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Preboards NP 1 Quizlet 1

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1. 1. It is the branch of philosophy concerned with the B. Ethics

distinction between right and wrong based on a body
of knowledge, not based only on opinions.

A. Morality
B. Ethics
C. Virtues
D. Values

2. 2. The Code of Ethics serves as a guide for one's B. The nurse pro-
actions. It aims to improve one's discretion. All but motes, advocates
one of the following is embodied in the American for, and strives to
Nurses Association Code of Ethics protect the health,
safety, and rights
A. The nurse's primary commitment is to the client, of clients only un-
whether an individual, family, group or community der her direct care
B. The nurse promotes, advocates for, and strives to
protect the health, safety, and rights of clients only
under her direct care
C. The nurse owes the same duties to self as to oth-
ers, including the responsibility to preserve integrity
and safety, to maintain competence, and to continue
personal and professional growth
D. The profession of nursing, as represented by asso-
ciations and their members, is responsible for articu-
lating nursing values, for maintaining the integrity of
the profession and its practice, and for shaping social

3. 3. Aside from direct client care, the nurse assumes B. Leader

several roles in and out the health care setting and
they often carry out these roles concurrently rather
than exclusively of one another. Which of the follow-
ing roles encompasses the ability to influence others
to accomplice a specific goal?

A. Advocate
B. Leader

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C. Communicator
D. Manager

4. 4. Nurses pursue further education and fulfills ex- C. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8

panded career roles. The nurse-midwife may perform
the following independently:
1. Prenatal care
2. Postnatal care
3. Manual evacuation of placenta
4. Manage deliveries in normal pregnancies
5. Pap smears
6. Blood transfusion
7. Family planning
8. Clinical breast exams

A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7
B. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
C. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8
D. 1, 2, 4, and 7

5. 5. Nurses are governed by civil and criminal law in B. Concerned

roles as providers of services, employees of institu- with relationships
tions, and private citizens. A nurse who does not meet among persons
the standards of care may be held liable and may be and the protec-
subjected to civil cases. What is a civil law? tion of a person's
A. Concerned with the enforcement of agreements
among private individuals
B. Concerned with relationships among persons and
the protection of a person's rights
C. Concerned with relationships between individuals
and governments, and with acts that threaten society
and its order
D. Civil wrong

6. Situation: A 16-year old client is to undergo a Ce- D. 1, 4, 5

sarean Section. Nurse Theo is aware of the legal im-
plication of an informed consent. Informed consent
serves as the client's permission to perform surgery,

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perform a treatment or procedure, or give information
to a third party.

6. The client needs to be a participant in decisions

regarding health care. The following are guidelines in
signing the informed consent.

1. A consent must be signed freely by the client with-

out threat or pressure
2. Must be witnessed by anyone
3. If a client is declared mentally or emotionally in-
competent, the next of kin, any guardian, or durable
power of attorney has legal authority to give consent
4. A client has the right to refuse information
5. The client has the right to waive the informed con-
sent and undergo treatment

A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
B. 1, 3, 4
C. 1, 3, 4, 5
D. 1, 4, 5

7. 7. In signing consents, the client should be mentally C. Diagnosed with

and emotionally competent. Who among the follow- dysthymia
ing clients may sign the informed consent?

A. Declared incompetent
B. Under the influence of absinthe
C. Diagnosed with dysthymia
D. Unconscious

8. 8. The mother of the client asks who should sign the D. An emancipat-
consent. Nurse Theo's response should be guided by ed minor is consid-
which of the following principles? ered legally capa-
ble of signing an
A. The consent should be signed by someone of legal informed consent
age (18 years old)
B. A minor may not give legal consent, and consent
must be obtained from a parent or the legal guardian

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C. Parental or guardian consent should be obtained
before treatment is initiated for a minor
D. An emancipated minor is considered legally capa-
ble of signing an informed consent

9. 9. All of the following is a violation and invasion of B. Drawing out the

client privacy, except: curtains while per-
forming a medical
A. Taking photographs of the client for medical pur- procedure
poses while she is in general anesthesia, and making
sure to put a black bar over the eyes upon print out
B. Drawing out the curtains while performing a med-
ical procedure
C. Intrusion by the health care agency regarding the
client's affairs
D. Leaving a confused or agitated client sitting in the
nursing unit hallway

10. 10. The client asks if she needs a durable power of C. Appoints a
attorney. Upon assessment, Nurse Theo concludes healthy proxy
that the client has an incorrect perception of the topic. to make health
Nurse Theo corrects this by stating that a durable care decisions
power of attorney: on his/her behalf
when the client
A. Is the client's right to identify written directions can no longer
about the care that they wish to receive make decisions
B. Lists the medical treatments that a client chooses
to omit or refuse if the client becomes unable to make
decisions and is terminally ill
C. Appoints a healthy proxy to make health care deci-
sions on his/her behalf when the client can no longer
make decisions
D. Is an order written by a physician when a client has
indicated a desire to be allowed to die

11. Situation: Professional nurses need to provide inte- A. Leader

grated, cost-effective care to clients by coordinat-
ing, supervising and collaborating or consulting with
members of the multidisciplinary health care team.

