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PCI DWP Binder Ch6

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Guide Specifications



Design Tools

APC-1-98: Collection of Ideas on the Production of Architectural Precast

This 84-page book discusses some of the key considerations when fabricating
architectural precast concrete components. Included are production practices,
raw materials and accessories, concrete requirements, reinforcement and pre-
stressing, quality control, and product tolerances.

APC-2-02: Successful Planning With Architectural Samples

This six-page article reprint from PCIs Ascent magazine, written by Architectural
Director Sidney Freedman, discusses the benefits provided by mockup samples
prior to beginning fabrication. Key topics include development of samples, bud-
geting for samples, comparing samples to production runs, mockups for produc-
tion approval, and assessment of samples.

BM-20-04: Precast, Prestressed Concrete Piles Manual, Chapter 20

First printed as a chapter in PCIs Bridge Design Manual (MNL-133), it is reprinted
in this form to aid designers and others with an interest in precast, prestressed con-
crete piles. It includes sections on pile characteristics and materials, geotechnical
and structural design, pile-to-cap connections, manufacturing, transportation, and
installation. Design examples are also presented.


CD-IGS-1-00: Housing CD-ROM
This business card-sized CD-ROM for PCs provides an overview of how precast
concrete components can be used in the housing industry. It includes explana-
tions of applications and case histories for single-family homes, multifamily build-
ings, hotels and motels, retirement centers, and assisted-living facilities.

CD-IGS-3-01: Stadiums CD-ROM

This business card-sized CD-ROM for PCs provides an overview of how precast
concrete components can be used to design stadiums, arenas, and theaters. It
includes explanations of design applications and case histories for a variety of
community, university, and professional sports stadiums around the country.

CD-IGS-4-01: Hollow-core CD-ROM

This business card-sized CD-ROM for PCs provides an overview of how precast
concrete hollow-core planks are fabricated and the advantages they offer to a
variety of building projects. Connection details, field requirements, and a variety
of case histories are offered.

CD-IGS-5-01: Industrial CD-ROM

This business card-sized CD-ROM for PCs provides an overview of how precast
concrete components aid in the design and construction of industrial facilities.
Short- and long-term advantages, along with case histories, are presented to
show how the components are used with warehouse/distribution centers, manu-
facturing plants/assembly facilities, retail stores, food-processing plants, and
high-tech lab/manufacturing operations.

CD-IGS-6-02: Parking CD-ROM

This business card-sized CD-ROM for PCs provides an overview of how precast
concrete components can be used to design parking structures. Included are
advantages offered by these systems, as well as how various components work
together, connection details, aesthetic options, lighting and security considerations,
maintenance issues, and a range of case histories.

CD-IGS-8-02: Commercial Building CD-ROM

This business card-sized CD-ROM for PCs provides an overview of how precast
concrete components can be used to design commercial buildings of all types. A
range of applications is presented, including office buildings, corporate campuses,
financial centers, institutional and public facilities, mixed-use structures, and retail
stores. Sections discussing the inherent value of architectural precast concrete
wall panels and the benefits of using structural precast concrete components in
these facilities is also provided. A section also covers the applications for GFRC.


DN: Designers Notebook Series
This series of seven-page articles, originally presented in PCIs quarterly Ascent
magazine, provides detailed techniques for handling different aspects of archi-
tectural precast concrete components to enhance design attributes. The series
includes diagrams, charts and standard applications along with the how-to text.
Many of the articles also include a first-person account from an architect who
reviews his firms use of precast concrete in this context. The series includes:

DN-01-98: Designers Notebook: Bullnoses.

DN-02-98: Designers Notebook: Cornices.

DN-03-98: Designers Notebook: Reveals.

DN-04-98: Designers Notebook: Multiple Mixes/Textures.

DN-05-99: Designers Notebook: Window Panels.

DN-06-99: Designers Notebook: Corners & Returns.

DN-07-00: Designers Notebook: Stone Veneer.

DN-08-00: Designers Notebook: Clay Products.

DN-09-01: Designers Notebook: Radiused Precast Concrete.

