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AP Transco Koppaka-Price-Schedules

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Name of the work: Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of (i) 220/132/33kV SS at Koppaka in Pedavegi Mandal (ii)220kV
Double LILO line (1.676Km) from 220kV Bhimadole-Nunna & 220kV K.Kota- Nuzvid DC lines to proposed 220/132/33kV Koppaka
SS (iii)132kV line (10.019Km) on Multi circuit Towers from proposed 220/132/33kV Koppaka SS to 132/25kV RTSS Vatluru (iv)
Modification of 132kV Eluru-RTSS Vatluru DC/SC line & (v) Modification of 2No.132kV Traction Bays in to conventional bays at
132/33kV SS Eluru in Eluru Dt., on turnkey basis.
Sl. No. Item Amount
1 Total Estimated contract value ECV for tendering Rs. 529,654,180.00
2 Percentage Rate quoted below/at par/above the total Estimated contract value
(Schedule A+B)
i) In Figures …….%
ii) In Words …………………………………
3 Total value of contract after loading the percentage rate quoted against Sl.No.2 above Rs

4 Unconditional Rebate if any on amount against Sl.No.3 above Rs

i) In Figures …….%
ii) In Words …………………………………
5 Amount of discount after loading the percentage rate quoted against Sl.No.4 above Rs

6 Total value of contract after allowing the discount offered (S.No.3-S.No.5) Rs

Very Important Note to Bidders

1. In case of discripancy between the amount calculated by adopting the percentage rate quoted for Sl.No.2 (i) and
amount quoted in Sl.No.3 the percentage rate quoted in words in Sl.No.2(ii) shall govern.
2. In case of discripancy between the amount calculated by adopting the percentage rate quoted for Sl. No.4(i) and
amount quoted in Sl.No.5,the percentage rate quoted in words in Sl.No.4(ii) shall govern.

a) Where there is a discrepancy between the total lumpsum rate quoted in the e-procurement platform web page
and the total of the schedule submitted, the total lumpsum rate quoted in the e-procurement platform will govern
for deciding L1.
b)After eveluating the schedules of L1 by taking into consideration the words and figures and multiplication and
totalling mistakes-
i) If the amount arrived is less than the e-procurement lumpsum amount, the lesser amount shall be taken for
award of contract.
ii) If the amount arrived is more than the e-procurement lumpsum amount, the e-procurement lumpsum amount
shall be taken for award of contract.
4. Discount offered if any shall be indicated in the Schedule'C' only. Discount offered anywhere elese will not be

Signature of Bidder with seal

Name of the work: Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of (i) 220/132/33kV SS at Koppaka in Pedavegi Mandal (ii)220kV
Sl. No. Item Amount
1 Total Estimated contract value ECV for tendering Rs. 0.00
2 Percentage Rate quoted below/at par/above the total Estimated contract value
(Schedule A+B)
i) In Figures …….%
ii) In Words …………………………………
3 Total value of contract after loading the percentage rate quoted against Sl.No.2 above Rs

4 Unconditional Rebate if any on amount against Sl.No.3 above Rs

i) In Figures …….%
ii) In Words …………………………………
5 Amount of discount after loading the percentage rate quoted against Sl.No.4 above Rs

6 Total value of contract after allowing the discount offered (S.No.3-S.No.5) Rs

Very Important Note to Bidders

1. In case of discripancy between the amount calculated by adopting the percentage rate quoted for Sl.No.2 (i) and
2. In case of discripancy between the amount calculated by adopting the percentage rate quoted for Sl. No.4(i) and
a) Where there is a discrepancy between the total lumpsum rate quoted in the e-procurement platform web page
b)After eveluating the schedules of L1 by taking into consideration the words and figures and multiplication and
i) If the amount arrived is less than the e-procurement lumpsum amount, the lesser amount shall be taken for
ii) If the amount arrived is more than the e-procurement lumpsum amount, the e-procurement lumpsum amount
4. Discount offered if any shall be indicated in the Schedule'C' only. Discount offered anywhere elese will not be

Signature of Bidder with seal

Name of the work: Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of (i) 220/132/33kV SS at Koppaka in Pedavegi
Mandal (ii)220kV Double LILO line (1.676Km) from 220kV Bhimadole-Nunna & 220kV K.Kota- Nuzvid DC lines to
proposed 220/132/33kV Koppaka SS (iii)132kV line (10.019Km) on Multi circuit Towers from proposed 220/132/33kV
Koppaka SS to 132/25kV RTSS Vatluru (iv) Modification of 132kV Eluru-RTSS Vatluru DC/SC line & (v) Modification of
2No.132kV Traction Bays in to conventional bays at 132/33kV SS Eluru in Eluru Dt., on turnkey basis

GST @ 18% in Amount with GST
S. No. Description Amount in Rs.
Rs. in Rs.
A Schedule-A (Electrical & Telecom)
Material Portion for Erection of 220/132/33 kV
A1 109,334,552.29 19,680,219.41 129,014,771.70
SS at Koppaka
Material Portion for Erection of 220kV Double
LILO line from 220kV Bhimdole-Nunna & 220kV
A2 13,565,971.38 2,441,874.85 16,007,846.23
K.Kota- Nuzvid DC lines to proposed
220/132/33kV Koppaka SS.
Material Portion for 132kV Multi circuit line from
A3 proposed 220/132/33kV Koppaka SS to 88,016,361.63 15,842,945.09 103,859,306.72
132/25kV RTSS Vatluru
Material portion for Modification of 132kV Eluru-
A4 5,371,560.42 966,880.88 6,338,441.30
RTSS Vatluru line
Material portion for Modification of 132kV Bays
A5 5,263,496.88 947,429.44 6,210,926.32
at 132/33kV SS Eluru
A6 Telecom Material for Lines 31,075,978.59 5,593,676.15 36,669,654.74
A7 Telecom Material for Sub Station 2,240,808.26 403,345.49 2,644,153.75
Total of A 254,868,729.45 45,876,371.31 300,745,100.76
B Schedule-B (Electrical & Telecom)
Labour Portion for Erection of 220/132/33 kV SS
B1 15,988,196.58 2,877,875.38 18,866,071.96
at Koppaka
Labour Portion for Erection of 220kV Double
LILO line from 220kV Bhimdole-Nunna, K.Kota-
B2 2,169,234.24 390,462.16 2,559,696.40
Nuzvid DC lines to proposed 220/132/33kV
Koppaka SS.
Labour Portion for 132kV Multi circuit line from
B3 proposed 220/132/33kV Koppaka SS to 12,130,989.33 2,183,578.08 14,314,567.41
132/25kV RTSS Vatluru
Labour Portion for Modification of 132kV Eluru-
B4 1,284,287.35 231,171.72 1,515,459.07
RTSS Vatluru line
Labour Portion for Modification of 132kV Bays
B5 943,108.57 169,759.54 1,112,868.11
at 132/33kV SS Eluru
B6 Telecom Labour for Line & SS 43,718,682.00 7,869,362.76 51,588,044.76
Total of B 76,234,498.07 13,722,209.64 89,956,707.71
C Civil :-
Civil Portion for Erection of 220/132/33 kV SS at
C1 81,680,892.38 14,702,560.63 96,383,453.01
Civil Portion for Erection of 220kV Double LILO
line from 220kV Bhimdole-Nunna, K.Kota-
C2 3,311,186.71 596,013.61 3,907,200.32
Nuzvid DC lines to proposed 220/132/33kV
Koppaka SS.
Civil Portion for 132kV Multi circuit line from
C3 proposed 220/132/33kV Koppaka SS to 25,133,861.83 4,524,095.13 29,657,956.96
132/25kV RTSS Vatluru
Civil Portion for Modification of 132kV Eluru-
C4 4,973,992.06 895,318.57 5,869,310.63
RTSS Vatluru line
Civil Portion for Modification of 132kV Bays at
C5 2,656,314.47 478,136.60 3,134,451.07
132/33kV SS Eluru
Total of C 117,756,247.45 21,196,124.54 138,952,371.99
D Total Estimated Contract Value(ECV) 448,859,474.97 80,794,705.49 529,654,180.46
Or Say 529,654,180.00
Labour Portion for Erection of 220kV Double
LILO line from 220kV Bhimdole-Nunna, K.Kota-
B2 - - -
Nuzvid DC lines to proposed 220/132/33kV
Koppaka SS.
Labour Portion for 132kV Multi circuit line from
B3 proposed 220/132/33kV Koppaka SS to - - -
132/25kV RTSS Vatluru
Labour Portion for Modification of 132kV Eluru-
B4 - - -
RTSS Vatluru line
Labour Portion for Modification of 132kV Bays
B5 - - -
at 132/33kV SS Eluru
B6 Telecom Labour for Line & SS - - -
Total of B - - -
C Civil :-
Civil Portion for Erection of 220/132/33 kV SS at
C1 - - -
Civil Portion for Erection of 220kV Double LILO
line from 220kV Bhimdole-Nunna, K.Kota-
C2 - - -
Nuzvid DC lines to proposed 220/132/33kV
Koppaka SS.
Civil Portion for 132kV Multi circuit line from
C3 proposed 220/132/33kV Koppaka SS to - - -
132/25kV RTSS Vatluru
Civil Portion for Modification of 132kV Eluru-
C4 - - -
RTSS Vatluru line
Civil Portion for Modification of 132kV Bays at
C5 - - -
132/33kV SS Eluru
Total of C - - -
D Total Estimated Contract Value(ECV) - - -
Or Say -
Schedule - A1
Name of the Work: Erection of 220/132/33kV SS at Koppaka in Eluru District
Unit Rate in
S.No. Description Qty Unit Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=3x5
Material for Koppaka 220/132/33 kV SS

Procurement of main and auxillary structures, stub

1 266 MT 97,590.00 25,958,940.00
setting templates and foundations bolts with suitable
galvanized nuts for foundation for Sub-Station.
Procurement of Hot dip galvanized bolts and nuts
2 including spring washers of various sizes required for 11 MT 111,510.89 1,226,619.79
all structures and booms fabricated

3 220kV Circuit Breakers, SF6, 3 pole, 3150A, 50KA 7 Nos 1,400,800.00 9,805,600.00

4 132kV Circuit Breakers, SF6, 3 pole, 3150A, 40KA 8 Nos 587,100.00 4,696,800.00

5 33kV , 2000A, 20kA, Vaccum outdoor circuit breaker 9 Nos 265,225.00 2,387,025.00
6 220kV CT (1600-800-500/1-1-1-1-1A) 24 Nos 386,250.00 9,270,000.00
7 132kV CT (800-600-500/1-1-1A) 24 Nos 305,567.01 7,333,608.24
8 132kV 0.2S Class metering CT of ratio 300/1 A 6 Nos 169,950.00 1,019,700.00
9 132kV metering PT 6 Nos 139,925.50 839,553.00
10 33 kV CTs (400/1-1 A) feeder 21 Nos 35,998.50 755,968.50
11 33 kV CTs(2000-1200-800/1-1-1-1A) (T/F) 6 Nos 80,237.00 481,422.00
12 220kV Potential Transformer (25mm/kV) 6 Nos 360,500.00 2,163,000.00
13 132kV Potential Transformer (25mm/kV) 3 Nos 139,925.50 419,776.50
14 33kV Potential Transformer (25mm/kV) 6 Nos 36,822.50 220,935.00
220kV capacitor voltage Transformer 3-Core
15 12 Nos 256,135.25 3,073,623.00
16 132kV capacitor voltage Transformer 8 Nos 152,955.00 1,223,640.00
17 220kV lightning arrestor Porcelene 18 Nos 58,452.50 1,052,145.00
18 132kV lightning arrestor Porcelene 24 Nos 41,200.00 988,800.00
19 33kV lightning arrestor Porcelene 27 Nos 4,336.30 117,080.10
220kV 1600A Isolators without E/S (Metallic Portion)
20 2 Nos 300,245.00 600,490.00
for bus coupler
21 220kV 800A Isolators without E/S (Metallic Portion) 14 Nos 170,375.39 2,385,255.46
220kV 800A Isolators with E/S(Metallic Portion) for
22 4 Nos 241,754.39 967,017.56
132KV 800A Isolator with Earth switch (Metallic
23 4 Nos 160,952.95 643,811.80
132KV 800A Isolator without Earth switch (Metallic
24 9 Nos 109,433.38 984,900.42
33 kV Isolators-2000 A(Metallic Portion) (PTR lv
25 4 Nos 122,055.00 488,220.00
side& Bus coupler)
26 33 kV Isolators-800 A(Metallic Portion)(feeders, pts) 17 Nos 65,817.00 1,118,889.00
220kV Solid core Insulators (with creepage
27 180 Nos 18,334.00 3,300,120.00
132kV Solid core Insulators (with creepage
28 117 Nos 8,927.01 1,044,460.17
29 33kV Solid core Insulators (with creepage 25mm/kV) 198 Nos 2,111.50 418,077.00

30 2C x 2.5 Sq.mm unarmoured copper Control Cable 15 Km 61,932.87 928,993.05

31 4C x 2.5 Sq.mm unarmoured copper Control Cable 12 Km 95,627.26 1,147,527.12
32 6C x 2.5 Sq.mm unarmoured copper Control Cable 8 Km 156,037.79 1,248,302.32

33 10C x 2.5 Sq.mm unarmoured copper Control Cable 10 Km 226,369.28 2,263,692.80

34 12C x 2.5 Sq.mm unarmoured copper Control Cable 8 Km 266,246.76 2,129,974.08

Unit Rate in
S.No. Description Qty Unit Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=3x5
35 3.5C X120 sqmm Al. Power cable 0.3 Km 404,458.34 121,337.50
36 ACSR Moose Conductor 12 Km 447,939.79 5,375,277.48
37 7/3.15 HTGS Earth wire 2 Km 36,114.89 72,229.78
38 100x16mm MS Flat 1200 RM 903.95 1,084,740.00
39 75x8mm MS Flat. 6500 RM 337.19 2,191,735.00
40 100x16mm GI Flat. 700 RM 1,146.92 802,844.00
41 75x8mm GI Flat. 5000 RM 427.82 2,139,100.00
220 kV Double suspension hardware suitable for
42 33 Sets 8,343.00 275,319.00
Quad Moose.
220 kV Double tension hardware suitable for Quad
43 66 Sets 15,240.91 1,005,900.06
44 Spacers for Quad moose conductor 200 Nos. 1,287.50 257,500.00
45 Single Suspension H/W suitable for Moose (Pilot) 18 Nos. 1,569.72 28,254.96
46 Single Tension H/W suitable for Moose 18 Nos. 3,687.40 66,373.20
47 220 kV 120 KN SRC Insulators 234 Nos. 4,429.00 1,036,386.00
48 220 kV Bus Post Insulators. 21 Nos. 18,334.00 385,014.00
5 bolted twin moose tension h/w 400mm spacing for
49 30 Sets 5,021.25 150,637.50
132kv bus
132kV Single suspension hardware suitable for Twin
50 12 Nos. 4,506.25 54,075.00
Moose. (Pilot)
51 132 KV 120 KN SRC Insulators 42 Nos. 3,167.25 133,024.50
52 Spacer clamps with 400mm spacing for twin moose 200 Nos. 632.42 126,484.00

53 132kV Bus Post Insulators with Twin moose clamps 6 Nos. 8,927.01 53,562.06
3 bolted tension hardware for twin moose with
54 36 Nos. 4,403.25 158,517.00
150mm spacing to 33KV bus
55 70KN Porcelin normal Disc Insulators 150 Nos. 418.18 62,727.00
56 Spacer clamps with 150mm spacing for twin moose 60 Nos. 425.39 25,523.40
57 U Bolts 16mm 228 Nos. 180.25 41,097.00
58 Tension hardware with earth bond 30 Nos. 884.77 26,543.10
59 Suspension hardware with earth bond 20 Nos. 861.08 17,221.60
60 Bolted earth wire tension clamp 60 Nos. 760.14 45,608.40
61 T-clamp for GS Earth wire 40 Nos. 425.39 17,015.60
Post type insulator support clamps for single
62 16 Nos. 708.64 11,338.24
conductor for 132kV/220kV
63 Moose - Moose Ampact clamps (C Clamps) 400 Nos. 2,163.00 865,200.00
Total: 109,334,552.29
GST@18%: 19,680,219.41
Total with GST: 129,014,771.70
Name of the work : Erection of 220kV Double LILO line from 220kV Bhimdole-Nunna & 220kV K.Kota- Nuzvid
DC lines to proposed 220/132/33kV Koppaka SS.

S.No. Description Qty Unit Unit Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.

1 2 3 4 5 6=3x5
Supply of G.I Tower parts, Stubs and Cleats
1 suitable for all types of towers including 3rd X- 72 MT 103,721.00 7,467,912.00
Arms etc.
2 GI Bolt and Nuts 2 MT 111,510.89 223,021.78
3 ACSR Moose Conductor 11 KM 447,939.79 4,927,337.69
4 220KV 120KN SRC Insulators 82 Nos 4,429.00 363,178.00
5 70KN Porcelin normal Disc Insulators 227 Nos 418.18 94,926.86
6 Single Tension H/W suitable for Zebra 12 Nos 2,798.51 33,582.12
7 Single Tension H/W suitable for Moose 70 Nos 3,687.40 258,118.00
8 Single Suspension H/W suitable for Moose (Pilot) 19 Nos 1,569.72 29,824.68
9 Mid Span Compression joints for Moose 10 Nos 1,169.05 11,690.50
10 Repair Sleeves for Moose Conductor. 5 Nos 456.29 2,281.45
11 Vibration Dampers for Moose conductor. 108 Nos 1,067.08 115,244.64
12 Number plates with Bolts &Nuts and Washers 6 Nos 214.24 1,285.44
13 Phase Plates with Bolts &Nuts and Washers 12 set 251.32 3,015.84
14 Circuit plate with Bolts &Nuts and Washers 12 Nos 309.00 3,708.00
15 Danger Boards with Bolts &Nuts and Washers 6 Nos 237.93 1,427.58
16 PG clamps Moose- Zebra 24 Nos 1,225.70 29,416.80
Total 13,565,971.38
GST 18% 2,441,874.85
Total with GST: 16,007,846.23
Name of the work: Erection of 132kV Multi circuit line from proposed 220/132/33kV Koppaka Substation to
132/25kV RTSS Vatluru

S.No. Description Qty Unit Unit Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.

1 2 3 4 5 6=3x5

Supply of G.I Tower parts, Stubs and Cleats suitable

1 533 MT 103,721.00 55,283,293.00
for all types of towers including 3rd X-Arms etc.

2 Supply of GI Bolt and Nuts 21 MT 111,510.89 2,341,728.69

3 ACSR Panther Conductor 127 KM 194,194.14 24,600,707.85
4 7/3.15mm HTGS wire 0.30 KM 36,114.89 10,834.47
5 132 KV 70 KN SRC Insulators 265 Nos 2,945.80 780,637.00
6 132KV 120KN SRC Insulators 542 Nos 3,167.25 1,716,649.50
7 70KN Porcelin normal Disc Insulators 284 Nos 418.18 118,763.12
8 Single Suspension H/W for Panther (Pilot) 29 Nos 1,509.98 43,789.42
9 Single Suspension H/W (AGS-FAH) Panther ACSR 265 Nos 2,284.54 605,403.10
10 Double Tension H/W for Panther ACSR 76 Nos 4,280.68 325,331.68
11 Single Tension H/W for Panther ACSR 391 Nos 2,066.18 807,876.38
12 Mid Span Compression joints for Panther 120 Nos 512.94 61,552.80
13 Vibration Dampers for panther conductor. 1311 Nos 573.71 752,133.81
14 Repair Sleeves.for panther Conductor. 30 Nos 250.29 7,508.70
15 Hangers 132 KV 265 Nos 766.32 203,074.80
16 U Bolts 20MM 21 Nos 241.02 5,061.42
17 Number plates with Bolts &Nuts and Washers 39 Nos 214.24 8,355.36
18 Phase Plates with Bolts &Nuts and Washers 78 set 251.32 19,602.96
19 Circuit plate with Bolts &Nuts and Washers 78 Nos 309.00 24,102.00
20 Danger Boards with Bolts &Nuts and Washers 39 Nos 237.93 9,279.27
21 Bird guards 265 Nos 257.50 68,237.50
22 Anti-Climbing devices 10 Nos 3,683.28 36,832.80
23 Armour Rods for panther ACSR Conductor 265 Nos 700.40 185,606.00
Total 88,016,361.63
GST 18% 15,842,945.09
Total with GST: 103,859,306.72
Name of the work : Modification of 132kV Eluru-RTSS Vatluru line
S.No. Description Qty Unit Unit Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=3x5
Supply of G.I Tower parts, Stubs and Cleats suitable for all
1 19 MT 103,721.00 1,970,699.00
types of towers including 3rd X-Arms etc.
2 Supply of GI Bolt and Nuts 2.0 MT 111,510.89 223,021.78
3 ACSR Panther Conductor 14 KM 194,194.14 2,796,395.62
4 132 KV 70 KN SRC Insulators 34 Nos 2,945.80 100,157.20
5 132KV 120KN SRC Insulators 19 Nos 3,167.25 60,177.75
6 Single Suspension H/W (AGS-FAH) Panther ACSR 34 Nos 2,284.54 77,674.36
7 Single Tension H/W for Panther ACSR 19 Nos 2,066.18 39,257.42
8 Mid Span Compression joints for Panther 5 Nos 512.94 2,564.70
9 Vibration Dampers for panther conductor. 53 Nos 573.71 30,406.63
10 Repair Sleeves.for panther Conductor. 5 Nos 250.29 1,251.45
11 Hangers 132 KV 34 Nos 766.32 26,054.88
12 Number plates with Bolts &Nuts and Washers 3 Nos 214.24 642.72
13 Phase Plates with Bolts &Nuts and Washers 3 set 251.32 753.96
14 Circuit plate with Bolts &Nuts and Washers 6 Nos 309.00 1,854.00
15 Danger Boards with Bolts &Nuts and Washers 3 Nos 237.93 713.79
16 Bird guards 34 Nos 257.50 8,755.00
17 Anti-Climbing devices 2 Nos 3,683.28 7,366.56
18 Armour Rods for panther ACSR Conductor 34 Nos 700.40 23,813.60
Total 5,371,560.42
GST 18% 966,880.88
Total with GST: 6,338,441.30
Schedule - A5
Name of the Work: Modification of 132kV Traction Bays at 132/33kV SS Eluru

S.No. Description Qty Unit Unit Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.

