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Ignat 2016

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Applications in River Catchments

S. Ignat, I. Stoian, D. Capatina, O. Ghiran S. P. Agachi

SC IPA SA Babes-Bolyai University
Cluj Subsidiary Department of Chemical Engineering
Cluj-Napoca, Romania Cluj-Napoca, Romania
ipacluj@automation.ro serban.agachi@ubbcluj.ro

Abstract— Accurate prediction of flood extents in river Technological advances regarding computing resources,
catchments happen to be a challenging issue. enables the use of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) in
several engineering fields, including hydraulics and expressly
Paper exposes numerical simulation techniques of flooding
flooding. Derived from the entire set of the Navier Stokes
circumstances, induced by flash floods, dams/ dykes breaking.
The results reveal that the Computational Fluid Dynamics
equations, various 3D CFD models there are employed in
approach for floods modeling is skillful to adequately replicate hydraulic situations, like flow beyond dykes, dam breaks,
the foremost aspects of the floods routing. Supplying warnings flood mapping [1].
with an suitable probability period on the incidence of flash flood Navier-Stokes formulas are specified by the state equation
actions moderate its effect and provide considerable public and and the three basic conservation laws: mass continuity,
economical advantages. momentum conservation - Newton second principle - and the
energy conservation. In the hydraulic simulations concerning
It is presented an integrated model that simulates the river- water flow, processes are viewed as incompressible and
network and 3D mesh-network to get acceptable flood extents.
isothermal. In the 3D space x, y and z there are three formulas,
The software application employed to support these
investigations is called OpenFOAM, representing an open-source accompanied by first principle of thermodynamics - energy
CFD library destinated for hydraulic structures analysis. conservation.
OpenFOAM can be operated to simulate composite fluid flows Navier-Stokes formulas represent a cluster of partial
involving floods and flash floods propagation, turbulence and differential expressions expressing fluids movement, like a
mass transfer. A Graphical User Interface component was build correlation among flow speediness (momentum) and pressure.
to facilitate simulation sessions setup. General form of Navier-Stokes formulas could be expressed
In order to do a wide-ranging investigation and an reliable డক
simulation of such composite flow, was developed a GUI ߩ ቀ ൅ ক ‫׏ ڄ‬কቁ ൌ െ‫ ݌׏‬൅ ‫ ॻ׏‬൅ আ (1)
component intended for flash floods effects visualization, rooted డఘ
൅ ‫׏‬ሺߩকሻ ൌ Ͳ (2)
in a critical system approach. డ௧
where ߩ=density, ক=velocity, p=pressure, ॻ= stress tensor, আ=
Keywords— GUI; SCADA; TWM – Total Water Management; sum of external forces. The momentum formula (1) is actually
CFD; Flood managrment; Hydraulic simulation; DTM - Digital Newton’s second motion principle. The left part represents the
Terrain Model; MPC - Model Predictive Control; LiDAR remote product of density and acceleration, and right part the sum of
sensing data forces per volume appearing on a microscopically fluid
I. INTRODUCTION particle. The continuity formula (2) declares mass
conservation. Above mentioned variables depend all on space
Floods management represents one of the key challenges (x, y, z) and time t.
between the environmental calamities that take place without Flood modeling assures interrelation between critical
any forewarnings and could generate critical damages for the infrastructures, giving proper decisions regarding flood-
persons and natural world [11]. connected urgent situation management [7].
Intervals of extreme rainfall generate flooding with In order to assess flood vulnerability and to design
significant environmental, economic and human damage. mitigation procedures for critical infrastructure located
Floods and storms represent the environmental disasters throughout the investigated zone, have to be considered the
generating the greatest economic impact [8]. The statistics next questions: a)appropriate level of flood risk and protection
reveal that the incidence of severe precipitation events was established by a “risk-experienced” decision making approach
amplified throughout the previous decades. This tendency will (flood risk is evaluate in terms of the of flood events
persist in the next future and will yield an intensification of the probabilities, and their effects (damages charge, production
flooding incidents [7]. stoppage, etc.) and hold decision making based on cost-benefit
studies), b)flood risks taxonomy based on an up to date “state-

