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Science Flightpath Oxford Smart Curriculum.249922046

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Oxford Smart

Curriculum for
Introduction to the curriculum 03
Curriculum intent and pillars in Science 03
Curriculum at a glance 05
Coherence across the curriculum, assessment, resources, and
professional development 08

Curriculum narratives 09

Overview of curriculum narratives 09

Full curriculum narratives 11

Biology 11
Chemistry 29

Physics 48

The Activate KS3 curriculum 64

Course structure and resources 64
Introduction to DSE framework 67
Year 9 overview 68
Skills progression within the curriculum 70
Maths 70
Nature of Science and Science identity 72
Literacy and the Word Gap 76
Metacognition and self-regulation 81
Activate DSE learning outcomes 83
Introduction to the curriculum
Curriculum intent and pillars in Science
Curriculum intent
The Oxford Smart Curriculum draws connections between content,
methods, assessment, insight and evaluation to deliver a holistic learning
experience, within which the science curriculum bases knowledge,
skills, strategies and competences around individual opportunity and

progression. Data, insights and research are drawn from to equip

teachers to deliver increasingly personalised learning for students.

The Oxford Smart Curriculum is founded on a sound corpus of pedagogical

research and will generate its own evidence and impact from educators,
experts, and real learning and assessment. Over time, this portfolio of evidence
will in turn inform and inspire future curriculum evaluation and development.

The Oxford Smart Curriculum is developed with input from AQA, an awarding
body with a mission to help every student realise their potential. Designed
with an explicit egalitarian purpose at its heart to enable teachers and
learners to experience the joy and wonder of learning and to reap the
transformative benefits of quality education, the Oxford Smart Curriculum
for Science intent is based on the six curriculum pillars below.

Curriculum pillars in Science

Provide clear and coherent curriculum pathways

For each scientific domain, a clear and coherent progression is
incorporated within the curriculum structure, and underpinned through
documents such as the curriculum narratives (see page 9) and resources
that support transition across key stages.

Hold high expectations, aspirations, and ambitions

for all learners
We have high aspirations for all learners, and support them to achieve
this with the Developing, Secure, Extending (DSE) framework (see page
67). Expectations are clearly defined, and challenge and scaffolding
are provided in curriculum resources. Differentiation is opt-in, not by task.

3 © Oxford University Press 2021

Assessment has a diagnostic purpose, supporting teachers and learners
to identify useful next steps, which are also provided with feedback and
meaningful intervention. Detailed diagnostic reporting on Kerboodle
also supports teachers and learners with high achievement.

Support engaged, self-regulated and

metacognitive learning
Metacognitive Self-regulation of learning and metacognitive principles are integrated
throughout the curriculum components and resources, and feature in every
lesson. Learners are supported with scaffolded resources to develop
their metacognitive learning, and teachers are supported to deliver this
through targeted resources and extensive professional development (PD).

Promote development of learner identity and

identification with each subject

Learner identity
Relevance of Science to learners is integrated throughout curriculum

components and resources, including student-facing content on
accessible Science and diverse scientists in society.

Support for teachers promoting learner identity and identification
with Science is provided through PD and resources like the curriculum
narratives (see page 9), which explore the impact and relevance to
learners’ lives and society, and pathways in Science, for each domain.

Enable responsive teaching and learning, that continually

evolves and improves
Responsive The curriculum, resources, assessment, and next steps are all based
teaching and
upon Oxford Smart curriculum data, which drives responsive, diagnostic,
and individualised content for both learners and teachers.
Roadblocks or areas of improvement for learners and teachers will
be identified through use of the curriculum; this will directly feed into
iterative improvement of the curriculum and its resources, and allow
further creation of targeted support in the form of resources or PD.

Stimulate fascination, awe and wonder in discovery of

self and the world around us
Awe and This is intrinsically linked to development of learner identification
with Science, and is integrated throughout student-facing curriculum
resources. The curriculum narratives (see page 9), teacher resources,
and PD also highlight meaningful areas of the curriculum to engage
learners in ways specific to different points in their development.
Stimulating fascination is also a key aim of the focus on thinking and
working scientifically.

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Curriculum at a glance
The table below gives a top-level picture of the Oxford Smart Curriculum for Science,
showing the topics covered across Key Stage 3 and 4, the development of learner
skills and cognition, and demonstrating how each scientific domain (represented
by the curriculum narratives) progresses from Primary to the end of Year 11.

Curriculum Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 GCSE

(see page 9)
Cell structure and

Organisation and body

Cells Cells systems
How organisms Structure and Photosynthesis Cells to systems Organising animals

work function of body Respiration Photosynthesis and and plants

systems respiration Photosynthesis

Human nervous system
Hormonal coordination

Growth, Reproduction
Cell division
development, in plants and Reproduction
and reproduction animals

Health and Health and Preventing and treating
disease lifestyle disease
Ecosystem processes
Ecosystems and Organising an
environment ecosystem
Variation and Variation and Variation and natural Variation
evolution natural selection selection Evolution
Genetics and Genetics and
inheritance inheritance

5 © Oxford University Press 2021

Curriculum Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 GCSE
(see page 9)
Substances, Particles and their Atomic structure
Particle model and

bonding, and behaviour Different materials Structure and bonding

state changes
structure Changes of state Polymers
Elements, Periodic Table
Periodic Table
compounds, Elements, atoms, Metals and acids Atoms and the
Organic reactions
and organic and compounds Elements and Periodic Table
Chemistry Groups
Chemical calculations
Reactions and
Chemical reactions Chemical changes
Chemical energy transfer
Word equations and Energy changes
reactions Acids, alkalis, and
conservation of mass Electrolysis
Rates and equilibrium

Chemical Separation
Chemical analysis

analysis techniques
Earth’s atmosphere Crude oil and fuels
Chemistry of the

Climate change Earth’s atmosphere
Earth, and Earth’s
Cycles and Earth’s resources

recycling Using our resources
Earth Sciences

Fossils and life on

Material cycling
Human impacts
Earth and on the world, and
Structure of the
environment sustainability
Seismic waves
Earth’s resources
Earth’s changing

Forces in balance
Forces and Forces Motion and
Forces and motion Forces and motion

motion Balancing forces pressure

Moments and pressure
Wave properties Wave properties
Waves, sound, and
Waves Sound Electromagnetic waves
Light Light
Solar System
Earth in space Earth and the Space
Electric circuits
Electricity and Electricity, circuits, Electricity and
Electricity in the home
magnetism and magnetism magnetism
Energy transfer by
Energy Energy resources Energy
Energy and power
Energy resources
Atomic, nuclear,
Molecules and matter
and quantum

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Curriculum Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 GCSE
(see page 9)
and Science
Nature of Science

Scientific attitudes
Experimental skills and investigations
Analysis and evaluation
The scientific method, research, and use of models
Science capital and Science identity: the value and relevance
of Science to me

Quantitative problem solving

Estimations, calculations, equations Build on Y7-8 skills
Recording and interpreting data Simple probability

Understanding number, scale, units

r a

Reading and accessing academic texts

Complex writing tasks

Combine writing and reading
Structured talk
self-regulation of
Metacognition and

Skills in revision, reading, note taking,

Exam skills
scientific working, and evaluating use
Advanced task
Focus on individual as a learner
strategy development
Teacher-led reflective questioning
Higher-order skills
Strategy development

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Coherence across the curriculum,
assessment, resources, and
professional development
The Oxford Smart Curriculum is built on a rich and expanded definition of
curriculum that incorporates content, methods, assessment, professional
development, insight and evaluation. Conception of the curriculum, resources,
assessment, and professional development as a whole ensures the components
work together to support schools to deliver the best for their learners.

Coherence in the Oxford Smart Curriculum for Science
has been implemented through:

• provision of clear disciplinary pathways, as shown

in the curriculum narratives from page 9
• sequencing of concepts, knowledge, skills, and

principles in common across the curriculum, resources,
assessment, and professional development
• components work together to enable learners to develop
and consolidate knowledge and skills, enabling them to
practise and apply their learning, and draw connections
• support to diagnose learner strengths and weaknesses, the
misconceptions that are being held and learning gaps, and
enabling easy interventions with relevant teaching or resources
• sequencing across Science and Maths to support student
understanding of Maths skills in the context of Science.

8 © Oxford University Press 2021

Curriculum narratives
Overview of curriculum narratives
What are curriculum narratives?
Overarching domain narratives, that provide a macro-level view of a learner’s
journey through the curriculum for each domain of Science. They give a broad
picture of the scope and progression of learning within the curriculum, and
articulate the rationale for the inclusion of content. They are divided into

coherent domains within each subject area, and set Key Stage 3 learning

in the context of prior content covered during Primary and to come during
GCSE. For each domain the narratives also provide contextual information,

as detailed below, such as wider opportunities for learners to think and work

scientifically, and relevancies to their lives to develop their identity in Science.

Learning progression Details how the domain’s substantive knowledge is introduced
to learners, explored, and developed, from Key Stage 1 (where
appropriate) to the end of Key Stage 4.

Fundamental concept Short summary of the core substantive knowledge for the
domain, at each key stage.

Misconceptions Some of the most common and key misconceptions learners

may have about the domain’s knowledge.

Thinking and working Opportunities for students to practise thinking and working
scientifically scientifically in the domain and key stage, encompassing both
procedural and epistemic knowledge and competencies.

Science in everything Gives relevancies of the domain content to learners’ personal

lives, to wider society, and lists some potential pathways that
are related to the domain.

What do we know? Addresses the rationale behind the knowledge in the domain,
How do we know? and its importance to society and our understanding of the
Why does it matter? world, demonstrating why our knowledge of Science is crucial.

9 © Oxford University Press 2021

How did we create them?
The domain Learning progression, content was created using Oxford Smart
Curriculum data, which fully maps out all the content and its prerequisite
knowledge in each domain of the curriculum from its beginnings to the end of
Secondary education. This was combined with an assessment of the knowledge
sequencing across our KS3 course. Finally, the full curriculum narratives with
their broader contextual content were created using this information, working
together with experienced and subject-expert teachers and reviewers.

How have we used them?

The curriculum narratives have helped us ensure effective and coherent
sequencing of learning for each Science domain through the curriculum.

This has helped align all components of the curriculum and its supporting

resources, informing on all curriculum documents, assessment, student
resources, and lesson planning. They have also been of crucial importance

in ensuring the KS3 curriculum content seamlessly follows on from Science
content covered at Primary and supports the Primary-Secondary transition,
and enabled us to align with student and teacher needs at GCSE.

How can you use them?

The ‘Learning progressions’, ‘Misconceptions’, and ‘What/How/Why’ sections
of the curriculum narratives provide broad-scale information to better equip
teachers with making decisions about curriculum pathways, longer-term teaching
plans, transition between key stages, and how their teaching can best suit
the needs of their learners. The ‘Thinking and working scientifically’ sections
provide suggestions for how teachers can broaden learners’ procedural
and epistemic knowledge in Science at all key stages, in addition to those
detailed within the KS3 course and lesson resources. Crucially, the ‘Science in
everything’ sections give suggestions for how teachers can contextualise the
Science content in the curriculum to enable learners to better understand its
relevance to their lives and society as a whole. Overall, the curriculum narratives
should be used as a tool accompanying other Oxford Smart Curriculum for
KS3 Science resources to plan how each domain of Science is approached.

10 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

How organisms work

Key Stage 1 Plants and animals are alive and grow
Learning progression • Sorting things into living and non-living • Plants are not living because living things move and non-living things
Students look at the main parts of plants and animals. • Identifying common plants and animals do not
These will most commonly have been introduced as • Observing animals in different media • All animals are furry and four-legged

young children discover their own bodies and the world • Animals are limited to those in farms and zoos
around them. • Humans and insects are not animals

In my life: parts of my body; five senses; senses • Height is always dependent on age
In the earliest years this is at a macroscopic level, looking
inside and out • Men are always taller than women
at structures they can see and touch, such as their head or
In society: plants in our world • A person gets bigger on their birthday
a tree branch.

Pathways: doctors, nurses, farmers, florists, tree growers, • Only the skeleton is inside the human body
Students also explore how they interact with their garden centre nurseries, vets • Death is a reversible process

environment through their senses.

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

All living things have certain characteristics that are essential for keeping It is important for us to understand this so that we can survive, grow, keep healthy,
them alive and healthy, which we can see in the world around us and through comparing living things. and look after other animals and plants.

Key Stage 2 Essential life processes allow plants and animals to move, reproduce, and grow
Learning progression • Drawing diagrams of living things or systems • Plants die if they are not kept on a windowsill
Students begin to look at the major organs of plants and • Safe and ethical handling of living things • The bigger the plant, the healthier it must be
animals. They are introduced to the key life processes – in • Labelling diagrams of organ systems • Animals and plants only grow upwards
particular, eating, moving, growing, and reproducing – and • Seeds come from a packet rather than from an adult plant
begin to form links between particular organs and their • Adult plants will grow without light if they have water
roles in life processes. Some of the major organ systems In my life: bodily functions including eating and • We see from the eye outwards rather than because light gets into it
and the circulatory system are also introduced at this point. drinking; adult teeth emerging and the heart beating; • ‘A force’ comes out of the eye that makes one able to see
Content is delivered via structures students can visualise pets in the home; cooking meals in school and at home • Food travels around the body to give you energy
or interact with, such as the skeletal system enabling In society: seeing animals in zoos or museums; plants • Plants only need sunlight
movement, and through the study of body functions with and cut flowers at home or school • All animals have skeletons
which students are familiar. For example, the digestive
Pathways: sportspeople, chefs, dentists, zookeepers
system, presented with a focus on mechanical digestion by
teeth, is delivered around the time when their own adult
teeth are emerging and hence gives students a concrete
basis for their developing knowledge.

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Every part of a plant has a job to do, keeping it alive and healthy. Plants produce their own food, which organisms adapt to different conditions (such as light). Animals need the right types and amount of
is important as food for animals; we know this through observations of our environment, and testing how nutrition to stay healthy, and cannot make their own food; we can compare the things different animals eat.

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Key Stage 3 All living organisms are made of cells
Learning progression
Cells: Students study cells and learn the fundamental concept that Levels of organisation: Students learn about the levels of Metabolic processes: Study of digestion focuses on the abstract
all living organisms are made up of cells. These building blocks of organisation within organisms as they study how cells group concept of chemical digestion through enzymes. Photosynthesis
life make up all the major structures in living organisms. This topic together to form tissues. The major organ systems are revisited, and respiration are explored. These abstract concepts require
ignites a sense of wonder as it introduces students to the new world and knowledge is built relating to the structure and function of key knowledge of chemical reactions, and the use of representative
of life at a microscopic level. Through using microscopes, students organs, based on pre-existing understanding of each system’s word equations is studied. Ultimately, students begin to consider
can visualise the cell components in which the key processes of purpose. For example, when studying the respiratory system, the links between different life processes in animals and plants.

photosynthesis and respiration take place – terms they may have students begin with the KS2 knowledge that lungs take in oxygen. For example, respiration builds on students’ prior knowledge of

encountered at KS2 but lack understanding of. Specialised cells are They then discover in detail how they breathe (including through the digestion, breathing, and the circulatory system to form a more
introduced, along with the movement of substances into and out of movement of their ribs, which they can feel) as well as how the lung holistic understanding of how an organism functions.
cells by the key process of diffusion. is adapted so that oxygen passes efficiently into the bloodstream.

r a
• Using a microscope to understand cells In my life: experiencing body processes; seeing • Breathing and respiration are the same thing
• Practising drawing skills to present observations garden plants and how they grow; participation in • Only animals respire
• Investigating diffusion in fluids physical activity and sports; considering how we decide • Plants only photosynthesise, and do not respire
• Observing photosynthesis and respiration in plants what we eat and drink • Plants respire only in the daylight

• Discussing similarities and differences between plants In society: smells diffusing across a room; people with • Only organisms with lungs can respire
and animals conditions that affect organ system function, such as • Plants obtain water through their leaves when it rains
• Applying skills learnt in chemistry to asthma or coeliac disease • All cells have a nucleus
metabolic processes Pathways: personal trainers, PE teachers, sportswear • Any small molecule can pass through a cell membrane
• Using different models of organ systems to designers, farmers, gardeners, surgeons, physiotherapists, • Particles actively seek isolation or more room
understand function builders, and people that do heavy lifting • Diffusion occurs quickly
• Plant mass only comes from the water and minerals from the soil
• Anaerobic respiration only takes place when there is no air
• Food enters the blood stream from the stomach
• Arteries only carry oxygenated blood; veins only carry deoxygenated blood
• Muscles contract and expand to cause motion

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Multicellular organisms are composed of cells, which are then organised into tissues, organs, and organ systems;
we know this through investigations of anatomy and function. There are many different types of cell; we can observe them
using a microscope. Each cell has a different structure or feature so it can do a specific job. Specialised cells and systems
are essential for all life, and allow further understanding of Earth’s biology.

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Key Stage 4 S tructural differences between cells enable them to perform specific functions within
an organism
Learning progression
Cells and transport: Students look again at cells and sub-cellular Organ systems: Students return to key organ systems in plants and Metabolic processes: The key chemical reactions, photosynthesis
structures. Using electron microscopy, more structures within animals in greater depth, building on the understanding gained in and respiration, are revisited in more detail, including their
the cell, such as ribosomes, are studied by scientists. Plant and KS2 and KS3. For example, transport systems in both animals and representation by chemical formulae. Factors limiting the rate
animal cells (eukaryotes) are compared with those of prokaryotes. plants are studied, as well as the factors which affect the rate of of photosynthesis are studied, including the application of this

Osmosis, building on knowledge of diffusion, and active transport enzyme-controlled reactions in digestion. knowledge commercially to maximise crop yields.

are introduced as mechanisms for moving substances into and
The main structures in the nervous and endocrine systems are Homeostasis: Finally, the principle of homeostasis is developed
out of cells. Students finally move on to study how cells divide and
introduced, and parallels drawn in their control of the body’s from an understanding of an automatic control system. Specific
differentiate, and consider the roles of stem cells. Micrographs help
response to stimuli. This section of work includes the study of plants’ examples contextualise this knowledge, with students examining the
students visualise the various structures and processes.

trophic responses to stimuli. control of body temperature (nervous system) and blood glucose
levels (hormonal system).

• Models of systemic/metabolic processes In my life: choosing clothes to cope with being too • Enzymes are alive
• Microscopy to observe, draw, and measure cells hot or too cold; reflex reactions when touching a • Respiration occurs only in the lungs

• Researching the uses of stem cells stimulus; visiting the GP surgery or hospital • The cell cycle and mitosis are the same
• Understanding the importance of metabolic processes In society: stem cell research in the news, including using • Cell division and cell differentiation are the same
for evolution stem cells to propagate crop plants; farming practices • Plants do not have chromosomes
• Investigating osmosis in plants and agricultural development; impact of health conditions • Plants only respond to light stimuli
• Linking enzyme activity to rates of reactions that affect diet, such as diabetes and food allergies; • The optimum temperature for all animals is the same
in chemistry the food manufacturing industry; homeostasis during • Temperature is the only thing we need to maintain by homeostasis
• Investigating changing conditions and their impact extreme activities • Reflexes are conscious
on photosynthesis Pathways: medical careers, anatomists, lab workers, • You grow out of reflexes as you get older
• Measuring the reactions of different organisms science teachers, chefs, food industry workers, • Hormones affect the body faster than neurones
to stimuli horticulturalists, gardeners, farmers, brewers
• Hormones affect the whole body
• Exploring the importance of pH in a biological context • Males and females have identical hormone-secreting glands
• Core body temperature is the same as skin temperature

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Structural differences between types of cells enable them to perform specific functions within organisms, which we
know through laboratory investigations and observations under a microscope at high magnifications; this differentiation
means organisms can be extremely complex. For an organism to grow, cells must divide by mitosis; microscopy
investigations of cell division reveal this process, which is important for growing cells in labs for research, farming,
and healthcare. Knowledge of stem cells and cell specialisation has led to stem cell technologies that may have crucial
medical applications.

13 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Growth, development, and reproduction

Key Stage 1 Plants and animals grow and change as they get older
Learning progression • Observing a life cycle, for example, butterflies or frogs • All seeds need light to germinate
Students are aware of the concept of growth and • Observing seeds growing into adult plants • All life cycles begin with an egg
development from a very early age, as they track their • Measuring the height of plants and animals • All life cycles begin with birth and end with death

own growth, as well as key developmental milestones. • Investigating what seeds need to grow into plants • You grow on your birthday
Young children have a strong natural desire to discover the • Seeds are not alive

world in which they live. • Roots grow into the ground to get food
In my life: measuring height on a chart; meeting • Flowers must be coloured
Throughout KS1 this curiosity is nurtured and students developmental milestones such as riding a bike or
are encouraged to look more deeply at how particular • All fruits are edible

writing their name; growth of siblings
organisms grow and develop. The concept of life cycles • Plants receive their food from the soil
In society: animals and plants in the world around us;
is introduced, with many students observing first-hand the • Animals always get better at things as they get older

seasons and changes in growth; visit to an allotment,
main steps in the life cycles of insects and amphibians, farm, or commercial nursery
developing wonder and curiosity.
Pathways: parents, farmers, health visitors, teachers

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?
Many types of living things have life cycles taking them through a number of stages, from birth to death. or second-hand observation from watching film clips. It is important as it allows us to determine whether
During this time, they grow and change. We know this through first-hand observation and measurement organisms are healthy and growing properly.

Key Stage 2 Plants and animals produce new offspring by the process of reproduction
Learning progression • Observing and drawing the structures of a flower • Flowers are for people to enjoy
Students look in more detail at how reproduction occurs. • Finding out about the work of people who study • Pollen is a food source for bees
This introduces more abstract concepts. For example, animal and plant lifecycles • Pollination is the same as seed dispersal
they are encouraged to look in increasing detail at a • Drawing timelines to indicate growth and development • Pollination and fertilisation are the same process
flower; they personally observe the stamens and pollen, in humans and other organisms, including both plant • Plants do not reproduce sexually
but also meet the more abstract concepts of pollination and animal life cycles • All forms of reproduction are sexual
and fertilisation. Students develop their ideas of life • Babies develop inside their mother’s tummy (when used to mean stomach)
cycles further, considering and, where possible, observing • All new offspring have to be born
similarities and differences in the life cycles of types of In my life: birth of a family member and growth of
• All fruits grow on trees
animals. Reproduction in humans is also introduced, younger and older family members; body changes
• All life cycles begin with birth and end with death
normally in conjunction with PSHE puberty sessions. during puberty
This begins by looking at the physical and mental In society: growth of puppies and kittens; seeing larvae
changes students are currently undergoing as they enter or tadpoles change as they grow; change in growth of
adolescence. Students discover the main structures in the plants and trees in spring/autumn; nature documentary What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?
male and female reproductive system alongside a simple programmes; breeding programmes (e.g., breeding dogs, Plants and animals produce new offspring by the process of reproduction. This
explanation of the events of pregnancy and birth. cats, hamsters, etc. as pets); plant nurseries and garden often involves cells from a male and a female parent joining together. We know
centres; farming and conservation this through observations of plants and animals, including people. It is important
Pathways: school nurses, midwives, animal behaviourists, for the continuation of a species. Organisms reproducing provides resources, such
naturalists, vets, nurses, nursery or care assistants as food and building materials.

14 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 3 Fertilisation of gametes is required in the process of sexual reproduction
Learning progression In plants, they focus on how flower structure is adapted for insect or Fertilisation: The abstract concept of fertilisation in both plants and
Reproductive systems: Students look at the structure of both the wind pollination, and adaptations for seed dispersal. animals is also studied in more detail, using annotated diagrams
human and plant reproductive systems in more detail. The main of processes they cannot see, but based on words with which they
Gametes: The roles of sperm and egg cells in transferring genetic
stages of puberty and the menstrual cycle are also introduced, are becoming more familiar. This core concept provides the basis
information between parents and their offspring are introduced, as
along with the role hormones play in them. Students identify the for understanding much of inheritance. Methods of preventing
well as the fact that sex hormones control this process; however, at
role of all the key reproductive structures. In humans, they focus on fertilisation in humans through contraception are also introduced.
this stage students are not required to understand details of how
gestation and birth, including how the mother’s lifestyle affects the

these chemicals work or interact, for example, in the menstrual cycle.
fetus through the placenta.

• Quantitative investigation of seed dispersal In my life: physical and emotional changes during • Pollen grains move down the pollen tube
mechanisms adolescence; hay fever from pollen; visits to zoos • Bees are the only insects that pollinate flowers

• Dissecting flowers to observe ovules in the ovary or safari parks • All flowers are pollinated by insects/bees
• Investigating germination in plants In society: food sustainability; importance of pollinators • Adolescence occurs in the teenage years and ends at either 18 or 21 years
• Research into gestation periods in other animals and effects of declining bee populations; impacts of • Periods start only in your teenage years
• Linking prior knowledge of cells and sub-cellular pregnancy and ways of preventing unwanted pregnancy; • All methods of contraception are 100% effective
different methods of contraception; breeding programmes,

structures to the concept of reproduction • The mother’s blood and baby’s blood mix at the placenta
• Appreciating scale of small structures including for food sustainability or conservation • Sexual reproduction always involves sexual intercourse
• Using specific scientific vocabulary to communicate Pathways: supermarket food buyers, school counsellors, • The uterus is lost during menstruation
ideas and information radiographers, GPs, obstetricians, gynaecologists, nurses, • A fetus is not alive
animal breeders, beekeepers, fruit growers, dieticians, lab • You can’t get pregnant the first time you have sex
technicians, midwives
• You can’t get pregnant standing up
• You are most fertile when you are having a period

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

During sexual reproduction, gametes are produced. These fuse together during fertilisation, leading to the formation of
offspring. In humans the fertilised egg implants in the uterus where it is supported by the mother until it develops to a stage
where it is ready to be born. In plants, the fertilised ovules develop into seeds, which are dispersed away from the parent
plant before germinating. We know this through observations of plants and animals, through microscopy, blood analysis,
and ultrasound scans of pregnant women.

15 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 4 Organisms reproduce using sexual or asexual reproduction
Learning progression
Hormones involved in reproduction: Students look at the Manipulating fertility: Students are introduced to the use of Fertilisation is looked at in more detail by studying the production
hormonal control of reproduction, starting with the changes in levels hormones in both fertility treatments and contraception. of gametes by meiosis and the random variation caused in sexual
of testosterone and oestrogen, which trigger the onset of puberty. reproduction. This has strong links with the genetics and inheritance
Asexual and sexual reproduction: Students focus on the
This concept is presented first as it looks at the effects of one domain and requires basic understanding of chromosomes.
difference between asexual and sexual reproduction in plants and
hormone at a time and the physical results can be seen.
animals. The advantages and disadvantages of both mechanisms

The hormonal control of the menstrual cycle is then covered as this are discussed.
requires students to understand the interaction of four hormones.

• Observing asexual reproduction through cloning In my life: hormonal effects on the body through • Reproduction is having babies

or budding under the microscope puberty • Asexual reproduction is only performed by bacteria
• Synthesising knowledge of cells, sub-cellular structures, In society: growing plants from cuttings/tissue cultures; • Women can only get pregnant at the point of sexual intercourse

and genetics IVF and advances in fertility treatments; importance of • Organisms reproduce either sexually or asexually, but not both
• Applying knowledge of hormonal control to a life contraception in family planning; applications of the • Males do not produce any oestrogen
process management of reproductive rates, for example in food • Women do not produce any testosterone
• Appreciating that scientific understanding evolves as a storage • IVF involves the use of test tubes to produce ‘test-tube babies’

result of new discoveries or technology Pathways: lab technicians, reproductive endocrinologists,
• Developing an understanding of the ethical midwives, horticulturalists, GPs, commercial growers,
considerations involved with fertility treatment embryologists, fertility specialists, fertility marketing/
administration/advertising, gynaecologists

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Asexual reproduction requires only one parent; there is no mixing of genetic information and so genetically-identical
offspring are produced. Sexual reproduction requires two parents; when the gametes fuse, genetic information is mixed,
resulting in non-identical offspring. Reproduction is controlled by hormones and can be manipulated artificially to increase
fertility as well as to prevent pregnancy. This is important in family planning, and in helping couples to conceive who may
otherwise be unable to start a family. The stages of sexual and asexual reproduction can be observed on a cellular level
using a microscope, and by measuring hormone levels in the blood.

16 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Health and disease

Key Stage 1 Exercise, good hygiene, and eating the right food keeps you healthy
Learning progression • Asking questions about keeping healthy • The only healthy foods are fruits and vegetables
Students learn what they need to do to keep their body • Practising good hygiene techniques • You should never eat any unhealthy foods
healthy, in terms of regular exercise, eating the right • Dieting is needed to lose weight

amounts of the right foods, and maintaining good body • A diet is eating less food to lose weight
hygiene. These are factors some students will be aware In my life: eating healthy foods; washing; playing

of from their home environment, but they will be reminded outside; going to playgrounds; trip to a
of their importance through good routines at school swimming pool
such as regular handwashing, PE lessons, and lunchbox In society: government campaigns (e.g., hands, face,

requirements. space)
Pathways: nurses, cleaners, sports coaches, cooks

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Exercising regularly, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and maintaining good We know this from information given to us by healthcare professionals, who have studied the effects of
personal hygiene help keep us healthy. food and exercise on the human body; it is important for preventing us from getting ill.

Key Stage 2 Diet, exercise, drugs, and lifestyle affect body function and health
Learning progression • Researching different types of diet • Water is a form of food and can give you energy
The concept of a balanced healthy diet is introduced • Grouping animals according to what they eat • Vitamins and minerals are only found in fruits and vegetables
where students begin to look more closely at food groups, • Researching the negative effects of some drugs • All fats are bad
such as fruits and vegetables (specific scientific names • Observing teeth and investigating the effect of teeth • Antibiotics can be used to treat colds and flu
for food groups are not required at this level), and the cleaning • Colds are caught from being out in the cold
components of different foods such as proteins, vitamins, • Alcohol is not a drug
and carbohydrates. Students are taught the groups’ roles in • All drugs are harmful
the body, and the proportion of the diet they should make In my life: cleaning teeth; choosing healthy
up. An emphasis is placed on the importance of healthy meals/cooking at home; visits to the dentist
eating; the need to exercise regularly, along with sleeping In society: governmental campaigns (e.g., ‘Change4Life’); What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?
well, is reinforced for the development of a healthy lifestyle. scientific research on links between diet, drugs, or
The importance of teeth cleaning links lifestyle to both KS1 A balanced diet, regular exercise, and sleeping well help to keep us healthy.
exercise on health; sports personalities’ discussions of diet
hygiene and work on teeth. Students also begin to look at Some drugs are used to treat diseases, but others have a negative effect on
and exercise routines
the impact drugs can have on the body. This is presented health. We know this from observations and information given to us by healthcare
Pathways: dieticians, PE teachers, dentists, sportspeople, professionals based on research about diet, exercise, and drugs, and this is
to students in a positive manner, by looking at common
dental nurses, hygienists, cleaners, cooks important for preventing disease.
medical drugs, and negatively by studying the effects of
smoking and drinking alcohol (but with sensitivity).

17 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 3 Eating an unbalanced diet can result in obesity or deficiency diseases
Learning progression
Diet: The concept of a healthy diet is revisited through the study of The topic concludes by linking specific health issues caused by a of medicinal drugs are also highlighted. This requires a general
all the major food groups, looking in detail at their roles in the body poor diet to their cause, such as a particular mineral deficiency or understanding of many of the body’s major organs and organ
and other living organisms. the strain placed on an organ through being obese. systems. Many of these issues will be reinforced through PSHE
lessons during this time as it is important that students are aware of
A person’s dietary energy requirements are calculated based on, Drugs: Building on knowledge from KS2, the specific effects of
consequences that may occur from the decisions they make.
for example, their gender, job, or age; students then discuss what common recreational drugs on behaviour, health, and life processes

happens if a person takes in too much or too little energy. are then explored. The impacts of misusing and the side effects

• Classifying foods into food groups In your life: maintaining a healthy weight and • Caffeine is not a drug

• Detecting the presence of food groups in a food lifestyle; drinking coffee; taking antibiotics or • All recreational drugs are illegal
sample painkillers; reading food labels; doing exercise • Males always have a higher energy requirement than females

• Linking physics knowledge of the energy required for or visiting a gym • Overweight people have ‘big bones’
an object to do work with a person’s daily energy In society: obesity studies and BMI calculations; • Alcohol is not harmful
requirements images of starvation in areas experiencing famine; • Medicinal drugs do not have any negative medical effects
• Researching the effects of taking specific illegal drugs drug support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous; • You only put on weight if you eat a lot of fatty foods
drink-driving/stopping smoking adverts and campaigns

• Calculating energy content of food through burning • You can’t put on weight if you only eat healthy foods
• Measuring reaction times Pathways: dieticians, chefs, doctors, personal trainers,
physiotherapists, psychiatrists, cardiologists, drug
counsellors, social workers, pharmacists

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

A balanced diet means eating food containing the right nutrients in the correct amount. The failure to do so can result in
conditions such as obesity or deficiency diseases. Medicinal drugs are used to benefit health and can be used to treat
disease, whereas recreational drugs are used for enjoyment. However, both can have some negative effects on health.
We know this from observations and information given to us by healthcare professionals about the effects of an
unbalanced diet, and this is important for preventing and treating disease.

