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Archives of Current Research International

Volume 24, Issue 4, Page 127-134, 2024; Article no.ACRI.114742

ISSN: 2454-7077

Fish Biodiversity Assessment of

Tawarja Reservoir, Latur
(Maharashtra): A Case Study
Vijay B. Sutar a++, Ajay S. Kulkarni a++, Adinath T. Markad a++*,
Supriya D. Meshre a# and Vikrant V. Bansode a#
a College of Fishery Science, Udgir, Latur, India.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. All authors read and approved the final

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/ACRI/2024/v24i4668

Open Peer Review History:

This journal follows the Advanced Open Peer Review policy. Identity of the Reviewers, Editor(s) and additional Reviewers,
peer review comments, different versions of the manuscript, comments of the editors, etc are available here:

Received: 20/01/2024
Original Research Article Accepted: 24/03/2024
Published: 29/03/2024

The present study deals with the ichthyofaunal diversity of Tawarja reservoir, Latur, Maharashtra.
Tawarja reservoir is a perennial water body used for human and livestock consumption in nearby
areas. This reservoir's primary purpose is irrigation, and it is also used for culture-based capture
fisheries by the fisherman community of Latur taluka. Tawarja reservoir is allocated to Mahadev Koli
Samaj Matsyavawsay Cooperative Society Ltd., Kava of Latur taluka. The present study observed
that the ichthyofauna belongs to 05 orders, 09 families, 19 genera and 31 species. Cyprinidae
family was reported dominant with 17 species (54.83%) followed by Bagridae & Siluridae 3 species
with 9.67 % contribution, Channidae with 02 species (6.45%), and the families of Notopteridae,
Botiidae, Clariidae, Heteropneustidae, Pangasidae and Mastacembelidae contributing 01 species
(3.22%) of each. Regarding their conservation status, 25 species were of least concern, 2 were
vulnerable, 3 were near threatened, and 1 was in an endangered stage. (IUCN-2023).

Assistant Professor;
Assistant Professor (CHB);
*Corresponding author: Email: adinathmarkad@mafsu.in;

Arch. Curr. Res. Int., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 127-134, 2024
Sutar et al.; Arch. Curr. Res. Int., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 127-134, 2024; Article no.ACRI.114742

Keywords: Ichthyofaunal diversity; conservation status; Tawarja reservoir; species; tourist destination.

