8.7R3 Release Notes Revb
8.7R3 Release Notes Revb
8.7R3 Release Notes Revb
OmniSwitch 6360, 6465, 6560, 6860(E),
6860N, 6865, 6900, 6900-V72/C32,
Release 8.7R3
These release notes accompany release 8.7R3. These release notes provide important information on individual
software features and hardware modules. Since much of the information in these release notes is not included
in the hardware and software user manuals, it is important that you read all sections of this document before
installing new hardware or loading new software.
Contents ........................................................................................................................... 2
[IMPORTANT] *MUST READ*: AOS Release 8.7R3 Prerequisites and Deployment Information .................. 10
Technical Support............................................................................................................... 25
Appendix B: SPB L3 VPN-Lite Service-based (Inline Routing) / External Loopback Support / BVLAN
Guidelines ........................................................................................................................ 34
Related Documentation
These release notes should be used in conjunction with OmniSwitch AOS Release 8 User Guides. The following
are the titles of the user guides that apply to this release.
System Requirements
Memory Requirements
The following are the standard shipped memory configurations. Configuration files and the compressed
software images—including web management software (WebView) images—are stored in the flash memory.
Switches not running the minimum version required should upgrade to the latest U-Boot or FPGA that is
available with this AOS release software available from Service & Support.
Please refer to the Upgrade Instructions section at the end of these Release Notes for step-by-step instructions
on upgrading your switch.
[IMPORTANT] *MUST READ*: AOS Release 8.7R3 Prerequisites and Deployment Information
General Information
• Early availability features are available in AOS and can be configured. However, they have not gone
through the complete AOS validation cycle and are therefore not officially supported.
• Please refer to the Feature Matrix in Appendix A for detailed information on supported features for
each platform.
• Prior to upgrading please refer to Appendix C for important best practices, prerequisites, and step-by-
step instructions.
• Some switches that ship from the factory will default to VC mode (requiring a vcboot.cfg configuration
file) and attempt to run the automatic VC, automatic remote configuration, and automatic fabric
protocols. Please note that since the switches default to VC mode, automatic remote configuration
does not support the downloading of a ‘boot.cfg’ file, only the ‘vcboot.cfg’ file is supported.
• Some switches may ship from the factory with a diag.img file. This file is for internal switch diagnostic
purposes only and can be safely removed.
Note: None of the ports on the OS6865 or OS6465 models default to auto-vfl so automatic VC will not run by
default on newly shipped switches. However, automatic remote configuration and automatic fabric will run by
default. The OS9900 does not support automatic VC mode, only static VC mode is supported.
• Switches that ship from the factory will have the Running Configuration set to the /flash/working
directory upon the first boot up. By default, the automatic VC feature will run and the vcboot.cfg and
vcsetup.cfg files will be created in the /flash/working directory but not in the /flash/certified
directory which results in the Running Configuration not being certified. This will result in the Running
Configuration being set to the /flash/certified directory on the next reboot. Additionally, on the next
reboot the switch will no longer be in the factory default mode and will have a chassis-id of 1 which
could cause a duplicate chassis-id issue if the switch is part of a VC. To set the switch back to the
factory defaults on the next reboot perform the following:
-> rm /flash/working/vcboot.cfg
-> rm /flash/working/vcsetup.cfg
-> rm /flash/certified/vcboot.cfg
-> rm /flash/certified/vcsetup.cfg
• The OS6560-P48Z16 (903954-90) supports link aggregation only on the 1G/2.5G multigig and 10G ports
(33-52). The 1G ports (ports 1-32) do not support link aggregation (CRAOSX-1766). Linkagg
configuration on unsupported ports in 85R1/841R03 config file will be removed internally from software
during upgrade reboot. Oversized frames will not be dropped on ingress of ports 1-32 (CRAOS8X-20939).
Note: OS6560-P48Z16 (904044-90) - This is a new version of the OS6560-P48Z16 which does not have
the limitations mentioned above. The model number (OS6560-P48Z16) remains the same for both
versions, only the part number can be used to differentiate between the versions.
- Copper ports or ports with copper transceivers do not support faster convergence.
- OS6865-P16X and OS6865-U12X ports 3 and 4 do not support faster convergence.
- VFL ports do not support faster convergence.
- Splitter ports (i.e. 4X10G or 4X25G) do not support faster convergence.
• SHA-1 Algorithm - Chosen-prefix attacks against the SHA-1 algorithm are becoming easier for an
attacker1. For this reason, we will be disabling the "ssh-rsa" public key signature algorithm by default in
an upcoming AOS release. The better alternatives include:
• The RFC8332 RSA SHA-2 signature algorithms rsa-sha2-256/512. These algorithms have the
advantage of using the same key type as "ssh-rsa" but use the safer SHA-2 hash algorithms.
RSA SHA-2 is enabled in AOS.
• The RFC5656 ECDSA algorithms: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256/384/521. These algorithms are
supported in AOS by default.
To check whether a server is using the weak ssh-rsa public key algorithm, for host authentication, try
to connect to it after disabling the ssh-rsa algorithm from ssh(1)'s allowed list using the command
-> ssh strong-hmacs enable
If the host key verification fails and no other supported host key types are available, the server
software on that host should be upgraded.
1. "SHA-1 is a Shambles: First Chosen-Prefix Collision on SHA-1 and Application to the PGP Web of
Trust" Leurent, G and Peyrin, T (2020) https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/014.pdf
• With the continuous goal of preserving the environment in addition to the AOS software being
preloaded on the switch and available on the Business Portal, we have begun removing the software
access card previously included in the switch ship kit. For additional information or if in need of special
assistance, please contact Service & Support.
Licensed Features
The table below lists the licensed features in this release and whether or not a license is required for the various models.
License Required
OS6360 OS6465 OS6560 OS6860 OS6860N OS6900 OS9900
Licensed Features
MACsec (OS-SW-MACSEC) N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes3 Yes
10G support (OS6560-SW-PERF) N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A
10G support (OS6360-SW-PERF) Yes2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
1. Performance software license is optional allowing ports 25/26 (OS6560-24X4/P24X4) and ports 49/50
(OS6560-48X4/P48X4) to operate at 10G speed. Ports support 1G by default.
