provided in respect thereof in the notes in the consolidated annual report, if they are not
considered as remote.
The reserves are valued at the current value of the best possible estimate of the amount required to cancel or transfer the
obligation, taking into account the information available on the event and the consequences thereof, and entering the ad-
justments arising from the update of such reserves as a financial expense as it accrues.
The Club’s Board of Directors is responsible for estimating and quantifying the risks related to the possible reserves to be
entered or contingent liabilities to be expounded in the consolidated annual report. In order to estimate and quantify these
risks, the valuation made by its lawyers and other consultants is, inter alia, applied as the basis.
The Club has signed contracts with players, which provide for the payment of premiums upon termination, if a series of con-
ditions are met. These premiums are entered linearly as an expense throughout the term of the contract.
In addition, there are undertakings with certain players that are linked to their development and other external factors, which
are posted up on the achievement thereof.
The cost of the undertakings for retired personnel, consisting of a supplement to Social Security pensions, as well as the cost
corresponding to the retirement premiums accrued, is outsourced in a defined group insurance policy.
The pension undertakings for active personnel are included in a Pension Plan with defined contributions to Fondo de Pen-
siones BS Pentapensión Empresa, F,P. and Fonsolbank F.P. The contributions made to the Pension Fund in the year 2021/22
were €1,384 thousand (€1,555 thousand in 2020/21). These contributions are entered in the consolidated profit and loss ac-
count under the heading “Personnel expenses”.
- Technical non-sports personnel: sports manager, technical secretary, representative, physiotherapists and persons in
charge of equipment; and
- Other non-sports personnel: all other personnel bound to the Group under a labour contract, including directors, admin-
istration personnel, security and accesses, marketing, communication, maintenance and others.
For the purposes of presentation in this consolidated report, the expenses under the heading of sports personnel include all
types of consideration (wages, salary, compensation, remuneration in kind, etc.), as well as the Social Security contributions
paid by the company, group premiums and others. In the case of players received or given under assignment, all of the income
and expenditure derived from the said assignment are included.
- Expenses for sports personnel who can be registered in the National Professional Football League:
The sports personnel who can be registered with the National Professional Football League will be comprised of the
players bound to the Club under labour contracts allocated to the first team, i.e., numbers 1 to 25 inclusive, and those not
allocated to the playing staff; as well as the first team trainer, second trainer and fitness trainer.
- Expenses for sports personnel who cannot be registered with the National Professional Football League:
The sports personnel who cannot be registered in the National Professional Football League is comprised of the players
bound to the Club under a labour contract or otherwise, allocated to the other teams and dependents of any rank; trainers,
second trainers and fitness trainers of the respective teams.
1. Grants, donations and legacies of non-redeemable capital: are valued at the reasonable value of the amount or asset granted,
depending on whether they are monetary or not, and are allocated to results in proportion to the allowance to the amortiza-
tion made in the period for the subsidized elements or, where appropriate, when they are disposed of or the value thereof is
corrected due to impairment, except for those received from members or owners, which are entered directly in equity and do
not constitute income; and
2. Operating grants: are credited to results when they are granted, unless they are to finance an operating deficit in future years,
in which case they will be allocated in those years. If they are granted to finance specific expenditure, they shall be allocated
as the financed expenditure accrues.
Similarly, current liabilities are those linked to the normal operating cycle, the financial liabilities maintained to negotiate,
except for financial derivatives, the liquidation time limit of which is more than one year and, in general, all of the obligations,
the expiry or termination of which will occur in the short term. Otherwise, they are classified as non-current liabilities.
1. Cash flows: incoming and outgoing of cash and equivalents thereof; the latter construed as the short-term investments of
great liquidity and at risk of fluctuations in the value thereof.
2. Operating activities: the Club’s typical activities, as well as other activities which cannot be classified as investment or financing.
3. Investment activities: activities entailing the acquisition, transfer or disposal through other means of long-term assets and
other investments not included in cash and equivalents thereof.
4. Financing activities: activities that produce changes in the size and composition of the net worth and of the liabilities that do
not form part of the operating activities.
5.1. Sports intangible fixed assets
The heading “Sports intangible fixed assets” includes players’ acquisition rights and the like. The movement under this head-
ing of the consolidated balance sheet for the 2021/22 and 2020/21 seasons, has been as follows:
Players’ acquisition rights are considered as expenditure in the forthcoming seasons, without considering the effect of the
reserves for impairment, in accordance with the following estimate:
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
2021/2022 - 120,372
2022/2023 79,406 83,154
2023/2024 76,835 76,144
2024/2025 46,445 33,509
2025/2026* et seq. 43,521 -
Total 246,207 313,179
* At June 30th, 2022 it corresponds to the expenditure for the season 2025-2026 et
The signings this year correspond to the acquisition of players’ registration rights in the amount of €81,648 thousand
(€91,469 thousand at June 30th, 2021).
At June 30th, 2022 and 2021, there are contingent liabilities derived from the agreements reached with clubs for the acqui-
sition of players’ registration rights belonging to the first team, which are subject to the fulfilment of a series of conditions.
The likelihood of occurrence depends on uncertain future facts, the maximum amount to pay based on the contractual
agreements applicable at the year ended June 30th, 2022 being €70 million (€65 million in the year ended June 30th, 2021).
In addition, there are agreements with clubs over which the Club has contingent collection rights with regard to sold or
transferred players for a maximum amount of €47 million (€57 million in the year ended June 30th, 2021).
In addition, pre-emption rights are maintained over certain players and the like for the amount of €10,550 thousand
(€10,550 thousand at June 30th, 2021). The Board of Directors and the sports management of the Club considered that there
were signs of impairment in respect of the said assets and proceeded with full impairment in the year 2020/21.
This year, the outgoings mainly correspond to the sale of players, which generated a net profit of €28,233 thousand entered
under the heading “Result for disposals and others” in the attached profit and loss account (a net profit of €23,443 thousand
in the year ended June 30th, 2021). In addition, this year, the contracts of several players have been terminated entailing a
loss for the amount of €15,175 thousand (€30,463 thousand in the year ended June 30th, 2021).
Furthermore, the heading “Result for disposals and others” in the attached profit and loss account reflects other profits in the
amount of €14,665 thousand (€10,769 thousand in the year ended June 30th, 2021), basically generated under the heading
of payments received for variables for sports performance agreed in different agreements for the sale of registration rights
and for transferring to other clubs players who formed part of the Club in previous years.
The Club’s Board of Directors is not aware of situations requiring the registration of impairments for a significant amount at
June 30th, 2022, apart from those entered in the attached consolidated annual accounts.
The average term of the labour contracts entered into with the personnel who can be registered with the National Profes-
sional Football League is 5 years as of the signing thereof.
At June 30th, 2022 and 2021, totally amortized elements exist in the amount of €140,859 and €916 thousand, respectively.
The players are contracted under a labour contract, pursuant to the provisions of Royal Decree 1006/1985, of June 26th,
regulating the special labour relations of sports professionals, under the general regime.
The income derived from the assignment and training of players recorded under the heading “Other operating income”
in the consolidated profit and loss account during 2021/22 ascends to €2,418 thousand (€9,504 thousand during 2020/21)
(Note 18.2).
The outgoings for the year 2021/22 correspond to the sale of several players’ registration rights.
As established in Note 4.6, the Group classifies under the heading “Non-current assets maintained for sale” those assets the
book value of which shall mainly be recovered through the sale thereof, instead of through the continual use thereof, when
the following prerequisites are met: they are available for immediate sale; the action required to find a purchaser has been
initiated; and the sale thereof is highly likely within a period of one year. The non-current assets maintained for sale are val-
ued at the lesser of their book value and their fair value, minus selling costs.
In the case of certain assets of the sports intangible fixed assets in which the aforementioned prerequisites were met for the
year 2020/21, the Group proceeded to implement the appropriate reclassification of the value of these assets under this hea-
ding of the balance sheet.
The registrations for the year 2021/22 mainly correspond to the continual improvement of the web page, the creation of the web page
for the Masía and the Museum, several licences and the development of CRM.
The registrations for the year 2020/21 mainly correspond to the continual improvement of the web page, several licences and differ-
ent social and security projects, amongst others.
At June 30th, 2022 and 2021, totally amortized elements exist for the amount of €22,107 and €18,619 thousand.
The entries for the year 2021/22 mainly correspond to the refurbishment of the Spotify Camp Nou and Palau Blaugrana, the works
carried out in Espai Barça and the renovation of pitches no 4, 5 and 6 of Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper. In the year 2021/22 financial
expenses have been capitalized for the amount of €4,304 thousand.
The entries for the year 2020/21 mainly correspond to the new installations works. In the year 2020/21 financial expenses
have been capitalized for the amount of €6,585 thousand. The transfers mainly correspond to the start-up of Estadio Johan
On April5 th, 2014 the Espai Barça proposal was approved in a referendum, which entailed commissioning the Club’s Board
of Directors with executing the new Espai Barça project. In addition, on December 19th, 2021 authorisation was approved
in a referendum for the Board of Directors to perform the activities that it deems necessary in order to obtain financing for
Espai Barça for a maximum amount of €1,500 million. The financing that is being negotiated will not begin to be repaid until
the works have been completed, given that Espai Barça will be financed with the increase in income generated by the new
project. It is estimated that Espai Barça will generate additional income of approximately €200 million per annum derived
from sponsorships and naming rights, tickets and restaurants, VIP boxes and hospitality assets, meeting & events operations.
With regard to the Espai Barça project, on August 16th, 2018 the Club executed a loan with a North American finance com-
pany for a maximum amount of €90 million to meet payments in respect of this project (Note 14.2). At June 30th, 2022, the
accumulated costs incurred for Espai Barça ascend to €131,640 thousand, which amount has mainly been financed with
this loan (€114,914 thousand at June 30th, 2021). On January 28th, 2022 a novation agreement was executed in respect of
this loan, extending the limit up to €180 million and extending the expiry by 1 year, up to February 15th, 2023 (Note 14.2).
As a result of the approval in the referendum of the project to renew the Stadium and adjacent installations, the Club has
applied the revision of the useful life of the currently existing assets, which have an amount still to be redeemed and which
shall be affected by the works. This analysis, individualised by asset, determines a new useful life for each one of them, in
accordance with the schedule of works defined by the project technical team.
The Group has real estate, the cost value of which, separately for construction and land, at June 30th, 2022 and 2021, is as
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Land 22,289 22,289
Constructions 231,308 230,899
Total 253,597 253,188
During the project to adapt the sports grounds and installations to the safety measures established in the Regulation for the
Prevention of Violence, in previous years, the Club obtained from the National Professional Football League gratuitous tangible
fixed assets for the amount of €11,081 thousand. These elements, included under the heading “Stadiums and pavilions”, are
entered in the books for the value stipulated in the works certificate issued by the National Professional Football League, with
the offsetting item under the heading of capital grants (see Note 12.2).
The Group’s policy is to take out insurance policies covering the possible risks to which the different elements of its tangible fixed
assets are exposed. The Club’s Board of Directors deems that the significant risks are adequately covered.
At June 30th, 2022 and 2021, some elements are totally amortized for an amount of €76,499 and €81,452 thousand, respectively.
The Group’s real estate investments correspond to land with which it expects to obtain some type of future rent or capital gains from
the sale thereof, without the consolidated profit and loss account for this year (or the previous year) reflecting any income whatso-
ever derived from this land.
Can Rigalt
The Club owns four plots of land located in the municipal district of Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), with an approximate surface
area of 30,783, 23,676, 3,578 and 2,533 square metres, respectively. The first two properties fall under the “Modificació del PGM Sector
de Can Rigalt Àmbit Municipal al nord de l´Avinguda Collblanc al barri Pubilla Casas” (“Modification of the PGM Sector of Can Rigalt
Municipal Area to the North of l´Avinguda Collblanc in the Pubilla Casas district”).
During the year 2007/08, the Club acquired some land in the municipal district of Viladecans (Barcelona), covering a surface area of
278,544 square metres, for the sum of €18,744 thousand.