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Nurse works in the medical-surgical unit in a ter-
tiary hospital in his place. Ever since he was a kid,
Nurse Dave always wanted to be a registered nurse.
After passing the boards, he applied in the hospital.
Ever since, he worked hard and was committed to
his profession. He is able to influence change and
improvement among his staff nurses by setting a
good example. Because of his dedication to nursing
and commitment to the institution's mission-vision,
he was promoted as a nurse supervisor.

11. His subordinates follow him. Nurse Dave assumes

the role of a/n:

A. Leader
B. Manager
C. Advocate
D. Communicator

12. 12. Which among the theories of leadership and man- D. Transformation-
agement applies to Nurse Dave? al

A. Charismatic
B. Servant
C. Transactional
D. Transformational

13. 13. As part of quality improvement, Nurse Dave is D. Client-focused

facilitating a meeting regarding the most effective care
nursing delivery system. Nurse Dave asks type of
health care delivery system is otherwise known as
"total care" or "case method" wherein the registered
nurse assumes total responsibility for planning and
delivering care to a client. Nurse Lynne is correct if
she answers:

A. Functional Nursing
B. Primary Nursing

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C. Team Nursing
D. Client-focused care

14. 14. The following are qualities of an effective leader A. Independent

and manager, except:

A. Independent
B. Credible
C. Risk-taker
D. Persuasive and influences employees

15. 15. A new nursing graduate is attending an agency D. A registered

orientation regarding the nursing model of practice nurse leads nurs-
implemented in the health care facility. The nurse is ing personnel in
told that the nursing model is a team nursing ap- providing care to a
proach. The nurse understands that planning care group of clients
delivery will be based on which characteristic of this
type of nursing model of practice?

A. A task approach method is used to provide care to

B. Managed care concepts and tools are used in pro-
viding care
C. A single registered nurse is responsible for provid-
ing care to a group of clients
D. A registered nurse leads nursing personnel in pro-
viding care to a group of clients

16. Situation: Verbal communication is extremely impor- B. "I don't know if

tant especially when the Nurse is exploring problems you do, but let's
and disorders with the clients in any age group. Nurse talk about it."
Dante is assigned to different clients in the ward.

16. A client is hospitalized with a diagnosis of possi-

ble Cancer of the pancreas. On admission the client
asks the nurse, "Do you think I have anything serious
like cancer? "What is the nurse's best reply?

A. "What makes you think you have cancer?

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B. "I don't know if you do, but let's talk about it."
C. "Why don't you discuss this with your doctor?"
D. "Don't worry, we won't know until all the test result
are back."

17. 17. Nurse Dante approaches a male client and asks A. Please explain
how he is feeling. The client states "I'm feeling a bit what you mean by
nervous today." Which of the following is the Nurse's the word nervous
best reply?

A. Please explain what you mean by the word nervous

B. What is making you feel nervous?
C. Would a backrub ease your nervousness?
D. You do look like you're nervous

18. 18. When assessing a client what statement would D. Who can ever
indicate negative self talk? have enough ex-
perience to pre-
A. Everyone has to learn something new sometime pare for that job?
B. I am looking forward to making home visits , but I
am also nervous
C. This is going to be difficult, but I know I can do it
D. Who can ever have enough experience to prepare
for that job?

19. 19. While receiving a preoperative enema a client B. "You seem to be

starts to cry and says. "I'm sorry you have to do this upset."
messy thing with me," what is the best response by
the nurse?

A. I don't mind it."

B. "You seem to be upset."
C. "This is part of my job."
D. "Nurses get used to this."

20. 20. "But you don't understand" is a common state- B. "I would like to
ment associated with adolescent. The best response understand, let's
by the nurse when communicating with an adoles- talk."
cent is to say:

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A. "I don't understand."
B. "I would like to understand, let's talk."
C. "I don't understand. I was a teenager once too."
D. "I'm not sure have to I believe it's you who has to

21. Situation: A Problem Oriented Medical Recording C. Time

(POMR) is the main source of information and com-
munication among nurses and other members of the
health team. This allows conveying meaningful data
about client.

21. The care plan includes a nursing intervention

"4/2/11 Measure client's fluid intake and output. F.
Juantong, RN." What element of a proper nursing
intervention has been omitted?

A. Action verb
B. Content
C. Time
D. None

22. 22. Which charting entry would be the most defensi- D. Notified Dr.
ble in court? Jones of BP of
A. Client fell out of bed
B. Client drunk on admission
C. Large bruise on left thigh
D. Notified Dr. Jones of BP of 90/40

23. 23. A 74-year-old female is brought to the emergency D. Several lesions

department with complaints of right hip pain. The on inner thighs
right leg is shorter than the left and is extremely ro- similar to cigarette
tated. During inspection, Nurse Manny observes what burns
appears to be cigarette burns on the client's inner
thighs. Which of the following is the most appropriate

A. Six round skin lesions partially healed, on the inner

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thighs bilaterally
B. Several burned areas on both of the client's inner
C. Multiple lesions on inner thighs possibly related to
elder abuse
D. Several lesions on inner thighs similar to cigarette