2. Performance software license is optional allowing the 2 RJ45/SFP+ combo ports (25/26) of the OS6360-
PH24 model to operate at 10G speed. Ports support 1G by default.
Boot 1
Boot 2
Fixed configuration chassis in a 1U form factor with:
• 48 x SFP28 ports
• 8 x QSFP28 ports
• 2 x SFP+ ports (Currently not functional)
• USB port
• RJ-45 console port
• EMP port
• Front-to-rear or rear-to-front cooling
• AC or DC power supply
• Note: The OS6900-V48C8 doesn’t support a mix of 1G/10G and 25G speeds on the 4-port groups of
ports 1-48 listed below. Mixing 1G and 10G speeds is supported.
the same color-coded ports must the same color-coded ports must the same color-coded ports must the same color-coded ports must
operate at the same speed operate at the same speed operate at the same speed operate at the same speed
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46
2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 47
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48
• Splitter transceiver support is added to the 6900-X/T48C6 for the following transceivers:
o Uses the new interfaces port break-out enable command.
Feature Platform
• The package manager CLI commands are now part of the system partition manager family.
• The OmniSwitch allows running of cron configuration files. The cron configuration file stores time-
based jobs that need to be run. The file is located at /flash/<working_dir>/pkg/ams folder in the switch. All
scheduled jobs are stored in crontab format which is used to timely run the job. The jobs can be prepared and
saved as cron.cfg and the config file can be replaced with default config file in AMS pkg directory.
Note: U-boot Access/Authentication feature is supported from release 8.7R03 onwards. To enable U-boot
Access/Authentication, U-boot needs to be upgraded to the latest version. Refer to the Upgrade Instructions
for version information. In case of AOS image downgrade, U-boot Access/Authentication configurations needs
to be restored to the default values before downgrade.
The NTP service source IP CLI is also currently limited to IPv4. When an IPv6 NTP server is configured as an NTP
time source for the switch, all the outgoing NTP packets sent to that server will have the source IP address
selected by the NTP algorithm based on the kernel routing table.
CRAOS8X-28229 A memory leak may occur in the Disable device profiling is not required.
dpcmm task if the number of
UNP users on a VC is more than
1000 and device profiling is
CRAOS8X-24299 After upgrading the switch the Remove and re-apply the default metric for
OSPF Area Border router (ABR) the nssa area.
stopped generating the default
route for NSSA area.
CRAOS8X-27368 On an OS9900 when linkagg port There is no known workaround at this time.
is admin disabled, fdb flush is
issued for that particular port
which is resulting in flushing
MAC on other fixed port which is
unrelated to the linkagg.
CRAOS8X-10059 Toggling admin state of bulk of Allow few seconds in between toggling
vlans (disable/enable) very admin state (disable/enable) of bulk of
quickly may cause VPA state of vlans.
the vlans to be incorrectly stuck
in blocking state (instead of
CRAOS8X-28077 The Kerberos Snooping is not There is no known workaround at this time.
supported in bridge mode in this
CRAOS8X-23137 When high number of vlans are There is no known workaround at this time.
mapped to DHL links then during
failover we can see traffic loss
due to delay in hardware
CRAOS8X-23545 A traffic storm occurs when Use the interfaces flood-limit command to
packets flood the LAN, creating configure the flood rate settings on a single
excessive traffic and degrading port, a range of ports, or an entire Network
network performance and even Interface (NI).
could impact management
connectivity to the device. Use the interfaces flood-limit action
command to configure the action on a single
The traffic storm control feature port, a range of ports, when the port
supported in AOS, prevents LAN reaches the storm violated state.
ports from being disrupted by a
broadcast, multicast or unicast
traffic storm on physical
Hardware / Transceivers
CR Description Workaround
CRAOS8X-26560 When both 1G and 25G are There is no known workaround at this time.
inserted in the same port group
and the 25G has link, removal of
the 25G transceiver should link
up the 1G. However, the 1G
stays down.The 1G will link up
upon a hot-swap.
Layer 2 / Multicast
PR Description Workaround
CRAOS8X-11084 Packet drop seen in BFD config There is no known workaround at this time.
when VRRP VLAN interface is
PR Description Workaround
CRAOS8X-4424 With color-only policy action There is no known workaround at this time.
configuration, Egress queue are
not honour the colour marking
and packets drop is observed
and expected traffic rate is not
Service Related
PR Description Workaround
CRAOS8X-12513 When 2048 IGMP groups were Distribute SAPs across different ports.
sent over SPB service, only 1025
IGMP groups were received with
1024 SAPs per service configured
on the edge switch. Seen with
large amount of SAPs (>1K)
configured on same port.
CRAOS8X-27773 CPE test head process can It is advised not to stop the test for atleast 5
restart/crash if test is started seconds after test start command is
and stopped within few seconds executed.
CRAOS8X-26113 After configuring the MVRP on In case of using more number MVRP vlans
port for learning 2.5k vlans, (i.e 2.5K), verify the VPAS for MVRP learned
when the port is added as NNI vlans,before configuring etheret transparent
port and transparent bridging is bridging.
being enabled, without any time
gap. Because of this an internal
conflict is observed between NNI
configuration and MVRP learning
and port is going to blocking
state at hardware level.
Virtual Chassis
PR Description Workaround
• When connecting or disconnecting a power supply to or from a chassis, the power supply must first be
disconnected from the power source.
• For the OS6900-X40 wait for first module to become operational before adding the second module.
• All NI module extractions must have a 30 second interval before initiating another hot-swap activity.
CMM module extractions should have between a 15 and 20 minute interval.
• All new module insertions must have a 5 minute interval AND the LEDs (OK, PRI, VC, NI) have returned
to their normal operating state.
