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K Means Clustering

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k -means Clustering

TOP: Data Clustering 076/091

Instructor: Sayan Bandyapadhyay

Portland State University

1 The k -means Algorithm

2 Quality Analysis of k -means

Real Points

Suppose the set of points X are from Rd

A natural center of points is the average point or mean

1 X
µ= · x

Here the sum is coordinate-wise total:

(1, 3) + (2, 5) = (3, 8)
Real Points

Suppose the set of points X are from Rd

A natural center of points is the average point or mean

1 X
µ= · x

Here the sum is coordinate-wise total:

(1, 3) + (2, 5) = (3, 8)
This is the basis of the k -means algorithm
Proposed by Lloyd in 1957, published in 1982
Also by Max in 1960
Real Points

Suppose the set of points X are from Rd

A natural center of points is the average point or mean

1 X
µ= · x

Here the sum is coordinate-wise total:

(1, 3) + (2, 5) = (3, 8)
This is the basis of the k -means algorithm
Proposed by Lloyd in 1957, published in 1982
Also by Max in 1960
d 2
Euclidean distance of x and y , ||x − y || = i=1 (xi − yi )
The k -means Algorithm (Lloyd-Max)

Algorithm k -means
Require: Set of points X
1: Start with centers c1 , . . . , ck chosen arbitrarily from X
2: repeat
3: for each point xi ∈ X do
4: Assign xi to cluster Cj that minimizes ||xi − cj ||
5: end for
6: for each clusterPCj do
7: cj ← |C1j | · xi ∈Cj xi
8: end for
9: until cluster centers do not change
Time Complexity of k -means

Algorithm k -means
Require: Set of points X
1: Start with centers c1 , . . . , ck chosen arbitrarily from X
2: repeat
3: for each point xi ∈ X do
4: Assign xi to cluster Cj that minimizes ||xi − cj ||
5: end for
6: for each clusterPCj do
7: cj ← |C1j | · xi ∈Cj xi
8: end for
9: until cluster centers do not change
Time Complexity of k -means

Algorithm k -means
Require: Set of points X
1: Start with centers c1 , . . . , ck chosen arbitrarily from X
2: repeat
3: for each point xi ∈ X do
4: Assign xi to cluster Cj that minimizes ||xi − cj ||
5: end for
6: for each clusterPCj do
7: cj ← |C1j | · xi ∈Cj xi
8: end for
9: until cluster centers do not change

Again we need a “rate of cost decrease” type argument as

for k -median
What is a suitable cost function that the mean minimizes?
A Suitable Cost Function

For what function g(., .), mean(S) minimizes x∈S g(x, c)
over all c?
A Suitable Cost Function

For what function g(., .), mean(S) minimizes x∈S g(x, c)
over all c?
Such g is called Bregman divergence that encompasses
many functions
A Suitable Cost Function

For what function g(., .), mean(S) minimizes x∈S g(x, c)
over all c?
Such g is called Bregman divergence that encompasses
many functions
One such g is squared Euclidean distance

g(x, c) = ||x − c||2

A Suitable Cost Function

For what function g(., .), mean(S) minimizes x∈S g(x, c)
over all c?
Such g is called Bregman divergence that encompasses
many functions
One such g is squared Euclidean distance

g(x, c) = ||x − c||2

This leads to our k -means clustering problem for real

points with Euclidean distance
k -means clustering

Given a set X of n points in the metric space (U, d)

Find a set C of k points (cluster centers) in U that

cost(C) = d(p, NearestCenter (p))2
Euclidean k -means clustering

Given a set X of n points in Rd

Find a set C of k points (cluster centers) in Rd that

X 2
cost(C) = ||p − NearestCenter (p)||
Time Complexity of Lloyd’s Algorithm

M1 , M2 , . . . , Mℓ are the sets of means computed over ℓ

To show: cost(Mℓ ) < cost(Mℓ−1 ) < cost(Mℓ−2 ) < . . . < cost(M1 )
Time Complexity of Lloyd’s Algorithm