1 2 3 4 5 6=3x5

Procurement of main and auxillary structures, stub

1 6 MT 97,590.00 585,540.00
setting templates and foundations bolts with suitable
galvanized nuts for foundation for Sub-Station.
Procurement of Hot dip galvanized bolts and nuts
2 including spring washers of various sizes required 1 MT 111,510.89 111,510.89
for all structures and booms fabricated
3 132KV Circuit Breakers, SF6, 3 pole, 3150A, 40KA 2 Nos 587,100.00 1,174,200.00
4 132kV CT (800-600-500/1-1-1A) 2 Nos 305,567.01 611,134.02
5 132KV capacitor voltage Transformer (25mm/kV) 4 Nos 152,955.00 611,820.00
132KV 800A Isolator with Earth switch (Metallic
6 2 Nos 160,952.95 321,905.90
132KV 800A Isolator without Earth switch (Metallic
7 2 Nos 109,433.38 218,866.76
132KV Solid core Insulators (with creepage
8 44 Nos 8,927.01 392,788.44
9 2C x 2.5 Sq.mm unarmoured copper Control Cable 2 km 61,932.87 123,865.74

10 4C x 2.5 Sq.mm unarmoured copper Control Cable 1 km 95,627.26 95,627.26

11 6C x 2.5 Sq.mm unarmoured copper Control Cable 0.5 km 156,037.79 78,018.90

12 10C x 2.5 Sq.mm unarmoured copper Control Cable 0.5 km 226,369.28 113,184.64

13 12C x 2.5 Sq.mm unarmoured copper Control Cable 0.25 km 266,246.76 66,561.69
14 3.5C X120 sqmm Al. Power cable 0.3 km 404,458.34 121,337.50
15 ACSR Moose Conductor 0.5 km 447,939.79 223,969.90
16 100x16mm MS Flat 100 RM 903.95 90,395.00
17 75x8mm MS Flat. 200 RM 337.19 67,438.00
18 100x16mm GI Flat. 100 RM 1,146.92 114,692.00
19 75x8mm GI Flat. 100 RM 427.82 42,782.00
Post type insulator support clamps for single
20 16 Nos. 708.64 11,338.24
conductor for 132kV/220kV
21 Moose - Moose Ampact clamps (C Clamps) 40 Nos. 2,163.00 86,520.00
Total: 5,263,496.88
GST 18% 947,429.44
Total with GST: 6,210,926.32
Name of the work: Providing Optical Fiber communication to 220/132/33 kV SS Koppaka and connected lines
in Eluru district -- Line Equipment
Making LILO of 220 kV 132 kV DC/SC line
Bhimadole-Nunna & from proposed
K.Kota – Nuziveedu line 220/132/33 kV SS
Unit Rate at proposed 220/132/33 Koppaka to 132 kV SS
S.No. Description Unit
in Rs. kV SS Koppaka Eluru

Qty Amount in Rs. Qty Amount in Rs.

1 2 3 4 5 6=4x5 7 8=4x7
A) OFC (OPGW) & Accessories Supply:
OPGW 24F of DWSM type including sag,
1 Km 128,750.00 0 0.00 11 1,416,250.00
loop, Overheads @ 10%
Suspension Assembly for 24F OPGW
2 cable (Grounding clamps are part of Set 2,671.82 0 0.00 22 58,780.04
suspension assembly)
Tension Assembly for 24F OPGW cable
(Dead end Clamps and Grounding clamps
3 Set 2,690.36 0 0.00 44 118,375.84
are part of Tension Assembly)

Vibration Dampers for 24F OPGW cable

4 No. 581.95 0 0.00 132 76,817.40
OPGW 48F of DWSM type including sag,
5 Km 168,445.17 140 23,582,323.80 8 1,347,561.36
loop, Overheads @ 10%
Suspension Assembly suitable for 48 F
6 (Grounding clamps are part of suspension Set 2,671.82 280 748,109.60 16 42,749.12
Tension Assembly suitable for 48 F (Dead
7 end Clamps and Grounding clamps are Set 2,690.36 560 1,506,601.60 32 86,091.52
part of Tension Assembly)
8 Vibration Dampers suitable for 48 F No. 581.95 1680 977,676.00 96 55,867.20
9 24F Splice Box (OPGW-OFAC) No. 6,764.01 0 0.00 1 6,764.01
10 24F Splice Box (OPGW-OPGW) No. 6,764.01 0 0.00 4 27,056.04
11 48F Splice Box (OPGW-OFAC) No. 7,742.51 5 38,712.55 1 7,742.51
12 48F Splice Box (OPGW-OPGW) No. 7,742.51 47 363,897.97 3 23,227.53
48F 3 way Splice Box (OPGW-OPGW-
13 No. 7,828.00 8 62,624.00 1 7,828.00
14 Down Lead Clamps No. 297.67 1500 446,505.00 250 74,417.50
Total: 27,726,450.52 3,349,528.07
GST@18%: 4,990,761.09 602,915.05
Total including GST: 32,717,211.61 3,952,443.12
Total of Schedule-A6 36,669,654.73
Name of the work: Providing Optical Fiber communication to 220/132/33 kV SS Koppaka and connected lines in Eluru district -- Sub
Station Equipment
132 kV DC/SC line from proposed
Making LILO of 220 kV Bhimadole-Nunna & K.Kota –
220/132/33 kV SS Koppaka to 132
Nuziveedu line at proposed 220/132/33 kV SS Koppaka
kV SS Eluru
Sl. Unit Rate in

Eluru SS
220 kV SS

Koppaka SS
Description Unit

220 kV SS

220 kV

No Rs.

220 kV

Total Amount in Total Amount in


132 kV
Qty Rs. Qty Rs.

Material Sub-Sation Equipment supply Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty

Fibre distribution panels

1 for termination of Fibres of Nos. 179,992.50 1 1 2 1 0 5 899,962.50 1 1 2 359985.00
48 F capacity with Rack
Fibre approach cable
2 (DWSM) of 24 Fibre Km 111,034.00 0 0 1 0 0 1 111,034.00 0.5 0 0.5 55517.00
capacity with HDPE pipe
Fibre approach cable
3 (DWSM) of 48 Fibre Km 151,706.64 0.5 0.5 2 0.5 0 3.5 530,973.24 0 0.5 0.5 75853.32
capacity with HDPE pipe
Cat 6 cable (305 mtrs
4 Box 6,237.68 1 1 1 1 1 5 31,188.40 0 1 1 6237.68
each box)
2.5 Sq.mm Un-armoured
5 Km 63,860.00 0 0 0.2 0.1 0 0.3 19,158.00 0.1 0.1 0.2 12772.00
Copper Cables (2 Core)
6 25 Sq.mm Battery Cable Km 435,216.20 0 0 0.1 0 0 0.1 43,521.62 0 0 0 0.00
VO IP SIP Enabled
7 No. 6,180.00 0 0 2 0 0 2 12,360.00 0 0 0 0.00
1.5 Ton 3 Star Split AC
unit alongwith 4 KVA
Stabilizer including stand
8 No. 41,122.75 0 0 2 0 0 2 82,245.50 0 0 0 0.00
for outdoor unit and
copper kit with cable
(Inverter Type)
Sub Total : 1,730,443.26 510,365.00
GST@18%: 311,479.79 91,865.70
Sub Total with GST: 2,041,923.05 602,230.70
Grand Total: 2,644,153.75

Note : Existing ECI panels will be utilised for providing communication between 132 kV SS Eluru & 220 kV SS Koppaka
Schedule - B1
Name of the work: Erection of 220/132/33kV SS at Koppaka in Eluru District

Unit Rate of Unit Rate of Unit rate of

S.L.No. Description of Item Qty Unit Labour in material in Material and Amount in Rs.
Rs. Rs. Labour in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7=5+6 8=3x7
Marking as per approved layout with the help
1 1 No. 70,158.60 0.00 70,158.60 70,158.60
of surveyor for 220 KV Sub-station.
Setting of stubs with stub setting template for
sub station structure : Erection of stub
template ,fixing of jacks for supporting the
2 template, alignment and leveling of exact
location of stubs of stub setting template,
dismantling of template after completion of
initial curing of CC
i for 220 KV Towers. 31 Sets 7,212.14 0.00 7,212.14 223,576.34
ii for 132KV Towers 19 set 5,178.66 0.00 5,178.66 98,394.54
for 33KV Towers, BPI and 220kV, 132KV
iii 200 Sets 1,293.28 0.00 1,293.28 258,656.00
iv for 220 KV Isolators. 23 Sets 5,410.14 0.00 5,410.14 124,433.22
v for 132 KV Isolators. 13 Sets 3,882.61 0.00 3,882.61 50,473.93
vi for 220 KV Breakers. 7 Sets 4,678.26 0.00 4,678.26 32,747.82
vii for 132 KV Breakers. 8 Sets 3,508.35 0.00 3,508.35 28,066.80
viii for 33 KV Breakers. 9 Set 2,338.44 0.00 2,338.44 21,045.96
Erection of the main and auxiliary structures
3 258 MT 5,587.57 0.00 5,587.57 1,441,593.06
etc.,using bolts and nuts.
Erection of the following equipment with
Crane / Derrick at site including handling the
material / equipment carefully at site including
4 labour charges for all incidental and
operational items of work. (excluding cost of
transport charges from Dept. stores to the
220 kV Circuit breakers with support
structure & marshalling boxes including
i grouting of foundation bolts and wiring of 7 Each 39,097.75 0.00 39,097.75 273,684.25
cables from Ploe to Pole including
132 kV Circuit breakers with support
structure & marshalling boxes including Ploe
ii 8 Each 27,933.69 0.00 27,933.69 223,469.52
to Pole cable wiring and terminations.

33 kV Circuit breakers including Ploe to Pole

iii 9 Each 11,256.92 0.00 11,256.92 101,312.28
cable wiring and terminations.
iv 220 KV Current Transformers. 24 Each 9,499.29 0.00 9,499.29 227,982.96
v 132 kV Current Tranformers. 30 Each 6,143.42 0.00 6,143.42 184,302.60
vi 33 KV Current Transformers. 27 Each 1,897.64 0.00 1,897.64 51,236.28
vii 220 KV Potential Transformers. 6 Each 9,499.29 0.00 9,499.29 56,995.74
viii 132 KV Potential Transformers. 9 Each 6,143.42 0.00 6,143.42 55,290.78
ix 33 KV Potential Transformers. 6 Each 1,897.64 0.00 1,897.64 11,385.84
x 220 KV Lightning Arrestors. 18 Each 6,143.42 0.00 6,143.42 110,581.56
xi 132KV Lightning Arrestors. 24 Each 2,901.21 0.00 2,901.21 69,629.04
xii 33 KV Lightning Arrestors. 27 Each 1,133.87 0.00 1,133.87 30,614.49
xiii 220 KV Capacitive Voltage Transformers. 12 Each 8,939.28 0.00 8,939.28 107,271.36
xiv 132 KV Capacitive Voltage Transformers. 8 Each 6,143.42 0.00 6,143.42 49,147.36
220 kV Isolators with earth swtich including
solid core insulators erection, alignment in full
xv 4 Each 15,082.70 0.00 15,082.70 60,330.80
shape for smooth operation by Electrical and
220 kV Isolators without earth swtich
including solid core insulators erection,
xvi 16 Each 13,968.23 0.00 13,968.23 223,491.68
alignment in full shape for smooth operation
by Electrical and manually.
132 kV Isolators with earth swtich including
solid core insulators erection, alignment in full
xvii 4 Each 11,168.21 0.00 11,168.21 44,672.84
shape for smooth operation by manually.

132 kV Isolators without earth swtich

including solid core insulators erection,
xviii 9 Each 10,048.20 0.00 10,048.20 90,433.80
alignment in full shape for smooth operation
by manually.
Unit Rate of Unit Rate of Unit rate of
S.L.No. Description of Item Qty Unit Labour in material in Material and Amount in Rs.
Rs. Rs. Labour in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7=5+6 8=3x7
33 kV Isolators including solid core insulators
xix erection, alignment in full shape for smooth 21 Each 3,628.94 0.00 3,628.94 76,207.74
xx 220 kV Bus Post Type Insulators. 21 Each 790.11 0.00 790.11 16,592.31
xxi 132 kV Bus Post Type Insulators. 6 Each 597.43 0.00 597.43 3,584.58
xxii 33KV solid core Insulators 9 Each 400.60 0.00 400.60 3,605.40
Supply and Fixing of 90lb rail poles over the
transformer plinths including cost &
5 conveyance of rail pole, fabrication and fixing 18 RM 1,111.69 4,044.15 5,155.84 92,805.12
charges etc., complete for finished item of
Supply and Fixing of 105lb rail poles over the
transformer plinths including cost &
6 conveyance of rail pole, fabrication and fixing 32 RM 1,298.82 4,281.41 5,580.23 178,567.36
charges etc., complete for finished item of
Hoisting of Insulators and hardware,
stretching the conductor and stringing of 220
kV bus comprising of three phases with
7 Quadraple Moose conductor to a tension of 10 44,667.30 0.00 44,667.30 446,673.00
900kgs for single moose conductor. ( The
maximum length or up to a length of bus
section of 40m)
Hoisting of Insulators and hardware,
stretching the conductor and stringing of 220
kV bus comprising of three phases with Bus
8 6 11,168.21 0.00 11,168.21 67,009.26
single Zebra/Moose conductor to a tension Section
of 900kgs.( The maximum length or up to a
length of bus section of 40m)
Hoisting of Insulators and hardware,
stretching the conductor and stringing of 132
kV bus comprising of three phases with Twin
9 Zebra/Moose conductor to a tension of 5 22,341.97 0.00 22,341.97 111,709.85
1800kgs including fixing of spacer clamps.(
The maximum length or up to a length of bus
section of 45m).
Hoisting of Insulators and hardware,
stretching the conductor and stringing of 33
kV bus comprising of three phases with Twin
10 Zebra/ Moose conductor to a tension of 5 13,968.23 0.00 13,968.23 69,841.15
900kgs including fixing of spacer clamps.(
The maximum length or up to a length of bus
section of 20m).
Fixing of spacers for 400mmTwin Moose
11 200 Each 220.40 0.00 220.40 44,080.00
Fixing of 220 KV Conductor Spacers for
12 200 Each 304.95 0.00 304.95 60,990.00
Quad moose
Fixing of Hardware,stretching the ground wire
13 and stringing of earth wire to a tension of 60 Each 1,668.92 0.00 1,668.92 100,135.20
450kgs from pinacle to pinacle.
Fixing of hardware, stretching the ground
wire and stringing of earth wire to a tension of
14 300 RM 112.28 0.00 112.28 33,684.00
450 kgs from pinnacle to ground

15 Supply and fixing of G.I Flexible Earth Bonds 250 Nos. 0.00 339.90 339.90 84,975.00
Connection of equipment to bus and/or
another equipment with QUAD MOOSE /
ZEBRA /PANTHER conductor including
16 measuring,cutting clamping and also hoisting 40 Each 1,815.86 0.00 1,815.86 72,634.40
of suspension insulator assembly to support
the conductor wherever necessary
Unit Rate of Unit Rate of Unit rate of
S.L.No. Description of Item Qty Unit Labour in material in Material and Amount in Rs.
Rs. Rs. Labour in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7=5+6 8=3x7
Connection of equipment to bus and/or
another equipment with TWIN MOOSE /
ZEBRA /PANTHER conductor including
17 measuring,cutting clamping and also hoisting 120 Each 906.54 0.00 906.54 108,784.80
of suspension insulator assembly to support
the conductor wherever necessary

Connection of equipment to bus and/or

another equipment with SINGLE MOOSE /
ZEBRA /PANTHER conductor including
18 measuring,cutting clamping and also hoisting 300 Each 584.96 0.00 584.96 175,488.00
of suspension insulator assembly to support
the conductor wherever necessary

Laying of earth mat including excavation of

trenches, welding, connecting to equipment
and connecting lightning shield to earth mat
and earthing of fence posts, drilling and
19 connecting earth rods including connecting 0.00
cast iron pipes as per Drg. No.SET(P)
/149/82 with the following sizes of MS Flats
/GI Flats. (for 220kV & 132kV) including
i 100x16mm MS Flat 1200 RM 173.27 0.00 173.27 207,924.00
ii 75x8mm MS Flat. 6500 RM 155.25 0.00 155.25 1,009,125.00
iii 100x16mm GI Flat. 700 RM 173.27 0.00 173.27 121,289.00
iv 75x8mm GI Flat. 5000 RM 155.25 0.00 155.25 776,250.00
Excavation of earth pit, putting cast iron pipe
with flange on one end (as per ISS7181/86)
of nominal dia 125mm and 2.75 meters long
in side the pit including supply and fixing
RCC collars 0.75 meter dia (OD), 50mm thick
and 0.60meters long in side the pit, backfill
the pit in the 25mm size granules of BHcoke
for full depth of the pit with alternate layers of
20 100 Each 24,902.18 0.00 24,902.18 2,490,218.00
BH coke and salt of 300mm thick around the
earth pipe of 150mm on all the sides of the
pipe including cost and conveyance of BH
coke, salt, clamps, C.I.Pipes and RCC
collars, labour charges for all operational and
incidental items of work etc., complete.

Laying of control cables of all sizes (from 2

core. 2.5 / 4.0sqmm to 12 core, 2.5/4.0sqmm
, both copper and alluminium in cable
trenches including cost of suitable metalic
21 50000 RM 19.41 0.00 19.41 970,500.00
cable glands with rubber lining. Note: This
includes running of cables in control room
where cables are run on cable racks in cable
Laying of the power cable as per
specification of size 3 1/2 core 120 sqm [from
22 Stn. Transformer to LT distribution 300 RM 34.65 0.00 34.65 10,395.00
box(Switch yard) to LT AC panel (Control
room) LT wiring complete.
Cable terminations to the switch-gear,
Marshalling boxes/ Panel terminal
blocks/control & relay panels, LTAC panel,
23 including providing suitable ferrules and lugs
as per specification (including cost of ferrules
and lugs) (for 220KV& 132kV)

2.5Sqmm copper with copper lugs each core

i 10000 Nos. 58.22 0.00 58.22 582,200.00
at both ends.
above 50 sqmm Power Cable with lugs each
ii 30 Nos. 250.89 0.00 250.89 7,526.70
core at both ends.
Supply and erection of LED lamps (120W)
24 40 each 0.00 8,085.50 8,085.50 323,420.00
with fixture .
Unit Rate of Unit Rate of Unit rate of
S.L.No. Description of Item Qty Unit Labour in material in Material and Amount in Rs.
Rs. Rs. Labour in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7=5+6 8=3x7
Supply & Erection of Lighting pillar box in
25 switchyard on foundation laid for 220kV & 4 Nos. 2,234.47 11,362.96 13,597.43 54,389.72
Erection of 33 kV /400 V Station Transformer
including all necessary connections on HV &
26 LV side including cost of lugs (But excluding 1 Each 12,616.74 0.00 12,616.74 12,616.74
cost of transformer and HG fuse set)

Supply and Erection of 33KV HG Fuse set

27 1 each 1,348.72 18,191.86 19,540.58 19,540.58
with Insulators
Erection of Control / Relay panels, LTAC
panels, announciation, PTDB panels etc.,in
the control room duly mounting them on
channels and grouting them with foundation
28 25 Each 4,962.42 0.00 4,962.42 124,060.50
bolts excluding cost of channels & foundation
bolts (for 220kV & 132kV), including man
power support to MRT wing for
Erection of 220V,200 Ah Maintenance free
29 1 Set 6,284.80 0.00 6,284.80 6,284.80
battery in complete shape fit for charging.

Erection of 220V, 200Ah Lead Acid Battery in

30 1 Set 19,446.30 0.00 19,446.30 19,446.30
complete shape fit for charging.
31 Erection of 220V, 200 Ah battery charger. 2 Set 6,462.23 0.00 6,462.23 12,924.46
Supply & Erection of LT Distribution box with
32 4 Each 810.90 15,761.06 16,571.96 66,287.84
33 Supply and Erection of marshalling Kiosks 7 Each 1,668.92 29,254.06 30,922.98 216,460.86
Supply & Erection of marshalling box on the
34 structures of equipment for CTs. (220 27 each 810.90 5,643.37 6,454.27 174,265.29
KV,132KV & 33KV).
Supply & Erection of marshalling box on the
35 structures of equipment for CVTs and PTs. 11 Each 810.90 7,521.06 8,331.96 91,651.56
(220 KV, 132KV & 33KV).
Supply and installation of 2 Ton 3 Star Split
AC unit alongwith 5 KVA Stabilizer including
36 8 Nos. 10,464.05 50,381.42 60,845.47 486,763.76
stand for outdoor unit and copper kit with
Writing of letters in control room panels of
37 lettering on panels & marshalling boxes, etc., 150 Line 169.11 0.00 169.11 25,366.50

Supply and installation of Key board of size

1.5'X2' of eco wood board with Glass
38 covering with lock and key arrangements for 1 Each 9,346.81 0.00 9,346.81 9,346.81
providing all the keys of equipment and SS.

