Previous Question Paper 11 12 English
Previous Question Paper 11 12 English
Previous Question Paper 11 12 English
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Question Booklet
Time Allowed : 2:30 Hours Maximum Marks : 150
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2. Part–I consists of Question Nos. 1 to 30, Part–II consists of Question Nos. 31 to 70 (the questions
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Question Nos. 71 to 150.
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‹`mZ X| : AZwXoem| H$m {h›Xr Í$nm›Va Bg nwpÒVH$m Ho$ Ap›V_ n•> na N>nm h°ü&
24/HV/M–2023–03/S5 (HS)/227-A 2
9. "Mm±Xr' e„X _| H$m°Z-gr gßkm h°? 13. {deofU H$m ‡_wI ^oX H$m°Z-gm Zht h°?
(A) –Ï`dmMH$ gßkm (A) Agmd©Zm{_H$ {deofU
(B) Om{VdmMH$ gßkm (B) JwUdmMH$ {deofU
(C) ^mddmMH$ gßkm (C) n[a_mUdmMH$ {deofU
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht (E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
10. {ZÂZ{b{IV e„Xm| _| go H$m°Z-gm "EH$dMZ' h°? 14. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm Aew’ e„X h°?
(A) hÒVmja (A) dr^Àg
(B) N>m`m (B) bJmZ
(C) Am±gy (C) AmJm_r
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
24/HV/M–2023–03/S5 (HS)/227-A 4
25. EH$ N>moQ>r AmH•${V H$m M_H$sbm dJ©, Omo ÒH´$sZ 28. {h›Xr ^mfm Ho$ CX≤^d H$m H$mb _mZm OmVm h°
na {H$gr {Mï H$s pÒW{V H$mo ÒnÔ> H$aVm h°,
Cgo ä`m H$hVo h¢? (A) 500 B©0 ny0
24/HV/M–2023–03/S5 (HS)/227-A 6
31. EH$ Am`VmH$ma hm∞b Ho$ \$e© H$s n[a{Y 34. g_rH$aU ax 2 + bx + c = 0 Ho$ Xmo {^fi
250 _rQ>a h°ü& `{X R 10 ‡{V dJ© _rQ>a H$s dmÒV{dH$ _yb hm|Jo, `{X
Xa go Mmam| Xrdmam| H$mo n|Q> H$aZo H$s bmJV
R 15,000 h°, Vmo hm∞b H$s D±$MmB© h°
(A) b 2 - 4ac < 0
(A) 7 _rQ>a
(B) 16 _rQ>a (B) b 2 - 4ac > 0
(C) 6 _rQ>a
(C) b 2 - 4ac = 0
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
1 (A) anatomy
(B) meiosis
53 (C) genetics
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–03/S5 (HS)/227-A 8
36. `{X X = a 2 - b 2, Y = 30 VWm 39. _m`mo{n`m dh ~r_mar h°, {Og_| Ï`{∫$ XoI
a + b = 15 hmo, Vmo Zht nmVm h°
(B) X ~ãS>m h° Y go `{X a > b (B) nmg H$s dÒVwE± ÒnÔ> Í$n go
(C) Y ~ãS>m h° X go `{X a = b (C) nmg H$s VWm Xya H$s dÒVwE± ÒnÔ> Í$n go
37. `m—p¿N>H$ Í$n go MwZo JE EH$ J°a-brn df© _| 40. "AmZwdß{eH$Vm' e„X _wª` Í$n go {H$go
53 a{ddma hmoZo H$s ‡m{`H$Vm h° gßX{^©V H$aVm h°?
1 (A) eara-aMZm
(B) AY©gyÃr {d^mOZ
(B) (C) AmZwdß{eH$s
(C) eyes
(A) oxidation
(D) More than one of the above
(C) Venturimeter
(A) neutrons
(C) dots per inch
(B) electrons
(C) protons
(D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–03/S5 (HS)/227-A 10
42. dh ‡{H´$`m, {Og_| ‡H$me-gßÌbofU Ho$ Xm°amZ 44. Q¥>°H$mo_m amoJ H$m gÂ~›Y h°
dm`w_S>br` H$m~©Z S>mBAm∞ägmBS> H$mo
H$m~m}hmBS¥>oQ> _| n[ad{V©V {H$`m OmVm h°, h° (A) \o$\$ãS>m| go
(B) H$mZ go
(A) Am∞ägrH$aU
(C) Am±Im| go
(A) VraßXmOr
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(B) AßV[aj am∞Ho$Q>
(C) do›Myar_rQ>a
43. EH$ {‡›Q>a H$s JwUdŒmm {H$ggo {ZYm©[aV H$s (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
OmVr h°>?
