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5 Sub Scheme - Formulation of Plans - S Surendra

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Sub-Scheme on

Formulation of GIS based

Master Plans
for 500 AMRUT cities

Town & Country Planning Organisation

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
Govt. of India
(Space Applications & Accrued benefits)

Urban Large scale maps at the scale of

1992 Mapping 1:25000 using aerial photography
Scheme for 53 towns.

Space-based geospatial technology

2001 NCR Plan used for preparation of NCR
Regional Plan

GIS Data Base at 1:10000 & 1:2000

2006 NUIS scale for 152 cities

More than 200 cities in

Initiatives By Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka,
State Govts. Rajasthan, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh
prepared and now use GIS based
planning tools at the ULB level.
Formulation of GIS based Master Plans


As a follow up of the National Meet on promoting use of Space

Technology in Governance & Development under the
Chairmanship of Hon’ble Prime Minister, the Ministry of Housing
and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has launched a Sub-scheme on
formulation of GIS based Master Plans under AMRUT Mission for
500 towns in October, 2015.
Formulation of GIS based Master Plans

The objective is to develop common digital geo-referenced base maps and land
use maps using Geographical Information System (GIS) in each AMRUT city to
formulate Master Plans. The major components are:
• Generation of Base Map & Thematic Maps and Urban Database Creation at the
scale of 1:4000 as per Design & Standards
• Formulation of Master Plan: Formulation of Master Plan of city as per State Town &
Country Planning Act on the GIS base map and sector-wise data analysis. The
implementing agency is State Mission Director/ULBs.
• Capacity Building: The training is at 3 levels, Implementing agency State Mission
o Administrators level –three days duration.
o Planning level –two weeks duration.
o Operators and Technicians level –four weeks duration
Formulation of GIS based Master Plans

Demarcation of mapping area Primary and Secondary Surveys

Satellite Data acquisition Attribute mapping

GPS Survey
Thematic Map generation
Identification of issues and potentials
Topology Building

Ground Truthing Projected Requirements

Value addition from line departments Policy formulation

Quality check and vetting Draft proposals

GIS Base Map Draft Master Plan

AMRUT Geo spatial Layers
Sl Spatial Layers Source for Spatial data Classification based on Use
No. generation & Attributes
Classes Sub Classes
(69) (475)
I Base layers
1. Road
2. Rail Very High Resolution satellite data
5 46
3. Bridges
4. Flyovers
5. Water bodies
II Urban Land Use/Land cover Very High Resolution satellite data 28 220
III Building Footprints Very High Resolution satellite data 22 144
IV Utilities
1. Water Supply Network 1 12
2. Storm Water Drainage Network 1 2
Urban Local Bodies
3. Sewerage Network 1 8
4. Power Supply Network 1 8
5. Gas Distribution Network 1 6
V Hypsography
1. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Type :
1 1
Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Topographic Survey; existing DEMs or
2. Contour contour maps. 1 1
AMRUT Geo spatial Layers
Sl Spatial Layers Source for Spatial data Classification based on Use
No. generation & Attributes
Classes Sub Classes
VI Cadastral Layer Urban Local Bodies /State
Revenue Department -

VII Boundaries
1. Administrative State Revenue Department
1 7
2. Planning boundaries Urban Local Bodies 1 8
3. Municipal boundaries Urban Local Bodies 1 4
4. Other Boundaries: EB from Registrar General of
Enumeration Block (EB), India (RGI), UFS from National
Urban Framework Survey (UFS) & Sample Survey Organisation
Mining Area 1 3
(NSSO) & Mining area boundary
from concerned State
VIII Hazard Prone Areas Information from NRSC, ISRO,
GSI, NDMA, Other State & 1 3
Central Government Depts.
Example: Road Geospatial Data Content
Example: Road GIS Structure
Attribute Attribute Attribute Attribute
Name Field Name Field Type Field Width
Road Id Rd_ID Alphanumeric 15 Unique Id
Code Code Alphanumeric 10 Code as given in Table 6
Sub-Class Sub_Class Text 20 Sub Class as given in Table 6
Length in km. Length_km. Double 10 Up to 4 decimals Length (in km.)
Ward Number Ward_No Alphanumeric 10 Ward Number
Specific Name of the feature, if
Road Name Rd_Name Text 30
Road Construction Concrete/Asphalt/WBM/Any
Cons_Mat Text 10
Material Other
CW_Width Double 10 Up to 4 decimals Carriage Width in metres
Width (in mt.)
Right of Way
ROW_Width Double 10 Up to 4 decimals Right of Way Width in metres
Width (in mt.)
Municipal body/NHAI/R & B
Maintained By Maintain Text 15
Foot Path FP Text 3 Yes/No
Foot path width (in mt. in
FP_Width Double 10 Up to 2 decimals Footpath Width in metres
case Yes)
Foot Path Construction Shabad/Tiles/Concrete/Other
FP_Cons_Ma Text 15
material Stone
Eluru Town (A.P) (1kmx 1km grid) overview along with the extracted layers.

