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Chapter 3

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Chapter3: Metals and Nonmetals

Unit Chapter3: Metals and Nonmetals

Class Transaction Total: 11periods (approx. 40 min each)

Pre-requisite for This lesson requires previous knowledge of-
the course  What are metals?
 What are nonmetals?
 Physical properties of metals and nonmetals
Assessment of 1. Written test
qualifying 2. Lab activity
knowledge 3. Group Discussion
4. HW notebook
Objective Given the content (chapter) the learners will be able to
 compare the physical properties of metals and nonmetals using a
compare – contrast matrix with 100 % accuracy.
 Answer questions based on the chemical properties of metals with
90% accuracy.
 Describe the steps involved in metallurgy of metals based on their
reactivity and answer the questions on the same with 95%
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will able to describe
Outcomes 1. Electronic configuration of Metals and Nonmetals
2. Physical and chemical properties of metals and non-metals
3. Define: Metallurgy, Ores, Minerals, Reactivity series,
Malleability, Ductility,
SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES - Students would be able to
1. Critically analyse and Compare the physical properties of metals
and nonmetals using compare -contrast matrix.
2. Interact with peers and compare chemical properties metals and non
metals and write equations for chemical reactions and develop
critical thinking and collaboration in the process
3. interpret and explain the varying degree of reactivity that metals
display towards air water and acids through description and
4. Students will be able to describe formation of ionic compouns, give
explanation for the properties shown by ionic compounds
5. Design flow chart to show all steps of metallurgy
6. Students will be able to compare the metallurgical processes used in case
of sulphide, carbonates ores and halides.compare roasting and calcination
7. Built character and citizenship amongst themselves by discussing
/communicating the ways to prevent corrosion of iron hence
strengthening nation’s economy.
8. Compare the metallurgical processes using in case of sulphide,
carbonates and halides.

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

(The teacher can Brain Storming-The class would start with a discussion on what the
use the mentioned students have already learnt in the previous classes and hence what is it that
techniques, they would learn now. They would also be told the significance of the topic
wherever that they would be studying.
applicable, and can
use any other too.) Active learning- Wipro Technique (KWL- What you Know, What you
will Learn, What you have learned).. (Critical thinking)
Students will be asked how much they know about elements Students’
responses will be listed on the blackboard by using the KWL chart and
handouts throughout the lesson.

Group learning-. (Communication, Collaboration)

Think, pair and share, Group work

Differentiation- The students in a group of 10 will prepare a skit on ways to
prevent corrosion of iron hence strengthening nation’s economy.

Questioning- e, pause, pounce and bounce, Multiple level question-

Teacher will prepare a list of questionson different topics and will ask these
questions during discussions. (Critical thinking, Communication)

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions to

be discussed in the classroom.

Techniques to be used:
Daily Practice Problem
Peer Assessment
Student -teacher interaction,
Wipro- G.O.s(web chart, flow chart and differentiation table,compare-
contrast matrix),
Resources Text Book:
NCERT text book for science
Reference BookCBSE Exemplar
1. Sample papers / last years paper
2. PPT/ Video
Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do the questions in their H.W
Work, notebooks as mentioned in the monthly planner by which we can assess
Assignments their critical thinking and creativity

HW notebooks to be marked as per the given plan:

Assessment Parameters: The total marks for the activity is 5 marks
On time submission………………………………1 mark
Presentation/ Neatness(creativity)……………………………1 mark
Content( critical thinking and
creativity)……….………………………………......3 marks
It is also advised that the students come to the class with proper
background knowledge of the topic under discussion. They can refer to the
resources stated above.

Assessments 3 UNIT TESTS (20, 30, 30)……………………….80 Marks


By administering pen paper test we assess creativity and critical
Average of the best two tests to be taken that will have a weightage of 10
Best 2 Tests out of: Units tests, Midterm examination, Half Yearly
Periodical Test 10 Marks

By administering pen paper test we assess creativity and critical


Subject Enrichment 05 Marks

With the help of subject enrichment activities we assess
communication ,collaboration, character building and citizenship
Note Book Submission 05 Marks
By writing the answers of three levels of question we can assess their
knowledge (Level 1 questions) critical thinking( Level 2 questions),
creativity(Level 3 questions)
Note Book Submission 05 Marks
Addressing Due to various social backgrounds and multiple intelligences, the
Classroom classroom might be a diverse arena. The following techniques can be used
Diversity for various groups:

For gifted students:

 Encouragement for referring other resources

For weak students:

 Buddy help to be provided
 Provide grade-up classes

For differently abled students:

 Ignore spelling mistakes and formulae, if not written
 Call parents at regular intervals
 Provide grade-up classes

Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE.

