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1 s2.0 0749641989900028 Main
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Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright © 1989 Pergamon Press pie
Abstract-The models for the plastic behaviour of steels during phase transformations proposed
in Part I and in a previous paper (LEsLOr~Det aL [1986bl) for the case of ideal-plastic phases
are extended to include strain-hardening effects (isotropic or kinematic hardening). An expression
for the transformation plastic strain rate is obtained by modifying the treatment of Part I in a
suitable manner. The classical plastic strain rate is also studied in a similar way. Complemen-
tary evolution equations for the hardening parameters are finally given, taking into account the
possible "recovery" of strain hardening during transformations (i.e., the fact that the newly
formed phase can "forget," partially or totally, the previous hardening).
574 J . B . LEBLOND
To our best knowledge, SJt~TROM [1984] was the only author who addressed this prob-
lem. He supposed that strain hardening phenomena took place once a "global yield
stress" S yt was reached. He introduced then separate hardening parameters for each
phase, scalar for isotropic hardening (E~ ff and E~fe), tensorial for kinematic hardening
(Btij and Bz~j), with evolution equations given by (with our notations):
E ~ f f = ]F_eq., E e f f .~ E e q - - (1 -- O ) z f ~ ff (1)
Blij = Eii,
" p" B2ij = Ei~ - (1 - 0)zB2~j. (2)
In these equations z denotes the proportion of newly formed phase (phase 2), E p the
(macroscopic) plastic strain tensor, ~7eq the (macroscopic) equivalent uniaxial plastic
strain rate defined by:
• . P 1/2
~Y = (1 -- Z ) e ( + ZoO.
Transformation plasticity in steels-I[ 575
In Section III, evolution equations are finally derived for the hardening parameters
introduced. They are obtained by homogenization, starting from the evolution equations
of the corresponding microscopic parameters (including the effect of recovery). The re-
sults are different from those of Sj6str6m (eqns (1) and (2)), even in the case considered
by this author where the stress applied is equal to Z7y. The differences are analyzed in
~eq = eijeij • (4)
However this parameter cannot be used to describe isotropic hardening in the presence
of transformations. Indeed its very definition implies that it can only increase; therefore
it cannot account for the recovery effect. We assume therefore that the amount of (iso-
tropic) hardening can be measured on a microscopic scale by an "effective plastic strain"
egfr, A = 1 or 2 (the index depending on the phase the point considered belongs to); egfr
is equal to e~q only in the absence of transformations. The evolution equation for this
parameter will be discussed later on. The yield stress o~ of phase A depends on egff ex-
actly as it depends on e,(q in the absence of transformations.
II. 1.a. Case o f stresses less than 27Y. To derive an equation for the transformation
plastic strain rate/~tp we start from eqn (8) of Part I. Restricting again to the case
where the Magee mechanism is negligible and assuming that phases 1 and 2 are essen-
tially, respectively plastic and elastic (hypothesis H.2), we discard the two last terms of
the right-hand side of this expression and obtain again eqn (9) of Part I. Assuming as
in hypothesis H.3 that the phases obey the Von Mises criterion and the associated flow
rule, we write 8ef/6z under the form:
"el depends of course not only on e~ ¢ but also on the temperature 7". This dependence is omitted for sim-
plicity in the notation.
Rigorously speaking, a ( (el ff) cannot be extracted from the average value symbol as
in the case of ideal-plastic phases, since it is no longer constant. However no tractable
model can be obtained if £-tp is kept under that form; indeed it depends then on an in-
finity of internal parameters (the values of e~ff at all the points of the austenitic phase).
We make therefore an approximation which consists in replacing a( (El ff) in eqn (5) by
some kind of average value, namely the value of aiv corresponding to the average hard-
ening parameter in phase 1. or( can then be extracted from the average value symbol
and eqn (5) becomes
F_tp =
3 ( 1 - z ) [tSe~q
2cr--~Y(-E~f--~) \ tSZ SI
I (6)
3(1- Z)[~efq I
1~tp = 2o.iV(E~ff) \--~zlvSZ (8)
which is identical to eqn (15) of Part I, except that a y is replaced by ai~ (E~ff). Finally,
using the estimate of (&fU/~z)v, provided by eqn (17) of part I (which is readily verified
to be independent of whether phase 1 exhibits strain hardening or not), eqn (8) becomes
This expression is again identical to eqn (18) of Part I except for the replacement of a y
by aY(E[ff).
