Rhetorical Synthesis Level 2 Practice
Rhetorical Synthesis Level 2 Practice
Rhetorical Synthesis Level 2 Practice
• It connected the cities of Philadelphia and D. Simphiwe Ndzubeʼs Assertion of Will was one
Lancaster in the state of Pennsylvania. of eight artworks exhibited in Oracles of the Pink
Universe at the Denver Museum of Art.
• It was sixty-two miles long.
The student wants to emphasize the distance 3. While researching a topic, a student has taken
covered by the Philadelphia and Lancaster the following notes:
Turnpike. Which choice most effectively uses
relevant information from the notes to accomplish • The Azores is a group of islands about 870
miles off the coast of Portugal.
this goal?
A. The sixty-two-mile-long Philadelphia and • Historians have long believed that in the
Lancaster Turnpike connected the Pennsylvania fifteenth century Portuguese mariners were
cities of Philadelphia and Lancaster. the first humans to populate the Azores.
B. The Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike was • A 2015 study coauthored by Sofia Gabriel
the first private turnpike in the United States. and Maria da Luz Mathias found that Vikings
from Scandinavia may have populated the
C. The Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike, which Azores as early as the ninth century.
connected two Pennsylvania cities, was built
between 1792 and 1794. • The researchers found a genetic connection
between house mice in the Azores and house
D. A historic Pennsylvania road, the Philadelphia mice in Scandinavia.
and Lancaster Turnpike was completed in 1794.
• House mice may have traveled from
Scandinavia to the Azores on Viking ships.
2. While researching a topic, a student has taken
the following notes: The student wants to specify who may have first
populated the Azores, according to the 2015 study.
• Oracles of the Pink Universe was a 2021 Which choice most effectively uses relevant
exhibition at the Denver Museum of Art in information from the notes to accomplish this goal?
A. Historians have long believed that the first
• It featured eight artworks by South African humans to populate the Azores, a group of islands
artist Simphiwe Ndzube. about 870 miles off the coast of Portugal, arrived in
• One of these works is a painting titled the fifteenth century.
Assertion of Will. B. Portuguese mariners may not have been the first
humans to populate the Azores.
• Assertion of Will depicts three standing
figures. C. In their 2015 study, the researchers found a
genetic connection between house mice in the
• The figures wear clothing made of fabric
Azores and those in Scandinavia.
pieces stitched to the paintingʼs canvas.
D. According to a 2015 study, the first humans to
The student wants to describe how fabric is used in populate the Azores may have been Vikings from
Assertion of Will. Which choice most effectively Scandinavia, not mariners from Portugal as
uses relevant information from the notes to previously believed.
accomplish this goal?
4. While researching a topic, a student has taken uses relevant information from the notes to
the following notes: accomplish this goal?
• In 1995, gray wolves were reintroduced into B. Cather, author of My Ántonia, described the
the park. experiences of immigrants in her novels.
C. Among Catherʼs best-known novels are O
• Since then, the number of gray wolves in the
Pioneers! (1913) and My Ántonia (1918).
park has stabilized at roughly 100.
D. Cather attended the University of Nebraska-
• This number is believed to be the parkʼs
Lincoln and set some of her novels in Nebraska.
carrying capacity.
• Carrying capacity describes the maximum
6. While researching a topic, a student has taken
number of a species that a specific
the following notes:
environmentʼs resources can sustain over
time. • The tundra is a type of environment
The student wants to specify the number of gray characterized by especially harsh winter
wolves in Yellowstone. Which choice most conditions.
effectively uses relevant information from the notes • Winter temperatures in the tundra average a
to accomplish this goal? frigid −30 degrees Fahrenheit.
A. Gray wolves were reintroduced into • Animals that have adapted to these conditions
Yellowstone, a national park in the northwest can survive tundra winters.
United States, in 1995.
• During the tundraʼs short growing season,
B. As of 1995, there were gray wolves living in average temperatures can reach a relatively
Yellowstone, a national park in the northwest mild 54 degrees Fahrenheit.
United States.
• Around 1,700 different kinds of plants are
C. The carrying capacity of an environment, such able to grow in the tundra.
as Yellowstone, describes the maximum number of
The student wants to emphasize how harsh the
species that the environment can sustain over time.
conditions can be in the tundra. Which choice most
D. Yellowstone is a national park that has roughly effectively uses relevant information from the notes
100 gray wolves living in it. to accomplish this goal?
A. Winters in the tundra are especially harsh, with
5. While researching a topic, a student has taken temperatures averaging a frigid −30 degrees
the following notes: Fahrenheit.
• Novelist Willa Cather grew up in Nebraska B. Animals that have adapted to harsh winter
and attended the University of Nebraska- conditions can survive tundra winters.
Lincoln. C. There are around 1,700 different kinds of plants
• Some of Catherʼs best-known novels are set that can live in the tundra, where average
in Nebraska. temperatures can reach a mild 54 degrees
• Two such novels are O Pioneers! (1913) and
My Ántonia (1918). D. Along with animals that have adapted to the
tundraʼs conditions, around 1,700 different kinds of
• Catherʼs novels describe the experiences of plants can live in the tundra.
immigrants who settled in the Great Plains.
The student wants to identify the setting of Catherʼs 7. While researching a topic, a student has taken
novel My Ántonia. Which choice most effectively the following notes:
• The Seikan Tunnel is a rail tunnel in Japan. A. Despite being heavy, NASAʼs rovers can land
successfully on the surface of Mars.
• It connects the island of Honshu to the island
of Hokkaido. B. Microprobes, which weigh as little as 50
milligrams, could explore areas of Mars that are
• It is roughly 33 miles long. inaccessible to NASAʼs heavy, wheeled rovers.