Following questions will be asked to check understanding of students
1. A student was provided with samples of manganese, zinc, sodium, iron
and copper metal.Which one of these-
(a) Will not displace hydrogen from HCl……………
(b) Will react only with steam to evolve hydrogen gas…………………
(c) Will evolve hydrogen gas with with dilute HNO3…………………………………
(d) Will be displaced from its salt solution by all other metals
2. What are amphoteric oxides? Give two examples of amphoteric oxides.
3. Give reasons:
a) Platinum, gold and silver areused to make jewellery.
b) Aluminium is a reactive metal still it does not corrode.
c) Ionic compounds have high melting points.
4. Answer the following questions
a) How do we find whether a given element is a non metal, if we
know its electronic configuration ?
b) With the help of a reaction show that zinc is more reactive than
5. Give the steps involved in the extraction of metals of low and medium
reactivity from their respective sulphide ores.
Topic DAY 1-Physical Properties of Metals and Nonmetals

Class Transaction 40 min each)

Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge ofmetals and non metalswhich
the course students had already learnt in classes VIII &IX
Assessment of Knowledge testing by asking questions based on previous knowledge by
qualifying teacher in class
Objective Students will be able to identify the metals and nonmetals from their
surroundings, list down their attributes.

Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will be able to

Outcomes  Define malleability and ductility
 Identify exceptions of metals and non metals

SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES- Studentsin groups of four critically

analyseand the physical properties of metals and nonmetals and compare
them with the help of a compare contrast matrix.
Pay attention to the class task and exhibit self- control While working
in the group
Fulfills his role in the group

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

Methodology Anticipatory Set: 10 min
(The teacher can Nonmetal Hunt- Facilitator asks each student to find and list any 2 items
use the mentioned made of metals and two of nonmetals from the classroom. After the list is
techniques, made the teacher asks a few students to share about the items they had
wherever listed and asks the following probing questions from the students.
applicable, and can How do you identify metals from nonmetals?
use any other too.) Students will share the properties of metals and nonmetals that they know.
Students’ responses will be listed on the blackboard by using the KWL
Wipro Technique (KWL- What you Know, What you will Learn, What
you have learned), Student -teacher interaction, Think- Pair and Share,
group work - collaborative, tabulation, Wipro- G.O.s(web chart, flow chart
and compare- contrast matrix)
DOL 1, 2, 3, 4

Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 15 min

(Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, collaboration )
Group of 6 the students will discuss physical properties of metals and
nonmetals. Teacher will draw the format of compare contrast matrix on the
board and with the help of students response fill the table.
S.No. Attribute Metals Nonmetals
1 Physical State and Lustre

2 Hardness
3 Malleability
4 Ductility
5 Melting and boiling point
6 Electrical Conductivity
7 Thermal Conductivity
8 Sonority
Guided practice: 10 min
Discuss and list exceptions of metals and non metals
Which nonmetal is liquid at room temperature?
ii- Which metal can be cut with a knife?
Independent Practice: NCERT questions
Closure: 5 min
Involving students in summarizing the topic
Resources Text Book:
NCERT text book for Science.
Reference Book- CBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Self Study, Home NCERT questions
Assessments Response during activity

Topic DAY 2- Chemical Properties of metals and nonmetals- Reaction with

Class Transaction 40 min each
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge of reaction shown by metals and non
the course metals
Assessment of Knowledge testing by asking questions based on previous knowledge by
qualifying teacher in class
Objective Students will be able to describe Reaction of metals and non metals with
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will able to write equations for reaction of
Outcomes metals and non metals with air
SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES- Students will critically analyseand
comparechemical nature of metallic and non metallic oxides and list down
the observation
Effectively interprets information and draws conclusions based on the
best analysis- critical thinking
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5 min
(The teacher can *Teacher asks questions based on previous day learning
use the mentioned Strategies-
techniques, Student -teacher interaction, Think- Pair and Share, group work -
wherever collaborative, tabulation,
applicable, and can DOL 1, 2, 3
use any other too.)
Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min
(Critical Thinking and collaboration)
Demonstration of burning of magnesium ribbon and sulphur powder
followed by dissolution of product in each case in water.
Discussion over the products formed and and observation sheet filled in
each case.
Teacher students interaction / questioning to check their understanding
Guided practice: 10 min.
NCERT Questions
Independent Practice: NCERT Questions
Closure: 5 min
Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Resources Text Book:
NCERT text book for Science.
Reference Book -CBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Self Study, Home NCERT Questions
Assessments Observations and responses from activities

