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Math Cheat Sheet

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MATH NOTES - same variables can be added -When eliminating more than one fraction,

Chapter 3/4: POLYNOMIALS together, to make an exponent: find the lowest common denominator and
5j(j - 3) = 5j2 - 15j multiply all terms on both sides of the
Coefficient: is a number only Add Polynomials: remove brackets and equation by this value
Variable: usually a letter (a quantity whose collect like terms y+ 2 y−3
= multiply by 9 LCM
value can change, or vary) Subtract Polynomials: add the opposite 9 3
Exponent: refers to the amount of times a polynomial: y + 2 = 3(y - 3)
number is multiplied by itself (8s + 5) - (s + 5) y + 2 = 3y - 9
Like terms: are terms that contain the 8s + 5 - s - 5 9 + 2 = 2y
same variables raised to the same 7s 11
Simplifying Polynomials: removing y=
power. 2
Unlike terms: are terms that do not brackets and adding like terms Solving Multi-Step Equations:
Exponent Laws: 1. Gather like terms
have the same variables or powers
● Multiplication - keep the base the 2. Use opposite operation to move all
Polynomial: an algebraic expression
same, add the exponents variables to one side
consisting of one or more terms connected
- 72 ×75 ×7 = 78 3. Combine like terms
by addition or subtraction operators.
● Division - keep the base same, 4. Solve equation and check
When no exponent appears on a variable,
subtract the exponents
the value of the exponent is one. For
- 37 ÷ 35 = 32 CHAPTER 5: SLOPE
example, 4u = 4u1
Degree of a term: the sum of the ● Division with different base - - Measure of the steepness of a line
exponents on the variables in a term. divide the numbers normally, then segment
For example degree of: 5x2 = 2 subtract exponents - The relationship between the
Degree of a polynomial: the degree of the - 6x5 ÷ 3x2 = 23 horizontal distance and the vertical
highest-degree term. For example degree ● Raising a power to a power- keep distance in a space
of: 3x2 - 4y4 = 4 base multiply exponents rise−up/down
m=¿ ¿
Distributive Property: allows you to - (93)6 = 918 run−¿ ¿
expand expressions: a(x + y) = ax + ay Solving Equations Involving Fractions: - A line segment rising from left to
3(10k - 3) = 30k - 9 - Simplify equations involving one right has a positive slope
- Something outside the bracket is fraction by multiplying both sides by - A line segment falling from left to
being distributed to what's inside the the denominator of the fraction right has a negative slope
bracket. 1 - Horizontal line segment has 0 slope
(x - 3) = 5 1x=23
- (-) also affect the sign of numbers: 4 - Vertical line segment has undefined
2(- h -2(h - 1)) 4 1 23 slope
( × (x- 3) ) = 5 ×4 x=
-2h-4h+1 1 4 1 Slope as a rate of change
-6h +1 1 (x - 3) = 20 x=23 y 2− y 1
Slope formula:
1x - 3 = 20 x 2−x 1
1x = 20+3
- Use the formula when you don't - You can convert an equation in x=3 y=4
want to draw a graph and count rise standard form to slope y-intercept
over run, you need coordinates for it form by rearranging the equation. Find an Equation for a Line Given the
to work Rearrange to slope y-intercept form Slope and a Point:
x + y +4=0
m=−4 p(1 ,−3)
First Differences: isolate y
If the first differences are same, then its −3=−4 x +b
x−x + y +4−4=0
linear (straight). y=− x−4 −3=−4 (1)+ b
If the first differences are not the same, Rearrange in standard form: −3=−4 +b
then it's not linear (not straight). y=−2 x +4 4−3=b
- If the equation has a exponent in it y=−2 x +2 x+ 4−4 1=b
that's not one, it's NOT LINEAR 2 x+ y+ 4=0 y=−4 x +1
Variation: Parallel lines:
- Direct variation: pass through the Lines that never meet, always the same Find an Equation for a Line Given Two
origin (0,0) distance apart. They also have the same Points:
