Final Year Project On Megech River
Final Year Project On Megech River
Final Year Project On Megech River
Student’s Name ID NO
1) MESFIN RETA ……………………………..ENG/R/1353/03
2) NEBIYAT MULUGETA …………………..ENG/R/1509/03
3) NEGESE SHIMELIS……………………….ENG/R/1519/03 Submitted date:
4) SELAM ADENEW………………………….ENG/R/1640/03 8/24/2015
B A H I R KEBEDE………………………ENG/R/1751/03
6) NIGATU FENTAW………………………...ENG/R/2505/03
Approval of the adviser
I approve that this project has been done by the students whose name is mentioned below and
all of the sources and materials used for the report have been acknowledged.
First of all we would like to thanks our creator for supporting and protecting us in many ways
in our work. Then we would like to give deepest thanks to our advisor Mrs. Elias Sime for
his great commitment to support us and for his valuable comments as well as suggestions
during our project preparation.
Secondly, we would like to thanks Mrs. Abera Aschalew a deputy director of water resource
engineering especially its willingness to help and for giving us advices to complete our final
year project.
Lastly, we want to thanks those of 5th year HWRE students for their team work together and
our grateful thanks goes to Bahir Dar institute of technology Faculty of civil and water
resource engineering for the theoretical knowledge give us and also for all faculty staff
teachers their supports.
Executive summary
Ethiopia is gifted with a huge amount of water resources that can be utilized for different
water resources related development projects.
The project consists of eight chapters and each chapter has its own content to deal with.
Chapter One-deals about the introduction, Project area, Background, Location, Topography,
Climate and objective.
Chapter Two - deals about the demand analysis and population forecast which is essential
for project.
Chapter Three - deals about hydrology, risk analysis, flood frequency estimation and
Chapter Four - it deals about reservoir planning including of types of reservoir, site
selection of reservoir, reservoir area and capacity by mass curve method, consideration of
sediment load analysis, evaporation loss and maximum reservoir level is determined.
Chapter Five - deals about dam design including classification of dams, site and dam type
selection, preliminary dam section design, and at last about stability analysis.
Chapter Six – deals about spillway design including of design and types of spillway,
hydrography analysis and flood routing.
Chapter Seven- deals about Environmental impact assessment, positive impact and negative
impact that the project cause on the environment and the way to monitor.
Chapter Eight: deals about or just to give direction how to prepare bill of quantities for
equipment and for construction.
The Last Chapter –deals about the conclusion and recommendations of the project.
Finally the overall conclusion is given to the executed activities under this project and
recommendations were given for further detail analysis of the project to implement on the
Table of Contents
DECLARATION .................................................................................................................................... II
Acknowledgment ................................................................................................................................... III
Executive summary ................................................................................................................................ IV
LIST OF FIGURE ..................................................................................................................................... VIII
LIST OF TABLE....................................................................................................................................... VIII
ACRONYMS ......................................................................................................................................... IX
CHAPTER ONE ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Project Area ............................................................................................................................ 2
1.2.1 Background ..................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.2 Location .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.3 Topography ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.4 Climate ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.2.5 Soil Type ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Objective ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3.1 General Objective ........................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2 Specific Objective ........................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER TWO .................................................................................................................................... 5
2. DEMANED ANALISIS & POPULATION FORCASTING ......................................................... 5
2.2 Design period ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 Population Forecasting .................................................................................................................. 7
2.3.1 METHODS OF FORECASTING POPULATION ................................................................ 7
2.3.2 POPULATION FORCASTING USING DIFFERENT METHOD ....................................... 9
CHAPTER THREE .............................................................................................................................. 13
3. HYDROLOGY ................................................................................................................................. 13
3.1 General ........................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2 Availability of Data..................................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Computation of hydrological data ............................................................................................... 13
3.4 Determination of Return Period ............................................................................................ 14
3.5 Risk Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 14
3.6 Design Flood ............................................................................................................................... 15
3.6.1 ESTIMATION OF DESIGN FLOOD ................................................................................. 16
3.6.2 FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSIS ............................................................................ 16
3.6.3 COMPUTATION OF GOODNESS TEST USING D-INDEX ........................................... 19
CHAPTER FOUR................................................................................................................................. 20
4. RESERVOIR PLANNING ............................................................................................................... 20
4.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 20
4.2 Types of reservoir ....................................................................................................................... 21
4.3 Site Selection for Reservoir .................................................................................................. 21
4.4 Reservoir Area and Storage Capacity ................................................................................... 23
4.4.1 RESERVOIR STORAGE CAPACITY DETERMINATION ............................................. 23
4.5 Reservoir Capacity ...................................................................................................................... 25
4.5.1 MASS CURVE BY GRAPHICAL METHOD .................................................................... 25
4.5.2 MASS CURVE BY ANALYTICAL METHOD ................................................................. 28
4.6 Evaporation loss .......................................................................................................................... 28
4.7 Reservoir sediment load analysis ................................................................................................ 29
4.7.1 USEFUL LIFE OF RESERVOIR ........................................................................................ 29
4.7.2 RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION CONTROL .................................................................. 32
4.8 Capacity volume & Maximum reservoir level ............................................................................ 33
CHAPTER FIVE .................................................................................................................................. 34
5. DESIGN OF DAM ............................................................................................................................ 34
5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................ 34
5.1.1 Classification of Dams ......................................................................................................... 34
5.2. Selection of site for dam............................................................................................................ 35
5.3 Selection of Type of the Dam..................................................................................................... 36
5.3.1 Embankment Dam................................................................................................................ 38
5.3.2 Zoned rock fill embankment dam ........................................................................................ 38
5.4 Criteria for safe design of Earth Dam ....................................................................................... 38
5.5 Preliminary dam section design .................................................................................................. 39
5.6 Seepage Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 47
5.6.1 Analytical Method................................................................................................................ 48
5.6.2 Seepage control .................................................................................................................... 49
5.6.3 Measures to reduce seepage ................................................................................................. 49
U/s impervious horizontal blanket ................................................................................................ 49
5.7 Stability Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 50
5.7.1 The Worst condition for which stability is analyzed ........................................................... 52
5.8 Surface protection ....................................................................................................................... 55
5.8.1 Protection of upstream slope ................................................................................................ 55
5.8.2 Protection of D/S slope ........................................................................................................ 55
CHAPTER SIX ..................................................................................................................................... 57
FIGURE 1: LOCATION OF MEGECH RIVER ........................................................................................................... 2
FIGURE 2: AMHARA WATER RESOURCE OFFICE GUIDELINES ............................................................................. 7
FIGURE 3: DAM AXIS OF MEGECH RIVER.......................................................................................................... 23
FIGURE 4: AREA ELEVATION CAPACITY CURVE ................................................................................................ 25
FIGURE 5: MASS CURVE FIGURE FROM GARG ................................................................................................... 25
FIGURE 6: MASS CURVE DIAGRAM ....................................................................................................................... 27
FIGURE 7: DAM CROSS SECTION WITH AL PARAMETERS .................................................................................... 46
FIGURE 8: DAM CROSS SECTION UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM ....................................................................... 46
FIGURE 9: TYPES OF CUT-OFF ............................................................................................................................. 47
FIGURE 10: STABILITY ANALYSIS IN EARTH QUAKES FORCES .......................................................................... 54
FIGURE 11: ETHIOPIAN ZOONING OF SEISMIC ACTIVITY ................................................................................... 55
FIGURE 12: MAIN DAM CROSS SECTION FROM ARCHI CAD .............................................................................. 56
FIGURE 13: COMPONENTS OF HYDROGRAPH AND SEPARATION ......................................................................... 59
FIGURE 14: INFLOW UNIT HYDROGRAPH ........................................................................................................... 61
FIGURE 15: INFLOW OUTFLOW HYDROGRAPH ................................................................................................... 63
FIGURE 16: SPILLWAY DESIGN FROM ARCHI CAD ............................................................................................ 68
FIGURE 17: STILLING BASIN 3D FROM ARCHI CAD ........................................................................................... 69
TABLE 1: POPULATION DATA ................................................................................................................................ 9
TABLE 2: ARITHMETIC POPULATION FORECAST RESULT .................................................................................. 10
TABLE 3: GEOMETRIC POPULATION FORECAST RESULT ................................................................................... 11
TABLE 4: DETERMINATION OF RESERVOIR CAPACITY FROM AUTOCAD .......................................................... 24
TABLE 5: MASS CURVE RESULT........................................................................................................................... 26
TABLE 6: MASS CURVE ANALYTICAL METHOD ................................................................................................... 28
TABLE 7: EVAPORATION LOSS IN A DEPTH PER YEAR ....................................................................................... 28
TABLE 9: USEFUL LIFE OF RESERVOIR............................................................................................................... 32
TABLE 10: THE SUM OF DEAD STORAGE AND CUMULATIVE DEFICIENCY .......................................................... 33
TABLE 11: MAXIMUM RESERVOIR LEVEL .......................................................................................................... 33
TABLE 12: SEEPAGE PARABOLA COORDINATES .................................................................................................. 48
TABLE 13: EQUATION USED FOR CALCULATION................................................................................................. 60
TABLE 14: INFLOW HYDROGRAPH RESULT ......................................................................................................... 61
TABLE 15: INFLOW AND OUTFLOW RESULT ........................................................................................................ 63
TABLE 16: DOWN STEAM PROFILE COORDINATE ............................................................................................... 67
TABLE 17: UPSTREAM PROFILE COORDINATE .................................................................................................... 67
TABLE 18: GENERAL BILL OF QUANTITIES FORMAT ........................................................................................... 73
TABLE 19: PROJECT WORK BILL OF QUANTITIES ............................................................................................... 73
TABLE 20: EQUIPMENT BILL OF QUANTITIES ...................................................................................................... 74
HWRE= Hydraulic and Water Resource Engineering
BIT = Bahir Dar Institute of Technology
FDRE= Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
MWL= Maximum Water Level
D/S = Downstream
U/S =Upstream
FRL = Full Reservoir Level
HFL = High Flood Level
KM = Kilometer
NFL = Normal Full Level
NPL= Normal Pool Level
RBL = River Bed Level
TRL = Tail water level
UN= United Nation
GW= Ground Water
T= Return Period
USBR = United States Bureau of Reclamation
EIA= Environmental Impact Assessment
1. Introduction
1.1 General
Ethiopia is gifted with a huge amount of water resource that can be utilized for any water
resource development. Since the country has abundante river flow and also the topography is
suitable to construct dam. Dam is a hydraulic structures which controlling the flow of a river
by completely blocking the valley of a given river or drainage system and The primary
purpose of a dam may be defined as to provide for the safe Retention and storage of water.
