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Sports and Nutrition

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WW Concept of Balanced Diet and Nutrition

WW Macro and Micro Nutrients: Food sources and functions
WW Nutritive and Non- Nutritive Components of Diet
WW Eating for Weight control – A Healthy Weight, The Pitfalls of Dieting, Food
Intolerance and Food Myths
WW Importance of Diet in Sports-Pre, During and Post competition Require-

After studying this unit, students will be able to:

WW understand the concept of balanced diet and nutrition
WW classify Nutritive and Non-Nutritive components of Diet
WW identify the ways to maintain healthy weight
WW know about foods commonly causing food intolerance
WW recognize the pitfalls of dieting and food myths
WW understand the importance of nutrition in sports
WW comprehend the dietary requirements in pre-, during and

Discussion: Find out and complete the worksheet groups.

Vitamins Benefits of Vitamins Sources
A Needed for healthy eyes, skin, nervous,
respiratory, digestive systems
D Needed for bones
E Needed for restoration of cell membrane
and body structure

5.1 Balanced Diet

Depending on the presence of nutrients in different food stuffs, foods have been
divided into different food groups. These are:

1. Cereals and Millets: Cereals and millets include foods like wheat, rice, jowar,
bajra, ragi etc. Majorly provide carbohydrates. Cereals also provide protein
(protein quality can be improved by consuming it with pulses), B-vitamins, iron
(bajra) and calcium (ragi).
2. Pulses: Pulses include all whole and washed dhals like red gram (lobia), Bengal
gram (chana), lentils, green gram (moong) etc. Pulses provide protein (protein
quality is improved by combining it with cereals). They are also a fair source
of carbohydrates and B-vitamins especially thiamine and niacin. Whole pulses
also provide iron and fibre; sprouts provide vitamin C.
3. Milk and Milk Products: This group includes foods like milk, curd, cheese,
paneer, khoa etc. The major nutrient it gives is good quality protein, besides
providing other nutrients like carbohydrates, fat (whole milk), calcium and
riboflavin. Milk and milk products are generally sources of all nutrients except
iron and vitamin C.
4. Meat and Meat Products: These include foods like meat, fish, chicken, egg
and products made with these. This group is a major source of good quality
protein. Other nutrients supplied by this group are B-vitamins, retinol (liver)
and calcium (fish). Eggs particularly are good sources of most nutrients.
5. Nuts and Oil Seeds: Nuts and oil seeds eg., groundnuts, almonds, cashew nuts,
til seeds, pistachio etc. are a good source of fat. They also provide protein,
B-vitamins, calcium and other minerals.
6. Green Leafy Vegetables (GLVs): These include vegetables like mustard (sarson),
bathua, fenugreek leaves (methi), spinach (palak). Green leafy vegetables are
a good source of carotene (vitamin A, B-vitamins (especially riboflavin and folic
acid), iron (especially sarson and bathua) and fibre. They are also a source of
calcium, but presence of oxalates in GLVs bind calcium and make most of it
unavailable for absorption and utilisation. Fresh GLVs provide vitamin C.
7. Root Vegetables: These include potato, colocasia, sweet potato, yam etc.
Major nutrient supplied by root vegetables is carbohydrate. Carotene is
provided only by yellow yam.
8. Other Vegetables: All other vegetables like brinjal, ladyfinger (okra), beans,
cauliflower etc. provide fibre, vitamins, some amount of minerals.


9. Fruits: Wide variety of fruits is available in the market. Different fruits are
sources of different nutrients; hence a combination of various fruits should be
included in the balanced diet. Fruits like mangoes, apricots, oranges, papaya
are rich in carotene, citrus fruits like orange, mausambi, amla and guavas are
good sources of vitamin C, dried fruits like dates and raisins are rich in iron.
Fibre is provided by most fruits.
10. Sugar and Jaggery: These are simply carbohydrates. Jaggery also has iron.
11. Fats and Oils: Include ghee, oil, butter etc. are a rich source of fat. Vitamin D
also is provided by butter/fortified oils.

Food groups can also be classified according to their functions:

Group 1. Energy giving foods- This category includes foods rich in carbohydrate and

1. Cereals and roots and tubers

2. Sugar and jaggery
3. Fats and oils

Group 2. Body building group – this category includes foods rich in protein

1. Milk and milk products

2. Meat and meat products, fish, egg or poultry
3. Pulses
4. Nuts and oilseeds

Group 3. Protective or regulatory foods – This group include foods providing

vitamins and minerals

I. Fruits-

(a) yellow and orange fruits (mango, papaya)

(b) citrus fruits (lemon, orange, mausambi)
(c) others (apple, banana etc.)

II. Vegetables

(a) Green leafy vegetables (spinach, mustard, fenugreek etc.)

(b) Yellow and orange vegetables (carrot, pumpkin)
(c) Others (beans, okra, cauliflower etc.)
(d) Root vegetables- potatoes and yam (arvi) are rich in carbohydrates

It is important to consume a balanced diet in order to get all the nutrients in right
amounts and right proportions. This means that in any given meal, foods from all the
food groups should be included in such a manner that all the nutrients are supplied
in adequate quantities. One has to ensure that each and every meal includes foods
from the energy- giving, body building and protective/regulatory groups. eg., For
breakfast include one source from energy giving foods (bread- 2 slices; jam), one
food from body building foods (egg for non-vegetarians or paneer or sprouts for
vegetarians along with milk) and any one or two foods from protective group (fruit/
fruit juice). Similarly, for lunch and dinner different foods from these food groups
can be chosen in a variety of combinations. This way, the diet would provide all
essential nutrients and would become balanced.

Thus, a balanced diet can be defined as one which contains different types of foods
in such quantities and proportions that the need for calories, minerals, vitamins and
other nutrients is adequately met and a small provision is made for extra nutrients
to withstand the period of leanness ie., when adequate food or a particular nutrient
is not consumed.

Moreover, the action and interaction of the nutrients should be considered. Foods
promoting absorption of certain nutrients or hindering absorption of nutrients should
also be kept in mind. eg., consuming tea along with meals hampers the absorption
of iron while taking sources of vitamin C with meals increases the absorption of
iron. Imbalance of nutrients sometimes does not allow proper absorption and
utilisation of another nutrient. eg., calcium is needed for building of bones and
teeth and phosphorus is also needed for the same. Excess amount of phosphorus in
the diet does not allow body to utilise calcium properly and affects bone and teeth
formation. Therefore, these two nutrients should be supplied in correct proportions
and adequate amounts.


It is well known that food is essential for survival. Food refers to any substance
that nourishes our body or in other words, it is anything that we can digest, absorb
and utilize, for various physiological functions of the body including growth and
development. Since the time of conception in the mother’s womb, providing energy
for our sustenance, regulating activities of the body and repairing day to day wear
and tear, the role of food is enormous. Food provides nutrition to the body. Nutrition
is, thus, the science of food and a study of the process that includes everything
that happens to food from the time it is eaten until it is used for various functions
in the body. It is the scientific study of foods and the nutrients therein; their action


and interaction and balance, in health and diseases. It is the study of ingestion,
digestion, absorption, utilization and assimilation of nutrients present in food.

When we see any food product we recognize it as chapatti, rice, dhal, ladyfinger,
apple etc. but as the food enters our mouth it starts breaking down and our body
identifies it as different chemicals present therein. These chemical substances
which are present in food are called nutrients. Nutrients of physiological importance
are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, water and fibre (roughage).
Different food stuffs contain these nutrients in different amounts and proportions and
our body needs each nutrient in a certain specific amount for various physiological
functions and overall growth and development.

Nutrients, as mentioned earlier, are those chemical substances in foods that are
required by the body for energy, growth and maintenance.

I. Tick the correct option.

1. In which of the following food groups “Sugar and jaggery” come under?
a. Protective or regulatory foods
b. Energy giving foods
c. Body building foods
d. Immunity boosters foods

2. Nutrition is ________________Substance.
a. Biological
b. Chemical
c. Energy
d. Mechanical

II. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Define Nutrition.

