Scale Map Plans and Measurement 2023 Winter Classes Manual
Scale Map Plans and Measurement 2023 Winter Classes Manual
Scale Map Plans and Measurement 2023 Winter Classes Manual
Week 2 Topics
▪ Scale
▪ Maps
▪ Plans
▪ Measurement
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Finance ±90 ± 60 %
PAPER 1: Data Handling ±53 ± 35 %
Probability 7 5%
TOTAL ±4 ± 32%
Measurement ± 83 ± 55%
(MEASUREMENT, MAPS, PLANS & Maps, Plans and Scale ± 60 ± 40%
Probability 7 5%
TOTAL 150 ±100%
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Maps 05 - 34
TOPIC 5: Measurement
Surface Area 35 - 63
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Learners must be able to:
1. Work with two types of scales on maps, plans and in construction of
2. Calculate actual length and distance when map and/or plan measurements
are known.
3. Calculate map and/or plan measurement when actual lengths and distances
are known using a given scale.
4. Determine the most appropriate scale in which to draw; construct a map,
plan and /or models.
5. Determine the scale in which a map/or plan has been drawn.
Learners must be able to:
1. Describe the position of an object in relation to the surrounding objects.
2. Find locations, follow directions, and develop directions for travelling
between two or more locations.
3. Estimate distances using measurement given.
4. Estimate the time it will take to travel between two or more locations.
5. Estimate the amount and cost of fuel that will be used to travel between two
or more locations.
6. Estimate the average speed travelled during a trip.
7. Determine appropriate stopping locations.
8. Plan and cost trips using timetables, fare charts, distance charts and
9. Work with combination of maps showing different perspective and scale.
10. Interpret compass directions in the context of appropriate maps and plans.
11. Understand directions and signboards on roads and in map books.
12. Interpret elevation plans of building
Learners must be able to:
1. Different types of plans
2. Seating plan/layout of a classroom
3. Layout of buildings or sport fields at school
4. Layout of stores in shopping centres
5. Seating plans for cinemas and a sports stadium
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Scale, Maps and Plans
How does the three sections link.
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Section Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine Level 3: Applying multi- Level 4: Reasoning and
procedures in familiar step procedures in a reflecting
contexts variety of contexts
Scale • Explain the meaning of • Use a given scale to • Use a given scale in • Critique the scale in
a given scale, (e.g. determine actual conjunction with which an object has been
explain what the scale 1 measurements when measurement on a drawn and offer an opinion
:100 means in terms of given measured values, plan/map to determine as to a more appropriate
the measurements on a or measured values length/dimensions. scale.
plan and actual from given actual • Determine the scale of a • Decide on an appropriate
dimensions). values. map or plan. scale to which to draw a
• Use a given scale in picture or build a model,
conjunction with other and then complete the
content or skills to project.
complete a project (e.g.,
use a given scale to
determine the dimensions
in which to draw a 2-
dimensional plan of an
object, and then draw the
Maps • Identify the • Identify the position of • Use a map in conjunction • Critique a proposed travel
labels/names of national two locations on a map with a distance chart to route in relation to distance,
roads (e.g., N3) that and use given distance determine the shortest estimated travelling times,
must be travelled on to values on the map to route to travel between two etc. and suggest and justify
travel between two determine the travelling locations. possible alternative routes.
locations. distance between the • Identify a possible route • Use maps in conjunction
• Identify the names of two locations. between two locations on a with other travel resources
the towns on the route • Interpret a given set of map, measure the distance (e.g. exchange rate
between two locations. directions and describe between the locations, and information; distance chart;
use a given scale to bus timetable) and financial
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• Identify the scale of a what location the estimate the distance information (e.g. fare
map. directions lead to. between the two locations. tables; petrol price) to plan
• Provide a set of • Estimate travelling times and cost a trip).
directions to travel between two or more • Make decisions regarding
between two locations locations based on appropriate stopping points
in a town using street estimated travelling speed during a journey based on
names. and known or calculated considerations of fatigue,
distances. petrol consumption
travelling time, etc.
Plans • Identify the scale of a • Use a given key to • Measure dimensions on a • Describe an item
plan. identify the number of plan and use a given scale represented in a plan.
