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ProtoPlasmTS Pro Manual

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ProtoPlasm TS Pro Synthesizer

The Next Generation Pad & Texture Synthesizer by H.G. Fortune

One of the special features of this synthesizer is a very easy to handle modulation-system
with 8 LFO/S&H-outputs plus Transition system featuring optical control by 'magic eyes'.
There are even patternlike LFO-waveforms as modsources so You can do quite amazing and
complex modulations with only very few settings. Basically this synthesizer is best suited for
highly vivid pads and textures but you can also do standard synth sounds like bass, leads etc.
More than 1100 patches (still patchcompatible to prior versions) included: see Appendix.

The basic features are:

three digital PCM-wave oscillators powered by 150 (96 in free version) different waveforms of enhanced quality
each oscillator's level can be modulated by different sources
new: adopted Transition System with three modes
one LP filter (24db Lowpass) with adjustable Boost and ADSR EG
one HP filter (12db Hipass) with adjustable Boost and ADSR EG
two shapeable LFO with patternlike waveforms (bpm-synced)
one shapeable standard LFO (bpm-synced)
one shapeable Sample & Hold with pattern (bpm-synced)
each LFO and S&H provide an additional Mix-out for mixed LFO-shapes
the LFO-modulation stepper switches selectable sources for modulation in sequence or at random
'magic eyes' as visual control for LFO & S&H in motion
one ADSR EG for VCA
adjustable level for direct, LP and HP output with separate pan each
stereo-delay for PingPong effects (bpm-synced)
Changed: User-Waves for oscillators now via Soundfontfiles (SF2) loadable (see Apendix for details and howto)
(in free version only for osc. 1)
The features in detail

The sound-sources

There are three oscillators with octave range adjustable -2 to +2 [Oct]aves & [semi]tones.
There is also an [On/Off] button for each oscillator to mute. The SF2 button is used to load
USER-SF2 (preloaded with 30 waves within the registered version only!) and to switch
between internal and ext. soundsource. The [Level] knobs determine the basic output level
of each oscillator. By [LvlMod] you can select a source to modulate the output level of each
oscillator followed by a knob to adjust amount of modulation [ModAmt].

Transition System

ProtoPlasm TS features a variant of the Transition sytem of the STS-21. As there are only
three osc. a few changes had to be done thus three transition modes have been installed:
Osc. 1:2 - Osc 1 transits to Osc 2 while Osc 3 is sounding anyway (unless switched off)
Osc. 2:3 - Osc 2 transits to Osc 3 while Osc 1 is sounding anyway (unless switched off)
Osc1:2/3 - Osc 1 transits to Osc 2 AND 3!

Input for Transition is the level modulated signal. Transition can be modulated by a selectable
source. Note this modulation is affecting when transition is at endpoint: just watch the blue
bar moving showing how it works.

All in all it turns out that the ProtoPlasm is now the most versatile synth now in my collection
and even less CPU-hungry than the STS-21.
The Filter section

There are two independant filters one 24dB lowpass filter with resonance [Q] and a 12dB
hipass filter with resonance. Each filter can be modulated by an ADSR-EG and/or a
selectable modsource from the LFO-section. The [ModBal] determines the amount of
modulation between ADSR EG and LFO-source. The [Boost] knob provides an adjustable
enhancement of the current filter frequency.

The LFO section

The LFO section offers three shapeable LFO's and one shapeable Sample and Hold, all
bpm-synced (by divisors 1/16note to 8 bars) plus outputs for mixed waveshapes. In addition
osc. 1 and 2 also provide patternlike (Mod1-3) waveforms for far more flexible modulations.
All in all this provides a very comfortable way in getting really complex and vivid modulations
and due to the concept this is easier to be handled than e.g. an 8stage enevolpe. Also there
are 'magic eyes' to see the motion of each output! The Sample & Hold output can mixed with
a selectable output of the LFO too.

Note: Partly shape affects the modulation level which is lowered if knob moved to left side.
The LFO-Modulation Stepper

This one is really tricky as it switches modulation sources from all LFO, Mix and S&H outputs
in sequence or at random. In sequence mode You can set first and last step, also detemine
direction (forward, backward, Bounce 1 & 2). Even Tempo-Sync is adjustable.