2. Write done the importance of Balance diet.

III. Answer the following questions in 150-200 words.

1. What do you understand by a balanced diet?


5.2 Macro and Micro Nutrients: Food sources and functions

Nutrients can be broadly classified as macro- and micro-nutrients depending upon

their daily requirements by the body. Some nutrients are needed in larger amounts,
these are called macronutrients. Nutrients like Carbohydrates, proteins and fats
along with water are macronutrients. Other nutrients like vitamins and minerals
are required in small amounts and are called micronutrients. Although these are
required in smaller amounts but they are all equally essential for our health. Each
of these nutrients plays a significant role in the body.

Macronutrients are required by the body in relatively large amounts. Carbohydrates,

proteins and fats are macronutrients and are also called ‘proximate principles’
because they form the main bulk of the diet. In Indian meals, they contribute to the
total energy intake in the following proportion: carbohydrates: 55-60%; protein: 10-
15% and fats: 20-30%. Water does not provide energy but is a vital nutrient required
in large quantity for functioning of metabolic processes in the body and various
regulatory functions. Therefore, it is also considered a macronutrient.


Carbohydrates are organic compounds made up of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.

Carbohydrates are a major source of energy and provide 4kcal per gram. Carbohydrates
are found in abundance in plant foods. There are three types of carbohydrates-
monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides. Monosaccharides are simple
single units of sugars like glucose, fructose and galactose.

Disaccharides are when two monosaccharides are combined together; these are
maltose (glucose + glucose), lactose (glucose + galactose) and sucrose (glucose +
fructose). Simple sugars (mono and disaccharides) are found in fruits (in the form
of sucrose, glucose and fructose), milk (in the form of lactose) and sweets that
are produced commercially and added to foods to sweeten, prevent spoilage, or
improve structure and texture.

Polysaccharides are more than two units of monosaccharides joined together. These
are starches and fibre (cellulose). These are also called complex sugars and are
found in whole grain cereals, rice, oats, potatoes, bread, legumes, corn and flour.

All these carbohydrates have to be broken down to the smallest unit, ie., glucose to
get absorbed and utilized in the body. However, cellulose and other large carbohydrate
molecules cannot be digested in the human digestive tract, and are termed as fibre
or non-available carbohydrates. Sugars and starches can be digested and utilized

for various bodily functions, hence are known as available carbohydrates. Diets rich
in complex carbohydrates are healthier than low-fibre diets based on refined and
processed food.

Sources of carbohydrates are rice, cereal grains, breads, pasta, milk, fruit, root
vegetables, sugar and products that are sweetened like jams, jellies etc., honey, and
jaggery. Fibre is present in whole grain cereals (whole wheat atta), whole pulses,
green leafy vegetables, peas, carrot, beans and other vegetables, fruits like guava,
apple, orange, pineapple etc.

Do you Know?

Carbohydrates are essential in the diet to prevent ketosis

Diets for weight-loss usually recommend avoiding carbohydrates. It is however,

essential to have at least 50-100g of carbohydrate per day for complete oxidation of
fat and avoidance of excessive production of ketone bodies. Therefore, according
ICMR (2020) RDA/minimum requirement for carbohydrate is 130 g/day for adults
and children, based on the amount of glucose used by carbohydrate-dependent
tissues, such as the brain and erythrocytes. Inadequate supply of carbohydrates
causes break down of body fat reserves for energy. This not only supplies energy
but also produces ketone bodies. Some ketone bodies are used by muscle and
other tissues for energy, but when produced in excess they accumulate in blood
and cause ketosis (disturbance of normal acid- base balance). This condition is
generally seen in Diabetics and is a life- threatening situation.

Summary - Macronutrients, their functions and sources

Nutrient Function Sources

• Carbohydrates provide energy needed Fruits, cereal grains,
Carbohydrates by the body (1g provides 4 Kcal); milk, sugar, rice, root
• Carbohydrates are main source of vegetables, pasta,
energy for the nervous system, brain breads
and red blood cells;
• These spare proteins for their
important functions (if enough
carbohydrates are not available,
proteins are used for energy-giving);
• Carbohydrates enable proper
utilization of fat by providing
substrates for fat metabolism.


• Dietary fibre or roughage provides Whole grain cereals

feeling of fullness i.e., one does not (whole wheat flour,
feel hungry soon after having a meal: dalia, oats etc.), whole
• It provides bulk to the diet, helps in pulses, Green leafy
smooth elimination of stool or faeces; vegetables (GLVs),
• Helps prevents diseases like cancer, peas, beans and other
diabetes and heart disease, has vegetables, fruits
cholesterol lowering effect; like guava, orange,
pineapple etc
• It is a negligible source of energy
hence, can be eaten for weight
Proteins • Proteins build and repair body cells Milk and milk products,
• Proteins form part of various enzymes, fish, eggs, poultry,
hormones, and antibodies meat, legumes and
• Also provide energy (4 Kcal/g) grains

Fats • Fats provide energy (9kcal/g); Visible Sources-

• Fats help transporting fat-soluble vegetable oils, desi
vitamins; ghee, vanaspati ghee,
• Fats are part of cell membranes, butter, margarine,
membranes around nerves, hormones, Invisible Sources-
bile (for fat digestion) Cheese Meat, poultry,
fish, milk and milk
products, nuts and


List of Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids


Proteins are organic compounds containing nitrogen, besides, carbon, oxygen and
hydrogen. Protein molecules have a complex structure, and are made up of nitrogen
containing amino acids. Amino acids are linked together in chains to make different
type of proteins in the body. From hair to nails, muscles to skin, organs to blood,
hormones to enzymes, protein is a major structural and functional component of our
body. There are around 20 amino acids joined together in varying sequences to form
different kinds of proteins. There are nine amino acids which cannot be synthesized
by the body; these are called Essential Amino Acids (EAA). These have to be supplied
in the diet. Others are non- essential amino acids as these can be synthesized in the

Depending on the availability of these essential amino acids in foods, they are classified
as complete protein foods, partially complete protein foods and incomplete protein
foods. Complete protein foods are those which contain all essential amino acids in
adequate amounts. These food sources include foods from animal sources like eggs,
milk and milk products, meat and meat products and a plant source, soybean, that
contains all essential amino acids. Protein quality is determined by the presence
of complete protein foods in the diet; it improves the absorption and utilization of
protein in the body. Partially complete protein foods are those which are lacking in
any one essential amino acid e.g., cereals and pulses. Cereals lack lysine and pulses
lack methionine. To improve the protein quality, cereals and pulses can be taken
together in a meal or can be combined with sources of complete protein foods.
Incomplete proteins are those which are lacking in more than one EAA. An example
of this protein is maize protein.

Protein requirement for Indian adults is 0.83 g/kg body weight (according to RDA
2020; ICMR/NIN). Thus, for a man weighing 60 kg, the protein requirement would
be 54 g/day and for a woman weighing 55kg the protein requirement will be 46
g/day. In terms of percentage of total energy intake, protein intake should be
between 10-15% of total energy consumed. In no case, it should exceed 35% of
total energy intake. Protein requirement, however, may increase to up to 2 g/
kg body weight during sports and exercise depending upon the type of sports
and duration and intensity of training. Too little, or, excess intake of protein can
have health implications, hence proteins should be consumed as required and



Lipids or Dietary Fats is a broader term used for both oils and fats. Oils are basically
liquid at room temperature and fats are solid at room temperature. It is the presence
of different types of fatty acids which make them liquid or solid.

Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats and oils. Fatty acids are classified as Saturated
or Unsaturated Fats depending upon the presence of double bond in their chemical
structure. Saturated fatty acids (SFA) contain no double bonds, monounsaturated
fatty acids (MUFA) contain one, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) contain more
than one double bond. When the percentage of saturated fatty acids is higher, the
fat is solid at room temperature and when the percentage of unsaturated fatty acids
(MUFA or PUFA) is higher the lipid is liquid at room temperature and is called oil.

Saturated fats which are also called as animal fats are associated with increased
health risks. They can increase risk of heart disease by increasing total and LDL
(“bad”) cholesterol. It has been recommended that the intake of saturated fats be
kept less than 7% of total calories. Desi ghee, butter, cheese, cream, red meats,
baked products, and other full-fat dairy products are the main sources of saturated
fats in most diets. Coconut and palm oils also contain saturated fats.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are unsaturated fats. When they
replace saturated fats in the diet, they help to reduce blood cholesterol levels
and thus lower the risk of heart disease. Canola, olive, peanut, palmolein, rice
bran and til (sesame) oils and other nuts like walnuts are rich in monounsaturated
fats. Sources of PUFA include vegetable oils, mustard, soybean, corn, safflower and
sunflower oils and flaxseed.

