2013 - FHWA - FHWA Manual - Deep Mixing For Embankment and Foundation Support
2013 - FHWA - FHWA Manual - Deep Mixing For Embankment and Foundation Support
2013 - FHWA - FHWA Manual - Deep Mixing For Embankment and Foundation Support
The deep mixing method (DMM) is an in situ soil treatment in which native soils or fills are blended with
cementitious and/or other materials, typically referred to as binders. Compared to native soils or fills, the
soil-binder composite material that is created has enhanced engineering properties such as increased
strength, lower permeability, and reduced compressibility. The treated soil properties obtained by DMM
reflect the characteristics of the native soil, binder characteristics, construction variables, operational
parameters, curing time, and loading conditions.
The purpose of this report is to provide user-oriented DMM design and construction guidelines for
the support of embankments and typical transportation-oriented foundations. The use of DMM for
liquefaction mitigation and excavation support is also discussed in general terms, since these applications
are often associated with DMM projects for embankments and foundations. The embankment and
foundation applications addressed in this manual include embankment support (both new embankments
and embankment widening), culvert support through an embankment founded on DMM, bridge
abutment support, retaining wall foundations, and bridge pier support.
This manual includes guidelines required for U.S. transportation engineers to plan, design, construct, and
monitor deep mixing projects for embankment and foundation support. Information includes background
on the use of DMM for transportation projects in the United States; a glossary of commonly used
terminology and nomenclature; a description of applications, feasibility, and flow of design and
construction for DMM projects; site investigation and characterization considerations; ranges of treated
soil properties and a procedure for determining treated soil strengths for design; recommended design
procedures for embankment and foundation applications and a design example; a description of contract
procurement vehicles and recommendations; guidance for developing plans and specifications for
contract documents; guidance for developing bench-scale testing and full-scale field testing programs;
a description of means, methods, and materials for DMM; an overview of available and recommended
quality control/quality assurance procedures and monitoring techniques; and typical costs and methods for
estimating costs of DMM projects for comparison with alternative technologies.
Jorge E. Pagán-Ortiz
Director, Office of Infrastructure
Research and Development
This document is distributed under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of
information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. This report
does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.
The U.S. Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade and manufacturers’ names appear in
this report only because they are considered essential to the object of the document.
5.6 POISSON’S RATIO ........................................................................................................48
5.7 PERMEABILITY (HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY) ...............................................48
5.8 UNIT WEIGHT ...............................................................................................................48
CHAPTER 6. DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................51
6.1 DESIGN OF DEEP MIXING TO SUPPORT EMBANKMENTS..............................51
6.1.1 Step 1—Establish Project Requirements ..................................................................51
6.1.2 Step 2—Establish Representative Subsurface Conditions........................................52
6.1.3 Step 3—Establish Trial Deep Mixed Ground Property Values ................................53
6.1.4 Step 4—Establish Trial Deep Mixed Geometry .......................................................55
6.1.5 Step 5—Evaluate Settlement ....................................................................................61
6.1.6 Step 6—Evaluate Stability ........................................................................................62
6.1.7 Step 7—Prepare Plans and Specifications ................................................................73
6.1.8 Basis for Design Procedure .......................................................................................73
6.3 LIQUEFACTION MITIGATION .................................................................................73
6.4 EXCAVATION SUPPORT.............................................................................................76
CHAPTER 7. DESIGN EXAMPLE ...........................................................................................77
7.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................77
7.1.1 Step 1—Establish Project Requirements ..................................................................77
7.1.2 Step 2—Establish Representative Subsurface Conditions........................................78
7.1.3 Step 3—Establish Trial Deep Mixed Ground Property Values ................................78
7.1.4 Step 4—Establish Trial Deep Mixed Geometry .......................................................79
7.1.5 Step 5—Evaluate Settlement ....................................................................................80
7.1.6 Step 6—Evaluate Stability ........................................................................................81
7.1.7 Step 7—Prepare Plans and Specifications ................................................................90
CHAPTER 8. CONTRACTOR PROCUREMENT .................................................................91
8.1 RECOMMENDED CONTRACTING APPROACH ...................................................92
8.2 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT .............................................................................95
8.3 OTHER PROCUREMENT METHODS .......................................................................95
8.4 CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS ..........................................................................96
9.1 SPECIFICATIONS..........................................................................................................99
9.2 PLANS ............................................................................................................................100
9.3 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS .................................................................................101
9.3.1 Contractor Experience Profile.................................................................................101
9.3.2 Bench-Scale Testing Results...................................................................................101
9.3.3 Field Validation Program Plan................................................................................101
9.3.4 Deep Mixing Work Plan .........................................................................................102
9.3.5 Material Certifications ............................................................................................103
9.3.6 Production Records .................................................................................................103
9.3.7 QC/QA Records ......................................................................................................104
9.3.8 As-Built Field Measurement Data ..........................................................................105
10.1 TIMING OF PRECONSTRUCTION TESTING ACTIVITIES ............................107
10.2 BENCH-SCALE TESTING ........................................................................................108
10.2.1 Goals of Bench-Scale Testing Program ................................................................108
10.2.2 Bench-Scale Testing Program...............................................................................108
10.3.1 Goals of Full-Scale Field Testing .........................................................................110
10.3.2 Full-Scale Field Testing Program .........................................................................110
CHAPTER 11. CONSTRUCTION ..........................................................................................113
11.1 CLASSIFICATION OF METHODS .........................................................................113
11.2 WET MIXING METHODS ........................................................................................115
11.2.1 Slurry Batch Plant .................................................................................................115
11.2.2 Wet Mixing Equipment and Processes .................................................................116
11.2.3 WRS Methods .......................................................................................................117
11.2.4 WRE Methods.......................................................................................................119
11.2.5 WJE Methods ........................................................................................................122
11.2.6 WVP Methods.......................................................................................................123
11.3 DRY MIXING METHODS.........................................................................................125
11.3.1 Binder Injection Equipment ..................................................................................125
11.3.2 Dry Mixing Equipment and Process .....................................................................125
11.4 OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS ....................................................................128
11.4.1 Injection Method ...................................................................................................128
11.4.2 Rotation and Penetration Speeds ..........................................................................129
11.4.3 Tooling Geometry .................................................................................................129
CHAPTER 12. QC/QA ..............................................................................................................131
12.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................131
12.2 QC..................................................................................................................................131
12.2.1 Role of QC Personnel ...........................................................................................132
12.2.2 Bench-Scale and Field Validation (Full-Scale Field Testing) Programs ..............132
12.2.3 Deep Mixing Work Plan .......................................................................................132
12.2.4 Materials and Production Monitoring ...................................................................132
12.2.5 QC Documentation ...............................................................................................136
12.3 QA..................................................................................................................................137
12.3.1 Role of QA Personnel ...........................................................................................137
12.3.2 Engineering Properties to be Verified for QA Purposes .......................................137
12.3.3 Coring ...................................................................................................................137
12.3.4 Wet Grab Sampling...............................................................................................141
12.3.5 Other Verification Methods ..................................................................................143
12.3.6 Acceptance Criteria...............................................................................................145
12.3.7 Remedial Measures for Noncompliance ...............................................................148
CHAPTER 13. COST ESTIMATING .....................................................................................149
13.1 FACTORS THAT AFFECT DMM COSTS..............................................................149
13.2 UNIT COSTS FOR DMM...........................................................................................149
13.3 MOBILIZATION/DEMOBILIZATION...................................................................149
13.4 QC/QA COSTS ............................................................................................................149
13.5 ENGINEERING COSTS ............................................................................................150
13.6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT .........................................................................151
TO WET MIXING.....................................................................................................................153
EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS ....................................................................................153
MATERIAL PREPARATION AND STORAGE PRIOR TO USE ...............................154
SOIL MIXING .....................................................................................................................154
BINDER SLURRY MIXING ..............................................................................................155
SOIL-BINDER MIXING ....................................................................................................155
PLACING THE MIXTURE IN THE MOLDS .................................................................155
CURING ...............................................................................................................................156
SPECIMEN PREPARATION AND TESTING ................................................................156
DATA REDUCTION ...........................................................................................................158
DEEP MIXING GUIDE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION....................................163
PART 1—GENERAL ..........................................................................................................163
1.1 Scope ..........................................................................................................................163
1.2 References ..................................................................................................................163
1.3 Definitions..................................................................................................................164
1.4 Project Description and Performance Requirements .................................................167
1.5 Qualifications of Contractor ......................................................................................168
1.6 Available Information ................................................................................................169
1.7 Construction Site Survey ...........................................................................................170
1.8 Submittals ..................................................................................................................170
1.9 Preconstruction Meeting ............................................................................................174
PART 2—MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ..................................................................174
2.1 Materials ....................................................................................................................174
2.2 Equipment ..................................................................................................................174
2.3 Products......................................................................................................................176
PART 3—EXECUTION .....................................................................................................176
3.1 General .......................................................................................................................176
3.2 Field Validation Program ...........................................................................................177
3.3 Binder Preparation (Wet Method) .............................................................................177
3.4 Locating Elements .....................................................................................................178
3.5 Mixing ........................................................................................................................178
3.6 QC ..............................................................................................................................181
PART 4—MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT ...............................................................189
USED INTERNATIONALLY ..................................................................................................191
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .........................................................................................................209
REFERENCES ...........................................................................................................................213
Figure 39. Equation. Area replacement ratio under the side slopes of the embankment .............. 58
Figure 40. Equation. Chord angle expressed in radians................................................................ 59
Figure 41. Equation. Chord length ................................................................................................ 59
Figure 42. Equation. Overlap area ratio ........................................................................................ 59
Figure 43. Equation. Area replacement ratio of the shear walls ................................................... 59
Figure 44. Equation. Area replacement ratio beneath central portion of embankment ................ 60
Figure 45. Equation. Ratio of chord length to shear wall spacing ................................................ 61
Figure 46. Equation. Composite modulus..................................................................................... 61
Figure 47. Equation. Compression of the treated zone ................................................................. 62
Figure 48. Illustration. Potential sliding surfaces and assignment of composite shear
strength, sdm,center and sdm,wall.......................................................................................................... 63
Figure 49. Equation. Composite shear strength of the deep mixed zone beneath the
shear walls ..................................................................................................................................... 63
Figure 50. Equation. Composite shear strength of the deep mixed zone beneath the
central portion of the embankment ............................................................................................... 63
Figure 51. Illustration. Definition sketch for combined overturning and bearing calculations .... 65
Figure 52. Equation. Mobilized total stress cohesion intercept .................................................... 66
Figure 53. Equation. Mobilized total stress friction angle ............................................................ 66
Figure 54. Equation. Mobilized effective stress cohesion intercept ............................................. 66
Figure 55. Equation. Mobilized effective stress friction angle ..................................................... 66
Figure 56. Equation. Vertical force............................................................................................... 67
Figure 57. Equation. Effective vertical force ................................................................................ 67
Figure 58. Equation. Location of total resultant force .................................................................. 67
Figure 59. Equation. Location of the resultant force acting on the base of the deep
mixed zone .................................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 60. Equation. Bearing pressure at the toe of the deep mixed shear walls using
total normal stresses ...................................................................................................................... 68
Figure 61. Equation. Bearing pressure at the toe of the deep mixed shear walls using
effective normal stresses ............................................................................................................... 68
Figure 62. Equation. Allowable bearing pressure at the toe of the deep mixed shear walls
using total normal stresses ............................................................................................................ 68
Figure 63. Equation. Allowable bearing pressure at the toe of the deep mixed shear walls
using a total stress friction angle equal to zero ............................................................................. 69
Figure 64. Equation. Allowable bearing pressure at the toe of the deep mixed shear walls
using effective normal stresses ..................................................................................................... 69
Figure 65. Equation. Allowable bearing capacity of the deep mixed ground against crushing
of the deep mixed shear walls at the outside toe of the embankment ........................................... 70
Figure 66. Equation. Total lateral earth pressure .......................................................................... 70
Figure 67. Equation. Effective lateral earth pressure .................................................................... 70
Figure 68. Illustration. Racking failure mode ............................................................................... 71
Figure 69. Equation. Average vertical shear stress ....................................................................... 71
Figure 70. Equation. Allowable vertical shear stress .................................................................... 72
Figure 71. Equation. Maximum clear spacing between shear walls ............................................. 72
Figure 72. Equation. Allowable axial structural capacity of a deep mixed column ..................... 73
Figure 73. Illustration. Plan view of soil-cement columns on BART project .............................. 74
Figure 74. Illustration. DMM treatment plan................................................................................ 75
Figure 75. Illustration. Typical configuration of DMM for liquefaction mitigation .................... 75
Figure 76. Illustration. Example problem—embankment cross section ....................................... 77
Figure 77. Equation. Example problem—curing factor................................................................ 78
Figure 78. Equation. Example problem—shear strength of the deep mixed ground .................... 78
Figure 79. Equation. Example problem—determine Edm according to figure 34 ......................... 79
Figure 80. Equation. Example problem—area replacement ratio beneath the central portion
of the embankment ........................................................................................................................ 79
Figure 81. Equation. Example problem—chord angle in radians ................................................. 80
Figure 82. Equation. Example problem—ratio of chord length to shear wall spacing ................. 80
Figure 83. Equation. Example problem—composite modulus ..................................................... 80
Figure 84. Equation. Example problem—compression of the treated zone ................................. 81
Figure 85. Equation. Example problem—composite shear strength of the deep mixed zone
beneath the shear walls ................................................................................................................. 81
Figure 86. Equation. Example problem—composite shear strength of the deep mixed zone
beneath the central portion of the embankment ............................................................................ 82
Figure 87. Illustration. Slope stability results ............................................................................... 82
Figure 88. Equation. Example problem—shear strength of the soft clay using total normal
stresses .......................................................................................................................................... 83
Figure 89. Equation. Example problem—mobilized total stress friction angle of the soft clay ... 83
Figure 90. Equation. Example problem—composite shear strength of the center deep mixed
zone using total normal stresses .................................................................................................... 83
Figure 91. Equation. Example problem—composite shear strength of the embankment
material using effective normal stresses ....................................................................................... 83
Figure 92. Equation. Example problem—mobilized effective stress friction angle of the
embankment material .................................................................................................................... 83
Figure 93. Equation. Example problem—mobilized effective stress friction angle of the
dense sand layer ............................................................................................................................ 83
Figure 94. Equation. Example problem—effective stress active lateral earth pressure
coefficient ..................................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 95. Equation. Example problem—active force component from embankment ................ 84
Figure 96. Equation. Example problem—vertical distance from overturning point to line of
action of active force component from embankment ................................................................... 84
Figure 97. Equation. Example problem—active force component from surcharge ..................... 84
Figure 98. Equation. Example problem—vertical distance from overturning point to line of
action of active force component from surcharge......................................................................... 84
Figure 99. Equation. Example problem—active force component from clay rectangle .............. 84
Figure 100. Equation. Example problem—vertical distance from overturning point to line of
action of active force component from clay rectangle .................................................................. 84
Figure 101. Equation. Example problem—active force component from clay triangle ............... 84
Figure 102. Equation. Example problem—vertical distance from overturning point to line of
action of active force component from clay triangle .................................................................... 85
Figure 103. Equation. Example problem—total active force ....................................................... 85
Figure 104. Equation. Example problem—vertical distance between overturning point and
total active force ............................................................................................................................ 85
Figure 105. Equation. Example problem—active side shear force from the soft clay ................. 85
Figure 106. Equation. Example problem—passive side shear force from the soft clay ............... 85
Figure 107. Equation. Example problem—passive lateral force component from the clay
rectangle ........................................................................................................................................ 85
Figure 108. Equation. Example problem—vertical distance from overturning point to line
of action of passive force component from the clay rectangle ..................................................... 85
Figure 109. Equation. Example problem—passive lateral earth force component from the
clay triangle ................................................................................................................................... 86
Figure 110. Equation. Example problem—vertical distance from the overturning point to
the line of action of passive force component from clay triangle ................................................. 86
Figure 111. Equation. Example problem—total passive lateral earth force ................................. 86
Figure 112. Equation. Example problem—vertical distance between the overturning point
and the total passive force ............................................................................................................. 86
Figure 113. Equation. Example problem—weight of the embankment ....................................... 86
Figure 114. Equation. Example problem—location of the resultant of the embankment
weight ............................................................................................................................................ 86
Figure 115. Equation. Example problem—weight of the deep mixed zone ................................. 86
Figure 116. Equation. Example problem—location of the resultant of the deep mixed zone ...... 86
Figure 117. Equation. Example problem—total weight ............................................................... 87
Figure 118. Equation. Example problem—location of the resultant of the total weight .............. 87
Figure 119. Equation. Example problem—resultant total vertical force ...................................... 87
Figure 120. Equation. Example problem—water force acting on the base of the deep
mixed zone .................................................................................................................................... 87
Figure 121. Equation. Example problem—location of water force acting on the base of
the deep mixed zone...................................................................................................................... 87
Figure 122. Equation. Example problem—resultant effective vertical force ............................... 87
Figure 123. Equation. Example problem—location of total resultant force acting on the
base of the deep mixed zone ......................................................................................................... 87
Figure 124. Equation. Example problem—location of the effective resultant force acting
on the base of the deep mixed zone .............................................................................................. 88
Figure 125. Equation. Example problem—Position of resultant within the base ......................... 88
Figure 126. Equation. Example problem—bearing pressure at the toe of the deep mixed
shear walls ..................................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 127. Equation. Example problem—allowable bearing pressure at the toe of the deep
mixed shear walls .......................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 128. Equation. Example problem—at-rest lateral earth pressure coefficient .................... 89
Figure 129. Equation. Example problem—effective vertical stress ............................................. 89
Figure 130. Equation. Example problem—at-rest effective lateral earth pressure ....................... 89
Figure 131. Equation. Example problem—allowable bearing capacity of deep mixed ground ... 89
Figure 132. Equation. Example problem—location of the force resultant along the base
of the deep mixed zone ................................................................................................................. 89
Figure 133. Equation. Example problem—average vertical shear stress on the critical
vertical plane ................................................................................................................................. 90
Figure 134. Equation. Example problem—allowable vertical shear stress in the deep mixed
zone ............................................................................................................................................... 90
Figure 135. Equation. Example problem—maximum clear spacing between shear columns...... 90
Figure 136. Graph. General allocation of responsibility between owner and GC or DMM
contractor based on contracting approach..................................................................................... 91
Figure 137. Flowchart. Classification of vertical axis DMMs based on agent (W/D),
penetration/mixing principle (R/J/V), and location of mixing action (S/E/P) ............................ 114
Figure 138. Photo. Slurry batching plant for larger mixing project............................................ 115
Figure 139. Photo. Typical WRS mixing machine ..................................................................... 117
Figure 140. Photo. Typical blade-based tooling for WRS mixing ............................................. 118
Figure 141. Photo. Second view of typical blade-based tooling for WRS mixing ..................... 118
Figure 142. Photo. Typical auger-based tools for WRS methods............................................... 119
Figure 143. Photo. WRE mixing equipment ............................................................................... 120
Figure 144. Photo. Typical tools used for WRE mixing............................................................. 120
Figure 145. Photo. Second view of typical tools used for WRE mixing .................................... 121
Figure 146. Photo. CSM method cutter wheels .......................................................................... 122
Figure 147. Photo. Example of a WJE tool ................................................................................ 123
Figure 148. Photo. TRD tooling ................................................................................................. 124
Figure 149. Photo. Second view of TRD tooling........................................................................ 124
Figure 150. Photo. Typical binder delivery unit for dry mixing................................................. 125
Figure 151. Photo. Typical mixing tool for DRE methods ......................................................... 126
Figure 152. Photo. Typical mixing tool for DRE methods for peat mixing ............................... 126
Figure 153. Photo. Horizontal mixing tool for mass soil stabilization ....................................... 128
Figure 154. Equation. BRN ........................................................................................................ 129
Figure 155. Equation. Dry unit weight expressed in terms of the total unit weight of the
soil and the water content ........................................................................................................... 159
Figure 156. Equation. Dry unit weight expressed in terms of the specific gravity, water
content, and degree of saturation ................................................................................................ 159
Figure 157. Equation. Dry unit weight expressed in terms of the specific gravity and
water content for saturation equal to 1 ........................................................................................ 159
Figure 158. Equation. Degree of saturation ................................................................................ 159
Figure 159. Equation. Dry unit weight of slurry......................................................................... 160
Figure 160. Equation. Volume of soil-cement mixture .............................................................. 160
Figure 161. Equation. Weight of soil .......................................................................................... 160
Figure 162. Equation. Weight of binder used in the slurry......................................................... 160
Figure 163. Equation. Weight of water used in the slurry .......................................................... 160
Figure 164. Equation. Water-to-binder ratio of slurry ................................................................ 160
Figure 165. Equation. Volume ratio of mixed soil ..................................................................... 161
Figure 166. Equation. As-mixed binder factor in-place for any degree of saturation ................ 161
Figure 167. Equation. As-mixed binder factor in-place for saturation equal to 1 ...................... 161
Figure 168. Equation. As-mixed binder factor expressed in terms of VR and dry unit
weight of slurry ........................................................................................................................... 161
Figure 169. Equation. Binder content of mixed soil ................................................................... 161
Figure 170. Equation. Total water-to-binder ratio of mixed soil ................................................ 161
Figure 171. Equation. Adjusted weight of slurry water .............................................................. 162
Table 33. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for cementation and single
axis tooling techniques ................................................................................................................ 198
Table 34. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for Rotomix and CSM method
techniques ................................................................................................................................... 199
Table 35. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for spread wing (SWING)
technique ..................................................................................................................................... 200
Table 36. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for JACSMAN and LDis
techniques ................................................................................................................................... 201
Table 37. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for GeoJetTM and Hydramech
techniques ................................................................................................................................... 202
Table 38. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for RAS Jet and TURBOMIX
techniques ................................................................................................................................... 203
Table 39. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for TRD and dry jet mixing
techniques ................................................................................................................................... 204
Table 40. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for Nordic Method and
TREVIMIX DRY techniques ..................................................................................................... 205
Table 41. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for MDM and dry soil mixing
mass techniques .......................................................................................................................... 206
Table 42. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for Schnabel DMW technique ......... 207
TRD Trench cutting and remixing deep wall method
USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
VDOT Virginia Department of Transportation
WisDOT Wisconsin Department of Transportation
WJE Wet jet end
WRE Wet rotary end
WRS Wet rotary shaft
WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation
WVP Wet vertical panel
The deep mixing method (DMM) is an in situ soil treatment in which native soils or fills are
blended with cementitious and/or other materials, typically referred to as binders. Compared to
native soils or fills, the soil-binder composite material that is created has enhanced engineering
properties such as increased strength, lower permeability, and reduced compressibility. Soils
best suited to DMM include cohesive soils with high moisture contents and loose, saturated, fine
granular soils. DMM has also been used successfully in a wide range of less cohesive soils and
fills, but it is typically not feasible in very dense or stiff materials or in ground with obstructions
such as cobbles or boulders. The treated soil properties obtained by DMM reflect the
characteristics of the native soil, binder characteristics, construction variables, operational
parameters, curing time, and loading conditions.
Two types of DMMs are used in the United States: wet mixing and dry mixing. Wet mixing
involves injecting binders in slurry (wet) form to blend with the soil. Primarily single-auger,
multi-auger, or cutter-based mixing processes are used with cement-based slurries to create
isolated elements, continuous walls or blocks for large-scale foundation improvement, earth
retaining systems, hydraulic barriers, and contaminant/fixation systems. Dry mixing uses binders
in powder (dry) form that react with the water already present in the soil. Primarily single-auger
dry mixing processes are used with lime and lime-cement mixtures to create isolated columns,
panels, or blocks for soil stabilization as well as reinforcement of cohesive soils.
The generic term DMM is recommended and used within this manual. This term is inclusive of
other terms such as deep soil mixing (DSM) and cement deep soil mixing (CDSM).
In 2000 and 2001, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) produced a three-volume
research report outlining the use of DMM for geotechnical applications.(1–3) The study focused
on the applications, equipment, market conditions, and properties of treated soils produced using
DMM. This study was followed by the research contributions of the National Deep Mixing
Program, a Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF) Program study, TPF-5(001). TPF is a funding
mechanism for State transportation departments and FHWA to pool financial and personnel
resources to plan and conduct research projects of mutual interest. To increase the benefit of
these efforts, FHWA commissioned the development of an unpublished literature review
report as well as this design manual. The purpose of the literature review was to compile the
information relevant to this report that was available from FHWA research efforts and national
and international technical literature, provide background information on U.S. deep mixing
for transportation projects, and identify additional sources information on design and
construction methods.
The purpose of this report is to provide user-oriented DMM design and construction guidelines
for the support of embankments and typical transportation-oriented foundations. The use of
DMM for liquefaction mitigation and excavation support is also discussed in general terms since
these applications are often associated with DMM projects for embankments and foundations.
Detailed liquefaction mitigation guidance is presented by Siddharthan and Suthahar.(4) Design
guidance for excavation support is presented by Rutherford et al.(5) DMM is also frequently and
successfully used to create hydraulic (seepage) cutoff walls or to remediate and/or contain
environmentally hazardous materials. Seepage cutoffs and environmental applications are not
addressed within the scope of this manual.
The embankment and foundation applications addressed in this manual are described in table 1
and depicted schematically in figure 1 through figure 6.
Figure 2. Illustration. Cut and cover culvert supported on DMM through embankment.
Figure 3. Illustration. Abutment supported on deep foundations and adjacent embankment
supported on DMM.
The design portion of this manual focuses on deep mixing support of embankments. In most
circumstances, for DMM to be considered for structure support, DMM would also have to be
used for support of the embankment. Equipment mobilization costs and other start-up costs are
often too high to justify the use of DMM at structure locations alone. Design recommendations
for DMM support of structures are provided in this manual, but because embankment support is
generally the deciding factor, this report mainly describes embankment support.
The chapters and associated content of this report are organized as follows:
• Chapter 1: Provides the scope of the manual and background information on the use of
DMM for transportation projects in the United States.
• Chapter 3: Describes applications, feasibility, and flow of design and construction for
DMM projects.
• Chapter 5: Provides ranges of treated soil properties and a procedure for determining
treated soil strengths for design.
• Chapter 10: Includes guidance for developing bench-scale testing and full-scale field
testing programs.
• Chapter 11: Provides a construction overview (i.e., means, methods, and materials
for DMM).
• Chapter 13: Explains typical costs and methods for estimating costs of DMM projects
for comparison with alternative technologies.
• Appendix D: Showcases tabulated data for DMM methods and equipment used
Although DMM was invented in the United States in 1954, current methods mainly reflect
developments made in Japan and Nordic countries over the past 40 years.(1) Until 1996, the
international technical literature included many papers on the development and use of DMM.
However, most of the papers were published in Japanese and Swedish. In 1996, an international
conference on grouting and deep mixing was held in Tokyo, Japan, and the official conference
language was English. This conference represented the first major exposure of U.S. engineers to
the extent and potential use of the various techniques included in DMM. Some types of modern
DMM had been in use in the United States since 1986.(6)
In 1997, FHWA began a concerted effort to research and study DMM and its applications.
The first studies focused on gathering and summarizing information on DMM applications,
equipment, and operations.(1,2) A later study focused on compiling and defining engineering
characteristics of ground treated using DMM.(3)
Recognizing the need for more detailed engineering tools for practicing engineers, FHWA
developed the National Deep Mixing Research Program in 2001. The program was created as
a TPF Program study and was established to facilitate the advancement and implementation of
DMM technology through partnered research and dissemination of international experience.(10)
Researchers from the National Deep Mixing Research Program administered and developed a
series of practice-oriented reports on a range of DMM topics that address various design and
laboratory issues.
In addition to these efforts, numerous researchers and practitioners have contributed to the
published technical literature on DMM in the United States. Many papers on U.S. DMM
advances have been presented at national and international conferences. These presentations
have addressed case histories, analysis of project data, equipment advancements, laboratory
testing results, characterization of engineering behavior of treated soils, and development of
methods for analysis and design of foundation systems incorporating DMM. Short courses and
seminars have been developed and offered by U.S. professional societies and universities to
promote DMM as a viable alternative to other ground improvement technologies.
Since 1991, DMM has been used successfully on over 20 large transportation projects in the
United States. Project details are summarized briefly in chapter 3. However, DMM usage in the
United States has been limited for a number of reasons, most notably the absence of readily
accessible and user friendly design guidelines and the lack of widely accepted and effective
QC/QA practices. This situation contrasts with that in the huge, active and largely transportation-
driven markets in Japan and Nordic countries.
Terms specific to laboratory testing, treated soil properties, design, construction, and contracting/
procurement are defined in this section. These terms are currently used and accepted by the U.S.
construction industry.
Various definitions of the same terms are often used in U.S. practice. Using a variety of terms
can be misleading, and this practice has caused contractual difficulties and confusion. A single
preferred term is provided for each item. Duplicate terms are shown in parenthesis following the
preferred term to promote understanding, but use of the preferred term is recommended.
• Admixtures: Ingredients in the grout other than binder, bentonite, and water. Admixtures
can be fluidifiers, dispersants, or retarding, plugging, or bridging agents that permit
efficient use of materials and proper workability of the grout.
• Binder: Chemically reactive material (i.e., lime, cement, gypsum, blast furnace slag,
flyash, or other hardening reagents) that can be used for mixing with in situ soils to
strengthen the soils and form DMM columns. Also referred to as stabilizer or reagent.
In U.S. practice, binder slurry is frequently referred to as grout or slurry.
• Binder content: Ratio of weight of dry binder to dry weight of soil to be treated.
• Binder factor in-place: Ratio of weight of dry binder to volume of mixture, which is the
volume of the soil to be treated plus the volume of the slurry for the wet method or the
volume of the dry binder for the dry method.
• Binder slurry: Stable colloidal mixture of water, binder, and admixtures that assists in
loosening the soils for effective mixing and strengthening the in situ soil upon setting.
• Blade rotation number (BRN): Total number of mixing blade rotations per meter of
shaft movement. BRN has been developed to ensure uniformity of products produced by
wet rotary end (WRE)/dry rotary end (DRE) systems. Refer to chapter 11 for indepth
descriptions of WRE and DRE classifications. For horizontal cutter systems (e.g., cutter
soil mixing (CSM)), revolutions per minute are typically reported as an indicator of
mixing energy. Note that BRN is not applicable for chainsaw-type mixers (e.g., trench
cutting and remixing deep wall method (TRD).
• Column: Pillar of treated soil produced in situ by a single installation process using a
mixing tool, typically a rotating auger, to make a round column. A rectangular barrette
produced by twin horizontal mixing shafts is also a column. See “element” and “wall,”
which are related geometric terms.
• Deep mixing equipment: Deep mixing equipment with various mixing tools including
single vertical shaft mixing tools, multiple vertical shaft mixing tools, horizontal rotating
circular cutters, chainsaw-type cutters, etc.
• DMM: In situ ground treatment in which soil is blended with cementitious and/or other
binder materials to improve strength, permeability, and/or compressibility characteristics
(synonymous terms (some proprietary) include DSM, deep mixing, CDSM, and soil
cement mixing).
• Dry mixing: Process of mechanical disaggregation of the soil in situ and its mixing with
binders with or without fillers and admixtures in dry powder form. Binders are delivered
primarily on tool retrieval.
• Element: This is an inclusive term that refers to a DMM element produced by a single
stroke of the mixing tools at a single equipment location. A column produced by a single-
axis machine, a set of overlapping columns produced by a single stroke of a multiple-
shaft mixing tool, and a rectangular barrette produced by a mixing tool with horizontal
axis rotating cutter blades are each considered an element. An element consisting of
overlapping columns produced by a single stroke of a multiple-shaft mixing tool is
sometimes referred to as a panel. A chainsaw-type mixing tool that travels as it mixes
produces a continuous wall, which is not an element.
• Engineer: The representative of the design engineer or of the project owner (owner).
This person may either be a subconsultant to the owner or a member of the owner’s staff.
• Mix design: Ratios of soil, binder, water, and additive quantities required to meet the
design requirements of the project.
• Mixing tool: Equipment used to disaggregate the soil and distribute and mix the binder
with the soil. Consists of one or several rotating units equipped with several blades, arms,
and paddles with or without continuous or discontinuous flight augers, horizontal rotating
cutter blades, or chainsaw-type cutters.
• Penetration (downstroke): Stage or phase of mixing process cycle in which the mixing
tool is delivered to the appropriate depth (disaggregation phase) for withdrawal injection
and disaggregation and mixing for penetration injection. (Not applicable for chainsaw-
type mixers (TRD).)
• Penetration/retrieval speed: Vertical movement per unit time of the mixing tool during
penetration or withdrawal. (Not applicable for chainsaw-type mixers (TRD).)
• Restroke: Additional penetration and withdrawal cycle of the mixing tool to increase the
binder content and/or mixing energy. (Not applicable for chainsaw-type mixers (TRD).)
• Retrieval: Withdrawal of mixing tool from bottom depth to the ground surface. Binder
may be injected during retrieval, which also imparts additional mixing energy.
• Rotation speed: Number of revolutions of the mixing tool per unit time.
• Soil-cement: Product of DMM consisting of a mixture of the in situ soil and binder. Also
referred to as treated soil or deep mixed material.
• Strength: Dependent on application, various strengths may be used to assess the quality
of deep mixed material. For design, strength usually means shear strength, but during
QC/QA, strength usually means unconfined compressive strength. For clarity, the
intended type of strength should always be identified when using this term.
• Stroke: One complete cycle (penetration and withdrawal) of the mixing process.
• Volume ratio: Ratio of the volume of slurry injected (in wet mixing) to the volume of
soil to be treated.
• Water: Fresh water that is free of deleterious substances that adversely affect the strength
and mixing properties of the grout and is used to manufacture grout.
• Water-to-binder ratio: Weight of water added to the dry binder divided by the weight of
the dry binder. In wet mixing, the water-to-binder ratio of the slurry is determined from
the weights of water and dry binder used to manufacture the slurry in a plant at the
ground surface. In either wet or dry mixing, the total water-to-binder ratio is the weight
of water in the mixture divided by the weight of dry binder. For wet mixing, the total
water-to-binder ratio is the weight of slurry water plus the weight of soil water divided by
the weight of dry binder. For dry mixing, the total water-to-slurry ratio is the weight of
soil water divided by the weight of dry binder.
• Wet mixing: Process of mechanical disaggregation of the soil in situ and mixing with
slurry consisting of water and binders with or without fillers and admixtures. In most
cases, binder is delivered on mixing tool penetration for vertical and horizontal
axis mixing tools.
• Withdrawal (upstroke): Stage or phase of retrieval of the mixing tool in which the final
mixing occurs for penetration injection and initial mixing for withdrawal injection.
Disaggregation occurs during the penetration for both penetration injection and
withdrawal injection. (Not applicable for chainsaw-type mixers (TRD).)
• Withdrawal rate: The average up-hole retrieval rate of the mixing tool.
• Liquefaction mitigation: Interlocking box or cellular DMM structures used to reduce the
tendency for mass liquefaction and lateral spreading during seismic events.
• Excavation support walls: Walls typically containing reinforcing steel elements used to
resist lateral earth pressures in deep excavations.
• Hydraulic cutoff walls: Walls used to prevent water movement through or under
retaining structures and into excavations below the water table.
The generic applications encompass the specific embankment foundation applications listed in
table 1 in chapter 1. Frequently, DMM has more than one function on any particular project
(e.g., excavation support in combination with retaining wall support).
DMM has been used on at least 21 U.S. transportation projects since 1991, as shown in table 2.
Projects are listed in chronological order, and the primary and secondary applications of DMM
for each project are identified. The primary application reflects the main function of DMM as
designed and constructed. The secondary application reflects associated functions and benefits
provided by DMM.
Table 2. Summary of DMM usage for U.S. transportation projects.
Application of DMMa
Support Walls
Cutoff Walls
Project and of Cost of
Year Location Owner DMM DMMb
P 1991 Allegheny County Pennsylvania 1,800 m3 $147,600
Jail, Pittsburgh, PA(11) Department of
P S S 1992– Bird Island Flats, Massachusetts 37,180 m2 $35.8 million
1995 Central Artery Turnpike Authority and
Tunnel, Boston, MA Massachusetts
Department of
S P 1996– 7th Street seal slab, California Department N/A N/A
1997 San Francisco, CA of Transportation
P 1997 Lake Parkway, Wisconsin Department 20,900 m2 $4 million
Milwaukee, WI of Transportation
P 1997 I-15, Salt Lake City, Utah Department of 33,500 m3 $2.2 million
UT(17,18) Transportation
P 1997– Fort Point Channel, Massachusetts 420,000 m3 $72 million
2002 Boston, MA(14) Turnpike Authority and
P S 1998 San Francisco Bay Caltrans 170,500 m3 $2.6 million
Area Rapid Transit
(BART) Culvert,
San Francisco, CA(19)
P 1999 Danville, PA(20) PennDOT 4,000 m2 $700,000
P 2000 Woodrow Wilson Virginia Department of 124,300 m $11.4 million
Bridge, Alexandria, Transportation
VA(18,21,22) (VDOT)
P 2000 Doolittle Drive and Caltrans N/A N/A
Airport Drive
Interchange, Oakland
Airport, Oakland,
P S 2000 Hackensack New Jersey 9,500 m3 $364,000
Meadows, Hoboken, Department of
NJ(24) Transportation
P 2001– Airport Drive Caltrans 15,000 m3 $1.2 million
Tacoma, WA(33)
N/A = Not available.
P indicates primary application, S indicates secondary application, and blank cells indicate that DMM application was not used.
Cost does not include mobilization.
Cost includes jet grouting at utility crossings and setting of soldier beams.
1 ft3 = 0.028 m3
1 ft2 = 0.093 m2
The feasibility of using DMM for any given project is dependent on a number of diverse factors,
including practical project considerations (i.e., cost, schedule, performance, geotechnical,
logistical, accessibility, and environmental) and conventional considerations (i.e., regional and
historical practices and preferences and the degree of influence of local contractors, consultants,
and owners).
The relative advantages and potential limitations of using DMM for embankment and foundation
support are listed in table 3. DMM, similar to any geotechnical construction technique, is not a
solution for all soft ground treatment, improvement, retention, and containment problems.
However, for certain applications, it can be more practical, more economic, faster, or otherwise
preferable to competing technologies. Typical alternative technologies are listed in table 4.
In the most general terms, DMM may be attractive for the following project conditions:
• The ground is neither very stiff nor very dense and does not contain large cobbles,
boulders, or other obstructions.
• A significant amount of spoil can be tolerated for the wet methods, but negligible spoil is
generated for the dry method.
DMM is especially useful for embankment support under the following conditions:
• The project schedule requires more rapid construction than would be possible using
staged construction and prefabricated vertical drains.
• Ground movements induced by embankment construction would impact adjacent
structures. For example, when widening an existing embankment on soft ground, DMM
can prevent settlement of the existing embankment and pavement due to the load from
the new embankment.
Table 3. Relative advantages and disadvantages of DMM for general transportation project applications
(adapted from FHWA).(1)
Item Ground Treatment and Improvement Liquefaction Mitigation Excavation Support Walls
Relative • Low relative cost per unit volume to depths of 130 ft (40 m). • Excellent proven performance • Lower relative cost per unit area,
advantages/ • Strength of treated soil ranges from 75 to 600 psi (0.5 to record in Japan. especially in the range of 50 to
benefits 4 MPa). • Economical on large projects. 130 ft (15 to 40 m) in depth
of DMM • Layout may be varied based on diameter and spacing of • Engineering properties of treated relative to slurry walls and secant
columns or thickness and spacing of panels. soil can be designed up to about pile walls.
• Dry mixing methods provide very low spoil volumes. 600 psi (4 MPa). • No need for other types of
• The spoil from wet mixing methods may serve as excellent • Construction quality highly lagging.
site fill material. verifiable (wet and dry). • Relatively low permeability;
• Little vibration and medium-low noise (equipment can be • There are minimal lateral or therefore, no need for additional
muffled). vertical stresses that could sealing.
• High production capacity in certain conditions. potentially damage adjacent • Spoil from the wet method can be
• Quickly verifiable in situ performance. structures. used as excellent site fill material.
• Can be used for marine projects. • No recurrent post-construction • Little vibration and medium-low
• Generally good lateral and vertical levels of treatment. expenses. noise (equipment can be
• Can be used in most types of soils and fills (without muffled).
obstructions). • In fluid state, allows structural
3.2.2 Feasibility Evaluation for Using Deep Mixing for Transportation Projects
The factors listed in table 5 should be considered when assessing the feasibility of using DMM
for a project.
Geometric Are site • Treatment depths should be less than about 130 ft
applicability conditions (40 m).
conducive to • Relatively unrestricted overhead clearance should be
using DMM? available.
• The project area should be large enough to
accommodate large and heavy mixing rigs and binder
plants for wet mixing.
• Treated or improved ground volumes are large enough
to warrant mobilization/demobilization costs.
• Adjacent land use, property ownership, or
environmental impacts dictate a narrow footprint for the
• Adjacent facilities (e.g., an existing embankment and
pavement in an embankment widening application)
could be damaged unless the loads from the new
embankment are transferred to a competent bearing
Project Are construction • Constant and adequate supply of binder can be ensured.
constraints materials readily • Borrow material for staged loading is expensive,
available? environmentally destructive to obtain, or not readily
Are there • A significant amount of spoil from wet mixing can be
environmental tolerated or used productively on the project.
constraints? • Relatively vibration- or noise-free technology is
Contractual Are performance • Being a contractor-driven and method-dependent
vehicles specifications process, DMM is well suited for the use of performance
applicable? specifications.
Cost Is project cost a • DMM can be less expensive than excavation and
considerations driving factor? replacement since the in situ soil is used.
• DMM is generally more expensive than staged
• DMM columns can be used in column-supported
embankment foundations and can be used in conjunction
with lightweight fills for embankment construction.
Schedule Is the project • Construction can proceed more rapidly when using
considerations schedule a DMM than when using preloading with or without
driving factor? prefabricated vertical drains or staged construction on
soft compressible soil.
Design Must treated • DMM treated ground strengths range typically from
constraints ground strengths 75 to 600 psi (0.5 to 4 MPa). Most design strengths for
be closely ground improvement are in the range of 96 to 145 psi
engineered? (0.66 to 1 MPa).
• Ground movements induced by embankment
construction would impact adjacent structures or
A flow chart depicting the overall process of design and construction for DMM projects is
shown in figure 7. The flowchart includes four main project phases: (1) data collection (yellow),
(2) design (green), (3) procurement (blue), and (4) construction with continuous QC/QA (red).(34)
Laboratory bench-scale testing and possible field trials are also part of the data collection phase.
If prior experience is not available, laboratory mix design studies (i.e., bench-scale testing)
should generally be conducted prior to or at the same time as analysis and design to establish a
range of strengths that can reasonably be achieved in the field. A preliminary field trial including
installation of full-scale DMM elements may also be performed during the design phase to
ensure treated soil properties may be achieved as required. Although expensive, full-scale field
trials can provide valuable data for large or complex projects. Bench-scale testing and field trial
programs are discussed in chapter 10.
The analysis and design phase includes engineering evaluations of the DMM configuration being
proposed for the project, laboratory bench-scale testing, possible field trials of DMM techniques
to be used, and preparation of specifications for construction. Design procedures are discussed in
chapter 6, field trial and validation programs are outlined chapter 10, and a guide to writing
effective specifications is provided in chapter 9.
Isolated columns and continuous shear walls, as illustrated in figure 8, are the most common
DMM configurations for transportation embankments. Typically, isolated columns are
constructed beneath the central portion of the embankment to control settlement, and continuous
shear walls are constructed beneath the side slopes (and oriented perpendicularly to the
embankment centerline) to prevent embankment stability failure.
