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Anderson Bridge

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Anderson bridge:

\.,,. I

Fig. 3.33: Anderson inductance bridge

It is a modified versio,n of the, Maxwell's _inductance

. · capaci•t ance bridge.
In. this method, the self-indu.ctance is measured in terms of a sta\ver
capacitor. It is applicable for precise measurement of self-inductance nee
a very wide. range of values.• Figure 3.33 shows the Anderson in · ducta

Let Lx be the self inductance to be measured

Rx be the resistance of self~inductor

r 1 be the resistance connected 'in series with self-inductor.

r R R R 4 be the known non-inductive resistances, and C b
i 2'
fixed standard
e the

At balance

.. .. {1)

11 R3 = 1c x j co1 C

IC = 11 j co C R3
.... (2)
Writing the other balance equations

11 (r 1 +Rx+ j co Lx) = 12 R 2 + le R Y

and l0 ( r + j .! C ) = (1 2- 10 ) R4 .. .. (3)

Substituting the value of Ic in the above Equations,

11 (r1+ Rx+ j co Lx.- j co C R r)

= 12 R
2 .... (4)
and 11 (j co C R 3 r + j co C R R + R
3 4
) =1 R
3 2 4 .... (5)
From the above two Equations, (4 & 5)

R =---r
X R4 1

.... (6)

1. A ..®<e!
c~ itor) can be used instead of a variable capacitor#• m
the case of Maxwell's bridge
2 . . ),vc.
- This bridge may be used for j§i,_ra te d~ tennimitim!J of ~ itance
1nterms of i · .
- It is much easier to obtain balance in case of Anderson's bridge than
in Maxwell's bridge for low Q coils.

The transformer ratio bridges are popular one. These bridges are
mainly used for wide range of applications. The .transformer ratio bridr.:s
are replacing the conventional a.c. bridges.

This bridge ·c onsists of voltage transformer whose performance

approaches that of an ideal transformer. But, the ideal transformer has no
resistance, no core loss and no leakage flux.

The ratio transformer consists of number tappings in order to obtain

voltage division. Voltage across the windings of the transformer is
V = 4.44 f <I> m N volt


N = number of turns

f = frequency in Hz

"' = maximum value of flux in Wb.

'rm .
For a given value of <l>m and f, V = K1 N

. 3 50 shows an auto transformer with tappings. V is the input

voltage to e· w 1.ndi·ng . Here ' we assume
. that the auto transformer .is ideal
on e , the d 1vis1on
. • • of input voltage V into output voltages V · and V .
1 2


.I I
/ N 1 turns V·1
\ \ V N Sliding contact
turns J
N2 turns t

Fig. 3.50
V -y __
1- N

V2==V- N

Different values of V 1 and V 2 may be had by changing the of sliding

contact on the 1Jappings.

construction of ideal transformer is impossible. But the ideals of

zero winding resistance, zero core loss and perfect coupling can be closely
achieved by using special design similar to those for instrument
transformers are used.

material used for Construction of core should be such that it gives

the very less core losses at the desired operating frequency. The
magnetizing ctirrent is minimised by using a Toroidal core. ~ )
. The main advantage of toroidal core is minimum leakage reactance. It
gives almost perfect magnetic coupling. The leakage reactance can be
in by using a special type of construction for the windings as shown
fig. 3.51.
Multi conductor

o1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . 8 9 10
Start Finish

Fig. 3.51
This type of winding takes the form of multi-conductor rope. By using
multi-conductor rope, we can get a decade of voltage division, and ten wires
with successive seeks of turns connected in series and a tapping is taken
from each joint.
The resistance ui ~i...~ windings can be minimized by copper wire of
heavy cross-section. Figure 3.52 shows a 4-decode ratio transformer. This
type of arrangement gives a ratio error of loss than 1 part in 104 .

..- N C")
Q) ,q-
"0 C1)
0 "C "C
uQ) 0
u 0 "C
0 C1) u
0 C cu
10 C
9 10 10 10
8 9
7 8 9 9
6 7 8 8
6 7 7
5 6 6

V1 4 4 5
3 3 4
2 2 3
1 1 2 2
0 0 1 1 Vo
0 0
/ . It
. dcant be use4
. for measurement of resistance
. ca ·t
1n uc ance 1n comparison with 8 t ' paci ance and
• andard resist
capacitance and standard inductance respectively.
. ance, standard

It can be
· used for amplifier gain and ph ase· sh"ft
i .

is also used for measurement of tr: sformer ;atios.

/_ J~
It can be ·u sed only a .c. c.tt-1
/ . It gives very s~all ratio errors.
. Cf~·
/ This ratio transformer have high input impedance and l o w ~
impedance. Due to this loading effect is ~er.y small .

. The frequency range is from 50 Hz to 50 kHz.

3.5.1. Measurement of resistance:

Figure 3.53 shows circuit arrangement of measurement of ·resistance
lsing ratio transformer.
R Unknown

V Standard
Rs resistance

Fig. 3.53
. · R ·n comparison with a standard
Here, the unknown resiS t ance . i d. t d till the detector D shows
resistance R ; The position of the wiper is a JUS e K
Y1 l

unknown - resistance 11 == R == R •
null position. Current through the
V2 K1 N2
Current through the standard resistance 12 =Rs= Rs
Due to balance condition, the current through the · detector D is Zero
i.e., 11 = .12

R -
Nl /
R=N Rs

3.5.2. Measurement of capacitance:

Figure 3.54 shows the measurement of c·a pacitance by using ratio

(Unknown) R (Resistance
· t ( capacitor) C representing
Detec or
D t-------,
---0 -
- ' (Standard) Cs . Rs (Standard
(capacitor) resistance)

Fig. 3.54

Here, unknown capacitance C is measured in -. comparison with a

standard capacitance Cs. A resistance
R is ' connected
across · the unknown
capacitor C. This resistance _represents the loss of the capacitor. Under
balance position, the magnitude and phase of the currents passing ·through
the detector should be the same, a variable standard resistance is connected
in parallel with the sta:ridard capacitor.

At ·b alance position,

Dissipation factor D == tan 8

D= 1 _ 1
coCR-coC R
s s
3.5.3. Measurement of phase angle:

Figure 3.55 shows the measurement of_phase angle by using ratio


Detector object

Fig. 3.55

Here, Rand .9 are used. By _varying the capacitance we can get phase
shift. The value of Tesistance should be large in . order that there are no
loading effects on the ratio transformer. The detector D is indicated zero
by adjusting the capacitance value.
I . /
Phase angle <l> = tan- 1
(- co R C)

The magnitude ·of in-phase component is

N . /
<l> 1 = 2 co s2 <l> I\/'
Nl +N2

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