24. 24. When planning care for assigned clients, what C. Assisting
care can the Head Nurse Badong on a Medical-Sur- a client who
gical unit safely delegate to a Novice nurse? has patient-con-
trolled analgesia
A. Evaluating the effectiveness of acetaminophen (PCA) to the bath-
and codeine (Tylenol No 3) room
B. Obtaining an apical pulse rate before administra-
tion of coral digoxin (Lanoxin)
C. Assisting a client who has patient-controlled anal-
gesia (PCA) to the bathroom
D. Assessing the wound integrity of client recovering
from an abdominal laparotomy

25. 25. The Nurse is assigned to care for four clients. In A. A client re-
planning client rounds, which client would the Nurse ceiving oxygen
Badong assess first? via nasal cannu-
la who had difficul-
A. A client receiving oxygen via nasal cannula who ty breathing dur-
had difficulty breathing during the previous shift ing the previous
B. A postoperative client preparing for discharge shift
C. A client scheduled for a chest X-ray
D. A client requiring daily dressing changes

26. Situation: One of the important roles of the Nurses is D. "Do you un-
being a Health Educator. Clients would always seek derstand why you
information on Health maintenance to prevent illness. have these food
26. Nurse Diana is teaching a client about prescribe
restricted diet. What is the Nurse's best initial com-

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A. "You can eat only the on this list."
B. "What types of food do you usually eat?"
C. "You need to limit the intake of food on this list."
D. "Do you understand why you have these food re-

27. 27. Nurse Diana is preparing a nursing care plan to a A. Nurse was
client with Diabetes Mellitus (D.M.) that includes be- properly function-
fore discharge to know how to self-administer insulin, ing as a health
adjust the insulin dosage, understand the diet, and teacher
test the serum for glucose level. The client progress-
es well and is discharge 5 days following admission.
Legally the:

A. Nurse was properly functioning as a health teacher

B. Visiting nurse should do health teaching in the
client's home
C. Family members also should have been taught to
administer the insulin
D. Physician was responsible and the nurse should
have cleared the care with the physician

28. 28. Which teaching method has been evaluated as D. Confirming that
most effective in a new diabetic client? the client is able
to give his own in-
A. Utilizing breaks after each unit of the teaching sulin
B. Having the client repeat the steps of insulin admin-
C. Encouraging the client to ask many questions
D. Confirming that the client is able to give his own

29. 29. Which of the following statements by a client D. I went to bed

would alert the Nurse that further teaching on the idea earlier than usual
of a restful sleep is indicated? and I rested and
watched television
A. I don't take naps throughout the day until I fall asleep
B. I go to bed and get up routinely at the same time

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each day
C. I have a small snack and take a bath before going
to bed each day
D. I went to bed earlier than usual and I rested and
watched television until I fall asleep

30. 30. What can the Nurse do to support the client's C. Limit the noise
ability to sleep in the hospital setting? and distraction on
the unit
A. Assess the client's towards the end of the shift ,
closer to the normal awakening time
B. Darken the room as much as possible by keeping
the lights off
C. Limit the noise and distraction on the unit
D. Provide a bath or shower before bedtime

31. Situation: Benjie, a charge nurse, is attending to the B. Failure to a ade-

client with an intravenous fluid. quately secure the
31. What does Nurse Benjie identify as the most likely
cause of the infiltration of a client's IV?

A. Excessive height of the IV solution

B. Failure to a adequately secure the catheter
C. Lack of asepsis during catheter insertion
D. Infusion of chemically irritating medication

32. 32. Another client has an IV infusion. If the IV infusion B. Discontinue the
infiltrates, what should Nurse Benjie do first? infusion.

A. Elevate the IV site.

B. Discontinue the infusion.
C. Attempt to flush the tube.
D. Apply a warm, moist compress.

33. 33. The Physician orders the application of a warm D. Conduction

soak to an IV site that has infiltrated. Nurse Benjie
understands that the application of local heat transfer
temperature to the body via the principles of:

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A. Radiation
B. Insulation
C. Convection
D. Conduction

34. 34. A Physician orders 2000 ml of 5% dextrose and ½ C. 21 drops per

Normal Saline to infuse over 24 hours. The drop factor minute
is 15 drops per ml. Nurse Benjie sets the flow rate at
how many drops per minute?

A. 15 drops per minute

B. 17 drops per minute
C. 21 drops per minute
D. 28 drops per minute

35. 35. A Physician has ordered 1000 ml of intravenous D. 5.5 hours

fluid to another client to run at 45 drops per minute.
Using 15 drops per cc dropper, approximately how
long should the IVF run?

A. 4 hours
B. 4.5 hours
C. 5 hours
D. 5.5 hours

36. Situation: Four days after abdominal surgery a client B. Impaired neural
has not passed flatus and there are no bowel sounds. functioning
Paralytic Ileus is suspected.

36. Nora a medical ward nurse understands that this

decrease in bowel function is most likely caused by
which situation?

A. Decrease blood supply

B. Impaired neural functioning
C. Perforation of the bowel wall
D. Obstruction of the bowel lumen

37. 37. Another client in the ward has been prescribed C. Stop until
of an Enema. During administration of an Enema, a cramps are gone
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client complains of intestinal cramps. What should
Nurse Nora do?