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Key Stage 4 Communicable and non-communicable diseases are major causes of ill health
Learning progression
Cardiovascular disease: After studying the structure and function The primary physical defences are introduced first, in both plants This concept requires detailed understanding of the very abstract
of the circulatory system, students are made aware of a range and animals, before the role of the human immune system is concepts of antibodies and antigens taught in body defenses.
of health problems linked to this system, through looking at their studied. Students become aware of the impact of plant diseases on
Non-communicable diseases: These are looked at from the
causes and possible treatments. This acts as an approachable food security.
viewpoint of risk factors to health, many of which are familiar from
introduction to more challenging content later in the unit.
Once students develop an understanding of the role of white blood work covered in earlier key stages. There is a focus on cancer,

Communicable diseases: Communicable diseases are studied cells and the immune system, the mechanism by which vaccines which requires knowledge of the cell cycle. Other non-communicable
in detail before non-communicable diseases, as students are likely work is presented. diseases are then introduced, following the teaching of the healthy

to be more familiar with these. For each type of microorganism, function of body organs. For example, knowledge of normal kidney
The uses of medicinal drugs are revisited using familiar drugs, such
human diseases are introduced first and then the knowledge function is required before students can understand how a dialysis
as antibiotics, before learning how new drugs are discovered, safety
applied to plant diseases. machine functions, and a knowledge of the hormonal control of
tested, and licensed for use.

insulin before explaining diabetes.
Physical methods for preventing the spread of disease are
Students are brought up to date with the latest research into
examined before students move on to look at the more abstract

treatments using monoclonal antibodies.
concept of the body’s defence systems.

• Using aseptic techniques to grow bacteria In my life: common infections (e.g., cold, flu); living through the • All bacteria are harmful
• Testing the effectiveness of disinfectants and SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and practising hands, face, space; lifestyle • Bacteria are not normally found inside the human body
antibiotics on bacterial growth choices from coffee drinking to smoking, alcohol, and illegal • Mutations are not random
• Research into major scientific breakthroughs in recreational drugs; having vaccinations; using hand sanitiser; visiting • Only obese adults get diabetes
preventing and treating disease, such as those of a GP or pharmacist • Diabetes is caused from eating too much sugary food
Fleming and Semmelweis In society: SARS-CoV-2 pandemic; drug trials and new drug • Heavy smokers will all develop lung cancer
• Categorising diseases into communicable and non- development; lifestyle choices of family and peers around you • Organs can only be donated after a person has died
communicable Pathways: epidemiologists, endocrinologists, microbiologists, • All diseases are infectious
• Testing for the presence of sugars, proteins, and lipids vaccinators, plant scientists, market gardeners, farmers, • Diseases only affect animals
pharmaceutical scientists, healthcare workers, medical equipment
producers, medical policy workers, lab technicians, phlebotomists,
GPs, pharmacists

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Health is a state of physical and mental well-being and is affected by a person’s lifestyle. Diseases are either communicable or
non-communicable, and both types are major causes of ill health. There are several types of immune response in both plants and
animals, and these are crucial to the health of organisms. We know this from observations and information given to us by healthcare
professionals, and the body of research surrounding diseases. It is important knowledge to enable the development of new
treatments for diseases, and to help prevent their occurrence. Knowledge of plant diseases and deficiencies is crucial for modern
farming and food production.

19 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Ecosystems and environment

Key Stage 1  lants and animals live in a habitat, which provides them with the things they need
to survive
Learning progression • Identifying common organisms • Humans are not animals

Students’ natural curiosity about the world around them is • Discussing what organisms need to survive • All animals are furry and four legged
nurtured, through the hands-on discovery of organisms that • Safe and ethical handling of living things • Plants do not need animals to survive

live in their immediate surroundings, as well as photos and • Only animals have a habitat
videos of plants and animals living in more exotic habitats.
Students look at the basic needs of plants and animals In my life: seeing animals and plants in the garden

and begin to discover that organisms live in habitats and environment around you such as pets; visits to What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?
that are suited to their needs. They begin to consider zoos, parks, school grounds The place where a plant or animal lives is known as its habitat, which provides

the interdependence between animals and plants. The In society: TV nature documentaries it with the things it needs to survive. Within a habitat, the organisms depend on
abstract concept of using a diagram to represent a
Pathways: caretakers, groundskeepers, conservation each other to survive. We know this from observing the plants and animals that
process is introduced through simple food chains, normally
workers, wildlife rangers, gardeners, farmers are found together in the wild. It is important for us to understand this so we can
represented pictorially at this level.
look after the habitats of all plants and animals.

Key Stage 2 Animals and plants are adapted to the habitat in which they live
Learning progression • Investigating habitats and measuring factors that • Animals choose to adapt to suit their surroundings
Students observe further how organisms interact with affect organisms • Deserts are always hot
their environment and with each other. Through the use of • Using identification keys to identify unknown organisms • In food chains, arrows show what an organism eats so point at that
scientific equipment they investigate habitats, introducing • Taking a sample of a habitat using equipment such as organism
at a simple level the concept of taking a sample. pooters • Food chains involve only predators and prey, but not plants
• Only predators can run fast
Students look at the main differences between predator
• Plants are prey organisms
and prey organisms. This links to their work on teeth
In my life: seeing invertebrates in the garden or • A cactus does not have leaves
and provides an introduction to structural adaptations.
nearby areas; taking part in conservation work, such • A camel’s hump stores water
This work is further developed by students looking at the
as building bug houses, litter picking; visits to zoos, safari
adaptations of plants and animals living in particular
parks, or botanical gardens
environments, such as the Arctic. They build on earlier work
In society: news stories about climate change and
on food chains, enabling students to identify the different What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?
extinction; books and TV programmes about specific
trophic levels within the chain. Students also begin to Plants and animals are adapted to the place in which they live. This increases
adaptations in different organisms
construct their own food chains based on supplied their chance of survival. We know this through taking samples from or observing
information or their own knowledge. Pathways: National Trust, forestry commission,
conservationists, museum curators, ecologists, farmers habitats, and looking at the animals and plants present. It is important to gain
an appreciation of the human impact on biodiversity, and our role in preserving
species adapted to specific environments.

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Key Stage 3 Organisms within an ecosystem are interdependent and those best adapted survive
Learning progression
Food chains and webs: Food chains are revisited, introducing the organism can have a knock-on effect on others in the food web. Predator-prey relationships: Building on their knowledge
concept of biomass transfer between organisms. Food chains are The concept of bioaccumulation is also developed. of predator and prey organisms, students consider the
then interlinked to form food webs, which enable students to model interdependence of organisms on a more abstract basis using data,
Adaptation and competition: Students are introduced to the
feeding relationships with an ecosystem more effectively. representing the changing patterns of predator-prey relationships
principles of competition between organisms, with simple plant
Earlier work on interdependence is developed further, using the and animal examples; the work then builds on their knowledge of

example of insect pollination to illustrate this concept. Students start adaptations to generate ideas behind the concept of ‘survival of
to predict how the effect of environmental changes on one the fittest’.

• Using diagrams to model biomass transfer In my life: visits to local conservation/environmental • Non-farmed food products are always better for you
through living organisms projects; vegetarian and vegan human diets • A cactus does not have leaves

• Observing adaptations in common organisms In society: seasonal changes in plants and animals • Adult animals do not change their appearance
• Interpreting diagrammatic representations of feeding interactions in local habitats; predator and prey organisms • Camouflaged animals are brown or green
relationships as pets; real world examples of bioaccumulation (e.g., • Plants cannot defend themselves against herbivores
• Using graphs to model predator-prey relationships mercury in fish); importance of bees in crop production; • Food webs are interpreted as simple food chains, rather than a flow of
concept of food security

• Research into the adaptations of less well-known biomass
animals and plants Pathways: conservationists, statisticians, environmental • Organisms higher in a food web eat all organisms that are lower in the
• Using quadrats to sample the plants present in an scientists, park rangers, animal technicians, vets, food web
environment ecologists, animal and crop farmers, policy makers, • Carnivores are big and ferocious; herbivores are small and passive
• Manipulating data collected using quadrats fishing industry • Predator and prey populations are similar in size

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Organisms within an ecosystem are interdependent. Those best adapted to their environment are better competitors
and therefore have an increased chance of survival. We know this through observations and data analysis, such as
investigations of predator/prey populations. It is important to understand the interdependence of plants and insects for
food security. We also need to recognise the harmful effects pollution and pesticides can have on untargeted organisms
through bioaccumulation.

21 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 4 Organisms within an ecosystem are affected by abiotic and biotic factors
Learning progression
Ecosystem organisation: Students’ study of ecosystems begins Biomass transfer: Students revisit the transfer of biomass between human birth rate, and environmental factors such as drought or
by looking at communities and the abiotic and biotic factors that organisms in food chains, assigning organisms to trophic levels, and increasing temperatures.
affect them, building and deepening students’ knowledge of studying in detail why the available biomass diminishes at each
Together with work on biomass transfer, this forms the basis for
interdependence and competition. Students confirm their models by trophic level.
investigating efficiency in food production, and steps to increase
sampling their environment.
Food security: Food security is having enough food to feed a food security. Methods of sustainable food production are studied,

In addition to the structural adaptations already familiar to students, population now and in the future. Students study how food security including the use of biotechnology, applying students’ knowledge of
the concept of adaptation is revisited by looking at behavioural and may be affected by biological factors, including the increasing genetic engineering.

functional adaptations, including those of extremophiles.

• Using sensors to monitor abiotic factors In my life: changing to vegetarian and vegan • All human impacts on or changes to the environment are negative

• Measuring the abundance and distribution of products or alternatives, such as mycoprotein; • Biodiversity refers to the range of animals present in an area
organisms using quadrats considering sustainability and modern eating habits • Ecosystems are simply a collection of organisms
• Understanding and using the principle of random In society: observing bird migration and animal • Ecosystems change little over time
sampling hibernation; sustainable food production such as fishing • Biomass accumulates in an ecosystem so that a top predator has all the
quotas; biological pest control; intensive versus organic

• Understanding bias biomass from the organisms below it
• Sampling an ecosystem along a transect farming; GM crops • Vegetarian and vegan diets are healthier than eating meat
• Representing feeding relationships through constructing Pathways: dieticians, supermarket food buyers, chefs, • ‘Low food miles’ products always have a smaller environmental impact
pyramids of biomass ecologists, conservationists, environmental biologists,
• Calculating percentage biomass transfer in a food naturalists, wildlife photographers, microbiologists, fishing
chain industry, policy makers, animal and crop farmers
• Appreciating ethical considerations of animal food

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Organisms within an ecosystem are affected by both abiotic and biotic factors. Materials are transferred through
ecosystems; however, biomass diminishes at each trophic level as not all biomass is passed on. We know this from
observations within an ecosystem, and through collecting data about organisms and their environment, for example,
population levels in polluted areas compared to conserved areas. This is important as it forms the basis for investigating
efficiency in food production and steps to increase food security.

22 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Variation and evolution

Key Stage 1 Plants and animals can be grouped by similar features
Learning progression • Grouping plants and animals based on • Humans are not animals
Students are encouraged to use their natural curiosity to observations of their appearance • Only large land mammals are animals
find similarities both between groups of plants or animals, • Grouping animals by observation of their diet and • All animals are furry and four-legged

and between different species of these organisms. This behaviour • Snakes are slimy and feel cold to touch

early introduction to classification focuses mainly on visual • There are three groups of living organisms: animals, humans, and plants
characteristics such as the differences between deciduous
and evergreen trees, and the five vertebrate animal In my life: wildlife and plants found in the garden,
groups. Students are then introduced to classification school grounds, local park, or countryside; pets, farm

from a more abstract perspective by examining less animals and zoo animals seen in real life; visit to your
visible characteristics such as the dietary adaptations of own garden, countryside, park, or forest

carnivores, herbivores and omnivores, including their teeth In society: range of organisms in the natural world;
and their behaviour. nature documentaries and books
Pathways: pet shop assistants, zoo keepers, farmers,

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?
Plants and animals are all different, and these differences can be seen in how the organism looks, This is important so that we can sort organisms into groups who share similar characteristics, to
or how it behaves. We know this through first-hand observations and looking at photos or videos. understand the world around us and what characteristics are needed to survive in different ecosystems.

Key Stage 2 Living organisms vary; those that are better adapted survive and breed
Learning progression • Using classification keys to identify unknown • Animals choose to adapt to suit their surroundings
Students look more closely at an organism’s structure when organisms • Evolution no longer occurs
using classification keys. They then use these detailed • Classifying vertebrates and invertebrates • The Earth is only several thousand years old
observations to classify the organisms into smaller groups, • Safe and ethical handling of living things • All organisms on the Earth are unchanging; they have always had the
such as invertebrates into insects and spiders, giving characteristics we see today
reasons for their decisions. • Penguins and turtles are amphibians because they are both in and out of water
Students are introduced to the concept of variation by In my life: similarities and differences in • Whales, jellyfish, and starfish are all fish
looking at similarities between themselves and their siblings’/cousins’ characteristics; visit to a museum • Humans are not mammals
siblings or cousins. This is then applied to other species. or area containing fossils; pond dipping
Building on their knowledge of fossils, students are made In society: variety of characteristics in a litter of puppies
aware of how living things have changed over time. They or kittens; fossils of dinosaurs and other organisms; nature What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?
are encouraged to link their understanding of adaptations documentaries
Living things are classified into broad groups according to observable
and variation, ultimately building the idea that differences Pathways: ecologists, conservationists, park rangers,
characteristics and based on similarities and differences. Living things have
in offspring over time can make organisms more or less palaeontologists, museum curators
changed over time, and fossils provide evidence for this process. We know
able to survive. This forms an introduction to the concept this through studying both living organisms and fossils. This is important for our
of evolution. understanding of how life has developed on Earth.

23 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 3 Species evolve through the process of natural selection
Learning progression
Variation: Differences within and between species are revisited Natural selection and evolution: Students may be introduced biodiversity and how it has changed over time, including the work of
when students study the genetic and environmental causes of to the evidence-based concept that all organisms evolved from Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace.
variation within a species. The concept of breeds or varieties is unicellular organisms. Building on students’ knowledge of variation
Extinction: Students discover some of the factors that can lead
discussed as a way to recognise variation within a species. and adaptation, the process of natural selection is presented. This
to extinction (a consequence of natural selection), including the
is often illustrated by concrete, evidence-based studies, such as
These ideas are further developed into an understanding of impact of humans, and some of the techniques being used to
the example of peppered moths, applying ideas of evolution to a

continuous and discontinuous variation through the measurements prevent further extinctions. This includes discussing the benefits and
timescale that students can comprehend. Changes in other species,
of common characteristics in plants and animals. The data drawbacks of captive breeding programmes, and their role within

shown using the fossil record, can then be explored. This discussion
developed are displayed graphically, helping students visualise conservation, along with other methods to preserve biodiversity.
should include our understanding of evolution, natural selection, and
this abstract concept.

• Linking knowledge of the genetic causes of many In my life: thinking about scientific and religious • Evolution happens in individuals rather than populations over time

characteristics to the existence of variation beliefs about creationism; comparing own • Characteristics are all caused by genetics
• Investigating variation within a species characteristics with those of their peer group; visits • When organisms are no longer found in one area of the world, they have
• Representing continuous and discontinuous variation to zoos and seed banks as centres of conservation of become extinct
graphically DNA; visit to a safari park or breeding centre • Species are organisms that can reproduce, for example, a donkey and a

• Research into different theories of evolution In society: breeding programmes of domestic pets and horse are the same species
• Appreciating the timescale over which evolution plants; identical twins; endangered species; application • The theory of evolution encompasses how life began
normally occurs and that this varies depending on the of statistical models to unfamiliar situations; citizen • ‘Survival of the fittest’ relates to strength and dominance between individual
size and life cycle of the organisms science biodiversity projects, such as the garden bird organisms
and butterfly counts • Modern humans have stopped evolving
Pathways: conservationists, geneticists, environmental • Evolution and natural selection are the same thing
scientists, statisticians, ecologists, molecular biologists,
vets, zoo keepers

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Variation within a species occurs as a result of differences in genetic material and/or environmental causes. The organisms
that are better adapted to the environment survive and pass on their genes. This leads to evolution through the process
of natural selection. We know this through observations of living organisms and by studying fossils. This is important for
understanding how organisms have changed over time and for appreciating that evolution is a continuous process.

24 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 4  rganisms are now classified according to similarities in characteristics and
evolutionary links
Learning progression
Natural selection: The concept of natural selection is revisited in understanding. Students are also challenged to understand how Students’ knowledge is brought up to date with the current
greater detail, looking at mutation as a cause of genetic variation. further scientific advances, alongside Darwin’s original evidence, scientific understanding of classification, based on Woese’s
Students develop understanding that, in rare cases, genetic variation have developed these ideas over time – reflecting the scientific three-domain system, taking into consideration similarities in both
leads to physical adaptations that increase the chances of survival method. Students also study the evolution of antibiotic-resistant physical characteristics and evolutionary links determined through

in a given environment, and of how this process can be harnessed bacteria as a current example of evolution, and how natural DNA studies, biochemical analysis, and fossil evidence. This

for the benefit of humans through selective breeding. selection can result in speciation. work concludes with the abstract concept of evolutionary trees;
students use these to map and study evolutionary relationships
Theories of evolution: The different theories of evolution that were Classification systems: The topic of classification is revisited
between different organisms, bringing together work on genetics,
proposed by Lamarck, Darwin, and Wallace are explored further. through a detailed look at the Linnaean classification system, and
morphology, and evolution.

Students consider the evidence presented that has led to our current the binomial system for naming organisms.

• Research into different theories of evolution In my life: visits to biological research facilities or • Positive mutations are a response to a change; they do not occur
• Interpreting evolutionary trees university laboratories without a stimulus
• Appreciating that scientific models and theories In society: moral perspectives on harnessing ‘ideal’ • Individual organisms develop adaptations to their environments

change over time in light of new technology and characteristics in a species; animal breeding – farm (Lamarckism)
developments animals, pedigree dogs; Darwin and Wallace; MRSA and • Darwin gathered all of his evidence to support the theory of evolution by
• Understanding the timescales for evolution SARS-CoV-2 in the news; genome sequencing natural selection while in the Galapagos Islands
• Using knowledge of bacterial replication to explain Pathways: farmers, animal breeders, biochemists, • Evolution only occurs slowly, or gradually
how antibiotic-resistant bacteria can evolve in a short molecular biologists, geneticists, conservationists • Scientists have never observed the formation of a new species in the wild
period of time • Individual organisms evolve to become better adapted
• Understanding the importance of collaboration and • Bacteria become immune to antibiotics
peer review in developing new theories • Changes to an organism are always passed on to their offspring
• Genetic mutation is always a bad thing
• The fossil record preserves everything that has lived

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Organisms are usually classified by looking at their genomes and physical characteristics. We are able to do this through
observations of organisms and fossils, DNA studies, and biochemical analysis. Classification is important as it makes
it easier for organisms to be studied, provides scientists with a common language, and enables us to recognise the
biodiversity present in the world. Studying the process of evolution in populations is also vital for measuring how ecosystems
are coping with climate change, and are particularly vital in medicine where mutations for antibiotic resistance and vaccine
immunity must be caught early to develop medicine effectively.

25 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Genetics and inheritance

Key Stage 2 L iving things produce offspring of the same kind, but these are not normally identical
to their parents
Learning progression • Identifying similarities and differences between • Two parents are always needed to produce offspring

Students were introduced to the concept of lifecycles siblings, and parents and children • Each characteristic must be seen in one of the offspring’s parents

during KS1–2, which provides a basis for this work • Comparing pedigree and cross-bred dogs • Twins are always identical
on inheritance, within the narrative of growth and • New plants can only be produced from seeds
development. From this, they should be familiar with the • Height is always dependent on age
idea that offspring look similar to their biological parents.

In my life: family members often look similar; pets
The concept of inheritance is introduced by looking at and their offspring look similar; seeing plants in
characteristics that have been passed onto offspring from

garden centres; visits to zoos, farms, or safari parks
their biological parents, such as to puppies and kittens. In society: farmers select their best livestock to breed;
This may also be an opportunity to encourage students gardeners do the same with plants
to think about shared characteristics in their own families,
Pathways: animal breeders, horticulturalists, farmers,
though consideration should be given to all including a

florists, vets, midwives, gardeners
full diversity of family compositions. This is a concrete
approach looking at visual similarities between parents
and their offspring, and can be reinforced by looking at
the process in other, less familiar, animals.

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Living organisms produce offspring of the same type. Offspring share many features of their parents, but they are not
normally identical. We know this from observing reproduction in plants, and humans and other animals. This is important to
animal and plant breeders, who can select parents with the best characteristics to breed.

26 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 3  haracteristics are passed from one generation to the next through heritable
genetic material
Learning progression
Gametes: Through the topic of cells, sperm and egg cells are Inheritance: Building on work on human characteristics and DNA structure: The key role of Watson, Crick, Franklin, and Wilkins
introduced and their function of transferring genetic information variation in a species, the more abstract concept of how is focused on as a major breakthrough in scientific understanding.
between parents and their offspring. Although this is a slightly characteristics are inherited through DNA is introduced. This also underlines the importance of the scientific method in
abstract concept due to their size, microscope images of these advancing human understanding of the natural world.

The concept of organisation of structures is also revisited by looking
cells and video footage can be used to allow students to observe
at how genes are sections of DNA, found on chromosomes.

gametes in action.

• Using a microscope to observe cells In my life: gametes in boys and girls during and • Each characteristic is controlled by a single gene
• Using diagrams and models to represent structures after puberty; different offspring of the same parents • The genes for key traits are on a single chromosome

in a nucleus and the DNA molecule look different, depending on the characteristics they • Genes determine all of your characteristics
• Recognising the links between genes and variation in inherit (unless they are identical twins) • Scientists have a full understanding of how genes control the structure and
a species In society: solving crimes through DNA fingerprinting; function of organisms
• Appreciating that scientific understanding evolves as a genome sequencing project; sequencing SARS-CoV-2 • Characteristics are always passed on from a parent to their offspring

result of new discoveries or technologies and developing new drugs and treatments for disease;
• Understanding the need for scientists to work together paternity testing
and combine expertise from more than one discipline Pathways: lab technicians, molecular biologists,
geneticists, forensic scientists, DNA sequencers, family
historians, genetic disease specialists, taxonomists, vets,

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Heredity is the process by which genetic information is transmitted from one generation to the next. The information is
contained in DNA in the nucleus of a cell and passed on when gametes fuse to form a new organism. Sections of DNA,
known as genes, code for particular characteristics. We know this from the results of experiments carried out on inheritance,
the use of microscopes, and the discovery of the DNA molecule. This is important as it helps to explain how and why
organisms behave as they do.

27 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 4 An organism’s inherited alleles dictate many of its characteristics
Learning progression
Meiosis: Students study the production of gametes through meiosis. plants, for both known characteristics and inherited disorders. This Genetic manipulation: This brings students up to date with the
This requires students to have an understanding of cell structure widens students’ knowledge and enables students to apply the latest advances in biology, such as cloning and in-vitro fertilisation.
and chromosomes, and how these are passed on and offspring scientific method to less familiar situations to predict an unknown The use of genetic engineering (now usually called gene editing)
are created through fertilisation. This results in offspring displaying outcome. Students become aware that most genes influence a to give organisms desired characteristics is discussed, including
some characteristics of each of their parents, depending on the number of characteristics. current research into gene therapy to treat inherited disorders. This
chromosomes received. is presented relatively superficially at this stage, in preparation for a

DNA structure and protein synthesis: The detailed structure of
more detailed treatment at KS5.
Genetic crosses: Students learn the difference between dominant DNA is explored and students are introduced to the concept of

and recessive alleles and then carry out their own genetic crosses complementary base pairing. The very abstract concept of how
to predict the likelihood of characteristics being passed on. Crosses DNA actually codes for these characteristics through the production
are performed in humans as well as other animal species and of proteins is then presented.

r a
• Synthesising knowledge of reproduction, mitosis, In my life: noticing inherited characteristics that are • All GM food crops are dangerous to health
and cell structure to develop an understanding present/absent between different generations of • Only genetically modified food crops contain genes
of meiosis a family • Agriculture is ‘more natural’ than lab-based GM crops
• Performing genetic crosses to calculate the likelihood In society: incurable genetic diseases; parents

• Dominant traits are always the most common traits in a population
of an organism displaying a characteristic using in-vitro fertilisation to conceive; considering the • Only people with genetically inherited disorders have alleles that cause
• Interpreting family trees development, widespread use, and benefits of GM crops; the disease
• Using models to represent the structure of DNA and new treatments for genetic diseases being developed, • All genetic mutations are bad; these mutations compromise an organism
protein synthesis such as gene therapy for cystic fibrosis; genetically or lead to its death
• Developing an understanding of the ethical engineering organisms to produce new drugs, or crops • Once a mutation is discovered in a person’s DNA, it can be repaired
considerations involved with genetic screening able to withstand challenges of global warming; ethical • If a couple has a 25% risk of having a child with a genetically inherited
or manipulation of an organism’s genome challenges produced through cutting-edge genetic disorder, and their firstborn has the disorder, their next three children will not
research have the disorder
Pathways: genetic counsellors, radiographers, medical • When a couple has a baby, their next child is more likely to be of the
careers, biological laboratory staff, crop scientists, opposite sex
geneticists, molecular biologists, farmers, policy makers • The alleles for a displayed characteristic are only inherited from a single

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Gametes are formed by the process of meiosis. When they combine during fertilisation, the offspring that develops inherits
a combination of both parents’ genetic material. Dominant alleles are always expressed if present. This was discovered
through studying and observing inheritance in plants (Mendel) and results can be predicted using genetic crosses. The
genetic information codes for proteins, which in turn determine an organism’s characteristics. Genetic engineering involves
taking genes from one organism and inserting them into another to produce desired characteristics or changing (editing)
genes already present. This can be used to produce higher-yield plants and new medicines.

28 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Substances, bonding, and structure

Key Stage 1 Objects are made of materials; some materials dissolve in water to make mixtures
Learning progression • Suggesting reasons why one material is better than • A substance that dissolves disappears and no longer exists
In their exploration of materials, young learners should another for making a particular object • You can see the separate substances in a solution
learn the meanings of the terms object and material and • Learners add a soluble material, such as sugar, to water • An object, such as a spoon, is always made from the same type of material

realise that the same object can be made from different and observe and describe it dissolving

materials. For example, show a metal spoon and ask what
material it is made of, and can it be made of materials
other than metal. Have wooden and plastic spoons at In my life: see that a single object can be made What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?
hand. Ask for the pros and cons of each material. Learners

from different materials; think about examples of Objects can be made from different materials. We use materials mixed with water
can also be introduced to a material that dissolves, dissolving seen at home, or when you eat foods in our everyday lives, for example, diluting fruit drinks and adding sugar to hot
such as sugar or salt, and describe what happens when

In society: all the different objects we use at home and drinks like tea and coffee.
you add jelly cubes to hot water and stir. Learners can school are made from materials; dissolving different
consider how we use mixtures of materials with water in substances when cooking
everyday life.
Pathways: engineers, materials scientists, chefs

Key Stage 2 Matter exists in three states; changes of state are reversible
Learning progression • Observing and recording changes of state, for • Evaporation does not take place at room temperature
Some materials can exist in three states – as solid, liquid, example ice, wax, or butter melting, or water • All liquids are pure substances.
or gas. Some of the properties of these materials are boiling and condensing • Melting is the same as dissolving
different in the three states. Water is a suitable example, • Investigating factors that affect how quickly sugar • Clouds are fluffy solids
because its three states are accessible in class and its dissolves, for example stirring
changes of state (melting, freezing, evaporating, boiling,
and condensing) can all be observed. Point out that these
processes are all reversible changes. There are links to In my life: freezing or melting ice; watching steam What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?
geography here when we consider the changes of state rise from hot food or drinks; seeing condensation on Through our observations and measurements of water we can describe the states
with respect to the water cycle. the window of matter and changes of state. These changes of state are applied in many
In the later stages of KS2, introduce the idea that all In society: solutions to avoid problems with condensation; household and industrial contexts, including cooking, food storage, damp courses
materials are made of particles that are too small to see, understanding how changes of state and the water cycle in buildings, and casting metals.
perhaps in the context of sugar dissolving. The use of a affect the weather
mixture of rice and dried beans can be used as a simple Pathways: chefs, water industry workers, fuel station
model to help to explain and visualise this abstract concept. workers, tanker drivers

29 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 3 The particle model explains the properties of a substance in its three states
Learning progression
Applying the particle model: Learners will apply the particle Properties of mixtures: Learners define a mixture as containing Learners can then also apply particle theory to solid substances
model to explain the physical properties of substances in the two or more substances, which may be elements or compounds. dissolving in a liquid, and are introduced to the terms solute,
solid, liquid, and gas states, as well as changes of state They realise that the substances in a mixture keep their own solvent, solubility, and saturated solution.
(including sublimation), gas pressure and diffusion. In each case properties, and the amounts of the different substances in a
Properties of some useful materials: Learners have looked at
they describe the movement, separation, and arrangement of mixture can be varied.
the properties and uses of a variety of materials in KS2, as well as
particles. Establish the idea of ‘conservation of matter’ when a

Learners recognise a pure substance from its sharp melting point exploring their uses. They can now revisit and develop this work
substance changes state.
as opposed to an impure mixture of substances that melts over by considering a variety of polymers, ceramics, and composite

Learners use a Bunsen burner to monitor the temperature rise a range of temperatures. At this stage, learners can make the materials. This can be done by observing samples and carrying out
as they heat a beaker of water to its boiling point and plot the distinction between substances (made of one type of particle) and research. Encourage learners to use their knowledge of the particle
results on a line graph. They observe diffusion and give everyday materials (that may be made of one type of particle, or a mixture of model to speculate about the particles, and their arrangements, in

examples of the process. Researching melting and boiling points different types of particle). these categories of useful materials. Acknowledge all suggestions,
of some substances will require learners to use negative numbers using this activity to form an introduction to the KS4 concept of

(plotting the points on a number line can be helpful). chemical structures.

• Using the Bunsen burner to heat a beaker of In my life: observing changes of state during • All particles are the same

water or a solution safely on a tripod and gauze cooking; freezing foods to preserve them; boiling • Particles are all perfect spheres
• Researching the fixed points of substances water to make hot drinks; seeing diffusion in relation • The particles in a liquid are not touching their nearest neighbours
• Investigating the solubility of solids to deodorants, perfumes, and aftershaves • The same mass of ice occupies a smaller volume than that mass of liquid
• Using the unit ‘g/100 g of water’ to describe solubility In society: hazards of volatile liquids, such as on garage water; water is less dense than ice at all temperatures
• Applying the particle model to explain changes of forecourts; uses of polymers, ceramics, and composites in • Polymers are all fibres
state, diffusion, gas pressure, dissolving, and distillation all aspects of life, including mugs, mobile phone cases, • Boiling and evaporation have the same meaning
• Observing and researching the properties and uses of and vehicles • A substance with a boiling point of −5°C is a liquid at room temperature
ceramics, polymers, and composites Pathways: polymer chemists, ceramic producers, perfume • A boiling point of −5°C is lower than a boiling point of −25°C, for example
• Exploring different particle model representations designers, chefs, coffee roasters, water company and • Gases have no mass
safety workers, food production workers, caterers • All the particles in a gas are travelling at the same speed
• Large, heavy particles diffuse faster than small, light particles

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

The particle model enables us to construct logical explanations of the physical changes we observe in changes of state,
diffusion, gas pressure, dissolving, and distilling. Pure substances have sharp melting points, unlike mixtures, which we can
experimentally measure. We can use our sense of smell, and see coloured particles, to detect diffusion; this is evidence for
the existence of particles. Knowledge of the particle model helps us to understand the nature of matter.

30 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 4  toms are made up of sub-atomic particles; the structure and bonding of a substance
give the substance some of its properties
Learning progression
Atomic structure: Start with a reminder of the particle model and charged ions that have strong electrostatic attraction to each melting and boiling points, and electrical conductivity in different
introduce its limitations (forces between particles, size, and shape of other. Then progress to covalent bonding – explain the sharing states. Taking this further, discuss polymers, with their relatively large
particles) before discussing the history of the discovery of the atom of electrons between non-metal atoms. Use molecular model kits molecules determining their intermolecular forces. Introduce recent
and the tremendous breakthroughs made by hard-working scientists to make physical representations of molecules. Finally introduce developments with the discovery of fullerenes and the advent of the

just over a century ago. This leads to our knowledge of sub-atomic the concept of metallic bonding – explain how each metal atom use of nanotechnology to produce nanoparticles with properties

particles (protons, neutrons, and electrons) and their arrangement donates one or more electrons into a ‘sea’ of delocalised electrons that differ from the bulk material they are made from. Following up
in atoms, including the electronic structures of the first 20 elements. that binds the positive metal ions (or atoms) to each other. work at KS3, the properties of ceramics can now be explained with
Then consider the existence of isotopes of elements, calculate an reference to their giant structures of atoms and ions. Alloys and pure
Structure and properties: Students pair up each type of bonding
element’s relative atomic mass, and discover how ions can lose or metals can also be compared using a model that shows layers of

with the structure(s) that its ions, atoms, or molecules take up
gain electrons to become positively- or negatively-charged ions. uniform spheres for the pure metal and introduces differently sized
in compounds or elements. Alternatively, cover the appropriate
spheres to show the alloy with disrupted layers that no longer slide

Bonding: This deals with how particles (atoms and ions) bond to structures directly after introducing each type of bonding. The
smoothly over each other.
each other. Start with ionic bonding – explain transfer of electrons structures (giant ionic, simple molecules, giant covalent, and giant
between atoms of metals and non-metals to form oppositely metallic) explain the physical properties of substances, for example

• Using a range of different models (physical and In my life: appreciating that many objects you use • Atoms form positive ions when they gain electrons
conceptual) to represent bonding and the various are made from materials that have been developed • Atoms form negative ions when they lose electrons
atomic/ionic structures, and discussing their good by chemists and material scientists; considering which • NaCl is a molecule of common salt
points and their limitations materials are used, how they are extracted/disposed of, • A Na atom forms a more stable Na7– ion
• Appreciating the scale of the component particles of and how that impacts the environment • There is one ionic bond between Na+ and Cl– in NaCl
different types of structure In society: choosing materials because their properties • There are different kinds of electron shown in dot-and-cross diagrams
• Investigating the properties of different compounds to make them suitable for making an object; new materials • Solid ionic compounds conduct electricity
deduce their bonding and structure are being developed using knowledge of bonding and • Electrons, protons, and neutrons are the same size
• Appreciating the advances made by scientists in the structure, and they will impact on the lives of everyone in • The nucleus contains neutrons that neutralise the charge on the protons
late 19th and early 20th centuries in discovering the the near future, such as electric cars, and nanoparticles
• Molecules in a gas experience no intermolecular forces
structure of the atom that can deliver drugs to specific sites in the body
• Metallic bonds are sticky, like glue
• Researching the latest developments in Pathways: nanotechnologists, material scientists,
• Models are an exact representation of reality
nanotechnology and materials sciences researchers, Science editors, Science authors, Science
teachers, technicians, Science presenters, engineers,

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Bonding involves atoms transferring or sharing electrons, and the structures of substances determine their properties. Mass
spectrometry is one of the main methods we can use to understand the composition of different substances. Developments
in nanotechnology and materials science (e.g., the discovery of graphene) mean that new and exciting applications are
guaranteed to affect all our lives in the near future.

