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Pre Intensive 1

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A public health nurse’s work is based on setting

PRE-INTENSIVE while a community health nurse’s work is based on
EXAMINATION - NP1 Correct answer
B. A public health nurse is a practicing nurse in the
Situation: public sector such as national and local government
Nurse Ally is a newly-graduate nurse who is planning health departments and public schools.
to work in a community. As such, it is important for
her to be well-informed about the roles and 3. During a meeting among the healthcare
responsibilities of a community health nurse.
workers on the rural health unit, nurse Ally
knows that her primary responsibility as a
1. Nurse Ally discovers that health is defined community health nurse is to:
differently among institutions and sources. *
Which among the following is health, as defined
by the World Health Organization?
* A. Educate the community on proper health practices

0/1 B. Plan and map out the municipal health plan

A. Health is the condition of being sound in body, C. Serve as the medico-legal officer of the community
mind, or spirit, especially freedom from physical D. Maintain the environmental sanitation of the
diseases or pain. community
B. Health is the capacity to lead a satisfying life, fulfill
ambitions, and accommodate to change
4. Which among the following states that social
support network is a determinant of health?
C. Health is the soundness of body or mind; that
condition in which its functions are duly and *
efficiently discharged. 0/1
D. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and
social wellbeing, and not merely an absence of A. People from higher income and social status are
disease or infirmity linked to better health.
B. Those that know more about health is healthier as
Correct answer composed to those who do not
D. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and C. Better health is linked to those who receive greater
social wellbeing, and not merely an absence of support from families, friends, and communities
disease or infirmity D. Access and use of health services that prevent and
treat disease influences one’s health status

2. What differentiates a public health nurse from

a community health nurse? Correct answer
* C. Better health is linked to those who receive greater
support from families, friends, and communities
A. A public health nurse is someone who works
5. Which among the following are the functions
outside hospital or clinical settings.
of public health?
B. A public health nurse is a practicing nurse in the
public sector such as national and local government
health departments and public schools. I. Health situation monitoring and analysis
C. A public health nurse is focused on mental health
and school health nurse while a community health II. Development of policies and planning in
nurse is focused on family health. public health
I. Regulation and enforcement to protect
public health 8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of
a health community?
II. Health promotion, social participation, *
and empowerment
III. Research, development, and A. Community members with a shared sense of being
implementation of innovative solutions a community based on history and values
* B. Structures exist within the community to allow
only certain subgroups to participate in decision
1/1 making
B. II, IV, V C. Community resources are used equitably and
C. I, III, V efficiently
D. All of the above D. Conflicts within the community are managed
through acceptable means

As a nurse working in the community, you are tasked 9. Which among the following specifies the role
to take care of patients ranging from individuals, of a public health nurse as a researcher?
families, population, and the community to promote *
their overall health.
A. Collaborates with individuals, families, and groups
6. Which among the following are not considered for health and health services
to be the primary clients of a community health B. Motivates changes in the health behavior of
nurse in the community? individuals, families, and communities
* C. Identifies the health needs, priorities, and
problems of individuals, families, and communities
1/1 D. Uses observation, interview, survey
A. Individuals questionnaires, physical examinations, and other
B. Families methods in the assessment of individuals, families,
C. Population aggregates and communities.
D. A patient’s extended family

10. In taking care of a family who composes of

7. Which of the following best describes the Pedro and Maria as the couple, their 18-year old
family as a clientele of the community health son who plans to go to Manila in order to study
nurse? for college, their 10-year old daughter who has a
* girlfriend, their 6-year old with asthma, and their
two-year old who has cerebral palsy. You know
0/1 that you are taking care of which family in which
A. They are the goal point of care in the community stage of the family cycle?
B. They are people in the community who share *
common characteristics and developmental needs
C. They are the entry point of care to all clients A. Family with adolescent
D. They share common geographical boundaries, B. Family with a toddler
share C. Family with a pre-school aged child
D. Launching family
Correct answer
A. They are the goal point of care in the community
Correct answer C. Healthcare is generally given free at the point of
A. Family with adolescent
Situation: D. Budget for services comes from both the national
One of the responsibilities of a community health and local levels
nurse is to be able to collaborate with different
Correct answer
organizations and institutions within and outside the
community and to be able to navigate a patient in the A. Healthcare is paid through user fees at the point of
RHU within the different levels of care. The following services
questions revolve around our country’s healthcare
delivery system
14. When the community health nurse who has
finished assessing a patient has referred them to
11. When a community health nurse plans to the rural health physician in the barangay health
collaborate with the Department of Education in center for further check-up, the nurse is utilizing
their plan to promote the expanded program on which type of referral?
immunization, the nurse is utilizing which type *
of relationship?
0/1 nurse is utilizing which type of referral?
A. Organizational referral
A. Internal referrals
B. External referrals B. Internal referrals
C. Intersectoral linkages C. Intra-institutional referrals
D. Intrasectoral linkages D. External referrals