• Define terms (e.g. floor windows/doors/rooms to determine actual • Critique the design of a
plan; elevation plan; shown on a plan for a dimensions. structure shown on a plan.
layout plan; etc.). building. • Use plans in conjunction • Decide on an appropriate
• Read off the value(s) of • Identify on which plan a with other content, skills or scale in which to draw a
given dimensions on the particular structure is applications to complete a plan and then draw the
plan (e.g. the length of shown (e.g. the door is project (e.g. interpret plans plan.
the wall is 4 m). shown on the North to determine the • Make connections
elevation plan). dimensions of a room in between plans showing
order to establish the different views of the same
amount of carpet needed structure (e.g. explain
for the floor of the room). which wall shown on a floor
plan is represented on a
particular side view plan).
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Scale, Maps and Plans
Dimensions The measurements of an object which describes its size and
shape, in terms of its length, width(breath) and height.
Scale/Number A scale that is written in a ratio format. E.g., 1:100
Scale factor The factor by which each dimension of the actual object is
either reduced (for very large objects) or enlarged (for very
small object).
e.g., 1:100…… where 100 is the scale factor
Bar Scale Also known as Linear scale. A map element that graphically
represents the scale of a map by means of a line with ruler
marking and units that are proportional to the scale.
Map Two-dimensional representation of an area of the earth’s
surface. E.g., map of South Africa.
Plan A more detailed representation of a smaller area, often
showing landmarks or objects. E.g., seating plan of a soccer
Compass The four directions or cardinal points are the four main
Direction compass directions: north, east, south, and west
Grid Reference A map that has been divided up in rows and columns, forming
a grid, which is labelled alphabetically or numerically and is
used to easily reference a particular area or point on the map.
Strip map/chart A linear map, not drawn to scale, represents the approximate
distances between major towns along a main road, as well s
the general direction in which the major towns lie relative to
the main road.
Distance table A table which indicates the approximate distances between
different towns.
Transport Map A map which indicates the transport routes that a bus/taxi/train
takes, together with its stops along the route.
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What is a Scale?
A scale represents the relationship between a measurement on a model and the
corresponding measurement on the actual object.
Types of Scales
Number Scale Bar Scale
Number Scales are always written in Also known as a linear scale, it is a means
the form. of visually showing the scale of the map.
1 : 100 Example of a bar scale
Map : Reality
This means that 1 unit on the map
equals 100 units in reality
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Worked Example
1.1 Mr. Moeketsi teaches his grade 10 Mathematical Literacy class about
scales. He uses figure 1 and figure 2 in his teaching.
Figure 1 Figure 2
Use figure 1 and figure 2 above to answer the questions that follow.
1.1.1 Write down the name of each scale in figure 1 and figure 2.
Possible Answer:
Possible answer
Possible answer
This means that every 1 unit on the plan is equivalent to 100 units
in real life.
OR: Real life is 100 times bigger than on the map. (2)
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1.3 If the distance between Qwaqwa and Matatiele map is 15 cm on a map,
determine the real distance in km between the two towns if the scale on
the map is 1: 3 750 000.
Possible Answer
Distance (in km) = 15 cm × 3 750 000
= 56 250 000 ÷ 100 000
= 562,5 km (3)
1.4 Mr Smith wants to renovate his living room by putting a new carpet. The
area of the living room is 26, 68 m2. The floor plan of a living room is
shown below. Use the plan to answer the questions.
Possible Answer
OR: Real life is 100 times bigger than on the map. (2)
1.4.2 The length of the living room is 7,3 cm. Use the scale given to
determine the actual length. Give your answer in meters.
Possible answer
7,3 cm × 100
= 730 cm
= 7,3 m (3)
1.4.3 Determine the cost of carpeting the living room, if the carpet cost
R149,00 per m2
Possible answer
27 m2 × R149,00 = R 4 023 (3)
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ACTIVITY 1: Bar and Number Scale
(22 marks: 20 minutes)
1.1 On a map the scale is shown as 50 cm : 100 km. Use this information
to answer the questions that follow
1.2 The map of Mkhuze Game Reserve is shown below. Use the map to
answer the questions that follow.
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1.3 Mr Stuart, Mathematical Literacy educator used the picture below to
explain the advantage of using the scale below.
1.3.3 Use your answer in QUESTION 2.1.2 to explain the meaning of (2)
the scale.
1.3.4 Considering the given scale and a number scale. Which scale
will be appropriate to build a model? Give a reason for your
answer. (3)
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What is a Map?