31 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Elements, compounds, and organic Chemistry

Key Stage 1 Everything is made of materials; different materials have different properties
Learning progression • Careful observation, such as using a hand lens • The word ‘materials’ is only used to describe fabrics
Young learners will be given the opportunity to observe • Recording findings in drawings, simple tables, and • There is no distinction between the words ‘material’ and ‘object’
and explore everyday materials using their senses. charts • All materials occur naturally

They are encouraged to talk about their observations, • Sharing ideas • A material only has one property

developing descriptive language, for example, by using
feely bags, and start recording their findings in drawings,
simple tables, and charts. Materials to explore include In my life: interacting with materials you are familiar
wood, paper, cardboard, sponge, metals, plastics, brick,

with and use at home
and fabrics. Learners could use some of these materials to In society: materials you use every day of your
make their own artworks.

life – consider these from waking to going back to bed
When revisited later in KS1, learners can do simple Pathways: builders, carpenters, making clothes, artists
comparative tests between materials, and can group them
in simple categories.

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?
Objects are made of one or more materials. We can describe materials by their properties; we need to We can find and compare the properties of materials by making observations and measurements.
know about the properties of materials to decide which ones to use when making useful objects. We can then choose the materials that are best for particular uses.

Key Stage 2 We can test materials and group them according to their properties
Learning progression • Investigating materials in fair tests in which • All metals are magnetic
Learners build on their observational study of materials learners can start making decisions on planning • You can see a blurred image through an opaque material
in KS1 to investigate ways of grouping and classifying and how to record findings • Repeating measurements makes a test fair
materials, making and explaining their decisions. The • Classifying materials according to their properties • There are no gaps between the bars on a bar chart
range of properties is extended from KS1 to include • Thinking about why we test properties of materials • There is only one correct way to group a collection of materials
electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and
magnetism, linking to physics topics, as well as considering
solubility. In a sorting materials activity, start by letting In my life: everyday objects are made of one or What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?
groups decide their own categories, then view another more materials with properties suitable for the object; Materials can be grouped according to their properties, and these properties
group’s attempt and guess their criteria, before discussing environmental impacts of production/use/disposal when make them suitable for particular uses. Testing the properties of materials (such as
as a whole group. Their testing of materials to judge choosing materials for different uses their strengths) can be done in a laboratory. Then, a fair test can be planned to
which one is best for a particular use develops into more In society: different materials are used to suit a particular decide which material to use to do a certain job best. Choosing the right material
sophisticated fair tests, where predictions are checked, job; wood and metals used for building is vital to make sure an object will suit its role, from buildings to clothing.
standard measurements are taken, results in tables are
Pathways: consumer testing, interior designers, engineers,
displayed on bar charts (and, later in KS2, on line graphs),
product designers
conclusions are explained, and suggestions are made on
how to improve their investigations.

32 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 3  ll substances are made of atoms of one or more elements, which may be joined
together in compounds
Learning progression
Elements and compounds: Students learn definitions of atoms, The Periodic Table: Following the introduction of the Periodic Table Groups in Periodic Table: Stress that elements in the same group
elements, and compounds and use molecular model kits, 3D as a way of organising the elements, the positions of the metallic are similar – but not the same. Some data analysis exercises
models, and diagrams to distinguish between elements and and non-metallic elements can be discussed using findings from the can be used to show that there are often patterns in the physical
compounds, whilst being introduced to the term ‘molecule’. investigations into their properties. Link to physics here with testing properties, as well as the chemical properties (reactions), of

for magnetism and electrical conductivity. Point out the ‘staircase’ elements going down a group. Then introduce the metallic elements
They go on to find out the names and chemical symbols of common

that can form a dividing line between the metals and non-metals, of Group 1, plotting melting point data to look for a pattern.
elements, as well as how to name compounds (for example oxides,
showing students the few elements that have intermediate Demonstrate the reactions of Li, Na, and K with water to ask for
sulfates, nitrates, and carbonates) and use chemical symbols to
properties – so do not fall neatly into either category. Students the pattern evident in their observations. Then consider the
write their formulae – an international code that is used worldwide.
should be introduced to the terms ‘groups’ (vertical columns) and non-metallic elements in Group 7 and look for patterns in their

Students go on to test and research the physical properties of some ‘periods’ (horizontal rows) and identify elements given their group properties. Group 0 elements are noted for their lack of reactivity,
elements and distinguish between metals and non-metals on the and period number in the Periodic Table. but boiling points of the gases can be plotted (negative numbers)

basis of their findings. to see the pattern going down the group.

• Using molecular models and drawings of In my life: nearly 99% of your body mass is made up • You cannot have a molecule of an element
molecules to explain the difference between of compounds made from just six elements: oxygen, • All molecules are examples of compounds
elements and compounds carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus • Compounds cannot be broken down into their elements
• Exploring and researching the properties of metallic In society: millions of substances known to humankind are • Compounds display the properties of the elements they contain
and non-metallic elements all made from the hundred or so chemical elements that • Compounds are mixtures of elements
• Distinguishing and explaining the differences between appear in the Periodic Table • All elements exist as single atoms
the terms ‘atom’, ‘molecule’, ‘element’, and ‘compound’ Pathways: metallurgists, metal workers, research scientists, • Mixtures are the same as compounds
• Identifying patterns in groups of the Periodic Table science teachers, science technicians, electricians, • The numbers in chemical formulae are written as superscripts; for example,
from observations and data analysis engineers, jewellery makers, jewellery traders, sculptors, the formula of water is H2O
medical implant/prosthetics makers, stock exchange • Every compound has its own symbol
traders (who look for trends in material prices) • The majority of chemical elements are non-metals
• The Periodic Table lists elements in order of their mass/weight/density/date
of discovery
• All metals are magnetic
• Lithium is black and sodium is white
• There are no non-metallic elements that are conductors of electricity
• All the elements in Groups 3 to 0 are non-metals

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

We know about elements, compounds, atoms, and molecules from the work of chemists in the 19th century. They deduced
their existence from observations of their experiments, and organised these elements in an arrangement called the
Periodic Table that explains how elements behave and allows us to predict their properties. Without their work, many of the
materials used in modern technological societies would not have been made.

33 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 4 T he patterns in the Periodic Table are explained by electronic structures; organic
chemistry describes and explains the properties of compounds of carbon
Learning progression
The Periodic Table revisited: Although the same groups students explain the patterns observed in reactions going down Group 1 and Different types of molecular model kits show different aspects of
met in KS3 are revisited in KS4, knowledge of atomic structure and Group 7, as well as the lack of reactivity in Group 0. the 3D structures of organic molecules and how these relate to the
its relevance to the organisation of the elements is added. The displayed formula. The alkanes are the first homologous series to be
Then the transition metals, situated in the central block of the
historic work of Mendeleev thrust chemistry into a new era and later introduced (these have no functional group) – the first 4 members

Periodic Table, are introduced. This block contains many of the
scientists discovered that the elements in Mendeleev’s table were are presented, i.e. methane, ethane, propane, and butane. These
metals used in everyday life, such as iron, copper, and zinc. Students

in fact in order of their atomic numbers. We also now know that are followed by the alkenes (with the C=C functional group), alcohols
can compare the chemical properties of the transition metals with
patterns in the electronic structures of atoms are responsible for the (with the –OH functional group), the carboxylic acids (with the –COOH
the Group 1 alkali metals. They can also carry out research into the
patterns in the properties of the elements. At KS4, greater emphasis functional group), and the esters (with the –COO– functional group).
many varied uses of transition metals and make group presentations
is placed on the chemical equations that describe the reactions of Amino acids are naturally occurring compounds whose molecules

of their findings.
the elements in Groups 1 and 7. Students readily want to observe contain the functional groups –COOH and –NH2 ; the –COOH
the demonstration of Group 1 metals with water, with the addition of Organic chemistry: Students are introduced to organic chemistry group is acidic and the –NH2 group is basic. About 20 naturally

video of rubidium and caesium. for the first time, so time must be spent familiarising them with occurring amino acids join together in different sequences to make
fundamental terminology, for example, homologous series, functional protein molecules.
Group 7 displacement reactions illustrate the trend in reactivity of
group, displayed formula, hydrocarbons, and general formula.
the halogens. Knowledge of electronic structures also enables us to

• Appreciating the contribution of chemists in the In my life: observing everyday materials that are • The alkali metal elements are examples of alkalis
19th and early 20th centuries in developing the pure elements, compounds, or mixtures of these; • All the halogens are gases at room temperature
Periodic Table, including female chemists such as Ida considering what impact the use and disposal of these • All the noble gases have 8 electrons in their outermost shell
Noddack, who worked with colleagues to discover the objects has on the environment and for sustainable • No compounds of the noble gases exist
element rhenium development • The transition metal elements are all coloured
• Explaining the trends observed in reactivity going In society: extraction and manufacture of everyday • Only transition metal elements can act as catalysts
down groups in the Periodic Table materials; discovery and testing of vaccines, including • Organic chemistry is environmentally friendly
• Researching the uses of transition metals and their in the Covid-19 pandemic; choices of materials for • Amino acids are proteins
compounds and presenting findings different uses • All organic chemicals are toxic
• Relating different types of molecular models (in 3D) to Pathways: organic chemists, biochemists, medical • Every bond angle around a carbon atom with four covalent bonds is 90°
the displayed formulae of organic molecules (in 2D), researchers developing new medicines and vaccines,
and evaluating these different types of models polymer chemists, doctors, nurses, food scientists
• Calculating the Mr of compounds
• Using dot-and-cross diagrams to demonstrate
electron sharing

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

The Periodic Table arranges the elements in order of their atomic number (number of protons). Elements in the same
group of the Periodic Table have the same number of electrons in their outer shell, so there are trends in the physical and
chemical properties of the elements in a group. We can observe these trends by analysing data showing measurements
of physical properties of elements in the same group, as well as observation of their chemical reactions to gauge trends in
reactivity. Knowledge of the properties of elements and compounds is vital for manufacturers in choosing the best materials
for particular purposes.

34 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Chemical reactions
Key Stage 2 Some changes make new substances – these changes are irreversible
Learning progression • Making and recording detailed observations, • When wax melts a new material is formed
Observing irreversible changes: This work links into the speculating about the changes happening • A flame is a material
‘reversible changes’ that learners meet when covering • Comparing irreversible changes to reversible changes, • All solids melt when they are heated

basic changes of state, such as melting or condensing, such as changes of state and dissolving • Smoke is a gas

and dissolving. The stress here is on changes that cannot • Burning is a change of state
be reversed once they have occurred, as new substances
are made. Show a rusty iron or steel object and ask In my life: lighting bonfires; watching firework
if the object looked like this when it was first made.

displays; cooking and baking
Scrape some rust off and ask if they think that rust could In society: firing distress flares; making useful materials;
be easily turned back to iron. Demonstrate burning a

burning substances to heat things up or make vehicles
match and ask for observations before, during and after move
the change takes place. Is this reversible? Use vinegar
Pathways: chefs, firefighters, firework designers
and bicarbonate of soda, and burning paper as other
examples. Challenge students to observe and explain the

changes taking place when a candle burns, is blown out,
and is left to cool – here both reversible and irreversible
changes occur.

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Chemical reactions happen in lots of ways, and can make permanent changes to substances, such as in cooking or when
burning fuels to generate electricity. We know this from closely observing reactions like combustion and oxidation. Some
reactions are reversible, and we can tell the difference between these and non-reversible reactions by understanding what
is happening to the substances taking part in the reactions.

35 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 3 In a chemical reaction, atoms are rearranged and joined together differently to make
new substances
Learning progression
Understanding chemical reactions: Early in KS3, students Different types of chemical reaction: In all chemical reactions, carbonates are also introduced, with their general equations and
are introduced to chemical reaction as a process in which new energy is conserved. In some reactions, energy is transferred an opportunity to prepare a salt.
substances are made. Starting substances are called reactants and from the reactants to the surroundings. In other reactions, energy
• Thermal decomposition can be demonstrated by the breakdown
the substances that are made are called products. The students is transferred from the surroundings to the reaction mixture. The

of copper carbonate on heating.
will perform practical tasks to illustrate the signs that indicate that students will encounter different types of chemical reaction:

a chemical reaction is occurring, and learn how to write a word • Displacement reactions can be introduced following work on
• Combustion can be demonstrated using any safely burning fuel
equation to describe it. They will use a suitable reaction to show the reactivity series. The order of reactivity of metals can be
or by viewing video footage of forest fires.
the conservation of mass. Then using molecular models, they will deduced from their group in the Periodic Table, and observations
demonstrate that, when chemical reactions take place, the atoms • Define oxidation as the addition of oxygen to a substance. of the reactions of metals with air (oxygen), water, and dilute

of the reactants are rearranged and joined together differently Combustion reactions are examples of oxidation, as are some acid. Demonstrating displacement reactions between metals
to form the products. Following ‘Elements and compounds’, they corrosion reactions, for example, the corrosion in air of the freshly and metal oxides will allow students to carry out displacement

will progress from word equations to using formulae in balanced cut surface of a piece of sodium. reactions by adding metals to salt solutions. This leads on to the
symbol equations (including state symbols when students are more position of the non-metals hydrogen and carbon in the reactivity
• Introduce the pH scale, and the use of indicators, to measure
confident). Finally, they will encounter catalysts and discuss why they series and their use in obtaining metals from metal oxides in
acidity/alkalinity. Then define neutralisation as the reaction of an
are shown on top of the arrow in a chemical equation. displacement reactions.

acid with an alkali. The reactions of acids with metals and

• Investigating the conservation of mass in a In my life: measuring your metabolism; reactions • When balancing a chemical equation, the multiplier/balancing number
chemical reaction between the acid and carbonate in baking powder applies only to the element it is directly on the left of
• Using 3D molecular models to model the when baking; using indigestion tablets to neutralise excess • Mass is not conserved because in a reaction that gives off a gas, the mass
rearrangement of atoms in a chemical reaction stomach acid of the solid product remaining has less mass than the reactants before the
• Representing reactions by word equations, and In society: using metals such as iron that have been reaction takes place
beginning to use balanced symbol equations extracted by displacement reactions; displacement • Energy is a substance
• Safely preparing salts in the reactions of acids with reactions to extract useful metals from their ores; use of • All acidic solutions are corrosive
metals, metal oxides and metal carbonates iron in steel for bridges, tall buildings, ships, buses, trains, • Alkaline substances are not corrosive
• Deducing the order of reactivity of metals from and cars; adding acid/alkali to soil to make its pH suitable • Salts are all chlorides
observations for particular crops; neutralising the acidic gases made in • The reaction of a metal plus acid gives a salt plus water
• Using the reactivity series to predict displacement some industrial processes • The reaction of a metal carbonate plus acid gives salt plus carbon dioxide
reactions Pathways: steel workers, pharmacists, cement producers, • All salts are soluble in water
firework manufacturers, pharmacists, firefighters, bakers • Metals ‘fight’ each other in displacement reactions
• Aluminium has many outdoor uses, so must be an unreactive metal

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

In a chemical reaction, the atoms are rearranged and joined together differently, so mass is conserved. Experiments
focusing on combustion, oxidation, and reduction have helped us to understand what happens to different substances
during chemical reactions. Chemical reactions enable all life on Earth, make the substances we use in society, and transfer
energy. There are several types of chemical reaction, and we can represent reactions by word equations and balanced
symbol equations.

36 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 4 Chemical reactions make new substances and transfer energy
Learning progression
Using chemical equations: Students develop their understanding transition metals. The displacement reactions of the halogen solutions in reactants and making bonds in products, and this is applied to
of the different types of chemical reaction studied in KS3, and and their salts are used to show the trend in reactivity going down estimate energy changes in reactions using bond energy data. Then
practise writing and interpreting chemical equations. The balancing the group. Ionic equations that only show the ions and molecules the different factors that affect rates of reaction are investigated
of symbol equations, including state symbols, can be more complex, involved in a reaction could be introduced here. Electrolysis is and explained using collision theory. This can be followed by the
for example, in the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. Calculations introduced, including half equations showing the transfer of electrons, introduction of reversible reactions, chemical equilibria and the

can be carried out to work out masses of reactants and products and its application in extracting aluminium. The reactions of acids are application of Le Chatelier’s principle, which predicts how the
using moles or relative formula masses, applying the ratios from revisited and developed to include an explanation of redox reactions position of equilibrium shifts as conditions are changed.

the balanced equation. Students learn how to carry out calculations using half equations. Neutralisation reactions and the impact of
Students are introduced to some reactions of organic compounds
involving a reactant present in excess, and are introduced to the hydrogen ion concentration on pH are explored further. Strong and
(alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, and carboxylic acids), including the
term ‘limiting reactant’. weak acid reactions are introduced and compared.
combustion of hydrocarbons, before considering addition and

Extending KS3 concepts: The reactions of the alkali metals and Energy changes in reactions are revisited, before progressing condensation polymerisation.
water are revisited and students are introduced to their reactions with to reaction profile diagrams, including the concept of activation

halogens. The reactions of alkali metals are compared with those of energy. Energy changes are explained in terms of breaking bonds

• Carrying out reacting mass calculations from In my life: using chemically-activated hand warmers; • A reaction in a state of equilibrium is always a 50:50 mixture of
given data using cool packs on injuries; using fuels that transfer reactants and products
• Preparing salt from a metal carbonate or oxide energy to cook food or drive a car • Heating up a reaction mixture at equilibrium always produces more product
• Investigating the electrolysis of solutions, energy In society: biochemical processes occur in all living • Ionic equations only show the ionic products of a chemical reaction
changes and the effect of concentration on rate of things to keep them alive; role of chemical reactions in • A limiting reactant is the reactant in excess
reaction producing the materials needed in modern society, and in • Energy is ‘lost’ in an exothermic reaction
• Evaluating the repeatability and reproducibility of these transferring the energy needed for many processes (e.g., • Bond breaking is exothermic
investigations by burning fuels); use of reversible reactions in industrial • Sulfur is one of the products formed in the electrolysis of an aqueous
• Calculating the mean rate of a reaction, and the rate processes that produce useful materials sulfate salt
at a particular point in time, using data from a graph Pathways: chemical engineers, quality controllers, • Nitrogen is one of the products formed in the electrolysis of an aqueous
• Drawing 2D representations to model polymerisation health and safety officers, food scientists, electroplaters, nitrate salt
reactions manufacturers of plastics, polymer scientists, organic • Electrons flow through the electrolyte during electrolysis
chemists • Catalysts do not change as the catalysed reaction takes place
• The carbon atom in the –COOH group of a carboxylic acid is not counted
when naming the acid

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Chemical reactions produce new substances and involve a transfer of energy either from the reaction mixture to the
surroundings or from the surroundings to the reaction mixture, as evidenced from our observations of reactions and
measurements of temperature changes. Understanding what happens in chemical reactions is fundamental to all processes
that occur in living things and in all chemical manufacturing processes.

37 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Chemical analysis
Key Stage 2 We can use filtering, sieving, evaporating, or a magnet to separate some mixtures
Learning progression • Using filtration and sieving to separate mixtures • Filtering dirty water with filter paper makes it fit to drink
Learners use basic methods to separate mixtures. It is a • Investigating evaporation by leaving salt solutions in • Filtering can be used to separate a dissolved substance from a solvent
good idea to let the learners make up the mixture to be different places • Liquids are not materials

separated themselves so they appreciate that the mixture • Discussing why a particular technique is used to separate • Evaporation cannot take place without heating a liquid or a solution

contains two (or more) different materials. Separation a mixture, as well as why we need to separate mixtures • The dried salt that is left after leaving salty water to evaporate is not the
techniques to practice are filtration, sieving, evaporation, same material as the grains of salt dissolved in the water
and using magnets. To investigate filtration, use a filter • Solutions are not a mixture
paper, folded to fit in a filter funnel held over a beaker or

In my life: sieving in the kitchen, such as to strain • Water disappears when salt is separated from salty water
similar container. Add sand to water in another beaker, vegetables; sieving sand at sand pits • New materials are made when solids dissolve in water
stir the mixture, then pour it through the filter paper. The

In society: separation of differently sized items, such • Gases do not dissolve in water
sand (residue) is left on the filter paper. Ask learners to as coffee beans, by using different grades of sieve
describe and suggest how filtration works. You can use a with differently sized holes; making filter coffee and
colander to sieve a mixture of dry sand and peas, and straining tea
if you have different grades of sieve, try to separate dry

Pathways: chefs, producers of sea salt, water supply
sand, peas and rice grains. Demonstrate separation by
workers, manufacturers
evaporation by dissolving salt in water and leaving near
a sunny window. Show how a magnet can separate a
magnetic material from a mixture.

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Mixtures can be separated by carrying out the techniques of filtration, sieving, and evaporation, or using a magnet.
The method chosen depends on the materials in the mixture. Separating mixtures is important in food and drink
preparation and purifying materials, such as turning dirty water into water that is safe to drink.

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Key Stage 3 S ubstances can be analysed or purified using several techniques, including
Learning progression
Separating mixtures: Students can build on work done in KS2 by of coloured substances that are all soluble in the same solvent its mass (g) that can dissolve in 100 g of water. As temperature
revisiting the separation technique of filtration. Ask them to work (for example inks or food colourings) using chromatography. Ask increases, the solubility of most soluble solids increases, but the
out how to separate a mixture of sand and salt. This task will also learners to speculate as to how chromatography works. solubility of most soluble gases decreases. Solubility of different
involve the use of the Bunsen burner for heating when looking at solutes can be plotted and interpreted from line graphs. The

Concentration: Students can look more closely at the process of
evaporation to separate a solid (in this case salt) from its solution concentration of a solution is a measure of how much solute is
dissolving. They can make a saturated solution to see that there is a

with water. Students can also observe or carry out simple distillation dissolved in a given volume of the solution. A solution is described
limit to the mass of solute that can dissolve in a set mass of water.
to collect a liquid from a solution, explaining the process using the as concentrated if it has relatively more solute dissolved in it, and
This maximum amount of a solute is its solubility, as measured by
particle model. Learners can then go on to explore the separation dilute if it has relatively less solute dissolved in it.

r a
• Problem solving to determine the method to In my life: accessing clean drinking water, which has • Poking a filter paper with a glass rod improves the process of filtration
separate mixtures of different substances been filtered and sterilised; appreciating that this is through a filter funnel
• Carrying out the separation techniques of filtration, available on tap in the UK (but not in all parts of the • Chromatography only works for the separation of coloured substances
evaporation, simple distillation, chromatography, and world); using filters in fish tanks; adding sugar to hot • The larger the original spot on the base line of chromatography paper is,

using a magnet drinks; observing that fizzy drinks stay fizzy for longer when the clearer the result
• Justifying and evaluating the methods used to kept cold • The substances separated by chromatography are insoluble
separate mixtures In society: sea salt is separated from seawater by • All powdered solids are soluble in water
• Carrying out investigations into the solubility of evaporation and is collected from salt pans; rock salt • Separation processes involve chemical reactions
different solids is extracted from seams underground (formed by the • The solubility of solids decreases as you increase the temperature
• Plotting line graphs of solubility versus temperature for evaporation of prehistoric seas); using salt on roads in • Sea salt is a single substance: sodium chloride
different substances winter • A dilute solution always has fewer particles of solute in it than a
• Drawing a particle diagram to illustrate what a Pathways: chemical engineers, water treatment workers, concentrated solution
scientist means by a ‘dilute’ solution as opposed to a brewers, chemical analysts, workers for the Environment
‘concentrated’ solution, and evaluating their accuracy Agency, chefs
(they are not to scale, for example)

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Filtration is used to separate an insoluble solid from a liquid. Evaporation is used to obtain a solute from a solution. Simple
distillation is used to separate a solvent from a solution. Chromatography is used to separate mixtures of solutes in solution.
We can also use chromatography to distinguish between pure substances and mixtures, to find the number of substances
in a mixture, and to identify solutes. These are all important processes used in modern industries for the production of
useful substances.

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Key Stage 4  e can use a range of techniques to separate mixtures, identify substances, and
determine their quantities
Learning progression
Separating mixtures of substances: Students will quickly revisit Identifying substances: Students will use the standard tests of this product plus its impurities) × 100. (Understanding of ‘amount
their KS3 techniques for separating mixtures, such as filtration, to identify common gases. They will also use flame tests and of substance’ measured in moles is not required in this calculation.)
simple distillation, evaporation, and chromatography, using different precipitation reactions with sodium hydroxide solution to identify the Many students find calculations involving moles difficult, so we
mixtures and open-ended problems to ensure progression. In KS4, positive ions in unknown substances. These are complemented by should acknowledge this and reassure them that they will revisit the

these techniques are extended to include crystallisation (needed to the ‘test-tube’ tests for the negatively charged ions in the substances concept throughout KS4.

prepare salts) and fractional distillation (applied to the separation under investigation in order to identify the compounds.
Students will start by revisiting relative atomic mass and formula
of miscible liquids and obtaining fractions from crude oil). The
An instrumental technique used to identify substances, flame mass, and introduce the Avogadro constant and simple calculations
explanation of chromatography is developed to include mobile
emission spectroscopy, is briefly introduced to highlight modern involving mass and moles, then concentrations of solutions, and
and stationary phases, as well as the use of locating agents with

analytical methods. Students will evaluate the advantages and volumes of gas. The practical technique of performing a titration can
colourless substances. Then calculations of Rf values from developed
disadvantages of this instrumental technique compared with the be taught as they cover neutralisation reactions in KS4. However, the
chromatograms will be used to identify unknown substances. They

chemical methods. calculation of unknown concentrations using titration data is best left
should understand that all these separation techniques are physical
until the final year of KS4, as it involves reacting numbers of moles,
changes, since no new substances are made. Quantitative analysis: Chemists can work out the percentage purity
as well as manipulation of the concentration equation.
of a sample by dividing (mass of the pure product) by (total mass

• Solving open-ended problems using a range of In my life: using everyday products made from crude • A fractionating column is hotter at the top than at the bottom
separation techniques oil, including fuels and plastics; understanding the • A fraction obtained from crude oil contains a single hydrocarbon
• Interpreting chromatograms and using them to environmental issues associated with their manufacture, • The Avogadro constant has no unit
calculate Rf values use, and disposal • A mole of a gas contains fewer particles than a mole of a solid
• Safely carrying out and interpreting chemical tests on In society: making distilled water for use in all types of • The volume of a mole of hydrogen gas is smaller than the volume of a mole
unknown substances lab; making medicinal drugs, which have precise amounts of carbon dioxide gas under the same conditions
• Evaluating and comparing chemical tests and of different substances mixed in certain formulations; • You multiply the number of dm3 by 100 to change the unit to cm3
instrumental techniques used to identify unknown monitoring air quality and pollutants; extraction of salt
substances from rock salt on an industrial scale; forensic identification
• Carrying out a titration to investigate reacting volumes of unknown substances or tracing criminals; using
• Calculating amounts of substance involving moles chromatography to identify and quantify substances (such
• Considering the purposes of separation and analytical as alcohol and other drugs) in blood and urine
techniques, as well as calculations Pathways: conservationists, pollutant controllers, forensic
scientists, police officers, environmental health officers, art
restorers, lab workers, industrial chemists, nurses, doctors,
pharmacists, pharmaceutical company workers

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

We know that separation techniques do not make new substances, so they are examples of physical the unknown concentration of a solution. As a result, we can identify unknown compounds through
changes. We can conduct chemical tests, and make and interpret observations, to identify unknown separation or mass spectrometry for drugs tests, and calculate concentrations of substances for use in
substances. We can also do calculations to find out about the quantity of substances in a given mass medicine (such as anaesthesia or prescription drugs).
of a mixture, the concentration of a solution, or the volume of gas, and carry out titrations to find

40 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Chemistry of the Earth, and Earth’s resources

Key Stage 3 Fuels transfer useful energy and metals are extracted from ores
Learning progression
Defining fuels: Students are introduced to fuels as substances that Using fuels: The work on fuel cells can be introduced after Metals: Students will be familiar with metals from their work on the
burn in chemical reactions with oxygen, transferring useful energy considering adverse effects of burning traditional fossil fuels. This properties and uses of materials in primary school. Now we move

by heating. The use of the fuel methane gas in the Bunsen burner will be part of the solution to climate change caused by global on to discover how we get these useful metals from the naturally

in the science lab is a thrilling experience for most students as they warming, with many countries planning a switch to sales of electric occurring ores (which are also non-renewable resources from the
start secondary school. Environmental concerns can be discussed cars only. Detail of the workings of fuel cells is not required at Earth’s crust). The extraction of metals is introduced by considering
as traditional fossil fuels are shown to be non-renewable and their this stage but is covered in KS4. The use of catalytic converters in the least reactive metals, for example, gold, which occurs as the
products of combustion include carbon dioxide gas, as well as the conventional vehicles is explained as a way to cut down the toxic element itself. The more reactive metals are found in compounds

pollutant carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion (water is exhaust pollutants carbon monoxide, the oxides of nitrogen, and in their ores. Students are introduced to displacement of a metal
the other product). The environmental theme is continued with unburnt carbon compounds from petrol and diesel (but does not by carbon when heated. The terms ‘reduction’ and ‘displacement’

the introduction of biofuels and the use of hydrogen as a fuel in reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released). are given as types of reaction, together with ‘oxidation’ when
motor vehicles. investigating the rusting of iron.

• Using the Bunsen burner safely for heating In my life: seeing energy sources used at home and • All fuels are in the liquid state
• Observing demonstrations of the burning of travelling; considering how these can be replaced by • Hydrogen-powered vehicles have no disadvantages
different fuels ‘cleaner fuels’; taking steps to improve the local and global • Cars can only run on petrol or diesel
• Researching impacts of the sources and uses of fuels environment; considering your carbon footprint • Hydrogen (rather than water) is a product of the combustion of fossil fuels
• Discussing the environmental impacts of burning In society: traffic pollution and its impacts on human • The production of biofuels involves no carbon dioxide released into the
fossil fuels health and other living things; movement towards ‘cleaner atmosphere
• Carrying out experiments to reduce metal oxides by fuels’ and the reduction in fossil fuel use; increasing • Nitrogen gas has no reactions
heating with carbon support for sustainable development • The yellow flame on a Bunsen burner is hotter than a blue flame
• Explaining observations of the reduction of a metal Pathways: environmental scientists (e.g., monitoring • The oxidation of iron decreases its mass
oxide by carbon in terms of reactivity pollution levels, protecting wildlife), conservationists, health • Rusting is not a chemical reaction
• Investigating the conditions needed for iron to rust and safety officers, workers in green energy industries, • Air (oxygen) or water are required for iron to rust
• Modelling to explain what happens in a displacement energy assessors, ecologists • Displacement reactions only occur between metals and metal oxides (or
reaction between metals and metal salt solutions)

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Combustion, reduction, oxidation, and displacement are all ways of categorising chemical reactions as evidenced by
observing reactions in the lab. The reactants and products of the reactions can be shown in chemical equations. The
consequences of these reactions on an industrial and domestic scale have environmental implications – and implications
for sustainable development – that must be addressed now.

41 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 4 Application of chemistry is essential to many modern industries
Learning progression
Extraction of metals, yield, and atom economy: Students learn Fuels, chemical cells, and fuel cells: The KS3 fuels topic is Formulations and fertilisers: Students are introduced to industrially
that very reactive metals (at the top of the reactivity series) are revisited here, with students focusing on crude oil – its formation, important formulations – mixtures that have been made to have
extracted using electrolysis (the breakdown of an electrolyte by fractional distillation, cracking of its heavy fractions, and the useful specific properties so that they will be useful. They will look at
electricity). They investigate the electrolysis of different aqueous substances obtained. examples, focusing on the manufacture of fertilisers. This will
solutions, and identify the products formed at the electrodes. A include the Haber process to make ammonia, and its subsequent
Students are introduced to simple chemical cells and can plan
closer look is taken at the extraction of copper using displacement conversion to a variety of different salts, called NPK fertilisers, that

and carry out an investigation into the voltage measured between
by iron or using electrolysis. There are links here to bioleaching and farmers add to soil to improve crop yield and quality.
different pairs of metals in the same electrolyte. They compare

phytomining that appear in the ‘Earth and environment’ concept
a non-rechargeable electric cell or battery and a rechargeable Corrosion and alloys: Looking at corrosion, students will revisit
strand. A mathematical concept can then be introduced to calculate
electric cell. Then students learn details of the workings of hydrogen rusting and explore the different methods of preventing rust.
reaction yields, as well as the economically and environmentally
fuel cells, as well as considering their pros and cons. Students can then find out about a variety of alloys and how their
important atom economy calculations that affect industrial

properties can be manipulated to suit particular uses by altering
processes. Students can discuss the factors that determine how
their composition.
industrial products are made.