At the 2021/22 year end, the Club’s Board of Directors commissioned an update of the valuation of the land from an independent
third expert, which, according to the town planning plan in force, at June 30th, 2022, has revealed the need to record a reversal of
the impairment for a total amount of €26,659 thousand.
9.1 Operative leases in which the Group acts as the lessor
As the lessor, income from the punctual lease of the Group’s different facilities for holding events organized by third parties,
such as concerts etc., is entered in the books. The payments received for such events vary depending on the negotiations with
the organizers of each particular event. At the year end, the Group has not contracted with tenants significant minimum lease
quotas which cannot be cancelled.
The balance of the accounts under the heading “Long-term financial investments” at June 30th, 2022 and 2021 is as follows:
Thousands of Euros
The heading “Credits to sports organizations” at June 30th, 2022 and 2021 mainly reflects the accounts receivable from sports
organizations for the transfer or assignment of players, as follows:
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Aston Villa F.C. (Philippe Coutinho Correia) 9,897 -
Club Brugge K.V. (Ferran Jutglà) 1,924 -
Granada C.F. (Ramón Rodríguez) 374 -
Aston Villa F.C. (Lucas Digne) 44 -
F.C. Shakhtar Donetsk (Marlon da Silva) 38 -
S.C. Braga (Abel Ruiz) 3,200 4,000
U.D. Almería (Sergio Akieme) 1,243 1,950
Olympique de Marseille (Konrad de la Fuente) 993 947
Torino F.C. (Antonio Sanabria) 16 51
Borussia Dortmund (Francisco Alcácer) 5 17
Olympique Gymnaste Club de Nice (Jean-Clair Todibo) - 4,344
Liverpool F.C. (Thiago Alcántara) - 446
Udinese Calcio (Gerard Deulofeu) - 371
F.C. Famalicão (Daniel Morer) - 200
Paris Saint-Germain, F.C. (Mauro Icardi) - 126
Total 17,734 12,452
During the year 2021/22, the Club has entered into several non-recourse factoring agreements, in which the long-term and
short-term accounts receivable from sports organizations were factorized for an amount of €38 million (€147 million in the
year 2020/21).
The details, by expiry, of the entries forming part of the heading “Long-term credits to sports organizations” at June 30th, 2022
and 2021 are as follows:
At June 30th, 2022 and June 30th, 2021 this heading includes a loan for an amount of €4,485 thousand to the company, Audio-
visual New Aged AIE, the corporate purpose of which is the management and performance of the covenants established in the
agreement regarding the adjustments to be made in the distribution of income derived from SAD audiovisual rights and sports
clubs dated November 16th, 2010. At June 30th, 2021 this loan was totally impaired, given that the Club’s Board of Directors and
management, in accordance with their best estimation based on the information available at that date, deemed that it was
highly unlikely that it would be recovered.
At June 30th, 2022, the Club’s Board of Directors and management have revalued this estimate based on the most recent infor-
mation available, and have reverted €2,755 thousand of the impairment reserve set up the previous year
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Equity instruments - -
Cost 3,670 3,670
Impairment (3,670) (3,670)
Stakes in capital equivalence companies (Note 10.3) 63,000 -
Cost 61,740 -
Goodwill (1,260) -
Credits to companies (Note 20.2) 47,500 -
Nominal value 57,336 9,749
Impairment (9,836) (9,749)
Total 110,500 -
The heading “Equity instruments” includes, at June 30th, 2022 and 2021, the Club’s stakes in the companies, FCBarceIona HK
Limited and FCB North America LLC. These dependent companies are not included in the consolidation perimeter, given that
they do not have a significant interest, either individually or jointly, for a true and fair view of the Group’s net worth, financial
situation and results.
On June 30th, 2022, the Club sold 10% of the Club’s audiovisual rights over the “La Liga” professional competition to the compa-
ny, Locksley Invest, S.L., incorporated on January 11th, 2022, of which the Club holds a 49% stake. The remaining 51% belongs
to the North American investment company, Sixth Street Partners.
The most significant information regarding equity instruments corresponding to companies in the Group, multi-group and
associated companies is as follows:
June 30th, 2022:
The results of the companies stipulated in the above table correspond, in their entirety, to continual operations.
The stakes in the net worth of FCBarcelona HK Limited and FCB North America LLC have been impaired, given that, according to the
most recently updated business plan for the coming years, it is forecast that these companies will not generate positive cash flows.
The heading “Credits to companies” includes, at June 30th, 2022, contributions made to the companies in the Group, FCBar-
celona HK Limited and FCB North America LLC, to cover cash at bank needs in the amount of €2,992 and €6,844 thousand,
respectively (€2,980 and €6,769 thousand, respectively, at June 30th, 2021). At June 30th, 2022, the credits to FCB North America
LLC and FCBarcelona HK Limited are fully impaired (fully impaired at June 30th, 2021).
The remaining balance corresponds to €47,500 thousand at June 30th, 2022 corresponding to non-current debit balances with
associated companies (see Note 20.2).
In compliance with the provisions of Additional Provision 18 of General Law 58/2003, of December 17th, on Taxation, with re-
gard to the obligation to inform about goods and rights located abroad, it is informed that employees of the Club, tax residents
on Spanish territory, are authorised to operate with bank accounts located abroad, held by foreign dependent companies.
Number of Accounts Type of Account Year opened Bank Country Dependent company holder
1 Current Account 2013 HSBC Hong Kong FC Barcelona HK Limited
2 Savings Account 2013 HSBC Hong Kong FC Barcelona HK Limited
1 Term Deposit Account 2013 HSBC Hong Kong FC Barcelona HK Limited
3 Current Account 2016 CityBank United States FCB North America
3 Current Account 2021 Santander United States FCB North America
Thousands of Euros
Name % Nominal value Capital equivalence N.W. Adjust Capital
per share Net worth result equivalence investments Book value
Locksley Invest, S.L. 49% - 126,000 - - 63,000
Total - 126,000 - - 63,000
The movement of capital equivalence investments during the year 2021/22 is as follows:
Thousands of Euros
Name Goodwill
06/30/2021 Additions Amortization Results Dividends 06/30/2022
Locksley Invest, S.L. - 61,740 - - - -
Total - 61,740 - - - -
From the first application of the capital equivalence process in the year 2021/22, taking into account the date of acquisition of
the stake and the commencement of its activity on June 30th, 2022, a positive difference has been revealed between the in-
vestment cost recorded in the Club’s individual annual accounts and the dependent company’s net worth. As a result, goodwill
has been entered for the amount of €1,260 thousand, which has been included under the heading “Capital equivalence stakes”.
At June 30th, 2022 and 2021, accounts receivable from sports organizations for the transfer or assignment of players and others
are recorded under the heading “Sports organizations, trade debtors”, as detailed below:
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Accounts receivable from the “National Professional Football League” 10,254 10,786
Accounts receivable from sports organizations for the transfer or assignment of players and others:
Real Betis Balompié (Marc Bartra) - 1,089
R.C. Celta de Vigo (Denis Suárez) - 908
Olympique Gymnaste Club de Nice (Jean-Clair Todibo) (82) 3,853
Sevilla, C.F. (Ivan Rakitic) 2,359 2,359
U.D. Almería (Sergio Akieme) 1,128 2,202
Olympique de Marseille (Konrad de la Fuente) 920 1,940
Liverpool F.C. (Thiago Alcántara) 446 204
F.C. Famalicão (Daniel Morer) 200 200
Paris Saint-Germain F.C (Mauro Icardi) 126 189
Torino, F.C. (Antonio Sanabria) 34 51
Borussia Dortmund (Francisco Alcácer) 12 41
S.C. Braga (Abel Ruiz) 829 (81)
F.C. Shakhtar Donetsk (Marlon da Silva) 19 -
Real Betis Balompié (Emerson Royal) 78 -
Udinese Calcio (Gerard Deulofeu) 371 -
Granada C.F. (Ramón Rodríguez) 375 -
F.C. Zenit (Malcom Filipe Silva de Oliveira) 980 -
Getafe C.F. (Carles Aleñá) 1,000 -
Club Brugge K.V. (Ferran Jutglà) 2,846 -
Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. (Francisco Trincão) 6,481 -
Aston Villa F.C. (Philippe Coutinho Correia) 9,796 -
27,918 12,955
Other sections 120 -
Total accounts receivable from sports organizations 38,292 23,741
Other federations and associations 1,742 1,403
Total 40,034 25,144
At June 30th, 2022 and 2021, the details of the heading “Sundry trade debtors” are as follows:
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Exclusive contracts and sponsors 53,498 77,533
Accounts receivable for television transmissions and sports programs 10,184 10,786
Others 6,782 9,488
Total 70,464 97,807
The heading “Others” includes €4,722 and €220 thousand for client balances of the dependent company, Barça Licensing &
Merchandising, S.L.U. and Barça Produccions, S.L.U., respectively (€5,573 thousand at June 30th, 2021 in respect of Barça Li-
censing & Merchandising, S.L.U.).
The value corrections for impairment reflected at June 30th, 2022 and 2021 under the heading “Sundry trade debtors” in the
attached consolidated balance sheet ascend to €42,326 and €39,012 thousand, respectively. In the attached consolidated profit
and loss account for this year, an impairment expense has been entered for the amount of €4,903 thousand (€26,255 thousand
for expenses in the year 2020/21) and impairment reversal income of €1,589 (no income from impairment reversal in the year
1. Credit risk
In general, the Group keeps its cash at bank and equivalent liquid assets in banks with a high credit level. The Group analyses
its trade debtors individually, thus reducing the credit risk.
2. Liquidity risk
In order to guarantee liquidity and be able to meet all its payment undertakings derived from its activity, the Group has cash
at bank and other equivalent liquid assets showing the consolidated balance thereof, as well as the credit and finance lines
detailed in Note 14. As stated in Note 2.7, on August 19th, 2021, the Club issued “Senior Secured Notes” for the amount of €595
million, which have allowed for restructuring the financial debt and obtain liquidity (Note 14.1). In addition, if necessary, the
Club could have recourse to the sale of assets.
On June 30th, 2022, the Club sold 10% of the Club’s audiovisual rights to the company, Locksley Invest, S.L. This transaction
has generated in the profit and loss account a profit for the amount of €267,089 thousand, entered under the heading “Profits
from non-sports intangible fixed assets”.
Both the Group’s cash at bank and financial debt are exposed to an interest rate risk, which could have an adverse effect on the
financial results and on cash flows. The Club’s Board of Directors deems that the risk should not have a significant impact on
these consolidated annual accounts. The interest rate risk is concentrated on debts with banks (Note 14).
The transactions with foreign currency are exposed to the exchange rate risk and the value of the monetary liabilities has been
adjusted by applying the exchange rate in force at June 30th, 2022, recording the result derived from this valuation under the
heading of “Exchange differences” in the consolidated profit and loss account. The Group is not exposed to any significant
exchange rate risk.
Stock corresponds to the products marketed by the dependent company, Barça Licensing & Merchandising, S.L.U.
At June 30th, 2022, firm product purchase undertakings exist for the amount of €15,750 thousand (€10,098 thousand at June 30th,
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Initial balance 4,738 5,421
Value corrections (1,149) (683)
Final balance 3,589 4,738
The value corrections for impairment mainly correspond to the adjustment of the value of the stock at its net realizable value.
The Group has taken out insurance policies covering the recoverability of the net book value of the stock.
However, the Third Final Provision of Law 22/2021, of December 28th, on the National Budget for 2022, has amended Law
10/1990, of October 15th, on Sports, deleting the obligation to furnish the guarantee referred to in the previous paragraph,
establishing in clubs’ by-laws the requirements to be a member of their boards of directors, such as, for example length of
service or guarantees required. The regime of responsibility established in this provision applies as of the 2020/21 season and,
therefore, the Board of Directors has cancelled the furnished guarantee.