The design process includes an evaluation of external (global) stability and internal stability
under a variety of potential failure modes to ensure that the stresses induced within and adjacent
to the treated ground do not exceed the material capacities and that settlements are limited to
acceptable levels. Initial trial values of DMM properties are assumed, analyses are performed,
and the results are compared with performance criteria. Analytical procedures are discussed in
detail in chapter 6.
For global stability, the treated ground beneath the embankment is modeled as a rigid body, and
its stability is evaluated under various modes of failures, including lateral sliding, overturning,
bearing capacity, and rotation/sliding along potential sliding surfaces that pass entirely beneath
or entirely above the deep mixed shear walls. Figure 9 and figure 10 illustrate overturning and
sliding as well as bearing capacity modes, respectively.
Figure 9. Illustration. External stability mode of failure for overturning and sliding.(35)
Figure 10. Illustration. External stability mode of failure for bearing capacity.(35)
Settlement of the embankment is calculated based on the assumption of equal strains in the
treated ground and the adjacent untreated soil within the deep mixed zone underlying the central
portion of the embankment. This approach is equivalent to using a composite modulus of the
deep mixed ground and the adjacent soil. Compression of soil below the deep mixed ground can
be evaluated using a load spread method similar to that used for pile groups. Compliance of the
embankment above the deep mixed columns can be evaluated using methods for column-
supported embankments.
Two internal stability modes of failure are illustrated in figure 11 and figure 12—a sliding
surface passing through the deep mixed zone and vertical shearing along column overlaps within
the deep mixed zone. If the deep mixed ground overlies a hard bearing stratum, lateral loads
could produce toe pressures that exceed the capacity of the deep mixed ground. Analyses should
check for crushing of the shear walls at the outside toe of the panels. The overlap of the columns
must be sufficient to prevent shearing along vertical planes within the shear walls produced by
lateral loading, which could produce a racking-type failure mode. This analysis involves
comparing the vertical shear stress on the critical vertical plane with the design strength value.
Internal stability analyses also address potential sliding surfaces that pass through the deep
mixed shear walls and adjacent soil. The geometry of the shear walls must be checked to ensure
that soil does not extrude between the panels due to unbalanced forces caused by active and
passive earth pressures acting on the deep mixed zone.(36)
Figure 11. Illustration. Internal stability mode of failure for circular sliding surface.(35)
Figure 12. Illustration. Internal stability mode of failure for vertical shearing.(35)
For internal stability analyses, composite shear strength and unit weight values are used to
model the deep mixed zone beneath the embankment based on the configuration of the columns
(i.e., area replacement ratio and spacing of the shear walls). Separate composite shear strengths
for vertical and non-vertical planes are estimated for the deep mixed shear walls beneath the
side slope.
Construction specifications should clearly communicate the required geometry, continuity, and
strength of the deep mixed ground. The specifications should also detail the acceptance criteria
to assure performance. Guide specifications are discussed in chapter 9.
Traditional design-bid-build procurement practices involve bidding on the project after the
contract documents (including plans and technical specifications) are prepared. Innovative
procurement vehicles involving design-build methods and early contractor involvement (ECI)
have merit on DMM projects due to quality of DMM being influenced by various contractor-
controlled variables. Procurement vehicles for DMM projects are discussed in chapter 8.
The contractor is responsible for controlling the geometry of the deep mixed elements by using
certain tooling dimensions and installation procedures. The contractor documents the quality of
the operations and provides reports of the QC data on a daily basis. The owner conducts QA
activities, including sampling and testing to assure the quality of the deep mixed ground. Means
and methods for construction and QC/QA are discussed in chapters 11 and 12, respectively.
A field validation program involves installing full-scale DMM elements to demonstrate that the
contractor’s materials and methods can satisfy the project specifications, including the strength
and continuity of the deep mixed ground. Validation tests are conducted after the contract is
awarded but before production mixing. Such field validation programs are much more common
than trial columns installed during the design phase.
The information in this chapter does not include an introduction to geotechnical site explorations
in general. Instead, it provides additional guidance for DMM projects. For those not familiar
with geotechnical site explorations, helpful resources include Evaluation of Soil and Rock
Properties, Subsurface Investigations, Soils and Foundations Reference Manual Volume I, and
Soils and Foundations Reference Manual Volume II. (See references 37–40.) This chapter
focuses on specific special needs of site explorations for DMM projects. Where feasible,
recommendations are given in a format compatible with the materials in Evaluation of Soil and
Rock Properties.(37)
The following key points are made in the exploration guidance documents: (See references
This chapter addresses a phased approach to site exploration, general site exploration planning,
and important site exploration details.
2. Review geologic reports and maps, topographic maps, aerial photographs, previous
subsurface investigation reports, soil survey reports, etc. (See section 3.2.3 in Evaluation of
Soil and Rock Properties for more information.(37))
3. Visit the site to observe access, current land use, and surface features such as topography,
outcrops, stability, drainage features, etc. (See section 3.2.4 in Evaluation of Soil and Rock
Properties for more information.(37))
4. Plan the next phase(s) of the site exploration. (See section 3.2 in Evaluation of Soil and Rock
Properties for more information.(37))
In phase 2, the need for DMM may not yet be established, and other geotechnical approaches
may be under consideration. Consequently, the site exploration may support more than one type
of geotechnical construction. In phase 2 of a three-phase investigation, borings and soundings are
made at a wide spacing, and limited laboratory testing is performed. The intent is to develop the
general stratigraphy and relevant soil property values such as strength and compressibility for
use in preliminary calculations to determine which technology should be considered for a more
detailed field investigation, laboratory testing, and final design. Phase 2 also includes planning
the phase 3 investigation.
In phase 3, it is known that a DMM design will be developed. A detailed program of field
investigations and laboratory testing is conducted to provide information needed for design,
construction, and preparation of bid documents.
The planning process for geotechnical site explorations includes the following steps: (1) identify
data needs, (2) gather and analyze existing site information, (3) develop a preliminary site model,
(4) develop and conduct a site exploration program, and (5) develop and conduct a laboratory
testing program.(37) In the phased approach, steps 1 through 3 are part of phase 1, and steps 4 and
5 are performed in phases 2 and 3.
To facilitate step 1, table 6 summarizes information needed and field and laboratory testing to be
considered for support of transportation-related embankments and structures. Specifically, the
table lists the engineering evaluations that should be performed, the information required for the
evaluations, and the suitable field exploration procedures and laboratory tests.
Engineering evaluations that may need to be performed for DMM projects include stability,
settlement, load transfer, and lateral movement of adjacent structures. The details of these
stability and settlement evaluations are discussed in chapter 6. Procedures for column-supported
embankments can be applied to assess load transfer from the embankment to basal geosynthetic
reinforcing, if used, and to deep mixed columns. The potential for lateral movement of adjacent
structures can be assessed as necessary on a case-by-case basis. Engineering evaluation of soil
compatibility with binders and suitability of site soils for DMM are discussed in chapter 5.
Material parameter values and numerical performance criteria are used in the engineering
evaluations. Practical construction information, such as the existence of buried utilities that
might interfere with construction and suitable locations for onsite use and/or offsite disposal
of spoil materials, is also required.
Table 6. Summary of evaluations, information, and testing considerations for highway
applications of DMM.
Information for
Geotechnical Engineering Assessment and Laboratory
Issues Evaluations Analysis Field Testing Testing
• Deep mixing • Settlement • Subsurface profile • Standard • In situ water
(for support of • Stability • Soil penetration test content
embankments, • Load transfer characterization (SPT) • Organic content
piers, platform • Tolerable • Cone • pH
abutments, • Lateral settlement of penetration test • Loss on ignition
retaining movement of facility (CPT) • Conductivity
walls, and adjacent • Factor of safety • Field vane • Chloride and
culverts) structures if and/or reliability shear strength sulfide content
they might be against slope • Geophysical • Atterberg (liquid
affected by the instability testing and plastic)
proposed • Compressibility • Observation limits
construction parameters wells/ • Grain size
• Compatibility • Shear strength piezometers distribution
of soil with parameters • Near-surface • Consolidation of
stabilizers • Unit weights ground existing site soils
• Suitability of • Chemical and temperature • Shear strength of
soil for deep mineralogical existing site soils
mixing composition of soil • Unconfined
• Presence of buried compressive
obstructions/ strength of soil-
utilities binder mixtures
• Identification of
on/offsite disposal
location (for wet
Note: The content in this table is adapted from published references. (See references 9, 35, 37, and 38.)
Many of the field and laboratory tests listed in table 6 are standard components of geotechnical
site exploration programs and need no further discussion here. The following items from table 6
are specific to DMM projects:
• Near-surface ground temperatures should not be lower than about 39 °F (4 °C) for
cementation reactions to occur effectively.
• The in situ soil water content has an important impact on mixture strength, as discussed
in chapter 5.
• Increasing organic content often requires higher cement content, and organic contents
greater than about 10 percent may produce significant interference with cementation.
Humus, which is finely divided and decomposed organic matter in soil, has more
potential to interfere with cementation than fibrous organic material that is not
as decomposed.
• For lime stabilization, conductivity can provide an indication of the potential for the
pozzolanic reactions that are necessary to form cementitious bonds. Conductivity less
than 1.02 × 10-6 S/inch (0.4 mS/cm) indicates a non-pozzolanic soil, and conductivity
greater than 3.05 × 10-6 S/inch (1.2 mS/cm) indicates a soil that would experience
pozzolanic reactions with lime. However, dissolved salts in porewater can increase
conductivity without the presence of clay minerals necessary for pozzolanic reactions
with lime.
Table 3 of Evaluation of Soil and Rock Properties presents recommended minimum numbers
and depths of investigation points for a range of different highway applications, but the table
does not include entries for DMM applications.(37) Table 7 of this report has been prepared to
provide that information for DMM applications.
For all geotechnical site explorations, the field crews should have a thorough understanding of
the objectives of the investigation, or they should be in close contact with the design office.
Field adjustments of the location and depth of borings and probes as well as sampling type and
frequency should be made with consideration of the project objectives in mind.
Table 6 and table 7 provide general background information and guidance that can be used to
help prepare site exploration plans for DMM projects. Important additional details are discussed
in the next section.
Table 7. Guidelines for minimum numbers and depths of investigation points for highway applications of DMM.(37)
Minimum Number of Investigation Points and
Application Location of Investigation Points Minimum Depth of Investigation
Deep mixing for A minimum of one investigation point every Investigation depth should be at a minimum equal
support of 100 ft (30 m) (erratic conditions) to 200 ft (60 m) to 3 times the embankment height unless a hard
embankments (uniform conditions) of embankment length along stratum is encountered above this depth.
the centerline of the embankment. At critical
locations (e.g., maximum embankment heights
and maximum depths of soft strata), a minimum of
three investigation points are necessary in the
transverse direction to define the existing
subsurface conditions for stability analyses. For
bridge approach embankments, there is at least
one investigation point at abutment locations.
Deep mixing for For support of bridge abutments with substructure The depth of investigation should extend below
support of abutments widths less than or equal to 100 ft (30 m), there is the anticipated column tip elevation a minimum of
a minimum of two investigation points per 20 ft (6 m) or a minimum of 2 times the width of
substructure. For substructure widths greater than the column group used to support the abutment,
100 ft (30 m), there is a minimum of three whichever is deeper. All borings should extend
investigation points per substructure. Additional through unsuitable strata such as unconsolidated
investigation points should be provided if erratic fill, peat, highly organic materials, soft fine-
subsurface conditions are encountered. grained soils, and loose coarse-grained soils to
reach hard or dense materials.
Deep mixing for A minimum of two investigation points for each Investigation depth below the bottom of the wall
support of retaining retaining wall. For retaining walls more than should be, at a minimum, equal to 3 times the wall
walls 100 ft (30 m) in length, investigation points are height unless a hard stratum is encountered above
spaced every 50 to 100 ft (15 to 30 m) along the this depth.
wall alignment, with locations alternating from in
front of the wall to behind the wall.
Deep mixing for A minimum of two investigation points for each Depth of investigation should follow the
culverts culvert. For culverts more than 100 ft (30 m) in guidelines given for the embankment surrounding
length, investigation points are spaced every 50 to the culvert.
100 ft (15 to 30 m) along the culvert alignment.
There are several details that need special attention when conducting site explorations for DMM
projects. For soft ground to be improved by DMM, two parameters have an especially large
impact on the ability of DMM to increase strength and decrease compressibility: the in situ water
content and the organic content of the soil. For soft soils that are easy to mix, as the water
content of the mixture increases, more binder is needed to achieve the same strength. Because
the amount of water in the mixture has a big impact on the mixture strength, the water content of
the soil is an important parameter to be characterized during site explorations for DMM projects.
Similarly, soils with high organic content may require large amounts of binder to achieve
suitable strength. Organics may interfere with cementation because organic colloids can attract
the calcium in cement or lime and prevent it from participating in the chemical reactions that
stabilize the mixture. Humus is more detrimental to cementation than fibrous organics because
organic colloids from humus can become more widely dispersed in the mixture than intact fibers
from fibrous organic material. Consequently, the amount and type of organic material are key
parameters that should be well characterized for a deposit.
The mineralogy of the soils to be treated is also important. For example, silty and sandy soils
without a significant amount of clay minerals respond better to cement treatment than to lime
treatment, whereas clay soils are treatable with lime/cement mixtures. Atterberg limits tests
provide a useful indication of the presence and amount of clay minerals in a soil.
The site exploration should also identify conditions that can interfere with the mixing process
such as the presence of boulders, cobbles, layers of dense sands/gravels, construction debris,
abandoned foundations, or underground utilities.
Bench-scale treatability studies should be performed to assess the effect of different binders and
binder factors and to investigate the range of strengths that can be achieved (see chapter 10). The
strengths of laboratory-prepared specimens and field-mixed material are not the same due to
differences in mixing, curing, and loading conditions. Nevertheless, the strength of laboratory-
prepared specimens provides a useful indication of the potential of DMM to improve the strength
of soft ground. Laboratory testing is discussed in more detail in chapter 5.
A significant quantity of soil sample must be obtained to perform laboratory tests. It was found
that 6.5 lb (3 kg) of soil is enough to make a batch of eight 2- by 4-inch (50- by 100-mm)
specimens for curing and strength testing for most mix designs. Two specimens can be tested
at each of four curing times, which permits a smooth curve to be drawn through the data to
determine the 28-day strength. Multiple batches are ordinarily prepared to investigate different
mix designs. For investigating lime-cement-soil mixtures by the dry method or binder-water-soil
mixtures by the wet method, a minimum of five batches are necessary, but the use of twice that
many is common. Such testing would require 35 to 70 lb (15 to 30 kg) of soil.
The critical soil layer (i.e., the wettest and softest soil layer) may drive the mix design, but there
are many circumstances for which more than one layer should be tested. For example, consider a
soil profile including a layer of highly organic soil about 6 ft (2 m) thick and an underlying layer
of soft clay that is 33 ft (10 m) thick. In this case, it may be necessary to perform laboratory mix
design studies for both layers, which would require about 35 to 70 lb (15 to 30 kg) of each soil
for each treatment method to be investigated.
Although relatively undisturbed samples are necessary for many performance-related tests such
as consolidation, shear strength, and permeability of fine-grained soils, disturbed soil samples are
suitable for mix design studies for DMM projects.
The soil for mix design testing can be obtained using a variety of sampling techniques
as follows:
• Thick-walled split-spoon samples: The sampler used for SPT has a 1.4-inch (35-mm)
inside diameter, which is generally too small to obtain sufficient sample for mix design
studies. Larger split-spoon samplers may be suitable.
• Backhoe test pits: It is easy to obtain large samples using a backhoe, but the exploration
depth is limited.
• Bucket augers: A bucket auger consists of a short barrel with a hinged drop bottom that
has cutting teeth and slots for soil entry. The bucket auger is attached to the drill string
and is used to obtain samples from the bottom of a borehole. It may be necessary to clean
the bottom of the borehole before obtaining a sample.
• Auger cuttings: Samples for laboratory mix design studies can be obtained from auger
cuttings, but the depth of sampling by this method is not certain.
Samples should be carefully sealed to prevent drying during transportation and storage prior to
testing. Thin-walled samples can be sealed in the field immediately after sampling. Disturbed
samples should be placed in sealable plastic bags with as much air removed as possible to
prevent oxidation reactions prior to laboratory testing. Household vacuums have even been used
to help remove air. The sealed bag should be placed inside another sealed container such as a
second bag or a plastic pail with a sealable lid to help protect the first plastic bag against damage.
A wet sponge can be placed outside the first plastic bag and inside the second container to help
create a humid atmosphere that reduces diffusion of moisture through the first plastic bag. The
samples should be protected from warm temperatures. If the samples are not tested within 1 to
2 days after sampling, they should be stored in a humid room.
The purpose of this section is to provide an approach to determine realistic ranges of material
property values that can be used in designing DMM projects. At this stage in the design and
construction process, it is important to understand the relationship between treatment regimes
(e.g., wet versus dry method, mixing energy, binder type and amount, etc.) and the range of
engineering property values that can realistically be achieved for the specific soils at a project
site. After realistic ranges of property values are established, an engineer determines the
particular property values, replacement ratios, and column arrangements that are necessary to
achieve the desired performance for a specific project using the methods outlined in chapter 6.
The final required property values then form the basis for the construction specifications, as
described in chapter 9.
Laboratory testing is performed by the engineer as part of the design process to verify the
feasibility of using DMM and to assess a reasonable range of property values for design.
Laboratory testing may be performed again by the contractor as part of the construction process.
Laboratory testing is discussed in this chapter and again in chapter 10.
On large or innovative projects, it may be advantageous to perform field trials in which one
or more DMM contractor would construct DMM columns at the project site, and the columns
would be cored and tested in the field or laboratory. This was performed on the I-95/US Route 1
interchange project in Alexandria, VA.(22) More commonly, the construction contract will require
that the contractor perform a field demonstration of capability to achieve the design strength.
Field trials for design and field demonstrations during construction are both discussed in
chapter 10.
This chapter describes phase relationships for the dry and wet methods of deep mixing as well as
engineering property values of strength, modulus, Poisson’s ratio, permeability (hydraulic
conductivity), and unit weight.
Detailed descriptions of soil stabilization using portland cement concrete (PCC) and lime are
provided by Rafalko et al.(41) Stabilization reactions using slag-cement are provided by Vanzler
and Filz.(42)
When binders like cement, lime, and slag cement are mixed with soil, the result is a multiphase
material, as shown in figure 13 for dry mixing and figure 14 for wet mixing. Dry mixing is
generally used in soft, saturated, or nearly saturated soil, so the phase diagram in figure 13 shows
a saturated soil to which dry binder is added. Wet mixing can be applied to soils with any degree
of saturation. The phase diagram in figure 14 shows an unsaturated soil to which the binder-
water slurry is added, and this can represent a saturated soil by setting the volume of air equal to
zero. For wet mixing, whether the base soil is saturated or unsaturated, the resulting mixture is
generally saturated or nearly saturated, which is the outcome in figure 14.
Volumes Phase Diagrams or Masses
Cement: Vb Binder Wb
Va Air
Existing Soil: Vsoil Vw,soil Water Ww,soil
Vs Soil Solids Ws
Figure 13 and figure 14 illustrate the following definitions of component volumes and weights:
Va = Volume of air.
Vw,soil = Volume of water in the soil before mixing.
Ww,soil = Weight of water in the soil before mixing.
Vs = Volume of the soil solids.
Ws = Weight of the soil solids.
Vb = Volume of the binder.
Wb = Weight of the binder.
Vw,slurry = Volume of water in the slurry for wet mixing.
Ww,slurry = Weight of water in the slurry for wet mixing.
Vw,mix = Volume of water in the mixture.
Ww,mix = Weight of water in the mixture.
These quantities are useful in the equations in figure 15 and figure 16.
Gs =
Vs γ w
Figure 15. Equation. Specific gravity of soil solids.
Gb =
Vb γ w
Figure 16. Equation. Specific gravity of the binder.
Gs = Specific gravity of the soil solids.
Gb = Specific gravity of the binder.
γw = Unit weight of water (Ww/Vw).
Ratios that are useful for controlling deep mixing operations and reporting results from tests on
laboratory or field-mixed materials are listed in table 8.
Table 8. Definitions of deep mixing parameters.
Item Dry Method Wet Method
Wb Yes Yes
Binder factor: α = (lb/ft3 (kg/m3))
W Yes Yes
Binder factor in-place: α in − place = b (lb/ft3 (kg/m3))
W Yes Yes
Binder content: aw = b (percent)
W Yes Yes
Total water-to-binder ratio: wT :b = w,mix (dimensionless)
Ww,slurry No Yes
Water-to-binder ratio of the slurry: w:b =
Vslurry No Yes
Volume ratio: VR = (dimensionless)
For dry mixing, the contractor controls the rate of delivery of dry binder during mixing, which
means that the contractor is directly controlling the binder factor (α ). For a saturated soil, as
shown in figure 13, α is related to the binder factor in-place (α in-place), binder content (aw), and
total water-to-binder ratio (wT:b), as indicated in the equations shown in figure 17 through
figure 19.
αγ b
α in− place =
α +γb
Figure 17. Equation. Binder factor in-place.
aw =
γ d,soil
Figure 18. Equation. Binder content.
wγ d ,soil
wT :b =
Figure 19. Equation. Total water-to-binder ratio.
γb = Unit weight of the binder solids (Wb/Vb).
γd, soil = Dry unit weight of the soil (Ws/Vsoil).
w = Water content of the soil (Ww,soil/Ws).
For wet mixing, the contractor controls the water-to-binder ratio of the slurry (w:b) and the
volume ratio (VR). The outcome of controlling these parameters can be expressed in terms of α ,
α in-place, aw, and wT:b, all of which describe the mix proportions in various ways. For a specific
value of w:b, the contractor controls VR to achieve target values of α , α in-place, aw, or wT:b. The
values of VR to achieve target values of α , α in-place, aw, or wT:b are given by the equations in
figure 20 through figure 24. Figure 20 and figure 22 through figure 24 provide equations for any
degree of saturation of the soil. Figure 21 provides an equation for a soil saturation (S) = 1.
VR =
γ d,slurry
Figure 20. Equation. Volume ratio expressed in terms of binder factor
for any degree of saturation.
α in −place
VR =
γ d,slurry − α in −place
Figure 21. Equation. Volume ratio expressed in terms of binder factor in-place
for S = 1.
S (1 + wGs ) α in −place
VR = ⋅
S + wGs γ d,slurry − α in −place
Figure 22. Equation. Volume ratio expressed in terms of binder factor in-place
for any S.
γ d,soil
VR = aw
γ d,slurry
Figure 23. Equation. Volume ratio expressed in terms of binder content
for any S.
wγ d,soil
VR =
(wT :b − w:b )γ d,slurry
Figure 24. Equation. Volume ratio expressed in terms of total-water-to-binder ratio
for any S.
γd, slurry = Dry unit weight of the slurry (Wb/Vslurry).
S = Degree of saturation of the soil (Vw,soil/Vv).
Conversion among α , α in-place, aw, and wT:b for wet mixing can be done easily by using the
equations in figure 25 through figure 28. Figure 25 is for S = 1, and figure 26 through figure 28
are for any value of S.
γ d,slurry α in −place
γ d,slurry − α in −place
Figure 25. Equation. Binder factor expressed in terms of binder factor in-place
for S = 1.
α = a wγ d,soil
Figure 27. Equation. Binder factor expressed in terms of binder content
for any S.
wγ d, soil
wT :b − w:b
Figure 28. Equation. Binder factor expressed in terms of total-water-to-binder ratio
for any S.
Figure 20 through figure 28 for wet mixing are based on the assumption that neither water nor
binder from the mixture moves out into the soil beyond the deep mixed element. It is recognized
that in sand and gravel soils, water probably moves into the soil beyond the element in response
to excess pore water pressure in the freshly mixed element from slurry pumping pressure and
mixing action. If the soil is coarse enough to allow water to flow out of the element prior to the
binder setting up and if the soil is also fine enough that the binder particles are restrained from
moving with the water flow, then the flow of water into the soil beyond the element would
decrease wT:b in the element and increase the strength of the element. Thus, this assumption is
either realistic or conservative for mixture strength, provided that binder particles do not move
into the ground beyond the limits of the deep mixed element. If the soil is so coarse that the
binder particles are not retained in the deep mixed element, then the process becomes a
combination of deep mixing within the element limits and grouting outside the element limits,
and the relationships given for the mixture would not apply.
The relationships provided are based on a uniform mixture (i.e., the spoil from the wet method
has the same mix proportions as the material left in the ground). This can be a conservative
assumption, depending on the details of the mixing process, because some of the upper portion
of the existing soil with less than average binder content can be pushed up out of the ground as a
result of slurry injected at greater depths.
Engineering properties of the deep mixed soil include strength, modulus, Poisson’s ratio,
permeability, and unit weight. Stability analyses require material property values for strength and
unit weight. Settlement analyses require material property values of modulus and unit weight.
When DMM is used to construct hydraulic barriers, seepage analyses may be performed using
material property values of permeability.
For large or complex projects, numerical and reliability analyses may be useful for assessing
stability and settlement. Numerical analyses require values of strength, modulus, Poisson’s ratio,
and unit weight. Reliability analyses require knowledge of the variability of property values.
Knowing the strength of the deep mixed soil is necessary for stability analyses. This section
presents information about factors that influence the strength of deep mixed soil and how to
establish an appropriate range of unconfined compressive strength that can be used as input
to the design process.
The strength of treated ground depends on the characteristics of the binder materials and the
ground to be treated and the details of mixing, curing, and loading. Table 9, which is adapted
from Terashi, lists 17 factors that affect the strength of treated ground.(43) Several of these factors
depend on site and project characteristics, some may be controlled by project specifications, and
several are controlled by the DMM contractor. Even though many of these factors are beyond the
engineer’s control, it is worthwhile for engineers to have a basic understanding of the influence
of these factors on the strength of deep mixed soil.
Numerous studies show that the strength of deep mixed materials increases with increasing aw,
increasing mixing efficiency, increasing curing time, increasing curing temperature, decreasing
water content of the mixture, and decreasing organic content of the base soil. (See references 1,
22, and 44–52.) One interesting interaction of these factors is that increasing the water content of
the mixture can increase mixing efficiency; thus, in the case of low water content clays, adding
water to the mixture can increase the mixture strength.(53) Nevertheless, it remains true that for
thoroughly mixed materials, a decrease in the w:b of the mixture produces an increase in the
unconfined compressive strength.
The trend of increasing unconfined compressive strength with decreasing wT:b is shown from a
variety of sources in figure 29 for cement binder mixed with inorganic soils in laboratories,
including samples prepared to represent both dry and wet mixing. Although there is scatter in the
data, the general trend is for the 28-day unconfined compressive strength of the mixtures to
decrease as the total water-to-cement ratio (w:c) of the mixture increases. This is similar to the
trend of decreasing strength for increasing w:c of concrete, but typical total w:c values for deep
mixing are much larger than typical w:c values for concrete.
Jacobson, et al. (2003)
28-day Unconfined Compressive Strength (psi)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Total-Water-to-Cement Ratio
1psi = 6.88 kPa
Figure 29. Graph. Unconfined compressive strength versus total water-to-cement ratio
for laboratory-mixed and tested specimens. (See references 48 and 54–57.)
The trend in figure 29 can be used to estimate the amount of cement needed to produce a desired
strength for laboratory-prepared specimens of inorganic soil. For example, suppose that an
unconfined compressive strength of 150 psi (1,035 kPa) is desired for a saturated soil with w of
50 percent and Gs equal to 2.7, so γd, soil is 71.7 lbf/ft3 (11.2 kN/m3). According to the trend line
in figure 29, a total w:c of about 3.4 should produce the desired strength. If the contractor uses a
w:c of the slurry equal to 0.8, a specific gravity of the cement of 3.15, and γd, slurry of 55.8 lbf/ft3
(8.8 kN/m3), then figure 25 through figure 28 and figure 20 produce the following values of the
other mixing parameters:
• aw = 19 percent.
• VR = 24 percent.
Organic soils tend to require more binder than inorganic soils, and sandy soils require less binder
than clay soils. Slag-cement binders can be more effective than pure cement for treating organic
soils. Mix design is not an exact science, and site-specific testing is necessary. As discussed in
the following subsections, the strengths of laboratory-mixed specimens can be higher than the
strengths of field-mixed specimens.
The effect of curing time is to increase mixture strength. Based on a review of data by
researchers, the equation in figure 30 provides a conservative estimate of the strength increase
with time for cement and cement-slag treatment, except for some highly organic soils.
(See references 1–3, 44, 50, 53, and 57–60.)
f c = 0.187 ln (t ) + 0.375
Figure 30. Equation. Curing factor.
fc = Curing factor, which is the ratio of unconfined compression strength at time t to the
unconfined compression strength at 28 days.
t = Curing time (days).
Site-specific testing can be used to justify higher values of fc than given by figure 30.
Stabilized soils tested in triaxial conditions experience strain softening after the peak strength
is reached.(61) Although soil-cement mixtures are often brittle in unconfined compression tests,
the residual strength of soil-cement under low confining pressures is 65 to 90 percent of the
unconfined compressive strength.(46,62) Kitazume et al. used a residual compressive strength
value equal to 80 percent of the unconfined compressive strength in limit equilibrium analyses
of their centrifuge test results.(63) The confined residual strength of deep mixed ground can be
used in slope stability analyses to provide safety against progressive failure effects.
Given all of the factors that affect the strength of treated soils, the Japanese Coastal Development
Institute of Technology (CDIT) indicates that it is not possible to predict within a reasonable
level of accuracy the strength that will result from adding a particular amount of binder to a
given soil based on the in situ characteristics of the soil.(46) Consequently, laboratory mix design
studies must be performed using soils obtained from a project site.
Laboratory preparation and testing of specimens are discussed by Jacobson et al. for dry mixing
and by Filz et al. for wet mixing.(52,51) These procedures are included in appendices A and B,
respectively, and only key aspects are discussed in the main text. The procedure for dry mixing is
based primarily on the procedure in Swedish Geotechnical Society Report 4:95E, and the
procedure for wet mixing is based primarily on the procedure published by the Japanese
Geotechnical Society.(66,64)
In both cases, the procedures cover recommended methods for handling and storing the soil
sample, preparing the soil sample, preparing the binder, mixing the soil and binder, forming
specimens, curing specimens, performing compression test, and reducing and presenting data.
Laboratory mixing is often more thorough than field mixing. Consequently, the strength of
laboratory-mixed specimens can be greater than the strength of field-mixed materials at the same
mixture proportions. Conversely, the effects of confinement and potentially higher curing
temperatures during field curing tend to increase the strength of field-mixed and cured materials
compared to laboratory-prepared and cured specimens. Further complicating the matter is the
difficulty of obtaining representative and undamaged specimens of field-mixed material.
5.4.7 Unconfined Compressive Strength Specified on Previous Projects
Specified 28- and 56-day unconfined compressive strengths for DMM projects in the United
States have ranged from about 100 to 300 psi (0.7 to 2.1 MPa). (See references 18, 22, 53, and
67.) Examples of specified unconfined compressive strengths for deep mixed ground are
provided in table 10.
The strength of deep mixed ground has relatively high variability. Statistical analyses were
performed on 7,873 unconfined compression strength tests from 14 datasets for 10 deep mixing
projects in the United States, and it was found that the coefficient of variation ranged from 0.34
to 0.79, with an average value of 0.56.(73,74) Data from a collection of international projects
showed similar values.(75) For comparison, the coefficient of variation of undrained shear
strength of naturally occurring clay deposits is typically in the range from 0.13 to 0.40.(76) These
values indicate that the strength of deep mixed ground is about twice as variable as the strength
of natural clay deposits. The relatively high variability of deep mixed ground has implications
for selection of appropriate design strengths.
Variability can be taken into account by performing reliability analyses, as discussed by Navin
and Filz and Navin.(77,73) Alternatively, if design is based on deterministic calculations, the
specified strength of deep mixed ground should be adjusted to obtain a design value that
accounts for the variability. Values of a factor to account for variability (fv) can be obtained by
using the procedure described by Filz and Navin, which was applied to produce the values of fv
given in chapter 6.(74)
There are differences of opinion regarding the most appropriate strength envelope for deep
mixed soils for use in stability analyses. The state of practice in Japan is to use a total stress
friction angle of φ = 0 and cohesion intercept of c = 1/2 qu for deep mixed soil.(46) Broms
mentions the use of total stress friction angles in the range of 25 to 30 degrees for deep mixed
soils.(78) EuroSoilStab and Carlsten and Ekstrom utilize a drained effective stress friction angle
of 30 degrees with a range of values for the cohesion intercept depending on the location of the
failure surface.(49,66)
EuroSoilStab indicates that for dry methods of deep mixing, columns should not be used to resist
tensile stresses.(49) Takenaka Civil Engineering, Kivelo, and CDIT report that the tensile strength
of soil improved by the wet method is 10 to 20 percent of the unconfined compressive
strength.(44,61,46) Kitazume et al. reports that a value of 15 percent is used in Japan with wet mix
methods.(79) In customary U.S. practice, tensile strength of the deep mixed ground is not relied
on in design.
Because there is not yet widespread agreement on a comprehensive method for strength
characterization of deep mixed materials, it is recommended that a reasonable but conservative
strength envelope be used for stability analyses. Short-term end-of-construction conditions
govern for the applications considered in this report. Accordingly, it is recommended that a total
stress characterization of deep mixed soil strength should be used for design, with a total stress
friction angle of φ = 0 and no tensile strength considered.
Design is ordinarily an iterative process in which geometry (e.g., column diameter, column
arrangement, area replacement ratio, and depth) and engineering property values (e.g., strength
and modulus of the treated ground) are assumed, analyses are performed (e.g., stability and
settlement), and the results are compared with design criteria (e.g., factor of safety against
instability and settlement magnitude). If the criteria are not satisfied, geometry or engineering
property values are revised, and the analyses and comparisons with criteria are repeated.
Consequently, it is often desirable to establish a range of realistically achievable strengths for use
in the design process.
1. Determine representative values of water content and organic content for each stratum
to be treated.
2. Estimate realistic ranges of binder factors based on the information provided in other
chapters of this manual. Confirm these ranges by contacting engineers or contractors with
deep mixing experience.
3. Use the plot of total water-to-cement ratio versus unconfined compressive strength to
estimate the range of unconfined compressive strength that can be achieved for each stratum.
Recall that this plot is for 100 percent cement binder and that slag-cement mixtures may be
more appropriate for organic soils.
4. Conduct a bench-scale laboratory test program by applying the range of binder amounts
determined in step 2 to soil samples from each stratum to be treated.
5. Compare the ranges of unconfined compressive strength obtained from steps 3 and 4. The
values from step 4 are expected to be more reliable for a particular project because they
incorporate the site-specific soils; however, it is reasonable to compare the results with the
values obtained in step 3 from correlation. For dry mixing, establish values of unconfined
compressive strength as a function of binder type and binder factor. For wet mixing, the
values of unconfined compressive strength also depend on the amount of water added to the
mixture in the water-cement slurry. So, the water-to-binder ratio of the slurry and the volume
ratio are recorded for laboratory tests performed for wet mixing.
6. Estimate the ratio of the strength of field-mixed and cured material to the strength of
laboratory-mixed and cured material at the same mix proportions. A reasonable estimate of
this ratio is 0.5, but it may vary depending on the soil to be treated and the mixing procedures
to be employed. It is recommended that the engineer consult engineers and contractors who
have DMM experience regarding appropriate values of this ratio.
7. Apply the ratio from step 6 to the results of step 5 to obtain the values of unconfined
compressive strength for field-mixed material as a function of the binder type, binder factor,
and, for wet mixing, water-to-binder ratio of the slurry. The resulting range of unconfined
confined compressive strength can serve as the basis for establishing the design shear
strength of the deep mixed ground using the procedure outlined in chapter 6.
Young’s modulus values of the treated ground are used to calculate the compression of the deep
mixed zone, as discussed in chapter 6. Secant values of Young’s modulus of elasticity at
50 percent, E50, of the unconfined compressive strength have been related to the unconfined
compressive strength, qu, of deep mixed ground. For dry mixing, values of the ratio of E50 to qu
have been reported in the range of 50 to 250.(52,65,78) For wet mixing, values of the ratio of E50 to
qu have been reported in the range of 75 to 1,000.(80) In a study of 2,672 unconfined compression
tests on core specimens from wet-mixed columns, Navin and Filz found a ratio of E50 to qu equal
to approximately 300.(81)
Deep mixed ground exhibits a non-linear stress-strain response, with higher stiffness at low
strains.(53,82) Tatsuoka et al. indicate that local displacement measurements taken directly on
specimens can produce higher values of modulus than when displacements are based on relative
movement of end platens.(82) E50 values obtained from short-duration laboratory tests do not
account for the effects of long-term creep, which can decrease the effective E50 value for long-
term loading. The effects of higher modulus values at low strains and higher modulus from local
strain measurements tend to counteract the effects of long-term creep.
For design, reasonable estimates of the compression of the deep mixed zone can be made
by estimating E50 as 150 times qu for dry mixing and by estimating E50 as 300 times qu for
wet mixing.
Poisson’s ratio is not needed for the routine design procedures presented in chapter 6. However,
Poisson’s ratio may be needed if numerical analyses are performed, and sources in the literature
can provide some guidance. According to CDIT and Terashi, the Poisson’s ratio of deep mixed
soil ranges from 0.25 to 0.50 irrespective of the unconfined compressive strength.(46,83) For peats
stabilized with dry cement, Hebib and Farrell measured the Poisson’s ratio of 0.1 for strains
less than 1 percent. McGinn and O’Rourke used a Poisson’s ratio of 0.25 in their numerical
analysis.(84,53) Porbaha et al. used seismic methods to determine a Poisson’ ratio value of 0.3 to
0.4 for small strain behavior of deep mixed material created using the wet method.(10)
For dry mixing, EuroSoilStab indicates that the permeability of clay soil treated with dry lime
and cement can be assumed to be 200 to 600 times the permeability of unstabilized soil.(49)
Field tests performed by Baker indicated that the permeability of dry mixed columns was 10 to
100 times the permeability of untreated clay soil.(65) Consequently, dry mixed columns can serve
as vertical drains to some extent.
For wet mixing applied to sandy soils, permeability values as low as 4.72 × 10-4 to 4.72 ×
10-5 ft/day (10-5 to 10-6 cm/s) are routinely achievable. Increasing the binder factor and adding
bentonite will serve to decrease the permeability for mixtures created by the wet method. Deep
mixed columns installed by the wet method are not considered to function as vertical drains.(85)
For dry mixing, Broms reports that the unit weight of stabilized organic soil with high initial
water content exceeds the unit weight of untreated soil, and it becomes greater with increasing
cement and lime content.(78) However, he also notes that the unit weight of inorganic soils are
often reduced by dry mix stabilization. CDIT reports that for soils treated by dry mixing, the total
unit weight of the treated soil increases by about 3 to 15 percent above that of the untreated
soil.(46) For an initially saturated soil treated by dry mixing, the total unit weight of a saturated
mixture, γmix , is given by the equation in figure 31.
γ b (γ soil + α )
γ mix =
γb +α
Figure 31. Equation. Total unit weight of a saturated mixture using dry mixing.
For wet mixing, the Cement Deep Mixing (CDM) manual generalizes by indicating that for soils
treated by wet mixing, the density change is negligible.(86) However, at the Boston Central
Artery/Tunnel Project, a substantial decrease in unit weight occurred, as reported by McGinn and
O’Rourke.(53) The decrease in this case was primarily a result of the initial unit weight of the clay
having a relatively high value of 120 to 125 lbf/ft3 (19 to 20 kN/m3) and the need to add water to
precondition the clay before wet mixing with cement grout. For an initially saturated soil treated
by wet mixing, γmix is given by the equation in figure 32.
Continuing the example from section 5.4, γsoil and γslurry are 107.5 and 100.5 lbf/ft3 (16.89 and
15.79 kN/m3), respectively, and VR is 24.4 percent. According to figure 32, γmix is 106.2 lbf/ft3
(16.68 kN/m3).
In practical applications for DMM support of embankments and considering that area
replacement ratios in the range of 0.2 to 0.4 are often used, the change in unit weight of the deep
mixed zone is often negligible. Exceptions can occur for high values of replacement ratio when
high α values are used in dry mixing or when high VR or low w:b of the slurry are used in
wet mixing.
This chapter provides recommendations for designing deep mixing to support embankments and
structures in transportation applications. These recommendations do not address all the factors
that should be considered when designing deep mixing for other applications, such as stabilizing
dam foundations. For support of transportation embankments, the recommendations in
section 6.1 include detailed, step-by-step analysis and design procedures. Additional
considerations that apply when DMM is used to support structures are described in section 6.2.
Section 6.3 discusses the use of DMM to mitigate liquefaction potential, and section 6.4 provides
comments about the use of DMM for excavation support. The procedures described in this
chapter are for use by experienced geotechnical engineers. Consequently, being familiar with
common geotechnical terminology and possessing the ability to perform earth pressure
calculations, bearing capacity analyses, and slope stability calculations are prerequisites.
Deep mixing for support of embankments is designed using allowable stress design
methodology. Recommended steps in the design process are as follows:
4. Establish trial deep mixed geometry including (1) general layout and definitions,
(2) the center replacement ratio, and (3) the shear wall zone replacement ratio.
5. Evaluate settlement.
6. Evaluate stability, including slope stability, combined overturning and bearing capacity,
crushing of the deep mixed shear walls at the outside toe, shearing on vertical plans in the
deep mixed shear walls, and extrusion of soil between the deep mixed shear walls.
For unusually complex or critical projects, consideration should be given to supplementing the
procedures with numerical analyses (e.g., Filz et al).(34)
The following subsections describe the seven steps and provide the references that form the basis
for the design procedure.
• Traffic surcharge loading.
Several factors of safety values are required in steps 4.2 and 6. Table 11 lists typical design
values of safety factors for transportation embankments supported on DMM columns. By
iterative analyses, values of the shear strength and geometry of the deep mixed material should
be selected such that the calculated factor of safety values equal or exceed the design values.
Table 11. Typical design values of safety factors for design of deep mixing
to support embankments.
Typical Minimum
Symbol Description Value for Design
Fcc Factor of safety against crushing of the center isolated 1.3
deep mix columns
Fs Factor of safety against slope stability failure, including 1.5
global stability and shearing through the deep mixed
Fo Factor of safety against combined overturning and 1.3
bearing capacity failure of the deep mixed shear walls
Fc Factor of safety against crushing of the deep mixed 1.3
ground at the toe of the deep mixed zone
Fv Factor of safety against shearing on vertical planes 1.3
through the deep mixed zone
Fe Factor of safety against soil extrusion through deep 1.3
mixed shear walls
It is recommended that Spencer’s method be used to calculate Fs values because it satisfies all
conditions of equilibrium and results in more realistic factor of safety values than some of the
more simplified methods of slope stability analysis.(87) The design value of Fs in table 11 is based
on using Spencer’s method for the slope stability calculations. The analysis methods for the other
failure modes listed in the table incorporate conservative assumptions. Consequently, lower
design values of factor of safety are recommended for these failure modes.
An engineer may deviate from the recommended design values of factor of safety in table 11.
For example, if subsurface conditions are well known, soil parameter values are selected
conservatively, and the facility performance is not critical, then lower design values than those
listed in table 11 can be considered. Conversely, if subsurface conditions are not well known,
soil parameter values are not selected conservatively, or the facility performance is especially
critical, then higher design values than those listed in table 11 can be considered. An experienced
geotechnical engineer should make the selection of the design factor of safety for each of the
failure modes and should justify the selection based on project-specific considerations.
