Office Procedure (Theory) P-3
Office Procedure (Theory) P-3
Office Procedure (Theory) P-3
(a) every person of whom any proceeding under the IT Act has been taken
for the assessment of his income/loss or income/loss of any other person for which
he is assessable,
(b) any amount of refund due to him or to such other person for which he is
1. Normal assessee
3. Assessee-in-default
Normal Assessee
• any person against whom proceedings under Income Tax Act are going on or
• any person who has sustained loss and filed return of loss u/s 139(3)
• A person may not be liable only for his own income or loss but he may also
be liable for the income or loss of other persons for e.g.
1. agent of a non-resident,
• When any sum is payable as a result of any order passed under IT Act and if
the amount is not paid within the date specified in the notice, then he shall
be deemed to be an asseessee in default for the amount remaining unpaid
• In India the accounting period starts from 1st April and ends in next 31st
• The Assessment Year is the year during which income of a person relating to
the relevant financial year is assessed to tax
For the purpose of charging Income tax, the term person includes:
• An individual
• A Hindu Undivided Family
• A company
• A firm
SEC.2(24) - INCOME
• dividend
• value of perquisite
• special allowance
• Capital Gains
• Compensations
An individual who fulfils any one of the following two condition is called
a) if he stayed in India for a period of 182 days or more during the relevant PY
Note: Condition (b) does not apply to Indian citizen leaving India for
employment or being a crew member of an Indian ship and person of Indian origin
visiting India during relevant PY
ii. should be in India for a period of 730 days or more in the 7 preceding PYs.
• if both the above conditions are not fulfilled, then the resident individual
will be treated as “not ordinarily resident”
• PAN enables to link all transactions of the "person" with the department
• Every person should apply for allotment of PAN in Form 49A(Form 49AA in
case of non residents) if:
6) Persons registered under the Central Sales Tax Act or State Sales Tax Laws
Sec. 139A(5) - Where PAN to be quoted
• Payment to Mutual fund for purchase of its units exceeding Rs. 50,000
• Payment to the RBI for acquiring its bonds exceeding Rs. 50,000
• Cash deposit with a bank or cooperative bank exceeding Rs. 50,000 during
any one day
• Time deposit with bank, cooperative bank, post office or any non banking
financial company exceeding Rs. 50,000 or aggregating more than Rs. 5
lakhs during a FY
• Payment to life insurance premium aggregating more than Rs. 50,000 during
a FY
• However if the person does not possess the Aadhaar number, the Enrolment
ID shall be quoted
• Every person having PAN and Aadhaar number should link both the numbers
• In case of failure to link the Aadhaar number with PAN, the PAN shall be
deemed to be invalid
• if a person fails to quote his PAN in any document referred in sec 139A(5)
• the AO may direct such person to pay a sum of Rs. 10,000/- by way of
penalty after giving him the opportunity of being heard in this regard
The following persons are required to file return of income as per Sec. 139:
ITR 1 (SAHAJ) For an Individual having Income from Salaries, one house property,
other sources (Interest etc.) and having total income upto Rs.50 lakh
ITR 2 For Individuals and HUFs not carrying out business or profession but
having income from capital gains, lottery horse racing, multiple house
properties, etc
ITR 3 For an Individual/ HUF having income from a business or profession
ITR 4 (SUGAM) For Individuals, HUF, Firm who have opted for presumptive taxation
scheme u/s 44AD, ADA & AE. The old ITR-4S has been renamed ITR-4
ITR 5 For Firms, AOPs and BOIs, AJP, Cooperative Societies & Local authorities
Company September 30
• An assessee cannot carry forward or set off his loss u/s 80 against income
in the same or subsequent year unless he has filed a return of loss u/s
• Any return filed after the due date specified u/s 139(1) is a belated return.
• If ROI is not furnished within the time allowed u/s 139(1) or notice u/s
142(1), the person may furnish the ROI of any PY at any time before:
i. the expiry of 1 year from the end of the relevant AY or the completion of
assessment which ever is earlier(applicable for AY upto 2016-17)
• From AY 2018-19, the assessee shall be liable for late filing fee u/s 234F
a. Rs. 5,000, if the ROI is furnished after the due date but on or before 31 st
December of the AY
• In case where the total income does not exceed Rs. 5 lakhs, the late filing
fee shall not exceed Rs. 1,000
• If return of loss is submitted after due date, the benefit of carry forward of
losses cannot be done
• If return is submitted belated, the exemption/deduction u/s 10A, 10B, 80IA,
80IAB, 80IB, 80IC, 80ID and 80IE will not be available
• If there are any omission or wrong statement in the original return filed, a
revised return can be filed u/s 139(5)
From AY 2017-18 ❖ Any person having furnished a return u/s 139(1)/(4) may
furnish a revised return.
