Unit 6
Unit 6
Unit 6
It is the process of physical maturation resulting an increase in size of the body and
various organs. It occurs by multiplication of cells and an increase in in intracellular substance. It
is quantitative changes of the body
1. Cephalocaudal direction:
The process of cephalocaudal direction from head down to tail. This means that
improvement in structure and function come first in the head region, then in the trunk,
and last in the leg region
2. Proximodistal direction:
The process in proximodistal from center or midline to periphery direction.
development proceeds from near to far - outward from central axis of the body toward the
3. General to Specific:
Children use their cognitive and language skills to reason and solve problems.
Children at first are able hold the big things by using both arms, In the next part
able to hold things in a single hand, then only able to pick small objects like peas,
cereals etc.
Children when able to hold pencil, first starts draw circles then squares then only
letters after that the words
Development proceeds from general to specific responses
1. Genetic factors:
Genetic predisposition is the importance factors which influence the growth and
development of children.
Race and Nationality
2. Prenatal factors:
Intrauterine environment is an important predominant factor of growth and
development. Various conditions influence the fetal growth in utero:
Maternal malnutrition
Maternal infection
Maternal substance abuse
Maternal illness
3. Postnatal factors:
Growth potential
Childhood illness
Physical environment
Psychological environment
Cultural influence
Socio economic status
Climate and season
Play and exercise
Birth order of the child
Hormonal influence
1. Infancy:
Neonate: birth to one month
Infancy: one month to one year
2. Early childhood:
Toddler: 1-3 years
Preschooler: 3-6 years
3. Middle childhood:
School age: 6-12 years
4. Late childhood:
Adolescents : 13 years to approximately 8 years
1. Assessment of Growth:
a. Weight:
☻ Weight is one of the best criteria for assessment of growth and a good
indicator of health and nutritional status of child.
☻ Among Indian children, weight of the full terms neonate at birth is
approximately 2.5 kg to 3.5kg.
☻ there is about 10% loss of weight first week of life, which regains by 10 days
of age
☻ Then, weight gain is about 25- 30 gm per day for 1st 3 month and 400gm/
month till one year of age.
☻ The infants double weight gain their birth weight by 5month of age, trebled by
one year, fourth time by two years, five times by three year, six times by five
year, seven times by seven year and ten times by ten year.
☻ Then weight increases rapidly during puberty followed by weight increase to
adult size
b. Length and height:
☻ Increase in height indicates skeletal growth. Yearly increments in height
gradually diminished from birth to maturity.
☻ At birth average length of a healthy Indian newborn baby is 50 cm.
☻ it increases to 60 cm at 3 months, 70 cm of 9 month and 75 cm at one year of
☻ In second year, there is 12 cm increase, third year it is 9 cm, fourth year it is 7
cm and in fifth year it is 6 cm.
☻ so the child double the birth by 4 to 4.5 years of age afterwards there is about
5 cm increase in every year till onset of puberty
c. Body Mass index (BMI):
☻ It is an important criteria which helps to assess the normal growth or its
deviations i.e. malnutrition or obesity.
☻ BMI =Weight in Kg/(Height in meter) 2
☻ BMI remains content up to the age of 5 years. If the BMI is more than 30
kg/m2, it indicates obesity and if it is less then 15Kg/m2 , it indicates
☻ BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater 30
d. Head circumference:
☻ It is related to brain growth and development of intracranial volume. Average
head circumference measured about 35 cm at birth.
☻ At 3 months it is about 40 cm, at 6 month 43 cm, at one year 45cm, at 2 years
48 cm, at 7 year 50 cm and at 12 years of age it is about 52 cm, almost same a
☻ If head circumference increase more than 1 cm in two weeks during the first 3
month of age then hydrocephalus should be suspected.
☻ Head circumference is measured by ordinal tap, placing it over the occipital
protuberance at the back, above the ear on the side and just over the
supraorbital ridges in front measuring the point of height circumference
e. Fontanelle Closure:
☻ At birth, anterior and posterior fontanelle are usually present. Posterior
fontanelle closes early few weeks(6-8week) of age.
☻ The anterior fontanelle normally closes by 12- 18 months of age. Early
closure of fontanelle indicates craniostenosis due to premature closure of skull
f. Chest circumference:
☻ chest circumference or thoracic diameters is an importance parameter of
assessment of growth and nutrition status.
☻ At birth it is 2-3cm less than head circumference. At 6 to 12 months of age
both become equal.
☻ After first year of age, chest circumference is greater than head circumference
by 2.5 cm and by the age of 5 year, it is about 5 cm larger than head
☻ Chest circumference is measured by placing the tape measure around the chest
at level by placing the tape measure around the chest at the level of the nipple,
in between inspiration and expiration
g. Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC):
☻ This measurement helps to assess the nutritional status of younger children.
☻ There is growth due to inadequate nutritional, which can be this simple
particle and useful measurement
☻ The average MUAC at birth is 11 to 12 cm, at one year of age it is 12 to 16
cm, at 1 to 5 years it is 16 to 17 cm, at 12 years it is 17 to 18 cm and at 15
years it is 20 to 21cm
h. Eruption of teeth:
☻ There is a variation for the time of eruption of teeth. First teeth commonly the
lower central incision may appear in 6 to 7 months of age.
☻ It can be delayed even up to 15 months, which also can be considered within
the normal range of time for teething.
☻ So dentition is not dependable parameters for assessment of growth.
☻ There are ‘two sets of teeth, temporary teeth bigger in size for two sets of
i. Osseous growth:
☻ Bony growth follows a definite pattern and time schedule from birth to
☻ It is calculated by the appearance of ossification center by X – ray study.
☻ Skeletal maturation or bone growth is an indicator of physiological
development and continue up to 25 years of age
Growth monitoring:
☻ Assessment of growth may be done by longitudinal & cross sectional studies. The
common parameters used for growth monitoring include, head circumference, chest
circumference, UL/LS ratio. The following are the 3 measures used for comparisons:
Use of mean/median values.
Use of percentile
Use of indices as weight for height & weight for age.
Common reference values: WHO reference value & Indian standards
Indian standards:
ICMR under took a national wide cross sectional study during the year 1956- 1965. this
tool is widely used in India as the reference value to assess growth
2. Assessment of development:
Normal development is a complex process & has a multitude of facets. However, it is
convenient to understand & assess development under the following domains:
A. Gross motor development:
Motor development progress in an orderly sequence to ultimate attainment of
locomotion & more complex motor tasks thereafter. In an infant it is assessed &
observed as follows:
B. Fine motor skill development:
Fine motor development upon neural tract maturation. Fine motor development
promotes adaptive actives with fine sensorimotor adjustments and include eye
coordination, hand eye coordination, hand to mouth coordination, hand skill as
finger thumb apposition, grasping, dressing etc.
C. Personal & social development:
Personal and social development includes personal reactions to his own social and
cultural situations with neuromotor maturity and environment stimulation. It is related
to interpersonal and social skill as social smile, recognition of mother, use of toys
Assessment of Development:
Step 1: Begin by looking at your breasts in the mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms
on your hips.
If you see any of the following changes, bring them to your doctor's attention:
A nipple that has changed position or an inverted nipple (pushed inward instead of sticking
Step 2: Now, raise your arms and look for the same changes.
Step 3: While you're at the mirror, look for any signs of fluid coming out of one or both
nipples (this could be a watery, milky, or yellow fluid or blood).