In step 2, the engineer establishes the soil material property values to be used in geotechnical
analysis and design, including stratigraphy, groundwater conditions, and foundation material
property values, as discussed in chapter 4. For the settlement calculations described in step 5,
values of the compression ratio, recompression ratio, and preconsolidation pressure are necessary
for the soils underlying the deep mixed zone. For the stability analyses described in step 6, end-
of-construction conditions are typically critical, so undrained shear strength parameters would be
used for saturated clays, and drained strength parameters would be used for permeable sands
and gravels.
In step 3, the engineer establishes trial property values for the deep mixed ground and for the
composite deep mixed zone for use in the analyses described in steps 4.2 and 6. Background
information about property values for deep mixed ground is provided in chapter 5, and the
necessary property values for design are established in this section. The design value for the
shear strength of the deep mixed ground (sdm) is estimated from the unconfined compressive
strength to be specified (qdm,spec), considering fc and differences between unconfined peak
and confined large-strain strengths (fr). Factor fv is also discussed and subsequently applied
as appropriate to the analysis of each failure mode that involves the strength of the deep
mixed ground.
A trial value of the 28-day qdm,spec is assumed based on the background information provided in
chapter 5. Typical values of qdm,spec range from about 75 to 150 psi (0.52 to 1.03 MPa) for soft
ground conditions. The necessary property values for design are established as follows:
1. Determine fc in figure 30 using the estimated time (t) between mixing and application of
75 percent of the proposed embankment height. The values in figure 30 are based on a
conservative interpretation of a wide range of data including cement and cement-slag blends
with fine- and coarse-grained soil.(34) Site-specific testing could be used to justify larger
values of fc. One exception to the conservative trend provided by figure 30 is for highly
organic soils or peat treated with 100 percent PCC, for which the value of fc should be
limited to 1.0 unless site-specific testing permits a higher value. However, cement-slag
blends with a high proportion of slag are often used for organic soils and peat; in which
case, figure 30 provides a conservative estimate of strength gain with time.
Figure 30 can be used from 28 to 365 days between mixing and application of 75 percent
of the proposed embankment height. The fc value ranges from 1.00 for 28 days to 1.48 for
365 days.
sdm =f f q
2 r c dm,spec
Figure 33. Equation. Shear strength of the deep mixed ground.
Values of fr typically range from 0.65 to 0.9, and a value of fr equal to 0.8 is recommended
for application to transportation embankments.
3. Determine fv from table 12. Factor fv accounts for the greater variability that typically exists
in the strength of deep mixed ground compared to the variability that typically exists in the
strength of deposited clay soils. Since fv depends on the design factor of safety value, the
value of fv should be determined for each unique value of design safety factor used in the
analyses described in steps 4.2 and 6.
• The coefficient of variation of the deep mixed strength, Vdm. With good QC, a DMM
contractor should be able to achieve a Vdm value that does not exceed 0.50.
• The probability that the actual deep mixed strength exceeds the specified deep mixed
strength, pdm. An appropriate value of pdm depends on how tightly the specification is
written and applied. A pdm value of at least 80 percent would be appropriate for a well-
written and well-applied specification. A specification is considered well written if it
includes sufficient requirements that the contractor appropriately controls and it
documents the quality of the deep mixed ground. A well-applied specification indicates
that the owner will assure the quality of the deep mixed ground by carefully reviewing
the contractor’s QC documentation and appropriately enforcing the contractor’s
adherence to the specification requirements based on a good understanding of deep
mixing construction technologies and project-specific design objectives. Additional
discussion about specifications and QC/QA activities are presented in chapters 9 and 12.
• The coefficient of variation of the soil strength, Vs. A value of Vs equal to 0.25 was used
to develop table 12.
• The probability that the actual untreated soil strength exceeds the design strength of the
untreated soil, ps. The value of ps depends on the degree of conservatism used to estimate
soil property values. A value of ps equal to 0.67 was used to develop table 12.
• The design factor of safety value. According to table 11, typical design factors of safety
values depend on the failure mode. Therefore, different values of fv may be necessary for
different failure modes.
Engineers wishing to consider input values different from those used to develop table 12 are
referred to Filz and Navin.(74)
4. Determine Young’s modulus of the deep mixed ground, Edm, according to figure 34 for wet
mixing or figure 35 for dry mixing.
E dm = 300q dm , spec
Figure 34. Equation. Young’s modulus of deep mixed ground for wet mixing.
E dm = 150q dm , spec
Figure 35. Equation. Young’s modulus of deep mixed ground for dry mixing.
Figure 34 and figure 35 are correlations for E50 of the unconfined compressive strength.
Estimating E50 of the deep mixed ground is discussed in more detail in chapter 5.
5. The unit weights of the deep mixed zones are also necessary for stability analyses. For
typical w:c of the slurry, VR, and area replacement ratios used for DMM support of
embankments, a reasonable approximation is that the unit weight of the deep mixed zone is
equal to γsoil prior to mixing. However, if wet mixing is used and if the area replacement
ratio, w:c, and/or VR are unusually large, the average unit weight of the deep mixed zone can
be significantly less than γsoil prior to mixing. In this case, phase relationships can be used to
calculate the average unit weight of the deep mixed zone, as discussed in section 5.8.
In step 4, the engineer establishes a trial geometry of deep mixing to support the embankment.
Step 4.1 discusses the general layout of the embankment and deep mixed zone and defines the
geometric parameters. A procedure for establishing the minimum area replacement ratio beneath
the central portion of the embankment is discussed in step 4.2, and a procedure for estimating the
minimum area replacement ratio beneath the side slopes of the embankment is discussed in
step 4.3.
It is not necessary for the engineer to specify all of the geometric parameters defined in step 4.1.
In fact, by determining and specifying only the minimum and/or maximum allowed values
for certain geometric parameters, the engineer permits the DMM contractor flexibility in
construction while still assuring that the final design will satisfy the requirements for
settlement and stability.
Deep mixed
shear walls
within the Hdm
deep mixed
-- Cross Section --
-- Plan View --
Figure 36. Illustration. Typical arrangement for deep-mixed zone beneath an embankment.
Wcrest = Width of embankment crest.
Hemb = Height of embankment.
Hdm = Height of the deep mixed zone.
B = Length of the shear wall.
d = Column diameter.
scenter = Center-to-center spacing of isolated columns.
sshear = Center-to-center spacing of shear walls.
The continuous shear walls can be constructed from overlapping columns or by using
overlapping barrettes. Longitudinal walls can also be constructed to prevent ground extrusion
between parallel shear walls, although this is not necessary unless the untreated soil between the
shear walls is very soft and the spacing between shear walls is large. A method to calculate the
factor of safety against extrusion is provided later in this chapter. The spacing between shear
walls under the side slopes of the embankment does not need to be the same as the spacing
between isolated columns under the central portion of the embankment.
The analysis and design procedures in this report are for the combination of isolated columns and
shear walls shown in figure 36. Other configurations are also possible, but they may require
other analysis and design procedures.
The area replacement ratio beneath the central portion of an embankment, as,center, is defined as
the ratio of the column area to the tributary soil area surrounding the column. Where isolated
columns are placed in a square array, as in figure 36, as,center can be calculated using the equation
in figure 37. Typical values of as,center for deep mixing support of embankments range from about
0.2 to 0.4. The minimum value of as,center is established in step 4.2.
πd 2
a s ,center =
4(s center )2
Figure 37. Equation. Area replacement ratio beneath the central portion of an
The geometry of overlapping columns used for shear walls under the side slopes of an
embankment is shown in figure 38.
d c
Angle, βα
Chord Angle,
s shear
Area of Overlap
(shaded gray)
e = Overlap distance.
β = Chord angle in radians.
c = Chord length.
b = Average shear wall width.
The area replacement ratio under the side slopes of the embankment, as,shear, is defined as the
ratio of the area of the shear wall to the tributary soil area surrounding the shear wall. Where
overlapping columns are arranged to create shear walls that are oriented perpendicularly to the
embankment centerline, as in figure 36 and figure 38, as,shear is defined according to figure 39.
Typical values of as,shear for deep mixing support of embankments are greater than or equal to
as,center and range from about 0.2 to 0.4. The minimum value of as,shear is estimated in step 4.3.
a s , shear =
s shear
Figure 39. Equation. Area replacement ratio under the side slopes of the embankment.
When the shear walls are constructed of overlapping columns, the extent of the overlap
influences the minimum and average widths of the shear walls. The values of d, e, and sshear can
be used to calculate β , c, the overlap area ratio (ae), and as,shear, as shown in figure 40 through
figure 43.
β = 2 arccos1 −
Figure 40. Equation. Chord angle expressed in radians.
c = d sin
Figure 41. Equation. Chord length.
α − sin α
ae =
Figure 42. Equation. Overlap area ratio.
πd (1 − ae )
as,shear =
4sshear 1 −
Figure 43. Equation. Area replacement ratio of the shear walls.
To illustrate the relationships in figure 40 through figure 43, values of β , c/d, and ae are listed in
table 13 for selected values of e/d. Typical values of e/d for shear walls beneath embankment
side slopes range from about 0.2 to 0.35. Two important design parameters for embankment
slope stability are the area replacement ratio for the shear walls, as,shear, which is provided by
figure 43, and the ratio of the chord length to wall spacing, c/sshear, which is obtained by dividing
figure 41 by sshear. Values of as,shear and c/sshear are listed in table 14 and table 15, respectively,
for selected values of e/d and d/sshear. The value of as,shear is important for resistance to shearing
through the deep mixed shear wall zone. The value of c is important for shearing on vertical
planes in the deep mixed shear walls. Table 14 shows that as,shear is sensitive to d/sshear, but it is
not strongly dependent on e/d. Table 15 shows that c/sshear is sensitive to both d/sshear and e/d,
especially for low values of e/d. Small column overlaps should be avoided in circumstances
where shearing on vertical planes is an important design consideration.
Table 14. Values of as,shear for selected values of e/d and d/s.
e/d d/sshear = 0.1 d/sshear = 0.2 d/sshear = 0.3 d/sshear = 0.4 d/sshear = 0.5
0 0.079 0.157 0.236 0.314 0.393
0.1 0.084 0.168 0.252 0.336 0.420
0.2 0.088 0.176 0.264 0.352 0.440
0.3 0.091 0.182 0.273 0.364 0.455
0.4 0.094 0.187 0.281 0.375 0.468
0.5 0.096 0.191 0.287 0.383 0.478
Table 15. Values of c/sshear for selected values of e/d and d/s.
e/d d/sshear = 0.1 d/sshear = 0.2 d/sshear = 0.3 d/sshear = 0.4 d/sshear = 0.5
0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.1 0.044 0.087 0.131 0.174 0.218
0.2 0.060 0.120 0.180 0.240 0.300
0.3 0.071 0.143 0.214 0.286 0.357
0.4 0.080 0.160 0.240 0.320 0.400
0.5 0.087 0.173 0.260 0.346 0.433
Figure 44 is conservative because it assumes that the columns support the entire load from the
embankment and surcharge without consideration of any support provided by the soil matrix.
A minimum value of as,shear should be estimated. Typical values of as,shear for deep mixing
support of embankments are greater than or equal to as,center and range from about 0.2 to 0.4.
The value of c/sshear should be calculated using figure 40 and figure 45 based on the selected
value of e/d, which is typically in the range from 0.2 to 0.35, and the estimated value of as,shear.
c 2a s , shear sin (β )
s shear π − β + sin (β )
Figure 45. Equation. Ratio of chord length to shear wall spacing.
Table 16 summarizes the geometric parameters that an engineer should specify. Again, by
specifying only the minimum and/or maximum allowed values for certain geometric parameters,
the engineer is affording the contractor flexibility in construction while still assuring that the
final design will satisfy the requirements for performance.
In this step, the post-construction settlement of the embankment is calculated as the sum of the
compression of the deep mixed zone and the compression of the underlying ground. Differential
compliance settlement between the base of the embankment and the top of the deep mixed zone
is often assumed to occur during embankment construction prior to placing the pavement
wearing surface. If the engineer judges that differential compliance settlement at the base of the
embankment will be delayed, the procedures described by Filz and Smith can be applied to
conservatively estimate this contribution to the total embankment settlement.(88) Compression of
the deep mixed zone is calculated based on equal strains in the deep mixed ground and the
adjacent untreated soil within the deep mixed zone underlying the central portion of the
embankment. This approach is equivalent to using a composite modulus of the deep mixed
ground and the adjacent soil. The composite modulus, Mcomp, can be evaluated using figure 46.
Compression of the treated zone, ΔHdm, can be calculated using figure 47.
∆H dm = H dm
M comp
Figure 47. Equation. Compression of the treated zone.
Compression of strata beneath columns installed by DMM can be computed using a load-spread
method such as that employed for groups of driven piles.
If the calculated settlement exceeds the allowable settlement for a proposed embankment, then
as,center, the column modulus, and/or the column length can be increased, depending on the
primary source of the excess settlement.
When Hemb is at least two times the clear spacing between adjacent columns under the central
portion of the embankment (i.e., Hemb ≥ 2(scenter – d)) and the embankment is constructed with
typical good quality materials and procedures for placement and compaction, there is little risk
of surface expression of differential settlements that occur at the base of the embankment, and
special provisions for a load transfer platform at the base of the embankment are not necessary.
When Hemb < 2(scenter – d), a load transfer platform can be designed using the procedures
described by Sloan et al.(89) The load transfer platform should extend at least a distance scenter
beyond the embankment crest beneath the embankment side slopes. If wet mixing is used,
substantial spoils are produced at the ground surface, and the spoils can be used to construct all
or part of the load transfer platform. The spoils should be placed and compacted as soon as they
set up enough to support construction equipment, and the spoils will form a very strong
embankment material.
On the embankment side slopes, there may be a potential for differential settlement of the
embankment surface when Hemb becomes less than 2(sshear – d). This could result in maintenance
problems such as difficulty mowing. The concern for differential settlement above embankment
side slopes is reduced if there is a firm layer of existing ground at the surface through which the
deep mixed shear walls are installed. If differential settlement of the embankment surface at the
slide slopes remains a concern, then additional settlement-control columns can be installed
between the deep mixed shear walls or a load transfer platform can be designed using the
procedures described by Sloan et al.(89) Spoils from wet mixing can be used in a load transfer
platform under the embankment side slopes.
In this step, the trial geometry established in step 4 is analyzed for stability as follows:
• Procedures for analyzing combined overturning and bearing capacity are presented in
step 6.2.
• Procedures for analyzing crushing of the shear walls at the outside toe of the walls are
presented in step 6.3.
• Procedures for analyzing shearing on vertical planes in the deep mixed shear walls are
presented in step 6.4.
• Procedures for analyzing extrusion of soft soil between the deep mixed shear walls are
presented in step 6.5.
Slope stability analyses should be performed to determine the critical failure surface and
corresponding factor of safety. Potential sliding surfaces may pass entirely beneath or entirely
above the deep mixed shear walls, through the deep mixed shear walls, or partially through and
partially below the deep mixed shear walls, as shown in figure 48. The composite shear strength
of the deep mixed zones beneath the embankment, sdm,wall and sdm,center, should be assigned as
indicated in the figure based on figure 49 and figure 50, with the value of fv from table 12
corresponding to the design value of Fs from table 11. The resulting minimum factor of safety
value from a comprehensive search for the critical failure surface is represented as Fs.
s dm , wall = f v a s , shear s dm
Figure 49. Equation. Composite shear strength of the deep mixed zone beneath the shear
Where ssoil is the shear strength of the soil through which the deep mixed columns are installed
beneath the central portion of the embankment.
Figure 50 represents the isolated deep mixed elements as having a low shear strength value of
1,500 lbf/ft2 (71.8 kPa). This is done to account for failure modes like column bending that can
occur in isolated columns.
The calculated value of Fs should be compared to the design value from table 11. Careful slope
stability analyses can be used to optimize the design as follows:
• If the value of Fs is too small and the critical failure surface passes beneath the deep
mixed shear wall, then the geometry of the deep mixed shear wall zone should be
changed to increase the value of Fs. Generally, this is accomplished by increasing the
depth or width of the deep mixed shear wall zone. If the value of Fs is excessively large
for this case, then a smaller deep mixed shear wall zone could be considered.
• If the value of Fs is too small and the critical failure surface passes through the deep
mixed shear wall zone, then increases could be made to the strength of the deep mixed
ground, the area replacement ratio, and/or the width of the deep mixed shear wall zone.
When considering increasing the design strength of the deep mixed ground, limitations
on practically achievable strengths should be carefully considered. If the value of Fs is
excessively large for this case, then decreases could be made to the strength of the deep
mixed ground, the area replacement ratio, and/or the width of the deep mixed zone.
• If the value of Fs is too small and the critical failure surface passes above the deep mixed
shear wall zone, then the embankment slope could be flattened, a stronger embankment
material could be used, and/or the embankment could be reinforced with geosynthetics.
If geosynthetic reinforcement is used to address a critical failure surface above the deep
mixed zone, then the stability analyses through or below the deep mixed shear wall
zone should be repeated, and the resulting values of Fs should be compared to the
required values.
Spencer’s method is recommended for slope stability analyses because it satisfies all conditions
of equilibrium and results in more realistic factor of safety values compared with some of the
more simplified methods.(87) The minimum design value of Fs in table 11 is based on this
recommendation. For typical project conditions, it is likely that a non-circular failure surface will
be the critical surface. A careful search for the critical surface should be made using computer
search and optimization routines by an experienced engineer. Critical slip surfaces should be
checked for kinematic admissibility. Additional guidance for performing stability analyses is
presented by Duncan and Wright.(90)
Figure 51 provides a definition sketch that includes many of the symbols used in the step-by-step
procedure for combined overturning and bearing capacity.
Vp Hdm
Pp D
Deep Mixed
Va Shear Wall
ha hp
U Point "O"
Figure 51. Illustration. Definition sketch for combined overturning and bearing
W = Total weight of the deep mixed zone and the overlying untreated soil and embankment
xW = Horizontal distance from point “O” at the toe of the deep mixed zone to the line of action
of W.
B = Width of the deep mixed zone.
D = Depth to the base of the deep mixed zone at the toe of the slope.
Pa = Total active force, including the load from water pressures.
ha = Vertical distance from point “O” to the line of action of Pa.
Va = Vertical shear force on active side.
Pp = Total passive force, including the load from water pressures.
hp = Vertical distance from point “O” to the line of action of Pp.
Vp = Vertical shear force on passive side.
N = Total vertical force acting upwards on the base of the deep mixed zone.
U = Vertical water force acting upwards on the base of the deep mixed zone.
N’ = Effective vertical force acting upwards on the base of the deep mixed zone.
xN = Horizontal distance from point “O” to N.
xU = Horizontal distance from point “O” to U.
xN’ = Horizontal distance from point “O” to N’.
T = Horizontal shear force acting on the base of the deep mixed zone.
The following step-by-step procedure ensures that the design is sufficient to prevent combined
overturning and bearing capacity failure of the deep mixed shear walls:
1. Select the design value of Fo based on table 11 and the accompanying discussion. The value
of Fo will be used to factor down the strength of the soils that surround the deep mixed
shear walls.
2. Determine mobilized shear strength parameter values for each layer of soil beside and
beneath the deep mixed shear wall zone. If the shear strength of the soil layer under
consideration is characterized by total normal stresses, use figure 52 and figure 53.
cm =
Figure 52. Equation. Mobilized total stress cohesion intercept.
tan φ
φm = arctan
Figure 53. Equation. Mobilized total stress friction angle.
cm = Mobilized total stress cohesion intercept.
c = Total stress cohesion intercept.
φ m = Mobilized total stress friction angle.
φ = Total stress friction angle.
If the shear strength of the soil layer under consideration is characterized by effective normal
stresses, use figure 54 and figure 55.
c'm =
Figure 54. Equation. Mobilized effective stress cohesion intercept.
tan φ'
φ'm = arctan
Figure 55. Equation. Mobilized effective stress friction angle.
c'm = Mobilized effective stress cohesion intercept.
c' = Effective stress cohesion intercept.
φ 'm = Mobilized effective stress friction angle.
φ' = Effective stress friction angle.
3. Calculate values of Pa, ha, Va, Pp, hp, and Vp using the mobilized strength parameter values
from step 2. The lateral forces Pa and Pp are total lateral forces, including the effects of
porewater pressures in soil layers whose shear strength is characterized by effective normal
stresses. Porewater pressures are not separately considered for soils whose shear strength is
characterized by total normal stresses. If water-filled tension cracks are possible, the water
load should be included. The engineer is responsible for determining safe values of Pa, ha,
Va, Pp, hp, and Vp that reflect the project geometry, stratigraphy, material property values, and
loading conditions. Several lateral force components may need to be included in the total
force calculations depending on site conditions.
N = W + Va − V p
Figure 56. Equation. Vertical force.
To calculate W and xw, the unit weight of the deep mixed ground is often considered to be
approximately unchanged from the unit weight of the untreated ground.
If the strength of the soil beneath the deep mixed zone is characterized by effective normal
stresses, then integrate the water pressures on the base of the deep mixed zone to obtain U
and determine xU. Calculate N' using figure 57.
N'= N −U
Figure 57. Equation. Effective vertical force.
Pp h p + WxW + Va B − Pa ha
xN =
Figure 58. Equation. Location of total resultant force.
If the shear strength of the soil beneath the base of the deep mixed zone is characterized by
effective normal stresses, then determine xN’ using figure 59.
Nx N − UxU
xN ' =
Figure 59. Equation. Location of the resultant force acting on the base of the deep mixed
If the calculated values of xN or xN’ are less than or equal to zero, then the deep mixed zone
may be too narrow. If the calculated values of xN or xN’ are greater than half of B, then the
deep mixed zone may be wider than necessary for overturning stability. If the values of xN or
xN’ are outside the range from zero to half of B, then the geometry of the deep mixed zone
can be changed and the calculation process returns to step 2. However, if the minimum width
B is fixed by project-specific constraints and xN or xN’ is greater than half of B, then the
design is safe against overturning and bearing capacity failure, and no further analysis of this
failure mode needs to be done.
6. Calculate the bearing pressure at the toe of the deep mixed shear walls, qtoe. If the shear
strength of the soil beneath the deep mixed shear walls is characterized by total normal
stresses, use figure 60.
N 2B 1 B
− + 1 for x N ≤
B 3 x N a s , shear a s , shear 3
qtoe =
N 3 6xN
for B ≤ x N ≤ B
B a − + 1
s , shear Ba s , shear 3 2
Figure 60. Equation. Bearing pressure at the toe of the deep mixed shear walls using
total normal stresses.
If the shear strength of the soil beneath the deep mixed shear walls is characterized by
effective normal stresses, use figure 61.
N' 2B 1 B
− + 1 for x N ' ≤
B 3 x N ' a s , shear a s , shear 3
qtoe =
N ' 3 6xN ' B B
B a − + 1 for ≤ x N ' ≤
s , shear Ba s , shear 3 2
Figure 61. Equation. Bearing pressure at the toe of the deep mixed shear walls using
effective normal stresses.
The expressions for qtoe in figure 60 and figure 61 are based on a linear pressure distribution,
with stress concentration on the base of the shear walls having average width B, as shown in
figure 38. The weight of the soil between the shear walls is assumed to be carried by the
underlying soil.
7. Determine the allowable bearing pressure at the toe of the deep mixed shear walls, qall. If the
shear strength of the soil beneath the deep mixed shear walls is characterized by total normal
stresses, use figure 62.
Nc, Nγ , Nq = Bearing capacity factors obtained from φ m for the soil below the deep mixed shear
walls using generally accepted sources for bearing capacity factors.
γ below = Total unit weight of the soil below the shear walls.
γ above = Average total unit weight of the soils above the base of the shear walls.
bmin = Minimum allowable effective shear wall width, which can be estimated as 90 percent of
the minimum allowable column diameter for typical values of e/d.
If φ m equals zero, then Nγ = 0, Nq = 1, and Nc can be approximated as 7.5(1 + 0.1bmin/xN) for
bmin ≤ 2xN. In this case, figure 62 reduces to figure 63.
qall = cm (7.5) �1 + 0.1 � + γaboveD
Figure 63. Equation. Allowable bearing pressure at the toe of the deep mixed shear walls
using a total stress friction angle equal to zero.
If the shear strength of the soil beneath the deep mixed shear walls is characterized by effective
normal stresses, use figure 64.
N’c, N’γ , N’q = Bearing capacity factors obtained from φ ’ m for the soil below the deep mixed
shear walls using generally accepted sources for bearing capacity factors.
γ b,below = Buoyant unit weight of the soil below the shear walls.
γ b,above = Average buoyant unit weight of the soil above the base of the shear walls.
The bearing capacity calculations can be performed using correction factors for shape, depth, and
compressibility as appropriate.
If qtoe is less than or equal to qall, then the design is sufficient to prevent combined overturning
and bearing capacity failure of the deep mixed shear walls. If qtoe is greater than qall, then the
geometry of the deep mixed zone can be changed to decrease qtoe and increase qall. This would
typically be accomplished by increasing the width or depth of the deep mixed zone.
This procedure represents a potential failure condition for which the stabilized block overturns.
This failure mode, which is not captured by ordinary limit equilibrium slope stability
calculations, can control for tall and narrow deep mixed zones. By combining the overturning
and bearing capacity calculations into a single calculation with the same factor of safety applied
to the soils beside and below the deep mixed zone, ambiguities in the evaluation are avoided.
Step 6.3—Crushing of the Deep Mixed Shear Walls at the Outside Toe
In situations where the deep mixed ground overlies a hard bearing stratum, lateral loads could
produce toe pressures that exceed the capacity of the deep mixed ground. The design factor Fc
should be selected based on table 11.
If Fo is equal to Fc, then the intermediate values from step 6.2 can be used in the current step.
If Fo is not equal to Fc, then steps 2–6 in step 6.2 should be repeated using Fc instead of Fo in
figure 52 through figure 55. If the calculated values of xN and xN’ are greater than half of B, then
the design is safe against crushing at the toe of the shear walls, and no further evaluation of
crushing is necessary. Otherwise, the values of qtoe (see figure 60 or figure 61) and φ m or φ ’m
(see figure 53 or figure 55) for the soil adjacent to the deep mixed ground at the toe of the deep
mixed zone should be used in the following calculations.
The allowable capacity of the deep mixed ground can be determined based on the equation
in figure 65, with the value of fv from table 12 corresponding to the design value of Fc from
table 11.
2s dm f v
q all = +σh
Figure 65. Equation. Allowable bearing capacity of the deep mixed ground against
crushing of the deep mixed shear walls at the outside toe of the embankment.
K0 = Effective stress at-rest lateral earth pressure coefficient determined based on φ ’m for the soil
adjacent to the deep mixed ground at the toe of the deep mixed zone.
σ ’v = Effective vertical stress in the soil adjacent to the deep mixed ground at the toe of the deep
mixed zone.
u = Porewater pressure in the soil adjacent to the deep mixed ground at the toe of the deep
mixed zone.
If the shear strength of the soil beneath the deep mixed ground is characterized by effective
normal stresses, then qtoe is determined from figure 61 and qtoe is an effective vertical stress. In
this case, the effective lateral earth pressure, σ 'h, should be used in place of σ h in figure 65, and
σ 'h is given by the equation in figure 67.
σ ' h = K 0σ 'v
Figure 67. Equation. Effective lateral earth pressure.
If qtoe is less than or equal to qall, then the design is sufficient to prevent crushing of the deep
mixed ground at the toe of the shear walls. If qtoe is greater than qall, then the area replacement
ratio, the width of the deep mixed zone, or the strength of the deep mixed ground should
be increased.
Step 6.4—Shearing on Vertical Planes in the Deep Mixed Shear Walls
Shearing on vertical planes in the deep mixed shear walls is produced by eccentric loading
corresponding to xN < B/2. If the overlap between adjacent columns is insufficient, the shear
walls can fail in a racking type of failure mode, as shown in figure 68. The design factor, Fv,
should be selected based on table 11.
Deep Mixed
Shear Wall
The following three-step procedure is used to determine whether the design is sufficient to
prevent shearing on vertical planes in the deep mixed shear wall:
1. Determine the values of Vp, N, and xN corresponding to Fv. If Fo or Fc is equal to Fv, then the
resulting intermediate values can be used in this step. If this is not the case, then steps 2–5 in
step 6.2 should be repeated using Fv instead of Fo in figure 53 through figure 55 to determine
Vp, N, and xN.
2. Compute the average vertical shear stress, τ v, on the critical vertical plane in the deep mixed
zone using figure 69.
Vp N 3 xN
+ 1 − for xN ≤
H H dm 2B 3
τ v = dm
Vp 3 N 2 xN B B
H + 4 H 1 − B for 3 ≤ xN ≤ 2
dm dm
3. Compute the allowable vertical shear stress, τ v,all, in the deep mixed zone using figure 70,
with the value of fv from table 12 corresponding to the design value of Fv from table 11 .
f v (c s shear )s dm
τ v ,all =
Figure 70. Equation. Allowable vertical shear stress.
If τ v is less than or equal to τ v,all, then the design is sufficient to prevent shearing on vertical
planes in the deep mixed shear wall. If τv is greater than τ v,all, then measures can be taken to
increase τv,all, such as increasing the strength of the deep mixed ground or the chord length at
column overlaps or decreasing the shear wall spacing. Alternatively, measures can be taken to
decrease τ v, such as by increasing B. When considering increasing the design strength of the deep
mixed ground, limitations on practically achievable strengths should be carefully considered.
Extrusion of soft ground between shear walls could occur if the shear walls are widely spaced or
short in the direction perpendicular to the embankment alignment. Extrusion between shear walls
is not possible for sands or stiff clays under normal conditions, so only layers of soft clay need to
be checked for this failure mode. The design factor, Fe, should be selected based on table 11 and
the accompanying discussion.
The maximum clear spacing between shear walls, sshear – d, should be limited based on the
equation in figure 71 to prevent extrusion of soft clay.
s shear − d ≤
Fe (σ va − σ vp ) 1 1
− 2 −
2c e B He
Figure 71. Equation. Maximum clear spacing between shear walls.
He = Thickness of a layer of soft clay to be analyzed for extrusion.
σ va = Average value of the total vertical stress in the soft clay layer to be analyzed for extrusion
immediately adjacent to the active earth pressure side of the deep mixed shear walls.
σ vp = Average value of the total vertical stress in the soft clay layer to be analyzed for extrusion
immediately adjacent to the passive earth pressure side of the deep mixed shear walls.
ce = Average value of the total stress cohesion intercept in the soft clay layer to be analyzed
for extrusion.
This calculation should be repeated for different layers of soft clay soil to determine the critical
value of sshear – d.
If there is a project-specific reason to consider a larger value of clear spacing between shear
walls than indicated by figure 71, then the shear wall length could be increased. Alternatively,
a continuous wall of overlapping columns parallel to the embankment alignment and located
within the zone of the deep mixed shear walls could be considered to prevent extrusion.
6.1.7 Step 7—Prepare Plans and Specifications
The final design resulting from steps 1–6 is incorporated in the project plans and specifications,
as described in chapter 9.
The analysis and design procedures in this section are based primarily on information provided
by CDIT and with consideration of the findings of many other engineers and researchers. (See
references 7, 9, 34–36, 46, 49, 56, 59, 61, 65, 68, 69, 78, 83, and 91–118.)
Deep mixing can be used to support structures such as retaining walls, bridge abutments, and
bridge piers. For support of structures, deep mixed columns should always be used in groups,
and they should be designed to carry the entire load from the structure without consideration of
any direct support to the structure provided by the soil between columns. Down drag from
settlement of adjacent soil should be considered, if applicable.
The axial capacity of the deep mixed columns is the minimum of the structural capacity and the
geotechnical capacity of the columns. The allowable axial structural capacity of a deep mixed
column, Qall, can be determined according to figure 72, which incorporates a safety factor of 2.5
on sdm, as determined from figure 33.
πd 2 s dm
Qall =
Figure 72. Equation. Allowable axial structural capacity of a deep mixed column.
The geotechnical capacity of a deep mixed column can be analyzed using procedures for drilled
shafts because drilled shafts and deep mixed columns are similar in their effects on the soil
between shafts or columns and in the degree of interlocking between the shaft or column and the
adjacent soil.(119) A safety factor of 3 is recommended to obtain an allowable geotechnical
capacity from the ultimate geotechnical capacity.
Deep mixed columns are not normally used to resist lateral loads from structures. Settlement of
structures on deep mixed foundations can be estimated using the same procedures described in
section 6.1.5 for embankments, with the applied structure load converted to a pressure distributed
over the area of the column group.
Deep mixing can be used to improve mass shear strength and contain liquefaction propagation.(9)
Walls of deep mixed columns are installed in grid arrangements to contain liquefiable soils, thus
preventing a shear failure during a seismic event. An example plan view of soil-cement columns
used on a BART system project is presented in figure 73.
1 ft = 0.305 m
1 inch = 25.4 mm
Figure 73. Illustration. Plan view of soil-cement columns on BART project.(19)
A design procedure for liquefaction mitigation with DMM was developed in the National Deep
Mixing Research Program. The design procedure and literature review are presented in
Simplified Seismic Response Evaluation of Sites Improved by Deep Mixing.(4)
Deep mixing for liquefaction mitigation generally involves a rectangular grid or lattice pattern of
columns with design dimensions of cell interior width (b), width or diameter of treatment (d),
and length of treatment (L) specified to achieve a desired level of improvement, as illustrated in
figure 74 and figure 75.
Figure 74. Illustration. DMM treatment plan.(4)
s = Center-to-center spacing of element walls.
D = Depth to first soil or bedrock.
Hb = Thickness of base layer.
Hf = Thickness of fill.
The seismic response characteristics of the DMM sites have been assessed based on the
residual porewater pressure response (or liquefaction), which is a widely used engineering
response indicator.
The steps proposed by Siddarthan and Suthahar to evaluate the residual porewater pressure
response of DMM sites are summarized as follows:(4)
1. Evaluate soil response of DMM sites at various locations within and adjacent to DMM
treated soil and in the free field for a variety of preselected test cases with different DMM
treatments (configurations and properties), untreated soil conditions, and excitations. The
result of this investigation is the establishment of a database of porewater pressure response
ratios (PWPRs) normalized with respect to the free-field response. These PWPRs are
computed at various depths along many vertical sections (within and adjacent to
DMM columns).
2. Evaluate level ground seismic soil response in the free field in terms of porewater pressure at
various depths using simplified liquefaction procedures outlined by Youd et al.(120) Unlike
step 1, this is a site-specific analysis performed for a given untreated soil mass that is
provided with DMM treatment. This step requires many input parameters such as soil
layering and properties (e.g., thicknesses, SPT values, density, etc.) and excitation
characteristics (e.g., acceleration strength and earthquake magnitude).
3. Establish PWPRs that are appropriate for the problem under consideration based on the case-
specific untreated soil conditions, DMM treatment, and excitation characteristics from the
database established in step 1. Multiply the free-field responses computed in step 2 by these
equivalent factors to obtain the porewater response at various locations within and adjacent
to the DMM columns.
The objective of this work was to produce simple design guidelines that practicing engineers
can readily use to evaluate the effectiveness of various configurations of DMM treatments. The
aforementioned seismic response evaluation model is simple and appropriately accounts for
many important factors that affect the DMM treated soil response. More details on these steps
are provided by Siddarthan and Suthahar.(4)
Other important seismic design issues, such as residual strength, permanent lateral deformation
(e.g., lateral spread), and ground failure (e.g., sand boils), can be investigated based on the
liquefaction analysis. The design issues can be assessed based on empirical relations that have
been developed to specifically address each of these failure modes. Well-documented guidelines
for these analyses are available and have been incorporated into design aids such as Special
Publication No. 117 developed by the Division of Mines and Geology and the Southern
California Earthquake Center.(121,122)
For permanent excavation support, a bulkhead consisting of deep mixed shear walls can be
designed using the procedures described in section 6.1 for embankments. In addition, one or
more rows of overlapping columns should be provided along the bulkhead face perpendicular to
the shear walls to prevent sloughing and raveling at the exposed face. The exposed face should
be protected with shotcrete, precast concrete panels, or other protection to provide for long-term
durability. Design of temporary excavation support is outside the scope of this report.
A new approach embankment is to be constructed over a 25-ft (7.6-m)-thick deposit of soft clay
underlain by a dense sand layer. The ground water table (GWT) is located 3 ft (0.9 m) below the
native ground surface. Preliminary analyses determined that without some type of ground
improvement, both the factor of safety against slope stability failure (Fs = 0.77) and the predicted
settlement (about 2.3 ft (0.7 m)) are unacceptable. DMM has been proposed to stabilize the soft
clay layer. The DMM design is performed using steps 1–7 in the following sections, based on the
design guidance presented in chapter 6.
The geometry and soil properties for the proposed embankment are shown in figure 76. The
slope of the embankment is 1.5 horizontal to 1 vertical (1.5H:1V). A uniform traffic surcharge
load, qs, of 200 lbf/ft2 (10 kPa) is included across the entire width of the embankment crest.
25.5 ft 40 ft 25.5 ft
qs = 200 lb/ft2
1.5 ft
1 ft φ‘ = 35 degrees
Hemb = 17 ft γt = 125 lb/ft3
Soft Clay
c = 350 lb/ft2
D = 25 ft
γt = 90 lb/ft3
Msoil = 25,000 lb/ft2
Dense Sand
φ‘ = 37 degrees
γt = 130 lb/ft3
1 ft = 0.305 m
1 lbf/ft2 = 0.0479 kPa
1 lbf/ft3 = 0.157 kN/m3
Figure 76. Illustration. Example problem—embankment cross section.
For this project, a thorough site investigation was conducted, and a customary degree of
conservatism was used when the soil strength parameters were selected. Therefore, based on the
recommendations in section 6.1.1, the following factors of safety (defined in table 11) were
selected for design:
• Fcc = 1.3.
• Fs = 1.5.
• Fo = 1.3.
• Fc = 1.3.
• Fv = 1.3.
• Fe = 1.3.
The maximum allowable settlement of the embankment was 2 inches (51 mm).
The soil material property values to be used in the geotechnical analysis and design of the deep
mixed ground are shown in figure 76.
1. Assume a value of the 28-day qdm,spec. Typical values range from about 75 to 150 psi
(517 to 1,034 kPa) for soft ground conditions. For this example, qdm,spec of 125 psi (862 kPa)
is assumed.
2. Determine fc, as shown in figure 77, using estimated t in days between mixing and
application of 75 percent of the proposed embankment height. For this example, t equals
60 days, which means that the embankment height will not be above about 13 ft (4 m) until
about 60 days after mixing, which is about 1 month after the 28-day strength has been
verified. Generally, a significant height of embankment fill will not be placed until after the
28-day strength has been verified.
3. Determine sdm according to figure 33. An fr equal to 0.8 is used for this example, as shown in
figure 78.
s dm = 1
2 f r f c q dm,spec = 12 × 0.8 × 1.14 × 125 = 57.0 psi = 8,210 lb/ft 2
1 lbf/ft2 = 0.0479 kPa
Figure 78. Equation. Example problem—shear strength of the deep mixed ground.
4. Determine fv from table 12. For this example, the estimated Vdm is 0.5, and the estimated pdm
is 80 percent. Based on these values, fv is equal to 0.83 for slope stability analyses (factor of
safety equals 1.5) and fv is equal to 0.95 when considering the other failure modes (factor of
safety equals 1.3) that involve the strength of the deep mixed ground.
5. Determine the Young’s modulus of the deep mixed ground, Edm, according to figure 34 for
wet mixing or figure 35 for dry mixing. For this example, it is assumed that wet mixing will
be used (see figure 79).
The unit weights of the deep mixed zones are also necessary for stability analyses. For this
example, it is assumed that the unit weights of the deep mixed zones are approximately equal
to the unit weight of the soil prior to mixing, as discussed in section 6.1.3.
Where fv is the variability factor determined in step 3 corresponding to the design value of
Fcc = 1.3.
Typical values of as,center for deep mixing support of embankments range from about 0.2 to 0.4.
To satisfy figure 44 and stay within the typical range of values, an as,center of 0.2 was selected.
Step 4.3—Estimate the Shear Wall Zone Replacement Ratio
Estimate a minimum value of as,shear. Typical values of as,shear for deep mixing support of
embankments are greater than or equal to as,center and range from about 0.2 to 0.4. For this
example, as,shear equal to 0.25 was selected as a trial value. Calculate β using figure 40 as shown
in figure 81.
β = 2 arccos �1 − � = 2 arccos(1 − 0.3) = 1.59 radians
Figure 81. Equation. Example problem—chord angle in radians.
Calculate the value of c/sshear using figure 45 based on the selected values of e/d and as,shear, as
shown in figure 82.
The minimum and/or maximum trial values of the geometric parameters required for design are
summarized in table 17.
Where Msoil is assumed to equal 25,000 lbf/ft2 (1,196 kPa) for this example and can be
determined from oedometer tests in practice. Edm was determined in step 3.
Calculate ΔHdm, based on figure 47, as shown in figure 84.
q 17 × 125 + 200
∆H dm = H dm = 25 = 0.053 ft = 0.63 inch
M comp 1,100,000
1 inch = 25.4 mm
Figure 84. Equation. Example problem—compression of the treated zone.
For this example, it is assumed that the compression of the dense sand is small and takes place as
the embankment is constructed. Therefore, the predicted settlement is equal to the 0.63-inch
(16-mm) compression of the deep mixed zone, which is less than the allowable settlement of
2 inches (51 mm).
Hemb is greater than 2 times the maximum allowed clear spacing between adjacent columns under
the central portion of the embankment (i.e., Hemb > 2(scenter – d) = 2(8) = 16 ft (4.9 m)). Therefore,
there is little risk of surface expression of differential settlements occurring at the base of a well-
constructed embankment, and special provisions for a load transfer platform at the base of the
embankment are not necessary. Nevertheless, if spoils from the DMM operation are available,
they could be used to construct the lower portion of the embankment to further reduce any risk of
differential surface settlements.
On the embankment side slopes, there is a potential for differential settlement of the
embankment surface because Hemb is less than 2 times the maximum allowed clear spacing
between shear walls (i.e., Hemb < 2(sshear – d) = 2(12) = 24 ft (7.3 m)). Therefore, it may be
necessary to consider settlement control measures such as use of the DMM spoils to create a
strong load transfer platform at the base of the embankment beneath the side slopes.
In this step, the trial geometry established in step 4 is analyzed for stability.
Perform slope stability analyses to determine the critical failure surface and corresponding factor
of safety. Determine the composite shear strengths of the deep mixed zones beneath the
embankment as calculated in figure 85 and figure 86 and assigned in figure 87.
Where fv is the variability factor determined in step 3 corresponding to the design value of
Fs = 1.5.
sdm,center = max �as,center �1,500 lb ⁄ft2 � + �1 − as,center � ssoil , ssoil �
= max �0.2 �1,500 lb/ft2 � + (1 - 0.2) 350, 350� = 580 lb/ft2
1 lbf/ft2 = 0.0479 kPa
Figure 86. Equation. Example problem—composite shear strength of the deep mixed zone
beneath the central portion of the embankment.
Critical Failure
Surface, Fs = 1.51
Sdm,wall Sdm,wall
As recommended in section 6.1, Spencer’s method should be used for the slope stability
analyses.(87) For this example, only failure surfaces that passed through or below the deep mixed
shear wall zone were analyzed. Stability of the 1.5H:1V embankment slopes would have to
be improved with geosynthetic reinforcement or some other stabilizing method given the
embankment strength parameter values of φ = 35 degrees and c = 0. Relatively steep
embankment slopes were selected for this example to illustrate the capability of deep mixing to
stabilize a steep embankment on soft clay.
The resulting minimum value of Fs from a comprehensive search for the critical failure surface
through and below the deep mixed shear wall was 1.51, which exceeds the design value of 1.5.
