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Commercial Beekeeping: Submitted To-Dr. Vijay Lakshmi Mam Submitted by - Amitesh Verma Roll. No. 21601004260

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Submitted To-Dr.Vijay Lakshmi mam

Submitted By –Amitesh Verma
Roll. No. 21601004260 Amitesh verma
• In this Presentaion we know about:-
1 .Beekeeping (Introduction and history).

2.Aims of beekeeping

3.Important of beekeeping.

4.Commercial Beekeeping in India(Research Center) .

5.Systematic position of honey bee and marphology

6. Species of honey Bee in the word.

7. Social life and identification of bee cast and hives.

8. Enlist the host plant of honey bee.

9. Life history of honey bee.

10. Appliances of beekeeping.

11. Major activities of honeybee .(foraging, Combing, swarming ,absconding ,Bee language/communication)

12 Natural enemies and disease of honey bee and their management.

13. Beekeeping product and their commercial vale( honey ,venom, wax , bee pollen, propolis ,royal jelly,)

14. Composition of honey and royal jelly .

15. Economic Important of bee product in human life.

16. Precaution of beekeeping.

17. Cost of ahoney bee hive and their production value.

18. Role of beekeeping in Indian Economy.

Introduction :-
• Beekeeping :-The practice of rearing bee is called beekeeping or
• The word apiculture ‘is derived from latin word ‘apis means bees
and cultural denoted cultivation

• The keeping of bees by humans, primarily for honey production,

began around 10,000 years ago

• In India beekeeping has been mainly forest based.Several plant

specimens provide nectorand pollen to honey bees.

• A single honey bee typically consumes about 5.5 to 7.7

milligrams of honey per day, which is equivalent to about 0.17 to
0.25 ml or 0.01 to 0.02 tablespoons.

By Amitesh verma
• History of Beekeeping
• Bees evolved from ancient predatory wasps that lived 120 million
years ago

• In 1851 L. Langstroth studied the natural colonies of bee and found the
bees maintaning space between the comb.
• Based on this bee space he design a bee hives with movable frame with
proper spacing which made it easy to extract honey without affecting the
bee population

• Hence ,,Langstroth considered as Father of modern beekeeping.

• In 1865 major Von Hruschka invented the honey extracter for the first

• In 1857 Johnn Mehring invented the artificial comb foundation sheet.

• In India first attempt to keep bees in movable frame hives was made in 1882 in Bangal and in 1883-84.

• The first successful attempt was made by Reverend Newton in Kerala when he developed a specifically designed
hive and started training rural people during 1911–17 to harvest honey from beekeeping

• Beekeeping was also startes in the Travancore state in 1917 and in mysore in 1925.

• In Himachal pradesh modern beekeeping with indigenous honey bee. A.cerena started in 1934 at kullu and
1936 at kangara.

• Prof. Avtal Singh Atval is the father of modern beekeeping .in

• Aims of beekeeping: -
• Economically - Commercial beekeeping is seen as an emerging employment in India which will help is
reducing unemployment here in the future . Bees are good pollinators, they will help is reducing
unemployment here in the future. Bees are good pollinators ,they increase our crop production about
10-30% .So the increase the financial condition of the farmers.
• Socially –Beekeeping is a social insect . Beekeeping also provides an important source of income for many rural
livelihoods.more than 80 million hives produce an estimated 1.6 million tonnes of honey annually. And pollinators
contribute directly to food security.
• Educationally – Education is traditionally associated with classroom learning whereby the subject is wide ranging
and teaching aims to deliver knowledge about facts, principles and general concepts.

• Health-People have used bees and bee-related products for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.
Researchers have noted claims that it has antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer
• Important of beekeeping
1. Beekeeping has important significance because some of the moat useful product like honey ,wax and venom
come from bees .
2. Several bees product like propolis and venom are used for medical propose.
3. Some healthful properties of honey are as follow-
• Anti inflammatory effects.
• Wound healing action.
• Antibacterial action
• Dietary antioxidants

4. Beekeeping is an important source of income.

• Commercial beekeeping in India.
The Research institute of beekeeping: -

1.National Bee Board.

