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Caremongering M

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BreakingNewsEnglish - Many online quizzes at URL below

Canadians start True / False

'caremongering' trend a) "Caremongering" is a word that is over 100
years old. T / F
22nd March, 2020 b) The word "caremongering" comes from the
word "scaremongering". T / F
A new term has
c) The word "caremongering" is in the top three
emerged with the
English dictionaries. T / F
advent of the
coronavirus outbreak. d) Caremongering started after Canadians helped
The word vulnerable people. T / F
e) A Facebook group founder said caremongering
started trending after
was a big problem. T / F
acts of kindness in
Canada. The word f) The founder wants camaraderie to increase. T
comes from the less /F
positive word
g) The founder said caremongering was
important in our society. T / F
which is a recognised part of the English lexicon. It
is not yet known whether the word "caremongering" h) The founder said caremongering means we
will stay around long enough for dictionary editors haven't lost hope. T / F
to include it in future editions of their word lists.
"Caremongering" arose after Canadians found new
ways of helping vulnerable people during the
Synonym Match
COVID-19 virus. Social media is helping to spread (The words in bold are from the news article.)
the concept across Canada. Within 72 hours of the 1. term a. change
term trending, over 35 Facebook groups were set
2. advent b. versions
up with more than 30,000 members.
3. lexicon c. notion
The founders of the first caremongering group
spoke about the meaning of the name. Valentina 4. editions d. start
Harper told the BBC: "Scaremongering is a big 5. concept e. definition
problem. We wanted to switch that around and get 6. meaning f. in danger
people to connect on a positive level, to connect
with each other." She added: "Caremongering has 7. switch g. phrase
spread the opposite of panic in people, brought out 8. camaraderie h. people
community and camaraderie, and allowed us to 9. at risk i. vocabulary
tackle the needs of those who are at risk." Ms
10. humanity j. friendship
Harper explained why caremongering was
important in society. She said: "Anxiety, isolation
and lack of hope affects you....This virtual
community...is really showing people there is still
Discussion – Student A
hope for humanity. We haven't lost our hope." a) How caring are you?
Sources: standard.co.uk / bbc.com / ctvnews.com b) What do you think of the word
Writing c) What acts of kindness have you seen
COVID-19 will make the world a more caring place. recently?
Discuss. d) What acts of selfishness have you seen
Chat e) Should the word 'caremongering' be in the
Talk about these words from the article.
f) What kind things have you done recently?
term / emerged / outbreak / kindness / lexicon /
dictionary / future / vulnerable / g) What kind things would you like to do today?
founders / meaning / problem / connect / h) Will the world be a more caring place after
opposite / panic / at risk / virtual / hope COVID-19?

LOTS MORE at https://breakingnewsenglish.com/2003/200322-caremongering.html Copyright Sean Banville 2020

BreakingNewsEnglish - Many online quizzes at URL below
Phrase Match
1. emerged with the advent a. positive level
2. acts of b. "scaremongering"
3. the less positive word c. across Canada
4. new ways of helping d. risk
5. helping to spread the concept e. for humanity
6. get people to connect on a f. vulnerable people
7. community and g. of the coronavirus
8. the needs of those who are at h. and lack of hope
9. Anxiety, isolation i. kindness
10. there is still hope j. camaraderie

Discussion – Student B Role Play

a) What do you think about what you read? Role A – Anxiety
You think anxiety is the biggest thing to worry about
b) What examples of scaremongering have you regarding COVID-19. Tell the others three reasons
seen? why. Tell them why their things aren't as bad. Also,
c) How can people connect with each other tell the others which is the least worrying of these
(and why): political leadership, worry about family or
food shortages.
d) How likely is it do you think people will riot? Role B – Political Leadership
You think political leadership is the biggest thing to
e) Who is most at risk from COVID-19? worry about regarding COVID-19. Tell the others
f) How anxious are you about COVID-19? three reasons why. Tell them why their things aren't
as bad. Also, tell the others which is the least
g) How important are virtual communities? worrying of these (and why): anxiety, worry about
family or food shortages.
h) What questions would you like to ask the
Role C – Worry About Family
caremongers? You think worry about family is the biggest thing to
worry about regarding COVID-19. Tell the others
Spelling three reasons why. Tell them why their things aren't
as bad. Also, tell the others which is the least
1. the tdvnae of the coronavirus outbreak worrying of these (and why): political leadership,
anxiety or food shortages.
2. the less positive word garoinecegrnms
Role D – Food Shortages
3. part of the English liexnoc You think a shortage of food is the biggest thing to
worry about regarding COVID-19. Tell the others
4. future deinsito of their word lists three reasons why. Tell them why their things aren't
as bad. Also, tell the others which is the least
5. helping aubevnllre people worrying of these (and why): political leadership,
worry about family or anxiety.
6. spread the eocpcnt

7. connect on a psivotie level Speaking – COVID-19

8. brought out community and rcreeaaadim Rank these with your partner. Put the worst things about
COVID-19 at the top. Change partners often and share
9. allowed us to actlek the needs your rankings.
• Anxiety • Worry about family
10. aetixny, isolation and lack of hope
• Isolation • Food shortages
11. This viaturl community • Fear • Political leadership

12. there is still hope for yhunatim • Fake news • The future

Answers – True False

Answers – Synonym Match
1. g 2. d 3. i 4. b 5. c a F b T c F d T e F f T g T h T
6. e 7. a 8. j 9. f 10. h Answers to Phrase Match and Spelling are in the text.

LOTS MORE at https://breakingnewsenglish.com/2003/200322-caremongering.html Copyright Sean Banville 2020

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