12.2. Grants
The information on the grants received by the Group, which form part of the consolidated net worth, and the results allocated
to the consolidated profit and loss account derived therefrom, is as follows:
June 30th, 2022:
At June 30th, 2022 and 2021, the Group had complied with all of the prerequisites required to receive the aforementioned
Thousands of Euros
Long-term reserves Applications Transfers
06/30/2021 Allowances and payments Reversals (Note 13.2) 06/30/2022
The allocation for the year 2021/22 corresponds to a reserve for different tax disputes, as well as reserves for other contentious
proceedings. The applications and payments consist of the payment of the signed tax reports for the years 2015 to 2018 for
Company Tax, Income Tax withholdings and non-resident withholdings and Value Added Tax (Note 15.7).
June 30th, 2021:
Miles de euros
Long-term reserves Applications Transfers
06/30/2020 Allowances and payments Reversals (Note 13.2) 06/30/2021
The allocation for the year 2020/21 corresponds to a reserve for tax disputes (Note 15.7), as well as reserves for other conten-
tious proceedings.
Thousands of Euros
Short-term reserves Applications Transfers
06/30/2021 Allowances and payments Reversals (Note 13.2) 06/30/2022
The allocation for the year 2021/22 corresponds to a reserve for various occupational hazards.
Thousands of Euros
Short-term reserves Applications Transfers
06/30/2020 Allowances and payments Reversals (Note 13.2) 06/30/2021
The allocation for the year 2020/21 corresponds to a reserve for tax disputes (Note 15.7), and reserves for other legal proceedings.
The members of the Club’s Board of Directors, and its advisors, deem that no significant risks other than those reflected in these
consolidated annual accounts, shall arise.
13.3. Lawsuits
Detailed hereunder are the main lawsuits and contentious proceedings to which the Club is party at June 30th, 2022, except
for those derived from tax inspections, which are detailed in Note 14.7:
- During the financial year 2015, preliminary procedures were initiated at Central Magistrates’ Court nº 5 of the National
Court derived from a complaint filed by DIS-Esportes y Organizaçao de Eventos LTDA against the Club and other members.
The complaint was based on alleged offences for fraudulent simulation of contract derived from the contracts executed
by the Club in which it signed the player, Neymar da Silva Santos Jr. In a Ruling dated July 8th, 2016, Central Magistrates’
Court nº 5 of the National Court ordered the provisional stay of proceedings, but subsequently, on September 23th, 2016,
the Criminal Chamber of the National Court agreed that the proceedings should continue. Finally, on November 3th, 2016,
Central Magistrates’ Court nº 5 of the National Court gave a Ruling initiating oral proceedings against the Club and other
natural persons for committing two offences of corruption between individuals and embezzlement. To date, the proceed-
ings are being heard at Barcelona Court of Appeal, and the oral hearing has been scheduled for October 2022. The Club’s
Board of Directors and legal advisers consider that the risk derived from the future lawsuit is low and, therefore, the Club
has not posted any reserve for this lawsuit in the attached annual accounts.
- The company Muro Cortina Modular Renting, S.A. applied to Barcelona Mercantile Court no 12 for the involuntary bank-
ruptcy of the Club. On November 12th, 2020, this Court suspended leave for the application for involuntary bankruptcy to
go ahead. The Club has filed a writ asking the Court to directly refuse leave for the application for fraud to go ahead on
the grounds of the applicant’s lack of status of creditor and lack of proof of the generalised situation of failing to meet its
payment obligations. At June 30th, 2021, the Club’s Board of Directors and legal advisers deem that the risk of leave being
given for the involuntary bankruptcy to go ahead is remote. On September 20th, 2021, a settlement agreement was signed
and Muro Cortina Modular Renting, S.A. has withdrawn the action, and the proceedings have been shelved.
- In addition, Muro Cortina Modular Renting, S.A. applied to Barcelona Court of First Instance no 44, asking it to order the
Club to pay compensation for damages in the amount of €78.8 million for an alleged breach of the contract for the joint
exploitation of the façade of the Masía in Ciudad Deportiva de Sant Joan Despí (Barcelona) whilst the proceedings in which
Muro Cortina Modular Renting, S.A. sought termination of contract, were being processed. These proceedings were heard
by Barcelona Court of First Instance no 25, which set aside the complaint in integrum, the Judgment subsequently being
confirmed by Barcelona Court of Appeal. At June 30th, 2021, the Club’s Board of Directors and legal advisers deemed that
the risk derived from these proceedings was low. On September 20th, 2021, a settlement agreement was signed and Muro
Cortina Modular Renting, S.A. has withdrawn the action, and the proceedings have been shelved.
- On April 21th, 2020, a group of members of the Club filed a complaint at Barcelona Magistrates’ Court no 13, generically
against the Club’s directors or managers who had participated in recruiting the services of the company, 13 Ventures, which
would engage in, according to the complaint, creating states of opinion on social networks. The alleged offences that were
reported were misappropriation of trust funds and corruption between individuals. On May 21th, 2020, the Magistrates’
Court gave leave for the complaint to go ahead and ordered that the facts be investigated by the Mossos d’Esquadra
Central Money Laundering and Economic Crime Division, ordering the secrecy of the proceedings, extended up to March
1th, 2021, the date on which several companies and the offices of the Club were searched. In these proceedings, the Club
has the status of damaged party, and the former Chairman of the Club’s Board of Directors and three directors are being
investigated. These proceedings are at the preliminary investigation stage. The Club’s Board of Directors and legal advisers
deem that there is no risk for the Club, given its status as damaged party.
- On January 26th, 2022, the Club’s Board of Directors filed a complaint with Barcelona provincial Prosecutor’s Office as a
result of the outcome of the forensic investigation with which independent external professionals were commissioned,
which, based on circumstantial evidence, could constitute an offence of misappropriation of trust funds or, subsidiarily a
continuous offence of fraudulent conversion, as well as an offence of forgery in mercantile documents and accounting for-
gery. The Club’s Board of Directors and legal advisers deem that there is no financial risk for the Club under the heading of
corporate person’s vicarious liability or criminal liability, since the aforementioned offences are not established in Article 31
bis of the Criminal Code. In addition, based on the information available, at the date of preparation of the annual accounts,
no potential impact that might affect such annual accounts or the annual accounts for previous years, has been identified.
- In November 2009, the European Commission received a complaint regarding possible preferential treatment with regard
to company tax in respect of four Spanish sports clubs: Real Madrid CF, Athletic Club Bilbao, Club Atlético Osasuna and FC
Barcelona, with regard to public limited sports companies.
In a Decision dated 2016, the European Commission declared that Spain had illegally established aid in the form of tax
privilege in company tax in favour of the aforementioned four professional football clubs. According to the European Com-
mission, this regime was not compatible with the domestic market and, therefore, ordered Spain to eliminate it and im-
mediately and effectively recover from the beneficiaries the amount of the aid granted. Futbol Club Barcelona and Athletic
Club appealed the European Commission’s Decision before the General Court of the European Union. On February 26th,
2019, the General Court of the European Union, in a Judgment delivered in case T-865/16 (Club / Commission), overturned
the European Commission’s Decision, allowing the appeal in favour of the Club.
The European Commission lodged an appeal for cassation against the General Court’s decision, at the Court of Justice of
the European Union. On March 4th, 2021, the Court of Justice of the European Union delivered a Judgment against the Club,
overturning the Judgment delivered by the General Court of the European Union, which had initially allowed the Club’s
appeal, putting an end to the lawsuit. The Club has reserved the amounts required to meet the economic consequences
of this Judgment.
- On August 11th, 2017, the Club sued the former player, Neymar da Silva Santos Jr., at Barcelona Labour Court no 15, for
breach of contract. In turn, the former player, Neymar da Silva Santos Jr., sued the Club at Barcelona Labour Court no 32,
for payment of debt based on section 4.1.1 of the contract signed between the Club and the player on July 1th, 2016. The
Club claimed the total bonus collected by the player (€20,750 thousand) and the player claimed the part of the bonus not
paid (€43,650 thousand). The trial was held on October 6th, 2019 and the Judgment delivered on June 19th, 2020 set aside
the player’s complaint in integrum, and partially allowed the Club’s complaint, ordering the player to return to the Club the
amount of €6,797 thousand. This Judgment was appealed by the former player, Neymar da Silva Santos Jr., and is pending
Judgment from the Labour Chamber of the High Court of Justice for Catalonia. In July 2021, a settlement agreement was
signed and the actions between the Club and Neymar da Silva Santos Jr. were withdrawn, both parties putting an end to
all of the labour and civil lawsuits existing between them.
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Categories Debts with Loan stock Debts with Debts with Loan stock Debts with
banks and other sports Others Total banks and other sports Others Total
negotiable personnel negotiable personnel
instruments instruments
Debits and items payable:
Long-term debts 68,574 596,778 54,142 84,424 803,918 145,877 198,586 93,766 115,452 553,681
Long-term 68,574 596,778 54,142 84,424 803,918 145,877 198,586 93,766 115,452 553,681
Debits and items payable:
Short-term debts 172,197 3,109 - 9 175,315 183,539 4,633 - 9 188,181
Creditors and other
accounts payable - - 163,611 355,804 519,415 - - 144,417 263,359 407,776
Short-term 172,197 3,109 163,611 355,813 694,730 183,539 4,633 144,417 263,368 595,957
Total financial instruments 240,771 599,887 217,753 440,237 1,498,648 329,416 203,219 238,183 378,820 1,149,638
Loan stock and other negotiable instruments - 34,855 35,514 526,409 596,778
Debts with banks - 33,574 35,000 68,574
Debts with sports organizations (Note 14.3) 54,924 15,750 13,750 - 84,424
Other long-term liabilities (Note 14.3):
Compensation for termination of contract 15,101 14,614 - - 29,715
Outstanding remuneration 6,876 17,551 - - 24,427
Total 76,901 116,344 84,264 526,409 803,918
Long-term outstanding remuneration corresponds to fixed remuneration or related amounts and to variable remuneration
based on individual or group targets accrued in the 2020/21 season and which, based on the collective bargaining agreement
dated December 17th, 2020, shall be paid in the long-term (Note 18.3).
On August 28th, 2018, the Club issued “Senior Notes” (series A) for an amount of €90 million, expiring on August 28th, 2023,
which accrued a fixed rate of interest. A North American insurance company acquired these “Senior Notes”. At June 30th, 2021,
the redeemed cost for which the said debt was posted was €89.4 million. Also, on August 28th, 2018, the Club made a second
issue of “Senior Notes” (series B) for an amount of €50 million, expiring on August 28th, 2023, which also accrued a fixed rate
of interest, and which was acquired by another North American insurance company. At June 30th, 2021, the redeemed cost for
which the said debt was posted ascended to €49.6 million.
In addition, on May 16th, 2019, the Club made a third issue of “Senior Notes” (series C) for an amount of €30 million, expiring on
May 23th, 2024, which accrued a fixed rate of interest, and which was acquired by a French insurance company. At June 30th,
2021, the redeemed cost for which the said debt was posted ascended to €29.8 million.
Also, on May 16th, 2019, the Club made a fourth issue of “Senior Notes” (series D) for an amount of €30 million, expiring on May
23th, 2024, which accrues a fixed rate of interest, and which was acquired by a French asset management company. At June
30th, 2021, the redeemed cost for which the said debt was posted ascended to €29.8 million.
The General Meeting held on June 20th, 2021 approved the subscription of new financing for an amount of €525 million, to
restructure the Club’s financial debt and obtain liquidity. On August 19th, 2021, “Senior Secured Notes” (series A1, A2, B1, B2, E1
and E2) were issued for the amount of €595 million, having paid off the loan in the amount of €80 million granted on June 10th,
2021 by a North American bank and the expiry of which was September 8th, 2021 (Note 14.2), as well as cancelling series C and
D of the “Senior Notes” for a nominal amount of €60 million. Series A and B of the “Senior Notes” have been novated in the new
series A1, A2, B1 and B2 of the “Senior Secured Notes”.
For accounting purposes, with regard to series A and B of the “Senior Notes”, there has been a substantial change in the terms
and conditions of the original debt (Note 4.7.2), which ascends to €8,399 thousand, the financial expense at the date of restruc-
turing of these series of “Senior Notes”.
The “Senior Secured Notes” are guaranteed with credit rights derived from the marketing of the Club’s audiovisual rights,
accrued a fixed rate of interest, and establish the fulfilment of a minimum ratio of audiovisual income in respect of the Club’s
financial expenses.