2.All India Beekeeper ‘s association.

3.Central Bee Research and training Institute

4.Khadi and Village Industries commission.

5.Tribal cooperative Marketing Development Federation.

Amitesh verma
• Systematic position of honey bee
and Morphology:-
Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Arthropoda

Class Insecta

Order Hymenoptera

Family Apidae

Genus Apis
• Body Division of honey bee.
• They have three main body part:-

• Head.
• The head contains the eyes, antennae, and mouthparts.

• Eyes: Honey bees have 5 eyes. 2 compound eyes used for seeing
shapes, and 3 small eyes at the top of the head used for seeing
light. Honey bees see slightly differently than humans do. While
we see within the visible light (colour) spectrum, honey bees see
past that into the ultra-violet spectrum. This means that they can
see colours that we cannot
• Flowers have evolved to take advantage of bee vision. Petals often
have patterns in the ultra-violet spectrum. This attract bees and
other pollinators to them and increases their chances of

• Antennae: Two flexible appendages used for feeling and

• Mouthparts: Honey bees have multiple mouthparts. The mandibles are used for grabbing food, working
with wax, and biting. The proboscis is a retractable, sucking mouthpart consisting of multiple tubes,
used for drinking water, nectar, and honey.
• Thorax
• Legs -The honeybee has three pairs of legs which split into
six segments, making them very flexible. The front legs are
specially designed to clean the antennae, while the rear legs
have a section devoted to pollen accumulation called a
pollen basket.

• The front legs have comb-like hairs for cleaning pollen

from their bodies. There is even a spot for cleaning
their antennae.

• Wings -The honey bee has two sets of wings: the

forewings (which are closer to the head) and the
hindwings (which are closer to its hindquarters).
• Abdomen:-
• The Abdomen of honey bee contain important organs-
• Wax glands: honey bees produce wax using glands on their bellies. The wax is produced in small scale
shaped pieced that the bees can remove and use to build their comb.

• Honey stomach: In addition to their regular stomach, honey bees have a special honey stomach for storing
nectar before it is brought back to the hive. The honey stomach contains antibacterial

• Stinger: The stinger of a honey bee is made up of 3 parts and is attached to a venom sac. Only the
worker bees and the queen have stingers. Worker bees have a barbed stinger that can only be used once,
while the queen’s stinger is smooth.

• Respiratory system: Bees have no lungs! Instead, they have small holes along the sides of their abdomen for
air exchange called spiracles.
• Species of honey bee in the world.
Species Common name

1. Apis dorsata Rock bee

2. Apis flores Little bee

3. Apis crena indica Indian bee

4. Apis melipona Dammer bee/stingless bee

5. Apis mellifera Europian bee

6. Apis adriniforamis Black dwarf bee

7. Apis laboriosa Himalayan bee

• Apis dorsata
• Largest honey bee.
• Open nesting honey bee ,prefers undisturbed
nesting sites ,usually on the top of tall trees and tall
buildings .

• Migrates to hills in summer and to plains ares in

• They are very furious .

• Honey production -30to 50 kg /year/colony.

• Apis florea:-
• It is also known as little bee /smallest bee

• Found in hills and plains at altitude up to 1200

• Open nesting honey bee ,build single small comb
nest under small tree.
• Colony migrate frequently.

• Honey regarded as having high medicinal


• Average honey yield -1kg/colony /year.

Apis cerena indica
• Found both in forest as well as plains throughout the

• It is smaller than rock bee larger than little bee.

• Built multiplex parallel comb .
• They are a stinging bee and will sting if
• Honey production -20kg /heves /year
• Apis melipona
• Melipona is a genus of stingless bees, widespread in
warm areas .

• The largest producer of honey from Melipona bees in

Mexico is in the state of Yucatán

• It is fast pollinators than other .