A map is a two-dimensional representation of an area of the earth’s surface, e.g.
country map; street map; building map, etc.
Relative positions on a map is used when describing the position or directions to
someone in relation to surrounding landmarks. Key words that must be used include
left; right; up; down; in front of; behind; and the compass directions
which are also known as cardinal points [i.e. North(N), South(S), East(E)
and West(W)]
Types of Maps
National road maps National and Provincial Road Map
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Elevation Map
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Worked Example
1.1 Study the map on ANNEXURE B that shows the sample points for
testing Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Blue Green Algae counts per 100
mℓ. Answer the questions that follow.
Free State
1.1.1 Give the names of the provinces appearing on the map. (2)
Possible answer:
Gauteng and Free State
1.1.2 Write down the total number of bridges found upstream (North
East) of the R59 bridge. (2)
1.1.3 The distance between the R59 Bridge and Railway Bridge is 3
km. Calculate the distance on the map if the scale is 1: 25 000. (3)
Give your answer in cm.
Possible answer:
1 : 25 000
Scaled length = 𝟐𝟓 𝟎𝟎𝟎
= 0,00012 km
In cm = 0,00012 x 10 000
= 12 cm
Possible answer:
South East
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1.2 Use the map of Johannesburg to Maputo to answer the following
1.2.1 Write down the name of the map used above. (2)
Possible answer
Strip Chart/Map
1.2.2 Write down all the national roads shown on the map. (2)
Possible answer
N1, N4, N12, N11,
Possible Answer
330 km
Possible answer
535 – 202
= 333km
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1.2.5 On her way to Maputo Jolie had to go to Pilgrim’s Rest to pick up
her cousin. She used the following roads, N12, R540, R37, R527
and R40. Show by means of calculations that she will travel a
total distance of 877km. (5)
Possible answer
Johannesburg to Belfast = 180km
Belfast to Dullstroom = 28km + 38km
Dullstroom to Lydenburg = 63km
Lydensburg to Sabie = 56km
Sabie to Pilgrim’s rest = 25km + 15km
Pilgrim’s rest to Hoedspruit = 57km + 70km
Hoedspruit to Nelspruit = 48km + 87km + 48km + 20 km
Nelspruit to Maputo = 205km
Total distance = 180km + 28km + 38km + 56km + 25km +
15km + 57km + 70km + 48km + 87km +
48km + 20 km + 205km
= 877 km
1.2.6 On her way back, she stopped at Komatipoort. She then drives
on the N4 towards Johannesburg. After approximately 107 km
she turns to her right. She continues for approximately 68 km
she turns left. After traveling for approximately 47km she arrives
at her destination. Give the name of the town she is at. (2)
Possible answer
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ACTIVITY 2: Provincial and Strip Map/Chart
(35 marks: 30 minutes)
1.1 Ms Kekana is planning an excursion for her tourism learners. She found the
map that shows parts of Free State, Mpumalanga and Kwa-Zulu Natal on the
internet, to plan for the trip. Use the map below to answer the questions that
1: 2 000 000
1.1.4 Use the given scale to calculate the actual kilometres if the
distance on the map is 12 cm. (2)
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1.2 Mrs Heins and her husband are residing in Prince Albert. They plan to
visit Cape Town for a week. On ANNEXURE A is the map that they use
to plan their journey.
1.2.2 How many regional (provincial) roads are shown on the map? (2)
1.2.4 Calculate the total distance if the family travel via Ladysmith and
Riversdale, then follow the N2. The family also pick up one
relative in Hermanus. (3)
1.2.7 Write down all the roads that the family will use to travel on
from their hometown following the route described in Question
1.2.4 to Cape Town. (4)
1.2.8 The petrol consumption of Mrs Heins’s car is 5,9 ℓ per 100 km.
Mrs Heins claims that for a single trip, it will cost her less than
R800 for fuel if petrol cost is R19,79/ℓ.
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NOTE: NP is a National Park
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Worked Example
1.1 The Comrades Marathon is one of the World’s most famous marathons.
It is run between Durban and Pietermaritzburg in South Africa every
year. The direction of the route alternates each year between these two
cities. The elevation map of the 2021 Comrades Marathon is shown
Use the map and the given information to answer the questions that
Possible answer:
1.1.2 From which city will the 2022 Comrades Marathon start? (2)
Possible Answer:
1.1.3 What is the height above sea level in km of the highest point of
the marathon? (3)
Possible answer:
810 m ÷ 1 000
= 0.81km
Possible answer:
Because it starts at high altitude and end at low altitude.
