Wong - 1984
Wong - 1984
Wong - 1984
I. INTRODUCTION graph of a thin section of a rock would show that the pore
space is multiply connected in a complicated and random
An interesting geometrical feature of rocks is that they way. In Fig. 1 we show micrographs for two sandstones
appear not to have a finite percolation threshold. When and one limestone as illustrations. It should be clear from
their pore space is saturated with salt water, they exhibit these pictures that a more appropriate model of the pore
finite electrical conductivity (o. even when the porosity
(P) is below 1%. An empirical equation that links the
space should involve some kind of random network.
Indeed, such an approach has been widely used in the last
conductivity and the porosity was first proposed by Ar- three decades to simulate the petrophysical properties of
chie and has become known as Archie's law rock formations and to study the behavior of other porous
media. A glance at the literature, however, indicates that
CTr a crw4 a basic understanding has not emerged from these studies.
where 0. is the conductivity of the water, and a and m We shall refer the readers to Refs. 5 and 6 for a survey of
are empirical parameters that vary with the lithology of these studies and not attempt to discuss them here.
the rock formation. Quite often, a is assumed to be unity In more recent years, Sen, Scala, and Cohen have pro-
and m =2. The power-law dependence in this equation posed a self-similar model to explain Archie's law, by con-
resembles the behavior in the usual percolation problem, sidering the geometry of the grain space to be a random
except that it suggests a conduction threshold at / =0. In assemblage of spheres of all radii. In essence, they applied
addition, the exponent m is not entirely universal; dif- Bruggeman's theory which integrated the classical
ferent values have been given by Keller for different kinds Clausius-Mossotti equation for noninteracting dielectric
of formation. spheres embedded in a homogeneous media from the P = 1
For fluid flow through a rock, another empirical law, dilute limit (hence, the model is also known as the "iterat-
known as the Kozeny equation, relates the permeability ed dilute limit" ), and this gives m = —, . This method is
(k, ) to the porosity: attractive in that it intrinsically preserves the pore-space
connectivity for any value of P. Furthermore, other
values of m can be obtained if spheroids with different as-
Sp pect ratios are used. Experimental support for the
iterated dilute result can be found in the work of De La
where So is the specific surface area (i.e., internal surface Rue and Tobias. ' They measured the conductivity of di-
area per unit bulk volume) of the rock and c ( =0.2) is an lute suspensions of glass spheres, polystyrene cylinders,
empirical constant. This equation again has both a
power-law dependence on the porosity and the suggestion m =1.5 in each case.
and sand grains in ZnBr2 solutions for P 0. 60 and found
that the pore space is connected at any finite porosity. Using the self-similar model to understand the behavior
Historically, these empirical relationships were justified of rocks presents two difficulties. First, one knows that
by modeling the pore space as a bundle of winding tubes rocks generally have porosities less than 40%, which is far
which do not intersect each other. With that assumption, from the dilute limit in which the assumptions of the
both equations above can be easily derived. Such a model have the most justification. When the porosity is
model is highly unrealistic, however, since any micro- low, the grains are in close contact and the interactions
with similar grain shapes the exponent m can vary signifi- reduces the local stress, strengthens the wall, and resists
cantly and, conversely, in rocks with very different grain further deformation. Deposition of irregularly shaped
shapes the values of m can be very similar. For example, particles in an irregularly shaped channel can never corn-
resistivity measurements on the three samples shown in pletely block that channel, regardless of how many such
Fig. 1 give m 1.94 for the Cotton Valley sandstone and particles are deposited. Furthermore, thin lubricating
m =1. =
65 for the Berea sandstone [assuming a 1 in Eq. films of fluid, if present, will inhibit grain contact. To
(I)], but these two rocks have similar grain shapes. For model such behavior in our network, we randomly choose
the Indiana limestone, which has visibly different grain a tube element and reduce its radius by a fixed factor x,
shapes from the two sandstones, we find m =1.95, essen-
tially the same as that for the Cotton Valley sandstone. r; ~xr;, (3)
These comparisons cannot be explained by a grain-shape where 0 &x & 1 and i is randomly chosen. Since the elec-
effect. trical conductance of a given tube is proportional to its
we focus our attention on the variation of
In this paper, cross-sectional area, it will decrease by a factor x . Simi-
the pore space with porosity and show how the "pore-size larly, the permeability of a cylinder (the ratio of fluid flux
distribution" can influence the conductiuity and permeabil to pressure difference) is proportional to r; and would be
ity In .Sec. II we introduce a tractable random network reduced by a factor x . This shrinking procedure can be
model which exploits the similarity to the bond- repeated indefinitely with the same x to reduce the net-
percolation problem. We consider a lattice of random- work conductance and permeability, and the total volume
sized cylinders, and systematically reduce the volume of of the tubes. The length of the tube is kept unchanged, so
pore space by randomly shrinking their radii. Although that if channel i is chosen n times, its conductance will be
the model is not completely realistic, we will show how it reduced from G; to x "G;, and its permeability from k; to
allows us to qualitatively understand the meaning of x "k;. %'e will neglect the nodes at which the tubes are
Archie's law and the Kozeny equation. Through this im- connected. Although this is unrealistic, we will argue in
proved understanding, we can suggest a modified form for Sec. IV that this and other artificial elements in the model,
the Kozeny equation which relates the permeability to the such as assigning uniform radii to the tubes, shrinking
conductivity. In Sec. III we describe the results of some them by a constant factor, etc , do .not affect the con
simple conductivity and permeability experiments per- clusions that we will deriue from the model It is on. ly im-
formed on artificial rocks (Ridgefield sandstones) made of portant to note at this point that the model has two at-
fused glass spheres, which provide good support for the tractive features: (i) it preserves the network connectivity
theoretical predictions. Some further discussion will be in the P — +0 limit for any x &0 and (ii) the amount of
given in Sec. IV, where we clarify what we mean by change in r; at any shrinking step is dependent on the
"pore-size distribution" and argue that the unrea/istic ele- value of r; at that time. Both of these features are crucial
ments in our model do not affect the main conclusions that in obtaining the behavior of Eqs. (1) and (2). If we con-
we draw from it sider the limiting case x =0, this model coincides with the
usual bond-percolation problem and there will be a finite
percolation threshold.
