Tmech 2018
Tmech 2018
Tmech 2018
Deep Full-Body Motion Network (DFM-Net) for a Soft Wearable Motion Sensing
101 2,704
5 authors, including:
Sungho Jo
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Sungho Jo on 11 February 2019.
their success in some level, they still have limitations. For
example, electrogoniometers have difficulty in detecting multi-
DOF joint motions. Although optical systems are highly useful E PP
for full-body motions with high accuracy, they are limited to
only indoor use due to the multiple cameras fixed around
the subject. IMU systems are able to overcome this space
limitation, but they show errors with high-speed motions and
position drifts for a long-term measurement. Furthermore,
rigid electronics needed to be attached to different locations Fig. 3. Prototype of the soft strain sensor in (a) original length, and (b) fully
of the body, which may cause discomfort to the wearers. stretched.
To address the above issues, a lower-limb soft wearable
sensing suit for gait measurement has been developed using
cover the full range of body motion, ii) to be easy to wear
microfluidic soft strain sensors [5]. Although it showed fea-
and use, and iii) to provide a higher accuracy than that of
sibility of using soft wearable sensors, the tracking motions
commercial home-entertainment products, such as Kinect [4]
were limited in a sagittal plane, and the calibration was
that has an root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 0.12 m [21].
based on simple linear fitting that does not fully represent
the complex body motions and the nonlinear characteristic of
the soft sensors. Another approach has been made to detect
3-D motions of the ankle joint using multiple capacitive soft A. Design and Fabrication of the Soft Strain Sensor
sensors [6]. In this case, linear regression was used for cali- The design of the soft sensors was based on our previous
bration of joint angles from multiple sensor signals. Although work [5, 22], and a simplified fabrication process was devel-
the device was easy to wear and able to detect the 3-D ankle oped, as shown in Fig. 2.
motions, it showed installation issues on alignment, anchoring, A silicone (Ecoflex 50, Smooth-On Inc.) layer was cast
and slippage of the soft sensors caused by deformations of using a 3-D printed mold and bonded to a spin-coated bot-
the human body [10]. Soft sensors have also been used for tom silicone layer. Then, a liquid metal compound (eutectic
upper body tracking [7]. Two piezo-resistive soft sensors gallium-indium; eGaIn) was injected into the microchannel,
were attached to the shoulder for detecting two-DOF shoulder and signal wires were plugged into the microchannel directly.
motions. Although it showed capability of detecting multi- Next, both ends of the sensor were reinforced with mesh fabric
DOF joint motions, the method of direct attachment to the using silicone adhesive. Finally, hook and loop fasteners were
skin may significantly reduce the practicality of the system as directly sewn to the mesh fabric for attachment of the sensor to
the number of sensors increases. the full-body suit. The sewing process holds the signal wires
Therefore, to be practical for applications, such as rehabil- tight and helps to prevent the signal wires from being pulled
itation, gaming, VR/AR, etc., the soft sensing suits need i) to out of the sensor.
The sensor is made of only soft material that makes itself TABLE I
easily wearable and lightweight. It can operate up to over L OCATIONS AND TARGET JOINTS OF THE ATTACHED SENSORS
130% strain due to its high stretchability (Fig. 3). When Sensor ID Location Target joint
stretched, the embedded microchannel increases electrical re- 01, 02 Elbows Forearms
sistance based on the increase and the decrease of its length 03, 04 Top of trapezius Upper arms and Shoulders
and the cross-section, respectively. We assume that the effect 05, 06 Pectoralis major Upper arms and Shoulders
07, 08 Back of deltoideus Shoulders and spine
of temperature change of the human body are negligible based 09, 10 Upper side of latissimus dorsi Spine
on the result of our previous work [23]. 11, 12 Lower side of latissimus dorsi Spine
13, 14 Flanks Spine
The resistance changes of the soft sensors are measured by 15, 16 Hip Thighs
a simple voltage-divider circuit [13] and a 16-bit analog-to- 17, 18 Side of hip Thighs
digital converter (ADC) data acquisition module (NI USB- 19, 20 Fore side of knee Shins
6259, National Instruments) [24]. The measured data is trans-
ferred to the processing computer through universal serial bus
(USB) interface.