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1.1.5 Which place is situated approximately at the halfway point of the
Possible Answer:
Possible answer:
05:41:35 – 05:30:37 = 00:10:58
1.2.1 Write down the total distance for the marathon in m. (2)
Possible Answer:
9K + 1K = 10K
10K x 1 000
10 000 m
1.2.2 Busisiwe started practising 65 days prior the marathon date. Use
the 2022 calendar attached to the ANNEXURE to write down the
exact date she started practising.
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1.2.3 Write down the starting time of the mini-marathon using the 24-
hour format. (2)
Possible answer:
1.2.4 State which mode of transport is NOT allowed on the mini- (2)
marathon route.
Possible answer
Possible answer:
Fraction = 𝟒𝟐,𝟐
= 𝟐𝟏𝟏
In metres
10 000 metres and 42 200 metres
𝟏𝟎 𝟎𝟎𝟎
Fraction = 𝟒𝟐 𝟐𝟎𝟎
= 𝟐𝟏𝟏
(b) Give ONE reason why the Vhi Women's Mini Marathon is
called a mini-marathon. (2)
Possible Answer:
The distance is less than a full marathon.
It is shorter than a standard marathon.
It is a fraction of a full marathon
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2022 Calendar
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ACTIVITY 3: Elevation and Route Map
(22 marks:20 minutes)
1.1 The Comrades Marathon is an ultra-marathon run between Durban and
Pietermaritzburg. The race starts at 05:30 and finishes at 17:30. The
Map below shows the distance of the Marathon from Durban to
1.1.2 Write down the name of the map shown above. (2)
1.1.3 A cut off point is a certain point which point the runners must
reach within a prescribed time so that they may continue their
participation in the Marathon
(a) Write down the cut-off point and time for the marathon (2)
(b) Calculate the distance from the cut-off point to the end of
the marathon (2)
1.1.4 Tebogo participated in the marathon, and he finished the
marathon in six and half hours. Calculate his average speed in
You may use the formula: Average Speed = (3)
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1.2 Below is a simplified route map of the Los Angeles Marathon (LAM) in
the United States of American. The LAM route is 26,2 miles.
1.2.1 Explain the meaning of route map using the context above. (2)
1.2.3 Write down the general direction in which the runners will face
when they start in Flower Street (2)
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ACTIVITY 4: Seating Plan
(23 marks:20minutes)
1.1 For 2021 National Senior Certificate examination, Samuel Johnson
Secondary School used the seating plan shown below for learners who
wrote their examination. The department of education provided each
learner with the 12-digit examination number as indicated in the boxes.
1.1.1 Write down the total number of learners who wrote the National
Senior Certificate during the year 2022. (2)
1.1.3 Determine the general direction of the emergency exit from where
Mandla sat. (2)
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1.1.4 Mandla and learner 26 raised their hands simultaneously for the
invigilator to attend to them.
• The invigilator moved from her desk, moved in front on
learner 14 and 21, then turned to the north between
learner 21 and 28.
• After passing learner 27, she managed to attend learner
26 on the west side.
• She then moved between learner 18 and learner 19
towards the west until she reached learner 11.
• She then turned towards the north direction passing
learner 10. She managed to get to Mandla who was on her
east side.
Use the ANSWER SHEET below to draw the route she will take
from her table to get to the two learners. (4)
1.2.2 Determine the total number of seats found on the upper deck. (2)
1.2.3 Calculate the percentage of seats marked with odd numbers. (3)
1.2.4 Identify a row that will have passengers seated at the front of the
bus with total view of the road ahead and without any
obstructions. (2)
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ACTIVITY 5: Seating and Layout Plans
(24 marks:20minutes)
1.1 Nico and his friends visited Bloemfontein to watch a rugby match. While in
Bloemfontein, they decided to go to Mimosa mall. The layout of Mimosa mall is shown
1.1.1 How many toilet areas are on the upper level? (2)
1.1.3 Name the isle that Nico and his friends will pass if they use the entrance
on the Melville drive. (2)
1.1.4 In which general direction is the food area from the green level
parking? (2)
1.2 Study the seating plan of an airplane on ANNEXURE B and answer the questions that
1.2.1 How many exit doors are indicated on the seating plan? (2)
1.2.2 Write down the row numbers of the Economy Plus class seats that have in-
seat power. (2)
1.2.3 The actual length of the airplane (from the cockpit to the end of the passenger
cabin) is given as 50 m. If the scale of the seating plan is 1: 200, calculate
the length of the airplane on the seating plan in mm. (4)
1.3 Below is the layout plan of the inside cabin of a small aeroplane. All the passenger seats
face the front except the seat of the airhostess. On all flights there will be an airhostess.