At June 30th, 2022, the redeemed cost for which the “Senior Secured Notes” was posted ascended to €596,778 thousand.
At June 30th, 2022, the outstanding interest accrued in respect of the “Senior Secured Notes” ascended to €3.1 million (€4.6
million at June 30th, 2021 in respect of the “Senior Notes”).
On June 1th, 2017, the Club signed a loan for the sum of €20 million, for a term of 6 years, expiring on June 1th, 2023, with
quarterly redemption payments and a 1-year grace period, linked to Euribor 12 months, plus a differential. At June 30th, 2022,
the outstanding amount ascends to €4.1 million, which has a short-term expiry (€8.2 million long term and €4.1 million, short
term, at June 30th, 2021).
On June 20th, 2019 the Club signed a loan for the sum of €15 million, for a term of 3 years, expiring on June 20th, 2022, with
quarterly redemption payments and linked to Euribor 12 months, plus a differential. At June 30th, 2022, the amount has been
repaid in full (€5 million short term at June 30th, 2021).
On June 12th, 2020 the Club signed a loan for the sum of €5.1 million, for a term of 3 years, expiring on June 12th, 2023, with
quarterly redemption payments and linked to Euribor 12 months, plus a differential. At June 30th, 2022, the outstanding
amount ascends to €1.7 million, expiring in the short term (€1.7 million long term and €1.7 million short term at June 30th, 2021).
The Group has granted loan agreements at June 30th, 2022 and 2021 with the following limits:
Thousands of Euros
The loan agreements currently expire between April 2023 and May 2026 and are linked to Euribor, plus a market differential. The
Club does not secure the grant of these loans. It should be noted that the expiry of the loan agreements has been extended, which
are secured by the Official Credit Institute [Instituto de Crédito Oficial] (ICO) COVID-19 guarantee line.
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Loan stock and other negotiable instruments (outstanding interest) 3,109 4,633
Debts with banks 172,197 183,539
Other financial liabilities 9 9
Total 175,315 188,181
The details under the heading “Debts with banks” at June 30th, 2022 and 2021 are as follows:
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Nominal value Redeemed cost Nominal value Redeemed cost
Short-term loans with banks 124,831 124,831 181,170 181,170
Short-term debts for drawn down credits 46,214 46,214 - -
Confirming transactions debts 950 950 1,854 1,854
Outstanding interest and others 202 202 515 515
Total 172,197 172,197 183,539 183,539
On August 16th, 2018, a North American finance company granted the Club a loan for the amount of €90 million to finance the
first phase of the construction of Espai Barça, in which the dependent company, Barça Licensing & Merchandising, S.L.U., acts
as the guarantor. Such loan expired on February 15th, 2022 and accrued a rate of interest linked to Euribor, plus a differential. On
January 28th, 2022, a contract for the novation of these financing agreements entered into on August 16th, 2018 was executed,
extending the credit limit up to €180 million and the expiry thereof up to February 15th, 2023 (Note 7). At June 30th, 2022, €118
million had been drawn down (€90 million at June 30th, 2021). On June 10th, 2021, the Club obtained a loan for the amount
of €80 million from a North American finance company, in which the dependent company, Barça Licensing & Merchandising,
S.L.U., acted as the guarantor. This loan expired on September 8th, 2021 and accrued a rate of interest linked to Euribor, plus a
differential. This loan has been repaid in this financial year (Note 14.1).
The loans taken out by the Club on June 1th, 2017 and August 16th, 2018 (novated and adapted on January 28th, 2022) entail the
fulfilment of a series of biannual and annual ratios calculated based on the Club’s consolidated financial statements (Note 14.1).
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Suppliers 102,126 83,415
Suppliers, companies in the Group (Note 20.2) 381 323
Sundry creditors 8,880 7,893
Creditors, associated companies (Note 20.2) 7,060 6,640
Debts with sports organizations 108,434 115,742
Sports personnel 163,611 144,417
Non-sports personnel 756 2,268
Other debts with Public Administrations (Note 15.1) 127,907 46,958
Client cash advances 260 120
Total 519,415 407,776
The details of the debts with sports organizations, which have mainly been generated by the acquisition of players’ registration
rights by the Club, at June 30th, 2022 and 2021, are as follows:
June 30th, 2022: Thousands of Euros
Short-term Long-term
(Note 14.1)
Football clubs:
Manchester City F.C. (Ferran Torres) 12,600 39,323
Juventus F.C. (Miralem Pjanic)* 19,568 17,100
A.F.C. Ajax (Frenkie de Jong)* 16,011 16,012
Real Racing Club de Santander (Pablo Torre) 1,500 3,500
Valencia C.F. (Ferran Torres) 455 1,364
Toulouse F.C. (Jean-Clair Todibo) - 434
F.C. Metz (Miralem Pjanic) 364 312
Olympique Lyonnais (Miralem Pjanic) 333 285
A.S. Roma (Miralem Pjanic) 192 165
F.C. Schëffleng 95 (Miralem Pjanic) 161 138
Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. (Nélson Semedo) 111 111
Club Atlético Boston River (Ronald Araujo) 40 -
Associação Atlética Ponte Preta (Emerson Royal) 48 -
Villarreal C.F. (Denis Suárez) 241 -
Real Betis Balompié (Emerson Royal)* 3,000 -
S.C. Braga (Francisco Trincão)* 5,000 -
Grêmio Foot-Ball Porto Alegrense (Arthur Melo)* 7,520 -
Valencia C.F. (Norberto Murara Neto)* 9,500 -
Liverpool F.C. (Philippe Coutinho Correia)* 14,679 -
A.F.C. Ajax (Sergiño Dest)* 10,697 (28)
Others 6,414 5,708
Total debts with sports organizations 108,434 84,424
*These clubs have factorized their collection right with a finance company.
Short-term Long-term
(Note 14.1)
Football clubs:
Grêmio Foot-Ball Porto Alegrense (Arthur Melo)* 7,931 6,750
Valencia C.F. (Norberto Murara Neto)* 6,500 8,500
Liverpool F.C. (Philippe Coutinho Correia)* 29,299 13,333
A.F.C. Ajax (Frenkie de Jong)* 16,011 32,023
Juventus F.C. (Miralem Pjanic)* 14,250 37,050
A.F.C. Ajax (Sergiño Dest)* 5,410 10,820
F.C. Metz (Miralem Pjanic) 260 677
Olympique Lyonnais (Miralem Pjanic) 238 618
A.S. Roma (Miralem Pjanic) 137 357
F.C. Schëffleng 95 (Miralem Pjanic) 115 298
Villarreal C.F. (Denis Suárez) 272 241
Real Betis Balompié (Emerson Royal) 5,844 2,922
Club Atlético de Madrid (Derechos preferenciales) 2,500 -
Club Atlético Boston River (Ronald Araujo) 1,093 -
Juventus F.C. (Matheus Pereira)* 3,864 -
F.C. Girondins de Bordeaux (Malcom Filipe Silva de Oliveira)* 10,114 -
S.C. Braga (Francisco Trincão)* 10,000 -
Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. (Nélson Semedo) 333 -
Others 1,571 1,863
Total debts with sports organizations 115,742 115,452
* These clubs have factorized their collection right with a finance company.
The details of the short- and long-term balances with sports personnel are as follows:
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Debit balance Credit Debit balance Credit
(Note 10.3) balance (Note 10.3) balance
Players in the first team 37,439 53,109 38,411 90,530
Players in other sections 2,476 1,033 4,915 3,236
Total long-term 39,915 54,142 43,326 93,766
Players in the first team 16,773 160,427 18,530 136,181
Players in other sections 3,036 3,184 4,058 8,236
Total short-term 19,809 163,611 22,588 144,417
Total 59,724 217,753 65,914 238,183
The long-term and short-term debit balances mainly include the signing premiums for outstanding amounts in the sum of
€39,915 and €19,809 thousand, respectively (€43,326 and €22,588 thousand, respectively, at June 30th, 2021). The registrations
for the financial year have been €23,504 thousand, whereas the deregistrations have been €3,667 thousand (€39,109 and
€8,667 thousand, respectively, in the financial year 2020/21).
In addition, the amounts accrued under the said heading for €25,965 and €391 thousand, respectively (€48,528 and €3,236
thousand, respectively, in the financial year 2020/21) have been transferred to the headings “Personnel expenses” and “Exter-
nal services”. Furthermore, during the financial year 2021/22, the signing premiums pending accrual for the players transferred
to non-current assets maintained for sale (Note 5.2) were impaired for an amount of €24,965 thousand.
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Days Days
Average period for paying suppliers 94 100
Ratio of paid transactions 93 99
Ratio of outstanding transactions 124 109
Thousands of Euros
Total payments made 206,567 159,544
Total outstanding payments 23,165 19,191
According to the ICAC Decision, in order to calculate the average period for paying suppliers, the commercial transactions
corresponding to the delivery of goods or rendering of services accrued as of the date on which Law 31/2014, of December 3th,
came into force, have been taken into account.
For the exclusive purpose of providing the information provided for in this Decision, suppliers are construed as those creditors of debts
for the supply of goods or services, included under the heading of Suppliers in current liabilities of the consolidated balance sheet.
“Average period for paying suppliers” means the period elapsed since the delivery of the goods or the rendering of the services on
supplier’s account and the material payment of the transaction.
The balances with sports organizations and with suppliers of fixed assets are liquidated in accordance with the agreements be-
tween the parties, and the period established by law for commercial transactions can be exceeded.
Thousand Euros
Debit balances
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Inland Revenue debtor for VAT (Note 10.3) 616 1,863
Inland Revenue debtor for Personal Income Tax (Note 10.3) - -
Inland Revenue debtor for Company Tax (Note 10.3) 90 18
Total 706 1,881
Thousand Euros
Credit balances
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Inland Revenue creditor for current Personal Income Tax (Note 14.3) 66,871 40,365
Social Security authorities creditors (Note 14.3) 1,593 1,959
Inland Revenue creditor for VAT (Note 14.3) 59,151 4,191
Inland Revenue creditor for other headings (Note 14.3) 292 443
Total 127,907 46,958
The main differences between the tax base for profit tax and the profit correspond to the reserves considered as non tax-de-
ductible recorded during this financial year and in previous years.
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Pre-tax profit 124,489 (555,361)
Permanent differences (9,756) 66,394
Total base 114,734 (488,967)
Tax type 25% 25%
Quote 28,683 (122,242)
Capitalized deductions (1,173) (1,050)
Previous year company tax restatement (418) 12
Previous year temporary differences regulation - 4,914
Year’s non-capitalized negative tax base (179) 44,323
Deductions and negative tax bases restatement - -
Total expenditure / income for tax recognised in the profit and loss account 26,912 (74,043)
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/2021
Current tax - -
Deferred tax 26,912 (74,043)
Total tax expenditure / (income) 26,912 (74,043)
As stated in Note 4.10, as of the financial year 2020/21, the Club no longer pays Company Tax under the tax consolidation re-
gime with its dependent company, Barça Licensing & Merchandising, S.L.U., in which the Club was the parent company of the
consolidated tax group.
At June 30th, 2022, the Club’s negative tax bases pending offset ascend to €382,220 thousand, and correspond to those gen-
erated in the financial year 2021/22 for €727 thousand, in the financial years 2020/21 (€284,204 thousand), 2019/20 (€96,411
thousand), 2010/11 (€350 thousand) and 2009/10 (€528 thousand). In addition, at June 30th, 2022, the dependent company,
Barça Licensing & Merchandising, S.L.U., has non-capitalized negative tax bases pending offset for the amount of €8,204
thousand generated in the year 2020/21.
The negative tax bases for the financial years 2019/2020 and 2020/21 were derived from the effects of the COVID-19 pandem-
ic, which gave rise to a very significant drop in the income figure, especially affecting income from competitions (gate money
and hospitality), marketing (merchandising, museum and the like) and season tickets, and a significant drop in transactions
for the transfer of players’ registration rights between clubs. This reduction in income could not be offset by a similar reduc-
tion in expenditure, especially that corresponding to the payroll of the first football team.