Correct answer
Correct answer
B. Internal referrals
C. Intersectoral linkages

15. In this level, care is given by physicians with

12. Which among the following is not considered basic health training in health facilities either
to be an institution providing care under the privately-owned or government-operated. What
primary level? is this level of care?
* *
1/1 1/1
A. Rural health unit A. Primary level of care
B. Barangay health center B. Secondary level of care
C. District hospitals
C. Tertiary level of care
D. Community hospitals D. Quaternary level of care

13. The following are descriptions of institutions As a community health nurse, one must be aware of
considered to be under the public sector, except? not only their roles and responsibilities in the health
center but also those of the other healthcare
professionals so that professional collaboration can
0/1 be achieved
A. Healthcare is paid through user fees at the point of
services 16. The Department of Health mandates what to
B. It is largely financed through a tax-based budgeting be the recommended ratio of a public health
system nurse to the population they serve?
* Correct answer

0/1 A. Barangay health station

A. 1:5000 population
B. 1:10000 population 20. Which of the following is correct regarding
the role of the public health nurse in the
C. 1:15000 population barangay health center?
D. 1:20000 population *
Correct answer 0/1
D. 1:20000 population A. They supervise the midwife and the barangay
health workers
B. They are the administrator of the rural health unit
17. The following are considered as grassroot or
C. They plan and manage dental health programs
auxiliary health workers, except? D. They are the ones who receive the patient in the
* barangay health center
A. Barangay health worker Correct answer
B. Barangay health volunteer A. They supervise the midwife and the barangay
C. Traditional healers health workers

D. Midwives Situation:
Primary health care is healthcare made universally
Correct answer accessible to individuals and families by means
D. Midwives acceptable to them. The following questions revolve
around primary healthcare and its different elements

18. Which of the following is a correct statement

21. Which of the following indicates that a
regarding the scope of practice of intermediate
certain health service is accessible?
health workers?
A. Community members have lesser out-of-pocket
A. They are the first contact of the community
expenses when using a service
B. They receive payment through honorarium
C. They consist of professionals
B. Health services are within 4 kilometers away from
a community member
D. They only provide basic healthcare measures
C. Health services are according to the culture of the
community members
19. These are called satellite stations which are D. Community members can avail a health service
considered as the smallest unit of the primary whenever they want
level of healthcare. Correct answer
* B. Health services are within 4 kilometers away from
0/1 a community member

A. Barangay health station

B. Barangay health center 22. What is the goal of primary health care?
C. Rural health unit *
D. Community hospitals 1/1
A. Health services is always available to the general A. Internationally-endemic diseases
B. The population is able to control and take care of
themselves 26. In a situation where a child with
conjunctivitis spread the disease their
C. There is an adequate amount of healthcare classmates in the entire classroom because they
professionals for every member of the population went to the school despite being advised to be
D. The population is aware and knowledgeable about absent, what type of endemic will the school
the health services that the barangay offers health nurse document this as?
23. When was primary healthcare launched in 1/1
the Philippines?
A. Point source epidemic
0/1 B. Propagated epidemic
C. Cyclical epidemic
A. 1989 D. Secular variation
B. 1979

