Ewy P1 Individual
Ewy P1 Individual
Ewy P1 Individual
1. Supporting theory: -
Background theory on application principles, & time study of the:
● Outline process charting,
● Worker type flow process charting, and
● Process flow diagrams as a recording technique.
Due Date:
Ndaba Sinqobile
Student Number: 221627685
Full Time
Project Report
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the
In the
Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
At the
Lecturer: NGETICH WK
List of Tables: (Add / remove table headings and page numbers as required) Page
List of Figures: (Add / remove figure headings and page numbers as required) Page
We have carried out a work study of a carton and shoe assembly done by an operator ,we
want to determine the standard time of the operator carrying out a task also make surety
that the method used is effective. (method study techniques) we used element breakdown
to construct worker flow process chart, outline process chart (carton and shoe assembly)
and a flow diagram (carton and shoe assembly) so that we are able to document a process
for better understanding. We have been given a project where by we are assembling a
carton and a shoe. We have used equipment and techniques (mentioned above) to collect
data and record data.
1.1. Background to the study (Project manual specifications)
The study is about a assembly of a carton and shoe. The purpose of the study is to determine
the best method of performing each operation and to eliminate wastage so that production
increases with less fatigue.
We have gathered all the facts and recorded the information using this techniques :
● Element breakdown
● Flow diagram
We have used this techniques to document data ,so that the study is in a logical sequence.
Further description (more information) of these techniques will be discussed in this report.
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● Method improvement
● Making use of elemental breakdown,process chart and flow diagram for removal
unproductive operations from productive work.
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The operation process chart shows the chronological sequence of all operations,
inspections, time allowances, and materials used in a manufacturing or business process,
from the arrival of raw material to the packaging of the finished product.The chart depicts
the entrance of all components and subassemblies to the main assembly.
Several charts and diagram have been used to record information regarding the carton and
shoe assembly we gonna do review for each of them, these are:
There are 9 participants in our research, we worked together to collect data regarding our
Below there’s more explanation .
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2. RECORD- all relevant information about the work and additional data from aproapriare
3. EXAMINE-the recorded information.
4. DEVELOP-the most practical, economic and effective method.
5. EVALUATE-perfomance of the methods then select an improve method which will be
dertemined by cost-effective comparisms.
6. DEFINE-the new improved method to the management, supervisors and the workers.
7. INSTALL-the new method as a practice ,also provide training to person who gonna
apply it.
8. MAINTAIN-the new method results and introduce new control procedures which
maintain the new method
There are three factors that should be kept in mind when selecting a job
1. .Economic or cost-effective considerations.
2. Technical considerations.
3. Human considerations.
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● To achieve an economy in human efforts
● To reduce the unnecessary fatigue
● Improving use of the 4M’s.
● To improve the design and condition of the workspace
● To improve the workspace layout
● To finally improve the processes and procedures
● Smoothening workflow
There are five basic method study symbols which are used in process chart which are use
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Figure :
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● Different are classified and standard time is dertemined
● Also to classify the element into different categories for simplicity (motion).
● Which overall picture by recording in sequence only the main operations and
2. Flow process chart (man-type, material-type and equipment-type)
● This is the use of symbols and description to chart the sequence of work. The
process, then, show what is happening at different stages. The distances and time
may be given.
3. Flow diagram
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● which is the use of symbols for flow process charts, superimposed on drawings and
the "descriptions" are not necessary.
Equipment used
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(Kanawaty, 1992: 85)
Combined activities
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● Worker type: A flow process chart which records what the operator does.
● Material type: A flow process chart which records how material is handled or treated.
● Equipment type: A flow process chart which records how the equipment is used.
● layout of a facility.
● Identify how layout can be redesigned to reduce travel, motion, collisions, etc.
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Data collection and analysis is referred as a series of charts and diagrams designed to collect,
interpret, and present data. There are three basic research methods (quantitative, qualitative
and mixed) for data collection.
What the purpose for data collection and analysis
● test hypotheses.
● evaluate outcomes.
