9 ATP Notes
9 ATP Notes
9 ATP Notes
• All the information provided with each question should be read thoroughly &you
should make your own rough notes along this information
1. Go as VISUAL as you can
2. Add numbers
3. Add information according to your knowledge about the topic.
This information may be necessary for answering the questions that follow. This includes
information provided with Figures, such as the magnification of a specimen etc.
• DON’T PANIC when you see a lot of information. More information is actually a
blessing in disguise.
• Understand glossary usage/Command words
• NEVER use the word DIRECTLY or INVERSLY PROPORTIONAL in Biology ATP, never
Diagram & Space Utilization
• Your drawings should be large. The more details you need to include, the larger your
drawing should be.
Use at least 60 to 70 percent of the space provided for your drawing but make sureyou leave
enough space on the left and right for labeling. The diagram should be atleast 1.5 to double the
size of the original diagram.
• Draw what you see, not a textbook diagram ornot what you know.&pay attention when
observing the detailin the diagram.
• The different parts of the specimen should be drawn in the correct proportions and with
proper orientation.
• Don’t make ruled lines.
• Make sure your diagram DOES NOT touch or extend into the printed word or the margins.
This WILL result in loss in marks
You may, in fact you usually WILL get a diagram that you will be seeing for the first time
therefore DON’T PANIC! Do expect things beyond the syllabus that you may be expected to
draw. Realize that you only have to redraw what you see and labeling such diagrams will
require common sense. For example in the drawing of the beetle, you are expected at least to
know what is abdomen, thorax and legs etc.
2. Labelling
• The question usually starts like: “Draw and LABEL”. Students generally tend to ignore the
labeling. Make sure you DO label the diagram that you draw. REMEMBER, the marks are
divided between the drawings and labeling, if you miss out on any one of these two, you are
planning to lose marks.
• All drawings and labeling should be done in pencil. Use a clutch pencil for clear outlines.
Faint outlines would make it difficult for the examiner to assess your drawing
• Usually the labeling is of the parts of the diagram and of the entire diagram (the ‘title label’ if
you like)
• Leave sufficient space either side of your drawing for labels. Start your drawing in the centre
of the page.
• Write a title at the bottom of each drawing if required.
• If a label consists of more than one word, write in one line
• Write labels horizontally
• Labeling lines should not cross each other
• Do not make long lines that cross the drawing from one to the other end.
• One structure should be labeled singular and more as plurale.g. a line pointing to one seed
should not be labeled as 'seeds'.
• The guide line for a label must make contact with the structure intended and there should
be no gap.
• No dot or arrow sign at the end of label line.
7. Making Tables
• Neatly ruled, complete and closed table/s are to be drawn.
• Column headings should have the complete and correct units and so it is not necessary to
enter unit again in each entry
• Label the unit that is given, for example if time is given in minutes then the units should be
written in minutes and NOT IN SECONDS and vice versa.
• DONOT repeat the units in columns
• Organize the data in rank order, from lowest to highest.
• Cambridge requires only the outer ruled boundary (internal lines and dividers are not a
8. Bar Graphs
• Bars should not be shaded
• They need to be clearly labelled
• Y-axis usually starts from 0
• All bars should be of equal thickness
• Leave equal spacing between bars (including a space between the first bar)
• If the bar chart is for two classes, make the bars of the 2 classes attached to each other but
leave even spacing between intervals
Bars should be attached to each other, have the same thickness and the x-axis should have
intervals e.g., 12-14, 14-16 and not categories
• all columns drawn ruled and of equal width
9. Experimental Design:
The first thing you need to do is that identify between which two things the relationship is
being investigated. For example Growth of seedlings (vs) Over crowding
“Independent variable: which is manipulated. Which “I” myself vary
Dependent variable: which is Directly measured
Candidates should demonstrate awareness of the need to identify and control key variables.
Variables are controlled in order to make sure that the experiment is VALID!! It is very
important to explain that the variables that are being controlled, how should they be
measured? For example: the same light intensity, the same volume of water, or suggestion of
an appropriate value, e.g. add 50 cm3 of water added to the sample.
Writing in very general terms will not be creditworthy, e.g. using amount instead of volume.
Food Tests
1. Reducing sugars: Benedicts test
2. Protein: Biuret test
3. Fats: ethanol
4. Starch: Iodine
• You need to know the Reagent, the color of the reagent itself, color change, and the
method [remember that heating is only required in Reducing sugar test and the safest way
to do it is by a water bath].
• In the exam you need to mention the COLOUR CHANGE! Not just the final color.
• You should be clear in the expression and method you use. For e.g how to test the presence
of starch in a potato. You don’t just write: “Add iodine and color turns blue black”. Instead a
good answer is: “You cut a piece of it with a knife, place it on a glass slide, add a drop of
iodine with a ‘dropper’, if starch is present, the surface will turn blue black, otherwise it will
remain brown [the color of Iodine]”.
Food/ Chemical Tests
2. Water
Use Cobalt chloride Paper: It will turn pink if water present otherwise will remain blue.
3. Oxygen
Use burning splint: If it rekindles fastly, shows the presence of O2