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Design CSS

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System Design


Input design is the process of converting a user-oriented description of the

inputs to a computer based business system into a programmer-oriented
specification. Inaccurate input data is the most common cause of processing
errors. Effective input design minimizes errors made by data entry operators.
The input design is the link that ties information system into the world of its
users. Input design consists of developing specific procedures for data
preparations, steps necessary to put the transaction data in the form that is
usable for computer processing.
The data entry operator need to know the space allocated for each field, the field
sequence which must match with the source document and the format in which
the data is entered.
This project “Airline Reservation System” has got several inputs taken from the
user. They are:

 Details of Flights.
 Details Of passengers.
 Details of Ticket Booking and Cancellation

The system is provided with Java pages for the user to input above details. Only
the administrator and registered user are able to upload data. So their details are
the major inputs to the system.

Outputs form computer systems are required primarily to communicate the

processing to the end users. The output of the system designed in such a way
that it provides, opportunities, problem or warnings, trigger an action and
confirm an action. The user-friendly interfaces provide a clear output to the
The output of this software system is a Window Application. This system
consists of displaying Flight details, List of booked Ticket, list of cancelled

Module design:

Software design sits at the technical kernel of the software engineering

process and is applied regardless of the development paradigm and area of
application. Design is the first step in the development phase for any engineered
product or system. The designer’s goal is to produce a model or representation
of an entity that will later be built. Beginning, once system requirement have
been specified and analyzed, system design is the first of the three technical
activities -design, code and test that is required to build and verify software.

The importance can be stated with a single word “Quality”. Design is the
place where quality is fostered in software development. Design provides us
with representations of software that can assess for quality. Design is the only
way that we can accurately translate a customer’s view into a finished software
product or system. Software design serves as a foundation for all the software
engineering steps that follow. Without a strong design we risk building an
unstable system – one that will be difficult to test, one whose quality cannot be
assessed until the last stage.

During design, progressive refinement of data structure, program

structure, and procedural details are developed reviewed and documented.
System design can be viewed from either technical or project management
perspective. From the technical point of view, design is comprised of four
activities – architectural design, data structure design, interface design and
procedural design.

Modules of Project are as Follows:
There are 5 modules in this project.

 Administrator Module.
 Reservation Module.
 Search Module.
 Payment.
 Cancellation.

 Administrator Module.
Enables the administrator to perform all administrative functions and
manage inventory over LAN. The administrator can define or modify routes,
fares schedules and assign or deny access for authorized users.

 Reservation Module.
This module is used for booking the ticket.

 Search Module.
This module is used to search the Flights on the basis of source, destination
and routes.

 Payment.

It provides the airline system with the ability to set up various payment
options for reservations.

 Cancellation.

This module is used to cancel the existing booking.



1. dbdetails : This table store the details of Delivery Boy Details.

Field Type Size constraints
Delid Varchar 5 PRIMARY KEY

Delname Varchar 25 NOT NULL

City Varchar 20 NOT NULL

Address Varchar 50 NOT NULL

Mobileno Varchar 10 -

2. Employee

This table is used to store employee details.

Field name Data Type Size constraints

Emp_id Varchar 5 PRIMARY KEY

emp_name Varchar 25 NOT NULL

emp_addres Varchar 50 NOT NULL


Emp_phone Varchar 11 NOT NULL

3. Calculation

This table is used to Charge Details.

Field name Data type Size

destination Varchar 30

Charge_per_gram Number 3

4. courier_details

This table is used to store the Consignment Details.

Field name Data type Size constraints

courier_id Number(4) 10 PRIMARY KEY

s_name Varchar 30 NOT NULL

s_address Varchar 50 NOT NULL

S_city Varchar 25 NOT NULL

S_state Varchar 25 NOT NULL

s_phone Varchar 11 NOT NULL

r_name Varchar 30 NOT NULL

r_address Varchar 50 NOT NULL

r_city Varchar 25 NOT NULL

R_state Varchar 25 NOT NULL

r_phone Varchar 11 NOT NULL

Status Varchar 25 NOT NULL

Amount Number 5 NOT NULL

Description Varchar 255 NOT NULL

empid varchar 5 Foreign Key

1. Login

Field name Data type Size Constraints

username Varchar 25 Primary Key

password Varchar 25 NOT NULL

type Varchar 25 NOT NULL

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