OS9907-CFM OS9907-CFM
OS99-GNI-48 OS99-GNI-48
OS99-GNI-P48 OS99-GNI-P48
OS99-XNI-48 OS99-XNI-48
OS99-XNI-U48 OS99-XNI-U48
OS99-XNI-P48Z16 OS99-XNI-P48Z16
OS99-GNI-U48 OS99-GNI-U48
OS99-XNI-U24 OS99-XNI-U24
OS99-XNI-P24Z8 OS99-XNI-P24Z8
Hot-Swap Procedure
The following steps must be followed when hot-swapping modules.
• Hot-swapping an element of a VC is only supported when replaced with the same model element (i.e.
an OS6900-X20 must be replaced with an OS6900-X20).
4. Reload chassis.
5. Start lanpower.
Technical Support
Alcatel-Lucent technical support is committed to resolving our customer’s technical issues in a timely manner.
Customers with inquiries should contact us at:
Email: ebg_global_supportcenter@al-enterprise.com
Internet: Customers with service agreements may open cases 24 hours a day via the support web page at:
https://businessportal.al-enterprise.com. Upon opening a case, customers will receive a case number and may
review, update, or escalate support cases on-line. Please specify the severity level of the issue per the
definitions below. For fastest resolution, please have hardware configuration, module types and version by
slot, software version, and configuration file available for each switch.
Severity 1 - Production network is down resulting in critical impact on business—no workaround available.
The Alcatel-Lucent name and logo are trademarks of Nokia used under license by ALE. To view other
trademarks used by affiliated companies of ALE Holding, visit: www.al-enterprise.com/en/legal/trademarks-
copyright. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information presented is
subject to change without notice. Neither ALE Holding nor any of its affiliates assumes any responsibility for
inaccuracies contained herein.
Note: Early availability features are available in AOS and can be configured. However, they have not gone through the complete AOS validation cycle
and are therefore not officially supported.
Feature 6360 6465 6560 6860(E) 6860N 6865 6900 6900- 6900- 6900- OS6900- 9900
V72/ X48C6/ X48C4E V48C8
C32 T48C6
Management Features
AOS Micro Services (AMS) 8.7R2 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.7R1 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.6R1
Automatic Remote Configuration 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.6R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Download (RCL)
Automatic/Intelligent Fabric 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R2 Y Y Y Y Y 8.7R3 Y
Automatic VC 8.7R2 N Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.6R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 N
Bluetooth - USB Adapter with Bluetooth 8.7R2 8.6R2 8.6R2 Y 8.7R1 8.6R2 8.7R1 8.6R2 N N N
Console Disable 8.7R2 8.6R2 8.6R2 8.6R2 8.7R1 8.6R2 8.6R2 8.6R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.6R2
Dying Gasp N Y Y Y 8.7R1 Y N N N N N N
Dying Gasp (EFM OAM / Link OAM) N 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.7R1 8.6R1 N N N N N N
EEE support Y N N Y 8.7R1 Y Y N N N N N
Embedded Python Scripting / Event 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 N
IP Managed Services N N N Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Hitless Security Patch Upgrade 8.7R2 8.7R1 8.7R1 8.7R1 8.7R1 8.7R1 8.7R1 8.7R1 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.7R1
In-Band Management over SPB N N N 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.5R4
ISSU 8.7R2 Y Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
NAPALM Support 8.7R2 8.5R1 8.5R1 8.5R1 8.7R1 8.5R1 8.5R1 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 N
NTP - Version 4.2.8.p11. 8.7R2 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.5R4
NTP - IPv6 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3
OpenFlow N N N Y N N Y N N N N N
OV Cirrus – Zero touch provisioning 8.7R2 Y Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 N
OV Cirrus – Configurable NAS Address 8.7R2 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.5R4
OV Cirrus – Default Admin Password 8.7R2 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.5R4
OV Cirrus – Managed 8.7R2 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.5R4
Feature 6360 6465 6560 6860(E) 6860N 6865 6900 6900- 6900- 6900- OS6900- 9900
V72/ X48C6/ X48C4E V48C8
C32 T48C6
OVSDB N N N N N N 8.7R1 8.7R1 N N N N
Package Manager 8.7R2 8.6R2 8.6R2 8.6R2 8.7R1 8.6R2 8.6R2 8.6R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.6R2
Readable Event Log 8.7R2 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.7R1 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.6R1
DHCP Client / Server 8.7R2 8.6R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Feature 6360 6465 6560 6860(E) 6860N 6865 6900 6900- 6900- 6900- OS6900- 9900
V72/ X48C6/ X48C4E V48C8
C32 T48C6
DHCPv6 Relay 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.7R1 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
DHCP Snooping / IP Source Filtering 8.7R2 8.5R4 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.6R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
IPv6 - DHCPv6 Snooping 8.7R2 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.5R3 8.7R1 8.5R4 N 8.6R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.7R1
IPv6 - Source filtering 8.7R2 N 8.6R1 8.5R3 8.7R1 8.5R4 N 8.6R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.7R1
IPv6 - DHCP Client Guard EA EA EA EA N EA N N N N N N
IPv6 - RA Guard (RA filter) N N 8.5R2 Y 8.7R1 Y Y N N N N N
UDP Relay (IPv4) 8.7R2 8.5R4 8.5R4 Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.5R4
UDP Relay (IPv6) 8.7R2 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.7R1 8.6R 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.6R1
Feature 6360 6465 6560 6860(E) 6860N 6865 6900 6900- 6900- 6900- OS6900- 9900
V72/ X48C6/ X48C4E V48C8
C32 T48C6
Server Load Balancing (SLB) N N N Y N Y Y N N N N N
Static routing 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Multicast Features
DVMRP N N N Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 N
IPv4 Multicast Switching 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Multicast *,G 8.7R2 Y 8.5R2 8.5R2 8.7R1 Y Y 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
IPv6 Multicast Switching 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Monitoring/Troubleshooting Features
Ping and traceroute 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Port mirroring - remote 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.6R1
Port mirroring – remote over linkagg N N N Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.6R1
Feature 6360 6465 6560 6860(E) 6860N 6865 6900 6900- 6900- 6900- OS6900- 9900
V72/ X48C6/ X48C4E V48C8
C32 T48C6