B. Sensor Placement
The location of the soft sensors were carefully selected in
consideration of the position of the body joints as well as the
position of the joint muscles, as shown in Table I and Fig. 4(a).
A total of 20 soft strain sensors were attached on the sensing
suit: six and 14 sensors on the lower and the upper bodies,
respectively. The soft sensors were attached directly to the
elbow (ID: 01, 02) and the knee (ID: 19, 20) joints that have
a single DOF [5]. To measure both bending and twisting of
the hip joint simultaneously, four sensors were attached to the
back (ID: 15, 16) and the side (ID: 17, 18) of the hip.
In contrast to single-DOF joints, the upper body joints,
especially the spine and the shoulder, make complex motions
using multiple joints and muscles. Therefore, we attached
multiple sensors to the upper body and predicted the mo-
tion of the spine, shoulder, and upper arms by weighted
composition of the sensor outputs. Since the movements of
the spine are generated by the muscles around them, we
attached a total of eight sensors on these muscles. Four sensors
(ID: 11, 12, 13, 14) were attached to the lower part of the
upper body along the muscles at the spine, and the other Fig. 4. (a) Locations and IDs of the sensors on the sensing suit. (b) The front
four sensors (ID: 07, 08, 09, 10) were attached to the upper and back of the prototype.
part of the back. In addition, the motion of the shoulder and
the upper arm are more complex than the other parts due to
the shoulder joints that have five DOFs: roll, pitch, yaw, and Fig. 5(b) shows the measured data when the knee joint was
two-DOF translations in the sagittal plane. We considered the repeatedly in flexion and extension, and Fig. 5(c) shows the
directions of the muscle fibers of the three muscles that move relationship between the knee joint angles and the measured
the shoulder: trapezius (ID: 03, 04), pectoralis major (ID: 05, signals from the soft sensor. The result shows nonlinearity in
06), and back of deltoideus (ID: 07, 08). response and hysteretic loops during flexion and extension. It
Fig. 4(b) shows the complete prototype of the soft wearable was already observed that the nonlinearity was caused by the
sensing suit. As a garment base, we used a flexible spandex unwanted pressure when the sensor was directly placed on a
suit with a Velcro-friendly surface for easy attachment and bony surface [5], as well as by the hysteresis of the sensor
detachment of the soft sensors as well as the optical tracking itself [22].
markers for calibration. Fig. 6 shows the output signals from the spine and the
shoulder sensors during a windmill motion. Although the
two sensors in each joint were symmetrically positioned, the
C. Limitations of the Sensing Suit signals showed difference in magnitude, noise, and pattern.
In order to understand the nonlinear characteristic of the This is due to the aforementioned issues of soft sensors when
soft sensor in motion, we attached a soft sensor to the knee combined with a suit, such as alignment, anchoring, slippage
joint (Fig. 5(a)) and measured the sensor signals. Reference of the sensors and deformation of the human body [10], which
joint angle values were also collected from a motion capture consequently lead us to think about implementing a deep
system simultaneously. neural network to deal with the issues more effectively.
Voltage [V]
0.4 skeleton (Fig. 7(b)). The hip center was defined as the local
coordinate center of the proposed model. The data acquisition
0.3 rate was set at 120 Hz for both the soft sensors and the optical
motion capture system.
0 3 6 9 12 0 3 6 9 12
Time [sec] Time [sec]
B. Data Preprocessing
Fig. 6. Sensor outputs during a windmill motion: (a) Back of deltoideus (ID:
07, 08). (b) Lower side of latissimus dorsi (ID: 11, 12)
At each time step t, data sets from the soft sensors and
the motion capture system were collected as a signal vector
x(t) ∈ RS and a position vector y (t) ∈ R3M , respectively:
x(t) = {x1 , x2 , . . . xS } (2)
The aim of the sensor calibration is to find a calibration
(t) (t) (t)
model F in y (t) = {y1 , y2 , . . . , yM |ym ∈ R3 } (3)
ŷ = F (x|Ω) (1)
where S denotes the number of sensors, M denotes the number
where Ω is the calibration parameters. The model F predicts of tracking points, and m denotes the index of tracking points.