C. 1981 27. The following are the objectives of the field

D. 1990 health service information system, except?
Correct answer *
C. 1981 0/1
A. A system that enables summary, analysis, and
24. Which of the following is incorrect regarding interpretation of data
the aims of primary health care? B. Serves as a basis for monitoring and evaluating
community health programs
* C. Minimizing the burden of barangay health
0/1 professionals in handling community data
D. Standardizing the format of databases used by all
A. Active community participation facilities
B. Linkages used whether intrasectorally or
Correct answer
C. Use of sophisticated technology for the best care A. A system that enables summary, analysis, and
D. Available support mechanisms interpretation of data
Correct answer
C. Use of sophisticated technology for the best care 28. Which of the following is not included in an
individual treatment record?
25. The following are considered to be elements
of primary healthcare, except? 1/1
* A. Name, age, and sex of the patient
0/1 B. Date of check-ups of the patient
C. The diagnosis of the patient
A. Internationally-endemic diseases D. The number of health services received by the
B. Emergency services patient
C. Sanitation

D. Maternal and child health

Correct answer
29. Which of the following is included in the D. Advising the mother to bathe the infant only after
approved herbal medicines in the Philippines six hours
under Republic Act 8423?
Correct answer
B. Cleaning the skin of the infant by completely
1/1 drying them and washing areas where whitish
substances are
A. Luya
B. Sibuyas
C. Bawang 33. Which of the following are not included in the
essential intrapartal care protocol of the
D. Malunggay Department of Health?
30. Lagundi or Vitex negundo is a herbal
medication known to be able to attend to various
health conditions of an individual. The following A. Allowing a companion-of-choice to be with the
are included to be uses of lagundi, except? mother in the labor and delivery room
B. Promoting exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6
* months
1/1 C. Administration of IM oxytocin after making sure
that all expected fetuses are delivered
A. For fever D. Always performing restrictive episiotomy
B. For headache
C. For insect bites
D. For fungal infection Correct answer
B. Promoting exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6
31. Which of the following services do CEmONC
facilities provide that BemONC facilities do not? 34. What is the appropriate response of the
* nurse when asked by a mother what food should
1/1 be given to an infant after birth?
A. Administering first dose of antibiotics
B. Attending to vaginal and cesarean deliveries 1/1
A. Breastmilk and water only for the first 6 months
C. Assisted deliveries in imminent breech delivery
B. Breastmilk only for the first 12 months
D. Manual removal of placenta and remained
C. Breastmilk and multivitamin drops for the first 6
products of conception
D. Breastmilk only for the first 6 months
32. The nurse should intervene when they
observe a midwife who practices which of the
following during the delivery of an infant? 35. Which of the following statements by a
* community health nurse regarding newborn
0/1 screening indicate that they do not need further
A. Putting the infant immediately to the skin of the
mother after delivery
B. Cleaning the skin of the infant by completely
drying them and washing areas where whitish A. Newborn screening sample should be acquired
substances are before the end of the first 24 hours after birth
C. Clamping the umbilical cord at 3 minutes
B. Only a licensed physician and the medical A. How the family accepts the nurse into their home
technologist can acquire a sample for newborn B. The convenience of the nurse’s schedule
screening C. The nature of the health problems of the family
C. Newborn screening is compulsory under Republic D. The policy of the barangay health center
Act 9288
D. Regular newborn screening is able to screen for six
diseases Correct answer
C. The nature of the health problems of the family
Correct answer
D. Regular newborn screening is able to screen for six
diseases 39. Which is considered to be the initial principle
of why a nurse should always observe proper
bag technique?
36. Which of the following actions by a nurse is
correct regarding managing a clinic visit?
* 1/1

0/1 A. For infection prevention

A. Implementing a first-come, first-serve basis in B. For convenience

terms of prioritizing patients C. For showcasing effectiveness of care given
B. Preparing a new family record for a patient whose D. For organization and cosmetic purposes
consultation is 1 year ago
C. Accompanying a patient who needs a referral to
another facility 40. Which of the following actions of a nurse who
D. Giving the prescription for drugs prescribed by the is performing a home visit is incorrect?
Correct answer
A. Placing the bag in a convenient place
A. Implementing a first-come, first-serve basis in B. Washing hands before wearing their apron
terms of prioritizing patients C. Pulling out all equipment inside the bag before
assessing the family
37. Which should be the initial action of a nurse
D. Recording nursing care given and findings before
who is performing home visits?
making appointment for next visit
1/1 One of the responsibilities of a community health
A. Assessing the family members according to their nurse is supervision of barangay health workers and
health needs, prioritizing the critical cases first midwives. As such, community health nurse Steven
B. Assessing the environment and home sanitation reviews the principles and steps of supervision
C. Setting the contract regarding when the home
41. Which of the following are situations in
visits will start and end
D. Greeting the family and introducing oneself first
where a nurse should supervise a healthcare