A. Give it at a slower rate

B. Discontinue the procedures
C. Stop until cramps are gone
D. Lower the height of the container

38. 38. Frank 48 year old is admitted for complaints of A. High x-ray ab-
moderate to severe abdominal pain for 2 weeks. He sorbing properties
has a strong history of Cancer. Nurse Nora explains of barium
to a client who is schedule for a Barium enema that
visualization of the GI tract is made possible by the:

A. High x-ray absorbing properties of barium

B. Coloring of the intestinal wall with barium
C. High x-ray transmitting properties of barium
D. Chemical interaction between electrolytes and bar-

39. 39. Another client needs further laboratory studies A. Check preser-
like the 24-hour urine collection. When collecting a vatives needed to
24-hour urine specimen, what should Nurse Nora do? be added

A. Check preservatives needed to be added

B. Weigh the client before starting the collection
C. Discard the last voided specimen of the 24-hours
D. Check the client's intake and output for the previ-
ous 24-hour period

40. 40. Nurse Nora is emptying a client's urinal when A. A urinary tract
she notices the urine is dark and amber, cloudy and infection
has an unpleasant odor. The Nurse would suspect the
client has what conditions?

A. A urinary tract infection

B. Urinary Incontinence

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C. Urinary frequency
D. Urinary retention

41. 41. The nurse understands that the main reason that B. They are
sink faucets in a client's room are considered conta- opened with dirty
minated is that: hands

A. They are not in sterile areas

B. They are opened with dirty hands
C. large numbers of people use them
D. Water encourages bacterial growth

42. 42. When the nurse washes the hands before and D. Friction
after caring for a client, the nurse understands that
the most important aspect of hand washing is:

A. Time
B. Soap
C. Water
D. Friction

43. 43. The nurse is expected to apply a dressing to D. Capillarity

a client's surgical wound using sterile technique.
While engaging in this activity, the nurse accidentally
places a moist sterile gauze pad in the cloth sterile
field. The nurse understands that the sterile is now
contaminated because of:

A. Dialysis
B. Osmosis
C. Diffusion
D. Capillarity

44. 44. The nurse is preparing to change a client's dress- A. Keep the area
ing. Which statement best explains the basis of sur- free of microor-
gical asepsis as it relates to this procedure: ganisms.

A. Keep the area free of microorganisms.

B. Confine microorganisms to the surgical site.
C. Protect self from microorganisms in the wound.
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D. Keep the number of opportunistic microorganisms
to a minimum.

45. 45. When assessing an obese client, the nurse iden- D. Cover the
tifies dehiscence and evisceration of the abdomi- wound with a ster-
nal surgical wound. After placing the client in the ile towel moist-
low-fowler's position with the knees slightly bent and ened with saline
encouraging the client to lie quietly, what should the
nurse do next?

A. Notify the physician

B. Obtain the client's vital signs.
C. Reinsert the protruding organs
D. Cover the wound with a sterile towel moistened
with saline

46. Situation: Nurse Wally a senior nurse is monitoring B. The nurse pro-
the integumentary conditions of the clients in the vided supportive
ward especially the skin ulcers. Pressure sores are nursing care for
serious problems and often diminish quality life of the well-being of
patients. the client

46. During the initial physical assessment of a newly

admitted client with a pressure ulcer, Nurse Wally
identifies that the client is dehydrated and the skin
is dry and scaly. He immediately applies emollients
to the client's skin and reinforces the dressing on the
pressure ulcer. Legally:

A. The nurse should have instituted a plan to increase

B. The nurse provided supportive nursing care for the
well-being of the client
C. No treatment should have been instituted for the
client until the physician's orders were received
D. Debridement of the pressure ulcer should have
been done by the nurse before the dressing was ap-

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47. 47. Another emaciated older adult develops a large A. The client
pressure ulcer after refusing to change position for should be turned
extended periods of time. The family is very upset, every hour
blames the nurses, and threatens to sue her. The de-
cision in this suit would take into consideration the
fact that:

A. The client should be turned every hour

B. Pressure ulcer frequently occur in older clients
C. Nurses are not responsible to the client's family
D. The nurse should uphold the client's right not to be

48. 48. The Physician made his rounds and suspects a A. Sarcomas
client with Melanoma also has primary Cancerous
lesions in the connective tissues. Nurse Wally under-
stands that these lesions are classified as:

A. Sarcomas
B. Carcinomas
C. Collagenomas
D. Osteoblastomas

49. 49. Nurse Wally is attending to a post-op client. In B. Side-lying

which position should the nurse place a client recov-
ering from general anesthesia?

A. Supine
B. Side-lying
C. High-flower
D. Trendelenburg

50. 50. Nurse Wally applies an ice pack to a client's leg A. Local anesthe-
for 20 minutes. Which clinical indicator would help sia
Nurse Wally determine the effectiveness of the cold

A. Local anesthesia
B. Peripheral vasodilation

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C. Depression of vital sign
D. Decreased viscosity of blood

51. Situation: Vital signs are important indicators of B. In the fifth in-
health and it provides critical information about body tercostal space at
functions. the left midclavicu-
lar line
51. When talking a client's Apical pulse, where should
the nurse place the stethoscope?