The critical failure surface for this example, which is shown in figure 87, passes partly through
and partly below the deep mixed shear wall zone. For the same embankment configuration on
the native soft clay prior to deep mixing, the resulting minimum factor of safety value was 0.77.
Thus, a relatively modest amount of deep mixing can create a large improvement in stability for
the conditions considered in this example.
2. Determine mobilized shear strength parameter values for each layer of soil beside and
beneath the deep mixed shear wall zone using figure 52 and figure 53 for total strength
parameters and figure 54 and figure 55 for effective strength parameters.
The shear strength of the soft clay layer is characterized by total stresses, as shown in
figure 88 and figure 89.
c 350
cm = = = 269 lb/ft 2
Fo 1.3
1 lbf/ft2 = 0.0479 kPa
Figure 88. Equation. Example problem—shear strength of the soft clay using
total normal stresses.
tan φ tan 0°
φ m = arctan = arctan = 0°
Fo 1.3
Figure 89. Equation. Example problem—mobilized total stress friction angle of the
soft clay.
The composite shear strength of the center deep mixed zone is characterized by total stresses,
as shown in figure 90.
c s 580
cm = = dm,center = = 446 lb/ft 2
Fo Fo 1.3
1 lbf/ft2 = 0.0479 kPa
Figure 90. Equation. Example problem—composite shear strength of the center deep
mixed zone using total normal stresses.
The shear strength of the dense sand layer is characterized by effective stresses, as shown in
figure 93.
tan φ ' tan 37°
φ ' m = arctan = arctan = 30.1°
Fo 1.3
Figure 93. Equation. Example problem—mobilized effective stress friction angle of the
dense sand layer.
3. Calculate values of Pa, ha, Va, Pp, hp, and Vp using the mobilized strength parameter values
from step 2.
Calculate the active forces based on the mobilized strength parameters of the embankment
material and center deep mixed zone, as shown in figure 94 through figure 104.
φ' 28.3°
K a ,emb = tan 2 45° − m = tan 2 45° − = 0.357
2 2
Figure 94. Equation. Example problem—effective stress active lateral earth pressure
H emb 17
ha ,emb = H dm + = 25 + = 30.7 ft
3 3
1 ft = 0.305 m
Figure 96. Equation. Example problem—vertical distance from overturning point to line of
action of active force component from embankment.
H emb 17
ha ,qs = H dm + = 25 + = 33.5 ft
2 2
1 ft = 0.305 m
Figure 98. Equation. Example problem—vertical distance from overturning point to line of
action of active force component from surcharge.
Pa ,clay ,rect = H dm (q s + γH emb − 2cm ) = 25(200 + 125 ×17 − 2 × 446) = 35,820 lb/ft
1 lbf/ft = 0.01459 kN/m
Figure 99. Equation. Example problem—active force component from clay rectangle.
H dm 25
ha ,clay ,rect = = = 12.5 ft
2 2
1 ft = 0.305 m
Figure 100. Equation. Example problem—vertical distance from overturning point to line
of action of active force component from clay rectangle.
H dm 25
ha ,clay ,tri = = = 8.33 ft
3 3
1 ft = 0.305 m
Figure 102. Equation. Example problem—vertical distance from overturning point to line
of action of active force component from clay triangle.
Pa = Pa ,emb + Pa ,qs + Pa ,clay ,rect + Pa ,clay ,tri = 6,440 + 1,210 + 35,820 + 28,130 = 71,600 lb/ft
1 lbf/ft = 0.01459 kN/m
Figure 103. Equation. Example problem—total active force.
ha ,emb Pa ,emb + ha ,qs Pa ,qs + ha ,clay ,rect Pa ,clay ,rect + ha ,clay ,tri Pa ,clay ,tri
ha =
30.7 × 6,440 + 33.5 × 1,210 + 12.5 × 35,820 + 8.33 × 28,130
= = 12.85 ft
1 ft = 0.305 m
Figure 104. Equation. Example problem—vertical distance between overturning point and
total active force.
Calculate the side shear forces based on the mobilized strength parameters of the soft clay
layer, as shown in figure 105 and figure 106.
Calculate the passive forces based on the mobilized strength parameters of the soft clay layer,
as shown in figure 107 through figure 112.
H dm 25
H p ,clay ,rect = = = 12.5 ft
2 2
1 ft = 0.305 m
Figure 108. Equation. Example problem—vertical distance from overturning point to line
of action of passive force component from the clay rectangle.
Pp ,clay ,tri = 0.5γH dm
= 0.5 × 90 × 25 2 = 28,130 lb/ft
1 lbf/ft = 0.01459 kN/m
Figure 109. Equation. Example problem—passive lateral earth force component from the
clay triangle.
H dm 25
H p ,clay ,tri = = = 8.33 ft
3 3
1 ft = 0.305 m
Figure 110. Equation. Example problem—vertical distance from the overturning point to
the line of action of passive force component from clay triangle.
H p ,clay ,rect Pp ,clay ,rect + H p ,clay ,tri Pp ,clay ,tri 12.5 × 13,450 + 8.33 × 28,130
Hp = = = 9.68 ft
Pp 41,580
1 ft = 0.305 m
Figure 112. Equation. Example problem—vertical distance between the overturning point
and the total passive force.
4. Determine the resultant force N using figure 56. Determine W and the location of xW, as
shown in figure 113 through figure 119.
2 B 2 × 25.5
xemb = = = 17 ft
3 3
1 ft = 0.305 m
Figure 114. Equation. Example problem—location of the resultant of the embankment
B 25.5
x dm = = = 12.75 ft
2 2
1 ft = 0.305 m
Figure 116. Equation. Example problem—location of the resultant of the deep mixed zone.
W = Wemb + Wdm = 27,090 + 57,380 = 84,470 lb/ft
1 lbf/ft = 0.01459 kN/m
Figure 117. Equation. Example problem—total weight.
The shear strength of the soil beneath the base of the deep mixed zone is characterized by
effective normal stresses. Calculate N' using figure 57. Determine U and xU, as shown in
figure 120 through figure 122.
B 25.5
xU = = = 12.75 ft
2 2
1 ft = 0.305 m
Figure 121. Equation. Example problem—location of water force acting on the base of the
deep mixed zone.
The shear strength of the soil beneath the base of the deep mixed zone is characterized by
effective normal stresses. Calculate xN’ using figure 59, as shown in figure 124.
Nx N − UxU 84,470 × 10.01 − 35,000 × 12.75
xN ' = = = 8.07 ft
N' 49,470
1 ft = 0.305 m
Figure 124. Equation. Example problem—location of the effective resultant force acting on
the base of the deep mixed zone.
6. The shear stress of the soil beneath the deep mixed shear walls is characterized by effective
normal stresses. Calculate qtoe using figure 61, as shown in figure 125 and figure 126.
B 25.5
xN ' ≤ 8.07 ft < = 8.5 ft
3, 3
1 ft = 0.305 m
Figure 125. Equation. Example problem—Position of resultant within the base.
N ' 2B 1
for x N ' ≤ B = 49,470 2 × 25.5 − 1 + 1 = 10,500 lb/ft2
qtoe = − + 1
B 3 x N ' a s , shear a s , shear
3 25.5 3 × 8.07 × 0.25 0.25
7. The shear strength of the soil beneath the deep mixed shear walls is characterized by
effective normal stresses. Determine qall using figure 64, as shown in figure 127.
The value of qtoe = 10,500 lbf/ft2 (502 kPa) is less than the value of qall = 18,400 lb/ft2
(880 kPa). Therefore, the design is sufficient to prevent combined overturning and bearing
capacity failure of the deep mixed shear walls.
Step 6.3—Crushing of the Deep Mixed Shear Walls at the Outside Toe
The deep mixed ground overlies a hard bearing stratum. Therefore, the design is checked against
crushing of the deep mixed ground at the toe of the shear walls.
Because the factor of safety Fo is equal to Fc, use the intermediate values from step 6.2 in the
current step, where qtoe = 10,500 lbf/ft2 (503 kPa) and φ ‘m = 30.1 degrees.
The shear strength of the soil beneath the deep mixed ground is characterized by effective
normal stresses. Use figure 67 to calculate the at-rest σ’h, as shown in figure 128 through
figure 130.
K0 = 1 – sin φ ‘m = 1 – sin(30.1°) = 0.499
Figure 128. Equation. Example problem—at-rest lateral earth pressure coefficient.
Where fv is the variability factor determined in step 3 corresponding to the design value of
Fc = 1.3.
The value of qtoe = 10,500 lb/ft2 (502 kPa) is less than qall = 12,400 lb/ft2 (593 kPa). Therefore,
the design is sufficient to prevent crushing of the deep mixed ground at the toe of the shear walls.
1. Determine the values of Vp, N, and xN corresponding to Fv. Because the factor of safety Fo is
equal to Fc, the following intermediate values from step 6.2 were used in the current step:
2. Compute τ v on the critical vertical plane in the deep mixed zone using figure 69, as shown in
figure 132 through figure 133.
B B 25.5 25.5
≤ xN ≤ , = 8.5 < 10.01 < = 12.75
3 2 3 2
Figure 132. Equation. Example problem—location of the force resultant along the base of
the deep mixed zone.
Vp 3 N 2 x N 6,730 3 × 84,470 2 × 10.01
τv = + 1 − = + 1 − = 814 lb/ft
H dm 4 H dm B 25 4 × 25 25.5
1 lbf/ft2 = 0.0479 kPa
Figure 133. Equation. Example problem—average vertical shear stress on the critical
vertical plane.
3. Compute τ v,all in the deep mixed zone using figure 70, as shown in figure 134.
f v (c s shear )s dm 0.95(0.196)8,210
τ v ,all = = = 1,180 lb/ft 2
Fv 1.3
1 lbf/ft2 = 0.0479 kPa
Figure 134. Equation. Example problem—allowable vertical shear stress in the
deep mixed zone.
Where fv is the variability factor determined in step 3 corresponding to the design value of
Fv = 1.3.
The value of τ v = 814 lb/ft2 (39 kPa) is less than τ v,all = 1,180 lb/ft2 (56 kPa). Therefore, the
design is sufficient to prevent shearing on vertical planes in the deep mixed shear wall.
Check sshear – d using figure 71 to assure that extrusion of the soft clay could not occur between
shear walls, as shown in figure 135. For this example, the procedure is illustrated using the
extrusion of the entire thickness of the soft clay.
s shear − d ≤ = 19.6 ft
1.3(3,450 − 1,125) 1 1
− 2 −
2 × 350 25.5 25
1 ft = 0.305 m
Figure 135. Equation. Example problem—maximum clear spacing between shear columns.
Therefore, the allowable maximum clear spacing of 12 ft (3.7 m) between shear wall columns
established in step 4 is adequate to prevent extrusion of the soft clay because it is less than the
value of 19.6 ft (6.0 m) calculated using figure 135.
Incorporate the final design parameters, including qdm,spec = 125 psi (862 kPa) and the geometric
parameters listed in table 17, in the project plans and specifications.
This chapter describes the types of contracting approaches that are generally used for developing
DMM project specifications. Contractual responsibility should be divided equitably between the
owner and the general contractor (GC) (or their specialty subcontractor, the DMM contractor),
dependent on the experience of the owner with DMM technology, availability of qualified
contractors, and the criticality of the application. The terms “owner’s representative” and
“engineer” in chapters 8 and 9 refer to the design professional who may be an employee of the
owner or may be a subcontractor or subconsultant.
Method specifications and performance specifications lie at the opposite ends of the spectrum of
contracting approaches with regard to allocation of responsibility (see figure 136).
100 % 0%
% Contractor Responsibility
% Owner Responsibility
50 % 50 %
0% 100 %
Method Performance
Specifications Specifications
Figure 136. Graph. General allocation of responsibility between owner and GC or
DMM contractor based on contracting approach.
In a purely performance approach, the owner specifies the minimum performance requirements
of the project, and the GC or DMM contractor develops the design and installation method for
the DMM system to meet these specifications. The owner/engineer prepares documents that
define the loading requirements of the structure (including groundwater containment) and
performance requirements of the foundation (including factors of safety or load and resistance
factors) and settlement tolerances. The bid quantities are obtained from specified pay limits
noted on the plans, although the contractor determines the amount, arrangement, and properties
of the deep mixed ground necessary to satisfy the performance requirements. The owner/
engineer identifies the basis for detailed designs through calculations and working drawings in a
special provision. The special provision must clearly identify the required submittals and
schedule to be prepared by the GC including construction control and monitoring. These
submittals must be reviewed and approved by the owner/engineer
In a purely method approach, the owner/engineer performs the design and specifies the scope of
work, installation, and QC/QA requirements of the DMM system. The owner/engineer develops
a detailed set of plans and specifications, which are incorporated into the project bidding
documents. The equipment, materials, and installation techniques for the DMM are prescribed
to meet the embankment or structure foundation support requirements. In this approach, the
contractor is not responsible for performance of the DMM system or any of its components. For
example, in a purely method approach, the DMM contractor is not responsible for the strength of
the deep mixed ground. During the bidding process, GCs develop a firm price proposal based on
the owner’s detailed plans and specifications.
Regardless of the approach used, the owner must have in-house engineers or consultants
experienced in DMM design and construction to review these bids and submittals.
The most appropriate approach is one that equitably distributes the responsibilities and risks
between the owner and contractor. For deep mixing projects, the recommended approach is a
hybrid or combination method in which the owner performs the overall design but relies on the
contractor to define the means for achieving the required deep mixed material strength. As in a
method approach, the owner conducts the design of the deep mixed embankment or foundation
support in accordance with the procedure outlined in chapter 6 and specifies the strength of the
deep mixed ground and the layout and geometry of the deep mixed elements, as outlined in table
16. Similar to a performance approach, the contractor proposes the means, materials, and
methods to construct a DMM foundation that meets the requirements of the design. This
approach is used with a design-bid-build contract. Typical allocation of responsibilities of
the owner and contractor for DMM work is outlined in table 18.
Table 18. Typical allocation of responsibilities of owner and contractor for DMM work.
Item Responsibility
Scope of work Owner/engineer
Structure loads Owner/engineer
Performance criteria Owner/engineer
DMM foundation design (DMM column/ Owner/engineer
element diameter, depth, layout, and
engineering properties)
Connection details, if any, between Owner/engineer
structure and DMM foundation
Special design considerations (scour, Owner/engineer
liquefaction potential, etc.)
DMM mix design (binder materials, Contractor
additives, and proportions)
Minimum QC/QA requirements, including Owner/engineer
process monitoring, sampling, testing, and
QC/QA implementation planning details Contractor
for review by owner
QC/QA execution Contractor and
Instrumentation and monitoring Owner/engineer
requirements (if any) and/or contractor
Implementation details for instrumentation Owner/engineer
and monitoring (if any) and/or contractor
• Geotechnical reports and data, including results from all precontract testing.
• Requirements for DMM contractor working drawings and submittals, including schedule
and information on penalties.
• Material specifications.
• Testing requirements.
After the contract is awarded, the DMM contractor prepares and provides the following
submittals to the owner via the GC (construction begins after the owner reviews and approves
these submittals):
• Plan and results of preproduction laboratory and/or field tests conducted by the GC or
DMM contractor.
• DMM program plan demonstrating compliance with the project specifications, including
working drawings and descriptions of binder storage and mixing equipment, DMM
equipment, materials, methods to be used, and supporting calculations. The plan should
include proposed mix design details and drawings showing the center coordinates, size,
bottom elevation, and top elevation of every DMM element, which should each be
uniquely numbered.
• QC/QA plan demonstrating compliance with the project specifications, including binder
and mixing parameters to be controlled and monitored, sampling methods, sampling
depths, sampling frequency, testing frequency, testing methods, and documentation.
Provided effective specifications are developed and qualified contractors are used, there are
advantages to both the owner and the contractor in this hybrid approach. The owner obtains
detailed knowledge of the project and its requirements by reviewing technical alternatives,
completing the detailed design, and developing the specifications. The owner is therefore able to
evaluate the bids effectively because all of the contractors propose solutions based on the same
overall design. Being more familiar with the production and capabilities of their mixing systems,
the DMM contractors have the flexibility to use their expertise to propose a system of equipment,
mix design, and operation procedure capable of constructing a DMM foundation that complies
with the owner’s design. As a result, the owner likely receives a more cost effective solution.
In the hybrid approach, more of the risk is transferred to the contractor, who is more familiar
with his/her own methods and techniques than the owner. This contrasts with a method approach
in which the owner accepts responsibility for the design and performance of the DMM product,
provided the elements are constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications.
Additionally, any changes to the design that are required after encountering actual field
conditions during construction are also the owner’s responsibility.
Suggested pay items are outlined in table 19. In general, measurement and payment may be
made on a lump sum basis if the number and depth of DMM elements are fully detailed by the
owner. Including add/deduct unit costs (per foot (meter)) is suggested to accommodate increases
or decreases to the specified quantities (numbers of elements and/or depths) without requiring
contract revisions. The same approach may be used for QC/QA testing, where a fully defined
testing program may be bid as a lump sum item with additional/omitted individual tests being
added/deducted on a per-test basis. Measurement and payment of DMM work using the hybrid
approach is typically made on a lump sum basis.
Table 19. Suggested pay items and units of measure for DMM contract items.
Unit of
Item Measurement
Mobilization/demobilization Lump sum
Bench-scale testing and field validation program Lump sum
Production DMM works (defined by Lump sum
owner, see table 16)
DMM production works
Add/deduct individual elements yd3 (m3)
(DMM columns/elements
Add/deduct overlapping column/ yd3 (m3)
including working platform)
elements for buttresses, cells or walls
Add/deduct mass stabilization yd3 (m3)
QC/QA program (minimum Lump sum
requirements defined by owner)
Add/deduct coring ft (m)
QC/QA monitoring, testing, Add/deduct unconfined compression Per each
and documenting (including testing of cores
those tests required for the Add/deduct unconfined compression Per each
preproduction test program) testing of wet samples (includes
collection of sample and forming
Add/deduct permeability testing Per each
Instrumentation and monitoring Lump sum
A best value approach to contractor procurement may have advantages on projects that are
technically challenging or involve relatively greater risk, where success may be more dependent
on the technical approach than on price. A best value approach involves the contractors
submitting separate price and technical proposals, which are reviewed independently and scored
proportionately (price proposal = a portion of x points, where x is a positive number less than
100, and technical proposal = a portion of 100 − x points). The scoring allocation (x) is defined
based on the relative importance of price and technical approach. The contract is awarded to the
bidder with the highest combined score.
Financial incentives may be used on projects with tight schedules. Typically, the owner is
responsible for establishing the overall project schedule, and the GC is responsible for
establishing and achieving interim milestones that lead to achieving the overall project schedule.
An incentive for the GC to accelerate production may involve a monetary bonus for certain
quantities of the production work completed by milestone dates. Conversely, disincentives such
as liquidated damages may be levied if the GC misses clearly defined interim and final schedule
milestones. Other disincentives may be included that discourage poor quality such as payment at
a reduced rate for QC/QA results that do not meet specified requirements.
ECI methods are attractive due to the contractor-driven nature of DMM work. ECI methods
involve the owner’s solicitation of technical input from qualified contractors for use in
developing the project solution. All contractors involved in the ECI process for a project should
be able to submit a bid of the project; that is, contractors involved in the ECI process should not
be precluded from bidding. ECI provides the owner with a contractor’s perspective on
constructability, sequencing, and other project construction challenges. ECI has been used
successfully on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Tuttle Creek Dam project and the
LPV 111 earthen levee project.(123,124)
Value engineering proposals are submitted by the GC after contract award and contain price
proposals for alternative foundation designs that meet the specified requirements at a significant
cost savings. After contract award, with concurrence from the owner, the contractor redesigns the
project and submits revised working drawings and design calculations that demonstrate that the
proposed solution meets the intent of the design as outlined in the original specifications at a
lower price. The engineering costs for the GC’s redesign work are included in the revised price
proposal for the foundation work. Often, the owner and GC divide the cost savings in mutually
agreed proportions.
Selecting an experienced and qualified DMM contactor is critical to the success of a project
because the quality of the DMM material depends on an understanding of the ground conditions
and the use of specialized equipment, techniques, and workmanship. Contractor prequalification,
although prohibited in some States, is acceptable and reasonable for DMM projects because it
assists GCs in identifying subcontractors who have the expertise required for the project. On
projects located in areas where prequalification is prohibited, the use of the best value approach,
which includes both price and technical proposals, may be advantageous to ensure that the
technical approach selected is sound and reliable.
Regardless of whether pre-qualification of contractors is used on a project, requirements of the
technical qualification of the DMM contractor and his/her staff must be established. The
following personnel are typically involved in a DMM project:
• The project manager is the contractor representative responsible for the overall direction
of the DMM project including site operations, technical acceptability, project billing, and
reporting. The project engineer and the project superintendent ordinarily report to the
project manager.
• The project engineer is responsible for supervising the QC technicians’ work, providing
technical support to the QC technicians, and reviewing production records and QC/QA
data to ensure the quality of the DMM work.
• On large, complex, or critical deep mixing projects, the contractor or the owner
(sometimes both) employs a deep mixing specialist or a review board to provide advice,
review, and assistance with dispute resolution.
Contract documents for DMM work should clearly define contractor qualification requirements,
submittal procedures for the qualification documentation, and means by which the owner will
enforce the requirements. The following minimum requirements (and associated documentation)
for the DMM contractor are recommended:
• The DMM contractor must have previous successful experience with DMM projects for
soil conditions and project scope similar to that of the project being bid (contractor
provides project description(s) and reference list).
• The DMM contractor must assign a project manager who has had significant experience
on at least five DMM projects (contractor provides the number of years/projects, project
description(s), and reference list).
• The DMM contractor must assign a project engineer to supervise the technical
engineering and quality aspects of the DMM work. The project engineer must have had
significant experience on at least five DMM projects (contractor provides the number of
years/projects, project description(s), and reference list). For a design-build project, the
DMM contractor must assign a professional engineer who is registered in the jurisdiction
in which the project is located to supervise the design and preparation of the drawings
and to review QC/QA records and as-built drawings to confirm that the DMM work
meets the design intent.
• The DMM contractor must assign a full-time project superintendent with at least five
projects and at least 130,000 yd3 (100,000 m3) of total treatment volume in DMM
construction (contractor provides the number of years/projects, project description(s), and
reference list).
• The DMM contractor must provide at least one DMM equipment operator with at least
1 year of experience with the equipment and DMM construction (contractor provides the
number of years/projects, project description(s), and reference list).
The GC must provide a written request and supporting documentation for substitutes of these key
personnel prior to making any personnel changes. Documentation must include evidence that the
substitute meets the qualification requirements listed in the specifications. Substitutions may not
be made without written approval from the owner.
Regardless of the contracting approach selected, the quality of the project documents, including
specifications, plans, and contractor submittals, is critical to promoting understanding and
aligned expectations among the contracted parties. The contract specifications and plans must
include sufficient detail in order for the contractor to understand the design intent to allow for
fair and complete bidding. Contractor submittals must thoroughly and clearly explain the
procedures to be used to produce deep mixed foundations that meet the design intent.
The guide specifications outline the intended content of the specifications for a DMM project.
However, it is essential that specific project requirements be considered to convert these guide
specifications to contract documents that are appropriate for a particular project.
Part 1 of the specifications outlines the scope, references, definitions of terms, project description
and requirements, contractor qualifications, available information, site survey, submittals, and
preconstruction meeting. Terminology in chapter 2 of this manual is used throughout the
specification to avoid confusion and encourage consistency of understanding between all
contracting parties.
The quality of the information provided is critical to the success of any foundation project. All
subsurface data, utility plans, and structure requirements must be outlined clearly to promote
understanding. Deep mixing design criteria are typically outlined in a separate design report that
is included with the contract documents. The subsurface conditions expected can significantly
impact the contractor’s choice of equipment, methods, materials, bidding process, and contract
administration. The owner must include with the contract documents all subsurface information
available and results of all preconstruction testing conducted by the owner to support the design.
Bench-scale and field validation testing are discussed in chapter 10.
Table 16 summarizes the geometric parameters that the owner/engineer should specify. By
specifying only the minimum and/or maximum allowed values for certain geometric parameters,
the owner/engineer is affording the contractor flexibility in construction while still assuring that
the final design will satisfy the requirements for performance.
Layouts and sizes of deep mixing elements that adhere to the minimum and maximum values
listed in table 16 will be deemed acceptable to meet the requirements of the owner’s design, and
additional design calculations will not be required. If layouts and element sizes do not adhere to
these requirements, design calculations must be prepared and stamped by a registered
professional engineer retained by the contractor and submitted to the owner/engineer for
approval after the contract is awarded. However, the owner/engineer is under no obligation to
accept alternate designs in a design-bid-build contract.
Part 2 of the specifications includes provisions for materials and equipment, including
requirements for binder material handling and storage and mixing equipment. These provisions
generally allow the contractor flexibility in selecting appropriate techniques and materials.
However, the owner/engineer may specify the minimum capacity of the binder handling and
deep mixing equipment and the minimum requirements of the monitoring equipment and
materials handling and mixing procedures. By specifying such minimums, the contractor is not
relieved from satisfying the specified requirements for the project schedule or the end product in
a hybrid specification. In addition, the owner/engineer may outline methods and materials that
are not permitted, if any.
Part 3 of the specifications outlines provisions for testing, preparing binders, locating DMM
elements, mixing, and QC/QA sampling, testing, acceptance, and documentation. A suggested
level of detail of execution provisions is provided, although the engineer is reminded to consider
project-specific requirements when developing the specifications. Detailed QC/QA requirements
are discussed in chapter 12.
Procedures to be used if obstructions are encountered and standby time is incurred must be
clearly detailed. It is not always practical for the contractor to maintain production by moving to
a different section of the site and continuing mixing while an obstruction is being investigated.
Specifications for accepting DMM materials are often based on unconfined compressive
strength. On several past projects, the minimum required strength has driven a very conservative
mix design such that the average strength of the treated ground is many times greater than the
design strength. This situation can produce higher than necessary construction costs, which may
lead to collateral problems and contract disputes. Acceptance criteria that do not include a
minimum strength requirement are preferred, as outlined in chapter 12. It is recommended that
criteria allow a specified percentage of test results to be below specified strength values. Strength
values that properly reflect material variability can provide the owner/engineer with sufficient
assurance that the design intent is being met, provided that such variability is incorporated in the
design process, as described in chapter 6.
Project plans must be detailed to illustrate the layout of the proposed embankment or structure
and the limits of the DMM foundation to be constructed. The engineer is encouraged to specify
only the minimum and/or maximum allowed values for certain geometric parameters, as outlined
in chapter 6, to permit the DMM contractor flexibility in construction while still assuring that the
final design will satisfy the requirements for settlement and stability.
Plans should be drawn to scale and depict the following items, at a minimum:
• Right-of-way.
• Boring locations.
If a specific arrangement of the deep mixed elements (i.e., diameter and spacing of isolated
columns and similar details of shear walls) has been specified, then typical plans and elevations
of the deep mixing improvement should be provided. However, if minimums and maximums like
those in table 16 are provided instead, then example plans and elevations should be provided.
They should be clearly labeled as examples, and reference should be made to the controlling
minimum and maximum values. In either case, any required details and special arrangements at
transitions, terminations, and connections should also be shown in the plans.
Experience of the contractor and specific project personnel must meet the requirements outlined
in chapter 8. Any changes in approved site personnel must be approved in writing by the owner/
engineer prior to substitution.
The contractor must submit results from all bench-scale tests conducted. The report should
provide all data collected, including (at a minimum) descriptions of sampling techniques used,
boring logs, classifications of all major soil strata to be mixed, site groundwater conditions,
binder materials used, mixed design proportions, laboratory mixing techniques used, and curing
curves for unconfined compressive strength versus time for each major soil type. Discussion of
the test results should be provided, including proposed mix designs for use in the field.
This plan contains descriptions of the construction procedures, equipment, and ancillary
equipment to be used for mixing and binder proportioning and injection, mix design parameters
and associated soil strata to be evaluated, operational and material parameters to be monitored
during field validation, layout of the DMM elements to be constructed, and summary of QC/QA
samples to be collected and tested. Examples of the forms that will be used to document the work
are also provided.
Based on the results of the bench-scale and field validation programs, at least 30 days prior to the
start of deep mixing work, the contractor must submit a deep mixing work plan for review and
approval. The deep mixing work plan must include the following items:
• Proposed mix design(s), including binder types, additives, fillers, reagents, and their
relative proportions, and the required mixing time, water-to-binder ratio of the slurry (for
wet mixing), binder factor (for dry mixing and wet mixing), and volume ratio (for wet
mixing) for a deep mixed element.
• Proposed injection and mixing parameters, including mixing slurry rates, slurry pumping
rates, air injection pressure, volume flow rates, mixing tool rotational speeds, and
penetration and withdrawal rates.
• Methods for controlling and recording the verticality and the top and bottom elevation of
each element.
• Necessary procedure and measurements to confirm the end-bearing when DMM elements
are required to penetrate into a bearing layer.
• Working drawings and calculations that show the site location of the DMM project as
well as the dimensions, layout, and locations of all DMM elements. Drawings should
indicate the identification number of every element if a multishaft mixing tool is used
and every column if a single-auger mixing tool is used. Calculations and drawings
should demonstrate that the element layout, depth, and quantity meet the specification
requirements. For a design-build project, the design calculations should be performed
by a professional engineer registered in the jurisdiction in which the project is located.
He/she should also prepare, stamp, and sign the drawings.
• Sample daily production report, including the items described in section 9.3.6.
• Details of all means and methods proposed for QC/QA activities, including surveying,
process monitoring, sampling, testing, documenting, and meeting schedule milestones.
• Names of any subcontractors used for QC/QA activities. An independent laboratory must
be used for QC/QA testing and must be approved by the owner/engineer.
9.3.5 Material Certifications
By the end of the next business day following each deep mixing shift, the contractor should
submit a daily production report in the approved format. The report should be completed and
signed by the contractor’s project superintendent and include the following information:
• Project name.
• Day, month, year, and time of work shift (beginning and end).
• Deep mixing equipment (rig number) in operation during the shift and specific activities
conducted by said equipment.
• A record of the location of each completed column/element installed during the work
shift and all zones completed to date on a plan of suitable scale to clearly show the
location of the elements. Frequently, the owner/engineer will specify this scale at about
1 inch = 10 ft or about 1 inch = 20 ft, depending on the size of the elements and the
amount of detail necessary.
• Binder injection rate (gal/min (L/min)) plotted at each 3-ft (1-m) depth interval for the
full depth of the treated zone. Variations in volumes should be noted (not applicable
for TRD).
• Penetration/withdrawal rates of mixing tool in ft/min (m/min) plotted at each 3-ft (1-m)
depth interval (not applicable for TRD).
• Element verticality measurements.
• Plots of BRN and binder factor versus depth for each element plotted at least every 3 ft
(1 m) of depth. Total number of rotations should be reported for CSM (not applicable
for TRD).
• For TRD, the vertical and horizontal rates of cutter chain travel should be reported along
with the slurry injection rate. From these data, the average binder factor as a function of
position can be calculated and reported.
• Other pertinent observations, including but not limited to binder escapes, ground
settlement or heave, collapses of the treatment zone, and any unusual behavior of any
equipment during the deep mixing process.
• Collection date, time, plan location, elevation, and identification numbers of all deep
mixed samples including unsuccessful attempts to retrieve samples for both wet-grab
samples and coring.
• Coring method, equipment, and personnel; recovery percentage and percent of run length
that is treated for each core run; sample collection, handling, and storage details; and
name of person responsible for logging and collecting cores and samples to be tested.
• Quantities of all binder materials delivered to site, plus a reconciliation showing amount
actually injected.
• Summary of any downtime or other unproductive time, including time, duration, and
Binder factor (weight of dry binder per cubic meter of untreated soil) of each column (single
axial mixing tool) or element (multiple axial mixing tool) may be calculated from the measured
and recorded values. These reduced data could be required in the daily production report as
additional construction parameters.
Data from calibrated instruments must be submitted for all measurement devices used for binder
production, deep mixing operational monitoring, and laboratory testing. Within 3 business days
of completing any QC/QA monitoring and testing, the contractor should submit the results,
including original data sheets from the laboratory and an evaluation of the compliance of the test
results with project acceptance criteria. Instruments used for monitoring and testing should be
calibrated at the beginning of the project and repeated every 3 months. Access to monitoring
equipment should be made available to the owner/engineer.
After completing the project (or a phase of the project, depending on project size and layout,
but not less than every 2 weeks), the contractor must submit as-built field measurement data
indicating surveyed as-built plan locations of each DMM element, including element center
(per site-specific coordinates), column dimensions and verticality, and top and bottom elevation
of each element to the accuracy required by the project specifications.
Preconstruction testing programs, including both bench-scale and field validation (full-scale
testing), are critical to the successful design and construction of DMM projects. The engineering
properties of soils treated with DMM are dependent on a variety of factors, such as the original
soil characteristics (type, water content, organic content, etc.), non-uniformity of the soil deposit,
mix design, curing conditions, loading conditions, and mixing energy. Bench-scale testing
involves laboratory preparation and testing of treated soil (soil-binder mixtures) to study the
influence of these various factors on measured engineering properties. The results of bench-scale
tests are used to define a range of mix designs and installation procedures that are likely to
produce treated soils in production that meet the specified design parameters for the project.
Full-scale field work involves installing test elements of the size, arrangement, and depth
required in production. The contractor uses production mixing equipment to install the elements
and assess the suitability and workability of the materials and the installation parameters to
produce the treated soil that meets the specified performance requirements.
Bench-scale and field validation programs can be implemented in different phases of projects for
different purposes. The owner is often responsible for specifying the target strength, uniformity,
and permeability requirements for the deep mixed material. Bench-scale tests should typically be
conducted by the owner/engineer during the design phase to establish the reasonably attainable
treated soil properties for use in design. However, if the owner/engineer has prior experience in
similar soils in the same nearby geology, bench-scale testing may not be necessary. All results
from bench-scale tests conducted by the owner should be provided to all bidders.
For bench-scale testing results to be understood and used with confidence by the owner/engineer
and the bidders, standard procedures for sample preparation, handling, and testing must be used.
Recommended procedures are outlined in appendix A. If standard procedures are used, DMM
contractors with adequate experience may be able to use the owner’s bench-scale testing results
to select the mixing procedures and binder slurry injection process required to meet the project
requirements. However, the DMM contractor may want to conduct additional bench-scale tests
to confirm results or optimize binder quantities and mix designs, especially if standard
procedures were not used by the owner or cannot be confirmed. The DMM contractor may also
want to perform bench-scale testing using modified procedures that simulate the specific mixing
conditions for a proprietary DMM system or that may be correlated to the field operation of
his/her DMM method.
A field trial program may also be conducted during design to help establish that DMM can be
accomplished successfully at a given site and to determine a reasonable range of strengths that
can be considered for use in the design process. Field trials during design are completed under a
separate contract that is executed prior to completing the design. Field trials conducted during
design are expensive for a design-bid-build project. However, for design-build or ECI in design
projects, field trials during construction are more likely to be cost effective. Field trial programs
have been conducted during the design stage on several large and complicated projects, including
the Woodrow Wilson Bridge project for VDOT, the New Orleans Levee Stabilization test project
for USACE, and the San Pablo Dam seismic upgrades for the East Bay Municipal Utility
Although field trials during design are uncommon and only used on large or complex projects,
field validation programs during construction but prior to production mixing are very common
and are used on virtually all projects. Field validation programs conducted by the contractor are
used to determine and demonstrate the means and methods for producing the DMM elements
that satisfy the requirements of the project specifications and for performing the specified
QC/QA activities.
A bench-scale testing program conducted by the owner during the design stage should be
developed to achieve the following goals:
• Study the influence of type and quantity of binder on the engineering properties of
treated soil.
• Study the influence of different soil layers at a particular site and at different areas within
a project site on the engineering properties of treated soil.
• Define various engineering properties of treated soil needed for design that can be
practically achieved using reasonable amounts of binder.
• Establish baseline treated soil properties for laboratory-mixed specimens for use by
DMM contractors to prepare bids.
Conventional soil testing methods are typically used for testing treated soil samples. Sample size
and collection considerations for preparing, curing, and testing treated samples in unconfined
compression are included in appendix A. The method of calculation used in the laboratory
procedure is included in appendix B. Standard laboratory procedures should be used for testing
to provide reliable and understandable data.
It is important to recognize that measured test values from laboratory-prepared specimens will
differ from those of field-produced samples. Laboratory mixing equipment imparts greater
mixing energy, which promotes greater treated soil uniformity than can be achieved in
production by full-scale equipment. Published results indicate that the strength obtained from
bench-scale testing is 1 to 5 times the strength obtained in the field using the same mix design.(46)
Laboratory curing conditions and loading conditions also often differ from in situ conditions.
Laboratory testing allows treated soil strength gain with time to be studied.
Bench-scale testing should consider parameters that are practical to use for full-scale production,
considering that some DMM techniques can impart more mixing energy than others. The binder
factors that can be introduced by DMM equipment generally range from 170 to 840 lb/yd3
(100 to 500 kg/m3) of in situ soil. Certain mix designs that can be used to produce treated soil
samples in the laboratory may not be applicable for full-scale production due to workability
restraints. High mixing energies and low water-to-cement ratio binder slurries may be used
successfully to mix relatively small laboratory soil samples, but they may be unsuccessful for
use in full-scale production.
Bench-scale testing may include a wide range of tests that provide various strength and
compressibility data. However, it is necessary to correlate these data with a field value that will
be measured during production QC/QA activities. The unconfined compressive strength of the
treated soil is the parameter most often measured for QC/QA purposes. Published correlations
are discussed in chapter 5. For example, specifications would generally be based on unconfined
compression tests. Additionally, specifications would not require that certain modulus values or
tensile strengths be achieved. Instead, the engineer would correlate other properties used in
design with unconfined compressive strength, which would be the value that the specifications
are based on.
Binder costs often account for 20 to more than 30 percent of DMM construction costs. To
optimize the construction cost, binders that are available in the local area should be considered
for bench-scale testing. Water from local sources must also be used to prepare the binder slurry
for the bench-scale study. The mix design should include a matrix of at least three binder factors
and three water-to-binder ratios for each main soil type that will be encountered at the site. If
multiple binder types are considered, a matrix of mix designs for each binder is developed.
Bench-scale testing results should be clearly reported regardless of whether the testing is
conducted by an owner or a contractor. Bench-scale testing reports should include, at a
minimum, descriptions of sampling techniques used, boring logs, classifications of all major soil
strata to be mixed, site groundwater conditions, binder materials used, mixed design proportions,
laboratory mixing techniques used, curing conditions, and plots of unconfined compression
versus time for each soil type and mix design.
After the contract is awarded, the contractor should conduct a full-scale field validation program
to demonstrate that the contractor’s DMM equipment, mix design, and installation procedures
can produce treated soil with material and geometric parameters that meet the specification
10.3.1 Goals of Full-Scale Field Testing
• Confirm that the contractor can achieve the specified mixture geometry and engineering
property value(s), which is typically a specified unconfined compressive strength.
This testing provides evidence that the expected design parameters will be achieved with the
means, methods, and materials proposed by the contractor. Results of full-scale field testing are
also used to assess the influence of DMM operations on the overall construction sequence of the
project. The DMM contractor may experiment with mixing parameters during field testing to
identify suitable mix designs and installation procedures that can provide the necessary quality
while also achieving schedule and cost objectives. The DMM contractor may also conduct test
sections to develop and support an alternative cost effective design that may be part of a value
engineering proposal.
The full-scale field testing program involves the installation of trial production elements using
the means, methods, and materials proposed by the DMM contractor and defined based on
information from bench-scale testing.
At least 30 days before the start of the field validation program, the contractor must submit a
field validation program plan that describes the construction procedures; equipment and ancillary
equipment used for mixing, binder proportioning, and injection; mix design parameters and
associated soil strata to be evaluated; operational and material parameters to be monitored during
field validation; layout of the DMM elements to be constructed; and a summary of QC/QA
samples to be collected and tested. Examples of the forms that will be used to document the work
as outlined in section 9.3.6 should also be provided.
During the full-scale field validation program, the contractor evaluates the installation processes
to optimize mixing, binder slurry or binder injection quantities, and operational procedures. The
trial elements must be installed in ground conditions representative of the project conditions.
Ideally, the test elements are installed near borings so that results can be correlated with known
ground conditions. Various geometric configurations or column layouts may be evaluated during
the field testing program (e.g., column type, wall type, cell type, and block type). Geometric
overlap and verticality should also be evaluated. Uniformity may be evaluated by coring or by
exposing DMM elements through extracting or excavating around the elements. Exposure and
extraction are time-consuming and costly processes, and extraction may not be possible for
particularly deep elements.
The same QC/QA methods proposed for the production columns should be used to assess the
quality of the field test program elements. Generally, the testing frequency for test columns
is very high compared to the testing frequency for production columns. The test panels or
columns may be used as production elements if properties and configurations meet specified
requirements. Elements not meeting project requirements may be abandoned in place if they are
not acceptable to the owner. If elements cannot be abandoned in place, test sections should be
installed outside the production area in a part of the site with similar soil conditions. The
contractor takes on a risk by installing test elements at production element locations, and it is
often preferable to install test elements at locations different from production element locations
unless the test elements in question are installed using conservative mix parameters. Sampling
and testing requirements for test sections are outlined in chapter 12.
The contractor uses the field validation program results to develop the deep mixing work plan, as
outlined in section 9.3.4. This plan must be submitted to the owner for approval at least 30 days
prior to the start of deep mixing.
The results of testing from field test columns can be used to estimate the ratio between the
laboratory strength values and the field strength values. By modifying the mixing tool, increasing
the mixing energy, and adjusting the installation procedures during full-scale testing, the
difference in strength between samples produced by the full-scale DMM equipment and the
laboratory mixing may be reduced. Lower laboratory-to-field strength ratios generally indicate
improved uniformity of the treated soil.
The primary construction goal of any DMM technique is to ensure an even distribution of binder
throughout the treated soil volume with uniform moisture content and without significant
unmixed portions of native soil or binder. A variety of methods have been developed to meet this
goal. Methods may be broadly categorized as either wet or dry mixing processes and used to
construct either deep foundation elements (columns, walls, or panels) or shallow masses of
stabilized soil. When comparing methods, note that all methods are not equivalent. Various
systems have been developed to meet the demands and constraints of regional markets and the
prevailing subsurface conditions, and their use should reflect the requirements and design intent
of different applications.(118)
General mixing processes and machine and tooling characteristics for methods commonly
used in the United States are described in the following section. It does not contain an indepth
explanation of the different systems. Instead, it is intended to improve the understanding of the
general sizes and capacities of DMM equipment (e.g., conventional depths and production rates),
tooling geometries, and installation processes for the different major classifications of methods.
A detailed description of the methods and equipment used internationally are provided by Bruce
and Topolnicki and are summarized in appendix D.(2,118)
• Method used to introduce the binder into the soil: Wet (i.e., pumped in slurry form) or
dry (delivered pneumatically in dry form). Classification is W or D.
• Method used to penetrate the soil or mix the binder: Rotary (purely by rotary methods
with the binder at relatively low pressure), jet (by a rotary method aided by jets of slurry
at high pressure), or vertical (by a chainsaw type of vertical rotation that creates walls or
panels). (Jet grouting, which does not rely on any mechanical mixing to create the treated
mass, is outside the scope of this report. “J” as used in this classification refers to jet-
assisted mechanical mixing.) Classification is R, J, or V.
• The location or vertical distance over which mixing occurs in the soil: End (mixing is
conducted only at the distal end of the shaft (or within one column diameter from that
end)), shaft (mixing occurs along all or a significant portion of the drill shaft), or panel
(mixing occurs along the entire length of the tooling constructing a panel or wall.