I. A midwife who is having difficulty performing

38. What is the most important factor that Leopold’s maneuver
influences a nurse’s ability to perform home
visits to families? II. A barangay health worker who consistently
* makes errors in charting
III. A barangay health worker who is always D. Personal timeline of the nurse and their other
absent responsibilities

Correct answer
IV. A midwife who prioritizes the organization’s
goals before their own D. Personal timeline of the nurse and their other
44. Which of the following actions of a nurse
A. I and II during a supervisory visit must be changed?
B. II and IV
A. Explaining the objectives of the supervisory visit
and its expected outcomes, process, and time frame
42. Which of the following can a community B. Discussing the results and recommendations of the
health nurse use when acquiring information on last visit before working on the current concern
the supervisory needs of workers in the
barangay health center? C. Maintaining a warm, open, and professional
attitude during the visit
D. Expressing appreciation and support extended
I. Reviewing records and reports done during the visit as part of the closure

II. Observing the barangay health worker when Correct answer

working C. Maintaining a warm, open, and professional
attitude during the visit
III. Interviewing the barangay health worker and
other employees
45. Which of the following is not considered to
IV. Interviewing the clients of the barangay be an indicator of evaluation in a supervisory
health worker plan?
* *
1/1 1/1

A. II and III A. Whether needs are met or unmet

B. II, III, IV B. If the quality of service has improved
C. I, II, III C. If the performance has increased
D. All of the above D. Whether promotion is considered or not

43. In prioritizing the different supervisory After visiting the families assigned to her, nurse
needs and problems that the community health Jemima is starting to construct her care plans. The
nurse has identified, they consider the following, following are questions regarding family health
nursing care plans that she should be knowledgeable
except ?
0/1 46. Which of the following is correct regarding
A. Urgency of the problems and needs constructing a first-level family health
B. Activities that need to be done to address the assessment?
problem *
C. Budget to implement the needed interventions
A. Type II diabetes as a health risk to the family attention, the nurse knows that they will give
what score to the family’s salience?
B. Improper disposal of urine and feces as a wellness
C. Leg amputation of the mother as a health deficit 1/1
D. Entering school as a stress point
A. 0
Correct answer B. 1
C. 2
C. Leg amputation of the mother as a health deficit
D. 3
47. Which of the following is an incorrect
second-level assessment statement? 50. Which of the following will a nurse not
* document in the family service and progress
0/1 record?
A. Inability to recognize the presence of the condition
or problem 0/1
A. The date and time of the home visit
B. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking
appropriate health action
B. The results of assessment of the family and the
C. Inability to provide a home environment conducive
environmental conditions
to health and personal development
C. The nursing care plan
D. Inability to be knowledgeable about community
D. The physician’s assessment and recommendations
health care resources
Correct answer
Correct answer
D. The physician’s assessment and recommendations
D. Inability to be knowledgeable about community
health care resources Situation:
Epidemiology is the science connected with factors
and conditions which determine occurrence and
48. When prioritizing the family’s health
distribution of health, disease, disability, and death in
problems, the nurse knows that the modifiability a population. One of the responsibilities of a
of a problem is defined as: community health nurse is surveillance during a
* disease outbreak
A. Whether the problem is a wellness state, health
51. Which of the following is not a responsibility
deficit, health threat, or foreseeable crisis of a nurse during an epidemic?
B. Whether the problem can be solved or not
C. Whether the problem will reoccur in the future or
not A. Investigating close contacts of the patient
D. How the family perceives the problem B. Active case finding
C. Calculating for vital statistics
Correct answer D. Secondary and tertiary prevention interventions
B. Whether the problem can be solved or not