Dietary fat can be attained from visible as well as invisible sources. Visible sources
are ghee, butter, cooking oil etc. while invisible sources include nuts, cereals,
pulses, milk, eggs, meat etc. Invisible fat contributes significantly to the total fat
and essential fatty acid content of diet depending on the food stuffs present in
the diet. The total fat (visible + invisible) should provide between 15-30% of total
calories required and contribution of visible fat should be restricted to 20-30g per
day depending upon the physical activity levels of the individual.


Do you know?
It has been recommended that total fat intake should be 20-30% of calories for
adults to meet daily energy and nutritional needs while minimizing risk of chronic
diseases. The intake of saturated fats should be less than 7% of calories, cholesterol
should be less than 300 mg/day, and trans fatty acid consumption should be as low
as possible. Consumption of certain fatty acids (MUFA and PUFA) are encouraged
because of their positive health effects, like oils from foods such as vegetable oils,
nuts, rice bran and fish because of their healthy attributes. In view of this, an ideal
quality fat for good health is one which maintains a balance between SFA, MUFA
and PUFA. This can be maintained by combined use of various oils for example,
mustard oil with sunflower oil, or safflower oil with palm oil etc.
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance which is synthesized in the body. It is necessary
in many physiological processes such as: it is a component of cell membranes, it
is required in the production of bile acids (which aid in food digestion), and in
the production of sex hormones. An excess of cholesterol in the blood, however,
can lead to deposits in the walls of blood vessels and reduce blood flow to major
arteries, which can lead to a heart attack.
Dietary cholesterol is found only in animal foods such as egg yolks, butter, organ
meats, beef and chicken. Vegetable oils are cholesterol-free. Excess intake of
dietary cholesterol increases blood cholesterol levels, but not as much as saturated
and trans-fats do.
Trans-fatty acids are basically produced by the process called hydrogenation. It is
the process of adding hydrogen molecules directly to unsaturated fatty acids such
as those found in vegetable oil to make it saturated or solid. Hydrogenated oils
contribute important textural and stability properties in food.
Trans-fatty acids occur naturally in beef, lamb, and dairy products. However, the
main sources of trans-fats are foods such as cookies, biscuits, mixtures, namkeens,
pastries and other fried foods. Trans-fatty acids are similar to saturated fats and
dietary cholesterol with regard to their effect on blood low-density lipoprotein
(LDL – which is a “harmful” or “bad”) cholesterol. Trans-fats may also lower high-
density lipoprotein (HDL – which is a good) cholesterol.

5.2.4 WATER

Water is essential for life. Water is an inorganic compound made up of hydrogen and
oxygen. Water is a major component of our body and it makes up to 60% of the total
weight of an individual. It is the medium of all body fluids including blood, saliva,
digestive juices, urine, faeces, sweat and perspiration.


Water plays an important role in the regulation of body temperature. It is also a

universal solvent. Water bathes the body cells and keeps them moist. Hence, it acts
as a lubricant. It is also an important lubricant for the joints.

Our body gets water mainly by ingestion of water in the form of liquids; water taken
as such or in the form of beverages like tea, coffee, fruit juices and aerated drinks.
In other foods like vegetables, fruits, milk, cereals and pulses, water is present in
invisible form. It is important that clean, safe and wholesome water is consumed in
order to avoid water-borne diseases such as diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera.

Do you know?

Each red blood cell contains haemoglobin which is the iron-containing protein that
transports oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body. In haemoglobin, each
subunit contains a heme group; each heme group contains an iron atom that is
able to bind to one oxygen molecules.


Vitamins are the chemicals which our body needs in small amounts to function
properly. They work in a variety of ways, mostly as ‘helpers’ eg., many of the
B-vitamins help the body use protein, fats, and carbohydrates.

Vitamins are divided into two categories:

1. Water-soluble vitamins include all the B vitamins and vitamin C. The amount
of water- soluble vitamins that body doesn’t use passes through the kidneys
and leaves the body as urine or stool.
The body needs water-soluble vitamins in frequent, small doses, and they are
unlikely to reach toxic levels.
2. Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E, and K. Fat-soluble vitamins are
stored in the body cells and are not passed out of the body as easily as water-
soluble vitamins. They are more likely to reach toxic levels if a person takes in
too much of these vitamins.

The table-2.i and 2.ii lists the water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins; their functions
and their sources in the foods we eat.


Table 2.i - Water-soluble vitamins

Nutrient Important Functions Sources

Thiamine • Works as coenzyme- Whole-grain cereals,
(vitamin B1) (Thiamine pyrophosphate- pulses, peanuts and seeds,
TPP) needed for energy mushrooms, green peas,
metabolism; beans, egg yolk and meat
• important for nerve function;
• needed for DNA and RNA
Riboflavin • Act as two coenzymes- Flavin Milk and milk products;
(vitamin B2) mononucleotide (FMN) and animal products like eggs,
Flavin adenine dinucleotide liver, kidney; green leafy
(FAD) needed for energy vegetables eg., broccoli;
metabolism; whole-grain cereals;
• important for normal vision legumes
and skin health
Niacin (vitamin • Part of an coenzymes- whole-grain cereals,
B3) Nicotinamide adenine pulses, meat, poultry, fish,
dinucleotide (NAD) and vegetables (especially
nicotinamide adenine mushrooms). Eggs and
dinucleotide phosphate milk and milk products
(NADP) needed for energy lack niacin but are rich
metabolism; sources of EAA- tryptophan
• important for nervous system, which can be converted to
digestive system, and skin niacin in the body when
required. 60 mg of
tryptophan can be converted
to provide 1 mg niacin.
Vitamin B6 • Part of coenzyme pyridoxal Meat, Poultry, fish, Nuts,
(Pyridoxal, phosphate needed for protein sunflower seeds, pulses,
pyridoxine and and amino acid metabolism whole grains, spinach,
pyridoxamine) and also involved in activity bananas, potatoes.
of many enzymes required for
carbohydrate, fat and protein
• It also helps in making white
blood cells and heme in


Biotin • Functions as coenzyme in Widespread in foods like

metabolic reactions. organ meats, such as liver
or kidney; egg yolk; nuts,
such as almonds, peanuts,
and walnuts; soybeans
and other legumes; whole
grains; bananas; cauliflower,
mushrooms; also produced in
intestinal tract by bacteria
Pantothenic • Part of co-enzyme A Widespread in foods: milk,
acid (CoA) needed for energy meat, peanuts, eggs
Folic acid / • Part of an enzyme needed for Green leafy vegetables
Folate making DNA and new cells, particularly spinach, pulses,
especially red blood cells, oranges and orange juice,
• formation of and liver. Other vegetables
neurotransmitters like cabbage, cauliflower,
broccoli are also good
• needed for maintenance of
normal blood pressure and
reducing risk of cancer
Cobalamin • Part of two coenzymes methyl Meat, poultry, fish, seafood,
(vitamin B12) cobalamin and 5- deoxy eggs, milk and milk
adenosyl cobalamin, needed products; not found in plant
for making new cells; foods
• important to nerve function

Ascorbic acid • Antioxidant, role in Found in fruits and

(vitamin C) collagen formation hence in vegetables, especially citrus
wound healing, part of an fruits, fresh vegetables in
enzyme needed for protein the cabbage family, sprouts,
metabolism; amla and guava
• important for immune system,
helps in iron absorption

Fat-soluble vitamins

Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body’s cells and are not excreted as easily
as water- soluble vitamins. Intake of high amounts of fat-soluble vitamins could
become toxic. A balanced diet usually provides enough fat-soluble vitamins.

