Ras Al Khaimah Structural Guidelines-2021-R3
Ras Al Khaimah Structural Guidelines-2021-R3
Ras Al Khaimah Structural Guidelines-2021-R3
Ras Al Khaimah Structural Guidelines
Revision History
All Rights Reserved for Ras Al Khaimah Municipality. All or any part of the contents of this document including, but
not limited to: text, logos, images, files, etc… are the sole property of Ras Al Khaimah Municipality.
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Scope of Document ...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Disclaimer ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. General Requirements and Conditions ................................................................................................................ 5
2.1. General Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2. Third Party Requirements............................................................................................................................. 5
2.3. Acceptable Software ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4. Unit System .................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.5. Building Life Time ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.6. Fire Rating .................................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Approved Codes and Standards .......................................................................................................................... 7
4. Materials ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1. Concrete ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2. Reinforcement .............................................................................................................................................. 8
4.3. Structural Steel ............................................................................................................................................. 8
5. Loading Criteria .................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1. Loading Notations ......................................................................................................................................... 9
5.2. Gravity Loads................................................................................................................................................ 9
5.2.1. Dead Loads .............................................................................................................................................. 9
5.2.2. Live loads................................................................................................................................................ 11
5.3. Soil Lateral Loads ....................................................................................................................................... 13
5.4. Uplift Load................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.5. Thermal Effect due to Seasonal Variation and Self-Straining Actions ....................................................... 14
5.6. Seismic Loads ............................................................................................................................................ 15
5.6.1. Seismic Scaling ...................................................................................................................................... 17
5.6.2. P-delta Effects ........................................................................................................................................ 17
5.6.3. Torsional Irregularity ............................................................................................................................... 17
5.7. Wind Loads ................................................................................................................................................. 18
5.7.1. Wind Tunnel Test.................................................................................................................................... 18
5.8. Helipad Loads ............................................................................................................................................. 18
5.9. Minimum Lateral Forces ............................................................................................................................. 19
5.10. Loading Combinations ............................................................................................................................ 19
6. Serviceability Requirements ............................................................................................................................... 20
6.1. Control of Deflection in Concrete Elements ............................................................................................... 20
6.2. Control of Deflection in Steel Elements ...................................................................................................... 21
6.3. Control of Lateral Drifts ............................................................................................................................... 21
6.3.1. Seismic Drift............................................................................................................................................ 21
6.3.2. Wind Drift ................................................................................................................................................ 21
6.4. Human Comfort and Vibration .................................................................................................................... 22
6.4.1. Building Acceleration .............................................................................................................................. 22
6.4.2. Vertical Vibration..................................................................................................................................... 22
6.4.3. Other Considerations .............................................................................................................................. 23
7. Structural Integrity .............................................................................................................................................. 24
7.1. Load Path Connections. ............................................................................................................................. 24
8. Durability Requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 25
8.1. Waterproofing Requirement ....................................................................................................................... 25
8.2. Control of Cracking ..................................................................................................................................... 25
8.3. Concrete Cover........................................................................................................................................... 26
8.4. Spacing Between Bars ............................................................................................................................... 26
9. Concrete General Design Requirements ........................................................................................................... 27
9.1. Cracking Stiffness Modifiers ....................................................................................................................... 27
9.2. Columns and Walls ..................................................................................................................................... 28
9.3. Beams......................................................................................................................................................... 28
9.4. Slabs ........................................................................................................................................................... 28
9.5. Transfer Beams and Transfer Slabs........................................................................................................... 30
9.6. Structural Movement Joints ........................................................................................................................ 30
9.7. Additional Control Measures for Below Grade Construction ...................................................................... 30
10. Foundation .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
10.1. General Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 31
1. Introduction
1.2. Disclaimer
• This document has been prepared only to provide some guidance for the design engineers and It
shall be read in conjunction with all the applicable federal and local laws, codes, standards,
regulations, circulars, manuals, policies and procedures as implemented by Ras Al Khaimah
• All requirements indicated within this structural guideline may be amended whenever required and
no prior notice required.
• The full responsibility and liability of the design and construction of any project is on the consultant
and the contractor without any responsibility or liability on the municipality.
• Ras Al Khaimah Municipality is not liable for any defects, deficiencies, collapse or fatal mistakes in
the design or execution of any project for which it has given approval.
