Simple Harmonic Motion
Simple Harmonic Motion
Simple Harmonic Motion
30gm 20gm
2. List I describes four systems, each with two particles A and B in relative motion as shown in figure. List II
gives possible magnitudes of then relative velocities (in ms–1) at time t = s .
List-I List-II
(I) A and B are moving on a horizontal circle of radius 1 m with uniform (P) 3 +1
angular speed ω = 1 rad s . The initial angular positions of A and B at 2
time t = 0 are θ = 0 and θ = respectively.
(II) Projectiles A and B are fired (in the same vertical plane) at t = 0 and (Q) ( 3 – 1)
t = 0.1 s respectively, with the same speed v = m s–1 and at 45° from 2
the horizontal plane. The initial separation between A and B is large
enough so that they do not collide, (g = 10 m s–2 ).
t=0 t = 0.1s
45° 45°
JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions ®
(III) Two harmonic oscillators A and B moving in the x direction according to (R) 10
t t π
xA = x0 sin sin and xB = x0 sin + respectively, starting from
t0 t0 2
t = 0. Take x0 = 1 m, t0 = 1 s.
A y
(T) 25π2 + 1
(A) I → R, II → T, III → P, IV → S
(B) I → S, II → P, III → Q, IV → R
(C) I → S, II → T, III → P, IV → R
(D) I → T, II → P, III → R, IV → S
3. On a frictionless horizontal plane, a bob of mass m = 0.1 kg is attached to a spring with natural length
l0 = 0.1 m. The spring constant is k1 = 0.009 Nm–1 when the length of the spring l > l0 and is
k2 = 0.016 Nm–1 when l < l0. Initially the bob is released from l = 0.15 m. Assume that Hooke's law
remains valid throughout the motion. If the time period of the full oscillation is T = (nπ) s, then the integer
closest to n is ________.
[JEE(Advanced) 2022]
JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions
4. A block of mass 2M is attached to a massless spring with 2M
spring-constant k. This block is connected to two other
1kg 2kg
6. A block with mass M is connected by a massless spring with stiffness constant k to a rigid wall and moves
without friction on a horizontal surface. The block oscillates with small amplitude A about an equilibrium
position x0. Consider two cases : (i) when the block is at x0; and (ii) when the block is at x = x0 + A. In
both the cases, a particle with mass m (<M) is softly placed on the block after which they stick to each
other. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) true about the motion after the mass m is placed on the
mass M? [JEE(Advanced) 2016]
(A) The amplitude of oscillation in the first case changes by a factor of , whereas in the second
case it remains unchanged
(B) The final time period of oscillation in both the cases is same
(C) The total energy decreases in both the cases
(D) The instantaneous speed at x0 of the combined masses decreases in both the cases.
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7. Two independent harmonic oscillators of equal mass are oscillating about the origin with angular
frequencies ω1 and ω2 and have total energies E1 and E2, respectively. The variations of their momenta
a α
p with positions x are shown in the figures. If = n 2 and = n , then the correct equation (s) is (are)
b R
[JEE(Advanced) 2015]
p p
Energy = E2
a x R x
(A) E1ω1 = E2ω2 (B) = n2
E1 E 2
(C) ω1ω2 = n2 (D) =
ω1 ω2
8. A particle of unit mass is moving along the x-axis under the influence of a force and its total energy is
conserved. Four possible forms of the potential energy of the particle are given in column I (a and U0 are
constants). Match the potential energies in column I to the corresponding statement(s) in column-II .
[JEE(Advanced) 2015]
Column-I Column-II
2 2
U0 x
(A) U=
1 (x) 1 − (P) The force acting on the particle is zero at x = a.
2 a
U x
(B) U 2 (x) = 0 (Q) The force acting on the particle is zero at x = 0.
2 a
2 x 2
U0 x
(C) U3 (x)
= exp − (R) The force acting on the particle is zero at x = –a.