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(C) ‡moQ>m∞Z
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
24/HV/M–2023–03/S5 (HS)/227-A 12
47. EbZ _ÒH$ ¤mam {gæoMa „by ~S>© bmoJmo H$mo 50. hmb hr _| ~Zo {dnjr amOZr{VH$ Xbm| Ho$
~XbH$a "X' bmoJmo H$s KmofUm H$aZo go nhbo, JR>~ßYZ INDIA H$m nyU©Í$n ä`m h°?
2012 _| AnZo Ap›V_ gßÒH$aU _| {Qâ>Q>a Ho$
‡{V{>V ~S>© Ho$ {Z_m©Vm Ho$ Í$n _| {H$go _mZm
(A) Bß{S>`Z ZoeZb S>odbn_|Q>b Bßäby{gd
OmVm h°?
(A) O°H$ S>mogu
(B) _m{Q>©Z J´mga (B) Bß{S>`Z ZoeZb S>odbn_|Q> \$m∞a B‡yd_|Q>
(C) ZmoAmh Ωbmg
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(C) Bß{S>`Z ZoeZb S>odbn_|Q>b Bßäby{gd
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht Eogmo{gEeZ
48. Bg df© [abrµO h˛B© CÉ-AdYmaUm {dkmZ Ho$ (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
~mao _| ‡{g’ {\$Î_ "AmonoZhmB_a>' Ho$ {ZX}eH$
H$m°Z h¢?
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(A) {H´$ÒQ>mo\$a ZmobZ
(B) JmB [aMr
(C) bm°am _°H$J°Z 51. AJÒV 2023 _| O~ M›–`mZ–2 Mß–
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ Am∞{~©Q>a Zo M›–`mZ–3 Ho$ b°ßS>a _m∞S>Áyb go
gÂnH©$ ÒWm{nV {H$`m, Vmo CgZo Cgo ä`m gßXoe
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht ^oOm Wm?
24/HV/M–2023–03/S5 (HS)/227-A 14
52. 1989 _| bmoH$V›Ã g_W©H$ Am›XmobZ H$mo 55. ^m°Jmo{bH$ joÃ\$b Ho$ AZwgma, ^maV H$s
Hw$MbZo dmbo MrZ Ho$ nyd© amÔ¥>n{V H$m Zm_ {ZÂZ{b{IV ^m°°{VH$ ({\${O`moJ´m{\$H$) BH$mB`m|
{b{IEü& H$mo Amamohr H´$_ _| Ï`dpÒWV H$s{OE :
(A) _mAmo Àgo VwßJ 1. Ho$›–r` CÉ^mJ
2. _hmZ _°XmZ
(B) `mßJ emßJHw$Z
3. VQ>r` _°XmZ
(C) {O`mßJ Oo{_Z
4. CŒmar nd©V
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(A) 3, 1, 2, 4
(C) {b`mo damS>H$a 56. {ZÂZ{b{IV lo{U`m| H$mo CŒma go X{jU H$s
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ Amoa H´$_ _| Ï`dpÒWV H$s{OE :
1. b‘mI
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
2. H$amH$moa_
3. nra n›Omb
54. ^maV _| Am`mo{OV Or–20 {eIa gÂ_obZ _|
A\´$sH$s gßK H$mo ÒWm`r gXÒ` ~Zm`m J`mü& 4. OmßÒH$a
A\´$sH$s gßK Ho$ A‹`j H$m°Z h¢? ZrMo {XE JE Hy$Q> H$m ‡`moJ H$a ghr CŒma
(A) AOmbr Agm°_Zr
(A) 1, 3, 2, 4
(B) OpÒQ>Z QØ>S>mo
(B) 2, 1, 4, 3
(C) Cg©wbm dm∞Z S>oa boZ
(C) 3, 4, 1, 2
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht (E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(C) between 16° N and 21° N (D) More than one of the above
(E) None of the above
(D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–03/S5 (HS)/227-A 16
57. ^maV _| _m∞ZgyZ grOZ _| A{YH$mße MH´$dmVmoß 60. O~ ~hVm nmZr {MH$Zr {_≈>r H$mo H$mQ>Vm h°
H$s CÀn{Œm hmoVr h° Am°a Jhao M°Zb ~ZmVm h°, Vmo ä`m hmoVm h°?
