Niosh 5523
Niosh 5523
Niosh 5523
NAMES & SYNONYMS: (1) ethylene glycol: 1,2-ethanediol; (2) propylene glycol: 1,2-propanediol
(3) 1,3-butylene glycol: 1,3-butanediol (4) diethylene glycol: 2-hydroxyethyl ether, 2,2'-
APPLICABILITY: Under the GC parameters given in the method, the glycols listed above are baseline separated and can be identified
based on retention time and quantified. Hexylene glycol can be determined by this method; however, no sampling or analytical evaluation
has been conducted.
INTERFERENCES:No specific interferences were identified. The method yields baseline separation for all analytes.
OTHER METHODS: This method replaces NMAM 5500 [2], which was found deficient in the collection of ethylene glycol in aerosol form.
Also ethylene glycol was not separated from propylene glycol by the chromatography.
1. Ethylene glycol, reagent grade.* 1. Sampler: XAD-7 OVS tube, 13-mm OD,
2. Propylene glycol, reagent grade.* containing two sections of XAD-7 (200 mg
3. 1,3-Butylene glycol, reagent grade.* front/100 mg back section) separated by
4. Diethylene glycol, reagent grade.* polyurethane foam plug. A glass fiber filter
5. Triethylene glycol, reagent grade.* plug precedes the front section and a
6. Tetraethylene glycol, reagent grade.* polyurethane foam plug follows the back
7. Methanol, chromatographic grade.* section. Tubes are commercially available
8. Calibration stock solution, 10 mg/mL: Weigh (SKC, Inc., #226-57).
aliquots of each glycol and dissolve in 2. Personal sampling pump, 0.5 to 2 mL/min, with
methanol. flexible connecting tubing.
9. Helium, purified. 3. Gas chromatograph, flame ionization detector,
10. Hydrogen, prepurified. integrator, and column (page 5523-1).
11. Air, filtered. 4. Ultrasonic bath.
5. Vials, autosampler, with PTFE-lined caps.
* See SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS 6. Vials, 4 mL, with screw caps.
7. Syringes, 10-µL and other sizes as needed,
readable to 0.1 µL.
8. Flasks, volumetric, various sizes.
9. Pipets, various sizes.
SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: Inhalation of glycol mists causes respiratory irritation, shortness of breath,
and coughing. Methanol is flammable and a dangerous fire risk. Work with these compounds in a well-
ventilated hood.
5. Place front sorbent section and glass fiber filter in a 4-mL screw cap vial. Place backup sorbent section
in a separate vial. Discard foam plugs.
6. Add 2 mL of methanol to each vial and cap.
7. Place vials in an ultrasonic bath for 30 min to aid desorption.
8. Calibrate daily with at least six working standards over the range of interest. Three standards (in
duplicate) should cover the range from LOD to LOQ.
a. Add known amounts of calibration stock solution to methanol in 10-mL volumetric flasks and dilute
to the mark.
b. Analyze together with samples and blanks (steps 11 and 12).
c. Prepare calibration graph (peak area or height vs. µg glycol).
9. Determine desorption efficiency(DE) at least once for each lot of OVS tubes used for sampling in the
calibration range (step 8).
a. Prepare three samplers at each of six levels plus three media blanks.
b. Inject a known amount of calibration stock solution directly onto the
filter of OVS tubes. Draw air
10. Analyze three quality control blind spikes and three analyst spikes to ensure that the calibration graph
and DE graphs are in control.
11. Set gas chromatograph according to manufacturer’s recommendations and to conditions given on page
5523-1. Inject 1-µL sample aliquot manually using solvent flush technique or with autosampler.
NOTE: If peak area is above the linear range of the working standards, dilute with methanol, reanalyze
and apply the appropriate dilution factor in the calculations.
12. Measure peak areas.
13. Determine the mass, µg (corrected for DE), of each glycol found in the sample front (W f) and back
(Wb) sorbent sections, and in the average media blank front (B
f) and back (Bb) sorbent sections.
NOTE: If Wb > Wf /10, report breakthrough and possible sample loss.
14. Calculate concentration, C, of each analyte in the air volume sampled, V (L):
(Wf Wb Bf Bb)
C ,mg/m 3
The method was evaluated for six glycols (ethylene, propylene, 1,3-butylene, diethylene, triethylene, and
tetraethylene). Desorption efficiency (DE) was determined by spiking known amounts of each glycol in
methanol solution onto the glass fiber filter plug of the XAD-7 OVS tubes, drawing air through the spiked
tubes at 1 L/min for 60 min, and analyzing. Recovery data along with LODs and LOQs for each analyte are
listed in Table 2. When stored at 5 C, ethylene glycol samples on XAD-7 OVS tubes were stable for 14
days, and the other glycols were stable up to 28 days. Glycol aerosols were generated at three concentration
levels (6 samples per concentration) from a ROSCO™ Model 1500 Fog Machine. Precision [as calculated
from the pooled relative standard deviation ( r)] and mean bias for the glycols are as follows:
Range Studied
Analyte (µg/sample) Precision ( r) Bias
Ethylene glycol 33 to 218 0.043 -15%
Propylene glycol 26 to 187 0.062 -3.2%
1,3-butylene glycol 34 to 178 0.054 -0.5%
Diethylene glycol 68 to 219 0.047 -0.2%
Triethylene glycol 33 to 201 0.075 -4.0%
Tetraethylene glycol (2 levels) 32 to 197 0.035 +20%
The low recovery for ethylene glycol possibly may be attributed to increased volitility when sampled at
1 L/min [1]. Although hexylene glycol is separated by the chromatographic conditions given in the method,
no evaluation of sampling or analytical parameters was done for this compound.
[1] Pendergrass, S.M. [1994]. Development of a sampling and analytical methodology for the
n = 6 for each spiking level
Pooled Relative Standard Deviation