Table 2.ii - Fat-soluble vitamins

Nutrient Important Functions Sources

Vitamin A • Needed for vision in dim Vitamin A from animal sources
(Retinol and its light, healthy skin and (retinol): milk, cheese, cream,
precursor*, mucous membranes, butter, egg yolk, liver, Beta-
beta- carotene) growth of skeletal and carotene (from plant sources):,
soft tissues, immune dark green leafy vegetables; red
system health and yellow fruits and vegetables
*A precursor is (carrots, pumpkin, mangoes,
converted by papaya)
the body to the
Vitamin D • Needed for proper Egg yolks, liver, fatty fish,
absorption of calcium and fortified foods. When exposed
phosphorus; to sunlight, the skin can make
• deposition of calcium and vitamin D.
phosphorus in bones
Vitamin E • Antioxidant; Polyunsaturated plant oils
• protects cell walls (soybean, corn, cottonseed,
safflower); green leafy
vegetables; wheat germ; whole-
grain products; liver; egg yolks;
nuts and seeds
Vitamin K Needed for proper blood green leafy vegetables and
clotting cabbage; milk; also produced in
intestinal tract by bacteria


Minerals are inorganic elements which are required by the body needs for various
physiological functions. There are minerals required in larger amounts called macro-
minerals and those required in smaller amounts are called micro-minerals (trace

Tables 3.i and 3.ii list important macro- and micro-minerals, their functions and
their sources in the foods we eat.


Table 3.i - Macro-minerals

Mineral Important Functions Sources

Sodium • Needed for proper fluid Table salt, soy sauce; large
balance, regulating alkalinity amounts in processed foods;
and acidity of body fluids, small amounts in milk, breads,
nerve transmission, and muscle green leafy vegetables, and
contraction unprocessed meats
Chloride • Needed for proper fluid Table salt, soya sauce; large
balance, stomach acid amounts in processed foods;
small amounts in milk, meats,
breads, and vegetables
Potassium • Needed for proper fluid Meats, milk, fresh fruits and
balance, nerve transmission, vegetables, whole grains, pulses
and muscle contraction
Calcium • Important for healthy bones Milk and milk products; fish with
and teeth; bones (eg., sardines); fortified
• helps muscles relax and soya milk; greens (broccoli,
contract; mustard leaves); pulses

• important in nerve
functioning, blood clotting,
blood pressure regulation,
immune system health
Phosphorus • Important for healthy bones Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk,
and teeth; found in every cell; processed foods
• part of the system that
maintains acid-base balance
Magnesium • Found in bones; Nuts and seeds; pulses; leafy,
• needed for making protein, green vegetables; seafood;
muscle contraction, nerve chocolate
transmission, immune system
Sulphur Found in protein molecules Occurs in foods as part of
protein in meats, poultry, fish,
eggs, milk, pulses, nuts


Trace minerals (micro-minerals)

The body needs trace minerals in very small amounts. Although iron is considered
to be a trace mineral, the amount needed is somewhat more than for other micro-

Table 3.ii - Trace minerals

Mineral Important Functions Sources

Iron • Iron is a mineral found in Organ meats; red meats;
every cell of the body. Iron is fish; poultry; egg yolks;
considered an essential mineral whole pulses and whole
because it is found in red blood grain cereals; dried fruits;
cells as part of haemoglobin dark green leafy
that carries oxygen to every vegetables (mustard
cell in the body; greens, bathua); iron-
• part of myoglobin needed for enriched breads and
muscle contraction, cereals; and fortified cereals

• needed for energy metabolism,

hence crucial in helping
perform physical work
Zinc • Part of many enzymes needed Meats, fish, poultry, whole
for synthesizing protein and grains, vegetables
genetic material;
• has a function in taste
perception, wound healing,
normal foetal development,
production of sperm, normal
growth and sexual maturation,
• important for immune system
Iodine • Found in thyroid hormone, Seafood, foods grown in
which helps regulate growth, iodine-rich soil, iodized salt,
development, and metabolism bread, dairy products
Selenium • Antioxidant Meats, seafood, grains
Copper • Part of many enzymes; Pulses, nuts and seeds, whole
• needed for iron metabolism grains, organ meats, drinking


Manganese • Part of many enzymes Widespread in foods,

especially plant foods
Fluoride • Involved in formation of bones Drinking water (either
and teeth; fluoridated or naturally
• helps prevent tooth decay containing fluoride), fish, and
most teas
Chromium • Works closely with insulin to Organ meats especially liver,
regulate blood sugar (glucose) whole grains, nuts, cheese
Molybdenum • Part of some enzymes Pulses, breads and grains;
green leafy vegetables, milk;

Other trace nutrients known to be essential in tiny amounts include nickel, silicon,
vanadium, and cobalt.

Extension Activity
Working in groups, prepare diet plans for the following:-

Name of the Activity.

Diet plan for building muscle for a

vegetarian athlete.

Diet plan for building muscle for a

non-vegetarian athlete.

Eating strategies for a person who

wants to lose 15kg.

Eating strategies for a person who

wants to gain 10kg.

I. Tick the correct option.

1. Which is NOT a Micronutrient?

a. Macro Minerals
b. Trace Minerals
c. Vitamins
d. Protein


2. Which of the following is a water-soluble vitamin?

a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin B
c. Vitamin D
d. Vitamin K

3. Iron is a part of
a. trace minerals
b. macro minerals
c. vitamins
d. carbohydrate

4. Fats and oils come under:

a. protective or regulatory foods
b. energy giving foods
c. bodybuilding group
d. routine foods

5. 1 gram of fat provides

a. 3 kcal
b. 4 Kcal
c. 5 Kcal
d. 9 Kcal

II. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What are macronutrients?

2. Explain the importance of fluid intake during a competition.
3. Write the source of 3 micro and 3 macro minerals.
4. What should be the basic nutrient in a weightlifter’s diet? Why?

III. Answer the following questions in 150-200 words.

1. Explain different types of nutrients and their sources. List the essential
nutrients, their sources and functions.
2. Critically explain the use of dietary supplements in heavy dose for longer
duration. Justify your answer with suitable examples.

5.3 Nutritive and Non-Nutritive Components of Diet

Food is the basic requirement of every individual as it helps develop our body. It
provides sufficient energy for workout and helps in the growth and development of
the individual. The food which we eat contains various nutrients which are essential
for our body. There are large number of nutrients required in our balanced diet.
Some of them are “Nutritive components” like Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins,
whereas some other components of diet have no nutritive value.


Foods we eat contain a wide range of organic chemical compounds some of which
have nutritive value as discussed above, while some have no nutritional value.
Chemical compounds in foods with no specific nutritional function are called non-
nutritive components of foods. Some of these components act as anti-nutritional
factors like phytate while some have various benefits like phytochemicals. Some
materials with no nutritional value are added to food and beverage products to
make the food smell better, taste better, last longer, and/or look better. Some of
the non-nutritive components are discussed below.

5.3.2 N

Non-Nutritive Factors or Anti-Nutritional Factors (ANFs), that interfere with nutrient

absorption, are those biological compounds present in human or animal foods
that reduce nutrient utilization or food intake, thereby contributing to impaired
gastrointestinal and metabolic performance. These include:

1. Phytates - These are abundantly found in unrefined cereals and millets. These
phytates bind iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium and make these nutrients
unavailable for digestion. On germination the phytate content is reduced.
2. Tannins- These are present in legumes, millets like bajra, ragi, spices,
tamarind, tea, turmeric and in certain vegetables and fruits. Tannins interfere
with absorption of iron and protein.
3. Trypsin Inhibitors- These inhibit the activity of trypsin in the gut and interfere
with digestibility of dietary proteins and reduce their utilisation. These are
present in soya bean, and white of duck egg. Heat treatment inactivates trypsin


4. Oxalates- These are present in green leafy vegetables and some legumes.
These interfere with calcium absorption.
5. Goitrogens- These are also known as anti-thyroid substances as these interfere
with iodine uptake by thyroid gland and may contribute to development of
iodine deficiency disorders when iodine intakes are marginal. These are present
in cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, soybean, bajra, peanuts, lentils.


1. Phytochemicals- Phytochemicals are chemical compounds produced by plants,

generally to help them thrive or thwart competitors, predators, or pathogens.
The name comes from Greek phyton, meaning ‘plant’. They are found in fruits,
vegetables, grains, beans, and other plants. Some of these phytochemicals are
believed to act as antioxidants and protect cells from damage that could lead
to cancer.

Risk of cancer can be reduced by eating more colourful vegetables, fruits, and other
plant foods that have certain phytochemicals in them. Some of these phytochemicals
are Beta carotene and other carotenoids in yellow, red, green vegetables and fruits,
flavonoids in green tea, isothiocyanates in cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli,
kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, and cauliflower).