A. Just to the left of the median point of the sternum

B. In the fifth intercostal space at the left midclavicu-
lar line
C. Between the sixth and seventh ribs at the left
medaxillary line
D. Between the third and fourth ribs and to the left of
the sternum

52. 52. During an interview, the nurse discovered that B. Slowing of the
the spouse of a debilitated client's regularly digitally Heart
removes stool from the client's rectum. The nurse
explores other strategies to regulate the client's bow-
el movement because impaction could stimulate the
vagus nerve and result in:

A. Tachycardia
B. Slowing of the Heart
C. Dilation of the Bronchioles
D. Coronary Artery Vasodilation

53. 53. A client with episodes of a Cardiac Dysrhythmias D. will record trac-
is to wear a Holter monitor for 24 hours. When plan- ing of abnormal
ning a teaching session for this client, what informa- cardiac rhythms
tion should the Nurse include about the monitor? The during activities of
monitor: daily living

A. Can be taken off while bathing

B. Can record activities and manifestation of re-

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C. will assist in determining the size and counter of
the hearth
D. will record tracing of abnormal cardiac rhythms
during activities of daily living

54. 54. The nurse document that a client's Pulse pressure C. Difference be-
is decreasing. To determine the accuracy of this state- tween Systolic
ment, what must the Nurse calculate? and Diastolic
A. Force exerted against an Arterial wall
B. Different between the Apical and Radial rates
C. Difference between Systolic and Diastolic readings
D. May be a forerunner of Hemorrhage

55. 55. Another client has undergone an Open-Heart A. Increases the

surgery and he develops a temperature of 102°F cardiac output
(38.8°C). The Nurse notifies the Physician because
elevated temperature:

A. Increases the cardiac output

B. May be indicate cerebral edema
C. Are likely to lead to diaphoresis
D. May be a forerunner of hemorrhage

56. Situation: Good nutrition is essential to good health B. All of the essen-
and disease prevention. Any person involved in tial amino acids
health care, needs a thorough knowledge of the in any proportion
body's nutritional requirements throughout the life to meet human
span. needs

56. The nurse should include the information that a

complete food protein of high biological value is one
that contains:

A. All of the amino acids in sufficient quantity to meet

human requirements
B. All of the essential amino acids in any proportion
to meet human needs
C. The essential amino acids in any proportion be-

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cause the body can always fill in the difference need-
D. Most of the amino acids from which the body
will make additional amounts of the essential amino
acids needed

57. 57. The nurse identifies that the client understands B. Produced in
information about vitamin K when the client state, sufficient amounts
"Vitamin K is: for metabolic
needs by intestinal
A. Found in wide variety of foods, so there is no bacterial."
danger of deficiency."
B. Produced in sufficient amounts for metabolic
needs by intestinal bacterial."
C. Easily absorbed without assistance, so all that is
consumed is absorbed."
D. Rarely found in dietary food sources, so natural
deficiencies can easily occur."

58. 58. Before the nurse can assess the response of a D. Strengthening
client to a deficiency in Vitamin C, the nurse needs to capillary walls and
understand that Vitamin C is related to tissue integrity structural tissue
and hemorrhagic disease. The nurse needs to know by depositing ce-
that Vitamin C controls such disorders by: menting material
to build collagen
A. Preventing tissue hemorrhage by providing essen- from ground sub-
tial blood-clotting materials stance and thus
B. Preserving the structural integrity of tissue by pro- prevent tissue he-
tecting the lipid matrix of cells walls from peroxida- morrhage
C. Facilitating adequate absorption of calcium and
phosphorous for bone formation to prevent bleeding
in the joints
D. Strengthening capillary walls and structural tissue
by depositing cementing material to build collagen
from ground substance and thus prevent tissue he-


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59. A client with a high Cholesterol level says to the D. Cellular mem-
nurse, "Why can't the Doctor just give me a medica- brane structure
tion to eliminate all the Cholesterol in my body so it
isn't a problem?" The nurse need to teach the client
that Cholesterol is important in the human body for:

A. Blood clotting
B. Bone formation
C. Muscle contraction
D. Cellular membrane structure

60. 60. A client with Hypertension is prescribed a A. Milk

low-sodium diet. The food lowest in natural sodium
is identified as:

A. Milk
B. Meat
C. Fruits
D. Vegetables

61. Situation: Felicidad recently passed the Nurse Licen- B. "I am able to
sure Examination and is applying as a Staff Nurse at deliver safe and
a tertiary hospital. quality care to pa-
61. As Felicidad RN is being interviewed by the Chief
Nurse of the Hospital, she asks, "As a beginning prac-
titioner, what can we expect of your competencies?"
Which of the following is her expected response?

A. "I can administer medications to patients"

B. "I am able to deliver safe and quality care to pa-
C. "I can discuss the pathophysiology of the patient's
disease process"
D. "I can set priorities given different patients of vary-
ing acuity."

62. 62. Felicidad understands that her practice as a Reg- D. Empowering

istered nurse should comply with standards of legal, competencies

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ethico-moral-spiritual responsibilities and personal
and professional development. This cluster of com-
petencies is Felicidad's:

A. Patient care competencies

B. Enabling competencies
C. Enhancing competencies
D. Empowering competencies

63. 63. Efficiency and effectiveness in the performance B. Management of

of duties is expected of Felicidad. What key areas resources and en-
of responsibilities should she demonstrate to enable vironment
Felicidad such characteristic of work?