Eluru (C2C) satellite Imagery Eluru Database(As per AMRUT standards)


Road layer
Building layer
Formulation of GIS based Master Plans


No. Component Cost ( Crores)

1. Geospatial data creation at 1:4000 scale for 500 AMRUT 115.90
2. Plan Formulation using Geospatial database 388.25
3. Capacity Building 10.85
Grand Total 515.00

Component/town wise fund allocation

Type of city Area Geospatial data creation Plan Formulation Capacity Building

Metro City 500 Sq. KM 44,44,000 1,00,00,000 5,00,000

Class-I City 200 Sq. KM 17,77,600 75,00,000 2,00,000

Formulation of GIS based Master Plans

Approved State Action Plans (SAP) received: 34 States/UTs(458 towns), out of that
funds have been released to 34 States/UTs (458 towns).
1. Funds approved: Rs.390.97 cr.
2. Total Funds released : Rs.87.73 cr.
A. Funds released: Rs. 78.33 cr.
(1ST installment 20%)
B. Funds released: Rs. 9.40 cr.
(2nd installment 40% )
C. Funds released to NRSC: Rs. 7.36 cr.
3. UCs Received: Rs. 8.84 cr.
2 UTs are opt out from the Sub- Scheme (Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep)
Formulation of GIS based Master Plans

Physical Progress
1. Geo-database Creation
AoI Satellite data Data Thematic Draft Geo database Final Maps
Demarcated Acquired Processed Map Created Maps vetted Delivered
States 27 25 18 13 11 4 3
Towns 334 243 184 117 112 94 45

2. Master Plan Formulation

Contract Socio-Economic Socio Economic Draft
Steps RFP Floated
awarded Data Collected Data Analyzed Master Plan
States 20 15 6 5 3
Towns 227 104 49 47 11

3. Capacity Building Training Calendar @

NESAC, Shillong
IISM, Hyderabad
States 16 21 17 9 30 IIRS, Dehradun
Officials 105 110 133 74 443
BISAG, Gujarat

• National Meet of the SMDs/State Nodal Officers was held on

13.05.2016, 20.10.2016 & 22.09.2017 with a total participation of
218 officers to discuss modalities of implementation of the
• A National Monitoring & Review Committee meeting under the
Chairmanship of CP,TCPO was held on 06.11.17 and 12th January
• State Action Plan Template (SAP) prepared and circulated amongst States.
• Design & Standards has been finalized and uploaded on AMRUT Website.
• Model Request for Proposal (RFP) Template for procurement of consultancy
services for formulation of GIS-based master plans finalized and circulated to
• Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for creation of geo-spatial database
between MoUD and NRSC has been signed for states agreeing to create geo-
spatial database through NRSC.
• The State Nodal Agency/Officer has been identified by 34 States/UTs.
Thank You
Town & Country Planning Organization
Government of India
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
E- Block, Vikas Bhawan,
I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002

cp.tcpo@yahoo.com, cp-tcpo-mud@nic.in
Funds Approved (Rs. Lakh)