Link Aggregation (static and LACP) 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Loopback detection – Edge (Bridge) 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y N 8.6R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Auto-Qos prioritization of NMS/IP Phone 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Auto-Qos – New MAC range 8.7R2 8.5R2 8.5R2 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.5R2 8.5R2 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.5R2
Feature 6360 6465 6560 6860(E) 6860N 6865 6900 6900- 6900- 6900- OS6900- 9900
V72/ X48C6/ X48C4E V48C8
C32 T48C6
Groups - Port 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Ingress/Egress bandwidth limit 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Feature 6360 6465 6560 6860(E) 6860N 6865 6900 6900- 6900- 6900- OS6900- 9900
V72/ X48C6/ X48C4E V48C8
C32 T48C6
1588v2 Peer-to-Peer Transparent Clock N N 8.7R2 N N N N N N N N N
1588v2 Across VC N N N N N N 8.5R2 N N N N N
Access Guardian / Security Features
802.1x Authentication 8.7R2 8.5R2 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.7R1 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Access Guardian – Bridge 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.6R1 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Application Fingerprinting N N N N N N Y N N N N N
Application Monitoring and Enforcement N N N Y 8.7R2 N N N N N N N
ARP Poisoning Protection 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
BYOD - COA Extension support for 8.7R2 Y Y Y 8.7R1 Y 8.62 8.6R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
BYOD - mDNS Snooping/Relay 8.7R2 Y Y Y 8.7R1 Y 8.62 8.6R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
BYOD - UPNP/DLNA Relay 8.7R2 Y Y Y 8.7R1 Y 8.62 8.6R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
BYOD - Switch Port location information 8.7R2 Y Y Y 8.7R1 Y 8.62 8.6R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
pass-through in RADIUS requests
Captive Portal 8.7R2 8.5R4 Y Y 8.7R1 Y 8.62 8.6R2 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
IoT Device Profiling 8.7R2 8.5R2 8.5R2 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.5R2 8.5R2 8.6R1 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.5R2
IoT Device Profiling (IPv6) 8.7R2 8.7R1 8.7R1 8.7R1 N 8.7R1 8.7R1 N N N N 8.7R1
Directed Broadcasts – Control 8.7R2 8.5R2 8.5R2 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.5R2 8.5R2 8.7R1 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Interface Violation Recovery 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.7R1 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Kerberos Snooping (services) 8.7R2 N 8.6R2 8.6R2 N 8.6R2 8.6R2 8.6R2 N N N 8.6R2
L2 GRE Tunnel Access (Edge) (bridge N N Y Y 8.7R2 Y 8.6R13 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
L2 GRE Tunnel Access (Edge) (access N N N 8.6R1 8.7R2 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.6R1
L2 GRE Tunnel Aggregation N N N Y 8.7R2 Y Y3 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Learned Port Security (LPS) 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Feature 6360 6465 6560 6860(E) 6860N 6865 6900 6900- 6900- 6900- OS6900- 9900
V72/ X48C6/ X48C4E V48C8
C32 T48C6
RADIUS - RFC-2868 Support 8.7R2 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.5R4
Role-based Authentication for Routed N N N 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.6R1 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.5R4
Storm Control (flood-limit) 8.7R2 Y Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y Y 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
Storm Control (Unknown unicast with N N N Y N Y Y N N N N N
action trap/shutdown)
TACACS+ Client 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.6R1 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 Y
TACACS+ command based authorization 8.7R2 N N Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 N
TACACS+ - IPv6 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3 8.7R3
PoE Features
802.3af and 802.3at 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y N N N N N Y
802.3bt 8.7R2 Y 8.6R2 N 8.7R1 N N N N N N N
Auto Negotiation of PoE Class-power 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y N N N N N Y
upper limit
Display of detected power class 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y N N N N N Y
LLDP/802.3at power management TLV 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y Y 8.7R1 Y N N N N N Y
HPOE support 8.7R2 8.5R1 Y (95W) Y 8.7R1 Y (75W) N N N N N Y (75W)
(95W) (60W) (60W) (95W)
IPv6 Protocols
Static Routing 8.5R4 8.6R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.7R2
RIPng 8.5R4 8.6R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.7R2
OSPFv3 8.5R4 8.6R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.7R2
BGP 8.5R4 8.6R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.7R2
VRRPv3 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.7R2
PIM-SM/DM 8.5R4 8.6R2 N N N
DHCP Relay 8.6R1 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.7R2
UDP Relay 8.6R1 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.7R2
BFD 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.7R2
IPv6 MLD Snooping Y 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.7R2
IPv6 Multicast Y 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3 8.7R2
Headend Mode
IPv6 Multicast 8.5R4 8.7R2 N N N
Tandem Mode
IPv6 Protocols
Static Routing 8.5R4 Y 8.7R1 Y 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3
RIPng 8.5R4 Y 8.7R1 Y 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3
OSPFv3 8.5R4 Y 8.7R1 Y 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3
BGP 8.5R4 Y 8.7R1 Y 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3
VRRPv3 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.7R1 Y 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3
IS-IS Y Y Y Y Y Y 8.7R2 8.7R3
PIM-SM/DM 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.5R4 8.5R4 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3
DHCP Relay 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.7R1 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3
UDP Relay 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.7R1 8.6R1 8.6R1 8.7R1 8.7R2 8.7R3
BFD Y Y Y Y Y Y 8.7R2 8.7R3
IPv6 MLD Snooping 8.5R4 Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3
IPv6 Multicast 8.5R4 Y 8.7R1 Y Y 8.7R2 8.7R2 8.7R3
Headend Mode
IPv6 Multicast Tandem 8.5R4 Y 8.7R1 Y Y Y Y Y
In most SPB networks this is not a local operation on a single switch. The BVLAN is configured on all the switches
in the network. A check must be performed to see if any service has been attached to the BVLAN. The check
does not have to be on a local switch, the service attachment to the BVLAN can be on any switch in the network.