• Planning and carrying out investigations into In my life: using formulations at home, for example, • Metal ores are all pure compounds

factors affecting electrolysis, recording their results paint, medicines, tablets, and foods; using fertilisers • Negative ions are formed by atoms losing electrons
• Planning and carrying out investigations into factors and ‘liquid plant food’ in pot plants and gardens; the use • Positive ions are formed by atoms gaining electrons
affecting the voltage produced by different electrical of alloys in devices, home appliances, and cars • Negative ions gain electrons at an electrode; positive ions lose electrons at
cells, consisting of pairs of different metals in an In society: fuels cells in electric vehicles; how corrosion an electrode
electrolyte affects metals in the environment; using fertilisers on • Electrolysis is only involved in the extraction of highly reactive metals
• Investigating and evaluating the effectiveness of farms to grow food crops, as well as a consideration of • Aluminium is an unreactive metal
different methods used to prevent rusting alternatives; electrolysis in beauty salons • A fraction from the fractional distillation of crude oil is a single, pure
• Researching uses of alloys Pathways: designers of perfumes, jewellers, researchers hydrocarbon
• Carrying out calculations of yields and atom economy of new commercial products, producers or sellers of • A catalyst affects the position of equilibrium in a reversible reaction
• Considering the environmental impacts of the electric vehicles, installers of electric charging points • Obtaining hydrogen from water does not need any energy input
manufacture and uses of substances and the uses for cars • Ammonia is in the liquid state at room temperature
of fuels
• Evaluating advantages and disadvantages of
extracting metals by different methods

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Highly reactive metals need to be extracted by electrolysis. The electrolyte is a molten salt, not a solution of a salt of the
metal, and we can predict the products at each electrode. There are many useful products originating from crude oil,
obtained by fractional distillation and cracking. Formulations are designed for specific uses in industry, and factors such as
the yield and atom economy must be considered to minimise damage to our environment.

42 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Earth and environment

Key Stage 1 There are different types of rock, which have different properties and uses
Learning progression • Observing and comparing rocks • Brick and concrete are natural materials
As part of their study of everyday materials, young • Suggesting uses for different rocks • All rocks are hard
learners will observe rocks. They use a magnifying glass • All rocks are made out of the same material

to look closely at the surface of two natural rocks, such

as limestone and chalk, and a processed rock (e.g., In my life: looking at the uses of rock in the local
polished, or cut for building), to compare observations. environment and their occurrence in nature What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?
Use secondary sources to show some uses of the two In society: thinking about the use of manufactured in We know that many rocks, but not all, are hard. They are used to make houses
rocks observed. Learners can extend this work to start

bricks and concrete, and in buildings and other buildings that need to be strong, so it is important we understand their
making suggestions as to why rocks are used in making
Pathways: construction work, gardeners, landscape properties.
buildings, roads and statues, for example. There are links

designers, architects, sculptors
to biological observations of nature.

Key Stage 2 Rocks can be classified into different groups; soil contains tiny pieces of rock

Learning progression • Classifying rocks and soils • All fossils are the preserved replicas of the original living thing
In KS2, learners meet a wider variety of rocks. Let them • Comparing properties of rocks and soils, and their • Soil is a single material, not a mixture
group the rocks according to their own criteria and suggested uses • Rocks stay the same forever
discuss the outcomes as a whole class. They use a hand • Clay is not made from weathered rock
lens or microscope to look closely at the surface to • Chalk and talc are not rocks
group rocks into those made of grains and those made In my life: appreciating the different types of rocks • Rocks are the same type if they are the same colour
of crystals. Observing rocks in the environment and/or and soils, including sand and rock on sea beds
using secondary sources, look for signs of weathering In society: growing plants in suitable types of soil; using
and ask for suggestions as to how this happens. This different rocks for a wide variety of uses What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?
provides opportunities to look at the composition of soils,
Pathways: stone masons, farmers, gardeners, There are many different types of rocks that can be grouped together in
containing tiny pieces of weathered rock. Observation and
palaeontologists, gardeners, agronomists different ways, and particles of broken-down rock are a major part of the
investigations into different types of soil can follow, for
example, to find out which type of soil drains best. Discuss mixtures we call soil. Fossilised remains and traces of living things can be found
rock that builds up in layers over millions of years and in rocks that formed in layers. These help us understand how living things have
the fossils that can be in found in them. This topic links evolved over time.
with geography.

43 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 3  ifferent types of rock form in different ways; climate change is partially caused by
greenhouse gases from human activities entering the atmosphere
Learning progression
Structure of the Earth and rocks: Students are introduced to the Carbon dioxide and the atmosphere: Starting with the carbon Introduction to Earth’s resources and recycling: We can preserve
structure of our planet, learning about the crust, mantle outer core, cycle, students learn about the importance of carbon dioxide gas the Earth’s resources by reducing what we buy, reusing objects
and inner core of the Earth. This is followed by the composition of in the natural processes on Earth, including its role in keeping where possible, and recycling materials. Recycling metals (for

the Earth’s atmosphere. When students have studied different types the planet warm enough for liquid water to exist in the seas and example, copper and aluminium) helps to conserve the remaining
of weathering, they will look at the formation of the different types oceans. However, as excessive amounts enter the atmosphere as deposits of metal ores, reduces solid mine waste and reduces

of rock: sedimentary rock formed by sediments building up over a result of human activities, CO2 contributes to enhanced global carbon dioxide emissions from the energy-intensive processes
millions of years and undergoing compaction and cementation; warming. As average temperatures around the world increase, needed to mine and extract metals from their ores.
igneous rocks formed from molten magma (called lava at the there are already signs that climate change could have catastrophic
Glass, plastics, and paper are also recycled, and many things can

surface) solidifying/freezing; and metamorphic rocks formed by the impacts. Learners discuss these and what we can do – including
be re-used rather than disposed of in landfill sites.
action of high temperatures and/or high pressure that change the personally, nationally, and internationally – to combat the effects of

structure of a rock. The topic finishes with a look at the rock cycle. climate change.

• Interpreting models of natural cycles on Earth, In my life: hiking, rock climbing or caving; visiting • Slate is a sedimentary rock

including the rock cycle and the carbon cycle Natural History museums; noticing different types of • Rocks with layers are always sedimentary
• Comparing the size of crystals formed when a molten rock in use as paving stones, roofing etc.; observing • There is only one type of limestone
substance (e.g., salicylic acid) is cooled quickly and pollution from petrol and diesel vehicles; noticing different • Limestone is soft as it is a sedimentary rock
slowly and relate this to igneous rock formation types of rock and their uses at home; reusing objects • Weathering is the same process as erosion
• Discussing climate change, its causes, its implications, when possible and recycling materials at home and • Rocks cannot change their structure
and ways to combat it, both individually and at school • Lava can only flow on land
nationally/internationally In society: reducing what we buy and the energy we use; • Volcanoes are all active
• Classifying rocks by close observation as sedimentary, government support for solar panels and the installation • Igneous rocks are only found on volcanoes
igneous, or metamorphic of wind turbines and other energy sources with minimal
• Igneous rocks are formed from one type of crystal
carbon dioxide emissions
• Limestone, marble, and chalk cannot be made of mainly the same substance
Pathways: environmental scientists, data analysts,
• Enhanced global warming will have the same effect on weather patterns all
recycling workers, conservationists, builders, environmental
over the world
health officers, electric vehicle producers or salespeople,
• All types of plastic can be recycled
marine scientists, museum workers
• Recycling is the only way of preserving the Earth’s resources
• Basalt is not an igneous rock
• Rocks always take a long time to form
• All rocks were formed when the earth was formed
• Rocks cannot move from where they were formed

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

We understand the structure of the Earth and how rocks are formed, and appreciate how human contributing to climate change. We know how human resource use – particularly by people in rich
activities affect natural cycles, such as the carbon cycle. Observations of the environment and human countries – damages the environment and prevents sustainable development, and must identify actions
activity, through measuring emissions and the rate of climate change, makes it clear humans are to address these issues.

44 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 4 Chemistry T he Earth’s atmosphere has changed over time; enhanced global warming
is a vital issue that must be addressed immediately
Learning progression
Earth’s atmosphere: After revisiting the composition of gases in The atmosphere and pollutants: Work on climate change is Natural resources and recycling: The emphasis is on the use of
the air, students learn about current ideas concerning the history of developed to explain how greenhouse gases warm the atmosphere, water, its sources, its pollution, and making water that is fit to drink.
Earth’s atmosphere from its origins to the present day. With limited and how human activities are causing enhanced global warming Students should investigate water samples from different sources.

evidence from billions of years ago, there is some uncertainty about by increasing natural levels of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon KS3 work on the finite sources of metal ores is extended to look
hypotheses. However, scientists link early volcanic activity and the dioxide and methane. Students discover that making predictions at more sustainable methods of mining ores, such as phytomining

subsequent development of life on Earth to the composition of about the rate of climate change is difficult when using a model on and bioleaching. The sustainable practice of conducting Life Cycle
the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide was removed from the volcanic a global scale. They consider pollution of the atmosphere, including Assessments on processes is dealt with. This is an ideal time
atmosphere by the first plants to evolve, as well as other processes, the sources and effects of particulates, carbon monoxide, oxides of to carry out/revise calculations of atom economy and yields of

and oxygen was first produced from photosynthesis about 2.7 billion nitrogen, and sulfur dioxide. chemical reactions. Students then recap KS3 recycling and extend
years ago. the work by considering how recycling is carried out.

• Purifying and testing water samples from different In my life: considering issues of sustainability and • The Earth’s atmosphere has remained constant from the time of
sources environment when making purchases; appreciation its formation

• Considering the awe-inspiring vast periods of time over that the Earth’s atmosphere, land, and seas are • Scientific theories are absolute truths that can never be changed
which the Earth’s atmosphere has evolved vulnerable to damaging pollution, which must be • Humans have been on Earth since its creation
• Understanding that models have limitations remedied • The Earth’s atmosphere contains a high proportion of carbon dioxide gas
• Carrying out and evaluating Life Cycle Assessments, In society: reducing what we buy and the energy we use; • The greenhouse effect is a new phenomenon
comparing two products or processes reusing objects when possible and recycling materials at • Chlorine is only added to water in swimming pools
• Carrying out calculations of atom economy and yield home and at school • Carbon monoxide smells like exhaust fumes from a car
of some chemical reactions (atom economy can be Pathways: meteorologists, running a recycling plant, • There is only one type of nitrogen oxide
applied to different routes to get the same product and working to promote sustainability for a local authority/ • Sulfur dioxide is a liquid that causes acid rain
used in LCAs) government agency, industrial chemists, mining
consultants, water engineers/scientists, makers of catalytic
converters, developers of electric batteries, environmental

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

We know that not all hypotheses we have developed to explain the composition and development of gases in the Earth’s
atmosphere can be verified and may well be modified or even completely changed when a better hypothesis is proposed
and vetted by the scientific community. Enhanced global warming, causing climate, change is a vital issue and we must
act now – individually, nationally, and as a global community – to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that are contributing
to this.

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Key Stage 4 Physics T he atmosphere affects the Earth’s temperature; seismic waves reveal the
Earth’s structure
Learning progression
Atmospheric pressure: Students link what they have learned about Students use their knowledge of the electromagnetic spectrum to They use their knowledge of wave properties to learn about how the
gas pressure to a simple model of the atmosphere; atmospheric learn about the absorption and emission of radiation by the Earth’s internal structure of the Earth can be deduced from the detection of
pressure at a point is a result of the weight of air above that point, atmosphere, and the impact on the Earth’s temperature. There are seismic waves produced by earthquakes. There are longitudinal

which depends on height above sea level. Parallels with water clear links to the history of the formation of the atmosphere, and (P, or primary) waves and transverse (S, or secondary) waves
pressure are useful; students can compare and contrast for a how temperatures have changed. Students make links to combustion that can be detected by seismometers at different locations on

deeper understanding. and the carbon cycle in chemistry, and to climate change, both here the Earth’s surface. Shadow zones where seismic waves are not
and on other planets, such as Venus. detected provide evidence for the size and structure of the Earth’s
The role of the atmosphere in maintaining hospitable temperatures
core. This is still a model. We cannot travel inside the Earth.
on Earth is vital; without it there would be extremes of temperature. Seismic waves: Students may know the internal structure of the

Comparisons with planets without atmospheres can be enlightening. Earth but may not have wondered ‘how do we know?’

• Researching how atmospheric pressure changes In my life: changes of pressure are detected by our • Liquids rise in a drinking straw because of suction
with height ears when we fly in planes or climb mountains; • Fluid pressure only acts downwards

• Investigating the effect of CO2 levels on the absorption observing how crisp packets change on planes • Human activity is not responsible for climate change
of radiation from a lamp In society: more extreme weather events as a result • Global warming and climate change are the same thing
• Modelling the internal structure of the Earth and of climate change; the need for pressurised cabins in • The atmosphere is transparent to all radiation
production of shadow zones with light aircraft; using absorption of radiation by atmospheres • The Earth is molten except for the crust
• Making a timeline of previous models of the internal helps us look for life on other planets; some animals can • The Earth is completely solid
structure of the Earth, showing how evidence led to the sense seismic waves; the effects of natural disasters, and • The Earth’s core is hollow
model being changed how they are predicted • Earthquakes are rare events
• Researching how the average temperature of the Earth Pathways: mountain climbers, pilots, aircraft designers, • Seismic waves involve the long-distance motion of particles
is measured, and the uncertainty in it meteorologists, sun lotion manufacturers, seismologists, • Shadow zones for S-waves occur because S-waves don’t travel through oceans
• Interpreting patterns and links between rising levels of tsunami warning system operators
• Seismic waves travel into the core but not back to the crust
CO2 and rising temperatures
• The ground cracks open when there is an earthquake
• Air does not exert a pressure as we cannot feel it
• Air does not weigh anything
• Air particles get less dense/lighter as the height above sea level increases

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Atmospheric pressure decreases with height, which can be demonstrated experimentally; this affects air travel and
mountain climbing. The atmosphere absorbs, reflects, and re-emits radiation, which we know from experimentation with
gases and modelling. We can account for previous changes to climate and predict future changes, which impacts how we
live on Earth. Earthquakes produce seismic waves that can be detected by seismometers. The existence of shadow zones
where some seismic waves are not detected provides evidence that some of the Earth’s core is liquid.

46 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 4 Biology  uman interactions with ecosystems have positive and negative impacts on
biodiversity and the climate
Learning progression
Material cycling: Through studying the carbon and water cycles, Human interactions with ecosystems: The importance of students’ ability to distinguish between scientific fact and
students study how materials are cycled through the abiotic and biodiversity is explored by looking at some of the negative effects exaggeration (and how the mainstream media and social media
biotic components of ecosystems. This requires them to combine of population growth, including pollution, deforestation, and peat can misuse both). Students also gain a greater understanding of

their knowledge of processes such as evaporation (physics) and destruction; links with global warming are also examined. Finally, many of the latest developments in maintaining biodiversity, such as
combustion (chemistry) with their biological knowledge of processes students look in detail at the steps being taken to manage waste through the use of gene banks.

such as respiration and photosynthesis. They then focus on the and to maintain and increase biodiversity.
This topic is placed towards the end of KS4 as it draws together
importance of decomposers in returning minerals to the soil and
This is an important topic at both national and international levels, knowledge from throughout the biology course and other scientific
carbon to the atmosphere, and the optimum conditions for decay.
and so discussion of current affairs is encouraged, developing disciplines.

r a
• Using sensors to monitor abiotic factors In my life: making and using compost; recycling; • Decay occurs best in damp, cold places (mouldy walls)
• Synthesising knowledge of materials cycling with walking to school; visits to conservation projects, • Organisms only breathe out carbon dioxide
chemical processes such as seed banks • Worms and woodlice are decomposers

• Investigating and calculating the rate of decay In society: clearing of land for new buildings; increasing • Decomposers release energy that is cycled back to plants
• Researching into peat bog loss world population; biogas production; deforestation; • Biodiversity refers to the range of animals present in an area
• Graphical representation of world population over time carbon footprint; environmental disasters such as oil • All human activity has a negative effect on the environment
• Evaluating the impact of environmental changes on the spillages; United Nations climate change conferences; • Species are being lost through extinction and no new species are emerging
distribution of species in an ecosystem government campaigns and legislation; vehicle and • The climate has always changed – so the current measured rate of global
• Observing eutrophication in pond weed factory emissions warming is natural
Pathways: gardeners, organic farmers, architects, waste • Carbon dioxide levels are tiny – they can’t make a big difference to global
managers, environmental biologists, naturalists, climate warming
scientists, weather forecasters, policy makers

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Materials such as carbon and water constantly cycle through the abiotic and biotic parts of an ecosystem. Human
interactions have both positive and negative effects on ecosystems. We know this from observation, and through collecting
data about organisms and their environment (e.g., population numbers). This is important as all material in the living
world must be recycled to provide building blocks for future organisms and to provide suitable habitats for them to live in,
maintaining biodiversity, which is in turn is essential for the future of the human species.

47 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Forces and motion

Key Stage 1 Forces can change the shape of objects
Learning progression Observing the effect of squashing and stretching • Solid objects cannot be compressed
Forces are ‘invisible’, but students can see their real-world different objects • Forces acting on bodies/objects are only associated with living things.
effects. Different types of forces can be applied to change • Force is only something applied to people

the shape of objects by twisting, squashing, bending and
stretching, and students begin to develop their vocabulary.

These types of forces can be thought of as either ‘pushing’ In my life: sitting on beds or cushions; stretching What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?
or ‘pulling’ or a combination of a push and a pull. elastic bands; using clay in art or making things; Forces can be exerted on objects to change their shape, which we know from
Students explore how the same force can have a different cooking or baking direct experimentation. This is important because the forces people exert on

effect on different objects; trying to squash a sponge or In society: buildings and moving objects such as cars objects should achieve the required goal, or not result in injury.
a brick, for example. They explore how they can use their Pathways: trampolinists, gymnasts

muscles to exert forces, and see how objects can exert forces.

Key Stage 2 Forces affect the motion of objects

Learning progression • Observing magnets repelling and attracting • All metals are attracted to magnets
Students begin to distinguish between forces that act at a • Watching objects falling through water • Larger magnets are always stronger than smaller magnets
distance and forces that arise when objects are in contact, • Using levers to lift objects • Magnetism is the same as the force due to gravity
a categorization that will continue later. They investigate • All forces need objects to be in contact to have an effect
the phenomena of repulsion and attraction of magnets at • Friction only occurs between solid objects
a distance, the force of gravity acting at a distance, and In my life: floating in a swimming pool; feeling • Air does not exert a force because it is too light
the effect of contact forces such as friction and drag on magnets repelling; feeling gravity pull you down • Things fall naturally with no forces involved
the motion of machines and animals. These investigations In society: sports such as football, cricket, netball, • Barriers stop things falling
provide a secure basis for the modelling of forces in KS3. skateboarding, skating; simple machines in the kitchen • In the absence of a force, objects slow down naturally
They begin to make links between forces and motion Pathways: athletes, swimmers, car designers, engineers, • If a force(s) act on an object, it must be speeding up or slowing down
in terms of making things move, speeding them up, or mechanics, plumbers, manufacturers
slowing them down.
Students learn how simple machines can be force multipliers,
and how such machines are used in everyday life.

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Some forces act at a distance, while others act on objects in contact. We can observe the difference, which is important for
developing a model to show how forces arise. Forces affect motion, which we can observe directly, and they apply to all
objects that move.

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Key Stage 3 Forces explain motion, stability, and pressure
Learning progression
Forces: Students move from concrete explorations of the effects of Motion: Students learn to measure and describe motion, move on Pressure and moments: Students make links between macroscopic
forces to abstract representations of forces, and an understanding of to quantifying it with calculations of speed, and then to explaining phenomena, such as gas pressure, and the motion of particles
how contact forces arise as a result of interactions at a microscopic it using ideas of forces. They interact with the idea of how a graph on a microscopic scale, using ideas about forces. They distinguish
level. They meet the idea of a ‘field’, which is a fundamental can ‘tell a story’ by looking at graphs of distance against time. between force and pressure and make calculations and carry out
concept in physics as a region where objects experience forces. They develop a sense of ‘rate’ being related to slope, an idea that experiments that develop ideas about the inverse link with area.
They develop an understanding of the difference between weight will be used across the sciences. An important principle is that Many mathematical skills are developed, including the importance

and mass, and how to calculate weight; this is the beginning of differences produce change, and in the case of motion it is resultant of units. Students investigate the effect of forces on extended

quantifying and calculating that will continue throughout physics. forces, or unbalanced forces, that produce changes in speed or objects, with the practical importance of turning forces, centre of
The stiffness of a spring can be quantified using Hooke’s Law. By direction. Forces can change direction without changing speed, mass, and the stability of objects in everyday life.
exploring ideas that forces can be balanced or unbalanced, they which further develops into the idea that quantities have magnitude
develop a sense of vector quantities for forces that act in the same and direction.

or in opposite directions.

• Take photos of everyday objects and model In my life: lifting or carrying objects; sensing water • Only animate objects can exert a force, so if an object is at rest on
forces by putting labelled arrows on the them pressure in your ears when underwater; using simple a table, there are no forces acting on it

• Apply knowledge of the particle model from chemistry machines to make jobs easier • Friction only occurs between solid objects and when an object is moving
to the origin of contact forces In society: car or bicycle journeys when moving steadily, • Gravity stops acting when the object hits the ground
• Investigate different types of forces using accelerating, and braking; aircraft journeys and the effects • Earth’s magnetism and/or spin creates gravity
everyday objects of pressure in the cabin; space travel, getting to the Moon • There is more gravity the higher up you go because things dropped from
• Use a newton meter to measure forces and Mars; stability of high-sided vehicles higher up suffer greater damage when they hit the floor
• Calculating weight for given masses, such as weight on Pathways: athletes, personal trainers, sports equipment • Mass and weight mean the same thing, are equal at all times, and have the
different planets designers, physiotherapists, pilots, aircraft engineers, same unit
• Sketch distance-time graphs for different journeys astronauts, builders, architects, acrobats, divers • Gravity only affects heavy things
• Try simple experiments in gas pressure using a balloon • Astronauts are ‘weightless’ in an orbiting spacecraft because there is no gravity
• Investigate the stability of a bottle of water as you • Gravity only works one way – the Earth attracts the Moon, but the Moon
empty it does not attract the Earth
• If there is no air there is no gravity
• Pressure and force mean the same thing
• Pressure arises from moving liquids or gases
• Moving fluids cause higher pressures
• Pressure in liquids and gases can be stronger in one direction than another
• Objects float in water because they’re lighter than water or contain air, and
sink because they are heavier
• Heavier objects always fall faster than lighter objects

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Contact and non-contact forces produce resultant forces that can act to change the motion of objects; we Microscopic collisions produce gas pressure and moments produce a turning effect, which we know from
know this by observing motion and can represent forces as arrows. This enables us to predict and explain modelling gas particles in motion, and observations. This is important for human interactions with gases
all motion or situations where motion does not change. Weight and mass are different, which we know and forces on extended objects.
from their definitions, and effects. This enables us to accurately describe the world.

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Key Stage 4 Forces and their effects can be quantified
Learning progression
Representing forces: Students learn to consider equilibrium constant. Forces exerted on or by solids can be modelled by from a velocity-time graph is, and that area under a graph can be
and non-equilibrium situations using free-body diagrams. They treating bonds between atoms as springs. Graphs of force and meaningful; the area under a v-t graph is the distance travelled.
use arrows to represent and model forces, and develop an extension describe the behaviour of materials. Pressure in fluids Students should learn about acceleration due to gravity, g, and the
understanding of vectors and scalars; the arrows are not forces. can be quantified. Students make links between pressure in a effect of air resistance on a falling object. Students should establish
Forces can be resolved into components; forces in two mutually fluid, depth and density, and use these ideas to explain upthrust. a = F/m through experimentation, and example calculations. They
perpendicular directions that are independent. They link forces Phenomena such as gas pressure can be explained by the force should also link a = F/m to g = W/m; the definition of gravitational

on free-body diagrams with forces arising from interactions as due to changing momentum of particles when they collide with field strength.

described by Newton’s Third Law, and learn that two forces of equal surfaces. The action of pivots, levers and gears can be explained
Momentum is an important concept that links force and time
magnitude in opposite directions on an object is not an example of using the rotational effects of forces.
of collision. There is a crucial link between the conservation of
Newton’s Third Law. They learn about the concept of a ‘system’ in
Forces and motion: Students use ideas of vectors and scalars to momentum and Newton’s Third Law. There is argument for teaching
physics; external resultant forces do not act on closed systems.

categorise quantities such as speed and velocity, and work out the Newton’s Laws in reverse order. Newton’s Third Law explains how
Forces and matter: Students develop their understanding of the effect of adding them. This enables them to explain the shapes forces arise, the Second Law describes the link between force,

effect of forces on materials by testing strips of different materials of displacement-time and velocity-time graphs, for example, for change in momentum and time, and the First Law describes what
and metal springs, plotting graphs, and quantifying the spring skydivers. Students learn more about gradients; what acceleration happens when there is no resultant force.

• Explain the effect of raising a ramp In my life: most people learn to • Only equal masses can be balanced on a seesaw
on an object placed on it drive, ideas about stopping distance • Earth’s magnetism and/or spin create gravity
• Investigate the effects of mass and force are tested, drivers • A rigid solid cannot be compressed or stretched
on acceleration make decisions that affect their reaction • Forces only cause changes in speed, not direction
• Investigate stopping distance time; if you dive liquid and gas pressure • Speed-time and velocity-time graphs are the same
• Research the safety features of cars are important • Opening a parachute during freefall makes the skydiver go upwards
and link them to time and change in In society: cars have stopping distances, • When dropped in a vacuum, heavier objects will reach the ground first
momentum and human and physical conditions affect • If an object is stationary there are no forces acting on it
• Research forces in extreme situations: them; bungees and other activities rely on • If an object is moving there must be a force acting on it
rocket propulsion, ISS knowledge of elastic properties of materials;
• Acceleration can only occur in the same direction as an object is moving
• Practice calculating acceleration from safety features on cars are designed to
• Force is a property of an object; an object has force and when the force ‘runs out’, it stops moving
velocity-time graphs increase the time of collisions; airplanes
• Rocket propulsion is due to exhaust gases pushing on something behind the rocket
• Use remote sensors or light gates to take off and land safely; astronauts go to
and live on the ISS • When a force makes an object travel on a circular path the object must get faster (the force must cause
make measurements of motion a change in speed, not just direction)
• Discuss uncertainties in the context of Pathways: computer games designers,
• Falling objects stay at the same speed as they fall
precise time, such as in sports events designers of prosthetics, bridge designers,
aerospace engineers, racing car drivers/ • If a force acts on an object it will inevitably move
engineers/designers • The weight of an object resting on a surface and the normal reaction of the surface are an interaction pair
• Cornering objects are forced outwards by a force called centrifugal force

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

The effect of forces can be quantified using free-body diagrams and Newton’s Laws, which we know The behaviour of many materials can be modelled using the idea that the bonds between atoms
from modelling and laboratory investigations. This means that motion can be predicted and explained behave like springs. Spring behaviour can be investigated experimentally, and this enables us to
quantitatively. The application of the concept of momentum, also known from investigation, enables fluid manufacture and use them widely.
phenomena to be explained and the safe use of machines for the transportation of people.

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Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Key Stage 2 Humans detect light and sound
Learning progression • Investigate how shadows form • Shiny objects give out light
Light: Students learn that some objects emit light, and we • Make different sounds using instruments and • We see things when light travels from our eyes
see objects because light from them reaches our eyes. observe the source of the sound • We see things when light shines on them (but does not need to be reflected

This happens directly or because light is reflected. They from them)
begin to investigate the way light interacts with materials; • All shadows are black

opaque materials can produce shadows; some materials In my life: being in an orchestra/choir; observing • Sounds can be produced without any materials
are transparent or translucent. They develop a vocabulary objects that reflect light; hearing music and speech • Megaphones produce sound
through direct exploration using their eyes as detectors. In society: translucent materials in bathrooms; eclipses; • Pitch is related to how hard you hit something

Light travels in straight lines. shadows; animals making sounds • Pitch is the same as loudness
Sound: Students link the vibration of objects to the production Pathways: musicians, builders, makeup artists

of sound and make observations about the materials that
sound can travel through. They link the nature of the vibration
to the pitch and loudness of the sound that they detect. These
explorations link to learning about the five senses in biology.

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?
Light and different types of sound are emitted by sources and detected by eyes and ears. We can make direct
observations of this. We use both light and sound to communicate. Light and sound both interact with matter, which we can
observe. The use of materials is linked to how they interact with light and sound.

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Key Stage 3 Wave behaviour explains many light and sound phenomena
Learning progression
Wave properties: Students learn the types of waves, and how Sound: Students build on their concrete explorations of sound at Light: Light can be modelled as rays or waves. The wave nature
waves are described. Direct observations of waves on springs and KS2 by applying a wave model to predict and explain a range of light is less obvious to students than that of sound. Mirrors
in water help to develop an understanding that will apply to waves of observations; echoes, how sounds of different loudness and produce images. Refraction is explained using the wave model,
that cannot be seen; sound and light at KS3, electromagnetic and pitch are produced, the range of human hearing, ultrasound and as is dispersion. Students learn about spectra; humans detect a
seismic waves at KS4. Understanding how waves are produced infrasound. They use knowledge of the particle model in chemistry small range of frequencies of both light and sound. Light is part of

enables them to be categorized by type: longitudinal and to explain the speed of sound in different materials, and why sound a wider electromagnetic spectrum where waves can be useful, but
transverse. This is an important introduction to modelling; light can doesn’t travel through a vacuum. They use knowledge of cells in also damaging. Understanding our perception of colour requires

be modelled using waves, rays, or, later, photons. biology to explain how sound waves are detected by the ear, and knowledge of frequencies of light and specialized cells in the retina.
The model of a wave is an example of an abstract idea that can be why humans do not sense all sounds. They learn many uses of The ray model better explains the formation of images in mirrors, by
applied widely to predict and explain phenomena. Students learn sound and ultrasound; echo sounding and imaging. The concept of refraction, and in lenses. The fact that scientists use different models

the overarching principle that waves transfer energy or information. a ‘journey’ from a source to a ‘detector’ is a useful general principle in the same domain is a powerful message.
for both light and sound, as is the production of electrical signals.

• Model different types of wave using slinky springs In my life: viewing optical illusions; loud noises • Amplitude is measured from the bottom of a wave to the top
• Produce echoes affecting your hearing; seeing colours • Sound waves transfer air

• Investigate the sound absorbing properties of materials In society: music events, concerts; use of echolocation; • As the wave travels, the material travels with it
• Research how traffic noise can be reduced submarines; detecting schools of fish and the seabed; • Sound is carried by individual molecules
• Measure the speed of sound in air ultrasound scanning of a fetus, and using ultrasound to • Sound waves are transverse
• Model sound travelling at different speeds in solids, diagnose disease; optical illusions in theme parks; high- • Sound can travel in space (films show this)
liquids, and gases using people or objects as particles pitched sounds as deterrents • Sound travels fastest in air because it is thinner
• Discuss the similarities and differences between light Pathways: opticians, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, • Sound and light travel at the same speed
and sound sonographers, musicians, studio engineers, artists, fashion • Light travels in wavy lines
• Compare the eye and the ear as detectors designers • Light takes no time to travel
• Observe reflection, refraction, and dispersion in • Light needs air to travel
everyday situations • Light from a bulb only extends outward a certain distance and then stops
• Investigate reflection in mirrors and the law of • Light always passes straight through transparent material without changing
reflection direction
• Research auditory ranges of humans and animals • When objects are seen, light comes out of the eye and travels to the object
• Light is reflected by shiny surfaces, but not reflected at all from other surfaces
• When light passes through a prism or a filter, colour is added to the light
• All objects that you can see give out their own light
• The rules for mixing coloured lights are the same as the rules for mixing
coloured paints

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Light and sound both behave like waves, which we know because we observe superposition. This means Waves have properties such as wavelength, frequency, and amplitude, which we can measure directly or
we can explain a wide range of phenomena involving light and sound using the wave model, and indirectly. We can make links between the behaviour of sources of sound and sound wave properties to
manipulate materials that help us use light and sound. make music or reduce noise.