24/HV/M–2023–03/S5 (HS)/227-A 18
63. {~hma _| 1857 H$s H´$mp›V Ho$ Xm°amZ nQ>Zm, 67. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go {H$g {V{W H$mo amZr
Amam Am°a emhm~mX {Obm| _| {H$gZo ZoV•Àd {däQ>mo[a`m H$s CX≤KmofUm Omar h˛B©?
‡XmZ {H$`m? (A) 1 ZdÂ~a, 1857
(A) amOHw$_ma ewäbm (B) 27 _mM©, 1858
(B) Zm_Xma Im± (C) 1 ZdÂ~a, 1858
(C) Hw±$da qgh (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ (E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht 68. {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go H$m°Z-gm H$WZ ghr h°?
64. ~ßJmb H$m {d^mOZ ‡^mdr h˛Am (A) amOm am__mohZ am` ZdrZ {ejm Ho$
AJ´Ur Woü&
(A) 14 A∫y$~a, 1905 H$mo
(B) Òdm_r X`mZ›X Zo "^maV ^maVr`m| Ho$
(B) 15 A∫y$~a, 1905 H$mo {bE' H$m Zmam {X`mü&
(C) 16 A∫y$~a, 1905 H$mo (C) {ddoH$mZ›X Zo {dÌd Y_© gßgX _| ^mJ
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ {b`mü&
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
65. ~Â~B© _| H$m±J´og ¤mam ^maV N>moãS>mo ‡ÒVmd nmg
{H$`m J`m 69. BZ_| go H$m°Z BßΩb¢S> _| ^maV Ho$ AZm{YH$m[aH$
(A) 7 AJÒV, 1942 H$mo XyV ~Zo?
(A) gwao›–ZmW ~ZOu
(B) 8 AJÒV, 1942 H$mo
(B) XmXm^mB© Zm°amoOr
(C) 9 AJÒV, 1942 H$mo
(C) Òdm_r {ddoH$mZ›X
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
66. AßJ´oOm| Zo ^maV na bÂ~o g_` VH$ am¡` H°$go 70. ^maV gaH$ma A{Y{Z`_, 1935 H$mo {H$gZo
{H$`m? "Jwbm_r H$m MmQ>©a' ~Vm`m?
(A) H$m±J´og H$s CXmadmXr Zr{V`moß Ho$ H$maU (A) _hmÀ_m Jm±Yr
(B) ^maVr` ZoVmAm| H$s {Ja‚Vmar Ho$ H$maU (B) ZoVmOr gw^mf M›– ~mog
(C) "~m±Q>mo Am°a amO H$amo' H$s Zr{V Ho$ H$maU (C) _m°bmZm hgaV _mohmZr
(D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$ (D) Cn`w©∫$ _| go EH$ go A{YH$
(E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht (E) Cn`w©∫$ _| go H$moB© Zht
71. The monster Grendel appears in 74. Who is the narrator of the poem,
which one of the following Phyllyp Sparowe ?
poems? (A) Dame of Margery
(A) Beowulf (B) William Thynne
(B) Historia Regum Britanniae (C) Earl of Surrey
(C) Roman de Brut (D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above (E) None of the above
(E) None of the above 75. Which one of the following works
speaks of a government con-
72. The Owl and the Nightingale had trolled by a self-perpetuating
been written primarily for which oligarchy?
one of the following classes of
(A) The History of King Richard III
the audience?
(B) In Praise of Folly
(A) English nuns
(C) Utopia
(B) Women recluses who had
chosen the solitary life (D) More than one of the above
(E) None of the above
(C) English queens
(D) More than one of the above 76. “Come, let me write. “And to
(E) None of the above what end?” To ease
A burthened heart. “How
73. Which one of the following can words ease, which are
poems had been written as an The glasses of thy daily
allegorical lament on the death vexing care?”
of the first wife of John of The above verse has been in
Gaunt? which one of the following
(A) The Book of the Duchess
(A) Astrophil and Stella
(B) The Legend of Good Women
(B) Arcadia
(C) Troilus and Criseyde (C) A Hundreth Sundrie Flowres
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
(E) None of the above (E) None of the above
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77. “Herein may be seen noble 80. Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie
chivalrye, curtosye, humantye, Queene bears the influence of
friendlynesse, hardynesse, love, which one of the following
friendship, cowardyce, murder, works?
hate, virtue and synne.”