1. This will indicate that this is an active BVLAN.
2. Even if the service is not local to a node the node can act as a transit node for the active BVLAN. For this
reason the BVLAN cannot be deleted from the network.
Page 35 of 55 OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.7R3 Rev. B
August 2021
To determine if a BVLAN is active use the following command. If there is a service associated with the BVLAN
then In Use will show as Yes. This is a network wide view so even if the services are active on a remote node,
this local node will show that the BLVAN is active even if the services are not configured on the local node.
After the services have been consolidated the idle BVLANs can be deleted across the entire network. Deleting
idle BVLANs will have no effect on the existing network.
Standard Upgrade - The standard upgrade of a standalone chassis or virtual chassis (VC) is nearly
identical. All that’s required is to upload the new image files to the Running directory and reload the
switch. In the case of a VC, prior to rebooting the Master will copy the new image files to the Slave(s)
and once the VC is back up the entire VC will be synchronized and running with the upgraded code.
ISSU - The In Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) is used to upgrade the software on a VC or modular
chassis with minimal network disruption. Each element of the VC is upgraded individually allowing
hosts and switches which are dual-homed to the VC to maintain connectivity to the network. The
actual downtime experienced by a host on the network should be minimal but can vary depending upon
the overall network design and VC configuration. Having a redundant configuration is suggested and
will help to minimize recovery times resulting in sub-second convergence times.
Virtual Chassis - The VC will first verify that it is in a state that will allow a successful ISSU
upgrade. It will then copy the image and configuration files of the ISSU specified directory
to all of the Slave chassis and reload each Slave chassis from the ISSU directory in order from
lowest to highest chassis-id. For example, assuming chassid-id 1 is the Master, the Slave
with chassis-id 2 will reload with the new image files. When Slave chassis-id 2 has rebooted
and rejoined the VC, the Slave with chassis -id 3 will reboot and rejoin the VC. Once the
Slaves are complete they are now using the new image files. The Master chassis is now
rebooted which causes the Slave chassis to become the new Master chassis. When the original
Master chassis reloads it comes back as a Slave chassis. To restore the role of Master to the
original Master chassis the current Master can be rebooted and the original Master will
takeover, re-assuming the Master role.
Modular Chassis - The chassis will first verify that it is in a state that will allow a successful
ISSU upgrade. It will then copy the image and configuration files of the ISSU specified directory
to the secondary CMM and reload the secondary CMM which becomes the new primary CMM.
The old primary CMM becomes the secondary CMM and reloads using the upgraded code. As a
result of this process both CMMs are now running with the upgraded code and the primary and
secondary CMMs will have changed roles (i.e., primary will act as secondary and the secondary
as primary). The individual NIs can be reset either manually or automatically (based on the NI
reset timer).
OS6360 8.7.252.R02
8.6.289.R01 (GA)
8.6.299.R01 (MR)
8.6.189.R02 (GA)
8.6.196.R02 (MR)
OS6465 8.6.203.R02 (reGA)
8.7.277.R01 (GA)
8.7.280.R01 (MR)
8.7.354.R01 (GA)
8.7.252.R02 (GA)
8.6.289.R01 (GA)
8.6.299.R01 (MR)
8.6.189.R02 (GA)
OS6560 8.6.196.R02 (MR)
8.6.203.R02 (reGA)
8.7.354.R01 (GA)
8.7.252.R02 (GA)
8.6.289.R01 (GA)
8.6.299.R01 (MR)
8.6.189.R02 (GA)
8.6.196.R02 (MR)
OS6860(E) 8.6.203.R02 (reGA)
8.7.277.R01 (GA)
8.7.280.R01 (MR)
8.7.354.R01 (GA)
8.7.252.R02 (GA)
8.7.277.R01 (GA)
8.7.280.R01 (MR)
8.7.354.R01 (GA)
8.7.252.R02 (GA)
8.6.289.R01 (GA)
8.6.299.R01 (MR)
8.6.189.R02 (GA)
8.6.196.R02 (MR)
OS6865 8.6.203.R02 (reGA)
8.7.277.R01 (GA)
8.7.280.R01 (MR)
8.7.354.R01 (GA)
8.7.252.R02 (GA)
8.6.289.R01 (GA)
8.6.299.R01 (MR)
OS6900 8.6.189.R02 (GA)
8.6.196.R02 (MR)
8.6.203.R02 (reGA)
8.7.277.R01 (GA)
Page 38 of 55 OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.7R3 - Rev. B
August 2021
8.7.280.R01 (MR)
8.7.354.R01 (GA)
8.7.252.R02 (GA)
8.6.289.R01 (GA)
8.6.299.R01 (MR)
8.6.189.R02 (GA)
8.6.196.R02 (MR)
8.6.203.R02 (reGA)
OS6900-V72/C32 8.7.277.R01 (GA)
8.7.280.R01 (MR)
8.7.354.R01 (GA)
8.7.252.R02 (GA)
8.7.277.R01 (GA)
8.7.280.R01 (MR)
8.7.354.R01 (GA)
8.7.252.R02 (GA)
8.6.289.R01 (GA)
8.6.299.R01 (MR)
8.6.197.R02 (GA)
8.6.203.R02 (reGA)
8.7.354.R01 (GA)
8.7.252.R02 (GA)
These upgrade instructions require that the following conditions exist, or are performed, before upgrading. The
person performing the upgrade must:
• Be aware of any issues that may arise from a network outage caused by improperly loading this
• Understand that the switch must be rebooted and network access may be affected by following this
• Have a working knowledge of the switch to configure it to accept an FTP connection through the
EMP or Network Interface (NI) Ethernet port.
• Read the GA Release Notes prior to performing any upgrade for information specific to this release.
• Ensure there is a current certified configuration on the switch so that the upgrade can be rolled-
back if required.