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1.3.3 Stofile is seated in D1. He gets out of his seat and walks past his seat
and two more seats towards the back to talk to his friend who is seated
on Stofile's right-hand side.
Using the same notation as Stofile’s seat, write down the seat number
of his friend. (2)
1.3.4 During the flight, passengers are allowed to choose a light snack and a
drink. The choices are as follows: a muffin or a sandwich with a cola,
a juice or bottled water.
Write down the number of options they can choose from. (2)
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Learners must be able to:
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Section Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine Level 3: Applying multi- Level 4: Reasoning and
procedures in familiar step procedures in a reflecting
contexts variety of contexts
Perimeter, • Define terms (e.g., • Calculate perimeter, • Perform preliminary • Use perimeter, area
area and 'area', 'perimeter', area and volume by calculations to and/or volume
volume 'volume', 'radius'). substituting given determine dimensions calculations to
• Identify from a list of values into given required in complete a project,
given formulae which formulae. perimeter/area/volume where it is not stated
formulae relate to • Describe relationships calculations and then specifically what type
perimeter calculations, between input and calculate of calculation is
which relate to area output values in a perimeter/area/volume required, (e.g. when
calculations, etc. table of data (e.g. when asked to asked to determine
• Determine the radius concerning space, determine the volume the amount of paint
of a circle from a given shape and of concrete needed for needed to paint a
diameter. measurement. the foundations of a building, first interpret
• Know that area is house, interpret top plans to determine
expressed in units2 view plans of the dimensions of the
(e.g., cm2) and volume foundation trench of a walls, then calculate
in units3 (e.g., cm3). house, use the plans the surface area of the
• Know and use to determine the walls, then use the
formulae for perimeter, dimensions of the paint conversion ratio
area and volume. trench, and then on the back of the
calculate the volume paint tin to determine
of the trench). the required number of
litres of paint
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Distance Length of a line joining any two points.
Prism A 3-dimesional shape that has the same shape (and size) on
both ends an the same thickness along the entire shape.
Surface Area It is the sum of the areas of all faces of the shape. By
calculating the surface area you can be able to know the
amount of material needed to build or make the particular
shape or object.
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What is Perimeter?
- Is the total length/distance around a shape or around the boundary.
Understanding Perimeter
- It is a distance around a shape.
- Measured units are mm, cm, m and km.
- Perimeter of a circle is called the circumference.
- Shapes are one dimensional.
Note: Make sure that all units are the same before you start with
your calculations.
800 mm
162 cm
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Shapes involved when calculating Perimeter:
Shape Perimeter Formula
= 2 x length + 2 x width
Perimeter = 4 x length
Perimeter = 4 x sides
Perimeter =
Length 1 + length 2 + length 3
Perimeter (Circumference)
= π x (2 x radius)
Perimeter (Circumference)
= π x diameter
Note π = 3,142
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ACTIVITY 1: Perimeter
(25 marks:20 minutes)
1.1 Sam would like to design a vegetable garden. The measurements (dimensions)
of Sam’s vegetable garden are given below:
5,5 m
8,5 m
1.1.1 Define the term perimeter according to the given context. (2)
1.1.3 Sam would like to put a fence around his vegetable garden. Each
panel is 1,5 m wide and can be cut up into smaller pieces. How many
panels does he need? Show all your calculations. (4)
1.2 Consider the fence surrounding the fishpond is placed about 1,5m away from
the pond.As indicated below:
1.2.1 Explain the term perimeter according to the context given above. (2)
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1.2.2 Determine the perimeter of the fence. (4)
1.2.3 Determine the cost if the fencing is sold in 5m rollsfor R162,50 per roll. (4)
1.2.4 Determine how many poles are required to hold thefence if the
poles are to be spaced with a maximum space of 1,8 m and if
there is to be a pole on every corner. (3)
1.2.5 Calculate how much will all the poles cost if they sold in groups of
6 for R500 (3)
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What is an area?