Topic Day 3 – Chemical Properties of metals and nonmetals- Reaction with

water and acids
Class Transaction 40 min each)
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge of reaction shown by metals and non
the course metals
Assessment of Knowledge testing by asking questions based on previous knowledge by
qualifying teacher in class
Objective Students will be able to explain Chemical Properties of metals and
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will be able to
Outcomes  Write equation for reactions of metals with water and acids
SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES- Students will be able to critically
analyseand compare reactivity of metals with water and acids
Skills developed-Listing, compare & contrast, & interpretation , reasoning
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Anticipatory Set:
(The teacher can Recapitulationthrough talking circles
use the mentioned Strategies-
techniques, Wipro Technique (Student -teacher interaction, Think- Pair and Share,
wherever group work –
applicable, and can DOL 1, 2, 3
use any other too.)
Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min
(Critical Thinking, collaborationand communication)
Class will be divided into groups of 6 students each.
 Students in group will discussreactions of metals with water and
acidsand write equations
 Group presentation on the topic
 Teacher students interaction / questioning to check their
understanding supported by PPT/ Video
Guided practice: 10 min
NCERT Questions
Closure: 5 min
Summarization by students
Independent Practice- NCERT Questions

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Science.
Reference Book-CBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing the topic
Self Study, Home NCERT Questions
Assessments Observations and responses from activities

Topic DAY 4 –Reaction of metals with salt solutions of other metals

(Displacement reactions)
Class Transaction 40 min each
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge of reaction shown by metals and non
the course metals
Assessment of Knowledge testing by asking questions based on previous knowledge by
qualifying teacher in class
Objective Students will be able to explain Chemical Properties of metals and
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will be able to explain Reaction of metals with
Outcomes salt solutions of other metals
SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES- Students will be able to compare
reactivity of different metals through displacement reactions
Write equations for various displacement reactions and justify the
reactivity series based on the observations of experiment.
Effectively interprets information and draws conclusions based on the
best analysis

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5 min
(The teacher can Recapitulationby asking questions based on previous day’s learning
use the mentioned Strategies-
techniques, Wipro Technique (Student -teacher interaction, Think- Pair and Share,
wherever group work - collaborative, tabulation, Wipro- G.O.s(web chart, flow chart
applicable, and can and compare- contrast matrix)
use any other too.) DOL 1, 2, 3

Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min

(Critical Thinking, collaboration and communication)
Class will be divided into groups of 6 students each.
 Students in group will discussreactions of Reaction of metals with
salt solutions of other metals and write equations
 Group presentation on the reactivity series
 Teacher students interaction / questioning to check their
Guided practice: 10 min
NCERT Questions and exemplar questions

Closure: 5 min
Summarization by students
Independent Practice-Students will complete related questions of Spiral
level 2.

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Science.
Reference Book - CBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Self Study, Home NCERT Questions
Assessments Questioning
Topic DAY 5-Practical
Class Transaction 40 min each)
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge ofreactivity series of metals
the course
Assessment of Knowledge testing by asking questions based on previous knowledge by
qualifying teacher in class
Objective Students would be able toObserve the action of Zn, Fe, Cu and Al metals
on the following salt solutions :
a) ZnSO4 (aq)
b) FeSO4 (aq)
c) CuSO4 (aq)
d) Al2 (SO4)3 (aq)
Arranging Zn, Fe, Cu and Al (metals) in the decreasing order of reactivity
based on above result
Learning SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES- Students would be able to
Outcomes have hands on experiment and enhance their ability to make correct

Skills developed-Listing, compare & contrast, & interpretation , reasoning

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5min
(The teacher can Recapitulation by asking questions based on previous day’s learning
use the mentioned Strategies-
techniques, DEAL, tabulation,
wherever DOL 1, 2, 3
applicable, and can
use any other too.) Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 25 min
(Critical Thinking and Problem Solving , collaboration and Character
building: Comes prepared to learn and bringing of material on the day
of lab visit and working as a team
Teaching strategy – Hands on experiment, Discussion and tabulation
Instructional Input : Teacher will explain the practical, Collaborative
work; Students will work in group of three students each