DN-10-01: Designers Notebook: Sculptural Forms.

DN-11-02: Designers Notebook: Design Economy.

DN-12-02: Designers Notebook: Benefits & Advantages.

DN-13-03: Designers Notebook: Specification Guidance (28 pp.).

DN-14-04: Designers Notebook: Blast Considerations (28 pp.).

DN-15-06: Designers Notebook: Energy Conservation (64 pp.).

GFRC-3-02: Innovation By Design: Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Cladding (16 pp.)

IBC-1-01: Impact of the Seismic Design Provisions of the International

Building Code
This 48-page study was written by S.K. Ghosh of S.K. Ghosh Associates Inc.,
commissioned by the Alliance for Concrete Codes and Standards, and published
by the Structures and Code Institute. It discusses the potential impact of the
seismic-design provisions of the 2000 IBC that addresses concerns of design
professionals, building and code officials, academics, and others.


Manuals and Books
MNL-115-68: Fundamentals of Prestressed Concrete Design
This 134-page book addresses some of the key provisions of precast concrete
design, focusing on calculations, equations, and charts to acquaint engineers
with the fundamental principles of designing prestressed concrete structural ele-
ments. Five key areas are covered: the properties of concrete and steel, design
considerations involving flexure and shear, typical design examples, key features
of guiding documents and codes, and general design considerations.

MNL-119-90: PCI Drafting Handbook, Second Edition

This manual presents a comprehensive overview of the techniques needed to
effectively generate precast concrete shop drawings. It includes administration
considerations, standards for drafting-room equipment and layout, drafting
techniques and procedures, drawing preparation, the submittal/approval process,
and other key aspects. The use of computer-aided drawing (CAD) is outlined in a
separate, equal-sized section covering similar requirements. Appendixes cover
terms, checklists, tolerances, and other aspects of both manual and CAD drafting.

MNL-120-04: PCI Design Handbook, Sixth Edition

This edition of the essential precast concrete manual was totally revamped and
includes a CD-ROM with all guide specifications as well as a digital version of the
handbook itself. The manual includes sections on applications and materials, de-
sign considerations, structural analysis, connection designs, tolerances, thermal
and acoustical attributes, specifications, and other key topics. Its primary purpose
is to aid in the structural design of precast concrete structures and components.

MNL-122-07: PCI Architectural Precast Concrete Manual, Third Edition

Tips and techniques for working with architectural precast concrete are outlined
in this manual, which includes sections related to designing for economics, surface
aesthetics, reinforcements, connections, tolerances, joints, and design consid-
erations such as windows, energy conservation, acoustical properties, and fire
resistance. Sections on designing precast concrete panels for use as cladding,
loadbearing wall units, shearwalls, and formwork for cast-in-place concrete are
also presented. Its primary purpose is to aid in designing architectural precast
concrete structures and components.

MNL-123-88: Design and Typical Details of Connections for Precast and

Prestressed Concrete (Second Edition)
This manual provides details on the variety of connections that can be used with
precast concrete components to achieve an effective structural system. It pres-
ents information that will ensure proper consideration of compatibility of connec-
tion behavior with other materials and the overall structural system. Discussions
include general considerations, design concepts, connection materials, design
procedures and examples, typical connection details, and design aids.


MNL-124-08: Design for Fire Resistance of Precast, Prestressed
Concrete, Third Edition
This manual provides an analytical method of evaluating the fire endurance
of structures made of precast, prestressed concrete. It gathers information from
many sources and presents it with example problems that illustrate the use of
design aids and principles. Included are sections on the properties of steel
and concrete at high temperatures, fire endurance of slabs and beams, heat-
transmission requirements of ASTM E119, considerations with architectural
precast concrete, and other topics.

MNL-126-98: Manual for the Design of Hollow-Core Slabs, Second

This manual covers the primary design requirements for hollow-core floor and
roof systems. It serves as a guideline for architects and engineers for the use and
application of the products. Included are sections on hollow-core slab systems,
designing slabs, diaphragm designs, connections, creating fire-resistant assem-
blies, and enhancing acoustical properties.