• The Channel Tunnel is a rail tunnel in C. NASA currently uses its rovers on Mars, but
Europe. microprobes have been proposed as an alternative.
• It connects Folkestone, England, to D. Though they are different sizes, both
Coquelles, France. microprobes and rovers can be used to explore the
• It is about 31 miles long. surface of Mars.
The student wants to compare the lengths of the
two rail tunnels. Which choice most effectively 9. While researching a topic, a student has taken
uses relevant information from the notes to the following notes:
accomplish this goal?
• The Sasanian Empire lasted about 400 years
A. Some of the worldʼs rail tunnels, including one (AD 224 to AD 651).
tunnel that extends from Folkestone, England, to • The Sasanians controlled an area spanning
Coquelles, France, are longer than 30 miles. 1.4 million square miles.
B. The Seikan Tunnel is roughly 33 miles long, • This area included present-day Iran and Iraq.
while the slightly shorter Channel Tunnel is about
31 miles long. • The empireʼs capital was the ancient city of
C. The Seikan Tunnel, which is roughly 33 miles
• Ctesiphon was located near present-day
long, connects the Japanese islands of Honshu and
Baghdad, Iraq.
D. Both the Seikan Tunnel, which is located in The student wants to specify the location of
Japan, and the Channel Tunnel, which is located in Ctesiphon. Which choice most effectively uses
Europe, are examples of rail tunnels. relevant information from the notes to accomplish
this goal?
A. The Sasanian Empire began in AD 224 and
8. While researching a topic, a student has taken
ended in AD 651.
the following notes:
B. The capital of the Sasanian Empire, which
• NASA uses rovers, large remote vehicles spanned 1.4 million square miles, was Ctesiphon.
with wheels, to explore the surface of Mars.
C. The Sasanians controlled an area of 1.4 million
• NASAʼs rovers canʼt explore regions square miles, including present-day Iran and Iraq.
inaccessible to wheeled vehicles.
D. Ctesiphon, the capital of the Sasanian Empire,
• Rovers are also heavy, making them difficult was located near present-day Baghdad, Iraq.
to land on the planetʼs surface.
• Microprobes, robotic probes that weigh as 10. While researching a topic, a student has taken
little as 50 milligrams, could be deployed the following notes:
virtually anywhere on the surface of Mars.
• Archaeologist Dr. Sada Mire founded the
• Microprobes have been proposed as an Horn Heritage Foundation to preserve the
alternative to rovers. cultural history of regions in the Horn of
The student wants to explain an advantage of
microprobes. Which choice most effectively uses • Horn Heritage has overseen a preservation
relevant information from the notes to accomplish project to create 3D digital scans of ancient
this goal? rock art in Somaliland.
• Paintings found at the Laas Geel caves are A. The term “flauna,” used by Los Angeles-based
included in the scans. painter Jon Ching, is a combination of the words
“flora” and “fauna.”
• The Laas Geel paintings feature human
figures and animals. B. Jon Ching uses the term “flauna,” a combination
of the words “flora” and “fauna,” to describe the
• Paintings found at the Dhagah Nabi Galay subjects of his surreal paintings: plant-animal
caves are included in the scans.
hybrids such as a parrot with leaves for feathers.
• The Dhagah Nabi Galay caves feature what C. Jon Ching, who created Nectar, refers to the
are thought to be the earliest examples of subjects of his paintings as “flauna.”
writing in East Africa.
D. The subjects of Nectar and Primaveral are types
The student wants to emphasize a similarity of “flauna,” a term that the paintingsʼ creator, Jon
between the Laas Geel paintings and the Dhagah Ching, uses when describing his surreal artworks.
Nabi Galay paintings. Which choice most
effectively uses relevant information from the notes 12. While researching a topic, a student has taken
to accomplish this goal? the following notes:
A. The earliest examples of writing in East Africa
are thought to be featured in the paintings at the • The calendar used by most of the world (the
Dhagah Nabi Galay caves in Somaliland. Gregorian calendar) has 365 days.
B. The paintings at the Dhagah Nabi Galay caves • Because 365 days canʼt be divided evenly by
feature examples of writing, while those at the Laas 7 (the number of days in a week), calendar
Geel caves feature humans and animals. dates fall on a different day of the week each
C. In Somaliland, the paintings in the Laas Geel
caves feature human figures and animals. • The Hanke-Henry permanent calendar,
developed as an alternative to the Gregorian
D. The Laas Geel paintings and the Dhagah Nabi calendar, has 364 days.
Galay paintings are both examples of ancient rock
art found in Somaliland. • Because 364 can be divided evenly by 7,
calendar dates fall on the same day of the
week each year, which supports more
11. While researching a topic, a student has taken
predictable scheduling.
the following notes:
The student wants to explain an advantage of the
• Jon Ching is a Los Angeles-based painter.
Hanke-Henry calendar. Which choice most
• He uses the term “flauna” to describe the effectively uses relevant information from the notes
plant-animal hybrids that he depicts in his to accomplish this goal?
surreal paintings.
A. The Gregorian calendar has 365 days, which is
• “Flauna” is a combination of the words one day longer than the Hanke-Henry permanent
“flora” and “fauna.” calendar.
• His painting Nectar depicts a parrot with B. Adopting the Hanke-Henry permanent calendar
leaves for feathers. would help solve a problem with the Gregorian
• His painting Primaveral depicts a snow
leopard whose fur sprouts flowers. C. Designed so calendar dates would occur on the
same day of the week each year, the Hanke-Henry
The student wants to provide an explanation and calendar supports more predictable scheduling than
example of “flauna.” Which choice most does the Gregorian calendar.
effectively uses relevant information from the notes
D. The Hanke-Henry permanent calendar was
to accomplish this goal?
developed as an alternative to the Gregorian
calendar, which is currently the most-used calendar
in the world.