52 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 4 Waves of the electromagnetic spectrum have similarities and differences we can use
Learning progression
Waves: Students learn to make and use measurements of wave Electromagnetic waves: Our eyes only detect visible light, which hence wavelength. Longer wavelength waves have a heating
properties using water waves and sound waves. They link frequency can give students the impression that visible light is different or effect; shorter wavelength waves ionize atoms which can cause
and wavelength to wave speed, and learn about amplitude and special. By investigating the dispersion of white light by a prism, mutations in genetic material. Gamma radiation, being both a
time period. they learn to consider light as one of similar types of waves in the wave in the electromagnetic spectrum and one type of ionizing
electromagnetic spectrum. Students learn that all electromagnetic radiation emitted from unstable nucleus, is better dealt with in the
Light: Lenses bring very distant or very small objects into view, and
waves consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that travel nuclear physics domain. Uses of electromagnetic waves depend

they correct vision problems. Students investigate the refraction of
at the same speed in a vacuum. They learn the identity and the on their interactions with matter, for example radio waves for
light, including total internal reflection and the law of refraction. They

broad similarities and differences of the different parts of the communications, microwaves for cooking, and X-rays for imaging.
apply their knowledge of refraction and lenses to learning how the
electromagnetic spectrum. Some electromagnetic waves are The distinction between seeing and imaging is important. All
nature of images in lenses can be predicted and explained and
produced by the transition of electrons within atoms, but radio objects emit and absorb infrared radiation dependent upon their
how lenses correct short and long sightedness. Lens behaviour can
waves are produced by oscillating electrons and gamma rays by temperature. An object that does so perfectly is a black body. We

be explained using the wave or ray model of light. Ray diagrams
transitions within the nucleus. can produce images using all the waves of the electromagnetic
enable students to predict the position, magnification, and nature of
spectrum. This is widely used in astronomy, and gives us a view of

images in lenses and to show how total internal reflection occurs. Waves interact differently with matter, including body cells,
the universe that we would not otherwise have.
They also explain its use in optical fibres. depending on their energy. Energy is related to frequency, and

• Observe objects through lenses and use ray In my life: your eyes detect visible light; visiting the • An object gives off a ‘potential image’, which travels through space;
diagrams to explain images dentist or hospital, infrared for physiotherapy; using the image may be turned upside down by the lens
• Make a simple telescope microwave ovens, regular ovens, television, radios, mobile • Blocking part of the lens surface blocks the corresponding part of the image
• Research the types of telescopes used in astronomy phones, Wi-Fi, and sun lamps • The purpose of the screen is to capture the image so that it can be seen;
• Investigate the type of radiation given off by objects at In society: electromagnetic waves such as X-rays or without a screen, there is no image
different temperatures gamma rays are used in medical imaging; ultraviolet • An image can be seen on the screen regardless of where the screen is
• Research the use of electromagnetic waves to produce radiation can damage our bodies and tan our skin; lenses placed relative to a lens; to see a larger image on the screen, the screen
images of the human body can be used to adjust our eyesight, in microscopes, and should be moved further back
• Link absorption of electromagnetic radiation to what in telescopes; astronomical images of stars and galaxies; • An image is always formed at the focal point of a lens
happens in photosynthesis in biology insects and animals detect infrared and ultraviolet, so • The size of an image depends on the size (diameter) of the lens used to
• Link production of electromagnetic waves to energy ‘see’ differently to us; satellites bringing communication to form the image
levels of electrons in chemistry all parts of the world • Gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared light, microwaves,
• Investigate uses of waves for transmission and Pathways: doctors, nurses, opticians, radiologists, and radio waves are all very different entities
exploration sonographers, oncologists, television and radio engineers, • All radiation is dangerous and should be blocked
broadcasters, artists, astronomers • When a wave moves, particles move along with the wave from the point of
transmission to the point of reception
• Colour is a property of an object, and colour is not affected by the eye-brain
system or other receiving systems
• All images are like photographs
• Waves ‘carry’ colours

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

We know from laboratory investigation that lenses produce images, and these are used in a wide variety theories of electromagnetism. We use the whole spectrum for imaging, communication, cooking, and in
of optical instruments. Visible light is just one of the waves of the electromagnetic spectrum, all of which medicine, and we know how the risk of injury from the waves can be reduced.
have different properties but are fundamentally the same; we know this from laboratory observations and

53 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Earth in space
Key Stage 1 Weather and day length change during the year
Learning progression Keep a diary of observations over a year or • We get winter because there are more clouds in winter which stop
Students build an understanding of the place of the Earth a season the heat from the sun reaching Earth
in the Universe by first making observations that will later • Seasons are caused by the Earth being nearer to or further from the Sun

be explained by the motion of the Earth around the Sun.
They learn that there are seasons in the UK, that the

average daytime temperature is higher in the summer than In my life: choosing what clothes you wear in What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?
in the winter, and that day length is longer in the summer different seasons; seeing that trees change over The length of the day and average temperature changes in a largely predictable
than winter. The idea of finding patterns, then developing the seasons; using a calendar; snow in winter; pattern, which we know from direct measurements. This enables us to predict

ideas or models that explain observations, is a powerful Summer holidays and respond to conditions in our everyday lives and gives us a basis to develop
and enduring understanding in science. Astronomy is an In society: seasonal festivals; bird migration explicatory models.

observational science.
Pathways: weather forecasters, clothing manufacturers

Key Stage 2 We build models of the Universe using observations of celestial objects
Learning progression • Use shadows to investigate the Sun’s movement • The moon gives out its own light
Students turn their attention to objects outside the Earth’s • Make models of the planets of the Solar System • Only the Earth has a moon
atmosphere, known as celestial bodies. They begin to • All planets have moons
develop an understanding of the structure of the Universe: • Pluto is a planet
moons orbit planets, planets orbit stars, solar systems consist In my life: you cannot feel the Earth spinning, but • The Sun is not a star
of planets orbiting a star, and all these celestial bodies are you know that it does by watching objects in the • There are other stars in our Solar System
roughly spherical. They learn that stars are seen because night sky • The Earth is the centre of the Solar System
they emit light, but other objects, such as the planets of In society: moon landings; exploration of Mars; • The Earth is stationary, and the Sun is moving
our Solar System, are seen because they reflect light. The space probes imaging planets and moons; history of • The Sun orbits the Earth, and this causes day and night
power of science to bring into view objects we cannot see interpretations of the night sky • The Moon does not orbit the Earth
with the naked eye becomes apparent; students learn how Pathways: astronomers, telescope makers • The Moon, Sun, and Earth are all the same size
the telescope changed our view of the structure of the Solar • Day and night happen because the Sun goes up and down in the sky
System. For the first time they meet an explanation that does
match their direct observation; the spinning Earth explains
day and night and the apparent movement of the Sun and
stars, but to them nothing is moving.

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

There are objects outside the Earth’s atmosphere such as moons, planets, and stars which we can observe with the naked
eye or with telescopes. This enables us to build up an accurate model of our place in the Universe. A model of a spinning
Earth explains day and night and the apparent motion of the Sun and stars in the sky. The technological advancements
made in exploring the Universe can affect our everyday lives.

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Key Stage 3 What we see in the Universe is explained by models that are continually refined
Learning progression
They study the nature of the planets and their moons and they Astronomers know there are thousands (but probably billions)
Earth, Sun and the Moon: At KS3 students develop models
learn that the outer planets are giant balls of hot gas whereas the of planets orbiting other stars in our galaxy as well as in other
involving the spinning and orbiting of the Moon about the Earth and
inner planets are solid. They learn that satellites can be natural or galaxies; we are probably not alone. Our place in the Universe
the Earth about the Sun to explain the phases of the Moon, eclipses,
artificial, and the latter have a wide range of uses. Geostationary is not special and this is a profound insight that astronomy has
seasonal changes on different parts of the Earth, and the tides.
satellites stay in the same place over the Earth’s surface; the given us. In addition, huge distances are measured in light-time;
Tidal locking means we see one half of the Moon.
International Space Station does not. Comets, asteroids, and looking at the night sky is looking back in time. Modelling is central

Modelling of the Earth/Sun/Moon system is important. The role of meteors add to the list of celestial bodies in our solar system. to our understanding of the Universe; physical modelling helps to

force due to gravity is threefold; gravity keeps objects in their orbits, communicate the sense of scale, but no one has seen our galaxy
Beyond our Solar System: Students learn about structures beyond
pulls dust and gas in space together to form solar systems, including from the ‘outside’. More sophisticated telescopes, like the Hubble
the Solar System: the Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt and dwarf planets,
ours, and is responsible for the concept of weight on Earth, planets, Space Telescope, help us to develop and refine our models,
including Pluto. They learn about our galaxy, and that there are
and moons. a process that has happened over time and will continue into

billions of galaxies each containing billions of stars, all formed in a
the future.
Our Solar System: Students learn about the objects within our Solar similar way.

System in more detail and they learn about the scale of the Solar
System in terms of the distance between the Sun and Earth.

• Make models of the Solar System that show In my life: observing the stars; safely watching • The Solar System is the same as our galaxy
distances to the Sun and/or magnitude of solar and lunar eclipses • Mercury is the hottest planet because it is closest to the Sun
the planets In society: searching for life on other planets (the Hubble • The Earth is the largest object in the Solar System
• Research the satellites in orbit around the Earth and Space telescope); putting rovers on planets like Mars; • The Solar System only includes the Sun, planets, and our Moon
their uses putting satellites into orbit or sending them to other • The Moon can only be seen at night
• Make an animation of the formation of the Solar planets; the Voyager space probe has left the Solar • Phases are due to the shadow of the Earth on the Moon or clouds blocking
System and Earth System the Moon
• Use a lamp, globe, and ball to model eclipses and Pathways: astronomer, satellite designers, astronauts, • The Moon orbits the Earth once each day
phases of the Moon GPS device manufacturers, ecologists, artists • There is a side of the Moon that is always dark
• Model the orbits of satellites, and explain the • The Sun is the only star that has planets
limitations of the model • There is no gravity in space or on the Moon
• Graph differences between the planets of the • Planets cannot be seen without a telescope
Solar System • Planets appear in the same place every night
• Research exoplanets and where they are • A light year is a measure of time
• Contrast space and terrestrial telescopes • It is hotter in the summer because the Earth is closer to the Sun
• The position of stars and planets affects humans on Earth
• Everything we see in the night sky is a star

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

We live on a planet that is part of a solar system, which is one of many in a galaxy; itself one of many in eclipses, and phases. The advancements in the technology used to build our knowledge of this can affect
the Universe. We have built up this model from observations of the night sky, and it means we understand our everyday lives. Gravity is responsible for keeping objects in orbit and for the formation of objects,
our place in the Universe. The Earth spins on a tilted axis, orbits the Sun, and has a moon in orbit around which we know from mathematical modelling, and means we can predict astronomical events.
it, which is a model we have developed from observations. It explains many phenomena including tides,

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Key Stage 4 The Universe is expanding, stars will die, and there are other planets like Earth
Learning progression
Stars: Our understanding of the life-cycle of stars is an example of Observing the Universe: Stars emit electromagnetic radiation, The expanding Universe: Students learn that observations of light
how observations can be used to develop an explicatory model. some of which is reflected by their planets and moons. Telescopes from galaxies show that light is red-shifted. Distant galaxies are
Students learn that stars form when gravity pulls together gas and observe a small fraction of the sky. Students learn that observations moving apart, evidence that space is expanding, which supports
dust, and shine when the conditions for nuclear fusion are met. used to be only possible with visible light, but now telescopes the Big Bang Theory that the Universe began about 14 billion years
Chemical elements as heavy as iron are formed in this process. sensitive to all electromagnetic waves are used; the atmosphere ago. Our Solar System is much younger. Observations of galaxies
Stars continue to shine until their nuclear fuel is exhausted; what absorbs some frequencies, so those telescopes are in space. The suggest that ‘dark matter’ is speeding up the rotation of galaxies,

happens next in their life-cycle depends on their mass. Students light from stars forms line spectra that tell us elements that are in and ‘dark energy’ is speeding up the expansion of the Universe.

apply ideas about gases and gravity to the death of stars, and use the stars; light reflected from or transmitted through the atmosphere Students learn that we do not know what most of the Universe is
knowledge of the speed of light to define black holes. That heavy of exoplanets (planets in other solar systems) give evidence of made of; the nature of dark matter and dark energy eludes us.
elements are made in supernovae suggests our solar system formed oxygen or water. The orbits of exoplanets tell us whether they are There is still much to learn about the universe.
long ago from the remnants of a supernova. This makes gold far in the habitable zone. Gravity produces stable orbits and acts

more valuable than diamonds, which can be made on Earth. perpendicularly to velocity, and velocity changes with radius.

• Make observations of stars in the night sky and In my life: tuning your radio or TV to white noise, as • There is only one planet like Earth
use their colour to work out where they are in 10% of what you hear is the ‘echo of the Big Bang’; • Space is totally empty

their life-cycle watching rockets lift off from the Earth • The Sun is on fire
• Use diffraction gratings to observe light emitted by In society: images from the Hubble Space Telescope • Our Sun is the biggest star in the Universe
different light sources show star nurseries where stars are born, and remnants of • Stars never die, they shine forever
• Research the telescopes that are in space and supernovae; satellites are in orbit; some rovers have gone • All stars are the same size
compare the wavelengths they detect with those to Mars or to explore the Solar System • A black hole is like a vacuum
on Earth Pathways: astronomers, SETI scientists, digital image • The Solar System formed during the Big Bang, along with the rest of the
• Make a model of the expanding Universe with processors, rocket builders, NASA engineers Universe
elastic/a balloon • There is a space outside the Universe into which the Universe is expanding
• Research how estimates of the age of the Universe • The Universe is a few thousand years old
have changed • Water is only found on Earth
• Make an animation of the life-cycles of low and high • The Solar System and galaxies are very ‘crowded’
mass stars
• All stars are the same size, so the brightness of a star depends only on its
• Research the candidates for dark energy and distance from earth
dark matter

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

The life-cycle of a star depends on its mass and can be deduced from modelling it as a gas that experiences gravity
and in which nuclear fusion occurs. This enables us to explain what we see, and predict what will happen to our Sun.
The spectra of light from stars contains absorption lines, like a bar code that tell us which elements are present, and can
be used to determine the motion of the source. We know this from observation, and it provides evidence for candidates
for extra-terrestrial life, and for the expansion of the Universe. The Big Bang happened about 14 billion years ago;
observations of receding galaxies tell us this, but the speed of expansion is increasing because of dark energy.

56 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Electricity and magnetism

Key Stage 2 Magnets attract and repel, cells make circuit components work
Learning progression • Use magnets to find magnetic materials • All metals are attracted to magnets
Students experiment (play) with magnets and simple • Research what wires are made of in the • All silver-coloured items are attracted to magnets
circuits, making observations to be explained with International Space Station • Larger magnets are always stronger than smaller magnets

models later. Investigations at this level should allow for • Magnetic poles are always at the end of the magnet
introducing vocabulary like: poles, attract, repel, circuit, • Only metals conduct electricity

cell, lamp, buzzer, switch, complete circuit, conductor, In my life: toys can use magnets and circuits; lifting
insulator, and magnetic. Students can investigate which up paperclips and finding they ‘stick’; making words
materials are magnetic and which conduct. They will with magnetic letters on the fridge

see a pattern; all metals conduct, but not all metals are In society: batteries in electronic devices; electrical
magnetic. They can make simple circuits and observe devices working all around us

the effect of adding cells, buzzers, lamps, and switches.
Pathways: electricians, builders, appliance manufacturers
The level of abstraction extends only to the introduction
of circuit symbols to draw circuit diagrams. Students will
use the word ‘electricity’ to describe what is ‘flowing’ in

the wires. Clarification of what is happening in the wires
follows in the next Key Stage. There are clear links to
forces, and it is useful to make those links explicit as we
later introduce ‘fields’.

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Magnets have north and south poles, like poles repel and unlike poles attract, which we know from experimenting with
magnets, and this enables us to make compasses. Some materials conduct electricity and are used to make circuit
components like lamps, used in circuits with cells. We use a wide range of electrical devices that contain cells.

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Key Stage 3 Models of electricity and fields explain phenomena in circuits and magnets
Learning progression
Electrostatics: Students learn that electrostatic phenomena can be A model helps students learn the difference between current and Compasses indicate the Earth’s magnetic field, the poles of which
explained by considering the transfer of electrons, usually by friction, potential difference (p.d.); charge per second and energy per are not where geographic poles are, and show the shape of the
because electrons have (negative) charge. They learn this before charge/setting up a field. The concept of resistance also emerges field around magnets, Fields are stronger near poles; we draw
formally studying the structure of atoms; the concept of charge from models and can be related to definitions of conductors and denser field lines there. Compasses also show a magnetic field

as a property of a material, like mass, should be explored with a insulators. A model of a metal shows why metals resist charge around current carrying wires and electromagnets; our lives have
little history. Flow of charge per second as a current is a key point. flowing. Students learn that current is the dependent variable and been changed immeasurably by devices with motors. Using lots of

In any situation there is a current when charge flows. Conductors use p.d. and resistance to calculate it. Circuits that fulfil particular coils, a core of magnetic material, and a large current can make
and insulators exist on a spectrum, not as a binary choice, this is functions are possible using series and parallel circuits. very strong electromagnets; the field around a coil has the same
shown by an insulating air gap in a switch and air conducting when shape as a bar magnet. Students learn that combining fields can
Magnetism and electromagnetism: Students will have met

lightning strikes. There is a force on any charge in an electric field. produce a force on a wire that is used to make electric motors.
gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields by the end of this topic,
Current electricity: Students cannot see electrons moving in wires, and learned that a field is a region where there is a force on an

but they can investigate simple circuits and model them; rope loops object (a mass, charge, or magnetic material). A field is an abstract
and water circuits are examples. concept, represented by physical lines (which are not the field).

• Research how a Van de Graaf generator works In my life: getting a static shock when • Objects become positively charged because they have gained
• Investigate conductors and insulators touching something metal because you are charged protons/electrons have been destroyed
• Make simple circuits with lamps, switches, batteries by friction; clothes crackle when you take them off • All the electrons in an electrical circuit are initially contained in the battery
and buzzers In society: damaging or fatal lightening; balloons stick or other source of the electricity
• Practice using ammeters and voltmeters in series and to walls; bending water; Earth’s magnetic field; scrapyards • Potential difference is the same as current
parallel circuits moving cars with magnets; there are over 50 electric • Potential difference flows through components
• Make an animation showing how an object can be motors in most houses • A larger battery will always make a motor run faster or a bulb glow brighter
charged positively and negatively Pathways: scrapyard employees, Maglev train designers, • Current flows from a battery to a light bulb, but not from the light bulb to the
• Use the rope model to explain the effect of more cells painters of aircraft, engineers, electrical manufacturers, battery
and more lamps in a series circuit doctors, farmers, paramedics, nurses, electricians • A battery gives out a certain current but if the circuit has lots of resistance
• Use a model to explain the difference between series that current will get smaller as it flows round the circuit
and parallel circuits • Wires are hollow like a water hose and electrons move inside the hollow space
• Investigate the strength of an electromagnet What do we know? How do we know? Why does • Pure water is a good conductor of electricity
• Make a simple motor it matter? • Electrons which are lost by an object disappear
Subatomic particles are charged positively or negatively, • Current flows out of both terminals of a battery or power-pack (the ‘clashing’
which we can show by deflecting these particles in electric current model)
or magnetic fields. We explain electrostatic phenomena • Current is used up in a circuit
by considering the transfer of electrons. Electrons move • The magnetic pole of the Earth in the northern hemisphere is a north pole,
through metal wires because of a potential difference and the pole in the southern hemisphere is a south pole
across the wire that sets up an electric field. We deduce • Larger magnets are stronger than smaller magnets
this from models of atoms and indirect measurements, and • Earth’s magnetism and/or spin create gravity
we can design useful circuits. There is a magnetic field • The magnetic and geographic poles of the Earth are located at the same place
around a magnet, the Earth, and current-carrying wires, • Magnetic poles are charged
which we can detect by their effect on magnetic materials, • Voltmeters are connected in series
and use for navigation and to make motors and other
electromagnetic devices.

58 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 4 Electric circuits and electromagnetic devices have made our world cleaner and easier
Learning progression
Electrostatics: Students use the law of force to explain charging Fuses, circuit breakers, and double insulation protect appliances explanation. Magnetic materials placed in a magnetic field become
by induction and they learn that tiny sparks can have dramatic and/or us. Compare current, p.d., and resistance in series and induced magnets. Students learn about the link between electricity
consequences in the wrong environment. They learn more about parallel circuits. We pay for a generator to turn and produce a p.d. and magnetism: motion + magnetic field produces an induced
electric fields, how they are represented, and how strength varies so a current can transfer energy electrically over a certain time; units p.d. (and current in a circuit), current + magnetic field produces

with distance from a charge. They see an analogy with gravitational are kWh, which use power and time. We are also paying for the motion. This is the overview of generators and motors that applies
fields; there are forces between two charged objects. Charge is a infrastructure of the National Grid, as well as fuels, power stations, to microphones and loudspeakers. In the motor effect, the motion

quantity in coulombs, like mass is in kilograms. and power lines. As learned in ‘Energy’, electrical power is not a of current carrying wires in fields can be predicted and quantified.
substance that you buy. The definitions of current and p.d. explain In the generator effect, it is the relative motion of a coil and magnet
Current electricity: With an understanding of current, p.d., and
how to calculate electrical power. Students learn how transformers that induces a p.d. Generators can be designed to produce direct
resistance students can investigate series and parallel circuits and

enable power to be transmitted at high p.d./low current, reducing or alternating current. Historically, a decision had to be taken
learn the behaviours and uses of diodes, resistors, variable resistors,
heating losses. The law of conservation of energy explains this about which type to use; we use alternators so that we can use
thermistors, and LDRs. Some are ohmic, some are not. They can

trade-off between less energy being dissipated but higher potential transformers.
use these components as sensors. The ‘internet of things’ relies on
difference, which is more dangerous.
converting physical phenomena to a potential difference. Students
learn about mains electricity; it is alternating, high p.d., and reaches Electromagnetism: Magnetic field strength, or magnetic flux
homes via the National Grid. density, is a vector measured in teslas. These definitions need

• Draw Venn diagrams that show the similarities In my life: avoiding flying kites near power lines; • The electrostatic force between two charged objects is not affected
and differences between gravitational, magnetic avoiding substations (transformers) that are part of by the distance between them
and electrostatic fields the National Grid • A charged object can only affect other charged objects
• Design circuits to measure the environment (e.g., In society: mains electricity in the house can cause us • Gravitational forces are stronger than electrostatic forces
temperature) injury if misused; birds perch on wires at a high potential • Mains sockets have current inside them waiting to get out (hence child
• Investigate the output of a wind generator difference without getting a shock; hospitals monitor the socket covers to stop it ‘leaking out’)
• Research the structure of the National Grid status of patients remotely using sensors; alarm systems • All wires are insulated
• Compare the structure of dynamos and alternators are linked to sensors; electric cars do not emit polluting • Birds can perch on bare wires without being hurt because birds have
• Practice calculations of the cost of electricity used in gases, but the ways of generating the electricity may do; insulated feet
household devices very strong electromagnets are used in MRI machines • Electricity is produced in the wall socket
• List features that mains electricity uses and design Pathways: musicians, concert hall designers, National • Magnetic field lines are really there – a magnetic field really is a pattern
features that reduce risk of injury Grid engineers, electricians, ‘Smart’ house designers, of lines
electric car designers, intensive care nurses, doctors,

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Electric circuits containing components whose resistance changes with the environment can be used to sense and
control, which we know from direct measurements, and this enables us to monitor the status of patients, houses, and
machinery. Generators use the relative motion of magnets and wires to induce a potential difference. We can demonstrate
electromagnetic induction experimentally and use electrical devices in our homes via the National Grid as a result. There
is a force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field, which we can demonstrate and use in electric motors, and explain
with the addition of magnetic fields.

59 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Key Stage 2 Temperature describes how hot a material is
Learning progression Contrast the temperature of bowls of water using • All liquids boil at 100 °C and freeze at 0 °C
Students inhabit a world that changes temperature, and skin and thermometers • Some objects are naturally warmer than others
now they can quantify that using thermometers to measure • Hot and cold are different entities rather than being opposite ends of a

the temperature of objects. This is an opportunity to continuum
contrast the senses in the human body with measuring In my life: feeling hot or cold; hot food cools down; • Boiling point is the maximum temperature and freezing point the minimum

instruments; skin is better at detecting differences in shower and bath temperature temperature of a substance
temperatures than absolute values of temperature. This In society: in hot countries you can cook eggs on the
is also an opportunity to discuss units; at one time there pavement; thermostats keep houses a comfortable

were over 35 different units of temperature, but now we temperature
use degrees Celsius in science (and later will use Kelvin). Pathways: clothes designers, plumbers, meteorologists

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Temperature can be measured with a thermometer and tells you how hot a material is, which can be quantified using a
unit of temperature (e.g., Celsius) and then measured experimentally. Temperature is an important concept throughout
Science as many processes, such as chemical reactions, depend on it, and the human body cannot survive extremes
of temperature.

60 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 3 Energy is an accounting system that can be modelled
Learning progression
Energy as a concept: Energy is a fundamental concept because it is objects) where energy can be calculated. This definition clarifies Energy resources, work and power: Explaining why we need to
simply a quantity that can be calculated. At KS3 these calculations are (to teachers) why light, sound, heating, and electric current are ‘save energy’ when energy is conserved needs explaining with the
not appropriate, and instead modelling is required to communicate not stores but methods of transferring energy between stores. concept of dissipation. Some processes are efficient and transfer
that energy is just a number, and that the numbers add up. Energy We can show students that we calculate energy transferred using less energy to stores that are not useful, or dissipate less energy.
shows us what is possible, not why things happen. A useful analogy the power and time taken. Important energy stores are kinetic, Insulation and lubrication reduce dissipation. Power stations use
is that energy is like money. Students can get a feel for 1 joule by gravitational potential, elastic potential, thermal, chemical, and fuels to produce a potential difference; we save the fuel, not energy,

lifting an apple 1m. Students use the particle model to distinguish nuclear. It is also important that students know that processes by turning off lights. A generator contains a magnet and a coil.
between temperature as the average energy per particle, and the transfer energy concurrently, not consecutively. An energy analysis Energy stores should not be confused with energy resources or fuels.

‘total energy’ (or internal energy), which depends on the amount of involves considering two points in time, or snapshots, that enable Many energy resources are limited. Power is the rate of transfer of
material. Temperature, by contrast, does not. Energy conservation is you to identify which stores are depleted, and which augmented, energy, and we are charged for ‘units’ that involve power and time.
one of the most important principles in science. ‘Heat’ as a substance and by what processes. Energy is transferred through heating by Machines can make jobs easier, but obey the law of conservation

is an idea with historic origins that can be explored. conduction, convection, or radiation; radiation is ‘infrared’, which of energy; work out = work in, so you can have a bigger force, but it
Energy stores and transfers: Modelling of energy should introduce is emitted and absorbed by all objects, but more by dark, matte will act over a smaller distance.

the idea of stores; these are systems (one object or a group of surfaces and less by light, reflective surfaces.

• Model processes like using a microwave oven In my life: feeling hotter when you wear darker • Energy is a thing or object that is tangible

using beakers and coloured water, or counters clothing on a hot day • Energy can be changed completely from one store to another
• Investigate materials to find the best insulator In society: being encouraged to turn off appliances to (no energy losses)
• Research different energy resources in terms of how ‘save energy’ (but really fuels); microwaving popcorn • ‘Heat’ is a substance which can flow from place to place
long they will last takes less time on a higher power setting; houses • An object at rest has no energy
• Find out how the energy efficiency of household changing to renewable energy resources such as solar • Energy and force are interchangeable terms
devices are calculated panels; wind farms are renewable energy resources; oil is • Energy gets used up/energy can be made
• Make a wind generator used for plastics, but we are running out of it • Devices use up energy
• Practice calculations of work, power and cost of electricity Pathways: fabric manufacturers, architects, kitchenware • Energy is confined to some particular origin, such as food, electric companies
• Do an energy analysis of simple toys designers, climate researchers, mountaineers, energy • ‘Heat’ rises (as opposed to hot substances rising)
• Find processes that appear to contravene the law of company workers, oil prospectors, oil rig workers • Thermal conductors and insulators are opposites, not part of a continuum
conservation of energy, or perpetual motion machines • Hot objects can cool down without something else around them getting hot
and explain how they work • Energy is only transferred upwards by heating
• Study electricity bills • Cold can be transferred
• Compare the energy value of different foods • Energy is truly lost in many energy transfers
• When you heat a substance, particles get hotter
• Energy is fuel
• Work is synonymous with labour or a job, and not to do with forces
• Power and energy are the same thing
• Heat and temperature are the same thing

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

Energy is conserved, which is a principle that can be demonstrated practically, such as a pendulum use elsewhere. Energy resources for producing electricity or heating are limited and should be conserved.
swinging back and forth. If energy appears to be ‘lost’ we look for a reason; a pendulum eventually slows We can quantify the available non-renewable resources and develop renewable resources so that the
down because of air resistance or heat losses. Energy is transferred by heat, light, sound, when doing world continues to be supplied with electricity.
work electrically, or by forces, which we can demonstrate experimentally. Efficient transfers save fuels for

61 © Oxford University Press 2021

Key Stage 4 Calculating energy is useful and necessary for many analyses and industries
Learning progression
Energy and matter: At KS4 energy stored and transferred can be Students learn the thermodynamic principle that the internal energy can also be stored electrostatically or magnetically.
quantified; a closed system has no energy transfer in or out. Heating energy of a gas can be increased by heating or working. This, and Students can see work being done in a range of situations, and
can increase the kinetic energy of particles; this relates to specific calculations of efficiency, pave the way for learning about heat notice that all examples involve a force moving through a (parallel)
heat capacity, or an increase in the potential energy, which relates engines later. Efficiency increases as dissipation decreases. The displacement, resulting in a transfer of energy.
to specific latent heat. In both cases internal energy increases. The link between work and energy should be brought out here. The
Energy resources: At this level students can investigate the full
way that energy is stored in a system changes when you heat it; how relationship between energy, power, and time is seen when heating

range of energy resources used for transportation (oil), heating
objects feel, however, depends on conductivity. This is an everyday materials, including relevant equations.
and cooking, and generating electricity (other resources). There are

experience that is counter-intuitive. Temperature is related to the
Energy stores: Students can now put numbers to the stores they social, moral, political and economic considerations surrounding
average energy of particles. The gradient of temperature-time graphs
learned at KS3: energy in a kinetic, gravitational potential, elastic the use of different energy resources, which differ across the world.
is related to specific heat capacity for heating at a constant rate. The
potential, and thermal store can be calculated, and the numbers Climate change is a unifying concern for all countries.
gradient is horizontal for a change of state. Students investigate the

can be used to deduce quantities such as velocity. They see that
effect of heating materials on changes of state and temperature.

• List cooking processes that involve specific latent In your life: feeling chocolate and butter melt in • Heating boiling water more vigorously will make its temperature rise
heat/specific heat capacity your mouth; sweating to cool down; some liquids feel above 100°C

• Measure the specific latent heat of water with a kettle cold to the skin; feeling temperature differences between • Boiling point is the maximum temperature a substance can reach
of known power different materials such as plastic and metal • The bubbles in boiling water contain air/oxygen or nothing
• Research materials used in extreme conditions; at the In society: entertainment such as rollercoasters, • Some objects are naturally warmer than others
poles, in space snowboarding, and even cheese rolling all use energy • There are energy types that are distinct from each other
• Tabulate the pros and cons of the use of different and energy transfers; trains that run on magnetic levitation • The only type of potential energy is gravitational
energy resources for generating electricity are more efficient because there is less friction; climate • Gravitational potential energy depends only on the height of an object
• Use g.p.e. and k.e. to calculate speed for different change affects sea level and food production • Doubling the speed of a moving object doubles the kinetic energy
theme park rides Pathways: dry ice makers, engine manufacturers, heating • All renewable energy resources are good, and all non-renewable energy
• Use the g.p.e. of objects on a ramp to quantify work engineers, power shower makers, plumbers, chefs, resources are bad
done by friction athletes, theme park designers, space probe and satellite • All power stations produce smoke
• Investigate the power output of a solar cell manufacturers • Wind generators are very loud
• Investigate thermal conductivity

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

We can calculate the energy associated with stores and transfers, which we can deduce from principles of forces and
fields. This enables us to make decisions about processes that use fuels or food. Transferring energy to and from matter
happens all the time in our everyday lives, and can happen efficiently or inefficiently, which we know from measuring the
useful output energy and comparing it with the total input energy. This has financial and environmental consequences. Our
supply of some of the fuels we use is limited, and using them affects the planet. We know from the direct measurement of
current CO2 levels, and the indirect measurement of historic CO2 levels, that climate change and fuel use are issues we will
need to deal with in the future.

62 © Oxford University Press 2021

Fundamental concept Thinking & working scientifically Science in everything Misconception

Atomic, nuclear, and quantum physics

Key Stage 4 Atomic and nuclear structure explains radiation
Learning progression
Emission and absorption of electromagnetic radiation: Students Students learn that radioactive materials emit alpha α and beta β Decay, uses, dangers, and risks: Students learn that radiation
build on knowledge of electromagnetic waves, and how they are particles, and gamma γ rays that interact differently with matter, takes different forms, and can have many uses, but some can be

produced. They link the concept of energy levels of electrons in but all originate from the nucleus of an unstable atom. The nature damaging. Uses of αβγ radiation reflect their different properties,
atoms in chemistry to the production of spectra (both absorption of αβγ radiation is brought out in decay equations. The identification for example, alpha in smoke detectors and gamma in finding pipes

and emission). The evidence from the spectra of stars informs our of beta particles as electrons produced and instantly emitted by leaking underground. Students learn the importance of balancing
knowledge of the matter in the Universe and the search for extra- the nucleus provides evidence that nucleons are not fundamental risk with the benefit from uses of radiation such as radiotherapy;
terrestrial life. The concept of energy levels provides a mechanism particles. The search for ‘fundamental building blocks of matter’ has an overarching principle in applying science. Background radiation

for understanding the production of gamma rays by the nucleus driven much of physics for over 100 years. Half-lives of radioactive poses little risk, and contamination and irradiation are different
when studying radioactivity. materials vary enormously, and individual nuclear decays cannot and can pose a greater risk. There are moral issues with the use of

be predicted. The link between probability and randomness is fission, but it may provide energy resources that contribute less to
Radioactivity: The history of radioactivity illustrates the transition
important, with parallels in many other phenomena from modelling climate change. The attempts to produce nuclear fusion reactions
from observations of macroscopic phenomena to understanding
the spread of a virus to weather forecasting. will have significant societal consequences in the future, like nuclear
at a microscopic level; in this case the behaviour of radioactive
fission has had in the past and present.
materials is explained by changes to nuclei. The model of the atom

has developed due to experimental evidence.

