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Battery Monitoring2018

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IoT-Based Battery Monitoring System for Electric Vehicle

Article in International Journal of Engineering & Technology · January 2018

DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v7i4.31.25472


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10 authors, including:

Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab Radzi Ambar

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia


Aslina Baharum Hafizul Fahri Hanafi

Sunway University Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)


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International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.31) (2018) 505-510

International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Website: www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJET

Research paper

IoT-Based Battery Monitoring System for Electric Vehicle

Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab*,1,5, Nur Imanina Mohamad Anuar1, Radzi Ambar1, Aslina Baharum2, Shanoor Shanta1,
Mohd Suffian Sulaiman3, Shukor Sanim Mohd Fauzi3, Hafizul Fahri Hanafi4
IoT Focus Group, Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Faculty of Computing and Informatics, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia
Faculty of Computing and Industrial Creative, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Green ICT Focus Group, Center of Geopolymer and Green Technology, Universiti Malaysia Perlis
*Corresponding author E-mail: helmy@uthm.edu.my


This paper describes the application of Internet-of-things (IoT) in monitoring the performance of electric vehicle battery. It is clear that
an electric vehicle totally depends on the source of energy from a battery. However, the amount of energy supplied to the vehicle is
decreasing gradually that leads to the performance degradation. This is a major concern for battery manufacture. In this work, the idea of
monitoring the performance of the vehicle using IoT techniques is proposed, so that the monitoring can be done directly. The proposed
IoT-based battery monitoring system is consists of two major parts i) monitoring device and ii) user interface. Based on experimental
results, the system is capable to detect degraded battery performance and sends notification messages to the user for further action.

Keywords: Arduino Uno, SIM808 GSM Shield, BMS, Lithium ions batteries
range of devices and everyday things can be connected via the
internet, making the world is at the user’s finger tips.
1. Introduction Motivating by the stated problems, in this work, the design and
development of a battery monitoring system using IoT technology
Nowadays, electric vehicle (EV) is becoming popular since the is proposed. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
fuel prices becoming more expensive. Due to these scenario, many Section 2 reviews the various wireless communication
vehicle manufacturer looking for alternatives of energy sources technologies and wireless battery monitoring systems for
other than gas. The use of electrical energy sources may improve industries and EVs, section 3 presents design and implementation
the environment since there are less pollution. In addition, EV of the system, section 4 describes different tests performed,
produces great advantages in terms of energy saving and section 5 discusses the major issues faced and section 6 finally
environmental protection. Most EVs used rechargeable battery gives the conclusions of the work.
which is lithium ion battery. It is smaller to be compared with lead
acid. In fact, it has a constant power, and energy’s life cycle is 6 to
10 times greater compared with lead acid battery. Lithium ion 2. Related work
battery life cycle can be shortened by some reasons such as
overcharging and deep discharges. On the other hand, EV usually 2.1. Technology Based on Wireless Communication
has limited range of travelling due to battery size and body
structure. Now, an important reason that limits the application of Wireless communication is a type of data communication that is
EV is the safety of existing battery technology [1]. For example, performed and delivered wirelessly. This is a broad term that
overcharging battery not only could significantly shorten the life incorporates all procedures and forms of connecting and
of the battery, but also cause a serious safety accidents such as fire communicating between two or more devices using a wireless
[2-4]. Therefore, a battery monitoring system for EV that can signal through wireless communication technologies and devices.
notify the user about battery condition is necessary to prevent the From the previous work there are several types of technology that
stated problems. have been used for wireless battery monitoring system such as
Previous battery monitoring system only monitor and detect the GSM, ZigBee, GPRS, Android, WIFI and Bluetooth
condition of the battery and alarmed the user via battery indicator communication.
inside the vehicle. Due to the advancement of the design of GSM (Global system for Mobile Communication) is a type of
notification system, internet of things (IoT) technology can be wireless communication that are very popular worldwide. Its
used to notify the manufacturer and users regarding the battery frequency band is either 900MHz or 1800MHz. There are some
status. This can be considered as one of the maintenance support advantages and disadvantages for the GSM module. An advantage
of GSM is that it has no problem with international roaming. It is
procedure that can be done by the manufacturer. IoT utilizes also easy to be implemented and the global subscribers create
internet connectivity beyond traditional application, where diverse much better in network effect for GSM handset maker’s carrier