Step 4: Next, feel your breasts while lying down, using your right hand to feel your left
breast and then your left hand to feel your right breast. Use a firm, smooth touch with the
first few finger pads of your hand, keeping the fingers flat and together. Use a circular
motion, about the size of a quarter.
Cover the entire breast from top to bottom, side to side — from your collarbone to the top
of your abdomen, and from your armpit to your cleavage.
Follow a pattern to be sure that you cover the whole breast. You can begin at the nipple,
moving in larger and larger circles until you reach the outer edge of the breast. You can
also move your fingers up and down vertically, in rows, as if you were mowing a lawn.
This up-and-down approach seems to work best for most women. Be sure to feel all the
tissue from the front to the back of your breasts: for the skin and tissue just beneath, use
light pressure; use medium pressure for tissue in the middle of your breasts; use firm
pressure for the deep tissue in the back. When you've reached the deep tissue, you should
be able to feel down to your ribcage.
Step 5: Finally, feel your breasts while you are standing or sitting. Many women find that the
easiest way to feel their breasts is when their skin is wet and slippery, so they like to do this step
in the shower. Cover your entire breast, using the same hand movements described in step 4.
Self-examination of the testes is important for early detection of testicular cancer. The
most common method of early detection is performing a monthly exam. Since TC is usually
isolated to a single testicle, comparison of your testicle with the other can be helpful. It is normal
for one testicle to be slightly larger than the other. Your focus should be noticing any changes
from the previous month.
Upon reaching puberty, all men should conduct a monthly testicular self-exam and ask
your doctor during your yearly physical to perform one as well
It is best to carry out testicular self-examination after a warm bath or shower. Warmth
relaxes your scrotum, making it easier to feel anything abnormal.
Stand in front of a mirror
check for any external swelling on the skin
Examine each testicle with both hands. Place your index and middle fingers under your
testicle with your thumbs placed on top. Roll each testicle gently between your thumbs
and fingers. You should not feel any pain when doing this. Do not be alarmed if your
testicles are not exactly the same size
Find the epididymis, a soft tube-like structure behind the testicle that collects and carries
sperm. If you are familiar with this structure, you will not mistake it for a suspicious
lump. Cancerous lumps are usually found on the sides or in front of the testicle. Lumps in
the epididymis are virtually never cancerous.
If you find a lump, ask to see a doctor right away. The abnormality may not be cancer but could
simply be an infection. If it is testicular cancer, it will spread if it is not stopped by treatment.
Waiting and hoping will not fix anything. Free-floating lumps in the scrotum that are not
attached to your testicle are not cancerous.
Fill the test tube 3/4th with urine, check the reaction, if it is alkaline make it
Boil the top portion.
If there is cloudy appearance it indicates albumin/phosphate.
Add 5 drops of acetic acid & reheat.
If cloud still presents it indicates albumin presence and if it disappears it shoes
phosphate presence
Termination of articles:-
a) Gross Motor:
When lying prone, lifts head almost 450 above
Turns from side to back
Symmetric posture of head and body
Very slight head lag when pulled from supine to
sitting position
When in prone, raises chest supported on forearms
Holds head erect and steady
Attempts to roll over (front to back)
Rolls from back to front
Pulls feet upto mouth when supine
While sitting with support, sits back rounded and
knees flexed position
Sits alone briefly if placed in a favorable leaning
Springs up and down when sitting
Lifts chest and upper abdomen when prone putting
the weight on the arms and hands
b) Fine Motor:
Hands may be open or closed loosely
Holds rattle briefly when placed in the hand
Holds hand in front of face and stares at them and plays
with fingers
Carries hand or objects to mouth at will
Grasps objects with both hands
Drops one object when another is offered
Manipulates small objects
Grasps with simultaneous flexion of fingers
Begin to bang objects that are held (rattles, spoon, toys)
Turns head to side when a sound occurs at ear level
Eyes follow moving person nearby
Localizes sounds made above the ear
Beginning ability to coordinate various sensory stimuli
“Sense of Trust vs Mistrust”
Mutual regulations of mother and infant
Trust occur by mother or caregiver
Smiles back in response to another smile
Shows eagerness when mother comes to breast feed or
feeding bottle appears
Oral stage: ( 0-1yr)
(Oral dependant stage or passive stage.)
Oral pleasure
Baby get satisfaction with sucking
Enjoy with sucking breast, finger and pacifier
Undifferentiated (0-1yr)
They are not able to recognize faith
Sensorimotor stage:
Substage 2(1-4months)
Substage 3(5-7months)
a) Substage 2:
Primary circular reactions:
The beginning of voluntary actions replacing reflexive
b) Substage 3:
Secondary circular reactions:
Events that occur by accident in the environment are
repeated by the infant if they produce interesting
Objective permanence begins
Level- 1: pre conventional morality: stage : 0
The good is what I like and I want
Recognizes familiar words
Cries easily on slight or no provocation
Vocalizes syllables
10. PLAY:
Unoccupied play:
It indicates no play activity in the usual sense of word
I. Demographic profile:
a) Name
b) Age
c) Date of birth
d) Sex
II. History of the child:
f) Family history
g) Antenatal history
h) Natal history
i) Postnatal history
j) Immunization history
a) Gross Motor:
Sits alone on hard surface steadily
Pulls self into standing position with help
Hand eye coordination perfected
Crawls instead of hitching
Moves from prone to sitting position
Creeps well
Stands erect with minimal support
Walks holding on to furniture
Stands alone for variable length of time
Sits down from standing position alone
b) Fine Motor:
Listen for recurring sounds
Follows fast moving objects with eyes
Has preference in taste for foods
“Sense of Trust vs Mistrust”
Responds socially to own name
Emotionally instable
Increased fear of strangers
Capacity to discriminate between family members
and strangers
Attachment developed through primary caregiver
When disliked food offers, lips are closed tightly
Oral stage: ( 0-1yr)
Oral aggressiveness is evidenced
Reality principles
Undifferentiated (0-1yr)
They are not able to recognize faith
Sensorimotor stage:
Substage 3(5-7months)
Substage 4 (8-12 months)
c) Substage 3:
Secondary circular reactions:
Intentional thought develops
Object permanence develops
d) Sub stage 4:
Coordination of secondary schemas:
Learns to deal with new situations
Perceptions of space
Object permanence present
Level- 1: pre conventional morality: stage : 0
The good is what I like and I want
Beginning to responds to simple commands
Cries when scolded
Imitates specific speech and sounds
Speaks 2 or more words
10. PLAY:
Unoccupied play:
No play activity in the usual sense of world
Onlooker play:
A child watches others play but doesn’t engage in
that play
I. Demographic profile:
a) Name
b) Age
c) Date of birth
d) Sex
II. History of the child:
e) Family history
f) Antenatal history
g) Natal history
h) Neonatal history
a) Gross Motor:(1-2yrs)
Able to walk without support
Kneels without support
Able to creeps up stairs
Walks sideways and backward
Runs stiffly, often falls
Jumping attempted using both feet
Seats self in small
Climbs on furniture
Pushes light furniture around room
Throws ball over hand without falling
Gross motor(2-3yrs):
Stands on one foot at one
Walks on tip toe for few steps
Jumps from step or low chair
Rides a walker or pedal
Picks up objects from floor without losing balance
c) Self care:
Self feeding with occasional spilling
Plays with food
Gets a drink without assistance
Chews with mouth closed
Imitates eating habits of others
Puts arms through large armhole
Verbalizes toilet needs
Turns head to side when a sound occurs at ear
May respond to unpleasant odors
Develop the sensation of touch and pain
Normal hearing
“Sense of autonomy vs doubt and shame”
Child develops into dependent to independent
Controlling his body functions
Children able to do work himself
Tolerates separation
Less fearful of strangers
They won’t attempt to do the task which is felt
Anal stage: ( 1-3yr)
Obtain pleasure from the feeling of distended
bladder and from the masses of feaces in the
Conscious sense of self and learning to tolerate
Intuitive projective faith:
Believe on parents
Imitates religious behavior such as bowing the
head in prayer, but doesn’t know the meaning
a) Sensorimotor stage:
o Substage 5(12-18months)
o Substage 6 (18-2 yrs)
b) Pre operational stage
Pre conceptual stage
Substage 5:
Tertiary circular reactions:
Symbolism thought develops
Complex object develops
Begins casual thinking
Thinks some solutions to problems
Carry the past events in the mind
Deffered imitations
Invisible displacement
c) Pre conceptual stage:
Concrete thinking and perceptions
Use one word to indicate several rather similar
persons or actions
Object permanence, existing even when out of
Level- 1: pre conventional morality: stage : 0
The good is what I like and I want
Stage 1:
If punished for doing certain things, it is wrong, if
not punished it must be right.
