Barjana Banu A
Barjana Banu A
Barjana Banu A
ID NO: 202051015
To develop the agriculture field and increase the
small farmers income.
Income generation is important aspects of
agriculture activity. Apiculture is an income generating business
under favourable condition.The colony of bees, Queen, Drones,
Workers, Laying Workers, Developmentt cycle of a Bee,
Equipment for the farm, Seletion of the apiary, Selection of the
bee, Feed for the bee, Apiary management, Colony management
during different seasons, Honey extraction. To know all these
definitions clearly.We can improve the income aspects.
Apiculture or bee keeping is the practice of
honeybee management in the hives for pollination and the
production of honey and other products. It is important because
it provides bees with a safe place to work and live. It’s important
to keep the bee population healthy. It also improves the farmer’s
income. Some farmers pay beekeepers to temporarily recolate
their hives near their crops to pollinate them and help them
grow…….We can also make money by raising and selling
starter hives or replacement bees for other bee keepers.Now-a-
days youngters are moved towards agriculture and earns
1,00,000 and upto 2,00,000 annually through the sale of
honey.Earlier people would take up beekeeping as a hobbly,but
now it has become a key income generating activity house
holds in the area. Now- a-days many women’s are involved in
the practice and earn independently. The beekeeping business is
one of the most profitable business india,this business model
not only produce honey,but it also gives us lot of product to use
for our daily life.
Bees are generally farmed for their honey and
other products like Bee wax, propolis, flower pollen, royal jelly,
bee pollen, etc…… This practice also producers bees which are
sold by the beekeepers for income generation. Bee farming was
believed to have begun thousands of centuries ago in North
Africa.It is estimated that there are more than 20,000 species of
wild bee speices around the world. Bee farming is practiced with
the social species of honey bee variety,which live in colonies.
Two widely know varieties of bees from the Apis genus and
Apis mellifera and Apis cerena. The mellifera species are mostly
managed by the bee keepers of Europe and America and hence
this species is also known as a western honey bee. The cerena is
managed by the bee keepers of the tropics and is also known as
Asiatic honey bee. There are two major ways in which these
bees are farmed, they are;the traditional bee keeping way like
the fixed comb hives and the modern bee keeping techiques like
the top-bar-hives,horizontal frame hives and vertical stackable
frame hives.
Hive stand
Bottom board
Hive bodies
Frame and combs
Queen excluder
Inner cover
Outer cover
Plastic hive equipment
Protective wear
The place where the honey bees are kept is called as
Apiary. The local surrounding flora is very important for
selecting the location of the apiary. It is best practice to
choose more nectar-yielding plants like neem, jamun,
soapnut etc. in the surroundings. Plants like cherry,
sheesham, coconut and guava serve both for nectar and
pollen. Best choice of pollen yielding plants is maize, rose
and sorghum.
Just like any other animal, bees locate their food through
sensory input and an understanding of the features of their
environment. They can find their food both by scent and
sight. According to Prof. Karl Ernst Von Frisch, an
Australian scientist, the foraging bees return to the hive
and indicate there inmates about the sources of nectar and
pollen by performing certain rhythmic body movements
called as the bee dance or bee dance language. This bee
dance is readily understood by other bees of the colony.
The life of a solitary bee depends on her ability to find
food, gather it and return it to the nest. On the other hand
the life of a social bee depends on the same things, along
with her ability to tell her hive mates about the location of
food. Honeybees communicate and teach each other how
to find food, water, resin and new nest sites by dancing.
When a honeybee finds food, it uses two known tools to
understand the location.
Solar Compass: This tool helps her remember location of
the food or hive in relation to the sun The bee's ability to
see polarized light lets her determine where the sun is
even though when sun is covered by clouds.
Internal Bio-clock: This tool helps her keep track of how
far she has flown and how much the sun moved during her
journey. In other words, when she returns to the hive, she
can tell her sisters exactly where the food is in relation to
the current position of the sun. As a bee matures, she also
learns about sun's path across the sky during different
seasons of the year and at different latitudes if her hive is
The most suitable time fo removing
honey is during the summer when the honey is adequate for the
bees .some rules for honey extraction are;
Leave the super with full
honey at all times
Robbing behavior I
controlled by removing the capped supers before the honey
flow stops.
Removing the honey before
the goldenrod flow helps tob separate te honey by flavor.
After extraction, honey can be stored in many forms and the post
extract processing involves granulation, reliquefying granulated
honey, fermentation etc…….
Gums……….and so much more
Honey bees are amazing insects for many
reasons.Their complex social life, along with their elaborate
forging mechanism allows them to stand out among other bees.
Honey bees are also crucial to agricultural success because they
pollinate so many of the flowers, fruits and vegetable we see
daily in grocery stores. Through they may be viewed as pests in
the eyes of many, honey bees should be appreciated for all that
they do to keep our ecosystem running. Next time you try to
swat a honey bee, remember where yourhoney is coming from.
To know all this information about the
apiculture.We can easily gained more income under honey bee
management. We have to take this technique to the farmesand
speak about this in detailed manner and involved the farmers to
adopt this technique.waste of honeys is also used as a manners
in the agriculture field. even small farmers can get more income.