Copyright © 2018 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
506 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

and users. But note that, most of the technology are patented and EV based on GPRS communication consists of online monitoring
should have license from QUALCOMM Corp. There are various terminal to measure battery parameters (voltage and temperature)
literatures on battery monitoring and management using wireless with GPRS data transmitter unit and a user interface for battery
communication. monitoring [12]. Rahman et al. proposed a battery management
Global Positioning System (GPS) utilizes GPS satellite to transmit system for EVs using ZigBee communication and point-to-point
data that provides location and the current time to a GPS receiver wireless topology [13]. ZigBee was used due to its low power
globally. It synchronizes the operation so that these repeating consumption, low-cost, high reliability and low data rates. They
signals are transmitted at the same instant. The signals, moving at concluded that wireless battery management system is important
the speed of light, arrive at a GPS receiver at slightly different for EVs mainly to balance the charge to enhance battery lifespan,
times because some satellites are further away than others. The but it is not efficient for controlling battery temperature. More
distance to the GPS satellites can be determined by estimating the recently, Menghua et al. presented a lithium-ion batteries
amount of time it takes for their signals to reach the receiver. monitoring system using WIFI communication for EVs that
When the receiver estimates the distance to at least four GPS collects and displays voltage, current, temperature and other
satellites, it can calculate its position in three dimensions. The parameters of batteries on a smartphone [14].
accuracy of a position determined with GPS depends on the type Based on the described previous work, it shows that there are no
of receiver. Most consumer GPS units have an accuracy of about automatic monitoring system available to notify the user with
+/-10m. Other types of receivers use a method called Differential regard to the performance of the battery. Therefore, the used of
GPS (DGPS) to obtain much higher accuracy [5]. A work done in IoT technology that incorporates together within the monitoring
[5] utilized GSM/GPS in monitoring and managing an EV battery. system can help in improving the preventive maintenance in
Android is an operating system for mobile phones, tablets and a ensuring the battery quality and increase the safety of the user.
growing range of devices encompassing everything from wearable
computing to in-car entertainment. Android is a Linux-based
software system, and similar to Linux, is free and open source
3. Methodology
software. It can be developed by anyone as it is Linux-based open
source. The operating system is able to inform you of a new 3.1. System Overview
notification, SMS, Email or even the latest articles from an RSS
Reader. Unfortunately, it always need an active internet
connection or at least GPRS internet connection in that place so
that the device is ready to go online to suit people’s needs.
Furthermore, the operating system has a lot of process in the
background causing the wasteful of batteries.

2.2. Technology Based on Wireless Battery Monitoring


Reliable battery management is necessary for safety purposes.

