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Sathiadas 2003

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Document Management Techniques and Technologies

Conference Paper · December 2003

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2 authors, including:

Gihan Wikramanayake
University of Colombo


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Document Management Techniques & Technologies

Joseph P. Sathiadas1, G.N. Wikramanayake2

1. Virtusa (Pvt) Ltd., Tel: 0777 313815, Fax: 074 724161, email: jpsathiadas@eureka.lk
2. University of Colombo School of Computing

Abstract An Electronic Document Management System

(EDMS) [4, 7] address most of these issues and is
Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) is considered as the solution for organizations that
a rapidly developing technology and is considered as needs a solution to manage the information
the solution for organizations that needs a way to efficiently. Although data management has been
manage the information efficiently. EDMS there for the last 30 years or so, document
applications focus on the control of electronic management came into the picture only about 10
documents throughout their entire life cycle, from years back. EDMS became popular with the advent
creation to eventual archiving. Its functions include of technology growth and computers.
document creation, storage and retrieval,
management, version control, workflow and multiple 2. Functions of EDMS
delivery formats.
Document management is not a single entity or EDMS applications focus on the control of electronic
technology, but rather a combination of elements. It documents throughout their entire life cycle, from
is the use of information and different users in a creation to eventual archiving. Its functions [2, 6]
business process, combined with the technology that include document creation, storage and retrieval,
permits the interaction. The technologies that make management, version control, workflow and multiple
up the EDMS are categorized into distinct functional delivery formats.
groupings. We present these and describes the
techniques used to electronically manage documents. Document creation: A document is a container,
We also explores the immediate future of the EDMS which brings together information from a variety of
and conclude that having the EDMS industry is at sources, in a number of formats, around a specific
crossroads in its own lifecycle and is made up of a topic to meet the need of a particular individual or an
highly fragmented group of products with no single organization.
integrated vendor or framework for automating the
entire cradle to grave document life cycle. Storage and retrieval: This involves storing and
retrieving documents in a storage device such as,
Keywords: Electronic Document Management hard disk, tape etc.
System; EDMS; DMS; Resource Management
Management: This covers a wide area of managing
all the documents efficiently to cater to the needs of
the organization and the individuals.
1. Introduction
Version control: This is a way of tracking changes
Most of the organizations have vast amount of done to a document and the ability to retrieve old
information that are required for their on-going versions of a document.
projects or for their future projects in the form of
knowledge of their workers or in documents. But, Workflow: This is a way of tracking the state of the
lack of information sharing among people and document and who is responsible for that step.
various project groups, lack of good management of
information assets and lack of support from the Multiple delivery formats: Ways of delivering the
knowledge workers make this information not document content in various formats, such as PDF,
available and not useful. Hence, the need for a system Word, Image etc., to cater to the requirements of the
that could cater for this requirement and address end users.
these issues came up.
3. The Document Management Space the offices. Imaging, database, networks and desktop
applications are some examples of the technologies
Document management is not a single entity or associated with the Document Management Space.
technology, but rather a combination of elements. It
is the use of information and different users in a 4. EDMS Technologies
business process, combined with the technology that
permits the interaction. Hence, the Document The technologies that make up the EDMS can be
Management Space can be divided into four major categorized into six distinct functional groupings
areas namely: documents, people, processes and namely: repository, conversion, indexing and
technology. searching, creation, workflow and distribution [8].