1. INTRODUCTION environments, and comprehending the inherent

value of all species on the planet [5]. To maintain
Water is essential for survival. A crucial human fish biodiversity, it is necessary to conduct
necessity, water is also one of the most sustainable fishing, protect and restore
important, ever-changing, and irreplaceable ecosystems, and limit pollution. Sustainable
resources. It generates hydroelectric power and fishing techniques, such as catch quotas and
has several additional uses, including irrigation, gear limitations, may assist to avoid overfishing
water supply, industry, drinking, aquaculture, and and keep fish populations healthy. Fish may
other aquatic creatures' cultivation. According to flourish in environments that have been
the CIA (2008), water covers 71% of the Earth's protected and restored, such as wetland
surface. However, 96.5% of that water is salty, conservation and coral reef restoration. Pollution
meaning it cannot be directly utilized for human reduction via improved waste management
consumption, irrigation, or household or industrial methods, as well as the use of bio-degradable
activities. The amount of freshwater found in insecticides, may all assist in conserving fish
bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, ponds, biodiversity.
reservoirs, etc., is close to one percent.
Estimates show that effluents from farms, The integration of standardized research surveys
businesses, and homes contaminate almost 70% with historical fisheries data, such as written
of the water supply in our nation. India has a vast archives or archaeological studies [6,7], enables
reservoir resource, with over 3.0 million hectares the establishment of reference points for
of water spread area. detecting future alterations in species richness
and size composition. This approach facilitates
Biodiversity refers to the diversity and variability the identification of the factors responsible for
of life on Earth. It covers variations in genes, these changes. Numerous alterations in the
species, and ecosystems. It is usually assessed species and size composition of fish populations
among living forms regarding richness, resulting from fisheries activities have been
evenness, and variety [1]. Fish food is extensively reported in the literature [8]. It has
considered as good source of protein. Fish become increasingly evident that these
culture and capture serves as livelihood for alterations have an impact on the composition
millions of people worldwide. Fish diversity is and operation of freshwater ecological systems,
now recognized globally, with 25,000 species, including the biomass of organisms at lower
10,000 of which are found in freshwater trophic levels. As a result, fisheries managers
ecosystems and around 11.7% in biodiversity of and policy makers have embraced more cautious
conservation values (www.fishbase.se). Fish and accountable strategies, as well as the
account for more than half of all vertebrates, and implementation of an ecologically-oriented
India accounts for around 7.7% of world fish approach to fisheries management [9].
diversity. India, a biologically rich nation, is home
to 7.6% of all mammalian, 12.6% of all avian, Various researchers from india has attempted to
6.2% of all reptile, 4.4% of all amphibian, 11.7% study the biodiversity of fishes in India. Shinde et
of all piscine, and 6.0% of all flowering plant al. [10] investigated the fish biodiversity, variety,
species [2]. Fish account for somewhat more and quantity of freshwater fishes in the Pravara
than half of the total vertebrates, with 34300 River, Pravara Sangam District, Ahmednagar
species. According to Froese and Pauly [3], India (M.S) India. Bhat et al. [11] investigated the
accounts for around 7.7% of world fish diversity, diversity and composition of freshwater fishes in
with 1,673 marine species and 994 freshwater. river systems in Central Western Ghats, India.
Coad and Murray [4] estimated that there are Singh and Johal [12] conducted research on the
about 32,000 genuine fish species on the planet, current situation of fish species diversity in the
divided into 85 orders and 536 families, with Ganga River in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
freshwater fish accounting for 43% of the total. Noss [13] identified composition, structure, and
Although just a tiny portion of the Earth's surface function as the primary features of biodiversity
freshwater is occupied by fish, it supports a and reinforced them hierarchically into
significant number of species. nested forms by integrating additional
organizational levels: regional landscape,
Biodiversity is crucial for the stability of community-ecosystem, population species, and
ecosystems, conservation of overall quality genetics.

Sutar et al.; Arch. Curr. Res. Int., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 127-134, 2024; Article no.ACRI.114742

The current research was conducted to species and further, to conserve the local
investigate the ichthyofaunal diversity of Tawarja biodiversity.
dam in Latur district. The findings of this research
have the potential to positively impact the local 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
community by providing useful knowledge on the
variety of fish species in the Tawarja reservoir. Latur district is located in the south-eastern
Also the baseline data on fish diversity would region of Maharashtra. Latur town is situated
help policy makers to take precautionary between 18.05º and 18.7º North latitude and
measures to conserve the endangered fish

Fig. 1. Tawarja reservoir location map

Sutar et al.; Arch. Curr. Res. Int., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 127-134, 2024; Article no.ACRI.114742