978-1-4673-8692-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

of-the-practice” statistical analyses and numerical flood STL geometry generation is performed by an application
models, c)flood protection does not have to be cost- that calls Python scripts, using GDAL (Geospatial Data
prohibitive, significant protection at minimal cost achieved by Abstraction Library), NumPy, stlgenerator components
temporary flood protection measures[14]. (Fig.1).
There are developed different CFD software systems Python GDAL/OGR component convert GDAL rasters
intended for flooding simulation, like OpenFOAM, ANSYS images toward STL mesh. It is proposed to generate
Fluent, FEATFLOW, ABAQUS, EnSight CFD, Helyx, topography models from GeoTIFF heightmaps. Python
FreeFOAM, SU2, etc. GDAL/OGR package is a set of components for managing
OpenFOAM, represents a very comprehensive and geospatial raster data (GDAL), and managing geospatial
powerful tool-kit for the solution of partial differential vector data (OGR). Created output surface mesh is not a
equations using the finite volume method [13]. OpenFOAM manifold object. Have to be employed an extra method to
ensures various solvers, to focus on several types of solidify the model in performing watershed geometry (dam
challenges in fluid dynamics. Applications vary from laminar and terrain). Resulted STL watershed geometry is presented in
incompressible flow, to entirely turbulent reacting Fig.2.
compressible flow. Partial differential equations are resolved
on unstructured meshes, and for post-processing the package
proposes a kind of ParaView.
Flooding management, by the use of hydraulic structures,
is rooted in a sustained tradition in civil buildings facilities.
Hydraulic structures operational in turbulent flow situations
require free surface flow, together with air-water relationships.
This could be put into evidence in several structures like
channels, spillways. Based on numerical CFD modeling, there
are simulated flooding events. The interFoam,
multiphaseInterFoam, LTSInterFoam solvers accessible from
the OpenFOAM Toolbox were selected because they are
broadly involved in these kind of experiences [2].
Paper intends to offer a CFD oriented solution to the
question of flood prevention on Jijia river (there are several
approaches of flooding prediction based on mathematical
models). Fig. 2 Watershed geometry - STL format

II. METHODOLOGY The dam modeling is accomplished by using FreeCAD. From

dam model geometry, the water representation in the
Setting up a simulation in OpenFOAM. An OpenFOAM investigated zone is obtained by extracting the dam negative
simulation supposed the next actions: pre-processing,
from a rectangular parallelepiped, followed by adding a
simulation running, and post-processing [3].
rectangular parallelepiped, having water channel dimensions.
Simulation phases:a)the composition of the numerical Catamarasti dam CFD model setup. A cross section of the dam
model, and OpenFOAM format conversion, b)OpenFOAM model is depicted in Fig. 1, describing a representative cross
resolver input files generation from numerical model and section at the level of spillway and bottom drain gate. The
auxiliary parameters, c)simulation running, d)post-processing model stretch out is upstream 50 meters, and downstream 100
and results visualization. meters. Above mentioned configuration ensures that stream
River basin geometry could be extracted from GeoTIFF attributes through the spillway/ bottom drain gate are
files (including geographical data and metadata) [6]. modelled precisely (Fig.3).
Geographical data are extracted and converted in STL
(STereoLithography) 3D format.

Fig. 3 OpenFoam CFD dam mesh

Fig. 1 STL geometry generation GUI panel

Dams and watershed unified geometry. The dams after being The CFD mesh resulted after processing the zone
modeled by using FreeCAD software application, they are geometry by using Salome software application is refined
unified with watershed geometry. (Fig.4). enough for running a simulation. The dam mesh was refined in
the zones of significance and the density of grid points is
diminished in zones with reduced significance, like on top of
the water surface elevation.