Documents: The wealth of an organization is the 4.1. Repository

information it has. Approximately, 20% of this
information lies as data and the remaining 80% lies in This is the place where documents/objects are
documents. The 20% of data are normally well persisted and restored for use. DBMS and/or file
managed and maintained in databases. Lot of effort systems are the most commonly used repositories.
have gone into managing and utilizing this data, When you consider a repository, it consists of a
without giving much care about the documents that database and/or a file system as the backend, a server
have most part of the information. engine in the middle and a client system as the front
People: As like any other systems, document With the current operating systems optimized to
management system also serves a variety of different handle files, most repositories are built with both a
users. Users can be a Creator, Coordinator or a file system and a database. While the file system is
Consumer. A single person can also play multiple used to store the actual document or object, the
roles. The creator is the author and generates database is used to store the Meta data and rules. The
document content. Coordinators ensure that a database engine or a complete separate application
document is properly reviewed and approved for can act as the server application. By the introduction
release. They are responsible for assigning tasks for of the server in the middle layer, the client becomes
other members to perform on the document. They are thin. The client system can be a stand-alone
responsible for the delivery of the document to the application. Now most of the systems provide a web
Consumer. Consumers are the real end users of the based thin client as their front end.
documents, who read or study them. Consumers rely Library Services (Check in/Check out services,
on the Coordinator to get them what they want in an Verification of privileges, Access Control), Version
appropriate format. Control (Version numbering, Linear or Branched
versioning, Creating and controlling versions,
Processes: When a document goes from conception Archiving) and Configuration Management (Virtual
to consumption, a process has to be in place to endure Documents) are the primary functions provided by
that every thing is going as planned and according to the repositories. The secondary functions provided by
the expectation. The figure 1 illustrates the process of the repositories are conversion, searching and
converting Data into Knowledge. indexing, and workflow.
Open document management API (ODMA) and
Document management alliance (DMA) are two
Data Knowledge main repository standards. ODMA is working
towards a set of interfaces between desktop
applications and document management client
Information software and DMA is working towards a set of
interfaces between document management servers.
creator consumer 4.2. Conversion
Most of the documents are comprised of text, images
Figure 1: Converting Data into Knowledge and multimedia objects. Since, each of these formats
are fundamentally different, they have to be
Technology: With the rapid technology growth, a converted using different tools and techniques.
powerful PC running a GUI is common in most of
Conversion is generally regarded as a non-value
adding process. But, conversion that helps to improve Secondary search: Search within the results of the
the performance of searching and retrieving is first search.
considered as value adding process. Semantics: Identify the exact definition of the word
and then start searching.
Some of the common standard formats are:
Text – ASCII, SGML, HTML Synonym: When searching for a particular word,
Graphics – CGM, IGES, TIFF, GIF, JPEG search also for its synonyms (e.g. searching for Book
Multimedia – MPEG or Publication).

Document conversion process is described by figure Boolean: is the ability to merge together multiple
2. Here, the source format is the format of the words with operators like AND or OR.
original documents and the target format is the
format required/preferred by the end users. A filter is Proximity: is the ability to search for multiple words
used in the middle to find the best way to do this grouped together.
Fuzzy word: is used when the word is not perfect
due to some reason (OCR reading etc.). This uses
Input ------------------> Filter-----------------> Output character and string pattern searching to determine
(source) (target) the correct word.

Concept: is the ability to pass information or news

Settings File related to a concept.
4.4. Creation
Figure 2: Document conversion
Initially, document creation focused on creating
4.3. Indexing and Searching paper output only. But, with the introduction of
online document management system, features like
4.3.1. Indexing document content, format and electronic structure
also started to have an impact.
With the growth of the document repositories and
online document sets, the speed of information The following has to be considered when an online
retrieval becomes critical. Indexing allows a way of document is created:
this by breaking up a document into more granular • What the reader sees
down to word level. Inversion of terms is one popular • Hyperlink information
way of indexing. This method will have a sorted list • Visual conventions
of all the keywords in a file with pointers pointing to • Document sizing
the actual location.
• Number of files needed for online manual
Normally the documents are fed to the indexing
• Purpose and content of information
process initially. Some of the most popular indexing
engines such as Open Text, Verity, Fulcrum [2] can • How the information will be used
accept most major word processing documents.
Many fail to realize that documents are not mere
4.3.2. Searching static collection of texts, but are capable of
embedding organizational knowledge and
Any EDMS should provide the searching facility to transmitting across the organization through the use
the user. The user must be able to search for a of tools.
particular document or a document containing We could find three types of knowledge in
particular information without delay. documents, namely: structural knowledge (how a
Information retrieval effectiveness is measured by document is constructed), domain-specific
recall and precision. Recall is the proportion of the knowledge (what the document contains) and
relative materials retrieved and precision is the contextual knowledge (how document sections
proportion of retrieved material that are relevant. relate).

The following types of search mechanisms are used.