❖ From AY 2017-18 even a belated return can be revised
Upto AY 2017-18 ➢ At any time before the expiry of one year from the end
of the relevant AY or before the completion of
assessment whichever is earlier
From AY 2018-19 ➢ At any time before the end of the relevant AY or before
the completion of assessment whichever is earlier
• An assessee can file revised return as may number of times upto the time
limit given u/s 139(5)
• The time limit for the assessee to rectify the defect is within 15 days from
date of intimation.
• If the defect is not rectified within the given time the AO shall treat the
return as invalid return
Sec. 2(1) – Advance Tax
• Advance tax refers to paying a part of your taxes before the end of the FY in
which income is earned
• Advance tax is payable if your tax liability is more than Rs. 10,000 in a FY. It
should be paid in the year in which the income is received.
• Any amount paid by way of advance tax on or before 31st March shall also
be treated as advance tax paid during FY ending on that day
• If assessee does not pay adv. tax on the basis of his current income or fails
to pay any installments of AT then he shall be deemed to be an assessee in
default in respect of such advance tax/installments of AT
➢ Self Assessment tax means any balance tax paid by the assessee on the
computed income before filing the Return of income.
➢ If 140A tax paid falls short of the aggregate tax and interest, then the
amount so paid shall first be adjusted towards interest payable and the
balance towards tax payable
• Under the Income-tax Act, different types of interests are levied for various
kinds of delays/defaults.
• Interest u/s 234A is levied for delay in filing the return of income
• Interest u/s 234B is levied for non-payment or short payment of advance tax
• Interest u/s 234C is levied for non-payment or short payment of installments
of advance tax (i.e., deferment of advance tax).
• If a return of income is furnished after the due date or is not furnished, the
assessee is liable to pay interest u/s 234A
1. from the due date of filing of ROI to the date of filing of ROI
2. From the due date to the date of completion of assessment u/s 144 where
no return has been furnished
• and the tax determined as reduced by advance tax, TDS/TCS, relief u/s
90/90A/91, MAT or AMT credit
Important points
• in case where the entire tax is paid u/s 140A before the due date of filing of
ROI, then no interest u/s 234A is chargeable even ROI filed belatedly
• if the entire tax is paid u/s 140A after due date and before filing of ROI,
then interest is chargeable from the due date to the payment u/s 140A
• As per Section 208, advance tax shall be payable by the taxpayer during the
FY if estimated tax liability during that year is Rs. 10,000 or more.
a)When the taxpayer has failed to pay advance tax though he is liable to pay
advance tax or
b) Where the advance tax paid by the taxpayer is less than 90% of the
assessed tax
Assessed tax means the tax on total income determined u/s 143(1) or on regular
assessment and reduced by TDS/TCS, Relief u/s 90/90A/91, MAT and AMT credit
Rate of interest
• Interest under section 234B is levied from the first day of the AY, i.e., from
1st April to the date of determination of income under section 143(1) or
completion of regular assessment
• Interest is payable u/s 234C, if the assessee has not paid advance tax or if
the AT paid in installments is less than the required amount
• In case of taxpayers who opted for presumptive taxation scheme u/s 44AD
or 44ADA, interest shall be levied if advance tax paid on or before 15th
March is less than 100% of advance tax payable.
• Simple interest @1% for 1 month shall be payable for the shortfall of
advance tax
• Interest under section 234C is not levied, if, the shortfall in payment of
advance tax is due to failure to estimate the amount of capital gains or
income from winning from lotteries, crossword puzzle, etc. or income from
a new business
Rate of interest
• Interest is chargeable from the date of grant of refund u/s 143(1) to the
date of regular assessment
• no interest is payable if the refund amount is less than 10% of the tax
determined u/s 143(1) or on regular assessment
(a) Interest is calculated from 1st day of AY to the date of grant of refund in
cases where ROI is filed within due date
(b) from date of filing ROI to the date of grant of refund in cases where ROI
is filed after due date
Interest is calculated from the date of filing ROI or date of payment of 140A
whichever is later to the date of grant of refund
• If the assessee has not submitted ROI within the time allowed u/s 139(1) or
before the end of the relevant AY, the AO shall issue notice u/s 142(1)
requiring him to submit the ROI within the date specified in the notice.
