2171-74 4.4 Mohammad Shamim Farooqui
2171-74 4.4 Mohammad Shamim Farooqui
2171-74 4.4 Mohammad Shamim Farooqui
Improved Diagnosis of Pancreatic Diseases with Various Novel Serum Biomarkers in Nepal
Background: Pancreatic cancer is a distressing disease with a miserable prospects and early recognition
remains a challenge due to ubiquitous symptomatic presentation, deep anatomical location, and aggressive
etiology. False positives and problems in distinguishing pancreatitis from adenocarcinoma limit the use of CA 19-9
as both disorders can present with similar symptoms and share radiographic physiognomies. This study aimed
to assess the relative increase in accuracy of diagnosing the patients with chronic pancreatitis, benign neoplasm
of pancreas and adenocarcinomas with CA 19-9, haptoglobin, and serum amyloid A in comparison to CA 19-9
alone. Materials and Methods: This hospital based case control study was carried out in the Departments of
Medicine and Biochemistry of Manipal Teaching Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal, between 1st January 2010 and 31st
December 2011. The variables assessed were age, gender, serum CA19-9, serum haptoglobulin, serum Amyloid A.
The data were analyzed using Excel 2003, R 2.8.0 Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows
Version 16.0 (SPSS Inc; Chicago, IL, USA) and the EPI Info 3.5.1 Windows Version. Results: Out of 197 cases
of pancreatic disease, maximum number of assumed cases were of adenocarcinoma of pancreas (95). Number
of males (59) were more than females (36) in assumed cases of adenocarcinoma of pancreas. The mean values of
CA19-9 raised considerably in cases of chronic pancreatitis, benign neoplasm and adenocarcinoma of pancreas
when compared to controls. The highest augmention in CA19-9 values were in cases of adenocarcinoma of
pancreas. The p-value indicates that in cases of chronic pancreatitis, there was not significant increase in precision
of diagnosis. Conclusions: These statistics established that haptoglobin and SAA are useful in discriminating
cancer from benign conditions as well as healthy controls.
Keywords: Pancreatic diseases - serum biomarkers - Nepal
Medical Sciences, Pokhara, Nepal 4Department of Surgery, Katihar Medical College,Katihar, India 5Department of ENT, Turaf
General Hospital, Turaf, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia *For correspondence: drfrqms@aol.com
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 13, 2012 2171
Mohammad S Farooqui et al
haptoglobin has been reported in various diseases such Table 1. Distribution of Cases and Controls According
as pancreatic cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, liver to their Gender, Types and Stages
cirrhosis, gastric cancer and colon cancer (Okuyamaet Genderwise variation No. Age (Range)
al., 2006). The enhanced diagnostic precision over CA
19-9 alone and the ability to discriminate between PA Controls
and pancreatitis have become the minimal standard for Total 170 65 (34-86)
Female 68 63 (34-81)
validation of novel serum biomarkers. This study aims
Male 102 67 (37-86)
to assess the relative increase in accuracy of diagnosing Suspected Cases
the patients with chronic pancreatitis, benign neoplasm Chronic inflammation of Pancreas
of pancreas and adenocarcinomas with CA 19-9, Total 45 47 (28-70)
haptoglobin, and serum amyloid A in comparison to CA Female 21 48 (28-63)100.0
19-9 alone. Male 24 46 (29-70) 6.3
Benign tumor of pancreas
Total 57 73 (45-85)
Materials and Methods Male 24 75 (45-82) 75.0
Female 33 71 (48-85)
It was a hospital based case control study carried out in
Distribution of cases according to its type 56.3
the Department of Medicine and Biochemistry of Manipal Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Tumor 19
Teaching Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal between 1st January Mucinous Cystic Neoplasm 13
2010 and 31st December 2011. The variables collected Neuroendocrine Tumor 13
were age, gender, serum CA19-9, serum haptoglobulin, Serous Cystadenoma 6
Serum Amyloid A. Approval for the study was obtained Cystic Neuroendocrine Neoplasm 6 25.0
from the institutional research ethical committee. Solid-Cystic Papillary Neoplasm 2
Quantitative Analysis of Human Serum Amyloid A and Maligmant carcinoma of pancreas (Adenocarcinomas) 31.3
CA19-9 was performed by ELISA reader for all cases. The Total 95 72 (54-90)
Male 59 69 (57-90) 0
standard procedure was followed as per manufacturer’s
Female 36 75 (54-87)
instructions for ELISA with minor modifications (Sell.,
Persistence or recurrence
Newly diagnosed without treatment