● charts
● diagrams
● surveys
● experiments
● observations
on behalf of group 8, we collected data ,firstly we did elemental breakdown using equipment
which I have already stated under recording technique literature review. We used chart and
diagrams to record information and then it easy for us to do analyse data.
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Below I have given original chart, diagrams and element breakdown for clarity.
Table 2: Activity: Carton Shoe Packing process (Extract from Ngetich, 2021: 3)
ELEMENT (Operations, Inspections, Transport, Delays, or Storage) (hrs/min./sec.
1. Transport 1: the worker moves left and right hands from home 0.008min
position to flap 1 and 2 located at the extreme of the grid sheet.
2. Operation 1: the worker fold flap 1 and 2 at the same time. 0.017min
6. Delay 1: the worker repositions the assembled carton ready to pack 0.033min
7. Transport 2: the worker moves the right hand from home position 0.017min
to the extreme right corner K17 to collect shoe 1 and moves back to pack in
8. Transport 3: the worker moves the right hand from home position 0.033min
to the extreme right corner K17 to collect shoe 2 and moves back to pack in
9. Operation 5: the worker fold flap 8 to complete the assembly of the 0.017min
flat carton.
10. Operation 6: the worker proceeds to close and seal the carton 0.017min
11. Inspection 1: the worker inspects the carton package if it is closed 0.004min
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12. Transport 4: the worker moves the package to K17. 0.021min
Deviation (must be less than or equal to 20% of the theoretical time) 11.11 %
Table 3: Original: carton shoe assembly Outline Process Chart (Extract from Kanawaty, 1992: 81)
Original Outline Process Chart for carton shoe
Chart Type (Worker/Material/Equipment): Worker Type
Chart Date: 13 Apr.
Sheet No.: X of 2 Summary Drawing/Illustration:
Subject Charted: Im Sa
Material process Sy Ori pr vin
mb gin ov gs
ol al ed
Operation 6
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Transport 4
Activity: Delay 1
Shoe packaging
Inspection 1
Storage 1
Dist. (cm/m) -
Location: workplace 0.2
Time (min)
Number of Worker(s): Cost (R):
1 worker
Labour (R): _ _
1- FLAP 1
2- FLAP 2
Approved By: Ngetich Date: - - - 3- FLAP 3
4-FLAP 4
5-FLAP 5
6-FLAP 6
7-FLAP 7
Rubber Carton
L = 31cm (L = 79.5 X W= 62.5)
2 Page 14 of 30 1
(0.017) (0,008)
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● shows what is happening at different stages.
Table 4: Original: carton shoe packing Worker Flow Process Chart (Extract from Kanawaty, 1992: 93)
Original Flow Process Chart for carton shoe packing Chart Type (Worker/Material/Equipment): Worker Type
Chart Date:13 Apr. 22 Sheet No.:1 of 2 Summary Drawing/Illustration:
Subject Charted: I Sa .
Skill of Worker m vin
p gs
Sy v
mb Origi e
ol nal d
Operation 6
Transport 4
Activity: Delay 1
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assembling a prefabricated Carton to package a pair Inspection 1 Figure 3 carton shoe packing
of shoes KEY
Storage 1
1-FLAP 1
Dist. (cm) 350 2-FLAP 2
Location: Ergonomic study Room: Assembly Table 3-FLAP 3
Time (s) 16
4-FLAP 4
Number of Worker(s): 1 Worker Cost (R): 5-FLAP 5
6-FLAP 6
Labour (R): 180
7-FLAP 7
Charted By: GROUP 8 Date: 13 Apr. 22 Material (R): _ 8-FLAP 8
Approved By:Ngetich Date: TOTALS R180
Dist. Time
No Elements(element breakdown) Qty. (m) (min) Comments:
The worker moves left and right hands from home position
1 1 1.84 0.008 Use both hands
to flap 1 and 2 located at the extreme of the grid sheet.
The worker fold flap 1 and 2 at the same time.
2 0.017
the worker fold flap 3 and 4
3 0.008
the worker fold flap 5
4 0.06 0.033
the worker fold flap 6 and 7
5 0.033
The worker repositions the assembled carton ready to
6 0.033
pack shoes.