• Such notice can be issued at any time after the expiry of time limit given
u/s 139(1)
• The AO shall ask the assessee for production of documents or accounts as he
may require by issue of notice u/s 142(1).
• However to call for statement of all assets and liabilities not included in the
accounts, the AO has to get previous approval of the JCIT/Addl. CIT
• Failure to comply with notice u/s 142(1) shall attract penalty u/s
272A(1)(d) amounting Rs. 10,000(w.e.v AY 2017-18)
• At any stage of the proceedings, AO may direct the assessee u/s 142(2A) to
get the accounts audited by an CA with the previous approval of the CCIT if
➢ such audit report should be submitted in Form 6B by the CA duly signed and
verified by him within the period specified by the AO
• The expenses to such audit including the fee for CA has to be fixed by CCIT
and shall be payable by Govt.
• Non compliance by assessee will lead to best judgment assessment u/s 144.
Sec. 143(1) – Summary assessment without calling the assessee
• Under this section the AO can complete the assessment without passing a
regular assessment order
• No intimation shall be sent after the expiry of one year from the end of the
FY in which the return is made
• In the return filed u/s 139 or in response to the notice u/s 142(1), if AO has
reason to believe that the assessee has
• then the AO may serve a notice on the assessee requiring him to attend his
office or to produce evidence in support of his claim
• Such notice shall be served on the assessee within a period of 6 months from
the end of the FY in which return is filed
• Failure to comply with notice u/s 143(2) shall attract penalty u/s
272A(1)(d) amounting Rs. 10,000(w.e.v AY 2017-18)
• After hearing such evidence produced by the assessee and after taking into
account all relevant materials which the AO has gathered, he shall pass an
assessment order determining the total income or loss of the assessee and
the sum payable by or refundable to the assessee
• If assessment order u/s 143(3) is passed without issuing any notice u/s
143(2), then the said order becomes invalid
• fails to comply with the direction to get his accounts audited u/s 142(2A) or
• If after having filed ROI fails to comply with the notice u/s 143(2) requiring
his presence or production of evidence or documents or
• Then the AO after considering all relevant material which he has gathered
shall make an assessment of the total income or loss to the best of his
For AY 2017-18 or earlier Within 21 months from end of AY in which income was
first assessable
• If the AO has reason to believe that any income chargeable to tax has
escaped assessment for any AY then
• Any other income which has escaped assessment and which comes to the
notice of the AO during the course of the proceeding u/s 147 can also be
included in the assessment
➢ If AO wants to take action u/s 147 after the expiry of 4 years from the end
of the AY where the original assessment was made u/s 143(3)/147 , the
following conditions should be satisfied:
b) Also such escapement is due to omission or failure on the part the assessee
to disclose income fully or to make ROI u/s 139 or in response to notice u/s
142(1) or 148
i. If the AO wants to take action within 4 years from the end of the AY where
the original assessment was completed u/s 143(1), 143(3), 144 or 147
ii. If the AO wants to take action after the expiry of 4 years but not beyond 6
years from the end of the AY where the original assessment was completed
u/s 143(1) or 144
• If the AO has reason to believe that any income chargeable to tax has
escaped assessment for any AY then
SEC.149 – Condition and time limit for issue of notice U/S 148
Upto 4 Years from the end of relevant For Any Amount Of Income Escaping
AY Assessment
Beyond 4 Years And Upto 6 Years from Only If Income Escaping Assessment Is Rs. 1
the end of relevant AY Lakh Or More
Beyond 4 Years And Upto 16 Years from Income Escaping Assessment Relates To Any
the end of relevant AY Assests Located Outside India
After the expiry of 4 years from AO shall issue notice u/s 148 only if
the end of the relevant AY PR.CCIT/CCIT OR PR.CIT/CIT is satisfied that it
is a fit case for issue of such notice
Notice u/s 148 issued before Within 9 months from end of FY in which notice u/s 148
01.04.2019 is served
Notice u/s 148 issued on or Within 12 months from end of FY in which notice u/s
after 01.04.2019 148 is served
• Where any tax, interest, penalty, fine or any other sum is payable
consequent to any proceedings under IT Act, then AO will serve the assessee
a notice of demand in the Form No. 7 specifying the sum so payable
• This notice directs the assessee to pay the amount mentioned in the notice
within 30 days of receipt of notice
• where any sum is determined to be payable by the assessee u/s 143(1), then
intimation shall be deemed to be a notice of demand for the purposes of
this section.