In fact the previous treatment is limited to small applied stresses, like for ideal-plastic
phases (in particular because the estimate of (t~efq/~z)r, given by eqn (17) of Part I is
valid only in this case: see Part I). For high stresses, and for ideal-plastic phases, the nu-
merical simulation of transformation plasticity of Part I led us to introduce a correct-
ing factor h(F-,ea/,~u) where 2~eq is the macroscopic Von Mises stress:
and 2; u the ultimate stress. We adopt here the same correcting factor, replacing the ul-
timate stress 2?u (which does not exist if strain hardening takes place, since the stresses
can increase indefinitely) by the "global yield stress" E y, the expression of which will be
discussed below. Furthermore eqn (9) overestimates F tp for very low values of z, like
eqn (18) of Part I, because phase 1 is not immediately entirely plastic as assumed in the
treatment. Like in Part I, we will take this fact into account by "cutting off" the effect
Transformation plasticity in steels- II 577
of transformation plasticity below z = 3%. The expression of/~t, in the most general
case is then:
0 if z - 0.03
f th
3Ael_2 h/Eeq\
oY(E~ ff)
S [~-7)(lnz)z ifz>0.03.
This equation means that the macroscopic plastic strain due to variations of the stress
applied is simply obtained by taking the average value of the corresponding microscopic
plastic strain. This result is analogous to that concerning the (macroscopic) plastic strain
due to temperature variations and relies on the same hypothesis H. 1 (see Part I).
Following the same procedure as for F tp, 5/rz and z being replaced by 6/rF,ij and
~,j, we transform (12) into the following equation, analogous to (8):
3(l-z) (/tefq / •
We introduce then the following hypothesis, identical to that made in LEBLONDet al.
[1986b] in the case of ideal-plastic phases:
Hypothesis 1-1.6."[~u is nonzero only if 2~~q varies, i.e.
_,.. I .
"- b- - Lf
This hypothesis is reasonable, though certainly not rigorously satisfied. Note for instance
that a variation of the mean stress ]Ei~, which does not imply any variation of ,~'~,
does not induce any variation of plastic strain (the response of the material being then
purely elastic because of hypothesis H.1).
The expression of/~I:p becomes then
It was shown in LEm.or~ et al. [1986b] that for z ~ 0.5, a reasonable estimate of
(&~/6~"e)vl is given by I/zE where E is Young's modulus. Numerical simulations of
578 J.B. LEatO~D
the overall stress-strain curve for fixed values of T and z led us to generalize this for-
mula into g ( z ) / E for all values of z; the function g is given in L~BLoND et al. [1986b].
We obtain therefore the final expression of ~7~t' under the form:
We consider finally the classical plastic strain rate at constant applied stress, propor-
tional to the temperature rate (~7~-P). Proceeding again as for Etp, ~/~z and ~ being
replaced by 6 / 6 T a n d T, we transform eqn (21) of Part I into:
3(1 - Z ) /tSefa~
E~'P = 2"~a~(f~) \ 5T /z~ S~"
which is analogous to eqns (8) and (13). Using the estimate of (sefq/ST)r~ given by
eqn (23) of Part I, the preceding equation becomes:
II.1 .b. Case o f stresses equal to ,S y. The first problem which arises is that of the def-
inition and expression of the "global yield stress" B y. This stress is not related to the
first appearance of plasticity, which is present even for vanishing external stresses be-
cause of internal stresses due to the volume difference between the phases; it is connected
with general yield. Indeed two regimes of plastic flow can be qualitatively distinguished:
in the first one (studied above), the stress applied is low enough for plasticity to remain
confined in the austenitic phase, whereas in the second one, it is so large that plastic
deformations are present everywhere and limited only by strain hardening (if the behav-
iour was ideal-plastic, the ultimate stress S u would be reached and unlimited flow
would occur). By definition, we will say that the "global yield stress" S y is reached in
that second case.