49. When the mother mentions that they know 52. If a nurse wants to investigate how much
that their baby has a wound infection but says members of the population are infected with a
that they have other problems that need more disease and where they are located, they are in
what phase of the epidemiological approach?
* B. Within 14 days since the occurrence of the event
C. Within 30 days since the occurrence of the event
D. Within 40 days since the occurrence of the event
A. Descriptive epidemiology
B. Analytical epidemiology Situation:
C. Experimental epidemiology RA 10152 is a republic act which mandates that
infant and children should be immunized under the
D. Evaluative epidemiology National Immunization Program. Community health
nurse Adolf reviews the ins and outs of giving
Correct answer
vaccines to children
A. Descriptive epidemiology

56. What is the best indicator that a nurse can

53. When the nurse wants to calculate for the use in order to determine if a certain vaccine is
infant mortality rate, they will use which of the viable?
following formula? *
A. Monitoring the temperature of the vaccine in the
A. Amount of deaths from maternal causes divided by RHU twice a day
live births B. Checking the expiration date of the vaccines
B. Amounts of deaths inside the uterus divided by live
births C. Ensuring that the inner square of the vial is lighter
C. Amount of deaths before 28 days of life divided by than the outer circle
live births D. Making sure that vaccines that should be freezed
D. Amount of deaths below 1 year of life divided by are in the freezer
live births
Correct answer
C. Ensuring that the inner square of the vial is lighter
than the outer circle
54. Also, the nurse knows that infant mortality
rate reflects which of the following information
regarding the community? 57. Nurse Adolf sets the temperature of the
* vaccine refrigerator at what amount to ensure
that the cold chain system is followed?
A. The indicator of the general safety, cleanliness, and
the medical condition of the community
A. -15 C to -25 C
B. The indicator of how many pregnancy has not been
successful in the community B. -2 C to -8 C
C. The indicator of the quality of care given to C. 2 to 8 C
postpartum patients in the community D. 15 to 25 C
D. The indicator of the quality of care given to
prenatal care in the community Correct answer
C. 2 to 8 C
55. How soon should a nurse register births and
deaths of the population upon occurrence? 58. What vaccine should nurse Adolf make sure
* to store in the refrigerator?
1/1 *
A. Within 7 days since the occurrence 0/1
A. Oral vaccine against poliovirus *
B. Vaccine against measles
C. Vaccine against rubella
A. Making the people aware of social realities
D. Parenteral vaccine against poliovirus
towards the development of local initiative
Correct answer
B. Addressing community conflicts through exclusive
D. Parenteral vaccine against poliovirus local government unit meetings
C. Prioritizing the empowerment of the
disadvantaged population
59. Nurse Adolf knows that what vaccine should
D. The role of nurses in problem-solving are
he give to a patient who is at 14 weeks of age? facilitators and they are not the ones in-charge of
* solving the community’s problem
0/1 Correct answer
A. The first dose of hepatitis B vaccine B. Addressing community conflicts through exclusive
local government unit meetings
B. The second dose of vaccine against diphtheria
C. The first dose of parenteral vaccine against
poliovirus 62. Which of the following elements is most
D. The first dose of vaccine against measles important to observe while doing participatory
action research?
Correct answer
C. The first dose of parenteral vaccine against
poliovirus 0/1
A. The community members are actively involved
during the process
60. After reconstituting the BCG vaccine at 8:00
B. The community diagnosis team is in-charge of the
AM, nurse Adolf knows that the vaccine can be assessment phase as the members’ participation is
given to patients only until what time? only important during the intervention phase
C. The nurse leads the community during the whole
A. 12:00 NN of the same day D. The nurse coordinates with the LGU only
B. 2:00 PM of the same day throughout the process
C. 6:00 PM of the same day
Correct answer
D. 8:00 AM of the next day A. The community members are actively involved
during the process
Correct answer
B. 2:00 PM of the same day
63. What is the initial action that the nurse and
Situation: the team should do during the entry phase?
Community organizing and participatory action *
research is the process as to which a nurse is able to
help a community empower themselves. The 0/1
following are items regarding a nurse’s responsibility
A. Identifying the pressing needs of the people
B. Providing basic health services in the barangay
health center
61. When asked about community organizing,
which statement by Nurse Angel indicate that C. Creating a core group of community members with
they need to revisit their notes regarding a potential to lead
community organizing?
D. Showing respect to both formal and informal C. Right cooking
community leaders by going to a courtesy call D. Right storage