2. Anthocyanins: Anthocyanins give grapes, blueberries, cranberries, and

raspberries their dark colour. They have been shown in the laboratory to have
anti-inflammatory and anti- tumour properties.
3. Flavonoids or isoflavones: These are found in vegetables, fruits and grains like
soybeans, chickpeas and may act a little bit like oestrogen. The oestrogen-like


compounds in these plants are called phytoestrogens. These help in lowering the
risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, breast cancer and symptoms of menopause
4. Artificial Sweeteners: These are synthetic compounds that duplicate the taste
of sugar, but contain less energy, and, therefore, are often added to diet foods
and beverages. The reason is to maintain the desired taste, but reduce the
caloric value. Because artificial sweeteners are considered additives, they are
often regulated. Therefore, their identifications and concentrations must be
5. Preservatives: These are compounds that have the ability to inhibit microbial
growth and are often added to food and beverage products to prolong shelf life.
Preservatives are considered additives, and are typically regulated. Therefore,
their identification and concentration levels must be determined.
6. Spices: A spice is a dried seed, fruit, root, bark or vegetable substance primarily
used for flavouring, colouring or preserving food. Sometimes a spice is used
to hide other flavours. Spices are distinguished from herbs, which are parts
of leafy green plants also used for flavouring or as garnish. A spice may
have other uses, including medicinal, religious ritual, cosmetics or perfume
production, or as a vegetable. For example, turmeric roots are also consumed
as a vegetable and garlic as an antibiotic.
7. Coffee: Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from the roasted or baked seeds
of several species of Coffea. The two most common sources of coffee beans are
Coffea arabica, and Coffea canephora. Once ripe, coffee berries are picked,
processed and dried to yield the seeds inside. The seeds are then roasted to
varying degrees, depending on the desired flavour, before being ground and
brewed to create coffee. Coffee can have a stimulating effect on humans
because of its caffeine content. It is one of the most popular drinks in the
world. It can be prepared and presented in a variety of ways.

I. Tick the correct option.

1. Anthocyanins give colour to

a. roots
b. coffee
c. wheat
d. grapes


2. Oxalates are presents in

a. green leafy vegetables
b. bajara
c. nuts
d. spices

II. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Define Non-Nutritive components of food.

2. Explain the beneficial factors of Non-Nutritive foods.

III. Answer the following questions in 150-200 words.

1. Explain Non-Nutritive components of Diet

5.4 Healthy Weight

There are numerous advantages of maintaining healthy weight. Overweight or obese

people can gain these health benefits by losing some weight. For most obese or
overweight people, health benefits can come with losing the first 5-10% of weight.
Conditions such as Type 2 diabetes are less likely to develop if an obese person
loses even 10% of their weight. With a healthy body weight there is less likelihood
of having heart disease, stroke, or obesity related cancers all of which can be life-
threatening and the chances of living a long and healthier life increase.

Do you Know
Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to broadly categorize a person as underweight,
normal weight, overweight, or obese based on tissue mass (muscle, fat, and bone)
and height. Overweight or Obesity can lead to a variety of health conditions, such
as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular problems. On the other
hand, a weight that is too low can increase the risk of malnutrition, osteoporosis,
and anaemia.
Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR) – or the ratio between the circumference of the waist
and the circumference of the hip indicates risk of obesity. Greater circumference
of trunk is an indicator of high risk of hypertension and type 2 diabetes.
Girth Circumferences or circumferences of different segments of the body help
to document body size and to estimate the percentage of body fat. Skinfolds
determine body fat quite accurately. The skinfold technique can only be performed
by a trained technician using skinfold callipers.


Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis is a commonly used method for estimating body

composition, in particular body fat and muscle mass. A weak electric current is
allowed to flow through the body and the voltage is measured in order to calculate
impedance (resistance) of the body. It is done using a portable machine, is easy to
administer and gives reliable results of body composition.
Hydrostatic Weighing or Underwater weighing is known as the gold standard method
to measure mass per unit volume of a living person’s body.
There are various ways of assessing healthy body weight that include weight for
height charts or Body Mass Index (BMI) or assessment of body fat percentage. Body
Mass Index (BMI) Quetelet’s Index is a key index for relating weight to height. BMI
is derived by taking a person’s weight in kilograms (kg) divided by his or her height
in meters squared. Now-a-days, BMI is used to define normal weight, overweight,
and obesity rather than the traditional height/weight charts. BMI of 30 or more for
either sex indicates obesity. BMI however, does not measure how much fat mass or
muscle mass is there. A very muscular person might get a high BMI without health
risks. It is, therefore, less accurate in people such as body builders and pregnant
BMI Classification
< 18.5 Underweight
18.5-24.9 Normal weight
25.0–29.9 Overweight
30.0–34.9 Grade I obesity
35.0–39.9 Grade II obesity
≥ 40.0 Grade III obesity

Intra-abdominal or visceral fat has a particularly strong correlation with cardiovascular

disease. Women with abdominal obesity have a cardiovascular risk similar to that
of men. This can be evaluated by measuring waist circumference or by calculating
waist to hip ratio. A waist circumference of >102 cm (>40 inches) in men and >88 cm
(>35 inches) in women or the waist–hip ratio (the circumference of the waist divided
by that of the hips of >1.0 for men and >0.85 for women) are used to define central
obesity. In those with a BMI under 35, intra- abdominal body fat is related to negative
health outcomes independent of total body fat. Body fat percentage is total body
fat expressed as a percentage of total body weight that can be assessed by methods
like skinfold measurements, bioelectrical impedance, dual X-ray absorptiometry
(DEXA) etc. but to measure body fat percentage,

special equipment and technical expertise is needed. There is no generally accepted

definition of obesity based on total body fat. Most researchers have used >25% in
men, and >32% in women, as cut-points to define obesity and higher health risks.


Eating right is important to stay at a healthy weight. Maintaining body weight is a

balancing act, meaning that the amount of energy we consume should be expended.
If we eat more calories than we burn, we gain weight. And if we eat fewer calories
than we burn, we lose weight. The balance between calorie intake and calories
used or expended is essential to keep the weight maintained. The best way to have
energy balance is to make better choices, thus, choosing foods that are lower in fat
and have fewer calories and increasing physical activity are the best ways to reduce
body weight.
We can lose weight by making smart choices every day, we can develop new eating
habits and preferences that will leave us feeling satisfied and winning the battle
of weight loss. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. So, aim to lose one to
two kilos a week to ensure healthy weight loss. Losing weight too fast can take
a toll on the mind and body, making one feel sluggish, drained, and sick. Caloric
restriction for weight reduction is essential to get results. Dietary modification must
be accompanied by moderate amounts of exercise to get effective results in weight
loss or weight maintenance. Aerobic exercise increases the daily energy expenditure
and is particularly useful for long-term weight maintenance. Exercise also preserves
lean body mass and partially prevents decrease in basal metabolic rate which comes
when caloric intake is restricted. Additionally, most of the benefits of exercise come
from improvements in body composition, overall fitness and metabolic health, not
just weight loss. Risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other obesity related
health problems also lower. Once stress is reduced, stress related intake of food is
also curtailed. The person should be put in negative energy balance to upto 500-
1000 kcal to get ideal reduction in weight of 500g - 1 kg / week. To lose weight, we
have to eat fewer calories than what we expend. But that doesn’t necessarily mean
we have to eat less food. We can fill up our stomach while on a diet, as long as we
choose foods wisely.
Modifications in the diet to be made
1. Diet should consist of foods from all food groups including, milk and milk
products, meat and meat products, cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables.
2. High-fibre foods are higher in volume and take longer to digest, which makes
them filling. High-fibre foods include:
hh Fruits and vegetables – Eat whole fruits, salads, and green leafy vegetables
of all kinds. Soups and salads can be liberally eaten. The high water and
fibre content in most fresh fruits and vegetables makes them hard to
overeat. Eat vegetables raw or steamed, not fried or breaded.