73.25º and 77.25º East longitude. It is located 2.2 Climate and Rainfall
636 meters above sea level. The whole district of
Latur is located on the Balaghat Plateau. Tawarja In the Latur area, the monsoon rain starts in
reservoir is situated near Kava, which is km from mid-June and ends in October. Winter
Latur city. The Tawarja Dam is an earthfill dam lasts from November to February, and
built on the Tawarja River, which starts at Murud summer begins in March and ends mid-June.
in Latur taluka and meets the Manjara River at When it rains, the air stays damp. In the winter, it
Shivani on the Latur-Ausa border. The dam is stays dry and cold; in the summer, it stays
14.3 m tall and 2222 m long, with a water spread dry and hot. It rains an average of 801.04 mm
area of 741 Km2. (478.9 ha.). The volume a year. It rains during the south-west
content is 361 km3, and the gross storage monsoon.
capacity is 20,520.00 km3. This dam is also
known as a tourist destination for the Nereby 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
There were 31 different species of fish identified
2.1 Study Area in this research, spread throughout 5 orders (Fig.
2) and 9 families (Fig. 3). Data analysis revealed
Members of the Mahadev Koli Samaj that out of all the fish orders, 17 belonged to the
Matsyavawsay Cooperative Society Ltd. Kava, a Cypriniformes, 9 to the Siluriformes, and 2 to the
recognized fishing cooperative in Latur taluka, Anabantiformes. The Twawarja reservoir water
assisted in the fish collection effort from Tawarja body was sampled for its richness of fish and
reservoir (Fig. 1). The traditional fishing gear shellfish, and one species from the orders
used to catch the fish included hand nets, gill Osteoglossiformes and Synbranchiformes was
nets, cast nets, and bhor jal. Photographs were found there. The conservation status of the
captured at the reservoir's fish landing location. species was as follows: 25 were of least concern,
We also shopped at the local fish market for 2 were vulnerable, 3 were near threatened, and 1
these fish. Over the course of a year, from June was in danger. (1923, IUCN). Table 1 displays
2022 to May 2023, researchers systematically the 31 fish species that were recorded together
examined several aspects of fish collecting and with their conservation status over the one year
catch. The fish were transferred to the lab and of the inquiry.
placed in a 10% formalin solution for
preservation. The specimens were preserved in Kurup (1994), Easa and Shaji [16], Biju et al.
glass jars and housed with small fish immediately (2008), Radhakrishnan and Kurup [17], and Ali et
in the 10% formalin. After degumming, big fish al. [18] are among the past research that have
were stored in huge HDPE tubs. According to examined the freshwater fish fauna of Kerala.
established taxonomic keys for fishes, physical Zacharias et al. [19] and Kurup [20,18] are only
features such as colour, form, scale pattern, two of the numerous researchers that have
mouth pattern, and fins were used for documented challenges to freshwater fish
identification (Day, 1889), [14,15]. biodiversity.

3.23 3.23


58.06 Siluriformes



Fig. 2. Percentage contribution of 31 species in five orders

Sutar et al.; Arch. Curr. Res. Int., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 127-134, 2024; Article no.ACRI.114742

Table 1. Fish species observed in the Tawarja reservoir, Latur

S.N. Order Family Genus Species Conservation Economic value Status

Class: Actinoptregii
1 1. Osteoglossiformes 1. Notopteridae Notopterus notopterus (Pallas, 1769) LC PF, MD +
2 2. Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Catla catla (Hamilton, 1822) LC FD +++
3 Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822) LC FD +++
4 Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Labeo bogggut (Sykes, 1839) LC FD ++
5 Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Labeo fambriatus (Bloch, 1795) LC FD ++
6 Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Labeo calbasu (Hamilton, 1822) LC FD ++
7 Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Labeo gonius (Hamilton, 1822) LC FD ++
8 Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton, 1822) LC FD +++
9 Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Cirrhinus reba (Hamilton, 1822) LC FD ++
10 Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Cirrhinus cirrosus (Bloch, 1795) VU FD +
11 Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Osteobrama cotio (Hamilton, 1822) LC +
12 Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Ctenopharyngodon idella (Valenciennes, 1844) LC FD +
13 Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Rasbora daniconius (Hamilton, 1822) LC LV +
14 Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Garra mullya (Sykes, 1839) LC FD +++
15 Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Osteobrama vigoris (Sykes, 1839) LC FD +
16 Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Puntius sophore (Hamilton, 1822) LC BT,LV,WF,FD +
17 Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Puntius ticto LC FD +
18 Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Puntius vittatus (Day, 1986) LC FD +
19 Cypriniformes 2. Botiidae Botia striata (Narayan Rao, 1920) EN FD +
20 3. Siluriformes 3. Bagridae Mystus seengtee (Sykes, 1839) LC FD +
21 Siluriformes Bagridae Mystus covasius (Hamilton, 1822) LC FD +
22 Siluriformes Bagridae Mystus vittatus (Bloch, 1794) NT FD -
23 Siluriformes 4. Clariidae Clarias batrachus (Linneaeus, 1758) LC FD +
24 Siluriformes 5. Heteropneustidae Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch, 1794) LC FD +
25 Siluriformes 6. Pangasiidae Pangasius pangasius (Hamilton, 1822) LC FD ++
26 Siluriformes 7. Siluridae Ompok bimaculatus (Bloch, 1794) NT FD +
27 Siluriformes Siluridae Ompok pabda (Bloch, 1794) NT FD +
28 Siluriforms Siluridae Wallago attu (Bloch and Schneider ) VU FD +
29 4. Anabantiformes 8. Channidae Channa marulius (Hamilton, 1822) LC FD ++
30 Anabantiformes Channidae Channa punctate (Bloch, 1793) LC FD ++
31 5. Synbranchiformes 9. Mastacembelidae Mastacembelus armatus (Lacepede, 1800) LC FD +
+++ Most abundant, ++ Abundant, + Less abundant, - Rare.
1) LV-Larvivous fish. 2) BT-Bait. 3) PF-Predatory Food Fish. 4) WF-Weed Fish. 5) MD-Medicinal Value. 6) FR-Forage Fish. 7) FD- Food Fish.
Taxonomic status as per Eschemeyer et al. 2018, T = Transplanted; I = Invasive, IUCN (2018). EN = Endangered, NT = Near Threatened, VU = Vulnerable, LC = Least Concern, NE = Not Evaluated, DD = Data Deficient.
Statuses for introduced/transplanted species are not provided.