No.of Capacity
Sr. No. Name of State Towns Geodatabase creation Master Plan Building Total
In-house Outsourcing NRSC In-house Outsourcing
1 Andaman Nicobar Is 1 17.78 0.00 2.00 19.78
2 Andhra Pradesh 26 246.31 1975.00 55.00 2276.31
3 Arunachal Pradesh 1 17.78 75.00 2.00 94.78
4 Assam 4 41.60 300.00 8.00 349.60
5 Bihar 24 285.51 1800.00 48.00 2133.51
6 Chandigarh 1 12.44 75.00 2.00 89.44
7 Chhattisgarh 9 146.17 700.00 21.00 867.17
8 Delhi 4 51.27 0.00 8.00 59.27
9 Goa 1 8.15 75.00 2.00 85.15
10 Gujarat 31 332.39 2350.00 74.00 3064.96
11 Haryana 19 177.15 1450.00 41.00 1513.56
12 Himachal Pradesh 2 25.12 150.00 4.00 179.12
13 Jammu & Kashmir 5 106.66 400.00 13.00 519.66
14 Jharkhand 7 138.17 575.00 20.00 733.17
15 Karnataka 27 394.01 2050.00 57.00 2501.01
16 Kerala 9 69.03 560.00 18.00 647.03
Funds Approved (Rs. Lakhs)

No.of Capacity
Sr. No. Name of State Towns Geo-database creation Master Plan Building Total
In-house Outsourcing NRSC In-house Outsourcing
17 Madhya Pradesh 34 472.90 2650.00 80.00 3202.90
18 Maharashtra 36 208.30 2800.00 84.00 3092.30
19 Manipur 1 13.33 75.00 2.00 90.33
20 Manipur 1 13.33 75.00 2.00 90.33
21 Meghalaya 1 17.78 75.00 2.00 94.78
22 Mizoram 1 13.51 75.00 2.00 90.51
23 Nagaland 2 28.44 150.00 4.00 182.44
24 Odisha 9 135.52 75.00 18.00 228.52
25 Pondicherry 3 43.73 225.00 6.00 274.73
26 Punjab 16 334.01 1250.00 38.00 1622.01
27 Rajasthan 29 509.64 300.00 67.00 876.64
28 Sikkim 1 13.33 75.00 2.00 90.33
29 Tamil Nadu 18 215.09 1350.00 36.00 1601.09
30 Telangana 12 181.43 925.00 27.00 1133.43
31 Tripura 1 11.55 75.00 2.00 88.55
32 Uttar Pradesh 60 1182.63 4725.00 140.00 6047.63
Funds Approved (Rs. Lakhs)

No.of Capacity
Sr. No. Name of State Towns Geo-database creation Master Plan Building Total
In-house Outsourcing NRSC In-house Outsourcing
33 Uttarakhand 7 58.50 525.00 14.00 597.50
34 West Bengal 55 663.08 4175.00 116.00 4954.08
Total 458 28.44 2514.00 3636.24 3210.00 2875.00 1017.00 39097.30
Total Rs. In Crores 0.28 25.14 36.36 32.10 287.75 10.17 390.97
Grand Total 61.78 319.85 10.17 390.97
Funds Released to States (First Installment as 20% Advance)
Sl. No. Name of State Towns GIS MP CB TOTAL Rs. (Cr.) Release Date
1 Andhra Pradesh 26 4926281 39500000 1100000 45526281 4.55 19.06.17
2 Arunachal Pradesh 1 NRSC 1500000 40000 1540000 0.15 19.06.17
3 Goa 1 NRSC 1500000 40000 1540000 0.15 19.06.17
4 Himachal Pradesh 2 NRSC 3000000 80000 3080000 0.31 19.06.17
5 Jharkhand 7 2763421 11500000 400000 14663421 1.47 19.06.17
6 Karnataka 27 7880158 41000000 0 48880158 4.89 19.06.17
7 Madhya Pradesh 34 NRSC 53000000 1600000 54600000 5.46 19.06.17
8 Manipur 1 NRSC 1500000 80000 1580000 0.16 19.06.17
9 Meghalaya 1 355520 1500000 40000 1895520 0.19 19.06.17
10 Mizoram 1 NRSC 1500000 80000 1580000 0.16 19.06.17
11 Nagaland 2 568832 3000000 80000 3648832 0.36 19.06.17
12 Pondicherry 3 NRSC 4500000 120000 4620000 0.46 19.06.17
13 Rajasthan 29 10192758 6000000 1340000 17532758 1.75 19.06.17
14 Sikkim 1 NRSC 1500000 80000 1580000 0.16 19.06.17
15 Telangana 12 NRSC 18500000 540000 19040000 1.90 19.06.17
16 A & N Islands 1 NRSC 0 40000 40000 0.00 18.10.17
17 Bihar 24 5710240 36000000 960000 42670240 4.27 18.10.17
18 Chandigarh 1 NRSC 1500000 40000 1540000 4.55 18.10.17
Funds Released to States (First Installment as 20% Advance)
Sl. No. Name of State Towns GIS MP CB TOTAL Rs. (Cr.) Release Date
19 Kerala 9 NRSC 11200000 360000 11560000 1.16 18.10.17
20 Uttar Pradesh 60 NRSC 94500000 2800000 97300000 9.73 18.10.17
21 Assam 4 NRSC 6,000,000.00 160000 6160000 0.62 23.02.18
22 Chhattisgarh 9 NRSC 14,000,000.00 420000 14420000 1.44 23.02.18
23 Delhi (NCT) 4 1,025,438.00 0 160000 1185438 0.12 23.02.18
24 J&k 5 NRSC 8,000,000.00 260000 8260000 0.83 23.02.18
25 Punjab 16 NRSC 25,000,000.00 760000 25760000 2.58 23.02.18
26 Tamil Nadu 18 NRSC 27,000,000.00 720000 27720000 2.77 23.02.18
27 Maharashtra 36 4166048.738 56000000 1680000 61846048.74 6.18 22.03.18
28 Odisha 9 2710416.964 1500000 360000 4570416.964 0.46 22.03.18
29 Uttarakhand 7 NRSC 10500000 280000 10780000 1.08 22.03.18
30 West Bengal 55 NRSC 83500000 2320000 85820000 8.58 22.03.18
31 Tripura 1 2,31,088.00 15,00,000.00 40,000.00 17,71,088.00 0.17 22.06.18
Funds Released to States (First Installment as 20% Advance)
Sl. No. Name of State Towns GIS MP CB TOTAL Rs. (Cr.) Release Date
32 Gujarat 31 66,47,971.00 4,70,00,000.00 14,80,000.00 5,51,27,971.00 5.51 07.09.18
33 Haryana 19 35,43,158.16 2,60,00,000.00 8,20,000.00 3,03,63,158.16 3.03 07.09.18
34 Daman & Diu 01 NRSC 15,00,000.00 40,000.00 16,67,987.00 0.16 25.09.18
TOTAL 458 5,07,21,329.16 63,97,00,000.00 1,93,20,000.00 78,33,61,096.16 78.33