hh Beans – Select beans of any kind. Add them to soups, salads, and meals.
hh Whole grains – High-fibre cereals, oatmeal, brown rice, whole-wheat
pasta, whole-wheat or multigrain bread.
3. Add nuts to the daily diet but only in moderation.
4. Switch to fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products. Use low-fat milk in place
of cream thereby reducing the overall caloric intake of the day.
5. Baking or grilling foods rather than frying them reduces the calorie count of
6. Limit intake of high sugar foods like jams, jellies, sweetened curd etc.
7. Cut on high cholesterol and saturated fat foods like mixtures, mathris, namkeens
and bakery products. Instead choose on high fibre biscuits, or khakhra type
8. Eat low-fat proteins like egg whites, fish, lean meats, nuts, and poultry.
9. Serve smaller portions. One easy way to control portion size is by using small
plates, bowls, and cups. This will make portions appear larger. Don’t eat out
of large bowls or directly from the food container or package, which makes
it difficult to assess how much has been eaten. Using smaller utensils, like a
teaspoon instead of tablespoon, can slow eating and help feel full sooner.
10. Cooking meals at home allows controlling both portion size and what goes in to
the food. Restaurant and packaged foods generally contain a lot more sodium,
sugar, fat and calories than food cooked at home—plus the portion sizes tend
to be larger.
11. Avoid consuming high salt foods like pickles, papad etc. as these foods induce
water retention.
12. Be especially careful to avoid high-calorie snacks and convenience foods.
13. Soft drinks (including soda, energy drinks, and coffee drinks) are a huge source
of calories in many people’s diets. One can of soft drink contains between 10-
12 teaspoons of sugar and around 150 calories, so a few soft drinks can quickly
add up to a good portion of your daily calorie intake. Instead homemade lemon
water, coconut water, lassi or chachh are better replacements of commercially
available juices and soft drinks.
14. Reduce daily calorie intake by replacing soda, alcohol, or coffee with water.
Thirst can also be confused with hunger, so by drinking water, one can avoid
consuming extra calories.


15. Eating frequently throughout the day (3 small meals and 2-3 snacks) will
stimulate metabolism. Skipping meals (including breakfast) can decrease
metabolism. Skipping meals usually turns into eating more at the end of the

Reducing portion sizes, changing ways of cooking, right food selection would go
long way in helping weight management.


Maintaining a calorie deficit always leads to weight loss. Without exercise, a calorie
deficit must be created through a lower calorie intake. The main problem with
dieting alone is the sacrifice needed to sustain a very low-calorie intake for a long
period of time, which is too much for most people to handle. On a very low-calorie
diet, most people tend to breakdown and go back to their old habits causing any
weight loss to return quickly.

The body’s reaction to dieting is also different. In case of a sudden and drastic
reduction in calorie intake, the body adjusts its metabolism accordingly. Eating very
little calories for a long time would turn body into starvation mode means slowing
down metabolic processes which is the body’s way of protecting itself against long
periods with little or no food. This starvation mode causes body to drastically cut its
energy requirements and the person stops losing weight.

Do you Know

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body

weight, an intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted perception of weight.
People with anorexia place a high value on controlling their weight and shape,
using extreme efforts that tend to significantly interfere with their lives.

To prevent weight gain or to continue losing weight, people with anorexia usually
severely restrict the amount of food they eat. They may control calorie intake
by vomiting after eating or by misusing laxatives, diet aids, diuretics or enemas.
They may also try to lose weight by exercising excessively. No matter how much
weight is lost, the person continues to fear weight gain.

Diets, especially fad diets or “quick-fix” pills and plans, often lead to failure because
diets that cut out entire groups of food, such as carbohydrates or fat, are simply
impractical and unhealthy. The key is moderation. Diets that severely cut calories,
restrict certain foods, or rely on ready-made meals might work in the short term
but don’t include a plan for maintaining weight, so the weight quickly comes back.


Severely restricted diet also lead to deficiency of various other nutrients. Once
we start eating normally, we will gain weight until our metabolism bounces back.
Special shakes, meals, and programmes are not only expensive, but they aren’t
practical for long-term weight loss. Hence, instead of dieting alone and looking for
miraculous foods to reduce or maintain weight, regular exercise and good eating
habits are crucial to health and well-being.


Food intolerance is the non-IgE mediated food hypersensitivity or non-allergic food

hypersensitivity, which is characterized by difficulty in digesting certain foods. Food
intolerance is different from food allergy. Food allergies trigger the immune system,
while food intolerance does not. The symptoms of food intolerance generally take
longer to emerge, compared to food allergies. In food intolerance, some people suffer
digestive problems after eating certain foods. Foods most commonly associated with
food intolerance include dairy products, grains that contain gluten, and foods that
cause intestinal gas build-up, such as beans and cabbage. Gluten in wheat is one of
the most common causes of food intolerance. Some people are intolerant to several
groups of foods, making it harder to determine whether it might be a chronic illness
or food intolerance. Identifying which foods are the reasons can take a long time.
The symptoms to food intolerance are varied and can include stomach-ache, bloating,
nausea, irritable bowel, hives, migraine, mild fever, cough etc. Some types of food
intolerance are given below:
Absence of an enzyme: Enzymes are needed to digest foods fully. If some of
these enzymes are missing, or are insufficient for digesting a particular foodstuff,
proper digestion may be affected. Some food intolerance is caused by the lack of
a particular enzyme like lactose intolerance which is caused due to deficiency of
lactase enzyme in the body. Hence, the person is unable to digest lactose from milk
and gets intolerant to milk and all milk products. People who are lactose intolerant
do not have enough lactase, an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose)
into smaller molecules and absorb through the intestine. If lactose remains in the
digestive tract, it can cause stomach-ache, spasms, bloating, gas and diarrhoea.
Chemical causes of food intolerance: Certain chemicals in foods and drinks can
cause intolerance, including amines in some cheeses, and caffeine in coffee, tea,
and chocolates. Some people are more susceptible to these chemicals than others.
Toxins due to Food poisoning: Some foods have naturally-occurring chemicals that
can have a toxic effect on humans, causing diarrhoea, nausea, and vomiting. Peanuts
or undercooked beans have aflatoxins that can cause extremely unpleasant digestive

Salicylates: Salicylates are derivatives of salicylic acid, which occurs naturally in

plants as a defence mechanism against harmful bacteria, fungi, insects, and diseases.
Salicylates are present in most plant-sourced foods, including the majority of fruits
and vegetables, spices, herbs, tea, and flavour additives. Mint-flavouring, tomato
sauce, berries, and citrus fruits have particularly high levels of salycilates. Salicylate
intolerance, also known as salicylate sensitivity, occurs when somebody reacts to
normal amounts of ingested salicylate. These chemicals are found in many foods and
most people can consume salicylate-containing foods without any adverse effects.
However, some people suffer symptoms after eating large amounts. Salicylate
intolerant individuals should avoid foods that contain high levels. Processed foods
with flavour additives are usually high in salicylates as well.
Gluten intolerance: Gluten is a protein found primarily in wheat, barley and rye.
If a person has a gluten intolerance, this protein can cause digestive problems such
as gas, abdominal pain or diarrhoea. Gluten intolerance is sometimes confused with
Celiac disease, or thought of as a food allergy. Anyone who suspects they may have
a gluten intolerance should see a doctor before giving up gluten, as cereals can be
an important source of various nutrients.
Food additives and intolerance: Additives are used to enhance flavours, make foods
look more appealing, and to increase their shelf life. Food additive intolerance has
been a steadily- growing problem over the last many years because more and more
foods contain additives. Nitrates are known to cause itching and skin rashes. Processed
meats are generally high in nitrates and nitrites. MSG (monosodium glutamate) is
used as a flavour enhancer known to cause headaches. Some colourings – especially
carmine (red) and annatto (yellow) also cause food intolerance.
It is very difficult to determine whether somebody has a food intolerance or allergy
because the signs and symptoms often overlap. Patients are advised to keep a diary
and write down which foods are eaten, what the symptoms were like, and when
they appeared. The data in the diary can help a dietician or doctor identify which
foods are causing adverse reactions, and what steps to take. Apart from lactose
intolerance and celiac disease, there is no accurate, reliable, and validated test to
identify food intolerance. The best diagnostic tool is an exclusion diet, also known
as an elimination or diagnostic diet. Exclusion diets are extremely useful in isolating
the causative foods. In a typical exclusion diet, the suspected food is removed from
the diet for a period of 2 weeks to 2 months. If during this period the adverse
reactions do not appear, it becomes more likely that the cause has been recognized.
The best current treatment for food intolerance is to either avoid certain foods or
eat them less often and in smaller amounts.