• Verify the current versions of U-Boot and FPGA. If they meet the minimum requirements, (i.e. they
were already upgraded during a previous AOS upgrade) then only an upgrade of the AOS images is
• Depending on whether a standalone chassis or VC is being upgraded, upgrading can take from 5 to
20 minutes. Additional time will be needed for the network to re-converge.
• The examples below use various models and directories to demonstrate the upgrade procedure.
However, any user-defined directory can be used for the upgrade.
• If possible, have EMP or serial console access to all chassis during the upgrade. This will allow you to
access and monitor the VC during the ISSU process and before the virtual chassis has been re-
• Knowledge of various aspects of AOS directory structure, operation and CLI commands can be found
in the Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch User Guides. Recommended reading includes:
o Release Notes - for the version of software you’re planning to upgrade to.
o The AOS Switch Management Guide
Chapter – Getting Started
Chapter - Logging Into the Switch
Chapter - Managing System Files
Chapter - Managing CMM Directory Content
Chapter - Using the CLI
Chapter - Working With Configuration Files
Chapter - Configuring Virtual Chassis
Do not proceed until all the above prerequisites have been met. Any deviation from these upgrade procedures
could result in the malfunctioning of the switch. All steps in these procedures should be reviewed before
Switch Maintenance
It’s recommended to perform switch maintenance prior to performing any upgrade. This can help with
preparing for the upgrade and removing unnecessary files. The following steps can be performed at any time
prior to a software upgrade. These procedures can be done using Telnet and FTP, however using SSH and
SFTP/SCP are recommended as a security best-practice since Telnet and FTP are not secure.
1. Use the command ‘show system’ to verify current date, time, AOS and model of the switch.
6900-> show system
Description: Alcatel-Lucent OS6900-X20 8.6.289.R01 GA, July 14, 2019.,
Object ID:,
Up Time: 0 days 0 hours 1 minutes and 44 seconds,
Contact: Alcatel-Lucent, http://alcatel-lucent.com/wps/portal/enterprise,
Name: 6900,
Location: Unknown,
Services: 78,
Date & Time: MON AUG 12 2019 06:55:43 (UTC)
Flash Space:
Primary CMM:
Available (bytes): 1111470080,
Comments : None
3. Verify that the /flash/pmd and /flash/pmd/work directories are empty. If they have files in them check the
date on the files. If they are recently created files (<10 days), contact Service & Support. If not, they can be
4. Use the ‘show running-directory’ command to determine what directory the switch is running from and
that the configuration is certified and synchronized:
6900-> show running-directory
Page 40 of 55 OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.7R3 - Rev. B
August 2021
If the configuration is not certified and synchronized, issue the command ‘write memory flash-synchro’:
6900-> write memory flash-synchro
6. If you do not already have established baselines to determine the health of the switch you are upgrading,
now would be a good time to collect them. Using the show tech-support series of commands is an excellent
way to collect data on the state of the switch. The show tech support commands automatically create log files
of useful show commands in the /flash directory. You can create the tech-support log files with the following
Additionally, the ‘show tech-support eng complete’ command will create a TAR file with multiple tech-
support log files as well as the SWLOG files from the switches.
It is a good idea to offload these files and review them to determine what additional data you might want to
collect to establish meaningful baselines for a successful upgrade.
• If upgrading a standalone chassis or VC using a standard upgrade procedure please refer to Appendix D
for specific steps to follow.
• If upgrading a VC using ISSU please refer to Appendix E for specific steps to follow.
Go to the Service and Support website and download and unzip the upgrade files for the appropriate model and
release. The archives contain the following:
• OS6360 – Nosa.img
• OS6465 – Nos.img
o Refer to Appendix F for recommended FPGA/U-boot upgrades. AOS must be upgraded prior to
upgrading the FPGA/U-boot.
• OS6560 – Nos.img
o Refer to Appendix F for recommended FPGA/U-boot upgrades. AOS must be upgraded prior to
upgrading the FPGA/U-boot.
• OS6860 – Uos.img
o Refer to Appendix F for recommended FPGA/U-boot upgrades. AOS must be upgraded prior to
upgrading the FPGA/U-boot.
• OS6860N – Uosn.img
• OS6865 – Uos.img
o Refer to Appendix F for recommended FPGA/U-boot upgrades. AOS must be upgraded prior to
upgrading the FPGA/U-boot.
• OS6900 - Tos.img
o Refer to Appendix F for recommended FPGA/U-boot upgrades. AOS must be upgraded prior to
upgrading the FPGA/U-boot.
• imgsha256sum (not required) –This file is only required when running in Common Criteria mode. Please
refer to the Common Criteria Operational Guidance Document for additional information.
FTP the image files to the Running directory of the switch you are upgrading. The image files and directory will
differ depending on your switch and configuration.
Follow the steps below to upgrade the image files by reloading the switch from the Running directory.
If upgrading a VC the new image file will be copied to all the Slave chassis and the entire VC will reboot. After
approximately 5-20 minutes the VC will become operational.
Log in to the switch to confirm it is running on the new software. This can be determined from the login banner
or the show microcode command.
OS6900-> show microcode
Package Release Size Description
Tos.img 8.7.98.R03 239607692 Alcatel-Lucent OS
Note: If there are any issues after upgrading the switch can be rolled back to the previous certified version by
issuing the reload from certified no rollback-timeout command.
After verifying the software and that the network is stable, use the following commands to certify the new
software by copying the Running directory to the Certified directory.
OS6900-> copy running certified
Go to the Service and Support Website and download and unzip the ISSU upgrade files for the appropriate
platform and release. The archive contains the following:
• OS6360 – Nosa.img
• OS6465 – Nos.img
o Refer to Appendix F for recommended FPGA/U-boot upgrades. AOS must be upgraded prior to
upgrading the FPGA/U-boot.
• OS6560 – Nos.img
o Refer to Appendix F for recommended FPGA/U-boot upgrades. AOS must be upgraded prior to
upgrading the FPGA/U-boot.
• OS6860 – Uos.img
o Refer to Appendix F for recommended FPGA/U-boot upgrades. AOS must be upgraded prior to
upgrading the FPGA/U-boot.