As on date Rs. 78.33 Cr. has been released to 34 States (458 Towns)
as First Installment
Funds Released to States (Second Installment as 40% Advance)
Sl. No. Name of State Towns GIS MP CB TOTAL Rs. (Cr.) Release Date
01 Pradesh 01 0 30,00,000.00 00 30,00,000.00 0.30 25.09.18
02 Andhra Pradesh 26 98,52,561.14 7,90,00,000.00 22,00,000.00 9,10,52,561.14 9.10 05.10.18
TOTAL 27 98,52,561.14 8,20,00,000.00 22,00,000.00 9,40,52,561.14 9.40

As on date Rs. 9.40 Cr. has been released to 02 States (27 Towns) as
Second Installment
Funds Released to NRSC for Geo Database Creation (First
Geodatabase Creation
Sl No. Name of Town
Towns in
Installment as Advance)
1st Inst. (Rs.)
1st Inst. (Rs.) Part
Rs. In Lakhs
Release Date Release Date - Part II
1 Arunachal Pradesh 1 400000 4 19.06.17
2 Goa 1 162953 1.62953 19.06.17
3 Himachal Pradesh 2 502314.2 5.02314 19.06.17
4 Madhya Pradesh 34 9894866 98.9487 19.06.17
5 Manipur 1 266640 2.6664 19.06.17
6 Mizoram 1 270195.2 2.70195 19.06.17
7 Pondicherry 3 874579 8.74579 19.06.17
8 Sikkim 1 266640 2.6664 19.06.17
9 Telangana 12 3914171 39.1417 19.06.17
10 Andaman Nicobar Is 1 248864 106656 3.5552 18.10.17 11.05.18
11 Chandigarh 1 174205 74659 2.48864 18.10.17 11.05.18
12 Kerala 9 966359 414154 13.8051 18.10.17 11.05.18
13 Uttar Pradesh 60 16556760 7095754 236.525 18.10.17 11.05.18
14 Assam 4 831916.8 8.31917 11.05.18
15 Tamil Nadu 18 4301797 43.018 11.05.18
16 Chattisgarh 9 2923405 29.2341 11.05.18
17 Punjab 16 6680221 66.8022 11.05.18
18 Jammu & Kashmir 5 2133120 21.3312 11.05.18
19 West bengal 55 13261632 132.616
20 Uttrakhand 7 1169920 11.6992 11.05.18
21 Daman & Diu 1 1,27,987.00 127.98 25.09.18
Total 241 65800558 7691223 734.92
Grand Total 73619768 736.19