• Plotting graphs of activity vs. time, and using In my life: using lasers for scanning bar codes and • All radiation is harmful
graphs to work out half-life storage devices; eating irradiated food, and • Nuclei disappear when they decay
• Modelling radioactive decay with dice or M&Ms breathing in radioactive material harmlessly; light • Radiation makes things radioactive
• Make physical models of the changing model of reaching your eyes coming from radiation • Radioactivity first appeared during World War II
the atom In society: using radiation therapy to treat cancer; • Once a material is radioactive it is radioactive forever
• Make a scale model of the atom showing the relative radiation in scans such as MRIs and CT scanning; nuclear • Half-life is half the time for the radioactivity to disappear
diameter of the nucleus and atom medicine used for diagnosis and treatment of illnesses; • Radiation causes cancer, so it cannot be used to cure cancer
• Compare the ways of working of scientists who nuclear power stations, nuclear accidents, nuclear waste • Beta particles come from electron shells and not from the nucleus
discovered the electron/nucleus with those who or leaks around the world; fusion in the Sun and stars • Atoms cannot be changed from one element to another
discovered quarks/Higgs boson make them shine; astronomy in the news; exoplanets
• Irradiation makes things radioactive
• Research methods of detecting exoplanets/exobiology Pathways: archaeologists, gamma astronomers, • You get most of your background radiation from nuclear power stations
• Research progress of fusion reactors plumbers, nuclear pharmacists, food scientists,
• Fission and fusion are the same; fission is more powerful than fusion
• Do a risk/benefit analysis of uses of radioactive radiologists, GPs, dentists, engineers, forensic scientists
• Nuclear power stations are always dangerous
isotopes • Radiotherapy and chemotherapy have the same effects on the body
• You always get contaminated by radiation

What do we know? How do we know? Why does it matter?

We understand the structure of the atom and nucleus from direct experimentation (e.g., alpha scattering) can have a detrimental effect on human tissue, which we know by irradiating cells and studying the
and modelling, which enables us to explain how electromagnetic radiation is produced, and why some results, and evidence from nuclear explosions. Knowledge of the risks of injury protects people working
nuclei are unstable. Unstable nuclei decay and emit radiation as discovered by experimentation, which with radioactive material, but has enabled radiation to be used in food treatment and used in medical
is used in nuclear power stations and weapons; nuclear material has a wide range of uses. Radiation diagnosis and treatment.

63 © Oxford University Press 2021

The Activate KS3 curriculum
Course structure and resources
Course structure
The Oxford Smart Curriculum for Science is a fully comprehensive and responsive
curriculum designed for learners and their teachers from age 11–16. As part
of Oxford Smart Science, the Activate course provides a complete Key Stage 3
curriculum, with extensive support for learners of all attainments, and experienced

and non-specialist teachers alike. Curriculum resources are available as print and

e-books that are fully integrated with digital content hosted on Kerboodle. The
curriculum also fully integrates formative paper-based assessment, automated

summative assessment with personalised next steps, detailed teacher reporting

and intervention content, and extensive teacher personal development.
The KS3 course provides for a 2, 2.5, and 3-year KS3 through adaptable resources.

All core Science content (aligned with the UK National Curriculum) is covered by
the end of Year 8 in the curriculum to facilitate a range of approaches to Year
9. Core curriculum content in Years 7 and 8 is split up into separate Biology,
Chemistry, and Physics topics, which cover all of the knowledge needed for the
content, provide opportunities for consolidating learning through retrieval and
further questioning, and focus on developing maths and working scientifically
skills. Each topic also supports learners in taking charge of their own learning
through metacognitive practices, and demonstrates diverse perspectives and
pathways within Science. The assessment model of the course is based around
the Developing, Secure, Extending framework (see page 67), which aims to bring
all learners to at least the secure level for each topic before progressing.
Activate’s Year 9 focuses on revisiting core concepts in KS3 to
consolidate learning, and to prepare for the GCSE transition.
The course provides two approaches to Year 9:
1. Refresh, Apply, Extend: learners recap key knowledge from
Years 7 and 8, then apply this to unfamiliar contexts and real-
world scenarios, and finally extend their knowledge by stretching
up to studying this core knowledge in a GCSE setting.
2. A project-based approach to develop knowledge with skills, written
by experts in incorporating project work into Science curricula.
Schools will have both Year 9 approaches available to them, and so can
choose the right path for their school, cohorts, or individual classes.

64 © Oxford University Press 2021

The total KS3 curriculum is separated into two major pathways, either
of which are compatible with 2 and 3-year KS3 courses and can
be chosen by individual schools to best suit their cohorts:
1. Activate 123, corresponding to Years 7, 8, and 9; Biology,
Chemistry, and Physics are all taught in each year.
2. Activate BCP; Biology, Chemistry, and Physics are grouped
together rather than divided into Years 7–9.

Course resources

For learners:

• A student book for each year (or subject), with all the required
knowledge for each topic, plenty of practice questions, retrieval

questions, lots of opportunities to develop maths, literacy, and

working scientifically skills, and support for self-regulated learning.
• Student books also contain profiles of a diverse range of scientists,
and information on the relevance of Science topics to everyday life.

• Interesting, challenging, and supportive resources on Kerboodle to
accompany lessons and to do outside of class for each topic.
• Post-assessment automated and personalised next steps on Kerboodle,
which support learners in improving and consolidating their knowledge
and skills, and challenge them with appropriate extension activities. Next
steps are also available on Kerboodle for learners to repeat at any time.
• Automated retrieval question bank, targeting the forgetting curve, for
learners to refresh their knowledge at any time.
• Resources on the relevance and importance of Science to themselves and
society, and diverse pathways related to Science, to demonstrate that
Science is useful and accessible to everyone and engage learners with
scientific careers.
For teachers:
• A comprehensive suite of teaching resources for each year (or subject) as
part of the teacher handbooks and on Kerboodle. These include one full
lesson plan for each topic, which fully align with the student book content,
and integrate development of metacognitive learning, and maths, literacy,
and working scientifically skills.
The teacher handbooks also contain targeted assessment intervention
lessons, and support preparation for each area of content.
• Each lesson plan is fully accompanied on Kerboodle by its required
resources, including student and teacher versions of worksheets, and
additional support for learners.

65 © Oxford University Press 2021

• Online professional development modules, covering areas including
curriculum implementation, self-regulation of learning and metacognition,
responsive teaching and learning, and scientific identity.
• Detailed reporting on Kerboodle at the cohort, class, and individual
level, which displays progress through each curriculum topic, assessment
information, top misconceptions displayed by learners, and suggested next
steps and interventions.
• Automated assessment and next steps for learners on Kerboodle save
teacher time. Next steps are diagnostic and personalised so teachers can
see learner progress and needed support; these are also fully assignable
by teachers.

r a ft

66 © Oxford University Press 2021

Introduction to DSE framework
The KS3 Activate course is structured around the learning objectives and Developing,
Secure, Extending learning outcomes. Learning objectives are the knowledge
learners will cover in that topic.
Learning outcomes are the extent to which learners aim to cover that knowledge.
These should be used as guidance of how deeply a learning objective is covered
and how its knowledge can be applied by a learner.
The learning outcomes take into account age-related expectations, level of cognitive

demand, prior learning, familiarity of content and contexts, and component/

composite knowledge. Each learning objective is differentiated into Developing,
Secure, and Extending (DSE) outcomes:

• Developing learning outcomes: learners at this stage are working

towards secure knowledge and understanding, but need more support
to achieve this.

• Secure learning outcomes: learners at this stage have a secure knowledge
and understanding; this is the aspiration for all learners to achieve, prior to
moving on to the next topic.
• Extending learning outcomes: learners at this stage are working beyond
age-related expectation, and their knowledge and understanding can be
stretched and challenged.
The learning objectives and outcomes have been used to create all of the teaching
and learning resources within Activate, including the student and teacher books,
lesson content, and assessment. They show what knowledge should be covered
when and to what extent in the curriculum, and reflect sequencing of topics.
Therefore, they are of key importance for curriculum planning, diagnostic
assessment of learners and their needs, intervention, and determining support
needed for learners.
Complete learning objectives and outcomes are given for Years 7 and 8 on
pages 83–125.

67 © Oxford University Press 2021

Year 9 overview
The Activate curriculum’s Year 9 provides a more flexible route, catering for the
different needs of schools following a 2.5- or 3-year KS3. All schools will have
covered all of the required content from the UK National Curriculum by the end
of Year 8. Schools following a 2-year KS3 will skip Year 9 of Activate, proceeding
directly onto a GCSE course. While catering for different learners, Activate Year 9 will
move all students towards GCSE by preparing them for the skills and knowledge they
need for success.

The course provides two approaches to Year 9:

1. Refresh, Apply, Extend – available as a blended resource with
student and teacher book, and associated Kerboodle content.

Learners recap key knowledge, apply this to unfamiliar contexts and

real-world scenarios, and extend their knowledge by stretching up to
a GCSE setting. This is a highly adaptable route, with high levels of

flexibility to alter teaching focus depending on needs of cohorts.
2. A project-based approach – available as a suite of Kerboodle resources.
Series of cross-subject practical projects, to do sequentially throughout
early Year 9, or interspersed with Approach 1. This will focus on
consolidating key concepts from Years 7 and 8 through strongly
developing epistemic and procedural knowledge and skills, engendering
ownership of learning, and strengthening Science identity in learners.
It is also possible to mix-and-match between the two approaches within a cohort, or
even class. For example, choosing Approach 1 for Year 9 Biology, but Approach 2
for Chemistry and Physics.
Approach 1
As for Years 7 and 8, the Year 9 content is arranged into Biology, Chemistry,
and Physics chapters in the student and teacher books. Each chapter is divided
into Refresh, Apply, and Extend sections, and each chapter focuses on a core
concept within Science. The longer Apply section allows learners to apply learned
knowledge to new unfamiliar (AO2 and AO3) contexts, with different question types
and practicals, and consideration of real-world applications. The Extend section
gives learners the opportunity to extend their knowledge by studying the same
concept in a GCSE setting, providing more challenge and a slightly different focus.
The time an individual, class, or cohort spends on each section (Refresh, Apply,
Extend), and the pace of progression, can be adapted depending on their needs.
The core concepts each chapter will cover are those from KS3 that underpin many
scientific domains, recur throughout Secondary Science, and are essential for GCSE.

68 © Oxford University Press 2021

Biology core concepts Chemistry core concepts Physics core concepts
Plant and animal cells Materials Types and pairs of forces, and force
Specialised cells The particle model Motion
Diffusion and osmosis State changes Stretching and Hooke’s Law
Cells to systems Atoms and elements Forces at a distance
Photosynthesis The Periodic Table Mass and weight
Aerobic respiration Compounds Unbalanced forces
Fertilisation and implantation Word equations Wave properties
Variation and natural selection Conservation of mass Seeing light

Static electricity and change

Circuits and current

Energy conservation, transfer, and


DSE learning objectives and outcomes for Approach 1 of Year 9 are to follow.
Approach 2
An alternative option for Year 9 takes the form of extended practical projects hosted
on Kerboodle. The practicals incorporate some of the core concepts in Approach
1, and also draws on many cross-domain links within Science. The project work
from Approach 2 can be easily interspersed with content from Approach 1, for
example, using the Recap and Apply sections of Approach 1 to consolidate concept
knowledge before applying it within a relevant project from Approach 2. This is
supported by teaching resources and professional development on implementing
effective practical and project work.
Practical project plans for Approach 2 are to come at a later date.

69 © Oxford University Press 2021

Skills progression within the curriculum
Mathematical skills are fundamental to success within scientific disciplines, and as
such, learners’ development of these crucial skills is emphasised within all curriculum
materials. In particular, application of skills and knowledge learnt within the Maths
curriculum to scientific contexts can be a sticking point for learners, and we aim to
support learners with this throughout Activate and within all resources. Maths skills
are incorporated into all relevant lesson and student book content, and further

supported by targeted resources on Kerboodle.

The maths skills included and developed over the course of Activate have been
identified as being important to success in Science and to progressing onto KS4,

in line with the UK National Curriculum. The progression of these skills has been

carefully planned to accompany the scientific content, and so that it is age-
appropriate. Thorough comparison to the White Rose Maths learning progression

has ensured that all skills are appropriately sequenced to support effective
development, and that curriculum coherence with learners’ Maths curricula is
strengthened, supporting them in applying their mathematical knowledge to Science.
Particular skills within the Activate course benefit from greater focused teaching and
practice time, where a notable mismatch with Maths curricula has been identified.
The table below shows the Maths skills developed within each year of Activate, at
the general level of attainment expected for secure-level students finishing each year.

Maths skill Secure Year 7 Secure Year 8 Secure Year 9

Quantitative Use given strategies for Use given strategies for Independently solve
problem solving solving single-step problems solving simple multi-step more complex multi-step
problems calculations or problems
Identify the mathematical Independently use a range of
aspects in scientific contexts, mathematical approaches to
and use mathematical solve scientific problems
solutions for scientific
Understand when Make numerical estimates Make mental estimates by
and how to use from samples, and trends in rounding to one significant
estimation graphical or tabular data figure
Use rounding and standard
units to estimate simple

70 © Oxford University Press 2021

Maths skill Secure Year 7 Secure Year 8 Secure Year 9
Carry out Perform straightforward Use the order of operations in Use the order of operations in
calculations calculations using addition, straightforward calculations complex calculations
involving +, – , subtraction, multiplication, Perform straightforward Perform more complex mental
×, ÷ (without and division using positive mental calculations using calculations
a calculator) and negative integers, and addition, subtraction,
Independently decimals multiplication, and division
use a range of Perform simple mental using integers
mathematical calculations
approaches to
solve scientific

Record and Record data using standard Record data from secondary Record data to a given

interpret data in units sources in a constructed number of significant figures
suitable results Design a simple results table; results table; draw Draw detailed conclusions

tables record data; identify trends inconclusions from tabulated data
tabulated data; draw simple Construct a results table

conclusions from tabulated for grouped data; record
data grouped data; draw
Identify outliers in a set of conclusions

repeat results Record data to a given
degree of accuracy
Identify and remove outliers
from a data set
Plot, draw, and Define categoric and Choose the most appropriate Plot compound bar charts
interpret data continuous data graph or chart to plot data Add a line of best fit to a
graphically or Plot a simple bar chart using Plot pie charts, histograms, scatter graph to identify the
visually given axes grouped bar charts, and line type of correlation
Plot a simple line graph using graphs with multiple lines Use data from graphs to
given axes, line of best fits Extract data from bar and support conclusions
Plot a pie chart using given line charts to perform simple Extract data from
segment angles calculations mathematical constructs to
Interpret data from simple bar Draw inferences from perform simple calculations
charts, line graph, and pie separate and linked graphical
charts data
Identify trends from bar Identify correlation between
charts, line graphs, and pie data sets
Draw conclusions from
graphical data
Represent physical
phenomena using
mathematical constructs
Calculate areas Calculate the areas of simple Use formulae to calculate
and volumes of shapes circumferences, areas, and
simple shapes volumes of 2D and 3D shapes
when solving problems

71 © Oxford University Press 2021

Maths skill Secure Year 7 Secure Year 8 Secure Year 9
Understand Use standard units for Accurately measure quantities Derive units from multi-step
number size, common quantities using a scale equations
scales, and the Convert measurements of Convert SI units to carry out Estimate unknown angles
quantitative time, and SI units with familiar calculations using standard using knowledge of angular
relationship prefixes units relationships
between units Measure familiar quantities Use compound units
using a scale; use scales
with negative numbers; order
integers including decimals
Use a protractor to measure
angles and construct


Use of fractions, Calculate percentages of Calculate percentage change Use fractions or percentages
percentages, and amounts Solve complex problems to solve problems involving
ratios Represent results using using ratios proportional changes

fractions Understand and use the

Solve simple problems using equivalences between
direct proportion fractions, decimals, and
Recognise simple ratios, and percentages

solve simple ratio problems Perform calculations using
Calculate range Calculate means Calculate mean, mode, and Identify the most appropriate
and average of a range type of average for data and
set of data Identify and remove outliers understand their limitations
before calculating means
Substitute Substitute values into an Rearrange an equation Substitute values into an
numerical values equation using standard units containing three variables equation represented
into simple algebraically
equations using
appropriate units
Calculate using Recognise simple indices Perform calculations using
indices simple indices
Understand the Relate probability to the
idea of probability notion of risk
Calculator skills Perform straightforward Use the order of operations in Use a calculator to perform
calculations with positive calculations multi-step calculations with
and negative integers, and Perform calculations using brackets
decimals simple indices

Nature of Science and Science identity

Scientific working, an understanding of the nature of Science, and how Science
relates to learners and their identities is at the heart of the Oxford Smart Curriculum
and Activate course. This includes not just procedural knowledge required within
the Science curriculum (the use of instruments and experimental techniques), but
also epistemic competencies; ways of thinking, observing, analysing, and learning

72 © Oxford University Press 2021

about Science. The procedural (working scientifically) skills required for success in
KS3 Science, aligning with the UK National Curriculum, have been sequenced to
ensure effective development for learners and to accompany the course’s scientific
knowledge. Epistemic competencies have been similarly defined and sequenced,
to ensure constructive progression and development of learners as scientists that
fully engage with the world around them and Science as a way of thinking.
The table below shows the Nature of Science skills developed within each year
of Activate, at the general level of attainment expected for secure-level students
finishing each year.

Nature of
Secure Year 7 Secure Year 8 Secure Year 9

Science skill
Recognise familiar Use an objective approach Use an objective approach

examples of being by applying APRR to familiar by applying APRR to familiar
objective using accuracy, situations and unfamiliar situations

precision, repeatability, and
reproducibility (APRR)
Describe simply how a Explain how a number of Explain in detail how and why

familiar scientific method or familiar scientific methods or scientific methods or theories
Scientific theory changed over time theories have changed over have changed over time
attitudes Describe simply how scientists time Explain how and why
publish results and use peer Describe familiar examples of scientists publish results
review how scientists publish results and use peer review, giving
and use peer review specific examples
Under guidance, follow a risk Follow a risk assessment to Write and carry out a risk
assessment to safely carry out safely carry out an experiment assessment to safely perform
an experiment an experiment
Use prior knowledge to ask Use prior knowledge to Use prior knowledge to
simple scientific questions ask scientific questions and ask a range of scientific
suggest how to investigate questions and suggest how to
them investigate them
Use prior knowledge to ask Predict/hypothesise using In a range of situations,
simple scientific questions a scientific theory or predict/hypothesise using
explanation a scientific theory or
Experimental explanation
skills and With support, plan a simple Plan familiar investigations Plan unfamiliar investigations
investigations investigation to test a to test predictions, deciding to test predictions, identifying
prediction, and identify an on relevant independent, the relevant independent,
independent, dependent, and dependent, and control dependent, and control
control variable variables variables
Use suitable techniques, Select suitable techniques, Apply suitable techniques,
apparatus, and materials for apparatus, and materials for apparatus, and materials
familiar experiments/fieldwork familiar experiments/fieldwork for unfamiliar experiments/

73 © Oxford University Press 2021

Nature of
Secure Year 7 Secure Year 8 Secure Year 9
Science skill
Make and record Make accurate observations Make accurate observations
observations from an and systematically record and systematically record
investigation several observations from a a range of observations
Experimental range of investigations from a range of unfamiliar
skills and investigations
investigations Use suitable sampling In planning and carrying In planning and carrying out
techniques for simple out investigations, select a investigations, select and
investigations suitable sampling method justify any sampling methods
Identify simple quantitative Identify quantitative Process data, including

relationships between relationships between multi-step calculations and

variables variables to inform compound measures, to
State a conclusion based on conclusions identify complex relationships

the evidence between variables and justify

Identify scientific evidence Present explanations Present explanations
used in explanations consistent with scientific consistent with scientific
evidence; relate the data to evidence, assessing the

the hypothesis strength of the evidence;
Analysis and relate the data to the
evaluation hypothesis
Identify a source of random Identify a source of random Identify a source of random
error and systematic error in error and systematic error error and systematic error in
familiar experiments in familiar experiments, and unfamiliar experiments, and
suggest how to account for explain the impact on data
this collected
Suggest an improvement to a Describe a specific Describe in detail specific
method of an investigation improvement to a method of improvements to a method of
an investigation an investigation and justify the
Use appropriate SI units and Use familiar appropriate SI Accurately use a wide range
chemical names units and chemical names of appropriate SI units and
chemical names in unfamiliar

Measurement With support, carry out simple Select suitable mathematical Choose suitable mathematical
mathematical analyses analyses analysis methods and justify
Explain how data has the choice
undergone specific
mathematical or statistical

74 © Oxford University Press 2021

Nature of
Secure Year 7 Secure Year 8 Secure Year 9
Science skill
Use models and analogies as Understand that models and Select or design a suitable
a way of understanding things analogies have limitations model or analogy for a
that are very small, large, and their usefulness depends particular concept, evaluating
processes, or abstract on how accurately they its suitability and limitations
describe the real world
Carry out guided research Select suitable resources and Research a topic
into a particular topic or to an approach to research a independently and select
The scientific find the answer to a defined particular topic an appropriate method for
method, question recording and presenting
research, and findings

use of models Take part in teacher-led Take part in peer-to-peer Lead and guide discussions

discussions, using own discussion with little teacher with peers
knowledge intervention

Understand what is meant by Select appropriate scientific Propose scientific questions
scientific questions and the questions and methods of and suggest ways and

process by which we answer finding answers to particular methods of finding the
them problems answers, along with the
potential limitations

Learn how and why Science Learn about the relevance Learn about the relevance of
knowledge and skills are and value of science Science for my society, in a
useful in my daily and future knowledge and skills for me broader context
life, including personal health, and my community
the Science of everyday tasks
and interactions, and Science
skills in jobs beyond STEM
Understand the everyday Explore why my community How we can use Science for
relevance of Science skills might care about making action: Citizen Science and
such as making observations, observations of the natural activism through Science
recording data, carrying out world
Science capital calculations, interpreting data,
and Science and drawing conclusions
identity: the Explore everyday examples Understand the importance Understand, interpret, and
value and of why you might need to of more complex calculations use big data
relevance of convert units and people involving compound units in
Science to me who do this in their jobs, and everyday life, and what data
people that represent data is relevant to me and my
visually community
Appreciate that Science is not Appreciate that Science is
just for ‘scientists’ who wear not just for scientists; seeing
white coats and work in labs; the link between scientific
Science knowledge and skills processes and real-life
are everywhere in daily life applications
Jobs and activities that need
to know about scientific
theories, phenomena, and
their application

75 © Oxford University Press 2021

Nature of
Secure Year 7 Secure Year 8 Secure Year 9
Science skill
Science capital Seeing scientists like me: Seeing scientists like me
and Science valuing and recognising nationally and globally, and
identity: the diverse scientists, and that a understanding that Science is
value and great variety of careers use often a collaborative process
relevance of Science and Maths between regions and nations
Science to me

Literacy and the Word Gap

Effective use of vocabulary, reading and writing skills, and scientific communication

are all integral to long-term success in Science. Practice of literacy skills is therefore
embedded throughout the Activate course components, following a progression

designed around the EEF’s Improving Secondary Science recommendations.

Literacy skills are developed through the lesson activities, targeted guidance
and activities in the student books, and additional Kerboodle resources.
Literacy is also emphasised throughout the Activate course specifically to target

recommendations within the OUP Bridging the Word Gap report, which highlighted
literacy as a major target area for improvement in the transition to Secondary.
The table below shows the literacy skills developed within each year of Activate, at
the general level of attainment expected for secure-level students finishing each year.

Literacy competencies Secure Year 7 Secure Year 8 Secure Year 9

Understand the With support and Use root words to Use knowledge
constituent parts of explanation, describe break down complex of root words
appropriate scientific the constituent vocabulary, and link and vocabulary
vocabulary, in order parts of scientific scientific vocabulary to decode new
to understand their vocabulary, and use to commonly scientific vocabulary;
meaning a glossary confused words in understand command
everyday speech words used in
to practise specific examination-style
Provide use of vocabulary; questions
targeted understand simple
vocabulary command words in
instruction questions
Understand key Understand and Confidently use key Use a broader range
scientific vocabulary, be able to read scientific vocabulary of scientific and
and use technical and use a limited to suit the situation; general vocabulary
terminology and range of relevant use standard English fluently; use precise
scientific vocabulary scientific keywords in formal situations standard English
accurately and when provided; use where required
precisely standard English for
complex situations

76 © Oxford University Press 2021

Literacy competencies Secure Year 7 Secure Year 8 Secure Year 9
Read and With support, readRead a greater Read and
comprehend simple, short scientific
variety of short comprehend a variety
appropriate scientific texts about taughtscientific texts related of scientific texts with
texts, including topics; read textbook
to taught topics, fluency and accuracy,
reports, articles, independently including on historical including science in a
Develop works of fiction, etc. developments in broader context (e.g.
pupils’ ability science the news)
to read
Make inferences and Show understanding Show understanding Show understanding
and access
describe relationships of significant ideas of a range of of the different
in scientific texts in texts, and, with scientific texts, and ways information is
support, use inference the ability to select conveyed in a broad

and deduction essential points and range of scientific

use inference and texts
deduction where

Dr a

77 © Oxford University Press 2021

Literacy competencies Secure Year 7 Secure Year 8 Secure Year 9
Write descriptions With support and With support, Write answers to
and explanations scaffolding, break provide scientific extended response
for scientific down complex writing explanations for a questions and
phenomena and tasks to provide range of phenomena multipart questions
observations, and short scientific and observations; with little scaffolding
provide appropriate explanations for understand the use and in response to
responses to written simple phenomena of command words in command words
questions written questions
Write scientific reports With support and Practice planning Write complete
on phenomena, scaffolding, write for more complex scientific reports
observations, and simple scientific scientific reports, using conventional

practicals carried out reports, including including plans, structures, including

conclusions, keywords, concept aims, methods, etc.
relationships, and maps, and 'but, so,
explanations and' techniques

Use appropriate With scaffolding and Use a range of forms Use a large range

writing styles and support, use some and formal style of forms of writing
forms of writing (letter, of the main features where appropriate to engage the
article, argumentative of different forms to clearly convey audience in fluent

etc.) to suit purpose of writing to convey meaning, including communication of
Break down
clear information presenting arguments scientific ideas,
and opinions, and including objective
writing tasks
discussing ethical presentation of
issues ethical issues and
Appropriate Present information Present information Present ideas in well-
organisation of ideas through clear writing in clear and developed and linked
and information in with sentences that well-developed paragraphs, with
written work are logically ordered paragraphs and punctuation that aids
sentences, and clarity, and address
use other forms various viewpoints
of presenting where appropriate
appropriately (e.g.
lists, tables)
Use correct and Use simple Use proper spelling Use a range of
appropriate spelling, punctuation correctly, for complex grammatical features
punctuation, including full stops vocabulary, and accurately and
grammar, and and capital letters; more sophisticated effectively, and
sentence structure spelling and punctuation correct spelling of
grammar is usually complex vocabulary

78 © Oxford University Press 2021

Literacy competencies Secure Year 7 Secure Year 8 Secure Year 9
Write summaries and With support, write Write recall and Write recall, describe,
questions based on short summaries of descriptive questions and explain
content read from a scientific texts about based on texts read; comprehension
variety of scientific taught topics use connectives, questions based on
texts compare and a variety of scientific
contrast, refer to texts; identify and
the text, and collate use key information
information from referred to in texts to
different sources support viewpoints;
Combine synthesise and
writing compare information

instruction from a variety of

with reading sources, and evaluate
information used

Understand and Read simple labelled Describe and explain Interpret data and
interpret scientific diagrams, and scientific techniques graphs to write

diagrams, and write explain what they using diagrams of analyses of scientific
what diagrams show show in prose apparatus; translate phenomena; identify
in prose information from links between

models (e.g. of diagrams and written
cycles) into prose, information
and vice versa

79 © Oxford University Press 2021

Literacy competencies Secure Year 7 Secure Year 8 Secure Year 9
Understand and Read simple labelled Describe and explain Interpret data and
interpret scientific diagrams, and scientific techniques graphs to write
diagrams, and write explain what they using diagrams of analyses of scientific
what diagrams show show in prose apparatus; translate phenomena; identify
in prose information from links between
models (e.g. of diagrams and written
cycles) into prose, information
and vice versa
Correctly pronounce With support, practice Correctly pronounce Correctly pronounce
complex multisyllabic correctly pronouncing multisyllabic scientific multisyllabic scientific
words, and use these complex multisyllabic words for a range of words for a range

in scientific discussion words topics of topics, and use

these unprompted in

Give clear and With guidance, Verbally explain Give well-structured
rational verbal present clear verbal the meaning of and ordered verbal

descriptions of descriptions of simple simple word/symbol explanations for
scientific phenomena, phenomena and equations; explain scientific phenomena
using appropriate observations more complex and observations

vocabulary observations
Explain thought Clearly communicate Structure verbal With support, form
Provide processes and lines and justify simple presentations on and deliver a verbal
opportunities of reasoning to scientific ideas, using scientific topics so debate on a known
for structured others in a clear and scientific language they are clearly science topic
talk precise manner and illustrations communicated and
effective at explaining
scientific ideas to an
Distinguish between Identify scientific Identify when Recognise the
fact and opinion evidence used to opinion is used in challenges regarding
when discussing support or refute place of fact, and fact versus opinion,
scientific topics ideas in discussion the circumstances and the use of
surrounding when vocabulary, when
these can be/should discussing scientific
be used phenomena;
recognise potential
biases in scientific
Ask relevant Ask pertinent Make contributions Make significant
questions about questions about to discussions and contributions
scientific observations simple scientific observations of to discussions,
and phenomena in phenomena and scientific phenomena, evaluating others'
discussion observations, including asking ideas and showing
demonstrating questions that are understanding and
understanding of key responsive and sensitivity to different
points develop ideas viewpoints

80 © Oxford University Press 2021

Literacy competencies Secure Year 7 Secure Year 8 Secure Year 9
Communicate ideas Adapt verbal Talk confidently in Confidently match
and information information to the a wide range of the information
to a wide variety needs of the listener, contexts including and structure of
of audiences and varying vocabulary some formal, communication to
situations and the amount of and structure differing contexts,
detail given communication for including some
required purposes unfamiliar contexts,
and develop

Metacognition and self-regulation

Understanding of how an individual learns and self-regulation of that

learning are key to develop in effective Science learners. The EEF notes that

incorporating metacognition and self-regulation approaches in teaching
and learning lead to high levels of positive impact on learner progress.

This ownership of learning is developed in a number of
ways, integrated throughout the Activate course:
• Incorporation of the plan-monitor-evaluate cycle within relevant
activities and resources, so that learners become familiar with planning
the steps they will take within an activity or to solve a problem,
monitoring their progress, and evaluating what they have learned.
• Direct teaching and practice of a range of metacognitive
strategies throughout the lesson content and student resources,
as appropriate for the scientific topic at hand, followed by use of
metacognitive strategies outside of class to review and reflect.
• Consistent teacher-led modelling of thinking and problem-
solving skills, to demonstrate how an expert employs
strategies like the plan-monitor-evaluate cycle.
• Fostering metacognitive talk in the classroom at appropriate opportunities.
• Dedicated support within teaching materials and targeted
PD resources for teachers in incorporating the above.

81 © Oxford University Press 2021

The table below gives an indication of the progression of the above
over the Activate course, at the secure-level for each year.