Classification is E, S, or P.
Methods currently being used are classified according to this system and shown in figure 137.
The methods that have been used in the United States are shown in black boxes. The methods
shown in white boxes have been used internationally or experimentally or are still being
developed. Method variations are constantly being developed and used. Readers are encouraged
to investigate available mixing capabilities beyond the techniques listed in figure 137 to consider
new methods and companies not included at the time this report was published.
DSM (27) (Spread Wing)
(35) DJM (39)
CDM and FGC-CDM (29)
TRD (39)
SMW (27)
SSM (30)
Rotomix (34)
Figure 137. Flowchart. Classification of vertical axis DMMs based on agent (W/D),
penetration/mixing principle (R/J/V), and location of mixing action (S/E/P).(1)
Several other classification systems have been proposed to organize the various and numerous
DMM methods according to application and according to deep or shallow mixing. (See
references 8, 86, 118, and 126.)
In general, wet mixing methods are single- or multi-shaft wet mixing processes that use
primarily cement-based slurries to create isolated elements, continuous walls, or blocks.
Shallower mixing may also be conducted to stabilize masses of soil. Wet mixing equipment
comprises a batch plant to supply slurry and a mixing machine to inject and mix the slurry into
the ground.
Wet mixing methods are used for both offshore and on-land projects. A large portion of offshore
projects are conducted in Japan, and these applications are generally outside of the scope
of typical U.S. transportation projects. Information on these offshore applications is provided
by CDIT.(46)
The slurry batch plant typically includes silos, a water tank, a batching system, temporary
storage tanks, slurry pumps with flowmeters, and power supply units. A typical batch plant
layout for a larger project is shown in figure 138. Plant components may be simple or complex
depending on the requirements of the project and may vary from manually or computer-
controlled colloidal shear mixers to a sophisticated in-line jet mixing system.(118) Storage tanks
contain paddle agitators to maintain binder disbursement throughout the slurry. Pumps are
typically duplex or triplex reciprocating piston pumps or variable speed progressive cavity
pumps with rates of ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 yd3/min (0.08 to 0.25 m3/min) and up to 1.3 yd3/min
(1 m3/min) for high-capacity mixing tools.
Three levels of sophistication of process control may be defined for batching and injection
parameters as follows:(3)
• Level 3: High-level computer control and display are provided in conjunction with
measurement of drilling parameters such as revolutions per minute, penetration rate,
torque, thrust, slurry density, pressure, and rate of injection. The computer adjusts
injection parameters to maintain specific treated soil properties for each stratum
encountered. Commands are driven by touch screen. Full continuous records of
injection and drilling parameters are produced.
Although various levels of process control are routinely used, automated batching systems are
recommended to measure the water, cement, and other additives by weight to produce slurry
with uniform properties.(9) These systems allow the desired weight of each slurry component to
be preset and mix design changes to be made by adjusting the component at the control panel.
Wet mixing methods are classified in four general categories as shown in table 20 (see
figure 137).
Table 20. Typical equipment and common applications for the four general classifications
of wet mixing methods.
Classification General Equipment and Process Common Applications
Wet rotary Single or multiple shaft equipment Columns, panels, or blocks of mixed soil to
shaft (WRS) with blades over a length of the depth of 98 ft (30 m)
shaft that mechanically mix injected
slurry with surrounding soil
WRE Single shaft equipment with single Columns, panels, or blocks of mixed soils to
mixing tool depths of 131 ft (40 m) or mass stabilization
of large volume to depths up to 49 ft (15 m)
Wet jet end Single (uncommon) or multiple Columns, panels, or blocks of mixed soil to
(WJE) shaft equipment tipped with blades depth of 82 ft (25 m)
and assisted by jetting of slurry
through high-pressure ports
Wet vertical Chainsaw-type vertical cutting tool Continuous walls up to 164 ft (50 m) deep
panel (WVP) mounted on a central cutter post routinely
11.2.3 WRS Methods
In the most commonly used WRS methods for on-land applications, mixing is conducted using
vertical hollow rotated mixing shafts supported on a track-mounted crane. One to eight mixing
shafts may be used, although two to four are typically used per carrier, depending on the nature
of the project, the particular variant of the method, and the contractor. Typical WRS machines
are shown in figure 139. The shafts are mounted on fixed or hanging leads and are driven by a
top-drive gearbox that distributes the torque from a rotary drive unit to each shaft. Shafts are
supported at vertical intervals to keep the mixing tools parallel and maintain accurate vertical
control. For multishaft equipment, blades and auger flights on adjacent shafts are staggered. On
some machines, the spacing between the shafts may be adjusted to vary the amount of overlap
between columns. The drill shafts are often rotated in opposite directions during drilling to
enhance mixing efficiency and increase stability of the machine. The direction of rotation of each
shaft is often reversed during withdrawal to further improve mixing efficiency. Position and
verticality of the shaft may be monitored using optical survey devices or a Global Positioning
System (GPS) device. Since fluid is being introduced into the ground, surface spoils can be
Each mixing shaft is tipped with a cutting tool below the blades to help control verticality during
penetration. Different cutting tools may be used to accommodate drilling through varying soil
conditions. The shaft above the cutting tool contains mixing blades, which blend the slurry
continuously with the soil during penetration. The distribution and number of mixing blades
employed per shaft are dependent on the capacity of the base machine.
Mixing tools are broadly categorized as blade-based and auger-based.(126) Blade-based tools
comprise a series of mixing blades oriented in different directions along the drill shaft. The
blades are equipped with cutting teeth that aid penetration. Slurry injection nozzles are located
at various intervals along the mixing tool, usually near the tip of the shaft, but can also be
positioned along and above the blades.(118) Examples of typical blade-based mixing tools are
shown in figure 140 and figure 141.
Figure 141. Photo. Second view of typical blade-based tooling for WRS mixing.(127)
Auger-based mixing tools comprise continuous or discontinuous flight augers or several levels of
inclined paddles located along the length of the drill shaft. Slurry injection nozzles are located at
the bottom of each shaft. An example of auger-based mixing tools is shown in figure 142.
Source: Geo-Con Inc.
Figure 142. Photo. Typical auger-based tools for WRS methods.
Mixing machine details and typical operational parameters for WRS methods used
internationally are summarized in appendix D.
WRE methods are either used for installing deep columns or stabilizing masses of soil to
shallower depths. WRE mixing equipment for deep construction on land includes one or two
shafts typically 2.3 to 3.3 ft (0.7 to 1.0 m) in diameter (see figure 143). Each shaft has four to six
mixing blades. The maximum depth of construction is up to 131 ft (40 m).
Source: Raito, Inc.
Figure 143. Photo. WRE mixing equipment.
WRE mixing equipment for shallow soil stabilization typically includes one shaft tipped with a
generally large-diameter single cutting tool (see figure 144 and figure 145). The cutting tool
serves as both the drilling bit and mixing tool and is supported by a hollow stem kelly bar on a
large track-mounted crane. With some methods, the shaft may be attached rigidly to the base
unit, allowing down pressure to be applied during mixing. Because of torque limitations, the
drilling depth of the single-auger system is typically limited to 50 ft (15 m).(9) When used in
conjunction with an onsite batching and delivery plant, the expected production can be up to
785 yd3 (600 m3) per rig per 8-h shift.
Source: TREVIICOS Corporation
Figure 145. Photo. Second view of typical tools used for WRE mixing.
The CSM method is a WRE method that is differentiated from other rotary end methods because
the cutting blades move vertically by rotating about horizontal axes (see figure 146). This
method was developed from diaphragm wall technology and uses two sets of counter-rotating
vertically mounted cutter wheels. The wheels cut the surrounding soil and concurrently blend the
injected slurry with the soil to form panels 1.7 to 4 ft (0.55 to 1.2 m) wide. Panels are installed in
a primary-secondary sequence to create continuous walls. The speed and direction of rotation for
each cutting wheel are controlled and monitored separately, allowing for assurance of overlap
between panels. Wheels may be equipped with rock teeth to help cut through difficult soils,
including cobbles up to 8 inches (200 mm) in diameter or bedrock with up to 7,250 psi (50 MPa)
unconfined compressive strength. DMM elements installed into bedrock may be needed to key in
cutoff walls for seepage control applications or provide additional shear resistance.
Source: Malcolm Drilling Inc.
Figure 146. Photo. CSM method cutter wheels.
WJE methods combine mechanical mixing and high-energy slurry injection to reduce penetration
resistance and enhance mixing efficiency. These methods are differentiated from conventional jet
grouting, which does not employ mechanical mixing to create the treated material. Single- and
multi-shaft equipment is used. Slurry is injected through high-velocity ports located at the
bottom of the shaft and at the outer edges of the mixing blades (see figure 147). Water is injected
during penetration of the shaft, and slurry is injected during withdrawal to enhance mixing
efficiency. The soil is mixed mechanically at the shaft near the center of the tool, and unmixed
lumps are forced to the perimeter of the column to be broken up by the jetted water and air.
Air may also be injected during penetration or withdrawal for mixing of stiff soils or to increase
column diameter. For some systems (e.g., Hydramech system), the jets may be turned on and
off to allow plugs of treated soil to be created.
Figure 147. Photo. Example of a WJE tool.(127)
For the GeoJetTM system, jetting and mechanical mixing are both used during penetration to
increase the speed of tool advancement; however, only mixing is used during withdrawal.
The process is controlled by computer, and adjustments to operational parameters may be made
automatically in response to changing subsurface conditions. Production rates are typically very
high for this system.
The original wet mixing classification has been expanded to include a recently developed system
classified as WVP.(1) The system is a Japanese development known as TRD. The TRD mixing
process employs a vertically mounted chainsaw-type cutting tool with simultaneous slurry
injection. The chain with cutting teeth rotates about a central vertical cutter post, and slurry is
simultaneously injected to mix with the disturbed soil (see figure 148 and figure 149). The cutter
post is inserted into the ground with injection and mixing to the target depth, and the injection
and mixing continue as the post is moved horizontally to create a continuous wall of mixed soil.
This method has been used to install walls up to 98 ft (30 m) deep in the United States. Walls
197 ft (60 m) deep have been reported in Japan.
Source: Geosystems, L.P.
Figure 148. Photo. TRD tooling.
Dry mixing methods are typically single-auger techniques that primarily use lime, cement, or
slag mixtures to create isolated columns, walls, or blocks for soil stabilization and reinforcement.
Dry mixing equipment comprises a binder mixing and preparation system and a mixing machine.
Two main types of dry mixing techniques are used and referred to as the Japanese dry jet mixing
(DJM) method and the Nordic method (also referred to as the lime or lime-cement
column method).
The mixing tools are located at the end of the mixing shaft as opposed to along the length of the
shaft for wet mixing equipment, so all of the methods are classified as DRE methods. DJM
mixing machines are usually equipped with two mixing shafts but may use only one shaft to
accommodate narrow or low headroom working areas. The base equipment comprises custom-
built, crawler-mounted, or (rarely) skid-mounted cranes. The mixing system consists of the drive
unit, the drive shaft, the cutting and mixing blade, and grout nozzles. The rotation motors and
gear boxes are permanently located near the base of the rig, effectively lowering the center of
gravity and improving stability when tracking on uneven ground.
The mixing unit comprises two or three pairs of blades mounted on each of the shafts offset
90 degrees to each other (see figure 151 and figure 152). The standard blade is 3 ft (1 m) in
diameter, and the maximum depth is 108 ft (33 m). The heavy rotation motors and gear boxes are
positioned at the bottom of the mast promoting mechanical stability. Construction parameters
(depth, revolutions per minute, penetration and withdrawal rates, and volume of binder) are
monitored continuously and automatically.
Figure 152. Photo. Typical mixing tool for DRE methods for peat mixing.(118)
Binder is injected using compressed air to prevent choking of the nozzles. Upon reaching the
bottom depth of the element, the unit is counter-rotated and withdrawn while dry materials are
injected under compressed air from nozzles located in the upper mixing blade. Some binder may
also be injected during penetration, but more commonly, injection occurs only during
withdrawal. The shape of the mixing blades causes a cavity to be created beneath the blade
during rotation. As the cavity is created, air pressure within drops and dry reagent is deposited.
The compressed air used to deposit the dry materials passes upward along the shaft and vents
through a valve in the particle collection shroud located at the ground surface. Because injected
materials are dry, surface spoils are minimal.
In the Nordic method, the base equipment is a crawler-mounted self-contained rig that rotates a
tool to target depth (typically less than or equal to 82 ft (25 m)). Rods may be square in section
and rotated from the bottom or round in section and rotated with a top drive. Square rods permit
air to escape from the ground more easily during drilling. Columns between 1.6 and 4 ft (0.5 and
1.2 m) may be installed. A column diameter of 2 ft (0.6 m) remains the most common, although
2.6 ft (0.80 m) is also popular, especially in the United States.
In the Nordic method, compressed air is introduced during penetration to break up the soil
structure and keep the injection ports clear. Dry materials are then pneumatically delivered as
the tool is rotated in the opposite direction and withdrawn. The pressure of the compressed air
is reduced as the tool nears the surface, while the air typically discharges to the surface around
the drill rod from all depths. The computer system provides real-time control of the processes
(especially rate of materials injected), as well as records of quantities of materials, rate of
injection, revolutions per minute, withdrawal rate, air pressure, binder material composition,
and depth. The verticality of the drill is automatically controlled to within ±0.25 degree.
Instantaneous penetration rates are about 6 inches (150 mm)/rotation during penetration (varies
with the soil) and 0.6 inches (15 mm)/rotation on withdrawal. A 49-ft (15-m)-long column can
be installed in 5 min. Industrial production of 1,300 to 3,300 ft (400 to 1,000 m) per 8-h shift for
2-ft (0.6-m)-diameter columns (146 to 366 yd3/shift (112 to 280 m3/shift)) is common and is
dictated by the type of soil, amount of binder, and column diameter.
Combination methods are also available, such as the modified deep mixing (MDM) method,
which has the capability of switching between dry binder and water injection at specific depths.
This versatility allows efficient mixing of layered strata or in response to site-specific project
needs or localized changes in subsurface moisture conditions.
Another variant to the conventional DRE method is the mass stabilization method called Dry
Soil Mixing. The process is different from other DRE methods because the mixing blades rotate
vertically about a horizontal axis to churn the upper several feet of ground, creating a block of
stabilized soil (see figure 153).
Source: Hayward Baker Inc.
Figure 153. Photo. Horizontal mixing tool for mass soil stabilization.
With penetration injection, mechanical mixing is aided by the injection of either slurry or
compressed air. At the target depth, rotation may be maintained for several minutes to enhance
mixing at the contact between the column and the bearing layer. This process is known as
“bottom mixing.” Partial or even full restroking of the column length may be conducted by
raising and lowering the rotating tools to enhance mixing efficiency, especially in layered
materials. The tool is then counter-rotated, and additional slurry or binder is injected during
withdrawal, usually in smaller quantities to minimize surface spoils.
Withdrawal injection is commonly used with dry methods, but penetration injection may also
be used if the binder quantity required to meet the design strength exceeds that which may be
injected during withdrawal alone.
The tool rotation and penetration speeds affect the strength of the treated soil. Studies indicate
that higher treated soil strengths are measured from samples produced with higher rotation
speeds and lower penetration rates.(46) Comparing the effectiveness of different mixing methods
can be subjective because the various mixing techniques and soil conditions produce different
mixing results. A simplified index, BRN, has been suggested to quantify the effect of the number
of rotations of the mixing blades on the quality of treated soil.(46) BRN is defined as the total
number of rotations during 1 m of penetration (downstroke) or withdrawal (upstroke) after the
binder has been fed into the ground. BRN is expressed as shown in figure 154.(128)
Np N
BRN = ∑ M + w
V V w
Figure 154. Equation. BRN.
ΣM = Total number of mixing blades.
Np, Nw = Rotational speed during penetration and withdrawal, respectively, in revolutions/min
Vp, Vw = Velocity of mixing blade during penetration and withdrawal, respectively, in m/min.
Study results indicate that a smaller coefficient of variation may be expected when BRN is
higher than 360 for the wet method of mixing. This analysis was developed for and is effective
only for traditional DMM (not CSM, TRD, or mass stabilization methods).
The number of shafts, the shape and orientation of the mixing blades, and the position of the
injection nozzles all influence the quality of the mixed material. Models and field observations
indicate that multiple-shaft arrangements generally provide better uniformity of DMM columns
than single-shaft systems with fixed cutting/mixing blades rotating in one direction.(46) Adjacent
shafts are typically rotated in opposite directions to enhance mixing and increase stability of
the machine.
Various orientations and shapes of mixing tools have been developed to meet the requirements
of the soils in different regions. Generally, the tools are shaped to disaggregate soil during
penetration and increase the degree of mixing with binder upon additional rotation. Soils with
peats and plastic clays, for example, require mixing with equipment shaped to deliver a strong
shearing action during rotation.
Injection nozzles are positioned to facilitate the type of injection method. For penetration
injection, the nozzles are positioned at the base of the tool to lubricate the mixing tool and assist
penetration. For jet methods, nozzles are located at the edges of the mixing blades to enlarge
column diameters. Nozzles oriented vertically downward are used to increase the penetration
rate, and nozzles directed outward from the outer edges of the blades are used to increase the
mixing action or diameter of the column
A well planned and executed QC/QA program is critical to the success of a DMM project. The
program’s two parts may be generally defined as follows:
The contractor provides all the personnel and equipment necessary to implement the QC
program. The owner’s representative is mainly responsible for the QA program, although
many of the QA activities are frequently assigned to the contractor, such as coring, sampling,
and testing. The owner’s representative observes construction on a full-time basis and reviews
the submittals from the contractor to verify that the QC and QA programs are being
properly implemented.
12.2 QC
The QC program is the responsibility of the contractor and generally includes the
following components:
• Conducting bench-scale testing and reporting results to the engineer for review
and approval.
• Developing and submitting a field validation testing program plan for review
and approval.
• Constructing field validation test sections prior to the full production of DMM columns
(as well as additional test sections as required by the owner/engineer).
• Developing a deep mixing work plan including descriptions of all materials and
procedures to be used to construct and control the quality of the DMM elements.
• Controlling and monitoring the storage, blending, handling, delivery, quality, and
quantity of the binder materials in dry or slurry form as appropriate to the DMM
technology employed.
• Controlling and monitoring the geometric layout, verticality, and depth of DMM
elements during production.
• Conducting full-depth continuous core sampling and wet sampling and associated testing.
(The owner/engineer generally logs the core, evaluates uniformity of the treated
materials, and selects specimens for laboratory testing, with consideration of input from
the contractor.)
• Documenting, reporting, and submitting the results of field monitoring, sampling, and
strength testing to the engineer.
The DMM contractor provides the QC personnel (a QC technician and a project engineer).
The QC technician monitors the operational parameters in real time to ensure the DMM
operation follows the predetermined procedures. If an installation parameter deviates from the
allowable range of the predetermined value, the QC technician informs the rig operator and the
batch plant operator to adjust the installation parameters to address the conditions. The project
engineer supervises the work of and provides technical support to the QC technician as well as
reviews the installation records of the real-time monitoring system.
Preproduction bench-scale testing and full-scale field testing programs should be planned and
executed prior to production, as outlined in chapter 10.
At least 30 days prior to the start of deep mixing work, the DMM contractor submits a deep
mixing work plan to the owner for review and approval, as detailed in section 9.3.4.
The QC program includes monitoring and documenting materials handling and construction
procedures, including the following:
• Layout.
• Element verticality.
• Bottom mixing.
• Control of spoils.
For a successful DMM operation, real-time monitoring must be used to control and document the
current operational data, summarize the preceding operational data at intervals of 3 ft (1 m) or
closer, and detect any non-complying operational parameters or records. A real-time monitoring
system is a computer-based QC device that indicates the instantaneous installation parameters of
a DMM element while the mixing is in progress. Using a real-time monitoring system,
deficiencies can often be corrected before the DMM element is completed.
Monitoring additional items is necessary for TRD, including tool rotational speed, horizontal
movement speed, and viscosity of soil-binder mixture during production. These procedures and
parameters are controlled through the coordination of the contractor’s rig operator, batch plant
operator, and QC technician/engineer.
The contractor should accurately stake the locations of the proposed DMM elements shown on
the construction drawings prior to installation. GPS technology attached to the mixing equipment
has been successfully used to control and document DMM element locations. The engineer is
responsible for reviewing the locations of DMM elements. The contractor should provide an
adequate method of allowing the engineer to verify the as-built location of the elements during
construction. Misplaced elements will be reviewed by the engineer to determine if they will
interfere with the proposed construction. The contractor is responsible for correcting the location
or alignment of misplaced elements that will adversely affect the project quality. The contractor
should correct misaligned elements that interfere with the project in a manner acceptable to
the owner.
After production is complete, the DMM contractor should submit as-built drawings indicating
the locations of the DMM elements in terms of project coordinates for review and approval by
the owner.
Mix designs verified during the field validation program should be used in production.
Revalidation through laboratory or field testing is necessary for changes that exceed 10 percent
of previously approved mix designs.
For the dry method of deep mixing, the binder is stored onsite or is delivered just in time to a
container that feeds the mixing machine. The binder must be kept dry throughout the storage and
delivery operations.
For the wet method of deep mixing, the binder production equipment must be capable of
providing slurry with consistent and verifiable quality. Dry binder, mainly cement or slag-
cement, is stored in silos and fed to mixers for shearing and agitation. To accurately control the
proportions of the slurry components, the amount of water and binder must be determined by
weight using automatic batch scales in the mixing plant. Admixtures, if used, can be delivered to
the mixing plant by calibrated auger. However, the DMM contractor must prove that the
calibrated auger can deliver the quantity of dry admixture with accuracy equivalent to that
measured and delivered by weight. Equipment for proportioning used during binder production
should be calibrated prior to initial use and repeated every 3 months or every time the batch plant
is relocated. Simple checks of material quantities should be made routinely, such as counting the
number of bags or truckloads of binder materials that have been used. These quantities should be
reported in the daily production report.
Dry binder and water must be mixed in the slurry plant for uniform suspension of binder in the
water. The uniformity of binder slurry should be verified by specific gravity tests of the slurry in
the agitation tank. A maximum holding time of 4 h in the agitation tank is recommended.
Holding time is calculated from the beginning of the initial mixing.
The contractor should measure the specific gravity of the binder slurry at least twice per shift per
slurry plant using the methods outlined in ASTM D4380.(129) This simple and quick test provides
an indicator that the binder slurry meets the mix design criteria established in the bench-scale
testing. Early indication of slurry density allows the contractor the opportunity to adjust mix
proportions prior to injection. Other verification methods, such as coring and wet grab sampling,
are completed after mixing when changes can no longer be made. The specific gravity of the
binder slurry measured during production may not deviate by more than 3 percent from the
established specific gravity. If the specific gravity is lower than that required by the mix design,
the contractor should add additional cement and remix and retest the slurry. Alternatively, the
engineer may request that the DMM contractor recalibrate the batch scales and perform
additional testing. The specific gravity measurements should be indicated in the daily production
report (see section 9.3.6).
The binder injection rate per vertical foot (meter) of column is determined in accordance with the
design mix, which is based on the bench-scale testing program and the contractor’s experience
(not applicable for TRD). The mix design and required binder injection rate are verified during
the field validation program by assessing the uniformity of the core and the strength of core
samples. During production, the binder rate must be monitored constantly and controlled on a
real-time basis. The contractor must record in the daily production report the weight of dry
binder or the volume of binder slurry injected for each 3 ft (1 m) (measured vertically) during
penetration and withdrawal for each element. These records can and should be used to calculate
the binder factor as a function of depth much more reliably than chemical testing methods such
as performing cement content tests of hardened soil-cement mixtures.
If the weight of dry binder or the volume of binder slurry injected per vertical foot (meter) is less
than the amount required to meet the binder factor or volume ratio established during the field
validation program, the element must be remixed, and additional binder must be injected at the
design binder injection rate to a depth at least 3 ft (1 m) below the deficient zone.
The contractor may request that the established binder factor or water-to-binder ratio of the
slurry be modified during the production installation. To verify acceptable results for the
proposed modification, the engineer may require additional testing or a new test section at no
additional cost to the owner.
Mixing Tool Rotation Speed and Penetration/Withdrawal Rates
Each DMM column must be installed without interruption. If installation is interrupted for more
than 1 h, the element must be remixed while injecting binder at the design rate for the entire
length of the element. The DMM equipment should be able to remix the element with additional
binder within 24 h. Setting of the binder mixture generally will not prevent remixing by properly
sized equipment.
The mixing tool rotational speed and penetration/withdrawal rates are adjusted so that resultant
mixing of the soil and binder slurry will produce the required uniformity and strength. The
required rotational speed and penetration and withdrawal rates for the various soil layers
encountered are selected by the contractor and verified during the field validation program.
The rotational speeds and penetration/withdrawal rates must be monitored on a real-time basis
during production. If BRN is more than 15 percent below the value determined to be reliably
acceptable from the field validation program, the column/element section must be remixed while
injecting grout at the design binder injection rate. The rotational speeds and penetration/
withdrawal rates must be recorded in the daily production report.
The contractor may request that the established mixing parameters be modified during the
production column installation. To verify acceptable results for the modified parameters, the
engineer may require additional testing or a new test section at no additional cost to the owner.
Alternatively, if sufficient data are available from production columns in support of modified
mixing parameters, the owner may accept such data in lieu of an additional test section.
Element Verticality
The equipment operator should monitor and control the vertical alignment of the mixing tool
stroke in two directions (longitudinal and transverse to the element alignment). Vertical
alignment should be maintained within 1 percent of plumb during the element installation.
Manual or automated verticality readings should be recorded in the daily production report at the
frequencies outlined in the specification.
Element Top and Bottom Elevations
The termination depth of DMM elements is designed to meet the foundation requirements of the
structure, as discussed in chapter 6. For designs that specify the top and bottom elevations of the
DMM elements, the constructed elements must extend from the specified bottom elevation or
lower to the specified top elevation or higher. The specified top and bottom elevations may vary
across the site depending on in situ ground conditions and facility requirements.
For sites that have a well-defined competent bearing stratum, the necessary bottom elevation can
be based on refusal criteria determined from penetration speed, vertical load from the mixing
tool, mixing energy, and power consumption needed for mixing tool penetration. The refusal
criteria can be developed during the field validation program by installing test elements within
5 ft (1.5 m) of an existing boring and recording the operational parameters encountered when the
intended competent stratum is reached as indicated in the adjacent boring. If mix designs or
operational procedures are modified during production, refusal criteria must be reestablished.
The total depth of penetration can be measured either by observing the length of the mixing shaft
inserted below a reference point on the mast or by subtracting the exposed length of shaft above
the reference point from the total shaft length. The contractor is responsible for achieving the
specified top and bottom elevation requirements and for recording the actual elevations.
However, remedial measures for elements of insufficient depth could significantly and adversely
impact project costs and schedule, and it is helpful for the engineer to observe and confirm the
element termination depth during construction. The mixing equipment must be adequately
marked to allow QA personnel to confirm the penetration depth. The depth may also be
determined by instruments and displayed in real-time. The contractor should measure and
record top and bottom elevations in the daily production report.
If the depth to the competent soil layer at the bottom of the DMM element is found to be
different from that indicated on the plans, the engineer may direct the contractor to shorten or
deepen the element. The contractor should be compensated based on the decreased or increased
amount of deep mixing as the engineer varies the termination depths. However, the contractor
should not be compensated for any portions of the elements that are above the top elevations or
below the bottom elevations shown on the plans that are not approved by the engineer.
Bottom Mixing
When the mixing tool reaches the design depth, bottom mixing is generally required to provide
an adequate level of mixing in the lower portion of the DMM column. Bottom mixing is
conducted by lifting the mixing tool approximately 5 to 10 ft (1.5 to 3 m) above the design depth
while maintaining mixing action and repenetrating to the design depth. The zone and procedure
of bottom mixing should be established during the field validation program. (Note that bottom
mixing is not applicable for CSM or TRD.)
Control of Spoils
The contractor is responsible for controlling and disposing all waste materials produced as a
result of the mixing operation in accordance with the project requirements. Areas for containing
and processing the spoils should be designated on the project plans.
The contractor’s selection of means and methods can be heavily influenced by requirements and
procedures for handling spoils. Spoils may be handled in several different ways. Often, the spoils
are contained at the ground surface until they are sufficiently cured to be stockpiled and used for
engineered fill. If unacceptably high pH levels preclude the use of spoils as fill, removal and
offsite disposal may be necessary.
12.2.5 QC Documentation
The contractor should report the QC activities and results in the daily production report and
submit the report to the engineer by the end of the next business day. The engineer should review
daily production reports in a timely manner. The data submitted in these reports are indicators
that the contractor is adhering to the procedures established during the field validation program
and properly implementing the QC program. Strength and uniformity of the treated soil are used
for acceptance, as described in section 12.3.6.
12.3 QA
QA is generally performed by the engineer (or owner’s representative) and includes the
following tasks:
• Observing the soil mixing operation and QC tasks performed by the contractor.
• Observing sampling of treated soil, selecting samples to be tested, logging core samples
for uniformity assessment, and reviewing the testing data to ensure that the treated soil
meets the design requirements.
• Conducting independent sampling and testing to verify the results submitted by the
contractor, if necessary.
QA personnel observe the DMM installation and QC operation performed by the contractor,
communicate with the contractor’s QC personnel, and review the QC submittals. QA personnel
may also perform independent sampling and testing. The QA personnel should inform the QC
personnel and the owner/engineer immediately if deficiencies are identified. Early correction of
a deficiency often reduces costs and schedule delays.
For ground improvement applications, the most commonly used engineering property for
QC/QA is unconfined compressive strength. Permeability and strength are used for earth
retention or groundwater control applications. Other engineering properties required for the
design of most DMM projects (shear strength, tensile strength, and modulus) can be obtained by
correlation with unconfined compressive strength.
12.3.3 Coring
Core samples provide the best representation of the hardened in situ DMM column. Assessing
full-depth continuous cores of DMM elements is most frequently used as the basis for approval
of the uniformity and strength of treated soil. Core testing data reflect the inherent variation of
subsurface soil conditions and consequently exhibit greater variation in engineering properties
in comparison with data obtained from testing wet samples.
Coring Methods
Full-depth continuous core samples may be obtained using coring methods available in the
United States. Triple tube sampling techniques or equivalent provide the highest core recovery
and lowest core disturbance. Double tube sampling techniques can also be used to retrieve the
core samples.
Core recovery is calculated as the total length of recovered core divided by the total core run
length (expressed as a percentage). Total length of recovered core includes the lengths of both
treated and untreated soils. Percent treatment is calculated as the total length of recovered core
minus the sum of the lengths of unmixed or poorly mixed soil regions or lumps that extend
across the entire diameter of the core divided by the total core run length (expressed as a
percentage). Unrecovered core is considered untreated soil for the purpose of determining
percent treatment unless convincing documentation can be provided by optical logging of the
core hole walls that the lack of recovery was due to the coring process.
Cores should be taken continuously from the top to the bottom of the column. Each core run
should be approximately 3 to 5 ft (1 to 1.5 m) in length, and core diameter should be at least
2.5 inches (64 mm). To calculate the core recovery for each run, the elevation of the bottom of
the core holes should be measured after each core run. Cores should be retrieved at a distance of
one-fourth the column diameter from the column center. This location has been shown to yield
the most representative samples of the treated material. Material at the center of the column may
tend to be higher in binder slurry content, especially if a binder slurry with relatively high water-
to-binder ratio is used. Obtaining cores located at the periphery of the column can be difficult
because the core barrel tends to exit the column and penetrate into the native soil. Inclined cores
are occasionally obtained to locate the interface between adjacent columns. If drilling tends to
exit the column at this coring location, the contractor may drill one-fourth of a column diameter
along the centerline of an element or shear wall so the core enters the adjacent column in the
same element.
The contractor should determine the time interval between column installation and coring that
will allow the treated soil to gain adequate strength and avoid low core recovery and sample
disturbance. For 28-day strength testing, the core samples can be retrieved at 20 to 26 days after
installation. Core samples retrieved at earlier curing ages tend to have lower recovery and higher
sample disturbance.
Core samples with diameters smaller than 2.5 inches (64 mm) tend to exhibit increased sample
disturbance and reduced core recovery. Core samples with diameters greater than 3 inches
(76 mm) have improved recoveries and less disturbance but can be more costly to retrieve and
difficult to handle and transport. Reducing the coring rate (core distance drilled per hour) will
usually improve core recovery and reduce sample disturbance.
Core operators with experience in coring soft rocks can retrieve core samples from treated soil
with satisfactory recovery and quality. Core samples generally reflect some sample disturbance
due to the core process even with a good coring tool and a skilled core operator. The presence of
gravel in the mixed soil can cause cracks and other damage during coring and thereby reduce
core recovery. During the coring process, gravels inside the soil-binder mixture tend to break or
grind the core samples. In cases of poor core recovery, an optical televiewer may be used to
supplement assessment of uniformity. Worn or inadequately maintained cutting heads, core rods,
and other coring devices tend to reduce the recovery and quality.
All core holes must be filled with slurry with 28-day strength equal to or greater than the
specified strength of the treated soil.
Coring Locations and Frequency
For each field validation test section, at least one element for each mix design should be cored
for the full depth from the top to the bottom of the element.
For production elements on typical DMM projects, one full-depth continuous core should be
made for every 3 percent of elements. An element is defined as the treated soil produced by one
setup of either a single- or multiple-axis machine. For smaller, more critical, or more complex
projects or for projects at more critical locations within otherwise typical projects (i.e., structure
foundations), the engineer could specify that more elements must be cored, up to 4 percent of the
total production elements. For a larger, less critical, and less complex project (i.e., a large DMM
embankment foundation project in similar subsurface soils along the entire alignment), the
engineer could specify that 2 percent of the production elements should be cored. At a minimum,
five production elements should be cored at full depth so that a reasonable amount of data are
collected, even for small projects.
Some deep mixing equipment produces a relatively large treated area in each element, whereas
other equipment produces a relatively small treated area in each element. For example, if the
same project were done using two mixing machines that both produce 3-ft (1-m)-diameter
columns, and the same column overlap is used, but one machine is single-axis and the other is a
six-axis machine, then up to six times as many cores would be necessary for the single-axis
machine as for the six-axis machine when the number of cored elements is specified on a
percentage basis. A justification for requiring a smaller number of cores for equipment that
produces larger treatment areas per element is that the same binder factor, mixing parameters,
and blending action apply to the entire area treated. Nevertheless, an engineer may want to
consider adding a treatment area criterion to the percentage criterion for determining the number
of elements to be cored so that a sufficient amount of data can be collected even if the contractor
uses equipment that produces a large treated area per element. For example, an engineer may
want to specify that full-depth coring be done on 3 percent of elements or for every 860 ft2
(80 m2) of treated ground, whichever produces the greater number of cores. In this example, the
3 percent criterion would control for all types of elements that produce a treated area smaller
than 25 ft2 (2 m2) after accounting for overlaps between elements, and the 860 ft2 (80 m2)
criterion would control for all types of elements that produce a treated area larger than 25 ft2
(2 m2) after accounting for overlaps between elements.
The coring frequency should be selected by the engineer during the design stage based on
consideration of project size, criticality, and complexity. The selected coring frequency can be
stated in the specifications either as a percentage of elements or as a combination of the
percentage of elements and the treatment area, depending on the project needs.
For TRD or cutoff walls, every 1,000 yd3 (750 m3) of treated soil or every 300 ft (90 m) of wall
in the horizontal direction should be cored. For small-sized projects, at least five elements should
be cored to provide a reasonable amount of information for evaluation of deep mixing work.
Core Sample Handling and Testing
Upon retrieval, the full-depth samples should be provided to the engineer for logging, selecting
test specimens, and assessing whether uniformity and recovery criteria have been satisfied.
Following logging, the engineer selects specimens for strength testing. At least five test
specimens should be collected from each full-depth continuous core for unconfined compressive
strength testing. Test specimens should have a length-to-diameter ratio of 2 or greater.
Engineering judgment must be used to select test specimens to minimize the potential for biasing
the data. Samples should be selected carefully to represent the deep mixed element rather than
focusing on samples that appear to be unusually weak or that contain inclusions of unmixed soil
that are not proportionately representative of the entire column. For example, testing a core
sample containing a gravel-sized piece of unmixed soil would simulate testing a column
containing a boulder-sized piece of unmixed soil. This situation is unrealistic unless there is
highly unlikely evidence that boulder-sized pieces of unmixed soil exist in the column.
Immediately following logging and test specimen selection by the engineer, the entire full-depth
core sample, including the designated test specimens, must be sealed in plastic wrap to prevent
drying and transported to the laboratory by the contractor. The samples must be stored in a moist
room in accordance with ASTM C192 until the test date.(130) Treated soil samples must not be
submerged in water during curing unless they are sealed in a water-tight, zip-sealed plastic bag.
It is important to remove as much air as possible prior to sealing to avoid sample swelling.
The portions of the samples that are not tested must be retained by the DMM contractor for
possible future inspection and confirmation testing by the engineer until completion and
acceptance of all DMM work. If a large volume of samples cannot be reasonably stored on the
job site, cores from elements deemed satisfactory may be disposed of prior to project completion
if approved by the engineer.
In addition to tests performed by the contractor, additional confirmation tests may be performed
by the engineer on samples collected by the DMM contractor. Both the DMM contractor’s
testing and the engineer’s testing, if performed, must demonstrate that the required strength
criteria are met prior to acceptance of the work.
Generally, 2 to 3 weeks of in situ curing time must elapse to allow sufficient strength gain before
cores can be retrieved with an acceptable level recovery and without excessive disturbance. If
early strength is needed for modification of mix designs, wet samples (see section 12.3.4) can be
collected and tested in combination with coring. Costs for core sampling are generally higher
than for wet sampling.
Obtaining good core recovery in treated ground with gravel or cobbles can be difficult or
impossible. When coarse-grained soils prevent core recovery even with high-quality triple-tube
coring methods, acceptance should be permitted based on the strengths from wet grab samples
combined with optical logging to verify thoroughness of mixing.
Core samples are not generally suitable for permeability testing. Erratic testing results may result
because of fissure cracks induced during the coring process. When permeability testing is critical
to the design intent of the structures (e.g., a DMM wall for excavation support and seepage
control), wet sampling must be used to produce test specimens for permeability testing.
Wet grab samples are produced from bulk samples obtained from discrete locations within DMM
elements. Test specimens from the bulk samples are cast and cured under consistent conditions.
A single bulk sample can produce nearly identical duplicate test specimens for parameter studies
on the effects of binder type, quantity, age, and curing conditions.
During a field validation program, wet sampling can provide information on the reaction of the
binder slurry with the in situ soil that can be used to modify mix designs. Wet grab samples
tested at 3, 7, 28, and 56 days or more can be used to develop the relationship between the
strength and curing age to provide the DMM contractor with information on the rate of strength
gain for predicting production strengths.
In production, wet sampling and testing can be used to identify potential weak zones in the
treated soil, thereby providing an early indicator before coring operations are performed at
28 days. If wet samples produce results that are consistently acceptable, the frequency of wet
sampling can be reduced as the project progresses.
Testing data from wet sampling should be used as an indicator rather than as acceptance criteria.
The sampling device tends to retrieve a greater proportion of binder slurry volume than mixed
soil because clumps of relatively unmixed soil do not tend to flow as easily into the wet sampling
device, possibly making the sample less representative of the overall treated material. In
addition, the curing conditions (i.e., temperature, drainage, and pressure) differ from in situ
conditions. Since wet samples are obtained from discrete locations within elements, the samples
may not represent natural variation in subsurface conditions.
For earth retention or groundwater control applications, permeability tests are generally
performed using wet samples for more consistent and reliable testing results. Core samples are
generally not suitable for providing samples for permeability testing due the potential for side
wall leakage due to the roughness of the core surface and the potential for fissure cracks induced
during coring.
Wet grab samples should be retrieved from DMM columns immediately after installation and
before hardening of treated soil. Various bailer-type sampling tools, including tubes or boxes of
different configurations, are used to collect samples. Recommended procedures for sample
handling and specimen preparation are described in appendix A. It is important to use standard
procedures for preparing and testing specimens to allow test results to be used and
compared consistently.
The contractor should perform all wet grab sampling in the presence of the engineer. The
contractor should notify the engineer at least 1 business day in advance of beginning sampling
operations. For each test section, a minimum of three wet samples should be retrieved for each
mix design used.
In production, for embankment and foundation support applications, one wet sample (i.e.,
one selected depth at one location) should be retrieved every two production days or for every
2,000 yd3 (1,500 m3) of treated soil, whichever produces the higher sampling frequency.
The contractor proposes locations for wet sampling as outlined in the QC program, considering
input from the owner/engineer based on subsurface conditions, DMM layout, review of the QC
results, and observation of the soil mixing operation. The sample locations should be distributed
uniformly both laterally and vertically within the deep mixed zone. Sampling depths should be
selected to ensure that wet samples are retrieved from every main soil stratum underlying
the site.
The contractor should report all attempts, successful and unsuccessful, to obtain wet samples.
Some deep mixed material may not be able to be sampled readily because either the mixture is
too stiff or the material may not flow back into the void left after the sampler is extracted,
possibly leaving a damaged element.
The sampling tool is inserted into the DMM column to a designated depth, filled with treated
soil, and lifted to the ground surface. The treated soil material is then poured into a container,
screened for oversized lumps (gravel versus unmixed soil), and placed in 3-inch (76-mm)-
diameter, 6-inch (152 mm)-long molds for use as test specimens using procedures similar to
those described in appendix A. Normally, eight test specimens are prepared from each wet
sample. The engineer may request additional test specimens for QA testing. The volume and
composition of oversized lumps should be measured and described. Care should be taken to
avoid additional mixing or kneading action on the sample during screening so that the sample is
as representative as possible of in-place mixing conditions. The wet treated material should be
placed into the mold in three to five layers. After the placement of each layer, the specimens
must be tapped or vibrated to remove trapped air bubbles. The specimens should be sealed to
prevent moisture from entering or leaving the specimens, and the sealed specimens should be
stored in a humid environment.
Immediately after test specimens are prepared, they should be stored until testing in an
environment with 100 percent relative humidity and temperature between 68 and 77 °F (20 and
25 °C). If approved by the engineer, the specimens may also be cured at a higher temperature to
simulate the in situ curing temperature. It has been reported that temperature in treated soil
columns with a high binder factor can exceed 100 °F (38 °C) for more than 3 months in the
ground.(132) Once prepared, the specimens should not be moved until they have cured sufficiently
to prevent disturbance during transportation.
Laboratory unconfined compressive strength tests on cured wet specimens should be conducted
in accordance with ASTM D2166, except that loading should continue on all specimens until the
cylinders break sufficiently to examine the interior of the specimen.(131) The broken specimen
should be photographed, and any apparent segregation, lenses, and pockets in the specimen
should be documented. For field validation testing, unconfined compressive strength testing may
be performed on specimens at 3, 7, 28, and 56 or more days. For full production work,
unconfined compressive strength testing may be performed at 7 and 28 days.
Laboratory permeability testing should be performed on cylinders at 7 and 28 days for the test
section and usually only at 28 days for the production elements. Laboratory permeability testing
should be conducted in accordance with ASTM D5084.(133)
Wet sampling has the following drawbacks when it is used as a tool for QC/QA:
• A wet sample is not representative of the in situ mixing and curing conditions of the
DMM column. Wet samples may be unrepresentative and biased when the soil and binder
slurry are not mixed uniformly. Slurry tends to enter the sampling tool more easily than
the non-uniform soil-binder mixture and the unmixed soil lumps. During the lifting of the
sampling tool, soil-binder or slurry at higher depth might enter the sampling tool and
make the bulk sample less representative, depending on the design of the sampler.
