Volume 5 Issue 2 2020
Volume 5 Issue 2 2020
Volume 5 Issue 2 2020
4. To provide service to industries and communities PEO3: Embed self-learning abilities, humanitarian and
through educational, technical, and professional Ethical values for successful professional career .
Dr. Kim Ho Yeap has personated a webinar on the Design of the Front-End Optics for Radio
Telescopes. During his presentation, he has highlighted the Physics of Radio Telescopes and
Radio Astronomy. During his presentation, he has explained development of a simple home-brew
radio telescope. Also, he has stressed on
his work Atacama Large Millimeter/sub millimeter (ALMA) Array Front End (FE) system is the
first element in a complex chain of signal receiving, conversion, processing and recording. 70
Front Ends will be required for the project.
The Front End is designed to receive signals in ten different frequency bands. In the initial phase
of operations, the antennas will be fully equipped with six bands. These are Band 3 (84-116
GHz), Band 4 (125-163 GHz), Band 6 (211-275 GHz), Band 7 (275- 373 GHz), Band 8 (385-500
GHz) and Band 9 (602-720 GHz). Dr. Mr. Muneeb A, student chair of the IEEE CAS chapter of
the E&CE department has delivered the vote of thanks.
“E-Soochana” ECE Departmental News Letter
Volume 5 Issue 2 [Jan 2021 – June 2021]