Supply and fixing of teak wood name boards

39 with enamel painting letters of size 12"x4" for 15 No. 0.00 4,087.04 4,087.04 61,305.60
rooms in control room.
Supply and fixing of Bay Indicator boards of
thickness 18" with MS sheet and MS angles
40 20 No. 0.00 2,360.83 2,360.83 47,216.60
of size 10"x26" including cost of letters.
(220kv, 132kv, 33kv)
Supply and fixing of name board indicating
220/132/33kV SS Koppaka, APTRANSCO,
Eluru District. Of size 4x8 feet with MS
41 18gauge sheet MS 1.5"angles.1.5"pipes and 1 No. 0.00 25,271.05 25,271.05 25,271.05
concreting foundation including cost of
painting letters(1no. In English & 1no. In
Unit Rate of Unit Rate of Unit rate of
S.L.No. Description of Item Qty Unit Labour in material in Material and Amount in Rs.
Rs. Rs. Labour in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7=5+6 8=3x7
Supply and fixing of notice board of size
42 1 No. 0.00 932.15 932.15 932.15
Supply and fixing of Glow sign board, using
1" (25.4mm) square pipe for outer frame box,
using best quality flex with computerised cut
letters and symbol ( APTRANSCO logo, SS
name and capacity 1no. In English & 1no. In
43 Telugu) using good quality tubes, aluminium 1 No. 0.00 9,594.92 9,594.92 9,594.92
chokes of Phillips / Crompton Greaves / Bajaj
make, size of the board shall be 5'x3',
including cost & conveyance of all materials,
fixing charges etc., complete for finished item
of work.
CO2 portable fire extinguishers of ISI
44 standard 15 Lbs capacity without trolley and 10 Nos. 0.00 6,373.64 6,373.64 63,736.40
hose pipe
CO2 portable fire extinguishers of of ISI
45 8 Nos. 0.00 26,201.14 26,201.14 209,609.12
standard 50 Lbs capacity and hose pipe
DCP type fire extinguishers of ISI standard
46 with horn and hose pipe 50Kg capacity, 5 Nos. 0.00 20,371.34 20,371.34 101,856.70
Trolley mounted
CO2 type portable fire extinguishers of ISI
47 12 Nos. 0.00 11,828.52 11,828.52 141,942.24
standard 9kgs capacity with Trolley mounted
MDF Board (Medium Density Fibre board)
with 12mm thick 3'x4' size with teakwood
48 beading and painting with two coats of white 1 No. 0.00 8,112.28 8,112.28 8,112.28
paint and drawing of SS single line diagram
with various colours.

Supply of latest personal computer Intel core

i-7-3920XM Process 512KB level-8M cache
upto 3.80 GHz, 8GB RAM , 128bit graphic
accelerator with 4MB SG RAM,160GB Ultra
DMA-HDD,1.44MBFDD,52X Creative DVD-
ROM,1x16550 fast serial ports & IEPP ECP
parallel ports , 4X, universal serial bus (USB)
49 ports, PS/2 compatible key board/mouse 5 Nos. 0.00 69,743.36 69,743.36 348,716.80
ports, 19" colour monitor, Internet ready
multimedia key board, Optical scroll mouse
and built in modem 128KBPS along with
telephone instrument & other accessories
and complete installation of the system, DVD
writer with latest software. (HP / ACER make
or equivalent reputed make

Supply of furniture as detailed in the

50 1 LS 0.00 488,014.00 488,014.00 488,014.00
51 Supply of T&P as detailed in the Annexure-II 1 LS 0.00 140,269.52 140,269.52 140,269.52
Supply of Amenities as detailed in Annexure-
52 1 LS 0.00 30,488.00 30,488.00 30,488.00
Providing of "Caution Boards" of size 12"x8"
painted as Load Relief, Line Clear, Break
down, Danger including cost of paint,
53 brushes and labour charges etc., complete 20 Nos. 0.00 237.93 237.93 4,758.60
as directed by the engineer in charge. (Rate
taken as per Danger Board) ( qunatity as per
field engineer instructions)
Unit Rate of Unit Rate of Unit rate of
S.L.No. Description of Item Qty Unit Labour in material in Material and Amount in Rs.
Rs. Rs. Labour in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7=5+6 8=3x7
HP laser jet printer 101 0 to 1015
54 5 Nos. 0.00 14,393.22 14,393.22 71,966.10
series.(1020 series)
Furniture consisting of a table and revolving
55 5 Nos. 0.00 7,014.30 7,014.30 35,071.50
chair for PC and a table for printer
2 Mtr x 1 Mtr, 10mm thick Neoprine Rubber
56 40 Nos. 0.00 3,587.49 3,587.49 143,499.60
mats of ISI Quality.
Stainless container of 2 litres capacity for
57 collection of oil samples with cock 4 Nos. 0.00 1,522.34 1,522.34 6,089.36
arrangements at both ends.
Digital Insulation Resistance Tester Motwane
59 1 No. 0.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00
5KPI model
60 Providing Transportation to Officers 5100 Km 8.46 0.00 8.46 43,146.00
Total 15,988,196.58
GST 18% 2,877,875.38
Total with
Name of the work: Erection of 220/132/33kV SS at Koppaka in Eluru District

ANNEXURE - I (Schedule-B1 Sl.No.50)

Unit Rate in Amount in
S.No Description of Work / Item(s) Quantity Unit
Rs. Rs.
Junior executive table with three drawings on
right side, two cup boards on left side with
1 prelaminated decolam top 20mm thick over 4 Nos 25,750.00 103,000.00
painted M.S.Frame ( 1665mm x 900mm x
750mm) Godrej Make, Model : T 104
Economy table of size 4' x 2' x 2 1/2' with three
drawings on right side with prelaminated
2 2 Nos 15,450.00 30,900.00
decolam top 20mm thick over painted
M.S.Frame Godrej Make, Model : T8
Steel revolving chair with heavy base seat and
3 back in cane Godrej Make, Model : PCH5001T 2 Nos 10,300.00 20,600.00

Steel tubular “S” type with continuous arms in 1"

4 dia 14 guage pipe, cane seat and back in teak 6 Nos 5,150.00 30,900.00
wood with quality cane.
Steel tubular “S” type without arms in 1" dia and
5 14 feet guage pipe, cane seat and back in teak 9 Nos 4,120.00 37,080.00
wood with quality cane.
Steel Almirah of size 6 ½ feet x 3 feet x 19 inch
with four shelves making five compartments in
6 18 guage with three way locking system. Godrej 2 Nos 30,900.00 61,800.00
Make, Storewell Plain Model 4S

Minor Almirah of size 4 ½ feet x 3 feet x 17 inch

with three shelves making four compartments in
7 18 guage with three way locking system. Godrej 2 Nos 22,660.00 45,320.00
Make, Slim line Minor Model 4S

Steel cupboard consisting of 8 Nos. docts

8 2 Nos 41,200.00 82,400.00
provision with locking arrangement.
Steel rack of size 6 feet x 3 feet x 15 inches
9 with six shelves making five compartments ( 22 2.00 Nos 12,360.00 24,720.00
Steel file trays of size 16 inches x 11 inches x 3
10 8 Nos 2,060.00 16,480.00
inches of guage 14 SWG.
Steel waste paper baskets of size 12 inch x 10
11 8 Nos 1,648.00 13,184.00
inch x 10 inch.
Steel stools of size 15 inch x15 inch x 18 inch
12 with MS top sheet thickness 20mm 1" square 6 Nos 2,060.00 12,360.00
pipe 16 guage
Short bench of 4 feet x 14 inch x 1 ½ feet with
13 6 Nos 1,545.00 9,270.00
laminated top.
Total: 488,014.00
Name of the work: Erection of 220/132/33kV SS at Koppaka in Eluru District

ANNEXURE-II (Schedule-B1 Sl. No. 51)

Supply of T&P as detailed below
Sl. Unit Rate Amount in
Description of Work / Item(s) Qty Unit
No (Rs.) Rs.
1 Earth Resistance Tester (0-5 Ohm/50Ohms). 1 No. 8,034.00 8,034.00
Tong Tester ( 0-20-200-600A. AC, 0-200-750 V
2 1 No. 10,042.50 10,042.50
.AC, 0-1000 V DC).
Insulation Tester.(5 KV, 10T M Ohms).PI &DAR
3 1 No. 10,042.50 10,042.50
Digital Multimeter (DC Volts 0-1000V, AC Volts 0-
4 750 Volts, Continuity& Resistance, DC Amps 0- 1 No. 2,209.35 2,209.35
Socket Spanner Set including Rachet Handle &
5 1 Set 5,088.20 5,088.20
Extension Rods, Socket sizes 6 mm to 32 mm).
6 Elenkey Set. 1 Set 227.63 227.63
7 Screw Driver 4", 6",8" &10" of each 1 No. 1 Set 306.94 306.94
8 Screw Driver with Neon Lamp (Small). 2 Nos. 47.38 94.76
9 A- Type Ladder 16 feet or more. 1 No. 18,746.00 18,746.00
10 Extendable Ladder(10/18). 1 No. 10,042.50 10,042.50
11 Wall Clock (Big Size of Ajantha Make) . 1 No. 669.50 669.50
12 Tool Kit Box (Big Size). 1 Nos. 1,138.15 1,138.15
13 DE Spanner Set (6mm to 32 mm). 1 Set 830.18 830.18
14 Ring Spanner Set (6 mm to 32 mm). 1 set 1,673.75 1,673.75
15 Nose Plier ( 6 " round). 1 No. 200.85 200.85
Cir Clip Plier a)6" External Each 1 No b)6" Internal
16 1 Set 575.77 575.77
Each 1 No.
Adjustable Spanner a) 8 " Each 1 No b) 15 " Each
17 1 Set 2,209.35 2,209.35
1 No.
Half Round File a) Rough 6" --- 1 No. Each.b) Fine
18 1 Set 463.50 463.50
6"--- 1 No. Each.
Round file a) Rough 6" --- 1 No.Each. b) Fine 6" ---
19 1 Set 581.95 581.95
1 No.Each.
Flat File a) Rough 6" --- 1 No.Each. b) Fine 6"--- 1
20 1 Set 642.72 642.72
Hacksaw frame with high speed blade 12"x1/2"x18
21 1 No. 55.62 55.62
teeth for each.
22 Jumper with bits. 1 Set 40.17 40.17
23 Chisel. 1 No. 127.72 127.72
24 Monkey Plier. 1 No. 462.47 462.47
25 Pipe wrench of 14". 1 No. 455.26 455.26
26 Cutting Plier 8". 1 No. 241.02 241.02
27 Leather punch set. 1 No. 200.85 200.85
28 Hammer 200Gms. 1 No. 187.46 187.46
29 Hammer 600 Gms. 1 No. 428.48 428.48
30 3 Mts. Steel tape. 1 No. 66.95 66.95
31 30 Mts. Tape. 1 No. 455.26 455.26
32 Soldering Iron 40W . 1 No. 401.70 401.70
Hand Drilling Machine light duty with bits 6 to 12 mm.
33 1 No. 6,427.20 6,427.20
Gum boots of best quality and as per approved
34 6 pairs 214.24 1,285.44
Supply Rubber hand guntlets of length 15" long
35 4 pairs 602.55 2,410.20
tested at 15000V conforming to IS 4770.
Sl. Unit Rate Amount in
Description of Work / Item(s) Qty Unit
No (Rs.) Rs.
36 Tarpauline (small size)9x9 feet of green colour. 4 Nos. 2,678.00 10,712.00
Portable emergency charging lights of standard
37 4 Nos. 1,941.55 7,766.20
4 Nos fire buckets with stand of any standard make.
38 1 Set 2,678.00 2,678.00
39 Pad locks ordinary, Steel 7 levers. 6 Nos. 568.56 3,411.36
40 Suppin of Earth Rods for LC Works. 12 Nos. 2,008.50 24,102.00
41 Rain Coats of Standars company 6 Nos. 635.51 3,813.06
42 Helmets Standars company 4 Nos. 180.25 721.00
Total: 140,269.52
Name of the work: Erection of 220/132/33kV SS at Koppaka in Eluru District
ANNEXURE - III (Schedule-B1 Sl.No. 52)
Unit Rate in Amount in
Sl.No Description of Work / Item(s) Quantity Unit
Rs. Rs.
Supply and fixing of Ajanta make quartz wall clock
1 2 Nos 2,060.00 4,120.00
with music bell
2 Pure-it Water Filter make HLL 2 Nos 5,150.00 10,300.00
3 Stand for Water Filter with country wood 2 Nos 1,545.00 3,090.00
4 Vacuum Flask ( 1 Ltr. ) 3 Nos 1,030.00 3,090.00
La Opela make Cup-Saucer set (6 Nos each) and
5 2 Set 1,030.00 2,060.00
6 Steel Glasses of 250 ml capacity 6 Nos 103.00 618.00
Torch Light Rechargable with LED Lights
7 EVEREADAY/ PANASONIC Make 2 Nos 2,575.00 5,150.00

8 Plastic Buckets (Big size) 4 Nos 309.00 1,236.00

9 Plastic Buckets (Small size) 2 Nos 206.00 412.00
10 Plastic Mugs 4 Nos 103.00 412.00
Total: 30,488.00
Schedule B-2
Name of the work : Erection of 220kV Double LILO line from 220kV Bhimdole-Nunna & 220kV K.Kota- Nuzvid
DC lines to proposed 220/132/33kV Koppaka SS.
Unit Rate in
S.No. Description of Item Qty. Unit Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=3x5

Check Survey, peg marking the tower positions on

ground, conforming to the approved Profile and
1 tower schedules using GPS, Total stations, Digital 2.00 KM 8015.56 16,031.12
theodolites etc. "the rate is also applicable for re-
check survey if any done due to ROW problems"
Setting of stubs with stub-setting template :
Erection of stubs, stub template, fixing of jacks for
supporting template, alignment and levelling for
exact location of stubs of stub setting template,
2 -
dismantling of template after completion of initial
curing of C.C., movement of template from one
location to other location (A minimum lead of 1 KM
is adopted)
i 220 KV A, B, C & D-Type Towers 6.00 Loc. 20845.28 125,071.68
Erection of tower structures, including all types of
extensions except JC type towers (stub template
3 erection and dismantling are not to be included)
(including 3 mtr., 6 mtr. , 9 mtr., & 12 mtr.
i under normal conditions 52.00 MT 9469.30 492,403.60
ii Under shutdown conditions 20.00 MT 13012.80 260,256.00
Dismantling of towers (75% of basic rate) under
iii shutdown condition (50% extra on basic rate) ( 12.00 MT 9759.60 117,115.20
piece wise to be removed by removing tack welding)

Earthing of towers including cost of Excavation,

Back-filling, including cost of 25 mm dia 2.5 mm
4 thick, class 'C' G.I. pipe of 3.00 Mtrs length with 6.00 Nos. 8218.66 49,311.96
50X6 mm G.I. Flat 4.05 Mtrs long, BH Coke , Salt
etc., and measuring tower footing resistance.


of tension insulators and Suspension insulators,
paving out the conductor, rough sagging,Jointing,
tensioning, clipping and fixing of preformed Armour
5 rods and vibration dampers. measuring ground -
clearances wherever ecessary.Which excludes the
works involved in the crossing of LT, 11kV & 33kV
power lines viz dismantling and restringing of
6 Nos. Moose conductors under shutdown
i 2 RKM 221939.12 443,878.24
Half round welding of G.I.bolts and nuts & step bolts
of towers in the section between ground level &
upto bottom X-arm level including all bolts
6 -
connecting the bracings at the bottom X-arm level
and painting the welded portion with one coat of
zinc rich paint.
i under normal conditions 4536 Each 33.40 151,502.40
ii under shutdown conditions 2985 Each 45.90 137,011.50
Dismantling of Half round welding of G.I.bolts and
iii nuts & step bolts of towers under shutdown 1920 Each 34.43 66,105.60
Dismantling and Restringing of 33 KV conductor (all
7 types of conductors) for crossing of 33 KV line 6 5220.34 31,322.04
during stringing of EHT lines.
Unit Rate in
S.No. Description of Item Qty. Unit Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=3x5
Dismantling and Restringing of 11 KV conductor (all
8 types of conductors) for crossing of 11 KV line 30 2856.69 85,700.70
during stringing of EHT lines.
Dismantling and Restringing of LT
9 conductors/Cables for crossing of LT line (all 21 1798.46 37,767.66
Types) during stringing of EHT lines.
Enumeration and numbering of trees, & marking on
tree with white letters on yellow paint measuring
girth and height of the trees and plotting in the
profile. The trees enumerated shall be shown in
profile on either side of centre line clearly, up to
10 40 each 34.74 1,389.60
required corridor for 132kV Line - 27 Metres &
220kV Line -35 Meters) indicating name of tree,
girth & height. Separate tree schedule should be
submitted along with the profile for arriving tree
compensation amount.
Providing Unskilled work man mazdoor for
supporting the Revenue Surveyor for providing &
certifying Land owner details with extent of Land
11 2 km 7474.96 14,949.92
area to pay the corridor compensation (corridor for
132kV Line - 27 Metres & 220kV Line -35 Meters)

12 Clearing light Jungle in line & corridor 14000 sqm 6.54 91,560.00
Cutting and removing Palmyrah trees including
13 10 each 49.06 490.60
stacking of girth 30 to 100 cm.
Cutting and removing Palmyrah trees including
14 5 each 112.14 560.70
stacking of girth 100 to 200 cm.
Uprooting and removing Palmyrah stumps including
15 10 each 119.14 1,191.40
stacking of girth 30 to 100 cm.
Uprooting and removing Palmyrah stumps including
16 5 each 123.82 619.10
stacking of girth 100 to 200 cm.
Cutting and removing other kind of trees including
17 15 each 77.09 1,156.35
stacking of girth 30 to 100 cm
Cutting and removing other kind of trees including
18 7 each 119.14 833.98
stacking of girth 100 to 200 cm.
Cutting and removing other kind of trees including
19 3 each 193.90 581.70
stacking of girth above 200 cm.
Uprooting and removing stumps of other kind of
20 15 each 60.74 911.10
trees including stacking of girth 30 to 100 cm.
Uprooting and removing stumps of other kind of
21 7 each 84.10 588.70
trees including stacking of girth 100 to 200 cm.
Uprooting and removing stumps of other kind of
22 3 each 105.13 315.39
trees including stacking of girth above 200 cm.
23 Providing Transportation to Officers 4800 Km 8.46 40,608.00
Total: 2,169,234.24
GST 18%: 390,462.16
Total with

DEE-3 EE-3
Schedule - B3
Name of the work : 132kV Multi circuit line from proposed 220/132/33kV Koppaka Substation to 132/25kV
RTSS Vatluru
S.L. Unit Rate in
Description of Item Qty. Unit Amount in Rs.
No. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=3x5
Check Survey, peg marking the tower positions
on ground, conforming to the approved Profile
and tower schedules using GPS, Total stations,
1 13 Km 8015.56 104,202.28
Digital theodolites etc. "The rate is also
applicable for re-check survey if any done due to
ROW problems"
Setting of stubs with stub-setting template :
Erection of stubs, stub template, fixing of jacks
for supporting template, alignment and levelling
for exact location of stubs of stub setting
template, dismantling of template after
completion of initial curing of C.C., movement of
template from one location to other location (A
minimum lead of 1 KM is adopted)
i 132 KV Multi circuit Towers 32 Loc. 17881.70 572,214.40
ii 220 KV Multi circuit Towers 1 Loc. 26053.59 26,053.59
iii 132kV Narrow based Multi Circuit Towers. 2 Single pit 16441.33 32,882.66
iv 220kV Narrow based Multi Circuit Towers 3 Single pit 23987.90 71,963.70
v 220 /132 kV Narrow based tower 1 Loc. 23449.43 23,449.43
Erection of tower structures, including all types of
extensions except JC type towers (stub template
3 erection and dismantling are not to be included)
(including 3 mtr., 6 mtr. , 9 mtr., & 12 mtr.
i under normal conditions 383.00 MT 9469.30 3,626,741.90
Dismantling of towers, under shutdown condition
ii ( piece wise to be removed by removing tack 6 MT 9759.60 58,557.60
Erection of all types of narrow based towers /
multi circuit tower structures / narrow based multi
circuit towers structures, including all types of
4 extensions except JC type towers (stub template
erection and dismantling are not to be included)
(including 3 mtr., 6 mtr. , 9 mtr., & 12 mtr.
i under normal conditions 141.00 MT 13266.63 1,870,594.83
Earthing of towers including cost of Excavation,
Back-filling, including cost of 25 mm dia 2.5 mm
5 thick, class 'C' G.I. pipe of 3.00 Mtrs length with 39 Nos. 8218.66 320,527.74
50X6 mm G.I. Flat 4.05 Mtrs long, BH Coke , Salt
etc., and measuring tower footing resistance.


Hoisting of tension insulators and Suspension
insulators, paving out the conductor, rough
sagging,Jointing, tensioning, clipping and fixing
6 of preformed Armour rods and vibration dampers.
measuring ground clearances wherever
ecessary.Which excludes the works involved in
the crossing of LT, 11kV & 33kV power lines viz
dismantling and restringing of conductor
S.L. Unit Rate in
Description of Item Qty. Unit Amount in Rs.
No. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=3x5
12 Nos. Panther conductors for Multi circuit
i 12 RKM 204581.93 2,454,983.16
under normal condition
12 Nos. Panther conductors for Multi circuit with
ii 0.30 RKM 242860.18 72,858.05
National and State High way crossings
12 Nos. Panther conductors for Multi circuit
iii 0.20 RKM 357694.93 71,538.99
Stringing of railway crossings
6 Nos. Panther conductors under shutdown
iv 1 RKM 140570.14 140,570.14
Stringing of Earthwire: FIxing hardware, paving
out earth wire, jointing, tensioning, stringing and
7 0.30 RKM 17762.92 5,328.88
clamping of 7/3.15 mm high tensile galvanised
steel wire( under shutdown conditions)
Half round welding of G.I.bolts and nuts & step
bolts of towers in the section between ground
level & upto bottom X-arm level including all bolts
8 connecting the bracings at the bottom X-arm 45064 Nos. 33.40 1,505,137.60
level and painting the welded portion with one
coat of zinc rich paint.

Dismantling and Restringing of 33 KV conductor Per

9 (all types of conductors) for crossing of 33 KV 15 Conducto 5220.34 78,305.10
line during stringing of EHT lines. r

Dismantling and Restringing of 11 KV conductor Per

10 (all types of conductors) for crossing of 11 KV 84 Conducto 2856.69 239,961.96
line during stringing of EHT lines. r
Dismantling and Restringing of LT Per
11 conductors/Cables for crossing of LT line (all 100 Conducto 1798.46 179,846.00
Types) during stringing of EHT lines. r
Enumeration and numbering of trees, & marking
on tree with white letters on yellow paint
measuring girth and height of the trees and
plotting in the profile. The trees enumerated shall
be shown in profile on either side of centre line
12 clearly, up to required corridor for 132kV Line - 850 Each 60.74 51629.00
27 Metres & 220kV Line -35 Meters) indicating
name of tree, girth & height. Separate tree
schedule should be submitted along with the
profile for arriving tree compensation amount.