As a corollary to this every dam must represent a design solution specific to its site
circumstances. The design there fore Also represents an optimum balance of local technical
and economic Considerations at the time of construction. Reservoirs are readily classified in
accordance with their primary Purpose, e.g. irrigation, water supply, hydroelectric power
generation, River regulation, flood control, etc. Dams are of numerous types, and type
Classification is sometimes less clearly defined. In the Lake Tana Basin the available land
and water resources are not utilized effectively to improve the livelihood and socioeconomic
conditions of the inhabitants. The existing land and water resources system of the area is
adversely affected by the rapid growth of population, deforestation, surface erosion and
sediment transport. There is a need for hydrological research of the Lake Tana Basin that can
support improved catchment management programs that can better safeguard the alarmingly
degradation of soil and water resources in Ethiopian highlands. The lack of decision support
tools and limitation of data concerning weather, hydrological, topographic, soil and land use
are factors that significantly hinder research and development in the area.
An initial broad classification into two generic groups can be made in terms of the principal
construction material employed in most developing countries especially sub-Sahara African
countries (including Ethiopia) have suffered from shortage of rainfall and uneven distribution
rainfall pattern. In most city in our country including Addis Ababa there is shortage of pure
water supply due to rate migration increase so much than predict rate. That‟s why Megech
Multi- purpose dam construction started to serve as both water supply demand and
modernized irrigation method.
The increased demand of water for agriculture, industries, domestic, and power generation in
Lake Tana sub-basin requires proper planning and management of water resources in the
basin. The basin has more than 40 rivers inflow into Lake Tana and about 93% of the inflow
is coming from the four major rivers Gilgel Abbay, Gummera, Rib and Megech.
1.2.1 Background
Traditional agricultural activities, both livestock‟s and crop production, are practiced in the
project area. Crop production is mainly depending on the availability of the adequate rainfall,
however, due to insufficient and fluctuating rainfall, the production is unreliable.
In water supply the rural area use a Megech river water to serve their daily water demand and
Gondar town community use water supply even if there is shortage for their daily demand.
1.2.2 Location
The project area is located in Amhara region, North Gondar, Denbia Woreda between
latitude 11o36”N and longitude 37o23” E.
1.2.3 Topography
The project area is characterized by broad and flat flood plains with slope less than 2 %, old
bench farming terrace and low to high relief basaltic hills with steep to moderately steep
1.2.4 Climate
The climate of Megech dam project is marked by rainy season from May to October, with
monthly rainfall varying 0 mm in October to 10.4mm in July. Rainfall in the project area is
mono-modal. Temperature variations throughout the year are minor. Maximum temperature
varies from 13.8oc in July to 29.1oc in March, whereas minimum temperature ranges
from11oc in January to 15.6oc in April and May. Humidity varies from 39% in March and
79% in August. Wind speed is low, thus minimizing potential evapo-transpiration values
between 101mm /month in July and 149 mm/month in March. Sunshine duration is reduced
to 4.2-4.9 hours during July and June respectively.
1.3 Objective
The main objective of our project is to design dam with its other part that going to
serve current Gondar city water demand as well future demand within design period.
To estimate expect sediment load and other dead loads in embankment dam.
Modern water supply system was introduced in 1930‟s during the Italian invasion. The first
modern water supply was constructed from Korebreb River in 1938 Ethiopian Calendar (EC)
without any treatment plant. Therefore, water quality was very poor. Because of its age, the
„‟ Korebreb system‟‟ has contributed to high rate of water loss as well. After two decades, the
so-called Yugoslavia system was contribution its share to improve the service.
The government, from 1967 to 1986 E.C constructed a total of eleven deep wells. The
continued effort has contributed to the increased water supply coverage of the city. All except
the two deep wells constructed in 1986 E.C, were interconnected with the old korebreb
system. The average discharge rate of each water source except Angereb reservoir was 6.6
litters per second.
Population had been increased and there was shortfall in water supply. The Government of
Ethiopia conducted feasibility study of different alternatives to improve the water supply of
Gondar city in 1974 EC. Different options were identified during study
So Megech dam construction project is aimed to fulfil Gondar town pure water demand and
in addition to ensure a community in their irrigation need. But, our focus on this project
mainly to fulfil water demand of Gondar City by constructing dam on Megech river.
This method is based on the assumption that the population is increasing at a constant rate.
The rate of change of population with time is constant i.e. dp/dt=k (a=constant)
Integrating ∫pnpodp=k∫0ndt
Pn=Po +kn, where Pn=population at n decades or years
n= decades
k=Arithmetic increase
This method is generally applicable to large and old cities.
This method is based on the assumption that the percent increase in population from decade
to decade remains constant. In this method the average percentage of growth of last few
decades is determined; the population forecasting is done on the basis that percentage
increase per decade will be the same. The method is expressed as follow
Year population
2002 21694
2014 112600
From the above population data lets estimate
k=P2004-P1994 /n
=112600-21694 /12
2002 21694
2014 112600
2015 120175.5
2020 158053
2030 233808
Pn=PO (1+K) n
P0=P2002 (1+K) n
P0=P2002 =21694
Pn=P2014 =112600, n=12
Pn=PO (1+K) n
112600=21694(1+k) 12
P2015=112600(1+0.1471)1 =129163.46
P2020=129163.46 (1+0.1471)5 =256534.67
P2025=256534.67 (1+0.1471)5 =509509.71
P2030=509509.71 (1+0.1471)5 =1011949.56
P2035=1011949.56 (1+0.1471)5 =2009857.49
Table 3: Geometric population forecast result
2002 21694
2014 112600
2015 129163.46
2020 256534.67
2030 1011949.56
3.1 General
The hydrological study focuses on analysing the climate, lake level gauge reading and
tributaries to satisfy the condition of establishing pump centre at the average design level
which neither flood nor shortage happens in the system. Further it is important to elaborate
the climate data and hydro-metrological lake level readings of the gauge to obtain references
for design and operation of Megech dam project.
The main purposes of the hydrological analysis on the Lake Tana related to Megech dam
project are:
To limit the pump house design so that it is not fixed above minimum water
level of the Lake and to take optimum level of suction pipe.
Climate study, especially rainfall data analysis, for estimation of irrigation water
requirement and design of drainage system of the project.
