My name is Nanyor-Ing’wesi, I live deep in the grassland
of the Tarangire national park. As you may guess I am a
proud Maasai and this is the story of my wildlife. I am 20
years old in the family of six siblings. I am the only girl in
my family, ever since I was young I had a natural born
love for the wild lives. As my memory could take me
back, I remember I was just five years’ old when I started
sneaking to go grazing with my brothers.
Despite my father being adamant that a girl needs to be
a house wife and that I should learn how other women’s
lives. I still couldn’t pursue with what he was saying and
so that became my habit.
The wildness has no end but what was I always following
was my OLTOME (my elephant). I saw him when I was
five years old. He was just a calf by that time. He calls me
into the wilderness with the anonymous sounds and to
respond to his calls I always go to him. I would run all
around the bush where other elephant where settled just
to look for my elephant.
Days went on and time passed until my father could do
nothing about my behavior although he did not stop
talking, he would start saying, “Nanyor” I respond yes
father, were you at home today? He asked rhetorically
knowing definitely that I was not. I said “no father” you
went to the bush again? He speaks at a tone harder than
the previous one. I bow my head down knowing that I
don’t have any response to him. That’s me, that’s how I
was born for the love of the elephant and the wilderness.
He turns his head away from me and calls for my mother,
when she reaches the door and sees the atmosphere
inside, she tells me to leave the room. I stand by the door
looking at my mother with pity in my eyes “mama please
help me”. She offers me a polite smile and a reassuring
gesture that everything is going to be okay.
With just two steps outside the door I heard my father
saying “how are you raising this girl? haa!” she needs to
be a wife, a house girl, knowing how to care for her
husband. You are destroying her by letting her do things
on her own. I want a daughter who I can be proud of, all
this time my mother was quiet. She never speaks before
my father. I don’t want a life like hers, I am different and
I won’t grow and be like her.
I felt tears wetting my face because of my father’s words,
he said he is never proud of me for who I was and why
would he speak to my mama like that, it wasn’t her fault
that I ended up loving wild animals as if they were my
species it’s undeniable, I can’t help myself spending a day
without seeing my elephants even from a far end I have
I found myself standing up and running towards a small
forest across our house. I needed time by myself, to think
what has God given other girls that he did not give me. I
was just 16 years old by then.
(When it all began)
I was walking with my brothers who were going to graze
and I told them that “I am going for a short walk”. I
started walking for my OLTOME, two feet away from
them I saw what left my mouth open. Two people killed
an elephant and were taking tusks from his body, he laid
there dead. I could not shout; my throat was suddenly
dried. I tried to speak but nothing came out. They carried
guns and were looking as if, anyone comes or appears in
front of them he or she would end up like this elephant.
Then I fell to the ground, time passed until they were
done and left that elephant there helplessly. I prayed to
God that let it not be my OLTOME, I had no energy left
but still I stood to check on the elephant just to know
that it was my OLTOME because he had his burnt mark
on his left leg. Now tears were of infinite extent and I
didn’t know where I got the strength to scream, I
screamed so loud that I had no voice in my throat
anymore. Within two minutes I heard people running in
my direction, and I saw my brothers.
They looked worried and just as their eyes fell on the
ground they knew what made me scream. My older
brother “Nairot” was behind me patting my shoulders, he
said “Nanyor lets go home”. My heart was filled with
anger and rage, can’t he see what had just happened, my
elephant, my OLTOME, whom for my whole life I was
adoring was gone and died very ruthlessly.
Yet I had to go home because it was getting dark in the
sky. My brother carried me because I could not walk, all
my energy was somehow lost in the thin air. My world
seemed suddenly blank. I reached home and my mother
came hugging me as she was told what had happened to
my elephant. I could not eat or drink anything and I went
directly to sleep.
In the morning that day I woke with so much pain in my
heart. I still couldn’t believe; it was like some part of me
was gone. I remember the days when I saw my OLTOME
playing with water, spattering it across his back, how he
blows his trunk, it was like he was sharing something
which was unexplainable.
I could feel his happiness when he walks close to his
family, feeling a sense of belongingness to one another
and suddenly he was not there anymore.
I couldn’t Imagine the pain he had suffered when they
shot him, when they took his tusks out, when he drew his
last breath, I just can’t imagine. I cry more as this thought
crossed my mind.
It was the third day from when my OLTOME was killed, I
hardly had eaten anything since that day. My mum was
my closest person she told me “Nanyor, it has happened
already you need to move on, I said “mama he was my
OLTOME the one I had loved all my life “. Mama said” I
know baby, but that’s not the end of life you know, you
have to be strong because that’s life and life has ups and
downs” and she left.
I sat by my self-thinking as my mother’s words keep
rephrasing themselves in my mind. I thought of my
OLTOME’S family, they are also elephants and they need
to be protected too. And my mum once told me “I am
the savior”, I am Nanyor-Ing’wes, the girl of my own. I
decided to stand again
That morning when I woke up I did my duties as usual
and my mum felt happy. The last thing I needed was to
make my mum sad. So I finished my works and went for a
walk. The institution responsible for wildlife
management in our village came and did some cleaning
and left with my OLTOME for good.