Recognizes names of various parts of body
Responds to familiar, simple commands
Understands more complex sentences
Names familiar pictures
900 words able to speak
10. PLAY:
Solitary independent play:
The child plays alone independent of others
nearby children.
a) Gross Motor:
Rides tricycles
Jumps from height
Hops on preferred feet
Skips alternate feet
Walks and runs on tiptoes
Kicks a ball
Balance on one foot 3-5 seconds
Catches ball with extended arms
Tries to dance
b) Fine motor:
Place small pellets in narrow necked bottles
Can copy a circle, square, cross, diamond and triangle
Able to use scissors
Able to draw a picture
c) Self care:
Manage spoon with little spilling of food
Able to tie shoe lace
Can go to toilet alone
Brush teeth with assistance
May bath self with assistance
Combs hair with help
Establish depth perception and color vision
Can hear normally
Develop the sense of taste and smell
Enjoy in stroking their bodies
“Sense of initiative vs guilt”
Child learns about world and other people
Less dependent on parents but needs reassurance and
Attempt to imitate adult behavior
Feels guilty for their errors
Spend too much time and energy in purposeless
Able to solve problems
Phallic stage:
More aware of their sex organs
Attachment to the parent of the opposite sex
Touching and manipulation of the genitals
Ask simple question about sex
After temporary parental separation, either feels
happy or shows anger
Intuitive projective faith:
Able to understand religion
Learn about other religion
Can’t be kept spiritually neutral
a) Pre operational stage
Able to rationalize their actions
Has social awareness
Understands time
Use time oriented expressions
Develops transductive reasoning
Has magical thinking
Describes events
Highly imaginative
Pre conventional morality
Stage 2:”instrumental hedonism & concrete reciprocity”
Follow to rules strictly
Accept changes in the rules
Pleasure motive
Uses complete sentence of 3-4 words
Knows songs, colors
Constantly asks questions
10. PLAY:
Parallel play:
Playing beside and watching each other but not
interacting directly
a) Gross Motor:
Rides bicycles
Jumps, runs, climbs
Performs tricks on bicycle
Throws a ball skillfully, overhand and underhand
Enjoys all the physical activities
Coordination improving
b) Fine motor:
Uses both hand independently
Draws persons with 18-20 parts
Coordination continues to improve
c) Self care:
Criticize table manner of parents
Can brush and comb hair
Handles eating utensils skillfully
Dresses self completely
Enjoy wearing current style of cloths
Needs constant reminding of personal hygiene
Visual acuity 20/20 (adult value)
“Sense of industry vs inferiority”
Has greater self control, sincere, confident
Able to control anger
Develops more social interactions
Considers peer opinions, more important than parents
Still fears the darkness
Ashamed of failures
Relationship with siblings improved
Aware of appropriate sexual role
Latency stage:
Children form closer relationship with others of their
own age and sex
Children begins to perceive sex role in a near adult
Mythic literal faith:
Children develops many specific things about their
own religion
Pre operational stage
Intuitive phase:(6-7yrs)
Can describe objects in picture and knows their uses
Knows date, month and season
Can see differences more than similarities
Concrete operational phase: (7-11yrs)
Learns to understand and uses of symbols
Shows interest in casual relationships
Understands explanations
Able to ordering and classifying the objects and other
Formal operational phase: (11-12yrs)
Develops abstract and deductive reasoning
Uses problem solving methods
Interested in the “why” and “how”
Preoccupied with right and wrong
Begins to think about vocation
Collects facts for future use
Conventional morality
Stage 3: “interpersonal relations of mutuality”
Wants to gain approval of others
Stage 4: “ Maintainance of social orders”
Need law and order
Oral vocabulary of 7200 words
Reading vocabulary of 50,000 words
Uses more compact sentences
Able to give precise dictionary definitions
10. PLAY:
Likes group play
Prefer active play
Enjoy dramatic play
Continues collection-hobbies begin to develop
I. Demographic profile:
a) Name
b) Age
c) Date of birth
d) Sex
II. History of the child:
e) Family history
f) Neonatal history
g) Developmental history
Rapid physical growth
Eye hand coordination developed
Clumsiness occur due to rapid physical growth
Visual acuity 20/20
“Sense of identity vs diffusion”
Has intense loyalty to peer groups
Shows mood swings
Day dreams
Continues same sex friendships
Negative counterpart is self diffusion occurs
Genital stage:
Secondary sex character develops
Masturbation occurs
Synthetic conventional faith:
“mutual interpersonal perspective”
To know about various religious concepts and beliefs
Formal operational stage
Uses scientific methods for problem solving
Hypothetical deductive reasoning
Post conventional morality
Stage 8: “social contract”
Higher level of law and conscience orientation
Individual confirmation to maintain other’s respect
Uses distinct meaning for words
Uses slang within and outside peer group
10. PLAY:
Cooperative play:
Play with the purposes that making some material
There are leaders and followers: the leader assigns
tasks to other children
Visual acuity 20/20
“Sense of identity vs diffusion”
Egocentrism diminishes
Hetero sexual relationships
Verbally attacks parents beliefs and values
Genital stage:
Secondary sex character develops
Masturbation occurs
Synthetic conventional faith:
“mutual interpersonal perspective”
Formal operational stage
Uses scientific methods for problem solving
Hypothetical deductive reasoning
Post conventional morality
Stage 8: “social contract”
Higher level of law and conscience orientation
Uses distinct meaning for words
Uses slang within and outside peer group
10. PLAY:
Competitive play
Day dreaming
1. Medical:
Fall risk
Nutritional Status
Advanced care
Vision and hearing
2. Functional:
Gait and balance
Mobility and transfers
Basic activities of daily living, e.g. feeding, washing, toileting
Instrumental activities of daily living, e.g. shopping, cooking,
Advanced activities of daily living, e.g. hobbies
3. Psychological:
Ideas, concerns and expectations
4. Social or Environmental:
Formal care support
Home safety and appropriateness
Social network providing informal support
Accessibility to local resources and Financial assessment
Periodic Geriatric Assessment:
A. Medical History
1. Demographic details
2. Chief complaints
3. Present Illness
4. Past history
5. Social History
6. Family History
B. Medical Examination:
1. Visual Impairment/ complaints
2. Locomotive disorders, joints, muscles
3. Neurological complaints
4. Cardiovascular disease
5. Respiratory disorders
6. Weight Changes
7. Gastro-intestinal/ Abdominal disorder
8. Psychiatric problem
9. Hearing loss
10. Genitourinary disorder
Geriatric Assessment Tools:
Name :
Age :
I P No :
Address :
Education :
Occupation :
Date of Admission :
Reason for Admission :
Obstetrical score :
Gestational weeks :
Age of Menarche :
Number of days in cycle :
Regularity of cycle :
Other Problems :
Duration of marriage in years, Consanguineous marriage, Use of contraceptive devices, Age at
marriage husband and wife.