- Partial variation: does not pass slope. 1. Calculate the slope using the
through the origin (0,0) y=2 x +3 formula and substitute the
y=2 x formula into the equation
CHAPTER 6: y=mx + b 2. Substitute one of the points into
- Both equations have the same
- A horizontal line is written in the form the equation to solve for ‘b’ and
y=b, where b is the y-intercept. Perpendicular Lines: write the final equation
Slope of a horizontal line is zero. Different slope, and line segments intersect P(2 , 3)Q(5 , 6)
- A vertical line is written in the form at 90 degrees . 6−3 3
x=a , where a is the x-intercept. =
y=4 x +1 5−3 3
Slope of a vertical line is undefined.
−1 3=2(1)+ b
Equation of a Line in Standard Form: y= x +5
4 −2+3=b
- Standard form: Ax+ By+ C=0
- Slopes are negative reciprocals 1=b
1. All the terms are on one
(b values can be the same or different. y=x +1
2. No fractions
Graph a Line Using x and y Intercepts: Linear Systems:
3. X term, then y term then
When y=0, that's the x-intercept - if the lines are parallel zero points of
When x=0, that's the y-intercept intersection are possible
4. Coefficient of X is always
4 x+3 y −12=0 4 x+3 y −12=0 - If the lines are not parallel one point
- Slope y-intercept form: y=mx+b 4 x+3 (0)−12=04 (0)+3 y−12=0 of intersection is possible
4 x−12=0 3 y−12=0
4 x=12 3 y=12
- If lines are parallel and have the - Slope of a distance time graph is Midpoint = the point that divides a line
same y-intercept, infinite points of speed segment into two equal parts
intersection are possible CHAPTER 7: Measurement and Median of a triangle bisects its area into 2
Geometry equal parts
● To solve a linear system, (find the Exterior angles of a triangle = 360 degrees
point of intersection), we can gaoh Interior angles of a triangle = 180 degrees Midpoints and Diagonals in
both lines, and state where they Quadrilaterals
meet - Formula for calculating the - Joining the midpoints of the sides of
Trends, Interpolation, and Extrapolation interior angle sum for an “n” any quadrilateral produces a
Line of best fit: a line that approximates a sided polygon is parallelogram
trend for the data in a scatter plot. Should (n-2)180 - The diagonals of a parallelogram
pass through as many points as possible, bisect each other.
and can be used to make predictions. Find the sum of the interior angles of a
- Upward trend = positive correlation polygon with 4 sides CHAPTER 8: measurement relationships
- Downward trend = negative (4−2)180 ★ Use formula sheet for formulas
correlation (2)180 for area, surface area, and volume
● If the points form a line, then the 360 degrees for different shapes
correlation is strong.
● If the points are dispersed more Find the measure of each angle of a 6 Pythagorean Theorem:
widely, but still show a linear trend, sided polygon: a 2+b 2=c 2
then the correlation is weak (6−2)180 - Only works for right angled
● If the points are very dispersed triangles
throughout most of the grid, then Perimeter + Area of composite figures
720 ÷ 6=120
there is no correlation and we do
Each angle = 120 degrees
not draw a line of best fit. - To determine the total area of a
- Interpolate = make a prediction composite figure, add and/or
Find the # of sides for a polygon with the
inside the data subtract areas.
sum of interior angles equaling 4140:
- Extrapolate = make a prediction - To determine perimeter of a
outside the date (n−2)180 composite fir=gure, add the
Making an equation: 180 n−360=4140 distances around the outside of the
1. Find y-intercept 180 n=4140+360 figure
2. Use 2 points on the line to 180 n=4500 CHAPTER 9: optimizing measurements
calculate slope n=4500 /180 READ THE WORKSHEET AND REVIEW
3. Arrange formula n=25 sides

Distance-Time Graphs
- Shows how distance varies with time

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