Fig. 6 CFD refined mesh in the deversor/ bottom drain zone

In order to get more accurate data there is necessary to be

generated a mesh of higher density. Based on spillway (#1),
respective bottom drain (#2) geometry characteristics, Salome
generates a mesh more refined in these regions, mesh cells
volume being significantly decreased (Fig.6).
Fig. 4 Dam and watershed unified geometry - STL format The procedure used for UNV mesh generation, in Salome
utility, consists in the next steps: a)background mesh
OpenFOAM uses the negative of this unified geometry in generation, b)dam mesh creation (intersecting the background
order to run simulations (Fig.5). mesh), c)boolean extraction of the dam mesh from the
background mesh, d)3D geometry zones definition, that are
assignable to the fluid inlet zone, outlet zone, river channel -
wall zone, and the atmosphere, e) mesh generation, f) mesh
export by using UNV format.
Setting up and running a simulation. Editing OpenFOAM
configuration files represents a dificult and time consuming
activity, in the case of running multiple scenarios. To facilitate
these inconveniences there was developed an application to
automate OpenFOAM based CFD simulations destinated to
open channels, like rivers, dykes, polders.
Software application developed in C++ is running under
Xubuntu software platform. Running process involves a set of
Python and Shell scripts, different extern applications and
libraries, like Qt GUI widget toolkit (cross-platform
application framework), VTK (Visualization Tool Kit).
Application main panel intended for simulation projects
management is presented in Fig.7.
The visualization process of the considered watershed
geometry is based on VTK toolkit facilities. In this way the
user could check that boundary conditions and geometry for
initialization are proper set, in order to meet the conditions for
Fig. 5 Unified geometry for simulation starting a simulation session. Results obtained after running an
OpenFoam simulation could be examined by using a
Afterwards, by using Salome software application, there postprocessing utility.
are included data related to special zones (input, output,
atmosphere, solid terrain). The built mesh is exported in Ideas
UNV format.
Fig. 7 OpenFoam CFD simulations automate process

During this stage UNV files are converted in OpenFOAM ఋ௧ȁॼȁ

is defined for one cell as: ‫ ݋ܥ‬ൌ (3), where ߜ‫ ݐ‬is the time
format by using ideasUnvToFoam three-dimensional models ఋ௫
converter. step, ȁॼȁ is the size of the speed inside that cell, and ߜ‫ ݔ‬is the
cell dimension in the speed direction. The cell size is: ߜ‫ ݔ‬ൌ
For the situation of free surface question, in which exists a ݀ൗ (4) , d= characteristic length, n= number of cells in mesh
sharp interface among the two fluids, OpenFOAM assures per one direction. Thus to accomplish a Courant number less
several solvers to manage the case: interFoam, rasInterFoam than or equal to a threshold Co inside the domain, the time
and lesInterFoam. For resolving flood simulation were used step deltaT have to be positioned to less than or equal to: ߜ‫ ݐ‬ൌ
interFoam and rasInterFoam, that are targeted for two ‫ ݋ܥ‬ή ߜ‫ݔ‬ൗ
incompressible fluids confining the interface by employ VOF ȁॼȁ (5).
method. In the state of applying InterFoam solver there is no
turbulence model taking into account. The solution could be
considered as a DNS (Direct Numerical Simulations), if the
mesh is sufficient refined for DES (Detached Eddy
Simulation), if not it is laminar solver. In the circumstances of
using rasInterFoam solver, an incompressible RANS
(Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes) turbulence model that is
runtime selectable, is modeling the turbulence.
Time step control. In contrast to standard fluid flow
estimations, in open surface tracking, time step control
become a critical topic, given that surface-tracking algorithm
is significantly reactive to the Courant number Co. Preferably
it is not surpassed a superior threshold Co=0.5 in the interface
Fig. 8 Interactive postprocessing
area, in order to reach temporal precision and numerical
constancy when processing a simulation. The Courant number
Postprocessing representing the stage in which simulation By using ParaView data filters, different attributes and
numerical results, stored in files, are processed for display in parameters of the studied fluid volume could be extracted and
graphical format. For interactive or programmatic graphicaly represented. These data accuracy is more close to
postprocessing there was used ParaView utility, based on reality as the computing domain granularity is higher (Fig.9).
VTK toolkit data processing and 3D rending engine (Fig.8).