Diet :Veg/Non-Veg
Attitude towards pregnancy
Bowel and Bladder elimination pattern
Rest and sleep
Family income
Husbands Occupation
Relationship with family members
Weight – Pregnant and Pre-pregnant state
Vital Signs – TPR, BP
General Appearance
Body Built : Thin/Obese/Emaciated
Posture : Lordosis/Normal
Gait : Normal/Waddling/Limping
Mental status : Stable/Anxious/tired
Symmetry/range of motion/Homan’s sign/pitting edema
Candidiasis/itching/haemorrhoids/lesions/uterine prolapse/odour/swelling
Nervous system
Hb, platelet, blood group, TSH, GTT, HIV/HBsAg, Urine sugar test/urine albumin
USG – estimated fetal birth weight, AFI, BPP, gestational age per scan
Disease condition
Related Anatomy and Physiology
Etiology – Book Picture and Patient picture
Types - Book Picture and Patient picture
Clinical features - Book Picture and Patient picture
Investigations - - Book Picture and Patient picture
Medical management - Book Picture and Patient picture
Surgical management - Book Picture and Patient picture
Nursing management
Prognosis - Book Picture and Patient picture
Complications - Book Picture and Patient picture
Drug study
Health education
Progress notes
Name :
Age :
Education :
Occupation :
IP No :
Address :
Date of Admission :
Reason for Admission :
Obstetrical score :
Type of Labour :
Date and time of delivery :
Any complications during pregnancy
Client admitted to Labour room on _________ at ____ am/pm with complaints of
________. Regular contractions started at __________ am/pm. Inj Pitocin __ units started at
____am/pm. ARM done/not done at _________ am/pm. With good uterine contractions she
delivered a ________ ________ _________ baby of birth weight _________ kg at ________
am/pm with APGAR score ___. Placenta and membranes expelled completely. Episiotomy
closed in layers. Total duration of labour _____ hrs ____ mts.
H/O DM, HTN in mother
Regular/Irregular, days in a cycle, dysmenorrhoea etc
Duration of marriage
Age of marriage – Husband and wife
H/O consanguineous marriage, contraceptive use
Diet – Vegetarian/non – vegetarian, bowel and bladder elimination regular/irregular
Bad habits if any
Middle class family/rich, relationship with friends and family members. Attitude towards
Vital signs – TPR, BP
General appearance – body built, Height, Weight, BMI, Hygiene
Head to foot examination (particularly BUBBLE HE)
Head and scalp – Dandruff, size and shape
Eyes - pale, yellow discoloration
Ears - Hearing acuity
Face - Symmetrical/non symmetrical
Nose - DNS, polyps
Mouth - Dental carries, bleeding gums
Neck - Thyroid enlargement
Breast - Enlarged, soft/hard, tender/non tender, consistency, nipple
erect/inverted/cracked, colostrum expressed/not.
Chest - Heart sounds, murmurs, Heart rate
Abdomen - Uterus consistency contracted/relaxed, Fundal height, striae gravida
present/absent. Bowel sounds
Perineum - Lochia rubra/serosa/alba, Episiotomy - REEDA, pain, amount of
bleeding, laceration, cleanliness
Genitalia - Vulval edema present/absent, Urine passed/not passed
Extremities - Homan’s sign
Emotional status - stable/not
Respiratory system
Genitourinary system
Hb, platelet, blood group, TSH, GTT, HIV/HBsAg, Urine sugar test/urine albumin
USG – estimated fetal birth weight, AFI, BPP, gestational age per scan
Baby – normal/preterm/postmature
Date of birth
Type of delivery
Apgar 1st min:________ 5th min:________
Sex: -Male/female
Any complications
Birth weight
Head circumference
Chest circumference
Vital signs – TPR, BP
Disease condition
Related Anatomy and Physiology
Etiology – Book Picture and Patient picture
Types - Book Picture and Patient picture
Clinical features - Book Picture and Patient picture
Investigations - - Book Picture and Patient picture
Medical management - Book Picture and Patient picture
Surgical management - Book Picture and Patient picture
Nursing management
Prognosis - Book Picture and Patient picture
Complications - Book Picture and Patient picture
Drug study
Health education
Progress notes
It is the process, and the outcome of the process, by which women challenge gender-
based discrimination against women/men in all the institutions and structures of society.
Process aimed at changing the nature and direction of systematic forces which
marginalize women and other disadvantaged sections in a given context. (Sharma 1992).
1. Problems of education:
Many Women and girls in the developing countries are denied opportunities for
Lack of education limits prospects, decreases family income, reduces health, puts
women and girls at risk of trafficking and exploitation, and limits the economic
advancement of entire countries.
2. Problems related to unemployment:
Female unemployment rates are still high in most countries, especially in the
developing world.
Women are considered weaker sex by most employers, therefore, will always
overlook them for men. The high unemployment rate among women is mainly
because of the perception of women, culture, and tradition.
In most countries, Men's average wages are higher than women, in both rural and
urban areas. Rural women work longer hours than men.
3. Problems of eve teasing:
Eve teasing problem is faced by women all over the world. It is a sort of
harassment involves nonverbal, verbal, physical, or visual attention, intimidation
that is unwelcome and unwanted.
4. Dowry system:
The marital custom of dowry is widely practiced. A dowry is a transfer of wealth
from the bride’s family to the groom’s family It is practiced among many cultures
through out South Asia.
In almost all cases, the practice directly or indirectly oppresses women, it leads to
abuse and violence.
5. Problems of gender equality:
Gender inequality is a situation when women and men are not equal. Measures of
gender equality include access to basic education, health and life expectancy,
equality of economic opportunity, and political empowerment.
Women lag behind men in many areas, such as education, labor market
opportunities and political representation and in salary.
6. Problems of female abortion:
Female foeticide or abortion is a big social problem mainly because of “traditional
thoughts” of our society.
Illegal abortion of the female foetus is done due to family pressure from in-laws,
husband or the woman’s parents, and the reasons for this are preference of son,
girls being considered as a burden.
7. Problems of sexual assault:
Around the world, sexual abuse/abduction/assault / violent crimes against woman
is something which is happening every day, affecting close to a billion women
and girls over their lifetimes.