In the case of ideal-plastic phases, several authors (ToMorA et ai. [1976]; GnssrI [1981];
SJ0STR01d [1984]; Dtmohs et al. [1984]) assumed that/?u was given in terms of the yield
stresses of the individual phases by a linear mixture rule:
S u = (1 - z ) a ( + za~
However numerical studies of the overall stress-strain curve (LEBLONDet al. [1986b]) led
us to propose a more accurate nonlinear mixture rule:
Z7~ = [1 - f ( z ) l a ~ +f(z)a~v;
the f u n c t i o n f i s given in L~aLOrCDet al. [1986b]. We will assume that in the case of iso-
tropic hardening, _ry is given by the same expression except that the yield stresses of the
phases are no longer constant:
In this formulation the influence of strain hardening is introduced only through the aver-
age hardening parameters of the phases, as in the case of stresses less than ,l~y (see
§II. l.a above).
If the "global yield stress" is reached, it is no longer necessary to distinguish between
classical and transformation plasticity to obtain the flow rule of the material, since plas-
tic deformation is then no longer determined by the detailed influences of ,~, 7", 2 on the
microscopic plastic strain rate in austenite but only by strain hardening, as mentioned
above. We will only make the (reasonable) supposition that the material obeys a mac-
roscopic Mises-type criterion (2~eq _< 2~y) and the associated flow rule:
S if 2~eq = E y (17)
2 2~eq
II.2.a. Case of stresses less than F,~. We consider first the transformation plastic
strain rate. Equations (8) and (9) of Part I remain unchanged, as in the case of isotro-
pic hardening (§II. 1.a). We write then (assuming again Von Mises' criterion and the as-
sociated flow rule to be obeyed on a microscopic scale):
We obtain thus:
/~tp= 3 ( 1 - z ) / & f q )
Note that here the extraction of ai~ from the average value symbol is a rigorous opera-
tion (unlike in the case of isotropic hardening), since it is constant within the represen-
tative volume ~ as in the ideal-plastic case.
Hypotheses H.4 and H.5 of Part I are now introduced with some appropriate modi-
580 J . B . LEBLOND
fication: for H.4 the quantities supposed to be uncorrelated are 5efq/Sz and s~ - a~ (in-
stead of Sl). Furthermore we define the following quantities:
A;~=(ax)va(A=I,2);A=(a)v=(I-z)AI+zAz(V=VILJV2). (19)
3(1- z)[6efq I
E"= -2o (20)
0 if z -< 0.03
In this expression, S ~q is the macroscopic Von Mises stress given here by:
which is analogous to (20). Hypothesis H.6 of §II. l.a is then introduced in a modified
form, because the analog, for kinematic hardening, of the quantity ,¢.eq intervening in
isotropic hardening is not ~eq itself, but rather the time-derivative of Beq obtained by
considering A ~ as constant, i.e. 3
3 0 eq
In classical plasticity models (for a single phase), the flow rule is ~i~ = 2--M -o~ sjj for isotropic hardening but
3 o~" 3
e'JP = --2M on - ( so - aij) for kinematic hardening (where M is the hardening slope and O~ = 2 - ~ ( so -
Also, in a uniaxial tension test in the x direction, o~, = o "° for isotropi¢ hardening but = off for kinematic
hardening. Thus 0~ in isotropic hardeningcorresponds to off in kinematichardening.
Transformation plasticityin steels- II 581
/ /l'S •
We use then the estimate of (~efq/~,eq)vl given in LEBLONDet al. [1986b] to obtain E~P
under its final form:
We consider finally E~-P. Proceeding again as for Etp (a/az and ~ being replaced by
/f/~Tand ~h), we transform eqn (21) of Part I into:
3(1- /
~o-? \ ~7"/r, ( s - A,)7"
II.2.b. Case o f stresses equal to 2: ~. For kinematic hardening (unlike for isotropic
hardening: see II. 1.b), the "global yield stress" can be given a rigorous definition, as the
maximum possible value o f the Von Mises stress F,eq defined by eqn (22). Indeed the
Von Mises stress a ¢q being a norm (in the usual mathematical sense) of the stress devi-
a t o r s , one has (denoting [[[ this norm and Vthe total volume I/! U I/2):
This inequality, which is exactly the same as in the ideal-plastic case (LEBLOND el
al. [1986b]), implies that the upper bound 27y of 2: '~ is finite and not greater than
(1 - z) a[ + za~. (Of course, this does not mean that S is bounded; only S - A is.)