In such cases, transferring of required information (runoff data) from gauged site to UN
gauged site become very essential. For this project, the stream flow of Megech River is
provided by our Adviser at dam site so no need to do check data consistency.
Spill way for major and medium projects with Return period (T)=1000yrs
storage more than 60Mm3
Weirs and other small structures Return period of 100 or 50 yrs. depending on the
importance of the project.
Risk analysis
Hydro Economic Analysis.
By hydro economic analysis a dam of the expected life is 50 year we will take the risk is 10%
the return period will not exceed 100year
So R=1-(1-1/T) n
0.1=1-(1-1/T) 50
1-1/T=0.9978 T=475
So there is 19 % risk of flood in 100 year of return.
h. Economic condition of the people of the affected area, damages due to small
structures like minor irrigation projects, small causeways of bridges create temporary
distribution of the area. Loss to life and property from such damages is small.
For planning and designing of water resource development project the important parameter
are river discharges and related questions on the frequency and duration of normal flow and
extreme flows.
There are various methods generally used for determining the magnitude of peak flood. Some
of the methods are;
3. Normal distribution.
4. Log-normal distribution.
Gamble‟s used the following expression to calculate the frequency factor (K).
6 T
KT 0.57721 ln ln
T 1
X X K = 10367.33m3/s
2. Normal distribution
The frequency factor for normal distribution can be expressed from;-
This is the same as the standard normal variable Z. The value of Z corresponding to an
accidence probability of P (P=1/T) can be calculated by finding the value of an intermediate
variable W.
1 2 1
W ln ,
2 T
And for P>0.5, (1-P) can be substituted, and then calculate Z using the following formula
which is developed by Abramowitz & Stegum.
X 100 X K
100 = 9296.6m3/S
KT Z Z 2 1 K
1 3
Z 6 Z K 2 Z 2 1 K 3 ZK 4 K 5
X100 = 11310.3m3/S
4. Log-normal distribution.
For this method the same procedure is applied as normal distribution used except that it is
applied to the logarithms of the variables, their mean and standard deviation are used in the
following equation.
X100 =286.26m3/S
D-index = [ ]*∑ ( )
Therefore, the value having minimum D-index will be the best fit to the distribution. Thus,
the design flood with minimum D-index value is that we get from Gamble‟s extreme value
distribution which is = 46.93 and the design discharge for our project = 10367.33 m3/S and
the full D-index is done in our Appendix.
4.1 General
A reservoir is a large, artificial lake created by constructing a dam across a river. The term
reservoir in water resources engineering is used in a restricted sense for a comparatively large
body of water stored in the upstream of a dam constructed for this purpose (ARORA 2002).
The purpose of storage reservoir is to smooth out the variations in natural stream flow in
order to retain water that would otherwise run to waste or cause flood damage.
Certain Dam projects were designed to meet the day to day fluctuations in water supply
demand, for such fluctuations sufficient amount of storage reservoir is required. Such storage
is called poundage whereas storage is the quantity of water stored by creating a reservoir to
meet the water supply deficiency in its design life.
In reality no reservoir can provide absolute control of all river flows some spill occur,
evaporation and leakage losses will exist, storage volume will be reduced by sedimentation
and if we wait long enough at some time the available water will fail to meet the demand.
Thus the problem of reservoir design in its widest sense is to provide a combination of
storage volume and operating policy that will reduce the likelihood of water shortages (other
failures) to meet specified objectives to some acceptably small level over the expected life of
the project.
A reservoir can be classified into two based on the purpose. These are:
Single purpose reservoir and
Multipurpose reservoir.
A single purpose reservoir is not economically feasible.
The various purposes served by multipurpose reservoir include:
Municipal and industrial water supply
Flood control
Development of fish and wild life
Soil conservation
1. Geological factors
2. Topographical factors
3. Land acquisition factors
4. Economic considerations
1. Geological Factors
A) Geology of the catchment area
The soil characteristic of the whole catchment areas which contribute water to the reservoir
should be studied so that the losses over the catchments should be a minimum and the silt
deposition will be reduced.
2. Topographic factors
A) The reservoir basin should have narrow opening in the valley. It will reduce the
length of the dam to be constructed and consequently the cost of the project will be
B) The side slope should be steep through the basin .It will reduce the surface area per
unit volume so that undesirable shallow water depth and surface evaporation may be
4. Economic consideration
A) The dam to be constructed should not be of great height. If the height of the dam is
more, the cost of the project will increase.
B) The materials for the construction of the dam should be locally available.
measuring the area enclosed by the corresponding contour and also the storage capacity of the
reservoir at any elevation is determined from the water spread area at various elevations.
Area-Elevation curve: - From the contour plan, the water spread area of the reservoir
at elevation is determined by measuring the area enclosed by the corresponding
contour. Then an elevation-area curve is drawn between the surface area and the
Elevation-capacity curve: - The storage capacity of the reservoir at any elevation is
determined from the water spread area at various elevations.
Both of them are the function of the topography of site and the height of the dam.
Area_Elevation_capacity curve
90 0
80 2000
70 4000
Volume (M m3)
60 6000
Area (m2)
50 8000
40 10000
30 12000
20 14000
10 16000
0 18000
1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980
Elevation (m amsl)
Cum. INFLOWactual
Cum. Qdemand
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
MAR 22 0.120
APR 22.4 0.121
MAY 21.8 0.119
JUN 17.9 0.104
JUL 18 0.105
AUG 17.9 0.104
SEP 17.8 0.104
OCT 19.3 0.110
NOV 19.4 0.110
DEC 19.3 0.110
Total Evaporation Depth m/yr. 1.330
reservoir is the fraction of outgoing sediment to the total inflow sediment. Trap efficiency is a
function of the reservoir capacity to the total inflow.
The amount of salt interning the reservoir depends up on various features of the catchments e.g. its
size, geology, topography, vegetation; rain fall etc. The rate of silting depends on the nature and rate
of the sediment movement in the river trap efficiency of the reservoir and method of reservoir
operation. In designing a storage project it is essential to provide adequate storage space to take care
of the silt deposition by all locating a space for dead storage .It is usual practice to take 100years life
of the reservoir.
Trap efficiency is defined as the percentage of sediment deposited in the reservoir even in spite of
taking precautions and measures to control its deposition. Assume that 10% of capacity is filled in
the first interval of the below table.
Trap efficiency f
inf low
The relation between trap efficiency and capacity inflow ratio is shown in the table below according
to (U.P.S.C, civil services 1987)
Capacity/inflow 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Sample calculation
C/I =
Trap efficiency from the Brune curve for C/I value of 0.0139 is 43 %.
At the end of interval
=40 years.
%capacity capacity capacityMm^3 inflow(Mm^3 C/I TRAP Average volume time to fill
interval EFFICENCY trap of
efficiency sediment
100 0.66 6.39 459.04 0.013 43
Therefore, the reservoir will be filled or come out of use after 119.78 years, so our reservoir life (100
years) is safe.
Total Reservoir Elevation is the sum of freeboard, evaporation loss and Max reservoir level
5.1 General
Dam is a hydraulic structure which is used to controlling the flow of a river by completely blocking
the valley of a given river or drainage system. Through the blockage storage is formed this can be
utilized for various water resources development or water control purposes. Thus, retained body of
water is reservoir, the retaining structure whether earth, rock or concrete is the dam.
Dam may be classified into different categories, depending up on water spread, on the purpose or
basis of the classification,
Diversion dam: It is a dam of smaller height constructed to raise water level of the river and and not
for storage or equalization of flow.
Detention dam: ‐ It is constructed to store water during floods and release it gradually at a safe rate
when the flood recedes.
Debris dams:‐ is constructed to retain debris such as sand, gravel and floating woods and the water
that passes over the dam is relatively clear and to protect the major dam.
Coffer dams: ‐ it is constructed to divert the water during period of construction. It is temporary
dams constructed for facilitating construction. It is constructed mainly on upstream but also on
downstream depending the slope of the river at the site.
Overflow Dams This type of dams will not be eroded by discharges over d/s surface .E.g. concrete,
masonry etc… They are designed to pass the surplus water over their crest. They must be made of
Non-Overflow Dams
They are those which are not designed to be overtopped. This type of design extends the choice of
materials to include earth fill and rock fill dams. Many times the types are combined together to
form a composite structure
1) Topography:‐ As far as possible, the dam should be located where the river has narrow
gorge which opens out upstream to create a large reservoir. In that case, the length of the dam
would be small and the capacity of the reservoir on its upstream would be large.
