Astm d2137
Astm d2137
Astm d2137
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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D2137 − 11 (2018)
with an associated temperature control. Where temperatures below that
obtainable by solid or liquid carbon dioxide are required, liquid nitrogen
may be used.
5.4.2 Gaseous Medium—A gaseous medium may be used
provided ample time is allowed for the specimens to reach
temperature equilibrium with the temperature of the medium. A gaseous medium may be used if the low tempera-
ture will not affect the operation of the impact mechanism and
FIG. 1 Specimen Clamp and Striker remains fluid at the specified temperature.
5.5 Temperature Control—Suitable means shall be provided
(6.6 6 0.6 ft/s) at impact and immediately after. The speed of for controlling the temperature of the heat transfer medium
the solenoid-activated striker should be frequently calibrated within 60.5°C (61°F) if the medium is liquid and within
by the method described in the annex. Other types of testers 61°C (61.8°F) with gaseous medium.
shall be calibrated according to their appropriate methods and
5.5.1 Temperature monitoring is done with a thermocouple
manufacturers’ instructions. In order to have the required
or other temperature-sensing device with associated tempera-
speed, care must be taken to ensure that the striking energy of
ture indicator, digital or analog, having a resolution of 0.5°C
at least 3.0 J per specimen is used.
(1°F) or greater and a range suitable for the temperatures at
NOTE 1—The striker may be motor-driven, solenoid-operated, gravity- which the tests are to be made.
activated or spring-loaded. The motor-driven tester should be equipped 5.5.2 The thermocouple is preferably constructed of copper-
with a safety interlock to prevent striker motion when the cover is open.
constantan wire having a diameter between 0.2 and 0.5 mm (32
5.2.1 Position of Striking Edge—The distance between the to 24 AWG) and shall be fusion-bonded at the junction. It shall
center line of the striking edge and the clamps shall be 8.0 6 be located as near the specimens as possible without making
0.3 mm (0.31 6 0.01 in.). The clearance between the striking contact. A thermometer may also be used if it can be shown to
arm and the clamp at and immediately following impact shall agree with the thermocouple or other devices that respond
be: rapidly and accurately to temperature change. Test Method A, C, and D—6.4 6 0.3 mm (0.25 6 5.5.3 Automatic changes in temperature of a liquid medium
0.01 in.) may be obtained by means of a system consisting of an Test Method B—Listed as follows: externally cooled tank connected to the test area with suitable
Specimen Thickness, mm (in.) Clearance, mm (in.) tubing, a thermoregulator, a pump, an electric immersion
1.65 to 2.20 (0.065 to 0.087) 6.4 ± 0.3 (0.25 ± 0.01)
heater or internal heat exchanger, and appropriate switches.
1.05 to 1.64 (0.041 to 0.064) 5.7 ± 0.3 (0.22 ± 0.01)
0.55 to 1.04 (0.022 to 0.040) 5.2 ± 0.3 (0.20 ± 0.01) The regulator, alternately activating both the pump and heating
0.10 to 0.54 (0.004 to 0.021) 4.8 ± 0.3 (0.19 ± 0.01) system through the switches, controls the amount of liquid
NOTE 2—The dimensional requirements for Test Method B may be coolant being pumped to the test chamber as well as the
obtained by fabricating individual plates to fit the specimen holder amount of heat coming from the heater.
illustrated in Fig. 1. 5.5.4 Manual temperature changes for liquid media may be
5.3 Tank or Test Chamber—A tank for liquid heat transfer accomplished with powdered carbon dioxide (dry ice) and an
media or a test chamber for gaseous media is required. To electric immersion heater.
ensure thorough circulation of the heat transfer medium, a 5.5.5 Devices employed to monitor temperature, thermo-
stirrer should be provided for liquids and a fan or blower for couples or liquid-in-glass thermometers, shall be calibrated at
gaseous media. intervals recommended by the manufacturer. If no interval is
5.4 Heat Transfer Media: recommended a one year interval is suggested.
5.4.1 Liquid Heat Transfer Medium—The recommended 5.5.6 Devices employed to control temperature, typically
heat transfer media are listed below. Methanol is typically thermocouples and associated devices, shall be calibrated at
used, however, it is both flammable and toxic. Methanol, or intervals recommended by the manufacturer. If no interval is
any flammable or toxic media, shall be used only in a tank/test recommended a one year interval is suggested.
chamber which is specifically designed and manufactured to
accommodate such media. 6. Time Lapse Between Vulcanization and Testing
NOTE 3—Any other liquid heat transfer medium that remains fluid at the 6.1 For all test purposes, the minimum time between vul-
test temperature and will not appreciably affect the material tested may be canization and testing shall be 16 h.
used. The following materials have been used down to the indicated
6.2 For nonproduct tests, the maximum time between vul-
canization and testing should be 672 h (four weeks), and for
Dow Corning—200 fluids: °C
5 mm2/s viscosity −60 evaluation intended to be comparable, the tests should be
2 mm2/s viscosity −76 carried out after the same time interval.