• OS6860N – Uosn.img
• OS6865 – Uos.img
o Refer to Appendix F for recommended FPGA/U-boot upgrades. AOS must be upgraded prior to
upgrading the FPGA/U-boot.
• OS6900 - Tos.img
o Refer to Appendix F for recommended FPGA/U-boot upgrades. AOS must be upgraded prior to
upgrading the FPGA/U-boot.
• OS6900-X48C6/T48C6 – Yos.img.
• imgsha256sum (not required) –This file is only required when running in Common Criteria mode. Please
refer to the Common Criteria Operational Guidance Document for additional information.
Note: The following examples use issu_dir as an example ISSU directory name. However, any directory name
may be used. Additionally, if an ISSU upgrade was previously performed using a directory named issu_dir, it
may now be the Running Configuration, in which case a different ISSU directory name should be used.
2. Create the new directory on the Master for the ISSU upgrade:
OS6900-> mkdir /flash/issu_dir
It is important to connect to the Slave chassis and verify that there is no existing directory with the path
/flash/issu_dir on the Slave chassis. ISSU relies upon the switch to handle all of the file copying and directory
creation on the Slave chassis. For this reason, having a pre-existing directory with the same name on the Slave
chassis can have an adverse effect on the process. To verify that the Slave chassis does not have an existing
directory of the same name as the ISSU directory on your Master chassis, use the internal VF-link IP address to
connect to the Slave. In a multi-chassis VC, the internal IP addresses on the Virtual Fabric Link (VFL) always use
the same IP addresses: for Chassis 1, for Chassis 2, etc. These addresses can be found
by issuing the debug command ‘debug show virtual-chassis connection’ as shown below:
4. SSH to the Slave chassis via the internal virtual-chassis IP address using the password ‘switch’:
OS6900-> ssh
5. Use the ls command to look for the directory name being used for the ISSU upgrade. In this example, we’re
using /flash/issu_dir so if that directory exists on the Slave chassis it should be deleted as shown below.
Repeat this step for all Slave chassis:
6900-> rm –r /flash/issu_dir
7. On the Master chassis copy the current Running configuration files to the ISSU directory:
OS6900-> cp /flash/working/*.cfg /flash/issu_dir
8. FTP the new image files to the ISSU directory. Once complete verify that the ISSU directory contains only
the required files for the upgrade:
6900-> ls /flash/issu_dir
Tos.img issu_version vcboot.cfg vcsetup.cfg
During ISSU ‘show issu status’ gives the respective status (pending, complete, etc)
OS6900-> show issu status
Issu pending
Allow the upgrade to complete. DO NOT modify the configuration files during the software upgrade. It normally
takes between 5 and 20 minutes to complete the ISSU upgrade. Wait for the System ready or [L8] state which
gets displayed in the ssh/telnet/console session before performing any write-memory or configuration changes.
6900-> debug show virtual-chassis topology
Local Chassis: 1
Oper Config Oper System
Chas Role Status Chas ID Pri Group MAC-Address Ready
1 Master Running 1 100 19 e8:e7:32:b9:19:0b Yes
2 Slave Running 2 99 19 e8:e7:32:b9:19:43 Yes
Log in to the switch to confirm it is running on the new software. This can be determined from the login banner
or the show microcode command.
OS6900-> show microcode
Package Release Size Description
Tos.img 8.7.98.R03 2239607692 Alcatel-Lucent OS 97424 Alcatel-Lucent OS
After verifying the software and that the network is stable, use the following commands to certify the new
software by copying the Running directory to the Certified directory:
OS6900-> copy running certified
CR / Feature
CRAOS8X-12042 Description Switch does not shutdown after crossing danger threshold temperature.
FPGA Version 0.7
Platforms OS6465-P28
CRAOS8X-7207 Description Chassis reboots twice to join a VC.
FPGA Version 0.7
Platforms OS6560-P24Z24,P24Z8,P48Z16 (903954-90)
CRAOS8X-4150 Description VC LED status behavior.
U-boot Version 0.12
Platforms OS6865-U28X
8.7R1 Release
CRAOS8X-16452 Description Port remains UP when only SFP is connected.
FPGA Version - 0.6 (OS6560-P48Z16 (904044-90))
- 0.7 (OS6560-48X4, OS6560-P48X4)
- 0.8 (OS6560-X10)
Platforms OS6560-P48Z16 (904044-90), OS6560-48X4, OS6560-P48X4, OS6560-X10
CRAOS8X-11118 Description 1000BaseT SFP interface up before system ready
U-boot/FPGA Version - U-boot version 8.6.R02.189
- FPGA version 0.1.11
Platforms OS6900-X72
Fast/Perpetual PoE Description Fast and Perpetual PoE Support
FPGA Version 0.7 (OS6860E-P24Z8)
0.14 (OS6865-U28X)
0.25 (OS6865-P16X/U12X)
Platforms OS6860/OS6865
8.7R2 Release
CRAOS8X- Description Uboot unable to mount NAND flash with UBIFS errors
U-boot Version 8.7.2.R02
Platforms 6465(T), 6560-24X4/P24X4/48X4/P48X4/X10
CRAOS8X-13819 Description Uboot unable to mount eUSB flash
U-boot Version 8.7.2.R02
Platforms 6560-24Z24/P24Z24/24Z8/P24Z8/P48Z16(903954-90/904044-90), 6865
CRAOS8X-22857 Description OS6560-P24Z24 reloads continuously with pmds
FPGA Version 0.8
Platforms 6560-24Z24/P24Z24/24Z8/P24Z8/P48Z16 (903954-90)
1588v2 Support Description 1588v2 Support
FPGA Version 0.7 (OS6560-P48Z16 (904044-90))
0.8 (OS6560-48X4/P48X4)
Platforms OS6560-48X4/P48X4/P48Z16(904044-90)
1. Download and extract the upgrade archive from the Service & Support website. In addition to the AOS
images, the archive will also contain an FPGA upgrade kit and U-boot file, for example.