Gender-based violence, including sexual violence, is being faced by women in
epidemic proportions. If it were a medical disease, sexual violence would have
had serious attention and the funding to address it from governments and large
8. Problem of acid attacks:
Acid attacks are fast becoming a weapon of choice for many offenders with
women often in mind. In some parts of the world, it’s happening weekly. Acid
Attacks that melt the faces off victims in an instant are on the rise globally. The
attacks are particularly common in South Asia, where male attackers use the
weapon to disfigure women as a form of punishment or control.
9. Problem of women trafficking:
Human trafficking is a multi-billion dollar enterprise, and it’s one of the fastest-
growing illicit industries in the world. It involves exploitation which comes in
many forms, including: forcing victims into prostitution, subjecting victims to
slavery, etc. 71% of trafficking victims around the world, victims of exploitation
are mostly women and girls. In some parts of the world, women trafficking
women is the norm. Trafficking involves labor exploitation, trafficking for tissue,
cells and organs, people smuggling, etc. An estimated 40.3 million victims are
trapped in modern-day slavery.
10. Child marriage
This is a flagship programme of the Department of Women Empowerment and
Children Development.
While providing anganwadi services and health and nutritional supplements to
infants, ICDS also provides pre and post natal care for pregnant and lactating
Anganwadi workers have to dispense iron and folic acid tablets and iodine-
fortified salts to pregnant and lactating mothers. The mothers also gets dietary
rations from the anganwadi workers
As a part of ICDS Programme, a special scheme for adolescent girls was initiated
from 2011 onwards, with assistance from Government of India as well as from
world bank. The scheme is intended for adolescent girls in 11-18 age group who
belongs to BPL. The scheme intents to provide training to these girls inorder to
bring overall development. The areas of training includes hygiene, balanced diet,
family welfare, inter personal skills, self- confidence and vocational skills
Other programmes:
Old age pension scheme: Rs. 400/- per month for above 60 years of age
Pension schemes for widows/homeless/aged/disabled: applicable only in
rural areas
Financial assistance to destitute widows: Rs. 1000/- per month for widows
in rural areas, provided by Grama Panchayat
Grant to female student who have passed intermediate from BPL family to
pursue higher studies: a onetime grant of Rs. 25,000/-
Early Child Care Education Centres (ECCE):
Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is more than preparation for primary school. It aims
at the holistic development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs in order
to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing. ECCE has the
possibility to nurture caring, capable and responsible future citizens.
In this way ECCE is one of the best investments a country can make to promote human resource
development, gender equality and social cohesion, and to reduce the costs for later remedial
programmes. For disadvantaged children, ECCE plays an important role in compensating for the
disadvantages in the family and combating educational inequalities.
UNESCO’s approach is reinforced in the Education 2030 agenda and in particular in target 4.2 of
Sustainable Development Goal 4 which aims to ‘By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have
access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are
ready for primary education.’
9. Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (The National Credit Fund for Women) was created by the
Government of India in 1993. Its purpose is to deliver women from lower income group
with access to loans to begin small businesses
10. Priyadarshini, initiated in April 2011, is a programme that offers women in seven
districts access to self-help groups.
11. Digital Laado: This program is a nationwide initiative in which every daughter will be
taught and trained to develop their talent and skills to work from home itself and get
connected with the global platform. Daughters can register themselves to avail these
benefits from anywhere in the world - online & offline.
The UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women (Article 1) defines as ‘Any
act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or
psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of violence, coercion or arbitrary
deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life.
Educational system should promote self-respect, mutual respect and cooperation between
women and men
Boys and girls should be brought up equally without discrimination from the childhood
assigning a stereotyped role
Parents should be role models by sharing work and responsibility equally
Property should be jointly owned by parents
Ensure joint decision making in upbringing of children
Educate family members not to give or take dowry
Son preference syndrome should be changed through awareness programmes
Ensure implementation of existing legislations to provide equal opportunities in
Equal opportunity for women in decision making bodies in all institutions must be
Women’s reservation policy
Ensure equal representation of women in all political parties and its decision making
Women and men can be mobilized to overcome violence in all its forms and that
effective public measures can be taken to address both causes and consequence of
Physical abuse
Includes assaults involving beating, burning, slapping, choking, kicking, pushing,
biting or using any weapon
It may also include physical neglect through denial of food or medication,
inappropriate personal or medical care, rough handling or confinement.
Physical abuse and neglect can also result in serious injuries or death
Emotional or psychological abuse
Include constant yelling (shout very loudly), screaming, name calling, insults,
threats, humiliation or criticism, excessive jealousy or suspiciousness, threatening
or harassing a women, isolating a women from her neigbours, friends or family,
or depriving a women of love and affection
For some women the effects of emotional abuse may be worse than the
consequences of physical violence. Women who are emotionally abused are at
high risk for experiencing physical violence.
Sexual abuse:
Include rape, unwanted sexual touching, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation,
or forcing a women to participate in any unwanted, unsafe sex, degrading or
offensive sexual activity.
Sexual abuse may also include denying or ridiculing a women’s sexuality or
controlling her reproductive choices
The practice of Female Genital Mutilation (Female circumcision) has serious
consequences for young adult women, especially during the child bearing years
Economic or financial abuse
Include preventing a women from working, controlling her occupational choices,
preventing her from achieving, or maintaining financial independence, denying or
controlling her access to financial resources or exploiting her financially
Spiritual abuse
Include preventing a women from participating in spiritual or religious practices,
ridiculing her beliefs or using spiritual beliefs to justify controlling her
A massive cultural sensitivity programme are to be aimed for bringing changes in heart
and psychology of people is needed to bring down number of cases with women abuse
Advocacy and awareness raising
Education for building a culture of non violence
Training and resource “at risk” families
Direct service provision for victim survivors and direct intervention to help victim
survivors to rebuild their lives
Monitoring interventions and measures by data collection and analysis
Orient the public on legal issues
The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 is an Act of the Parliament
of India enacted to protect women from domestic violence.
In 1983, domestic violence was recognised as a specific criminal offence by the
introduction of section 498-A into the Indian Penal Code. This section deals with cruelty
by a husband or his family towards a married woman.
The Prajnya Trust has been working since 2008 to prevent gender and sex-based violence
against women. This NGO for women conducts workshops, facilitates discussions,
provides legal advice and sensitizes service providers who might encounter cases of
sexual violence at work.
Guria India’s approach is to focus on rescue and legal intervention. Due to the stigma
surrounding sexual assault, it helps the victim with all the necessities to fight their case
starting from filing an FIR to helping them collect evidence.
Gauravi is the 24×7 one-stop crisis center of ActionAid. The center caters to domestic
and sexual violence victims of any age including minor boys.
Majlis Manch’s legal center provides socio-legal support to victims of sexual abuse.
Sayodhya runs short stay home for women/young girls in distress and provides an
emergency response through its 24 hours telephone helpline.
Shikshan Ane Samaj Kalyan Kendra is dedicated to helping women through activities
like health, education, women empowerment, etc.
International Foundation for Crime Prevention and Victim Care was set up in response to
the need for a support agency for victims and survivors of domestic violence. This NGO
for women provides several necessary services like crisis management, legal advocacy,
support and resource services.
Sakshi is a capacity building organization, (regd NGO, 1992) that began as a rights
initiative NGO. It was founded in 1992 with the purpose of giving voice to the silence
that masked women’s Equality and Sexual Rights in context of violence.
Anweshi Women's Counselling Centre is a non-governmental organization based in
Calicut district of Kerala, headed by former naxalite leader K. Ajitha. Anweshi has been
involved with a challenging task of exposing one of the several `sex rackets’ in Kerala
that trapped adolescent girls and young women in Kozhikode city.