The sources are:

L1 - LFO1 output
L2 - LFO2 output
L3 - LFO3 output
SH - S&H output
M1 - Mix1:2 output
M2 - Mix2:3 output
M3 - Mix3:1 output
M4 - Mix:S:L output

At destination this Mod-source is labelled: LMS and LMS- (for inverted)

Note: If You do not use the LFO-Mod Stepper within a patch it is useful to set mode to Off to
save a bit CPU. It is also connected to Lazy-Function of LFO and LazyAll.

The Mix and VCA section

The output section provides an [ A ] [ D ] [ S ] [ R ] envelope generator for shaping the

overall signal with Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release. Also You can mix the amount of level
from outputs of direct(unfiltered signal), Lowpass and HiPass filter. In addition to this there is
an independant pan-setting for each output.

There are four [Lazy?!] buttons to randomize certain sets of parameters for All, Osccillator,
Filter and LFO sections. This is a really easy way to generate new ideas for new patches ;-)
Delay and Main Out section

This stereo delay is synced to host clock at selectable division-settings by [Dly-Ping-L] and
[DlyPong-R]. Use the [Dly-Lvl] knob to adjust the amount of delayed signal to the normal
signal while the two [Fdbck] knobs determine the amount of repetitions of each delay. This is
useful to get more delay repetitions at shorter delay times while the other delay has a longer
delay time setting. So you can compensate the repetitions on the shorter delay vanishing too
early. If you want to have a continuous delay when switching from one patch to the next it is
advisable to have the divisional settings at the same divisor then no clicks should occur.
[Main-Vol] controls the overall output of the synthesizer.

General hints: 1. When moving a knob or slider you can also press <Crtl> on the PC-keyboard for fine
adjustments. 2. Long release settings at the ADSR EGs use more CPU.

Known bugs: loading a single patch program (*.fxp) to first program number (and only there) may change the
waveform of the oscillators. This does not apply when loading a patchbank file (*.fxb)! This has to be fixed in the

It might still occur within Ableton Live the undo buffer is filled with unused data (which is defintively their
problem). Well, Fruity Loops devs have been more cooperative in this way so they did fix this as it is basically the
same thing causing this phenomena.

Typical CPU-usage on a PIV at 2.53GHz is 17% at four voices with RAM at 333Mhz
In order to free RAM-space you can unload the preloaded User SF2

The eight voice version of ProtoPlasm Pro is available via Paypal or ShareIt for 29 Euro
(introductionary price) - please visit www.hgf-synthesizer.de for further details.

There is a also Free Version of ProtoPlasm - limited to 2 voices instead of 8, one User-SF2
at osc. 1 and less internal waveforms (only 96 instead of 150).

Other VSTI by H. G. Fortune are:

STS-21 Space Transition Synthesizer
Swamp Synthesizer
X-Wheel of Fortune II Pro
X-Wheel of Fortune II (Freeware)
X-Wheel of Fortune Pro

Homepage: www.hgf-synthesizer.de
email: fortune@flomo-art.de
Credits, thanks and further info

The ProtoPlasm Synthesizer has been created with Synthedit by Jeff McClintock with only
two further modules by David Haupt, one by Dan Worrall and one by Kelly D. Lynch.

The stunning GUI has been done by Vera Kinter (Brno, Czech Republic) - very big thanks!

Preset patches were kindly done by:

Vera Kinter (VK); Annabelle (ANN); Dimitri Schkoda (DS); Timothy Conrardy (TC); Derek Kay
(DK); Stephan Müsch/rsmus7 (SM); Rene Ebenhan (R); Steve Blenkinsopp (Waveform);
Miguel Matas (MTZ) and vurt (v)

A big thanks also goes to all who have helped, betatested and taken part elsewise within this
project also those at KvR esp.: Jack Dark, Ugo, vurt and some others. Not to forget
www.plugindex.de for providing a direct download for Prototypx which has become
ProtoPlasm now.

H. G. Fortune
near Bonn (Germany) August, 29th 2005
updated to TS: January, 8th 2006
List of internal waves
now 120 internal waves PLUS 30 preloaded bonus waves in User SF2.
Free version with 96 internal waves (from 1 to 96)