Methanol −90
Propyl Alcohol or methylcyclohexane −120 6.3 For product tests, whenever possible, the time between
NOTE 4—The desired temperature may also be obtained by filling the vulcanization and testing should not exceed 2160 h (three
tank with the heat transfer medium and lowering its temperature by the months). In other cases, tests should be made within 1440 h
addition of liquid carbon dioxide controlled by a solenoid-activated unit (two months) of the date of receipt by the customer.
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D2137 − 11 (2018)
7. Test Specimens
7.1 Test Method A—Die-cut specimens as illustrated in Fig.
2 shall be considered standard.
7.1.1 Test Method B specimens as illustrated in Fig. 3 may
be used but will not necessarily provide comparable results.
Their use shall be indicated in the test report. FIG. 3 Test Method B Test Specimen (formerly referred to as Type
A Specimen)
7.1.2 Specimens of other than 2.0 6 0.2 mm (0.08 6 0.01
in.) thicknesses may be used provided it can be shown that they
give equivalent results for the material being tested. Their use
shall be indicated in the test report. 9. Procedure
7.2 Test Method B—Die-cut specimens as illustrated in Fig. 9.1 Test Method A:
3 shall be used. They should be die-cut with the longer 9.1.1 Test with Liquid Heat Transfer Medium:
dimensions parallel to the lengthwise direction of the coated Prepare and bring the bath to a temperature below
fabric, unless otherwise specified, and be 40 6 6 mm (1.6 6 the expected lowest temperature of non-failure. Place sufficient
0.25 in.) long, 6 6 0.5 mm (0.25 6 0.02 in.) wide, and 2.0 6 liquid in the tank to ensure approximately 25 mm (1 in.) liquid
0.2 mm (0.08 6 0.01 in.) in thickness. covering the test specimens. Mount five specimens as illustrated in Fig. 2 in the
7.3 Test Method C—Die-cut specimens as illustrated in Fig.
apparatus with the entire tab in the clamp. Immerse the
1 or Fig. 2 may be used and reported accordingly.
specimens for 5.0 6 0.5 min at the test temperature. The
7.4 Test Method D—Die-cut specimens as illustrated in Fig. immersion time shall be reported in 10.1.2.
1 or Fig. 2 may be used and reported accordingly. (1) Alternatively, an immersion time of 3.0 6 0.5 min may
7.5 Regular calibration of the cutting dies to maintain the be employed. The immersion time shall be reported in 10.1.2.
proper geometric dimensions and cutting edge sharpness is If five specimens as illustrated in Fig. 3 are used, a
important in achieving repeatable and reproducible test out- minimum of 6 mm (0.25 in.) of the specimen length must be
comes. The cutting die knife edges should be regularly held in the clamp.
inspected for damage or wear under 10× or greater magnifica- The clamp shall be properly tightened so that each
tion. Any cutting die which exhibits nicks or disfigurement test specimen is held with approximately the same clamping
shall be removed from service. It is recommended that cutting torque. A clamping torque of 0.15 to 0.25 N is recommended.
dies be calibrated and sharpened once yearly or more fre- If the energy capacity causes the speed of the striker
quently depending on the frequency and severity of use. to fall below 1.8 m/s (6 ft/s), a smaller number of specimens
shall be mounted for testing so that the striker speed does not
8. Conditioning fall below 1.8 m/s (6 ft/s). This speed shall be maintained for
at least 6.0 mm of travel following the impact.
8.1 Test Method A—Condition the test specimens at 23 6 After immersion for the specified time, record the
2°C (73.4 6 3.6°F) and 50 6 5 % relative humidity for no less
actual test temperature and deliver a single impact to the
than 16 h prior to testing.
8.2 Test Method B—The test specimens shall be conditioned Examine each specimen to determine whether or not
prior to the test in accordance with the standard conditions in it has failed. Failure is defined as any crack, fissure, or hole
Test Methods D751. visible to the naked eye, or complete separation into two or
8.3 Where long-term effects, such as crystallization, more pieces. When a specimen has not completely separated,
incompatibility, etc., of the material, are to be studied, the test bend it to an angle of 90° in the same direction as the bend
specimens may be conditioned in accordance with Practice caused by the impact, then examine it for cracks at the bend.