Metacognition and
Secure Year 7 Secure Year 8 Secure Year 9

Use structured templates Take increased Confidently make

and teacher guidance responsibility for choosing independent choices of
to practise using own strategies and use strategies to best support
metacognition strategies less scaffolding own learning
How to be a Secondary How to approach specific Independently use

General metacognitive
skills and strategies in scientist: explicit Science skills (e.g, strategies and techniques

Science instruction of strategies calculations, balancing to support and enhance
and techniques, including equations) own learning and use

revision, reading, note Develop independence them autonomously,
taking, and basic working in choosing the strategies automatically integrating

scientifically; how to ask that best support their them into work
scientific questions own learning
Reflective questions focus Reflective questions Reflective questions

on learners as students focused on what specific focused on strengths and
of Science; what do they skills/protocols learners weaknesses relating to
Reflective questioning want a Year 7 scientist to should learn and how specific knowledge and
look like, what skills do they are going to do this skills as learners transition
they need to have through the year from KS3 to KS4
Think about the goal of Think about the goal
learning (set by teacher) of learning and decide
and consider how to how to approach tasks;
approach tasks; this choose own strategies
includes understanding and determine how best
Planning the goal, activating to allocate time
relevant prior knowledge
about the task, and
guided selection of
appropriate strategies
and allocation of effort
Assess and monitor Assess and monitor Be aware of own
progress being made, progress and identify weaknesses and work
including self-testing and gaps or difficult areas; preemptively to negate
Monitoring self-questioning select strategies to these using suitable
support in rectifying these available strategies
identified areas
Reflect on the Reflect on a plan and Continuously use
effectiveness of a plan suggest ways to improve evaluation to appraise
Evaluating and its implementation and extend it and improve their work
and plans

82 © Oxford University Press 2021

Activate DSE learning outcomes
Year 7
Learning outcomes
Topic Developing Secure Extending
Define what a cell is List some facts Describe what a Describe what a cell
about cells cell is is, using examples

Describe how to Identify the parts of Describe how to Explain how to get
use a microscope to a microscope use a microscope to a focused image
observe very small observe very small when using a
1.1 Observing
objects objects microscope
Calculate the total Give the eyepiece Calculate the total Calculate the total

magnification used lens and objective magnification used magnification used

to observe an lens magnification to observe an object to observe an object
object using a scaffolded using an equation


Describe the Identify the function Describe the function
Compare the
function of each of each part of a of each part of a functions of each
part of a cell cell cell part of plant and
animal cells

Compare the parts Label the parts of Compare the parts Explain the
of plant and animal plant and animal of plant and animal differences between
1.2 Plant and
cells cells cells plant and animal
animal cells
Use a microscope Use a microscope to Use a microscope Explain why stains
to view plant and view pre-prepared to view student- are used when
animal cells slides of plant and prepared slides of viewing plant and
animal cells plant and animal animal cells through
cells a microscope
Describe the Identify the function Describe the function Suggest the function
function of of specialised cells of specialised cells of an unfamiliar
specialised cells specialised cell
Describe the Identify the main Describe the Explain how the
adaptations of adaptations of adaptations of adaptations of a
specialised animal specialised animal specialised animal specialised animal
1.3 Specialised cells cells cells cell enable it to
cells perform its function
Describe the Identify the main Describe the Explain how the
adaptations of adaptations of adaptations of adaptations of a
specialised plant specialised plant specialised plant specialised plant
cells cells cells cell enable it to
perform its function

83 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes
Topic Developing Secure Extending
Name some Identify some Name some Explain why
substances that substances that are substances that substances move

move into and out needed by cells move into and out into, or out of, a cell
of cells of cells
1.4 Movement of Describe the Describe simply the Describe the process
Explain the process
substances process of diffusion particles in liquids of diffusion of diffusion using the
and gases particle model
Describe examples Give some Describe examples Explain why diffusion
of diffusion examples of of diffusion occurs in plant and
diffusion animal cells

Define what a Name some Define what a Identify examples

unicellular organism unicellular unicellular organism of unicellular
is organisms is organisms based on
their description

Describe the Identify the main Describe the features Compare the

features of an features of an of an amoeba features present in
1.5 Unicellular
amoeba amoeba an amoeba with
those in an animal

Describe the Identify the main Describe the features Justify why a
features of a features of a of a Euglena Euglena could be
Euglena Euglena classified as a plant
or an animal cell
Define the terms Name some Define the terms Describe examples
tissue, organ, and examples of tissues, tissue, organ, and of tissues, organs,
organ system organs, and organ organ system and organs systems
systems in animals and
2.1 Levels of
organisation Describe the Order the terms cell, Describe the Use examples
hierarchy of tissue, organ, and hierarchy of to illustrate the
organisation in organ system from organisation in hierarchy of
a multicellular smallest to largest a multicellular organisation in
organism organism a multicellular
Define the process Name some of Define the process Explain the
of gas exchange the gases humans of gas exchange importance of gas
breathe in and out exchange
Describe how parts Label the main parts Describe how parts Explain the structural
of the gas exchange of the human gas of the gas exchange adaptations of the
2.2 Gas system are adapted exchange system system are adapted parts of the gas
exchange to their function to their function exchange system
Compare the State the meaning Compare the Explain the
composition of of inhalation and composition of differences in
inhaled and exhalation inhaled and exhaled composition of
exhaled air air inhaled and
exhaled air

84 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes
Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe the Give some Describe the Explain the changes
changes that occur examples of changes that occur that occur when a

when a person changes that occur when a person person inhales and
inhales and exhales when a person inhales and exhales exhales
inhales and exhales
Describe how a bell Identify which Describe how a bell Evaluate the bell
2.3 Breathing jar can be used to parts of the gas jar can be used to jar as a model of
model breathing exchange system model breathing breathing
are represented in
the bell jar model
Describe a method State the meaning Describe a method Evaluate the method
used to estimate of the term lung used to estimate used to estimate

lung volume volume lung volume lung volume

Label the main Name some bones Label the main Compare the
bones in the human in the human bones in the human functions of different

skeleton skeleton skeleton human bones

Describe the State what a bone is Describe the Explain the structural
2.4 Skeleton structure of a bone structure of a bone adaptations of a

Describe the Give some of the Describe the Explain the functions
functions of the functions of the functions of the of the skeletal
skeletal system skeletal system skeletal system system
Describe the role of State what is meant Describe the role of Use examples
joints in movement by a joint joints in movement to describe the
movements that
different types of
joint allow
2.5 Movement – Describe the Label the parts of Describe the Explain the functions
joints structure of a joint a joint structure of a joint of the different parts
of a joint
Describe how to Use a newtonmeter Describe how to Evaluate the
measure the force to accurately measure the force methods used to
exerted by different measure a force exerted by different measure force
muscles muscles exerted by muscles
Describe the Give the role of Describe the function Suggest the function
function of the major muscles in the of the major muscle of an unfamiliar
muscle groups human body groups muscle from a
Describe how Give the function of Describe how Explain how muscles
muscles cause muscle tissue muscles cause cause movement in
2.6 Movement –
movement in the movement in the the body
body body
Describe how State some features Describe how Use examples
antagonistic muscles of antagonistic antagonistic muscles to explain how
control movement at muscles control movement at antagonistic muscles
a joint a joint control movement at
a joint

85 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes
Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe the Identify the Describe the Compare
difference between meanings of the differences between similarities and

adolescence and terms puberty and adolescence and differences between

puberty adolescence puberty adolescence and
Compare the Give some changes Compare the Explain the changes
3.1 Adolescence
physical changes in that take place in physical changes in in females and
females and males females and males females and males males during
during puberty during puberty during puberty puberty
Describe the role State the meaning Describe the role of Compare the role
of sex hormones of the term hormone sex hormones during of sex hormones in
during puberty puberty males and females

Describe the Name the sex cells Describe the function Compare the

function of the produced by the of the female and function of the
female and male female and male male reproductive female and male

reproductive systems reproductive systems systems reproductive systems

Label the main Name some parts Label the main Label the main
structures in the of the female and structures in the structures in the
female and male male reproductive female and male female and male
3.2 Reproductive

reproductive systems systems reproductive systems reproductive systems
in front and side
Describe the Identify a function Describe the Compare the
function of the main of the female and function of the main functions of the main
structures in the male reproductive structures in the structures in the
female and male systems female and male female and male
reproductive systems reproductive systems reproductive systems
Describe the State what is meant Describe the process Explain what
process of by the term gamete of fertilisation happens during
fertilisation fertilisation
Describe what Describe the Describe what Explain how sexual
happens during purpose of sexual happens during intercourse can lead
3.3 Fertilisation
sexual intercourse intercourse sexual intercourse to reproduction
and implantation
Describe the main State what is Describe the main Suggest why sexual
steps which must meant by the term steps that must intercourse does
take place for implantation take place for not always lead to
implantation to implantation to occur implantation

86 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes
Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe what is Describe what is Describe what is Suggest reasons
meant by the term meant by pregnancy meant by the term for differences in

gestation gestation gestational length

between organisms
Describe the Label the main Describe the function Explain how
3.4 Development
function of the structures involved in of the placenta, substances are
of a fetus
placenta, umbilical pregnancy umbilical cord, and exchanged between
cord, and fluid sac fluid sac mother and fetus
Describe the main Name the structures Describe the main Explain the main
stages in the a baby passes stages in the process stages in the
process of birth through during birth of birth process of birth
Describe what Give the function of Describe what Explain why females

happens during a the uterus lining happens during a have periods

period period
Describe the main State what is Describe the main Label a diagram to

stages in the meant by the term stages in the describe the stages

3.5 The menstrual cycle ovulation menstrual cycle of the menstrual
menstrual cycle cycle
Describe some State what is Describe some Evaluate the use

different methods of meant by the term different methods of of condoms and
contraception contraception contraception the contraceptive
pill as methods of
Describe the Label the main Describe the Identify similarities
function of the main structures in a flower function of the main in function between
structures in a flower structures in a flower the male and
female parts of a
Describe the Describe the Describe the process Explain the
3.6 Flowers and process of function of the of pollination differences between
pollination pollination anther and stigma self-pollination and
Compare the Name some Compare the Explain the structural
structure of wind- features of wind- structure of wind- adaptations of
pollinated and pollinated and pollinated and wind-pollinated and
insect-pollinated insect-pollinated insect-pollinated insect-pollinated
plants plants plants plants

87 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes
Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe the State what is Describe the process Compare the
process of meant by the term of fertilisation in process of

fertilisation in plants fertilisation plants fertilisation in plants

and animals
Describe how Identify the parts of Describe how fruits Suggest a
seeds and fruits are a flower which will and seeds are reproductive
3.7 Fertilisation
formed develop into the fruit formed advantage of
and germination
and the seeds producing sweet-
tasting fruits
Describe the main Name the conditions Describe the main Explain how to
steps in germination a seed needs for steps in germination maximise the rate
germination of germination in


Describe the State what is meant Describe the Suggest some
advantages of seed by the term seed advantages of seed disadvantages of

dispersal dispersal dispersal seed dispersal

Explain how seeds Name the main Explain how seeds Suggest and justify
are adapted for methods of seed are adapted for the mechanism of
their method of dispersal their method of dispersal for a given
3.8 Seed

dispersal dispersal seed
Describe a method Identify the Describe a method Explain the steps
to investigate seed independent, to investigate seed taken to produce
dispersal dependent, and a dispersal valid data in a
control variables in seed dispersal
a seed dispersal investigation
Use the particle State what materials Use the particle Compare one

model to explain are made up of model to explain property of two

why different why different different materials,
materials have materials have and use the particle
different properties different properties model to explain the
1.1 The particle State the four factors Identify the factors State the factors in Suggest why the
model in the particle model in the particle model the particle model properties of two
that determine the that determine the that determine the different given
properties of a properties of a properties of a substances differ
substance substance substance

88 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Compare the Identify the Compare the Compare the
properties of a properties of a properties of a properties of an

substance in its substance in its substance in its three unfamiliar substance

three states three states states in its three states
Describe the Identify the Describe the Compare the
arrangement, arrangement, arrangement, arrangement,
separation, and separation, and separation, and separation, and
movement of movement of movement of movement of
1.2 The three
particles in the three particles in the three particles in the three particles in the three
states of matter states of matter states of matter states of matter states of matter
Use the particle Using the particle Use the particle Use the particle

model to explain model, identify model to explain model to explain

the properties of explanations of the properties of a the differences
a substance in its the properties of substance in its three and similarities in
three states a substance in its states the properties of

three states a substance in its

three states
State the meanings Identify the State the meanings Compare the
of mass, volume, meanings of mass, of mass, volume, concepts of mass,

and density volume, and density and density volume, and density
Use the particle Identify the factor Use the particle Compare the
model to explain in the particle model to explain densities of a
why the same model that affects why the same substance in each
substance has the density of a substance has of its three states,
different densities in substance in its different densities and explain the
1.3 Density
its three states three states in each of its three difference using the
states particle model
Use the particle Identify the factor in Use the particle Using the particle
model to explain the particle model model to explain model, explain the
why, in the solid that causes different why, in the solid difference in density,
state, different substances in the state, different from data, of two
substances have solid state to have substances have different solids
different densities different densities different densities

89 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe how Identify differences Describe how Use the particle
the arrangement, in the arrangement the arrangement, model to explain

separation, and and movement of separation, and melting and freezing

movement of the the particles in the movement of the
particles change solid and liquid particles change
when a substance states when a substance
melts or freezes melts or freezes
State the factor in Identify the factor in State the factor in Use the particle
1.4 Melting and the particle model the particle model the particle model model to explain
freezing that explains why that explains why that explains why why some
different substances different substances different substances substances have

have different have different have different higher melting
melting points melting points melting points points than others

Give the melting Describe a Estimate the melting Compare
point of a substance temperature-time point of a substance temperature-time

from its cooling graph for a from its graphs, and hence

curve substance as it temperature-time melting points, for
melts or freezes graph different substances
Describe how Identify the factor in Describe how Use the particle

the arrangement, the particle model the arrangement, model to explain
separation, and that explains why separation, and boiling
movement of the different substances movement of the
particles change have different particles change
when a substance boiling points when a substance
boils boils
Predict the state of Identify melting and Predict the state of a Predict the state of
a substance at a boiling points on a substance at a given a substance at a
given temperature given temperature temperature from its given temperature
1.5 Boiling
from its melting scale melting and boiling from its melting
and boiling points, points, where both and boiling points,
where both are are above 0°C where boiling and
above 0°C melting points could
be any temperature
Give the boiling Describe a Give the boiling Compare
point of a substance temperature- point of a substance temperature-time
from its temperature- time graph for a from its graphs, and boiling
time graph substance as it boils temperature-time points, for different
graph substances

90 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Compare Identify the before Compare Compare
evaporating, and after states evaporating, evaporating,

condensing, and of evaporation, condensing, and condensing,

subliming in terms of condensation, and subliming in terms and subliming in
the before and after sublimation of their before and unfamiliar situations
states after states
Describe how Identify differences Describe how Use the particle
the arrangement, in the arrangement the arrangement, model to compare
separation, and and movement separation, and subliming to
movement of the of the particles movement of the evaporating
particles changes when a substance particles change
1.6 More

when a substance evaporates, when a substance
changes of state
evaporates, condenses, and evaporates,

condenses, and sublimes condenses, and
sublimes sublimes

Use the particle Describe the Compare the Use the particle

model to compare arrangement, changes in the model to compare
evaporation and separation, and arrangement, evaporation and
boiling movement of the separation, and boiling

particles during movement of
evaporation and the particles in
boiling evaporation and
Use the particle Give examples of Describe how the Suggest and justify
model to explain situations where separation and whether diffusion
diffusion diffusion occurs speed of movement can occur in
of the particles unfamiliar situations
change when a
substance diffuses
Use the particle Identify the factors Use the particle Use the particle
model to explain that affect how model to explain model to compare
how temperature, quickly diffusion how temperature, how quickly diffusion
particle size, and occurs particle size, and will occur in
1.7 Diffusion
state affect how state affect how unfamiliar situations
quickly diffusion quickly diffusion
happens happens
Explain the Describe the Use the particle Evaluate the particle
observations in observations model to explain model in explaining
an experiment you might make the observations observations in
that demonstrates in a specified in an experiment an experiment
diffusion experiment that demonstrates that demonstrates
demonstrating diffusion diffusion

91 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Write the definition Identify the meaning State the meaning Justify whether a
for the term of the term element, of the term substance is an

element and list and examples of element and list element based on
some examples of elements some examples of its description
elements elements
Explain what Identify what Describe what Identify element(s)
is shown in the is shown in the is shown in the that have similar
2.1 Elements
Periodic Table Periodic Table Periodic Table properties to a
given element
Use the Periodic Identify the chemical Use the Periodic Use the Periodic
Table to give the symbols of elements Table to give the Table to give

chemical symbols of chemical symbol of the name of any

elements any element, given element, given its
its name chemical symbol
Write definitions for Identify the meaning State the meanings Compare the

the terms atom and of the terms atom of the terms atom concepts atom and
2.2 Atoms

element and element and element element, giving
State the meaning Identify the State the meaning of State the meaning

of the term meaning of the term the term compound of the term
compound compound compound, giving
Explain whether a Identify molecule Explain whether a Compare and justify
molecule diagram diagrams that show molecule diagram molecule diagrams
shows an element an element, or a shows an element or of elements or
2.3 Compounds
or a compound simple compound a compound compounds
Explain why a Identify the reason Explain why a Explain why a
compound has why a compound compound has compound has
different properties has different different properties different properties
to its constituent properties to its to its constituent to its constituent
elements constituent elements elements elements, with

92 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Name a two- Identify a two- Name a familiar Name an unfamiliar
element compound, element compound, two-element two-element

given its particle given its particle compound, given its compound, given its
diagram or the diagram or the particle diagram or particle diagram or
relative numbers relative numbers the relative numbers the relative numbers
of atoms of the of atoms of the of atoms of the of atoms of the
elements in it elements in it elements in it elements in it
Give the chemical Identify the chemical Determine the Determine the
formula of a formula of a chemical formula chemical formula
2.4 Chemical compound, given compound, given of a familiar of an unfamiliar
formulae the relative numbers the relative numbers compound, given compound, given

of atoms of the of atoms of the the relative numbers the relative numbers
elements in it elements in it of atoms of the of atoms of the

elements in it elements in it
Give the chemical Identify the chemical Determine the Determine the

formula of a formula of a chemical formula chemical formula

compound, given a compound, given a of a familiar of an unfamiliar
labelled molecule labelled molecule compound, given a compound, given a
diagram diagram labelled molecule labelled molecule

diagram diagram
Write the definition Identify the meaning State the meaning State the meaning
for the term of the term chemical of the term chemical of the term chemical
chemical reaction reaction reaction reaction, and give
an example
Explain how Identify useful and Explain how Suggest
chemical reactions non-useful chemical chemical reactions disadvantages
3.1 Chemical
are useful reactions are useful for some useful
chemical reactions
Compare chemical Describe one Compare chemical Justify why changes
reactions to physical difference between reactions to physical are either physical
changes chemical reactions changes or chemical
and physical

93 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Identify reactants Identify the Identify reactants Describe the
and products in meanings of the and products in difference between

word equations terms reactants and word equations reactants and

products of chemical products
Write word Identify word Write word Write word
equations for equations for equations for equations for
chemical reactions, chemical reactions, chemical reactions, chemical reactions,
given the reactants given the reactants given the reactants given either the
3.2 Word and products and products and products reactants or
equations products

Given a particle Given a particle Given a particle Given a particle

diagram for a diagram for a diagram for a diagram for an
chemical reaction chemical reaction familiar chemical unfamiliar chemical
involving molecules, involving molecules, reaction involving reaction involving

explain how describe how the molecules, explain molecules, explain

the atoms are atoms are joined how the atoms are how the atoms are
rearranged and together in the rearranged and rearranged and
joined together reactants and joined together joined together

differently products differently differently
Write the definitions Identify the Define combustion Compare
for combustion and definitions for reaction and combustion and
oxidation reactions combustion and oxidation reaction oxidation reactions
Write word Identify word Write word Write word
equations for equations for equations for equations for
oxidation reactions, familiar oxidation familiar oxidation unfamiliar oxidation
3.3 Oxidation
given the reactants reactions, given reactions, given reactions, given
and products the reactants and the reactants and the reactants and
products products products
Use a pattern to Name the products Predict the names Predict the products
predict the products of combustion of of the products of of oxidation
of oxidation familiar metals combustion of fuels reactions of metals
reactions and fuels

94 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Define the term Identify the meaning Define the term Describe a familiar
decomposition of decomposition decomposition decomposition

reaction reaction reaction reaction

Given word Identify word Write word Write word
equations, choose equations equations equations for
those that show for familiar for familiar unfamiliar
decomposition decomposition decomposition decomposition
reactions and justify reactions, given reactions, given reactions, given
your choice the reactants and the reactants and the reactants and
products products products
From data From data From data From data

presented on a bar presented in a presented in a bar presented in a bar

chart, identify the bar chart, give chart, identify the chart, compare
substance that starts the time taken for substance that starts the decomposition
to decompose first each substance to to decompose first times for different

decompose substances

Show information Identify the number Show information Show information
using ratios of atoms of each using ratios using ratios
element in a in unfamiliar

compound compounds
Simplify ratios in Identify simplified Simplify ratios in Simplify ratios in
3.5 Ratios and
chemical formulae ratios in chemical chemical formulae unfamiliar chemical
and equations formulae and and equations formulae and
to chemical
equations equations
Use ratios to Identify ratios in Use ratios to Use ratios to
calculate values in chemical formulae calculate values in calculate values in
chemical formulae and equations chemical formulae unfamiliar chemical
and equations and equations formulae and
Explain why mass Give the total mass Explain why the total Explain why the
is conserved in of products formed mass of reactants mass of a reaction
chemical reactions in a chemical is equal to the total decreases if a gas
reaction, when mass of products in is given off as a
given the total mass a chemical reaction product
of reactants
Calculate masses Identify the missing Calculate the mass Calculate the mass
of reactants and mass of a reactant of one reactant of gas given off in a
3.6 Conservation products in chemical or product in a or product in a chemical reaction,
of mass reactions chemical reaction, chemical reaction, when given all other
given all other given the masses of masses
masses all other reactants
and products
Describe how Identify what a Describe what a Balance simple
chemical reactions balanced formula balanced formula chemical equations
are represented by equation shows equation shows
balanced formula

95 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe the Identify the Describe the Compare the
energy changes energy changes energy changes energy changes in

in exothermic in exothermic in exothermic endothermic and

and endothermic and endothermic and endothermic exothermic reactions
changes changes changes
Predict whether Describe the Predict whether Suggest examples
a given change energy changes in a given change of familiar and
is exothermic or endothermic and is exothermic or unfamiliar situations
3.7 Exothermic
endothermic exothermic changes endothermic where exothermic
and endothermic
and endothermic
changes are


Identify exothermic Describe the Identify endothermic Compare the
and endothermic temperature change and exothermic temperature change
changes from in endothermic and changes from in exothermic

temperature data exothermic changes temperature data and endothermic

in solution changes in solution
Describe the Identify how to Describe the hazards Write a risk
hazards linked to control the risks linked to using assessment (identify

using laboratory from hazards that laboratory acids and hazards and
acids and alkalis are linked to using alkalis and how to describe how to
and how to control laboratory acids control the risks from control the risks) for
the risks from and alkalis hazards a given experiment
hazards using familiar
4.1 Acids and reagents
Use the particle Identify the Describe the Given labelled
model to describe difference between difference between particle diagrams,
differences between concentrated and concentrated and identify the diagram
concentrated and dilute solutions, in dilute solutions, in which shows the
dilute solutions terms of particles terms of particles more concentrated
solution, and justify
your choice
Identify acids, Identify the range Identify acids, Compare acidity or
alkalis, and neutral on the pH scale alkalis, and neutral alkalinity of familiar
solutions on the pH that determines if solutions on the pH and unfamiliar
scale a solution is acidic, scale substances, given
neutral, or alkaline their pH
Given the colour State the colour Given the colour Given either an
change on adding change of litmus in change on adding acidic or an alkaline
indicator, determine acidic and alkaline indicator, determine solution, predict the
4.2 Indicators
whether a solution is solutions whether a solution is colour change on
and pH
acidic or alkaline acidic or alkaline adding indicator
Use universal Give the correct Use universal Describe how
indicator to measure order of statements indicator to measure to use universal
the pH of solutions describing how the pH of a solution indicator data, to
to use universal order substances in
indicator to increasing acidity
determine the pH of
a solution

96 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Write the definitions Identify the State the meanings Compare bases and
for the terms base meanings of the of the terms base alkaline substances

and alkali terms base and and alkali

Describe how Describe the pH Describe how Predict how the
pH changes in range for acidic, pH changes in pH will change
neutralisation neutral, and alkaline neutralisation in unfamiliar
reactions solutions reactions neutralisation
Explain how Identify examples of Give examples Explain how
neutralisation useful neutralisation to show how neutralisation

reactions are useful reactions neutralisation reactions can be

reactions are useful used, with examples
Write the definition Identify the meaning State the meaning of State the meaning

for the term salt of the term salt the term salt of the term salt and

give examples
Predict the salts that Identify the name of Predict the salt Suggest an acid/
form when acids a salt formed when that forms when a base needed to

react with metals or an acid reacts with familiar acid reacts produce a given
bases a metal or base with a metal or base sulphate, chloride,
or nitrate salt
4.4 Making salts
Describe how to Give the correct Describe how to Describe how to
make a salt from an order of statements make a given salt make a given salt,
acid and a metal or describing how to from a specified including naming
insoluble base make a given salt acid and a specified the acid and base/
from a specified metal or insoluble metal required
acid and a base
specified metal or
insoluble base

97 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Identify everyday Label force arrows Use force arrows to Explain how the
forces, explain how for familiar forces explain how forces forces on an object

they arise, and use arise can change

force arrows
Compare everyday Identify contact and Compare everyday Explain differences
1.1 Introduction contact and non-contact forces contact and between contact
to forces non-contact forces non-contact forces and non-contact
Describe how to Identify a Describe how to Explain the readings
measure forces and newtonmeter and measure forces and of a newtonmeter in
give the unit of force state the unit of give the unit of force unfamiliar situations


Describe how forces Identify scenarios in Describe how forces Explain why forces
deform objects which force deform deform objects will deform an
objects object

Explain how solid State situations Explain how solid Apply the term

1.2 Squashing surfaces provide a in which a solid surfaces provide a reaction force to a
and stretching support force surface applies a support force range of unfamiliar
support force scenarios

Use Hooke's law Describe Hooke's Apply Hooke's Apply Hooke's law
Law Law to a familiar to an unfamiliar
situation situation
Describe the effect Identify situations Describe the effect Explain why there is
of drag forces and where forces slow of drag forces and greater resistance in
friction an object friction a solid than a gas
Explain how drag Identify objects Explain how drag Use ideas about
forces and friction which have large or forces and friction particles to compare
1.3 Drag forces arise low values of friction arise the friction and drag
and friction caused by different
states of matter
Describe how drag Identify streamlined Describe how drag Use the particle
forces and friction and non-streamlined forces and friction model to explain
can be reduced shapes and objects can be reduced the effect of

98 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe the effects Describe the effect Describe the effect Compare different
of fields of the Earth's of gravitational, types of fields

gravitational field magnetic, and

electric fields
Describe the Identify features of Describe the Explain why weight
difference between weight and mass difference between is a force and mass
1.4 Forces at a weight and mass weight and mass is not
distance Calculate weight State the equation Calculate weight Change the
for weight using W = mg for the subject of the
Earth, planets, and weight equation
the Moon to calculate mass

or gravitational
field strength on a

different planet
Describe the Identify scenarios Describe the Explain the effect

difference between in which forces difference between of balanced and

balanced and are balanced or balanced and unbalanced forces
unbalanced forces unbalanced unbalanced forces in unfamiliar

Explain why Identify situations in Explain why Explain how
1.5 Balanced
an object is in which objects are in an object is in the position of
and unbalanced
equilibrium equilibrium equilibrium equilibrium can be
Explain the Identify the forces Explain the motion Explain why the
changing motion of acting on an object of familiar objects in speed or direction
objects that has changing terms of balanced of objects can
motion and unbalanced change
Describe the Identify the key Describe the Compare the
different types of features of a wave different types of features of a
wave and their wave and their longitudinal and
features features transverse wave
Describe what Identify the features Describe what Explain unfamiliar
2.1 Waves happens when of a water wave happens when water situations in which
water waves hit a waves hit a barrier waves can hit a
barrier barrier
Describe what Compare different Describe what Explain how
happens when waves happens when noise cancelling
waves superimpose waves superimpose technology works
Describe how sound State how sound is Describe how sound Explain how
is produced and caused is produced and sound is caused in
travels travels unfamiliar situations
2.2 Sound,
vibrations, and Use the particle Using the particle Use the particle Use the particle
energy transfer model to explain model, identify how model to explain model to form a link
why the speed of sounds travels in why the speed of between type of a
sound is different in different states of sound is different in substance and wave
different materials matter different materials speed

99 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe the link Identify wave Describe the link Explain why
between loudness diagrams of loud between loudness amplitude

and amplitude and quiet sounds and amplitude decreases with

distance from the
2.3 Loudness source of the sound
and pitch
Describe the link Identify wave Describe the link Interpret
between frequency diagrams of high between frequency soundwaves from
and pitch and low pitch and pitch unfamiliar situations
Describe how the Identify different Describe how the Explain the journey
ear works parts of the ear ear works of sound through the


State the range Describe how the Compare the range Explain why the
of human hearing range of hearing is of human hearing range of hearing
and describe how different in animals with different decreases with age

2.4 Detecting
it differs from the and humans animals

range of hearing in
Describe how a Label a diagram of Describe how a Compare and

simple microphone a microphone simple microphone contrast the
works works mechanisms of a
microphone and ear
Explain how echoes Describe how to use Explain how echoes Calculate distance
are used to find an echo to calculateare used to find using an echo
distance distance distance
Compare sound and Describe what Compare sound and Deduce what
ultrasound ultrasound is ultrasound infrasound is and
2.5 Ultrasound
compare this to
and echoes
Describe uses of List uses of Describe uses of Calculate distance
ultrasound to make ultrasound ultrasound to make of objects using
images and find images and find information about
distances distances ultrasound
Describe the journey Describe differences Describe how light Explain the journey
light takes between luminous is emitted, travels, of light from an
and non-luminous and is detected or emitter to a receiver
objects absorbed
Describe what Identify opaque, Describe how light Compare the
happens when light translucent, and interacts with matter amount of light
3.1 Light
interacts with matter transparent passing through
materials different objects
Describe how the Describe what a State the meaning of Calculate relative
speed of light is light year is the term light-time distances using light
used to define years

100 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe how light is Describe the Describe how light Apply the law
reflected features of a light is reflected and the of reflection to

ray diagram law of reflection unfamiliar scenarios

Explain how images Label a ray diagram Use the law of Apply the law of
are formed in a to measure the reflection to explain reflection to form a
plane mirror angle of reflection how images are virtual image
3.2 Reflection and refraction formed in a plane
Describe the Identify specular Describe what Explain why an
difference between and diffuse happens when image is not formed
specular reflection reflection light is reflected by from all types of

and diffuse smooth and rough surfaces
scattering surfaces

Describe what Identify the angle of Describe what Explain why light
happens when light incidence and angle happens when light refracts

is refracted of refraction is refracted

Explain what Identify more and Explain why light is Predict the effect of
happens when light less dense materials refracted in terms of density of a material
is refracted due to the changing the speed of light in on the refraction of
3.3 Refraction

direction of a light different media light
Describe how a Describe the Draw a ray diagram Explain the size of
convex lens affects structure of a convex for light rays moving images formed from
light lens through a convex convex lenses
Describe how the Label a diagram of Describe how Suggest how the
eye works the eye the eye works to lens changes when
produce an image looking at objects
that is sent to the different distances
3.4 The camera brain away
and the eye
Compare a simple Identify the Compare a simple Compare how
camera with the eye structures within a camera with the eye images are formed
camera with the eye and a

101 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe and Describe what white Describe and Explain how
explain what light is made up of explain how a prism white light can be

happens when light produces a spectrum separated into

passes through a of white light a spectrum in
prism unfamiliar situations
Describe how State the primary Describe how Compare why some
primary colours add colours the three pairs of objects appear
to make secondary primary colours of white or black
colours light add to make
3.5 Colour
the three secondary
colours of light, and
one tertiary colour

Explain the effect of Identify the colour of Explain the effect of
Explain why

filters and coloured light when passed filters and coloured
coloured objects
materials on light through a filter materials on light appear different

in terms of selective
colours when

absorption viewed through a
colour filter
Describe the objects List familiar objects Describe the objects Explain why some

that you can see in in the night sky that you can see in objects in the Solar
the night sky the night sky with the System cannot be
naked eye and with seen with the naked
4.1 The night sky a telescope eye
Describe the List objects in the Describe the Compare objects
structure of the Universe in size structure of the in the Universe in
Universe order Universe terms of size and
Compare the Name the planets in Compare the planets Explain trends and
planets of the Solar the Solar System of the Solar System patterns in the Solar
4.2 The Solar System System
System Describe how the List the stages by Describe how the Explain stages in
Solar System formed which the Solar Solar System formed the formation of the
System formed Solar System
Explain the Describe relative Explain the apparent Compare the motion
apparent motion of motion motion of the Sun of the Sun with
objects in the sky and other objects in the motion of the
the sky planets
Describe and Recognise features Describe and Compare and
explain seasonal of the Earth which explain seasonal explain the
4.3 The Earth changes cause seasons changes in the UK seasonal changes in
the UK and Australia
Describe seasonal Describe how Describe seasonal Explain how the tilt
changes in different different locations changes in different of the Earth affects
places on Earth on Earth have locations on Earth seasons
different seasons at
the same time

102 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe the phases Describe the Moon’s Describe the phases Explain how the
of the Moon orbit of the Earth of the Moon and position of the Moon

timescale over which affects the Moon’s

they are observed phases
Explain why you see Identify the phases Explain the phases Explain the
phases of the Moon of the Moon of the Moon appearance of
4.4 The Moon
phases of unfamiliar
objects in the Solar
Explain why eclipses Describe the Explain why we Compare and
happen conditions needed see lunar and solar contrast Lunar and

for an eclipse eclipses solar eclipses

r a f

103 © Oxford University Press 2021

Year 8
Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe what Name some foods Describe what Explain why eating
is meant by a that are considered is meant by a a balanced diet is

balanced diet healthy or unhealthy balanced diet important for health

Name the seven Name some Name the seven Suggest a balanced
components of components of a components of diet for one day
1.1 Food groups
a balanced diet, balanced diet a balanced diet,
giving examples giving examples
Describe the role of Identify the function Describe the role of Explain the role of
each component of of some components each component of each component of
a balanced diet of a balanced diet a balanced diet a balanced diet

Name the chemicals Identify some of the Name the chemicals Determine which

used to test foods chemicals used for used to test foods for chemical(s) would
for starch, lipids, food tests starch, lipids, sugar, produce a positive

sugar, and protein and protein test result for a
named food sample

State the positive Identify the positive State the positive Identify the nutrients
result for each food result for each food result for each food present in a food
1.2 Food tests
test test test based on the

outcome of the four
food tests
Describe how to State what is meant Describe how to Explain some safety
test foods for starch, by a food test test foods for starch, precautions to be
lipids, sugar, and lipids, sugar, and taken for the four
protein protein food tests
Describe some List some health Describe some Explain some health
health issues caused problems associated health issues caused issues caused by an
by an unhealthy diet with an unhealthy by an unhealthy diet unhealthy diet
State what is meant Name some Describe what is Describe examples
by a vitamin or examples of vitamins meant by a vitamin of specific vitamin or
1.3 Unhealthy mineral deficiency and minerals or mineral deficiency mineral deficiencies
diet needed in a human
Compare the energy Name some factors Compare the energy Estimate and
requirements of which affect a requirements of justify the energy
different people person's daily different people requirements
energy requirements for different
Describe the State what is meant Describe the process Explain the
process of digestion by digestion of digestion importance of
1.4 Digestive
system Describe the Label the main Describe the Explain the structural
function of the main structures in the function of the main adaptations of the
structures in the digestive system structures in the main structures in
digestive system digestive system the digestive system

104 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe the role of List some facts about Describe the role of Explain the
bacteria in digestion bacteria bacteria in digestion importance of

bacteria in digestion
Define what is Identify the role Define what is Explain the role
1.5 Bacteria meant by an of an enzyme in meant by an enzyme of enzymes in
and enzymes in enzyme digestion digestion
digestion Describe the role Identify the enzymes Describe the role Explain how bile
of enzymes in used to digest of enzymes in supports the
carbohydrate, carbohydrates, carbohydrate, digestion of lipids
protein, and lipid proteins, and lipids protein, and lipid
digestion digestion