Vimochana deals with many women issue from domestic violence to labor issues
The Lawyers Collective Women’s Rights Initiative (“LCWRI”)’s mission is the
empowerment of women through law. This is based on the belief that law is an
instrument of social change and can be used in different ways to further the constitutional
and human rights of women.
According to WHO: Child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and or
emotional ill treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other
exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or
dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.
Physical abuse: The application of unreasonable force by an adult or youth to any part of
a child’s body
Sexual abuse: involvement of a child, by an adult or youth, in an act of sexual
gratification, or exposure of a child to sexual contact, activity or behavior
Neglect: failure by a parent or caregiver to provide the physical or psychological
necessities of life to a child
Emotional harm: adult behavior that harms a child psychologically, emotionally or
Exposure to family violence: circumstances that allow a child to be aware of violence
occurring between a caregiver and his/her partner or between other family members
Physical neglect
Failure to provide adequate food, clothing or hygiene
Not paying attention to child’s safety
Refusal to provide necessary health care
Abandoning children without providing for their care
Educational neglect
Not enrolling a child in school
Permitting reasons whereby a child misses too many days of school
Not paying attention to a child’s special educational needs
Emotional neglect
Inadequate nurturing or display of affection
Permitting a child to drink alcohol
Failure to intervene and prevent child’s anti-social behavior
Refusal of or delay in providing necessary psychological care
Emotional effects
Low self-esteem
Depression and anxiety
Aggressive behavior/anger issues
Relationship difficulties
Flashbacks and nightmares
Behavioral effects
Problems in school and work
Teen pregnancy
Suicide attempts
Criminal or anti-social behavior
Alcohol and drug abuse
Eating disorders
WHO defines elder abuse as “a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action,
occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or
distress to an older person”
1. Physical abuse: Physical elder abuse is non-accidental use of force against an elderly
person that results in physical pain, injury, or impairment. Such abuse includes not only
physical assaults such as hitting or shoving but the inappropriate use of drugs, restraints,
or confinement.
2. Emotional abuse: In emotional or psychological senior abuse, people speak to or treat
elderly persons in ways that cause emotional pain or distress.
3. Sexual abuse: sexual elder abuse is contact with an elderly person without the elders
consent. Such contacts can involve physical sex acts, but activities such as showing
elderly person pornographic materials, forcing the person to watch sex acts, or forcing the
elder to undress are also considered sexual elder abuse.
4. Neglect: elder neglect, failure to fulfill a caretaking obligation, constitutes more than half
of all reported cases of elder abuse. It can be active or passive
6. Health care fraud and abuse: carried out by unethical doctors, nurses, hospital
personnel and other professional care providers like:
Create mass awareness about the problem and education regarding causes, prevention and
control of the problem
Helping the family to develop the family support system and coping abilities to deal with
the family situation and limited resources
Guidance and counseling of family members
Identification of older abuse cases, participating in their diagnosis and treatment as
Providing specific care according to the trauma, good physical care and love the abused
person and encouraging the family participation in the care
Participating in the individual and group psychotherapy session and activating the
implementation of the care.
Female feticide is a practice that involves the detection of the sex in the womb of the mother and
the division to abort if it is the sex of the child is detected as a girl through:
Chronic villus sampling
“Female infanticide is the intentional killing of baby girls due to the preference for male babies
and from the low value associated with the birth of females”
Lack of proper education
Future speculation: marriage, dowry
Mindest: age old traditional practices
Obsession for son
Gender discrimination
Female is considered as greater responsibility than a male mainly due to security issues
It is an exchange of money for sexual purpose that is offering sexual intercourse for pay
or in other words it is an act of sexual intercourse in exchange of money.
Bad company
Social customs
Inability to arrange marriage
Lack of sex education
Prior incest and rape
Early marriage and desertion (difficult situation)
Lack of recreational facilities, ignorance and acceptance of prostitution
Economic causes include poverty and economic distress
Psychological causes include desire for physical pleasure, greed and dejection (unhappy)
1. The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, or ITPA, also called the Prevention of
Immoral Trafficking Act (PITA) is a 1986 amendment of legislation passed in 1956 as
a result of the signing by India of the United Nations' declaration in 1950 in New York on
the suppression of trafficking.[41] The act, then called the All India Suppression of
Immoral Traffic Act (SITA), was amended to the current law. The laws were intended as
a means of limiting and eventually abolishing prostitution in India by gradually
criminalizing various aspects of sex work.
Cervical cancer
Traumatic brain injury
Psychological disorder
Alcoholism is a chronic disease defining serious problems with alcohol. This term is generally
used to mean compulsive and uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages, usually to the
detriment of the drinker's health, personal relationships, and social standing. Cravings for alcohol
and an inability to stop drinking, irrespective of all rules of common sense, are quite a feature of
alcoholism. Alcohol abuse generally refers to people, who have a problem with alcohol, but they
have not yet completely lost their control over its consumption.
Using alcohol in situations where it’s physically dangerous, such as drinking and driving,
or mixing alcohol with medicines against doctor’s orders.
Being insular and withholding the fact of drinking alone.
Not being able to limit how much alcohol is consumed.
Blacking out - not being able to remember some periods of time.
Giving up hobbies and activities the person used to enjoy; losing interest in them.
Feeling a desire to drink.
Feeling irritable when an alcoholic can't get a drink at his regular time and making up for
it later.
Having tough problems with relatives, work, money and law and as a result feeling
insecure of future.
Requiring a larger quantity of alcohol to feel its effect.
Having withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking, such as nausea, sweating,
shakiness, and anxiety.
The age of first alcoholic drink
Smoking, especially non-daily smokers
Easy access
Peer drinking
Low self-esteem
Depression and nervous disorder
Media and advertising
Memory loss
Liver diseases
Gastrointestinal complications
Heart problems
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Thinning bones
Nervous system problems
Mental illness
Treating underlying problems
Residential programs
Drug that provokes a severe reaction to alcohol
Unintentional injuries, including traffic injuries, falls, drowning, burns, and unintentional
firearm injuries.
Violence, including intimate partner violence and child maltreatment.
Risky sexual behaviors, including unprotected sex, sex with multiple partners, and
increased risk of sexual assault. These behaviors can result in unintended pregnancy or
sexually transmitted diseases.
Miscarriage and stillbirth among pregnant women, and a combination of physical and
mental birth defects among children that last throughout life.
Alcohol poisoning, a medical emergency that results from high blood alcohol levels that
suppress the central nervous system and can cause loss of consciousness, low blood
pressure and body temperature, coma, respiratory depression, or death.
Alcohol use can make mild social problems worse by causing people to be more irritable
and likely to argue and by affecting judgment and control of behavior.
Misuse of alcohol can lead to a number of moderate and serious social problems
including: 1. Losing friends; 2. Losing jobs; 3. Child abuse and domestic violence; 4.
Separation of family members; and 5. Divorce. 6. These disorders can have adverse
effects on fertility. 7. Further, continued drinking may lead to early menopause.
Misuse of alcohol may make current money problems worse and cause new ones,
including: 1. Having less money for necessary expenses like food and clothing; 2.
Neglecting to pay bills; and • Creating additional expenses, such as extra medical costs,
fines, or car repairs.