The following are the main codes and standards that shall be followed for the structural design along
with the other American Concrete Institute (ACI) publications.
The defined version is the minimum approved publication version.
4. Materials
4.1. Concrete
• Minimum concrete grade for structural members is accepted as per code limits.
• Concrete grade is accepted up to f’c 70Mpa. Any concrete with higher grades cannot be used
without prior approval from municipality.
• Modulus of elasticity has to be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 formula.
Ec = (4700 √fc’) MPa.
• In case of using High Strength Concrete (HSC) with f’c more than 60MPa, the modulus of elasticity
has to be calculated in accordance with Technical Report No.49’s provided formula
Ec = (3320 √fc’ + 6900) x (Wc /2346)1.5) MPa.
• Concrete grades input in design should be noted always as cylindrical compressive strength f’c.
• High strength concrete -if any- should be achieved via the addition of silica fume to the mix.
• The water/cement ratio in the concrete mix shall not exceed 0.40.
• A durable low heat of hydration concrete for sub structure elements (foundations, raft slabs and
basement walls) can be achieved using a combination of OPC and GBBS in the concrete mix. GGBS
percentage in the mix shall be within 36% to 65%.
4.2. Reinforcement
• Reinforcing steel shall be High Yield Strength deformed bars type 2 with minimum characteristic
strength of fy =460 N/mm2 unless otherwise justified by the designer.
• For shear design; the maximum yield strength to be used is fy=420 N/mm2.
• All reinforcement shall conform to BS 4449 grade 460 or Equivalent ASTM specifications as a
• Welded wire mesh: Steel fabric reinforcement will comply with BS 4483 or Equivalent ASTM
• The preferred range of designated fabric types will be as per Table A.1 of BS 4483 or Equivalent
ASTM specifications.
5. Loading Criteria
For Hollow block system (Hordi); the self-weight of the hordi blocks shall be considered in the analyses
as per the actual weight of the blocks from the manufacturer data sheet. Partitions
• As a general principle, the partitions’ loads shall be applied as an equivalent uniform load. However,
actual partition line load assignments shall be required in some instances. The blockwork type and
density to be confirmed with architectural drawings and included in the submitted general notes
drawings and calculation.
• The partition load shall be calculated in details as per the architectural layout.
• Minimum partition block density shall not be taken less than the following values unless proved
otherwise by certified manufacture/supplier:
Typical block wall densities (unless otherwise provided from project supplier)
Item Density (KN/m3)
Normal weight solid blocks 21.0
Normal weight hollow blocks (200mm thickness) 14.0
Normal weight hollow blocks (100mm thickness) 17.5
Light weight Aerated Autoclaved Concrete blocks (AAC) 6.0
Normal weight thermo blocks 15.0
Light weight thermo blocks 8.8
Uniform distributed load on plan due to partitions only shall not be taken less than the following minimum
Minimum partition distributed loads on plan
Main Partitions Type Load (KN/m2)
Dry wall partitions 1.0
Light weight block partitions 2.5
Solid block work partitions 3.5 Finishes
The density of the finishes on the slab shall be 20 KN/m3, and the actual thickness of the finishes shall
be considered in the loading calculations.
B. Façade load:
The actual façade load to be calculated and applied as a line load on the slab wherever applicable.
In the case of having façade with more than one type of materials, equivalent line load to be
calculated based on each material density and distribution.
In the absence of accurate façade load or justification from façade specialist; it shall be considered
as 1.0 KN/m2 (on elevation). This value is not applicable for the heavy façade system such as GRC,
stone cladding, etc., it shall be calculated accurately.
C. Machines’ plinth/base:
In the MEP areas, the equivalent load of the machine’s support plinths to be calculated.
Surcharge loads
For all permanent retaining structures, the vertical surcharge loading on retaining structure shall be
considered as per the following cases;
Location Structural Element
Retaining walls/columns/shear
Below Ground (Basement) +/- 10
walls/Beams/slabs (excluding Ground slab)
Ground level and upper levels
Columns/shear walls/Beams/slabs/ +/- 20
General Steel structural elements +/- 25
When incorporating the requirement for self-straining loads in a design, the following should be
• Creep effect.
• Thermal effect.
• Shrinkage effect (early and long-term).