Define what is Name some drugs Define what is Describe some

meant by a drug meant by a drug effects of drugs on
the human body
Describe the List some medicinal Describe the Compare the

difference between and recreational difference between health benefits and

1.6 Drugs recreational and drugs recreational and drawbacks of some
medicinal drugs medicinal drugs common drugs
Describe what State what is meant Describe what Suggest some

happens during by an addiction happens during drug behavioural or
drug addiction addiction societal impacts of
drug addiction
Describe some Name the drug Describe some Explain why a
effects of alcohol on present in alcohol effects of alcohol on person should not
the body the body drive after drinking
Describe some Name some health Describe some Explain some health
health problems problems associated health problems problems caused by
caused by alcohol with alcohol caused by alcohol alcohol consumption
1.7 Alcohol
consumption consumption consumption
Describe some Identify some Describe some Explain some
effects of alcohol problems associated effects of alcohol effects of alcohol
consumption on with alcohol consumption on consumption on
conception and consumption on conception and conception and
pregnancy conception and pregnancy pregnancy
Describe the effects List some of the Describe the effects Explain the effects
of the components components of of the components of the components
of tobacco smoke tobacco smoke of tobacco smoke on of tobacco smoke
on the body the body on the body
Describe some List some diseases Describe some Explain some health
health problems linked to smoking health problems problems caused by
1.8 Smoking caused by smoking caused by smoking smoking
Describe some Identify some Describe some Explain how
effects of smoking problems associated effects of smoking smoking during
on pregnancy with smoking during on pregnancy pregnancy can
pregnancy cause serious
illness in a fetus or

105 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe the Describe the Describe the process Explain the
process of difference between of photosynthesis importance of

photosynthesis a producer and a photosynthesis to all

consumer organisms on Earth
State the word Identify the State the word Explain why plants
equation for substances a equation for require light to
photosynthesis plant uses for photosynthesis photosynthesise
photosynthesis and
the substances it
Describe how to State the chemical Describe how to Predict the outcome

test a leaf for the test used to show the test a leaf for the of a starch test on a
presence of starch presence of starch presence of starch variegated leaf

Describe the main List some features of Describe the main Explain the main
adaptations of a a leaf adaptations of a adaptations of a

leaf leaf leaf

Describe the role of State what stomata Describe the role of Explain how stomata
2.2 Leaves stomata are stomata allow gas exchange
in a leaf

Describe how water Name the organs Describe how water Explain how plants
is transported through which water is transported obtain the reactants
through a plant passes within a plant through a plant for photosynthesis
Describe how a List some minerals Describe how a Explain how
plant uses minerals required by plants plant uses nitrates, minerals enable
for healthy growth phosphates, and healthy growth in a
magnesium plant
Explain why farmers List some ways Explain why farmers Explain why using
use fertilisers farmers can add use fertilisers fertilisers enable
2.3 Plant
minerals to soil land to be used for
crop growth year
after year
Describe the List some symptoms Describe the Suggest and justify
symptoms of plant of unhealthy plants symptoms of plant a mineral deficiency
mineral deficiencies mineral deficiencies based on a plant’s

106 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe the Name the chemical Describe the Explain why
process of aerobic reaction where process of aerobic respiration is

respiration energy is transferred respiration performed by all

to cells living organisms
State the word Identify the State the word Compare the
equation for aerobic substances used for equation for aerobic processes of
respiration aerobic respiration respiration aerobic respiration
2.4 Aerobic
and the substances and photosynthesis
Describe how Identify the Describe how Explain how
the reactants substances that the reactants the reactants

and products of move into and and products of and products of
respiration are out of cells during respiration are respiration are

transported to and respiration transported to and transported to and
from cells from cells from cells

Compare the State what is meant Compare the Explain why the

processes of aerobic by anaerobic processes of aerobic body normally
and anaerobic respiration and anaerobic respires aerobically
respiration respiration

State the word Identify the State the word Explain what is
equation for substances used equation for the meant by the term
2.5 Anaerobic the process for anaerobic process of anaerobic oxygen debt
respiration of anaerobic respiration and the respiration in
respiration substances produced animals
State the word Name some food State the word Explain how the
equation for products made using equation for fermentation
fermentation fermentation fermentation reaction is used to
manufacture some
food products
Use relevant State what is meant Use relevant Explain why the
information to by a food chain information to Sun is the ultimate
construct a food construct a food source of energy in
chain chain food chains
Describe the feeding Identify the producer Describe the feeding Explain why food
relationships and consumer in a relationships chains rarely have
3.1 Food chains between organisms food chain between organisms more than four links
and webs in a food chain within a food chain
Describe the feeding State what is meant Describe the feeding Explain why
relationships by a food web relationships food webs
between organisms between organisms describe feeding
within a food web within a food web relationships more
realistically than
food chains

107 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe what Name some ways Describe what Use specific
is meant by the in which organisms is meant by the examples to explain

interdependence of depend on each interdependence of why organisms are

organisms other to survive organisms interdependent on
each other
Suggest and justify List the food chains Suggest and justify Suggest and explain
how a population within a food web how a population the effect of a
3.2 Disruption to
change of one change of one population change
food chains and
organism affects organism affects of one organism on
the population of the population of a range of other
another within a another within a organisms within a
food web food web food web

Describe how Describe how the Describe how Explain how

toxic materials can number of organisms toxic materials can bioaccumulation
accumulate in a changes moving accumulate in food can lead to human

food chain through a food chain chains health problems

Define the terms Give an example of Define the terms Describe the levels
habitat, community, a habitat and the habitat, community, of organisation
and ecosystem plants and animals and ecosystem within a named

that live there ecosystem
3.3 Ecosystems
Describe how Name some Describe how Explain why different
different organisms organisms that different organisms organisms within
coexist within an coexist within a coexist within an an ecosystem have
ecosystem familiar ecosystem ecosystem different niches
Explain the Give some resources Explain the resources Compare the
resources that which plants and that plants and resources that
plants and animals animals compete for animals compete for plants and animals
compete for compete for
3.4 Competition
Describe the State what is meant Describe the Explain the
interaction between by predator and interaction between interaction between
predator and prey prey organisms predator and prey predator and prey
populations populations populations
Describe how Identify some Describe how Explain how
organisms are adaptations of organisms are organisms are
adapted to their organisms that help adapted to their adapted to their
environment them to survive environment environment
3.5 Adapting to
change Describe how Describe some Describe how Use examples
organisms adapt seasonal changes organisms adapt to explain how
to environmental that take place to environmental organisms adapt
changes throughout the year changes to environmental

108 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Define the term Give some ways that Describe what is Suggest why
variation organisms of the meant by the term identical twins look

same species differ variation very similar, but are

from each other not exactly the same
4.1 Variation Use examples Name some human Use examples Explain why many
to describe the characteristics to describe the characteristics are
difference between that are inherited difference between affected by both the
inherited and and some that are inherited and environment and
environmental affected by the environmental inheritance
variation environment variation
Use examples State what is meant Use examples Explain why

to describe the by continuous and to describe the some numerically
difference between discontinuous data difference between measured

continuous and continuous and characteristics
discontinuous discontinuous show discontinuous

4.2 Continuous variation variation variation

discontinuous Choose and Name the types Choose and Explain why
variation justify the most of graph used to justify the most variation in
appropriate graph display continuous appropriate graph characteristics

to display examples and discontinuous to display examples caused only as a
of variation data data of variation data result of inheritance
are usually plotted
on a bar chart
Define the terms State where genetic Define the terms Describe the
DNA, chromosome, material is found DNA, chromosome, relationship
and gene within a cell and gene between DNA,
chromosomes, and
Describe how Describe the role of Describe how Explain why siblings
4.3 Inheritance characteristics are sperm and egg cells characteristics are appear similar, but
inherited in fertilisation inherited are not the same
Describe how Identify some of the Describe how Explain the
scientists worked scientists involved in scientists worked importance of
together to develop the development of together to develop collaborative
the DNA model the DNA model the DNA model working in scientific
Describe the role State what is meant Describe the role Suggest why some
of the fossil record by the term evolution of the fossil record species that once
as evidence for as evidence for lived are not present
evolution evolution in the fossil record
Describe the Describe what Describe the process Use a named
process of natural is meant by an of natural selection species to illustrate
4.4 Natural
selection adaptation the process of
natural selection
Describe how new Define what is meant Describe how new Explain why
species evolve by a species species evolve environmental
through the process through the process change can lead to
of natural selection of natural selection the evolution of new

109 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe some State what is Describe some Explain how
factors that may meant by the terms factors that may changes to a

lead to extinction endangered and lead to extinction species' environment

extinct can lead to

4.5 Extinction
Describe how State what is meant Describe how Justify the
gene banks can by biodiversity gene banks can importance of gene
be used to prevent be used to prevent banks in maintaining
the extinction of a the extinction of a biodiversity
species species

r a ft

110 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe the Identify the Describe the Compare the
properties of three properties of three properties of three properties of three

elements elements elements elements

1.1 Elements
and the Periodic Explain how the Identify the uses of Explain how the uses Justify how the
Table uses of three three elements of three elements properties of an
elements are are determined by unfamiliar element
determined by their their properties make it suitable for
properties its use
Explain how Identify non-metals Use the Periodic Suggest why it is
elements are and metals on the Table to determine useful to be able
classified as metals Periodic Table whether a given to determine which

and non-metals element is a metal elements are metals

or non-metal and non-metals
using the Periodic

Write the meaning Identify the meaning Write the meaning Write the meaning

1.2 Metals and of the term physical of the term physical of the term physical of the term physical
non-metals 1 properties properties properties properties, giving
some examples

Use patterns to From data Describe the Compare the
classify an element presented in tables physical properties physical properties
as a metal or non- or bar charts, of typical metal and of typical metal and
metal describe patterns non-metal elements non-metal elements
in the properties of
elements in Groups
or Periods
Write the meaning Identify the meaning Write the meaning Explain the
of the term chemical of the term chemical of the term chemical difference between
properties properties properties physical and
chemical properties,
giving examples
1.3 Metals and Describe the Identify the chemical Describe the Compare the
non-metals 2 chemical properties properties of metals chemical properties products of the
of metals and non- and non-metals of metals and non- chemical reaction
metals metals between a metal
and oxygen, and
a non-metal and

111 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Use patterns State the name of Determine the Group Compare two given
to predict the the columns and and Period number elements' positions

properties of rows in the Periodic of an element in the in the Periodic Table

elements Table Periodic Table
From data Identify patterns From data presented From data
presented in tables in properties of in tables or bar presented in tables
or bar charts, elements in Groups charts, describe or bar charts,
1.4 Groups and describe patterns or Periods patterns in the compare patterns
Periods in the properties of properties of in the properties of
elements in Groups elements in Groups elements in Groups
or Periods or Periods or Periods

Compare patterns Using data, Using data, predict Using data, justify

in properties in the describe a pattern the properties of errors in predictions
Groups and Periods in the properties of another element in a of the properties of
of the Periodic Table elements in a Group Group or Period another element in

or Period a Group or Period

Interpret data to Identify the physical Describe the Compare the
describe patterns properties of the physical properties physical properties
in properties of the Group 1 elements of the Group 1 of Group 1 elements

Group 1 elements elements with those of a
typical metal
Using data from Using data from a Using data from From data
tables or bar charts, bar chart, identify tables or bar charts, presented in tables,
describe patterns the pattern in the describe patterns describe patterns
in the melting and melting and boiling in the melting and in the melting and
1.5 The elements boiling points of the points of the Group boiling points of the boiling points of the
of Group 1 Group 1 elements 1 elements Group 1 elements Group 1 elements
Use patterns to Describe the pattern Use the pattern in Use the pattern in
predict reactions of in reactions of the the reactions of the the reactions of the
Group 1 elements Group 1 elements Group 1 elements Group 1 elements
with water with water to predict with water to predict
the reaction of the reaction of
another Group 1 another Group 1
element with water element with water,
and justify the

112 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Use patterns to Identify the colours Describe the Compare the
predict properties of and states of the physical properties, physical properties

Group 7 elements Group 7 elements at including colours of the Group 7

room temperature and states at room elements
temperature, of the
Group 7 elements
Using data from Using data from a Using data from From data
bar charts, describe bar chart, identify bar charts, describe presented in tables,
patterns in the the pattern in the patterns in the describe patterns
1.6 The elements
melting and boiling melting and boiling melting and boiling in the melting and
of Group 7
points of the Group points of the Group points of the Group boiling points of the

7 elements 7 elements 7 elements Group 7 elements

Use patterns to Describe the pattern Use the pattern in Compare the
predict reactions of in reactions of the the reactions of the reactions of chlorine
Group 7 elements Group 7 elements Group 7 elements and iodine with iron

with iron with iron to predict

the reaction of
another Group 7
element with iron

Describe the Identify the physical Describe the Compare the
physical and properties of the physical properties physical properties
chemical properties Group 0 elements of the Group 0 of the Group 0
of the Group 0 elements elements with those
elements of the Group 7
From data From data From data presented From data
presented in bar presented in bar in bar charts, presented in tables,
1.7 The elements charts, describe charts, identify describe patterns describe patterns
of Group 0 patterns in the patterns in the in the melting and in the melting and
melting and boiling melting and boiling boiling points of the boiling points of the
points of the Group points of the Group Group 0 elements Group 0 elements
0 elements 0 elements
Use patterns to Describe the Explain how the Evaluate the how
predict properties of properties of the properties of the the properties of
Group 0 elements Group 0 elements Group 0 elements Group 0 make
make them suitable them suitable for
for their uses unfamiliar uses

113 © Oxford University Press 2021

Learning outcomes

Topic Developing Secure Extending
Describe the particle Identify the meaning Write the meaning of Write the meaning
arrangements in of the term mixture the term mixture of the term mixture

mixtures and give some

Compare mixtures Write the meanings Compare mixtures Compare unfamiliar
and compounds of the terms mixture and compounds mixtures and
2.1 Mixtures
and compound compounds
Explain how to Identify the melting Use a temperature- Use temperature-
identify pure point of a substance time graph for a time graphs to
substances on a temperature- melting substance to compare the purity
time graph determine whether of two different

or not it is pure substances

Describe solutions Identify the Write the meanings Explain the
using key words meanings of the of the terms solution,relationship

terms solution, solute, solvent, and between the terms
solute, solvent, and dissolve solute, solvent,

dissolve solution, and
Use the particle Describe dissolving Use the particle Use the particle

model to explain model to explain model to explain
2.2 Solutions
dissolving dissolving dissolving in an
unfamiliar situation
Use the particle Determine the total Predict the mass Predict the missing
model to explain mass of solvent and of a solution made mass of a solute or
dissolving solute present from given masses solvent, given the
of solute and solvent masses of a solution
and either the solute
or solvent
Explain what a Describe how to Write the meaning of Use data to
saturated solution is make a saturated the term solubility compare the
solution solubility of two
different substances
Plot a solubility- Describe what Plot a solubility- Using data given
temperature graph a solubility- temperature graph in a table, plot
from data in a table temperature graph from data in a table the solubility-
shows temperature graphs
for two different
2.3 Solubility substances and
compare them
Describe how From data given Describe how Using data given
solubility changes in a table, identify solubility changes in a table or line
with temperature for the temperature at with temperature for graph, compare
a named substance which a solute is a named substance, how the solubility
most soluble given data in a table of two different
or line graph substances change
with temperature

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Explain how Identify the types Name the types of
Name the types of
filtration works of mixtures that can mixtures that can
mixtures that can

be separated by be separated bybe separated by

filtration filtration filtration and give
some examples
Explain how Describe how to use Explain how filtration Suggest advantages
filtration works filtration to separate works and disadvantages
2.4 Filtration a soluble substance of filtration as
from an insoluble a separation
one technique
Explain some uses Identify some uses Explain some uses of Evaluate the use

of filtration of filtration filtration of filtration as

a separation
technique in given

Use the particle Describe how to Use the particle Use the particle

model to explain use evaporation to model to explain model to explain
how evaporation separate the solute how evaporation how evaporation
works from a solution works works in unfamiliar

Describe how to Label the equipment Describe how to Use the particle
use distillation to and set up in use distillation to model to explain
2.5 Evaporation
separate mixtures a distillation separate the solvent how distillation
and distillation
experiment from a solution works
Determine whether Describe the uses Determine whether Justify whether to
to use evaporation of evaporation and to use evaporation use evaporation
or distillation to distillation or distillation to or distillation to
separate a named separate a named separate a named
substance from a substance from a unfamiliar substance
solution solution from a solution
Describe how to use Label the Describe how to use Use the particle
chromatography equipment in a chromatography model to
to separate the chromatography to separate the explain how
substances in a experiment substances in a chromatography
mixture mixture separates mixtures
2.6 Analyse Use evidence from Use evidence from Suggest advantages
Chromatography chromatograms to chromatography chromatography to and disadvantages
identify substances to determine how identify unknown of using
in mixtures many different substances in chromatography to
substances are mixtures identify unknown
contained in a substances in
mixture mixtures

115 © Oxford University Press 2021

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Compare the Identify the pattern Use a pattern to Predict the products
reactions of different in the products predict the products of the reaction of a

metals with dilute of the reaction of of the reaction of a metal with an acid
acids metal with an acid metal with an acid

3.1 Metals and Write a word Identify the word Write a word Write a word
acids equation for the equation for the equation for the equation for the
reaction of a metal reaction of a metal reaction of a metal reaction of a metal
with an acid, given with an acid, given with an acid, given with an acid
the names of the the names of the the names of the
reactants and reactants and reactants and
products products products

Compare the Identify the pattern Use a pattern to Predict the products

reactions of different in the products of predict the products of the reaction of a
metals with oxygen the reaction of a of the reaction of a metal with oxygen
metal with oxygen metal with oxygen

Write a word Identify the word Write a word Write a word

equation for the equation for the equation for the equation for the
reaction of a metal reaction of a metal reaction of a metal reaction of a metal
with oxygen, given with an acid, given with oxygen, given with oxygen

3.2 Metals and
the names of the the names of the the names of the
reactants and reactants and reactants and
products products products
Compare the Describe how gold Compare the Predict how a
patterns in the and magnesium patterns in the metal will react
reactivity of metals react with acids and reactivity of metals with oxygen, given
with acids and with oxygen with acids and with information about
oxygen oxygen how it reacts with
Compare the Identify the pattern Use a pattern to Predict the products
reactions of metals in the reactions of predict the products of the reaction of a
with water metals with water of the reaction of a metal with water
metal with water
Write a word Identify the word Write a word Write the word
equation for the equation for the equation for the equation for the
reaction of a metal reaction of a metal reaction of a metal reaction of a metal
3.3 The reactivity with water, given with water, given with water, given with water
series the names of the the names of the the names of the
reactants and reactants and reactants and
products products products
Use the reactivity Write the meaning Use the reactivity Using reactivity data
series to predict of the term reactivity series to predict how given, predict where
reactions series vigorously metals a metal sits in the
react with acids, reactivity series
oxygen, and water

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Use the reactivity Identify the two Describe the two Describe the two
series to decide steps needed to steps needed to steps needed to

which metals can be extract a metal from extract a metal from extract a metal from
extracted from their its ore its ore its ore, and explain
ores by heating with why this is necessary
State which metals Identify which State which metals in Use the reactivity
3.4 Obtaining in the reactivity metals in the the reactivity series series to predict
metals series can be reactivity series can can be extracted by and justify whether
extracted by heating be extracted by heating their oxides a given metal can
their oxides with heating their oxides with carbon be extracted from

carbon with carbon its oxide by heating
with carbon

Calculate the mass Identify the mass of Calculate the mass Calculate the
of metals in ores metal in an ore of metal in an ore percentage of metal

in an ore

Describe properties Identify properties Describe properties Explain properties of
of ceramics of ceramics of ceramics ceramics
Explain why the State some Explain how the Evaluate the

3.5 Ceramics properties of properties of properties of properties of
ceramics make them ceramics ceramics make them ceramics for an
suitable for their suitable for their unfamiliar use
uses uses
Explain why Describe the Explain why the Compare the uses
properties of properties of some properties of of two polymers
3.6 Polymers polymers make polymers polymers make them
them suitable for suitable for their
their uses uses
Describe properties Describe properties Explain properties of Use information
of composites of some composites some composites given to suggest
advantages and
disadvantages of
the properties of
3.7 Composites composites
Explain why Identify the Explain why the Evaluate the
composite properties of properties of properties of
properties make components of composites make composites for an
them suitable for composite materials them suitable for unfamiliar use
their uses their uses
Compare the layers Name the layers of Compare the layers Compare the
of the Earth the Earth of the Earth physical properties
of the layers of the
4.1 The Earth
Earth and its
atmosphere Describe the Identify the four Describe the Compare the
composition of the main gases which composition of the quantities of the four
atmosphere comprise the Earth's Earth’s atmosphere main gases in the
atmosphere Earth’s atmosphere

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Explain two State two Explain two Suggest and justify
properties of properties of typical properties of the properties

sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks of unfamiliar

sedimentary rocks
Describe the Give the four stages Describe the Compare the
four stages in in the formation of four stages in processes of
4.2 Sedimentary the formation of sedimentary rock the formation of weathering and
rocks sedimentary rock sedimentary rock transport
Explain how the State a use of Explain how the Suggest
properties of sedimentary rocks properties of disadvantages of
sedimentary rocks sedimentary rocks using sedimentary

make them suitable make them suitable rocks for making

for their uses for their uses statues, and justify
the answer
Describe how Identify how igneous Describe how Explain why some

igneous rocks form rocks form igneous rocks form igneous rocks have

small crystals and
others have big

Explain the Describe two Explain the Explain the
properties of properties of typical properties of properties of
igneous rocks igneous rocks igneous rocks unfamiliar igneous
4.3 Igneous rocks
Explain how the State some uses of Explain how the Compare the
properties of igneous rocks properties of advantages and
igneous rocks make igneous rocks make disadvantages of
them suitable for them suitable for using igneous rocks
their uses their uses and sedimentary
rocks for building
Describe how Identify how Describe how Compare how
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks metamorphic and
form form form igneous rocks form
Explain the State the properties Explain the Suggest and justify
properties of of metamorphic properties of the properties
metamorphic rocks rocks metamorphic rocks of unfamiliar
4.4 Metamorphic
metamorphic rocks
Explain how how State some uses of Explain how how Compare the
the properties of metamorphic rocks the properties of advantages and
metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks disadvantages of
make them suitable make them suitable using igneous rocks
for their uses for their uses and metamorphic
rocks for roof tiles

118 © Oxford University Press 2021

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Use the rock cycle Label the types Use the rock cycle Use the rock cycle
to describe how the of rock and the to describe how the to explain in detail

materials in rocks processes in the materials in rocks how the materials in

4.5 The rock are recycled rock cycle are recycled rocks are recycled
cycle Explain how uplift Describe the Explain how uplift Apply understanding
provides evidence process of uplift provides evidence of uplift to explain
for the rock cycle for the rock cycle unfamiliar rock
Use the carbon Name some carbon Describe the Compare the
cycle to identify stores processes by which processes by which
stores of carbon carbon moves from carbon moves from

one store to another one store to another

Explain the relative Name two Explain the relative Compare the
4.6 The carbon stability in the processes that add stability in the processes causing
cycle concentration of carbon dioxide to concentration of the relative stability

carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, carbon dioxide in in the concentration

the carbon cycle and two that the carbon cycle of carbon dioxide
over part of Earth’s remove it from the over part of Earth’s in the carbon cycle
history atmosphere history over part of Earth’s

Describe the Label a diagram Describe the Evaluate the
greenhouse effect of the greenhouse greenhouse effect advantages and
effect disadvantages of
carbon dioxide
existing in the
Explain why global Identify the meaning Explain why global Suggest some
4.7 Climate
warming happens of the term global warming happens methods for
warming reducing global
warming and
explain how they
might work
Describe some Identify some Describe some Explain some
impacts of global impacts of global impacts of global impacts of global
warming warming warming warming
Write the meaning Identify the meaning Write the meaning of Write the meaning
of the term recycling of the term recycling the term recycling of the term recycling
and give some
Describe how Identify the stages in Describe how Use data to
aluminium is recycling aluminium aluminium is compare the
recycled recycled process of recycling
4.8 Recycling
aluminium with the
process of recycling
another metal
Describe some Identify some Describe some Evaluate the
advantages and advantages and advantages and advantages and
disadvantages of disadvantages of disadvantages of disadvantages of
recycling recycling recycling recycling

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Change the subject Substitute values into Change the subject Apply knowledge
of an equation a given equation of an equation of unit conversion

to suit a given
1.5 Changing the
subject of simple Apply changing State the equation to Calculate current Change the
equations the subject to calculate current using simple subject of the
the equation for values of potential current equation to
resistance difference and calculate resistance
resistance or potential
Describe the Identify series and Describe the Evaluate why some

difference between parallel circuits difference between circuits are better
series and parallel a series and a suited to be parallel

circuits parallel circuit or series
Describe how Identify where to Describe how current Calculate current

1.6 Series and current varies in place ammeters in a varies in series and values in unfamiliar

parallel circuits series and parallel series circuit parallel circuits circuits
Describe how Identify where to Describe how Calculate potential

potential difference place voltmeters in a potential difference difference values in
varies in series and series circuit varies in series and unfamiliar circuits
parallel circuits parallel circuits
Describe how to State one way to Describe how to Plan an investigation
investigate and observe magnetic investigate and to observe how
represent the shape fields represent the shape magnetic fields
of a magnetic field of a magnetic field interact
Define the term Identify a region State what is Compare and
1.7 Magnets and
magnetic field where a magnetic meant by the term contrast electric,
magnetic fields
field is present magnetic field magnetic, and
gravitational fields
Describe the Earth's Identify the North Describe the Earth’s Explain how a
magnetic field and South poles of magnetic field compass works
the Earth
Describe how List the equipment Describe how Explain how to test
to make an needed to make an to make an the strength of an
electromagnet electromagnet electromagnet electromagnet
Describe the Identify the magnetic Describe the Compare the
magnetic field field around a wire magnetic field magnetic field of a
around a around a current-carrying wire
1.8 current-carrying wire current-carrying wire and a permanent
Electromagnets bar magnet
Describe how to Identify factors that Describe the Explain why,
change the strength affect the strength of factors that affect by looking at
of an electromagnet an electromagnet the strength of an diagrams, certain
electromagnet electromagnets
have different field

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Describe some uses State uses of Describe the uses of Explain why the
of electromagnets electromagnets electromagnets properties of

make them suitable
for different uses
Compare Identify examples of Describe the Evaluate the use of
1.9 Using permanent magnets permanent magnets difference between permanent magnets
electromagnets and electromagnets and electromagnets a permanent and electromagnets
magnet and an for different
electromagnet purposes
Describe how a Identify simple Describe how a Explain how

simple motor works motors in everyday simple motor works different factors can
life in terms of magnetic affect the strength of

fields a motor
Compare the energy Identify foods with Compare the energy Predict energy

values of foods and high and low energy values of food and values based on

fuels values fuels different proportions
of food groups
2.1 Food and
fuels Compare the energy Identify different Compare the energy Explain the diets

in foods and fuels situations or activities requirements of of different groups
with the energy which need greater different activities of people, relating
needed for different intakes of energy this to their energy
activities needs
Describe how fossil State three fossil Describe how fossil Compare the
fuels are formed fuels fuels are formed differences between
fossil fuels
Describe the Identify renewable Describe the Compare the
difference between and non-renewable difference between long-term use of
a renewable and energy resources a renewable and renewable and
2.2 Energy a non-renewable non-renewable non-renewable
resources energy resource energy resource energy resources
Describe how Label the parts of a Describe how Evaluate the
electricity is power station electricity is suitability of
generated with generated with different energy
renewable and renewable and resources for
non-renewable non-renewable different locations
resources resources
Describe energy State a range of Describe the energy Describe energy
stores before and everyday energy stores involved in stores in unfamiliar
after a change stores everyday transfers energy transfers
Describe what State ways in which Describe the ways of Explain how energy
brings about energy can be transferring energy is transferred in
2.3 Energy adds
changes in energy transferred between between stores unfamiliar scenarios
stores stores
Use the Describe ways Use the law of Apply the law
conservation of energy can be conservation of of conservation
energy in energy dissipated energy in an energy of energy to an
analyses analysis unfamiliar scenario

121 © Oxford University Press 2021

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State the difference State the units of Describe the Explain the
between energy temperature and difference between difference between

and temperature energy energy and energy and

temperature in terms temperature
of the particles in a
Describe what State factors that Describe the Calculate the energy
2.4 Energy and
happens when can affect the factors that affect required to increase
you heat up solids, temperature increase the change in the temperature of
liquids, and gases of a substance temperature of a different substances

Explain what Identify scenarios Explain what is Explain factors
is meant by in which equilibrium meant by equilibrium which could alter

equilibrium has been reached in terms of energy the position of
and temperature equilibrium

Describe how Identify scenarios Describe how Explain, using the

energy is transferred in which conduction energy is transferred particle model, why
by particles during occurs by particles during conduction occurs
conduction conduction at different rates in

different substances
2.5 Energy Describe how Identify scenarios Describe how Explain how
transfer – energy is transferred in which convection energy is transferred convection occurs in
particles by particles during occurs by particles during unfamiliar scenarios
convection convection
Explain how an State everyday Explain the Compare conductors
insulator can reduce examples of constructions of and insulators using
energy transfer conductors and some insulators the particle model
Describe what is State the Describe what is Explain the
meant by the term difference between meant by radiation difference between
radiation temperature and in the context of radiation and
radiation energy transfer from temperature
objects at a certain
2.6 Energy Compare Identify everyday Compare Justify the energy
transfer – energy transfer examples of energy transfer transfer in unfamiliar
radiation by conduction, conduction, by conduction, scenarios
convection, and convection, and convection, and
radiation radiation radiation
Give the waves of Identify waves that State the waves of Explain how the
the electromagnetic are part of the the electromagnetic properties of
spectrum electromagnetic spectrum different waves
spectrum relate to their uses

122 © Oxford University Press 2021

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Describe what is Identify the meaning
State the meaning of Explain why no work
meant by the term of the term work the term work is done when an

work object moves in a

Calculate work done State factors that will Calculate work done Change the
affect work done in familiar situations subject of the work
2.7 Work, energy, done equation to
and machines calculate force or
Apply the Describe a simple Explain in terms Explain examples of
conservation of machine of conservation force multipliers

energy to simple of energy how
machines machines make jobs

Describe the Describe similarities State what is meant Explain how

difference between between energy by the term power power can vary in

energy and power transferred and work unfamiliar situations
Calculate power Identify the units of Calculate power and Change the

and energy work done, energy energy in familiar subject of the
transferred, and situations given power equation to
2.8 Energy and power values of energy/ calculate work done
power work and time, or and time
power and time
Calculate the cost State the link Calculate energy Change the subject
of using domestic between kilowatts used in kilowatt of the kilowatt
appliances and kilowatt hours hours and its cost in hour equation to
familiar situations, calculate time,
given values of power, or cost
power and time
Calculate speed Identify the correct Calculate average Change the
units for speed, speed in familiar subject of the
distance, and time situations speed equation to
calculate distance
and time
Describe the Identify examples of Describe the Compare the
difference between instantaneous and difference between average and
3.1 Speed average and average speed average and instantaneous
instantaneous speed instantaneous speed speeds on different
sections of the same
Describe relative Identify situations in Describe examples Compare relative
motion which relative motion of relative motion motion of objects
is seen in an unfamiliar

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Interpret Label a Describe motion Explain why a
distance-time distance-time graph using a distance-time graph

graphs with descriptions of distance-time graph matches a specific

3.2 Motion an object’s motion journey
graphs Calculate speed Identify areas of Use data from a Calculate areas of
using a different speeds distance-time graph instantaneous speed
distance-time graph from a distance-time to calculate average on a distance-time
graph speed graph
Describe the factors Identify factors that Describe how Explain how
that affect gas affect gas pressure volume and changing particular
pressure temperature affect factors affects gas

gas pressure pressure

Describe what Define atmospheric Describe what Compare the
is meant by pressure is meant by atmospheric
3.3 Pressure in
atmospheric atmospheric pressure of different

pressure pressure planets

Describe how Identify altitudes and Describe how Explain why
atmospheric different locations at atmospheric changing altitude
pressure changes which atmospheric pressure changes affects atmospheric

with height pressure will be with height pressure using the
higher or lower particle model
Explain how liquids Describe how Explain why liquids Apply knowledge
exert a pressure in particles cause exert a pressure in of liquid pressure to
all directions pressure all directions unfamiliar situations
Describe how liquid State areas in which Describe how liquid Explain why liquid
3.4 Pressure in pressure changes liquid pressure is pressure varies with pressure changes
liquids with depth greater depth with depth using the
particle model
Explain floating and Identify objects that Explain why some Compare floating
sinking in terms of will float or sink everyday objects and sinking in
pressure float and some sink unfamiliar liquids
Describe what is Identify situations State the meaning Explain why
meant by pressure in which pressure is of the term pressure, pressure acts in a
on a surface acting on a solid and the direction certain direction
that it acts in using knowledge of
Calculate pressure Identify the units of Calculate pressure Change the subject
3.5 Pressure on
pressure, force, and on solid surfaces in of the pressure
area everyday situations equation to
calculate force or
Apply ideas of Identify situations Describe situations Describe the effect
pressure to different in which pressure is where high and low of pressure in
situations higher or lower pressures are useful unfamiliar situations

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Describe what is Identify scenarios in Describe situations Explain turning
meant by a moment which there will be where a force can effects of forces in

the turning effect of produce a turning unfamiliar situations

a force effect or moment
Calculate the State the units of Calculate the Change the subject
moment of a force moment, distance moment of a force in of the moment
3.6 Turning
from pivot, and force familiar situations equation to
calculate force or
distance from pivot
Apply the law of Identify situations Apply the law Apply the law
moments in which moments of moments to of moments to

are balanced or everyday situations unfamiliar situations
unbalanced involving balance

r a f

125 © Oxford University Press 2021

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