• The AO can rectify only those matters which are not decided in such appeal
• The assessee can also intimate the mistake to the IT authority by making an
application to rectify the mistake.
• If the order is passed by the CIT (A), he can can rectify mistake which has
been brought to notice by the AO or by the assessee
• No order of rectification can be passed after the expiry of 4 years from the
end of the FY in which order to be rectified was passed
• In case an application for rectification is made by the assessee, the
authority shall rectify the order or refuse within 6 months from the end of
the month in which the application is received by the authority
• the Pr. CIT/CIT has power u/s 263 to revise any order passed by AO which is
erroneous and prejudicial to the interest of revenue
• Pr. CIT/CIT on his own can call for record and examine and revise the order
u/s 263
• the matter which are not subject matter of appeal can be revised
• time limit for passing order u/s 263 is two years from the end of the FY in
which the order was passed
• Assessee has right to appeal before ITAT against the order u/s 263
• The PCIT/CIT shall not revise any order which is pending before appeal or
the time limit for filing an appeal before CIT(A) has not yet lapsed and the
assessee has not made such appeal
• The application should be made within one year from the date on which the
order was communicated to him
• Time limit for passing order is within one year from the end of the FY in
which the application was filed
• The assessee has no right to go for appeal against the order u/s 264
• The appeal should be filed in Form No. 35 along with statement of facts and
grounds of appeal
• No appeal shall be admitted when assessee has not paid tax due on returned
income and in case of non filing of return, no advance tax was paid
(however CIT(A) can exempt)
• However, CIT(A) can condone the delay in filing the appeal if genuine
reason exists for delay
Assessed total income of more than Rs. 1 lakh but less than Rs. Rs. 500
2 lakhs
• During hearing of appeal, the CIT may allow the assessee to add any
grounds of appeal which was not specified in the original grounds of appeal
if he is satisfied the omission was not willful
• Before disposing off appeal, the CIT may make enquiry as he thinks fit. He
may also direct the AO to make enquiry and report the same
• CIT(A), where it is possible shall dispose off the appeal within a period of 1
year from the end of the FY in which appeal was filed
• The ITAT may admit an appeal even after the due date if it is satisfied that
there was sufficient reason for the delay
• Appeal should be filed by the department only in cases where the tax effect
exceeds Rs. 10 lakhs(Tax effect is the difference between the tax on total
income assessed and tax on total income arrived by giving effect to Appeal
• ITAT after giving both the parties opportunity of being heard, shall pass such
orders as it thinks fit
• ITAT where it is possible may pass an order within a period of 4 years from
the end of the FY in which the appeal was filed
• Any mistake in the order passed by ITAT which is apparent from record may
be rectified by the Tribunal.
• The tribunal can rectify order passed by it within 4 years from the date of
the order
High Court Appeal shall be made within 120 days More than Rs. 20 lakhs
from the date of ITAT order received by
assessee or by the CCIT/PCIT
Supreme Within 60 days from the date of More than Rs. 25 lakhs
Court communication of order of HC
(1) Any person deducting any sum in accordance with the TDS provisions shall
pay within the prescribed time the sum so deducted to the Credit of the
C.G. or as the Board directs.
(2) Any person deducting any sum in accordance with the TDS provisions, after
paying the tax deducted to the Govt. Account should file a TDS return for
such period within due date
(3) TDS should be paid within 7 days from end of the month in which deduction
was made
• TAN is to be obtained by all persons who are responsible for deducting tax
at source (TDS) or who are required to collect tax at source (TCS)
• First 3 alphabets of TAN represent the jurisdiction code, 4th alphabet is the
initial of the name of the TAN holder who may be a company, firm,
individual, etc
th th st st
30 June 30 Sep 31 Dec 31 March
st st st st
Due date
31 July 31 October 31 Jan 31 May
• W.e.f 01.06.2017, any Individuals & HUF who are not under tax audit (under
section 44AB) has to deduct TDS for rent payments to any resident if it is Rs.
50,000 or more per month
• Form 15G is for the depositors below the age of 60 Years and Form 15H for
above 60 years.