the state ŷ from the sensor output x. In this paper, we define In addition, a sequence of the sensor outputs x(t−n:t) ∈ Rn×S
a new calibration model, DFM-Net, and learn Ω through is used so that the sequential phenomenon of the human
machine learning. In the training step, our model learns Ω motion is included:
using a training data set consisting of a pair of sensor output
x(t−n:t) = {x(t−n) , x(t−n+1) , . . . , x(t) } (4)
x and optical motion capture data y. After training, our model
should be able to predict the current motion of the wearer ŷ where n denotes the time window. No preprocessing proce-
from x using the trained model. dures, such as a low-pass or band-pass filter, were used in this
A. Measurement Setup for Calibration
The environment for acquiring calibration data sets is shown C. DFM-Net: Deep Full-body Motion Network
in Fig. 7. To acquire training data sets, the user wore the The architecture of DFM-Net for the soft wearable sensing
sensing suit and stood in a 4 m × 4 m calibration space, suit is shown in Fig. 8. The model is comprised of two com-
and then made calibration motions. The resistance changes ponents: a sequence encoder network (SEN) and a kinematic
of the 20 soft sensors were then measured by the acquisition decoder network (KDN). The network flow in our model is
circuit and DAQ. At the same time, the reference motions as follows. First, a feature vector r(t) which represents the
Fig. 8. Architecture of DFM-Net: x(t−n:t) is a sequence of the sensor output. r(t) is a temporal feature vector, and ŷ (t) is a predicted position of the
tracking points.
Then, the cell state c(t) at the current time step t is derived
from the above equations as follows:
c(t) = f (t) c(t−1) + i(t) a(t) (8)
After that, the new hidden state h is obtained from the
current cell state c(t) and output gate unit as follows:
Fig. 9. (a) LSTM cell in the network model, where σ(·) is the sigmoid o(t) = σ Uo x(t) + Wo h(t−1) + bo (9)
activation function, tanh(·) is the hyperbolic tangent function, and is the
element-wise multiplication operation. (b) Unfolded n sequential structure of h(t) = o(t) tanh(c(t) ) (10)
the sequence encoder network.
Fig. 9(b) illustrates the unfolded n sequential structure of the
SEN. In each time step t, the sequential sensor outputs x(t−n:t)
sequential phenomenon of the sensor outputs is extracted from pass through the two LSTM layers to extract the temporal
the input data x(t−n:t) using the SEN. Then, the KDN receives information h(t) from x(t−n:t) . Finally, the last sensor output
r(t) and predicts the current position of tracking points ŷ (t) . x(t) and hidden state form the SEN h(t) are concatenated into
In the training step, the pair of collected data sets, x(t−n:t) a feature vector r(t) ∈ Rs+k to represent both current and
and y (t) , are used to train the DFM-Net model. After training, temporal features at once.
the model only observes x(t−n:t) to predict ŷ (t) . Finally, the 2) Kinematic Decoder Network: Now we present a model-
motion skeleton is created from the predicted position at free approach based on a deep feed-forward network to predict
tracking points ŷ (t) . the position of the tracking points y (t) from the feature vector
1) Sequence Encoder Network: The SEN is based on long r(t) (Fig. 10). Our network had six fully-connected neural
short-term memory networks (LSTMs), which are commonly network (FCNN) layers. Each layer is modeled as in the
used as deep learning techniques for temporal sequence anal- following equation:
ysis [25]. The LSTMs can memorize previous inputs and f(i) (ri ; wi , bi ) = riT wi + bi (11)
use the memory to predict sequential outputs by recurrent
where ri is an input vector of the i-th layer, wi , bi are weights
connections in hidden units, which store temporal information.
and biases. As an activation function, a rectified linear unit
Fig. 9(a) shows an operation flow of each LSTM cell. We
(ReLU) is used at each layer except the last one [26].
denote the sigmoid activation function by σ(·), the hyperbolic
tangent function by tanh(·), and the element-wise multiplica- ReLU(r) = max{0, r} (12)
Windmill (WM)
Time [s] 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.5 5.5
Fig. 11. Motion flow of reconstructed skeleton using the soft wearable sensing suit and the proposed calibration method, DFM-Net. The motions were
captured every 60th frame (0.5 seconds).