Correct answer
D. Showing respect to both formal and informal Correct answer
community leaders by going to a courtesy call B. Right processing

64. Which of the following is not an action of the 67. Which information in the slides to be used by
nurse during the community diagnosis stage of nurse Ysabel regarding food safety needs to be
COPAR? revised before presenting it to the community?
* *
0/1 0/1
A. Data gathering A. Food can be left at room temperature for a
maximum of 3 hours only
B. Profiling of the community B. When storing food, it should be below 20 C
C. Forming a research team C. Cooking food should be done under 70 C, at least
D. Training potential leaders of the community D. In determining fresh food, one should check that it
is not expired, seal is not broken, seam is properly
Correct answer put, and canned goods have no dents, bulges, and
D. Training potential leaders of the community deformation

65. How does a nurse determine that the COPAR Correct answer
has reached the turnout and endorsement A. Food can be left at room temperature for a
phase? maximum of 3 hours only
1/1 68. Which characteristic of fresh meat is
appropriate for nurse Ysabel to teach to the
A. The research has been finished and presented
community members?
B. The team has implemented the planned programs
C. The community members have shown initiative *
that they can be in-charge of addressing a community
health issue
A. Meat that is sold at a lower price compared to
D. The team has developed and implemented viable others
committees. Management systems, and procedures in B. Bloody spots in chicken meat indicate freshness
the LGU C. Eyes of fresh fish is clear, and not cloudy
D. It is better for fresh red meat to be watery and not
Situation: very dry
With the outbreak of parasitic diseases in their
community, nurse Ysabel decided to implement
health programs regarding proper environmental Correct answer
sanitation practices for the community.
C. Eyes of fresh fish is clear, and not cloudy

66. Which of the following is not included in the

69. Which of the following is an unapproved
four rights of food safety?
source of water?
A. Right source
B. Right processing A. Communal faucets
B. Stand posts 73. What is the recommended interval between
C. Waterworks system children as part of family planning that nurse
D. Open dug wells Gab should teach?
70. In providing health education about waste
management in the hospital, nurse Ysabel knows A. 1 year
that community hospitals who follows proper B. 2 years
waste management if?
C. 4 years
* D. 7 years
Correct answer
A. Disposing infectious waste in green-colored bags
C. 4 years
B. Disposing general waste in black-colored bags

C. Disposing radioactive waste in yellow-colored bags 74. What is the mission of the mental health
D. Disposing infectious waste in orange-colored bags program of the Philippines?
Situation: *
As a community health nurse, nurse Taylor knows
that she should also consider the community’s family
planning methods and overall mental health as her A. Better quality of life through total healthcare for
scope of practice the Filipinos

B. A rational and unified response to mental health

71. Which of the following is not considered a C. To provide quality mental health care to the
contraceptive method? Filipinos
* D. For care to be community-based and not
Correct answer
A. Pull-out method
B. Diaphragm B. A rational and unified response to mental health
C. Condom
D. Injectable implants
75. When a nurse addresses how the family
members and friends of a patient with mental
Correct answer illness is affected by their patient’s illness, the
A. Pull-out method nurse is focusing on which burden of mental
72. What is the appropriate age for providing sex
education to children? 0/1
* A. Defined burden
B. Undefined burden
C. Hidden burden
A. 10 years old
D. Future burden
B. 15 years old
C. 18 years old Correct answer
D. 21 years old B. Undefined burden

There is a growing public health problem in Brgy.
Shiganshina which demands the attention of public 79. How will nurse Hange treat the disease?
health nurse Hange.
76. Nurse Hange discovers the spread of a mildly,
communicable disease that mainly affects skin, A. Ambulatory Radioactive therapy
the peripheral nerves, the eyes and mucosa of B. Domiciliary Treatment
the upper respiratory tract. What is the leading C. DPT immunization
D. Isolation until after 3 weeks of paroxysmal cough
cause of communicable disease that causes
permanent physical disease?
* Correct answer
1/1 B. Domiciliary Treatment