• After making the above adjustment, the tax and interest would be
• An intimation will be sent to the deductor informing about his tax liability
• The time limit for processing is within one year from the end of the FY in
which the return is filed
16 Annual st
By 31 May of the FY immediately following the PY in
which the tax was deducted
16A Quarterly Within 15 days from the due date of furnishing the
statement of TDS for each quarter
16B Within 15 days from due date of furnishing statement in Form 26QB
16C Within 15 days from due date of furnishing statement in Form 26QC
• Specified goods are Alcoholic liquor for human consumption, Tendu leaves,
Timber obtained under a forest lease, Scrap, charcoal, wood oil, natural
varnish and lease for parking lot & toll plaza
Collectee The buyer(Other than State & Central Government, Public Sector
Company, Retail seller)
Time for Collection At the time of receipt or at the time debiting the account of the
Time for deposit Within a week from the end of the month during which payment
was received
TCS Certificate Form 27D(Should be issued within 15 days from the due date of
furnishing the statement of TCS for each quarter)
• Where any person required to deduct TDS under IT act does not deduct or
after deducting fails to pay the whole or any part of the tax then such
person shall be deemed to be an assessee in default in respect of such tax
(i) @ 1% for every month or part of a month on the amount of tax non
deducted. It is calculated from the date on which such tax was deductible to the
date on which such tax was deducted; and
(ii) @ 1.5% for every month or part of a month on the amount tax not paid.
It is calculated from the date on which such tax was deducted to the date on
which such tax was actually paid
• If person responsible for collecting tax at source fails to collect the tax or
after collecting tax fails to credit into the Govt. account, he shall be liable
to pay interest u/s 206C(7)
• The amount of fee shall not exceed the amount of tax deductible or
collectible as the case may be
• The amount of fee shall be paid before the submission of TDS/TCS return
• The provisions of this section shall apply on or after the 1st day of July,
• shall furnish his PAN to the person responsible for deducting such tax
• W.e.f 01.04.2017, Collectee should furnish his PAN to the person responsible
for collecting tax(Collector)
• Failure to which, tax shall be collected twice the normal rate or at the rate
of 5% whichever is higher
• If any person fails to deduct the whole or any part of the tax as required by
the TDS provisions
• then such person shall be liable to pay penalty of sum equal to the amount
of tax which such person failed to deduct
• Any penalty imposable under Sec. 271C shall be imposed by the Joint
• If any person fails to collect the whole or any part of the tax as required by
the TCS provisions
• then such person shall be liable to pay penalty equal to the amount of tax
which such person failed to collect
• Any penalty imposable under Sec. 271CA shall be imposed by the Joint
• The penalty shall be a sum not less than Rs. 10,000 but which may extended
upto Rs. 1 lakh
• If a person fails to pay to the credit of the Central Government the tax
deducted at source by him
• shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not be
less than three months but which may extend to seven years and with fine.
• If a person fails to pay to the credit of the Central Government, the tax
collected by him
• he shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall not
be less than three months but which may extend to seven years and with
SEC. 220(1A)
Where demand notice has been served on assessee and if there are any
appeal or other proceedings are pending in respect of such demand, then such
demand shall be deemed to be valid till the disposal of the appeal by the last
appellate authority
If the demand is not paid within the period specified in the demand notice,
the assessee is liable to pay interest at 1% for every month or part from the day
immediately following the end of the period mentioned in notice and upto which
the demand is paid
SEC. 220(2A) – Waiver of interest
• the assessee was very cooperative in any enquiry relating to the respective
assessment proceeding
• the order accepting or rejecting the application for waiver either in full or
part shall be passed within the 12 months from the end of the month in
which application is received
• the order rejecting the application for waiver either in full or in part shall
be passed only after the assessee has been given an opportunity of being
SEC. 220(3)
If the assessee before the expiry of the due date mentioned in the demand
notice, request the AO by an application to extend the time for payment or allow
payment in installments, then AO may allow such extension or installment
payments if he think it is fit case.