As on date Rs. 7.36 Cr. has been released to NRSC for 21 States (241 Towns)
Utilisation Certificate
Received Yet to be Received
Sr. No. Name of State
Sl. Name of Amount 1 Andaman Nicobar Islands
No. State/Institute (Rs. ) 2 Assam
1 Andhra Pradesh 4,55,26,280.00 3 Bihar
2 Arunachal Pradesh 15,40,000.00 4 Chandigarh
5 Chhattisgarh
3 Goa 1,24,697.00 6 Daman and Diu
4 Himachal Pradesh 17,28,571.00 7 Delhi
5 Jharkhand 53,65,000.00 8 Gujarat
6 Karnataka 55,64,216.00 9 Haryana
7 Kerala 18,52,000.00 10 Jammu & Kashmir
11 Madhya Pradesh
8 Mizoram 15,80,000.00 12 Maharashtra
9 Nagaland 6,48,832.00 13 Manipur
10 Punjab 16,87,000.00 14 Meghalaya
11 Rajasthan 1,75,32,758.00 15 Odisha
12 Sikkim 8,40,854.00 16 Pondicherry
17 Tamil Nadu
13 NRSC 44,56,523.00
18 Telangana
Total 8,84,46,731.00 19 Tripura
20 Uttar Pradesh
21 Uttarakhand
22 West Bengal
Geo Database Creation
Process State (towns) Through NRSC State Initiatives/out sourcing
Demarcation of 27 States 1. Andaman & Nicobar Islands (1) 1. Meghalaya (1)
2. Arunachal Pradesh (1) 2. Rajasthan (29)
Mapping Area (334 towns) 3. Chandigarh (1)
(AOI) 4. Himachal Pradesh (2) 3. Bihar (24)
5. Kerala (9)
4. Jharkhand (7)
6. Madhya Pradesh (34)
7.Manipur (1) 5.Nagaland (2)
8. Mizoram (1)
6. Andhra Pradesh(26)
9.Puducherry (5)
10.Sikkim (1) 7. Maharashtra (36)
11.Telengana (12)
12.Uttar Pradesh (61)
13.Goa (1)
14. Assam (04)
15. Chhattisgarh (08)
16. Jammu & Kashmir (05)
17. Punjab (16)
18. Tamilnadu (17)
29. Uttarakhand (06)
20. West Bengal (23)
20 States (209 towns 7 States (125 towns)
Geo Database Creation
Process State (towns) Through NRSC State Initiatives/out sourcing
25 States (243 1. Arunachal Pradesh (01) 1. Rajasthan (29)
Satellite 2. Bihar (24)
2. Kerala (09)
Data towns) 3. Madhya Pradesh (32) 3. Jharkhand (06)
4. Manipur (01) 4. Meghalaya (01)
acquired 5. Sikkim (01) 5. Andhra Pradesh(26)
6. Maharashtra (36)
6. Telangana (11)
7. Nagaland (02)
7. Himachal Pradesh (02)
8. Mizoram (01)
9. Puducherry (05)
10. Uttar Pradesh (36)
11. A & N Islands (01)
12. Chandigarh (01)
13. Chhattisgarh (03)
14. Jammu & Kashmir (03)
15. Punjab (02)
16. Tamilnadu (07)
17. West Bengal (01)
18. Uttarakhand (02)
18 States (119 towns) 7 States (124 towns)
Geo Database Creation
Data Processing
State (towns) Through NRSC State Initiatives/out sourcing
18States 1. Kerala (09) 1. Rajasthan (29)
(184 towns) 2. Madhya Pradesh (20) 2. Bihar (24)
3. Sikkim (01) 3. Jharkhand (05)
4. Manipur (01) 4. Andhra Pradesh(26)
5. Telangana (06) 5. Maharashtra (36)
6. Nagaland (2)
6. Arunachal Pradesh (01)
7. Himachal Pradesh (01)
8. Puducherry (03)
9. Uttar Pradesh (14)
10. Mizoram (01)
11. Tamilnadu (4)
12. West Bengal (1)
12 States (62 towns) 6 States (122 towns)
Geo Database Creation