We will adopt the same expression for 27y as that for 2:" in the ideal-plastic case (Le-
aLor~ et al. [1986b]):
2: y = [1 - f t z ) ] a~ 4- f ( z ) a ~ (27)
which is consistent with the above inequality since a( < al' (phase 1 is the weaker one)
and f ( z ) _< z (see Table 2 of LEBr.OSI) et al. [1986b]).
If the "global yield stress" is reached, we make no more distinction between classical
and transformation plasticity (plastic flow being then determined only by strain hard-
ening) and write simply the flow rule associated with the Mises-type criterion S eq < EY:
3 /~q
E~( = E,,, + E~; + E ~ - p ) = _ (S - A) (28)
2 _S_ eq
Eeq being defined by (3). The expression of ~7eq in this equation is to be deduced from
the condition 27eq = 27Y(T,z) and the evolution laws for the hardening parameters A1
and A2, as in the case of isotropic hardening (see §II. l.b).
The classical and transformation plastic strain rates, such as expressed in the preceding
section, depend only on the average hardening parameters of phases 1 and 2 (EF" and
E~ ff for isotropic hardening, At and A2 for kinematic hardening). What we are inter-
ested in is therefore only the evolution laws for these average parameters. It will nev-
ertheless be necessary to define the evolution equations for the microscopic hardening
parameters (e;~ff or a~, h = 1 and 2) in order to derive those for their average values by
homogenization. The possible "recovery" phenomenon (see the Introduction) will be
taken into account by introducing "natural" assumptions concerning hardening on the
microscopic scale.
/~ff ~ "~[(1-Z)VoI(V)Le~ffdv]
= (1 - Z)TvoI(V) ~.~ffdo + (1 - Z)voI(V)
-- 1 fF~ff UndS
(1 - Z)voI(V)
Transformation plasticity in steels-11 583
where vo1(12) denotes the volume of a region 12. Taking into account the obvious rela-
tion ~ = [ U~dS/vol(V), we transform the preceding equation into:
where (e~ff)F{Un) denotes the average value of e~ff over the transformation front F,
weighted by the normal velocity U.:
~'~ff =
(~ff)v2 - Z E~ff + -Z/~eff,
- x 2 ,'Fry,,). (31)
The microscopic hardening laws must now be stipulated. This means modelling the
interactions between phase transformations and strain hardening phenomena. Our
description will be based on the following elements:
1. At a point which does not undergo a transformation (i.e., which does not belong
to F) at the instant considered, the evolution law for the hardening parameter will be
taken quite naturally as the usual one: ~fr = ~q, where ~eq denotes the equivalent
uniaxial plastic strain defined by eqn (4) and the index A = 1 or 2 depends on the phase
the point considered belongs to. This implies that:
2. Any influence of the hardening parameter e~ff of the disappearing austenite on the
position and velocity of the transformation front will be neglected; in other words, the
transformation will be supposed to be unaffected by previous strain hardening. This ap-
proximation might be criticized but is unavoidable in the absence of any quantitative in-
formation concerning such an influence. One has then:
.effxI F ( U n ) =
¢1 (e~ff)v, = E~ ff (33)
Indeed, if the partial average value (~ff)Fcu,) was not equal to the global average value
(~ffr)z,, and was for instance greater, this would imply either that F is located in a re-
gion where efn is statistically greater than its (global) average value, or that U, takes
statistically its greatest values in the portions of F where efff is also greatest; this would
mean existence of correlations between ~ff and the position or velocity of F.
3. The recovery effect will be described by means of a "memory coefficient" 0 (0 _
0 < 1) such that the new hardening parameter ~ff at a point of F will be equal to the
old one ~fff multiplied by 0. The value of 0 depends on the transformation: according
to FInDEr [private communication], 0 = 0 (no memory) is a good value for ferritic and
bainitic transformations, which imply large displacements of the atoms by diffusion and
therefore important rearrangements of the lattice leading to annihilation of the dislo-
cations; on the other hand martensitic transformations, which are diffusionless and in-
volve only very small displacements of the atoms, are better described by 0 = 1 (full
memory). The average value of e~fr on the transformation front is then
. F~U,,~ = O ( ~ f f ) F ( U n ) : OE~ff (by eqn (33)). (34)
Efff = <~fq>/,"l }
J ~ f f : ( ~ q > v , -- -~ E~ ff q- 0 ~ E~ ff.