Our model is motivated by the similarity of Eqs. (1)
and (2) to the scaling laws that are characteristic of the A. Solution in one dimension
= lim In[1+ (x — —1)/N] fined to be unity. The r s are then randomly reduced by
lim the fixed factor x as in Eq. (3). When P is reduced by a
~ ln((G ) /(6 ) ) x in[1+(x 1)/N]
x —2 —
factor of 2, we calculate the network conductance
and permeability k„„.
The process is repeated until P is
x — X2
reduced by about three orders of magnitude. For any set
of values for the sample parameters d, L, and x, we re-
which implies peated the calculation for ten initial sets of r s and aver-
age the results to improve the statistics. Figure 2 shows a
for an infinite system. Since P ~ (6), we have Archie s 10
10 4
G„„ccrc where m = 1
&1 . (10)
When x ~0, we have m ~
oo and hence G„~ for any~0 —
10 5
/ &1, which is the correct behavior for 1D percolation. CD
10 10 10 1O'
fact explicitly. Porosity
The above calculation can be easily modified to give the
fluid-flow permeability of the network. Since the permea- 10
bility of a single tube element is k; cc r;, to calculate the 10 '
network permeability in ID, we simply replace x in Eq.
('7) by x . Repeating the steps in Eqs. (8) — (10), we ob- 1O 'y
tain —
10 10 ~
10 i''4
Q 102
0 10' =
connected via much smaller pores. Following the discus- k„„ccrc ~. If a has different values for high and low
sion in the preceding section, one expects the latter sam- porosities, one would not expect Eq. (16) to hold for all
ples to have higher m values, which is exactly what we porosities. Since the data in Fig. 5 actually cover both
found. Furthermore, since the pore-space distribution P &0.2 and P &0.2, it suggests that one may indeed have
changes continuously with P, it is perhaps more reason- a = 1 at all porosities and consider m as the single param-
able to think of m as also continuously varying with P, eter that characterizes the pore-size distribution, which
rather than being constant over a wide range of P. The varies continuously with P. In a large rock. formation, it
permeability results described below will further support is conceivable that the local porosity varies over a wide
this view. range and the distribution is similar throughout, in which
case Archie's law with a single value of m can apply.
B. Permeability
skewed distribution which gives different values for 6; pie power laws like Eq. (1 1) with various exponents m'& 3
and 6, . In higher dimensions as long as the conduc- and without the 1/S2o factor have been suggested by dif-
tance distribution is broad (like a log-normal distribution), ferent studies. The variation in m in these studies is con-
the heuristic arguments given in Sec. II should apply re- sistent with the point of view taken here, since we predict
gardless of how the distribution is obtained in detail. the permeability exponent m' to be nonuniversal just like
Conversely, we note that the agreement between the nu- the conductivity exponent m, and the latter is empirically
merical results and Eq. (14) demonstrates the validity of well known to be nonuniversal. The data presented here
those arguments in the $~0
limit. are not sufficient to distinguish whether Eq. (11) or Eq.
The advantage of the analytic arguments is that they al- (17) is more preferable. It will be interesting to perform a
low us to make a simple correlation between the permea- more extensive study that includes measurements of So to
bility and the conductivity exponents: m'=2m, and the test these relationships further.
data on fused glass beads provide good support for this Finally, it is important to make clear that the higher-
prediction. It is interesting to note that the simple dimension result m'=2m in our model is a consequence
power-law expression in Eq. (1 1) for the permeability can of assigning a uniform radii to the tubes. In any real sam-
be rewritten in the form of the Kozeny equation. The ple, the cross-sectional area of a conduction channel varies
surface-to-volume ratio So in our model is proportional to along its length. Provided that this variation is not too
the, average tube radius (r; ).
Following Eqs. (5) and (8), severe (i.e., it does not have a broad log-normal — like dis-
we have tribution), the uniform radii approximation should be
valid. Otherwise, one would expect the one-dimensional
x —1 behavior [Eqs. (10) and (11)] to play an important role. In
S, (x)
the latter case, since the 1D analysis gives m'=m(m
+1) ~ 2m, one expects
'M Zm &m'&m(m+ I) .
We note that in Fig. 5, the deviations of the low-porosity
q= lim
&1. data points, although can be explained otherwise, are con-
1+x —1 sistent with m'~ 2m.