Providing Unskilled work man mazdoor for

supporting the Revenue Surveyor for providing &
certifying Land owner details with extent of Land
13 11 Km 7474.96 82,224.56
area to pay the corridor compensation (corridor
for 132kV Line - 27 Metres & 220kV Line -35
14 Clearing light Jungle in line & corridor 54519 Sqm 6.54 356554.26
Cutting and removing Palmyrah trees including
15 250 Each 49.06 12265.00
stacking of girth 30 to 100 cm.
Cutting and removing Palmyrah trees including
16 50 Each 112.14 5607.00
stacking of girth 100 to 200 cm.
Uprooting and removing Palmyrah stumps
17 250 Each 119.14 29785.00
including stacking of girth 30 to 100 cm.
Uprooting and removing Palmyrah stumps
18 50 Each 123.82 6191.00
including stacking of girth 100 to 200 cm.
S.L. Unit Rate in
Description of Item Qty. Unit Amount in Rs.
No. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=3x5
Cutting and removing other kind of trees
19 400 Each 77.09 30836.00
including stacking of girth 30 to 100 cm
Cutting and removing other kind of trees
20 100 Each 119.14 11914.00
including stacking of girth 100 to 200 cm.
Cutting and removing other kind of trees
21 50 Each 193.90 9695.00
including stacking of girth above 200 cm.
Uprooting and removing stumps of other kind of
22 400 Each 60.74 24296.00
trees including stacking of girth 30 to 100 cm.

Uprooting and removing stumps of other kind of

23 100 Each 84.10 8410.00
trees including stacking of girth 100 to 200 cm.

Uprooting and removing stumps of other kind of

24 50 Each 105.13 5256.50
trees including stacking of girth above 200 cm.
25 Providing Transportation to Officers 4800 Km 8.46 40608.00
Sub-Total 12,130,989.33
GST 18% 2,183,578.08
Total 14,314,567.41

DEE-3 32kV
Schedule - B4
Name of the work : Modification of 132KV Eluru-RTSS Vatluru line
Unit Rate in
S.L.No. Description of Item Qty. Unit Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=3x5
Check Survey, peg marking the tower positions on ground,
conforming to the approved Profile and tower schedules using
1 GPS, Total stations, Digital theodolites etc. "the rate is also 3 Km 8015.56 24,046.68
applicable for re-check survey if any done due to ROW
Setting of stubs with stub-setting template : Erection of stubs,
stub template, fixing of jacks for supporting template,
alignment and levelling for exact location of stubs of stub
setting template, dismantling of template after completion of
initial curing of C.C., movement of template from one location
to other location (A minimum lead of 1 KM is adopted)
i 220 /132 kV Narrow based tower 3 Loc. 23449.43 70,348.29
Erection of tower structures, including all types of extensions
except JC type towers (stub template erection and dismantling
are not to be included) (including 3 mtr., 6 mtr. , 9 mtr., & 12
mtr. extensions)
i under normal conditions 8 MT 9469.30 75,754.40
Dismantling of towers under shutdown condition ( piece wise
ii 15 MT 9759.60 146,394.00
to be removed by removing tack welding)
Erection of all types of narrow based towers / multi circuit
tower structures / narrow based multi circuit towers structures,
4 including all types of extensions except JC type towers (stub
template erection and dismantling are not to be included)
(including 3 mtr., 6 mtr. , 9 mtr., & 12 mtr. extensions)
i under normal conditions 11 MT 13266.63 145,932.93
Earthing of towers including cost of Excavation, Back-filling,
including cost of 25 mm dia 2.5 mm thick, class 'C' G.I. pipe of
5 3 Nos. 8218.66 24,655.98
3.00 Mtrs length with 50X6 mm G.I. Flat 4.05 Mtrs long, BH
Coke , Salt etc., and measuring tower footing resistance.


insulators and Suspension insulators, paving out the
conductor, rough sagging,Jointing, tensioning, clipping and
6 fixing of preformed Armour rods and vibration dampers.
measuring ground clearances wherever ecessary.Which
excludes the works involved in the crossing of LT, 11kV &
33kV power lines viz dismantling and restringing of conductor
i 6 Nos. Panther conductors under normal condition 2 RKM 102291.64 153,437.46
ii 2 Nos. Panther conductors under normal condition 6 RKM 43061.44 258,368.64
Dismantling of 04Nos. Panther conductors under normal
iii 2 RKM 51145.82 102,291.64
Half round welding of G.I.bolts and nuts & step bolts of towers
in the section between ground level & upto bottom X-arm level
7 including all bolts connecting the bracings at the bottom X-arm 1518 Nos. 33.40 50,701.20
level and painting the welded portion with one coat of zinc rich
Dismantling and Restringing of 33 KV conductor (all types of Per
8 conductors) for crossing of 33 KV line during stringing of EHT 6 Conducto 5220.34 31,322.04
lines. r
Dismantling and Restringing of 11 KV conductor (all types of Per
9 conductors) for crossing of 11 KV line during stringing of EHT 21 Conducto 2856.69 59,990.49
lines. r
Dismantling and Restringing of LT conductors/Cables for
10 50 Conducto 1798.46 89,923.00
crossing of LT line (all Types) during stringing of EHT lines.
Cutting and removing Palmyrah trees including stacking of
11 20 Each 49.06 981.20
girth 30 to 100 cm.
Unit Rate in
S.L.No. Description of Item Qty. Unit Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=3x5
Cutting and removing Palmyrah trees including stacking of
12 10 Each 112.14 1121.40
girth 100 to 200 cm.
Uprooting and removing Palmyrah stumps including stacking
13 20 Each 119.14 2382.80
of girth 30 to 100 cm.
Uprooting and removing Palmyrah stumps including stacking
14 10 Each 123.82 1238.20
of girth 100 to 200 cm.
Cutting and removing other kind of trees including stacking of
15 20 Each 77.09 1541.80
girth 30 to 100 cm
Cutting and removing other kind of trees including stacking of
16 10 Each 119.14 1191.40
girth 100 to 200 cm.
Uprooting and removing stumps of other kind of trees
17 20 Each 60.74 1214.80
including stacking of girth 30 to 100 cm.
Uprooting and removing stumps of other kind of trees
18 10 Each 84.10 841.00
including stacking of girth 100 to 200 cm.
19 Providing Transportation to Officers 4800 Km 8.46 40608.00
Sub-Total 1,284,287.35
GST 18% 231,171.72
Total 1,515,459.07
Schedule - B5
Name of the work: Modification of 132kV Traction Bays in to conventional bays at 132/33kV SS Eluru

Unit Rate of Unit Rate of Unit rate of

S.No. Description of Item Qty Unit Labour in material in Material and Amount in Rs.
Rs. Rs. Labour in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7=5+6 8=3x7
Setting of stubs with stub setting template for sub
station structure : Erection of stub template ,fixing
of jacks for supporting the template, alignment
1 and leveling of exact location of stubs of stub
setting template, dismantling of template after
completion of initial curing of CC
for 33KV Towers, BPI and 220kV, 132KV CPL's.
i 10 Sets 1293.28 0.00 1293.28 12,932.80

ii for 132 KV Isolators. 4 Sets 3882.61 0.00 3882.61 15,530.44

iii for 132 KV Breakers. 2 Sets 3508.35 0.00 3508.35 7,016.70
Erection of the main and auxiliary structures
2 6 MT 5587.57 0.00 5587.57 33,525.42
etc.,using bolts and nuts.
Erection of the following equipment with Crane /
Derrick at site including handling the material /
equipment carefully at site including labour
3 charges for all incidental and operational items of
work. (excluding cost of transport charges from
Dept. stores to the site).
132 kV Circuit breakers with support structure &
ii marshalling boxes including Ploe to Pole cable 2 Each 27933.69 0.00 27933.69 55,867.38
wiring and terminations.
v 132 kV Current Tranformers. 2 Each 6143.42 0.00 6143.42 12,286.84
xiv 132 KV Capacitive Voltage Transformers. 4 Each 6143.42 0.00 6143.42 24,573.68
132 kV Isolators with earth swtich including solid
xvii core insulators erection, alignment in full shape 2 Each 11168.21 0.00 11168.21 22,336.42
for smooth operation by manually.
132 kV Isolators without earth swtich including
solid core insulators erection, alignment in full
xviii 2 Each 10048.20 0.00 10048.20 20,096.40
shape for smooth operation by manually.

xxi 132 kV Bus Post Type Insulators. 4 Each 597.43 0.00 597.43 2,389.72
4 Supply and fixing of G.I Flexible Earth Bonds 50 Nos. 0.00 339.90 339.90 16,995.00
Connection of equipment to bus and/or another
equipment with TWIN MOOSE / ZEBRA
/PANTHER conductor including
measuring,cutting clamping and also hoisting of
suspension insulator assembly to support the
conductor wherever necessary
i under normal conditions 50 each 906.54 0.00 906.54 45,327.00
ii under shutdown conditions 10 each 1233.54 0.00 1233.54 12,335.40
Connection of equipment to bus and/or another
equipment with SINGLE MOOSE / ZEBRA
/PANTHER conductor including
6 20 each 584.96 0.00 584.96 11,699.20
measuring,cutting clamping and also hoisting of
suspension insulator assembly to support the
conductor wherever necessary
Laying of earth mat including excavation of
trenches, welding, connecting to equipment and
connecting lightning shield to earth mat and
earthing of fence posts, drilling and connecting
7 earth rods including connecting cast iron pipes as
per Drg. No.SET(P) /149/82 with the following
sizes of MS Flats /GI Flats. (for 220kV & 132kV)
including fabrication.

i 100x16mm MS Flat 100 RM 173.27 0.00 173.27 17,327.00

ii 75x8mm MS Flat. 200 RM 155.25 0.00 155.25 31,050.00
iii 100x16mm GI Flat. 100 RM 173.27 0.00 173.27 17,327.00
iv 75x8mm GI Flat. 100 RM 155.25 0.00 155.25 15,525.00
Unit Rate of Unit Rate of Unit rate of
S.No. Description of Item Qty Unit Labour in material in Material and Amount in Rs.
Rs. Rs. Labour in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7=5+6 8=3x7
Excavation of earth pit, putting cast iron pipe with
flange on one end (as per ISS7181/86) of nominal
dia 125mm and 2.75 meters long in side the pit
including supply and fixing RCC collars 0.75
meter dia (OD), 50mm thick and 0.60meters long
in side the pit, backfill the pit in the 25mm size
granules of BHcoke for full depth of the pit with
8 4 each 24902.18 0.00 24902.18 99,608.72
alternate layers of BH coke and salt of 300mm
thick around the earth pipe of 150mm on all the
sides of the pipe including cost and conveyance
of BH coke, salt, clamps, C.I.Pipes and RCC
collars, labour charges for all operational and
incidental items of work etc., complete.

Laying of control cables of all sizes (from 2 core.

2.5 / 4.0sqmm to 12 core, 2.5/4.0sqmm , both
copper and alluminium in cable trenches
including cost of suitable metalic cable glands
9 4,250 RM 19.41 0.00 19.41 82,492.50
with rubber lining. Note: This includes running of
cables in control room where cables are run on
cable racks in cable duct.

Laying of the power cable as per specification of

size 3 1/2 core 120 sqm [from Stn. Transformer to
10 LT distribution box(Switch yard) to LT AC panel 300 RM 34.65 0.00 34.65 10,395.00
(Control room) LT wiring complete.Above 50
Cable terminations to the switch-gear,
Marshalling boxes/ Panel terminal blocks/control
& relay panels, LTAC panel, including providing
suitable ferrules and lugs as per specification
(including cost of ferrules and lugs) (for 220KV&
2.5Sqmm copper with copper lugs each core at
i 2000 Nos. 58.22 0.00 58.22 116,440.00
both ends.
above 50 sqmm Power Cable with lugs each core
ii 10 Nos. 250.89 0.00 250.89 2,508.90
at both ends.
Supply and erection of LED lamps (120W) with
12 4 Nos. 0.00 8085.5 8085.50 32,342.00
fixture .
Supply and Erection of Lighting pillar box in
13 1 each 2234.47 11362.96 13597.43 13,597.43
switchyard on foundation laid
Erection of Control / Relay panels, LTAC panels,
announciation, PTDB panels etc.,in the control
room duly mounting them on channels and
14 grouting them with foundation bolts excluding cost 4 each 4962.42 0.00 4962.42 19,849.68
of channels & foundation bolts (for 220kV &
132kV), including man power support to MRT
wing for commissioning.
Supply and Erection of LT Distribution box with
15 1 Each 810.90 15761.06 16571.96 16,571.96
16 Supply and Erection of marshalling Kiosks 2 Nos. 1668.92 29254.06 30922.98 61,845.96
Supply and Erection of marshalling box on the
structures of equipment including cost of
17 2 Nos. 810.90 5643.37 6454.27 12,908.54
marshalling boxes for CT's. (220 KV,132KV &
Supply & Erection of marshalling box on the
structures of equipment including cost of
18 2 Nos. 810.90 7521.06 8331.96 16,663.92
marshalling boxes for CVT's and PT's. (220
KV, 132KV & 33KV).
Supply and fixing of Bay Indicator boards of
thickness 18" with MS sheet and MS angles of
19 2 No. 0.00 2360.83 2360.83 4,721.66
size 10"x26" including cost of letters. (220kv,
132kv, 33kv)
2 Mtr x 1 Mtr, 10mm thick Neoprine Rubber
20 mats of ISI 10 Nos. 0.00 3587.49 3587.49 35,874.90
21 Providing Transportation to Officers 5100 km 8.46 0.00 8.46 43,146.00
Total: 943,108.57
GST 18% 169,759.54
Total with
Name of the work:Providing Optical Fiber communication to 220/132/33 kV SS Koppaka and connected lines in Eluru district -- Labour
Double LILO of 220 kV BMDL-Nunna & 220kV 132 kV DC line from
Sl. Unit Rate
Description of work Unit K.Kota – Nuziveedu DC line at 220/132/33 kV SS 220/132/33 kV SS Koppaka to
No. in Rs.
Koppaka 132 kV SS Eluru
(i) Labour charges for Overhead line works Qty Amount in Rs. Qty Amount in Rs.
Erection & commissioning of
OPGW including laying ,
jointing, tensioning ,
1 Km 123,193.03 3 369,579.09 11 1,355,123.33
termination with suitable
patch cards and testing etc.
with necessary accessories
Erection & commissioning of
OPGW including laying ,
jointing, tensioning ,
2 termination with suitable Km 192,343.03 137 26,350,995.11 8 1,538,744.24
patch cards and testing etc.
with necessary accessories
on live line .
Dismantling of 24F OPGW
3 Km 96,173.60 137 13,175,783.20 0 0.00
cable on 220 kV line
Dismantling of Earth wire on
4 Km 15,136.07 0 0.00 8 121,088.56
live condition
Sub Total (line equipment) 39,896,357.40 3,014,956.13
ii.Labour charges for Substation
BMDL 220 kV SS

Koppaka 220 kV

220 kV Koppaka
Nzvd 220 kV SS
Nunna 220 kV
K.Kota 220 kV

132 kV Eluru
Sl. Unit Rate Total

Description of work Amount in Rs. al Amount in Rs.

No. in Rs. Qty

Erection and commissioning

5 of OLTE and MUX and Nos 40,716.77 0 0 2 1 0 3 122,150.31 1 1 2 81,433.54
associated equipment
Erection and commisioning of
6 Each 30,213.91 1 1 4 1 1 8 241,711.28 0 0 0 0.00
Digital Protection coupler
Erection & Commissioning of
7 OFAC along with HDPE in Km 33,001.46 0.5 0.5 3 0.5 0 4.5 148,506.57 0.5 0.5 1 33,001.46
the switch yards.
Erection & commissioning of
Fibre distribution panels for
8 Nos 17,817.57 1 1 2 1 0 5 89,087.85 1 1 2 35,635.14
termination of Fibres of 48F
Erection & commissioning of
9 No. 4,083.60 0 0 2 0 0 2 8,167.20 0 0 0 0.00
48V/50 A Battery Charger
Erection & commissioning of
10 Set 8,836.71 0 0 2 0 0 2 17,673.42 0 0 0 0.00
48V/300 AH Battery Set
Erection and Commissioning
of 1.5 Ton 3 Star Split AC unit
along with 4KVA Stabilizer
11 Each 10,464.05 0 0 2 0 0 2 20,928.10 0 0 0 0.00
including stand for outdoor
unit and copper kit with cable
(Inverter Type)
Loading charges for OLTE
12 equipment at Chirala 132 kV No. 1,301.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 1 1 2 2,602.00
SS & Marturu 132 kV SS
Un Loading charges for
OLTE equipment at 132 kV
13 No. 1,301.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 1 1 2 2,602.00
SS Eluru & 220 kV SS
Transportation of 2 No. OLTE
equipment from
14 No. 1,934.80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 1 1 2 3,869.60
chirala/Marturu to
Eluru/Koppaka SS
Sub Total (substation Equipment) 648,224.73 159,143.74
Total Labour Rs 40544582.13 3,174,099.87
GST@18%: 7298024.78 571,337.98
Total including GST: 47842606.91 3,745,437.85
Total Schedule-B6 51,588,044.76
Name of the work: Civil works for Erection of 220/132/33 kV Sub station at Koppaka
Levelling & Grading, Bore Well, Switch Yard works,Construction of Retaining Wall and Water supply
arrangement in Earth Pits.
Amount in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Unit Rate in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
1 Cutting of trees, including cutting of trunks, branches and removal
of atumps & roots, refilling, compaction and backfillng and stacking
of serviceable material by manual means with all leads & lifts as per
technical specification clause 201 MORD/MORTH

100 Nos Girth above 300mm. To 600 mm 535.00 53,500.00

2 33000 Sqm Clearing and grubbing the land including uprooting wild vegetation, 2.96 97,680.00
grass, bushes, shurbs and trees of girth upto 300 mm removal of
stums of such trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable
materials and stacking of serviceable materials to be used or
auctioned, upto a lead of 1000m including removal and disposal of
top organic soil not exceeding 150mm in thickness as per technical
specification clause 201 MORD/Morth, complete for finished item of
work as per the directions of the Engineer in Charge.

3 2000 Cum Levelling the low lying areas with excavated earth ( obtained from 102.16 204,320.00
the foundations of Control house and Switch yard structures) with a
lead up to 1 KM over initial lead, depositing the soils in filling areas ,
spreading soils in layers of 25cm before compaction, breaking
clods, watering and compacting each layer by 8 to 10 MT static
Road Roller including all hire and operational charges of T&P
complete with lead upto 1km for water for finished item of work as
per the directions of the Engineer in Charge. (Payment will be
made based on final levels for the finished item of work).

4 23000 Cum Levelling by filling with borrowed earth (Other than Black cotton soil) 395.57 9,098,110.00
by mechanical means including cost & conveyance of earth,
depositing the soils in filling areas , spreading soils, breaking clods,
sectioning and consolidation with three wheel 8 to 10 MT static
Road Roller @ OMC to meet requirement as per standard
specification , including all hire and operational charges of T&P
and seigniorage charges, complete for finished item of work as per
(Payment will be made based on level for finished item of work).

5 1 Job Site investigation for locating bore well point 1,260.00 1,260.00
6 120 RM Site investigation for locating bore well point 1,359.33 163,119.60
7 120 RM Supplying & fixing of PVC heavy duty casing pipe of 180 mm dia, 1,245.40 149,448.00
10kg/sqcm for the above Bore hole including cost & conveyance of
all materials ,labour ,leads, and lifts complete as per the directions
of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work

8 80 RM Labour for slotting blue threaded pipe of dia 180mm. 417.54 33,403.20
9 100 RM Supplying & fixing 1 1/4" (40 mm) dia HDPE pipe (12.5kg/ Sqcm) 101.34 10,134.00
PE-100 grade of approved quality & make including nipples, bends,
couplings etc., complete for finished item of work from bore well to
delivery including cost & conveyance of all materials,
specials/fixtures and fittings labour charges, leads, and lifts
complete as per the directions of the Engineer in charge for the
finished item of work.
10 200 RM Supplying & fixing 40 mm Nominal Bore GI pipe Medium Grade 463.33 92,666.00
properties & weight as per IS 1239 ISI mark with GI fittings
including the cost of pipe & its fittings & labour charges , leads, and
lifts complete as per the directions of the Engineer in charge for the
finished item of work.
Amount in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Unit Rate in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
11 1 Set Supply,Transportation, fixing of 3HP, 5 to 10 stage, 5 star rated 43,680.00 43,680.00
submersible motor pumpset, confirming to IS 8034 and motor
confirming to IS 9283 (of makes Kirloskar / Crompton / Texmo /
CRI / KSB/ Lubi/ PSG/ Aryen Varsha), with water proof winding,
Pump shall be suitable for various delivery head and discharge with
stainless steel shaft. Motor suitable for working on 415V ± 10% ,
Three Phase 50 Hz AC supply,etc complete for 6" Bore well
including cost & conveyance of all materials, labour charges and
Fabrication, Transportation and supply of wall mounted control
panel board of size 600x 600x 250mm made of 18SWG CRCA
sheet steel enclosure, 14 SWG mounting plate for cable entry
fabricated, painted with two coats of red oxide primer and two coats
of Grey paint, lock and key arrangements two side louvers with weld
mesh inside etc complete consisting of 1 No Volt meter 0-500V
96x96mm size and 1 No 0 to 20Amps / 0to 50 Amps Ammeter
(96x96mm size) of L&T/ C&S/ SALZAR/ HPL/ AEI/ Meco/ Rishab, 1
No Single phase preventor of suitable range of makes L&T/ Minilec/
Powertec etc, 1 No 32A TP, 10KA MCB of Legrand/ Schneider
make, 1 Set of indicateion lamps (R-Y-B) with switch control, 2Nos
Voltmeter & Ammeter selector switch, supply and fixing of ISI mark
suitable capacitor of L&T / Siemens/ Schneider/ Epcos/ HAvells
make for pumps of capacity upto 7.5HP with DOL starter of makes
C&S/ Crompton/ L&T/ Siemens/ BCH etc., complete suitable
including nuts & bolts etc complete as per the directions of the
Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

12 250 RM Supplying & fixing of 3 core 2.5 Sqmm Flat copper cable for 89.25 22,312.50
submerciable motors of make V-Guard/ Gold medal/ GM/ Million/
Vimal/ Fine Cab/ Orbit/ CRI/ Tamra/ Airso/ Ollvin/ Avocab/ Anchor
make and as approved by the Engineer in charge for submersible
motor including cost & conveyance of all materials, labour charges,
leads complete as per the directions of the Engineer in charge for
the finished item of work.

