Applied and Theoretical Cantilever Beam
Applied and Theoretical Cantilever Beam
Applied and Theoretical Cantilever Beam
Abstract² Free vibration analysis is one of the fundamental By subjecting a point load P, assuming that the beam
point in vibration design. Most of the time, engineers are using undergoes small deflection and it is in the linear elastic region
cantilever beam as a simple model instead of complicated system. and has a uniform cross-section, the beam will deflect into a
Therefore, in order to get familiar with this simplifying, we discuss curve.
the theoretical analysis of cantilever beam. We introduce two
vibration measuring systems, accelerometer and RFID. As we know
The Below equation relates the curvature of the beam to
that RFID is easy to use and with respect to its price, we conclude
that using RFID is more beneficial than using accelerometer. the bending moment at each section of the beam
Keywords²Cantilever beam, Free vibration, RFID. (1)
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 61 2012
Equation 7 reduces to
By substituting Eq. (3) to Eq. (2), and simplifying it, the
Equation (3) Becomes:
Since has infinite values, also has infinite values. In
other words, the system has infinite frequency. This is because
the system is continuous and all continuous systems have
infinite number of frequencies.
Equation (4) can be written as two separate differential The values of which satisfy Equation (8) can be found by
equations: consulting tables of hyperbolic and trigonometric functions
(4, a) [6].
(4, b) 1 1.87510
2 4.69409
3 7.85475
Where 4 10.99554
(5) 5 14.13716
Table.1 Values of
By substituting boundary conditions into we RFID is just one of the numerous technologies which grouped
obtain the following: under the term of Automatic Identification (Auto ID), such as
bar code, magnetic inks, optical character recognition, voice
recognition, touch memory, smart cards, biometrics etc. Auto
ID technologies are a new way of controlling information and
material flow, especially suitable for large production
The RFID technology is a means of gathering data about a
certain item without the need of touching or seeing the data
Then we divide the last two results which it leads to equation carrier, through the use of inductive coupling or
7. electromagnetic waves. The data carrier is a microchip
attached to an antenna (together called transponder or tag), the
latter enabling the chip to transmit information to a reader (or
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 61 2012
x Uses a battery to maintain memory in the tag or power
the electronics that enable the tag to modulate the
reflected signal
x Communicates in the same method, as the other
passive tags
x Powered by an internal battery, used to run the
x Generally ensures a longer read range than passive tags
x More expensive than passive tags Fig3. Schemes and responses of undamped mass
x The batteries must be replaced periodically
We can classify the RFID Tags by Memory Type:
By attaching and RFID device or accelerometer on spring-
mass system which is fixed at the free end of a cantilever
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 61 2012
beam, we can analyse the vibration, with respect to the results VII. CONCLUSION
of RFID's records. After the simulation of a cantilever beam, instead of a
Consider that we attached an RFID tag on a cantilever construction, we have to analyse the vibration specifications
beam. by using measurement systems.
Tag We recognize that in order to measure and analyse the free
vibration of a cantilever beam, using an RFID could be more
m helpful than the accelerometer. To prove this idea, we focus on
three key points here:
Cantilever beam 1. Using an RFID is easier.
2. RFID simplify our analyse process.
3. RFID is cheaper than accelerometer
Fig4. RFID Attached on cantilever beam After the analysis, we can comparison the result with the
natural frequencies of the structure and it leads to some
During the free vibration of a cantilever beam, the RFID starts information about the construction.
to send signal.
One of us (A.H) would like to thank Scott Whitney and GEO-
SlOPE International LTD for their notes on paper's subject.
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