D832. Repeat the test at the next higher temperatures at
10°C intervals using new specimens each time until no failure
8.4 Test Method C—Condition the specimens as described
is obtained. Then decrease the bath temperature at 2°C inter-
in Test Method A (8.1).
vals. Test at each temperature to determine the lowest tempera-
8.5 Test Method D—Condition the specimens as described ture at which no failures occur. Record this temperature as the
in Test Method A (8.1). lowest temperature of non-failure. Test with Gaseous Heat Transfer Medium:
(1) Adjust the refrigerating unit and bring the test chamber,
test apparatus, and specimens to thermal equilibrium at the
desired temperature (see Note 4). An alternative method is to
place the striker and specimen clamp through the top of the
refrigerating unit with the solenoid remaining outside the unit
and insulated from the cold air.
(2) The actual testing is performed in the same manner as
NOTE 1—The test piece thickness is 2.0 6 0.2 mm. described in 9.1.1.
FIG. 2 Test Method A (Modified T-50) Test Specimen (formerly re-
ferred to as Type B Specimen) 9.2 Test Method B:
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9.2.1 Follow the instructions in accordance with 10.1.1 Complete identification of the material tested, includ-
through, except that specimens as illustrated in Fig. 3 ing type, source, manufacturer’s code designation, form, and
shall be used. The specimens shall be examined for any visible date produced, if applicable,
fracture or crack in the coating under 5× magnification, after 10.1.2 Test method used and immersion time (refer to
having bent the specimens to an angle of 180° in the same and,
direction caused by the impact. 10.1.3 Thickness and type of specimen,
9.2.2 Use new specimens for each test. 10.1.4 Number of specimens tested at a single impact,
9.2.3 For routine testing of all coated fabrics, subject five 10.1.5 Conditioning period, method, and procedure,
specimens to the impact test at a specified temperature as stated 10.1.6 Heat transfer medium used, and
in the relevant material specification. None shall fail. 10.1.7 Brittleness temperature to nearest 1°C (2°F), or less,
9.3 Test Method C—Testing at a Specified Temperature and if the data is available.
Testing of Materials from a Supplier:
9.3.1 Follow the instructions in accordance with 11. Precision and Bias3
through except that the test is conducted at a specified 11.1 This precision and bias section has been prepared in
temperature. accordance with Practice D4483. Refer to Practice D4483 for
9.3.2 For inspection and acceptance of materials received terminology and other statistical calculation details.
from a supplier, it shall be satisfactory to accept lots on the 11.2 A Type 1 (interlaboratory) precision was evaluated in
basis of testing ten specimens (five at a time) at a specified 1987. Both repeatability and reproducibility are short term. A
temperature as stated in the relevant material specifications. period of a few days separates replicate test results. A test
Not more than five shall fail. Should there be no failures in the result, as specified by this test method, is obtained on one
testing of the first five specimens, the testing of the second five determination or measurement of the property or parameter in
specimens is not required. question.
9.3.3 It shall be satisfactory to accept materials on a basis of
testing five specimens at a specified temperature, as stated in 11.3 Four different materials were used in the interlabora-
the relevant material specification. None shall fail. tory program. These were tested in seven laboratories on two
different days.
9.4 Test Method D—Determination of 50 % of Brittleness
Temperature: 11.4 The results of the precision calculations for repeatabil-
9.4.1 Follow the instructions in accordance with ity and reproducibility are given in Table 1, in ascending order
through except that initial temperature is that at which of material average or level, for each of the materials evalu-
a failure rate of 50 % is anticipated. ated. Measurements, in °C, have been transformed to kelvin as
9.4.2 If all of the test specimens fail at the initial the brittleness temperature of one of the materials is approxi-
temperature, repeat the test at the next higher temperatures at mately 0°C.
10°C intervals using new specimens each time. 11.5 Repeatability, r, does not vary over the range of
9.4.3 If none of the test specimens fail at the initial material levels as evaluated. Reproducibility varies over the
temperature, repeat the test at the next lower temperatures at range of material levels evaluated.