2) Suitable foundation: ‐ Suitable foundation is necessary for dam site. If not available but can
be improved by adopting various measures, the site may be considered for selection. For
gravity dams of great height, sound rock is essential. Earth dams can be constructed on
almost any type of foundation, provided suitable measures are adopted.
I. Rock foundation: ‐ any type dam can be constructed on good rock foundation.
Such foundations have high bearing capacity and resistant to erosion and
percolation and are ideal for all types of dams.
II. Gravel and coarse sand foundation: ‐ such foundations have low bearing
capacity and earth and rock fill dams are selected. As there may be high
seepage, cut‐off may be provided.
III. Fine sand and silt foundations: ‐ it is suitable only for earth and low height
concrete dams. As there is settlement, piping, seepage erosion at the d/s toe and
liquefaction failure, measures should be done.
IV. Clay foundation: ‐ it is not suitable for construction of dam. These foundations
have very low bearing capacity, the settlement is quite large, and hence it needs
foundation treatment before dam construction.
3) Spillway site: ‐ a good site for spillway should exist at or near the dam site.
4) Availability of construction materials: ‐ dam requires large amount of construction
materials and hence, there should be sufficient amount of construction material at nearby to
reduce transportation cost. The quantity, quality, and distribution of construction material are
an important economic factor in locating the dam site and determining the type of dam to be
5) Water tightness of reservoir: ‐ the bed and side should be water tight to reduce seepage
6) Accessibility: ‐ the site should be easily accessed for transportation of construction material.
If there was no road to the site, access roads should be constructed prior the construction.
7) Environmental consideration: ‐ the area should be free from mosquito and others.
8) Sediment rate: ‐ the incoming water should be relatively free from sediment in order to
increase the life span of the reservoir.
9) Minimum overall cost: ‐ it should be relatively minimum cost including maintenance and
10) Availability of construction materials: ‐ dam requires large amount of construction materials
and hence, there should be sufficient amount of construction material at nearby to reduce
transportation cost. The quantity, quality, and distribution of construction material are an
important economic factor in locating the dam site and determining the type of dam to be
Generally, as our adviser give as data dam axis is already located in simple English site selection is
made the dam length is 321m.
Topography: - The first choice of dam is usually governed by the topography for the site.
Low rolling plains country suggests an earth dam with separate spillway. A low narrow V-
shape valley suggests an arch dam, provided the top width of valley is less than one-fourth
it‟s height and separate site for spillway is not available. A narrow stream flowing between
high rocky walls (given rise to a u- shape) would suggest a concrete over flow dam.
Geology and foundation consideration: - The next important factor is geology and
foundation condition. If the foundation consists of sound rock, with no fault or fissures, any
type of dam can be constructed on it. Rocks like granite, gneiss and schist make very
satisfactory foundation for gravity dam. However, these rocks may have seams or fractures.
The removal of disintegrated rock together with the sealing of seams and fractures by
grouting will frequently be necessary. Poor rock or gravel foundations are suitable for earth
dam, rock fill or low concrete gravity dam. Since there will be considerable under seepage in
this case, effective water cut offs or seals have to be provided. Silt or fine sand foundations
have the problems of settlement, seepage and toe erosion. Hence, such foundations are
suitable only for either earth dam or low concrete gravity dam but not rock fill dams. Clay
foundation has often the problems of long range consolidation under the weight of the dam,
resulting in crack. Hence, only earth dams are suitable with proper foundation treatment.
Gravity dams or rock fill dams are not suitable on clay foundations dam.
Materials for dam construction: - elimination or reduction of transportation expenses for
construction materials, particularly those which are used in great quantity, will effect a
considerable reduction in the total cost of the project. Thus availability of suitable aggregate
(i.e. sand and gravel or crushed stone) for concrete is a factor favourable to the construction
of concrete dams. On the other hand, if suitable soils are available, the choice may be for an
earth fill dam.
Spillway size and location:-the cost of constructing a large spillway is frequently a
considerable portion of the total cost of the development. In such cases, combing the spillway
and dam in to one structure may be desirable, indicating the adoption of a concrete overflow
dam. In certain instances, where excavated material from separate spillway channel may be
utilized in dam embankment, and earth fill dam may prove to be advantageous. Small
spillway requirements often favour the selection of earth fill or rock fill dams, even in narrow
dam sites.
Earth quake: - If the dam lies in area that is subject to earth quake shocks, the design must
include provisions for the added loading and increase stress. Although by including the
provisions for the added loading due to earth quake in the design of any type of dam may be
adopted in these areas. Earth fill and concrete gravity dams are best suited type in this
Generally, with these selection criteria, the embankment with a central clay core suit the site from
the point of view of the above mentioned factors, primarily on the basis of availability of
construction materials in the vicinity of the dam site.
The design of an earth dam essentially consists of determining cross section of the dam, which
should be constructed with the available materials to fulfill its required functions with adequate
safety. Thus there are two aspects in design of an earth dam.
a. No overtopping:
The dam should be safe against overtopping of sever flood event
An adequate freeboard should be provided so that the dam not over topped by wave
1. Free board:
The vertical distance between normal pool level or spillway crest and the top of the dam is termed as
normal free board. Requirements depend on maximum wind velocity, fetch, reservoir operating
conditions, spillway capacity, and whether coping walls are used. If a coping wall is used to provide
wave run up and over splash protection, the freeboard requirements of the embankment may be less
than required for a rip rapped earth fill dam. If a coping wall is not used, the freeboard should be
adequate to prevent wave run up from flowing over the crest Good results have been obtained with
coping walls and their use is recommended.
According to the fetch of the reservoir, the free board may be provided as given in table below
(From Varshney 1993).
The free board is calculated based on Steven Son formula, which is modified by Monitor:
Fb = hw + R + S Where: Fb = Free board (cm)
Wind set up: - is the height of water piled up due to the blowing of wind. I t is expressed as;
The wind velocity for the normal pool level condition is taken as 53.28 km /hr
(Irrigation, Water power and WATER Resources Engineering by Dr. Bc Punumia)
S= 53.282*7.107*COS / (63000*5.46) = 0.059m
R =0.67m
The free board is calculated based on Steven Son formula, which is modified by:
Fb = hw + R + S
Fb =2.06
Settlement calculation
Settlement of an earth dam occurs due to consolidation of the soil mass in the dam and foundation.
The magnitude and rate of settlement depends up on character of soil in the dam and foundation, the
drainage condition, the height of the dam, the depth of strata and method of construction.
Generally, settlement allowance of 1 to 2 percent of the height of the dam is made (Irrigation, Water
power and WATER Resources Engineering by Dr. BC Punumia)
For this dam design the average value is recommended i.e. = 1.5 percent
Settlement = * 9.46 0.15m
Therefore, the overall free board
= 2.06 + 0.15=2.16m
2. Dam height
Dam height (H) = height of normal pool level (NPL) above river bed + water head over the spillway
crest + free board
Height of normal pool level (NPL) =1885.46m-1880
= 5.46m
Water head over the spillway crest =2m from outflow analysis in ogee spillway design
Maximum flood level=NPL+ Water head over the spillway crest
Dam height (H) =5.46+2+2.16
=9.78 m, take 10m
3. Crest width
The crest width of dam is important primarily for maintenance purpose and road way requirement. It
is also important for deciding stability of materials with respect of minimum percolation distance at
NPL. It should be determined by the type of membrane used and by its use after construction. The
crest should, however, be wide enough to accommodate construction of the upstream membrane; a
minimum width of (15-20) feet is recommended. Crest camber should be determined by the amount
of foundation and embankment settlement anticipated. Because this is difficult to determine, a
camber of 1 percent of the embankment height is recommended. A straight-line equation may be
used to distribute the cambered material on the crest. If the dam height is less than 10m we use the
following formula to calculate top width.
W = 0.2 *H + 3
B. D/S Slope
The classification of the shell material is GW, which is well-graded gravel, and the effect of winds
and rain-wash on GW material minimum and hence no special surface treatment of slope is
necessary on d/s slope. For zoned embankment dam Terzaghi‟s recommended that downstream
slope =2:1
Table 5. 2: Terzaghi’s’ side slope for earth dams (Garg, 1978)
d/s slope
Type of material u/s slope (H:V)
For alignment at the cut off trench, we follow the Indian standard recommendations (punmia, 2003).
That is,
It is better for the positive cut off to be taken at least one meter into continuous
impervious sub- stratum in order to minimize the seepage with high quantity.
The back fills material for cut off trench shall have the same properties as those
prescribed for the impervious core.