The fewer the carbohydrates, healthier you are- Choosing the healthiest
carbohydrates, especially whole grains, is important for health and well-being.
Refined carbohydrates should be avoided however, choosing whole grains is associated
with a decreased risk of chronic diseases and premature mortality.
Oils/Margarine have fewer calories than Ghee/butter- Ghee/Butter and Oils/
Margarine have about the same amount of calories. Margarine, which is made
from vegetable oils, was seen as a healthier alternative to butter (which contains
cholesterol and saturated fat), but later it was found that some margarines are
actually unhealthier because they contain trans-fats, which have even more adverse
effects on cholesterol and heart health.
Apples and brinjals are rich in iron because they turn brown when cut- One of the
greatest myths about apples and brinjals is that they are good sources of iron. They
are an excellent source of fibre but not of iron. This change in colour is an enzymatic
reaction and has nothing to do with iron.
Milk should be avoided after eating fish- A lot of Indians think that drinking milk
right after consuming fish causes skin disease like leukoderma, or white patches on
skin. This is not true.
Drinking water in between meals affects digestion- Most people think that drinking
water during meals will affect the capacity to digest food. The truth is that drinking
water simply fills up stomach and as a result one tends to eat less which is especially
good when someone is trying to lose weight.
Similarly, you may come across many such beliefs, but for any belief try to learn the
science behind to understand the fact.

Art Integration
Start an awareness campaign in your school regarding importance of nutrition in
our life.
You could include the following activities:
hh Poster making Competition on the benefits of
WW Healthy Eating
WW Healthy Lifestyle
hh Talk Show by inviting a Dietician.
hh Making and screening a video film on dietary imbalances.
hh Cooking competition for cooking healthy.
hh If possible, develop a school vegetable garden to increase awareness
about various vegetables.


I. Tick the correct option.

1. What is an ideal weight to be reduced in one week?

a. 250 gms to 500gms
b. 500 gms to 1 kg
c. 1kg to 1.5 kg
d. kg to 2 kgs

2. BMI between 25.0–29.9 is___________________

a. under weight
b. normal
c. overweight
d. obese

II. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. List the points to be considered for weight maintenance.

2. Point out the pit falls of dieting

III. Answer the following questions in 150-200 words.

1. What is food Intolerance? Enlist the foods which are commonly associated
with food intolerance.

2. How you can modify your diet for weight control

3. Enumerate any five food myths and the related facts.

5.5. Importance Of Diet In Sports And Pre, During And Post


Nutrition is an important aspect of training and performance. Athletes should make

appropriate dietary manipulations for better performances and long-term health
benefits by choosing right foods and a diet including variety of foods. The concepts
of nutrition and basic principles of balanced diet are applicable to the field of
sports as well. A sports person needs to increase or decrease his energy intake
and proportions of macronutrients and micronutrients depending upon the nature
of her/his sport or game. Diet of sportspersons should aim at maintaining body
weight and body composition desired for their specific sport, maintaining adequate
pool of nutrient levels in the body, adopting healthy nutritional practices during


training and competition and carrying on with healthy nutritional practices during
off-season as well ie., when competitions are not taking place. Any imbalances in
nutritional intake, both deficiency or excess of certain nutrients, can be detrimental
to the performance of athletes and may reduce their ability to play up to maximum
potential. A nutritious diet meeting nutritional demands of athletes not only helps
in better performance but will also support good health.


1. The body needs nutrition to repair and recover. Sports persons have greater
demands on their body. If these are not met through proper diet, outcome will
suffer and post training recovery process will be affected.
2. For different games, there are different body composition requirements which
can be manipulated to certain extent by nutrient composition of diet besides
training, thus helping in achieving body composition goals.
3. Right kind of nutritional composition in pre-competition meals, during
competition and post competition meals can help improve performance, delay
fatigue and speed up recovery.
4. Knowledge of nutrition is essential to make fitness, weight loss and weight gain
programmes successful in athletes. Those sports persons who play in weight
categories can achieve body weight goals with appropriate diets. During off-
season or no practice period, the diet should be such that it does not alter too
much of body composition and prevents excessive weight gain.
5. Certain nutrients are taken as ergogenic aids, their ergogenic potential
and psychological and physiological effects can help sports persons in their
6. Dehydration can impair athletic performance. Therefore, sufficient intake of
fluids and electrolytes ensures maximum hydration before, during and after
7. Adequate diet enhances physiological adaptations during training.


As we all know that carbohydrates are the major source of energy for any activity.
For athletes engaging in strength-sports (wrestling, boxing, judo etc.) 55% of total
calories should be provided by carbohydrate sources. While in endurance sports
like running, swimming, football, hockey and other similar type of sports 60-70%
of calories should be derived from carbohydrates in the diet. Besides the total


amount of carbohydrates in the diet, the type and time of carbohydrate intake is
also important. Appropriate type and time of carbohydrate intake prior to, during
and post exercise can improve exercise performance.

Before competition, complex carbohydrates should be taken and consuming simple

sugars prior to exercise (<1 hour) should be discouraged as it may increase insulin
levels which in turn increases carbohydrate metabolism resulting in low blood
glucose levels during exercise. This induces early fatigue and light-headedness due
to hypoglycaemia. Excessive intake of highly concentrated sugars, such as candy
and soft drinks in a short period of time can also result in cramps and bloating.
However, simple carbohydrate foods are the best sources of energy replacement
after strenuous exercises; complex carbohydrate foods are preferred as pre-exercise
carbohydrate sources.

It takes about 4 hours for carbohydrates to be digested and begin to be stored

as muscle and liver glycogen. Therefore, pre-exercise meals should be consumed
about 4 to 6 hours before exercise. A light carbohydrate and protein snack 30 to 60
min prior to exercise (e.g., 50 g of carbohydrate and 5 to 10 g of protein) serves to
increase carbohydrate availability toward the end of an intense exercise bout. This
also serves to increase availability of amino acids and decrease exercise-induced
breakdown of protein.


During exercise and training, muscle bulk is increased and also there is breakdown
of muscle tissues. During prolonged exercises, protein is oxidised to provide energy.
For these purposes, increased amount of protein is recommended in sports persons.
ICMR (1985) has recommended protein intake of 12-14% of total caloric intake and
range of protein intake as 1g/kg body weight to 2 g/kg body weight; lower limit for
endurance sports and sports of light weight category and upper limit for strength

Eating sufficient calories from a well-balanced diet generally provides adequate

proteins. However, sources of good quality protein should be included. Milk and
milk products, meat and meat products should be incorporated. Low fat protein
sources like skim milk, egg white, fish, and chicken are more helpful in enhancing
performance as well as maintaining long term health. Cereal pulse combination or
supplements with complete protein also improves the quality of protein.

Protein and amino acid supplementation is becoming widely popular in athletes.

Markets are flooded with protein and amino acid supplements. However, additional

supplementation of protein is not necessary as long as athletes maintain energy

balance and take 15% of their total caloric intake in the form of proteins.

The protein intake in excess of twice the recommended (i.e.>2g/kg BW) could
increase the risk of renal degeneration and bone porosity. When protein intake is
increased, urea production increases and more water is drawn in urine to eliminate
metabolic products putting athlete into a dehydrated state. High protein intake
also leads to urinary calcium loss, which in long term would affect calcium status
particularly of women athletes.


Fat intake in athletes contributes to energy density and offers other protective roles,
however, higher than recommended could pose health problems. Hence athletes, like
other population, should restrict dietary fat intake within the suggested amounts
i.e. 25-30% of total calories.

Within this limit, dietary fat choices also make a difference. A diet that includes
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA; vegetable oils, nuts and oil seeds) and
monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA ground nut oil, fish oil etc) has definite advantages
over a diet rich in saturated fatty acids (animal fat/ desi ghee; butter etc) in terms
of improving total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels. Thus, these healthy
fats should account for the majority of fat in athlete’s diet. Invisible fat sources
should also be chosen wisely. Like inclusion of egg whites, fish and skimmed milk
in place of high fat animal foods would be helpful in keeping the total cholesterol
levels below 200mg/day.