10°C intervals using new specimens each time. 11.6 The precision of these test methods may be expressed
9.4.4 Increase or decrease the temperature in increments of in the format of the following statements which use an
2°C, repeat the test using new test specimens for each test until: “appropriate value” of r, R, (r), or (R), that is, that value to be The lowest temperature at which none of the test used in decisions about test results (obtained with the test
specimens fail, and method). The appropriate value is that value of r or R The highest temperature at which all of the test associated with a mean level in Table 1 closest to the mean
pieces fail is ascertained. level under consideration at any given time, for any given
9.4.5 Record the number of failures at each temperature. material, in routine testing operations.
9.4.6 Determine the 50 % brittleness temperature by calcu-
lation using the following equation: 11.7 Repeatability—The repeatability, r, of these test meth-
ods have been established as the appropriate value tabulated in
T b 5 T h 1∆T 5 ~~ S/100! 2 ~ 1/2 !! (1)
Table 1. Two single test results, obtained under normal test
where: method procedures, that differ by more than this tabulated r
Tb = the 50 % brittleness temperature, ºC (for any given level) must be considered as derived from
Th = the highest temperature at which all specimens fail different or nonidentical sample populations.
∆T = the interval between the testing temperatures 11.8 Reproducibility—The reproducibility, R, of these test
S = the total percent of test failures at each test methods have been established as the appropriate value
temperature, from the test temperature at which no tabulated in Table 1. Two single test results obtained in two
specimen fails to the test temperature at which all different laboratories, under normal test method procedures,
specimens fail, Th (%)
10. Report 3
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
10.1 Report the following information: be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D11-1052.
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D2137 − 11 (2018)
TABLE 1 Type 1 Precision of Brittleness Temperature (K)
NOTE 1—The precision data are calculated in kelvin to avoid large values of (r) and (R) as Material B approximates 0°C in its measurement or
brittleness temperature.
Within LaboratoryA Between LaboratoryA
Material Average, K (°C)
Sr r (r) SR R (R)
D, IR 217.6 (−55.5) 0.00 0.00 0.0 1.65 4.67 2.1
C, NR 219.5 (−53.6) 0.75 2.13 0.9 2.49 7.06 3.2
A, SBR 227.6 (−45.5) 0.96 2.72 1.1 4.18 11.84 5.2
B, NBR 260.0 (−13.1) 0.75 2.13 0.8 3.71 10.52 4.0
Pooled valuesB 230.1 (−43.0) 0.73 2.07 0.9 3.28 9.28 4.0
Sr = repeatability standard deviation.
r = repeatability = 2.83 times the square root of the repeatability variance.
(r) = repeatability (as percent of material average).
SR = reproducibility standard deviation.
R = reproducibility = 2.83 times the square root of the reproducibility variance.
(R) = reproducibility (as percent of material average).
No values omitted.
that differ by more than the tabulated R (for any given level) test property value. Reference values do not exist for this test
must be considered to have come from different or nonidentical method since the value (of the test property) is exclusively
sample populations. defined by these test methods. Bias, therefore, cannot be
11.9 Repeatability and reproducibility expressed as a per- determined.
cent of the mean level, (r) and (R), have equivalent application
statements as above for r and R. For the (r) and (R) statements, 12. Keywords
the difference in the two single test results is expressed as a 12.1 brittleness; flexibility; low temperature; rubber-coated
percent of the arithmetic mean of the two test results. fabrics
11.10 Bias—In test method terminology, bias is the differ-
ence between an average test value and the reference (or true)
(Mandatory Information)
v 5 =2 gh (A1.1)
A1.2 — Securing Ball Support—Remove either one of the FIG. A1.1 Ball Support
nuts that fasten the striking bar guide rods to the solenoid
armature yoke. Place the small hole of the ball support (Fig.
A1.1) over the guide rod and replace and secure the nut. the bar not be in the plane of the specimen. If the striker bar is
not in contact with the specimen, the rubber bumper must be
A1.3 Adjusting Stroke of Striker—Remove the metal guard removed and replaced by a thinner bumper. Conversely, if the
from around the solenoid. Spread open the rubber bumper (Fig. striker bar moves into the plane of the specimen, the bumper
A1.2) and insert it around the armature. Replace the solenoid must be replaced by a thicker one.
guard. Insert a typical rubber or plastic specimen into the
specimen holder of the tester. Raise the striking mechanism by A1.4 Placement of Ball and Measuring Tube —Place a
hand until the end of the stroke is reached. It is essential that, 19-mm (3⁄4-in.) diameter steel ball on the ball holder. (In theory,
with the striking mechanism raised to its maximum height, the the upward flight of the ball is independent of the mass of the
striker bar of the tester be in contact with the specimen but that ball. However, if the mass is too large, the motion of the striker
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D2137 − 11 (2018)
A1.5 Measurement and Calculation—With the tester
equipped as described above and devoid of test specimens and
immersion medium, fire the solenoid and read the ball height to
the closest 5 mm (1⁄4 in.). Make at least five measurements.