According to W.H.O, “Substance abuse can be defined as using a drug in a way that it is
inconsistent with medical or social norms and despite negative consequences.”
Use of any chemical, drug or alcohol that is causing the individual, family, social, occupational,
financial, medial or legal problems.
1. LEGAL DRUGS: Tobacco and alcohol are legalized drugs that can be obtained by
anyone over the age of 21. These are the two commonly abused drugs. Tobacco can be
acquired in cigarettes, cigars, snuff, chew, and pipe tobacco. Its principle addictive
substance is nicotine. Due to the heavy rate of addiction, many experts contend that most
tobacco use is abusive. Alcohol is a drug that acts as a depressant on the body and affects
speech, decision making, and motor control. Alcohol abuse is typically a form of
2. ILLEGAL DRUGS: There are a variety of ways to classify the wide range of illegal
drugs mainly they are divided into three general classes:
Stimulants: Stimulants act on the nervous system and generally create feelings of
pleasure along with increased alertness and energy. Drugs like cocaine and
methamphetamines are stimulants.
Depressants: Depressants act on the nervous system with a sedative effect and
can create euphoria. Marijuana, heroin, Gamma Hydroxyl Butyrate commonly
referred to as club drugs are depressants.
Hallucinogens: Hallucinogens acts to alter perception and mood and can cause
hallucination. Peyote and LSD are hallucinogens.
Family factors: Family situations that can increase a person’s risk for becoming a
substance abuser are
Lack of parental supervision
Absence of affection
Chaotic home environment
Social factors:
Peer group pressure
Easy availability of alcohol and drugs
Familial conflicts
Religious reasons
Poor social support
Poor impulse control
Low self esteem
Poor stress management skills
Childhood trauma
Psychological distress
Reaction to neglect
Family history of Substance abuse
Personality disorders
Co-morbid medical disorders
Re-enforcing effects of drugs
Withdrawal effects and craving
Biochemical factors.
Physical: The drugs used for medical condition like Valium can develop an addiction.
Also, if a person suffers from an untreated condition that causes pain, it may turn to
illegal drugs such as cocaine or heroin to alleviate it.
Emotional: drugs used to relieve various emotional problems such as anxiety,
nervousness or depression
Others: previous habit of use of drugs, physically and psychologically dependent people,
easily availability of drugs etc
Medical effects:
Tobacco: Use is related to lung cancer, oral cancer, heart disease, COPD, dental
problems, chronic bronchitis, impotence in males and fetal defects in unborn
children (in pregnant women)
Chronic alcohol: Use may lead to hepatitis, cirrhosis of liver, gastritis,
pancreatitis, depression, impotence in males, cardiomyopathy, high blood
pressure, neuropathy, obesity, cancer and accidents. Those drugs that are inhaled
cause respiratory tract infections and may predispose to tuberculosis. Injected
drugs causes infection of the veins, infection in the blood, abscesses in various
internal organs and muscles, and spreads blood borne infections if needles are
shared between users. Opioids and sedatives may be dangerous if overdosed.
Inhalants may produce burns in mouth, nostrils, abnormal heart rhythms and
sudden death.
Non-medical effects:
Marital complications: Disapproval of drug use by the spouse, deteriorating
interpersonal relationships, impotence in males, frequent fights, separation and
Familial complications: Disapproval of drug use by family members, frequent
fights, embarrassing events due to intoxication
Social complications: Misbehavior with others, loss of prestige in society and
social standing, alienation, exclusion of drug user and family from social
occasions by other members of the society
Occupational complications: Irregular work habits, absenteeism, poor work
output, accidents due to intoxication, misbehavior and insubordination, frequent
complaints, salary deduction, loss of pay, unemployment, difficulty on re-
acquiring job, frequent change of jobs.
Financial complications: Cost of drugs and syringes, transport, additional
snacks, medical cost, diversion of household expenses for drug procurement,
stealing money from home, selling household items for drug, loans from family,
friends and other sources.
Legal complications: Driving and traffic accidents, brawls (fight) during
intoxicated state, arrest for procession or use of illicit drug, peddling (stealing) of
drugs sustaining drug use habit.
Primary prevention:
This scheme is run by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. This is a
central sector scheme funded from the Senior Citizens’ Welfare Fund. The fund
was notified in the year 2016. All unclaimed amounts from small savings
accounts, PPF and EPF are to be transferred to this fund
Under the RVY scheme, aids and assistive living devices are provided to senior
citizens belonging to BPL category who suffer from age-related disabilities such
as low vision, hearing impairment, loss of teeth and locomotor disabilities. The
aids and assistive devices, viz walking sticks, elbow crutches, walkers/crutches,
tripods/quad pods, hearing aids, wheelchairs, artificial dentures and spectacles are
provided to eligible beneficiaries.
The scheme is being implemented by Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation
of India (ALIMCO), which is a public sector undertaking under the Ministry of
Social Justice and Empowerment.
3. Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS):
The Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PNVVY) was launched in May 2017
to provide social security during old age. This is a simplified version of the VPBY
and will be implemented by the Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of India.
Under the scheme, on payment of an initial lump sum amount ranging from Rs
1,50,000 for a minimum pension of Rs 1000 per month to a maximum of Rs
7,50,000/- for a maximum pension of Rs 5,000 per month, subscribers will get an
assured pension based on a guaranteed rate of return of 8% per annum payable
The Centre will bear 75 percent of the total budget and the state government will
contribute 25 percent of the budget, for activities up to district level.
6. Vayoshreshtha Samman:
Conferred as a National award, and given to eminent senior citizens & institutions
under various categories for their contributions on International day of older
persons on 1st October.
The 2011 census indicates the number of widows in the country and not their social and
economic condition. There are a number of Schemes being implemented by various Ministries of
the Government of India through States Governments/UT Administrations which address the
common needs of widows also. While some schemes cover a broader segment of population of
which widows constitute a part, there are widow specific schemes also. The major schemes of
Government of India in this regard are as under:-
1. Home for Widows: A Home for Widows has been set up in Vrindavan, UP with a
capacity of 1000 inmates to provide widows a safe and secure place of stay, health
services, nutritious food, legal and counseling services.
2. SwadharGreh Scheme:-The Ministry of Women and Child Development implements
SwadharGreh Scheme which envisions a supportive institutional framework for women
victims of difficult circumstances so that they could lead their life with dignity and
3. The Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme: -The Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme of Ministry of
Women and Child Development aims to empower rural women through community
participation and to create an environment in which they realize their full potential.
4. Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme (IGNWPS):- The Ministry of Rural
Development is implementing Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme
(IGNWPS) under which Pension Scheme for Widows as well as Pension Scheme for the
Elderly below poverty line are operated.
5. National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS):- The Ministry of Rural Development
implements National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS) under which monetary grant of Rs.
20,000 is given as lump sum assistance to the bereaved household in the event of death of
the bread-winner.
6. Annapurna Scheme :- Under Annapurna Scheme of the Ministry of Rural Development,
ten kg of food grain is given to those eligible aged persons who have remained uncovered
under the Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS).
7. DeendayalAntyodayaYojana :- The DeendayalAntyodayaYojana National Rural
Livelihood Mission of the Ministry of Rural Development aims at creating efficient and
effective institutional platforms of the rural poor.
8. Prime Minister AwaasYojana (PMAY-G) :- The Prime Minister AwaasYojana
(PMAY-G) of Ministry of Rural Development and the Prime Minister AwaasYojana
(PMAY-U) of the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs aims at providing affordable
housing for women.