A. Research
B. Management of resources and environment
C. Personal and professional development
D. Collaboration and teamwork

64. 64. While assisting on a minor surgery, Felicidad felt A. It is a justi-

the hands of the doctor pinch her buttocks. She is fiable action and
really not comfortable and feels she was sexually ha- is an ethical re-
rassed. At another occasion, the same doctor invited sponsibility to re-
her for a coffee in his room. She reports this case port unethical and
to her supervisor. Which of the following statements immoral incidents
would justify the action of Felicidad? to proper authori-
A. It is a justifiable action and is an ethical respon-
sibility to report unethical and immoral incidents to
proper authorities.
B. It is a justifiable action, but first, she should have
confronted the doctor privately in his room to clarify
the issue.
C. She should not report the incident to authority
because it might affect her interpersonal relationship
colleagues and other members of the health team.
D. Felicidad should have gone directly to the police
officer to complain.

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65. 65. An attending physician had his rounds early in the B. She explains
morning and noticed that the medicine he ordered the to him that the
previous day has not been started. He shouted and drug is not avail-
berated Felicidad in front of the other staff nurses. able in the hospi-
Which of the following actions of Felicidad is appro- tal pharmacy and
priate? had to be pur-
chased from an-
A. Felicidad shouts back at the attending physician other drugstore.
and tells him that his behavior is not acceptable.
B. She explains to him that the drug is not available in
the hospital pharmacy and had to be purchased from
another drugstore.
C. She cries and reports the incident to the nursing
D. She blames the staff of the previous shift for not
endorsing the unavailability of the drug.

66. Every month, supplies for the health center arrive in D. It is process ori-
the island by ferry. Last month however their provi- ented.
sions from DOH were hampered by typhoon Yolan-
da and their remaining resources would not suffice
for the weekend's Immunization schedule. Melinda
is aware about the rules of immunization such that
needles should not be reused and shared with other
patients. She has 100 children to immunize but only
5 needles/ or syringes at hand.

66. In the theory Utilitarianism, which among the fol-

lowing does not apply?

A. It is consequence oriented
B. It states that what is right also maximizes some
C. The right thing to do is the good thing to do.
D. It is process oriented.

67. 67. In this case, Melinda decides to go ahead with the A. YES because
vaccination and immunization. Do you think she is a the end justifies
believer of Teleology? the mean

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A. YES because the end justifies the mean

B. YES because it is for the good of the greatest
number all concerned
C. NO because the end justifies the means
D. NO because it is for the good of the greatest num-
ber all concerned

68. 68. The nurse supervisor is practicing transactional B. driven by strict

leadership. This means the nurse supervisor is: rules and policies

A. supportive
B. driven by strict rules and policies
C. One who empowers the staff
D. One who consults the staff about patient care is-

69. 69. A 17 year old female college student was obliged B. Deontological
to engage in pre-marital sex by her boyfriend. Her
response was, "I'm sorry, I can't because I don't want
to get pregnant and ruin my future. "Her ethical re-
sponse is based on:

A. Teleotological
B. Deontological
C. Neither A nor B
D. None of the above

70. 70. An 85 year old man is refusing dialysis for his A. autonomy
kidney failure. The primary ethical principle involve

A. autonomy
B. beneficence
C. nonmaleficence
D. justice

71. Situation: Gloria is a head nurse in the Surgical Ward B. 1,2,3,4

of a Tertiary Hospital. From records, she noticed an
increased rate of nosocomial infections. A research
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was conducted so an action plan may be formulated.
Gloria is part of the research team.

71. Gloria understands the importance of the in-

formed consent. Which of the following is true about
an informed consent?

1. The very essence of informed consent is to make

the patient understand what will happen to him/her
after a certain treatment or procedure is made upon
his/her body.
2. It is the patient who must decide whether or not
a certain treatment or procedure muse be performed
upon his/her body.
3. Physicians and nurses cannot suppress the free
will of the patient
4. Consent may either be implied or expressed.

A. 1,2,3
B. 1,2,3,4
C. 1,3,4
D. 1,4

72. 72. Nurses understand the link between practice and D. To facilitate
theory. Nurse Precy a friend of Nurse Gloria is devel- the maintenance
oping an educational prevention program for elderly of sensory func-
patients with poor eyesight at home. He wanted to tion
incorporate the theory of Abdellah into his health
teachings. Which of the following nursing problems
would be appropriate to address in his activity?

A. To maintain good hygiene and physical comfort

B. To create and maintain a therapeutic environment
C. To promote safety through prevention of accidents,
injury or other trauma
D. To facilitate the maintenance of sensory function

73. 73. Which of the following theorists believe that the A. Imogene King
environment is defined as "an understanding of the

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ways that human beings interact with their environ-
ment to maintain health is essential for nurses"?