At June 30th, 2022, deferred tax assets are posted for the amount of €120,716 thousand, as a result of the Club’s Board of Direc-
tors considering that, according to the best estimation of future results, it is likely that these assets will be recovered within
a timeframe not exceeding 10 years, as established in the accounting standards. The recovery of these deferred tax assets is
based on the business plan for the next 5 years (financial years 2022/23 to 2026/27) approved by the Club’s Board of Directors,
which forecasts the generation of positive results as of the year 2022/23. This business plan is based on an increase in income
and containment of expenditure, especially corresponding to the payroll of the first football team. The forecast growth in
income is based, inter alia, on: (i) the sale of merchandising by way of promoting e-commerce, new product lines, new sales
channels and new licences; (ii) boosting digital activities; (iii) entering into new sponsorship agreements; and (iv) moneti-
zation of certain business areas with strategic members. As of the financial year 2027/28, the projections have considered a
moderate growth of the profit provided for the financial year 2026/27.
On June 29th, 2018, notice was served of liquidation agreements for the amount of €13,496 thousand and default interest of
€3,298 thousand derived from dissatisfaction reports with regard to company tax, Value Added Tax, advance withholdings of
non-resident taxation and Personal Income Tax withholdings for the period January 2012 to June 2015.
In July 2018, the Club filed economic-administrative claims with the Central Economic-Administrative Court against the said
liquidation agreements. In addition, in January 2019, economic-administrative claims were filed with the Central Econom-
ic-Administrative Court against the sanctioning administrative acts derived from this inspection for the amount of €16,481
thousand, received that same month of January 2019. During the month of June 2020, the Central Economic-Administrative
Court served notice of refusal with regard to company tax, personal income tax withholdings and non-resident withholdings
and, in the month of May 2021, with regard to Value Added Tax. At July 20th, 2020 and July 20th, 2021 (the latter with regard to
Value Added Tax), the Club lodged contentious- administrative appeals with the National Court with regard to the aforemen-
tioned taxes, which appeals are pending decision at the date of these consolidated annual accounts.
In addition, on July 5th, 2019 the Inland Revenue initiated general inspection proceedings in respect of company tax for the
2015/16 to 2017/18 seasons, VAT, earned income and professional withholdings, movable capital withholdings and non-res-
ident income withholdings for the period between July 2015 and June 2018.
On July 21th, 2021, the Club signed deeds of agreement for the amount of €1,083 thousand, which have been paid (Note 13.1).
In addition, on the same date, deeds of disagreement were signed for €15,794 thousand, which were paid in full in January
2022. On December 22th, 2021, the Club filed economic- administrative claims with the Central Economic-Administrative
Court against the said liquidation agreements, which are pending decision at the date of these consolidated annual accounts.
The Club’s Board of Directors, together with its tax advisers, consider that the reserve recorded at June 30th, 2022 under the
heading “Long-term reserves” in the balance sheet (Note 13) is sufficient to meet the liabilities that might be derived from the
aforementioned inspections.
As established by current legislation, taxes cannot be considered as definitively liquidated until the tax returns filed have
been inspected by the tax authorities or the 4-year prescription period has elapsed. At June 30th, 2022, the Club has the
following taxes and periods under inspection:
i. Company tax for the years 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21; and
ii. VAT, withholdings on earned income, withholdings on movable capital and withholdings on the income of non-residents
for the period running between July 2018 and May 2022.
With regard to the information obligations established in Article 86 of Law 27/2014, of November 27th, on Company Tax in rela-
tion to the non-monetary contribution set out in the special regime established in Chapter VII of Title VII of the same Law, it is
declared that the assets contributed to Barça Produccions, S.L.U., as reflected in the individual annual accounts, had a tax and
book value of €6,000 thousand, the securities that this company received having been posted for the same amount.
The details of the headings “Long-term accruals” and “Short-term accruals” at June 30th, 2022 and 2021, are as follows:
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities
Short-term Short-term Long-term Short-term Short-term Long-term
Long-term contracts - 122.777 - - 181.820 8.244
Subscriptions and membership cards - 15.937 - - 32.521 -
Other accruals 7.233 - 6.734 4.318 - 5.147
7.233 138.714 6.734 4.318 214.341 13.391
Long-term contracts
The Group has entered into several exclusive contracts, which are estimated to entail future income for the Group of approximately
€1,251,788 thousand at June 30th, 2022 (€862,450 thousand at June 30th, 2021). The income accrued in the period corresponding
to these contracts is included under the heading “Net turnover” in the attached consolidated profit and loss account. The amounts
invoiced but not due, and the advance payments received, are entered in the liability-side of the attached consolidated balance
sheet “Accruals”, either long-term or short-term, depending on the estimated accrual time limit.
The recognition as income of these contracts shall be implemented in the forthcoming years, according to the following estimate:
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
2021/2022 - 334,850
2022/2023 334,292 113,175
2023/2024 325,235 103,556
2024/2025 301,624 310,869
2025/2026 et seq.* 290,637 -
1,251,788 862,450
*At June 30th, 2022 it corresponds to the income for the season 2025-2026 et seq.
The marketing of the Group’s services has continued to be gradually implemented, in keeping with previous years, under specific
long-term contracts. Set out hereunder are the most significant goods or rights marketed and the period for which the contracts
have been executed.
On October 25th, 2006, a contract was signed with Nike European Operations Netherlands, BV (hereinafter, Nike), whereby the Club
appointed Nike as the exclusive technical sponsor and supplier of the sports products. In addition, the Club appointed Nike as the
exclusive and non-exclusive licensee to sell the sponsored products containing property rights. The contract came into force on July
1th, 2008 for an initial term of five years, however a possible extension of five additional years was reciprocally established between
the Club and Nike Europe BV, which extension was approved by the General Meeting on August 29th, 2007.
On January 1th, 2011, the Club and Nike executed an addendum to the sponsorship agreement, extending the term of the contract
to June 2018.
On May 20th, 2016, the Club executed an addendum to the contract, extending the term thereof, and the extension was approved at
the General Meeting of Delegate Members, up to June 30th, 2028.
b) Television transmissions
On May 1th, 2016, the Royal Decree regulating the centralised sale of television rights in respect of football (Royal Decree-Law
5/2015, of April 30th, on urgent measures in respect of the marketing of audiovisual contents exploitation rights in respect of pro-
fessional football competitions) came into force. The main purpose of this Royal Decree is to establish a joint marketing system in
respect of professional football audiovisual rights.
In accordance with the new rule, no professional club can directly market its audiovisual contents exploitation rights. Participation
in an official professional football competition shall necessarily entail the assignment of these rights to the competition organiser:
the Professional Football League (“Liga de Fútbol Profesional -LFP-)”, in the case of the first and second division League, and the
Spanish Royal Football Federation (“Real Federación Española de Fútbol -RFEF-“) for the Copa del Rey.
On May 19th, 2021, the Club entered into an agreement with Euroleague Properties to market the Euroleague television rights
through the channel DAZN. This agreement is in force up to the end of the 2022/23 season.
c) Official sponsor
On January 19th, 2017, the Club entered into an agreement with Rakuten INC, granting it, inter alia, the worldwide sponsorship and
exploitation right over the shirt. The agreement came into force on July 1th, 2017 and expired on June 30th, 2021. This agreement
was terminated on June 30th, 2022.
On February 27th, 2022, the Club entered into an agreement with Spotify AB, whereby the Swedish company became the Main Part-
ner of the Club and the Official Audio Streaming Partner. Spotify will appear on the front of the masculine and feminine first team
shirt, as of the 2022/23 season and over the next four seasons. Spotify shall also sponsor the training shirts for both teams as of the
2022/23 season and over the next three seasons. Furthermore, as part of the collaboration, the Swedish company has become the
“Title Partner” of Camp Nou, which shall modify its name and become known as Spotify Camp Nou.
Thousands of Euros
Activities Barça
Club’s first Club’s sections Licensing & Produccions, Total
football team and structure Merchandising, S.L.U.
Income from competitions:
League gate money 26,892 2,155 - - 29,047
Gate money other national competitions - - - - -
Gate money international competitions 8,799 2,504 - - 11,303
Friendly games and others 6,228 1,433 - - 7,661
Hospitality 12,601 838 - - 13,439
Total income from competitions 54,520 6,930 - - 61,450
Thousands of Euros
Activities Club’s first Club’s sections and Barça Licensing &
football team structure Merchandising, S.L.U. Total
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Others 7,283 4,358
Assignment and training of players (Note 5) 2,418 9,504
Operating grants 1,151 868
Total 10,852 14,730
Thousands of Euros
Wages and Compensation Collective Social Security Others Total
salaries premiums
Amount Sports Staff Registrable PFL 237,632 8,146 39,161 385 13,409 298,733
Amount Sports Staff Not Registrable PFL 79,420 2,332 8,871 4,549 4,583 99,755
Total 317,052 10,478 48,032 4,934 17,992 398,488
Thousands of Euros
Wages and Compensation Collective Social Security Others Total
salaries premiums
Amount Sports Staff Registrable PFL 235,749 6,469 57,749 378 14,955 315,300
Amount Sports Staff Not Registrable PFL 71,438 11,437 34,463 5,300 1,727 124,365
Total 307,187 17,906 92,212 5,678 16,682 439,665
The total expenditure for sports personnel for the financial years ended June 30th, 2022 and 2021 has the following structure:
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Amount Amount Sports Amount Amount Sports
Sports Staff Staff Not Total Sports Staff Staff Not Total
Registrable PFL Registrable PFL Registrable PFL Registrable PFL
Wages and salaries sports personnel and 298,733 99,755 398,488 315,300 124,365 439,665
Social Security
Image rights to companies 3,199 171 3,369 21,099 1,014 22,113
Expenditure for sports staff:
Redemption of players 107,429 5,874 113,303 147,615 7,291 154,906
Players impairment expenses 32,626 3,457 36,082 163,833 1,098 164,931
Players impairment reversal (28,784) (1,111) (29,895) (3,827) (548) (4,375)
Loss/profit for transfer of players (7,537) (20,185) (27,722) (1,237) (2,512) (3,749)
Loss/profit for assignment of players (454) (406) (860) (7,045) (1,821) (8,866)
Others 2,988 147 3,135 15 15 30
Total Cost Sports Staff 408,200 87,702 495,902 635,753 128,902 764,655
As mentioned in Note 2.6, as a result of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Club’s income reduced very significantly. In
order to deal with this situation, a single bargaining table was set up to modify collectively the labour conditions of the person-
nel of the first team and Barça Atlètic. On December 17th, 2020, such single bargaining table signed a collective agreement re-
ducing the fixed remuneration or related amounts for the 2020/21 season for the professionals who signed the said agreement,
which shall be compensated with an increase in salary for the same amount, which shall accrue and fall due in the remaining
contractual seasons of each professional, thus having modified the contracts of employment.
In addition, it was agreed that all of the variable remuneration based on individual or group targets that should accrue in the
2020/21 season, will be paid prorated over a period of 36 months as of July 1th, 2021. This undertaking is independent of the
provisions of the previous paragraph.
The total personnel expenditure shown in the following table, includes the amounts detailed in the calculation of the personnel
expenditure indicator for the sports staff registrable PFL, as defined in the PFL Regulation of Economic Control, as well as the
amounts for sports staff not registrable PFL:
Thousands of Euros
2021/22 2020/21
Personnel wages and salaries and others 457,246 489,590
Image rights to companies 3,370 22,113
Others 3,135 30
Total 463,751 511,733
2021/22 2020/21
Average term of Thousands of Average term of Thousands of
the contracts Euros the contracts Euros
Football 5 years 6,503 4,6 years 22,113
6,503 22,113
With regard to the players who have assigned their image to image management companies, the Club pays them under this
heading, a maximum amount of 15% of the player’s total remuneration. During this financial year, the Club has recorded ex-
penditure in the value of €3,135 thousand under the heading of remuneration for sports agents (€30 thousand in the financial
year 2020/21). Such amount includes, where appropriate, the payment of the applicable taxes.
