Oct Nov 2021 Contract 2
Oct Nov 2021 Contract 2
Oct Nov 2021 Contract 2
4002505716021n021 .2- ililillfi[]ililliltilI]iltililiiliiillilllllllitilffiIiIiit
Q. No, 2. b) Ramu invited his frlends for dinner. His friends agreed to
attend the dinner. Ramu and his wife prepared the food by
spending Rs. 10,000/-. But Ramu's friends failed to attend
the dinner. Ramu wants to institute a suit against his friend
for breach of contract. Can he do so ? Marks : 6
oadr: dd jsbdd$ oa& warid, (
rrbe} z".r#ood-&.
sDDd- doAaoO: $e,$rdna
pd"Pd {*ed+ *rtrd* udpe.:". *di
dmod. wo-o{rdron co#oJ:d1 dodql
oari dndud>de ?
Q. No. 7. b) 'A' was a tenant in B's house. 'B' failed to pay Municipal
taxes. Municipality announced auction sale of the house to
recover taxes. 'A' paid taxes to avoid the sale. Can 'A'
recover the amount from 'B' ? Marks : 6
'dd) 'aJd *do$O- zaaricco*"n6 '?,Jd) driddqJo$ dddt4
d>ouOo", er dd *oO dndo dilA leio:t 'aJd $doi$"
dodd?)rae,B dnoao^l *Edilro$dl +oea,q,aL u dnoudd[
daHsr 'erd) ddd dcajooaoJ: *a'ad$. 'e'd) t: deaddi
'rrP&od aHoo dndud,de ?
4002505716021n021 -4- Ililtil il]tilil illlililttiltt]]ltilt tilt]iltililtiltll]tflil t]illi]iIlti
Q. No. 8. b) 'X' contracts with 'Y' to pay 'Y' Rs. 1,00,000/- if he fails to
supply the goods worth Rs. 20,000 to 'Y' on a particular day.
'X'fails to supply the goods on that day. ls 'Y' entitled
to recover Rs. 1,00,000 from 'X' ? Marks : 6
'X' dJ'Y' d drodri uod: doad$ dnadodcod. erddO
r.od.: &aridarrd njddodc k' dc zo,b0'odoaao,rJ
doerrd$ f*Srf*q 'Y' rt dndnaqO 'X' d) 'Y' ri 1,OO,OOO
doaaou:o$Q dodl{.1enn D'dd frq$. el Oordfra:,d
oddod; 'x' Br dddoriddg dBq,dw afre.randdc. "Y' dc
'X' &od 1,00,000 doaua*o:rQ ddrD0 dnder: dd*Q
doooq3o3:e ?