13 1 No. Supply and fixing of MS Bore cover duly painted suitable for 8" dia 190.00 190.00
casing pipe including cost & conveyance of all materials and fittings
and leads complete as per the directions of the Engineer in charge
for the finished item of work.
14 2 No. Supply and fixing of MS clamps 1.0No SET suitable for 32mm dia 426.50 853.00
GI pipe including cost & conveyance of all materials and fittings and
leads complete as per the directions of the Engineer in charge for
the finished item of work.
15 4000 Cum Earthwork excavation in all types of soils (up to stone matrix)which 204.88 819,520.00
can be excavated with pick axe and crow bars and do not require
blasting in all conditions such as dry, wet and slushy etc. covering
initial lead and lift etc and backfilling the foundations (after laying
foundations) with excavated earth complete as per the the directions
of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

16 215 Cum Providing Crusher dust cushion for foundations and basement in 1,387.63 298,340.45
layers, not exceeding 15cm thick, consolidating each deposited
layer by watering and ramming including cost & conveyance of all
materials, operational, incidental, labour charges, hire charges of
T&P at all leads, lifts etc. complete as per the directions of the
Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

17 210 Cum Earthwork excavation in all types of soils (up to stone matrix)which 1,604.54 336,953.40
can be excavated with pick axe and crow bars and do not require
blasting in all conditions such as dry, wet and slushy etc. covering
initial lead and lift etc and backfilling the foundations (after laying
foundations) with excavated earth complete as per the the directions
of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.
Amount in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Unit Rate in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
18 360 Cum Providing Crusher dust cushion for foundations and basement in 5,232.70 1,883,772.00
layers, not exceeding 15cm thick, consolidating each deposited
layer by watering and ramming including cost & conveyance of all
materials, operational, incidental, labour charges, hire charges of
T&P at all leads, lifts etc. complete as per the directions of the
Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

19 71.70 MT Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ Thermo 71,961.19 5,159,617.32
Mechanically Treated (TMT) (Fe 415 grade as per IS 1786-1979) of
TISCO/ SAIL/ VSP make, different diameters for RCC works ,
including labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending to
required sizes and shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of
approved materials and size and tying and lap-splicing with binding
wire of 18 SWG, forming grills for reinforcement work as per
approved designs and drawings, including cost and conveyance of
steel bars, including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings,
chairs, spacer bars including cost and conveyance of binding wire,
cover blocks and all incidental, operational, labour charges such as
cutting, bending, placing in position, tying including sales and other
taxes on all materials etc., complete for finished item of work For

20 RCC M- 20 Nominal mix (Cement 400 kgs ) using 20mm size

graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate)
from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials
like cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse aggregate, water etc., to
site and including Seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on all
materials including all operational, incidental and labour charges
such as machine mixing, laying concrete, curing and steel
centering, etc.,complete but excluding cost of steel and its
fabrication charges for finished item of work(Sand 0.45 cum and
Metal 0.90 cum) as directed by the Engineer in charge for finished
item of work.

A.i 275 Cum FOR SWITCH YARD FOUNDATIONS 10,349.34 2,846,068.50

A.ii 775 Cum FOR SWITCH YARD FOUNDATIONS-Pedestals 10,652.25 8,255,493.75

B 35 Cum For RCC Cover Slabs with 50% 20 mm&50%12mm HBG Metal 9,676.51 338,677.85

C.i 45 Cum For Road Crossing Duct-Raft 9,676.51 435,442.95

C.II 25 Cum For Road Crossing Duct-Walls 11,776.42 294,410.50

C.iii 35 Cum FOR ROAD CULVERT SLABS (upto 300 mm thick)(AVG thk 9,217.56 322,614.60
230mm) (Wooden Centering)
21 520 Cum Plain Cement concrete - Nominal Mix (1:2:4) with 12 to 20mm HBG 6,941.79 3,609,730.80
metal with necessary form work including cost and conveyance of
all materials, labour charges, water charges, tools and tackles,
all leads & lifts etc., complete for finished item of work as per
directions of the Engineer-in-charge. (IS-456)

22 25 Cum Construction of RR Masonry in CM (1:6) using hard CRS, rough 5,207.78 130,194.50
stone other then granite and bond stones (0.16 cum) including cost
and conveyance of all materials., labour charges, water lead ,
Curing, all leads and lifts etc., complete for finished item of work as
per directions of the Engineer-in-charge.

23 1750 Sqm Plastering with CM (1:3), 12 mm thick and finishing smooth to the 471.48 825,090.00
required slope and painting two coats of white cement including
cost & conveyance of all materials, labour charges, leads, lifts and
curing including cost of white cement paint two coats complete as
per the directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of
24 1850 Cum Supply and Spreading of 20mm size Hard Broken Granite metal in 2,696.36 4,988,266.00
switch yard including providing suitable PCC guage block of size
100x100x100mm at 2m x2m intervals , cost & conveyance of all
materials, labour charges, leads, lifts complete as per the directions
of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work
Amount in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Unit Rate in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
25 925 Cum Supply and spreading of crusher dust in the switch yard area 1,623.76 1,501,978.00
including Suitable antiweed treatment after completion of final
levelling and grading including disposal of surplus earth and filling
within switch yard area including cost of all materials, all leads and
lifts, labour charges complete as per the directions of the Engineer
in charge for the finished item of work..
26 18500 Sqm Supply and laying of 180 GSM LDPE sheet of approved make in the 22.00 407,000.00
switch yard including laying the sheet neatly in between layers of
crusher dust without folds to avoid the vegetation and weed growth,
cutting and jointing the sheet properly including cost & conveyance
of all materials, all leads , labour charges for laying complete as per
the directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of
27 315 Cum Brick Masonry in CM (1:6) with Common burnt clay Bricks of class 7,291.88 2,296,942.20
as per Table-1 of IS:1077- 1992 Non-Modular or traditional size 23
x 11 x 7 cms of approved quality, including cost & conveyance of all
materials, labour charges at all leads, lifts and curing complete as
per the directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of
work For Masonry works below 1.2m height


28 Supplying and fixing of Ashirvad/Ajay/Astral flowguard or equivalent
CPVC pipes and fittings to meet the requirement of ASTM-D 2846
and are produced in CTS(Copper Tube Sizes 1/2" ton 2" Ashirvad
flowguard SDR 13.5 pipes are made from idential CPVC
compounds having the same physical properties for hot and cold
water(IS 15778:2007) for water supply line to earth pits / toilets
including cost and conveyance of pipe, CPVC specials such as
elbows, Tees concealing same in walls and floors by cutting 34.9/
28.6/ 22.2/15.9 mm dia to be included grooves, packing, finishing
after laying pipe in position as per the directions of the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.

A 350 RM 34.9 mm OD pipe SDR 13.5 240.98 84,343.00

B 300 RM 28.6 mm OD pipe SDR 13.5 153.14 45,942.00
C 250 RM 22.2 mm OD pipe SDR 13.5 105.85 26,462.50
D 150 RM 15.90 mm OD pipe SDR 13.5 66.44 9,966.00
29 Providing and fixing in position at all levels of the buildings G.M.
Ball Valve with SS ball and SS spindle as per IS class- 1, Indian
make heavy type for water services for following sizes including
jointing complete as per the directions of the Engineer in charge
for the finished item of work.
A 8 No 32 mm dia Nominal Bore 1,588.64 12,709.12
B 10 No 25mm dia Nominal Bore 889.64 8,896.40
C 10 No. 20mm dia Nominal Bore 617.64 6,176.40
30 100 No. Supply and fixing of 12.5mm/15mm dia N.P bib tap Indian make 261.86 26,186.00
3heavy duty Seiko or equivalent make including cost & conveyance
of all materials, labour charges, leads, lifts complete as per the
directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work .

31 20 No. Construction of Brick masonry chamber over the gully trap or peet 515.48 10,309.60
valves & fitted with 304.8mm X 228.6mm size CI frame & Hinged
cover as including cost & conveyance of all materials, labour
charges complete for finished item of work as per the directions of
the Engineer-in-charge
32 70 RM Supply and fixing of 120 lbs (59.53 Kg/RM) rails poles over the 6,016.10 421,127.00
transformer plinth including cost & conveyance of all materials,
labour charges for cutting and fixing charges with lead and lift etc,
complete for finished item of work as directed by Engineer in charge.
Amount in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Unit Rate in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
33 1000 kgs Supply and fixing of 90 lbs rails poles over the transformer plinth 101.06 101,060.00
including cost & conveyance of all materials, labour charges for
cutting and fixing charges with lead and lift etc, complete for
finished item of work as directed by Engineer in charge.

34 30 RM Construction of cable duct in the switch yard for Road Crossing by 4,718.18 141,545.40
providing 2 Nos.300mm dia RCC Hume pipe ( plain ended pipe) &
collars required confirming to BIS 458/1988 NP2 class as per
drawing including cost & conveyance of all materials, labour
charges, leads, lifts and curing etc, complete as per the directions
of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work .

35 15 RM Supplying &fixing of 450mm dia RCC Hume pipe for culvert with 902.62 13,539.30
RCC plain ended pipe & collars required confirming to BIS
458/2003 NP - 2 Class including cost & conveyance of all materials,
labour charges complete for finished item of work as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
36 15 RM Supplying & fixing of 600 mm dia RCC Hume pipe for culvert with 1,427.27 21,409.10
RCC plain ended pipe & collars required confirming to BIS
458/2003 NP - 2 Class including cost & conveyance of all materials,
labour charges complete for finished item of work as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
37 10 RM Supplying &fixing of 900 mm dia RCC Hume pipe for culvert with 5,506.02 55,060.20
RCC plain ended pipe & collars required confirming to BIS
458/2003 NP-3 class including cost & conveyance of all materials,
labour charges complete for finished item of work as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
38 3400 Sqm Plastering with CM (1:5), 12 mm thick to the even wall surfaces 407.83 1,386,622.00
including cost & conveyance of all materials, labour charges, leads,
lifts and curing complete as per the directions of the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.

39 2400 Sqm White washing two coats with white cement of approved quality to 51.37 123,288.00
give an even shade after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove
all dirt and remains of loose powdered materials including cost of all
materials, labour charges and incidental charges such as
scaffolding, lift charges etc., complete for finished item of work.

40 50 Sqm Plastering to Uneven surfaces of BM, RR /CR, PCC with CM (1:5) 427.67 21,383.50
20mm. thick including cost & conveyance of all materials, labour
charges, leads, lifts and curing complete as per the directions of
the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work

41 400 Kgs Supply and fixing in position M.S. grills/Angles/gates of required 107.17 42,868.00
size of approved design and quality. (for, gates, windows, hand
railing in front of portico, retaining walls ,) and painting with two
coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality, make, colour
and shade over one coat of red oxide, complete as per the
directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

42 50 Sqm Supply & fixing Pre-painted Galvanized Trapezoidal Profile Roofing 653.46 32,673.00
sheets with 0.50mm thickness, Coating Alu-Zinc coating AZ 150
GSM, Tensile Strength 550 MPA, Paint coating Regular Modified
Polyester painting, Painting thickness (Top) 18 to 20 Microns,
(Bottom) 5 to 7 Microns, Sheet Width 1.020, Length Maximum 12
Meters with Regular Range Colours, including cost and conveyanc
of all materials, labour charges for fixing with J-Bolts (8mm dia),
Washers etc., complete for finished item of work as directed by
Engineer - in - charge.
Total: 47,312,355.64
43 0.18 GST @ 18%: 47,312,355.64 8,516,224.02
Total with GST: 55,828,579.66
Schedule C1(ii)
Name of the work: Civil works for Erection of 220/132/33 kV Sub station at Koppaka
Civil works, Water Supply & Sanitary Arrangements and Internal Electrification for Control House
Unit Rate in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
1 540 Cum Earthwork excavation in all types of soils (up to stone 204.88 110,635.20
matrix)which can be excavated with pick axe and crow
bars and do not require blasting in all conditions such as
dry, wet and slushy etc. covering initial lead and lift etc
and backfilling the foundations (after laying foundations)
with excavated earth complete as per the the directions
of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

2 410 Cum Providing Crusher dust cushion for foundations and 1,387.63 568,928.30
basement in layers, not exceeding 15cm thick,
consolidating each deposited layer by watering and
ramming including cost & conveyance of all materials,
operational, incidental, labour charges, hire charges of
T&P at all leads, lifts etc. complete as per the directions
of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

3 65 Cum Laying of Cement Concrete (1:4:8) mix using 40mm size 5,232.70 340,125.50
HBG Machine crushed metal for foundations including
cost and conveyance of all materials at all leads and
lifts, ramming, consolidating, curing etc,complete. for
finished item of work as per directions of the Engineer-in-

4 16.50 MT Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ 83,913.49 1,384,572.59

Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) (Fe 415 grade as
per IS 1786-1979) of TISCO/ SAIL/ VSP make, different
diameters for RCC works , including labour charges for
straightening, cutting, bending to required sizes and
shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of
approved materials and size and tying and lap-splicing
with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming grills for
reinforcement work as per approved designs and
drawings, including cost and conveyance of steel bars,
including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings,
chairs, spacer bars including cost and conveyance of
binding wire, cover blocks and all incidental, operational,
labour charges such as cutting, bending, placing in
position, tying including sales and other taxes on all
materials etc., complete for finished item of work in all
floors.( APSS No.126)
5 4000 Kgs Supply and fixing in position M.S. grills/Angles/gates of 107.17 428,680.00
required size of approved design and quality. (for, gates,
windows, hand railing in front of portico, retaining walls
,) and painting with two coats of synthetic enamel paint
of approved quality, make, colour and shade over one
coat of red oxide, complete as per the directions of the
Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

6 800 Sqm Supply and Fixing of 180 GSM LDPE sheet of approved 35.20 28,160.00
make over slabs and beams centering before placing of
Steel reinforcement to avoid slurry leakage and to avoid
honeycomb, including labour charges for laying the
sheet neatly, cutting and jointing the sheet properly with
overlapping of 20cm at joints with Fevicol & Tape and for
tying in position with binding wire, removing sheet while
removing the centering including cost & conveyance of
all materials, tools at all leads and lifts etc complete as
per the directions of the Engineer in charge for the
finished item of work.
Unit Rate in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
7 RCC M- 20 Nominal mix (Cement 400 kgs ) using
20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal
(coarse aggregate) from approved quarry including cost
and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine
aggregate (sand) coarse aggregate, water etc., to site
and including Seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes
on all materials including all operational, incidental and
labour charges such as machine mixing, laying concrete,
curing and steel centering, etc.,complete but excluding
cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item
of work(Sand 0.45 cum and Metal 0.90 cum) as directed
by the Engineer in charge for finished item of work.

A 50 Cum FOR FOOTINGS 10,349.34 517,467.00

B 20 Cum FOR PEDESTALS 10,955.16 219,103.20
C 30 Cum FOR PLINTH BEAMS 10,970.83 329,124.90
D 25 Cum FOR COLUMNS 13,715.99 342,899.75
E 12 Cum FOR LINTELS 13,590.96 163,091.52
F 21 Cum FOR BEAMS 12,344.43 259,233.03
G 65 Cum FOR SLABS upto 150mm thick 11,215.14 728,984.10
H 60 Sqm FOR SUNSHADES (0.075M avg thick) 1,164.43 69,865.80
8 160 Cum Construction of RR Masonry in CM (1:6) using hard 5,207.78 833,244.80
CRS, rough stone other then granite and bond stones
(0.16 cum) including cost and conveyance of all
materials., labour charges, water lead , Curing, all
leads and lifts etc., complete for finished item of work as
per directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
9.a 195 Cum Brick Masonry in CM (1:6) with Common burnt clay 7,865.40 1,533,753.00
Bricks of class as per Table-1 of IS:1077- 1992 Non-
Modular or traditional size 23 x 11 x 7 cms of approved
quality, including cost & conveyance of all materials,
labour charges, scaffolding charges at all leads, lifts and
curing complete as per the directions of the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work

9.b 75 Cum Brick Masonry in CM (1:6) with Common burnt clay 7,291.88 546,891.00
Bricks of class as per Table-1 of IS:1077- 1992 Non-
Modular or traditional size 23 x 11 x 7 cms of approved
quality, including cost & conveyance of all materials,
labour charges at all leads, lifts and curing complete as
per the directions of the Engineer in charge for the
finished item of work For Masonry works below 1.2m
10 20 Cum Plain Cement concrete - Nominal Mix (1:3:6) with 12 to 6,477.59 129,551.80
20mm (50% each) HBG metal for encasing/ embedding
the structural steel supportng 'Y' angles with necessary
form work including cost and conveyance of all
materials, machine mixing, labour charges, water
charges, tools and tackles, all leads & lifts etc.,
complete for finished item of work as per directions of
the Engineer-in-charge. (IS-456)
Unit Rate in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
11 20 Sqm Providing & Fixing of Scientific Doors with metal door 11,000.00 220,000.00
frames and door shutters made of galvanize steel (base
steel as per IS 513 of 0.58 mm thick D quality,
galvanized as per IS 277 with Zinc of 120 GSM). coated
with Zinc Phosphate Primer to receive any paint on site
or finished with Thermosetting Polyurethane paint of
Aliphatic Grade providing high levels of scratch
resistance and durability/Epoxy polyester powder for
powder coating paint thickness 50-60 microns (Dry film
thickness) outer frame section of 100 x 58 mm x 1.2 mm
thick, shutter section of 0.80 mm thick galvanized steel
sheet pressed (roll formed) for 46mm thick fully flush,
double skin door shell seam joints at stile edges, in-fill of
honeycomb kraft paper used to give the required rigidity
and effective acoustic insulation with 6” Tower bolt - 2
Nos., 6” D handles - 2 Nos., 10” Aldrop - 1 No., Butt
Hinges - 6 Nos, Mortise Lock of approved quality - 1 No,
frames fixed to the concrete/masonry wall by means of
self expanding screws complete for finished item of
work. for Double leaf Door

12 20 Sqm Providing & Fixing of Scientific Doors with metal door 10,530.00 210,600.00
frames and door shutters made of galvanize steel (base
steel as per IS 513 of 0.58 mm thick D quality,
galvanized as per IS 277 with Zinc of 120 GSM)coated
with Zinc Phosphate Primer to receive any paint on site
or finished with Thermosetting Polyurethane paint of
Aliphatic Grade providing high levels of scratch
resistance and durability/Epoxy polyester powder for
powder coating paint thickness 50-60 microns (Dry film
thickness) outer frame section of 100 x 58 mm x 1.2 mm
thick, shutter section of 0.80 mm thick galvanized steel
sheet pressed (roll formed) for 46mm thick fully flush,
double skin door shell seam joints at stile edges, in-fill of
honeycomb kraft paper used to give the required rigidity
and effective acoustic insulation with 6” Tower bolt – 1
No., 6” D handles – 2 Nos., 10” Aldrop – 1 No., Butt
Hinges – 3 Nos, Mortise Lock of approved quality – 1
No, frames fixed to the concrete/masonry wall by means
of self expanding screws complete for finished item of
work for Single leaf Door

13 4 Sqm Supply and fixing of door frame made of hollow extruded 3,513.07 14,052.28
PVC section (Nandi or equivalent) having dimensions of
40 X 46mm with the wall thickness of 2mm +/- 0.2mm
duly reinforced with seasoned wood plank at the hinges
side. The door frame top 2 corners shall be metre-cut/
welded. PVC DOOR FRAME (Nandi or equivalent ) and
door shutters made of rigid PVC extruded hollow section
(Nandi or equivalent ) of 20mm X 200 mm with the wall
thickness of 1.0mm +/- 0.1mm equally divided into 4
no's with tongue and groove locking arrangements. The
shutter frame is made of 30mm X 79mm with the wall
thickness of 1.5mm +/-0.15mm section mitre-cut and
joined at 4 corners with 125mm X 225mm plastic
brackets. The shutter shall be horizontally
reinforced with 2 no's of 8mm PVC rods. Teak wood
batons shall be reinforced inside the door shutter during
the fabrication of the door shutter at those points
wherever the hardware is fixed onto the door
shutter.PVC DOOR SHUTTER (Nandi or Equivalent).
including fixtures like Aluminium Butt hinges (IS:205)- 75
mm ,MS-Powder Coated Door Handles (IS:208) 150
mm, Aluminium Tower Bolt-10 mm Bolt (IS:204) 100
mmand MS-Powder Coated Aldrops (IS:2681) 200 mm.
Unit Rate in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
14 30 Sqm Providing and fixing factory made uPVC white colour 6,698.00 200,940.00
sliding glazed windowupto 1.50 m in height dimension
comprising of uPVC multi-chamberedframe with in-built
roller track and sash extruded profiles duly reinforcedwith
1.60 ± 0.2 mm thick galvanized mild steel section made
from rollforming process of required length (shape & size
according to uPVCprofile), appropriate dimension of uPVC
extruded glazing beads anduPVC extruded interlocks,
EPDM gasket, wool pile, zinc alloy (whitepowder coated)
touch locks with hook, zinc alloy body with single
nylonrollers (weight bearing capacity to be 40 kg), G.I
fasteners 100 x 8 mmsize for fixing frame to finished wall
and necessary stainless steel screwsetc. Profile of frame
& sash shall be mitred cut and fusion welded at allcorners,
including drilling of holes for fixing hardware's and
drainage ofwater etc. After fixing frame the gap between
frame and adjacent finishedwall shall be filled with weather
proof silicon sealent over backer rod ofrequired size and of
approved quality, all complete as per approved drawing&
direction of Engineer-in-Charge inclusive of cost of Single /
double glass panes, wire mesh and silicon sealent for
Two track two panels sliding window made of (small
series) frame 52 x 44 mm &sash 32 x 60 mm both having
wall thickness of 1.9 ± 0.2 mm and single glazing bead of
appropriate dimension. (Area of window upto 1.75 sqm)