The heading “Allocation of reserves and other expenditure” for the financial year 2021/22 corresponds to a reserve for tax dis-
putes and other lawsuits.
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Futbol Club Barcelona 70,720 (473,027)
Barça Licensing & Merchandising, S.L.U. 572 (8,291)
Barça Produccions, S.L.U. (283) -
Sudburylane, S.L - -
Total 71,009 (481,318)
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Contributions: (3,000) (4,442)
Fundació Futbol Club Barcelona (3,000) (4,442)
Services received: (3,216) (2,580)
Fundació Futbol Club Barcelona (3) (1)
FC Barcelona HK Limited (1,013) (1,772)
FC Barcelona North America LLC (2,200) -
Sale of fixed assets: 267,089 -
Locksley Invest, SL. 267,089 -
Services rendered: 601 565
Fundación Fútbol Club Barcelona 587 554
FC Barcelona North America LLC - 11
Haikou Barça Mission Hills 14 -
Financial income: 107 134
FC Barcelona HK Limited 32 42
FC Barcelona North America LLC 75 92
The transactions with Locksley Invest, S.L. in the year 2021/22 correspond to the sale transaction of 10% of the Club’s
audiovisual rights of the professional la Liga competition (Note 6).
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Long-term trade debtors and other accounts receivable: 47,500 -
Locksley Invest, S.L (Note 10.2) 47,500 -
Trade debtors and other accounts receivable: 29,682 634
Fundación Futbol Club Barcelona (Note 10.3) 17 -
FC Barcelona HK Limited (Note 10.3) 6 30
FC Barcelona North America LLC (Note 10.3) 15 3
Haikou Barça Mission Hills (Note 10.3) 26 601
Locksley Invest, S.L. (Note 10.3) 29,584
Trade creditors and other accounts payable: (7,060) (6,963)
FC Barcelona 1--1K Limited (Note 14.3) (66) (321)
FC Barcelona North America LLC (Note 14.3) (315) (2)
Fundación Futbol Club Barcelona (Note 14.3) (6,679) (6,640)
20.3. Remuneration paid to the Board of Directors and the Management Committee
As established in the Club’s By-laws, the members of the Board of Directors have not received or accrued any type of remuner-
ation, or cash advances or credits on the part of the Club during the financial years 2021/22 and 2020/21.
In addition, the remuneration received by the Club’s Management Committee, which is included under the heading ‘wages’,
and the variable remuneration estimated at June 30th, 2022 and 2021, have been as follows:
The above figures correspond to all of the persons who formed part of the Management Committee during the 2021/22
June 30th, 2021: Thousands of Euros
At June 30th, 2022 and 2021, the members of the Club’s Management Committee have not received any advance payment or credit
from the Club.
During the 2021/22 season, public liability insurance premiums have been paid in respect of the Board of Directors, the Manage-
ment Committee and the Executive Committee in the year of the charge for the amount of €570 thousand (€2,265 thousand in the
2020/21 season).
2021/22 2020/21
Categories Average number of Average number of persons Average number of Average number of persons
Employees with > 33% disability of Employees with > 33% disability of
total employees total employees
Management Committee 17 - 13 -
Professional sports personnel 645 6 653 7
Administrative services personnel 532 5 500 3
Others (installations, medical services and others) 198 8 123 4
Total 1,392 19 1,289 14
In addition, the distribution by sexes at June 30th, 2022 and 2021, detailed by rank, is as follows:
June 30th, 2022:
Male Female Total
Management Committee 17 5 22
Professional sports personnel 599 73 672
Administrative services personnel 286 253 528
Others (installations, medical services and others) 174 153 327
Total 1,076 484 1,560
Male Female Total
Management Committee 9 2 11
Professional sports personnel 594 68 662
Administrative services personnel 274 228 502
Others (installations, medical services and others) 89 88 177
Total 966 386 1,352
At June 30th, 2022, the Club’s Board of Directors was comprised of 18 men and 1 woman (18 men and 1 woman at June 30th,
Thousands of Euros
2021/22 2020/21
Audit services 333 210
Other verification services 92 110
Total audit and verification services 425 320
Tax services - 93
Other services 3 15
Total professional services 428 428
21.3. Guarantees undertaken with third parties and other financial liabilities
At June 30th, 2022 and 2021, the Group had furnished guarantees in the amount of €43,902 and €43,688 thousand, respectively.
The most significant guarantees at June 30th, 2022 correspond to the deeds of disagreement and the corresponding sanctions
(Note 15.7).
The Board of Directors deems that the liabilities not provided for at June 30th, 2022, which may be derived from such guaran-
tees, would not be significant.
At June 30th, 2022, the Club does not meet some of the ratios and requirements established in the Regulation on Economic Control
of Sports Public Limited Companies and Clubs, members of the National Professional Football League. Consequently, in accordance
with the said Regulation, the Club has drawn up a viability plan.
The difference between the relevant income and the relevant expenditure is the result of the equilibrium point. The total re-
sult of the equilibrium point shall be the sum of the results of the equilibrium point of each accounting period covered by the
monitored period, i.e., accounting periods T, T-l and T-2, T being the annual accounting period, in respect of which the audited
annual accounts have been requested:
Thousands of Euros
T T-1 T-2
06/30/2022 06/30/2021 06/30/2020
Relevant income 957,800 605,423 818,400
Relevant expenditure 737,791 1,046,536 871,874
Equilibrium point (+surplus, - deficit) 220,010 (441,113) (53,474)
Total equilibrium point (221,157) (386,696) 157,886
Required equilibrium point >0 >0 >0
Conclusion NOT MET
The calculation of the relevant income and the reconciliation thereof with these consolidated annual accounts are as follows:
Thousands of Euros
T T-1 T-2
06/30/2022 06/30/2021 06/30/2020
Gate money, members and season-ticket holders 104.116 23.744 133.254
Sponsorship and advertising 139.008 195.198 196.522
Transmission rights 242.293 275.299 243.932
Commercial activities 113.452 60.351 122.093
Other operating income 8.232 11.887 17.367
Profits from sports intangible assets 21.329 28.813 50.687
Capital gain for the alienation of non-sport intangible assets 266.112 - -
Financial income and exchange differences 2.310 4.236 2.496
Allocation of grants to exploitation operations 78 70 70
Other income not classified in the previous headings 58.430 5.825 51.979
Total relevant income 957.800 605.423 818.400
Consolidated annual accounts income
Total exploitation operations income 1.009.907 - -
Total financial income 5.667 - -
Total consolidated annual accounts income 1.015.574 - -
Difference 57.773 - -
Reconciliation items - - -
Income from operations not linked to professional football activity 57.773 - -
Total reconciliation items 57.773 - -
The calculation of the relevant expenditure and the reconciliation thereof with these consolidated annual accounts are as
Thousands of Euros
T T-1 T-2
06/30/2022 06/30/2021 06/30/2020
Relevant expenditure
Cost of sales / materials 25,018 15,614 33,400
Staff remuneration expenses 369,039 396,531 415,159
Other exploitation operations expenses 145,661 156,021 177,067
Amortization / impairment of players’ registration rights 141,765 312,090 211,274
Losses from the transfer of players’ registration rights 13,792 27,576 3,850
Financial cost and dividends 38,589 54,599 30,721
Other expenditure not classified in the previous headings Total relevant expenditure 3,927 84,105 403
Consolidated annual accounts expenditure 737,791 1,046,536 871,874
Total exploitation operations expenditure
Total financial expenses 879,321 - -
Total consolidated annual accounts expenditure 38,676 - -
Total consolidated annual accounts income 917,997 - -
Difference 180,206 - -
Reconciliation items
Amortization / impairment of tangible fixed assets 29,996 - -
Amortization / impairment of sports fixed assets 1,383 - -
Tax expenditures (Company Tax) 26,912 - -
Expenses in directly attributable community development activities 3,175 - -
Other expenditure not classified in the previous reconciliation headings 118,740 - -
Total reconciliation items 180,206 - -
When the annual economic amount of the personnel expenses for sports staff who can be registered for football, the Club’s
players and trainers, exceeds 70% of the relevant income for the season, as defined in the Regulation on Economic Control of
the PFL, this is deemed to indicate a potential situation of future financial economic disequilibrium.
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Personnel expenses for the first team staff (*) 314,169 366,064
Relevant income 957,800 605,423
Indicator of personnel expenses for registrable sports staff 33% 60%
Required indicator of personnel expenses for registrable sports staff <70%
Conclusion MET
(*) Includes expenses under the heading of salaries, image companies and agents’ remuneration.
The calculation and reconciliation of the income can be observed in the calculation of the above equilibrium point.
The reconciliation of the expenses for sports staff who can be registered for football with the total personnel expenses is as
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Personnel expenses for sports staff who can be registered for football (a) 304,919 336,413
Personnel expenses for non-sports football and structure staff in the first football team (b) 9,250 29,651
Total personnel expenses for the first football team 314,169 366,064
Personnel expenses for sports staff who cannot be registered for the PFL 90,823 95,745
Non-sports personnel expenses except for those contemplated in section (b) and registrable personnel 58,758 49,924
expenses except for those contemplated in section (a)
Total personnel expenses 463,750 511,733
As defined in the Regulation, when the net debt at June 30th, each sports season exceeds 100% of the organization’s relevant
income, this shall indicate a potential situation of financial economic disequilibrium.
According to the Regulation, the amount the net debt corresponds to the sum of the net debt for transfers (i.e., the net of the
accounts receivable and accounts payable for the transfer of players), the amounts pending payment derived from financing
received from finance companies, related parties or third parties, the advance collections accruing after a period of 1 year and
debt with suppliers of fixed assets, minus cash at bank, equivalent liquid assets and temporary financial investments. Net debt
does not include trade debts or other accounts payable.
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Net debt 608,089 682,694
Relevant income 957,800 605,423
Ratio net debt over relevant income 63% 112,8%
Required ratio net debt over relevant income <100%
Conclusion MET
Thousands of Euros
06/30/2022 06/30/2021
Long-term debts
Loan stock and other negotiable instruments (Note 14.1) (596,778) (198,586)
Debts with banks (Note 14.1) (68,574) (145,877)
Debts with sports organizations for transfers and assignments (Note 14.3) (84,424) (115,452)
Accruals (Note 16) (6,734) (13,391)
Total long-term debts (756,510) (473,306)
Short-term debts
Loan stock and other negotiable instruments (Note 14.2) (3,109) (4,633)
Debts with banks (Note 14.2) (172,197) (183,539)
Debts with sports organizations for transfers and assignments (Note 14.3) (108,434) (115,742)
Other debts (4,972) (5,620)
Total short-term debts (288,712) (309,534)
Total liabilities (1,045,222) (782,840)
- The income and expenditure attributable, by nature, to each sporting activity has been directly allocated to the corresponding
The consolidated analytical profit and loss account by sports sections for the year 2021/22 and, for comparison, the consolidated
analytical profit and loss account for the year 2020/21, are set out in Annex l, which forms an integral part hereof.
In addition, with some of the funds obtained from this sale, the Club has reduced its debt, redeeming early €125 million of the senior
secured notes issued in favour of several international investors.
In order to improve its financial situation, Futbol Club Barcelona continues to work on the possible disinvestments authorised by the
General Meeting of Delegate Members, to be specific, the sale of a block of shares in the companies Barça Produccions, S.L.U. and/
or Barça Licensing & Merchandising, S.L.U.
During the month of July, the registration rights of the players Raphael Dias Belloli “Raphinha” and Robert Lewandowsky were
acquired, to thus be able to reinforce the first football team staff.