001.Interstellar 026.KS-HumOhh 051.JustAFlute 076.FlowLoop 101.FarFeesa

002.Overdrive 027.KS-Nebulous 052.S-BigGongL 077.TalkLoop 102.Tundra
003.Fat-CS-080 028.KS-FatBras 053.DXEP-Base 078.CharmLoop 103.FarHorizon
004.SyncedOsc 029.KS-Spectral 054.Octavian 079.ArcaneBells 104.FroAndTo
005.MajesticBrass 030.KS-Syncer 055.AtkSyn 080.MoltenBell 105.SpaceRide
006.Orkestra 031.KS-Pudding 056.MSawBras 081.TubeBell 106.BellWave
007.FogString 032.ModChord 057.SynAthmoL 082.PitchGong 107.AuraWave
008.MysticVox 033.Chord2 058.AsianMetal 083.GongyFlute 108.QQH-Waving
009.FaintVox 034.ArcaneRealms 059.Mythosfer 084.JapFlute1 109.FuzzDigi_Z
010.ChoirString 035.PPG-OrgVox 060.BenVoxMet 085.BreathVoc 110.Digital_X
011.FogChoir 036.PPGVox 061.SwellStrs 086.HallVox 111.AnFatSync
012.Bassical 037.SawPad 062.ArcaNostra 087.TubeVox 112.MetalSync
013.HauntedPia 038.SynSquarA 063.MinorAtm2 088.BottleVox 113.AnLead
014.DropDown 039.BellMagic 064.XtraOrchst 089.FakeVox 114.Fat-5th
015.ShiverBell 040.SynBas1 065.LowVox 090.VoxyNse 115.3FatOsc
016.MetalBell 041.SynBas2 066.HuanFlute 091.NoiseChord 116.MovinJaws
017.Bella_Donna 042.SynBas3 067.Trumping 092.TubeNse 117.PS6-FatSaw
018.SpaceBells 043.BullSynBas 068.DrawbarOrg 093.MetalNse 118.ShiverBras
019.InsideTube 044.FullPoly 069.OmziFSteps 094.JetNse 119.RealBrass
020.AlienSpectr 045.FM2Slow 070.OmziFMyth 095.NoiseOne 120.Rain&Crackle
021.Nocturnal 046.LongSync 071.OutLand-2 096.MinAtmo
022.6T-FilterFM 047.DistSync 072.MovinBell 097.OrcStrings
023.6T-Ferox 048.Fulldrive 073.InTheWoods 098.Symphonic
024.6T-Basics 049.NoiseChoir 074.LightningL 099.4Score
025.KS-EthnoBlo 050.VA-Vox 075.Mars-Siren 100.OrganaVox

Bonus waves in User SF2 Bonus waves in User SF2 Bonus waves in User SF2
001._Al_Saria 011._RhytmoLp 021.#Watery
002._di_Motou 012._KotoicLp 022.#Seaside
003._SwirlyHole 013.#MetalHit 023.#Thunder-nl
004._Spaceballs 014.#MetalHit-nl 024.#Falcon
005._Bubbles 015.#ALoop 025.#Jungle
006._Sparkling 016.#ALooph 026.#Tropica
007._Mystery 017.#ALoop-nl 027.#BigRoar
008._Mystery-nl 018.#BLoop 028.#Baby_Kong
009._Cymbalic 019.#BLoop-nl 029.#Juno'sBird
010._Cymbalic-nl 020.#Flowater 030.#Werewolf

nl = non looped wave

More than 1100 patches (1 internal bank and 8 external .fxb-files):
(supplied banks have been adopted to the new engine - older files may give a hint message dep. on host used)

Recent Patchbanks supporting waves 1 to 75 and above:

ProtoPlasmTSInternal.fxb = 128 patches by Vera Kinter (VK), Annabelle (ANN) & Dimitri Schkoda (DS)
ProtoPlasmTSBank6.fxb = 128 patches by Vera Kinter (VK) & Annabelle (ANN)
ProtoPlasmTSBank7.fxb = 128 patches by Dimitri Schkoda (DS)

patchbanks of prior releases:

ProtoPlasmTSBank0 = 1st internal bank = 128 Patches
ProtoPlasmTSBank1.fxb = 128 patches by Tim Conrardy, Vera Kinter, Derek Kay, Stephan Müsch, HGF
ProtoPlasmTSBank2.fxb = 128 patches by Dimitri Schkoda
ProtoPlasmTSBank3.fxb = 128 patches by Dimitri Schkoda
ProtoPlasmTSBank4.fxb = 128 patches by Vera Kinter, HGF, Dimitri Schkoda, Waveform, Rene Ebenhan, vurt, Miguel
Matas (note: this bank has been assembled from banks 4 & 5 of prior version with gaps filled up with new patches)
ProtoPlasmTSBank5.fxb = 128 new patches by Dimitri Schkoda (was bank: 6DS_Atom-Spheres-01)