- Z Z
These equations are to be compared with Sj6str6m's eqns (l). Anticipating (see
§III.l.c) that Sj6strOm's results correspond to the case where ~fq and ~q are uniform
within V~ and I:2 and equal to Eeu (defined by eqn (3)), it appears that the b t e r m of
J~ff is not the same in eqns (l) and (35). To analyze the difference, we will consider the
simple case where Eeq = (~fq)v~ = (~q)v2 = 0; this means that there is no strain hard-
ening and that only recovery a n d / o r memory phenomena are present. 4
Consider first the case where 0 = 0 (full recovery). Equation (1)2 reads then ~'~rf =
~,E elf which is readily integrated into E~ rr - Cst x e-Z. Thus, if the initial proportion
zi of phase 2 is 0 and the final proportion z: is 1, the initial [(E~ff)i] and final [(E~ff)f]
values of E~ ff a r e related by the equation (E~ff)f = ( E ~ f f ) i / e . This is clearly incorrect,
because the final value of E~If should be independent of its initial value (which has no
real physical meaning since there is no phase 2 initially) and equal to 0, the recovery be-
ing complete. On the other hand, eqn (35)2 reads/~fr = __z E ~ f f which is equivalent
tO zE~ ff = Cst. Thus, with the same notations as above:
,-.2 Zi
J: = -- (E~ff)i-
lg'eff'IfL = -Zi- (E~ff)i .at- Z f -- Zi X 0 = -Zi- (E~ff)i.
z: z: z:
The direct reasoning leads therefore to the same result as eqn (35)2.
~This hypothesis is made only momentarily, to simplify the comparison between eqns (1) and (35), and is
in fact very unrealistic. Indeed, as mentioned below (§lII. 1.b), the austenific phase hardens always during the
transformation (even in the absence of any external load), because of the microscopic plasticity arising from
volume incompatibilities between the phases.
Transformation plasticity in steels-ll 585
Consider now the case where 0 , 0 , 0 = 1 for instance (full memory). Even if the
missing l/z factor is introduced into eqn (1)2, it is still different from eqn (35)2. Equa-
tion (1)2 reads simply E ~ f f = 0 , that is ~/ 2l~eff~ - (Efff)i • On the other hand, eqn (35)2
i f __
reads ~[ff -- - - Zz E~ ff + ~ reff ' that is ~d ( z E [ ff) = ZE~ if, which yields u p o n integra-
Z Jt'~l
tion (using the fact that E f n = Cst by eqn (35)3: z E ~ ff - z E f ff -- - tEeff~
Cst. Thus ,~/~ 2 Jf -
Z f E ~ ff = z i ( E ~ f f ) i - z i E e (f , which implies that:
Now (E~rf)f can again be calculated directly. Indeed the final phase 2 (proportion zf)
is composed of old phase 2 (proportion z3 with average hardening parameter (E[ff)t,
and new phase 2 (proportion zf - zi) with average hardening parameter E~ ff (since the
hardening of phase 1 is transferred to phase 2 without any loss of memory). Hence its
average hardening parameter is:
(E[ff)f = z i ( E ~ f f ) i + z f - - Zi E~ff"
Zf Zf
Therefore the direct reasoning shows that the correct equation is again (35)2 .5
It is somewhat surprising that Sj6str6m's equations are different from ours, because
the reasoning leading to them, though presented in a much less formal and explicit way
than ours, relies on the same basic ideas. The differences may well be simply due to
We must now distinguish between the cases 27eq < 27y and ,~eq = S~.
III.l.b. Case where ~_,eq< 27y. (~q)v I can then be calculated using the equation:
E~f = - 2 Ae[h-'2 h 27"q) (In z)z + g(z) ,~ev + 2(ai - a2)z In z ~. (36)
1-z T; -T l-z
where the first term of the right-hand side is to be replaced by 0 if z -< 0.03.