15 2 Sqm Providing and fixing factory made uPVC white colour 6,456.00 12,912.00
fixed glazed windows /Ventilators comprising of uPVC
multi-chambered frame and mullion (whereever
required) extruded profiles duly reinforced with 1.60± 0.2
mm thick galvanized mild steel section made from roll
forming process of required length (shape&size
according to uPVC profile), uPVC extruded glazing
beads of appropriate dimension, EPDM gasket, G.I
fasteners100 x 8 mm size for fixing frame to finished
wall, plastic packers, plastic caps and necessary
stainless steel screws etc. Profile of frame shall be
mitred cut and fusion welded at all corners, mullion(if
required) shall be also fusion welded including drilling of
holes for fixing hardware's and drainage of water etc.
After fixing frame the gap between frame and adjacent
finished wall shall be filled with weather proof silicon
sealant over backer rod of required size and of approved
quality, all complete as per approved drawing & direction
of Engineer-in Charge inclusive of cost of Single / double
glass panes and silicon sealant. Fixed windows /
Ventilators made of (small series) frame 47x50mm &
mullion 47 x 68 mm both having wall thickness of
1.9±0.2mm and single glazing bead of appropriate
16 3 Sqm Supplying & fixing of Door frame made of roll formed 4,271.88 12,815.64
section of 1.25 mm thick CRCA section, size should be
50 x60 mm with 32 mm rebate and Flush door shutter of
30mm thick solid bond wood block board type with teak
veneer on one face and commericial ply on another
face. The corner of the frame should be welded. The
frame should be painted with one coat of primer and
finished painted with pure plolyester paint. The frame
should be provided with approved quality butt hinges of
3 Nos.,Heavy duty Mortice lock 6/7 levers with CP/PC
handle, MS Door stoppers, MS Door handles, MS tower
bolts, complete as per the directions of Engineer-in-
charge for finished item of work.
Unit Rate in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
17 30 Sqm Supply and fixing Aluminium partition upto 2.75m height 3,848.95 115,468.50
partly glazed as per drawing using standard powder
coated/ Anodised aluminium sections of
63.5x38.10x2.5mm thick fitted with 12mm thick cement
bonded particle boards prelaminated (both sides) top
and bottom panels and middle with 8mm thick plain
glass glazing fitted with suitable aluminium glazing clipss
and rubber beading including cost and conveyance of all
materials labour charges for manufacturing fixing in
position using wooden blocks and sheet metal screw etc.
to complete for finished item of work as approved by
18 500 Sqm Providing impervious coat to exposed RCC roof slab 597.64 298,820.00
surface with CM(1:3), 20mm thick with 1kg of water
proof compound per bag of cement laid over roof when it
is green including cost & conveyance charges of all
materials and including all operational, incidental and
labour charges for mixing mortar, laying, rendering
smooth and thread lining, curing, rounding off junctions
of wall and slab etc,, complete for finished item of work

19 620 Sqm Plastering with CM (1:3), 12 mm thick ceiling and 446.93 277,096.60
projections of beams at all heights including cost &
conveyance of all materials, scaffloding, labour charges,
leads, lifts and curing complete as per the directions of
the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

20 980 Sqm Plastering with CM 2 coats, 20 mm thick,base coat in 577.84 566,283.20

CM (1:6), 16mm thick and top coat in CM (1:4), 4mm
thick with Dubara sponze finishing.on the uneven
surfaces of wall including cost & conveyance of all
materials, labour charges, leads, lifts, scaffolding and
curing complete as per the directions of the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.
21 1350 Sqm Plastering with CM (1:5), 12 mm thick to the even wall 421.04 568,404.00
surfaces including cost & conveyance of all materials,
labour charges, leads, lifts , scaffolding and curing
complete as per the directions of the Engineer in charge
for the finished item of work.
22 260 Sqm Plastering to Uneven surfaces of BM, RR /CR, PCC 427.67 111,194.20
with CM (1:5) 20mm. thick including cost & conveyance
of all materials, labour charges, leads, lifts and curing
complete as per the directions of the Engineer in charge
for the finished item of work
23 40 Cum Laying of Cement Concrete (1:4:8) mix using 50% of 5,512.60 220,504.00
40mm size and 50% of 20mm HBG machine crushed
metal for bed flooring including cost and conveyance of
all materials at all leads and lifts, ramming,
consolidating, curing etc,complete. for finished item of
work as per directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
24 15 Cum Plain Cement concrete - Nominal Mix (1:2:4) with 12 to 6,359.26 95,388.90
20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all
materials, labour charges, water charges, tools and
tackles, all leads & lifts etc., complete for finished item of
work as per directions of the Engineer-in-charge. (IS-456)
Unit Rate in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
25 370 Sqm Flooring with Vitrified floor tiles of Double charged / multi 1,239.09 458,463.30
charged stain free full body porcelain vitrified tiles with
double layer pigment of size 600 x 600 mm and
thickness between 8-10 mm 1st quality of any colour and
finish in all shades and designs, set over base coat of
cement mortar (1:8), 12 mm thick over CC bed already
laid or RCC roof slab, including neat cement slurry of
honey like consistency spread @ 3.3.kgs per sqm &
jointed neatly with white cement paste to full depth
mixed with pigment of matching shade, including cost of
all materials like cement, sand water and tiles including
seigniorage charges, etc., complete as per the directions
of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

26 40 Sqm Providing skirting to internal walls to 15 cm height/risers 1,244.66 49,786.40

of steps with Vitrified polished floor tiles 600X600 of 8 to
10mm thick length equal to flooring stones, set over
base coat of CM (1:5) 12 mm thick with cement slurry of
honey like consistency spread at the rate of 3.30 kgs per
sqm and jointed with white cement paste mixed with
pigment of matching shade to full depth, including cost
of all materials like tiles, cement, sand and water
including seigniorage charges, etc., complete as per the
directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item
of work.
27 45 Sqm Flooring with Non-skid red or white full body Ceramic 1,005.94 45,267.30
floor tiles of size 300 x 300 mm and thickness between 7-
8 mm 1st quality conforming to IS:13711, IS:13712,
IS:13630 (Parts 1 to 15) of any colour and finish in all
shades and designs, set over base coat of cement
mortar (1:8), 12 mm thick over CC bed already laid or
RCC roof slab, including neat cement slurry of honey like
consistency spread @ 3.3.kgs per sqm & jointed neatly
with white cement paste to full depth mixed with pigment
of matching shade, including cost of all materials like
cement, sand water and tiles etc., complete, including
seigniorage charges, etc., complete as per the
directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item
of work.

28 50 Sqm Providing skirting to internal walls to 15 cm height/risers 550.49 27,524.50

of steps with glazed red or white full body ceramic wall
tiles of size 200 x 300 mm / 245 mm x 325 mm and
thickness 6 mm 1st quality conforming to IS:13711,
IS:13712, IS:13630 (Parts 1 to 15) of any colour and
finish in all shades and designs, set over base coat of
CM (1:3) 12 mm thick with cement slurry of honey like
consistency spread at the rate of 3.30 kgs per sqm and
jointed with white cement paste mixed with pigment of
matching shade to full depth, including cost of all
materials like tiles, cement, sand and water including
seigniorage charges, etc., complete as per the directions
of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

29 30 Sqm Flooring plastering with CM (1:3) 12mm thick and 424.60 12,738.00
finishing smooth to the required slope and thread lining
for flooring including cost & conveyance of all materials,
labour charges, leads, lifts and curing complete as per
the directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished
item of work.
Unit Rate in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
30 900 Sqm Painting to new walls with 2 coats of acrylic exterior 238.90 215,010.00
emulsion paint having VOC (Volatile Organic
Compound) content less than 50 grams/ liter over a
base coat of appropriate cement primer of approved
brand and shade making 3 COATS in all to give an even
shade after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove
all dirt and remains of loose powdered materials,
including cost and ocnveyance of all materials to work
site and all operations , incidental, labour charges etc
complete for finihsed item of work as per SS911
31 500 Sqm Painting to new walls with 2 coats of acrylic interior 161.30 80,650.00
emulsion paint having VOC (Volatile Organic
Compound) content less than 50 grams/ liter over a
base coat of appropriate cement primer of approved
brand and shade making 3 COATS in all to give an even
shade after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove
all dirt and remains of loose powdered materials,
including cost and ocnveyance of all materials to work
site and all operations , incidental, labour charges etc
complete for finished item of work as per SS911
32 50 RM Providing stainless steel hand railing by running with 5,363.87 268,193.50
styles made with 50mm dia 304 Grade of 900mm long at
1m interval, horizontal supports of 3 Nos 19mm dia 204
Grade pipes and hand railing with 50 mm dia 304 Grade
pipes, drilling the holes in the concrete in 1 RM center to
center to insert the spikes with plate welded to the
stainless steel tubes and grouting into the concrete at
the bottom including cost of all materials and labour
charges for Fabrication of stainless steel railing works
using stainless steel welding rods including buffing,
polishing, lacquer finishing, to present seamless finish
for finished item of work as approved and directed by the
Engineer-In - Charge.

33 340 Sqm Providing and fixing of false ceiling in true horizontal 1,380.00 469,199.61
level 600 mm x 600 mm, 15 mm thick Mineral Fibre
sheet 600 x 600 of fissured-ANF (Board / Tegular) Edge
tiles with a Humidity Resistance of 90% RH, Average
NRC 0.50, Light Reflectance >80%, Thermal
Conductivity λ = 0.052 to 0.057 w/mk, Fire Performance
Class 0/Class 1 using hot dipped Galvanised Steel
section exposed surface with pre-coated capping, main
Tee of size 24 x 32 mm at every 1200 mm c/c maximum
and rotary stiched cross tee of size 24 x 27 mm at evry
600 mm c/c and sub-cross tee of size 24 mm x 25 mm
at 1200 mm c/c and wall angle of size 19 x 19 mm fixed
to periphery of the wall and the above grid is suspended
at every 1200 mm c/c in both directions using 2.0 mm
thick pre-straightened GI Wire laying fine fissured butt
edge ceiling tiles of 15 mm thick mineral fiber Board
including Cost &conveyance of all materials and labour
charges such as cutting , fixing of standing of frame
work exposing roof making complete as per the
directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item
of work. ( Recommended brands: ARMSTRONG, Insula

34 30 Sqm Supplying and fixing of sun control film to the glass 344.00 10,320.00
openings of PLCC room including cost & conveyance of
all materials, labour charges, leads, lifts etc, complete
as per the directions of the Engineer in charge for the
finished item of work.
35 20 Sqm Supply and fixing of 40mm thick (0.457x0.457m) 146.00 2,920.00
polished Kadapa Slabs for cup boards including cost
and conveyance of all materials, all leads and lifts
complete as per the directions of the Engineer in charge
for the finished item of work.
Unit Rate in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
36 1500 Kgs Supply and fixing in position Chequred plate of required 107.17 160,755.00
size of approved design and quality. and painting with
two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality,
make, colour and shade over one coat of red oxide,
complete as per the directions of the Engineer in charge
for the finished item of work.
37 310 Sqm Supply and fixing of Ramco hylux wall panelling using 2,151.03 666,819.30
8mm Ramco hylux with frame work made of Aluminium
sections of size 50.8mmx50.8mmx1.6mm thick @
0.890Kg/m fixed at bottom & ceiling of the brick wall
covered with Ramco hylux wall panelling. 50 mm thick
thermocole is fixed in the cavity of wall panelling and
Ramco hylux calcium silicate board 8 mm is to be fixed
using jointing compound and glass fibre tape. The rate
inclusive of cost and conveyance of all materials to site
and inclusive of two coats synthetic enamel painting
over one coat primer, all other materials, labour and
incidental charges complete as per the directions of
engineer in Charge for finished item of work.( For Bay
Kiosk )
38 2 Nos Supplying and Fixing European Water Closet of 1st 3,720.81 7,441.62
quality conforming to IS:2556-Part-2-1973 of Hindustan /
Neycer or Parry ware make with WHITE colour glazed
with 'S' trap, Supplying and Fixing best Indian make
plastic seat and lid for European water closets with
rubber or plastic Buffers as per IS 2548-1996 and
Supply & fixing of PVC low level system parry ware, slim
line with internal components & short bend: 8 Litres
capacity single Flush and external fixtures complete as
per the approved colour and directions of the Engineer
in charge for the finished item of work.

39 3 Nos Supplying & Fixing 550x400 mm- single C.P. Pillar cock 1,888.11 5,664.33
Indian make Flat Back Wash Hand Basin
(HSW/Parryware/ Neycer) 1st quality conforming to
IS:2556-Part-4:1972 with waste fittings like rubber plug,
chain, 32 mm nominal size C.P. Fitting with parallel pipe
thread conforming to IS:2963-1979 and fitted with 15
mm nominal bore Chromium Plated Pillar Tap of 1st
quality Indian make 300 grams Seiko/ Esso or
equivalent complete with standard CI brackets including
wooden block as per the directions of the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.
40 3 Nos Supplying and fixing Pedestal for wash hand basin 1,266.71 3,800.13
(HSW/ Parry/ Earthenware ) make including cost of all
fixtures, labour for fixing as per the directions of the
Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.
41 1 No Supplying and fixing white glazed flat back Bowl urinal 958.51 958.51
basin (Indian type) of size 440x 265x 315mm of HSW/
Parry/ Neycer make including all fixtures, labour for
fixing as per the directions of the Engineer in charge for
the finished item of work.
42 3 Nos Supplying and fixing 19.05mm dia and 609.6mm long 385.94 1,157.82
C.P. Towel rod of Ist quality including cost of brackets as
per the directions of the Engineer in charge for the
finished item of work.
43 3 Nos Supplying and fixing NP Soap dish heavy type with NP 236.89 710.67
Screws including cost & conveyance of materials and
labour for fixing complete as per the directions of the
Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

44 3 Nos Supply & Fixing PVC soap trays with tooth brush holders 60.00 180.00
complete and fixing in all positions of building as
directed by site engineer for finished item of work.
Unit Rate in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
45 3 Nos Supplying and fixing TV Shape mirror with PVC frame 557.46 1,672.38
size 609.6x457.2mm including cost & conveyance of
materials and labour for fixing complete as per the
directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item
of work.
46 Supplying and fixing of Ashirvad/Ajay/Astral flowguard or
equivalent CPVC pipes and fittings to meet the
requirement of ASTM-D 2846 and are produced in
CTS(Copper Tube Sizes 1/2" ton 2" Ashirvad flowguard
SDR 13.5 pipes are made from idential CPVC
compounds having the same physical properties for hot
and cold water(IS 15778:2007) for water supply line to
earth pits / toilets including cost and conveyance of pipe,
CPVC specials such as elbows, Tees concealing same
in walls and floors by cutting 34.9/ 28.6/ 22.2/15.9 mm
dia to be included grooves, packing, finishing after laying
pipe in position as per the directions of the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.

A 100 RM 34.9 mm OD pipe SDR 13.5 240.98 24,098.00

B 50 RM 28.6 mm OD pipe SDR 13.5 153.14 7,657.00
C 25 RM 22.2 mm OD pipe SDR 13.5 105.85 2,646.25
D 50 RM 15.90 mm OD pipe SDR 13.5 66.44 3,322.00

47 Providing and fixing in position at all levels of the

buildings G.M. Gate (GM peet) Valve (Tata/ Zenith
make)as per IS-778 class- 1, Indian make heavy type for
water services with hand wheel at all elevations for
following sizes including jointing complete as per the
directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item
of work.
A 5 Nos 32 mm dia Nominal Bore 1,786.06 8,930.30
8 Nos 25mm dia Nominal Bore 1,186.01 9,488.08

4 Nos 20mm dia Nominal Bore 833.01 3,332.04

48 6 Nos Supplying and fixing long body C.P. Taps including cost 293.67 1,762.02
and conveyance, labour charges complete as per the
directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item
of work.
49 5 Nos Providing and fixing 101.6 mm dia PVC Nahani 250.00 1,250.00
Trap/Floor trap of standard make including making
connection to PVC pipes/waste water lines with cement
concrete base for embedding traps in position, finishing
up to floor level with water proof cement plaster with
grating at top complete as per the directions of the
Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

50 100 RM Providing and fixing in position at all levels of the 271.50 27,150.00
building under floors and against walls 110mm dia
(6kg/cm2) PVC pipes of prince / sudhakar or any ISI
brand make with specials such as junctions, with or
without access doors as required and fixing cowls at top
wherever necessary including excavation and refilling
wherever required,, testing etc. complete as per the
directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item
of work.
51 30 Nos. Supplying and fixing 110mm dia PVC bends including 83.46 2,503.80
cost and conveyance, labour for fixing complete as per
the directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished
item of work.
Unit Rate in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
52 50 RM Providing and fixing in position at all levels of the 95.17 4,758.50
building under floors and against walls 75mm dia
(4kg/cm2) PVC pipes of prince / sudhakar or any ISI
brand make with specials such as junctions, with or
without access doors as required and fixing cowls at top
wherever necessary including excavation and refilling
wherever required,, testing etc. complete as per the
directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item
of work.
53 20 Nos. Supplying and fixing 75mm dia PVC bends including 50.26 1,005.20
cost and conveyance, labour for fixing complete as per
the directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished
item of work.
54 6 Nos Supplying and fixing of 12.7 mm NP stop cock Indian 463.86 2,783.16
make heavy duty Seiko/ Senior/ Nice/ Senior/ Nice or
equivalentincluding cost and conveyance, labour for
fixing complete as per the directions of the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.
55 4 Nos Supply & fixing 12.7 mm brass bib cock Indian make 209.86 839.44
heavy duty including cost and conveyance, labour for
fixing complete as per the directions of the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.
56 4 Nos Supply and fixing of 12.5mm/15mm dia N.P bib tap 261.86 1,047.44
Indian make 3heavy duty Seiko or equivalent make
including cost & conveyance of all materials, labour
charges, leads, lifts complete as per the directions of
the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work .
57 2 Nos Providing & Placing on Terrace (at all floor levels) 9,000.00 18,000.00
polyethylene water storage tank with of 1000 liters
Double layer approved brand & manufacture with cover
and suitable locking arrangement & making necessary
holes for inlet & outlets and over flow pipes but without
fittings & base support for tanks etc complete as per the
directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item
of work.
58 140 Nos Wiring with 2 runs of 22/0.30 (1.5 Sqmm) Fire Retardant 782.47 109,545.80
(FR) P.V.C. insulated flexible copper cable (ISI MARK) :
Finolex / RR kabel / Havells/ KEI/ Polycab/ Gloster/
Goldmedal/ GM make in existing conduit pipe of
20/25mm dia 1.5mm thick, with 6A/10A 1 way 1 module
modular switch (Legrand Lyncus / Havells Coral or Fabio
/ L&T/ HPL/ Schneider Livia/ GM-(G NINE/ GX) C&S/
Goldmedal (Curve/Air) / Million Mway / Logus Platina/
Panasonic Vision / Salzer S90series/ Precision/Koncept
(Samrat/ Qura) /Ploycab(Levana)/ Anchor-Roma/
IndoAsian/ Pointer/ CPL/Kolors/ Vihan/Hosper/ Vimal
make), Ceiling rose and modular cover frame covering
to hot dipped galvanized 20/18SWG module switch
board including all labour charges etc., complete for
light, bell, fan and exhaust fan points in Non-Residential
Unit Rate in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
59 15 Nos Supply and fixing of 1200mm (48") Sweep star rated 3,330.05 49,950.75
ceiling fan with double ball bearings air delivery more
than 200Cum/Min of makes:standard make Crompton
HS Plus / Havells ES PLUS/Orient Energy Star/
Halonix(Zephyr)/Polycab(Synergy 50 ISI) / G.M. (Air
Wave Premium) models with suitable down rod covered
with flexible pipe, 2 module modular type electronic
Stepped type fan regulator ( Legrand Lyncus / Havells
Coral or Fabio / L&T/ HPL/ Schneider Livia/ GM-(G
NINE/ GX) C&S/ Goldmedal (Curve/Air) / Million Mway /
Logus Platina/ Panasonic Vision / Salzer S90series/
Precision/ Koncept (Samrat/ Qura)/ Polycab (Levana /
IndoAsian/ Pointer/ CPL/ Kolors/ Vihan/ Hosper/ imal/
DEC(Unicus)/ Fybros/ Infinity make) with all standard
accessories including cost of all fittings and fixtures,
labour for fixing at all positions of building giving
electrical connections with necessary tools complete as
directed by the Engineer in charge for finished item of

60 16 Nos Supply and fixing of fluorescent tube light fixtures of twin 1,428.93 22,862.88
tube 2X36/ 40 Box type tube light luminaire powder
coated CRCA sheet steel housing with 2 Nos Electronic
Ballast Chokes and all standard accessoriesof makes
Wipro / G.E. / Phillips / Crompton / Bajaj/ Havells/ HPL/
Halonix and 2 Nos 36/40W tube ( Phillips / Crompton /
Bajaj / Surya / Style Lamp / Capart make) on Teak
Wood Block on ceiling or wall with all accessories
including giving connections, all labour charges and cost
of materials complete as directed by the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.