(A) Aeneid of Virgil
The above observation
constitutes the parts of which (B) Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso
one of the following works?
(C) Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso
(A) Thomas Malory’s Le Morte and Tasso’s Gerusalemme
d’ Arthur Liberata
(B) Margery Kempe’s The Book
of Margery Kempe (D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–03/S5 (HS)/227-A 22
89. King Arbaces appears in which 92. The character of Beatrice-
one of the following dramas? Joanna is a part of which one of
(A) A King and No King the following dramas?
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100. In which one of the following 103. “His fall was destined to a
works does the character of Sir barren strand,
Andrew Freeport appear? A petty fortress, and a
dubious hand;
(A) The Beggar’s Opera He left the name, at which
(B) The Dunciad the world grew pale,
To point a moral, or
(C) The Spectator adorn a tale.”
In the above verse, the word ‘fall’
(D) More than one of the above
suggests which one of the
(E) None of the above following persons?
(A) Charles XII
101. “The Fable is always made for (B) George V
the Moral, not the Moral for the (C) Edward II
Fable.” (D) More than one of the above
The above observation appears (E) None of the above
in which one of the following
works? 104. Who among the following is the
author of A Philosophical Enquiry
(A) Moll Flanders into the Origin of Our Ideas of the
Sublime and Beautiful ?
(B) The Fortunate Mistress
(A) John Locke
(C) The Life and Strange (B) David Hume
Surprizing Adventures of (C) Edmund Burke
Robinson Crusoe (D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above (E) None of the above
24/HV/M–2023–03/S5 (HS)/227-A 26
(C) Understanding oneself is the Passage—2
key to spiritual enlight-
Arjuna is the fighter in the chariot with
the Divine Krishna as his charioteer. In
(D) More than one of the above Veda, also we have this image of the
human soul and the Divine riding in
(E) None of the above one chariot through a great battle to
the goal of a high-aspiring effort. But
there it is a pure figure and symbol.
109. According to the author, why Divine there is Indra, Master of the
does spirituality remain un- World of Light and Immortality, the
affected by science and power of Divine Knowledge which
historical criticism? descends to the human seeker battling
with the sons of falsehood, darkness,
(A) Because spirituality rejects
limitation, mortality; the battle is with
scientific advancements
spiritual enemies who bar the way to
(B) Because spirituality is the higher world of our being; and the
rooted in personal goal is that plane of Vast Being
experience resplendent with the light of the
supreme truth uplifted to the conscious
(C) Because spirituality is immortality of the Perfected Soul, of
based on external systems which Indra is the Master. The human
and creeds soul is Kutsa, he who constantly seeks
the seer knowledge, as his name
(D) More than one of the above implies, and he is the son of Arjun or
Arjuni, the white one, child of Switra,
(E) None of the above the white Mother; he is, that is to say,
the Sattvic or purified and light-filled
110. What is the relationship between soul which is open to the unbroken
religion and spirituality as glories of Divine Knowledge. When the
chariot reaches the end of its journey,
described in the passage?
the own home of Indra, the human
(A) Spirituality is the core of Kutsa has grown into such an exact
religion likeness of his Divine companion that
he can only be distinguished by Sachi,
(B) Religion and spirituality are the wife of Indra, because she is
unrelated concepts ‘truth-conscious’. The parable is
evidently the inner life of the eternal
(C) Spirituality is a type of Divine by the increasing illumination of
religion knowledge. But the Gita starts from
action and Arjuna is the man of action
(D) More than one of the above
and not of knowledge, the fighter, never
the seer or the thinker.
(E) None of the above
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Passage—3 for the devoted soul to wander
For thinking minds to blossom, for arts peacefully through them, dream
and sciences to flourish, the first strange dreams and burst forth into
condition necessary is a settled society joyous songs ... It was in the Ashramas
life and die of privation. Fate called existence. The security of life, the
India to a spot where nature was free wealth of natural resources, the
with her gifts and every prospect was freedom from worry, the detachment
pleasing. The Himalayas, with their from the cares of existence, and the
side and the sea on the others, helped stimulated the higher life of Indian,
to keep India free from invasion for a with the result that we find from the
abundant food, and the man was spirit, a love of wisdom and a passion
relieved of the toil and struggle for for the saner pursuits of the mind.