9 x 128 patches = 1152 patches

Check for more patches for download on the webpage:


List of MIDI-Controllers (CC) used within the ProtoPlasm

>CC Destination >CC Destination

> 07 Main Volume >87 Hipass Filter Cutoff
>13 Sample & Hold Shape >88 Hipass Filter Q
>14 LFO Mix S:L >89 Hipass Filter Attack
>15 LFO Mix Source >90 Hipass Filter Decay
>16 LFO 1 Sync >91 Hipass Filter Sustain
>17 LFO 1 Waveform >92 Hipass Filter Release
>18 LFO 1 Shape >93 Hipass Filter Envelope Amount
>19 LFO 1 Mix 1:2 >94 Hipass Filter ModBal
>20 LFO 2 Sync >95 Hipass Filter LFO Modulation Source
>21 LFO 2 Waveform >102 LFO Modulation Stepper Step 1
>22 LFO 2 Shape >103 LFO Modulation Stepper Step 2
>23 LFO 2 Mix 2:3 >104 LFO Modulation Stepper Step 3
>24 LFO 3 Sync >105 LFO Modulation Stepper Step 4
>25 LFO 3 Waveform >106 LFO Modulation Stepper Step 5
>26 LFO 3 Shape >107 LFO Modulation Stepper Step 6
>27 LFO3 Mix 3:1 >108 LFO Modulation Stepper Step 7
>29 Left Delay Feedback >109 LFO Modulation Stepper Step 8
>30 Right Delay Feedback >110 Osc 1 Wave Select
>31 Delay Level >111 Osc 2 Wave Select
>74 Dir Pan >112 Osc 3 Wave Select
>75 LoPass Pan >113 Osc 1 Level Modulation
>76 Hipass Pan >114 Osc 2 Level Modulation
>77 Lopass Filter Cutoff >115 Osc 3 Level Modulation
>78 Lopass Filter Q >116 Osc 1 Mod Amount
>79 Lopass Filter Attack >117 Osc 2 Mod Amount
>80 Lopass Filter Decay >118 Osc 3 Mod Amount
>81 Lopass Filter Sustain added in TS:
>82 Lopass Filter Release >70 Transit Time
>83 Lopass Filter Envelope Amount >71 Transition Mod Amount
>84 Lopass Filter ModBal >72 Transition Modulation Source
>85 Lopass Filter LFO Modulation Source
Appendix on Soundfonts (SF2)

General note: place all SF2 you want to use into the subdir which has been created by the ProtoPlasm
(e.g. C:\somewhere\VSTplugins\HGF\ProtoPlasmTS???\ ) you can also have subdirs there. The VSTi will
automatically point to this subdir so it is more convenient to load files from there.

If You load a Soundfont file e.g. into slot for osc. 1 this is valid for the whole patchbank i.e. this soundfont will be
used in all patches osc.1 settings switched to SF2 - while set to internal the internal waves remain valid. For each
osc. you can use a different soundfont being valid for all patches of course. Saving the bankfile will keep the
resp. settings. Thus using different bankfiles you can manage more than three soundfonts in usage at all.

Note on SF2-files:
Although you can use basically any SF2 around there are two limitations: the internal SF-Player does support
only one layer from an SF2-preset or instrument (the bottom one as seen in Vienna) and the synthfunctions of
the SB-hardware are not supported as a specific SB soundcard is not needed.

In order to make SF2-files from Your wavefiles You can use the freeware tool Viena by Kenneth Rundt -
Viena does not require a Creative Soundblaster Live or Audigy Card to assemble SF2-files and please note
there is only one 'n' in Viena (unlike Vienna from Creative Labs)

As a freeware Wave-Editor with capability to set looppoints you can use Yamaha's TWE Ver. 2.3.1 which is
running on Windows XP systems.

Terms of License Agreement:

You are NOT ALLOWED to sell the program or charge for the access to it.
You are allowed to distribute the free version of this program (online or on magazine CD's) as
long as You do not charge for this program! Anyway You are requested to send an info about
such a distribution.

You may use the program in personal and/or commercial music (credits are welcome).

You are allowed to run the registered version of the program on different computers as long
as You are the only person having access to and using the program.

You are not allowed to modify, decompile or reverse-engineer the program.

This program is not copy-protected but protected by national & international (copyright-) laws.

Changes & enhancements may be made without prior notice and a grant that further editions
will read patches from former version cannot be given.
The software is supplied as is. Use this program on Your own risk and Your own

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