- U-boot.8.7.R03.#.tar.gz
2. FTP (Binary) the files to the /flash directory on the primary CMM.
3. Enter the following to upgrade the FPGA. The ‘all’ parameter should be used when upgrading with an FPGA
kit. Additionally, this will update all the elements of a VC, for example:
-> update fpga-cpld cmm all file fpga_kit_7400
Parse /flash/fpga_kit_7400
fpga file: OS6900-X72_CPLD_V01B_20191204.vme
Please wait...
fpga file: OS6900-X72_CPLD_V01B_20191204.vme
update chassis 1
Starting CMM ALL FPGA Upgrade
CMM 1/1
Successfully updated
Reload required to activate new firmware.
Additionally, the script will prompt the user to confirm if an ISSU upgrade is being performed. If an ISSU
upgrade is being performed the script will create an additional file (issu_no_fec_vfl_pre_86R2) in the /flash
directory on both chassis in the VC. This file will prevent (Forward Error Correction) FEC from being
automatically enabled after the upgrade on any 10G/40G VFLs, which is the default setting beginning in 8.6R2.
This prevents a FEC mismatch between the Master and Slave chassis (enabled on Slave chassis / disabled on the
Master chassis) during the ISSU upgrade.
• Standard Upgrade
o If upgrading from AOS Release 8.5R02, 8.5R03, or 8.5R04 - Script file will perform flash
o If upgrading from AOS Release 8.6R01 or later - Script file not needed.
• ISSU Upgrade
o If upgrading from AOS Release 8.6R01 - Script file will perform FEC disable.
• Script file name: pre_update_script.sh (Available from service & support website)
o Note: An error, "/mnt/chassis*: No such file or directory", may be displayed when running the
script on a standalone chassis. This error has no affect on the upgrade.
1. FTP the script file to the /flash directory on the Master chassis of the VC or standalone chassis.
2. OS6900-> su
3. YUKON #-> cd /flash
4. YUKON #-> sh pre_update_script.sh
5. YUKON #-> exit
6. OS6900->
7. You may now proceed to performing a standard or ISSU upgrade.
8. If performing an ISSU upgrade, perform the following after the upgrade is complete:
The “ip helper” command have been deprecated and replaced with “ip dhcp relay” command
from 8.6R01. The old format will still be accepted if present in a vcboot.cfg to preserve
backwards compatibility. This issue is only seen in the default-VRF and not in the other VRF of
the same switch. If the Relay Mode in the default-VRF of the switch is configured with "per-
interface-mode", it would be changed to "Global" due to the issue. The switch continued to relay
packets for most of VLANs; however, the relay packets are send frequently to all the relay IP
address. Certain VLANs are still affected due to the configuration conversion issue.
The switch crashed due to the task 'radcli'. If a switch is configured with 2 radius server host, in
which the primary server is 'unresponsive' and the backup server is 'active'. In this state, when the
switch receives ftp/ssh access then the switch would continue to crash and reload.
The ID of an existing authentication is reused instead of cancelling the ongoing machine
authentication and triggering a 802.1x with a new ID.
🔒🔒 Click for Additional Information
Case: Summary:
00540363 Linkagg in/out octets polled via SNMP using MIB2 are wrong.
When MIB2 is used in/out octets registers size of linkagg are very low (16bits) compared to the
ports memebers register size(32bits), this bug is impacting the snmp polled stats as the linkagg is
filled quicly which provid wrong info to the NMS tool.
It is identified that while clearing the statistical data, from ESM layer the value is 0 is being
passed to hmon. Modified the hmon calculation part, where it will cover all corner cases.
When performed an SNMP walk for Alcatel switches, output should list for particular
protocal/service as per user permission.
During the boot initialization stage, all the port are mapped to vlan 1(default), then the system
will parse the configuration in the vcboot.cfg. However, the port bitmap was not programmed for
vlan 1. Hence, problem in the vlan 1 client communication.
“radcli” component does not find the source IP address when generating the Radius Access-
Request "Could not find server interface IP address". We notice that component is trying to
generate the request by using the Loopback IP Interface which is not authorized. The
mismatch occurs when the management IP Interface is terminating by x.x.x.127.
Modify the UNP default template bridgeDefaultPortTemplate to disable the mac-authentication
After the reload all, the UNP template settings are back to default values.
00525342 EAP Supplicant timeout and TX timers does not work when changed from default.
The EAP timers i.e. Supplicant timeout and Tx Timeout are not taking effect after the default
values are changed from CLI. This is a software issue which is fixed in 8.7.R03.
Installing Packages
Verify the package prior to install. Then install and commit the package to complete the installation. For
-> pkgmgr verify nos-mrp-v1.deb
Verifying MD5 checksum.. OK
-> pkgmgr install nos-mrp-v1.deb
-> write memory
-> show pkgmgr
Removing Packages
Find the name of the package to be removed using the show pkgmgr command, then remove and commit the
package to complete the removal. Remove the Debian installation file. For example:
-> pkgmgr remove mrp
Purging mrp (8.7.R03-xxx)...
Removing package mrp.. OK
Write memory is required complete package mrp removal
The ams-broker.cfg configuration file for AMS contains plain text passwords. The passwords can be stored as
encrypted beginning with the 8.7R1 release. Follow the steps below prior to upgrading to 8.7R1 or later release
to store encrypted passwords.
The ovbroker.cfg configuration file for AMS-APPS/IoT-Profiler contains plain text passwords. The passwords can
be stored as encrypted beginning with the 8.7R1 release. Follow the steps below prior to upgrading to 8.7R1 or
later release to store encrypted passwords.
1. Remove the install.sh file present under path /flash/<running-directory>/pkg/ams-apps/ for AMS-APPS
prior to upgrading AOS.
2. Remove this file from each VC node.
3. Upgrade the switch.
4. Once the switch comes up after the upgrade, the password present under/flash/<running-
directory>/pkg/ams-apps/ovbroker.cfg file will be encrypted.