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
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Passage—4 121. Which one of the following is
the central theme of the
The central theme of the Upanishads is Upanishads ?
the problem of philosophy. It is the
search for what is true. Dissatisfaction (A) Relationship between cause
and effect
with things and second causes suggest
the questions, which we read at the
(B) The nature of ultimate
beginning of the Svetasvatara. “Whence reality which is the cause of
are we born, where do we live and all the causes
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128. We are going to sing and play at 131. Which one of the following is a
the camp. synonym of the word ‘erratic’?
To which one of the following
categories does the word ‘play’ (A) Unchanging
(B) Unpredictable
(A) Adverb
(C) Steady
(B) Verb
(D) More than one of the above (E) None of the above
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
(B) who
(B) The person is afraid of
the dark (C) that
(D) More than one of the above 137. I am very happy _____ in India. I
miss India.
(E) None of the above Which one of the following
would best fill in the blank?
(B) When things seem at their 138. I wish I _____ those words. But
worst, they may just begin now it’s too late.
to improve Which one of the following
would best fill in the blank?
(C) A satisfactory conclusion (A) not having said
makes up for earlier
disappointments (B) never said
24/HV/M–2023–03/S5 (HS)/227-A 34
139. The Captain said, “Alas! Our 141. What’s _____ river in the world?
foes are very strong.” Which one of the following
Which one of the following is the would best fill in the blank?
best indirect form of the above?
(A) the wider
(A) The Captain told that alas
our foes are very strong.
(B) widest
(B) The Captain told him that
our foes are too strong.
(C) the widest
(D) More than one of the above (E) None of the above
(B) in
(B) These children has been
helped by him.
(C) with
(C) These children had been
helped by him.
(D) More than one of the above
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–03/S5 (HS)/227-A 36
147. Where are your luggages? 149. Rahul and his friends _____ also
invited to the party.
Which one of the following
would be the correct form of Which one of the following
the above? would best fill in the blank?
(A) Parsimonious
(A) are
(B) Liberal
(B) is
(D) More than one of the above (D) More than one of the above
24/HV/M–2023–03/S5 (HS)/227-A 38
SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / aµ\$ H$m`© Ho$ {bE ÒWmZ
^mfm, gm_m›` A‹``Z Am°a AßJ´oOr
g_` : 2:30 KQ>o nyUm™H$ : 150
‡ÌZm| Ho$ CŒma XoZo go nhbo ZrMo {bIo AZwXoem| H$mo ‹`mZ go nãT> b|ü&
_hŒdnyU© AZwXoe
1. `h ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m VrZ ^mJm| _| {d^m{OV h°çç^mJ–I, ^mJçII Edß ^mJçIII ü& ^mJçI _| ^mfm (Ah©Vm) Ho$ ‡ÌZ h¢, ^mJçII _|
gm_m›` A‹``Z Ho$ ‡ÌZ h¢ VWm ^mJçIII _| AßJ´oOr Ho$ ‡ÌZ h¢ü&
2. ^mJçI _| ‡ÌZ gߪ`m 1 go 30, ^mJçII _| ‡ÌZ gߪ`m 31 go 70 (‡ÌZ Am°a CZHo$ CŒma AßJ´oOr Edß {h›Xr _| _w{–V h¢) VWm ^mJçIII