61 20 Nos Supply and fixing of fluorescent tube light fixtures of 1,076.93 21,538.60
single tube 1 X 36/ 40Watts Box type tube light
luminaire powder coated CRCA sheet steel housing with
Electronic Ballast Chokes and all standard accessories
of makes Wipro / G.E. / Phillips / Crompton / Bajaj/
Havells/ HPL/ Halonix and 1 No. 36/ 40 W tube (Phillips
/ Crompton / Bajaj / Surya / Style Lamp / Capart make)
on Teak Wood Block on ceiling or wall with all
accessories including giving connections, all labour
charges and cost of materials complete as directed by
the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

62 60 Nos Supply and fixing of 36W CFL surface /Recessed 2,823.00 169,380.00
mounting 2"x2" (600x600mm) LED luminaire made of
CRCA sheet housing with powder coated with acrylic
diffuser, reflector and decorative end plates with VPIT
chokes, starters, condencers/ Electronic Ballast of
makes Crompton/ Bajaj/Surya/HPL/Havells including
cost & conveyance and labour charges etc., complete
for finished item of work.
63 8 Nos Supply of PHILIPS Ujjwal mini Rechargeable Emergency 720.34 5,762.72
light model number 91126/16 with LED :100Lumens
including cost of all materials and labour charges
complete for finished item of work as directed by the
Engineer in charge at site.
64 10 Nos Supply and fixing of PVC water proof bulk head light 251.39 2,513.90
suitable for out door / indoor with 60 Watts PC bulb
(Philips, crompton , bajaj make) on walls in the battery
room including giving connections, all labour charges
and cost of materials complete as directed by the
Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.
Unit Rate in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
65 2 Nos Supply and fixing decorative portico LED ceiling light 335.00 670.00
fitting with all accessories to the ceiling of veranda
including giving connections, all labour charges and
cost of materials complete as directed by the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.
66 12 Nos Supply and fixing of HID / batten holder / slanting holder 250.16 3,001.92
(Wipro/G.E./Phillips) in lieu of ceiling rose of light point
complete with all connections and all labour charges with
7W LED bulb with input voltage 90 to 300V Makes:
Phillips /Crompton / Bajaj / Havells /
Halonix/GM/HPLSyska / Green Lites / Fortune Arrt /
GoldMedal / Luker/Leo/Orbit /Rhino / GLO LED (for new
installation) with all labour charges, Material etc.,
complete as per the directions of the Engineer in charge
at site.
67 6 Nos Supply and fixing 150 Watts S.V. Lamp fitting (Phillips / 6,273.42 37,640.52
Crompton / Bajaj / Surya / Venture / Halonix make)
comprises of pressure die cast Alluminium housing with
IP 66 protection and capacitor, ignitor with pot optics
including 150 W SV lamp (Phillips / Osram / Crompton /
Bajaj / Surya / Venture / Halonix/ HPL) complete with
fixing SV luminaire on wall with 1m, 40mm dia GI pipe
bracket, anti-tilling MS flat, 36/0.30, 2.5 Sqmm flexible
copper cable (Finolex / RR kabel / Havells/
KEI/Polycab/Gloster/Goldmedal/GM make) including
giving connections, all labour charges and cost of
materials complete as directed by the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work at all levels of
68 25 Nos Supply and fixing of 16A/6A 1 way combi socket modular 552.73 13,818.25
switch with shutter ( Legrand Lyncus / Havells Coral or
Fabio / L&T/ HPL/ Schneider Livia/ GM-(G NINE/ GX)
C&S/ Goldmedal (Curve/Air) / Million Mway / Logus
Platina/ Panasonic Vision / Salzer S90series/ Precision/
Koncept (Samrat/ Qura) / Ploycab(Levana)/ Anchor-
Roma/ IndoAsian/ Pointer/ CPL/ Kolors/ Vihan/ Hosper/
Vima make) with 16A/20A 1 way 1 Module Modular
switch control on a separate metallic box of size
200x150x60mm made of 18SWG sheet steel box coated
with two coats of zinchromate redoxide with 1 or 2
module cover frame with earth continuity including wire
leads, earth connections along with all labour charges
etc., complete as per the directions of the Engineer in
charge at site.

69 25 Nos Supply and fixing of 6A/10A 3/2 pin 2 Module Modular 274.47 6,861.75
socket with shutter (: Legrand Lyncus / Havells Coral or
Fabio / L&T/ HPL/ Schneider Livia/ GM-(G NINE/ GX)
C&S/ Goldmedal (Curve/Air) / Million Mway / Logus
Platina/ Panasonic Vision / Salzer S90series/
Precision/Koncept (Samrat/ Qura) / Ploycab(Levana)/
Anchor-Roma/ IndoAsian/ Pointer/ CPL/ Kolors/ Vihan/
Hosper/ Vimal make) with 6A/10A 1 way 1 Module
Modular switch control on a common switch board with
earth continuity including wire leads, earth connections
along with all labour charges etc., complete as per the
directions of the Engineer in charge at site.

70 400 RM Supply and Run of 4 of 56/0.30(4.0Sqmm) FRLS/ FRLS- 265.58 106,232.00

H / HFFR PVC insulated 1100Vgrade as per IS
694/1990 specification flexible Copper Cable (Finolex /
RR kabel / Havells/ KEI make) in existing pipe including
giving connections, all labour charges and cost of
materials complete as directed by the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work at all levels of
building from AC Distribution board to Power DB
Unit Rate in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
70.a 250 RM Supply and Run of 2 of 56/0.30 4.0Sqmm.FR PVC 132.80 33,200.00
insulated flexible Copper Cable (Finolex / RR kabel /
Havells/KEI make) in existing pipe including giving
connections, all labour charges and cost of materials
complete as directed by the Engineer in charge for the
finished item of work at all levels of building for Mains
71 20 Nos from
and fixingboard
of to4 Lighting
Way SPN point DB
with IP 20 3,432.26 68,645.20
Protection as per IS:13032 and suitable for 4Nos S.P out
goings and for 1 No Incommer etc complete of makes
Siemens/ ABB/ Standard / Havells/ HPL/ Hager/ Indo
Asian / C&S / L&T/ GM / Gold Medal make) with IP-20
protection suitable for single Phase ELCB/ RCCB/ DP
Isolator (ABB- S200/Standard / Havells-euro II / HPL
(Techno) / Indo Asian / C&S / L&T-Exora/ GM / Gold
Medal/ Anchor/ Salzer) as incomer and 10KA SP MCBs
(ABB- S200/Standard / Havells-euro II / HPL (Techno) /
Indo Asian / C&S / L&T-Exora/ GM / Gold Medal/
Anchor/ Salzer make) as out-going including internal
connection and labour charges and cost of materials
complete as directed by the Engineer in charge for the
finished item of work at all levels of building for surface/
flush mounting.

72 100 RM Supply and Run 4 of 84/30( 6.0Sqmm) FRLS/ FRLS-H / 358.62 35,862.00
HFFR PVC insulated flexible Copper cable (Finolex / RR
kabel / Havells/ KEI make) in existing pipe for run of
Mains from AC panel to 32Amps Main switch as per
colour code of wires including giving connections and
labour charges and cost of materials complete as
directed by the Engineer in charge for the finished item
of work at all levels of building.

73 500 RM Supply and Run 2 of 36/0.30( 2.50Sqmm )FRLS/ FRLS- 87.57 43,785.00
H / HFFR PVC insulated flexible copper cable (Finolex /
RR kabel / Havells/ KEI make) in existing pipe for run of
Mains from Main switch to Distribution board as per
colour code of wires including giving connections and
labour charges and cost of materials complete as
directed by the Engineer in charge for the finished item
of work at all levels of building.

74 8 Nos Supply and fixing of 20A SP Plug and Socket in Sheet 1,728.83 13,830.64
Steel enclosure with 32A Single Phase MCB of makes
ABB/ Standard / Havells-euro II / C&S / L&T/ GM / Gold
Medal/ Anchor/ Salzer/ Polycab for AC points with earth
continuity including wire leads, earth connections along
with all labour charges for surface mounting etc.,
complete as per the directions of the Engineer in charge
at site for finished item of work.
75 2 Nos Supply and fixing of 12" (300 mm) ISI, 900 RPM heavy 4,199.98 8,399.96
duty exhaust fan with metallic blades with mark (
Crompton / Almounard / Havells Ventil Air-DB makes)
including cost and conveyance of all fixtures, fittings,
labour for fixing in wall inclding making holein wall with
necessary connections at all positions of building
complete as directed by the Engineer in charge for the
finished item of work at all levels of building.
Unit Rate in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work Amount in Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
76 Supply and Laying of P.V.C casing and caping of Any ISI
make (such as Precision/ VIP / Modi/ Gold Medal /
Million plast / GM / Sudhakar / Polyline/ Orbit/
Anchor/Belgin make) with double locking arrangments
with groover trunking of size not below 12.5mm height
for the following sizes with all accessories, duly sealed at
points and erected on Wall / Ceiling including cost of all
materials and labour charges complete.

a. 460 RM 19mm / 20mm x 12.5 mm height 64.74 29,780.40

b. 370 RM 25mm x 12.5mm height 79.74 29,503.80
c. 250 RM 30mm/ 32mm x 12.5 mm height 86.74 21,685.00
d. 250 RM 38mm /40 mm x 12.5 mm height 118.74 29,685.00
77 8 Nos Providing independent earthing by excavating a trench 4,360.28 34,882.24
to a depth of 2.1m in all soils, as per size specified in the
data, using 40mm dia 'B' class GI pipe of 2.5m length
with necessary accessories with hume pipe ring duly
providing staggered holes including filling with equal
proportion of salt and charcoal in layers and including
giving connections and labour charges and cost of
materials complete as directed by the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.

78 300 Nos Supply and planting of plants like flowering plants fruit 337.54 101,263.14
bearing plants etc., including excavation of pits of size
0.6x0.6x0.6m., filling the pit with a mixture of red earth,
sand, manure in the ratio of 2:1:1 including cost and
conveyance of all materials with all leads and lifts
including watering the plants for a period of six months,
complete as per the directions of the Engineer in charge
for the finished item of work.
79 15 Nos Supply & Installation of split AC unit of 1.5 TR 3 Star 48,463.41 726,951.15
capable of delivering 18000 BTU / hr and above with
operating on refrigerant R-32 / R-410A Makes: Blue Star
FS318YBTU / Daikin FTL Sereis / Hitachi / Voltas /
Carrier Emperia Nx / LG-Q18PNXA with high wall
mounted indoor unit and outdoor condencing unit
Hermetically sealed compressor suitable for opearation
on 230V, 50Hz, 1Phase AC supply capable of
performing cooling dehumidifying air circulating and
filtering with cooling and condensing units with 3 mts of
copper piping, insulation kit and 4 mts of 3 core copper
flexible cable including cordless remote control,
including all labour charges and cost of materials
complete as directed by the Engineer in charge for the
finished item of work.
80 15 Nos Supply and fixing of Voltage stabiliser of 4KVA capacity 3,260.00 48,900.00
of make V-Guard/ Real Guard/ unit stab/ ITL etc,
including all labour charges and cost of materials
complete as directed by the Engineer in charge for the
finished item of work.
81 3 Nos Supply and fixing of decorative gate lamps to the gate of 335.00 1,005.00
sub station including cost and conveyance of materials,
and labour charges complete as directed by the
Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

82 4 Nos Construction of 457.2mmx457.2mm brick masonry in 3,590.00 14,360.00

CM (1:6) man hole upto 914.4 mm depth and fitted with
light weight 457.2 mmX457.2 mm CI frame and cover of
20 Kg weight including cost and conveyance of all
materials, labour charges complete as per the directions
of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

Total: 15,860,114.03
83 18.00% GST @ 18%: 15,860,114.03 2,854,820.53
Total with GST: 18,714,934.56
Schedule C1(iii)
Name of the work: Civil works for Erection of 220/132/33 kV Sub station at Koppaka
Unit Rate in Amount in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work
Rs. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
1 800 Cum Earthwork excavation for road way in soil by mechanical 98.03 78,424.00
means including cutting and loading in tippers trimming
bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements of
lines, grades and cross sections and transporting to the
embankment location or disposal of unserviceable soil with all
leads and lifts etc., complete for finished item of work for
trench cutting as per MORT&H specification No.301 as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
2 800 Cum Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone 2,683.25 2,146,600.00
aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including
premixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical
mixer (Pug Mill), carriage of mixed material by tipper to site,
laying in uniform layers in sub-base/base course on a well
prepared sub-base and compacting with smooth wheel roller
of 80 to 100kN / Vibratory Roller 80-100 kN weight to achieve
the desired density including lighting, barricading and
maintenance of diversion, etc as per Tables 400.11 & 400.12
and Technical Specification Clause 406 MORD / MORTH.

3 150 Cum Supply & Spreading of gravel for formation of Road berms 559.76 83,964.00
including cost of all materials, all leads and lifts, rolling with
hand roller, watering , consolidation etc.complete as per the
directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of
4 430 Cum Plain Cement concrete pavement with Nominal Mix (1:2:4) 6,584.83 2,831,476.90
with 40 to 20mm (50% each) HBG metal using concrete
mixer laid in approved fixed side form work (steel channel,
laying and fixing of 125 micron thick polythene film, wedges,
steel plates including levelling the form work) including cost
and conveyance of all materials, labour charges, water
charges, tools and tackles, all leads & lifts etc., complete for
finished item of work as per directions of the Engineer-in-
5 105 Sqm Supplying & Fixing of mastic pad 12mm thick in expansion 555.45 58,322.25
joints of CC road in lateral and longitudinal direction complete
as per the direction of the Engineer in charge for the finished
item of work.

6 600 Cum Earthwork excavation in all types of soils (up to stone 204.88 122,928.00
matrix)which can be excavated with pick axe and crow bars
and do not require blasting in all conditions such as dry, wet
and slushy etc. covering initial lead and lift etc and backfilling
the foundations (after laying foundations) with excavated
earth complete as per the the directions of the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.
7 85 Cum Laying of Cement Concrete (1:4:8) mix using 40mm size HBG 5,232.70 444,779.50
Machine crushed metal for foundations including cost and
conveyance of all materials at all leads and lifts, ramming,
consolidating, curing etc,complete. for finished item of work
as per directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
Unit Rate in Amount in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work
Rs. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
8 10 Cum RCC M- 20 Nominal mix (Cement 400 kgs ) using 20mm 10,349.34 103,493.40
and 12mm size machine crushed hard granite metal (50%
each) (coarse aggregate) from approved quarry including
cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine
aggregate (sand) coarse aggregate, water etc., to site and
including Seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on all
materials including all operational, incidental and labour
charges such as machine mixing, laying concrete, curing and
steel centering, etc.,complete but excluding cost of steel and
its fabrication charges for finished item of work(Sand 0.45
cum and Metal 0.90 cum) as directed by the Engineer in
charge for finished item of work.
9 1 MT Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ Thermo 71,961.19 46,774.77
Mechanically Treated (TMT) (Fe 415 grade as per IS 1786-
1979) of TISCO/ SAIL/ VSP make, different diameters for
RCC works , including labour charges for straightening,
cutting, bending to required sizes and shapes, placing in
position with cover blocks of approved materials and size and
tying and lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming
grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and
drawings, including cost and conveyance of steel bars,
including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, chairs,
spacer bars including cost and conveyance of binding wire,
cover blocks and all incidental, operational, labour charges
such as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying including
sales and other taxes on all materials etc., complete for
finished item of work For SWITCH YARD WORKS
10 700 Cum Construction of RR Masonry in CM (1:6) using hard CRS, 5,207.78 3,645,446.00
rough stone other then granite and bond stones (0.16 cum)
including cost and conveyance of all materials., labour
charges, water lead , Curing, all leads and lifts etc., complete
for finished item of work as per directions of the Engineer-in-
11 150 RM Providing and fixing in position at all levels of the building 95.17 14,275.50
under floors and against walls 75mm dia (4kg/cm2) PVC
pipes of prince / sudhakar or any ISI brand make with
specials such as junctions, with or without access doors as
required and fixing cowls at top wherever necessary including
excavation and refilling wherever required,, testing etc.
complete as per the directions of the Engineer in charge for
the finished item of work.
12 400 Cum Brick Masonry in CM (1:6) with Common burnt clay Bricks of 7,578.64 3,031,456.00
class as per Table-1 of IS:1077- 1992 Non-Modular or
traditional size 23 x 11 x 7 cms of approved quality, including
cost & conveyance of all materials, labour charges,
scaffolding charges at all leads, lifts and curing complete as
per the directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished
item of work For Compound wall Brick Masonry
13 2125 Sqm Plastering with CM (1:5), 12 mm thick to the even wall 414.43 880,663.75
surfaces including cost & conveyance of all materials, labour
charges, leads, lifts , scaffolding and curing complete as per
the directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item
14 2000 Sqm Plastering with CM (1:5), 20 mm thick to the Uneven wall 434.27 868,540.00
surfaces including cost & conveyance of all materials, labour
charges, leads, lifts, Scaffolding and curing complete as per
the directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished item
15 4125 Sqm White washing THREE COATS with with white cement of 71.03 292,998.75
approved quality to give an even shade after thoroughly
brushing the surface to remove all dirt and remains of loose
powdered materials including cost of all materials, labour
charges and incidental such as scaffolding, lift charges etc.,
complete for finished item of work
Unit Rate in Amount in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work
Rs. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
16 2450 Kgs Supply and fixing in position MS 'Y' Angles of required size in 107.17 262,566.50
cement concrete (with required holes for fixing barbed wire)
and painting with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of
approved quality, make, colour and shade over a coat of red
oxide including cost & conveyance of all materials, labour
charges, leads, lifts complete as per the directions of the
Engineer in charge for the finished item of work .
17 8700 RM Supplying and fixing galvanised steel barbed wire (12x14 19.75 171,825.00
gauge TATA make Wiron Aayush brand with blue coloured
tint) weighing 12.62 Kg/ 100 metre, Straining and fixing to
any type of standard, rails, straining bolts, including securing
with and provision of galvanised mild steel wire, stapples or
steel pins, etc., as directed ( Posts and struts of wood,
concrete, steel, etc. and straining bolts shall be paid for
18 25 Cum Plain Cement concrete - Nominal Mix (1:3:6) with 12 to 20mm 6,477.59 161,939.75
(50% each) HBG metal for encasing/ embedding the
structural steel supportng 'Y' angles with necessary form work
including cost and conveyance of all materials, machine
mixing, labour charges, water charges, tools and tackles,
all leads & lifts etc., complete for finished item of work as per
directions of the Engineer-in-charge. (IS-456)
19 370 Cum Earthwork excavation in all types of soils (up to stone 204.88 75,805.60
matrix)which can be excavated with pick axe and crow bars
and do not require blasting in all conditions such as dry, wet
and slushy etc. covering initial lead and lift etc and backfilling
the foundations (after laying foundations) with excavated
earth complete as per the the directions of the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.
20 80 Cum Laying of Cement Concrete (1:4:8) mix using 40mm size HBG 5,232.70 418,616.00
Machine crushed metal for foundations including cost and
conveyance of all materials at all leads and lifts, ramming,
consolidating, curing etc,complete. for finished item of work
as per directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
21 160 Cum Plain Cement concrete - Nominal Mix (1:3:6) with 12 to 20mm 7,150.43 1,144,068.80
(50% each) HBG metal for Drain walls with necessary form
work including cost and conveyance of all materials, machine
mixing, labour charges, water charges, tools and tackles,
all leads & lifts etc., complete for finished item of work as per
directions of the Engineer-in-charge. (IS-456) (Assuming wall
thickness 250mm)
22 1175 Sqm Plastering with CM (1:3), 12 mm thick including cost & 420.10 493,617.50
conveyance of all materials, labour charges, leads, lifts and
curing complete as per the directions of the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.
Fire Protection Wall
23 90 Cum Earthwork excavation in all types of soils (up to stone 204.88 18,439.20
matrix)which can be excavated with pick axe and crow bars
and do not require blasting in all conditions such as dry, wet
and slushy etc. covering initial lead and lift etc and backfilling
the foundations (after laying foundations) with excavated
earth complete as per the the directions of the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.
24 9 Cum Providing Crusher dust cushion for foundations and basement 1,387.63 12,488.67
in layers, not exceeding 15cm thick, consolidating each
deposited layer by watering and ramming including cost &
conveyance of all materials, operational, incidental, labour
charges, hire charges of T&P at all leads, lifts etc. complete
as per the directions of the Engineer in charge for the
finished item of work.
Unit Rate in Amount in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work
Rs. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
25 6 Cum Laying of Cement Concrete (1:4:8) mix using 40mm size HBG 5,232.70 28,779.85
Machine crushed metal for foundations including cost and
conveyance of all materials at all leads and lifts, ramming,
consolidating, curing etc,complete. for finished item of work
as per directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
26 RCC M- 20 Nominal mix (Cement 400 kgs ) using 20mm
size graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse
aggregate) from approved quarry including cost and
conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate
(sand) coarse aggregate, water etc., to site and including
Seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on all materials
including all operational, incidental and labour charges such
as machine mixing, laying concrete, curing and steel
centering, etc.,complete but excluding cost of steel and its
fabrication charges for finished item of work(Sand 0.45 cum
and Metal 0.90 cum) as directed by the Engineer in charge for
finished item of work.
A. 19 Cum FOR RAFT of Fire Protection wall 10,349.34 196,637.46

B. 6 Cum FOR VERTICAL WALL upto Ground level for FIRE Protection 10,955.16 65,730.96
C. 16 Cum FOR VERTICAL WALL up to 3.66 mt height above GL(Avg of 14,700.43 235,206.88
300mm and 200mm thick i.e 250mm)
D. 11 Cum FOR VERTICAL WALL above 3.66m height 250mm thick 16,553.05 182,083.55

27 4 MT Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ Thermo 71,961.19 251,864.17

Mechanically Treated (TMT) (Fe 415 grade as per IS 1786-
1979) of TISCO/ SAIL/ VSP make, different diameters for
RCC works , including labour charges for straightening,
cutting, bending to required sizes and shapes, placing in
position with cover blocks of approved materials and size and
tying and lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming
grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and
drawings, including cost and conveyance of steel bars,
including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, chairs,
spacer bars including cost and conveyance of binding wire,
cover blocks and all incidental, operational, labour charges
such as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying including
sales and other taxes on all materials etc., complete for
finished item of work For SWITCH YARD WORKS
28 Plastering with CM (1:5), 12 mm thick to the even wall
surfaces including cost & conveyance of all materials, labour
charges, leads, lifts and curing complete as per the directions
of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

A 125 Sqm FOR FIRE PROTECTION WALL upto 3.66mtrs height above 481.56 60,195.00
B. 125 Sqm FOR FIRE PROTECTION WALL ABOVE 3.66mtrs height 524.58 65,572.50
above GL
29 250 Sqm White washing two coats with white cement of approved 51.37 12,842.50
quality to give an even shade after thoroughly brushing the
surface to remove all dirt and remains of loose powdered
materials including cost of all materials, labour charges and
incidental charges such as scaffolding, lift charges etc.,
complete for finished item of work.
Total: 18,508,422.71
18.00% GST @ 18%: 18,508,422.71 3,331,516.09
Total with GST: 21,839,938.80
Name of the work: Civil works for Erection of 220 kV Double LILO Lines from 220kV
Bhimadole-Nunna and 220 kV K.Kota-Nuzividu DC line to proposed 220/132/33kV
Koppaka SS in Eluru District.
Unit Rate in Amount in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work
Rs. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
1 1700 Cum Earthwork excavation in all types of soils (up to stone 207.93 353,481.00
matrix) which can be excavated by mechanical means
and manual means with pick axe and crow bar and
do not require blasting in all conditions such as dry,
wet and slushy etc. covering initial lead and lift etc
and backfilling the foundations (after laying
foundations) with excavated suitable earth in 600mm
thick layers, consolidation and constructing of
platforms 150mm height around foundations utilizing
the excavated earth, including labour charges for
disposing surplus earth within initial lead away from
site etc. complete as directed by Er - In - Charge.