A. Imogene King
B. Jean Watson
C. Lydia Hall
D. Dorothea Orem

74. 74. Which of the following situations best depicts the B. Keeping the
application of Nightingale's theory in actual nursing patient's bedside
practice? table and room
clean with ade-
A. Giving a patient oxygen inhalation via nasal can- quate ventilation
nula(plastic tube) for difficulty of breathing to promote com-
B. Keeping the patient's bedside table and room clean fort
with adequate ventilation to promote comfort
C. Assessing the patient's need for pain medications
D. Facilitating range of motion exercises to a patient
with a hip fracture

75. 75. Nurse Precy has been assigned to an Arabian C. In their culture,
patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The patient the dead must
had died this morning due to complications of his be properly buried
illness. The relatives of the patient urged Nurse Annie within 24 hours
to have the body released to them immediately. Why from the time of
is this so? death

A. In their culture, the dead must be washed and

bathed by the relatives at the night of death
B. In their culture, the dead must be given its final
rights and prayers that last one day
C. In their culture, the dead must be properly buried
within 24 hours from the time of death
D. In their culture, the dead must be brought to a
mosque for burial rights and lay there for a week
before burial

76. Situation: The Level IV students are conducting a A. 1,2,3,4

study among the Dumagats of Dingala Aurora. The

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students apply the research process in their study.

76. Which of the following is a common characteristic

between nursing process and research process?

1. Both utilizes systematic approach

2. Assessment phase is similar to identifying phe-
nomena in the research process
3. Implementation phase is similar to data collection
in the research process
4. Planning phase is similar to the study design in the
research process

A. 1,2,3,4
B. 1,2,4,
C. 1,2,3,
D. 1,2 only

77. 77. Which of the following can the nurse use in pro- A. 1, 2, 3, 4
tecting the safety of the subjects undergoing the re-
search study?

1. Code for Nurses

2. Nightingale's pledge
3. Patient's Bill of Rights
4. Human Rights Guidelines

A. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 1, 3
C. 1, 2
D. 3 only

78. 78. The researchers wanted to describe the relation- A. Descriptive cor-
ship between women's age and frequency of per- relational
forming breast self-examination, the study would be
classified as:

A. Descriptive correlational
B. Quasi-experimental

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C. Pre-experimental
D. Prospective

79. 79. The variable that is believed to influence or cause C. Independent

the dependent variable: Variable

A. Attribute variable
B. Extraneous variable
C. Independent Variable
D. Interdependent Variable

80. 80. One major difference between quantitative de- B. In analyz-

signs from qualitative design is that in qualitative ing the data, it
design: gives emphasis on
the observation,
A. It uses statistical treatment in analyzing the data thoughts and ac-
B. In analyzing the data, it gives emphasis on the tions of the subject
observation, thoughts and actions of the subject
C. It ranks the data collected using nominal or ordinal
D. It computes data to accept or rejects null hypothe-

81. Situation: Research is important for Professional D. What are the

nurses to help build scientific knowledge base for feelings of chil-
nursing practice. dren who have
had a sibling ad-
81. A clinical instructor asks to rewrite the research- mitted to a psychi-
able question about Psychiatric nursing which are atric unit?
"What are the effects of a child's admission to a psy-
chiatric unit on the siblings?" Which of the following
answers is appropriate to the question?

A. The effects of child's admission in psychiatric unit

to his/her siblings
B. Are there any effects of child's admission in psy-
chiatric unit to his/her siblings?
C. What are the siblings' reactions to the admitted
children in psychiatric unit?

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D. What are the feelings of children who have had a
sibling admitted to a psychiatric unit?

82. 82. When writing the question in Level II the re- C. If you know
searcher must do which of the following? what variables
are, rewrite the
A. Eliminate "cause "effect or any similar synonyms question at Level II
in your question
B. At Level II you need a minimum of four variables
C. If you know what variables are, rewrite the question
at Level II
D. At Level I, have only one variable and one popula-
tion in the topic

83. 83. A researchable problem like: "What is the level of C. What is the rela-
pain relief in pediatric postoperative patients having tionship between
received TENS (Transcutaneous electric nerve stimu- level of pain and
lation) instruction?" could be written as Level II which
type of pain relief
is? instruction (includ-
ing TENS) among
A. What methods of pain relief are available to pedi- pediatric patients?
atric surgery patients?
B. Why does preoperative TENS instruction signifi-
cantly decrease postoperative pain levels in pediatric
C. What is the relationship between level of pain and
type of pain relief instruction (including TENS) among
pediatric patients?
D. What are the characteristic of pain of surgical pe-
diatric patients after undergoing TENS instruction?

84. 84. This research study: The Experience of Becoming C. Qualitative:

a Mother for Single, Unpartnered, Medicaid-Elligible, Grounded theory
First Time Mothers" which aims to understand the
experience of becoming a mother for single, unpart-
nered, Medicaid eligible, first time mothers in one of
the Barangay in Pasay City and to discover experi-
enced by the mothers during the first postpartum.
Can be classified as:

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A. Quantitative: Correlational
B. Quantitative: Survey study
C. Qualitative: Grounded theory
D. Qualitative: Ethnography

85. 85. In ethical consideration of doing a research, which C. Knowledge

of the following should NOT be considered? should not out-
weigh the risks of
A. Rights and rights of others in the setting are pro- the study
B. If the purpose of study infringe the rights of sub-
jects, it should be re-examined or abandoned
C. Knowledge should not outweigh the risks of the
D. Study should observe ethical considerations

86. Situation: Nomar an RN is a newly hired staff nurse at B. A process

Imus Medical Center. As a novice nurse and manager, where a person
Nomar observes several leadership styles displayed utilizes interper-
by other nurses. sonal relationship
that influences
86. Nomar understands he is expected to lead. Lead- others toward goal
ership is defined as: achievement.