There are several reasons that cause battery breakdown such as
deterioration of battery and design defects. Manual battery
monitoring system are like normal battery monitoring system
which means that it does not save the data into the database. But
only show the data collected in real time. Therefore, it is essential
to remotely monitor battery systems using wireless technology.
There are various battery monitoring system using wireless
communication that have been developed for the industry such as Fig. 1: Overview of the proposed system
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) which is important to ensure
continuity of power supply for domestic and commercial during Figure 1 depicts the overview of the proposed system. In order for
power interruption. Suresh et al. proposed a PLC-based battery the system to work, initially, the voltage sensor measures the
health monitoring system for an UPS using GSM modules and lithium-ion battery’s voltage level. At the same time, a SIM808
SCADA by providing alert messages when batteries are in critical GSM/GPS/GPRS shield reads the location of the vehicle by using
condition and room temperature [6]. Sardar et al. also developed a the GPS function. The battery’s voltage level readings and
battery monitoring system for UPS using GSM [7]. The system location of the vehicle are conveyed to an Arduino Uno
could monitor voltage, current and temperature of the battery. microcontroller for processing. As shown in the figure, the
Hommalai et al. developed battery monitoring system using processed data are sent to a battery monitoring user interface in a
wireless communication for UPS to detect dead battery cells [8]. computer wirelessly using the SIM808 shield. Once data transfer
There are also several studies related to the development of battery is successful, the battery monitoring interface on the computer will
monitoring system for EV using wireless communication. Dhotre show the updated data of battery status. When the battery
et al. developed an automatic battery charging and engine control produced low voltage level, a notification email is sent to notify
system for EV using GSM module [9]. SMS is sent to the user the user. The online battery system not only can measure the
when battery health goes below threshold value. Then, user can voltage of the batteries but also communicate with the battery
reply via SMS to auto-start the engine to charge the battery. monitoring system to get the parameter of batteries. The detail
Mathew et al. proposed a wireless battery monitoring system design of the system is described in the next sections.
using 2.4GHz radio transmission scheme for EV [10]. The
modular design consists of transmit module (monitors batteries) 3.2. System Flowchart
and controller module (receives batteries status). Bacquet et al.
also developed a battery management system using 2.4GHz radio Figure 2 illustrates the source code flow of the system. Once the
transmission for EV [11]. They demonstrated that radio system is switched ON, it will starts to initialize. Then, voltage
transmission is possible for EV’s battery monitoring in harsh sensor measures the battery voltage and conveys it to an Arduino
condition. Luo et al. developed a battery monitoring system for microcontroller. Next, based on the received voltage data, the
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 507

source code will verify the battery condition. If the battery voltage
is higher than threshold, it will continue to read battery voltage Voltage sensor
level. If the battery voltage level is low, a notification email is sent
to the system administrator using the GSM module. The Arduino Uno
administrator can inform the customer about the critical battery

d l
Fig. 4: The actual design of the hardware for the proposed battery
monitoring system

4. Experiments and Analysis

This section reports the experiments and analysis of the system.
First, experiment steps and results on the characteristics of voltage
sensor, GSM module will be described. This is to make sure the
circuits are in good condition. Then, experiments and results to
verify degradation of battery will be explained.

4.1. Voltage Sensor Experiment

In this experiment, the values of five (5) batteries was measured

using a multimeter as shown in Figure 5. Then, these values were
compared with the values of the same batteries that were
connected to the voltage sensor circuit as shown in Figure 6. The
purpose is to show the differences and accuracy percentage
Fig. 2: System flowchart
between both values. The selected batteries were varied in voltage
values. The batteries were a mixed of new and used ones. The
3.3. Hardware Design results of measurement will show these differences.
Initially, in order to verify the suitability of the hardware parts, the
design of the system was developed using Fritzing software.
Figure 3 illustrates the circuit design of the system. The figure
shows the system is consists of a voltage sensor, an Arduino Uno
microcontroller, a SIM808 GSM/GPRS/GPS module and a 9V
battery for power supply. Figure 4 shows the actual hardware
design of the proposed IoT-based battery monitoring system. As
shown in the figure, the design of the system is similar to the
circuit prepared using the Fritzing software.

SIM808 module
Fig. 5: Battery voltage measurement using multimeter


Voltage sensor

Fig. 3: The design of the circuit using Fritzing software

Fig. 6: Battery voltage measurement using voltage sensor circuit

508 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Table 1: Voltage measurements results Therefore, it can be concluded that the SIM808 module provides
Voltage measurement results Accuracy percentage valid coordinates that can be used in the proposed Battery
Voltage sensor Multimeter (%) Monitoring System. Figure 8 shows an example of the output from
1 3.81 3.79 99.47 SIM808 module showing the location of a target position.
2 9.98 9.91 99.29
3 8.70 8.55 98.27
4 1.25 1.23 98.40
5 3.81 3.79 99.48
Table 1 shows the result of the experiments. As shown in the
table, since the batteries were a mixed of used and new batteries,
the values are different from each other. From the results, it shows
that the accuracy of the voltage measurements taken from voltage
sensor are quite similar to the measurements taken using
multimeter. The accuracy percentage for all of the measured
batteries are above 99%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
voltage sensor provides valid measurement values of the batteries.