M1 , M2 , . . . , Mℓ are the sets of means computed over ℓ

To show: cost(Mℓ ) < cost(Mℓ−1 ) < cost(Mℓ−2 ) < . . . < cost(M1 )
In every iteration, means are picked as centers of the
A mean minimizes the sum-of-squares cost function
So, k -means cost also decreases for the new set of centers
Time Complexity

In every iteration, cost decreases

The algorithm never cycles – The same set of centers never
comes back
Number of iterations is bounded by the number of distinct
sets of means
Time Complexity

In every iteration, cost decreases

The algorithm never cycles – The same set of centers never
comes back
Number of iterations is bounded by the number of distinct
sets of means
2n subsets: 2n distinct means; (2n )k distinct sets of means
Time Complexity

In every iteration, cost decreases

The algorithm never cycles – The same set of centers never
comes back
Number of iterations is bounded by the number of distinct
sets of means
2n subsets: 2n distinct means; (2n )k distinct sets of means
Lloyd’s algorithm always terminates
In practice, it is very fast
One can also terminate the algorithm after a few iterations

1 The k -means Algorithm

2 Quality Analysis of k -means

Analysis of Quality

Initialization/Seeding is the key


Does random initialization help?


Does random initialization help? No! We still can get

nearby centers

Does random initialization help? No! We still can get

nearby centers
We need well-separated centers – can we use Greedy 2 -
Furthest point algorithm for k -center?

Does random initialization help? No! We still can get

nearby centers
We need well-separated centers – can we use Greedy 2 -
Furthest point algorithm for k -center?
Sensitive to outliers

Does random initialization help? No! We still can get

nearby centers
We need well-separated centers – can we use Greedy 2 -
Furthest point algorithm for k -center?
Sensitive to outliers
We need something in between

Does random initialization help? No! We still can get

nearby centers
We need well-separated centers – can we use Greedy 2 -
Furthest point algorithm for k -center?
Sensitive to outliers
We need something in between
we should pick far away points only if there are many
points in the vicinity

Does random initialization help? No! We still can get

nearby centers
We need well-separated centers – can we use Greedy 2 -
Furthest point algorithm for k -center?
Sensitive to outliers
We need something in between
we should pick far away points only if there are many
points in the vicinity
We should not pick an outlier as a center

Does random initialization help? No! We still can get

nearby centers
We need well-separated centers – can we use Greedy 2 -
Furthest point algorithm for k -center?
Sensitive to outliers
We need something in between
we should pick far away points only if there are many
points in the vicinity
We should not pick an outlier as a center
This leads to a new seeding algorithm!
Non-uniformly Random Seeding

Start with a uniformly random center

Non-uniformly Random Seeding

Start with a uniformly random center

Next center is chosen from a distribution biased towards
far away points
Non-uniformly Random Seeding

Start with a uniformly random center

Next center is chosen from a distribution biased towards
far away points
Cost of a point xi , cost(xi , C) = minc∈C ||xi − c||2
Non-uniformly Random Seeding

Start with a uniformly random center

Next center is chosen from a distribution biased towards
far away points
Cost of a point xi , cost(xi , C) = minc∈C ||xi − c||2
Define the probability pi = cost(xi , C)/cost(C)
The k -means++ Algorithm

Algorithm k -means++
Require: Set of points X , parameter k
1: Select c1 randomly from X
2: C ← {c1 }
3: while (|C| ≠ k ) do
4: for each i = 1 to n do
5: cost(xi , C) ← minc∈C ||xi − c||2
6: end for P
7: cost(C) ← ni=1 cost(xi , C)
8: Sample a random point y ∈ X , selecting each xi w.p.
pi = cost(xi , C)/cost(C)
9: C ← C ∪ {y }
10: end while
11: Invoke Lloyd’s algorithm with C as the seed
Analysis of k -means++

Time complexity: O(nk )+ Lloyd’s

Analysis of k -means++

Time complexity: O(nk )+ Lloyd’s

Approximation factor: O(log k )
Analysis of k -means++

Time complexity: O(nk )+ Lloyd’s

Approximation factor: O(log k )

Compare this with p-swap Local search

O(np+1 k p+1 log n) time, but 9 + (1/p)-approximation
Works in general metric space (even for non-numerical

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