Guided practice: 10 min

Studentswill observeand record their observation in tabular form. Closure:
5 min
Summarization by students
Independent Practice-Students will complete practical and answer related

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Science.
Reference BookCBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Self Study, Home NCERT Questions
Assessments Observations and responses from activities

Topic DAY 6-Ionic bond

Class Transaction 40 min each
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge ofelectronic configuration of metals
the course and non metals
Assessment of Knowledge testing by asking questions based on previous knowledge by
qualifying teacher in class
Objective Students will be able to understand and thereafter explain the formation of
an ionic bond between a metal and nonmetal by transference of electrons
through formation of ions.
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will be able to write
Outcomes  Electron dot structure of metals and non metals
 Suggest formation of ionic bond


Skills developed- interpretation , reasoning skills

21st century competencies: Critical thinking and problem solving ,
Collaboration and communication skills
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5 min
(The teacher can Recapitulation by asking questions based on previous day’s learning
use the mentioned Strategies-
techniques, Pose, pause, pounce and bounce
wherever DOL 1, 2, 3
applicable, and can
use any other too.) Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min
(Critical Thinking, collaboration, communication and character)
 Students in group will discussformation of ionic bond and draw
electron dot structure of metals and non metals and show transfer
of electrons
 Teacher students interaction / questioning to check their
 Teacher’s role as a facilitator
Guided practice: 10 min
Students will draw the electron dot structures of sodium, magnesium,
fluorine and and chlorine and show the formation of their respective ions
by gain and loss of electrons.
Closure: 5 min
Summarization by students
Independent Practice- NCERT Questions

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Science.
Reference Book -CBSE Exemplar
Closure Summarization by students with the muddiest point discussed by the

Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Spiral level 2 Questions

Assessments Oral Test

Topic DAY 7- Properties of ionic compounds

Class Transaction 40 min each)
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge ofwriting chemical equations
the course
Assessment of Knowledge testing by asking questions based on previous knowledge by
qualifying teacher in class
Objective Students will be able to describe properties of ionic compounds

Learning KNOWLEDGE-Students will be able to

Outcomes List properties of ionic compounds and give reasons for the same

Skills developed- interpretation , reasoning skills

21st century competencies: Critical thinking and problem solving ,
Collaboration and communication skills

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5 min
(The teacher can Recapitulation by asking questions based on previous day’s learning
use the mentioned Strategies-
techniques, Wipro Technique Student -teacher interaction, Think- Pair and Share,
wherever group work - collaborative
applicable, and can DOL 1, 2, 3
use any other too.)
Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min
(Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, collaboration )
 Students in group will discussProperties of ionic compoundsand
find reasons for the same
 Teacher students interaction / questioning to check their
 Teacher’s role as a facilitator
Guided practice: 10 min
NCERT Questions
Independent Practice:NCERT Questions and exemplar questions
Closure: 5 min
Involving students in summarizing the topic
Resources Text Book:
NCERT text book for Science.
Reference Book -CBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Self Study, Home NCERT Questions
Assessments Response during activity

Topic DAY 8-Steps in metallurgy

Class Transaction 40 min each
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge ofoccurrence of metals
the course
Assessment of Knowledge testing by asking questions based on previous knowledge by
qualifying teacher in class
Objective Students will be able to describe different Steps in metallurgy
Learning KNOWLEDGE-Students will able to
Outcomes List and Steps in metallurgy
Critically analyze the reactivity of different metals and suggest the steps for
their extraction

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5 min
(The teacher can *recapitulation through one minute paper
use the mentioned Strategies-
techniques, Student -teacher interaction, Think- Pair and Share, Wipro- G.O.s(flow
wherever chart)
applicable, and can DOL 1, 2, 3
use any other too.)
Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min
(Critical Thinking and collaboration)
Strategy : Pose, pause, pounce and bounce
Students in group will discussSteps in metallurgy
 Teacher students interaction / questioning to check their
 Teacher’s role as a facilitator
Guided practice: 10 min. NCERT questions
Independent Practice:NCERT questions
Closure: 5 min
Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Resources Text Book:
NCERT text book for Science.
Reference Book - CBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Self Study, Home NCERT questions
Assessments Observations and responses from activities

