Dcport 1 Gsigovi 1305733
Dcport 1 Gsigovi 1305733
Dcport 1 Gsigovi 1305733
The following JAG-NFSG level officers are transferred from and to the places,
as shown against their
names' with effect from 19/04/2024 in the interest of public service. They
are directed to join as facrilties under
GSITI at TI-HQ, as mentioned against their names. l
m'. d'.
ffi tr6Erd:Seqil
Employee ID/ trrarq/ fqraltlfuf /Transferred
ffi6larr/ Designation
Name of the Officer t / From jllro
1. 106679t frtlro 1+pl u;+ 5+-r$: F6rTrsE, ?)ft6r eratraT, ETR-drq
,ff 3rRJilc *err F*qr6r / Director
aLq ql-*, ar+y/ €-{arur c'R'rqrur +i'+rrTr-EeqTd-s-,
ShriAsutosh Kumar (Geology)
SU: Maharashtra, CR, tcrrErql
Nagpur Petrology Division, GSITI-He.
2. nn22/ h*rr+'1+pl nFFq frlra- rr, qtffir e{R-drq
S rq. rriffi / Director
T6 garfr gTEffiI * 3r{#fff S drt B;fi .ildr Sl rnis issues with the approval of the competent Authority
(3iR. Erfrrfr/R. Balaji)
sqaArfr*er+', ar.d.B/ Dy. Director General, HRD
tqr d/ ro,
*-q *i. I t2 +' ffi76*cers at Sl. No. I to 2
3. 3icq r5rftearfi'(f{{) tti fuarrallt;qqr, t. 9., sTr.}l{., sffrfirdr / The ADG (Finance) & HoD, CHe, GSI, Kolkata.