MNL-127-99: Erectors Manual: Standards and Guidelines for the

Erection of Precast Concrete Products
This manual provides standards that help ensure proper erection of precast,
prestressed concrete products. The manuals goal is to establish a level of quality
that will be recognized and respected by the construction industry. The book
includes sections on preconstruction planning, practices and procedures, equip-
ment, safety, tolerances, and quality control. Appendixes provide supplemental
detail on drawings, welding, repairs, and other considerations.

MNL-128-01: Recommended Practices for Glass Fiber Reinforced

Concrete Panels, Fourth Edition
This manual presents key considerations for designing, manufacturing, and
installing GFRC panels and other components. It lays out project responsibilities
and details materials, physical properties, design, tolerances, manufacturing
requirements, quality control, delivery needs, and installation aspects.

MNL-129-98: Precast, Prestressed Concrete Parking Structures:

Recommended Practice for Design and Construction
All aspects of designing parking structures using a variety of precast concrete
components are outlined in this manual. It includes discussions of faade treat-
ments, functionality, cost considerations, durability aspects, drainage, structural
design, connections, production needs, and erection considerations. An appen-
dix details maintenance needs (a more extensive version of this is available as
MNL-136-04: Maintenance Manual for Precast Concrete Parking Structures).

MNL-130-91: Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of

Glass FiberReinforced Concrete Products
This manual serves as a guideline for manufacturing GFRC, which requires a
greater degree of craftsmanship than other precast concrete construction products.
The book focuses on quality-control requirements and discusses overall philosophy,
product control, plant facilities, and materials.


MNL-135-00: Tolerance Manual for Precast and Prestressed Concrete
This manual provides a working reference for the dimensional control of precast
concrete products and construction, covering both plant-cast or site-cast as well
as precast and precast, prestressed concrete. It covers all aspects of tolerances
for production, erection, and interfacing, as well as feasibility, visual, economics,
legal, and contractual considerations.

MNL-136-04: Maintenance Manual for Precast Concrete Parking

This manual outlines key considerations for maintaining precast concrete parking
structures to maximize their use while minimizing their care requirements. The
book features photos of key areas for concern and provides timelines and check-
lists for inspecting and maintaining each aspect on a recommended schedule.

MNL-138-08: PCI Connections Manual for Precast and Prestressed

Concrete Construction
This manual provides detailed diagrams and explanations of the various types of
connections necessary to create interfaces among precast concrete components
as well as with other materials. Included are sections on various types of connec-
tion materials and discussions of foundation designs, connections for beams,
columns, double tees, spandrels, and other components. Calculations and
examples of each are shown.

Architectural Precast Concrete Color and Texture Selection Guide,

Second Edition, PCI, 2003
This loose-leaf binder provides large, four-color photos of a large variety of
precast concrete finish textures and colors. Numbered color plates, two per page,
provide architects with a detailed look at nearly 500 options for aggregates and
finishes. Included are examples of acid etching, retarders, and various levels of

Visions Taking Shape: Celebrating 50 Years of the Precast/Prestressed

Concrete Industry
This hardcover book provides a history of the precast concrete industry in
America as well as an overview of how PCI came to be formed. It also includes
a review of the 50 Best Precast Concrete Structures in America, as picked by an
industry panel of judges, as well as a look at what future decades hold for the
precast concrete industry.


Continuing Education
CD-IGS-2-01: Career Opportunities CD-ROM
This business card-sized CD-ROM for PCs outlines the range of job opportunities
in the precast concrete industry that exist for those with engineering back-
grounds. Designed primarily for use in university classes, it provides an overview
of the industry and how engineering students can use their capabilities.

Producers & Erectors

List of Qualified and Certified Erectors


s T s I s F sI
s R s


List of Certified Producers

L s T
s A s N

PCI Staff, Directory,

Regional Directors,
Regional Organizations
PCI Staff, Regional Directors, Regional Organizations

PCI Directory
Contact PCI (312) 786-0300


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