( )
h = driving head
7. Core: -It is an impervious material which is used to reduce seepage through the body of the dam
and is filled with rolled clay. We know that clay by its nature, if there is no water it forms crack
and if there is water it shrinks or swells as a result it is found between U/s and D/s shell.
The core contact area is particularly important for safety, so the following objectives must be met:
The rock under the core must be non-erodible or protect from erosion.
Materials of the core must be preventing from migrating down in to the foundation.
The contact between the core and the surface up on which it is founded must remain
Core thickness: ‐ The thickness of the core should be enough to keep the phreatic line within it.
It may have a top width of not less than 4m for easy of construction. The side slopes of the core in
any cases should not be greater than (x‐0.5:1) on the upstream and (y‐0.5:1) on the downstream,
where x: 1 is the upstream slope of the shell and y: 1 is the d/s slope of the shell. The minimum u/s
and d/s slopes of the core are usually 1.5:1 and 1:1 respectively.
8. Shell (casing)
This is important to impart stability and protect the core. The relatively pervious materials as suggested by the
geologist are to be used for the casing.
9. Filter material
Horizontal filter: filters are required between the drain system and the adjoining soil to prevent the
migration of the soil particles into the drains which may cause piping. Filters are graded so that the
finer layers are adjacent to the drains. Filters are also provided b/n the core of fine‐grained soils and
the shells of the coarse‐grained soils to prevent migration of particles from the impervious zone to
the pervious zone when the seepage flow takes place.
It reduces the pore pressure in the d/s portion of the dam, increases the stability of the dam and used
to prevent movement of particles from the core material due to flowing of water through phreatic line.
From seepage analysis the thickness of the filter is 1 m.
10. Foundation seepage control: ‐ seepage flows and pressure within the foundation are controlled
by cut‐offs and by drainage. Cut‐offs is impervious barriers which function as extensions of the
embankments core into foundation. The cut‐offs are generally two types:
a) Fully penetrating cut‐off: penetrate to impervious strata
b) Partially penetrating cut‐off: terminate where the head loss across the cut‐off is sufficient to
effect the required degree of control
11. Downstream Drainage: ‐ it is required for all types of earth dams. The drainage system consists
of materials more pervious than the embankment material so that the water seeping through the
embankment is easily drained out. The type of drainage systems includes the following:
a)Drainage of the dam
i. Horizontal drainage blanket
ii. Rock toe
12. Upstream face protection: several options are available for protection of the upstream face against wave
erosion, ranging from traditional stone pitching with grouted joints through concrete facing slabs to the use of
concrete block work, rock armoring and riprap.
effect on position of phreatic line. The phreatic line assumed to start from point B where the water
level cuts the core .The d/s shell acts as drain. Therefore, the phreatic line drawn only for central
core section.
a= b 2
H2 b 2
H 2 cot 2
b=0.5*(0.3*5.46+2+1) +2.16+0.5*(5.46+2+1) = 8.709m
AB= 0.3* 1*5.46= 1.638, which is the starting point of parabola. Coordinate of A is (8.709, 5.46),
substituting these coordinates in the equation of parabola;
x 2
y2 xs
s 8.709 2
4.462 8.709
s 1.57m
The center point Cat FD shall be situated at a distance equal to s/2= 0.785m from F beyond the d/s
toe of the core. A few moiré coordinates at the parabola at known distance (X) are worked out in
table using.
x 2
y2 X S
x 2 y 2 x s x 2 2 xs s 2
y s 2
2 xs
Table 12: seepage parabola coordinates
2 2.96
4 3.88
6 4.62
8 5.25
8.709 5.46
Seepage loss per unit width of dam can thus be obtained knowing the value of s.
q = KS
Where: k-is coefficient of permeability for core materials = 7.5*10-6m/sec.
q = 7.5*10-6*1.57
In order to get the total discharge per unit width, q is multiplied by dam crest length .However; since the
height of the dam is not uniform throughout the length crest average crest length is taken.
Q = q *Lavg, Lavg =L/2=321/2=160.5m
Q = 1.17752*10-5*160.5
=0.001889913 m3 /s
Total volume at seepage through the embankment per year is given by
V emb = 8.03*10-2 *12*30*24x3600
V emb = 58783.86215 m3
5.6.2 Seepage control
The water seeping through the body of the earth dam or foundation of earth dam may be dangerous to
the stability of the dam by causing softening and sloughing of the slopes due development of pore
pressures. It may also cause piping either through the body or the foundation and thus resulting in the
failure of the dam. So, seepage control measures are necessitated to prevent adverse effect of water
percolating through embankment and its foundation.
Control of seepage through an embankment as well as its foundation entails two approaches. The first is
to reduce quantity of seepage while the second one is safe drainage of seeping water. The quantity of
seepage through dam body can be reduced by provision of an impervious core; in foundation the
commonly used methods are cut off trench, impermeable u/s horizontal blanket, grout curtain, sheet pile
Safe drainage of seeping water through the embankment is done most effectively by zoning of the
section. An alternative to this method are provision of horizontal drainage blanket, rock toe, chimney
drain used singly or their combination. For foundation drainage, a horizontal drainage blanket, partially
penetrating toe drain and vertical sand drains are provided.
1 e 2 ax 1
Xr= *
a e 2 ax 1
1 e zax 1
xr = zax
a e 1
ho * H1
xr xd
p *100
xr xd
q fb k f z f
overcome the various cause leading to the failure of earth dams, checking the stability of the dam
before construction is the major solution
Of the numerous method of slope stability, which has been devised, the Swedish slip circle method
is the one most generally accepted. In this method the potential failure surface or the condition of
plane strain with failure along a cylindrical arc is assumed and the factor of safety against sliding is
defined as the ratio of the average shearing strength, as determined by the coulomb‟s equation, to the
average shearing stress on the potential sliding surface.
The magnitude of shear strength which supply the resulting moment will depend on the normal
component (N). This magnitude is given by:
= r * (c L N tan )
= r * (c AB ( N tan )
Where: - AB is arc length of sliding surface Hence, the factor of safety against sliding.
M r r * (c * AB N tan
F.S =
Md r * ( T )
c AB N tan
N `tan cL a
For this dam, the factor of safety for d/s is cheeked for two cases
when sliding surface is tangent to the base of dam and
When the failure surface passes below the base dam of dam.
If Fs >1.5 safe
of 300 years (return period for Design Base Earthquake – DBE – of dams is generally 300 to 400
years), the nearest contour to the Megech dam site is with a maximum peak ground acceleration of
0.05 g. The ground acceleration contours, were, however, produced based on a 33 years data (1960
to 1993) only. However, as indicated in the book “Earthquake History of Ethiopia and the Horn of
Africa,” by Pierre Gouin (1997), significantly larger earthquakes had occurred in the country earlier,
in the absence of well-established recording equipment at the time.
greater than 10m, the berms of 2 to 6 m forever 10 to 15 m height of the dam is used. In this design
the average i.e. construct berms having width of 2m on 5m dam height is recommended.
A gutter is provided at the inner edge to carry the rain water to one side of valley where vertical
gutter is provided to lead the water to the river channel d/s. Attempt should also be mode so as to
grass and plant the d/s sloped soon after construction to intercept the rain water and discharge it
Main Dam
A spillway is a structure constructed at a dam site, for effectively disposing of the surplus water from
upstream to downstream. Just after the reservoir gets filled up, up to the normal pool level, water
starts flowing over the top of the spillway crest (which is generally kept at normal pool level).
Depending upon the inflow rate, water will start rising above the normal pool level, and at the same
time, it will be let off over the spillway. The water can rise over the spillway crest, up to the
maximum reservoir level, which can be estimated from the inflow flood hydrograph and spillway
characteristics, by the process of flood routing, explained earlier. Therefore, it is only the spillway,
which will dispose of the surplus water and will not let the water rise above the maximum reservoir
level. Had there been no such structure, over which the water would have overflown, the water level
must have exceeded maximum reservoir level, and ultimately would have crossed the freeboard and
thus overtopped the dam, causing the failure of the dam. Hence, a spillway is essentially a safety
valve for a dam. It must be properly designed and must have adequate capacity to dispose of the
entire surplus water at the time of the arrival of the worst design flood.
Many dams have failed (especially the earthen dams) because of the improperly deigned or
inadequate spillways.
The selection of the spillway design flood is related to the degree of protection that ought to be
provided to the dam which in turn depends on the type of dam, its location and consequence of
failure of the dam.