Thematic Map Creation

State Through NRSC State Initiatives/out sourcing
13 States 1. Kerala (05) 1. Rajasthan (29)
(117 towns) 2. Madhya Pradesh (08) 2. Bihar (24)
3. Sikkim (01) 3. Jharkhand (05)
4. Manipur (01) 4. Maharashtra (36)
5. Telangana (02) 5. Nagaland (2)
6. Arunachal Pradesh (01)
7. Puducherry (02)
8. Himachal Pradesh (1)

8 States (21 towns) 5 States (96 towns)

Geo Database Creation

Generation of Draft Maps

State (towns) Through NRSC State Initiatives/out sourcing

11 States 1. Kerala (05) 1. Rajasthan (29)

(112 towns) 2. Madhya Pradesh (07) 2. Bihar (24)
3. Sikkim (01) 3. Jharkhand (05)
4. Manipur (01) 4. Maharashtra (36)
5. Arunachal Pradesh (01)
6. Puducherry (02)
7. Himachal pradesh (1)
7 States (18 towns) 4 States (94 towns)
Geo Database Creation

Vetting of Geo database

State (towns) Through NRSC State Initiatives/out sourcing

4 States 1. Rajasthan (29)

(94 towns) 2. Bihar (24)
3. Jharkhand (05)
4. Maharashtra (36)
4 States (94 towns)
Geo Database Creation

Final Maps Delivered

State (Towns) Through NRSC State Initiatives/out sourcing

3 State 1. Maharashtra (13)

(45 Towns) 2. Rajasthan (29)
3. Jharkhand (03)

3 States (45 Towns)

Master Plan Formulation
Advt./ E.O.I. Issued 13 States 1. Sikkim (1)
(171 towns) 2. Arunachal Pradesh (1)
3. Himachal Pradesh (2)
4. Mizoram (1)
5. Manipur (1)
6. Karnataka (4)
7. Bihar (13)
8. Punjab (16)
9. Tamilnadu (18)
10. Maharashtra (36)
11. Uttar Pradesh (60)
12. Tripura (1)
13. Haryana (17)
Master Plan Formulation
Floating of RFP
20 States 1. Sikkim (1) 16. Tripura (1)
(227 towns) 2. Arunachal Pradesh (1) 17. Puducherry (3)
3. Himachal Pradesh (2) 18. Uttar Pradesh (60)
4. Mizoram (1) 19. Haryana (17)
5. Karnataka (13) 20. Goa (1)
6. Bihar (13)
7. Jharkhand (6)
8. Nagaland (2)
9. Andhra Pradesh (23)
10. Punjab (16)
11. Tamilnadu (18)
12. Maharashtra (36)
13. Chhattisgarh (09)
14. Assam (04)
15. Uttarakhand (1)
Master Plan Formulation
Award of Contract
15 States 1. Arunachal Pradesh (1) 12. Nagaland (2)
(104 towns) 2. Himachal Pradesh (2) 13. Bihar (1)
3. Jharkhand (7) 14. Haryana (17)
4. Sikkim (1) 15. Goa (1)
5. Mizoram (1)
6. Tamilnadu (8)
7. Maharashtra (36)
8. Punjab (12)
9. Andhra Pradesh (6)
10. Uttarakhand (1)
11. Puducherry (2)
Master Plan Formulation

Socio-Economic Data Collected

6 States 1. Jharkhand (6)

(49 towns) 2. Madhya Pradesh (34)
3. Rajasthan (4)
4. Kerala (02)
5. Arunachal Pradesh (01)
6. Puducherry (2)
Master Plan Formulation

Socio-Economic Data Analyzed

5 States 1. Jharkhand (6)

(47 towns) 2. Madhya Pradesh (34)
3. Rajasthan (4)
4. Arunachal Pradesh (01)
5. Puducherry (2)
Master Plan Formulation

Draft Master Plan Report Submitted

3 States 1. Rajasthan (4)

(11 towns) 2. Puducherry (2)
3. Jharkhand (5)
Capacity Building under AMRUT Sub-scheme as on date