(a) (b)
300 LR1 300 LR1
250 250
200 200
RMSE [mm]
RMSE [mm]
150 150
100 100
50 50
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Calibration data size [sec] Calibration data size [sec]
(c) (d)
300 LR1 300 LR1
250 250
200 200
RMSE [mm]
RMSE [mm]
150 150
100 100
50 50
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Calibration data size [sec] Calibration data size [sec]
Fig. 12. Comparison of the calibration results with varied length of calibration data sets between (DFM-Net) the proposed calibration method, (LR1) first
order polynomial linear-regression, and (LR2) second order polynomial linear-regression. (a) overall, (b) SQ, (c) BR, and (d) WM.
positions. In the SQ, the upper arms move from the bottom
to a forward-up position. In the BR, the upper arms move
up and down and the elbows are bending. In the WM, the
shoulders and elbow joints are fixed. As can be seen in Fig.
14(c), which represent the prediction accuracy of the shoulder
joint motion, only a quarter of the elbow predictions gave
RMSEs over 40.4 mm, the worst-case motion (windmill). In
addition, the RMSE of the wrist is less than 29 mm except
the WM motion (Table IV).
Fig. 13. The changes in RMSEs of the prediction results over the time
Figs. 14(e) and 14(f) show the motions of the thighs
(dashed) and their linear fitting lines (solid). SQ: 0.13t + 20, BR: 0.30t + 22, (position of knee) and shins (position of ankle). In Fig. 14(e),
WM: −0.29t + 38 the calibration quality of the twisting motion (windmill) was
slightly lower than the others, but only a quarter of the
predictions gave RMSEs over 62.6 mm.
forwards. In the WM, the side direction is added. As we can
see in Fig. 14(a), only a quarter of the predictions are over the
40 mm. C. Model Analysis
The prediction quality of the twisting motions of the spine In order to understand the internal process of the DFM-Net,
can be inferred from the RMSE of the shoulders that is shown we compared the input feature vector x, which is the output of
in Fig. 14(b). The WM, other than the SQ and the BR, has the the suit, and the internal feature vector r, which is the output
spine’s twisting motion. The twisting is more complicated to of the SEN. We projected these two feature vectors from high-
measure than the bending because the sensor stretches along dimensional space to a 2-D plane by t-distributed stochastic
multiple axes. the maximum gap between the WM and the neighbor embedding (t-SNE) [34] to visualize and compare the
others is less than 15.2 mm, and the cumulative distribution characteristics of the two feature vectors. A distance between
is 0.75, as shown in Fig. 14(b). This result supports that our two points in the 2-D plane represents the similarity of the
method can predict the spine’s twisting with almost the same features at these points (less distance means high similarity).
accuracy as that of bending. Fig. 15 illustrates the temporal flow of the x (a), and r (b)
Figs. 14(c) and 14(d) present the prediction result of the arm for each motion: SQ (red), BR (blue), and WM (green). The
Cumulative distribution
Cumulative distribution
Cumulative distribution
0.6 0.6 0.6
Cumulative distribution
Cumulative distribution
0.6 0.6 0.6
Fig. 14. Cumulative distribution of the position tracking errors: (a) Atlas, (b) Shoulder, (c) Elbow, (d) Wrist, (e) Knee, (f) Ankle.
Fig. 15. Temporal flows of the features and their reference motions from the optical motion tracking system. (a) The soft sensor output features of soft
wearable sensing suit x. (b) The extracted features using the SEN r from the x.
feature flow of all motions in both x and r is in a cyclic pattern Fig. 15(b) demonstrates that the SEN is able to extract the
which represents the repetition of the activity. feature that best represents the temporal sequence and the
current motion from the output signals of the soft wearable
The feature flows in the feature vector x is highly disordered
motion sensing suit. Although all three features are similar,
which is likely due to the nonlinear property of the multiple
the feature flows in feature vector r are more distinguishable
soft sensors. For example, feature flows of similar SQ motions
than the other two. Thus, it implies that our model is more
in the shaded area 1 are highly different although they were
robust even with the presence of the anomalies, such as noise.
expected to be constantly alike. On the other hand, most
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located very close to one another although they are from successfully learned how to generalize the characteristics of
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he is currently an Associate Professor. His current research interests include
robotic intelligence, brain–machine interface, and wearable computing.