A. Being in a staff nurse utilizing authority to control

and power over subordinates and patients.
B. A process where a person utilizes interpersonal re-
lationship that influences others toward goal achieve-
C. Plans, organizes and maintains quality care to pa-
D. A head nurse watching over other staff nurses
perform patient care correctly and render safe quality
patient care.

87. 87. Nomar's manager demonstrated passion for serv- C. Servant leader
ing her staff rather than being served. He takes time
to listen, prefers to be a teacher first before being a

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leader. Nomar's manager displays leadership that is
characteristic of a:

A. Transformational leader
B. Transactional leader
C. Servant leader
D. Charismatic leader

88. 88. Nomar's head nurse fostered creativity among A. Participative

staff members. Fostering creativity among the team
is a characteristic of which leadership style?

A. Participative
B. Directive
C. Permissive
D. Bureaucratic

89. 89. On the other hand, Nomar notices that the Chief A. Possesses in-
Nurse Executive has charismatic leadership style. spirational quality
Which of the following behaviors best describes this that makes follow-
style? ers gets attract-
ed of him and re-
A. Possesses inspirational quality that makes follow- gards him with rev-
ers gets attracted of him and regards him with rever- erence
B. Acts as he does because he expects that his be-
havior will yield positive results
C. Uses visioning as the core of his leadership
D. Matches his leadership style to the situation at

90. 90. One leadership theory states that "leaders are C. Great Man
born and not made," which refers to which of the
following theories?

A. Trait
B. Charismatic
C. Great Man
D. Situational

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91. Situation: Nurses are expected to be leaders making B. Nurses have
difference in the health care settings- hospitals, clin- expert knowledge
ics, communities and other organizations. and are interacting
with and influenc-
91. Why leadership plays a vital role in the nursing ing the clients.

A. It is not really important for nurses.

B. Nurses have expert knowledge and are interacting
with and influencing the clients.
C. Nurses should know how to direct people towards
accomplishment of goals.
D. Nurses should always strive for higher positions in
the organization.

92. 92. Nomar understands that a Theory which states C. Permissive

that the Leadership style is dependent on the situa-
tion. Which of the following styles best fits a situation
when the followers are self-directed, highly motivat-
ed, experts and matured individuals?

A. Participative
B. Directive
C. Permissive
D. Bureaucratic

93. 93. Nomar would like to be a Transformational leader. A. Uses visioning

Which of the following statements best describes this as the essence of
type of leadership? leadership.

A. Uses visioning as the essence of leadership.

B. Serves the followers rather than being served.
C. Maintains full trust and confidence in the subordi-
D. Possesses innate charisma that makes others feel
good in his presence.

94. 94. Grace RN is a head nurse assigned at the Inten-

sive Care Unit of a Secondary Level Hospital. As a

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manager, Grace is expected to display effective con- B. It highlights dif-
flict resolution skills. Which of the following is true ferences in values,
about conflict? belief, or actions.

A. It seldom occurs as part of the change process in

health care settings.
B. It highlights differences in values, belief, or ac-
C. t is automatically negative
D. It discourages creativity and innovation.

95. 95. Conflict that occurs between groups or teams is C. Organizational


A. Interpersonal
B. Intrapersonal
C. Organizational
D. Dysfunctional

96. Situation: Nurse Kat is the head nurse of the male C. Accommodat-
medical ward in a tertiary specialized hospital han- ing
dling multiple cases in her unit. It is imperative that
she is equipped with the basic managerial skills.

96. In this conflict resolution method, a person ig-

nores his or her own feelings about an issue in order
to agree with the other side.

A. Collaborating
B. Confronting
C. Accommodating
D. Withdrawing

97. 97. With this method of conflict resolution, each side D. Compromising
gives up something as well as gets something:

A. Negotiating
B. Competing

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C. Avoiding
D. Compromising

98. 98. Nurse Kat feels uncomfortable believing that she A. Identify the
is the scapegoat of everything that goes wrong in her source of the con-
department. Which of the following is the best action flict and under-
that she must take? stand the points of
A. Identify the source of the conflict and understand
the points of friction
B. Disregard what she feels and continue to work
C. Seek help from the Director of Nursing
D. Quit her job and look for another employment.

99. 99. Which of the following is a characteristic of deci- B. it is often the

sion-making? result of many
incremental steps
A. it only involves logical, rational thought rather than one
B. it is often the result of many incremental steps large step.
rather than one large step.
C. It must always be done quickly in the health care
D. they generally do not assume another person's
point of view.

100. 100. Which of the following is true about effective C. They tend to an-
creative thinkers? alyze the compo-
nents of a prob-
A. They seldom generate new ideas and alternatives. lem.
B. They often say, "We've always done it this way, so
let us do it this way again."
C. They tend to analyze the components of a problem.
D. They generally do not assume another person's
point of view.

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