• Results of testing of wet samples cannot be used as the basis for final acceptance of
DMM work for ground improvement. Wet samples can be used for permeability testing,
and the results can be used for final acceptance in conjunction with core sampling testing
results for shoring or groundwater control applications.
• Wet sampling can only be used to retrieve soil-binder mixture at a single depth per
sample attempt and requires multiple insertions or multiple samples on a single probe to
obtain samples at different depths. Wet sampling does not provide continuous samples
for evaluating the condition of the soil mixing along the full depth of the DMM column.
• Some thick and plastic mixes are not amenable to wet grab sampling. In such cases,
attempting to perform wet grab sampling can damage an otherwise suitable
DMM element.
DMM columns can be excavated and exposed for observation, sampling, and testing. For zones
of mass stabilization, a large diameter inspection shaft can be constructed within the DMM
block. An alternative to personnel entry is a down-the-hole camera, which can be used to inspect
the inside surface of the borehole, especially in zones where core samples cannot be retrieved,
such as in a gravelly soil stratum.
• Column penetration test: The column penetration test device consists of a probe
equipped with two opposite vanes approximately 4 inches (100 mm) smaller than the
DMM column diameter. The test is performed by inserting the probe into the center
of DMM column at a constant speed of about 0.8 inches/s (20 mm/s) and continuously
recording the resistance. This method is commonly used for columns produced by the
Nordic dry mixing method with unconfined compressive strengths less than 50 psi
(345 kPa) to depths of about 25 ft (8 m). Predrilling is needed through treated materials
with unconfined compressive strength up to100 psi (690 kPa) and depths of
80 ft (24 m).
• Pull-out resistance test: This test is also referred to as the reverse column penetration
test. A probe similar to that for the column penetration test is attached to a wire and
placed at the bottom of the DMM column during production, remaining in place until
testing. At a specified curing time, the probe is withdrawn from the column, and
resistance is recorded continuously. This test is applicable for treated soil with
unconfined compressive strength less than 175 psi (1.2 MPa) and depths up to
65 ft (20 m).
Numerous in situ direct testing methods have been investigated or applied for the evaluation of
the in situ strength of DMM material. However, these methods have not been adopted for routine
use like the coring and wet sampling methods. The following are in situ direct test methods:(134)
• SPT: The conventional SPT for soil investigation involves driving a split-spoon sampler
into the DMM column. SPT blow count values (N) are correlated with unconfined
compressive strength.
• CPT: The cone of the conventional CPT is used to penetrate the DMM column and
record the tip resistance, which is correlated with undrained shear strength. Dynamic
cones are also driven with hammers to measure the blow counts for a certain depth of
penetration. The blow counts are then correlated with strength or used to determine
variations of strength with depth.
• Column vane test: The column vane test was developed and is used in Finland to
measure the shear strength of lime-treated soil. The diameter of the vane is 5 to 6 inches
(130 to 160 mm), and the height is half the diameter. This method is applicable for DMM
columns with unconfined compressive strength less than about 60 psi (400 kPa).
• Rotary penetration sounding test: A sensing rod equipped with a special drilling bit
is attached at the bottom end of a drilling shaft. While drilling into the DMM column,
drilling speed, rotation, thrust, torque, and water pressure at the drilling bit are measured
and recorded by the data logger in the sensing rod. Unconfined compressive strength is
correlated to measured data.
Geophysical Testing
The use of the following geophysical testing methods has been investigated or applied for the
evaluation of the in situ strength of DMM column, but the methods have not been adopted for
routine use like coring and wet sampling:(134)
• PS logging: By measuring the travel times of compression waves (P-waves) and/or shear
waves (S-waves) at several depths, soil layering is identified and the P- and S-wave
velocities are calculated. Measurements can be made either by down hole tests or by the
suspension method. P- and S-wave velocity distributions with depth reflect the uniformity
of DMM columns. Elastic modulus of the DMM column at small strains can also be
calculated from these velocities.
The engineer should determine the acceptability of the test results. The treated material must
meet acceptance criteria relative to geometric layout, strength, and uniformity. The following
subsections include examples of generalized acceptance criteria. However, the engineer should
develop project-specific acceptance criteria based on the requirements of each project.
The DMM element should be installed within the following general geometric tolerances:
• The horizontal alignment of the DMM element should be within 4 inches (100 mm) of
the planned location at the top of the DMM layout.
• The overlap between any two adjacent elements should be as specified by the design
engineer based on analyses of vertical shearing, as described in chapter 6, and
considering common tooling in the deep mixing industry. Overlap up to 20 percent of the
cross sectional area of a single column has typically been specified for shear walls.
• The vertical alignment should be maintained to within 1 percent of plumb during the
DMM column installation.
• The top of the column should extend upward to the designated elevation or higher.
• The bottom of the DMM column should extend at least to the depth indicated on the
plans or as modified by the engineer in the field.
The strength acceptance criteria have a major influence on the distribution of strength data
obtained during full production. An acceptance criterion requiring that all test data exceed a
specified value could require that the contractor produce treated soils with strength significantly
higher than the design value, which already incorporates a factor of safety, as discussed in
chapter 6. Specifications that allow a certain percentage of test results to be lower than the
specified value reduce over-conservatism, but such specifications can still be written to fully
satisfy the design intent. The recommended strength criteria include the following:
• A total of 80 percent of test results from each tested deep mixed element should equal or
exceed the specified strength. When combined with the requirement that at least five
specimens be tested from each full-depth continuous core, this provision allows one test
result per full-depth core to fall below the specified strength.
• To prevent a weak layer at one elevation in the DMM foundation system, strengths below
the specified strength are not permitted within 10 ft (3 m) of the same elevation in more
than two nearby cored elements. Nearby cored elements refer to cored elements without
an intervening cored element that has a passing test result in the suspect elevation zone.
• A total of 90 percent of all of the test results across the site should equal or exceed the
specified strength.
Uniformity acceptance criteria encourage the contractor to provide a level of soil-binder mixing
energy sufficient to reduce the occurrence of untreated lumps and variation of treated soils. The
recommended uniformity criteria for transportation projects include the following:
• Full-depth continuous core samples retrieved by the contractor from the DMM column
should be used to evaluate uniformity.
• Core recovery (expressed as a percentage) should be reported and is equal to the total
length of recovered core divided by the total core run length. Length of recovered core
includes lengths of treated and untreated soil.
• Percent treatment is calculated as the total length of recovered core minus the sum of the
lengths of unmixed or poorly mixed soil regions or lumps that extend across the entire
diameter of the core divided by the total core run length expressed as a percentage.
Percent treatment must be at least 80 percent for every 5-ft (1.5-m) core run. If 80 percent
treatment cannot be confirmed by coring in coarse sandy or gravelly soil, optical
televiewer logs can be used to confirm uniformity.
• If the contractor uses core runs shorter than 5 ft (1.5 m) (e.g., 3 ft (1 m)), then the
recovery and percent treatment can be calculated taking in equal amounts of core run
length on either side of the short core run length to make up a total 5-ft (1.5-m) run length
for calculation purposes.
Although the uniformity criteria are recommended for typical transportation projects, other
uniformity criteria can be considered. Core recovery, maximum size of untreated soil, sum of the
length of unmixed or poorly mixed soils greater than the core diameter, and rock quality
designation (RQD) have also been used as indices for uniformity. The ranges frequently used for
core recovery are at least 80 to 85 percent for every 3- to 10-ft (1- to 3-m) core run and an
average of at least 85 to 90 percent core recovery for the full-depth core from top to bottom of
the element. If the percent of core recovery cannot be obtained in gravelly soil, optical televiewer
logs can be used to confirm uniformity. In some projects, a minimum RQD varying from 50 to
70 percent has been required in conjunction with core recovery. The higher bounds of these
ranges are specified for projects that demand high strength or lower variation of the treated soils.
A maximum size of untreated soil varying from 6 to 12 inches (150 to 300 mm) has been
specified. The sum of the lengths of unmixed or poorly mixed soil regions or lumps that extend
across the entire diameter of the core are required to be less than 10 to 20 percent of the core run
length. The lower bounds of these ranges of requirements on the maximum individual lump size
and sum of the lengths of untreated soil are specified for projects that demand high strength or
lower variation of the treated soils.
In some special cases, such as the use of a deep mixed block for uplift resistance, the unit weight
of treated soils may be specified. For wet deep mixing in soft ground, the change in unit weight
after soil mixing is negligible for typical binder factors and area replacement ratios used for
embankment and structure support applications in transportation infrastructure projects.
However, in cases that require uplift resistance and when DMM is used at sites underlain by soils
with a unit weight greater than the unit weight of the binder slurry, the unit weight of the treated
soils will be lower than the untreated soils. The unit weight of binder slurry generally ranges
from 91 to 101 lbf/ft3 (14 to 16 kN/m3) for a water-to-binder ratio of 0.8 to 1.2. Slurries with
water-to-binder ratios greater than 2.0 have been used for cutoff wall installation or treatment of
clay soils with high plasticity. The unit weight of treated soil can be calculated as outlined in
chapter 5. Caution should be given when specifying unit weight because the DMM contractor
has limited control over the unit weight of the treated soils and the use of a water-to-binder ratio
less than 1.0 might be difficult in stiff soils or sandy soils. If needed, the unit weight criteria
could include provisions such as the following:
• The average unit weight of treated soil should be 100 lbf/ft3 (15 kN/m3) or higher.
• The final unit weight requirement will be determined by the engineer using the data
obtained from the field validation program.
Geometric Layout
Although the rejection of completed DMM work based on geometry noncompliance is unusual,
control and monitoring of alignment, verticality, top elevation, and bottom elevation are very
important. The QC and QA personnel are responsible for observing geometric layout of the
production work on a daily basis. If the element does not fall within specified tolerances, the
contractor must correct the construction procedure before production work is allowed to
continue. Minor repairs could be made by redrilling before the hardening of treated soil or by
installing additional elements to replace the misaligned elements, as approved by the engineer.
Treated Soil
If DMM elements fail either strength or uniformity criteria, the contractor and the engineer
should work together to evaluate the operational data, and the contractor may collect an
additional core sample in the same element for the engineer to assess the extent of the deficient
zone. If the additional core meets the criteria, then the element should be accepted. Alternatively,
the contractor should be allowed to core the elements on both sides of the failed element. If those
two cores meet the criteria, then the element should be accepted. If the additional cores fail, then
the contractor can propose remedial measures, which the engineer will review and accept or
reject, depending on whether the proposed remedial measures meet the design intent. Examples
of such remedial measures include the following:
• In the case that treated soil meets uniformity criteria but fails to meet the strength criteria,
elements or zone could be assigned a lower strength level. The contractor could propose
installing additional elements to compensate the strength required by the design intent. If
treated soil fails to meet the uniformity criteria, elements must be remixed or replaced.
• If treated soil that fails to meet uniformity criteria is concentrated in a narrow elevation
range forming weak planes or zones, the contractor could propose to redrill and remix to
3 ft (1 m) below the deficient zone. If redrilling and remixing cannot be done efficiently,
the contractor must replace the elements to the full depth. If treated soil in the narrow
elevation meets the uniformity criteria but fails to meet strength criteria, the contractor
could propose to redrill and remix the deficient zone or assign a lower strength level to
deficient zone and install additional elements to compensate for strength deficiency.
• If the treated soil that fails to pass cannot be isolated in a specific zone, the contractor
will be required to provide remedial measures for all elements constructed during all rig
shifts that occurred between passing elements.
• Remedial measures are subject to coring and application of specification acceptance criteria.
The purpose of this chapter is to present the factors that must be considered when developing a
cost estimate for a DMM project for embankment or foundation support and to provide the user
with a method of estimating the cost of DMM at the feasibility stage of the decision process.
Cost estimating for DMM projects differs from that of conventional specialty geotechnical
engineering processes because the project costs are heavily dependent on site conditions,
construction methods, materials used, project performance requirements, and market conditions,
all of which can vary significantly. A range of unit costs for DMM production works are
provided that transportation department engineers may use to calculate reliable preliminary cost
estimates for comparison with alternative technologies. These unit costs are provided for use in
the preliminary stages of engineering design when limited site information is available. It is
critical that engineers refine estimates based on project requirements and site-specific data.
Engineers are encouraged to solicit cost estimates from qualified DMM contractors to develop
more precise project budgets.
The factors that affect the costs of a DMM project are listed in table 21. Comments on how
variations in these factors affect unit costs are also provided.
Considering the factors listed in table 21, a range of unit costs may be assumed for estimating
purposes. The lower and upper limits of the range reflect the general conditions outlined in table
22. These costs include production (labor and equipment) and binder material costs only.
Mobilization/demobilization, QC/QA, and engineering must be estimated separately.
QC/QA costs may be estimated as 3 to 5 percent of the production DMM costs. This estimate
includes costs associated with the owner’s tasks for assuring the quality of the work. The upper
end of the range is applicable for projects with higher strength QC/QA criteria or permeability
requirements less than 4.72 × 10-5 ft/day (10-6 cm/s) and the lower end may be applied for
projects with lower strength acceptance requirements or a higher permeability criterion (greater
than 4.72 × 10-5 ft/day (10-6 cm/s)). Pre-construction bench-scale testing may be estimated on a
lump sum basis as $10,000 to $20,000.
The owner’s engineering costs for conducting the site investigation, considering alternatives,
designing the DMM system, developing the specifications, performing a limited bench-scale
mixing program during design, and providing QA services are estimated to be about 10 percent
of the DMM construction costs. The contractor’s engineering costs for preparing as-built
drawings, other submittals, and QC services are included in the unit costs listed in table 22.
For a design-build project, the owner’s engineering costs should be added to the DMM
construction costs.
Table 21. Generalized factors affecting costs of DMM projects for embankment
and foundation support.
Factors Affecting
DMM Costs Comments
Type of mixing Wet or dry.
Presence and type For the purposes of this report, the site soils for DMM work for embankment
of environmental and foundation support are assumed to be uncontaminated and therefore do
contamination not require extraordinary spoils handling methods or personnel protective
equipment and procedures in excess of those required for clean site
Binder materials • Using locally available conventional binders such as Portland cement,
granulated blast furnace slag, and flyash result in lower costs.
• Transporting large quantities of binder materials to remote sites increases
• Using higher binder/soil ratios to mix organic soils or meet higher strength
QC/QA criteria increases costs.
Site access • Mixing at sites with relatively free access is less costly.
• Mixing at congested sites or sites with unstable platforms for equipment is
more costly.
Site soils • Soils that are relatively easily mixed and free of obstructions (i.e., cobbles,
boulders, or large debris) and are granular in nature cost less to mix.
• Stiffer/denser cohesive soils and soils containing organics/peat are more
costly to mix.
• Predrilling increases costs.
Project Unit costs ($/yd3 ($/m3)) are lower for larger projects (greater than
size/quantity of approximately 26,000 yd3 (20,000 m3)).
mixing work
Depth Mixing to depths in excess of 25 m (80 ft) increases costs.
Application • Higher-strength requirements and higher binder injection quantities increase
• Ground treatment applications (mass stabilization) typically have lower
costs than higher strength ground improvement (load bearing
columns/element) applications on the basis of cost per unit volume treated.
QC/QA Excessively rigid QC/QA criteria or more consequences for non-conformance
with specifications increase costs.
Table 22. Unit costs and associated general project conditions.
Unit Production Cost
($/m3) (includes labor,
equipment, and materials) Factors That Influence Unit Cost
Approximate $100/m3 • Wet mixing is assumed.
low estimate • Environmental contamination is not present or is present at
(best case levels that will not affect mixing performance.
conditions) • Binder materials are readily and locally available.
• Typically cement, granulated blast furnace slag, and flyash
are used.
• Site access is relatively free, no overhead restrictions are
present, and a stable platform is available for equipment.
• Project is relatively large (e.g., greater than 26,000 yd3
(20,000 m3) of production mixing work).
• Soils may be relatively easily mixed without obstructions,
cobbles, or significant peat or organic content. Typical soils
would include loose to medium dense cohesionless soils,
soft and wet clays and silts, and soft marine clays near the
liquid limit).
• Depth of mixing is less than approximately 80 ft (25 m).
Approximate $140/m3 • Wet mixing is assumed.
higher • Environmental contamination is not present or is present at
estimate levels that will not affect mixing performance.
(significantly • Binder materials are not readily or not locally available.
more difficult • Materials are typically cement, granulated blast furnace
site/project slag, and flyash.
conditions) • Site access is congested, overhead restrictions may be
present, and mats may be required to create a stable
platform for equipment.
• Project is relatively small (e.g., less than 26,000 yd3
(20,000 m3) of production mixing work.)
• Soils are stiff or more difficult to mix and may contain
organics or peat but are still free of cobbles and boulders.
• Soils may require predrilling.
• Depth of mixing is greater than approximately 80 ft (25 m).
DMM items are typically measured and paid as indicated in table 19.
This procedure was originally developed for use with relatively easily mixed soils such as sands,
silty sands, clayey sands, soft or low plasticity silts, and soft clays. For stiff and high plasticity
clays, it is recommended to cut the soil into 0.975-inch (25-mm) cubes prior to mixing.(135)
• Scale.
• Stand mixer (mixer should have a planetary mixing action and multiple beater
attachments including a dough hook and a flat beater).
• Kitchen blender.
• Mixing bowls.
• Moisture tins.
• Spatula.
• Ladle.
• PCC and/or other binder materials (with known specific gravity, Gb).
• Tamping rod.
• Straight edge.
• Calipers.
1. For soils that are sensitive to open air exposure due to drying or oxidation reactions, place the
samples in airtight containers as soon as possible after obtaining the soil. If samples are
obtained in blocks suitable for storage in 5-gal (20-L) buckets, place the bulk sample inside a
thick-gauge plastic bag inside of the bucket and pour a small amount of water between the
bag and the bucket to create a humid atmosphere inside the bucket. Using a household
vacuum, remove the excess air from the bag, seal the bag tightly, and place the lid on the
bucket. If samples are retrieved in Shelby tubes, extrude the samples as soon as possible.
Cut the samples into pieces, wrap each in a thin plastic film, and place the pieces into plastic
storage bags. All samples should be kept sealed and stored in a moist room at or near
100 percent relative humidity and at 68 °F (20 °C) unless alternate curing conditions are
stipulated for a specific project. For soils that are not sensitive to exposure to air, such careful
handling and storage procedures may not be necessary.
2. Estimate the amount of dry binder that will be required for the entire mixing program. Sift
the binder to remove any lumps. Store in an airtight container until needed for mixing.
1. Determine the weight of moist soil necessary for creating a particular batch of soil-cement
mixture (see appendix B). At least eight specimens should be prepared for each batch—
two specimens to be tested at each of four curing periods. Thoroughly wet the inside of the
mixing bowl used with the stand mixer and lightly pat dry with a paper towel. The inside of
the mixing bowl should be lightly moistened but should show no visible water beads.
2. Choose an attachment for the mixer (dough hook or beater style) that will produce the most
thorough mixing considering the plasticity of the soil being mixed and the total amount of
water in the mixture from the soil water and slurry water. Generally, a dough hook works
well for mixing cohesive soils and a flat beater may work well for some non-plastic soils.
3. Measure the required weight of moist soil to the nearest 0.0035 oz (0.1 g) and place it in the
moistened mixing bowl. Reseal the soil samples. Record the actual weight of moist soil if
different from the target weight.
4. Place the mixing bowl onto the mixer and begin mixing at the lowest setting (approximate
rotation of the mixing tool of 100 to 175 cycles/min and revolution of the mixing tool around
the bowl of less than 100 cycles/min in the planetary mixing action). Mix for approximately
3 min. When necessary, use a spatula to remove soil from the beater and the sides of bowl
and push the soil back towards the center of the bowl. Record the total mixing time. If the
laboratory testing program requires that the soil water content be increased above its natural
water content, the required additional water can be mixed into the soil at this time. Record
the weight of water added.
1. Determine the dry weight of binder and weight of slurry water slurry necessary for creating
the batch of soil-cement mixture (see appendix B).
2. While the soil is being mixed, measure the required weight of slurry mixing water and add it
to the mixing container of the kitchen blender. Record the actual weight of slurry water if
different from the target weight.
3. Measure the required weight of dry binder and place it in the mixing container of the kitchen
blender. Blend it for approximately 3 min, and record the total mixing time. The binder slurry
should be mixed while the soil is being mixed. Record the actual weight of the binder if it is
different from the target weight.
1. After the binder slurry is mixed, turn off the blender and remove the pitcher from the base.
Without stopping the soil mixing (do not turn the stand mixer off), slowly add the binder
slurry to the mixing bowl. Use a rubber spatula to aid in transferring as much of the binder
slurry as possible into the soil mixing bowl. Weigh the blender pitcher before and after
transferring the slurry into the mixing bowl to determine the actual weight of binder slurry
used in the soil-cement mixture and record this value. If the blades of the blender are such
that they prevent complete, or near complete, transfer of the slurry binder into the mixture, it
may be necessary to make excess binder slurry (above what is required to meet the design
criteria) to ensure an adequate amount of binder slurry in the soil-cement mixture. This
should be done so as to maintain the design water-to-binder ratio. The exact amount of slurry
required for the mix design should then be added by weighing the pitcher before and after
adding the slurry to the soil and continuing to add binder slurry only until the target weight of
slurry is achieved.
2. Mix the soil-binder mixture for approximately 10 min from the time the total amount of
binder slurry is added to the mixture. Use a spatula to remove the mixture from the beater
and sides of the bowl and push the mixture back towards the center, stopping mixing only
when necessary. Record the total mixing time and mixing equipment used.
1. Appropriately label clean, dry molds (this can be done prior to beginning the mixing process
or while the soil and binder are being mixed).
2. Begin placing the mixture in the molds as soon as possible following soil-binder mixing. If
the mixture is fluid, use a ladle or large spoon to stir the mixture by hand to keep the mixture
from segregating, and immediately fill the ladle or spoon with a representative scoop of the
mixture. Place the mixture from the ladle or spoon into a plastic mold. Exercise care to
ensure that each lift placed in the mold is representative of the entire mixture. Allowing soil
particles to settle toward the bottom of the mixing bowl during placement of the mixture in
the plastic molds will result in samples with varied mixture properties (i.e., binder content,
dosage rate, volume ratio, etc.), thus decreasing the usefulness of the test results.
3. Fill each mold in approximately three lifts, rodding or tapping the sample after each lift as
necessary to remove air bubbles and air pockets. For thicker lower water content mixtures,
rodding may be necessary, while fluid mixtures with higher water contents may respond
best to light tapping. Cease tapping if water begins to separate from the mixture. The
objective is to completely fill the plastic molds without air voids while simultaneously
minimizing segregation.
4. Finish by screeding the top of the specimen flush with the top of the mold, using a straight
edge to produce a flat surface. Cap the specimen immediately to prevent moisture loss.
5. After all molds have been filled and capped, clean and dry the molds. Weigh each specimen
individually in its mold. For fluid mixtures prone to segregation, specimens should not vary
by more than 3 percent from the average weight of all samples. For thick mixtures that tend
to trap air pockets, no specimen should weigh less than 95 percent of the weight of the
heaviest specimen. Specimens that do not satisfy these tolerances should be discarded.
6. Discard any mix that is not satisfactorily placed in a mold within 30 min of completing initial
mixing. No remixing or other disturbance of the mixture should be allowed more than 30 min
after completion of initial mixing.
Store the completely sealed specimens under controlled conditions at 95 to 100 percent relative
humidity and at room temperature (68 to 77 °F (20 to 25 °C)) unless a different curing
temperature is specified. If a humid room is not available, the sealed specimens can be stored
under water. Specimens should be stored in the sealed cylinder molds under these controlled
conditions for their specified curing periods. Often, samples are cured for 7, 14, 28, and 56 days.
1. After a specimen has reached its designated curing age, carefully remove the cap from the
specimen to be tested. If bleed water has formed at the top the specimen, record the weight of
bleed water as the difference in the weight of the specimen before and after pouring off the
bleed water.
2. With the cap removed, place the specimen in its mold on the sliding tray of the rock saw such
that the lip of the mold rests inside the blade opening (not against the bottom of the tray).
This should allow for the remaining portion of the specimen to lay flat against the sliding
tray. If no bleeding has occurred, remove the upper end of the mold at a location just below
the lip of the mold. If bleeding has occurred, saw the upper end of the mold at a location that
will just penetrate the upper surface of the specimen and create an end that is perfectly planar
and perpendicular to the height of the sample.
3. Turn the sample around on the tray and use the saw to remove the bottom end of the mold
from the specimen. The amount of sample removed during this process should be minimized
as much as possible. Being careful not to penetrate the sample, use a utility knife to make a
single lengthwise cut in the mold using an alignment guide and limited blade penetration.
If the mold is too thick or tough for this, a grinding tool with a rotating cutting blade at a
low setting may be used to make the cut. With care, the mold can be cut without making
a significant penetration into the specimen. Peel the mold off of the sample. Soil-cement
specimens are softer than standard concrete cylinders, and they may be damaged if extreme
care is not used during extraction.
4. Place the sample upright on a level surface and use a bidirectional level to ensure that
adequately parallel ends have been achieved.
5. Measure and record the specimen weight to the nearest 0.0035 oz (0.1 g). Use calipers
or a Pi Tape® to measure and record the specimen height and diameter. Height and
diameter measurements should be taken at a minimum of two locations on the specimen
for each dimension.
6. Conduct unconfined compressive strength tests as per ASTM D2166 at a strain rate of
approximately 1 percent per min. Record the time and date of testing.(131)
7. When reducing the data, apply the area correction based on axial strain, as described in
ASTM D2166.(131) In addition, because the specimen heights will be less than twice the
diameters as a result of trimming the specimen ends, a height correction should be applied.
The height correction is described in ASTM C918, and the correction factors are provided in
table 23.(136)
8. Record the mode of failure and the stress and strain at failure. Retain the complete stress-
strain diagram for determining modulus values, if necessary.
1. After testing a minimum of two specimens at each prescribed curing time (typical curing
periods are 7, 14, 28 and 56 days), plot all values of unconfined compressive strength versus
curing time.
2. Fit the logarithmic trend line qt = q0 + a ln(t) through the data, where qt = unconfined
compressive strength at curing time t, and q0 and a = coefficients obtained by least
squares regression.
3. Determine the 28-day strength and the strengths at any other desired times from the
trend line.
4. Determine the binder factor, binder factor in-place, binder content, total water-to-binder
ratio, and volume ratio of the batch based on the actual weights of materials used during
mixing (as mixed) and consider the amount of water lost due to bleeding effects (as cured).
If no bleed water occurs during curing, the as-mixed and as-cured values are the same. See
appendix B for calculations.
5. Report relevant values in a table with the trend line strengths. Table 24 shows an example.
A laboratory is given soil specimens, values of the water-to-binder ratio (w:b) and slurry, and
values of one of the following measures of the amount of binder in the mixture: binder factor
(α ), binder factor in-place (α in-place), binder content (aw), or total water-to-binder ratio (wT:b).
The following steps can be used to determine the quantities of soil, binder, and water to be used
for preparing soil-cement specimens.
For the soil, use ordinary laboratory test procedures to determine values of the water content (w),
the total unit weight (γsoil ) and the dry unit weight (γd, soil ) as well as values of the specific gravity
of solids (Gs) and the degree of saturation (S) if the soil is unsaturated. If w and γsoil are known,
γd, soil can be determined from figure 155.
γ soil
γ d , soil =
1+ w
Figure 155. Equation. Dry unit weight expressed in terms of the total unit weight of the soil
and the water content.
Alternatively, if Gs, w, and S are known or can be estimated, then γd, soil can be determined using
figure 156 for any value of S and figure 157 where S = 1.
Gs γ w
γ d ,soil =
Figure 156. Equation. Dry unit weight expressed in terms of the specific gravity,
water content, and degree of saturation.
Gs γ w
γ d ,soil =
1 + wGs
Figure 157. Equation. Dry unit weight expressed in terms of the specific gravity
and water content for saturation equal to 1.
For some of the relationships given for the mixture, the value of S is an input. For soils from
below GWT, the value of S may be taken as 1. For soils above GWT, if Gs, w, and γd, soil are
known, S can be determined using figure 158.
wGs γ d , soil
Gs γ w − γ d , soil
Figure 158. Equation. Degree of saturation.
For the slurry, use the water-to-binder ratio of the slurry, w:b and the specific gravity of solids of
the binder (Gb) to determine the value of the dry unit weight of the slurry (γd, slurry ), as shown in
figure 159.
Gbγ w
γ d , slurry =
1 + (w:b )Gb
Figure 159. Equation. Dry unit weight of slurry.
Determine the value of the volume ratio (VR) for the mixture using figure 21 and figure 22 if
α in-place is specified. If α is specified, use figure 20. If aw is specified, use figure 23. If wT:b is
specified, use figure 24.
Determine the necessary volume of soil-cement mixture (Vmix) using figure 160.
Where the factor of 1.2 is used to account for spillage during specimen preparation.
Wsoil = Vmixγ soil
1 + VR
Figure 161. Equation. Weight of soil.
Determine the weight of binder (Wb) to be used in the slurry using figure 162.
Wb = Vmix γ d , slurry
1 + VR
Figure 162. Equation. Weight of binder used in the slurry.
Determine the weight of water to be used in the slurry (Ww,slurry) using figure 163.
The water-binder slurry is prepared by blending binder of weight (Wb) with slurry of
weight (Ww,slurry). The soil-cement mixture is then prepared by mixing the slurry with soil of
weight (Wsoil).
The actual mixture created and cured in the laboratory may deviate from the intended actual
weights of soil, binder, and slurry water that are weighed and used to create the mixture, which
may also be slightly different from the target amounts calculated. The procedure to determine
actual values of α in-place, α , aw, and wT:b from actual values of Wb, Ww,slurry, and Wsoil involves
first determining w:b from figure 164 and γd,slurry from figure 159.
Ww, slurry
w:b =
Figure 164. Equation. Water-to-binder ratio of slurry.
The value of VR is then determined from figure 165.
γ soil Wb
VR =
γ d , slurry Wsoil
Figure 165. Equation. Volume ratio of mixed soil.
Finally, as-mixed values of α in-place, α , aw, and wT:b can be determined using figure 166 through
figure 170.
VRγ d , slurry
α in − place =
1 + VR
Figure 167. Equation. As-mixed binder factor in-place for saturation equal to 1.
α = VRγ d , slurry
Figure 168. Equation. As-mixed binder factor expressed in terms of VR
and dry unit weight of slurry.
γ d , slurry
aw = VR
γ d , soil
Figure 169. Equation. Binder content of mixed soil.
wγ d , soil
wT :b = + w:b
VRγ d , slurry
Figure 170. Equation. Total water-to-binder ratio of mixed soil.
For some mixtures using some soils, bleed water may rise to the top of the specimen during
curing. One approach is to report the measured strengths for the values of α in-place, α , aw, and
wT:b without correcting for the bleed water not incorporated in the cured specimens. The
reasoning behind this approach is that if the same w:b and VR are used in the field mixing as are
used in the laboratory mixing, bleed water will also occur in the field, so the laboratory strengths
will be relevant to the field conditions. In fact, it is likely that more bleed water will occur in the
field than in the laboratory due to the higher stresses involved in the field. Other factors being
equal, mixtures containing less water will exhibit higher strength. Of course, differences in
mixing efficiency and curing conditions will also produce differences between laboratory
and field strengths. In this approach, the values of α in-place, α , aw, and wT:b may be labeled
“as mixed.”
An alternate approach when bleeding occurs is to subtract the bleed water from the slurry water
prior to calculating the actual values of α in-place, α , aw, and wT:b applicable to the laboratory
specimens. This approach is useful when investigating relationships between mixture strength
and actual ratios of binder, water, and soil in the mixture. The weight of bleed water from all the
specimens in the batch (Ww,bleed,specimens) can be determined by weighing the cured specimens
before and after pouring off the bleed water. The adjusted weight of slurry water (Ww,slurry,adjusted)
is then determined using figure 171.
Ww, slurry ,adjusted = Ww, slurry ,mixed − Ww,bleed , specimens
Figure 171. Equation. Adjusted weight of slurry water.
Ww,slurry,mixed = Total weight of slurry water used in the mixture prior to placing the mixture in the
Wmix = Total weight of the mixture prior to placing the mixture in the molds.
Wspecimens = Sum of the weights of all the specimens made from the batch.
The value of Ww,slurry,adjusted can be used in place of Ww,slurry in figure 164, and the resulting
adjusted value of w:b can be used in figure 159 to determine an adjusted value of γd, slurry . The
adjusted value of γd, slurry can be used together with the actual values of Wb and Wsoil in the
mixture to determine an adjusted value of VR from figure 165. Then, the adjusted values of α in-
place, α , aw, and wT:b may be labeled “as cured” in this approach.
Commentary: This guide provides information that must be considered to responsibly develop
specifications for a successful deep mixing project. Each specification developed must be written
carefully to reflect the site- and project-specific conditions and requirements. Suggested
specification language is shown in normal text, and commentary is noted in italics. The
commentary is intended to highlight project-specific items the engineer should consider when
writing a specification. The commentary is listed at the beginning of each section and relates to
the group of provisions that follow the commentary. The commentary must be removed before
the specification can be used for a project.
Suggested tolerances and requirements are provided in the commentary; however, these generic
requirements must be tailored to the project needs and be sufficiently flexible to accommodate
differences in equipment and methods without limiting competition or imparting unnecessary or
unachievable restrictions while still achieving the design intent.
Because a wide variety of DMMs are available and the quality of deep mixed soils are heavily
dependent on the contractor’s equipment and methods, a pure method specification is virtually
never used for deep mixing projects. Instead, a hybrid specification is recommended, as
discussed in chapter 9.
For simplicity, the term “contractor” in this specification refers to the company responsible for
the construction of the deep mixing work. In practice, this company may be either a GC or a
DMM subcontractor. If a DMM subcontractor is used, the terms GC or DMM contractor must
be used to clearly identify the relative responsibilities.
The term “engineer” in this specification refers to the owner’s representative. This individual
may be an employee of the owner or may be a subcontractor/subconsultant.
1.1 Scope
The contractor should furnish all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to plan, design, and
construct the deep mixing and associated testing, monitoring, sampling, and recording to meet
the performance requirements outlined in these plans and specifications.
1.2 References
The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent indicated by the
references. The latest publication as of the issue date of this specification should govern, unless
indicated otherwise.
1. Federal Highway Administration. (2012). Deep Mixing Manual for Embankment and
Foundation Support, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC.
2. ASTM C150. (2012). “Standard Specification for Portland Cement,” Book of Standards
Volume 04.01, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
3. ASTM C192. (2012). “Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in
the Laboratory,” Book of Standards Volume 04.02, ASTM International, West
Conshohocken, PA.
4. ASTM C618-08a. (2012). “Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined
Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete,” Book of Standards Volume 04.02, ASTM
International, West Conshohocken, PA.
5. ASTM C821-09. (2009). “Standard Specification for Lime for Use with Pozzolans,” Book of
Standards Volume 04.01, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
6. ASTM C989-09. (2012). “Standard Specification for Slag Cement for Use in Concrete and
Mortars,” Book of Standards Volume 04.02, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
8. ASTM D4380. (2012). “Standard Test Method for Density of Bentonitic Slurries,” Book of
Standards Volume 04.08, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
9. ASTM D5084. (2010). “Standard Test Method for Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity
of Saturated Porous Materials Using a Flexible Wall Permeameter,” Book of Standards
Volume 04.08, ASTM International, West Conshohoken, PA.
1.3 Definitions
The technical and construction terms used in this specification are outlined in this section.
Admixtures: Ingredients in the grout other than binder, bentonite, and water. Admixtures can be
fluidifiers, dispersants, or retarding, plugging, or bridging agents that permit efficient use of
materials and proper workability of the grout.
Binder: Chemically reactive material (i.e., lime, cement, gypsum, blast furnace slag, flyash, or
other hardening reagents) that can be used for mixing with in situ soils to strengthen the soils and
form DMM columns. Also referred to as stabilizer or reagent. In U.S. practice, binder slurry is
frequently referred to as grout or slurry.
Binder content: Ratio of weight of dry binder to dry weight of soil to be treated.
Binder factor in-place: Ratio of weight of dry binder to volume of mixture, which is the volume
of the soil to be treated plus the volume of the slurry for the wet method or the volume of the dry
binder for the dry method.
Binder slurry: Stable colloidal mixture of water, binder, and admixtures that assists in loosening
the soils for effective mixing and strengthening the in situ soil upon setting.
BRN: Total number of mixing blade rotations per meter of shaft movement. BRN has been
developed for ensuring uniformity of products produced only by WRE/ DRE systems. For
horizontal cutter systems (e.g., CSM), revolutions per minute are typically reported as an
indicator of mixing energy (not applicable for chainsaw-type mixers (e.g., TRD)).
Column: Pillar of treated soil produced in situ by a single installation process using a mixing
tool, typically a rotating auger, to make a round column. A rectangular barrette produced by
twin horizontal mixing shafts is also a column. See “element” and “wall,” which are related
geometric terms.
Deep mixing equipment: Deep mixing equipment with various mixing tools including single
vertical shaft mixing tools, multiple vertical shaft mixing tools, horizontal rotating circular
cutters, chainsaw-type cutters, etc.
DMM: In situ ground treatment in which soil is blended with cementitious and/or other binder
materials to improve strength, permeability, and/or compressibility characteristics (synonymous
terms (some proprietary) include DSM, deep mixing, CDSM, and soil cement mixing).
Dry mixing: Process of mechanical disaggregation of the soil in situ and its mixing with binders
with or without fillers and admixtures in dry powder form. Binders are delivered primarily on
tool retrieval.
Element: This is an inclusive term that refers to a DMM element produced by a single stroke of
the mixing tools at a single equipment location. A column produced by a single-axis machine, a
set of overlapping columns produced by a single stroke of a multiple-shaft mixing tool, and a
rectangular barrette produced by a mixing tool with horizontal axis rotating cutter blades are
each considered an element. An element consisting of overlapping columns produced by a single
stroke of a multiple-shaft mixing tool is sometimes referred to as a “panel.” A chainsaw-type
mixing tool that travels as it mixes produces a continuous wall, which is not an element.
Engineer: The representative of the design engineer or of the project owner (owner). This person
may either be a subconsultant to the owner or a member of the owner’s staff.
Mix design: Ratios of soil, binder, water, and additive quantities required to meet the design
requirements of the project.
Mixing process: Mechanical disaggregation of the soil structure and dispersion of binders and
fillers in the soil.
Mixing tool: Equipment used to disaggregate the soil and distribute and mix the binder with the
soil. Consists of one or several rotating units equipped with several blades, arms, and paddles
with or without continuous or discontinuous flight augers, horizontal rotating cutter blades, or
chainsaw-type cutters.
Penetration (downstroke): Stage/phase of mixing process cycle in which the mixing tool
is delivered to the appropriate depth (disaggregation phase) for withdrawal injection and
disaggregation and mixing for penetration injection. (Not applicable for chainsaw-type
mixers (TRD).)
Penetration/retrieval speed: Vertical movement per unit time of the mixing tool during
penetration or withdrawal. (Not applicable for chainsaw-type mixers (TRD).)
Restroke: Additional penetration and withdrawal cycle of the mixing tool to increase the binder
content and/or the mixing energy. (Not applicable for chainsaw-type mixers (TRD).)
Retrieval: Withdrawal of mixing tool from bottom depth to the ground surface. Binder may be
injected during retrieval, which also imparts additional mixing energy.
Rotation speed: Number of revolutions of the mixing tool per unit time.
Soil-cement: Product of DMM consisting of a mixture of the in situ soil and binder. Also
referred to as treated soil or deep mixed material.
Strength: Dependent on application, various strengths may be used to assess the quality of deep
mixed material. For design, “strength” usually means shear strength, but during QC/QA,
“strength” usually means unconfined compressive strength. For clarity, the intended type of
strength should always be identified when using this term.
Stroke: One complete cycle (penetration and withdrawal) of the mixing process.
Volume ratio: Ratio of the volume of slurry injected (in wet mixing) to the volume of soil to
be treated.
Wall: Group of overlapping elements arranged to form a continuous wall. Continuous walls can
also be constructed using a chainsaw-type of mixing device. Walls can be referred to as shear
walls, cutoff walls, or excavation support walls depending on the application. A shear wall can
also be referred to as a buttress.
Water: Fresh water that is free of deleterious substances that adversely affect the strength and
mixing properties of the grout and is used to manufacture grout.
Water-to-binder ratio: Weight of water added to the dry binder divided by the weight of the dry
binder. In wet mixing, the water-to-binder ratio of the slurry is determined from the weights of
water and dry binder used to manufacture the slurry in a plant at the ground surface. In either wet
or dry mixing, the total water-to-binder ratio is the weight of water in the mixture divided by the
weight of dry binder. For wet mixing, the total water-to-binder ratio is the weight of slurry water
plus the weight of soil water divided by the weight of dry binder. For dry mixing, the total water-
to-slurry ratio is the weight of soil water divided by the weight of dry binder.
Wet mixing: Process of mechanical disaggregation of the soil in situ and its mixing with slurry
consisting of water and binders with or without fillers and admixtures. Binder is delivered on
mixing tool penetration for vertical and horizontal axis mixing tools.
Withdrawal (upstroke): Stage or phase of retrieval of the mixing tool in which the final mixing
occurs for penetration injection and initial mixing for withdrawal injection. Disaggregation
occurs during the penetration for both penetration injection and withdrawal injection. (Not
applicable for chainsaw-type mixers (TRD).)
Withdrawal rate: The average up-hole retrieval rate of the mixing tool.
Commentary: In this section, the project purpose should be outlined, including the identifiers for
the embankment, abutment, culvert, retaining wall to be supported using a deep mixed
foundation, project location, roadway section number, county, State, etc. The overall structure
dimensions and layout may be highlighted by reference to the plans.
The information provided in this section is critical to the contractor’s understanding of the
project, upon which the contractor will determine the preferred DMMs and materials to be used.
The specification requires the DMM contractor to construct the deep mixed material (mix design
and mixing process) to meet the strength and permeability requirements outlined in the
engineer’s design. Except for a design-build project or an alternative design submission, the
geotechnical design should be carried out by the engineer before the DMM project is allowed for
bid and construction. The specification should outline the minimum and/or maximum allowed
values for certain geometric parameters to afford the contractor flexibility in construction while
still assuring that the final DMM product will satisfy the requirements for performance.
The following items must be outlined based on the requirements for a particular project:
B. Allowable geometric parameters for DMM construction are outlined in table 25.
C. Layouts and sizes of deep mixing elements that adhere to the minimum and maximum values
of the parameters listed in table 25 and included in the plans and/or specifications will be
deemed acceptable to meet the requirements of the engineer’s design, and additional design
calculations will not be required. If layouts and element sizes do not adhere to these
requirements, design calculations must be prepared and stamped by a professional engineer
registered in the jurisdiction where the project is located and retained by the contractor. The
calculations must be submitted to the engineer for review and possible approval after the
contract is awarded. The owner/engineer is not obligated to accept designs that fall outside
the geometric limits in the plans and specifications.
• The project manager is the contractor representative responsible for the overall direction
of the DMM project, including site operations, technical acceptability, project billing,
and reporting. The project engineer and the project superintendent ordinarily report to
the project manager.
• The project engineer is responsible for supervising the QC technicians’ work, providing
technical support to the QC technician, and reviewing production records and QC/QA
data to ensure the quality of the DMM work.
conducted in accordance with project requirements. The project superintendent and the
project engineer may work together on QC activities and documentation.
• The DMM equipment operator is responsible for operating the equipment during
• On large, complex, or critical deep mixing projects, the contractor or the owner, and
sometimes both, employs a deep mixing specialist or a review board to provide advice,
review, and assistance with dispute resolution.