4.2. GPS Module Experiment

In this subsection, the characteristic of the SIM808

Fig. 8: Output from SIM808 showing the location of a target position.
GSM/GPRS/GPS module was verified to determine the accuracy
of the GPS coordinate. Furthermore, this experiment will also
determine the functionality of the module. Figure 7 shows the
experimental setup of the module. The experiments were done at 4.3. Battery Monitoring System
five (5) different target locations, where the coordinates of each
location were collected via GPS. These GPS coordinates were The proposed battery monitoring system in this work is consists of
then compared with the coordinates derived from Google Maps a voltage sensor and SIM808 module. Experiments and analysis to
website. show the characteristics and usefulness of the sensor and module
have been presented in the previous subsections. Therefore, in this
subsection, the battery monitoring system usefulness is
Figure 9 shows the developed hardware circuit of the battery
monitoring system. In the figure, the voltage sensor is connected
SIM808 module to the SIM808 module. The system has been verified to display
voltage values and coordinates simultaneously. The voltage values
and coordinates are updated in real time with a one (1) minute
delay. The marker will bounce when the battery voltage value is
lower than 2.8V with duration less than 2.4 hours.

Fig. 7: SIM808 module experimental setup

Table 2: Coordinate measurements results

Coordinates Coordinates Accuracy
No. Place from Google from SIM808 percentage
Maps module (%)
Taman 1.852154, 1.852150,
1 99.99
Universiti 103.073998 103.073798
HEP of 1.856250, 1.856240, Fig. 9: Hardware for the developed battery monitoring system consists of
2 99.99
UTHM 103.084588 103.084580 voltage sensor and SIM808 GSM/GPRS/GPS module
1.848993, 1.848980,
3 Taman 99.99
103.075913 103.075920 4.3. Experiment to Determine Degraded Battery
FKEE Block 1.859067, 1.859073, Analyses has been carried out to determine degraded batteries by
4 99.98
G, UTHM 103.088704 103.088704 measuring the discharge rates of the battery against time.
KKTDI, 1.862602, 1.862638,
5 99.96 Basically, EVs utilize lithium ion batteries in bulk quantity.
UTHM 103.089685 103.089680
Therefore, in this project an experiment has been conducted to
Table 2 shows the results of the experiment. As shown in the
determine battery degradation by using two (2) 3.7V Li-MN
table, there are five (5) different target locations. The table shows
batteries, where one (1) battery was in a new condition and
the coordinates of all target locations taken from Google Maps and
another one was a degraded battery. Figure 10(a) shows an image
SIM808 module. From the results, it shows that the accuracy of
of the 3.7V Li-MN battery.
the coordinates taken from SIM808 module are quite similar to the
When a 3.7V Li-MN is discharged, there is a low cut-off voltage
coordinates derived from Google Maps. The accuracy percentage
value that determine the battery is fully discharged. When it
for all of the measured coordinates are near 100% accurate.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 509