4.5. Workflow 4.6. Distribution

Workflow is the movement of a document through a Distribution is the act of delivering the needed
series of steps to achieve a desired business objective. information, usually in document form, to the end
Workflow seeks to eliminate wasted time such as the user who will use or consume it. The format of the
time documents spend sitting in an in-box, the time document will vary based on the organizational style
taken to gather information to take action and time and user needs.
spent in moving documents from one person to the Although many think that electronic document is
next. the mode of distribution when it comes to EDMS, it
Though workflow is not part of document is actually false. Many readers still prefer paper
management, having this feature enrich the documents than electronic documents. Hence, EDMS
functionality of the document management process. should continue to support output in paper form.
A document management repository controls Nevertheless, electronic document delivery has many
documents, while a workflow engine controls the advantages over the traditional paper delivery. They
review and approval process. are:
For a document management system to give a • Lower cost of document distribution
meaningful solution a workflow must integrate • Easier maintenance and updates to the
properly with users, security, versioning, attributes, documents
documents and relationships. • Faster access to documents
A workflow comprise of 4 primary elements, • Greater nonlinear access to information
namely: process, actions, people and document. • Customized views of the document set
• Better quality of presentation
Process: the sequence of steps necessary to reach an
end objective, the business process. The two Distribution of documents takes place in four
fundamental types of process are structured and ad- different ways as online publishing, offline
hoc. publishing, repository viewing and web access. In the
typical online publishing, documents are
Actions: what’s to be done at each step? The two viewable by the consumer. In the offline publishing
classes of workflow used as part of an EDMS are method, the documents extracted by the repository is
Review &Approval and Other tasks. published for use by the consumer. In the repository-
viewing method the consumer searches and retrieves
People: who is to accomplish these items? Normally documents from the repository. Finally in the web
this is specified by roles rather than by individuals. access method (figure 3) the consumer uses a
web browser to search and retrieve documents.
Document: the focus of the process. Document viewing is done for electronic paper,
online documents and native formats. Tools are
The key to implementing the workflow is not available for viewing of such documents. Important
technical, but rather the people and their resistance to features of these tools are searching, zooming, hyper
change. linking, annotations, outlining/tables of contents,
There are four types of workflows, namely: bookmarks printing and integration capabilities.
sequential, parallel, branching and time drive.

Sequential: Linear set of steps. Each step is

dependent on the completion of it’s previous step
creator coordinator consumer
Parallel: Document can be passed to multiple people
Source Search (Web
for action at the same time. This introduces an issue
of reconciling the results of each parallel path.
Viewable Retrieve
Branching: Is a conditional type of workflow where
paths to be taken are chosen based on a criteria.
Time driven: A time period is defined for a step,
along with a action to be performed if the time period
Figure 3: Web Access Method
is exceeded.
Currently most of the document management in the busy list. Similarly, a resource release request
tools have a 2D interface for the user to display the is serviced by the resource manager by inserting the
grouping of the documents. Good example is the freed resource to the free list.
Explorer of windows, which has a tree structure to A DMS can be considered as an instance of the
display the directories and within it, it displays the Resource Management design pattern. In this
document titles or thumbnails. particular instance, the documents are the managed
resources and the Document Manager can be
One interesting thought towards this is to explore the considered as the resource manager. Hence, the
viability of providing a 3D interface for this purpose. Document Manager allocates, tracks, controls, and
The 3D interface can have a 3D plane, and the de-allocates document objects. Clients cannot access
thumbnails of the documents can be arranged on this documents directly. Instead, they must access these
plane by the user. This design is expected to exploit objects indirectly, through the Document Manager,
the humans’ natural capacity for spatial memory and using identification numbers provided by the
cognition. The user has the advantage of placing the Document Manager. In this way, illegal client
important documents close to him and the less requests can be detected.
important documents away from him. Finding a Document Manager maintains free list and the
document is just like locating something in a house or busy list. When a document is requested by a client,
room. Some amount of research has taken place in the document manager first checks if that document
analyzing the performance and user preference of this exists in the free list and if it exists there, it retrieves
approach. Research done by Andy Cockburn and the document and passes it to the requesting client. It
Bruce McKenzie shows that 2D interfaces performed removes the entry of this document from the free list
slightly better than 3D when it comes to storage and and places it in the busy list. While maintaining the
retrieval times. But, the users preferred 3D interfaces free/busy status of the documents, the Document
than 2D [3]. Manager must be able to keep track of some
additional state attributes of the document also. These
5. Techniques can be facilitated by storing these attributes as a
collection in the free/busy list along with the
document information.
The eventual goal of document management is a
single electronic system combining paper and digital
5.2. Structured Documents
information [10]. The document management domain
is continuously undergoing changes exploring new
techniques to cater to the demand of the industry While HTML has become the universal electronic
needs. As for the immediate future of document delivery encoding of a document, it is neither
management is concerned, it can be said that the presentationally rich enough to support high quality
focus will be mainly on areas such as web growth, paper delivery, nor expressive enough to allow easy
file compatibility, structured documents, efficient automatic transformations to multiple formats or to
document storage and graphical interface. Structured recombine the content. Generic structured markup
documents, XML databases, file manager interfaces like that provided by SGML or XML, opens many
and intelligent documents are new technologies used new possibilities for Document Management Systems
for the management of documents. (DMS's). A DMS that supports such standards
natively is referred as a Structured DMS. The
5.1. Resource Management Design Pattern characteristics of a Structured DMS are as follows
The main intention of the Resource Management
design pattern is to manage multiple resources of the `On-the-fly' creation of renditions: SGML and
same type. To maintain the status of managed XML support delivery from single source in multiple
resources, a Resource Manager is implemented formats. This is achieved by having a style sheet or
having lists. Resource Managers are commonly used filter for a class of documents. Instead of storing all
to control access to any class of "sensitive" resource these renditions, these can be created ‘on-the-fly’ as
objects. Resource Managers maintain two lists of per the need.
resources, i.e. free list and busy list. Free list contains
all the resources that are free. Busy list contains all Automatic transformations: This is the process of
the resources that are busy. A resource allocation reordering document components or incorporating
request is serviced by the resource manager by into new documents. For instance, entries from a
allocating a resource from the free list and putting it dictionary identified as being legal terms might be
extracted from a general dictionary to create a new system covering all necessary features. Instead it
legal dictionary. aims to initiate discussion of the requirements arising
from document collections, to offer a context in
Access control at element level: This transformation which to evaluate current and future solutions, and to
capability can be used to strip out certain components encourage the development of proper models and
from documents before they are delivered to a user. systems for XML database management.