A. The DMM contractor must have previous successful experience with DMM projects for the
soil conditions and project scope similar to that of the project being bid (contractor provides
project description(s) and reference list).
B. The DMM contractor must assign a project manager who has had significant experience on at
least five DMM projects (contractor provides the number of years/projects, project
description(s), and reference list).
C. The DMM contractor must assign a project engineer to supervise the construction of the
DMM work. The project engineer must have had significant experience on at least five
DMM projects (contractor provides the number of years/projects, project description(s), and
reference list). For a design-build project, the DMM contractor must assign a professional
engineer who is registered in the jurisdiction in which the project is located to supervise the
design and preparation of the drawings and to review QC/QA records and as-built drawings
to confirm that the DMM work meets the design intent.
D. The DMM contractor must assign a full-time project superintendent with at least five projects
and at least 130,000 yd3 (100,000 m3) of total treatment volume in DMM construction
(contractor provides the number of years/projects, project description(s), and reference list).
E. The DMM contractor must provide at least one DMM equipment operator with at least 1 year
of experience with the equipment and DMM construction (contractor provides the number of
years/projects, project description(s), and reference list).
F. Written requests for substitution of these key personnel must be submitted prior to personnel
changes. Documentation must be submitted to the owner that demonstrates that the substitute
meets the requirements listed. Substitution may not be made until written approval is
provided by the owner.
Commentary: The subsurface conditions expected can significantly impact the contractor’s
choice of equipment, methods, materials, bidding process, and contract administration.
Experience has proven the advantages of using a geotechnical baseline report in successful
projects. It is the owner’s responsibility to divulge knowledge of potentially difficult ground
conditions that could result in avoidable differing site conditions claims. However, the
information should not be written in an exculpatory manner that expressly intends to transfer
the risk or responsibility unfairly from the owner to the contractor. It is the contractor’s
responsibility to anticipate and allow for typical variability in subsurface conditions as discussed
in the geotechnical reports. Information on writing effective geotechnical baseline reports is
provided by Essex.(137) Important geotechnical information includes, at a minimum, soil type,
density, strength, plasticity, moisture content, and gradation for each stratum to be mixed. If
organic soils are encountered, the organic content should be measured on selected samples
and reported.
In some situations, deep mixing may have been performed at nearby sites, but no information is
available because the owner, engineer, and contractor are private entities different from those
involved in the current project.
Available information developed by the owner or by the owner’s duly authorized representative
(engineer) includes the following items:
• Pre-production deep mixing test program reports No.(s) ________ titled ________,
dated ________.
• Deep mixing reports from adjacent sites reports No.(s) ________ titled ________,
dated ________.
Commentary: The location of both active and abandoned buried utilities at the site can have a
significant impact on the design and construction of deep mixing works. Careful consideration of
the presence and location of all utilities is required.
A. Prior to bidding, the contractor should review the available subsurface information and visit
the site to assess the site geometry, equipment access conditions, location of existing
structures, and above-ground utilities and facilities.
B. The contractor should field locate and verify the locations of all utilities prior to starting
work. The contractor should maintain uninterrupted service for those utilities designated to
remain in service throughout the work. The contractor should notify the engineer of any
utility locations different from those shown in the plans that may require relocation of deep
mixed elements or structure design modification. Subject to the engineer’s approval, the
contractor should be compensated for additional costs of element relocation and/or structure
design modifications resulting from utility locations different from those shown in the plans.
1.8 Submittals
A. Contractor experience profile: The contractor must submit documentation evidencing the
experience requirements outlined in section 1.5.
B. Bench-scale testing report: The contractor must submit results from bench-scale tests
conducted. The report should provide all data collected, including, at a minimum,
descriptions of sampling techniques used, boring logs, classifications of all major soil strata
to be mixed, site groundwater conditions, binder materials used, mixed design proportions,
laboratory mixing techniques used, and curing curves for unconfined compressive strength
versus time for each major soil type. Discussion of tests results should be provided, including
proposed mix designs for use in the field.
C. Field validation program plan: At least 30 days before the start of the field validation
program, the contractor should submit a field validation program plan that contains
descriptions of the construction procedures, equipment, and ancillary equipment to be used
for mixing and binder proportioning and injection; mix design parameters and associated soil
strata to be evaluated; operational and material parameters to be monitored during field
validation; layout of the DMM elements to be constructed; a summary of QC/QA samples to
be collected and tested; and examples of the forms that will be used to document the work.
D. Deep mixing work plan: Based on the results of the preconstruction testing (bench-scale and
field validation program), at least 30 days prior to the start of deep mixing work, the
contractor must submit a deep mixing work plan for review and approval. This plan must
include the following items:
• Proposed mix design(s), including binder types, additives, fillers, reagents, and their
relative proportions, and the required mixing time, water-to-binder ratio of the slurry (for
wet mixing), binder factor (for dry and wet mixing), and volume ratio (for wet mixing)
for a deep mixed element.
• Proposed injection and mixing parameters, including mixing slurry rates, slurry pumping
rates, air injection pressure and volume flow rates, mixing tool rotational speeds, and
penetration and withdrawal rates.
• Methods for controlling and recording the verticality and the top and bottom elevation of
each element.
• The necessary procedure and measurement to confirm the end-bearing when DMM
elements are required to penetrate into a bearing layer,.
• Working drawings and calculations for the DMM elements showing the site location of
the DMM project as well as the dimensions, layout, and locations of all DMM elements.
Drawings should indicate the identification number of every element if a multi-shaft
mixing tool is used and every column if a single-auger mixing tool is used. Calculations
and drawings should demonstrate that the element layout, depth, and quantity meet the
specification requirements. For a design-build project, the design calculations should be
performed by a professional engineer who is registered in the jurisdiction in which the
project is located. He/she will also prepare, stamp, and sign the drawings.
• Sample daily production report, including the items described in section 1.8.
• Details of all means and methods proposed for QC/QA activities, including surveying,
process monitoring, sampling, testing, documenting, and marking schedule milestones.
• Names of any subcontractors used for QC/QA activities. An independent laboratory must
be used for QC/QA testing and must be approved by the owner/engineer.
F. Production records: By the end of the next business day following each deep mixing shift, the
contractor should submit a daily production report in the approved format. The report should
be completed and signed by the contractor’s project superintendent. The report should
contain at a minimum the following information:
• Project name.
• Day, month, year, and time of work shift (beginning and end).
• Deep mixing equipment (rig number) in operation during the shift and specific activities
conducted by said equipment.
• Location of each completed column/element installed during the work shift and all zones
completed to date on a plan of suitable scale to clearly show the location of the elements.
Frequently, the owner/engineer will specify this scale at 1 inch = 10 ft or 1 inch = 20 ft,
depending on the size of the elements and the amount of detail necessary.
• Binder slurry injection rate (gal/min (L/min)) plotted at each 3-ft (1-m) depth interval for
the full depth of the treated zone. Variations in volumes should be noted (not applicable
for TRD).
• Penetration/withdrawal rates of the mixing tool in ft/min (m/min) plotted at each 3 ft
(1 m) of depth (not applicable for TRD).
• Plots of BRN and binder factor versus depth for each element plotted at least every 3 ft
(1 m) of depth. The total number of rotations should be reported for CSM (not applicable
for TRD).
• For TRD, the vertical and horizontal rates of cutter chain travel should be reported along
with the slurry injection rate. From these data, the average binder factor as a function of
position can be calculated and reported.
• Other pertinent observations including but not limited to binder escapes, ground
settlement or heave, collapses of the treatment zone, and any unusual behavior of any
equipment during the deep mixing process.
• For both wet grab samples and coring, provide collection date, time, plan location,
elevation, and identification numbers of all deep mixed samples, including unsuccessful
attempts to retrieve samples.
• For coring operations, provide the coring method, equipment, and personnel; recovery
percentage and percent treatment (percent of run length that is treated) for each core run;
sample collection, handling, and storage details; and name of person responsible for
logging and collecting cores and samples to be tested.
• Quantities of all binder materials delivered to the site plus a reconciliation showing the
amount actually injected.
• Summary of any down time or other unproductive time including time, duration, and
G. QC/QA records: Calibration data must be submitted for all measurement devices used for
binder production, deep mixing operational monitoring, and laboratory testing. Within
3 business days of completing any QC/QA testing, the contractor should submit the test
results, including original data sheets from the laboratory and an evaluation of the
compliance of the test results with project acceptance criteria. Equipment should be
calibrated prior to initial use and repeated every 3 months.
After completion of the project, the contractor must submit as-built field measurement data
indicating surveyed as-built plan locations of each DMM element, including the element
center (per site specific coordinates), the element dimension, the column verticality, and the
top and bottom elevations of each element to the accuracy required by the project
B. Water used in drilling, mixing cement grout, and other applications should be potable.
C. Admixtures will not be allowed unless the contractor submits documentation demonstrating
the effects of the admixture and the admixture is approved by the engineer.
E. Soil-binder mixture should be a stable mixture of binder slurry and in situ soil. The
contractor should propose the ratios and quantities of various components.
2.2 Equipment
Commentary: DMM equipment varies greatly, and the selection of mixing method and equipment
is typically left to the contractor. The engineer may specify the general capacity requirements of
the equipment and level of monitoring required to evaluate conformance with the specification.
Different levels of monitoring equipment are available, ranging from manually to fully
automated control and recording.
A. Deep mixing equipment should be of sufficient size, capacity, and torque to perform the
required deep mixing to the desired depths. Characteristics of deep mixing equipment are
as follows:
• The mixing and injection equipment should be sufficient to adequately blend and
distribute the binder with the in situ soils to provide the required strength.
• The mixing tools should be adequately marked to allow the engineer to confirm the
penetration depth to within 1 ft (0.3 m) during construction. If rigs with varying mixing
tool lengths are used, the shortest tools should extend to the lowest element termination
elevations indicated in the plans.
• All equipment should have monitoring equipment to permit accurate and continuous
monitoring, recording, and controlling of mixing tool depth, location, binder volume
flow rates and factors, binder injection pressures and quantities, tool rotational speeds,
tool advancement, and withdrawal rates.
• The monitoring equipment should be calibrated at the beginning of the project, and the
data should be submitted to the owner. Calibration should be repeated every 3 months.
Commentary: Binder may be produced using either batching or a continuous mixing process,
depending on the project size and production rate. The means used to prepare and pump the
slurry (wet mixing) or convey the dry binder (dry mixing) to the injection point should be
identified. Controls to ensure the proportioning or a monitoring system for proportion
verification must be used, especially for continuous mixing processes. Calibration is required for
slurry proportioning methods that do not rely on weighing each component for each batch. State
emissions requirements must be considered. Air quality permits for material storage may be
required in certain States.
• The contractor should measure, handle the transport, and store bulk binder in accordance
with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
• Dry materials should be stored in dry containers. The binder should be adequately
protected from moisture and contamination while in transit and when stored at the
project site.
• Dry materials should be transported to the project site and placed in the onsite storage
tanks using a closed system. Any air evacuated from the storage tanks during the loading
process should be filtered before being discharged to the atmosphere.
• Material that has become caked due to moisture absorption should not be used. Binder
materials containing lumps or foreign matter of a nature and in amounts that may be
deleterious to the injection operation should not be used. In each instance in which the
binder source is changed, the batch plant silos should be completely emptied before
storing binder from the new source. Mixing binders from different sources in the same
silos is not permitted.
• Equipment used for proportioning during binder production should be calibrated prior to
initial use and repeated every 3 months or every time the batch plant is relocated,
whichever is sooner. Calibration records must be submitted to the owner in accordance
with section 1.8.
• Positive displacement pumps should be used to transfer the slurry to the injection point.
The contractor should demonstrate that the equipment can uniformly deliver binder at
suitable rates in accordance with the construction plan.
2.3 Products
Commentary: The product requirements will be verified by laboratory and field testing to
confirm the parameters assumed in the design. It is critical that the design criteria be verifiable
by measurements and testing and that all results be used to verify that the specification
requirements have been satisfied or to provide measurement data for payment. It is important for
the owner/engineer to understand which design parameter or payment item is being confirmed
by each test to avoid unnecessary testing.
A. Geometric tolerance: DMM elements installed should meet the geometric tolerance outlined
in section 3.6.
B, Strength: The strength of treated soils should meet the strength criteria outlined in section
C. Uniformity: The uniformity of treated soils should meet the uniformity criteria outlined in
section 3.6.
3.1 General
Deep mixed elements should be constructed to the lines, grades, and cross sections indicated in
the plans and should meet the strength and uniformity requirements specified in section 3.6.
The contractor should establish consistent procedures during construction to ensure that the
acceptance criteria are satisfied. The procedures should be established based on the results
of the field validation program.
3.2 Field Validation Program
Commentary: The contractor should determine and demonstrate the field mixing parameters that
reliably produce mixed soil satisfying the specification requirements. Based on a review of the
results of the field validation program, the contractor may propose changes to the originally
intended means, methods, and materials. These changes to the installation procedures must
be agreed on by the owner prior to production. It is important to recall that the strength of
laboratory- and field-mixed materials will differ.
Sometimes, a contractor may install two test elements to become familiar with the soils and
operational parameters. Only one full-depth core should be required from each group of
elements installed using the same mixing parameters.
A. Prior to production, the contractor must construct a test section at the location shown in the
plans to verify that the contractor’s proposed equipment, procedures, and mix design can
uniformly mix the onsite soils and achieve the product requirements outlined in the
acceptance criteria in section 3.6.
B. The contractor should submit the results of the field validation program to the owner as
outlined in section 1.8.
C. Laboratory bench-scale testing should be used to identify initial mix designs for use in the
field validation program. Bulk soil samples from the site should be obtained by the
contractor. A suite of three mix designs is required for each major soil stratum encountered to
the expected termination depth of the elements.
D. The test section should be installed at the location indicated in the plans. The contractor
should submit a plan drawing showing the locations of the test section elements. At least
three elements should be installed with different mixing parameters for each element. Each
element should extend from the top elevation to the bottom elevation (or required penetration
into bearing layer) if different mixing parameters are used. At least one full-depth core
should be obtained from each element or group of elements installed using the same
mixing parameters.
E. The contractor should obtain full-depth core samples from the test elements in accordance
with the QC/QA requirements outlined in section 3.6. Test samples should be submitted to
an approved independent laboratory for testing. The contractor may propose other sampling
techniques to obtain continuous samples of the deep mixed material which, if approved by
the engineer, could be submitted as further evidence of compliance with the acceptance
A. The contractor should mix dry binder and water in the slurry plant to produce a uniform
suspension of binder in the water.
B. The slurry should be held in the agitation tank for a maximum holding time of 4 h. Holding
time is calculated from the beginning of the initial mixing.
C. Slurry density must be measured in accordance with the requirements outlined in section 3.6.
If the slurry density is outside the tolerance required by the mix design, the contractor should
recalibrate monitoring equipment and perform additional testing as required by the engineer
at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor may also adjust binder or water quantities
appropriately and retest at no additional cost to the owner. The specific gravity of the binder
slurry measured during production may not deviate by more than 3 percent from the
established specific gravity.
Commentary: The delay and standby procedures to be used when obstructions are encountered
must be defined clearly. It is not always practical for the contractor to maintain production by
moving to a different section of the site and continuing deep mixing while an obstruction is being
investigated. Redrilling hardened elements with high target strengths may be impractical in
some cases, so it is important that the columns/elements be located accurately by the contractor.
A. Before beginning installation, the contractor should accurately stake the location of the deep
mixed elements shown in the plans using a licensed surveyor. The contractor should provide
an adequate method for locating elements to allow the engineer to verify the as-built location
of the elements during construction. The contractor will not be compensated for elements that
are located outside of the tolerances specified in section 3.6. The owner will review the
location of misaligned elements to determine if the elements interfere with the proposed
construction. If the owner determines that misaligned elements will interfere with
construction, the contractor should correct the alignment. The method of correction should
be submitted by the contractor to the owner/engineer for review and approval.
3.5 Mixing
A. The equipment, installation procedures, materials, and sampling and testing methods
established during the field validation program should be used for production. The contractor
may request that the established mix design, equipment, installation procedure, or test
methods be modified; however, the engineer may require additional testing or a new test
section at no additional cost to the owner to verify that acceptable results can be achieved.
The contractor should not employ modified mix designs, equipment, installation procedures,
or sampling and testing methods until approved by the engineer in writing.
B. If the contractor must modify established methods due to equipment breakdowns, manpower
changes, or improved conditions, a new test section should be installed at no cost to the
owner. If the owner requests modifications to the means and methods for design or other
reasons (e.g., site conditions differ from what were encountered during the geotechnical
explorations and the preproduction test program), the contractor should be compensated
for new test sections.
D. Binder slurry injection rate: The contractor should record in the daily production report on a
real-time basis the weight of dry binder or the volume of binder slurry injected for each 3 ft
(1 m) (measured vertically) during penetration and withdrawal for each element. If the
weight of dry binder or the volume of binder slurry injected per vertical foot (meter) is less
than the amount required to meet the binder factor or volume ratio established during the
field validation program, the element should be remixed, and additional binder should be
injected at the design binder injection rate to a depth at least 3 ft (1 m) below the deficient
zone at no additional cost to the owner. The binder factor should be recorded and plotted
versus depth, and the records should be visible to the operator on a screen during
construction so that proper adjustments may be made in real time.
E. Rotational speed and penetration/withdrawal rates: The necessary rotational speeds and
penetration/withdrawal rates for the various soil layers encountered should be determined
during the field validation program. The penetration and withdrawal rates must be monitored
on a real-time basis. If the BRN is more than 15 percent below the value determined to be
reliably acceptable from the field validation program, the column/element section must be
remixed while injecting grout at the design binder injection rate.
F. Vertical alignment: The contractor should monitor and control the vertical alignment of the
mixing tool stroke in two directions (longitudinal and transverse to the element alignment).
Vertical alignment should be maintained within 1 percent of plumb during the element
Commentary: The termination depth of DMM elements is designed to meet the foundation
requirements of the structure, as discussed in chapter 6. For designs that specify the top and
bottom elevations of the DMM elements, the constructed elements must extend from the specified
bottom elevation or lower to the specified top elevation or higher. The specified top and bottom
elevations may vary across the site depending on in situ ground conditions and facility
For sites that have a well-defined competent bearing stratum, the necessary bottom elevation can
be based on refusal criteria determined from penetration speed, vertical load from the mixing
tool, mixing energy, and/or power consumption needed for mixing tool penetration. The refusal
criteria can be developed during the field validation program by installing test columns within
5 ft (1.5 m) of an existing boring and recording the operational parameters encountered when
the intended competent stratum is reached as indicated in the adjacent boring. If mix designs or
operational procedures are modified during production, refusal criteria must be reestablished.
The total depth of penetration can be measured either by observing the length of the mixing shaft
inserted below a reference point on the mast or by subtracting the exposed length of shaft above
the reference point from the total shaft length. The contractor is responsible for achieving the
specified top and bottom elevation requirements and for recording the actual elevations.
However, remedial measures for elements of insufficient depth could significantly and adversely
impact project costs and schedule, and it is helpful for the engineer to observe and confirm the
column termination depth during construction. The mixing equipment must be adequately
marked to allow QA personnel to confirm the penetration depth. The depth may also be
determined by instrument and displayed in real time. The contractor should measure and record
top and bottom elevations in the daily production report (see section 1.8).
If the depth to the competent soil layer at the bottom of the DMM element is found to be different
from that indicated on the plans, the engineer may direct the contractor to shorten or deepen the
element. The contractor should be compensated based on the decreased or increased amount of
deep mixing as the engineer varies the termination depths. The contractor should not, however,
be compensated for any portions of the elements that are above the top elevations or below the
bottom elevations shown on the plans that are not approved by the engineer.
• Elements should be installed in accordance with the line and grades shown in the plans.
• The total depth of penetration should be measured either by observing the length of the
mixing shaft inserted below a reference point on the mast or by subtracting the exposed
length of shaft above the reference point from the total shaft length. Care should be taken
to note ground surface heave that may affect reference points for measuring mixing shaft
length. The contractor should note and record on the daily production report the final
depth of the stroke. The equipment should be adequately marked to allow the engineer to
confirm the penetration depth during construction.
• If the elevations of the top of competent soils are found to be different from those
estimated, the engineer may direct the contractor to shorten or deepen the elements.
Measurements of torque, down pressure, and/or the change in rotational speed may be
used as indications of termination depth if a suitable correlation can be develop by the
contractor to the satisfaction of the engineer. The contractor will be compensated based
on the decreased or increased amount of deep mixing as termination depths vary. The
contractor should not be compensated for any portions of the elements that are above the
top elevations or below the bottom elevations shown on the plans unless approved by
the engineer.
H. Bottom mixing:
Commentary: Bottom mixing is generally required to provide an adequate level of mixing in the
lower portion of the DMM column. Bottom mixing may be conducted by lifting the mixing tool
approximately 5 to 10 ft (1.5 to 3 m) above the element bottom elevation while maintaining
mixing action and repenetrating to the element bottom elevation. The zone and procedure of
bottom mixing is established during the field validation program. (Bottom mixing is not
applicable for TRD.)
The contractor should conduct bottom mixing as established in the field validation program.
I. Control of spoils:
Commentary: The contractor’s selection of means and methods can be heavily influenced by the
requirements and procedures for handling spoils. Spoils may be handled in several different
ways. Often, spoils are contained at the ground surface until they are sufficiently cured to be
stockpiled and used for engineered fill. If unacceptably high pH levels preclude the use of spoils
as fill, removal and offsite disposal may be necessary.
The contractor should control and dispose of all waste materials produced as a result of the
mixing operation in accordance with the project requirements. The areas designated in the
plans should be used for containing and processing the spoils.
3.6 QC
A. The contractor should provide all the personnel and equipment necessary to implement the
QC/QA requirements of the project. The engineer will review daily production reports and
QC/QA test reports to verify that QC/QA procedures are being properly implemented.
B. Deep mixing work plan: The contractor’s deep mixing work plan should include descriptions
of all QC/QA activities and reporting as outlined in section 1.8. After the field validation
program is conducted, the contractor may revise the QC/QA procedures, if approved by the
engineer. The contractor should maintain the established and approved QC/QA procedures
throughout production to ensure consistency in the deep mixing installation and to verify that
the work complies with all requirements indicated in the approved working drawings.
D. Binder slurry density: The contractor should measure the specific gravity of the binder slurry
at least twice per shift per slurry plant using the methods outlined in ASTM D4380 (not
appropriate for dry mixing). The specific gravity of the binder slurry measured during
production may not deviate by more than 3 percent from the established specific gravity.
If the slurry density deviates by more than 3 percent, the contractor should recalibrate
monitoring equipment and perform additional testing as required by the engineer at no
additional cost to the owner. The contractor may also adjust binder or water quantities
appropriately and retest at no additional cost to the owner.
E. The contractor should make simple routine checks of material quantities such as counting the
number of bags or truckloads of binder materials that have been used. These quantities
should be recorded in the daily production report.
Commentary: Some deep mixed material may not be able to be wet grab sampled because either
the mixture is too stiff or the material may not flow back into the void left after the sampler is
extracted, possibly leaving a damaged element.
• The contractor should perform all wet sampling in the presence of the engineer. The
contractor should notify the engineer at least 1 business day in advance of beginning
sampling operations.
• The contractor should propose locations for wet sampling while considering input from
the owner/engineer. Sample locations should be distributed uniformly both laterally and
vertically within the deep mixed zone. Sampling depths should be selected to ensure that
wet samples are retrieved from every main soil stratum underlying the site.
• The contractor should report the information required in the daily production report
(see section 1.8) for all attempts, successful and unsuccessful, to obtain wet samples.
• The contractor should collect a minimum of three wet bulk samples (each sample is taken
at one selected depth at one location) for each mix design used in each test section. At
least one wet bulk sample (one selected depth at one location) should be collected from
within each main soil layer from elements produced using each mix design.
• One wet bulk sample (one selected depth at one location) should be retrieved every
2 production days or for every 2,000 yd3 (1500 m3) of treated soil, whichever produces
the higher sampling frequency.
• Wet bulk samples should be collected using a bailer-type sampling tool or similar.
• Eight test specimens from each wet bulk sample should be made with 3-inch (76-mm)
diameter and 6-inch (152-mm) length, using the following general procedures (detailed
procedures on specimen preparation are outlined in appendix A):
1. Pour the sample into a container, screening for oversized lumps (gravel versus
unmixed soil). Place the sample in specimen molds in three to five layers. Tap,
vibrate, or rod the specimens to remove trapped air bubbles. Use care to avoid
additional mixing or kneading action as much as possible on the sample during
screening and specimen preparation so that the sample is representative of
in-place mixing conditions.
3. Seal the specimen to prevent moisture from entering or leaving, and store the
specimen in a humid environment in accordance with ASTM C192.
G. Coring:
Commentary: The coring frequency should be selected by the engineer during the design
stage based on considerations of project size, criticality, and complexity. The selected coring
frequency can be stated in the specifications either as a percentage of elements or as a
combination of the percentage of elements and the treatment area, depending on the
project needs.
For production elements on typical DMM projects, one full-depth continuous core should be
made for every 3 percent of elements. For smaller, more critical, or more complex projects or at
more critical locations within otherwise typical projects such as at structure foundations, the
engineer could specify that more elements be cored, up to 4 percent of the total production
elements. For a larger, less critical, and less complex project, such as a large DMM
embankment foundation project in similar subsurface soils along the entire alignment, the
engineer could specify that 2 percent of the production elements be cored. At a minimum,
five production elements should be cored at full depth so that a reasonable amount of data is
collected, even for small projects.
Some deep mixing equipment produces a relatively large treated area in each element, whereas
other equipment produces a relatively small treated area in each element. For example, if the
same project were done using two different mixing machines that both produce 3-ft (1-m)-
diameter columns and the same column overlap is used but one machine is single-axis and the
other is a six-axis machine, then up to six times as many cores would be necessary for the single-
axis machine as for the six-axis machine when the number of cored elements is specified on a
percentage basis. A justification for requiring a smaller number of cores for equipment that
produces larger treatment areas per element is that the same binder factor, mixing parameters,
and blending action apply to the entire area treated. Nevertheless, an engineer may want to
consider adding a treatment area criterion to the percentage criterion for determining the
number of elements to be cored so that a sufficient amount of data can be collected even if the
contractor uses equipment that produces a large treated area per element. For example, an
engineer may want to specify that full-depth coring be done on 2.5 percent of elements or for
every 1,000 ft2 (93 m2) of treated ground, whichever produces the greater number of cores. In
this example, the 2.5 percent criterion would control for all types of elements that produce a
treated area smaller than 25 ft2 (2.3 m2) after accounting for overlaps between elements, and the
1,000 ft2(93m2) criterion would control for all types of elements that produce a treated area
larger than 25 ft2 (2.3 m2) after accounting for overlaps between elements.
For TRD or cutoff walls, every 1,000 yd3 (750 m3) of treated soil or every 300 ft (90 m) of wall in
horizontal direction should be cored. For small sized projects, at least five elements should be
cored to provide a reasonable amount of information for evaluation of deep mixing work.
• The contractor should perform all coring operations in the presence of the engineer. The
contractor should notify the engineer at least 1 business day in advance of beginning
sampling operations.
• The contractor should determine the time interval between element installation and
coring except that the interval should be no longer than required to conduct 28-day
strength testing.
• The full-depth samples should be obtained along a vertical alignment located one-fourth
of a column diameter from the column center. If it is difficult to avoid drilling out of the
column at this coring location, the contractor may drill one-fourth of a column diameter
along the centerline of an element or shear wall so the core enters the adjacent column in
the same element.
• Samples should have a diameter of at least 2.5 inches (65 mm), and each core run should
be at least 3 ft (1 m) in length.
• For each field validation test section, the contractor should collect at least one full-depth
core for each mix design at locations defined by the owner/engineer.
• The contractor should collect one full-depth core from 3 percent of elements or 860 ft2
(79 m2) of treated area, whichever produces a larger number of cored elements. The cores
should be drilled at locations defined by the owner/engineer. An element is defined as the
treated soil produced by one setup of either a single- or multiple-axis machine.
• Upon retrieval, the contractor should provide the cores to the engineer for logging and
test specimen selection.
• Following logging, the engineer will select at least five specimens from each full-depth
continuous core for strength testing. Each test specimen should have a length-to-diameter
ratio of 2 or greater.
• Immediately following logging and test specimen selection by the engineer, the
contractor should seal the entire full-depth sample, including the designated test
specimens, in plastic wrap to prevent drying and transport the sealed sample to the
laboratory. The samples should be protected against drying and mechanical damage prior
to and during transport.
• The samples should be stored in a moist room in accordance with ASTM C192 until the
test date.
• Samples must not be submerged in water during curing unless they are sealed in a water-
tight plastic bag (e.g., a Ziploc® bag) with as much air removed as possible prior to
sealing to void swelling.
• The contractor should retain portions of the samples that are not tested until completion
and acceptance of all DMM work for possible future inspection and confirmation testing
by the engineer. If a large volume of samples cannot be reasonably stored on the job site,
cores from columns deemed satisfactory may be disposed of prior to project completion
if approved by the engineer.
• All core holes should be filled with cement grout that will obtain a 28-day unconfined
compressive strength equal to or greater than the 28-day unconfined compressive strength
of the deep mixed material.
H. Strength testing:
• The broken specimen should be photographed so that the engineer may document any
apparent segregation, lenses, and pockets in the specimen.
• For field validation testing, unconfined compressive strength testing should be performed
on specimens from wet grab samples 3, 7, 28, and 56 days or more after mixing.
• For full production work, unconfined compressive strength testing should be performed
on specimens from wet grab samples 7 and 28 days after mixing.
• Laboratory permeability testing should be performed on cylinders at 7 and 28 days for the
test section and usually only at 28 days for the production elements. Laboratory
permeability testing should be conducted in accordance with ASTM D5084.
I. Uniformity evaluation: The contractor should provide the continuous core samples to the
engineer for logging and assessing uniformity in accordance with the acceptance criteria
outlined in section 3.6.
J. Both the contractor’s testing and the engineer’s testing (if performed) must demonstrate that
the required strengths are met prior to accepting the work. The contractor should conduct
additional coring and testing required to demonstrate the acceptability of the DMM product
due to non-conformance at no additional cost to the owner.
Commentary: The overlap between any two adjacent elements should be as specified by the
design engineer based on analyses of vertical shearing, as described in chapter 6, and
considering common tooling in the deep mixing industry. Overlap up to 20 percent of the cross-
sectional area of a single column has been specified for shear walls. The amount of overlap and
the vertical tolerance are interdependent, and both acceptance criteria should be considered
together. The design effects of overlaps are discussed in chapter 6.
• The engineer should make the sole determination as to whether the test results satisfy the
geometric acceptance criteria.
• The horizontal alignment of the DMM element should be within 4 inches (100 mm) of
the planned location at the top of design DMM layout.
• The overlap between any two adjacent elements should be at least _____ percent (to be
defined by the engineer) of the cross sectional area of a single column.
• Vertical alignment within 1 percent of plumb should be maintained during the DMM
column installation.
• The top of the column should extend upward to the designated elevation or higher.
• The bottom of the DMM column should extend at least to the depth indicated on the
construction drawings or to a specified penetration into the bearing layer or as modified
by the engineer in the field.
Commentary: The acceptance criteria must reflect the level of risk and tolerances of the
structure and the expected behavior of the deep mixed material. For example, strength criteria
are critical for highly loaded individual deep mixed elements that serve as abutment support but
may be less stringent for elements that are installed with a high area replacement ratio for
embankment support. Acceptance criteria should be modified to accommodate these differences.
A statistical approach to assessing strength criteria is preferred to an average or minimum
unconfined compressive strength to avoid impact by inordinately high or low values.
Since deep mixing is an in situ ground engineering technique, the deep mixed soil product will
vary based on characteristics of the native soil, construction methods, operational parameters,
binder characteristics, and curing conditions. The acceptance criteria for the strength of deep
mixed material are outlined in section 3.6. The acceptance criteria outline the acceptable
variability of measured deep mixed soil strength relative to the product requirements.
The proposed mix design and installation procedures will vary based on the stringency of the
acceptance criteria. It is critical to establish acceptance criteria based on the risk and criticality
of the structure and the factor of safety assumed during design. Very tight acceptance criteria
leave a relatively small margin for variability (e.g., a minimum unconfined compressive strength
that must be met with no accommodation for test results that fall below the minimum is not an
appropriate specification approach). The contractor must propose a mix design that produces a
product that will consistently exceed the product requirement by a sufficient margin to avoid
non-conformance. Over-conservatism produced by unnecessarily strict acceptance criteria
results in additional materials and mixing energy that will be reflected in the contractor’s
bid price. Unit weight is typically not a criterion for acceptance of DMM work.
• The engineer should make the sole determination as to whether the test results satisfy the
following strength acceptance criteria.
• The specified unconfined compressive strength of the deep mixed material as determined
by ASTM D2166 at 28 days curing time should be _____ psi (to be defined by the
• To prevent a weak layer at one elevation in the DMM foundation system, strengths below
the specified strength are not permitted within 10 ft (3 m) of the same elevation in more
than two nearby cored elements. “Nearby cored elements” refer to cored elements
without an intervening cored element that has a passing test result in the suspect
elevation zone.
• 90 percent of all of the test results across the site should equal or exceed the
specified strength.
M. Uniformity criteria:
• The engineer should make the sole determination as to whether the test results satisfy the
uniformity acceptance criteria.
• Full-depth continuous core samples retrieved by the contractor from the DMM element
should be used to evaluate uniformity.
• Core recovery (expressed as a percentage) should be reported for each run and is equal to
the total length of recovered core divided by the total core run length. Length of
recovered core includes lengths of treated and untreated soil.
• Percent treatment is calculated as the total length of recovered core minus the sum of the
lengths of unmixed or poorly mixed soil regions or lumps that extend across the entire
diameter of the core divided by the total core run length expressed as a percentage.
Percent treatment must be at least 80 percent for every 5 ft (1.5 m) core run. If 80 percent
treatment cannot be confirmed by coring in coarse sandy or gravelly soil, optical
televiewer logs can be used to confirm uniformity.
• If the contractor uses core runs shorter than 5 ft (1.5 m) (e.g., 3 ft (1 m)), then the
recovery and percent treatment can be calculated taking into equal amounts of core run
length on either side of the short core run length to make up a total 5-ft (1.5-m) run length
for calculation purposes
N. Non-conformance:
• If the strength and uniformity acceptance criteria are not achieved for production
elements, the contractor should submit a proposed plan for investigating, remixing, or
repairing failed sections for review and approval by the engineer.
• To prove acceptability of the failed element, the contractor may core elements on both
sides of the failed element. If those two cores meet the criteria, then the element should
be accepted. If the additional cores fail, then the contractor can propose additional
investigations and remedial measures, which the engineer will review and has the option
to accept or reject depending on whether the proposed remedial measures meet the design
intent. Examples of such investigations and remedial measures include the following:
o In the case that the treated soil meets the uniformity criteria but fails to meet the
strength criteria, the elements or zone could be assigned a lower strength level. The
contractor could propose installing additional elements to compensate the strength
required by the design intent. If the treated soil fails to meet the uniformity criteria,
the elements need to be remixed or replaced.
o If the treated soil that failed to meet the uniformity criteria is concentrated in a narrow
elevation range forming weak planes or zones, the contractor could propose redrilling
and remixing to 3 ft (1 m) below the deficient zone. If redrilling and remixing cannot
be done efficiently, the contractor must replace the elements to the full depth. If the
treated soil in the narrow elevation meets the uniformity criteria but fails to meet the
strength criteria, the contractor could propose to redrill and remix the deficient zone
or to assign a lower strength level to the deficient zone and install additional elements
to compensate for the strength deficiency.
o If the treated soil that failed to pass cannot be isolated in a specific zone, the
contractor must provide remedial measures for all elements constructed during all rig
shifts that occurred between passing elements.
This appendix contains tables detailing equipment and tooling data and treated soil material
properties for DMM techniques used internationally.
Table 27. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for DSM and SMW techniques.
Classification WRS WRS
Company Geo-Con, Inc., Raito, Inc., JAFEC USA, SMW Seiko, Inc., Raito, Inc., JAFEC USA,
Inc., and Fudo Inc., etc.
Geography North America Southeast Asia and United States
General Description of Most Multiple discontinuous augers on hanging Multiple discontinuous augers on fixed
Typical Method leads rotate in alternate directions. Most of leads rotate in alternate directions. Water,
grout injected on downstroke to create air, or grout used on downstroke and/or
panels. Neither air nor water typically grout on upstroke.
used during penetration. Reverse rotation
during withdrawal.
Special Features/Patented Lower 3 m usually double stroked. Strong Special electric head and gear box patented.
Aspects QC/QA by electronic methods. Double-stroking oscillation common,
especially in cohesive soils. Discontinuous
auger flights and paddles are positioned at
discrete intervals to reduce torque
requirements. Good control over verticality
feasible. Auger type varies with soil.
Shafts 1 to 6, usually 4 3 to 5, usually 3
Diameter 0.8 to 1.0 m (usually 0.9 m) 0.55 to 0.9 m (usually 850 to 900 mm)
Realistic 45 m possible, 27 m common 60 m claimed, 35 m practical
maximum depth
Details of Revolutions per 15 to 25 15 to 40 during penetration depending on
Installation minute soil; higher during withdrawal
Productivity/ 0.6 to 1.0 m/min penetration (slower in 0.5 to 1.5 m/min penetration; 1.5 to
output clays and dense sands); 2 m/min 2 m/min withdrawal/mixing; 100 to 200 m3
withdrawal/mixing; 100 to 150 m2/shift per shift (i.e., 100 to 150 m2 per shift)
Materials Cement grout ± bentonite ± clay and other Cement grout ± bentonite and other
materials and additives such as ash and additives such as ash, slag
Mix Design
(depends on slag
soil type and w:c 1.2 to 1.75 (typically 1.5 on penetration 1.50 to 2.50 (sands), 3.0 (cohesives)
strength and 1 to 1.25 during withdrawal)
Binder factor 120 to 400 kg/m3 200 to 750 kg/m3
Volume ratio 15 to 40 percent 35 percent or more
Unconfined 0.3 to 7 MPa (clay strengths 0.5 to 1.0 MPa (clays); 0.5 to 3.0 MPa
Reported compressive approximately 40 percent of those in (sands)
Treated strength sands); In sands, 2+ MPa
Soil Permeability 1 × 10-7 to 1 × 10-9 m/s 1 × 10-7 to 1 × 10-10 m/s
Properties Young’s 300 to 1,000 × unconfined compressive ND
modulus strength
Specific Relative Advantages Economical, proven systems; mixing efficiency can be poor in stiff cohesive soils
and Disadvantages (especially SMW Seiko); can generate large spoil volumes, proportional to volume ratio
required for mixing efficiency and treated soil requirements
Notes First DSM application at Bay City, MI in Developed by Seiko in 1972: first used
1987 1976 in Japan, 1986 in U.S. Trade
Association in Japan
Representative References Ryan and Jasperse; Day and Ryan; Taki and Yang; Yang(141–143)
Nicholson (See references 138–140 and
1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2; 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/yd3 = 0.59 kg/m3; and 1 psi = 0.0068 MPa
Table 28. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for TREVIMIX Wet
and Colmix techniques.
Name TREVIMIX Wet Colmix
Classification WRS/WRE WRS
Company TREVI Bachy
Geography Worldwide Europe
General Description of Most Multiple cable-suspended augers rotate Counter-rotating mixing shafts from fixed
Typical Method in opposite directions. Grout injected leads penetrate ground while slurry is
during penetration. Prestroked with injected. Blended soil moves from bottom
water in cohesive soils (if required). to top of hole during penetration and
Auger rotation reversed during reverses on withdrawal. Restroking of
withdrawal. columns in cohesive soils.
Special Features/Patented Real-time recording of drilling and 6 to 8 auger machines noted in Australian
Aspects grouting parameters. Developed patent (1995). Changing direction of
especially for cohesionless soils of augers during extraction compacts
low/medium density and cohesive soils. columns. Patented in United States
4,662,792 (1987). Automatic drilling
parameter recorder synchronizes slurry
injection and penetration rates.
Shafts 1 to 3 (configuration varies with soil) 2, 3, or 4 common (6 to 8 possible)
Diameter 0.55 to 0.8 m at 0.4- to 0.6-m spacing 0.23 to 0.85 m
Realistic 25 m 20 m (10 m common)
Details of maximum depth
Installation Revolutions per 12 to 30 ND
Productivity/ 0.35 to 1.5 m/min penetration; 0.5 to 0.8 m/min penetration; 1.0 m/min
output 2.0 m/min withdrawal withdrawal; 200 to 300 m/shift
Materials Cementitious grout, additives may be Cement, lime, flyash, and special grouts
Mix Design used to absorb heavy metals and organics
(depends on w:c Typically low (i.e., 1.25 to 0.8 by 1.0 typical, but wide range
soil type and
requirements) Binder factor 150 to 250 kg/m3 typical Up to 320 kg/m3 (200 kg/m3 typical)
Volume ratio 15 to 40 percent 30 to 50 percent
Unconfined 5 to 30 MPa (granular soils); 0.2 to 3 to 4 MPa (clay), higher for sands
Reported compressive 1 MPa (silts and clays)
Treated strength
Soil Permeability < 1 x 10-8 m/s < 1 x 10-7 m/s
Properties Young’s ND 50 to 100 × unconfined compressive
modulus strength
Specific Relative Advantages Goals are to optimize the quality of Low spoil claimed. Can be used on slopes
and Disadvantages mixing and speed of installation and to and adjacent to structures. Columns have
minimize the amount of spoil 10 to 20 percent larger diameters than
shafts due to compaction effect. Flexible
equipment and mix design.
Notes Developed by TREVI Developed in France in late 1980s
Representative References Promotional materials from TREVI Harnan and Iagolnitzer(144)
ND = No data.
1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2; 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/yd3 = 0.59 kg/m3; and 1 psi = 0.0068 MPa
Table 29. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for Soil Removal Technique
and CDM.
Name Soil Removal Technique CDM
Classification WRS WRS
Company Shimizu Corporation More than 48 members of CDM Association
in Japan and offered in United States by
Raito, Inc., JAFEC USA, Inc., and Fudo
Geography Japan Japan, China
General Description of Most Upper continuous auger flights on fixed Fixed leads support shafts with two to six
Typical Method leads extract soil to ground surface during mixing blades above drill bit. Grout injected
penetration. Lower mixing blades rotate during penetration and (mainly) withdrawal.
and mix soil with injected slurry during Also a 2- to 8-min mixing period at full
withdrawal. depth.
Special Features/Patented Continuous flight augers from drill tip to Comprises numerous subtly different
Aspects the ground surface remove soil to limit methods all under CDM Association
ground displacements and lateral stresses
during mixing.
Shafts 2 2 to 8 (marine); 1 to 6 (land) (each with 4 to
6 blades) (12 have been used)
Diameter 1 to 1.2 m 1 to 1.6 m (marine); 0.7 to 1.6 m (land)
Realistic 40 m 70 m (marine); 40 m (land)
Details of maximum depth
Installation Revolutions per ND 20 to 40 (penetration); 20 to 40 (withdrawal)
Productivity/ ND 0.5 to 2 m/min (avg. 1 m/min) (penetration)
output 1 to 2 m/min (withdrawal) (1,000 m3/shift for
marine; 100 to 200 m3/shift on land)
Materials Cement grout Wide range of materials, including PCC or
Mix Design slag cement, bentonite, gypsum, flyash, using
(depends on fresh or seawater, plus various additives.
soil type and
w:c ND 0.6 to 1.3, typically 1.0
requirements) Binder factor ND 100 to 300 kg/m3, typically 140 to 200 kg/m3
Volume ratio ND 20 to 30 percent
Unconfined 0.5 MPa (in soft silt) (70 percent of Strengths can be closely controlled by
Reported compressive conventional DMM) varying grout composition from
Treated strength < 0.5 to 4 MPa (typically 2 to 4 MPa)
Soil Permeability ND 1 x 10-8 to 1 x 10-9 m/s
Properties Young’s ND ND
Specific Relative Advantages Reduces horizontal displacements and Vast amount of information available.
and Disadvantages stresses imposed during mixing. Obviates Specifically developed for softer marine
need for pre-augering. deposits and fills, now also used for land-
based projects.