- The amount of space inside the boundary of a flat (2-dimensional) object
Understanding Area
- Shapes are two dimensional (2D).
- It is measured in square units, e.g., cm2, m2, mm2, etc)
= × base × perpendicular height
Base Area
= × base × perpendicular height
= 2 x 25 cm x 18 cm
= 225 cm2
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Area = 𝜋 x radius2
= 𝜋 x r2
Area = 𝜋 x radius2
= 𝜋 x r2
= 3,142 x 92
= 254,5 cm2
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Surface Area
What is Surface Area?
- The total exterior area of all the exposed surface area a 3D object.
Understanding Area
- Shapes are three dimensional (3D).
- The difference between the total surface area (TSA) and area is that the total
surface area refers to 3D objects and the area refers to 2D objects.
- It is measured in square units, e.g., cm2, m2, mm2, etc)
3. A man is remodelling his garden and decides to create a simple swimming pool. He
plans to dig a rectangular
Rectangular hole and line it with spray-on cement.
Total Surface Area (TSA) Total Surface Area (TSA)
= (2 x length x breadth) + = (2 x 5m x 3m) + (2 x 5m
(2 x length x height) + x 1,5m) + (2 x 3m x 1,5m)
(2 x breadth x height) = 54 m2
Cap.= 5000 l
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Triangular Prism
Total Surface Area Total Surface Area =
1 2 x (½ x 10 x 12) +
= 2 x (2 x breadth x height)
(13 + 13 + 10) x 14
+ (side + side + side) x
= 624 mm2
Breadth = 10 mm
height = 12 mm
side = 13 mm
Height = 14 mm
A case where the Total Surface Area is given and there is a missing value.
Total surface area = 87,976cm2
⸫ Height = 5 cm
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ACTIVITY 2: Area and Surface Area
(27 marks:25 minutes)
1.1 Joel’s father is a carpenter, and he was given a quotation with
imperial units by a client. Study the diagram below and answer the
questions that follow.
4 inch
3 inc
1.1.1 Write down the unit of measurement used in diagram above
in full. (2)
Height = 22,86 cm
Base = 7,88 cm
height = 10,16
Slanted side = 10,1
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1.2 The diagram below is an illustration of a barn. A barn is normally a
structure used on farms to store farming equipment.
(Not drawn to scale)
The area of each triangle is given as:
A= 24,5ft2
1.2.4 The walls of the barn will be painted a different colour to the
roof. Calculate the amount of paint that will be needed if the
spread rate of the paint is 0,25 litres per 2m2 (10)
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What is a Volume?
- The 3-dimensional space occupied by a gas, liquid, or a solid substance.
What is Capacity?
Understanding Volume
- It is also known as Capacity.
- Shapes are three dimensional (3D).
- Units of a volume include ml; l and kl
- Units of a solid volume include: mm3, cm3, m3, km3
Cap.= 5000 l
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Triangular Prism
Volume = ½ × b × h × H V=½×b×h×H
= ½ × 12m x 3m x 8m
= 144m3
Base = 12m
height = 3m
Height =8m
Where 𝝅 = 3,142
Radius = 2cm
Height = 5 cm
Calculating Volume
- Make sure that units are the same before substituting into the given formula.
- When the diameter is given, divide it by two to get the radius before
substituting into the formula.
- (radius)2 does not mean “multiply by 2”.
e.g. 52 = 5 x 5 = 25
52 ≠ 5 x 2
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ACTIVITY 3: Volume
(13 marks:10 minutes)
1.1 Thomas buys a small fish tank from "Fish World" for R199,99. The
dimensions of the fish tank are 91 cm by 32 cm by 35 cm.
1.1.3 Determine how many litres of water will the tank hold when
full. (3)
1.2 Lebo purchased a cylindrical urn in which she can boil water. The
height of the urn is 60 cm and the radius is 20 cm, as shown below.
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ACTIVITY 4: Perimeter and Area
(20 marks:15 minutes)
1.1 The gate at the College has the following dimensions: height = 2,08 m and
length = 3,5 m.
1.1.2 Calculate the area occupied by the gate. You may use the
following formula: Area = length × height (2)
1.2 A diagram of the cricket pitch is shown below. Study the diagram and answer
the questions that follow.
1.2.2 Calculate the perimeter of the area where the players run during
cricket overs.