Access to elements (component versioning): Most 5.4. File Manager Interface

of the DMS’s manage complete documents.
Component versioning is the approach of versioning Most part of the time is spent looking for information
the components of a document. than actually using it. This problem is the result of
the shortcomings of the modern desktop. File
Intensional versioning: Allows a number of rules to manager software is no longer an effective tool for
be applied to a version set to derive a particular managing documents. Tools for creation and
variant. information exploration are disintegrated. Key
contextual information is hidden from the user (we
Human-readable description of changes: Because call this the hidden web). Search tools are
the logical structure of documents is explicit in impersonal.
structured documents, differences between versions Conventional file managers organize the
of a given document (commonly termed deltas) can documents based on the directory hierarchy. The
be represented in terms of operations on its elements- computer directory tree is one of the oldest artifacts
-syntactic differencing. of the pre-web era and is virtually unchanged since
its creation. After nearly 30 years, the only
Extended search capabilities: The markup in significant advancement in file management software
structured documents can be used for more is the overlay of a graphical interface on what is still
sophisticated searching capabilities. Documents and a text-based directory.
elements can be retrieved based on structural The directory structure is a poor way for a human
relationships and a mixture of content and structure. to organize documents, since we organize
contextually as well as hierarchically. This problem is
Document-based workflow: SGML and XML also particularly apparent when documents contain
provide a convenient syntax for describing data numerous references, both to other user documents
associated with business processes. Workflow and to documents on the World Wide Web.
process definitions (defining the sequence of Directories were simply never intended to highlight
activities that make up a business process) and and manage the relationships between information
process instances (recording the status of a particular within documents.
business process in progress) can be represented as The paper, The Personal Web [11], describes the
one or more structured documents. This facilitates nature of the modern personal information space (the
mobility of the business process between systems and personal web) and a tool that improves on
allows the process to be advanced between conventional file management for organizing and
connections to a central server. Because these exploring that space. It is based on the concept that a
processes are just another SGML or XML document, user’s web experience should be as personal as
they can be versioned like any other document in the possible, flowing easily between user and web
DMS. documents, following various types of document
relationship “links”, and involving searches that take
5.3. Storage: XML Database into account who is doing the searching.
Studies are underway to explore the possibility of
The shift from SGML to XML has created new providing 3D interfaces for the file manager. The
demands for managing structured documents. Many main idea behind this is to give the user the feeling
XML documents will be transient representations for that he is placing a document in a physical location.
the purpose of data exchange between different types Humans have a tendency to remember a position,
of applications, but there will also be a need for which is similar to a position he deals with in his
effective means to manage persistent XML data as a daily life rather than a hierarchical arrangement of
database. The paper, Requirements for XML files.
Document Database Systems [9], explores
requirements for an XML database management
system. The paper does not suggest a single type of
5.5. Intelligent Documents information in a DMS provided they have the proper
security credentials to do the operation.
An intelligent document contains knowledge about Since the current trend is to web enable all the
itself and its environment. It supports assembly of applications, DMS is also not an exception. But the
documents based on inputs given by the user [5]. An industry standards that exist for DMS, such as
active intelligent document is able to construct and ODMA, are not optimized for web and multiple
transform itself dynamically. platforms. A general, industry standard, robust
One of the basic problems in document framework is needed for DMS so that any web based
management is to provide on-demand generation of client will be able to connect to the DMS server to
individualized documents through dynamic document obtain services. Web services is one technology that
assembly. Document assembly composes new can be seriously considered for this.
documents from an existing collection of documents. When a client request for a service from the DMS
Naturally, document markup and structure contribute server, it has to pass the necessary information for
to the retrieval of the document fragments. this service and DMS should be able to return the
Automated assembly consists of three phases [5], results after the service is performed. For this, the
namely: The user expresses his demands, Appropriate client and the DMS server have to use a common
documents or document fragments are found and language for communication. Due to XML’s
returned and The returned fragments are merged into flexibility and robustness, it will be one of the ideal
a single uniform assembled document. Hence, the candidates for this.
final document will be composed with information
from various different documents. 6. Conclusion