• it can be levied even if the tax is paid belatedly before the levy of penalty
• if assessee satisfies the AO that the default is for good and sufficient
reason, then no penalty shall be levied
• if the whole tax is reduced in final appeal order, then the penalty levied
shall be cancelled and penalty amount shall be refunded
❖ The notice directs the defaulter to pay the demand due within 15 days of
the receipt of notice
❖ If the arrear not paid, then the TRO may recover the arrears in any of the
following modes:
• As per the CBDT’s instruction No.41 dated 22.04.1969 TROs can authorize
their Inspectors to carry out process of attachment of property
• If after service of warrant, the amount is not paid by defaulter, the TRO
shall proceed to attach the movable property
• the TRO should call for two witnesses and also the defaulter to his side
during attachment
• In order to effect attachment, the TRO may break open any inner or outer
door or window of the defaulter’s building and enter to seize the movable
• The TRO has no power to search the premise and he has no power to break
the doors of almirahs, safety lockers, etc.,
• The attachment value should not be more than the amount specified in the
• The TRO is personally responsible for the safe custody of the attached
• After attachment, the TRO shall prepare an inventory of all the property
• TRO will issue warrant in ITCP 12 to TRI authorizing him to sell the property
by public action
• Proclamation of sale is issued in ITCP 13, this is a notice to the public that
certain properties will be sold by public auction on a certain day
• The TRO should determine the reserve price of property below which no bid
will be accepted
• Write off of arrears can be considered only where the demand remains
irrecoverable in spite of exercise of the powers given under the act.
• Section 131 gives power equivalent to court of law to the IT authorities viz.,
Pr.CCIT, CCIT, Pr.CIT, CIT & AO in respect of following matters:
b) Enforcing the attendance of any person and examining them under oath
d) Issuing commission
• An AO can invoke section 131 for making enquiries only in a case where
proceedings are pending before him
• The Authorized officers may impound and retain any books of account or
other documents
• Penalty to non compliance shall attract Rs. 10000 for each failure u/s
• Authorities to survey are CIT, PCIT, DIT, JCIT, JDIT, DDIT, ADIT, ITO, TRO,
ITI(for limited purpose)
• No action U/S 133A shall be taken by DDIT, ADIT, ITO, TRO, ITI without
obtaining the approval of JDIT/JCIT
• Any person or place where ITA are authorised by a higher authority having
jurisdiction on any person or place
• The IT authority may enter only during business hours in place of business or
profession. In case of any function, ceremony or event, shall be after such
function, ceremony or event
• Such authority may impound and retain books & documents after recording
the reasons
• W.e.f 01.10.2014, books & documents shall not be retained for a period
exceeding 15 days(excluding holidays) without obtaining approval of
• Such authority may make inventory of any cash, stock or other valuables
things in the premise
• Authority cannot remove any cash, stock or other valuable things in the
• Shall record statement of any person which will be useful for further
(A) any building or place within the limits of the area assigned to him or
• The IT authority can enter any building only if it is used for the purpose of
carrying on business or profession
• Only during the hours at which such place is open for the conduct of
business or profession.
• The AO has power to call for information required for the purpose of any
proceedings and can direct
1) any firm to furnish names and address of the partners and their shares
2) Any HUF to furnish names and address of the manager and members of the
4) Any assessee to furnish names and address of all person to whom he has paid
any rent, interest, commission, royalty, brokerage or annuity more than Rs.
1000 in any PY with particulars of such payment
• Failure to comply will attract Penalty u/s 272A(2) for an amount of Rs. 100
for every day during which default continues
• Section 132 gives enormous powers to the IT authorities regarding search &
Authorizing Officer can authorize ADDL.DIT, ADDL. CIT, JCIT, JDIT, DDIT,
• The authorizing Officer having jurisdiction over the person and the place of
the premises to be searched has reason to believe that:
1. such person on whom summon u/s 131 or notice u/s 142(1) has been served
to produce books & documents and has failed to produce
• enter any building, place, vehicle or aircraft where he has reason to suspect
that books of a/c, other documents of undisclosed income or property are
• break open the lock of any door, box, locker, almirah or other container
where the keys are not available
• search any person, if the AO suspect that such person has concealed any
books/documents of undisclosed income or property of the searched person
• seize any books of a/c, other documents, money, bullion, jewellery or other
valuable article or thing during search.