Late pour strip can be provided to reduce the effect of the early thermal cracking only and subjected to
proper calculation for the consultant.
Item Description
- Detached one and two family residential villas including the attached service blocks.
- Less than G+4 residential buildings (e.g. 4 suspended slabs).
- Single story shops with height not more than 6m and total area of complex not more than 500m2.
- G+1 shop with total height not more than 8m and total area of complex not more than 500m2.
- Up to G+1 motel (small hotels with limited number of rooms).
- Service buildings of mosques (such as ablution building, Imam house).
• The following typical buildings shall be designed for seismic loads regardless the number of stories
or height:
- Any building housing facilities required for emergency support.
- Hospitals.
- Fire and police stations.
- Governmental and public buildings.
- Schools and universities buildings.
- Hotels.
- Mosques and minarets.
- Churches.
- Shopping centers and hypermarkets.
- Cinemas and theaters.
- Multi-function halls (such as but not limited to ballrooms, sports’ hall, etc.).
- Commercial and office buildings.
- Multi story car parks.
- Airport’s buildings and aviation control towers.
- Buildings which have special structural systems (such as but not limited; irregular shape, long
spans, etc.).
- Industrial buildings.
• All the buildings (even if not designed for seismic) shall include proper lateral resisting system
arrangement to resist minimum magnitude of potential lateral loads.
For example; it shall include at least one of the following systems:
- Set of minimum 2 clear framing system in each principle direction.
- Shear walls in each principle direction.
- Proper core wall.
davg = the average of the displacements at the extreme points of the structure at Level x.
dmax = the maximum displacement at Level x.
The value of Ax need not exceed 3.0.
Item Description
• The application of the helicopter concentrated load shall be studied as per the worst-case scenario in
terms of load location with reference to the slab geometry.
Structures explicitly designed for stability, including second-order effects, shall be deemed to comply
with the requirements of this section.
6. Serviceability Requirements
Adequate provisions shall be adopted to limit the deflection of structural elements and eliminate risk of
damage to non-structural elements due to vertical deflection and inter-story drift.
• Load combination for wind drift check is D+0.5L+0.7W, where wind load (W) is based on the 50-year
return period.
• Wind Inter-story drift and overall building drift shall be limited to the standards limits (ASCE7-05) for
all the building wherever wind load is applicable.
• Wind Inter-story drift shall be considered in the design of façade and cladding system in order to be
protected as required.
The following table provides the Vibration and Acceleration limits that shall be adopted in the design of
the structures in terms of occupancy for the building facilities.
Occupancy Acceleration Limit (%g)
Offices, Residential 0.5%
Dining, Dancing and Gym 1.5 to 2.5%
Aerobics, rhythmic activities only 4.0% to 7.0%
Shopping malls 1.5%
• Effects of axial long term shortening due to elastic, shrinkage and creep effects shall be investigated
and accounted for in the design and construction. It is mandatory for buildings more than 40 stories.
Deferential shortening between columns shall be limited to the minimum possible in order to
minimize the impact on the horizontal elements design.
7. Structural Integrity
Buildings and other structures shall be designed to sustain local damage with the structural system as a
whole remaining stable and not being damaged to an extent disproportionate to the original local
damage. This shall be achieved through an arrangement of the structural elements that provides stability
to the entire structural system by transferring loads from any locally damaged region to adjacent regions
capable of resisting those loads without collapse. This shall be accomplished by providing sufficient
continuity, redundancy, or energy-dissipating capacity (ductility), or a combination thereof, in the
members of the structure.
8. Durability Requirements
Structural element in contact with wet or dry soil (with or without ground water table). 0.2*
(e.g. Retaining wall’s outer face, under-side of Raft).
Water retaining structures. 0.1
(e.g. Swimming Pool, Water Tanks).
Piles in contact with wet soil and under permanent tension stresses. 0.2
- (*) unless otherwise required for deep retaining walls and foundation below ground water table.
Maximum permissible crack width for deep retaining walls and foundation below ground water table
should be defined as per the following chart.
- (hf)is the depth of the water table till the soffit of the structural element.
- (h) is the structural element thickness.