Fig. 9 CFD Postprocessing

OpenFOAM package was selected based on its main benefits: river Sitna a tributary of Jijia river, in the place Catamarasti
a)in principle is equivalent to business solutions - Deal, at about 5 km north of Botosani city [4]. The overall
OpenFOAM provides even more precise results; b)entirely controlled storage basin area has 154 sq. km., with a
free - no authorization debts, limitless number of users, jobs, watercourse length in the control section of 22 km [5], [12].
cores;c)capability to generate custom solutions; Running time for a certain simulation could be remarkable
d)unchallenging automated solutions based on Python diminished by decomposing the computing domain, and
facilities. running the simulation on a computer cluster. The results
generated by the CFD analysis offer a reliable marker of the
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS performance quality in the case of the spillway, and bottom
CFD modeling was perform for the case of Catamarasti drain gate.
dam. In Catamarasti accumulation, dam is located across the
OpenFOAM based CFD simulation GUI component carry (National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management) for
out several significant benefits toward understanding the providing the case study utilized during this paper, and for
consequences of the flash floods effects in river catchments. supplying their hydrological management knowledge.
Thus, practitioners have a reliable support in operative
decision making, according with directives for mitigating References
damages caused by inundations. In this way could be
elaborated critical improvement in operating methodologies
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numerical floods simulation is constituted by a Vol. 33, p. 1153-1158, Editori: JiĜí Jaromír Klemeš, Petar Sabev
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appropriate investigational information plays a significant role [7] I. Stoian, D. CăpăĠînă, S. Ignat, O. Ghiran, „SCADA and Modeling in
in achieving experience. Water Management”, 2014 IEEE International Conference on
The presented paper focus on a significant challenge in Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, Conference Proceedings,
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hydraulic engineering: the choice of a suitable model to carry
[8] R. Drobot, C. Dinu, A. Drăghia, M.J. Adler, C. Corbuú, M.
out flood routing questions (focused on certain river sections). MătreaĠă,“Simplified approach for floods estimation and propagation”,
Across the paper has exposed that the developed and 2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and
implemented simulation techniques could be effective for Testing, Robotics, Conference Proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-4799-3731-8,
flood management usage. This assumption is established on Publisher: IEEE.
the case study of the Jijia basin, supposing accurate flooding [9] R. Drobot, A. Drăghia, „DSS for operation of the lateral reservoirs
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[10] M.L. Mogoú-Kirner, M.V. Cristea, A. Csavdári, ù.P. Agachi, “Flood
Future work will be placed in: a) extending simulations in Control in Jijia Catchment - A Model Predictive Control Approach”,
the regions of polders which are inter influencing on their Proceedings of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation,
Quality and Testing, Robotics AQTR 2014, 22-24 May 2014, Cluj-
operation, and from hydraulic point of view downstream Napoca, Romania, DVD of Conference Poster Sessions, ISBN: 978-973-
boundary condition is determining, b)integrating into CFD 662-973-0, Accession Number: aqtr14-143.
model geometry the LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) [11] M. RaĠă, R. Drobot, A.F. Drăghia, M. Mătreată, C. Corbuú, “e-LAC:
topography data (point cloud format) for enhancing accuracy. Conceptual model for flood management”, INHGA Annual Scientific
Conference: “Conference of Adaptation to climate change, from source
In future investigations one should take into account to river basin”, 10-11 November 2014, Bucureúti, Romania; ISBN: 978-
integration of MPC (Model Predictive Control) [10], together 973-0-17800-6; Page: 38.
with Expert System techniques [9]. Should be motivating a [12] M.L. Mogoú-Kirner, M.V. Cristea, P.ù. Agachi, “Flood Prevention in
comparative investigation of resulted data with flood Jijia Catchment Using Control Structures Based on Hydraulic
inundation maps developed using HEC-RAS (The Hydrologic Modelling”; 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process
Engineering, 15-18 June 2014, Budapesta, Ungaria.
Engineering Center’s River Analysis System), for the
investigated zone. [13] M.L. Mogoú-Kirner, T. H, Pham, V.M. Cristea, A. Csavdári, P.S.
Agachi, “Full Saint Venant hydraulic modelling, simulation and
calibration of a 5 water reservoir system in Jijia River catchment”,
Acknowledgment Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Chemical
Engineering, 5-8 November 2014, Iaúi, Romania.
This paper was supported by the ELAC project "Pro-active [14] I. Stoian, E. Stancel, S. Ignat, Sz. Balogh. Federative SCADA-Solution
operation of cascade reservoirs in extreme conditions (floods for Evolving Critical Systems, Journal of Control Engineering and
and droughts) using a Comprehensive Decision Support Applied Informatics, Vol 12, No 3 (2010).
Systems (CDSS). Case study: Jijia catchment" (PN-II- II-PT-
PCCA-2011-3-3.2-0344). The authors thank NIHWM

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