Sathiadas 2003
Sathiadas 2003
Sathiadas 2003
9 22,092
2 authors, including:
Gihan Wikramanayake
University of Colombo
All content following this page was uploaded by Gihan Wikramanayake on 02 June 2014.
Document conversion process is described by figure Boolean: is the ability to merge together multiple
2. Here, the source format is the format of the words with operators like AND or OR.
original documents and the target format is the
format required/preferred by the end users. A filter is Proximity: is the ability to search for multiple words
used in the middle to find the best way to do this grouped together.
Fuzzy word: is used when the word is not perfect
due to some reason (OCR reading etc.). This uses
Input ------------------> Filter-----------------> Output character and string pattern searching to determine
(source) (target) the correct word.
Workflow is the movement of a document through a Distribution is the act of delivering the needed
series of steps to achieve a desired business objective. information, usually in document form, to the end
Workflow seeks to eliminate wasted time such as the user who will use or consume it. The format of the
time documents spend sitting in an in-box, the time document will vary based on the organizational style
taken to gather information to take action and time and user needs.
spent in moving documents from one person to the Although many think that electronic document is
next. the mode of distribution when it comes to EDMS, it
Though workflow is not part of document is actually false. Many readers still prefer paper
management, having this feature enrich the documents than electronic documents. Hence, EDMS
functionality of the document management process. should continue to support output in paper form.
A document management repository controls Nevertheless, electronic document delivery has many
documents, while a workflow engine controls the advantages over the traditional paper delivery. They
review and approval process. are:
For a document management system to give a • Lower cost of document distribution
meaningful solution a workflow must integrate • Easier maintenance and updates to the
properly with users, security, versioning, attributes, documents
documents and relationships. • Faster access to documents
A workflow comprise of 4 primary elements, • Greater nonlinear access to information
namely: process, actions, people and document. • Customized views of the document set
• Better quality of presentation
Process: the sequence of steps necessary to reach an
end objective, the business process. The two Distribution of documents takes place in four
fundamental types of process are structured and ad- different ways as online publishing, offline
hoc. publishing, repository viewing and web access. In the
typical online publishing, documents are
Actions: what’s to be done at each step? The two viewable by the consumer. In the offline publishing
classes of workflow used as part of an EDMS are method, the documents extracted by the repository is
Review &Approval and Other tasks. published for use by the consumer. In the repository-
viewing method the consumer searches and retrieves
People: who is to accomplish these items? Normally documents from the repository. Finally in the web
this is specified by roles rather than by individuals. access method (figure 3) the consumer uses a
web browser to search and retrieve documents.
Document: the focus of the process. Document viewing is done for electronic paper,
online documents and native formats. Tools are
The key to implementing the workflow is not available for viewing of such documents. Important
technical, but rather the people and their resistance to features of these tools are searching, zooming, hyper
change. linking, annotations, outlining/tables of contents,
There are four types of workflows, namely: bookmarks printing and integration capabilities.
sequential, parallel, branching and time drive.
5.6. Industry Standards for EDMS To conclude the paper we first summarise the
benefits of EDMS and then address the current status
of EDMS and its drawbacks.