Notes Operational prototype stage. Possibly Association founded in 1977. Research
patented (assumed similar to CDM). initiated under Japanese Government (1967).
Representative References Hirai et al. (145) Promotional material from Cement Deep
Mixing Method Association; Okumura(146)
ND = No data.
1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2; 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/yd3 = 0.59 kg/m3; and 1 psi = 0.0068 MPa
Table 30. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for SSM and
in situ stabilization (ISS) auger method techniques.
Name SSM ISS Auger Method
Classification WRE WRE
Company Geo-Con, Inc. and Raito, Inc. Envirocon, Inc.
Geography United States United States
General Description of Most Single large-diameter auger on hanging Use of single shaft wet Kelly bar mixing
Typical Method leads or fixed rotary table is rotated by auger or blades rotated by a top drive track-
bottom rotary table and slurry or dry binder mounted hydraulic drill. Grout mixed onsite
is injected. Auger rotation and injection using automated batch plant with typically
continue to bottom of treated zone. Auger one to two dry components.
rotation during withdrawal usually without
Special Features/Patented Single large-diameter auger cycling up and Instrumentation documents all major
Aspects down is common to improve mixing parameters, on-board GPS unit for survey
efficiency. control.
Shafts 1 to 6, usually 4 1
Diameter 0.8 to 1.0 m, usually 0.9 m 2 to 3 m
Realistic 45 m possible, 27 m common 12+ m
maximum depth
Details of Revolutions per 15 to 25 10 to 25
Installation minute
Productivity/ 0.6 to 1.0 m/min penetration (slower in 300 (with 2-m diameter auger) to 800 m3
output clays and dense sands); 2 m/min (with 3-m diameter auger) per shift
withdrawal/mixing; 100 to 150 m2/shift
Materials Cement grout, bentonite, clay, and other Primarily portland or slag cement-based
materials and additives such as ash, slag, grouts. Other additives: bentonite (for
Mix Design etc. permeability) and reagents for environmental
(depends on applications.
soil type and
W:c ratio 1.2 to 1.75 (typically 1.5 on penetration and 0.8 to 1.8
requirements) 1 to 1.25 during withdrawal)
Binder factor 120 to 400 kg/m3 150 to 300 kg/m3
Volume ratio 15 to 40 percent 15 to 30 percent
Unconfined 0.3 to 7 MPa (clay strengths approximately 2 to 20 MPa
Reported compressive 40 percent of those in sands); In sands,
Treated strength 2+ MPa
Soil Permeability 1 × 10-7 to 1 × 10-9 m/s 1 × 10-7 to 1 × 10-9 m/s
Properties Young’s 300 to 1,000 unconfined compressive Unknown
modulus strength
Specific Relative Advantages Can treat variety of contaminants, including Cost and schedule when compared to other
and Disadvantages creosote, tar, organics, petroleum, etc. alternatives. No dewatering.
Notes Mainly used for environmental applications Used mainly for ISS of contaminated soils
to date, but increasing use in geotechnical (environmental) and as an alternative deep
field foundation for large loaded areas (i.e. tank
Representative References Walker; Day and Ryan; Andromalos and Ameel;
Nicholson et al.(11,140,147) Andromalos et al.(148,149)
2 2 3 3
1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 ft = 0.093 m ; 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/yd = 0.59 kg/m ; and 1 psi = 0.0068 MPa
Table 31. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for RAS column method
and rectangular 1 (cutting wheels) techniques.
Name RAS Column Method Rectangular 1 (Cutting Wheels)
Classification WRE WRE
Company Raito Kogyo, Co. offered in United Shimizu
States by Raito, Inc.
Geography Japan Japan
General Description of Most Large diameter, single-shaft, A pair of laterally connected shafts with
Typical Method concentric double-rod system on fixed horizontal mixing blades and vertical
lead is rotated at high rpm into ground vanes are rotated during penetration.
and grout injected over zone to be Grout injection during penetration
treated. Unit cycled up and down and/or withdrawal. Vertical vanes
through zone with or without create rectangular elements.
additional grout injection.
Special Features/Patented Cutting blade on inner rod rotates in Use of claw-like vanes to create
Aspects opposite direction from two mixing rectangular columns; vanes may be
blades on outer rod. Slurry injection patented. Inclinometer fixed to mixing
ports located at base of inner rod. unit to monitor verticality.
Shafts 1 2
Diameter 1.4 and 2.0 m (larger than typical 1- by 1.8-m columns
Realistic 24 m typical; 28 m possible. 15 m
Details of
maximum depth
Revolutions per Up to 40 (in each direction) ND
Productivity/ 0.5 m/min penetration; 1 m/min 1 m/min penetration/withdrawal
output withdrawal
Mix Design Materials Cement grout Cement grout
(depends on soil w:c ratio 0.8 (field trial) ND
type and
Binder factor 300 kg/m3 (field trial) ND
requirements) Volume ratio 33 percent (field trial) ND
Unconfined 1 to 6 MPa ND
Treated Soil
Permeability ND ND
Young’s ND ND
Specific Relative Advantages Large-diameter auger speeds Rectangular columns require less
and Disadvantages production, computer control and overlap than circular. Vertical flow
monitoring, and uniform mixing. during mixing and larger cross sectional
Especially useful in dense soils. column area per stroke.
Notes Assumed similar to CDM Operational prototype stage. Assumed
similar to CDM
Representative References Isobe et al.(150) Watanabe et al.(151)
ND = No data.
1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2; 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/yd3 = 0.59 kg/m3; and 1 psi = 0.0068 MPa
Table 32. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for rectangular 2 (box columns)
and single auger mixing (SAM) techniques.
Name Rectangular 2 (Box Columns) SAM
Classification WRE WRE
Company Daisho Shinko Corp. Terra Constructors
Geography Japan United States
General Description of Most Mixing shaft rotated, “box casing” Large-diameter mixing tool on
Typical Method conveyed (without rotation), and grout hanging leads rotated with slurry
injected during penetration. Shaft is injection during penetration.
counter-rotated during withdrawal.
Special Features/Patented Use of box casing, which surrounds Multiple-auger mixing capability
Aspects mixing tools and contains treated soil foreseen for deeper applications.
to create square or rectangular
Shafts 1 to 4 horizontal mixing blades 1
Diameter 1-m square box 1 to 3.6 m
Realistic ND 13 m maximum
Details of maximum depth
Installation Revolutions per 30 (shaft only) 8 to 16
Productivity/ 0.5 m/min penetration; 1 m/min 380 m3/8-h shift
output withdrawal
Materials Cement grout Cement grout mainly and other
Mix Design additives for oxidation/stabilization
(depends on of contaminants.
soil type and
w:c ratio 1.0 to 1.2 0.75 to 1.0
requirements) Binder factor 150 to 400 kg/m3 ND
Volume ratio ND 10 to 20 percent by weight
Unconfined 1.2 to 4.2 MPa Varies dependent upon soil type;
Reported compressive up to 3.5 MPa
Treated strength
Soil Permeability ND Similar to in situ soil
Properties Young’s ND ND
Specific Relative Advantages Square/rectangular columns require Applicable in soils below water table.
and Disadvantages less overlapping than circular columns. Environmental applications.
Uniform mixing promoted.
Notes Operational prototype stage. Assumed Developed since 1995.
similar to CDM.
Representative References Mizutani et al.(152) Promotional material from Terra
ND = No data.
1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2; 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/yd3 = 0.59 kg/m3; and 1 psi = 0.0068 MPa
Table 33. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for cementation
and single axis tooling techniques.
Name Cementation Single Axis Tooling
Classification WRE WRE
Company Kvaerner Cementation Hayward Baker Inc., and Keller Co.
Geography United Kingdom United States (with opportunities for
sister companies worldwide)
General Description of Most Single auger on fixed leads rotated during Mast mounted shaft rotated by top rotary
Typical Method penetration. Auger cycled up and down drive. Grout injected usually during
through 1-m length five times then raised penetration, followed by bottom
to next 1-m increment. Repeat to surface. remixing and oscillation at full depth
Injection upon penetration, cycling, and/or and rapid extraction with injection of
withdrawal. backfill grout only (1 to 5 percent total).
Special Features/Patented Combination of a short interrupted length ND
Aspects of auger with smaller diameter continuous
Shafts Single with 2 or 3 pairs of mixing paddles 1
above drill bit.
Diameter 0.5 to 2.4 m, typically 2.1 and 2.4 m 0.75 m (1 m also possible)
Realistic 20 m maximum 10+ m
Details of
maximum depth
Revolutions per 20 to 60 (penetration); higher upon ND
minute withdrawal
Productivity/ 0.3 to 0.5 m/min (penetration); faster upon 0.5 to 0.67 m/min penetration/mixing
output withdrawal. In excess of 500 m3/shift
Mix Design Materials Varied in response to soil type and needs Cement grout with or without flyash
(depends on w/c ratio 1 to 2 (typically at lower end) 0.4
soil type and
Binder factor 150 to 400 kg/m3 60 to 130 kg/m3
requirements) Volume ratio 25 to 50 percent Unknown
Unconfined 3.5 to 10 MPa (sands); 0.2 to 1.4 MPa 5 to 10 MPa
compressive (clays)
Reported strength
Treated Permeability 1 × 10-7 m/s possible ND
Soil Young’s 50 to 150 ksi ND
Properties modulus
Specific Relative Advantages Low spoil, low heave potential, specific Good mixing; moderate penetration
and Disadvantages horizons can be treated, good in saturated capability; low spoils volume. Dry
ground where dewatering cannot be used. binder method also available.
Notes Not now apparently used in U.K. due to In development since 1990.
market conditions. Commercially viable since 1997.
Representative References Greenwood(153) Burke et al.; Burke and Sehn (154,155)
ND = No data.
1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2; 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/yd3 = 0.59 kg/m3; and 1 psi = 0.0068 MPa
Table 34. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for Rotomix
and CSM method techniques.
Name Rotomix CSM Method
Classification WRE WRE
Company INQUIP Associates Bauer Maschinen (manufacturer); offered in
United States by Bauer Foundations, Malcolm
Drilling, Inc., Nicholson Construction, and
Golder Associates Innovative Applications, Inc.
Geography United States and Canada Europe (manufacturer), international
(approximately 20 countries)
General Description of Most Single rotating shaft and bit; grout Mixing head based on Bauer trench cutter
Typical Method injection technology; hydraulically driven rotating
milling heads attached to monokelly. Binder
injection typically during penetration; one phase
(binder slurry for down and upstroke) and two
phase (bentonite slurry for downstroke and
binder slurry for upstroke). Air used for both
systems mainly during downstroke.
Special Features/Patented Proprietary to INQUIP Associates Equipment and process patented; inclinometers
Aspects monitor in two directions, system fully steerable
Shafts Single rotating bit with paddles 1 (2 cutter heads)
Diameter 1.2 to 4.8 m Panel length 2.4 to 2.8 m; panel width
0.55 to 1.2 m
Realistic 3 to 30 m (depends on auger diameter) 43 m (kelly suspended)
Details of
maximum depth 60 m (rope suspended)
Revolutions per 5 to 45 35
Productivity/ ND Penetration up to 0.5 m/min; withdrawal 0.3 to
output 1.0 m/min; production: 33 m3/hr
Materials Cement Cement slurry ± bentonite ± other materials
such as flyash and slag
Mix Design w:c ratio 0.8 to 2 typical 0.5 to 1.0 (retaining walls); 2.0 to 4.0 (cutoff
(depends on soil walls)
type and strength
requirements) Binder factor > 100 kg/m3 100 to 500 kg/m3 (up to 600 kg/m3 has been
Volume ratio > 15 percent 30 to 60 percent
Unconfined > 0.1 MPa 5 to 15 MPa (retaining walls); 0.5 to
compressive 2.0 MPa (cut off walls)
Reported strength
Treated Soil
Permeability < 1 × 10-8 m/s typical 1 × 10-7 to 1 × 10-9 m/s
Young’s ND N/D
Specific Relative Advantages Good penetration/mixing. Dry binder Extended depths (up to 60 m) can be reached
and Disadvantages available for use in treating sludges. using rope-suspended cutters. Computer control
of production parameters. Full QA reports of
production parameters as a function of depth or
time. Penetration through harder layers,
including very soft rock
Notes Developed in 1990, mainly used for Developed in 2004
environmental applications. Limited
Representative References Promotional material from INQUIP Brunner et al.; Gerressen and Vohs;
Associates. Bellato et al.(156–158)
ND = No data.
1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2; 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/yd3 = 0.59 kg/m3; and 1 psi = 0.0068 MPa
Table 35. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties
for spread wing (SWING) technique.
Name Spread Wing (SWING) 17
Classification WJE
Company Taisei Corporation, etc.
Geography Japan and United States
General Description of Most With blade retracted, 0.6-m-diameter
Typical Method pilot hole is rotary drilled to bottom of
zone to be treated. Blade expanded and
zone is treated with rotary mixing to
2-m diameter and air jetting to
3.6-m diameter.
Special Features/Patented Retractable mixing blade allows
Aspects treatment of specific depths to large
diameter. Concentric mechanically
mixed and jet mixed zones are produced.
Patented trade association.
Shafts 1
Diameter 0.6-m pilot hole, 2.0- (mechanical) to
3.6-m (jetted) column
Realistic 40 m
Details of
maximum depth
Revolutions per ND
Productivity/ 0.03 to 0.1 m/min penetration
Mix Design Materials Cement grout
(depends on w:c ratio ND
soil type and
Binder factor 450 kg/m3
requirements) Volume ratio ND
Unconfined 0.4 to 4.4 MPa (mechanically mixed
compressive zone); 1.5 MPa (sandy), 1.2 MPa
Reported strength (cohesive) (jet-mixed zone)
Treated Permeability 1 × 10-8 m/s
Soil Youngs 150 × unconfined compressive strength
Properties modulus (mechanically mixed zone);
100 × unconfined compressive strength
(jet-mixed zone)
Specific Relative Advantages Variable column size generated by
and Disadvantages varying pressures; retractable/expandable
blade; jet mixing allows good contact
with adjacent underground structures in
difficult access areas.
Notes SWING Association with 17 members
established in late 1980s in Japan.
Representative References Kawasaki; Yang et al.(159,160)
ND = No data; NA = Not applicable.
1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2; 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/yd3 = 0.59 kg/m3; and
1 psi = 0.0068 MPa
Table 36. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for JACSMAN
and LDis techniques.
Classification WJE WJE
Company Chemical Grout Co., Fudo Co., and others Onoda Chemical Co., Ltd.
Geography Japan Japan
General Description of Most Twin counter-rotating shafts, grout The mixing tool is rotated to full depth.
Typical Method injected at low pressure from cutting Tool is withdrawn (rotating) to break up
blades during penetration. During and remove the soil followed by
withdrawal, inclined crossed jets on upper repenetration to full depth. Grout is
two pairs of blades are used at high injected during second withdrawal via
velocities to increase diameter and jets at high pressure.
enhance mixing efficiency.
Special Features / The combination of DMM and jet Conventional jet grout equipment with
Patented Aspects grouting promotes good joints between addition of single-blade auger to reduce
adjacent columns and columns of volume of material displaced by jet and,
controlled diameter and quality. Column therefore, limit ground movement (i.e.,
formed is nominally 1.9 by 2.7 m in plan. make volume injected equal to volume
Patented process. Trade association. removed).
Shafts 2 shafts at 0.8-m spacing each with 1
3 blades.
Diameter 1 m (blades at 0.8-m spacing along shaft) About 1.0 m (jetted)
Realistic 20 m 20 m
Details of
maximum depth
Revolutions per 20 3 to 40
Productivity/ 1 m/min penetration; 0.5 to 1 m/min 0.33 m/min penetration. Overall, about
output withdrawal 65 percent of jet grouting.
Materials Cement grout Cement grout
w:c ratio 1.0 ND
Mix Design
(depends on soil Binder factor 200 kg/m3 (jetted); 320 kg/m3 (DMM). ND
type and Air also used to enhance jetting
strength Volume ratio 200 L/min per shaft during DM About 40 percent
penetration; 300 L/min per shaft during
withdrawal (jetting) (i.e., 20 to 30 percent)
Unconfined 2 to 5.8 MPa (silty sand and clay); 1.2 to 2 MPa
compressive 3 MPa (silty sand)
Treated Soil
Permeability ND ND
Young’s ND ND
Specific Relative Advantages New system combining DMM and jet- Repenetration causes production to be
and Disadvantages grouting principles to enhance volume and low. Spoil volume approximately equal
quality of treatment; jetting provides good to injected volume. Minimal ground
overlap between columns. heave.
Notes Name is an acronym for jet and churning Operational prototype stage. Assumed
system management. similar to conventional jet grouting.
Representative References Miyoshi and Hirayama(161) Ueki et al.(162)
ND = No data.
1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2; 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/yd3 = 0.59 kg/m3; and 1 psi = 0.0068 MPa
Table 37. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for GeoJetTM
and Hydramech techniques.
Name GeoJetTM Hydramech
Classification WJE WJE
Company Condon Johnson and Associates (CJA) Geo-Con, Inc.
Geography Western United States United States
General Description of Most Grout is jetted via ports on a “processor” Drill with water/bentonite or other drill
Typical Method during rapid penetration. The wings cut fluid to bottom of hole. No compressed air
the soil and the jetted grout blends it. used. At bottom, start low-pressure
mechanical mixing through shaft. Cycle
three times through bottom zone. Multiple
high-pressure jets started at same time
(350 to 450 MPa).
Special Features/Patented Combination of mechanical and hydraulic 2-mm-diameter “hydra” nozzles on outer
Aspects cutting/mixing gives high-quality mixing edges of mixing tool. Mechanical mixing
and fast penetration. Licensed by CJA for occurs in center of columns, chunks of soil
five western States. TREVIICOS for the forced to perimeter where disaggregation
remainder. Very low environmental occurs by jets.
Shafts 1 shaft with pair of wings or similar 1
Diameter 0.6 to 1.2 m 1.2-m paddles on 0.9-m auger; column up
to 2-m diameter depending on jet
Details of Realistic 45 m maximum (25 m typical) 20+ m
Installation maximum depth
Revolutions per 150 to 200 (recent developments focusing 10 to 20
minute on 80 to 90 rpm)
Productivity/ 2 to 12 m/min (penetration) (6 m/min Up to 500 m3/shift
output typical) 15 m/min (withdrawal); 150 m of
piles/h possible
Mix Design Materials Cement grout; additives if necessary Cement
(depends on w/c ratio 0.5 to 1.5 (typically 0.8 to 1.0) 1.0 to 1.5
soil type and
Binder factor 150 to 300 kg/m3 100 to 250 kg/m3
requirements) Volume ratio 20 to 40 percent 10 to 15 percent by weight of soil
Unconfined 0.7 to 5.5 MPa (Bay mud); 4.8 to Up to 10 MPa
Reported compressive 10.3 MPa (Beaumont clay)
Treated strength
Soil Permeability ND Up to 1 × 10-9 m/s
Properties Young’s ND 100 to 300 × unconfined compressive
modulus strength
Specific Relative Advantages Computer control of penetration No air used. Very uniform mixing. Control
and Disadvantages parameters excellent; high strength; low over diameters provided at any depth.
spoil volumes; high repeatability; excellent Several times cheaper than jet grouting.
mixing; high productivity. Mixing can be performed within specific
horizons (i.e., plugs can be formed instead
of full columns).
Notes Developed since early 1990s. Fully Field-tested at Texas A&M. Fully
operational in Bay Area. Five patents on operational from 1998.
processor system and computer control;
three patents pending.
Representative References Reavis and Freyaldenhoven(163) Geo-Con, Inc.; Nicholson and
ND = No data.
1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2; 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/yd3 = 0.59 kg/m3; and 1 psi = 0.0068 MPa
Table 38. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for RAS Jet
and TURBOMIX techniques.
Classification WRS WRE
Company Raito TREVI
Geography Worldwide Worldwide
General Description of Most Combines features of mechanical deep Single or multiple cable-suspended
Typical Method mixing and jet mixing methods to augers rotate in opposite directions.
produce large diameter soil-cement Grout is injected at high pressure during
columns. The low blade contains a port to penetration, which enhances the mixing
deliver high-pressure jet and rotates in the of soil with the grout. Auger rotation is
reverse direction of the upper two levels reversed during withdrawal. Mixing is
of blades to provide the shearing and performed with a special tools located at
blending action needed for uniform the tip of the rods.
mixing of soils and cement grout.
Special Features/Patented Real-time monitoring and recording of Real-time recording of drilling and
Aspects installation parameters. The center grouting parameters (DMS System).
portion of the column is a deep mixing Developed especially for cohesive soils
column and the outside ring is a jet peaty layers and sands.
grouting product. The process is patented
by Raito.
Shafts 1 Single axis or multiple axis (2, 3, or 4).
Configuration varies with soil.
Diameter 2 to 4.0 m 0.80 to 2.0 m
Realistic 40 m 25 to 30 m
Details of
maximum depth
Revolutions per 2 to 40 30 to 50
Productivity/ 0.03 to 1.5 m/min 10 to 80 m3/hr
Materials Cement grout Cementitious grout with or without
Mix Design
(depends on
soil type and w/c ratio 100 percent Typically low (i.e., 1.5 to 0.8 by weight)
strength Binder factor 150 to 350 kg /m3 150 to 250 kg/m3 typical
Volume ratio 20 to 45 percent 15 to 40 percent
Unconfined 1 to 3 MPa 5 to 30 MPa (granular soils); 0.2 to
Reported compressive 2 MPa (silts and clays)
Treated strength
Soil Permeability ND < 1 × 10-7 to 1 × 10-8 m/s
Properties Young’s ND 100 to 1000 × unconfined compressive
modulus strength
Specific Relative Advantages Large diameter soil-cement columns with Goals are to optimize the quality of
and Disadvantages high level of uniformity for ground mixing and speed of installation and to
stabilization minimize the amount of spoil
Notes Developed by Raito Kogyo, Co. Ltd. Developed by TREVI
Representative References N/A Siepi and Bertero; Schmutzler et
ND = No data;.N/A = Not available.
1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2; 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/yd3 = 0.59 kg/m3; and 1 psi = 0.0068 MPa
Table 39. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for TRD
and dry jet mixing techniques.
Name TRD Dry Jet Mixing
Classification WVP DRE
Company Hayward Baker Inc., A Keller Co. DJM Association (64 companies)
Geography United States (but with opportunities for Japan
sister companies worldwide)
General Description of Most Mast-supported hydraulic chain drive using Shafts are rotated while injecting compressed air
Typical Method cutter bits traveling vertically along a post from the lower blades to avoid clogging of jet
inserted to design depth. nozzles. Dry materials are injected during
withdrawal via compressed air and with reverse
rotation. Air vents to surface around the square
section shafts.
Special Features/Patented Method licensed from patent holders. System is patented and protected by DJM
Aspects Association. Two basic patents (blade design and
electronic control system). Many supplementary
Shafts Continuous as the cutter post travels along 1 to 2 shafts adjustably spaced at 0.8 to about
an alignment 1.5 m, each with 2 to 3 pairs of blades
Diameter 0.55 to 0.85 m 1 to 1.3 m
Realistic 30 to 50 m max., depending on base 33 m maximum
Details of
maximum depth machine employed
Revolutions per Chain speed is variable 5 to 64 during penetration. Twice as high during
minute withdrawal.
Productivity/ 185 to 560 m2/shift 0.5 m/min penetration; 4 m/min withdrawal.
output 35 to 45 percent lower in low-headroom conditions
Materials Varied in response to soil type and needs Usually cement but quicklime is used in clays of
very high moisture content
Mix Design w/c ratio 1 to 6 N/A
(depends on Binder factor 75 to 250 kg/m3 100 to 400 kg/m3 (sands and fine grained soil using
soil type and
strength cement); 200 to 600 kg/m3 (peats and organics using
requirements) cement); 50 to 300 kg/m3 (soft marine clays using
Volume ratio 30 to 60 percent N/A
Unconfined 0.5 to 10 MPa (sands); 0.2 to 1.4 MPa Varies depending on soil and binder, 1 to 10 MPa
Reported compressive (clays)
Treated strength
Soil Permeability 1 × 10-8 m/s Higher than CDM permeabilities
Properties Young’s 275–700 MPa ND
Specific Relative Advantages Full vertical mixing; capable of cutting Heavy rotary heads remain at bottom of leads,
and Disadvantages rock and soil; boulders difficult to improving mechanical stability of rigs, especially in
penetrate. Equipment very stable. Walls soft conditions. Very little spoils; efficient mixing.
formed without joints or windows. Best Extensive R&D experience. Fast production on
mixing possible. Continuous production large jobs.
preferred (less downtime/cleaning); long,
straight walls are produced
Notes In development since 1990. Commercially Sponsored by Japanese Government and fully
viable since 1994. More than 400 projects operational in 1980. (First application in 1981.)
worldwide. Offered in the United States by Raito, Inc. since
Representative References Gularte et al.(168) Dry Jet Mixing Association of Japan; Fujita;
Nishida et al.; Yang et al.(169–172)
N/A = Not applicable; ND = No data.
1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2; 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/yd3 = 0.59 kg/m3; and 1 psi = 0.0068 MPa
Table 40. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for Nordic Method
and TREVIMIX DRY techniques.
Name Nordic Method TREVIMIX DRY
Classification DRE DRE
Company Various (in Scandinavia/Far East). Offered in the TREVI
United States by Hayward Baker, Inc.
Geography Scandinavia, Far East, United States Worldwide
General Description of Most Shaft is rotated while injecting compressed air Dry materials are injected via compressed
Typical Method below mixing tool to keep injection ports clear. air through nozzles on shaft below mixing
Dry materials are injected during withdrawal via paddles. Binder can be added during
compressed air, and reverse rotation. Requires penetration and/or withdrawal of the
sufficient free water to hydrate binder (e.g., sand mixing paddles.
> 15 percent; silt > 20 percent; and clay > 35
Special Features/Patented Very low spoil; high productivity; efficient Real-time recording of drilling and
Aspects mixing. No patents believed current. Strong grouting parameters. Use of protection
reliance on computer control. Close involvement bells at surface to minimize loss of vented
by Swedish Geotechnical Institute dry binder. Needs soil with moisture
content of 50 to 145+ percent to allow
hydration of binder.
Shafts 1 to 2 (more common). Separated by fixed (but 1 to 2 (more common). Separated by fixed
variable) distance of 0.8 to 3.0 m. (but variable) distance of 0.8 to 3.0 m.
Diameter 0.5 to 1.2 m, typically 0.6 or 0.8 m 0.8 to 1.0 m (most common)
Realistic 30 m maximum (20 m typical) 25 to 30 m
Details of maximum depth
Installation Revolutions per 100 to 200, usually 130 to 170 20 to 150
Productivity/ 2 to 3 m/min (penetration); 0.6 to 0.9 m/min 8 to 30 m3/hr
output (withdrawal); 400 to1,000 m/shift (0.6-m
Materials Cement and lime in various percentages Dry cement (most common), lime, other
(typically 50:50 or 75:25) cementitious materials
Mix Design
(depends on w/c ratio N/A N/A
soil type and Binder factor 23 to 28 kg/m (0.6 m diameter), typically 150 to 300 kg/m3
strength 40 kg/m (0.8 m diameter); overall 20 to
60 kg/m (i.e., 80 to 150 kg/m3)
Volume ratio N/A N/A
Unconfined Varies, but typically 0.2 to 0.5 MPa (0.2 to 2 to 6 MPa (sandy soil)
compressive 2 MPa possible). Shear strength 0.1 to 0.2 to 2 MPa (silts and clays)
Reported strength 0.30 MPa (up to 1 MPa in field)
Treated Permeability For lime columns, 1,000 times higher than that ND
Soil of the clay; for lime-cement columns, the factor
Properties is 400 to 500
Young’s 50 to 200 × unconfined compressive strength 100 to 1000 × unconfined compressive
modulus strength
Specific Relative Advantages Same as for DJM; Swedish/Finnish research No spoil, uniform mixing, automatic
and Disadvantages continues. control of binder quantity. System allows
for possibility of injecting water during
Notes Developed by Swedish industry and government, Developed by TREVI in Italy in late 1980s.
with first commercial applications in mid 1970s,
and first U.S. application in 1996.
Representative References Holm et al.; Rathmeyer(173,174) Restelli et al.; Calabresi et al.(175,176)
ND = No data; N/A = Not applicable.
1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2; 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/yd3 = 0.59 kg/m3; and 1 psi = 0.0068 MPa
Table 41. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for MDM
and dry soil mixing mass techniques.
Name MDM (Modified Deep Mixing) Dry Soil Mixing Mass
Classification DRE DRE
Company Various (in Scandinavia/Far East) Hayward Baker, Inc., a Keller Co.
Geography Scandinavia, Europe, Far East, United States United States (but with opportunities for
sister companies worldwide)
General Description of Most Shaft is rotated while injecting during Horizontal axis rotary drive at the end of
Typical Method penetration and withdrawal. Water in correct an excavator mounted arm. Binder
amounts is injected (low pressure) during injected pneumatically during rotary
penetration (typically) through jets in the tool mixing and arm movement throughout
head. Can be used in sand, silt or clay, hard to the cell.
soft conditions.
Special Features / Very low spoil; high productivity; efficient No special features.
Patented Aspects mixing; strong reliance on computer control.
Can be used either as a soil improvement
technique or direct foundation system.
Current patents in United States and Mexico;
Europe and other countries pending.
Shafts Single shaft, various types of cutting/mixing Single horizontal with spiral mixing
blades. paddles around the rotating barrel.
Diameter 0.5 to 1.2 m, typically 0.6 or 0.8 m N/A
Realistic 30 m maximum (20 m typical) 5 m maximum
Details of
maximum depth
Revolutions per 200 to 220; 100 on down stroke if very hard 50 to 100
minute soil
Productivity/ 1.0 m/min finished column; 6,400 to Work completed in defined cells. In
output 1,000 m/10-h shift (0.6-m diameter) excess of 700 m3/shift
Materials Cement only Varied in response to soil type and needs
Mix Design w:c ratio 0 to 3+ NA
(depends on Binder factor 200 to 400 kg/m3. These amounts are final in 75 to 250 kg/m3
soil type and
strength situ. A correction factor is programmed into
requirements) the computer to reflect waste amounts.
Volume ratio N/A 0 to 5 percent
Unconfined Depending on binder amount and soil type, 1.0 to 3.0 MPa (sands); 0.1 to 1.0 MPa
compressive range is 0.6 to 6.0 MPa. Generally, in clay (clays)
Reported strength with 400 kg/m3 yields 3.0 MPa design
Treated strength.
Permeability 400 to 500 times the k of the clay 1 × 10-7 m/s
Young’s 50 to 200 × unconfined compressive strength 50 to 150 ksi
Specific Relative Advantages Can be used in wide range of soils, hard, soft, Low quality mixing usually done at high
and Disadvantages dry, or wet. Binder and water amounts can be treatment ratios to support uniform loads
continuously changed during installation of over soft or organic soil.
column. Additives (e.g., accelerators or
retarders) can be introduced through the water
at specific depths.
Notes Patented by LC Technology, Inc. and jointly In development since 2003.
developed by Swedish foundation contractor Commercially viable since 2005.
Hercules Gundeläggning AB. First
commercial applications in Sweden in 2003
Representative References Gunther et al.; Eriksson et al.(177,178) Burke et al.(30)
N/A = Not applicable.
1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2; 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/yd3 = 0.59 kg/m3; and 1 psi = 0.0068 MPa
Table 42. Equipment, tooling, and treated soil properties for Schnabel DMW technique.
Name Schnabel DMW (Deep Mix Wall)
Classification WRS
Company Schnabel Foundation Company
Geography North America
General Description of Most Multiple discontinuous augers on a semi-fixed, crane
Typical Method supported lead. Augers rotate in opposite directions.
Most of the binder slurry injected on the down stroke
to create panels. Air injected during mixing in clays.
Special Features/Patented Used primarily for structural cutoff walls as part of
Aspects an earth retention system. Double stroking frequently
done; 75 to 80 percent of the wall is exposed during
Shafts Single shaft; various types of cutting/mixing blades.
Diameter 0.5 to 1.2 m, typically 0.6 or 0.8 m
Realistic 30 m maximum (20 m typical)
Details of maximum depth
Installation Revolutions per 200 to 220; 100 on down stroke if very hard soil
Productivity/ 1.0 m/min finished column; 64,00-1,000 m/10-h shift
output (0.6-m diameter)
Materials Cement only
Mix Design w/c ratio 0 to 3+
(depends on Binder factor 200 to 400 kg/m3. These amounts are final in situ. A
soil type and
strength correction factor is programmed into the computer to
requirements) reflect waste amounts.
Volume ratio N/A
Unconfined Depending on binder amount and soil type, range is
Reported compressive 0.6 to 6.0 MPa. Generally, in clay with 400 kg/m3
Treated strength yields 3.0 MPa design strength.
Soil Permeability 400 to 500 times the k of the clay
Properties Young’s 50 to 200 × unconfined compressive strength
Specific Relative Advantages Economical proven system for structural cutoff
and Disadvantages walls. Special mixing tools designed for penetrating
very dense, coarse-grained soils. Crane attachment
allows flexibility in positioning mixing tools. High
mobilization costs.
Notes Used for excavation retention system since 2000
Representative References Anderson; Porbaha et al.(15,10)
N/A = Not applicable.
1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 ft2 = 0.093 m2; 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 lb/yd3 = 0.59 kg/m3; and 1 psi = 0.0068 MPa
Specialists nationally and internationally have contributed to the design and construction
guidance outlined in this manual over the past 6 years. Engineers and construction
representatives have reviewed case history descriptions and construction data and provided
practical guidance on specifications and QC/QA recommendations. The authors acknowledge the
cooperation and input from USACE, whose collaboration has allowed the standardization of
design procedures to promote consistency between levee and embankment designs for Federal
projects. The authors recognize the time and effort contributed by members of the Deep
Foundations Institute’s soil mixing committee (2007–2012) in reviewing the draft manual. The
authors appreciate the input received from the following individuals:
• Ken Andromolos.
• Dennis Boehm.
• Håkan Bredenberg.
• Donald Bruce.
• George Burke.
• Peter Cali.
• Richard Crockford.
• David Druss.
• Melvin Esrig.
• Franz-Werner Gerressen.
• Johan Gunther.
• Brian Jasperse.
• Masaki Kitazume.
• Alan Macnab.
• Heinrich Majewski.
• Mario Mauro.
• David Miller.
• Al Neumann.
• Peter Nicholson.
• Dominic Parmantier.
• Alex Reeb.
• Al Sehn.
• Mikael Topolnicki.
• Lee Vanzler.
• Andrew Walker.
• David Weatherby.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the guidance and technical direction received from the
following FHWA and pooled fund representatives:
• Parviz Noori (Nevada Department of Transportation).
1. Bruce, D.A. (2000). An Introduction to the Deep Mixing Method as Used in Geotechnical
Applications, Report No. FHWA-RD-99-138, Federal Highway Administration,
Washington, DC.
2. Bruce, D.A. (2000). Supplemental Reference Appendices for an Introduction to the Deep
Mixing Method as Used in Geotechnical Applications, Volume II: Appendices, Report No.
FHWA-RD-99-144, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.
3. Bruce, D.A. (2001). An Introduction to the Deep Mixing Method as Used in Geotechnical
Applications, Volume III: Verification and Properties of Treated Soil, Report No. FHWA-
RD-99-167, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.
4. Siddharthan, R.V. and Suthahar, N. (2005). Simplified Seismic Response Evaluation of Sites
Improved by Deep Mixing, Version 1.3, University of Reno, Reno, NV.
5. Rutherford, C., Biscontin, G., and Briaud, J-L. (2004). Design Manual for Excavation
Support Using Deep Mixing Technology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
6. Bruce, D.A. (1996). “The Return of Deep Soil Mixing,” Civil Engineering, 66(2), 44–46.
7. Elias, V., Welsh, J., Warren, J., and Lukas, R. (2001). Demonstration Project 116: Ground
Improvement Technical Summaries Volume II, Report No. FHWA-SA-98-086, Federal
Highway Administration, Washington, DC.
8. Elias, V., Welsh, J., Warren, J., Lukas, R., Collin, J.G., and Berg, R.B. (2006). Ground
Improvement Methods Volume I, Report No. FHWA-NHI-06-019, Federal Highway
Administration, Washington, DC.
9. Elias, V., Welsh, J., Warren, J., Lukas, R., Collin, J.G., and Berg, R.B. (2006). Ground
Improvement Methods Volume II, Report No. FHWA-NHI-06-020, Federal Highway
Administration, Washington, DC.
10. Porbaha, A., Weatherby, D., Macnab, A., Lambrechts, J., Burke, G., Yang, D., and Puppala,
A.J. (2005). “Regional Report: North American Practice of Deep Mixing Technology,”
International Conference on Deep Mixing Best Practice and Recent Advances, R47–R73,
Swedish Deep Stabilization Research Centre, Stockholm, Sweden.
11. Walker, A.D. (1992). “Soil Mixing and Jet Grouting on a Hazardous Waste Site, Pittsburgh,
PA, USA,” Grouting in the Ground, 473–486, Institution of Civil Engineers, London, UK.
12. Nicholson, P.J. and Chu, E.K. (1994). “Boston Central Artery Tunnel Excavation Support
Remediation by Ground Treatment,” Presented at the American Society of Civil Engineers
Conference on Soil Structure Interaction and Environmental Issues, Hershey, PA.
13. Pearlman, S.L. and Himick, D.E. (1993). Anchored Excavation Support Using SMW (Soil
Mixed Wall), Presented at the Deep Foundations Institute 18th Annual Member’s
Conference and Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
14. O’Rourke, T.D. and McGinn, A.J. (2006). “Lessons Learned for Ground Movements and
Soil Stabilization from the Boston Central Artery,” Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, 132(8), 966–989.
15. Anderson, T.C. (1998). “Anchored Deep Soil Mixed Cut-Off/Retaining Walls for Lake
Parkway Project in Milwaukee, WI,” Design and Construction of Earth Retaining Systems,
1–13, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
16. Bahner, E.W. and Naguib, A.M. (1998). “Design and Construction of a Deep Soil Mix
Retaining Wall for the Lake Parkway Freeway Extension,” Soil Improvement for Big Digs,
Geotechnical Special Publication 81, 41–58, Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil
Engineers, Reston, VA.
17. Saye, S.R., Esrig, M.I., Williams, J.L., Pilz, J., and Bartlett, S.F. (2001). “Lime Cement
Columns for the Reconstruction of Interstate 15 in Salt Lake City, UT,” Foundations and
Ground Improvement, Geotechnical Special Publication 113, 827–841, American Society of
Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
18. Lambrechts, J.R., Ganse, M.A., and Layhee, C.A. (2003). “Soil Mixing to Stabilize Organic
Clay for I-95 Widening, Alexandria, VA.” Grouting and Ground Treatment: Proceedings of
the Third International Conference, Geotechnical Special Publication 120, 575–585,
American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
19. Martin, G.R., Arulmoli, K., Yang, L., Esrig, M.I., and Capelli, R.P. (1999). “Dry Mix Soil-
Cement Walls: An Application for Mitigation of Earthquake Ground Deformations in Soft
or Liquefiable Soils,” Dry Deep Mix Methods for Deep Soil Stabilization, 27–44,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Dry Deep Mix Methods for Deep Soil
Stabilization, Stockholm, Sweden.
20. McMahon, D.R., Fishman, K.L., Maltese, P., and Andromalos, K.B. (2001). “A DSM Wall
for Excavation Support,” Foundations and Ground Improvement, Geotechnical Special
Publication 113, 670–684, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
21. Stewart, M.E., Navin, M.P., and Filz, G.M. (2004). “Analysis of a Column-Supported Test
Embankment at the I-95/Route 1 Interchange,” Geotechnical Engineering for
Transportation Projects, Geotechnical Special Publication 126, 1337–1346, American
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22. Shiells, D.P., Pelnik III, T.W., and Filz, G.M. (2003). “Deep Mixing: An Owner’s
Perspective,” Grouting and Ground Treatment: Proceedings of the Third International
Conference, Geotechnical Special Publication 120, 489–500, American Society of Civil
Engineers, Reston, VA.
23. Yang, D.S. and Takeshima, S. (2005). Application of DMM for Grade Separation/
Interchange Projects, Presented at the International Conference on Deep Mixing, Swedish
Geotechnical Institute, Stockholm Sweden.
24. Esrig, M.I., MacKenna, P.E., and Forte, E.P. (2003). “Ground Stabilization in the United
States by the Scandinavian Lime Cement Dry Mix Process.” Grouting and Ground
Treatment: Proceedings of the Third International Conference, Geotechnical Special
Publication 120, 501–514, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
25. Mitchell, C.L.B. and Wu, M-J. (2004). Underpass Support Using Secant Pile Walls and
Cement Deep Soil Mix Bottom Seal, Presented at the 29th Annual Conference on Deep
Foundations, Deep Foundations Institute, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
26. Dasenbrock, D. (2004). “DMM Implementation Challenges at the Glen Road Interchange:
Lessons Learned,” Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Projects, Geotechnical
Special Publication 126, 1347–1355, American Society for Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
28. Parmantier, D.M., Fassett, R.A., and Porbaha, A. (2005). Reinforced Deep Mixed Columns
for a Bridge Ramp Foundation in the San Francisco Bay Area, Presented at the
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29. Meyersohn, D. (2007). Use of Soil-Cement Piles for Bridge Support, Presented at the
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30. Burke, G.K., Sehn, A.L., Hussin, J.D., Hull, V.E., and Mann, J.A. (2007). “Dry Soil Mixing
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31. Sen, K.K. and Evans, A. (2010). “Innovative Construction Techniques Used at North Shore
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33. Pooranampillai, S., Parmantier, D., Dawson, K., and Shin, S. (2012). A Case History on the
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34. Filz, G., Adams, T., Navin, M., and Templeton, A.E. (2012). “Design of Deep Mixing for
Support of Levees and Floodwalls,” Grouting and Deep Mixing: 4th International
Conference on Grouting and Deep Mixing, Geotechnical Special Publication 228, 89–133,
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35. Lambrechts, J.R. (2005). Design Guidelines Manual for Support of Embankments on Soft
Soils by Deep Mixing, National Deep Mixing Program, Boston, MA.
36. Terashi, M. (1983). “Problems and Research Orientation of the Deep Mixing Method,”
Proceedings of the Journal of Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Engineering, Tsuchi To Kiso, 31(8), 75–83 (in Japanese).
37. Sabatini, P.J., Bachus, R.C., Mayne, P.W., Schneider, J.A., and Zettler, T.E. (2002).
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52. Jacobson, J.R., Filz, G.M., and Mitchell, J.K. (2005). “Factors Affecting Strength of Lime-
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53. McGinn, A.J. and O’Rourke, T.D. (2003). Performance of Deep Mixing Methods at Fort
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54. Jacobson, J.R., Filz, G.M., and Mitchell, J.K. (2003). Factors Affecting Strength Gain in
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and Recent Advances, Deep Mixing ’05, 405–413, Swedish Geotechnical Institute,
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94. Adams, T.E., Filz, G.M., Cali, P.R., and Woodward, M.L. (2008). “Deformation and
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