Contract Scanned QN
Contract Scanned QN
Contract Scanned QN
illllllillllllllffi[IlilIililililfiiftiiiti[]iiii]tit 40a2t5057/6021n021
First Semester 3 Year LL.B./IV Semester 5 Year B.A.LL.B. (Maj.-Min.
System/B. B.A. LL. B./B.Com. LL. B. Exam i nati on, October/Novemb er 2021
40025057t6021n021 .2. 1fltilililililililililllilllifIllIltfll!iitiiii[itffiuIit
Q. No. 2. b) Ramu invited his friends for dinner. His friends agreed to
attend the dinner. Ramu and his wife prepared the food by
spending Rs. 10,000/-. But Ramu's friends failed to attend
the dinner. Ramu wants to institute a suit against his friend
for breach of contract. Can he do so ? Marks : 6
oadt dd +e"ddQ, oog en Bd, eiaa_D:rdd:. e:dd iebdd:
eruauE-, ,r?ri z"a#ooa-o. or*, J4 edd dodS d*
Faadd dromou a3r"*rr*ra eld:rioj:f dojnotdd:. erdt
oad>ad debdd: eroe^id udee-r. oa*i dd de&do eu;d
dcnod wd-of,drofl -iso::q ?,nao uob$Ed. erddi
oarl dndud>de ?
Q. No. 7. b) 'A' was a tenant in B's house. 'B' failed to pay Municipal
taxes. Municipality announeed auction sale of the house to
recover taxes. 'A' paid taxes to avoid the sale. Can 'A'
recover the amount from 'B' ? Marks : 6
's d) '?,Jd abdo$Ooa '?r'd) ddddo$ d&t)
d:ouOer. s
dd #ro0 dnder: dqJ$) 'aJd abdo$di
doxd'-fo:og€ dnoao^l $Edlil*o$Q *neanA: e* dnmu:dd
dards: 'e'd) ddd dmdemao* Xn=a**:. 'e*'di es drod.Ci
'utod #nCI dndu*de?
4002/s057t6021n021 -4- ililtililtililIillililflil]ilflfl1ililtfiitftiiii!i[]itlliiilIi
Q. No. 8. b) 'X' contracts with 'y' to pay 'y' Rs. 1,00,000/- if he fails to
supply the goods worth Rs. 20,000 to'y'on a particular day.
'X'fails to supply the goods on that day. ls ,y' entitled
to recover Fis. 1,00,000 from ,X, ? Marks : 6
'X' do'Y' d CJad,{
e"ocb ducd$ Cnadod,:scd. erdde
r.od.: eorsida,t- oddoCo k' dc zo,"odo doaaori
idd;dddl ,y, 11 dBqFadd ,x, d) ,y, rl 1,00,000
doeaos:oJr& dod;dcnn #id #oug&. s &ordaa:rd
oddod: ,X, idd:riddg drd*d** Dde-?dd;. ty, d:
'X' &od 1,00,000 doaoceuoS:J1 ddrDO d>dq: dd*e
dnoOq$obe ?
Q. No. 1. a) An agreement without consideration is void. Discuss. Marks : 10
{,efre-:agd z,d.,od fudr. 2,3?,3rtu0.
Q. No. 1. b) Ram's son was missing. His servant went in search of the
boy. Subsequently Ram declared a reward of Rs. 1,00,000
to anyone who finds his son. His seruant though not aware of
the reward finds his son. Can the servant claim the reward ? Marks : 6
oad: aou,.diJ d.:rl dexrdooGd.:dd.:. etdd dedEdJ dJdJdddl
d:d:sd,ood: drodti&. s &d:rltdr d>c:sd,ood: drotidori
do. 1,00,000 zod.:dnd dod:Senn cnd:$ f,oea&dd:.
dedd&rl di zod;d.nd rllo Q e-:_od dro erd$ d:rlddl dod:bcdd:.
iedd a:d:dndddl de$ud:de Z
Q. No. 1. b) Ajay sold his electric car worth Rs. 7,00,000 for Rs. 70,000
to Vijay. Can this sale be questioned ? Discuss. Marks : 6
uroJf .roudd: dd a$ e,td zJeJo3r:d, a.brd z,roOd
ordq .)agoJf aozod&rl adQ roOd dn. rlgri dDoddr.
di d,noos.:dq {qiud:de ? dzsrtuo.
4002 -z- rlllilttilrilltililttiltilil
uNtT - ilt
Q. No. 3. a) what is breach of contract ? state the effects of
anticipatory breach of contract. Marks : 10
doaod erue":_of,d aodded: ? dpdrqn.) dcrJod
en:e.:_o.nrdC": iomaaJ:ri$dl deeo.
Q. No. 3. a) Explain the doctrine of frustration with the help of decided
cases. Marks : 10
&Eo dd.rdd.a &sorob&d {,ddrafr$ imo$ood odo&o.
Illltililfitilill]llil]til -3- 4002
Appropriation of payments.
dea dcoao$d a0CroeAxbDd.
Q. No. 4. a) What is Quasi-contract ? Explain the different types of
Quasi-contract. Marks : 10
erd-z.doDcd aodde& ? acd oego3: epd-z-doruaddsJde
6-)aq a