The required capacity of a spillway is the maximum outflow rate required to be removed through the
spillway may be determined by flood routing.
By flood routing, the maximum outflow rate and the maximum rise in water surface are determined
by various methods, nowadays modified plus, method is used.
Factors affecting the capacity of the spillway are:
Based on prominent features pertaining to the various components of the spillway, the type of
spillway can be:-
1. Free over fall spillway: - in which water drops freely from the crest of the weir having
downstream face vertical or nearly vertical.
2. Over flow or (ogee spillways):- these are by far the most widely adopted .They are mainly
used on masonry or concrete structure.
3. Chute spillway: - if there is a suitable saddle around the reservoir rim of along the
abutment such spillways are provide as an independent structure.
4. Side channel spillway: - The distinguishing characteristics of such spillway is that the flow
after passing over the ogee crest; is carried away by a channel running essentially parallel
to the crest.
5. Tunnel spillway: - these types are selected if the conditions are suited for other types
because it is not economical.
For this particular project an overflow (ogee) spillway is the best choice.
Control structure:-which regulate and controls the out flow from reservoir.
Energy Dissipater: - provide to dissipate the high energy to the flowing water
over the spillway.
The ogee spillway has a control weir which is ogee or S‐shaped in profile. Flow over the crest
adheres to the face of the profile by preventing access of air to the underside of the sheet. For
discharges at designed head, the flow glides over the crest with no interference from the boundary
surface and attains near‐maximum discharge efficiency.
Tp=Ct*(L*Lca) 0.3=2*(9.99*5.25)0.3=6.5606 hr
Tr= Tp/5.5=6.5606/5.5=1.1923 hr
W50=5.6/qp1.08=5.6/22.441.08=0.19457 hr
W75=3.21/qp1.08= 3.21/22.441.08=0.111532hr
Time(hr) Inflow(m3/s)
0 0
7.09 5183.66
7.12 7775.49
7.16 10367.33
7.23 7775.49
7.287 5183.66
32.8 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time(hr) Qinflow(m3/s)
To determine the spillway design discharge we must convert the inflow of the design flood into the
outflow by flood routing which, is a function of the spillway type , size and its operation and the
reservoir area.
The hydrograph of entering a reservoir will change in shape as it emerges out of the reservoir,
because certain volume temporarily stored and is let off as the flood subsides .The base of the
hydrograph gets broadened when its peak time gets reduced and the time of pick delayed.
The extent by which the inflow hydrograph gets modified due to the reservoir storage can be
computed by a process known as flood routing.
Reservoir routing
Reservoir routing analyses the effects of reservoir on the flood hydrograph, while channel routing
analyses the effect or storage of a specified channel reach on the flood hydrograph.
In our case reservoir flood routing will be applied on the design of the spillway. Based on the
following methods flood would be routed.
I-O = ∆S/Δt
O = outflow discharge
4000 inflow+time
2000 outflow_time
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00
The shape of crest profile depends upon the head, the inclination of the upstream face of the
overflow Section, and the height of the overflow section above the floor of the entrance channel
(which influences the Velocity of approach to the crest). For most conditions the data can be
summarized according to the form shown on below, where the profile is defined as it relates to axes
at the apex of the crest. That portion upstream from the origin is defined as either a single curve or a
tangent or as a compound circular curve. The portion downstream is defined by the equation:
Where: „K‟ and „n‟ are constants whose value depend upon the upstream inclination and approach
velocity. „X‟ is taken as positive towards the downstream and „y‟ is taken as positive in the
downstream direction and Hd is the design head including the velocity head
The u/s curves are given by different slopes and the equation used to compute as given:
Where: Q‐ discharge,
Cd – Coefficient of discharge,
Le effective crest length,
He‐ the actual effective head including the head due to the velocity of approach.
I.e. He = Hd + Ha.
The upstrem face of the dam and spillway is proposed to be kept vertical.however,a beter of 1:10will
be provided from stablity conciderations in the lower part.this batter is small and will not have any
effct on the coefficent of dischrge .
Assumeing that 90ocut water nose piers and rounded abutement shall be providing soKa and Kp will
No of pier =1 also assuming that the actual value of He is slightly more than the
approximate value worked out i.e =0.817 say let it be
Hence the assumed He for calculating Le is all right. The crest profile will be designed for
(Neglecting velocity head) Hd=0.176 the velocity head is calculated by
Y= X1.85/2*Hd0.35
= 1.85
x /2*0.1760.35
Y= X1.85/1.088
x y
0.24 0.026
0.48 0.052
0.73 0.078
0.97 0.105
1.21 0.131
Y=3.16 X-0.1172X0.625+0.0155
this curve shuld go upto X=-0.27Hd
SO x= 0.02997
Table 17: Upstream profile coordinate
x y
0.006 -0.020
0.012 -0.021
0.018 -0.023
0.024 -0.024
0.030 -0.024
In hydraulic engineering numerous devices like stilling basins, baffled aprons, and vortex shaft etc.,
are known under the collective term energy dissipaters. Their purpose is to dissipate hydraulic
energy. These are also called downstream protection works and occupy a vital place in design the
spillways of dams, weirs, & barrages.
The problem of designing energy dissipaters is one essentially of reducing the high velocity flow to a
velocity low enough to erosion, abrasion of hydraulic structures, generation of tail water waves or
A chute spillway discharges water at a point far away from the dam. Hence, the protection is
required only for the spillway, as the danger to the main dam is not there. Due to this reason
hydraulic stilling basin is generally sufficient and is provided at the end of chute section and at the
starting point of the discharge channel.
7.1 Introduction
Environmental impact assessment is an examination analysis predicts and assessment of
environmental consequences of human development activities and to plan appropriate measures to
eliminate or reduce adverse effects and to augment positive effects.
The main objective of Environmental impact assessment study is to identify the potential
Environmental impact of the proposed project and integrate mitigation measure in the project design,
implementation and cooperation so as to keep the negative impact to the minimum and improve the
overall environmental performance of the project.
When we implement the water supply project, there are impacts that imposed on the environment at
the designing process of the project. We should consider the impacts during construction and resulted
from operation and maintenance of the system.
The most common adverse impacts on the environment due to water resource development projects
Water borne diseases
Land subsidence
Deforestation in the u/s area of the project(storage area)
Sedimentation of reservoir(cause flooding)
Bird mitigation, wild life destruction
Displacement of people
Deforestation in the project area for the construction of land and wild life habitat.
7.4 Monitoring
In order to have good environmental management over the life period of the project in sustainable
way, the monitoring program should be included.
8. Bill of Quantity
The unit price contracts are usually presented in the Bill of Quantity. A Bill of Quantity (BOQ)
shows the items present for the construction work with the associated specification and the estimated
quantity with the Unit price for each of the items. The item rate contract is most commonly used for
all type of engineering works financed by public or government bodies. This type of contract is
suitable for works which can be divided into various items and quantities, under each item, can be
estimated with accuracy.
The general work of BOQ withe out including cost and quantity for our project is listed below in
Table 19: project work bill of quantities
Site Clearance m2
Trench Excavation m3
bedding of trench m2
1 Mixer
2 Light Vehicle
3 Graders
4 Dozers
5 Loaders
6 Excavator
7 Excavator(Back
hoe Digger)
8 Soil vibratory
9 Pneumatic
10 Compressors
11 Dump trucks
12 Water Trucks
13 Truck
14 Service
While designing this project because of lack of some important data we were take a lot of logical
assumptions to continue the project so that, there might be errors likely happened.
The design dam has a crest length of 321m with the top width of 5m and height of 10m. The
reservoir behind the dam has a fetch length of 7.107km and capable of storing 0.638 Mm3 values of
Based on the material available around the project area, earth zoned dam has been designed. The
upstream and downstream slops are designed as 2.5:1 and 2:1 respectively. By analysis procedure
only written on slope stability due to soil data shortage and sediment analysis is found safe up to
119.78 years for reservoir and peak flood has been estimated to be 10367.33 m3 /s.
Generally, even if we take some assumptions the designed dimensions of the various components of
the project are more or less within the acceptable range.
The overall results of this project design study strongly suggested that the project would be
reviewed and redesigned in detail for further project implementation on the future. There for the
following recommendations were given:-
Since there were many assumptions taken during design procedures therefore further
detail soil data, hydrological and surveying investigations should be carried out.
The proper soil testing arrangements must be made at the site and proper records should
be maintained, so that the soil properties assumed for embankment design confirm to the
designed density and shear properties.
Rising of embankment should be uniform in all reaches of earth dam.