(in thousands of Euros)
Male Base Female Basketball Handball Roller Indoor Non-prof. BLM and Total
football football football Hockey football others
Continuing operations
Net turnover 494,989 1,409 7,635 14,308 2,969 538 1,232 1,027 103,879 627,986
Income from competitions 54,520 82 1,685 3,360 146 21 202 9 1,425 61,450
Income from season-ticket holders and members 29,834 - - 723 41 4 25 - 18,336 48,963
Income from television transmissions and rights 238,453 480 1,860 3,777 1,752 - 30 1 3,840 250,193
Income from marketing and advertising 170,875 846 4,075 6,446 1,012 513 973 1,014 81,421 267,175
Income from rendering services 1,307 1 15 2 18 - 2 3 (1,143) 205
Variation of stock of finished and unfinished products - - - - - - - - - -
Work carried out by company for its assets - - - - - - - - 1,489 1,489
Supplies (2,259) (699) (652) (869) (460) (250) (316) (906) (22,757) (29,168)
Consumption of sports material (1,843) (581) (614) (602) (410) (227) (280) (896) (22,543) (27,996)
Other consumptions and external expenses (416) (118) (38) (267) (50) (23) (36) (11) (1,363) (2,322)
Work carried out for another company - - - - - - - - - -
Impairment of commodities, raw materials and other supplies - - - - - - - - 1,149 1,149
Other operating income 4,191 740 695 1,041 107 - 27 9 4,042 10,852
Operating income and other current management income 4,191 740 61 1,041 105 - - - 3,563 9,701
Operating grants included in year’s results - - 634 - 2 - 27 9 479 1,151
Personnel expenses (310,280) (26,614) (6,013) (38,375) (8,434) (1,967) (5,033) (1,639) (58,891) (457,245)
Sports personnel wages and salaries (307,355) (23,997) (5,442) (37,606) (7,859) (1,634) (4,651) (1,359) (3,651) (393,554)
Non-sports personnel wages and salaries (2,108) (897) (119) (240) (200) (73) (77) (1) (44,763) (48,478)
Social Security contributions (768) (1,687) (450) (520) (374) (258) (303) (279) (9,180) (13,819)
Reserves (49) (33) (2) (9) (1) (2) (2) - (1,297) (1,395)
Other operating charges (61,980) (6,053) (3,360) (5,938) (1,962) (570) (1,084) (1,173) (82,091) (164,212)
External services (32,443) (2,888) (1,030) (2,359) (831) (291) (447) (380) (72,269) (112,938)
Dues (2,234) - - (8) (1) - (1) - (1,168) (3,413)
Loss, impairment and variation in reserves for commercial transactions (619) - - - - (3) - - (2,692) (3,314)
Loss for credit impairment from commercial transactions (984) - - - - (3) - - (3,916) (4,903)
Reversal of credit impairment for commercial transactions 365 - - - - - - - 1,224 1,589
Travelling expenses (3,278) (1,497) (1,273) (2,094) (794) (138) (469) (405) (207) (10,155)
Players’ acquisition costs (1,225) (153) - - (21) - - (159) - (1,558)
Other current management costs (22,181) (1,515) (1,057) (1,477) (315) (138) (167) (229) (5,755) (32,834)
Depreciation of fixed assets (107,919) (5,335) (24) (452) (218) - (39) - (25,149) (139,136)
Allocation of non-financial fixed asset grants and others 76 - - - - - - - 2 77
Excess reserves - - - - - - - - - -
Impairment and result for fixed asset disposals 3,695 17,312 - 529 - - - - 292,583 314,119
Impairment and loss (3,842) (2,345) - - - - - - - 20,382
Loss for impairment of sports intangible fixed assets (32,626) (3,457) - - - - - - - (36,082)
Loss for impairment of tangible fixed assets - - - - - - - - - -
Reversal for impairment of sports intangible fixed assets 28,784 1,111 - - - - - - - 29,895
Reversal for impairment of real estate investments - - - - - - - - 26,568 26,569
Results for disposals and others 7,537 19,657 - 529 - - - - 266,015 293,737
Loss from tangible fixed assets - - - - - - - - (65) (66)
Profit from tangible fixed assets - - - - - - - - - -
Loss from intangible fixed assets - - - - - - - - (32) (32)
Profit from intangible fixed assets - - - - - - - - 266,112 266,112
Loss from sports intangible fixed assets (13,792) (1,227) - (156) - - - - - (15,175)
Profit from sports intangible fixed assets 21,329 20,884 - 685 - - - - - 42,898
Others (2,988) (2,364) - (334) - - - - (1,575) (7,261)
Extraordinary loss (3,000) (2,364) - (334) - - - - (4,002) (9,700)
Other extraordinary income 12 - - - - - - - 2,427 2,439
OPERATING RESULT 17,525 (21,605) (1,719) (30,090) (7,998) (2,249) (5,213) (2,682) 211,534 157,500
Financial income 718 167 - - - - - - 554 1,439
From stakes in financial instruments - - - - - - - - - -
In companies in the Group and associated companies - - - - - - - - - -
Of third parties - - - - - - - - - -
From negotiable instruments and other financial instruments 718 167 - - - - - - 554 1,439
In companies in the Group and associated companies - - - - - - - - - -
Of third parties 718 167 - - - - - - 554 1,439
Financing charges (1,671) (21) - - - - - - (36,677) (38,368)
For debts with companies in the Group and associated companies - - - - - - - - - -
For debts with third parties (1,671) (21) - - - - - - (36,677) (38,368)
For update of reserves - - - - - - - - - -
Variation in fair value in financial instruments - - - - - - - - - -
Profit in the valuation of financial instruments - - - - - - - - - -
Loss in the valuation of financial instruments - - - - - - - - - -
Exchange differences - - - - - - - - 651 651
Positive exchange differences - - - - - - - - 872 872
Negative exchange differences - - - - - - - - (221) (221)
Impairment and result for financial instruments disposals - - - - - - - - 3,269 3,268
Profit from stakes in financial assets - - - - - - - - 3,356 3,355
Loss from stakes in financial assets - - - - - - - - (86) (87)
FINANCIAL RESULT (953) 146 - - - - - - (32,203) (33,010)
PRE-TAX PROFIT 16,572 (21,459) (1,719) (30,090) (7,998) (2,249) (5,213) (2,682) 179,331 124,489
Profit tax - - - - - - - - (26,912) (26,912)
CONSOLIDATED YEAR’S RESULTS 16,572 (21,459) (1,719) (30,090) (7,998) (2,249) (5,213) (2,682) 152,419 97,577
332 This appendix is an integral part of Note 22 to the consolidated financial statements, pursuant to Sports Act 10/1990 of October 15th and Royal Decree 1251/1999 of July 16 on Public Limited
Sports Companies.
(in thousands of Euros)
Male Base Female Basketball Handball Roller Indoor Non-prof. BLM and Total
football football football Hockey football others
Continuing operations
Revenue 495,219 1,518 4,424 10,669 1,530 442 1,374 898 59,372 575,447
Revenue from competitions 7,724 6 45 (45) 8 2 74 - 316 8,131
Revenue from season ticket holders and membership card holders (1,945) - - (156) (9) (1) (4) - 17,648 15,532
Revenue from TV broadcasts and TV rights 273,499 - 1,264 3,943 571 - 353 - 1,800 281,431
Revenue from marketing and advertising 215,669 1,512 3,116 6,927 961 441 951 898 39,825 270,299
Rendering of services 271 - - - - - - - (217) 54
Work performed by the entity and capitalized - - - - - - - - 1,312 1,312
Cost of sales (2,609) (939) (625) (572) (388) (231) (349) (951) (13,005) (19,666)
Consumption of sports equipment (2,001) (764) (512) (441) (353) (209) (254) (944) (12,572) (18,050)
Other consumables and external expenses (607) (175) (113) (131) (35) (21) (95) (7) (1,116) (2,299)
Impairment of goods, raw materials and other consumables - - - - - - - - 683 683
Other operating income 7,403 2,446 267 59 52 14 - 6 4,482 14,730
Ancillary income 7,403 2,446 18 50 52 14 - - 3,878 13,862
Grants related to income - - 249 9 - - - 6 604 868
Employee benefits expense (345,481) (29,982) (5,482) (39,401) (9,502) (2,202) (4,940) (1,550) (51,050) (489,590)
Wages and salaries of sports squad (343,410) (27,211) (4,937) (38,461) (8,813) (1,844) (4,518) (1,259) (3,533) (433,986)
Wages and salaries et al. of non-sports personnel (1,268) (792) (95) (217) (232) (62) (82) - (37,176) (39,925)
Social security costs (803) (1,978) (449) (723) (457) (297) (340) (291) (10,341) (15,679)
Other operating expenses (80,450) (6,040) (1,371) (4,250) (1,798) (528) (1,130) (994) (75,573) (172,135)
External services (38,680) (3,342) (412) (1,759) (702) (281) (483) (240) (60,145) (106,044)
Taxes (2,269) (415) - 11 - - - - (810) (3,483)
Losses on, impairment of and change in trade provisions (17,988) - - - - - - - (8,267) (26,255)
Impairment losses on trade receivables (17,988) - - - - - - - (8,267) (26,255)
Reversal of impairment losses on trade receivables - - - - - - - - - -
Away matches (2,875) (1,100) (738) (1,873) (906) (151) (533) (393) (57) (8,627)
Player acquisition expenses - (432) - (80) (5) - - (121) - (638)
Other current management expenses (18,638) (752) (222) (549) (184) (96) (114) (239) (6,294) (27,088)
Depreciation and amortization (147,894) (6,258) (21) (595) (511) (10) (74) - (19,482) (174,844)
Grants related to non-financial assets and other grants 70 266 - - - - - - - 336
Impair. losses and gains (losses) on disposal of non-current assets (158,769) 2,685 - (600) (48) - (75) 651 (363) (156,519)
Impairment losses and losses (160,006) - - (550) - - - 653 (363) (160,266)
Impairment losses on intangible sporting assets (163,833) (548) - (550) - - - - - (164,931)
Impairment losses on investment properties - - - - - - - - - -
Impairment losses on intangible non-sporting assets - - - - - - - - (363) (363)
Reversal of impairment losses on intangible sporting assets 3,826 548 - - - - - - - 4,375
Reversal of impairment losses on investment properties - - - - - - - 653 - 653
Gains / (losses) on disposals 1,237 2,685 - (50) (48) - (75) (2) - 3,747
Losses on property, plant and equipment - - - - - - - (2) - (2)
Gains on property, plant and equipment - - - - - - - - - -
Losses on intangible sporting assets (27,576) (2,715) - (50) (48) - (75) - - (30,463)
Gains on intangible sporting assets 28,813 5,399 - - - - - - - 34,212
Charges and utilization of provisions and other - - - - - - - - (84,070) (84,070)
Charge of provisions and other expenses - - - - - - - (84,105) (84,105)
Utilization of provisions and other income - - - - - - - 35 35
OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS) (232,511) (36,304) (2,808) (34,689) (10,664) (2,514) (5,193) (1,940) (178,376) (504,999)
Finance income 3,649 272 - - - - - - 134 4,055
From marketable securities and other financial instruments 3,649 272 - - - - - - 134 4,055
Of group companies - - - - - - - - 134 134
Of third parties 3,649 272 - - - - - - - 3,921
Financial costs (2,036) (106) - - - - - - (39,720) (41,863)
Third-party borrowings (2,036) (106) - - - - - - (39,720) (41,863)
Exchange gains (losses) - - - - - - - - (397) (397)
Exchange gains - - - - - - - - 182 182
Exchange losses - - - - - - - - (579) (579)
Impairment of and gains/(losses) on disposal of financial instruments - - - - - - - - (12,157) (12,157)
Losses on interest in financial assets - - - - - - - - (12,157) (12,157)
FINANCE COST 1,613 165 - - - - - - (52,140) (50,362)
PROFIT/(LOSS) BEFORE TAX (230,898) (36,139) (2,808) (34,689) (10,664) (2,514) (5,193) (1,940) (230,516) (555,361)
Income tax - - - - - - - - 74,043 74,043
CONSOLIDATED PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR THE YEAR (230,898) (36,139) (2,808) (34,689) (10,664) (2,514) (5,193) (1,940) (156,473) (481,318)
This appendix is an integral part of Note 22 to the consolidated financial statements, pursuant to Sports Act 10/1990 of October 15th and Royal Decree 1251/1999 of July 16 on Public Limited 333
Sports Companies.