A. Leprosy
80. To educate the public and prevent further
B. Tuberculosis transmission, Nurse Hange focused her health
C. Schistosomiasis teachings on disease prevention through
D. Scabies transmission and healthy habits. Which should
not be part of her health teaching?
77. Nurse Hange separates the patients *
according to the development of their signs and 1/1
symptoms. Which is not considered as an early
sign & symptom? A. Avoidance of prolonged skin-to-skin contact
especially with a lepromatous case
* B. BCG vaccination
0/1 C. Children should be allowed close contact with
active, untreated leprosy case
A. Paralysis of Extremities
B. Thickened and/or painful nerves D. Good Personal Hygiene

C. Inability to close eyelids Situation:

D. Nasal obstruction or bleeding Nurse Gojo recently passed the November 2023
board exam. He applied to the Nurse Deployment
Correct answer Program and was assigned in remote areas.
C. Inability to close eyelids
81. Nurse Gojo gave an emphasis on the
78. What WHO Classification of this disease is importance of learning the chain of infection.
considered to be non-infectious? Nurse Hange What part of the chain of infection is considered
takes note of the duration of treatment which as the place where infectious agents live, grow
lasts only for 6-9 months. and reproduce?
* *
0/1 1/1

A. Multibacillary A. Reservoir
B. Paucibacillary
C. Lepromatous B. Portal of Entry
D. Opisthotonus C. Susceptible Host
D. Portal of Exit

Correct answer
B. Paucibacillary
82. Diseases have different methods of 1/1
transmission. Eren said that tetanus can be
transmitted airborne. Nurse Gojo corrects him by A. Generation time
saying that the disease transmission of tetanus B. Incubation period
is? C. communicability period
* D. virulence
A. Droplet The Department of Health (DOH) reported that 44
B. Vector-borne out of 46 provinces in the country where lymphatic
C. Direct Contact filariasis (LF) is endemic have been declared free of
D. Indirect Contact the infection. It's worth noting that Filariasis is
associated with a social stigma due to the disfiguring
effects it has on individuals.

83. In the epidemiologic triad of the CDC, these

are organisms, usually humans or animals, which 86. Nurse Annie educates the people that
are exposed to and harbor a disease. It can be the Filariasis is caused by parasitic nematode known
organism that gets sick, as well as any animal as ________.
carrier (including insects and worms) that may *
or may not get sick.
A. Wucheria bancrofti
A. Host B. Necator americanus
C. S. haematobium
B. Agent D. Plasmodium falciparum
C. Environment
D. Mode of transmission 87. The disease is transmitted to a person
through bites of an infected female mosquito,
84. Which of the following is not transmitted known as _____.
through airborne? *
* 0/1
0/1 A. Anopheles
A. Measles B. Aedes poecilus
C. Culex
B. Rabies D. Aedes aegypti
C. Tuberculosis
D. Varicella
Correct answer
Correct answer B. Aedes poecilus
B. Rabies
88. Nurse Annie tries to identify the clinical
85. Nurse Gojo has to be knowledgeable of the findings of the acute stage of filariasis. Which
time period where the infectious agent may be among the choices contains all acute findings?
transferred directly or indirectly from an *
infected person to another person. This is
referred to as ______.
* A. Lymphangitis, lymphadenitis, epididymitis
D. Ask if the fever is present everyday.
B. Lymphadenitis, lymphedema and orchitis
C. Orchitis, hydrocele, elephantiasis
D. Lymphedema, Lymphangitis, Funiculitis 92. Preventive activities are implemented to
combat Malaria. Secondary prevention for
malaria includes:
89. Nurse Annie determines the need to conduct
an examination where the blood is only taken
after 8:00 PM as this is one of the main 0/1
laboratory examinations for the disease. What is A. Planting of neem or eucalyptus trees
this diagnostic test? B. Residual spraying of insecticides at night
* C. Determining whether a place is endemic or not
D. Growing larva-eating fish in mosquito breeding
1/1 places
A. Immunochromatographic test
B. Rumpel Leeds Test
Correct answer
C. Venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test
D. Nocturnal Blood Examination (NBE) C. Determining whether a place is endemic or not