Detail social economical surveying in the upstream and downstream of the project areas
has to be collected to determine the exact compensation payable to the land owners.
Soil conservation practice should be done to keep the dam safe from the large silt load
which is expected to come with the flood from catchment areas.
The local authorities and executing agencies should ensure that the local community is
trained and supervised to ensure smooth project implementation on the future and
intensive extensions activities must also be undertaken to achieve the proposed target.
1. P. Novak, A.I.B Moffat, C. Nalluri and R. Narayanan, Hydraulic Structures Fourth Edition,
Taylor and Francis Group publisher, New York, 2007
2. Ven Te Chow, David R. Maidment and Larry W. Mays , APPLIED HYDROLOGY,
McGraw-Hill Inc. United States of America, 1988
3. Santosh Kumar Garg, Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structure, Nineteenth Revised
Edition, Khanna publishers, Delhi, 2005
4. ARORA, K.R. Irrigation, waterpower & water resource Engineering, standard publishers,
NAIA Saraf, Delhi, 2002
5. Subramanian, K. Engineering hydrology 2nd edition Tuta McGraw Hill publishing co ltd
New Delhi,1984
6. H. M. Raghunath. Hydrology principles, analysis and design second edition, New age
international (p) limited publishers, New Delhi, 2006
7. Shimelis G. Setegn, Ragahavan Srinivasan and Bijan Dargahi, Hydrological Modelling in the
Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia Using SWAT Model, The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Stockholm, Sweden, 2005
8. Hydraulic and water resources engineering department handouts of Bahir Dar Institute of
9. www.iwra.orgcongress 2008 resource authors
10. www.water-alternatives.orgindex.phpalldocarticlesvol5...192...file
12. hydrological-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1959 12.3705 35.28475 10.81025 19.86475 3.6735 27.76475 1190.738 4310.616 2163.7 419.549 150.341 9.513
1960 17.783 27.5975 8.8105 13.3735 7.049 31.2755 679.215 1797.13 1607.547 247.425 80.646 23.818
1961 6.958 42.972 12.81 26.356 0.298 24.254 1702.261 3735.18 1721.303 142.781 147.848 90.842
1962 28.608 12.223 4.811 0.391 13.8 38.297 52.515 3209.033 614.359 615.43 132.545 43.83
1963 23.88 8.531 4.373 3.1375 11.538 29.137 1214.936 2682.886 794.279 168.553 76.282 193.387
1964 27.181 12.605 3.935 5.884 9.276 59.066 1840.361 3961.58 1662.4 490.276 192.694 250.929
1965 37.565 17.925 8.485 19.8 1.811 11.98 327.91 1360.272 361.104 375.127 107.866 143.139
1966 21.425 16.142 20.578 10.055 0.248 8.77 70.833 2444.7 1036.309 160.664 76.261 176.663
1967 16.078 9.98 21.423 12.271 37.414 60.442 2475.896 3313.651 1460.113 517.142 197.46 278.118
1968 38.411 21.816 15.136 13.171 20.261 113.761 2079.984 2657.409 707.18 208.897 114.176 199.55
1969 33.543 26.682 51.542 30.352 29.702 23.058 884.482 2991.42 804.7 150.741 67.508 195.772
1970 17.326 12.21 12.211 9.09 1.52 49.2885 558.666 1517.56 778.8295 57.128 40.002 30.748
1971 20.356 2.9 13.109 10.248 21.917 75.519 232.85 43.699 752.959 124.06 55.322 146.064
1972 22.764 15.496 15.52 13.029 13.064 43.106 557.686 1171.069 400.121 81.27 62.667 149.428
1973 22.673 10.32 8.319 5.1354 19.184 63.779 983.69 3220 1637.92 487.746 57.861 246.388
1974 13.837 7.791 4.453 3.36 16.073 147.423 1558.085 2467.834 934.217 107.362 29.301 14.549
1975 13.261 10.509 6.112 4.3945 1.561 579.115 753.311 2918.544 2422.416 258.822 67.359 48.742
1976 25.592 25.775 7.771 5.429 22.041 95.231 1171.109 2382.178 1047.405 158.369 175.151 57.972
1977 29.467 13.771 19.518 17.348 46.616 283.145 1870.204 2626.204 850.526 401.197 450.35 84.544
1978 65.85 43.658 40.896 39.048 47.2 86.166 1367.584 2622.959 875.447 227.555 100.704 58.629
1979 26.33 20.283 38.206 26.42 84.863 75.207 674.478 2060.948 1101.259 264.176 131.144 92.059
1980 14.605 10.111 6.19 22.645 4.976 37.746 1142.867 1978.136 717.437 205.173 107.609 73.1165
1981 25.768 19.59 12.774 11.283 21.464 72.692 1113.069 2291.696 1050.925 185.649 84.074 54.174
1982 17.7985 12.697 7.195 7.63775 13.9165 62.813 856.9685 2026.47 786.458 147.1825 82.002 47.6235
1983 9.829 5.804 1.616 3.9925 6.369 52.934 600.868 1761.244 521.991 108.716 79.93 41.073
1984 0.198 4.704 20.182 13.1635 6.145 187.17 674.985 1070.363 542.767 29.235 2.424 1.038
1985 3.6885 3.915 10.511 3.947 33.113 42.388 948.399 1100.819 917.917 51.435 7.867 3.209
1986 7.179 3.126 0.84 1.286 0.133 261.384 1692.159 2563.066 1548.661 238.984 47.053 29.035
1987 13.461 7.588 7.735 4.99 71.813 99.495 214.726 1083.533 381.149 55.164 21.88 9.969
1988 5.012 3.552 1.218 10.0825 6.114 78.995 1470.441 2740.948 1422.845 475.48 89.283 36.301
1989 30.686 16.037 15.348 15.175 19.813 143.453 834.875 2109.762 674.051 214.233 80.195 55.984
1990 35.755 21.582 15.762 14.14 12.188 48.783 1064.29 1732.561 1377.869 242.817 90.576 77.332
1991 56.775 19.577 15.746 40.495 5.449 40.9215 1293.553 386.887 2112.519 193.036 60.972 35.607
1992 13.161 3.991 2.504 60.953 30.995 33.06 1522.815 3819.919 1268.252 321.202 632.134 30.716
1993 33.829 15.139 12.051 48.382 129.859 144.203 1273.465 1685.83 1344.559 324.124 70.225 19.228
1994 10.797 2.434 1.641 2.22 23.696 216.6838 2073.667 2073.667 1501.778 61.745 21.261 13.794
1995 9.587 7.061 7.167 19.811 17.524 42.585 1162.55 2215.656 874.162 56.987 30.973 25.672
1996 16.98 12.154 18.665 44.008 245.029 879.901 2332.971 2603.748 679.935 223.964 88.542 42.417
1997 22.999 11.204 20.418 13.708 143.782 228.518 1372.43 1620.225 390.61 265.425 234.239 50.566
1998 21.914 8.919 8.002 5.259 39.937 115.667 1499.162 2060.841 1290.358 384.429 119.487 29.293
1999 24.94 13.757 11.241 8.938 11.977 102.47 1403.429 2195.157 1195.86 1271.836 388.648 405.607
2000 156.416 13.546 9.394 29.61 21.145 60.259 1269.528 2406.204 1052.27 502.153 155.78 46.458
2001 24.8932 13.451 15.242 12.812 16.459 459.356 1784.067 2269.657 801.01 156.744 55.33 27.317
2002 16.813 7.941 8.878 13.551 4.051 227.816 707.659 1446.018 721.759 96.565 37.285 38.016
2003 21.827 14.24 17.524 3.938 1.939 119.227 1372.447 2045.156 1329.082 260.878 122.119 96.118
2004 69.66 52.749 42.638 72.922 49.504 144.914 1200.641 1726.203 667.53 236.568 107.984 71.486
2005 40.096 24.648 49.126 18.807 29.519 272.458 1389.6 1874.127 1220.075 327.78 145.234 105.579
2006 77.731 54.954 17.356 22.737 154.95 308.37 1513.527 2415.146 1568.342 272.639 256.638 214.721
sum 1303.6567 778.9423 685.79275 814.6509 1530.969 6410.04705 56031.95 106797.9 51694.26 12574.41 5733.232 4216.134
time Net inflow (m3 /s) Demand (m3/s) Deficiency (m3/s) Cum. deficiency (m3/s) Cum. Inflow (m3/s)
JAN 1303.6567 47167.622 45863.96483 45863.96 1303.66
FEB 778.94225 47167.622 46388.67928 92252.64 2082.60
MAR 685.79275 47167.622 46481.82878 138734.47 2768.39
APR 814.6509 47167.622 46352.97063 185087.44 3583.04
MAY 1530.969 47167.622 45636.65253 230724.10 5114.01
JUN 6410.04705 47167.622 40757.57448 271481.67 11524.06
JUL 56031.952 47167.622 -8864.330472 262617.34 67556.01
AUG 106797.9105 47167.622 -59630.28897 202987.05 174353.92
SEP 51694.2645 47167.622 -4526.642972 198460.41 226048.19
OCT 12574.4135 47167.622 34593.20803 233053.62 238622.60
NOV 5733.232 47167.622 41434.38953 274488.01 244355.83
DEC 4216.134 47167.622 42951.48753 317439.49 248571.97
Capacity/inflow 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Trap efficiency (ή)% 43 60 74 80 84 87 93 95 95.5 96 97 97 97 97.5
%capacity capacity interval capacityMm^3 inflow(Mm^3 C/I TRAP EFFICENCY Average trap efficincy volume of sediment time to fill
100 0.66 6.39 459.03802 0.0139204 43
90 0.66 5.73 459.03802 0.0124826 43 43 0.01634 40.39167687
80 0.66 5.07 459.03802 0.0110448 43 43 0.01634 40.39167687
70 0.66 4.41 459.03802 0.009607 43 43 0.01634 40.39167687
60 0.66 3.75 459.03802 0.0081693 40 41.5 0.01577 41.85161699
50 0.66 3.09 459.03802 0.0067315 38 39 0.01482 44.53441296
40 0.66 2.43 459.03802 0.0052937 37 37.5 0.01425 46.31578947
30 0.66 1.77 459.03802 0.0038559 35 36 0.01368 48.24561404
20 0.66 1.11 459.03802 0.0024181 32 33.5 0.01273 51.84603299
10 0.66 0.45 459.03802 0.0009803 29 30.5 0.01159 56.9456428
0 0.66 0 459.03802 0 0 14.5 0.00551 119.7822142
Therefore, the reservoir will be filled or come out of use after 119.78 years, so our reservoir life (100 years) is safe.