(in thousands of Euros)
REAL 2021/22 BUDGET 2021/22
Net turnover 627,987 683,620
Income from competitions 61,450 41,129
Income from season-ticket holders and members 48,963 48,136
Income from television transmissions and rights 250,193 270,349
Income from marketing and advertising 267,175 323,657
Income from rendering services 205 350
Variation in inventories of finished products and products in progress - -
Work carried out by company for its assets 1,489 1,167
Supplies (29,170) (32,729)
Consumption of sports material (27,997) (29,175)
Other consumption and external expenses (2,322) (3,554)
Impairment of commodities, raw materials and other supplies 1,149 -
Other operating income 10,852 4,479
Operating income and other current management income 9,701 3,560
Operating grants included in year’s results 1,151 918
Personnel expenses (457,245) (432,359)
Sports personnel wages and salaries (393,554) (369,361)
Wages and salaries and related amounts. (48,478) (45,589)
Social Security contributions (13,819) (15,938)
Reserves (1,395) (1,471)
Other operating charges (164,212) (173,971)
External services (112,938) (120,131)
Dues (3,413) (4,013)
Loss, impairment and variation in reserves for commercial transactions (3,314) (1,667)
Loss for credit impairment for commercial transactions (4,903) (1,667)
Reversal of credit impairment for commercial transactions 1,589 -
Travelling expenses (10,155) (10,281)
Players’ acquisition costs (1,558) (1,864)
Other current management costs (32,834) (36,014)
Fixed asset depreciation (139,136) (106,732)
Allocation of grants for non-financial fixed assets and others 78 70
Impairment and result for fixed asset disposals 314,117 41,972
Impairment and loss 20,381 (4,000)
Loss for impairment of sports intangible fixed assets (36,082) (32,031)
Loss for impairment of tangible fixed assets - -
Reversal for impairment of sports intangible fixed assets 29,895 28,031
Reversal for impairment of real estate investments 26,569 -
Results for disposals and others 293,736 45,972
Loss from tangible fixed assets (66) -
Profit from tangible fixed assets - -
Loss from intangible fixed assets (32) -
Profit from intangible fixed assets 266,112 -
Loss from sports intangible fixed assets (15,175) (1,076)
Profit from sports intangible fixed assets 42,898 47,048
Others (7,261) (4,193)
Allocation of reserves and other expenditure (9,700) (4,611)
Application of reserves and other income 2,439 418
OPERATING RESULT 157,498 (18,676)
Financial income 1,439 50,412
From negotiable instruments and other financial instruments 1,439 50,412
From third parties 1,439 50,412
Financing charges (38,368) (27,630)
Debts with third parties (38,365) (27,630)
Reserves update (4) -
Exchange differences 651 (110)
Positive exchange differences 872 440
Negative exchange differences (221) (550)
Impairment and result for financial instruments alienation 3,269 -
Profit from stake in financial assets 3,356 -
Loss from stake in financial assets (87) -
FINANCIAL RESULT (33,009) 22,672
PRE-TAX PROFIT 124,489 3,997
Profit tax (26,912) 1,083
334 YEAR’S RESULTS 97,577 5,080
This Annex forms part of Note 23 of the annual report of the consolidated annual accounts.
(in thousands of Euros)
REAL 2020/21 BUDGET 2020/21
Net turnover 575,447 739,263
Income from competitions 8,131 14,917
Income from season-ticket holders and members 15,532 23,724
Income from television transmissions and rights 281,431 299,441
Income from marketing and advertising 270,299 401,181
Income from rendering services 54 -
Work carried out by company for its assets 1,312 1,542
Supplies (19,666) (25,203)
Consumption of sports material (18,050) (22,600)
Other consumption and external expenses (2,299) (2,603)
Impairment of goods, raw materials and other supplies 683 -
Other operating income 14,730 26,179
Operating income and other current management income 13,862 25,526
Operating grants included in year’s results 868 653
Personnel expenses (489,590) (362,439)
Sports personnel wages and salaries (433,986) (303,693)
Non-sports personnel wages and salaries (39,925) (42,190)
Social Security contributions (15,679) (15,027)
Other operating charges (172,135) (175,982)
External services (106,044) (127,169)
Dues (3,483) (4,163)
Loss, impairment and variation in reserves for commercial transactions (26,255) (3,351)
Loss for credit impairment for commercial transactions (26,255) (3,351)
Reversal for credit impairment for commercial transactions - -
Travelling expenses (8,627) (10,465)
Players’ acquisition costs (638) (592)
Other current management costs (27,088) (30,242)
Fixed asset depreciation (174,844) (191,886)
Allocation of grants for non-financial fixed assets and others 336 -
Impairment and result for fixed asset disposals (156,519) 24,758
Impairment and loss (160,266) -
Loss for impairment of sports intangible fixed assets (164,931) -
Reversal of impairment of sports intangible fixed assets 4,375 -
Loss for impairment of real estate investments (363) -
Reversal of impairment of real estate investments 653 -
Results for disposals and others 3,747 24,758
Loss from tangible fixed assets (2) -
Profit from tangible fixed assets - -
Loss from sports intangible fixed assets (30,463) -
Profit from sports intangible fixed assets 34,212 (34,340)
Allocation and Application of reserves and others (84,070) (1,377)
Allocation of reserves and other expenditure (84,105) (1,382)
Application of reserves and other income 35 5
OPERATING RESULT (504,999) 34,855
Financial income 4,055 301
From negotiable instruments and other financial instruments 4,055 301
From companies in the Group 134 -
From third parties 3,921 301
Financing charges (41,863) (34,170)
With third parties (41,863) (34,170)
Exchange differences (397) (200)
Positive exchange differences 182 350
Negative exchange differences (579) (550)
Impairment and result for financial instruments disposal (12,157) -
Loss from impairment of stakes in companies in the Group (3,670) -
Loss from impairment of credits to companies in the Group (3,401) -
Loss from impairment of credits to other companies (5,086) -
FINANCIAL RESULT (50,362) (34,069)
PRE-TAX PROFIT (555,361) 785
Profit tax 74,043 (448)
This Annex forms part of Note 23 of the annual report of the consolidated annual accounts.
General context
The 2021-22 season is notable for having been the season for returning to normal. The reopening of the installations, partially during the
first months, has allowed the Club to recover a significant part of the income that it had prior to the eruption of the pandemic. However,
and due to the Club’s financial situation when the Board of Directors took office (shown in the results of the Due Diligence presented on
October 6th, 2021), during the month of August, a refinancing transaction was signed, consisting of the issue of €525 million of senior se-
cured notes, and the renegotiation of the terms and conditions of 70 million previously-issued senior notes. Thus, it could cover short-term
undertakings, simultaneous to reducing very significantly the average cost of the Club’s financial expenses.
In addition, the Board of Directors has obtained permission to renegotiate the terms and conditions and time limits of the current bridge
loan related to Espai Barça and has begun to apply its plan to reduce the payroll of the first football team, ensuring a significant reduction
compared to the undertakings previously acquired.
Finally, and in order to improve the necessary financial resources and its competitive position, it has executed, with the prior consent of
the General Meeting of Delegate Members, the sale of 10% of the audiovisual rights from the Professional Football League to an investor,
generating a capital gain of €267 million. This, together with the impact of other measures adopted by the Board of Directors in its first year
of office, has allowed the Club to close with profits for the first time in the last three years
Operating income
With regard to the consolidated annual accounts filed, the operating income for this season has increased to €1,010 thousand, representing
an increase compared to the financial year 2020/21 of €403,845 thousand. It is worth mentioning that this is the highest income obtained
by the Club, exceeding that for the season 2018/19.
The lines associated to the Stadium have improved as a result of the reopening of the installations when the COVID-19 pandemic situation
The income from competitions, season-ticket holders and members has increased to €110,413 thousand thanks to the public returning to
the Stadium.
With regard to the income for television transmissions and rights, such income has reduced by €31,238 thousand, on the one hand, corre-
sponding to the effect of the comparison with the income posted during the last season for games played to July and August 2020, which
corresponded to the 2019/20 season. There has also been a negative impact due to the elimination of the team at the groups stage of the
last Champions League, which has had the repercussion of less income in the exploitation of the rights related to European competitions.
With regard to marketing and advertising income, the heading has remained stable at €267,175 thousand, despite the compensations
derived from the loss of income provoked by the pandemic.
Non-sports investments
This season the Club has invested €27,780 thousand in non-sports investments, €16,026 thousand of which correspond to the Espai Barça
project. The Club has invested in maintenance and repair works in the Stadium, as well as in different areas of Ciutat Esportiva. With regard
to Information Technologies, the Club has invested in improvements to internal processes (security, data management, etc.), as well as in
the improvement of work equipment and other systems.
The investment in Espai Barça has mainly been concentrated in licences and permits, as well as in investment in preparations prior to the
general works. With regard to this project, much progress has been made in the negotiations regarding the financing thereof, and a plan
has been determined with BSM and Barcelona City Council to be able to dispute the matches in the Estadio Olímpico installations over the
period in which it is not possible to play in Spotify Camp Nou due to the works.
The Club has obtained a works’ permit to be able to commence the works in Spotify Camp Nou over the next few months.
Thus, the ratio defined by the Professional Football League (PFL), which considers football salary costs without amortizations, with regard
to the relevant operating income, is still below the maximum ratio to be met, i.e. 70%.
The consolidated net debt used by the Professional Football League, as well as for the different financing contracts currently existing in
the Club, is €608,089 thousand at June 30th, 2022. Deducting the financing of non-recurring investment projects in tangible fixed assets
(Espacio Barça), as established in Article 67 of the Club’s By-laws, the net debt is €476,448 thousand.
Year’s results
The consolidated profits obtained are €124,489 thousand before tax, and €97,577 thousand, after tax.
These results, clearly positive, are mainly due to the implementation of the current Board of Directors’ new strategic plan, which forecasts an in-
crease in income in all lines and restraint in management expenses in general and sports payroll expenses in particular. Under this heading, it is
worth pointing out that the arrival of new players has been subject to them accepting certain conditions tailored to the Club’s new salary scheme,
based on reasonable and economic efficiency criteria.
The gains obtained during this financial year only represent the beginning of the current Board of Directors’ plan to rebalance the Club’s net worth
and ensure that the activity is sustainable once again.
Subsequent facts
On July 21th, 2022, the Club signed the additional sale of 15% of the audiovisual rights from the Professional Football League, which has
led to it posting in the consolidated profit and loss account a capital gain of €400.4 million. As in the sale transaction executed on June
30th, 2022, in which it transferred 10% of these rights, the acquiring company was Locksley Invest, S.L., in which the Club holds 49% of the
capital, the remaining 51% being held by the North American company, Sixth Street Partners. The structure of the transaction was the same
as in the transaction dated June 30th, 2022, and therefore the accounting treatment is the same, the only difference being the quota of
the rights transferred and the corresponding sale amount thereof. Thus, the Club has completed the authorisation received by the General
Meeting of Delegate Members in order to proceed with the sale of up to a total of 25% of the said rights.
In addition, with some of the funds obtained from this sale, the Club has reduced its debt, redeeming early €125 million of the senior se-
cured notes issued in favour of several international investors.
In order to improve its financial situation, Futbol Club Barcelona continues to work on the possible disinvestments authorised by the Gen-
eral Meeting of Delegate Members, to be specific, the sale of a block of shares in the companies Barça Produccións, S.L.U. and/or Barça
Licensing & Merchandising, S.L.U.
During the month of July, the registration rights of the players Raphael Dias Belloli “Raphinha” and Robert Lewandowsky were acquired,
to thus be able to reinforce the first football team staff.
Drawing up the consolidated annual accounts and the consolidated Management Report
On July 26th, 2022, the Board of Directors draws up these consolidated annual accounts at June 30th, 2022, comprising the consolidated
balance sheet, the consolidated profit and loss account, the consolidated statement of changes in net worth, the consolidated cash flow
statement, the consolidated annual report, Annexes I and II of the consolidated annual report, as well as the consolidated Management
Representing the Board of Directors, the following persons sign these consolidated annual accounts and the consolidated Management
Report: Chairman, Joan Laporta i Estruch; Vice-Chairman-Economic Division, Eduard Romeu Barceló; Treasurer, Ferran Olivé Cànovas
and, Secretary, Josep Cubells Ribé.