Topic Day 9 Extraction of metals

Class Transaction 40 min each)
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge ofreactivity series of metals
the course
Assessment of Knowledge testing by asking questions based on previous knowledge by
qualifying teacher in class
Objective Extraction of metals
Learning KNOWLEDGE-Students will able to suggest various Steps for
Outcomes extraction of metals of low reactivity, moderate reactivity and high
SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES- Compare roasting and calcinations:
electrolytic reduction and electrolytic refining
Skills developed-Listing, compare & contrast, & interpretation , reasoning
21st century competencies: Critical thinking and problem solving ,
Collaboration, communication skills

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5 min
(The teacher can Recapitulation by asking questions based on previous day’s learning
use the mentioned Strategies--teacher interaction, Think- Pair and Share, group work -
techniques, collaborative, tabulation, Wipro- G.O.s(web chart, flow chart
wherever DOL 1, 2, 3
applicable, and can
use any other too.) Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min
(Critical Thinking and Problem Solving , collaboration and Character
Students in group will discussextraction of metals of low reactivity,
moderate reactivity and high reactivity from their ores
 Teacher students interaction / questioning to check their
 Teacher’s role as a facilitator
Independent Practice:
NCERT questions and exemplar questions
Guided practice
NCERT questions and exemplar questions
Closure: 5 min
Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions
based on the topic.
Resources Text Book:
NCERT text book for Science.
Reference Book
CBSE Exemplar
Closure Involving students in summarizing the topic
Self Study, Home NCERT questions and exemplar questions
Assessments Peer assessment

Topic DAY 10– Refining of metals

Class Transaction 40 min each
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge electrolysis
the course
Assessment of Knowledge testing by asking questions based on previous knowledge by
qualifying teacher in class
Objective Students will be able to
Explain refining of metals

Learning KNOWLEDGE-Students will be able to suggest methods for refining of

Outcomes metals and draw diagrams
Skills developed- interpretation , reasoning skills diagram skills
21st century competencies: Critical thinking and problem solving ,
Collaboration, communication skills

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5 min
(The teacher can Recapitulation by asking questions based on previous day’s learning
use the mentioned Strategies-
techniques, Pose, pause, pounce and bounce.Student -teacher interaction, Think- Pair
wherever and Share, group work – collaborative diagram drawing
applicable, and can DOL 1, 2, 3
use any other too.)
Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min
(Critical Thinking, collaboration and communication)
Students in group will discusssuggest methods for refining of metals
 Group presentation on the topic,drawing of diagram on board
 Teacher students interaction / questioning to check their
understanding supported by PPT/ Video
 Teacher’s role as a facilitator
Guided practice: 10 min
NCERT Questions
Closure: 5 min
Summarization by students
Independent Practice-NCERT Questions

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Science.
Reference Book -CBSE Exemplar

Closure Involving students in summarizing by asking them to prepare questions

based on the topic.
Self Study, Home NCERT Questions
Assessments Observations and responses from activities

Topic Day 11Corrosion and its prevention

Class Transaction 40 min each)
Pre-requisite for This topic requires basic knowledge ofrustinf of iron
the course
Assessment of Knowledge testing by asking questions based on previous knowledge by
qualifying teacher in class
Objective : To describe corrosion of metals , conditions and its prevention
Learning SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES-Students will built character and
Outcomes citizenship amongst themselves by pondering on damage caused by
corrosion of iron
by discussing /communicating the ways to prevent corrosion of iron hence
strengthening nation’s economy.

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

Methodology Anticipatory Set: 5 min
(The teacher can Recapitulation by asking questions based on previous day’s learning
use the mentioned .
techniques, Strategies- Presentation collaborative, tabulation
wherever DOL 1, 2, 3, 4
applicable, and can
use any other too.) Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 20 min
(Critical Thinking and Problem Solving , collaboration and Character
building and citizenship)
The students in a group of 10 will prepare a presentation on ways to
prevent corrosion of iron hence strengthening nation’s economy

Guided practice: 10 min

NCERT Questions
Closure: 5 min
Summarization by students
Independent Practice-NCERT Questions

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Science.
Reference Book -CBSE Exemplar

Closure Involving students in summarizing the topic

Self Study, Home NCERT Questions
Assessments Class test

Day 12 Closure o f chapter by mind mapping and open discussion

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