271 Peeyush
271 Peeyush
271 Peeyush
International Conference on Emerging applications of Artificial Intelligence,
Machine Learning and Cybersecurity (ICAMC-2024)
HMRITM, New Delhi, India.
May 16-17, 2024
01 02 03
Security Implications Defense Strategies
Vulnerability of ML
Various defense strategies have been
Models These adversarial examples, often
proposed, with denoising autoencoders
imperceptible to humans, pose a significant
showing promise in filtering out
Machine learning models, especially deep security threat in critical applications such
adversarial perturbations by learning to
neural networks, are vulnerable to as autonomous driving and medical
reconstruct original inputs from noisy
adversarial attacks, which are small, diagnosis.
carefully crafted perturbations in input data
that lead to incorrect model outputs.
Autoencoder Architecture
Denoising Autoencoders consist of an encoder that reduces input data to a lower-
dimensional representation and a decoder that attempts to reconstruct the
FGSM Attack
The Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) is a common adversarial technique that
creates perturbations by manipulating the gradient of the loss function to mislead
the model.
The Power of Ensemble Learning
Basics of Ensemble Learning:
•Ensemble learning combines predictions from multiple models.
•Methods include K-Folding, bagging, boosting, and stacking.
• Diverse set of decision boundaries.
01 02
MNIST Dataset CNN for Classification
A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with
The study uses the MNIST dataset, consisting of
two convolutional layers and a fully connected
70,000 grayscale images of handwritten digits, to
layer is employed for the image classification
assess the defense against adversarial attacks.
Adversarial Attack Generation and Defense
The K-fold technique is applied to the dataset The K-fold technique is applied to the dataset to train
to train and validate the autoencoder-based and validate the autoencoder-based defense, aiming
defense, aiming for a robust and generalizable for a robust and generalizable model.
01 Impact of Perturbations
Visualization of original, adversarial, and reconstructed images shows the deceptive nature of
adversarial attacks and the autoencoder's ability to recover the digit's structure.
The study compares the CNN model's classification accuracy on clean, adversarial, and
reconstructed test sets, demonstrating the autoencoder's effectiveness in improving robustness.
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[7] Samangouei, P., Kabkab, M., Chellappa, R.: Defense-GAN: Protecting Classifiers Against
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