Although ODMA and DMA have been the industry
standards for Document Management for the past
several years, most vendors are now looking into 6.1. Benefits of EDMS
XML to become a standard for document
management. XML promises to succeed where The benefits of EDMS can be described as follows:
SGML failed, by being easier to implement. It is • Lower cost of document creation and distribution
expected that, apart from virtually universal support, No material (paper) cost involved during the
XML will also offer for the first time the opportunity creation phase, and the documents can be
to embed metadata intelligence within the documents distributed as a softcopy to whoever concerned
themselves. To gain the maximum benefits of XML, without the need to make hard copies
all the documents should be converted to XML. But, • Improved, customized access to documents
this will be an expensive operation when we consider Users will be able to view all the available
the millions of legacy documents stored in different documents and open any of them by just clicking
vendor specific formats. But, XML can be effectively the mouse. Read, write permissions could be set
used to store meta data of the documents. In DM, the per user by the owner or administrator
documents are generally stored in the file systems as • Faster document creation and update processes
flat files, but the meta data is usually stored in the • Increased reuse and leverage of existing
database for frequent quick access. Indexing and information
searching capabilities are provided through this meta Information in a document could be reused and
data. Currently, most of the vendors have their own leveraged by giving links in other documents or
vendor specific meta data format in XML without by the concept of virtual documents
using a industry standard meta data format. This is • Better employee collaboration
mainly due to the fact that a meta data standard in Inputs from all concerned could be accumulated
XML doesn’t exist currently. in a single document in real time and the
If a general detailed meta data format is defined in necessary changes could be done
XML and if the industry accepts to use that as the • Reduced cycle times in document centred
standard to store meta data, then all the individual processes
DMS can be considered as one large virtual DMS. • More complete regulatory compliance
Hence, search and index operations can be • Refined managerial control and reporting
generalized. Any client will be able to look up the • Enhanced document control and security
The administrator could control documents by Another drawback with EDMS is that it is driven
setting privileges and access restrictions. by documents and technology, but not the end users.
• Improved productivity/Reduced headcount Hence, the focus on the end user is lost and this tends
• Better customer/Client satisfaction to give a negative impact on the overall system.
• Quick and easy access Document create process can address this problem by
making the end user contribute towards it.
6.2. Current State Most of the organizations, when provided with
an EDMS, tend to dive in and publish all their
The EDMS industry is at crossroads in its own documents, irrespective of their state, quality and the
lifecycle. The industry is made up of a highly need. This leads to information overload. Hence, a
fragmented group of products with no single process should be in place for document control and
integrated vendor or framework for automating the this should actively involve the authors and users.
entire cradle to grave document life cycle. Finally, the end users, especially the new users, might
Enterprises are currently trying to overcome this react negatively to the introduction of the system
issue on an ad-hoc basis with no clear vision or path because the learning curve is large and they are used
to the future for solving the complete document to the less challenging print based media.
lifecycle problem.
6.3. Drawbacks of EDMS
1. Arnold-Moore Timothy, Fuller Michael, Sacks-Davis
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advantages and benefits, it also has its risks and Data”, Markup Languages Vol. 2 No. 1, 2000, pg. 11-
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Problems with the current state of the document
management are as follows: 2. Bielawski Larry and Boyle Jim, “Electronic Document
• Technologies are too difficult and take too much Management Systems: A user centered approach for
time to implement. In some cases the solution creating, distributing and managing online
takes longer to implement than the life span of publications”, Prentice Hall Computer Books,
the technologies. November 1996.
• Lack of standardization. Solutions involving
3. Cockburn A. and McKenzie B. “3D or Not 3D?
documents are usually not compatible with one Evaluating the Effect of the Third Dimension in a
another Document Management System”, Addison-Wesley,
• Pseudo-standards have emerged that are still Proceedings of ACM CHI'2001 Conference on Human
vendor specific. Factors in Computing Systems, Seattle, Washington,
• Difficulty in managing documents independent March 31-April 6 2001, pages 434-441, accessed on
of the application. 1011003,
• Typical document solutions are implemented in papers/chi01DM.pdf
phases. The technology to create, manage, and 4. Condon Thomas A., Roberts Doug, Nash Dawn,
archive these documents must be as modular as “Understanding EDMS: A guide to efficiently storing,
the implementations. managing, and processing your organisations
• The idea of plug-and-play has never been documentation”, white paper, 2002, accessed on
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and management processes in place. Online
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distribution without proper document control tends to
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create problems, since it could lead to wrong
information or outdated information being sent to a abstract.aspx?&scid=231&docid=37933
large group by mistake. A well-designed EDMS
should address this problem effectively, e.g. date
stamps each document.
7. Johns Hopkins Center for Information Services:
Document Management Systems Recommendations,
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