Unit-1 Oom
Unit-1 Oom
Unit-1 Oom
Marks Distribution
• Nature,
• Man-made entities,
• Business,
Objects can be
• Created,
• Categorized,
• Described,
• Organized,
• Combined,
• Manipulated.
Introduction to Objects Contd..
• System-defined objects
• User-defined objects
Introduction to Objects Contd..
• they give the user the ability to define their own data
This grouping can contain not only data values, but also rules
for processing those values.
Introduction to Objects Contd..
This makes objects very powerful because they can not only
store data,
Introduction to Objects
A definition, or description, of
• what it contains,
• State
• Behavior
Object State & Behaviour Contd..
Bicycles have state such as
• current gear,
• current speed
and behavior
• changing gear,
• applying brakes
Object State & Behaviour Contd..
Every object, at any given point of time would have to have a set
of attributes defining its State.
Every object based on its state and identity will have particular
Property (Object Attribute)
• a customer is an object,
• a chequebook is an object,
System Analysis
System Design
Object Design
Object Oriented System Development
Life Cycle
(System Analysis)
System Analysis:
In this phase, the developer interacts with the user of the system
At this stage, the implementation details are not taken care of.
Object Oriented System Development
Life Cycle Contd..
(System Analysis)
Only the model of the system is prepared based on the idea that
• Class
• Abstraction
• Inheritance
Object Oriented System Development
Life Cycle Contd..
(Object Design)
Defining a class does not create any object, but it only creates a
• Reusability
• Inheritance
• Data hiding
Advantages of
Object Oriented Modelling
The systems designed using this approach are closer to the real
• Object Model
• Dynamic Model
• Functional Model
Models in Object Oriented Methodology
(Object Model)
Object Model:
This model observes all the objects as static and does not
pay any attention to their dynamic nature.
Models in Object Oriented Methodology
(Dynamic Model)
Dynamic Model:
This describes the flow of data and the changes that occur to
the data throughout the system.
Models in Object Oriented Methodology
The Object Model is most important of all