_| ‡ÌZ gߪ`m 71 go 150 VH$ h¢ü&
3. g^r ‡ÌZm| H$m AßH$ g_mZ h°ü&
4. narjm AmaÂ^ hmoVo hr Amn AnZr ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m H$s Om±M H$a XoI b| {H$ BgHo$ D$na Xm`t Amoa ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m H$s ˚m•ßIbm
_w{–V h°ü& H•$n`m Om±M b| {H$ nwpÒVH$m _| aµ\$ H$m`© hoVw Xmo n•>m| (n•> gß0 38 Edß 39) g{hV nyao 40 _w{–V n•> h¢ Am°a H$moB©
‡ÌZ `m n•> {~Zm N>nm h˛Am `m \$Q>m h˛Am `m Xmo~mam Am`m h˛Am Vmo Zht h°ü& nwpÒVH$m _| {H$gr ‡H$ma H$s Ãw{Q> nmZo na VÀH$mb
BgHo$ ~Xbo Bgr ˚m•ßIbm H$s Xygar ghr nwpÒVH$m bo b|ü&
5. Bg n•> Ho$ D$na {ZYm©[aV ÒWmZ _| AnZm AZwH´$_mßH$ AdÌ` {bI|ü& ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m na Am°a Hw$N> Z {bI|ü&
6. ‡ÌZm| Ho$ CŒma XoZo Ho$ {bE AmnH$mo drjH$ ¤mam AbJ go CŒma nÃH$ {X`m Om`oJmü& AnZo CŒma nÃH$ Ho$ n•>-1 na {ZYm©[aV ÒWmZ _|
AnZm Zm_ VWm A›` {ddaU AdÌ` {bI| A›`Wm AmnH$m CŒma nÃH$ Om±Mm Zht Om`oJmü&
7. CŒma nÃH$ Ho$ n•>-2 na {ZYm©[aV ÒWmZ _| AnZo AZwH´$_mßH$ VWm ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m H$s ˚m•ßIbm A, B, C `m D O°gm Bg
‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m Ho$ AmdaU n•> Ho$ D$na Xm`t Amoa Aß{H$V h°, go gÂ~p›YV d•Œm H$mo H$mbr/Zrbr Ò`mhr Ho$ ~m∞b-nm∞B›Q> noZ go AdÌ`
Hy$Q>~’ H$a|ü& CŒma nÃH$ na ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m ˚m•ßIbm Aß{H$V Zht H$aZo AWdm JbV ˚m•ßIbm Aß{H$V H$aZo na CŒma nÃH$ H$m ghr
_yÎ`mßH$Z Zht hmoJmü&
8. ‡À`oH$ ‡ÌZ Ho$ nm±M CŒmaçç(A), (B), (C), (D) Am°a (E) H´$_ na {X`o J`o h¢ü& CZ_| go Amn g~go ghr Ho$db EH$ CŒma H$mo MwZ| Am°a
AnZo CŒma nÃH$ na Aß{H$V H$a|ü& AmnH$m Hw$b ‡m·mßH$ AmnHo$ ¤mam CŒma nÃH$ _| Aß{H$V ghr CŒmam| na {Z^©a H$aoJmü&
9. CŒma nÃH$ _| ‡À`oH$ ‡ÌZ gߪ`m Ho$ gm_Zo nm±M d•Œm Bg ‡H$ma ~Zo h˛E h¢çç A , B , C , D Am°a E ü& ‡ÌZm| Ho$ CŒma XoZo Ho$ {bE
AmnH$mo AnZr ng›X Ho$ Ho$db EH$ d•Œm H$mo H$mbr/Zrbr Ò`mhr Ho$ ~m∞b-nm∞B›Q> noZ go {M{ïV H$aZm h°ü& ‡À`oH$ ‡ÌZ Ho$ {bE Ho$db EH$
CŒma H$mo MwZ| Am°a Cgo AnZo CŒma nÃH$ _| {M{ïV H$a|ü& Amn CŒma nÃH$ _| `{X EH$ ‡ÌZ Ho$ {bE EH$ go A{YH$ d•Œm _| {ZemZ bJmVo h¢,
Vmo AmnH$m CŒma JbV _mZm Om`oJmü& CŒma nÃH$ _| CŒma H$mo {M{ïV H$aZo Ho$ {bE Ho$db H$mbr/Zrbr Ò`mhr Ho$ ~m∞b-nm∞B›Q> noZ
H$m hr ‡`moJ H$a|ü& {H$gr ^r ‡H$ma H$m H$mQ>-Hy$Q> AWdm n[adV©Z _m›` Zht h°ü&
10. ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m go H$moB© nfim \$mãS>Zm `m AbJ H$aZm _Zm h°ü& ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m Am°a CŒma nÃH$ H$mo narjm Ad{Y _| narjm ^dZ go ~mha
H$Xm{n Z bo Om`|ü& narjm Ho$ g_mnZ na CŒma nÃH$ drjH$ H$mo AdÌ` gm¢n X|ü& CgHo$ ~mX AmnH$mo AnZr ‡ÌZ-nwpÒVH$m AnZo gmW
bo OmZo H$s AZw_{V h°ü&
11. D$na Ho$ AZwXoem| _| go {H$gr EH$ H$m ^r nmbZ Zht H$aZo na Amn na Am`moJ Ho$ {ddoH$mZwgma H$ma©dmB© H$s Om gH$Vr h° AWdm AmnH$mo
XS> {X`m Om gH$Vm h°ü&
12. A‰`Wu CŒma nÃH$ H$mo AnZr CnpÒW{V _| Self Adhesive LDPE Bag _| nyar Vah go n°H$/grb H$admZo Ho$ CnamßV hr narjmH$j
H$mo N>moãS>|ü&
Note : English version of the instructions is printed on the First Page of this Booklet.
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