Vitamins and minerals perform functions for athletes and non-athletes alike.
Athletes, however, have high energy needs and high production of free radicals.
Therefore, they require higher amounts of B-vitamins and vitamins with anti-oxidant
properties. The required amount can be obtained by eating a variety of foods
especially fruits and vegetables. Taking more than required vitamins and minerals
does not improve performance, if there are no deficiencies of any vitamin or mineral
in the body.

The key to obtain the adequate vitamins and minerals is to eat a wide variety
of nutrient-dense foods in amounts that will maintain energy balance. Fruits and
vegetables are particularly rich in vitamins and antioxidants as well. Supplements
are not replacements for food.


For pre-exercise or pre-event meal, fuelling up of glycogen stores to obtain energy
and proper hydration are the primary goals. This would control hunger, fatigue,
weakness, light-headedness which could interfere in the sports performance. Pre-
exercise meal should also provide a comfortable gastrointestinal state for sports
performance. During night, our blood glucose levels and storage levels of glycogen
go down and therefore, eating carbohydrate-containing foods before exercise refills
liver glycogen stores and can replenish muscle glycogen stores. In pre-exercise meal
our main considerations should be as follows:
hh A meal comprising high-carbohydrate, moderate protein and low fibre
and low-fat foods providing 500-1000 kcal should be consumed. Examples
of good pre-event meal would be banana milk shake or pasta and fruits
with curd or potato sandwich with fruit juice.
hh High sugar foods must be avoided to prevent insulin rush that results in
early fatigue, cramping, dehydration, nausea and diarrhoea.
hh On regular training days, instead of large meals, small meals or a snack
every 2-3 hours should be taken.
hh Meals should be taken about 2-4 hours before exercise.
hh If eating within two hours of exercise eat less and take semi-solid or
liquid meals.
hh Dinner on the previous night of the competition is also important. The
meal should be such that it ensures proper sleep and adequate fuelling
hh Familiar and easily digestible foods should be consumed. Any newer food
or foods with known allergies or known to cause gastrointestinal upsets
should be avoided.
hh Foods heavy on stomach like fried foods or high fibre foods should be
avoided on the day prior to competition.
hh Too much of protein intake should also be avoided as it increases water
excretion leading to a state of dehydration. Moreover, proteins are
digested slower.
hh Take sufficient liquids or a small snack an hour (or less) before exercise.
Maintaining optimal hydration status along with sufficient muscle glycogen stores
delays the onset of fatigue and enables the athletes to exercise longer before
getting exhausted. High intensity games lead to heavy sweat loss resulting in
fluid and electrolyte (sodium, potassium, chloride) imbalance. Hence, sufficient


amounts of fluids to maintain water and electrolyte balance need to consumed at

regular intervals. The best fluid for this purpose is always water. Water intake
at a level of 150-250 ml every 15 minutes depending upon the exercise intensity
and environmental conditions, would prevent dehydration. Commercially available
sports drinks particularly having sugar levels up to 2% could be taken. Signs of
dehydration include dark urine, decreased amount of urine, reduced frequency
of urination, rapid heart rate, headache, irritability, and confusion. In sports of
weight category, athletes dehydrate themselves for the purpose of reducing weight
in order to get placed into lower weight categories, this practice may affect their
performance, hence, it should be discouraged.


Dealing with nutritional needs during training is crucial for optimal performance. The
main aim during exercise and training should be to maintain water balance, control
body temperature, sustain normal blood sugar levels and delay fatigue. In order to
maintain fluid balance and normal body temperature during exercise, water that is
lost through sweating during exercise needs to be replaced. Even slight dehydration
brings in mental and physical fatigue and weakens the performance. During small
breaks in the events like in tennis, boxing etc. the consumption of adequate
carbohydrate and fluids may be taken care of. In shorter breaks, carbohydrate rich
foods like banana, juices, carbohydrate-based drinks (less than 2% concentration)
or simply water may be taken. Carbonated beverages, fizzy drinks and drinks that
contain caffeine are not recommended.
If exercising for more than 60 minutes, carbohydrate-electrolyte beverages like
diluted fruit juices containing 5 percent to 8 percent carbohydrates can be ingested.
As the duration of high intensity events continues, muscle glycogen levels diminish.
Therefore, for endurance athletes, in events lasting longer than two hours,
carbohydrate rich solids or liquid meals are recommended during exercise.


Post training or sports competition, recovery of the best body state is required to
play or to train the next day to the maximum potential and reduce the chances of
injury. The main emphasis during recovery phase must be on the following:

hh To replace fluids lost during exercise.

hh To refill carbohydrate stores (muscle and liver glycogen)
hh To replace electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride)


First of all, the fluids lost during exercise must be replaced to restore fluid balance.
Because restoration of normal fluid levels takes time, re-hydration needs to begin
during exercise and continue after exercise ends. It is recommended that athlete
should drink more fluid than is lost because some of the fluid that is taken during
recovery is eliminated as urine. Achieving adequate re-hydration before the next
training session is crucial for quality training. After exercise fluids should be taken
until body returns to its pre-exercise weight or urine is clear or pale colour.

Athletes benefit from consuming high carbohydrate foods immediately after ending
repeated intervals of intense exercise or prolonged exercise. The body replaces the
glycogen energy stores in the muscle within first few hours of exercising. Immediately
after an event, refuelling body with some carbohydrates such as juice, fruit, sweet
curd or cereal is required. Eating a balanced meal is recommended that includes
carbohydrates and good quality protein within two hours after the event.

I. Tick the correct option.

1. Range of protein intake is

a. 5g/kg body weight to 1 g/kg body weight
b. 1g/kg body weight to 2 g/kg body weight
c. 2g/kg body weight to 3 g/kg body weight
d. 3g/kg body weight to 4 g/kg body weight

2. Approximately, how much carbohydrate is required for strength dominant

a. 40%
b. 55%
c. 70%
d. 80%

II. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Discuss the importance of Protein in regard to sportsperson.

2. Which diet should a sportsperson take during the competition?

III. Answer the following questions in 150-200 words.

1. Elaborate the importance of food during and after competition.


IV. Complete the following Graphic Organiser giving the Macro- and Micro-
nutrients present in the following food groups.

I. Sports Integration

Start an awareness campaign in your school regarding importance of nutrition in our


You could include the following activities:

hh Poster making Competition on the benefits of Healthy Eating and Healthy

hh Talk Show by inviting a Dietician.
hh Making and screening a video film on dietary imbalances.
hh Survey on sportsperson’s diet
hh If possible, develop a school vegetable garden to increase awareness
about various vegetables.

II. Sports and Nutrition


Picture Reference: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/statistics-


1. Based on the above pie chart

a. The major category of students fall in _________
b. Which category is overweight?
c. 25-29.9 is ___________ category.


In reference to the picture answer the following questions

a. What is the other name of Vitamin B1?

b. Deficiencies of B9 can cause______.
c. Vitamin ________ helps in maintaining hair colour.


Jain R, Puri S, Saini N. Dietary profile of sportswomen participating in team games

at State/National level. Indian J Pub Health 2008; 52 (3): 153-155.

Leutholtz B, Kreider RB. Exercise and Sport Nutrition. Nutritional Health. Humana
Press, Inc 2001, 207-39.

NIN/ICMR. Recommended dietary intakes for Indian sports men and women, 1985

National Institute of Nutrition. Dietary guidelines for Indians – A Manual, 1998

Priti RL, Siddhu A. Mapping RDA for energy for Indian sportswomen. PhD Thesis, Lady
Irwin College, 1993.

Satyanarayan K. Sports nutrition: Put back the pep. Nutrition;1991; April


Sherman WM, Jacobs KA, Leenders N: Carbohydrate metabolism during endurance

exercise. Overtraining in Sport (Edited by: Kreider RB, Fry AC, O&#39;Toole ML).
Champaign: Human Kinetics Publishers 1998; 289-308.

Siddhu A. Issues related to long term nutritional management of sports subjects-

Indian context. Food and Nutrition Update, 2002: 148-168

Wolinsky I. Nutrition in exercise and sport. CRC Press. Third edition. 1998.


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