1.a 330 Cum Removal of surplus earth with an extra lead of 1km 37.30 12,309.00
away from site wherver necessary
1b 690 Cum Extra towards dewatering charges over and above the 29.30 20,217.00
excavation rate for the quantity of earth excavated
below water table only , Where water table met at
1.50 m or more below Ground Level.
1c 580 Cum Extra towards dewatering charges over and above the 103.80 60,204.00
excavation rate for the quantity of earth excavated
below water table only, Where water table met
between 0.75 to 1.50 m depth below Ground Level.

1d 430 Cum Extra towards dewatering charges over and above the 202.00 86,860.00
excavation rate for the quantity of earth excavated
below water table only, Where water table met with in
0.75 m depth below Ground Level.

2 45 Cum Providing Crusher dust cushion for foundations and 1,387.33 62,429.85
basement in layers, not exceeding 15cm thick,
consolidating each deposited layer by watering and
ramming including cost & conveyance of all materials,
operational, incidental, labour charges, hire charges
of T&P at all leads, lifts etc. complete as per the
directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished
item of work.

3 45 Cum Laying of Cement Concrete (1:4:8) mix using 40mm 5,162.10 232,294.50
size HBG metal Machine crushed for foundations
including cost and conveyance of all materials at all
leads and lifts, ramming, consolidating, curing
etc,complete. for finished item of work as per
directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
Unit Rate in Amount in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work
Rs. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
4 5 MT Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ 71,647.80 372,568.56
Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) (Fe 415 grade
as per IS 1786-1979) of TISCO/ SAIL/ VSP make,
different diameters for RCC works, including labour
charges for straightening, cutting, bending to required
sizes and shapes, placing in position with cover
blocks of approved materials and size and tying and
lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming
grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs
and drawings, including cost and conveyance of steel
bars, including all wastages such as overlaps,
couplings, chairs, spacer bars including cost and
conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks and all
incidental, operational, labour charges such as
cutting, bending, placing in position, tying including
sales and other taxes on all materials etc., complete
for finished item of work.

5 80 Cum RCC M- 20 Nominal mix (Cement 400 kgs ) using 10,204.77 816,381.60
20mm & 12mm size graded machine crushed hard
granite metal (in 2:1 ratio) (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all
materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse
aggregate, water etc., to site and including
Seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on all
materials including all operational, incidental and
labour charges such as machine mixing, laying
concrete, curing and centering, etc.,complete but
excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for
finished item of work.(cement 400 kg , sand 0.45 cum
and metal 0.90 cum)

6 160 Cum PCC M- 20 Nominal mix (Cement 330 kgs ) using 7,971.67 1,275,467.20
20mm & 12mm size graded machine crushed hard
granite metal (in 2:1 ratio) (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all
materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse
aggregate, water etc., to site and including
Seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on all
materials including all operational, incidental and
labour charges such as machine mixing, laying
concrete, curing and centering, etc., complete

7 200 Sqm Providing shoring and strutting either with country 94.87 18,974.00
wooden planks and scantlings or with steel sheets
and props for excavation of pits for tower foundations
wherever necessary including cost and conveyance
of all materials, labour charges, tools & tackles, all
leads & lifts and etc., complete for finished item of
work as per directions of the Engineer-in-charge.

Total: 3,311,186.71
8 18.00% GST @ 18%: 3,311,186.71 596,013.61
Total with GST: 3,907,200.32
Name of the work: Civil works for Erection of 132kV Multi Circuit Line from
Proposed 220/132/33kV Koppaka SS to 132/25 kV RTSS Vatluru in Eluru
Unit Rate in Amount in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work
Rs. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
1 10000 Cum Earthwork excavation in all types of soils (up 207.93 2,079,300.00
to stone matrix) which can be excavated by
mechanical means and manual means with
pick axe and crow bar and do not require
blasting in all conditions such as dry, wet and
slushy etc. covering initial lead and lift etc and
backfilling the foundations (after laying
foundations) with excavated suitable earth in
600mm thick layers, consolidation and
constructing of platforms 150mm height
around foundations utilizing the excavated
earth, including labour charges for disposing
surplus earth within initial lead away from site
etc. complete as directed by Er - In - Charge.

1.a 1750 Cum Removal of surplus earth with an extra lead of 37.30 65,275.00
1km away from site wherver necessary
1b 2670 Cum Extra towards dewatering charges over and 29.30 78,231.00
above the excavation rate for the quantity of
earth excavated below water table only ,
Where water table met at 1.50 m or more
below Ground Level.
1c 3570 Cum Extra towards dewatering charges over and 103.80 370,566.00
above the excavation rate for the quantity of
earth excavated below water table only,
Where water table met between 0.75 to 1.50
m depth below Ground Level.
1d 3760 Cum Extra towards dewatering charges over and 202.00 759,520.00
above the excavation rate for the quantity of
earth excavated below water table only,
Where water table met with in 0.75 m depth
below Ground Level.
2 90 Cum Providing Crusher dust cushion for 1,363.33 122,699.70
foundations and basement in layers, not
exceeding 15cm thick, consolidating each
deposited layer by watering and ramming
including cost & conveyance of all materials,
operational, incidental, labour charges, hire
charges of T&P at all leads, lifts etc. complete
as per the directions of the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.

3 210 Cum Laying of Cement Concrete (1:4:8) mix using 5,129.34 1,077,161.40
40mm size HBG metal Machine crushed for
foundations including cost and conveyance of
all materials at all leads and lifts, ramming,
consolidating, curing etc,complete. for finished
item of work as per directions of the Engineer-
Unit Rate in Amount in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work
Rs. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
4 92 MT Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ 71,647.80 6,555,773.70
Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) (Fe 415
grade as per IS 1786-1979) of TISCO/ SAIL/ VSP
make, different diameters for RCC works,
including labour charges for straightening, cutting,
bending to required sizes and shapes, placing in
position with cover blocks of approved materials
and size and tying and lap-splicing with binding
wire of 18 SWG, forming grills for reinforcement
work as per approved designs and drawings,
including cost and conveyance of steel bars,
including all wastages such as overlaps,
couplings, chairs, spacer bars including cost and
conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks and all
incidental, operational, labour charges such as
cutting, bending, placing in position, tying
including sales and other taxes on all materials
etc., complete for finished item of work.

5 1375 Cum RCC M- 20 Nominal mix (Cement 400 kgs ) 10,172.01 13,986,513.75
using 20mm & 12mm size graded machine
crushed hard granite metal (in 2:1 ratio)
(coarse aggregate) from approved quarry
including cost and conveyance of all materials
like cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse
aggregate, water etc., to site and including
Seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on
all materials including all operational,
incidental and labour charges such as
machine mixing, laying concrete, curing and
centering, etc.,complete but excluding cost of
steel and its fabrication charges for finished
item of work.(cement 400 kg , sand 0.45 cum
and metal 0.90 cum)

6 3 Cum PCC M- 20 Nominal mix (Cement 330 kgs ) 7,938.91 19,847.28

using 20mm & 12mm size graded machine
crushed hard granite metal (in 2:1 ratio)
(coarse aggregate) from approved quarry
including cost and conveyance of all materials
like cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse
aggregate, water etc., to site and including
Seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on
all materials including all operational,
incidental and labour charges such as
machine mixing, laying concrete, curing and
centering, etc., complete
7 200 Sqm Providing shoring and strutting either with 94.87 18,974.00
country wooden planks and scantlings or with
steel sheets and props for excavation of pits
for tower foundations wherever necessary
including cost and conveyance of all materials,
labour charges, tools & tackles, all leads &
lifts and etc., complete for finished item of
work as per directions of the Engineer-in-
Total: 25,133,861.83
8 18.00% GST @ 18%: 25,133,861.83 4,524,095.13
Total with GST: 29,657,956.96
Name of the work: Civil works for Modification 132kV Eluru - RTSS Vatluru line in
Eluru District.
Unit Rate in Amount in
Sl.No Qty Unit Description of work
Rs. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
1 1500 Cum Earthwork excavation in all types of soils (up to stone 207.93 311,895.00
matrix) which can be excavated by mechanical means
and manual means with pick axe and crow bar and do
not require blasting in all conditions such as dry, wet and
slushy etc. covering initial lead and lift etc and
backfilling the foundations (after laying foundations) with
excavated suitable earth in 600mm thick layers,
consolidation and constructing of platforms 150mm
height around foundations utilizing the excavated earth,
including labour charges for disposing surplus earth
within initial lead away from site etc. complete as
directed by Er - In - Charge.
1.a 390 Cum Removal of surplus earth with an extra lead of 1km away 37.30 14,547.00
from site wherver necessary
1b 375 Cum Extra towards dewatering charges over and above the 29.30 10,987.50
excavation rate for the quantity of earth excavated below
water table only , Where water table met at 1.50 m or
more below Ground Level.
1c 1 Cum Extra towards dewatering charges over and above the 103.80 103.80
excavation rate for the quantity of earth excavated below
water table only, Where water table met between 0.75 to
1.50 m depth below Ground Level.
1d 1124 Cum Extra towards dewatering charges over and above the 202.00 227,048.00
excavation rate for the quantity of earth excavated below
water table only, Where water table met with in 0.75 m
depth below Ground Level.
2 75 Cum Providing Crusher dust cushion for foundations and 1,363.33 102,249.75
basement in layers, not exceeding 15cm thick,
consolidating each deposited layer by watering and
ramming including cost & conveyance of all materials,
operational, incidental, labour charges, hire charges of
T&P at all leads, lifts etc. complete as per the directions
of the Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

3 35 Cum Laying of Cement Concrete (1:4:8) mix using 40mm size 5,129.34 179,526.90
HBG metal Machine crushed for foundations including
cost and conveyance of all materials at all leads and
lifts, ramming, consolidating, curing etc,complete. for
finished item of work as per directions of the Engineer-in-
4 20 MT Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ 71,647.80 1,440,120.78
Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) (Fe 415 grade as
per IS 1786-1979) of TISCO/ SAIL/ VSP make, different
diameters for RCC works, including labour charges for
straightening, cutting, bending to required sizes and
shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of approved
materials and size and tying and lap-splicing with binding
wire of 18 SWG, forming grills for reinforcement work as
per approved designs and drawings, including cost and
conveyance of steel bars, including all wastages such as
overlaps, couplings, chairs, spacer bars including cost
and conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks and all
incidental, operational, labour charges such as cutting,
bending, placing in position, tying including sales and
other taxes on all materials etc., complete for finished
item of work.
5 260 Cum RCC M- 20 Nominal mix (Cement 400 kgs ) using 10,172.01 2,644,722.60
20mm & 12mm size graded machine crushed hard
granite metal (in 2:1 ratio) (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all
materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse
aggregate, water etc., to site and including Seigniorage
charges, sales & other taxes on all materials including all
operational, incidental and labour charges such as
machine mixing, laying concrete, curing and centering,
etc.,complete but excluding cost of steel and its
fabrication charges for finished item of work.(cement 400
kg , sand 0.45 cum and metal 0.90 cum)

6 3 Cum PCC M- 20 Nominal mix (Cement 330 kgs ) using 7,938.91 23,816.73
20mm & 12mm size graded machine crushed hard
granite metal (in 2:1 ratio) (coarse aggregate) from
approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all
materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse
aggregate, water etc., to site and including Seigniorage
charges, sales & other taxes on all materials including all
operational, incidental and labour charges such as
machine mixing, laying concrete, curing and centering,
etc., complete
7 200 Sqm Providing shoring and strutting either with country 94.87 18,974.00
wooden planks and scantlings or with steel sheets and
props for excavation of pits for tower foundations
wherever necessary including cost and conveyance of
all materials, labour charges, tools & tackles, all leads
& lifts and etc., complete for finished item of work as per
directions of the Engineer-in-charge.
Total: 4,973,992.06
8 18.00% GST @ 18%: 4,973,992.06 895,318.57
Total with GST: 5,869,310.63
Name of the work: Civil works for Modification works of 132 kV Railway traction bays to
Conventional bays at 132/33 kV Eluru SS in Eluru Dt.,
Unit Rate in Amount in
S.No Qty Unit Description of work
Rs. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
1 420 Cum Earthwork excavation in all types of soils (up to stone 204.88 86,049.60
matrix)which can be excavated with pick axe and crow
bars and do not require blasting in all conditions such
as dry, wet and slushy etc. covering initial lead and
lift etc and backfilling the foundations (after laying
foundations) with excavated earth complete as per the
the directions of the Engineer in charge for the
finished item of work.

2 95 Cum Providing Crusher dust cushion for foundations and 1,579.63 150,064.85
basement in layers, not exceeding 15cm thick,
consolidating each deposited layer by watering and
ramming including cost & conveyance of all materials,
operational, incidental, labour charges, hire charges
of T&P at all leads, lifts etc. complete as per the
directions of the Engineer in charge for the finished
item of work.

3 28 Cum Providing sand cushion for foundations and 1,542.54 42,419.85

basement in layers, not exceeding 15cm thick,
consolidating each deposited layer by watering and
ramming including cost & conveyance of all
materials, operational, incidental, labour charges, hire
charges of T&P at all leads, lifts etc. complete as per
the directions of the Engineer in charge for the
finished item of work
4 30 Cum Laying of Cement Concrete (1:4:8) mix using 40mm 5,339.20 160,176.00
size HBG Machine crushed metal for foundations
including cost and conveyance of all materials at all
leads and lifts, ramming, consolidating, curing
etc,complete. for finished item of work as per
directions of the Engineer-in-charge.

5 5 MT Providing High Yield Strength Deformed (HYSD)/ 71,895.04 334,311.94

Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) (Fe 415 grade
as per IS 1786-1979) of TISCO/ SAIL/ VSP make,
different diameters for RCC works , including labour
charges for straightening, cutting, bending to required
sizes and shapes, placing in position with cover
blocks of approved materials and size and tying and
lap-splicing with binding wire of 18 SWG, forming
grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs
and drawings, including cost and conveyance of steel
bars, including all wastages such as overlaps,
couplings, chairs, spacer bars including cost and
conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks and all
incidental, operational, labour charges such as
cutting, bending, placing in position, tying including
sales and other taxes on all materials etc., complete
for finished item of work For SWITCH YARD WORKS
Unit Rate in Amount in
S.No Qty Unit Description of work
Rs. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
6 RCC M- 20 Nominal mix (Cement 400 kgs ) using
20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite
metal (coarse aggregate) from approved quarry
including cost and conveyance of all materials like
cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse aggregate,
water etc., to site and including Seigniorage charges,
sales & other taxes on all materials including all
operational, incidental and labour charges such as
machine mixing, laying concrete, curing and steel
centering, etc.,complete but excluding cost of steel
and its fabrication charges for finished item of
work(Sand 0.45 cum and Metal 0.90 cum) as directed
by the Engineer in charge for finished item of work.

A.i 33 Cum FOR SWITCH YARD FOUNDATIONS - RAFT 10,455.84 345,042.72

Aii 37 Cum FOR SWITCH YARD FOUNDATIONS - Pedestals 11,061.66 409,281.42

B 4 Cum For RCC Cover Slabs for cable ducts 9,783.01 39,132.04

C.i 3 Cum For Road Crossing Duct-Raft 9,783.01 24,457.53

C.II 2 Cum For Road Crossing Duct-Walls 11,882.92 23,765.84

C.iii 3 Cum FOR ROAD CROSSING DUCTS SLABS 9,324.06 27,972.18

7 70 Sqm Plastering with CM (1:3), 12 mm thick and finishing 470.50 32,935.00
smooth to the required slope and painting two coats
of white cement including cost & conveyance of all
materials, labour charges, leads, lifts and curing
including cost of white cement paint two coats
complete as per the directions of the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.

8 4 Cum Plain Cement concrete - Nominal Mix (1:2:4) with 12 7,048.29 28,193.16
to 20mm HBG metal with necessary form work
including cost and conveyance of all materials,
labour charges, water charges, tools and tackles, all
leads & lifts etc., complete for finished item of work as
per directions of the Engineer-in-charge. (IS-456)

9 20 Cum Plain Cement concrete - Nominal Mix (1:3:6) with 12 6,584.09 131,681.80
to 20mm (50% each) HBG metal for encasing/
embedding the structural steel supportng 'Y' angles
with necessary form work including cost and
conveyance of all materials, machine mixing, labour
charges, water charges, tools and tackles, all leads
& lifts etc., complete for finished item of work as per
directions of the Engineer-in-charge. (IS-456)

10 70 Cum Supply and spreading of crusher dust in the switch 1,815.76 127,103.20
yard area including Suitable antiweed treatment after
completion of final levelling and grading including
disposal of surplus earth and filling within switch yard
area including cost of all materials, all leads and lifts,
labour charges complete as per the directions of the
Engineer in charge for the finished item of work..
Unit Rate in Amount in
S.No Qty Unit Description of work
Rs. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
11 35 Cum Supply and Spreading of 20mm size Hard Broken 2,888.36 101,092.60
Granite metal in switch yard including providing
suitable PCC guage block of size 100x100x100mm at
2m x2m intervals , cost & conveyance of all
materials, labour charges, leads, lifts complete as per
the directions of the Engineer in charge for the
finished item of work
12 700 Sqm Supply and laying of 180 GSM LDPE sheet of 22.00 15,400.00
approved make in the switch yard including laying the
sheet neatly in between layers of crusher dust without
folds to avoid the vegetation and weed growth, cutting
and jointing the sheet properly including cost &
conveyance of all materials, all leads , labour charges
for laying complete as per the directions of the
Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

13 45 Cum Brick Masonry in CM (1:6) with Common burnt clay 7,218.29 324,823.05
Bricks of class as per Table-1 of IS:1077- 1992 Non-
Modular or traditional size 23 x 11 x 7 cms of
approved quality, including cost & conveyance of all
materials, labour charges at all leads, lifts and curing
complete as per the directions of the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work For Masonry
works below 1.2m height

14 500 Sqm Plastering with CM (1:5), 12 mm thick to the even 420.07 210,035.00
wall surfaces including cost & conveyance of all
materials, labour charges, leads, lifts , scaffolding
and curing complete as per the directions of the
Engineer in charge for the finished item of work.

15 165 Sqm White washing two coats with white cement of 51.37 8,476.05
approved quality to give an even shade after
thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all dirt and
remains of loose powdered materials including cost of
all materials, labour charges and incidental charges
such as scaffolding, lift charges etc., complete for
finished item of work.
16 Supplying and fixing of Ashirvad/Ajay/Astral
flowguard or equivalent CPVC pipes and fittings to
meet the requirement of ASTM-D 2846 and are
produced in CTS(Copper Tube Sizes 1/2" ton 2"
Ashirvad flowguard SDR 13.5 pipes are made from
idential CPVC compounds having the same physical
properties for hot and cold water(IS 15778:2007) for
water supply line to earth pits / toilets including cost
and conveyance of pipe, CPVC specials such as
elbows, Tees concealing same in walls and floors by
cutting 34.9/ 28.6/ 22.2/15.9 mm dia to be included
grooves, packing, finishing after laying pipe in position
as per the directions of the Engineer in charge for the
finished item of work.
Unit Rate in Amount in
S.No Qty Unit Description of work
Rs. Rs.
1 2 3 4 5 6=2x5
A 50 RM 34.9 mm OD pipe SDR 13.5 240.98 12,049.00
B 50 RM 28.6 mm OD pipe SDR 13.5 153.14 7,657.00
C 50 RM 22.2 mm OD pipe SDR 13.5 105.85 5,292.50
D 25 RM 15.90 mm OD pipe SDR 13.5 66.44 1,661.00
17 Providing and fixing in position at all levels of the
buildings G.M. Ball Valve with SS ball and SS
spindle as per IS class- 1, Indian make heavy type
for water services for following sizes including jointing
complete as per the directions of the Engineer in
charge for the finished item of work.

A 2 No 32 mm dia Nominal Bore 1,588.64 3,177.28

B 2 No 25mm dia Nominal Bore 889.64 1,779.28
C 2 No. 20mm dia Nominal Bore 617.64 1,235.28
18 5 Nos Supply & fixing 12.7 mm brass bib cock Indian make 209.86 1,049.30
heavy duty including cost and conveyance, labour for
fixing complete as per the directions of the Engineer
in charge for the finished item of work.
TOTAL 2,656,314.47
19 18% GST applicable on total value of above civil works 2,656,314.47 478,136.60

GRAND TOTAL 3,134,451.07

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