• Several species are kept for honey production, such

as in Brazil, where some are well-known enough to
have common names, including uruçu, mandaçaia,
jandaíra, and manduri
• Apis mellifera
• The western honey bee or European honey bee
(Apis mellifera) is the most common of the 7–12
species of honey bees worldwide.[3][4]

• The western honey bee was one of the first

domesticated insects
• They are very less aggressive, so easy handle
• It does not go far in search of food
• The average production – 30to 40 kg /colony
• Social life and identification of bee
cast and hives:-
• Honey bees have evolved to use pollen, nectar, and water
as their principal food sources. Their success is linked to
the establishment of large colonies with one female
reproductive member, three distinct social castes, a
division of labor among workers, and genetically diverse

• Queen

• Drone

• Workers
• Queen
• The term “queenbee” can be more generally applied to
any dominant reproductive female in a colony of a
eusocial bee species other than honey bees.

• 15to 20mm in lenth

• Only one queen in one hives.

• Reproductive organ are fully developed.

• Stings are undeveloped .

• 2To 2000 egg per day approximately 15 lakh

egg in a whole life.
• Drone
• Drone is a male bee. Unlike the female worker bee,
a drone has no stinger.

• He does not gather nectar or pollen and cannot

feed without assistance from worker bees.

• His only role is to mate with a maiden queen in

nuptial flight.

• They get fed by worker bees much like how the

queen is fed. Drones do entail that your hive is a
strong and healthy hive.
• Worker.
• A worker bee is any female bee that lacks the
reproductive capacity of the colony’s queen bee and
carries out the majority of tasks needed for the
functioning of the hive

• Worker bees of this variety are responsible for

approximately 80% of the world’s crop
pollination services.

• They are much smaller than drones or queen bees,

with bodies specialized for nectar and pollen
• Bee Hives
• Beehive is an enclosed structure in which some honey
bee species of the subgenus Apis live and raise their

• For honey production, the western honey bee (Apis mellifera)

and the eastern honey bee (Apis cerana) are the main species
kept in hives.

• In beekeeping, a Langstroth hive is any vertically modular

beehive that has the key features of vertically hung
frames, a bottom board with entrance for the bees,
boxes containing frames for brood and honey (the
lowest box for the queen to lay eggs, and boxes above
where honey may be stored) and an inner cover and top
cap to provide weather protection.
• An a list the host plant of
honey bee:- Acer rubrum
Lychee, (Litchi chinensis) Guava (Psidium guajava L

Purple coneflower (Echinacea

Helianthus annuus.(Sunflowers ) Brassica spp(mustard) purpurea)
Bee balm (Monarda spp.) White wild indigo (Baptisia alba)

Black-eyed susan (Rudbeckia hirta) Marsh blazing star (Liatris spicata)

• Life history of honey bee:-
• In honey bee the complete life cycle are found.

1.Egg - The life cycle of all insects, including honey bees, begins with eggs. During the winter season, a queen forms
a new colony by laying eggs within each cell inside a honeycomb. Fertilized eggs will hatch into female worker bees,
while unfertilized eggs will become drones or honey bee males

• Honey bee eggs measure 1 to 1.5 mm long, about half the size of a single grain of rice.
• A young queen lays her eggs using an organized pattern, placing each egg next to others within a cell.

• When the queen lays a honey bee egg, it becomes attached to the cell by a mucous strand.

• After three days, the eggs will hatch into larvae, which will be fed by worker honey bees with
honey, royal jelly and other liquids from plants.
2.Larva:-Honey bee larvae hatch from eggs in three to four days. They are then fed by worker bees and develop
through several stages in hexagonal cells made of beeswax.

• Cells are capped by worker bees when the larva pupates. Queens and drones are larger than workers, so require
larger cells to develop.

• Pupa-once the cell is capped, the larva will spin a cocoon around itself and develop into a pupa (similar to how a
butterfly spins a chrysalis). At this stage, the baby bee develops its eyes, legs, wings

• Adult- Finally, once the pupa is done growing it becomes an adult honey bee. When it is ready, the bee will
begin to chew through the cocoon and wax capping of its cell and emerge into the hive.
• Appliances of beekeeping :-
• Majore activities of honey bee:-
• Swarming:-Swarming is the natural mode of reproduction for a honey bee colony in spring. Swarming is
induced as bees increase their population size and require more space.

• Absconding is the process of the whole colony leaving a hive to find a new place to inhabit in response to
stress or the unsuitability of their current situation.
• Foraging- For bees, their forage or food supply consists of nectar and pollen from blooming plants within
flight range.