5.6. Industry Standards for EDMS To conclude the paper we first summarise the
benefits of EDMS and then address the current status
of EDMS and its drawbacks.
Although ODMA and DMA have been the industry
standards for Document Management for the past
several years, most vendors are now looking into 6.1. Benefits of EDMS
XML to become a standard for document
management. XML promises to succeed where The benefits of EDMS can be described as follows:
SGML failed, by being easier to implement. It is • Lower cost of document creation and distribution
expected that, apart from virtually universal support, No material (paper) cost involved during the
XML will also offer for the first time the opportunity creation phase, and the documents can be
to embed metadata intelligence within the documents distributed as a softcopy to whoever concerned
themselves. To gain the maximum benefits of XML, without the need to make hard copies
all the documents should be converted to XML. But, • Improved, customized access to documents
this will be an expensive operation when we consider Users will be able to view all the available
the millions of legacy documents stored in different documents and open any of them by just clicking
vendor specific formats. But, XML can be effectively the mouse. Read, write permissions could be set
used to store meta data of the documents. In DM, the per user by the owner or administrator
documents are generally stored in the file systems as • Faster document creation and update processes
flat files, but the meta data is usually stored in the • Increased reuse and leverage of existing
database for frequent quick access. Indexing and information
searching capabilities are provided through this meta Information in a document could be reused and
data. Currently, most of the vendors have their own leveraged by giving links in other documents or
vendor specific meta data format in XML without by the concept of virtual documents
using a industry standard meta data format. This is • Better employee collaboration
mainly due to the fact that a meta data standard in Inputs from all concerned could be accumulated
XML doesn’t exist currently. in a single document in real time and the
If a general detailed meta data format is defined in necessary changes could be done
XML and if the industry accepts to use that as the • Reduced cycle times in document centred
standard to store meta data, then all the individual processes
DMS can be considered as one large virtual DMS. • More complete regulatory compliance
Hence, search and index operations can be • Refined managerial control and reporting
generalized. Any client will be able to look up the • Enhanced document control and security
The administrator could control documents by Another drawback with EDMS is that it is driven
setting privileges and access restrictions. by documents and technology, but not the end users.
• Improved productivity/Reduced headcount Hence, the focus on the end user is lost and this tends
• Better customer/Client satisfaction to give a negative impact on the overall system.
• Quick and easy access Document create process can address this problem by
making the end user contribute towards it.
6.2. Current State Most of the organizations, when provided with
an EDMS, tend to dive in and publish all their
The EDMS industry is at crossroads in its own documents, irrespective of their state, quality and the
lifecycle. The industry is made up of a highly need. This leads to information overload. Hence, a
fragmented group of products with no single process should be in place for document control and
integrated vendor or framework for automating the this should actively involve the authors and users.
entire cradle to grave document life cycle. Finally, the end users, especially the new users, might
Enterprises are currently trying to overcome this react negatively to the introduction of the system
issue on an ad-hoc basis with no clear vision or path because the learning curve is large and they are used
to the future for solving the complete document to the less challenging print based media.
lifecycle problem.
6.3. Drawbacks of EDMS
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