The worker moves the right hand from home position to
7 the extreme right corner K17 to collect shoe 1 and moves 1 0.04 0.017 Use right hand
back to pack in carton.
The worker moves the right hand from home position to
8 the extreme right corner K17to collect shoe 2 and moves 1 0.04 0.033 Use right hand
back to pack in carton.
The worker fold flap 8 to complete the assembly of the flat
9 0.017
The worker proceeds to close and seal the carton package.
10 0.020
The worker inspects the carton package if it is closed
11 0.004
The worker moves the package to K17.
12 1 0.04 0.021 Use both hands
The package is store in K17.
13 0.025
● The flow diagram below shows the movements of the worker’s hands while assembling
carton and shoe.this is where we able to dertemine distance travelled by a worker to the
storage. we have used a scale for accurate representation.
Flow diagram motions sheet (Each block represents 0.6 cm * 0.6 cm)
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Scale size to real size 10.2 cm:86.36 cm (1 :8.5)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Y
B1 s
F7 F1
Figure 4: Original: shoe and carton assembly Flow Diagram (each block represents 2” x 2”) (Extract from
Ngetich, 2008, 2013: 5)
1. FLAP1 - F7
2. FLAP2 - F13
3. FLAP3 - D7
4. FLAP4 - D12
5. FLAP5 - B10
6. FLAP6 - B7
7. FLAP7 - B12
8. FLAP8 – J10
9. (storage) – k17
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(Introduce every heading and subheading first before discussing anything else following it).
Briefly mentioning what will be discussed in the conclusion and recommendation section
below. This is a summary introduction of what you will say in detail in your subheadings
(Conclude every heading and subheading first before leaving to start another heading or
4.1. Conclusions
(Introduce every heading and subheading first before discussing anything else
following it).
On the data I have collected so far I used recording techniques which I stated above
how I used them. For data that I have collected so far we were more focused on
method study. The problem is that we haven’t solved any problem.
Describe the summary of your project here. You may show the summary of findings
here with all the components you discussed in a summary form.
When discussing the data recorded under their relevant recording techniques, brings
everything together here, showing how your findings respond to all the subheadings,
and the brief you explained in your introduction. This is the place to mention if there
were any problems (e.g., your results were different from expectations, you could not
find important data, or you had to change your method or participants) and how they
were or could have been solved.
What were your findings? What does the system product or service finally look like?
Did you achieve the design of the system method and the product spec you intended to
capture? This section needs you to discuss if you achieved your objectives stated in
section 1.11, study objectives. What cost, time etc., performance measure did you
identify? Are there any potential for improvements?
(Conclude every heading and subheading first before leaving to start another heading
or subheading).
4.2. Recommendations
I believe
(Introduce every heading and subheading first before discussing anything else
following it).
Based on your objectives in the conclusion. What are the recommendations you
propose for the system and product / service you were studying? Here you are
expected to show the final product process. It can be a table showing broad system
specifications that the system will operate under etc, a figure of your final design
product / service design etc. You will recommend further analysis for the examination
technique to be done.
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(Conclude every heading and subheading first before leaving to start another heading
or subheading).
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Applied Ergonomics, 1990. Work design and work measurement: Implications for
advanced production systems. 21(4), p.343.
HOFFMANN, L., 2007. Data Collection Online: Techniques and Traps When Searching for
(Treaty-Related) Data on the WWW. International Studies Perspectives, 8(2), p.iv-vi.
Kim, S., 2019. Time and Motion Study of Cutting Tool Production: Process Charts and
Layouts (I). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science &
Technology, 7(3), pp.27-31.
Kanawaty, G. ed., 1992. Introduction to work study. International Labour Organization
Winkelmann, A. and Weiß, B., 2011. Automatic identification of structural process
weaknesses in flow chart diagrams. Business Process Management Journal, 17(5),
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uploads/1/6/0/7/16078520/unit-1_ppce.pdf> [Accessed 13 April 2022].
Ngetich, W., 2021, Semester 1: Method Study: Lecture notes, Recording techniques,
Examination techniques EWY260S, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, delivered 01
June 2021.
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The video is attached on L1
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