Beams Slabs
Element Walls Columns
Required Cracked 0.7Ig* 0.7Ig* 0.35Ig 0.25Ig 0.35Ig
Equivalent Stiffness m11 =0.7 I33 =0.7 I33=0.35 m11 =0.25 m11 =0.35
Modifiers in 3D m22 =0.7 I22 =0.7 I22=0.35 m22 =0.25 m22 =0.35
analysis (e.g. ETABS)
m12 =0.7 T =0.7 T =0.35*** m12 =0.25 m12 =0.35
f11 =0.7 f11 =0.25 f11 =0.35
f22 =0.7 f22 =0.25 f22 =0.35
f12 =0.7 f12 =0.25 f12 =0.35
Equivalent Stiffness m11 =1.0 I33 =1.0 I33 =1.0 m11 =1.0 N.A.
Modifiers in 2D slab m22 =1.0 I22 =1.0 I22 =1.0 m22 =1.0
analysis (e.g. SAFE)
m12 =1.0 T =1.0 T =0.1 m12 =1.0
f11 =1.0 f11 =1.0**
f22 =1.0 f22 =1.0**
f12 =1.0 f12 =1.0**
- Where “m” is the flexural stiffness of shell elements, “f” is the membrane axial stiffness of shell
elements, “I” is the inertia of frame elements and “T” is the torsional stiffness of frame elements.
- (*) Columns and walls cracking modifiers can be used 0.35 if proved by calculation that it is
further cracked as per ACI318.
- Cracking modifiers of retaining walls can be reduced to f=m=0.35.
- (**) Membrane cracking modifiers in slab’s 2D model (f11,f22,f12) during thermal analysis can be
reduced to 0.25 for reinforced concrete slabs.
- (***) Torsional modifiers can be further reduced for compatibility torsion only. Beam should be
designed to resist a minimum torsional moment equal to the code cracking torque (Tcr).
- Stiffness modifiers of transfer beams can be used as 1.0.
For service analysis models used for wind lateral drifts calculations, stiffness modifiers can be calculated
by multiplying the ultimate reduced stiffnesses into 1.4 as per ACI318 code provisions.
9.3. Beams
• Beams shall be detailed as per Intermediate moment resistance frame requirements. This is not
applicable for coupling beams, coupling beams need to follow requirements of ACI318-11, clause
• For beams subjected to equilibrium torsion, no torsion redistribution is allowed.
• For beams subjected to compatibility torsion only. Beam should be designed to resist a minimum
torsional moment equal to the code cracking torque (Tcr).
• Beams shall be checked for long-term deflection limits.
• Mechanical couplers shall be used if spliced bar size is more than T32.
9.4. Slabs
• Slabs shall be designed for combined effect of gravity and self-straining action loads where
• Slabs shall be designed for combined effect of gravity and lateral loads (seismic or wind) where
• Slabs shall be checked for punching shear stresses due to combined effect of shear and unbalanced
moment together as applicable.
• Punching shear shall be checked so that the ratio between the applied shear (actual) and the
allowable concrete shear (without shear links) is not more than 0.9 due to pure gravity load
combination, and not more than 1.0 for other load cases.
If the ratio exceeds the mentioned limits above but not more than the maximum allowable limit
(concrete with shear links); shear links shall be provided.
• Slabs shall be checked for long-term deflection limits considering cracking non-linear analysis,
defined modulus of rapture and reinforcement as per clause 6.1.
• For non-monolithically construction between slab and vertical elements; the consultant shall ensure
that the slab is checked for shear friction resistance at the connections’ location.
• Concrete grade (fc’) of columns/walls shall not be more than 1.4 times the concrete grade of slab.
Otherwise the precautions of ACI318 shall be followed.
10. Foundation
• Piles stiffness shall be simulated in the foundation Finite Element Analysis (FEA) model as point
springs (vertical and horizontal), the point springs shall be clearly defined in the soil investigation
report. In the absence of horizontal pile stiffness information; it shall not be less than 10% of vertical
pile stiffness.
• The pile diameter shall be selected to satisfy structural requirements of flexural and shear before
executing the final pile design by piling specialist.
• Structural design of piles shall consider the following allowable tolerances’ effects:
- Moment due to allowable eccentricity of 75mm.
- Lateral load due to allowable out of plumb 1:75.
• Design lateral load of the pile shall be the resultant of both X and Y directions of the same load case.