Average all results and convert the average to metres (or feet).
Determine the striker speed, v, from the following equation:
v 5 =2 gh (A1.2)
FIG. A1.2 Rubber Bumper v = speed, m/s (or ft/s).
g = 9.8 m/s2 (32.2 ft/s2), and
bar may be impeded.) Clamp a glass or clear plastic tube with h = average ball height, m (or ft).
a minimum inside diameter of 25.4 mm (1 in.) in a vertical NOTE A1.1—Calibration measurements should be made with the tester
supported on a non-resilient surface, such as a laboratory bench or
position directly over the ball. The tube should contain a scale
concrete floor. Resilient mountings tend to absorb some of the striker
divided into 5-mm (1⁄4-in.) intervals. The zero position on the energy causing low ball height values.
scale should be aligned with the top of the ball when the ball
is at the top of the stroke of the striker mechanism.
A2.1 With the tester equipped with ball support, ball, and immersion medium was found to be 1.9 m/s (6.2 ft/s). This
measuring tube (see Annex A1), but without the rubber bumper speed is within the specified limits of 5.2.
(tester in the normal operating condition) and devoid of test
A2.3.2 Using the procedure of A2.1, with the tester devoid
specimens and immersion medium, fire the solenoid and read
of test specimens and immersion medium, the range of striker
the ball height to the closest 5 mm (1⁄4 in.). Make ten
speed at the top of the stroke was found to be 2.5 to 2.7 m/s
measurements. From the lowest and highest ball height
(8.2 to 8.7 ft/s). This range becomes the acceptable range for
readings, determine the range in striker speed, using Eq A1.1.
This range is termed “range of speed at the top of the stroke.” this series of tests. The acceptable range should be established
each time the striker speed at point of impact is determined (see
A2.2 With the tester equipped in accordance with A2.1, but Annex A1).
also with test specimen(s) and immersion medium, conduct the A2.3.3 Using the procedure of A2.2, with the tester con-
brittleness test in accordance with Section 9. Read the ball taining a test specimen(s) and immersion medium, the speed at
height each time the solenoid is fired. Convert the ball height the top of the stroke during the first solenoid firing was found
to speed as shown in A1.5. If the speed lies within the to be 2.5 m/s (8.2 ft/s). This speed was within the acceptable
predetermined range of speed at the top of the stroke, the test range and the test was valid.
will be considered valid. If the speed lies outside of the
predetermined range, the test will be invalid and should not be A2.3.4 The speeds at the top of the stroke during the second
reported. Should successive tests be invalid, adjustments and third solenoid firings were found to be 2.4 and 2.3 m/s (7.9
should be made to bring the speed at the top of the stroke and 7.5 ft/s), respectively. These speeds are outside of the
within the acceptable, predetermined range. This may be acceptable range and both tests are invalid.
accomplished by reducing the number of specimens tested per
A2.3.5 Adjustments were made to increase the speed at the
impact or by changing from Type A to Type B specimens.
top of the stroke, using the procedures given in A2.2.
A2.3 The following example typifies the entire speed cali- A2.3.6 The speeds at the top of the stroke during the fourth
bration procedure for solenoid actuated testers: and all subsequent solenoid firings were found to lie between
A2.3.1 Using the procedure of Annex A1, the striker speed 2.5 and 2.7 m/s (8.2 to 8.7 ft/s). The results of all these tests
at point of impact of a tester devoid of test specimens and were valid.
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D2137 − 11 (2018)
A3.1 Speed calibration of the striker is accomplished by lations are made with the computer program and printed for the
adjustment of a precision pressure regulator with the pressure operator each time the striker is operated.
read on an accurate gauge. Pressure regulation is necessary
because of variations in: A3.3 The desired speed is set by adjusting the pressure
regulator to the desired rate. The striker is then operated, and
A3.1.1 Fluid density and viscosity of the cooling medium.
the actual speed is compared with the desired speed and
A3.1.2 The number of samples in the test holder. adjusted as required to obtain the correct rate. The rate is
A3.1.3 The available gas to the regulator. printed during an actual test, and a warning will appear if the
rate is out of the selected range.
A3.2 The actual speed of the striker is measured as a
function of time between two proximity switches. The calcu-
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