• Nuptial Fligjt:-A Flight of sexually mature social insects (as bees) in which mating takes place and which is
usually a prelude to the forming of a new colony.

• Bee language /bee communication: -Honey bees (Apis sp.) are the only known bee genus that uses
nest-based communication to provide nest-mates with information about the location of resources, the
so-called “dance language.”
• Round dance

• Wagtail dance
• Natural enemies and disease of
honey bee and their management: -
1. Acarine disease: -

• Causal agent –mites (Acar apis woodi

• Enter in trachea and suck sap by proboscis.
• The affected bees can not fly..
• Bee wings like -K

• Burning The chlorobenzilate
• Fumigation by nitrobenzene.

• 2.Nosema Disease
• This disease is caused by a protozoan, Nosema apis.
The Nosema infestation leads to dysentery.
• The flies are unable to fly and void loose excreta on
the combs, frames and ground in front of the hive.
• It mainly affects the flight during cold weather.
• Management -An antibiotic known as Fumagillin is useful in
controlling the infection. The drug is administered by giving a
feed of 100 mg fumagillin per colony in 250 ml of sugar syrup
for 10 days continuously.
3.-American Foul Brood, Bacillus larvae-

• American foulbrood is a disease affecting the bee larvae and

is caused by Bacillus larvae White.
• The disease is prevalent in many tropical and sub-tropical
countries. In U.S. It is the most destructive of all bee
diseases causing annual losses of several hundreds of
thousands of dollars.
• Death within 2 month.

Management -
• The disease can be controlled by total destruction of the
diseased colony including the hive, frames, bees and honey. In
western countries some strains resistant to the have been
4 Europian foul brood-
• Bacterial Disease.. Bacillus larva
• Affect the larva and pupa
• Dead larva smell like rotten fish in broods
• When other bees come in touch ,contaminant them.

Management –

• Destroy affected bee boxes by burning with colony.

• Treat empty hives –farmalin.
• Spray tetracyclic powder.
• Beekeeping Product and their
Commercial value:-
1.Honey, -propolis, and pollen are used to treat burn wounds because they have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory,
antioxidant, disinfecting, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Beeswax is used in the production of cosmetics and
ointments in pharmacies.

2.Honey has value as a food, as a medicine, as a cash crop for both domestic and export markets and as an
important part of some cultural traditions.

3.Bee wax is Commercially used for preparing shoe polish, furniture etc. For water proofing

4. Propolis is Commercially used in preparing ointments for treating cuts, wounds and abscesses in cattle..
• Composition of honey and royal jelly.
Composition of royal jelly:-

• Economic Important of honey

bee product:-
1.Bees also pollinate crops such as clover and alfalfa that cattle feed on, making bees important to our
production and consumption of meat and dairy

2.Honey is a nutrient-dense food. It is used in traditional medicine.

3.Beeswax is used in a variety of industries, including the manufacture of polishes and cosmetics.
4. Increase per capital income .
5. Venom is highly used to medical industry.
• Precaution of beekeeping :-
1.It is important to wear protective clothing that is smooth and light-coloured because bees react unfavourably to
dark or woolly material

2.The clothing should also be clean – bees dislike certain odours such as dog, horse and diesel fuel.

3.Gloves, usually vinyl or plastic coated, must be strong but also pliable to allow movement of the fingers when lifting
boxes and frames.

4.Place a small amount of newspaper in the bottom of the barrel of the smoker and light it.

5.Fresh wate near available is very important .

6. Bee hive should be kept in cool and shady place.

• Cost of a honey bee hives and
their value-
• 1 Honey Bee with hives colony is available in the market for 2500 to 4500

• Whose production depends on the session and other factors

• A seven frame honey bee box provide approximately 7kg honey in a


• The production quality of honey depends on Session and flowering trees

which bees collect the nectar.
• Role of beekeepimg in indian
economic :-
• Honey bees are imperative natural source of many products including Honey, wax, and Royal jelly. Beside
this their role in ecosystem is very astonishing including pollination service that is very obligate for our
food production as well as earning from agriculture sector.

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