Equation (36) describes the influence of transformation plasticity on the hardening of
anstenite (through the first term of the right-hand side), and more generally the hard-
ening due to micro-plastic strains arising from variations of z, 27, or 7". Note that even
SNote that even in the absence of recovery (0 -- I), the expressions of ~ and ~ n given by eqns (35) are
not symmetrical (unlike those given by eqns (I)).Though perhaps surprisingat firstsibht,thisdissymmetry
can eusflybe shown to be reasonable: indeed existenceof memory implies that the hardening rate~tr of the
new phase must be influenced by the hardening parameter E~af of the old phase, whereas there is no reason
why ~ffr should be influenced by E~ fr,
586 J . B . LEBLOND
if the material is transformed without any external load (27 = 0) and does not therefore
undergo any macroscopic plastic strain, austenite is hardened during the transformation.
This is because even if the average value of the microscopic plastic strain rate in austenite
is zero, it is not zero locally, due to the microplasticity arising from the volume differ-
ence between the phases. Thus there is no connection between the macroscopic equiv-
alent uniaxial plastic strain r a t e / ~ q (defined by (3)) and the hardening rate of austenite
J~ff: if S = 0 , / ~ q = 0 but ~"~ff ::;/:0.
Furthermore, phase 2 being supposed to remain elastic (hypothesis H.2: see Part l),
~]q = 0 so that eqn. (35)2 reads:
This equation expresses the fact that no strain hardening takes place in the harder phase
2; the evolution of E~ rr arises only from recovery a n d / o r memory phenomena.
llI.l.c. Case where ~eq = Sy. The intuitive idea that plasticity is then no longer con-
fined in the austenitic phase but spread everywhere (see §II. l.b) will be formalized and
completed by the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis H. 7: When the "global yield stress" is reached, the microscopic plastic
strain rate is nearly uniform within the whole representative volume V.
This is the assumption made usually (and notably by SJOSTROM [1984]) for large
stresses; it means that in these conditions the material behaves rather like bars in par-
allel than like bars in series. This is confirmed by Fig. 9 of LEntoNt) et al. [1986b] which
shows that except for very low proportions of the harder phase, the ultimate stress of
a mixture of two ideal-plastic phases is closer to that of bars in parallel [(1 - z)a~ +
zo~] than to that of bars in series (ai~). (In other words, the f u n c t i o n f ( z ) intervening
in the expression (16) of S e is closer to z than to 0.)
The general expression of ~'~' is (LEBtOt~D et al. [1986a]):
disregarding the Magee mechanism as in Part I, we drop the last term of the right-hand
side. Hypothesis H.7 implies then that:
~'P = ~P = i f . (39)
By eqns (3) and (4), we get then/~eq = ~[q = ~q so that eqns (35) read
/~ff = / ~ q - -z e ~ " + 0 -2 e f fr "
Thus the uniformity of strain rates implies that there is a direct connection between
the/~,rf's (A = 1,2) and Eeq unlike in the ease where 2?eq < ,~Y. This makes it possible
to calculate/~eq in the flow rule (17), by replacing ~Tfrf and ~7~¢fin terms of ~7eq in the
equation obtained by differentiating the equality _req = ~ Y (, T ,, -~.,E Ielf , E 2eff~J with respect
to time.
Transformation plasticityin steels-I1 587
B, = <~f>v, 1
B2 + 0 ~ BI I (42)
where 0 is the "memory coefficient." The expression of/~2 differs from that given by
Sj~Sstr~im (eqn (2)2), just as eqn (35)2 differed from eqn (1)2.
III.2.b. Case where 27eq < ,!7j'. Assuming phase 2 to remain elastic (hypothesis H.2),
we get (.i~')vz = 0. Furthermore, the Magee mechanism being neglected, eqn (38) be-
comes E a = (1 - z)(dP)v,. Thus eqns (42) read:
/~'= 1-Z
.z z
where EO = Etp + E~p + Efp is given by eqns (21), (25), (26).