2 a a
U0 x 1 x
(D) U
= 4 (x) − (S) The particle experiences an attractive force towards
2 a 3 a
(T) The particle with total enegy can oscillate about
JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions
SOLUTIONS (III) xA = sin t
1. Ans. (10) 1
v A cos
= = t m/s
Sol. 2
xB = cost
g 3
vB =
− sin t =
− m/s
4cm 6cm 3 1
v BA = − −
2 2
30gm CM 20gm
(IV) v A & v B are always perpendicular
2π I
T= = 2π So, v BA = v 2A + v 2B = 10m / s
ω C
C Ans. (C), I-S, II-T, III-P, IV-R
⇒ω= 3. Ans. (6)
k m
Where I = moment of inertia
I = (30) (4)2 + (20) (6)2 Sol.
= 1200 gm-cm2 > 0 → k =k1
–4 2
= 1.2 × 10 kg-m < 0 → k =k2
1.2 × 10 −8 Time period of oscillation,
1.2 × 10 −4 m m
T=π +π
⇒ ω = 10 −4 k1 k2
62Mg 2 A 2
v = ∴ acc = − ω
21k 2
JEE Advanced Physics 10 Years Topicwise Questions with Solutions
5. Ans. (2.09) 8. Ans. (A)-P,Q,R,T; (B)-Q,S; (C)-P,Q,R,S;
m (D)-P,R,T
Sol. T=
2π 2π sec
= 2
k U0 x 2
Sol. U=( )
1 x 1 −
T 2 a2
block returns to original position in = π sec
2 U x 2 2x 2U 0 [ 2
F= − 0 2 1 − 2 = − 2 4
a − x2 ] x
2 2 a a a
d= ( π )= 2 ( 3.14 )= 2.0933m
3 3 2U 0
= x ( a − x )( a + x )
d = 2.09 m a4
F = 0, at x = 0, a, –a
6. Ans. (A, B, D) x= −a, U = 0,
M M+m U 0 ⇒ Oscillate when total ME is
Sol. Ti =
2π , Tf =
2π x 0,=
= U
K K 2
case (i) : U0
less then
M (Aω) = (M + m)V 2
A → P,Q,R,T
∴ Velocity decreases at equilibrium position. 2
U0 x
By energy conservation (B) U 0 ( x ) =
2 a
M U0 x
Af = A i F= −
case (ii) : F = 0, x = 0
No energy loss, amplitude remains same B → Q,S
At equilibrium (x0) velocity = Aω. U0 x 2 x 2
(C) U3 ( x )
= exp − 2
In both cases ω decreases so velocity decreases 2 a a
in both cases
U 2x x2 x2 x 2 2x
7. Ans. (B, D) − 0 2 exp − 2 + 2 exp − 2 − 2
2 a a a a a
Sol. P1 max = maω1 = b
U 2x x2
P2 max = mRω2 = R − 0 4 exp − 2 [ a 2 − x 2 ]
2 a a
ω1 1
= 2 x2
ω2 n U0 −
= 4
e [ x ( x + a )( x − a )]
ω2 a
= n2 x = 0, x = –a, x = +a, F = 0
x = 0, U = 0 even function hence minima
1 C → P,Q,R,S
E1 = m ω12 a 2
U0 x x3
(D) U= ( x ) −
1 4
2 a 3a 3
E2 = m ω22 R 2
U 1 x 2 U0 [ 2
2 F= − 0 − 3= x − a2 ]
E1 ω1 a 2 ω12 2 ω12 ω2 a a a 2a 3
= = = n
E 2 ω22 R 2 ω22 ω22 ω1 x = +a, x = –a, F = 0
E1 ω1 U0 U
= x = –a, U = – , x = +a, U = + 0
E 2 ω2 3 3
E1 E 2 Hence oscillate about x = –a if T.M.E <
= 3
ω1 ω2
D → P,R,T