Sutar et al.; Arch. Curr. Res. Int., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 127-134, 2024; Article no.ACRI.114742




Notopteridae Botiidae Bagridae

Clariidae Heteropneustidae Pangasiidae
Siluridae Channidae Mastacembelidae

Fig. 3. Percentage contribution of 31 species in nine families

The findings corroborate previous research on families, each with two species (9.52%).
the fish richness in this area. Eleven different Balitoridae, Bagridae, Clariidae, Belonidae,
species of fish from five different orders have Notopteridae, Cichlidae, and Poecilidae each
been discovered in the Sirur Dam in the Nanded make up one species (4.76%) [26,27].
District. In the Palas-Nilegaon reservoir in the
Osmanabad district, about 28 different species of 4. SUMMARY
fish were found. These included 9 species of
carps, 5 species of catfish, 2 species of The examination found thirty-one (31) fish
featherbacks, 5 species of live fish, and 7 species belonging to five orders and nine
species of other fish. Twenty species were families. The data analysis revealed that the
documented from the Ghogaon reservoir in order Cypriniformes has the most fish species
Satara district. These species belonged to (17), followed by Siluriformes (9) and
thirteen genera and seven families, spanning Anabantiformes (02). The order
four orders. Fish life at Hyderabad's Himayasgar Osteoglossiformes and Synbranchiformes have
Lake was studied, and 32 species from 11 one species documented from the Tawarja
families and 6 orders were identified. reservoir, which is being studied for
Ichthyofaunal diversity. In terms of conservation
Also, between May 2007 and April 2009, Jadhav status, 25 species were classified as least
et al. [21] documented 58 fish species from 16 concern, two as vulnerable, three as near
families and 38 taxa in their two-year study of threatened, and one as endangered. (IUCN-
freshwater fish fauna. Thirty species from fifteen 2023).
genera belonged to the Cyprinidae, making it the
most numerous family. Out of the 58 species of 5. CONCLUSIONS
fish found in the Koyna River, 22 are native to
the western Ghats and 11 are exclusive to the With the changing conditions of progressive
Krishna River system. In the research region, 8 habitat destruction, the conservation of fish
species were plentiful, 21 were common, 19 diversity becomes the top concern. Some fish
were moderate, and 10 were uncommon. species are either not present at all or are very
According to Ubharhande and Sonawane [22], few, which points to a worrying decrease in fish
the ichthyofauna in Pantakli dam from Buldhana diversity in the studied region. Exotic species
district, (M.S.) India, belongs to seven orders, ten have mostly supplanted the native flora and
families, nineteen genera, and twenty-one fauna. This means that a wide range of
species [23-25]. The Cyprinidae family has the approaches is required to ensure the survival of
most representation, with ten species (47.63%), these fish species. Thus, it is critical to
followed by the Channidae and Mastacembelidae comprehend the conservation priorities via fish

Sutar et al.; Arch. Curr. Res. Int., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 127-134, 2024; Article no.ACRI.114742

killing, protecting juveniles, eggs, fry, fingerlings, collapse of coastal ecosystems. Science.
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Reservoir's administration and planners want to P, Kinze CC. Ecological hypotheses for a
use the study's results to create more historical reconstruction of upper trophic
environmentally friendly fishing and conservation level biomass in the Baltic Sea and
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College of Fishery Science, Udgir for his Jennings S, Joannot P, McDonald D,
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