• Stock in trade of business shall not be seized but shall take inventory of such
• The PO shall be lifted within the period of 60 days from the date of issue of
Sec. 132(2) - The Authorised officer may requisition the services of Police Officers
or any officer of Central Government or both to assist during search
Sec. 132(4) - The Authorised officer may examine on oath of any person who is in
possession or control of any books & documents, stocks, money, etc
• In the case of a person where a search is initiated u/s 132, the seized
material should be transferred to the AO within 60 days from the date of
authorisation for search was executed
• The AO shall
(a) issue notice to assessee to furnish within specified period, the ROI for
each AY falling within six AYs immediately preceding to the PY in which
search was made
(b) assess or reassess the total income of six AYs and determine the income
Sec. 153B - Time limit for completion of assessement u/s 153A is within a period
of 21 months from the end of the FY in which the authorizations u/s 132 was
• Prosecution u/s 276CC is applicable for non filing of return with 6 months of
imprisonment if tax evaded exceeds Rs. 25 lakhs, otherwise 3 months with
In cases where appeal is filed Before expiry of FY in which proceedings for imposition
before CIT(A) where appeal of penalty was initiated or
order passed before Before expiry of 6 months from the end of the month
01.06.2003 in which appeal order is received by Department,
whichever is later
In cases where appeal is filed Before expiry of FY in which proceedings for imposition
before CIT(A) where appeal of penalty was initiated or
order passed after 01.06.2003 Before expiry of 1 year from the end of the month in
which appeal order is received by Department,
whichever is later
In cases where order is Within 6 months from the end of month in which
pending before Pr. CIT u/s 263 revision order is passed
or application filed before Pr.
CIT u/s 264
In any other case Before expiry of FY in which proceedings for imposition
of penalty was initiated
within 6 months from end of
month in which proceedings for imposition of penalty
was initiated, whichever is later
• The Pr. CIT/ CIT may on an application made by the assessee shall reduce,
waive or stay the recovery of such amount if he is satisfied that:
• There is no time limit for making application before Pr.CCIT/CIT for waiver,
reduction or stay of such penalty
• Any order passed under this section is final and no appeal can be made by
the assessee against such order.
Sec. 44AA - Maintenance of accounts by certain persons carrying on
profession or business
• The Income Tax Act specifies as to who should maintain books & account for
the purpose of Income tax scrutiny by an AO, whenever required. The
following persons are to maintain books of account:
2. Anyone involved in other profession/business, who earns more than Rs. 1.2
lakh(2.5 lakhs for Indl. & HUF from AY 2018-19) or the total turnover/gross
receipts of business/profession is more than Rs. 10 lakh(25 lakhs for Indl. &
HUF from AY 2018-19) in any of the previous 3 years
3. Person who are covered u/s 44AD, 44AE, 44BB or 44BBB and who has
declared less income than the profits estimated under these sections
4. if the business is new, if it is expected to earn more than Rs. 1.2 lakh(2.5
lakhs for Indl. & HUF from AY 2018-19) or if its sales is expected to cross Rs.
10 lakh(25 lakhs for Indl. & HUF from AY 2018-19)
• Books and documents are cash book, journal, ledger, bills & receipts for
expenditure & purchase and should kept safe for a period of 6 years from
the end of relevant AY
Carrying on business (not opting for Total sales, turnover or gross receipts
presumptive taxation scheme) exceeds Rs 1 crore
• Due date for getting books & accounts audited is within the due date of
furnishing the ROI u/s 139(1)
• Due date of submission of audit report is within the due date of furnishing
the ROI u/s 139(1)
• If any person fails to get his accounts audited or to furnish audit report, the
AO shall impose penalty u/s 271B for an amount equal to 1.5% of total sales,
turnover or gross receipts subject to maximum of Rs. 1.5 lakhs
• Companies generating huge income during the year shows meager or nil
income by taking advantage of various provisions of Income tax
• As per concept of MAT, the tax liability of a company will be higher of the
➢ Every company is liable to pay MAT, if the tax computed as per IT provisions
is less than 18.50% of its book profit
• If in any year the company has paid tax more than the normal tax liability,
then it is entitled to claim credit of MAT in subsequent years
• The MAT credit can be adjusted in the year in which the normal tax liability
is more than MAT liability
• The company can carry forward the MAT credit for adjustment in
subsequent years for a period of 15 years after which it will lapse
• As per Sec. 115JB(5A), MAT shall not apply to any income arising to a
company from life insurance business and shipping income
• The provisions of AMT will apply to every non corporate tax payer who has
claimed any one of the
• The tax liability of a non corporate tax payer on whom AMT applies will be
the higher of the following:
• If in any year the company has paid tax more than the normal tax liability,
then it is entitled to claim credit of AMT in subsequent years u/s 115JD
• The credit can be adjusted in the year in which the normal tax liability is
more than AMT liability
• The company can carry forward the AMT credit for adjustment in
subsequent years for a period of 15 years after which it will lapse
• To give relief to small taxpayers from this tedious work, the IT Act has
framed the presumptive taxation scheme
• This scheme can be opted by Resident Individual, HUF & Partnership firm
• This scheme can be opted by the eligible persons only if the total turnover
or gross receipts from the business is below Rs. 2 Crores
• If a person opts for the presumptive taxation scheme of section 44AD, the
provisions of allowance/disallowances as provided under the IT Act will not
• If a person opts this scheme then he is also required to follow the same
scheme for next 5 years.