Level of training/ trainees No. of Training No. of officials

Programme trained

Training for decision makers 6 126

Training for Middle level officers 6 121

Oprators & Technacians 4 86

Mixed training for decision makers, middle 6 110

level officers and operators at National Centre
of Geo Informatics (NCoG), Gandhi Nagar

Total 22 443
Capacity Building under AMRUT Sub-scheme as on date
No. of Training
Sl. No. of Officials
Institute Training Programmes
No. Trained
Bhaskaracharya Institute for Space
5 Days Training on NCoG GIS
1 Applications and Geo-informatics 06 110
(BISAG), Gandhinagar
3 Days Training programme for
North Eastern Space Application 03 43
Decision Makers
2 Centre (NESAC), Shillong
2 Weeks Training Programme
03 62
for Middle Level Officials
3 Days Training Programme for
Indian Institute of Surveying and 03 66
Decision Makers
3 Mapping (IIS&M), SoI, Hyderabad
2 Weeks Training Programme
04 67
for Middle Level Officials
2 Weeks Training Programme
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing,
4 for Middle Level Officials 02 74
ISRO, Dehradun

Total 22 443
Officials Trained at NESAC Shillong
Tier I Tier II Tier III
Batch I
No States/ Uts Batch I (18- Batch II (19- Batch III (29- Batch I (16- Batch II (14- Total
(06 – 31
20 Jan.18) 21 Feb. 18) 31 May.18) 27 Apr.18) 25 May.18)
Aug. 2018)
1 Andhra Pradesh 2 10 12
2 Arunachal Pradesh 1 3 5 9
3 Assam 1 4 5
4 Bihar 2 2
5 Chandigarh 3 3
6 Himachal Pradesh 1 2 3
7 Kerala 3 5 8
8 Madhya Pradesh 6 1 7
9 Manipur 1 3 4
10 Meghalaya 6 7 4 17
11 Mizoram 4 4
12 Nagaland 3 5 2 10
13 Rajasthan 1 2 4 2 5 14
14 Sikkim 1 2 3
15 Telangana 1 1
16 Uttar Pradesh 1 1
Total 13 21 9 20 10 30 103
Officials Trained at BISAG Gandhinagar
One Week Program for Officials - Batchs
No States/ Uts Total
8-12 Jan.18 5-9 Feb 18 (19-23 Mar.18) 2-6 Apr.18 23-27 Apr.18 2-6 Jul. 18
1 Andhra Pradesh 6 6
2 Arunachal Pradesh 2 2
3 Bihar 2 2
4 Chandigarh 1 1
5 Chattisgarh 5 5
6 Gujarat 4 4
7 Himachal Pradesh 7 0 7
8 Jammu & Kashmir 5 5
9 Jharkhand 4 4
10 Karnataka 4 4
11 Kerala 4 4
12 Madhya Pradesh 6 3 1 10
13 Maharashtra 4 4
14 Puducherry 2 2
15 Rajasthan 3 3 6
16 Sikkim 2 2
17 Tamil Nadu 5 5
18 Telangana 4 4
19 Uttar Pradesh 1 5 2 8
20 Uttarakhand 1 1
21 West Bengal 5 3 6 14
Total 20 24 19 14 9 14 100
Officials Trained at IISM Hyderabad
Tier I Tier II Tier III
No States/ Uts Batch I Total
Batch II Batch I (16- Batch II (1-11 Batch III (11- Batch I(02- Batch II (03-
(28-30 May 18) 27 Apr.18) May 2018 22 Jun.18) 27 Jul.18) 28 Sept.18)
1 Andhra Pradesh 10 10
2 Arunachal Pradesh 1 1
3 Chandigarh 2 2
4 Chattisgarh 1 9 7 1 18
5 Delhi 3 3
6 Goa 2 1 3
7 Himachal Pradesh 1 1
8 Jammu & Kashmir 2 3 5
9 Karnataka 4 9 13
10 Kerala 3 3
11 Maharashtra 3 3
12 Punjab 2 5 4 2 2 2 17
13 Rajasthan 3 7 3 3 16
14 Tamil Nadu 7 3 2 12
15 Telangana 8 3 11
16 Tripura 1 1
17 Uttarakhand 5 2 7
18 West bengal 7 7
Officials Trained at IIRS Dehradun
Tier II Tier I
No States/ Uts Total
Batch I (9-20 Jul.18) Batch I (12-14 Sept.18)