93. The use of larvivorous fish in malaria control

90. This is the drug of choice for treatment of is the basis for which strategy of malaria control?
filariasis. *
A. Destruction of breeding places
A. Diethylcarbamazine Citrate (DEC) B. Zooprophylaxis
C. Stream seeding
B. Doxycycline
C. Chloroquine D. Stream clearing
D. Metronidazole

Situation: 94. A realistic method to inhibit vector

The malaria situation in the Philippines has rapidly habituation that involves utilizing cutting of the
evolved over the years. Since 2005, the country has vegetation overhanging along stream banks to
reduced the malaria cases by 92% and the deaths by expose the breeding stream to sunlight as
98%. In 2018, a total of 50 out of 82 provinces were strategy for malaria control.
officially declared malaria-free. The remaining cases
are concentrated in hard-to-reach areas of the *
Philippines, mostly in Palawan. 1/1
A. Destruction of breeding places
91. A mother brought her 8 month old infant for B. House Spraying
consultation because of fever, which started C. Stream seeding
5 days prior to consultation. How can Nurse D. Stream clearing
Juana detect malaria risk before further
* 95. There is an importance of educating the
1/1 individuals, families and community of the
various methods to prevent acquiring malaria.
A. Do a tourniquet test. These are the following, except:
B. Ask where the family resides.
C. Get a specimen for blood smear.
1/1 Correct answer
B. Release cuff and make an imaginary 2.5 cm. square
A. Wearing of long-sleeved clothing and trousers
just below the cuff, at the antecubital fossa.
when going out at daytime.

B. Use of insecticide aerosols and pyrethroid 98. In managing DHF, supportive and
mosquito coils symptomatic treatment is provided. What is not
C. Application of insect repellant to skin part of the nurse’s treatment?
D. Use of mosquito nets
Dengue remains as one of the most fatal epidemics in
the country. June was declared Dengue Awareness A. For fever, give paracetamol for muscle pains. For
Month (Proclamation No. 1204) since 1998 to headache, give aspirin.
highlight how prevention and control of dengue B. Rapid replacement of body fluids is the most
would require collaborative efforts among national important treatment
and local government agencies as well as private C. Includes intensive monitoring and follow-up
NGOs. D. Give ORESOL to replace fluid as in moderate
dehydration at 75 ml/kg in 4-6 hours or up to 2-3L in
adults. Continue ORS intake until patient's condition
96. An acute febrile infection of sudden onset improves
with clinical manifestation of 3 stages. What
stage starts abruptly as high fever, abdominal
pain and headache; later flushing which may be Correct answer
accompanied by vomiting, conjunctival infection A. For fever, give paracetamol for muscle pains. For
and epistaxis? headache, give aspirin.
0/1 99. The Department of Health (DOH) today
A. Invasive stage commemorates in Puerto Princesa, Palawan the
B. Toxic Stage 8th year of the ASEAN Dengue Day with the
C. Hemorrhagic Stage theme “Kung Walang Lamok, Walang Dengue:
D. Convalescent stage Mag 4S Kontra Dengue”. The theme aims to give
emphasis on vector control as a strategy to
prevent and control dengue. All are included,
Correct answer except:
A. Invasive stage *
97. It is important to perform the diagnostic test
A. Search and destroy mosquito breeding places
correctly. What is the correct way to perform
Rumpel Leads Test?
B. Secure self-protection
* C. Seek early consultation
D. Support fogging/ spraying in the whole community

A. Inflate the blood pressure cuff on the upper arm to Correct answer
a point midway between the systolic and diastolic D. Support fogging/ spraying in the whole community
pressure for 10 minutes.
B. Release cuff and make an imaginary 2.5 cm. square
just below the cuff, at the antecubital fossa.
C. Count the number of petechiae outside the box.
D. A test is (+)when 10 or more petechiae per 2.5 cm
square are observed.
100. Dengue hemorrhagic fever can be fatal. The
following manifestations are present in DHF,
except for one.
A. Prolonged bleeding time
B. Thrombocytopenia
C. Positive Rumpel Leade test
D. Thrombocytosis

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