Smoking Leaflet
Smoking Leaflet
Smoking Leaflet
Moving onto nicotine patches or gums where your body is A guide to promoting the health of
less likely to go through withdrawals as well as stopping the
other harmful substances in cigarettes from entering the you and your family……
Make a list of reasons to quit smoking and tell your family
and friends you are stopping smoking. These actions will
encourage you to stick to your plan as you’ve made an
obligation to other people.
Kusel, J. Timm, B. Lockhart, I. (2013) ‘Select an Action the impact of VanderBroek, L. Acker, J. Palmer, A. De Wit, H. MacKillop, J. (2016)
smoking in the home on the health outcomes of non-smoker ‘Interrelationships among parental family history of substance
occupants in the UK’, Tobacco Induced Diseases, 11(3) pp. 1-17 misuse, delay discounting, and personal substance use’,
American Lung Association (2022) Tobacco Use Among Children Psychopharmacology, 233(1), pp. 39-48.
and Teens. Available at: (Accessed: 4 Unknown Author (2018) No Smoking Cigarette Smoke. Available at:
May 2023). (Accessed: 04 May 2023)
NHS Choices (Unknown Date) Better Health: Quit Smoking. Unknown Author (Unknown date) Pregnant lady. Available at
Available at: (Accessed: 11 May
your-local-stop-smoking-service/ (Accessed: 09 May 2023) 2023)
Public Health England (2019) How smoking harms the body. Zelenina, N. (Unknown date) Photo of Family. Available at:
Available at: (accessed: 11 May (Accessed: 11 May
2023) 2023)