reaches the cut-off value, it means that the battery is at 0% 4.4. Battery Monitoring System User Interface
discharged or 100% Depth-of-Discharge (DOD). In this
experiment, in order to determine the degraded battery, the The developed battery monitoring system is also consists of a
duration of the discharge battery per time was calculated. If the web-based user interface. The user interface is capable to monitor
speed of the discharge state to reach the cut-off value is multiple battery monitoring devices’ locations, and the conditions
approximately 30% or less than from the speed of the healthy of batteries. Therefore, the idea of the user interface has taken into
battery, it means that the battery is categorized as degraded consideration the situation where there is a need to monitor
battery. Usually, a 3.7V Li-MN battery takes 8 hours to multiple batteries conditions.
completely reaching the minimum voltage of discharge state. Figure 11 shows the main page for the web-based user interface. A
Table 2 shows the grading of condition of the battery based on the user needs to login prior to use the interface. The login page is
duration taken to reach the cut off. built for a secure data handling, where user is required to key-in
username and password.
The time taken for a battery to discharge is depends on the
capacity of the battery. The capacity of the battery is reduced as
the maximum cycles are reached. Due to this reason, the time
taken to complete the discharge state are shorten. From Table 3, it
shows that if the duration takes 2.4 hours to complete the
discharge state, it means that the battery is near to degrading
An experiment has been carried out to test the degrading condition
of batteries using electronic cigarettes or vape. Figure 10(b) shows
an image of the vape. Two (2) 3.7V Li-MN batteries (one (1) new
condition and another one is in degraded condition) have been
used in this experiment. Initially, both batteries were fully
charged. Then, both batteries were inserted into vapes and the
voltage readings were taken every one (1) hour for comparison. Fig. 11: User interface for the proposed battery monitoring system
Table 4 shows the results of voltage readings for both batteries. As
shown in the table, the new battery takes 8 hours to complete the
discharge state. Furthermore, the cut-off voltage value for the
battery is 2.8V.

Fig. 12: Battery monitoring interface showing detail of a battery

(a) (b) monitoring device. The location, battery voltage reading and time are
Fig. 10: (a) A 3.7 Li-Mn battery, (b) a vape shown.

Once the user has successfully login into the user interface, the
Table 3: Battery grading based on duration to reach cut-off voltage value battery monitoring interface is displayed. The interface shows a
Duration taken to Percentage of time taken to map based on Google Maps application of the location of
The condition of
reach the cut off reach the cut off registered battery monitoring devices marked by red markers. If
the battery
(hour) (%)
the battery voltage condition of a device is approaching cut-off
8 100 Good
discharge state, the red marker will bounce continuously at the
4 50 Moderate
2.4 30 Bad
location. Clicking the bouncing red marker will show the
information of the device such as location (latitude and longitude),
Table 4: Battery for time taken to reach the cut off battery voltage reading and measured time as shown in Figure 12.
Duration taken to Voltage readings for Voltage readings for This information can be used for the user/admin to inform the
reach the cut off new battery degraded battery users/clients about their battery condition especially during critical
(hour) (V) (V) battery condition or degraded battery.
0 3.79 3.20 Furthermore, based on Figure 12, the upper left of the interface
1 3.68 3.04 (red box) shows a selection window where the user/admin can
2 3.45 2.80 choose Logout, View customer and Add customer. The user can
3 3.20 2.80 opt to log out safely by clicking Logout. View customer is to view
4 3.01 2.80 the list of battery monitoring devices that are being monitored.
5 2.93 2.80
Add customer is used to add new battery monitoring devices to be
6 2.90 2.80
7 2.85 2.80
8 2.80 2.80
510 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

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The paper described the design and development of an IoT-based

battery monitoring system for electric vehicle to ensure the battery
performance degradation can be monitored online. The objective
is to proof that the concept of the idea can be realized. The
development of the system consists of the development of the
hardware for the battery monitoring device and a web-based
battery monitoring user interface. The system is capable to show
information such as location, battery condition and time via
internet by incorporating GPS system to detect the coordinate and
display it on the Google Maps application
Further modification can be done to improve the system by adding
more functions into the system. The system can be used in
smartphones by developing smartphone application that can help
user to monitor battery and as a battery degradation reminder. In
order to enhance the internet connection, Ethernet can be used to
get a better internet connection compared to GPRS

This research is funded under short term grant U530. Special
thanks to Research Management Center, UTHM for sponsoring
this research.

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