• Piles shall be designed structurally as fixed head piles as long as the pile cap is restrained in both
• Spacing between center of piles shall not be less than 2.5 times pile diameter.
• For bored cast-in-situ piles, settlements of the order of 1% of the pile diameter is normally required to
mobilize full skin friction whereas full bearing is developed at much higher settlements (usually at
10% of pile diameter). Therefore, it is highly recommended that the pile capacity shall be based on
full skin friction and minimum partial end bearing.
• The contractor shall submit the as-built of piles after finishing piling construction to the consultant.
The consultant is responsible to ensure that all the piles are executed within the allowable tolerance.
if any of the piles are exceeding the tolerance, then it is the responsibility of the consultant to verify
the impact of the deviated setting-out of piles on the foundation and/or piles design.
It is the sole right of the municipality to request the as-built of the piles for verification whenever
deemed required.
• The current pre-stressed guidelines are relevant to the post tensioning bonded systems only,
whereas the other pre-stressed systems shall be submitted for review and approval prior to work.
• The post tension structural elements shall be designed and executed by a specialized company in
this field.
• The post tension elements shall be designed by a qualified engineer who is approved by the
Competent Department.
• It is the consultant responsibility to communicate the approved loading criteria and loading plans to
the post tension specialist.
• The structural calculation shall be submitted according to approved engineering software, in addition
to the detailed drawings of the elements used, according to the international codes, with the stamp of
the Consultant and the post tension specialist.
• All material shall be approved by the Consultant prior to commencement of execution and
• Unless otherwise required by the design, the general requirements below shall be complied with
according to the directions of the Ras Al Khaimah Municipality.
• The number of sample cubes taken for testing from casted concrete shall be at least 6 for each 50
cubic meters. Tests shall be scheduled according to the approved code.
• Moreover; the slab reinforcement shall be provided wherever deemed required for lateral and
different thermal effects.
• For situations where it is not practically possible to place the prestressing tendons within 0.5h from
the column, reinforcement should be placed to bridge the vertical force from the adjacent tendon to
the columns as shown. The reinforcement should:
- Be placed under the prestressing tendon.
- Have sufficient area to transmit the vertical component of prestressing for that tendon to the
column extend a full anchorage length beyond the tendon lie within 0.5h of the column and at
least one bar should pass over the column.
Where “h” is section depth.
Fig.: Additional reinforcement required where tendons are not within 0.5h from the column
• Each portion of a building between expansion joints shall be treated as a separate building.
• For special buildings where it is stipulated to be designed to avoid disproportionate collapse, all
requirements with regard to tying of columns, continuity of columns, resistance to horizontal forces,
notional removal of column, accidental loading and key element design etc. shall be carefully studied
and designed as required by the relevant sections of codes.
• Shallow foundation recommendation including allowable bearing pressure (stating clearly if gross or
net) and subgrade modulus and foundation level.
Noting that the safety factor for soil bearing capacity shall be at least 3.0 for permanent structures,
and 2.0 for temporary structures.
• Deep foundation recommendation including piles geotechnical capacities in compression and
tension, and pile point stiffness (vertical and lateral).
Noting that the safety factor for piles shall be at least 2.5 for both compression and tension.
• Open excavation recommendations including but not limited to allowable slopes’ recommendations.
• Shoring recommendations for deep excavation including soil parameters required for shoring design
such as average bulk density, angle of shearing resistance, cohesion, coefficient of active, passive
and at-rest pressure for different layers of soil profile.
• Dewatering recommendations if ground water table is encountered including the permeability of the
different soil layers.
• Soil seismic classification based on top 30m of soil strata and matching with UBC97 classification.
• Recommendation on the earth work, excavation, filling and compaction.
• Recommendations for suitability of site material to be used as fill material.
• Cement recommendation based on the chemical results of soil and ground water.
• Soil improvement recommendations and methodology (if applicable).
• Liquefaction risk study recommendation (if applicable).
• Any recommendation regarding problematic soil (if applicable).
14.3. Shoring
• Shoring systems are allowed to be used as a temporary retaining structure to retain soil at
construction sites peripheries.
• Shoring system is mandatory for any sharp excavation deeper than 1.50 meters.
• Shoring system is not allowed to be extended outside the plot boundaries.