1 Andhra Pradesh 6 4 10
2 Chattisgarh 1 1
3 Gujarat 3 3
4 Jharkhand 5 1 6
5 Punjab 11 15 26
6 Rajasthan 3 3
7 Telangana 5 5
8 Uttarakhand 4 4 8
9 West Bengal 3 5 8
10 Haryana 1 1
11 Kerala 1 1
12 Madhya Pradesh 1 1
13 Sikkim 1 1
Total 41 33 74
Capacity Building Calendar under Sub-Scheme
Tier -1 04-06 Sept, 2018
Decision 29-31 May,
Makers 2018 28-30 May, 2018 31 Oct - 02 Nov, 2018
(3 Days) 2-6 July, 2018

Tier -2 6-10 Aug, 2018

09-20 July, 2018
Middle 24-28 Sept, 2018
Officers 11-22 June, 2018 8-12 Oct, 2018
(2 Weeks) 08-18 Oct 2018
26-30 Nov, 2018
Tier-3 02-27 July, 2018 03-28 Dec 2018
17-21 Dec,2018
06-31 Aug,
(Operators) 03-28 Sept, 2018
(4 Weeks) 2018
Status of Consultancy Evaluation and Review Committee (CERC)/ Monitoring
and Review Committee (MRC)
Fund already released Fund already released
Sr. No. Name of State/UT CERC Status Name of State/UT CERC Status
1 Arunachal Pradesh Done 17 Madhya Pradesh Done
2 Goa Done 18 Assam Done
3 Jharkhand Done 19 Punjab Done
4 Nagaland Done 20 Tamil Nadu Done
5 Sikkim Done 21 Chhattisgarh Done
6 Mizoram Done 22 Uttrakhand Done
7 Manipur Done 23 West Bengal Done
8 Telangana Done 24 Meghalaya Done
9 Himachal Pradesh Done 25 J &K Done
10 Bihar Done 26 NCT Delhi Done
11 Kerala Done 27 Haryana Done
12 Karnataka Done 28 Uttar Pradesh Done
13 Puducherry Done 29 Tripura Done
14 Andhra Pradesh Done 1 Maharashtra Not Done
15 Rajasthan Done 2 Odisha Not Done
16 Chandigarh Done 3 A & N Islands Not Done
Towns in Mission/Sub Scheme
No.of Towns in AMRUT No.of Towns in Sub-Scheme (On
No.of Towns in AMRUT No.of Towns in Sub-Scheme MISSION Board)
MISSION (On Board)

Under Under Sub

Under Under Sub
State/UT Metro Class I Others AMRUT Metro Class I Others Scheme
State/UT Metro Class I Others AMRUT Metro Class I Others Scheme
Lakshdweep 1 1 D 0
Andaman Nicobar
Islan 1 1 1 1 Madhya Pradesh 4 28 2 34 4 30 34
Andhra Pradesh 2 29 2 33 2 24 26 Maharashtra 10 33 1 44 4 32 36
Manipur 1 1 1 1
Arunachal Pradesh 1 1 1 1
Assam 4 4 4 4 Meghalaya 1 1 1 1
Bihar 1 25 1 27 24 24 Mizoram 1 1 1 1
Nagaland 1 1 2 1 1 2
Chandigarh 1 1 1 1
Odisha 9 9 9 9
Chhattisgarh 1 8 9 1 8 9
Pondicherry 3 3 3 3
Dadar & Nagar Haveli 1 1 D Punjab 2 14 16 2 14 16
Daman & Diu 1 1 Rajasthan 3 25 1 29 3 26 29
Delhi 4 4 4 4 Sikkim 1 1 1 1
Goa 1 1 1 1 Tamil Nadu 3 29 1 33 18 18
Gujarat 4 26 1 31 4 26 1 31 Telangana 1 10 1 12 1 11 12
Haryana 1 19 20 1 18 19 Tripura 1 1 1 1
Himachal Pradesh 1 1 2 2 2 Uttar Pradesh 6 54 1 61 6 54 60
Jammu & Kashmir 1 3 1 5 1 4 5 Uttrakhand 6 1 7 7 7
Jharkhand 2 5 7 2 5 7 West Bengal 2 57 1 60 2 53 55
Karnataka 1 25 1 27 1 26 27 Total 44 432 24 500 34 421 2 457
Kerala 7 2 9 9 9

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