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1.3 Mr Phopa intends building an all-round rectangular flower garden bed made
of wood sheets as shown on the plan below.
LL = 7,5 m
H = 500 mm
1.3.3 The volume of soil that will be used to fill the flower bed to
capacity is 95 m3. Calculate the area of the area occupied by
the soil in the garden bed.
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ACTIVITY 5: Perimeter and Area
(25 marks:20 minutes)
1.1 Funza Primary School learners grow and sell vegetables from the school’s
food garden. The food garden is shown on ANNEXURE A.
1.1.3 The learners intend to pour organic compost over the strawberry plot.
One bag of compost costing R60,50 can cover an area of 3,5 m 2.
Determine the total cost to buy the compost to cover the strawberry plot. (5)
How many people/persons can be fed from the seasonal production? (3)
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1.2 A diagram with dimensions of a municipal soccer field is shown on below.
1.2.3 The municipality intends to put fertilizer on the lawn of both 18 yards areas.
Calculate the total area to be fertilized.
1.2.4 One bag of fertilizer can cover an area of 10m2. Determine the number of
bags of fertilizer needed for the area specified in 1.2.3. (3)
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ACTIVITY 6: Volume
(27 marks:25 minutes)
1.1 Lethabo bought a 750 g tin of Nescafe Ricoffy for his family during lockdown.
Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.
1.1.3 Calculate the volume (in cm3) of the cylindrical Nescafe Ricoffy
coffee tin.
1.2 Roseville College erects a Jojo water tank on a stand in order to save water
for Agricultural Science students. The photo of a Jojo water tank and prices
of stands are
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1.2.2 Calculate the volume of the tank in kilolitres (to the nearest
kilolitre). Show all calculations.
You may use the following formula:
Volume of a cylinder = π × radius2 × height use π = 3,142
NOTE: 1m3 = 1 kl (5)
1.2.3 The side length of the square platform is 5% more than the
diameter of the water tank. Calculate the area in m2 of the
square platform on which the tank stands. (5)
1.2.4 The College will buy a galvanized stand with a height of 4,5 m.
Calculate the VAT inclusive price of the stand. (2)
1.2.5 Calculate the common difference in heights of the three stands. (2)
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ACTIVITY 7: Area and Total Surface Area
(27 marks:25 minutes)
1.1 A cardboard box is used to pack a telescope. Study the diagram below
and answer the questions that follow.
1.1.2 Calculate the surface area in cm² of the box in which they will
pack the telescope.
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1.2 Koos lives in Pelican Road in Port Elizabeth. He is making a pentagonal post
box for a house as shown in the diagrams below:
The front and rear ends of the post box are regular pentagons with side lengths
equal 270mm. The bottom, the top and sides of the post box are rectangles
with a length 360mm and a breadth of 270mm.
1.2.2 Calculate the total surface area (in m2) of the post box (excluding
the openings for the newspaper and letter), if the following are
Pentagon 0,13m2
Letter opening 0,017m2
Newspaper opening 0,013m2
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ACTIVITY 8: Perimeter, Area, Total Surface Area and Volume
The dimensions and the shape of two of the window frames are given
below. In the rectangular window frame, four windows can open.
1.1.2 Calculate the inner area in cm2 of the circular window frame. (4)
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1.2 Tshego also intends tiling the dining room and lounge floors.
1.2.2 Determine how many boxes of tiles Tshego will need if an extra
10% of the number of tiles must be added for cutting and (9)
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1.3 Tshego owns a company which manufactures the generators. Most of
the cinemas buy the generators so that they can continue showing the
movies during loadshedding. The diesel for the generator is stored in a
cylindrical diesel tank shown below.
- The stand and all external attachments are made of stainless steel
and will not be painted.
- The base area of these external attachments is 1 m 2.
- 1 m 3 = 1 000 ℓ
- All dimensions shown are outer measurements
1.3.2 The steel used to make the tank is 5 mm thick all around. For
safety reasons, the tank is filled to 95% of its capacity.
(a) Show that the inner diameter of the tank is 3,21 m. (2)
(b) Calculate the maximum litres of diesel that this tank can
hold according to safety regulations.
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1.3.3 The external surface area of the tank, excluding the base area
of the external attachments, needs to be painted. The spread
rate of the paint is 3 m2 /ℓ. The manager states that he would
need less than 30 litres of paint to complete the task.
Verify, by showing ALL calculations, whether the manager is
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