• Ground tie back anchors should be avoided in neighboring plots unless a Non-Objection Certificate
(NOC) is encountered from the municipality and adjacent plot owner.
• Ground tie back anchors in public properties (roads, sikkas, etc.…) is subject to the approval of
authorities (municipality, electricity company, telephone company and water company).
• Shoring system should be designed according to height of retained soil and all different construction
cases conditions.
• Shoring system should be designed assuming extra unplanned excavation of minimum depth 0.50m.
• Shoring system shall take into consideration the ground water level and the water tightness
requirement during excavation. In the presence of ground water table above excavation level; It shall
be proper water tight shoring system (such as secant piles, diaphragm wall or sheet piles).
• All shoring works shall be continuously monitored by the contractor and consultant. If any corrective
action required during construction shall be approved by the municipality prior to execution.
14.4.1. Method A
Applying for excavation and shoring permit before obtaining a building permit as follows:
The shoring permit can be independent from the building permit submission or can part of excavation
and site preparation permit of the project. The permit shall be handed to the shoring contractor after the
approval of the shoring drawings submitted by him, and obtain preliminary approval of the submitted
drawings and enclose the necessary commitments.
14.4.2. Method B
The shoring permit can be submitted as a part of building permit submission at the final stage of the
project, where the shoring drawings are submitted along with the final structural drawings and the
consultant undertakes to make the necessary modifications to the project’s drawings according to the
conditional approval and final requirements of the NOCs. The permit issuing will be conditional in this
case till the appointment of the shoring contractor, and the issuing of the final construction drawings for
the project.
The following items shall be included and properly covered in the structural submissions:
• Soil investigation report.
• Detailed design calculations and design basis report.
• Analysis models (e.g. ETABS, SAFE, PROKON, etc.).
• Different levels certificate and/or levels difference confirmation by the consultant.
• General notes and standard details for structural elements including the following minimum
- Concrete grade (Cube/Cylinder).
- Reinforcement grade.
- Allowable soil bearing pressure.
- Foundation level.
- Ground water level (if any).
- Dewatering information (if any).
- Waterproofing types.
- Type of used partitions.
- Reference datum level (e.g. Gate level, etc…).
- Concrete cover of different elements; foundation, slabs, beams, ribs, columns.
- Standard details of beams and foundation.
• Structural Drawings
- Shoring plans and details; in case of deep excavation.
- Loading plans.
- Raft foundation plans showing general arrangement (GA) and reinforcement details. Location
and dimensions of lift pits/sump pits to be shown clearly on GA drawings.
- Isolated/combined footing plans and schedules. Foundation plan shall show the dimensions of
strap beams (if existing).
- In case of deep foundation (piles), piles layout and general notes drawings shall be submitted for
piles showing the different piles types and the required tests to be done on piles.
- Retaining wall details including plans, setting out and reinforcement details sections.
- Column layouts plan showing clear setting out of columns.
- Schedule of columns including reinforcement, sizes and detailed sections.
- Floor plans showing general arrangement, concrete sizes of all the elements and setting out
(such as slab thickness, beam sizes, opening sizes) and reinforcement details.
- Schedule of beams, with reinforcement and sizes, including typical beam elevation and sections
for different beam types.
- Detailed sectional plans and elevations for shear walls showing all dimensions, openings and
- Plans, sections and details of swimming pools, reinforced concrete water tanks, level differences
and significant architectural features.
- Plan & section for staircases showing all dimensions and reinforcement.
• The name of all the structural floor plans shall be labelled similar to architectural floors plans. Refer
to the following figure for further explanation.
and modified by the consultant, and based on this; he shall submit modified drawings for final
approval (if necessary).
16.4. Decisions and Procedures
• If the building does not meet the satisfactory criteria for the different construction materials or the
proper structural analysis according to the previous provisions; the Municipality has the right to take
one of the following actions:
- Reform and rehabilitation.
- Allow the use of the building under reduced loads based on the results of analysis or load tests.
- Rejection of the modifications or additions.
- Demolition of the building.
Inspection of construction works shall be carried out according to the approved manual’s requirements of
buildings construction and considering the followings:
Any new structural system or material (non-conventional) shall be submitted in advance to Ras Al
Khaimah Municipality for approval before implementing by the consultant in the design, even if the
system is approved in any other emirate.