• Any person opting Sec. 44AD is liable to pay whole amount of advance tax
on or before 15th March of the relevant PY
• Any person opting Sec. 44ADA is liable to pay whole amount of advance tax
on or before 15th March of the relevant PY
• This scheme can be opted by every person (i.e., an individual, HUF, firm,
company, etc.) doing business of plying, hiring or leasing of goods carriages
and who does not own more than 10 goods vehicles at any time during the
• For Heavy Goods Vehicle, income to be computed @ Rs. 1,000 per ton of
gross vehicle weight for every month or part of a month during which the
such vehicle is owned by taxpayer
• In case of vehicles other than heavy goods vehicle, income will be computed
@ Rs. 7,500 per vehicle for every month or part of a month
• He shall be liable to pay advance tax as per existing installment for other
tax payers
• To keep a watch on high value transactions by the taxpayer, the Govt. has
framed the concept of statement of financial transaction (previously called
as Annual Information Return (AIR))
• With the help of the statement the tax authorities collect information on
certain specified high value transactions undertaken by a person during the
• w.e.f 01.04.2016, the specified persons have to file SFT in Form 61/61A
through online
• A Banking company
• Cooperative Bank
• a company or institution
• trustee of Mutual fund
Exceeding 10 lakhs
• Time deposit
• Persons who do not hold PAN are required to fill Form No. 60 for the
specified transactions where PAN is mandatory.
• The person who has received any declaration in Form No. 60 for the
specified transactions above on or after 01.04.2016 shall furnish a statement
in Form No. 61 electronically containing particulars of such declarations.
• The SFT for high value transactions in Form 61A to be furnished in efiling
portal by specified person by 31st May immediately following the FY
• Failure to furnish Form 61/61A will attract penalty u/s 271FA of Rs. 100 per
day(Rs. 500 w.e.f 01.04.2018)
• A person cannot accept any loan or deposit or advance other than by an a/c
payee cheque, draft or through ECS
• If any contravention, the JCIT/Addl.CIT shall impose penalty u/s 271D for an
amount equal to the amount of the loan or deposit or advance taken or
• This provision shall No person shall receive an amount exceeding Rs. 2 lakhs
other than by an a/c payee cheque, draft or through ECS
• If any contravention, the JCIT/Addl.CIT shall impose penalty u/s 271DA for
an amount equal to the amount of such receipt
• A bank, cooperative bank, company, firm or any other person shall not
repay any loan, advance or deposit made with them other than by an a/c
payee cheque, draft or through ECS
• If any contravention, the JCIT/Addl.CIT shall impose penalty u/s 271E for a
sum equal to the amount of the loan or deposit or advance repaid.
1. the income assessed is greater than the income determined u/s 143(1)
2. the income assessed is greater than the maximum amount not chargeable to
tax, where no ROI has been furnished
4. the income assessed or reassessed has the effect of reducing the loss or
converting such loss into income
• In such case Pr.CIT, CIT or AO shall impose penalty @ 50% of tax payable on
under-reported income and 200% in the case of misreporting of income
• The Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 1988 was amended through the
Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Amended Act, 2016
• The amended Act, 2016 came into effect from 1st November, 2016
• The Government has set up 24 Benami Prohibition Units (BPUs) across India
for taking effective action under the Benami Act
• The Initiating Officer will identify the benami case and refer to the
Adjudicating authority who will decide whether the property is benami or
not. The property will be attached and disposed by Administrator
Benefits of Declaration
This scheme was Effective from 01.06.2016 and Declaration was received
upto 30.09.2016
• 1. Can be availed by any person who wants to declare their black money by
depositing it in the bank account, at the RBI, or at a post office in India.
• 2. The scheme can be availed by any person against whom a search/ survey
operation was initiated, and cash seized during search/ survey can also be
• 3. The scheme can be availed on the deposits made in bank accounts prior
to the FY 2016-17 also
Critical Dates
• 1. Tax of 30%
• 2. Penalty of 10%
• The deposit can be withdrawn only after 4 years from the date of deposit