Equation (43)1 describes the influence of transformation plasticity on the hardening
of austenite, like eqn (36) in the case of isotropic hardening. Note however that unlike
in the isotropic case, there is no evolution of the hardening parameter B, of austenite
if no external load is applied during the transformation (and if there is no previous hard-
ening) (indeed ~-t, =/~to + E~O + Efp is zero if S - A is zero: see eqns (21), (25), (26)).
This is due to physical differences in the formulations of kinematic and isotropic hard-
ening: in the kinematic model, hardening is sensitive to the plastic strain rate tensor ~P
(the average value of which is zero if S - A is zero) whereas in the isotropic model, it
is sensitive to the norm ~eq of this tensor (the average value of which is ~: 0 even if
S = 0).
588 J . B . LEBLOND
III.2.b. Case where seq = ,~y. Making the assumption of uniformity of strain rates
as in the case of isotropic hardening (hypothesis H.7), we insert eqns (39) into eqns (42)
and obtain:
" (44)
BI = £" Z Z
The quantity/~eq in the flow rule (28) can now be calculated by differentiating the con-
dition ,~eq = By with respect to time and expressing, in the equation o b t a i n e d , / i =
dt [(1 - z)Al + zA2] in terms of B~ and B2 using (41)t, then or £ P using (44), then
of [?eq using (28).
For each of reference, we give here a summary of all the models which have been
Ideal plasticity:
• If S eq < Su:
E tp 3A~1~2 h/ Eeq\
ay S [-~-7) (In z ) L or 0 if r < 0.03;
• IfE~q=s":
Isotropic hardening:
P p~l/2
• I f ~ e q < L'Y:
/~ff = 2A£[h2"i
=Z h(~'eq~,~,y
/ (In z)~. "1- Tg(z) £eq .~_ 2(°/1 -1 -Z0/2)Zlrl z
where the first term of the right-hand side is to be replaced by 0 if z -< 0.03;
* If~r~q=.rY:
3 Eeq
EP = - ~ S;
2 ~q
A~ =H~(T)B~ (A = 1,2);
A = (1 - z)A~ + zA2;
• P . p~l/2
, r , = [1 - f t z ) ] , r i ~ +ftz)aL
• If S ~q < S~:
, h
7 (S-Al)h
~ (lnz)z, or0ifz_<0.03;
E}~_ 3(1 - z) g ( z )
(S -- A i ),~q;
2o( E
E~p _ 3 ( a l - 0~2)
z In z ( S -- Al)~";
Bl : 1 ( E t p + E~p + E ~ p ) ;
" If S eq = S Y :
3 Eeq
L'P=- ~ (S-A);
2 S eq
BI = L'P;
B2 =EV _ ~
_ B2+ 0 ~ Bi.
z .7,
The functions f, g, h in these equations have been given in LEB~.ONDet al. [1986b] (Ta-
bles 2 and 3) and Part I (eqn (26)).
These models allow for a more realistic description of the plastic behaviour of phase-
transforming steels than previous ones (see e.g., GrtrsxI [ 1981]; SJ0STROM [ 1984]; Dt'aOlS
et al. [1984]; MIxxER [1987]). The improvements brought include notably:
1. The description of the influence of microplasticity due to volume differences be-
tween the phases on the response of the material to variations of the stress applied (and,
less importantly, of the temperature) (the classical plastic strain rate/~cp = ~.~p +/~fv
was always supposed up to now to be zero for stresses less than the "global yield stress").
2. The fact that the parameter K characterizing transformation plasticity (see Part I)
is given by an explicit formula in terms of the thermomechanical characteristics of the
material, instead of being considered as an independent material constant. This allows
for a more precise evaluation of this parameter; for instance the (notable) dependence
of K upon the austenitic grain size (due to the influence of this grain size on the yield
stress of austenite: see e.g., DEs~os [1981]) can be taken into account.
3. The description of transformation plasticity (and also of classical plasticity) in the
presence of strain hardening. The models developed include not only the couplings be-
tween transformation plasticity and strain hardening phenomena but also the influence
of recovery/memory effects during transformations on the evolution of the hardening
Transformation plasticity in steels-11 591
These models have been incorporated in the SYSTUS finite element code. Applica-
tions to numerical simulations of welding operations are now being performed (see e.g.,
DEv^ux [1986]).
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