9. NariArthikSashaktikaranYojan - The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
implements NariArthikSashaktikaranYojana to support Scheduled Castes, Single
Women/Widows to take up income generating activities.
10. Intergrated Programme for Older Persons:- The Ministry of Social Justice and
Empowerment implements Intergrated Programme for Older Persons to improve the
quality of life of senior citizens.
11. Assistance for vocational training of widows of ex-servicemen:- The Ministry of
Defence provides financial assistance for vocational training of widows of ex-
servicemen, treatment of serious diseases of non-pensioner ex-servicemen/widows and
daughter’s marriage/widows’ remarriage.
1. DISHA (Early Intervention and School Readiness Scheme): This is an early intervention
and school readiness scheme for children upto 10 years with the disabilities covered
under the National Trust Act.
2. VIKAAS (Day Care): A day care scheme for persons with autism, cerebral palsy, mental
retardation and multiple disabilities, above 10 years for enhancing interpersonal and
vocational skills.
3. DISHA cum VIKAAS (Day Care Scheme): For the Registered Organisations, who were
implementing multiple schemes, an option for implementing merged scheme was given.
Based on the consent given by the ROs and the scheme guidelines, these ROs were
allotted the merged Disha-cum-Vikaas Scheme (Day Care) w.e.f. 1.4.2018.
4. SAMARTH (Respite Care): A scheme to provide respite home for orphans, families in
crisis, Persons with Disabilities (PwD) from BPL, LIG families with at least one of the
four disabilities covered under the National Trust Act.
5. GHARAUNDA (Group Home for Adults): This scheme provides housing and care
services throughout the life of the person with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental
Retardation and Multiple Disabilities.
6. SAMARTH cum GHARAUNDA (Residential Scheme): For the Registered
Organisations, who were implementing multiple schemes, an option for implementing
merged scheme was given. Based on the consent given by the ROs and the scheme
guidelines, these ROs were allotted the merged Samarth-cum-Gharaunda Scheme
(Residential) w.e.f. 1.4.2018.
7. NIRAMAYA (Health Insurance Scheme): This scheme is to provide affordable Health
Insurance to persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple
8. SAHYOGI (Caregiver training scheme): A scheme to set up Caregiver Cells (CGCs) for
training and creating skilled workforce of caregivers to care for Person with Disabilities
(PwD) and their families.
9. GYAN PRABHA (Educational support): A scheme to encourage people with Autism,
Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities for pursuing educational/
vocational courses.
10. PRERNA (Marketing Assistance): A marketing scheme to create viable & wide spread
channels for sale of products and services produced by persons with autism, cerebral
palsy, mental retardation and multiple disabilities.
11. SAMBHAV (Aids and Assistive Devices): This is a scheme to setup additional resource
centres in each city, to collate and collect the Aids, software and other form of assistive
12. BADHTE KADAM (Awareness, Community Interaction and Innovative Project): This
scheme supports Registered Organisations (RO) of The National Trust to carry out
activities for increasing the awareness of The National Trust disabilities.
3. Scheme for Implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016
The Ministry has been Implementing the Scheme for Implementing of Persons with Disabilities
Act, 1995 (SIPDA) for providing financial assistance for undertaking various activities outlined
in the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation)
Act, 1995, particularly relating to rehabilitation and provision of barrier-free access. Grant-in-aid
is provided under this Scheme to State Governments and various bodies set up by the Central and
State Government, including autonomous bodies and Universities.
6. The National Fund for Persons with Disabilities was introduced by the Department of
Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities. Under the scheme, the Central Government
aims to provide financial assistance for the PwDs. The main target of the scheme is to
create equal opportunities, equity, social justice and empowerment of persons with
7. Exhibitions/workshops to showcase the products including paintings, handicraft etc
made by the PwDs.: The purpose of the scheme is to grant financial assistance for
organising exhibition or workshops at National, Regional or State level to exhibit the
products including paintings, handicrafts etc. made by persons with disabilities.
A retirement home is sometimes called an old age home. It can also be said as a multi residence
housing facility intended for senior citizens
Free Old Age Home: It cares for the destitute old people who have no one else to care for
them. They are given shelter, food, clothing, and medical care
Paid Old Age Home: It is a type of old age home where care is provided for a fee. Either
the senior citizen himself should pay or any one from his family should pay for the care
provided. Nowadays such “Retirement” homes have become very popular in India and
they are well worth considering.
Migration of young couples from the rural areas to cities in search of better employment
opportunities to fend for themselves.
Elders who have been in control of the household for a long time are unwilling to give
the responsibility to their children.
Youngsters on their part are sometimes resentful of the attitude of their parents
Many youngsters have moved to places far away from their native homes and in the
recent past to many countries abroad. So even if they want to they cannot accommodate
their parents in their own homes.
Elders are sometimes too incapacitated or unwell to look after themselves or get medical
care especially in an emergency. All these have made the old age homes seem more
relevant in the Indian context than ever before.
Assisted living for food, clothing, drugs and other physical needs
Nursing care
Continuing care
Independent living
Orphanage is the name to describe a residential institution devoted to the care of orphan children
whose parents are deceased or otherwise unable to care them.
Parents and sometimes grandparents are legally responsible for supporting children but in
the absence of these or relatives willing to care for the children, they become a ward of
the state and orphanages are a way of providing for their care and housing.
Children are educated within or outside of the orphanage.
Skill training
Medical care
Creative art
Child is surrendered by the parent at one of the following places: police station,
government hospitals, nursing home, children’s home
Parent signs a form to state that the child is legally surrendered
Police station, government hospitals, nursing home, children’s home registers the child
with the Child Welfare Committee
Chile Welfare Committee allots the child to one of the following:
Less than 6 years: child is eligible for adoption-allots to a government home or
government approved adoption agency
Child between 6-18 years: allots to a government home or government approved
children’s home
Child is abandoned and reported when found to any of the following places: police
station, government hospitals, nursing home, children’s home
Files an FIR
The child is kept at a government run institution for 3 months (incase of claims by
The organization where the child is kept registers the child with Child Welfare
If there is no claim, then Chile Welfare Committee allots the child to one of the
Less than 6 years: child is eligible for adoption-allots to a government home or
government approved adoption agency
Child between 6-18 years: allots to a government home or government approved
children’s home
This home is set up to offer protection and rehabilitation to the differently abled men and
women. The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment implements a number of schemes for
the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities including physically challenged and mentally
retarded persons.
2. Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS) – Under the Scheme funds for the
welfare of persons with disabilities are provided to non-Governmental organizations for
projects like Special Schools, Vocational Training Centres, Half Way Homes,
Community Based Rehabilitation Centres, Early Intervention Centres for disabled and
Rehabilitation for Leprosy Cured Persons etc.
This is a scheme for people with autism, cerebral palsy, and multiple disabilities above the age of
10 years. The aim is to improve interpersonal and vocational skills. A day care scheme that aims
to improve interpersonal and vocational skills.
Each batch will have 30 disabled people.
Day care open for at least 21 days in a month.
Care-giving support offered to disabled person at the centers
Provide family members of disabled people with a secure space where they
can leave them to meet other responsibilities.
Day care offered for at least six hours in a day accompanied by age-specific
Scheme available across India, except Jammu & Kashmir.