Gumbel's method
Standared Normal
Variance, Z 2.41
Y=Ymean + Z*YStandared deviation 4.053
Design discharge X100 = 10Y 11310.3
Log normal
Standared Normal
Variance, Z 1.84
Y=Ymean + Z*dy 3.968
Design discharge X100 = 10Y 9296.6
Standared Normal
Variance, KT 1.84
X100 =Xmean + KT*dx 8248.212
Rank XI PR w KT XI' XI-'XI'
1 18.88 0.021 2.783 2.037273 8574.072 8555.189
2 13.24 0.042 2.521 1.73205 8077.091 8063.856
3 21.64 0.063 2.355 1.534435 7755.323 7733.685
4 5.86 0.083 2.229 1.383233 7509.127 7503.266
5 13.66 0.104 2.127 1.258323 7305.743 7292.086
6 22.63 0.125 2.039 1.150436 7130.075 7107.449
7 7.30 0.146 1.962 1.054485 6973.842 6966.545
8 11.13 0.167 1.893 0.967363 6831.986 6820.854
9 21.94 0.188 1.830 0.887021 6701.168 6679.226
10 16.53 0.208 1.771 0.812028 6579.061 6562.532
11 14.57 0.229 1.717 0.741346 6463.973 6449.403
12 0.64 0.250 1.665 0.674189 6354.624 6353.983
13 9.37 0.271 1.616 0.609948 6250.022 6240.654
14 6.60 0.292 1.570 0.548137 6149.378 6142.78
15 17.75 0.313 1.525 0.488361 6052.048 6034.294
16 14.36 0.333 1.482 0.430292 5957.496 5943.135
17 19.30 0.354 1.441 0.373651 5865.271 5845.97
18 14.03 0.375 1.401 0.3182 5774.982 5760.95
19 18.14 0.396 1.361 0.263727 5686.287 5668.148
20 15.10 0.417 1.323 0.210046 5598.88 5583.78
21 12.56 0.438 1.286 0.156985 5512.483 5499.922
22 11.27 0.458 1.249 0.104388 5426.842 5415.569
23 13.64 0.479 1.213 0.052107 5341.715 5328.078
24 11.11 0.500 1.177 -1E-07 5256.871 5245.764
25 8.58 0.521 1.142 -0.05207 5172.086 5163.51
26 6.84 0.542 1.107 -0.10424 5087.137 5080.295
27 8.72 0.563 1.073 -0.15665 5001.798 4993.08
28 17.54 0.583 1.038 -0.20945 4915.836 4898.299
29 5.49 0.604 1.004 -0.26277 4829.008 4823.513
30 18.47 0.625 0.970 -0.31679 4741.053 4722.58
31 11.64 0.646 0.935 -0.37168 4651.688 4640.05
32 13.10 0.667 0.901 -0.42762 4560.601 4547.503
33 15.50 0.688 0.866 -0.48483 4467.439 4451.939
34 21.41 0.708 0.830 -0.54357 4371.8 4350.393
35 14.12 0.729 0.795 -0.60412 4273.215 4259.097
36 16.55 0.750 0.759 -0.66681 4171.129 4154.577
37 12.45 0.771 0.722 -0.73207 4064.871 4052.419
38 18.88 0.792 0.684 -0.8004 3953.611 3934.73
39 12.08 0.813 0.644 -0.87245 3836.302 3824.22
40 15.33 0.833 0.604 -0.94904 3711.585 3696.256
41 19.29 0.854 0.561 -1.03131 3577.639 3558.352
42 15.76 0.875 0.517 -1.1208 3431.926 3416.163
43 15.50 0.896 0.469 -1.2198 3270.728 3255.23
44 9.23 0.917 0.417 -1.33189 3088.218 3078.987
45 14.88 0.938 0.359 -1.46323 2874.359 2859.474
46 12.26 0.958 0.292 -1.62618 2609.029 2596.773
47 15.16 0.979 0.205 -1.85373 2238.532 2223.372
48 19.23 1.000 0.000 -2.51552 1160.967 1141.733
Sum 248519.7
Sum/Xm 47.2752
year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2005 13.9 15.4 16.0 15.6 14.4 14.8 14.0 14.0 13.9 13.9 14.0 14.05
2006 13.85 14.78 15.35 15 14.58 14.63 14.03 14.2 14.3 14.5 14.7 14.4
2007 13.9 14.9 15.5 14.3 13.6 14.3 14.0 14.0 13.9 12.8 13.6 12.8
2008 13.1 12.9 13.0 15 15.3 14.4 14.0 14.3 14.7 14.1 14.1 13.7
2009 14.5 15.9 16.9 15.1 15.0 15.0 14.1 14.7 14.8 14.6 14.7 15.3
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2005 46 36 59 62 81 78 80 78 77 69 54 50.75
2006 47 42 44.5 64 73.75 75.75 78 79 69 70 58 60
2007 58 55 40 66 74 80 79 81 77 58 47 35
2008 39 37 35 63 72 76 81 78 77 72 60 45
2009 45 40 44 65 68 69 72 73 74 65 46 63
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2005 8.5 9.9 8.1 7.4 6.3 4.8 3.6 4.9 5.8 7.7 9.6 8
2006 8.07 7.44 8.44 8.39 8.86 8.66 8.92 8.75 8.3 8.3 9.35 8.6
2007 8.37 8.7 8.34 7.49 6.99 6.09 4.95 5.8 6.2 7.5 10.1 9.9
2008 9.1 8.4 8.1 7.5 6.1 4.3 2.4 4.2 5.0 6.4 8.6 9.5
2009 7.8 9.1 8.7 6.7 6.7 6.6 4.9 5.3 5.5 7.4 9.1 6.8
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2005 1.87 2.43 1.43 1.38 0.96 1.06 1.04 1.08 0.85 1.01 2.24 2.83
2006 1.87 2.198 1.34 1.16 1.03 1.02 0.99 1.01 1.2 1.22 2.01 1.77
2007 1.49 1.61 1.79 1.32 1.1 0.82 1.01 0.97 0.9 1.44 2.72 3.16
2008 2.33 2.77 2.1 1.63 1.38 5.56 1.01 0.98 1.84 0.89 1.85 1.97
2009 1.74 1.98 1.77 1.54 1.43 1.31 1.25 1.1 0.92 1.55 2.17 1.38